1 00:00:06,799 --> 00:00:13,799 Today Dr. Robert Ried, Bob Ried, is going to talk to us about aerothermodynamics. 2 00:00:15,449 --> 00:00:22,449 He got a bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering here at MIT a few years ago, and then went 3 00:00:23,579 --> 00:00:26,619 on to get a doctorate at Rice University. 4 00:00:26,619 --> 00:00:30,789 And he has done a lot of things. 5 00:00:30,789 --> 00:00:37,780 You all have the biographies on the website so I hope you've looked at that. 6 00:00:37,780 --> 00:00:42,449 And, like I say, it is better for you to read it rather than me to take five minutes at 7 00:00:42,449 --> 00:00:44,539 the beginning just going through it. 8 00:00:44,539 --> 00:00:51,539 But he has played an important role in developing both the theory and the practice of atmospheric 9 00:00:53,940 --> 00:00:58,679 reentry both for Apollo and the Shuttle. 10 00:00:58,679 --> 00:01:05,679 And, in fact, in many ways the experience gained through Apollo allowed us to design 11 00:01:08,530 --> 00:01:10,760 the systems for the Shuttle. 12 00:01:10,760 --> 00:01:16,090 And so he is actually going to talk about both Apollo and the Shuttle, comparing and 13 00:01:16,090 --> 00:01:18,039 contrasting. 14 00:01:18,039 --> 00:01:23,140 And I think it is going to be a very interesting opportunity for all of us. 15 00:01:23,140 --> 00:01:30,140 And I am going to let Professor Cohen say one or two more words. 16 00:01:38,180 --> 00:01:45,180 What I want to say is that Dr. 17 00:01:49,240 --> 00:01:55,740 Ried has done a fantastic job in understanding aerothermodynamics. 18 00:01:55,740 --> 00:02:01,970 If you look back on Apollo that was one of the technologies we really didn't understand. 19 00:02:01,970 --> 00:02:06,680 Coming in at 36,000 feet per second from the moon in various atmospheres, what was going 20 00:02:06,680 --> 00:02:07,000 to happen? 21 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:13,680 And, in that era, we had to do a lot of research and development to understand the methodology 22 00:02:13,680 --> 00:02:18,100 of doing aerodynamic heating. 23 00:02:18,100 --> 00:02:24,230 The systems engineering comes in as you heard Bass Redd talk about the aerodynamics, you 24 00:02:24,230 --> 00:02:29,400 heard Tom Moser talk about the tile system or the thermal protection system, and Dr. 25 00:02:29,400 --> 00:02:30,800 Ried sort of tied that together. 26 00:02:30,800 --> 00:02:35,840 Because he actually came up with based on the trajectory you were flying, based on the 27 00:02:35,840 --> 00:02:41,510 atmosphere, based on the materials that you had, what the surface temperatures were going 28 00:02:41,510 --> 00:02:46,880 to be and how you designed the thermal protection system to withstand those temperatures and 29 00:02:46,880 --> 00:02:50,120 still maintain the back-face temperature at a suitable level. 30 00:02:50,120 --> 00:02:55,720 I have a couple of displays for you, and if you can start looking at them. 31 00:02:55,720 --> 00:02:59,950 The first is a specimen that came out of Apollo 10. 32 00:02:59,950 --> 00:03:06,950 That was a Lunar orbital mission, and it is a core sample out of an ablative heat shield. 33 00:03:07,140 --> 00:03:12,890 It shows you the thickness of a thermal protection system was about two inches, and the depth 34 00:03:12,890 --> 00:03:15,880 of the char layer is about an inch. 35 00:03:15,880 --> 00:03:18,050 And we always used to give Dr. 36 00:03:18,050 --> 00:03:21,450 Ried a hard time, why couldn't we take some weight out of the heat shield? 37 00:03:21,450 --> 00:03:24,940 But he always said he never flew the Design Reference Mission. 38 00:03:24,940 --> 00:03:26,590 And he will talk about that a little bit. 39 00:03:26,590 --> 00:03:27,760 So, that is one specimen. 40 00:03:27,760 --> 00:03:34,760 The other specimen is a tile that flew on the 102 mission four times, I believe, that 41 00:03:35,099 --> 00:03:38,040 it got to 2800 degrees Fahrenheit. 42 00:03:38,040 --> 00:03:41,349 The ablator got to 42,000 degrees Fahrenheit. 43 00:03:41,349 --> 00:03:44,930 These will give you some examples of what the results of Dr. 44 00:03:44,930 --> 00:03:50,130 Ried's work was in terms of designing the ablator for the Apollo vehicle and the tiles 45 00:03:50,130 --> 00:03:52,010 for the Shuttle vehicle. 46 00:03:52,010 --> 00:03:53,840 That is really a systems engineering job. 47 00:03:53,840 --> 00:03:57,569 I hope you can appreciate understanding the aerodynamics, understanding the guidance, 48 00:03:57,569 --> 00:04:01,069 navigation and control trajectory that you fly and understanding the materials that you're 49 00:04:01,069 --> 00:04:02,230 going to use. 50 00:04:02,230 --> 00:04:03,930 That is really a systems engineering problem. 51 00:04:03,930 --> 00:04:06,040 Let me now turn it over to Dr. 52 00:04:06,040 --> 00:04:08,319 Ried to put all the details together for you. 53 00:04:08,319 --> 00:04:08,870 Thank you. 54 00:04:08,870 --> 00:04:10,080 Good morning. 55 00:04:10,080 --> 00:04:17,079 We are going to try to cover an awful lot of ground here in short order. 56 00:04:18,209 --> 00:04:24,389 First, I am going to try to go through aerothermodynamics in terms of the discipline and give you an 57 00:04:24,389 --> 00:04:25,059 understanding. 58 00:04:25,059 --> 00:04:29,909 I am going to try to relate to what you've had in your basic heat transfer and fluid 59 00:04:29,909 --> 00:04:33,289 mechanics courses to actual application and where the technology is today. 60 00:04:33,289 --> 00:04:40,289 I am also going to, as Aaron said, go back to Apollo which is really where the rubber 61 00:04:41,029 --> 00:04:46,110 hit the road in terms of being able to enter things at those types of velocities. 62 00:04:46,110 --> 00:04:48,900 And then I will get into how that affected the Shuttle. 63 00:04:48,900 --> 00:04:54,300 And the Shuttle is a revolutionary system in many ways, but particularly in terms of 64 00:04:54,300 --> 00:04:58,710 the technology associated with aerothermodynamics, computational fluid dynamics in particular. 65 00:04:58,710 --> 00:05:03,300 And I am really going to talk about three levels of aerothermodynamics which I will 66 00:05:03,300 --> 00:05:06,080 explain as I get into it. 67 00:05:06,080 --> 00:05:09,990 And then I will try to get into the systems engineering, as Aaron mentioned. 68 00:05:09,990 --> 00:05:15,199 And, in fact, one of the major differences between Apollo and Shuttle, which we had to 69 00:05:15,199 --> 00:05:20,689 accomplish, is a significant accomplishment in systems engineering which I hope to get 70 00:05:20,689 --> 00:05:22,229 into. 71 00:05:22,229 --> 00:05:29,229 First, I don't think people generally appreciate the perimeters of what we're working with. 72 00:05:31,610 --> 00:05:38,610 Traveling at orbital velocity due east 25,000 feet per second, that is about five miles 73 00:05:38,620 --> 00:05:39,150 a second. 74 00:05:39,150 --> 00:05:42,749 And the Orbiter is about a quarter of a million pounds. 75 00:05:42,749 --> 00:05:45,069 And, I am sorry, I am going to use a lot of English units. 76 00:05:45,069 --> 00:05:52,069 A quarter of a million pounds is a pretty good sized system. 77 00:05:52,539 --> 00:05:58,949 Picture that at Logan Airport and one second later in this classroom. 78 00:05:58,949 --> 00:06:00,259 That is five miles a second. 79 00:06:00,259 --> 00:06:06,539 Another way of looking at it is that is about 125 tons. 80 00:06:06,539 --> 00:06:13,539 If you take a supertanker, about a half a million ton, and just convert the energy, 81 00:06:14,710 --> 00:06:18,129 that supertanker would be traveling at 250 knots. 82 00:06:18,129 --> 00:06:22,089 That is the energy that we have to dissipate. 83 00:06:22,089 --> 00:06:25,119 Norm Augustine introduced the concept of rocket scientist. 84 00:06:25,119 --> 00:06:27,409 Our job was to dissipate that energy. 85 00:06:27,409 --> 00:06:34,409 If I was coming back from the moon that supertanker, which is about a billion pounds, a half million 86 00:06:35,889 --> 00:06:39,490 ton, would be traveling about 400 knots. 87 00:06:39,490 --> 00:06:46,490 Almost twice the amount of energy. 88 00:06:47,490 --> 00:06:49,639 Actually, the whole problem was relatively simple. 89 00:06:49,639 --> 00:06:56,639 Basic parameters are first free stream density of the air that you're flowing into, the velocity 90 00:06:59,069 --> 00:07:06,069 that you're moving at and unit area that the mass flux is just density times velocity. 91 00:07:09,860 --> 00:07:16,860 The momentum that that air has relative to you per unit mass is the velocity, so this 92 00:07:19,599 --> 00:07:25,639 is the momentum flux which basically is the pressure to a very high accuracy. 93 00:07:25,639 --> 00:07:29,270 The energy that the gas has relative to you is one-half V squared. 94 00:07:29,270 --> 00:07:36,270 And so we're looking at an energy flux coming to the vehicle one-half rho VQ. 95 00:07:38,139 --> 00:07:40,129 Those are very important parameters. 96 00:07:40,129 --> 00:07:44,558 Now, I am going to focus on accuracy and not on precision. 97 00:07:44,558 --> 00:07:48,759 People have gotten lost in details in terms of getting parameters. 98 00:07:48,759 --> 00:07:53,819 If you've got density and velocity, you basically have the gas parameters with some major exceptions 99 00:07:53,819 --> 00:07:57,089 which I will get into. 100 00:07:57,089 --> 00:08:01,259 And that is relative to the equation of state, if you want, the constitutive relations. 