Sequence Alignment and Location Tracking
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	function display_all($array, $data, $template){ 
  	 echo "<table border=1>"; 
  	 	 echo "<tr><td></td><td></td>";
  		 foreach($data as $spotdeux){ 
  			 echo "<td align=center>".$spotdeux."</td>"; 
  		 echo "</tr>";
    	 foreach($array as $spot){ 
    	 	echo "<tr><td>";
  		 if ($i > -1) echo $template[$i];
  		 	echo "</td>"; 
  		 foreach($spot as $spotdeux){ 
  			 echo "<td>".$spotdeux."</td>"; 
  		 echo "</tr>";
  	 echo "</table>";        

		function find_best($x, $y, $array, $matrix, $data, $template, $new_data, $new_template){
			if (($x == 0) && ($y == 0)){
				echo "<br>".$array."<br>".count($array)."<br>";
				$array_final = array_reverse($array);
				echo "<table border=1><tr>";
				for ($s = 0; $s < $size_best; $s++){
					echo "<td>".$array_final[$s]."</td>";
				echo "</tr><tr><td></td>";
				$data_final = array_reverse($new_data);
				for ($s = 0; $s < count($new_data); $s++){
					echo "<td>".$data_final[$s]."</td>";
				echo "</tr><tr><td></td>";
				$template_final = array_reverse($new_template);
				for ($s = 0; $s < count($new_template); $s++){
					echo "<td>".$template_final[$s]."</td>";
				echo "</tr></table>";
				return $array;
				if (($x != 0) && ($y != 0)) $moves[]=$matrix[$x-1][$y-1];
				if ($y != 0) $moves[]=$matrix[$x][$y-1];
				if ($x != 0) $moves[]=$matrix[$x-1][$y];
				echo "<br>".$x." ".$y." ".$array;
				if ($best_move == $matrix[$x-1][$y-1]){ 
					$array[] = $matrix[$x-1][$y-1];
					find_best($x-1, $y-1, $array, $matrix, $data, $template, $new_data, $new_template);}
				elseif ($best_move == $matrix[$x][$y-1]){ 
					find_best($x, $y-1, $array, $matrix, $data, $template, $new_data, $new_template);}
				elseif ($best_move == $matrix[$x-1][$y]){ 
					find_best($x-1, $y, $array, $matrix, $data, $template, $new_data, $new_template);}
				else{ echo "Error";}

			$data=array('chk', 'wt', 'chng', 'chk', 'tt', 'trha', 'htrha', 
			'rnst', 'trha', 'sdsur', 'sdsur', 'sdsun', 'sdsur', 'sdsun', 
			'sdsur', 'rwt', 'rwt', 'exam', 'exam', 'exam', 'hall', 'trha', 
			'htrha', 'trha', 'tt', 'tr', 'htrha', 'sdsur', 'sdsun'); 
			$template=array('chk', 'wt', 'chng', 'sdsur', 'hall', 'exam', 
			'hall', 'trha', 'tr', 'sdsur');
			for($x = 1; $x < ($size_data + 1); $x++){
				$matrix[0][$x]=$matrix[0][$x-1] + $g;
				echo "matrix[0][".$x."] = ".$matrix[0][$x]."<br>";
			for($y = 1; $y < ($size_template + 1); $y++){
				$matrix[$y][0]=$matrix[$y-1][0] + $g;
				echo "matrix[".$y."][0] = ".$matrix[$y][0]."<br>";
			for($w = 1; $w < ($size_template + 1); $w++){
				for ($v = 1; $v < ($size_data + 1); $v++){
						if($template[$w-1] == $data[$v-1]){
								echo "template[".($w-1)."] = ".$template[$w-1]." and data[".($v-1)."] = ".$data[$v-1]."<br>";
								echo "Compare ".$matrix[$w-1][$v-1]." ".($matrix[$w-1][$v] + $g)." ".($matrix[$w][$v-1] + $g)."<br>";
							$matrix[$w][$v]=min($matrix[$w-1][$v-1], ($matrix[$w-1][$v] + $g), ($matrix[$w][$v-1] + $g));
								echo "template[".($w-1)."] = ".$template[$w-1]." and data[".($v-1)."] = ".$data[$v-1]."<br>";
								echo "Compare ".($matrix[$w-1][$v-1] + $d)." ".($matrix[$w-1][$v] + $g)." ".($matrix[$w][$v-1] + $g)."<br>";
							$matrix[$w][$v]=min(($matrix[$w-1][$v-1] + $d), ($matrix[$w-1][$v] + $g), ($matrix[$w][$v-1] + $g));
		display_all($matrix, $data, $template);
		$best_sequence = find_best($size_template, $size_data, $initial, $matrix, $data, $template, array(), array());	
		echo $best_sequence."<br>";
		echo $size_best."<br>";
		for ($s = 0; $s < $size_best; $s++){
			echo $s." ";