101 00:08:01,259 --> 00:08:07,259 The other thing is the geometry which is the major difference between the Apollo and the 102 00:08:07,259 --> 00:08:07,509 Shuttle. All right. 103 00:08:08,919 --> 00:08:15,919 Now, let's go back to the Apollo system, a nice, simple system flying at angle-of-attack. 104 00:08:21,659 --> 00:08:28,659 One of the first problems that I was introduced to was a newspaper publication saying this 105 00:08:29,710 --> 00:08:31,659 system is going to burn up. 106 00:08:31,659 --> 00:08:35,570 It is going to burn up from the thermal radiation from the gas cap. 107 00:08:35,570 --> 00:08:41,849 Now, let's consider coming back initially at 36,000 feet per second. 108 00:08:41,849 --> 00:08:47,339 Peak heating is around 33,000 feet per second, 10 kilometers per second if you want. 109 00:08:47,339 --> 00:08:54,339 We've got a shock free stream density. 110 00:08:55,000 --> 00:08:59,240 At some point, we get to ideally equilibrium air. 111 00:08:59,240 --> 00:09:06,240 Out here you're basically at ambient temperature of ten to the minus four, ten to the minus 112 00:09:09,470 --> 00:09:13,670 three atmosphere density. 113 00:09:13,670 --> 00:09:19,310 Here, once you get to equilibrium, you're operating at a temperature of about ten to 114 00:09:19,310 --> 00:09:25,980 the fourth degrees ranking. 115 00:09:25,980 --> 00:09:30,380 The effective black-body radiation from the sun is 10,000 degrees ranking. 116 00:09:30,380 --> 00:09:31,870 The distribution in terms of the spectrum. 117 00:09:31,870 --> 00:09:37,240 That is the temperature of the gas at equilibrium. 118 00:09:37,240 --> 00:09:40,699 At the wall of the vehicle perhaps 6,000 degrees ranking. 119 00:09:40,699 --> 00:09:43,860 And we will get into that a little bit. 120 00:09:43,860 --> 00:09:50,860 But what happened was there were experiments done in shock tubes indicating some very intense 121 00:09:51,269 --> 00:09:52,940 radiation. 122 00:09:52,940 --> 00:09:54,860 This gas is hot enough to radiate. 123 00:09:54,860 --> 00:10:01,860 And, in fact, at the peak heating about half of the heating is from the gas radiation. 124 00:10:02,620 --> 00:10:08,839 The gas is ten centimeters thick, four inches, and yet it is hot enough and radiates enough 125 00:10:08,839 --> 00:10:12,569 that the heat transfer from that radiation is almost comparable to the convective heating. 126 00:10:12,569 --> 00:10:14,879 The load is another matter. 127 00:10:14,879 --> 00:10:21,879 But what happened is out here you've got molecular oxygen and nitrogen just sitting there at 128 00:10:25,759 --> 00:10:27,149 ambient temperature bouncing along. 129 00:10:27,149 --> 00:10:32,029 All of a sudden it is swept up by this snowplow. 130 00:10:32,029 --> 00:10:39,029 The degrees of freedom basically two rotation, three translation, five degrees of freedom, 131 00:10:40,050 --> 00:10:42,670 the gamma of 1.4. 132 00:10:42,670 --> 00:10:48,170 Go through a shock, the density ratio is only a factor of six. 133 00:10:48,170 --> 00:10:53,420 Here the density is 15 to 20 times free strain density. 134 00:10:53,420 --> 00:11:00,420 And the temperature goes to 100,000 degrees ranking if it just stayed as a molecular gas. 135 00:11:04,389 --> 00:11:09,529 Now, in fact, that temperature has no meaning other than if all the energy went into translation 136 00:11:09,529 --> 00:11:14,269 and rotation that would be the temperature. 137 00:11:14,269 --> 00:11:17,699 Let me just plot temperature as a function of distance. 138 00:11:17,699 --> 00:11:21,920 And these were monitored in shock tubes. 139 00:11:21,920 --> 00:11:28,920 We worked predominantly at AFCO with an electric wired discharge in helium. 140 00:11:32,120 --> 00:11:39,120 And we could get to ten kilometers per second or 33,000 feet per second. 141 00:11:39,759 --> 00:11:45,399 Conceptually, what happens is if you plot temperate as a function of distance here, 142 00:11:45,399 --> 00:11:47,310 ambient temperature is negligible. 143 00:11:47,310 --> 00:11:51,779 Initially, theoretically, you've got this ten to the fifth, so your translational temperature 144 00:11:51,779 --> 00:11:54,500 comes down to ten to the fourth. 145 00:11:54,500 --> 00:11:59,350 And I will talk about the dimensions here after a while. 146 00:11:59,350 --> 00:12:06,079 But the initial collisions, I mean basically the molecules are piling up into other molecules. 147 00:12:06,079 --> 00:12:13,079 Quickly, you have collisions that give rise to vibration, ionize the electronic energy 148 00:12:14,379 --> 00:12:17,139 levels in the molecule. 149 00:12:17,139 --> 00:12:23,319 Once it is vibrating it will also dissociate, so then you've got ionized atoms as well. 150 00:12:23,319 --> 00:12:30,199 And we have characterized these as basically temperatures, a vibrational temperature. 151 00:12:30,199 --> 00:12:36,930 Again, this is a very non-equilibrium situation so the concept of temperature really goes 152 00:12:36,930 --> 00:12:43,930 away, but it is sort of a measure of energy to equate, for example, vibrational and electronic. 153 00:12:44,069 --> 00:12:49,610 Now, what happened was I mentioned how significant the radiation was from the equilibrium. 154 00:12:49,610 --> 00:12:56,610 In the shock tube, the radiation in this region where the energy has not distributed itself 155 00:12:56,730 --> 00:13:02,790 into an equilibrium level was two orders of magnitude higher. 156 00:13:02,790 --> 00:13:06,259 That led to the publication you cannot bring people back from the moon. 157 00:13:06,259 --> 00:13:11,079 That radiation is just going to vaporize the capsule. 158 00:13:11,079 --> 00:13:18,040 Now, things were with us. 159 00:13:18,040 --> 00:13:25,040 The time to relax and the measurements of radiation, if you want, were extremely intense 160 00:13:25,199 --> 00:13:30,579 and then they relaxed to equilibrium levels. 161 00:13:30,579 --> 00:13:35,509 It turned out that we used what was termed a binary scaling. 162 00:13:35,509 --> 00:13:39,639 This relaxation distance depended on how many collisions you had. 163 00:13:39,639 --> 00:13:41,819 Collisions depended on the pressure. 164 00:13:41,819 --> 00:13:44,899 The pressure depended on the density. 165 00:13:44,899 --> 00:13:47,990 The velocity is fixed coming in from lunar conditions. 166 00:13:47,990 --> 00:13:50,959 It gives you the pressure. 167 00:13:50,959 --> 00:13:55,420 In the shock tubes, we couldn't quite get to the low pressures that we had on Apollo. 168 00:13:55,420 --> 00:13:59,499 And I will show that in my first chart, actually. 169 00:13:59,499 --> 00:14:05,850 But what happened is at the pressures that we experienced, this distance came to be very 170 00:14:05,850 --> 00:14:08,689 small. 171 00:14:08,689 --> 00:14:13,350 And that increased the rate so that even though we had two orders of magnitude higher radiation 172 00:14:13,350 --> 00:14:20,350 intensity, it was two orders of magnitude smaller in radiating volume. 173 00:14:20,529 --> 00:14:24,889 And so the non-equilibrium radiation actually turned out to be a little less important than 174 00:14:24,889 --> 00:14:28,430 the equilibrium radiation. 175 00:14:28,430 --> 00:14:33,800 Now, the point is that before we went to the moon we didn't have the foggiest idea of what 176 00:14:33,800 --> 00:14:35,519 was going on. 177 00:14:35,519 --> 00:14:39,680 We knew that you couldn't use ideal gas, we knew that you had to go to equilibrium, and 178 00:14:39,680 --> 00:14:43,319 everybody was worried about trying to calculate equilibrium accurately. 179 00:14:43,319 --> 00:14:45,240 All sorts of charts and tables. 180 00:14:45,240 --> 00:14:49,389 We didn't have the computer capability that we have today. 181 00:14:49,389 --> 00:14:54,810 Everybody was focused on equilibrium, but then initial results in one of the major facilities 182 00:14:54,810 --> 00:14:57,339 for aerothermodynamics which is basically a shock tube. 183 00:14:57,339 --> 00:15:03,990 Does everybody understand a shock tube and how it functions? 184 00:15:03,990 --> 00:15:08,749 Basically, it is a one-dimensional situation, just like I've described here, but the way 185 00:15:08,749 --> 00:15:15,749 it is generated is you have a driver section and a driven section. 186 00:15:17,009 --> 00:15:24,009 In the driver, you try to get extremely high pressure with a high speed of sound. 187 00:15:27,660 --> 00:15:28,699 Here you have a diaphragm. 188 00:15:28,699 --> 00:15:32,240 Here you have, if you want, rho infinity. 189 00:15:32,240 --> 00:15:37,100 This is the density that you're trying to test in. 190 00:15:37,100 --> 00:15:44,100 What we had was an electric wire that exploded, got into the helium, went to tremendous pressures. 191 00:15:44,740 --> 00:15:51,740 Basically, these were all battleship guns, if you want. 192 00:15:52,589 --> 00:15:59,589 And we had to go to a two-inch diameter tube in order to get close enough to the Apollo. 193 00:16:00,879 --> 00:16:04,839 Basically, you start with a pressure distribution that looks like this. 194 00:16:04,839 --> 00:16:10,089 This is pressure as a function of distance. 195 00:16:10,089 --> 00:16:12,240 Once you discharge there is a diaphragm here. 196 00:16:12,240 --> 00:16:14,559 The diaphragm cannot take that pressure. 197 00:16:14,559 --> 00:16:21,559 The diaphragm blasts and you get an expansion wave coming back here and a shockwave traveling 198 00:16:23,129 --> 00:16:23,889 in that direction. 199 00:16:23,889 --> 00:16:28,990 The reason we had to go to two feet is you get a boundary layer building up. 200 00:16:28,990 --> 00:16:34,769 And if you want some test gas -- I've kind of go this reversed here. 201 00:16:34,769 --> 00:16:41,769 In here you've got the shock, you've got a boundary layer building up and, if you have 202 00:16:43,009 --> 00:16:46,970 two small tubes, the boundary layer will suck up the gas and you don't really have a test 203 00:16:46,970 --> 00:16:48,230 condition. 204 00:16:48,230 --> 00:16:52,139 But AFCO worked everything out very nicely and we had a very nice test condition. 205 00:16:52,139 --> 00:16:58,459 We basically had this condition going by, a little higher pressure than we experienced 206 00:16:58,459 --> 00:17:02,860 on Apollo, and we could measure the radiation. 207 00:17:02,860 --> 00:17:07,250 The challenge at that time was the instrumentation and a quick response capability to measure 208 00:17:07,250 --> 00:17:08,069 all that. 209 00:17:08,069 --> 00:17:11,750 We learned an awful lot. 210 00:17:11,750 --> 00:17:18,750 We went from ideal gas like you get in Shapiro to real gas equilibrium. 211 00:17:19,410 --> 00:17:26,410 In fact, James Fay, in course two, had done some real pioneering work looking at stagnation 212 00:17:27,890 --> 00:17:30,090 point heating and a gas dynamics. 213 00:17:30,090 --> 00:17:37,090 I am getting kind of lost in that detail, but basically this was the phenomenological 214 00:17:39,260 --> 00:17:43,560 aspect that we had to understand in order to work with Apollo. 215 00:17:43,560 --> 00:17:50,560 This was not why we had twice as much ablator as we needed, and I will get to that later. 216 00:17:52,900 --> 00:17:59,900 Second area, what I'm talking about here basically is fluid convection and some chemistry or 217 00:18:02,640 --> 00:18:05,060 physical chemistry. 218 00:18:05,060 --> 00:18:07,740 The next significant item is diffusion. 219 00:18:07,740 --> 00:18:13,220 The simplest case, obviously, is thermal diffusion. 220 00:18:13,220 --> 00:18:20,220 The first thing you learn in unsteady heat transfer, you have a one-dimensional situation, 221 00:18:22,400 --> 00:18:27,570 temperature initially, and you have a heat input. 222 00:18:27,570 --> 00:18:32,620 You end up with a distribution of temperature which diffuses out. 223 00:18:32,620 --> 00:18:39,620 The functional form of that, if you recall, T is proportional to an exponential, let's 224 00:18:41,010 --> 00:18:48,010 call this X squared over four thermal diffusivity times time, and there is the square root. 225 00:18:53,390 --> 00:19:00,120 Think of it as a one-dimensional normal distribution. 226 00:19:00,120 --> 00:19:07,120 Except instead of two variant squared here you've got four times the diffusivity time. 227 00:19:07,280 --> 00:19:14,280 The significant thing is when we talk about ablators, when we talk about tiles or thermal 228 00:19:15,050 --> 00:19:18,920 protection systems, this is the significant parameter. 229 00:19:18,920 --> 00:19:23,020 We have an extremely high temperature at the surface. 230 00:19:23,020 --> 00:19:27,430 The job is to keep that from the structure. 231 00:19:27,430 --> 00:19:31,300 Thermal diffusivity is prime parameter. 232 00:19:31,300 --> 00:19:38,300 It is also, not thermal diffusivity, but if you now consider simplest fluid mechanics, 233 00:19:42,080 --> 00:19:46,720 flat plate, the first thing you learn about in terms of viscous flow. 234 00:19:46,720 --> 00:19:48,490 You've got some velocity coming along here. 235 00:19:48,490 --> 00:19:52,220 You've got a boundary layer that builds up. 236 00:19:52,220 --> 00:19:59,220 The boundary layer compared to X varies as one over square root of Reynolds number. 237 00:19:59,860 --> 00:20:06,860 Where does that come from? 238 00:20:08,370 --> 00:20:10,110 The same diffusion. 239 00:20:10,110 --> 00:20:17,110 It is a diffusion of the shear of this wall against the undisturbed flow, whether it be 240 00:20:19,790 --> 00:20:24,470 the thermal diffusion associated with heat transfer, the diffusion associated with the 241 00:20:24,470 --> 00:20:29,630 shear, the same phenomena. 242 00:20:29,630 --> 00:20:35,340 When I first found this in fluid mechanics, I was told that was empirical. 243 00:20:35,340 --> 00:20:41,150 And it basically is, but it really goes back to the fact that if you approximate the Navier-Stokes 244 00:20:41,150 --> 00:20:47,180 Equations in this one-dimensional situation you basically have a convection in this direction 245 00:20:47,180 --> 00:20:51,760 and a diffusion in the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [Unthougtable]direction. 246 00:20:51,760 --> 00:20:57,380 This is extremely important, not just in terms of boundary layer but also in terms of the 247 00:20:57,380 --> 00:21:03,210 Stanton number which is approximately heat transfer divided by one-half rho infinity 248 00:21:03,210 --> 00:21:06,940 V infinity cubed for the case of a sphere. 249 00:21:06,940 --> 00:21:11,810 Now, this is a one-dimensional, obviously, flat plat. 250 00:21:11,810 --> 00:21:13,760 A sphere is also one-dimensional. 251 00:21:13,760 --> 00:21:20,250 If you look at a stagnation point on a sphere, this is a singularity. 252 00:21:20,250 --> 00:21:24,380 If you go to spherical coordinates you've got basically the same phenomena. 253 00:21:24,380 --> 00:21:29,790 The diffusion from the wall gives you characteristic dimensions. 254 00:21:29,790 --> 00:21:35,160 It is very important because heat transfer is basically inversely proportional to the 255 00:21:35,160 --> 00:21:37,950 square root of the Reynolds number. 256 00:21:37,950 --> 00:21:41,300 We have square roots showing up in the thermal diffusion. 257 00:21:41,300 --> 00:21:43,130 We have square roots showing up in the heat transfer. 258 00:21:43,130 --> 00:21:50,130 Now, when you put in the effects of real viscosity and everything else there is a little variation. 259 00:21:50,480 --> 00:21:54,330 But first order is the behavior that we are looking for. 260 00:21:54,330 --> 00:21:58,400 And that I will illustrate now. 261 00:21:58,400 --> 00:22:05,400 If we go into a wind tunnel and we measure, well, let's just basically go to fly. 262 00:22:07,700 --> 00:22:14,700 Let me do local heating over the energy flux. 263 00:22:14,890 --> 00:22:21,890 I am going to do a logarithm of that as a function of log of what I'm going to call 264 00:22:23,870 --> 00:22:27,550 a normal shock Reynolds number. 265 00:22:27,550 --> 00:22:32,790 All I do, as I go across the shock, the density of velocity -- The mass flux is conserved, 266 00:22:32,790 --> 00:22:33,270 obviously. 267 00:22:33,270 --> 00:22:38,400 The viscosity is what changes. 268 00:22:38,400 --> 00:22:45,400 I am going to use the normal shock equilibrium air viscosity because that is more characteristic 269 00:22:47,820 --> 00:22:54,820 of everything going on in what the Russians call a protective shock layer. 270 00:22:56,940 --> 00:23:02,180 If I looked at either the wind tunnel data or flight data in the region of prime concern, 271 00:23:02,180 --> 00:23:08,160 I've got that minus one-half slope from that square root Reynolds number. 272 00:23:08,160 --> 00:23:15,160 I will also have a bound up here that my heat transfer cannot exceed the energy flux. 273 00:23:16,570 --> 00:23:19,760 And, obviously, if you go all the way to orbit you're basically one. 274 00:23:19,760 --> 00:23:25,040 The molecules are coming in at orbital velocity, going into the material, releasing all their 275 00:23:25,040 --> 00:23:29,580 energy and then eventually coming off. 276 00:23:29,580 --> 00:23:34,690 We actually do have that limit, although we never really worry about it too much. 277 00:23:34,690 --> 00:23:41,690 The significant heating is in this laminar regime. 278 00:23:50,780 --> 00:23:56,290 I feel like, because I understand Navier-Stokes Equations, because I understand the diffusion 279 00:23:56,290 --> 00:24:02,710 process and that limit of the Navier-Stokes, I sort of understand that flow. 280 00:24:02,710 --> 00:24:09,710 However, we also have turbulent heating which incompressible flow has its slope on the order 281 00:24:09,850 --> 00:24:10,540 of [minus fifth?]. 282 00:24:10,540 --> 00:24:14,280 I don't really understand stand that, and do not claim to understand that. 283 00:24:14,280 --> 00:24:21,280 It is a combination of the diffusion and the convection, all sorts of things going on. 284 00:24:21,640 --> 00:24:24,360 And then we have transition from one to the other. 285 00:24:24,360 --> 00:24:28,690 Theoretically, this would come out and come out lower. 286 00:24:28,690 --> 00:24:35,690 Now, this is extremely important in the shuttle design, as I will get to when I get the charts. 287 00:24:36,410 --> 00:24:42,710 But basically we go into a wind tunnel and can measure this on a particular configuration. 288 00:24:42,710 --> 00:24:43,440 We got to flight. 289 00:24:43,440 --> 00:24:50,440 And let me mention heat transfer and aerothermodynamics has been a field of study for many years. 290 00:24:53,670 --> 00:25:00,230 People have built models, have done wind tunnel tests, shock tube tests, flown vehicles. 291 00:25:00,230 --> 00:25:07,230 And there was a lot of money spent trying to fly vehicles to verify our understanding. 292 00:25:07,340 --> 00:25:10,820 The difficulty, certainly with ablators, is measuring the environment. 293 00:25:10,820 --> 00:25:15,600 Did you really have the right heat transfer or did the material just start to degrade? 294 00:25:15,600 --> 00:25:18,640 What is really going on? 295 00:25:18,640 --> 00:25:25,640 When we flew the Shuttle, we had a reusable thermal protection system which is the tile 296 00:25:27,440 --> 00:25:33,440 that is being passed around with a real thin coating and very low thermal diffusivity. 297 00:25:33,440 --> 00:25:36,770 What better instrument could you have to measure heat transfer than that? 298 00:25:36,770 --> 00:25:43,770 And the data from the Shuttle configuration is absolutely fantastic from a technological 299 00:25:44,110 --> 00:25:46,980 standpoint, from an aerothermodynamics standpoint. 300 00:25:46,980 --> 00:25:47,630 Unbelievable. 301 00:25:47,630 --> 00:25:53,090 So much better than anything that was done in the past with vehicles that were dedicated 302 00:25:53,090 --> 00:26:00,090 to try to get that information. 303 00:26:01,180 --> 00:26:08,180 Let me say a couple words about, well, first let me address the facilities. 304 00:26:10,170 --> 00:26:15,120 I mentioned the shock tube and went through that briefly. 305 00:26:15,120 --> 00:26:20,170 And the value of the shock tube was to look at phenomena just like this. 306 00:26:20,170 --> 00:26:27,170 You also can, which is where Professor Fay got his information, put a model in the shock 307 00:26:28,190 --> 00:26:32,350 tube. 308 00:26:32,350 --> 00:26:34,290 Right here. 309 00:26:34,290 --> 00:26:39,710 And all of a sudden you've got the flow at the right enthalpy and closer conditions to 310 00:26:39,710 --> 00:26:41,540 flight than anywhere else. 311 00:26:41,540 --> 00:26:45,700 Getting to these energy levels is extremely difficult. 312 00:26:45,700 --> 00:26:49,810 There are three facilities you can get to. 313 00:26:49,810 --> 00:26:51,610 One is in a shock tube. 314 00:26:51,610 --> 00:26:55,880 Second is a ballistic facility where you fire a projectile that looks like what you're going 315 00:26:55,880 --> 00:26:57,260 to fly. 316 00:26:57,260 --> 00:27:00,970 And that does a good simulation job, except it is very small. 317 00:27:00,970 --> 00:27:04,340 And getting any measurements is very difficult. 318 00:27:04,340 --> 00:27:09,750 If you go into a wind tunnel you can get great measurements but you cannot get the energy. 319 00:27:09,750 --> 00:27:16,750 The shock tube and ballistic facility, I will just put this down here, it has the difficulty 320 00:27:19,960 --> 00:27:21,970 of measuring things. 321 00:27:21,970 --> 00:27:24,900 The other place you can get the energy is in an arc jet. 322 00:27:24,900 --> 00:27:31,900 Now, an arc jet is a continuous electrical discharge, sort of like the shock tube, where 323 00:27:37,570 --> 00:27:44,570 you're discharging an arc along a tube about the length of these tables, a very high current 324 00:27:47,730 --> 00:27:52,910 continuous for a significant period of time into nitrogen. 325 00:27:52,910 --> 00:27:59,260 And then you're expanding this and you're introducing a supersonic flow. 326 00:27:59,260 --> 00:28:06,260 And you test materials like tiles or the ablator in as close to the environment as you can 327 00:28:06,890 --> 00:28:07,880 get on the ground. 328 00:28:07,880 --> 00:28:10,350 That is for the times that are required. 329 00:28:10,350 --> 00:28:13,160 Entry times are like 20 minutes. 330 00:28:13,160 --> 00:28:18,450 You need something that has the energy and runs for 20 minutes. 331 00:28:18,450 --> 00:28:21,600 Now, this is a continuous flow of electrons. 332 00:28:21,600 --> 00:28:24,800 The thermodynamics here is not well-characterized. 333 00:28:24,800 --> 00:28:26,040 People have studied it like mad. 334 00:28:26,040 --> 00:28:27,450 This is very non-equilibrium. 335 00:28:27,450 --> 00:28:30,020 You've got a very high density of electrons. 336 00:28:30,020 --> 00:28:32,730 The temperature is immense in here. 337 00:28:32,730 --> 00:28:34,740 It is not at all in equilibrium. 338 00:28:34,740 --> 00:28:41,170 But, as you expand through a jet, collisions drop because the pressure goes down and it 339 00:28:41,170 --> 00:28:43,070 pretty much freezes. 340 00:28:43,070 --> 00:28:50,070 But this is where we do research on ablators and research on service catalysis which I 341 00:28:50,150 --> 00:28:55,470 will talk about in a little bit which really can affect the heating, particularly on the 342 00:28:55,470 --> 00:28:55,790 Shuttle. 343 00:28:55,790 --> 00:28:57,700 And I will show you some results there. 344 00:28:57,700 --> 00:29:04,620 But, in any event, the arc jet is the other major facility from a TPS materials standpoint. 345 00:29:04,620 --> 00:29:06,350 TPS being thermal protection system. 346 00:29:06,350 --> 00:29:09,350 Wind tunnels are classic. 347 00:29:09,350 --> 00:29:11,610 That's where NASA came from, NAC came from. 348 00:29:11,610 --> 00:29:18,610 Aerothermodynamics is my field, spelling is another area. 349 00:29:25,190 --> 00:29:26,430 Wind tunnels you're all familiar with. 350 00:29:26,430 --> 00:29:32,480 And, on Apollo, we tested in every facility you could think of because we didn't know 351 00:29:32,480 --> 00:29:34,590 what we were doing. 352 00:29:34,590 --> 00:29:39,310 And whatever the different facilities told us we tried to understand. 353 00:29:39,310 --> 00:29:46,310 What we learned was energy is extremely important, the enthalpy. 354 00:29:46,440 --> 00:29:52,500 And, frankly, going beyond mach 8, which is what everybody tried to do, get to the higher 355 00:29:52,500 --> 00:29:57,400 mach number, really doesn't work too well in a ground facility when you're talking about 356 00:29:57,400 --> 00:29:58,400 heating distribution. 357 00:29:58,400 --> 00:30:02,140 It does give you mach number effects. 358 00:30:02,140 --> 00:30:05,520 But the gas is not at all like what you have in flight. 359 00:30:05,520 --> 00:30:10,710 And so on the shuttle we didn't really do much aerothermodynamic testing beyond mach 360 00:30:10,710 --> 00:30:13,320 eight. 361 00:30:13,320 --> 00:30:20,320 That gave us the right normal shock Reynolds number region, it was closer to, on the Shuttle, 362 00:30:20,850 --> 00:30:26,270 the actual flight environment than if we had gone to a mach 12, a mach 16, a mach 18, a 363 00:30:26,270 --> 00:30:28,120 mach 20 facility. 364 00:30:28,120 --> 00:30:34,820 Because the way they get the mach number there is to get the temperature very, very low. 365 00:30:34,820 --> 00:30:40,000 It is very valuable information, but you really need to understand what you're doing with 366 00:30:40,000 --> 00:30:40,250 that. 367 00:30:40,180 --> 00:30:43,230 You cannot just take mach number as the major parameter. 368 00:30:43,230 --> 00:30:46,870 It is a significant parameter but you need to get the Reynolds number. 369 00:30:46,870 --> 00:30:49,210 And, fundamentally, you need to get the enthalpy of the gas. 370 00:30:49,210 --> 00:30:53,280 And there is not really a good dimensionalist number for the enthalpy of the gas. 371 00:30:53,280 --> 00:31:00,280 Too much going on for that. 372 00:31:04,370 --> 00:31:11,370 The other significant source of information is flight test. 373 00:31:13,640 --> 00:31:20,260 In the early days with the capsules, and certainly with Apollo, we did a lot more testing, invested 374 00:31:20,260 --> 00:31:24,830 a lot more on testing than we do now. 375 00:31:24,830 --> 00:31:30,430 For example, on the Apollo, I talked about this radiation, we had very good test results 376 00:31:30,430 --> 00:31:31,330 in a shock tube. 377 00:31:31,330 --> 00:31:32,870 We thought we really knew what was going on. 378 00:31:32,870 --> 00:31:39,870 NASA Langley went and built a small scale Apollo about so big to measure the radiation 379 00:31:45,530 --> 00:31:49,620 in flight because the shock tubes are operating at little higher pressures than we were going 380 00:31:49,620 --> 00:31:53,910 to fly the Apollo. 381 00:31:53,910 --> 00:31:59,890 It basically had three brilliant heat shields with a quartz window in it. 382 00:31:59,890 --> 00:32:06,890 It comes in zero angle-of-attack and gets to a given point where the window basically 383 00:32:07,010 --> 00:32:07,760 starts to melt. 384 00:32:07,760 --> 00:32:12,220 You cannot see through it, you cannot make a measurement, it sheds that. 385 00:32:12,220 --> 00:32:19,040 And ideally the second heat shield comes about right at peak heating simulating Apollo entry. 386 00:32:19,040 --> 00:32:20,550 And then a third. 387 00:32:20,550 --> 00:32:23,850 Well, we were really excited about that because the shock tube was great. 388 00:32:23,850 --> 00:32:26,060 And we thought we understood everything. 389 00:32:26,060 --> 00:32:27,490 Well, we flew Fire 1. 390 00:32:27,490 --> 00:32:28,370 It was called Fire. 391 00:32:28,370 --> 00:32:32,130 I don't remember what the acronym stood for, but it was basically a small Apollo coming 392 00:32:32,130 --> 00:32:33,580 in. 393 00:32:33,580 --> 00:32:40,190 We got the data and it wasn't anything like what we expected. 394 00:32:40,190 --> 00:32:40,780 What had happened? 395 00:32:40,780 --> 00:32:46,520 Well, it turned out that in order to get the high speed, we launched the fire vehicle, 396 00:32:46,520 --> 00:32:52,380 and then we fired a rocket down back into the atmosphere to simulate lunar return. 397 00:32:52,380 --> 00:32:53,180 Everything went well. 398 00:32:53,180 --> 00:33:00,010 There was a spring between the capsule and the boost stage and they separated by design. 399 00:33:00,010 --> 00:33:01,050 Fine. 400 00:33:01,050 --> 00:33:07,850 But what happened was the booster lined up with the wake of the incoming test vehicle 401 00:33:07,850 --> 00:33:12,050 and just road the wake because there was a lot less resistance where the air has been 402 00:33:12,050 --> 00:33:17,030 sucked along, clobbered the back of the vehicle and it mutated. 403 00:33:17,030 --> 00:33:19,070 And so we weren't looking at the stagnation point. 404 00:33:19,070 --> 00:33:20,760 We were looking off at 30 degrees. 405 00:33:20,760 --> 00:33:23,060 Not only that but the radiation was doing this. 406 00:33:23,060 --> 00:33:30,060 Figured out the problem, sorted it out and had the second flight test which worked beautifully. 407 00:33:31,240 --> 00:33:38,240 It turned out at altitude the radiation did not agree with the binary scaling that I mentioned, 408 00:33:40,540 --> 00:33:47,270 and basically the radiation profile here, as I said, was like two hours magnitude higher 409 00:33:47,270 --> 00:33:50,100 characteristically. 410 00:33:50,100 --> 00:33:54,110 But at high altitudes it just wasn't there. 411 00:33:54,110 --> 00:33:56,200 At peak heating it was. 412 00:33:56,200 --> 00:34:00,510 But, prior to that, which was a significant heat load, it was not. 413 00:34:00,510 --> 00:34:07,510 There were not adequate collisions to excite the radiators before the gas came to equilibrium. 414 00:34:07,890 --> 00:34:14,889 Now, as I mentioned before, at peak heating conditions on Apollo the shock, I cannot draw 415 00:34:17,330 --> 00:34:23,820 it very accurately to scale, was on the order of about ten centimeters or four inches here 416 00:34:23,820 --> 00:34:24,409 at peak heating. 417 00:34:24,409 --> 00:34:28,780 [Q]: Is that the thickness of the shock or the standoff distance? 418 00:34:28,780 --> 00:34:29,820 The standoff distance, thank you. 419 00:34:29,820 --> 00:34:31,520 Standoff distance. 420 00:34:31,520 --> 00:34:35,159 The shock is relatively thin, a few mean free paths. 421 00:34:35,159 --> 00:34:42,159 And some people might call this effective shock thickness, but I term the transition 422 00:34:42,710 --> 00:34:48,590 to higher temperature of the shock thickness and then a relaxation distance. 423 00:34:48,590 --> 00:34:55,590 Any altitudes above that the flow could be completely out of equilibrium. 424 00:34:55,760 --> 00:35:01,800 It hasn't gotten back to equilibrium because this characteristic time is directly proportional 425 00:35:01,800 --> 00:35:03,460 pressure. 426 00:35:03,460 --> 00:35:04,140 And I erased it. 427 00:35:04,140 --> 00:35:08,390 It is directly proportional to free strain density. 428 00:35:08,390 --> 00:35:12,050 So at higher altitudes it out of equilibrium. 429 00:35:12,050 --> 00:35:18,470 As you will see shortly, Shuttle is much higher altitudes than Apollo. 430 00:35:18,470 --> 00:35:19,360 And I will explain why. 431 00:35:19,360 --> 00:35:26,360 At lower altitudes this compresses and is predominantly at equilibrium radiation. 432 00:35:27,560 --> 00:35:31,000 And that we were able to characterize. 433 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:32,340 OK. 434 00:35:32,340 --> 00:35:37,790 Back to ways of getting information. 435 00:35:37,790 --> 00:35:44,790 Numerical simulation. 436 00:35:47,830 --> 00:35:52,690 This is a significant revolution that you're probably more familiar with than I am, but 437 00:35:52,690 --> 00:35:57,190 it really occurred right through the development of the Shuttle. 438 00:35:57,190 --> 00:36:04,190 And frankly -- Well, I will show this in charts in terms of the design approach to getting 439 00:36:04,380 --> 00:36:10,080 the aerothermodynamic environment at flight, used the same technology that we used in Apollo. 440 00:36:10,080 --> 00:36:14,180 And that was we take a scale model, go into a wind tunnel. 441 00:36:14,180 --> 00:36:21,180 Now, this is a blunt vehicle, and so if you look at it as an inviscid flow, the close 442 00:36:21,340 --> 00:36:27,140 to normal shock entropy is basically the entropy of the entire body inviscidly. 443 00:36:27,140 --> 00:36:34,000 And so the normal shock or strong shock gas dominates the flow around the vehicle. 444 00:36:34,000 --> 00:36:38,240 As you go low angle-of-attack you get into an entirely different situation. 445 00:36:38,240 --> 00:36:44,220 In any event, what happens in terms of the wind tunnel, the heating here compared to 446 00:36:44,220 --> 00:36:47,180 different distributions, is all pretty much proportionate. 447 00:36:47,180 --> 00:36:49,570 And that is fundamentally what we used. 448 00:36:49,570 --> 00:36:51,970 And that included even the wake region back here. 449 00:36:51,970 --> 00:36:58,970 And I will talk more about that when we get into the charts. 450 00:37:02,110 --> 00:37:07,180 On the Shuttle we get into far more complicated geometries. 451 00:37:07,180 --> 00:37:11,960 And the major challenge on Shuttle was that three-dimensional geometry. 452 00:37:11,960 --> 00:37:15,320 And we did a bunch of numerical simulation development. 453 00:37:15,320 --> 00:37:21,960 We had focused on the subsonic region on Apollo which basically is most of the front side 454 00:37:21,960 --> 00:37:24,590 here, is basically subsonic. 455 00:37:24,590 --> 00:37:26,890 About the middle of the vehicle down is supersonic. 456 00:37:26,890 --> 00:37:31,710 And then, of course, you get into the wake here. 457 00:37:31,710 --> 00:37:37,220 This was our flow field interest on Apollo primarily because of this radiation. 458 00:37:37,220 --> 00:37:41,820 We had to understand the flow field in order to be able to compute the radiation. 459 00:37:41,820 --> 00:37:47,050 About half of that radiation is optically thick from the ultraviolet deionization radiation 460 00:37:47,050 --> 00:37:49,990 and also line radiation from atoms. 461 00:37:49,990 --> 00:37:51,350 Optically thick. 462 00:37:51,350 --> 00:37:57,420 The other half, the radiation is basically optically thin, the molecular band radiation 463 00:37:57,420 --> 00:37:59,300 and other things. 464 00:37:59,300 --> 00:38:01,360 We needed to understand the flow field. 465 00:38:01,360 --> 00:38:06,250 We did some pretty crude engineering calculations in order to get that flow field, but we were 466 00:38:06,250 --> 00:38:12,490 focused on getting to a numerical simulation of the subsonic region in particular. 467 00:38:12,490 --> 00:38:17,030 Now, in those days the computer was our real limitation. 468 00:38:17,030 --> 00:38:19,330 And, of course, it was sort of embryonic. 469 00:38:19,330 --> 00:38:26,330 We have collectively just become orders of magnitude beyond where we are today. 470 00:38:27,600 --> 00:38:34,600 However, the design approach that I would recommend now is basically what we would like 471 00:38:36,120 --> 00:38:38,310 to have used on the Shuttle. 472 00:38:38,310 --> 00:38:39,650 And, to an extent, we did. 473 00:38:39,650 --> 00:38:43,850 Before we actually flew the Shuttle we had confidence as a result of numerical simulation. 474 00:38:43,850 --> 00:38:50,520 It is a combination of these facilities and numerical simulation. 475 00:38:50,520 --> 00:38:56,710 This problem of non-equilibrium is kind of beyond numerical simulation, in my opinion. 476 00:38:56,710 --> 00:39:01,870 Now, you can correlate things, but I would like to point out the limitations. 477 00:39:01,870 --> 00:39:05,500 You don't just go get a computer program and you calculate everything because there are 478 00:39:05,500 --> 00:39:09,900 some very fundamental things missing. 479 00:39:09,900 --> 00:39:16,490 The way one gets reaction rates, for example, dissociation rates or recombination rates 480 00:39:16,490 --> 00:39:18,650 is to go into a shock tube. 481 00:39:18,650 --> 00:39:23,220 As you approach equilibrium, the concept of temperature, the equilibrium constant makes 482 00:39:23,220 --> 00:39:23,800 sense. 483 00:39:23,800 --> 00:39:26,950 So you can relate forward and backward rates. 484 00:39:26,950 --> 00:39:32,230 And you do diagnostics spectroscopically on a concentration and you get rates. 485 00:39:32,230 --> 00:39:33,850 And it gets to be kind of complicated. 486 00:39:33,850 --> 00:39:39,170 There was a lot of stuff back in the early Apollo days said in terms of coupling between 487 00:39:39,170 --> 00:39:42,870 the different modes of vibration, the electronic excitation. 488 00:39:42,870 --> 00:39:44,850 It is a pretty complex problem. 489 00:39:44,850 --> 00:39:51,850 But, coming to equilibrium, is where we get our reaction rates for high temperature gases. 490 00:39:53,560 --> 00:39:58,230 Coming back here, we're not close to equilibrium. 491 00:39:58,230 --> 00:39:58,840 Temperature doesn't work. 492 00:39:58,840 --> 00:40:05,840 Unless you start with an end body problem and Schroedinger's equation, you're not going 493 00:40:06,310 --> 00:40:08,820 to really be able to compute this. 494 00:40:08,820 --> 00:40:15,820 Now, what is used in the field right now is the basic data and a jump condition in terms 495 00:40:17,869 --> 00:40:20,560 of what matches the relaxation condition. 496 00:40:20,560 --> 00:40:23,030 I am not knocking it. 497 00:40:23,030 --> 00:40:27,440 All I am saying is there are limitations to numerical simulation, whether it be in physical 498 00:40:27,440 --> 00:40:30,680 chemistry or just about anything you work with. 499 00:40:30,680 --> 00:40:37,480 At the same time, it is invaluable in terms of relating what happens in a wind tunnel 500 00:40:37,480 --> 00:40:41,920 and what happens in flight or what happens in an arc jet and the phenomena. 501 00:40:41,920 --> 00:40:47,430 I will say a little bit more about that as we get into the charts. 502 00:40:47,430 --> 00:40:54,190 Before we flew, in regions of the vehicle, I made statements which I still would make, 503 00:40:54,190 --> 00:41:00,280 we could compute the heating on a wind tunnel model about as accurately as you could measure 504 00:41:00,280 --> 00:41:01,960 it in regions. 505 00:41:01,960 --> 00:41:03,990 Not over the entire region. 506 00:41:03,990 --> 00:41:08,530 Not over the separated region. 507 00:41:08,530 --> 00:41:14,590 Not over conditions where the flow was turbulent. 508 00:41:14,590 --> 00:41:19,180 But, in the laminar environment, we could compute it as well as you could measure it. 509 00:41:19,180 --> 00:41:24,800 That is outstanding because now if I say I've got a program, I can tell you what the heating 510 00:41:24,800 --> 00:41:29,450 is, I can tell you all about the aerodynamics, I can tell you everything. 511 00:41:29,450 --> 00:41:29,800 Good. 512 00:41:29,800 --> 00:41:31,150 Run it on a wind tunnel test. 513 00:41:31,150 --> 00:41:38,150 I will take the data, you run it on the wind tunnel test and we will see if we agree. 514 00:41:38,180 --> 00:41:43,990 You've got a validation of numerical simulation in terms of the geometry in wind tunnel, in 515 00:41:43,990 --> 00:41:49,820 terms of the chemistry in shock tubes or ballistic facilities for that matter and certainly in 516 00:41:49,820 --> 00:41:51,300 terms of flight test. 517 00:41:51,300 --> 00:41:56,100 And you've got Shuttle data and a lot of code validation for that Shuttle data. 518 00:41:56,100 --> 00:41:58,430 Now, this is just from the heating standpoint. 519 00:41:58,430 --> 00:42:02,310 I haven't talked very much yet about the thermal protection system or the structure and the 520 00:42:02,310 --> 00:42:04,390 rest of the things. 521 00:42:04,390 --> 00:42:11,390 Let me say just a few things about configuration and then I will say a few things about the 522 00:42:13,619 --> 00:42:18,080 thermal protection system and then we will go to some charts that has some real information 523 00:42:18,080 --> 00:42:21,869 on it instead of just a hand-waving that I'm doing right now. 524 00:42:21,869 --> 00:42:24,730 Configuration. 525 00:42:24,730 --> 00:42:26,840 I mentioned dissipating this energy. 526 00:42:26,840 --> 00:42:33,380 George Truhall [SP?] was in charge of the thermal protection system on Apollo. 527 00:42:33,380 --> 00:42:38,460 And I used to come to him and say, wow, we take care of 98% of that energy by putting 528 00:42:38,460 --> 00:42:39,530 it into the air. 529 00:42:39,530 --> 00:42:42,530 We compress the air, heat the air. 530 00:42:42,530 --> 00:42:45,800 You only have 2% to deal with, a small percentage. 531 00:42:45,800 --> 00:42:50,350 And he used to come right back to me and say I do the same thing. 532 00:42:50,350 --> 00:42:55,420 I get rid of 98% of it and only 2% gets to the structure. 533 00:42:55,420 --> 00:42:56,590 And, in fact, that it is true. 534 00:42:56,590 --> 00:43:03,000 By design, if you look at a meteor coming in, the surface will vaporize. 535 00:43:03,000 --> 00:43:08,100 And, depending on the angle of momentum, if it rotates it will vaporize all the way around 536 00:43:08,100 --> 00:43:09,110 on the outside. 537 00:43:09,110 --> 00:43:10,360 And some of it will come in. 538 00:43:10,360 --> 00:43:16,010 In fact, Professor Fay wrote a wonderful paper about meteors, what become meteorites and 539 00:43:16,010 --> 00:43:17,470 what are meteors. 540 00:43:17,470 --> 00:43:19,080 An excellent paper. 541 00:43:19,080 --> 00:43:20,310 Put it in a real perspective. 542 00:43:20,310 --> 00:43:25,900 Broad range, much broader than what I'm talking about here. 543 00:43:25,900 --> 00:43:32,900 The way George was able to get rid of this heat was by re-radiating. 544 00:43:40,470 --> 00:43:45,780 And this has been kind of unique to manned vehicles. 545 00:43:45,780 --> 00:43:52,780 Fundamentally, you've got a vehicle coming in, you've got a surface with the capsules 546 00:43:52,869 --> 00:43:56,000 far exceeding the material capability. 547 00:43:56,000 --> 00:44:01,080 The heat flux coming in here gets you to temperatures that are far above any material capability. 548 00:44:01,080 --> 00:44:08,080 And so what happens is the material degrades and is called an ablator. 549 00:44:08,690 --> 00:44:13,040 And the initial concept and application for ablators is, as the material vaporizes, it 550 00:44:13,040 --> 00:44:17,200 basically pushes the air away to reduce the heat. 551 00:44:17,200 --> 00:44:19,970 And this is sort of what happens in meteors if you want. 552 00:44:19,970 --> 00:44:22,290 So, you lose some of the initial material. 553 00:44:22,290 --> 00:44:26,240 And that sample that Aaron passed around, that black material, well, it was a little 554 00:44:26,240 --> 00:44:30,369 thicker when it started than the sample that he has. 555 00:44:30,369 --> 00:44:37,369 But you see this what we call char layer where the material is decomposed? 556 00:44:37,920 --> 00:44:43,780 That generates a gas which at high pressures and high heating rates basically tends to 557 00:44:43,780 --> 00:44:48,480 absorb the energy that is coming in through the chemical reactions primarily, and also 558 00:44:48,480 --> 00:44:51,890 due to the blowing. 559 00:44:51,890 --> 00:44:58,180 But a fair more effective way of getting rid of that heat, for us in Manned Spaceflight, 560 00:44:58,180 --> 00:45:01,930 at the higher altitudes was to re-radiate it. 561 00:45:01,930 --> 00:45:05,180 How do you draw re-radiation? 562 00:45:05,180 --> 00:45:09,430 I guess sort of a wavy line. 563 00:45:09,430 --> 00:45:12,960 Radiation is always a wave, right? 564 00:45:12,960 --> 00:45:19,960 And so first order, 98% of this energy goes into heating the air which flows around the 565 00:45:20,910 --> 00:45:22,810 vehicle. 566 00:45:22,810 --> 00:45:29,810 The other 2% that gets to the vehicle, George re-radiated 98% away with a high-emissivity, 567 00:45:31,440 --> 00:45:32,550 high-temperature surface. 568 00:45:32,550 --> 00:45:39,550 Now, in the ablator, that char, think of it as a charcoal briquette. 569 00:45:41,350 --> 00:45:45,520 You start with some material. 570 00:45:45,520 --> 00:45:49,020 It degrades and all sorts of chemical reactions go. 571 00:45:49,020 --> 00:45:55,170 If you've got a good ablator for our application what happens is you're left with a residual 572 00:45:55,170 --> 00:45:58,520 char which is black and very high-emissivity. 573 00:45:58,520 --> 00:45:59,920 It is pure carbon, if you want. 574 00:45:59,920 --> 00:46:06,920 That is the challenge, is to get a carbon surface or a high-emissivity, high-temperature 575 00:46:07,180 --> 00:46:08,990 surface that can re-radiate. 576 00:46:08,990 --> 00:46:14,190 Just to remind the class, what is the most efficient radiator? 577 00:46:14,190 --> 00:46:17,619 Black-body, there you go. 578 00:46:17,619 --> 00:46:22,280 Thank you. 579 00:46:22,280 --> 00:46:26,940 High-emissivity, black-body radiation, get rid of all that energy before it ever has 580 00:46:26,940 --> 00:46:32,840 to diffuse through the tile or through the ablator to get to the structure. 581 00:46:32,840 --> 00:46:38,400 That is fundamentally what we use to protect the vehicle. 582 00:46:38,400 --> 00:46:45,290 Now, while I'm on that, the ablators were developed for capsules. 583 00:46:45,290 --> 00:46:49,740 And we kept getting lower and lower density because we wanted to minimize the diffusion 584 00:46:49,740 --> 00:46:51,040 of energy from the surface. 585 00:46:51,040 --> 00:46:56,170 There needed to be a substant enough surface to hang together. 586 00:46:56,170 --> 00:47:01,610 I mean if you just have charcoal and blow on it, it's not going to stay there. 587 00:47:01,610 --> 00:47:08,310 With the early capsule, with the Apollo, we had a fiberglass structure in there that basically 588 00:47:08,310 --> 00:47:12,960 retarded the ablator from flowing away. 589 00:47:12,960 --> 00:47:19,540 Now, everybody tells us we were twice too heavy on the ablator on a capsule. 590 00:47:19,540 --> 00:47:21,690 And I will explain that in a bit. 591 00:47:21,690 --> 00:47:25,700 It's a systems engineering problem, we got away from it on Shuttle, so pay attention 592 00:47:25,700 --> 00:47:27,420 when I get to that problem. 593 00:47:27,420 --> 00:47:34,420 In any event, we were a factor too high over most of the vehicle but not in this region. 594 00:47:37,020 --> 00:47:40,859 On that region, we were right on. 595 00:47:40,859 --> 00:47:42,810 Not by knowing what we were doing, just by luck. 596 00:47:42,810 --> 00:47:49,810 When you say right on, what you're saying is that the char layer went essentially all 597 00:47:51,930 --> 00:47:58,930 the way into -- We hit our temperature requirement on the structure. 598 00:47:59,260 --> 00:48:06,260 If I blow that up a little bit, I've got a surface here of ablator which is [paralysizing?] 599 00:48:07,380 --> 00:48:08,910 [he actually said that! there's no reference in aerothermodynamics that refers to that 600 00:48:08,910 --> 00:48:10,930 term] and charing. 601 00:48:10,930 --> 00:48:13,220 And I've got a flow over the vehicle. 602 00:48:13,220 --> 00:48:15,960 I've got one heck of a pressure grid. 603 00:48:15,960 --> 00:48:17,450 And I just described this char. 604 00:48:17,450 --> 00:48:20,270 It's a nice porous carbon like a charcoal briquette. 605 00:48:20,270 --> 00:48:21,609 Ever blow on a charcoal briquette? 606 00:48:21,609 --> 00:48:26,300 You can blow your air right through it and it flames up. 607 00:48:26,300 --> 00:48:27,609 That's exactly what happened here. 608 00:48:27,609 --> 00:48:29,980 We had flow through. 609 00:48:29,980 --> 00:48:33,470 The honeycomb wasn't as a high a temperature as the carbon. 610 00:48:33,470 --> 00:48:36,840 That was just there to hold it as the system degraded. 611 00:48:36,840 --> 00:48:42,040 So, the combination of the two-dimensional flow which we really hadn't simulated on the 612 00:48:42,040 --> 00:48:49,040 ground, all we could do, in the arc jet, was basically little pucks to test the ablator. 613 00:48:49,310 --> 00:48:56,310 You're dealing with an awful lot of energy, and if you spread that energy over a large 614 00:48:56,390 --> 00:48:59,460 surface the enthalpy basically goes down. 615 00:48:59,460 --> 00:49:01,890 The heating on the surface goes down. 616 00:49:01,890 --> 00:49:07,140 We were testing six inch specimens characteristically. 617 00:49:07,140 --> 00:49:08,369 We really didn't get the flow through. 618 00:49:08,369 --> 00:49:11,840 In fact, we eliminated the flow through because we had one-dimensional models and we wanted 619 00:49:11,840 --> 00:49:13,810 to understand the process of one-dimensional. 620 00:49:13,810 --> 00:49:20,609 But, in flight, fortunately we were a factor or two over just in that region. 621 00:49:20,609 --> 00:49:23,560 Over this region, and I will show you a chart, we were way over. 622 00:49:23,560 --> 00:49:26,090 And, again, I will try to address that. 623 00:49:26,090 --> 00:49:30,180 And, again, the Shuttle has really helped us in understanding the leeside flow. 624 00:49:30,180 --> 00:49:32,010 Configuration. 625 00:49:32,010 --> 00:49:39,010 Everybody has got their own requirements for configurations. 626 00:49:39,330 --> 00:49:46,330 From a heating standpoint, I want to put all that energy into the air so I want a maximum 627 00:49:46,710 --> 00:49:48,900 drag configuration. 628 00:49:48,900 --> 00:49:55,790 I just want a flat plat normal to the flow. 629 00:49:55,790 --> 00:49:56,330 Well, that's wonderful. 630 00:49:56,330 --> 00:49:59,980 It's high drag but it's not stable at all. 631 00:49:59,980 --> 00:50:03,060 Let's go to a sphere. 632 00:50:03,060 --> 00:50:08,609 Now, the center pressure, no matter where the pressure is on the vehicle, no matter 633 00:50:08,609 --> 00:50:13,400 what the pressure is, it goes right to the center. 634 00:50:13,400 --> 00:50:17,720 And that is probably also about the center of gravity if I flew a sphere. 635 00:50:17,720 --> 00:50:22,880 Certainly if it was solid, but if I build a spherical spacecraft it would be neutrally 636 00:50:22,880 --> 00:50:23,500 stable. 637 00:50:23,500 --> 00:50:24,080 Well, that would be great. 638 00:50:24,080 --> 00:50:28,190 I could spin it and distribute the heating over the entire thing. 639 00:50:28,190 --> 00:50:30,380 As they enter, that happens to some meteors. 640 00:50:30,380 --> 00:50:33,450 Well, it's not too comfortable and I don't have control and I also generate a little 641 00:50:33,450 --> 00:50:33,700 left. 642 00:50:33,540 --> 00:50:37,130 There are all kinds of problems with that. 643 00:50:37,130 --> 00:50:42,470 One other problem, if I use just a section of a flat plate, if I look at the heating 644 00:50:42,470 --> 00:50:48,810 distribution, if I plot the heat transfer in this direction from ground test, not from 645 00:50:48,810 --> 00:50:51,430 flight, from ground test, you have some level of heating. 646 00:50:51,430 --> 00:50:55,080 But then, when you get to the corner, it really goes up because of pressure gradient. 647 00:50:55,080 --> 00:51:00,290 The same thing that we experienced on Apollo in terms of the ablator. 648 00:51:00,290 --> 00:51:05,130 So, you want to give it some curvature, not only from the standpoint of stability but 649 00:51:05,130 --> 00:51:09,900 also from the standpoint of the heating distribution. 650 00:51:09,900 --> 00:51:14,470 And, indeed, if you look at the Apollo at zero angle of attack it pretty much has almost 651 00:51:14,470 --> 00:51:15,880 a uniform heating distribution. 652 00:51:15,880 --> 00:51:17,369 That is very efficient. 653 00:51:17,369 --> 00:51:22,800 I can design my thermal protection system to be so thick and I manufacture it, produce 654 00:51:22,800 --> 00:51:26,020 it over the entire surface exactly the same. 655 00:51:26,020 --> 00:51:30,630 That is wonderful, except I still have the corner problem. 656 00:51:30,630 --> 00:51:37,420 And so I round the corners a bit. 657 00:51:37,420 --> 00:51:39,790 This is only from an aerothermodynamic standpoint now. 658 00:51:39,790 --> 00:51:44,230 And so I don't have this corner edge heating problem nearly as much. 659 00:51:44,230 --> 00:51:51,230 Well, that's fine, except a zero L/D vehicle gets kind of high Gs coming in and you don't 660 00:51:52,760 --> 00:51:53,609 have much control. 661 00:51:53,609 --> 00:51:58,550 And I will address a little bit of that, and you've probably already heard about the flight 662 00:51:58,550 --> 00:51:58,880 mechanics control. 663 00:51:58,880 --> 00:52:03,530 In any event, I need some L/D so I got to angle-of-attack. 664 00:52:03,530 --> 00:52:09,340 In order to go to angle-of-attack, I have to take the center pressure, which is basically 665 00:52:09,340 --> 00:52:14,930 the point about which the aerodynamic forces, if I put a string and pulled on that, that's 666 00:52:14,930 --> 00:52:18,330 how the aerodynamic forces are acting on that. 667 00:52:18,330 --> 00:52:22,619 And I want the center of gravity ahead of that. 668 00:52:22,619 --> 00:52:26,230 And now I've got a nice stable configuration. 669 00:52:26,230 --> 00:52:31,470 Not too stable because the control people want to do things with it but stable from 670 00:52:31,470 --> 00:52:35,800 the standpoint of not having to fire RCS jets or have control surfaces and all that type 671 00:52:35,800 --> 00:52:36,260 of thing. 672 00:52:36,260 --> 00:52:38,030 That is how we designed Apollo. 673 00:52:38,030 --> 00:52:41,650 It worked very well. 674 00:52:41,650 --> 00:52:48,650 And, in fact, if you look at the Shuttle at angle-of-attack with some liberties -- Son of a gun. 675 00:52:55,340 --> 00:52:57,390 In two-dimensions. 676 00:52:57,390 --> 00:53:01,220 In three-dimensions it is significantly different. 677 00:53:01,220 --> 00:53:07,369 I think I'm about ready to go to the charts now. 678 00:53:07,369 --> 00:53:07,970 OK. 679 00:53:07,970 --> 00:53:10,900 Why don't we take a two-minute break. 680 00:53:10,900 --> 00:53:13,450 We usually break about 10:00. 681 00:53:13,450 --> 00:53:13,960 Great. 682 00:53:13,960 --> 00:53:17,790 And I will get the charts set up. 683 00:53:17,790 --> 00:53:18,359 Good. 684 00:53:18,359 --> 00:53:19,109 Quick stretch. 685 00:53:19,109 --> 00:53:19,900 Turn around. 686 00:53:19,900 --> 00:53:22,320 I didn't ask if there were any questions. 687 00:53:22,320 --> 00:53:26,590 I expected everybody to just raise their hands and start asking questions. 688 00:53:26,590 --> 00:53:30,930 But, since there are no 8:00 classes, this is the first class of the day, maybe that's 689 00:53:30,930 --> 00:53:37,290 why we're not getting any questions. 690 00:53:37,290 --> 00:53:38,490 That was my hand-waving. 691 00:53:38,490 --> 00:53:40,990 I am going to get into specifics here after the break. 692 00:53:40,990 --> 00:53:47,990 I have a series of charts. 693 00:54:36,760 --> 00:54:42,850 Most of these came from a technical conference that Professor Cohen had after the Shuttle 694 00:54:42,850 --> 00:54:43,310 test flights. 695 00:54:43,310 --> 00:54:50,310 We had five test flights, just for information. 696 00:54:53,230 --> 00:55:00,040 We had 17 flights in Mercury before we put a man in the vehicle. 697 00:55:00,040 --> 00:55:06,930 On Apollo, we never put a man on the vehicle or did anything before we had a test of the 698 00:55:06,930 --> 00:55:11,140 systems in the vehicle, before we'd put a man in it, with one exception, and that was 699 00:55:11,140 --> 00:55:12,080 the actual Lunar landing. 700 00:55:12,080 --> 00:55:14,530 We couldn't really simulate that very well. 701 00:55:14,530 --> 00:55:16,230 We couldn't test that. 702 00:55:16,230 --> 00:55:23,230 On the Shuttle, we did as much testing as we could, but the design constraints forced 703 00:55:30,420 --> 00:55:35,170 us to go with men in the system initially. 704 00:55:35,170 --> 00:55:39,450 And that was the least riskiest thing to do considering everything. 705 00:55:39,450 --> 00:55:39,700 That's a whole different subject. All right. 706 00:55:42,640 --> 00:55:49,640 This first chart is altitude in thousands of feet and velocity in feet per second. 707 00:55:52,130 --> 00:55:59,130 What I've shown here is, first of all, this is one atmosphere total pressure. 708 00:56:01,470 --> 00:56:08,470 This is a tenth of an atmosphere total pressure. 709 00:56:08,619 --> 00:56:15,619 And first I would like to focus on the Apollo orbital return, and I am going to show data 710 00:56:15,750 --> 00:56:18,420 from actually one of these flights. 711 00:56:18,420 --> 00:56:21,410 These bands are to show the flight regime. 712 00:56:21,410 --> 00:56:28,109 And this is the Lunar return coming back 36,000 feet per second and then essentially going 713 00:56:28,109 --> 00:56:30,359 through an orbital entry. 714 00:56:30,359 --> 00:56:33,320 You can see there is an order of magnitude difference here. 715 00:56:33,320 --> 00:56:34,470 I'm sorry. 716 00:56:34,470 --> 00:56:36,220 Here is the Shuttle. 717 00:56:36,220 --> 00:56:42,119 This was the design coming from a polar orbit at 265,000 feet per second. 718 00:56:42,119 --> 00:56:45,780 And these are the orbital flight tests, the five flight tests. 719 00:56:45,780 --> 00:56:51,660 They are all laid together here, and you cannot really see much of a difference. 720 00:56:51,660 --> 00:56:57,660 Now, this is the heating boundary. 721 00:56:57,660 --> 00:57:03,740 If we went beyond that the tiles degrade. 722 00:57:03,740 --> 00:57:08,510 Now, I mentioned three levels of aerothermodynamics. 723 00:57:08,510 --> 00:57:11,609 The design level, well, I'll get into the design level a little bit later. 724 00:57:11,609 --> 00:57:15,080 The first level was basically the Apollo technology. 725 00:57:15,080 --> 00:57:22,080 That was we went to the wind tunnel, we correlated the distribution of heating on the Shuttle 726 00:57:23,680 --> 00:57:29,540 relative to a reference, and we used the one foot sphere as a reference. 727 00:57:29,540 --> 00:57:36,540 And I gave that to the flight mechanics people and said do not violate these constraints. 728 00:57:37,130 --> 00:57:43,660 So they developed the flight mechanics control and everything else to fly right along here. 729 00:57:43,660 --> 00:57:47,859 Now, what isn't shown is we anticipated transition. 730 00:57:47,859 --> 00:57:49,530 And I will show that in time histories. 731 00:57:49,530 --> 00:57:52,910 There is another boundary for heating that actually comes along here. 732 00:57:52,910 --> 00:57:59,890 These trajectories are very tight relative to having a re-usable thermal protection system 733 00:57:59,890 --> 00:58:03,580 and not having to completely refurbish the vehicle. 734 00:58:03,580 --> 00:58:04,420 That was the target. 735 00:58:04,420 --> 00:58:09,580 If we wanted a reusable system, we could turn around and fly again. 736 00:58:09,580 --> 00:58:16,580 You've seen the ablator from Apollo and you've seen tile that really had some severe environment 737 00:58:22,340 --> 00:58:23,960 from the Shuttle. 738 00:58:23,960 --> 00:58:27,250 But basically here we have a simple configuration. 739 00:58:27,250 --> 00:58:30,190 Here we had a much more complex configuration. 740 00:58:30,190 --> 00:58:37,190 We had capability to fly it and we had capability to avoid excessive heating. 741 00:58:38,690 --> 00:58:41,060 It takes about 20 minutes to enter. 742 00:58:41,060 --> 00:58:47,510 Ten minutes along this heating boundary where basically your heating rate comes up and you 743 00:58:47,510 --> 00:58:48,859 are on a plateau. 744 00:58:48,859 --> 00:58:54,690 And you will see that in just a minute. 745 00:58:54,690 --> 00:58:58,970 That contrasts the Apollo and the Shuttle. 746 00:58:58,970 --> 00:59:04,010 And I mentioned on Apollo we did a lot of shock tube testing trying to get into this 747 00:59:04,010 --> 00:59:09,300 environment, about 33,000 feet per second for peak heating, when this thing comes down 748 00:59:09,300 --> 00:59:13,480 to also about max pressure on this chart anyway. 749 00:59:13,480 --> 00:59:19,900 But Shuttle was significantly higher altitude, significantly more out of equilibrium, which 750 00:59:19,900 --> 00:59:21,380 is the bad news. 751 00:59:21,380 --> 00:59:25,720 The good news is the radiation was not that significant. 752 00:59:25,720 --> 00:59:32,160 In fact, when we calculated what the astronauts would see coming in -- On Apollo, when they 753 00:59:32,160 --> 00:59:36,800 were looking out the windows on the wake, it was extremely bright. 754 00:59:36,800 --> 00:59:43,090 This is just in the wake which is orders of magnitude down from the radiation on the front 755 00:59:43,090 --> 00:59:44,810 side. 756 00:59:44,810 --> 00:59:51,380 On the Shuttle, we suggested a 100 watt light bulb behind a table. 757 00:59:51,380 --> 00:59:55,990 It worked beautifully in the simulator. 758 00:59:55,990 --> 01:00:02,810 Significant change in environment from Apollo at 33,000 to 36,000 feet per second to orbital 759 01:00:02,810 --> 01:00:03,880 environment. 760 01:00:03,880 --> 01:00:07,010 The heating basically increases. 761 01:00:07,010 --> 01:00:10,500 In this direction, I don't show [UNINTELLIGIBLE PHRASE].[question about mars, that i miss 762 01:00:10,500 --> 01:00:16,880 to catch due to the cough some other person enters] Mars return is like 45,000 feet per 763 01:00:16,880 --> 01:00:18,460 second. 764 01:00:18,460 --> 01:00:22,920 The convective heating goes up as velocity cubed. 765 01:00:22,920 --> 01:00:27,040 The radiation probably goes up by two orders of magnitude. 766 01:00:27,040 --> 01:00:30,119 The radiation is very, very sensitive. 767 01:00:30,119 --> 01:00:35,680 Some of the people at Ames did correlations with velocity and with temperature. 768 01:00:35,680 --> 01:00:38,970 And there were numbers like a temperature to the eighth power, a temperature to the 769 01:00:38,970 --> 01:00:44,030 twelfth power because it is not limited by black-body over a lot of the spectrum. 770 01:00:44,030 --> 01:00:47,940 And, as the temperature goes up, there are more and more radiated degrees of freedom. 771 01:00:47,940 --> 01:00:50,830 It gets much closer to a black-body. 772 01:00:50,830 --> 01:00:57,830 Radiation becomes dominant on a Mars return. 773 01:00:59,200 --> 01:01:03,430 On Lunar return it is a problem. 774 01:01:03,430 --> 01:01:09,680 However, if you look at the radiative heating, it is first order proportional to two-dimension. 775 01:01:09,680 --> 01:01:13,380 Whereas, a convective heating is just the opposite, it is inversely proportional square 776 01:01:13,380 --> 01:01:14,190 root. 777 01:01:14,190 --> 01:01:19,730 As you go up in dimension, your convective heating is less important, as we did with 778 01:01:19,730 --> 01:01:20,119 the Shuttle. 779 01:01:20,119 --> 01:01:21,380 And I will try to address that. 780 01:01:21,380 --> 01:01:25,640 So we don't really have an ablator type of material that would work for Mars return? 781 01:01:25,640 --> 01:01:27,910 I think we could develop an ablator. 782 01:01:27,910 --> 01:01:32,840 But we would have to do it in an environment that gets as close as we can to simulating 783 01:01:32,840 --> 01:01:35,080 the radiation. 784 01:01:35,080 --> 01:01:40,740 And these days there is a lot more capability there than there was in Apollo days. 785 01:01:40,740 --> 01:01:42,730 But that is a real challenge. 786 01:01:42,730 --> 01:01:43,030 Yes. 787 01:01:43,030 --> 01:01:44,520 I have a couple questions. 788 01:01:44,520 --> 01:01:44,770 Sure. [all/among the lines Why do they come backup] That was the basic flight mechanics that dissipate 789 01:01:54,830 --> 01:01:56,310 the energy. 790 01:01:56,310 --> 01:02:01,570 And, actually, I will get into this a little bit more on the next chart and then go through 791 01:02:01,570 --> 01:02:02,050 an entry. 792 01:02:02,050 --> 01:02:07,540 You wanted to not exceed the deceleration. 793 01:02:07,540 --> 01:02:13,300 Actually, from an ablator standpoint, one of the most efficient ways to come in is hot 794 01:02:13,300 --> 01:02:15,589 and heavy. 795 01:02:15,589 --> 01:02:17,700 Go to max heating rate but keep that time down. 796 01:02:17,700 --> 01:02:22,810 You remember I mentioned the square root of time on the diffusion of the energy in. 797 01:02:22,810 --> 01:02:24,410 You want to keep that time down. 798 01:02:24,410 --> 01:02:29,130 And you're better off taking your lumps on heating rate. 799 01:02:29,130 --> 01:02:31,540 Heat load is really what designs. 800 01:02:31,540 --> 01:02:34,650 Did that answer your question? 801 01:02:34,650 --> 01:02:41,210 [UNINTELLIGIBLE PHRASE] [i'm sorry enviroment noise plus air condition] This is the flight 802 01:02:41,210 --> 01:02:48,160 mechanics, and I'm not an expert on that, but basically this portion was designed to 803 01:02:48,160 --> 01:02:50,400 capture. 804 01:02:50,400 --> 01:02:54,930 If you don't capture you're gone for another two weeks. 805 01:02:54,930 --> 01:03:01,930 And so you didn't want to get beyond 20 Gs because nothing would take beyond 20 Gs obviously. 806 01:03:02,640 --> 01:03:05,710 You didn't want to skip out. 807 01:03:05,710 --> 01:03:06,730 This is a linear plot. 808 01:03:06,730 --> 01:03:10,940 You're looking at an atmosphere and you're coming in at high speed. 809 01:03:10,940 --> 01:03:16,339 I want to make sure you capture it. 810 01:03:16,339 --> 01:03:22,770 Not too steep or you're blown apart, but if you miss you're gone for another two weeks. 811 01:03:22,770 --> 01:03:23,630 First thing is capture. 812 01:03:23,630 --> 01:03:24,859 Dissipate that energy. 813 01:03:24,859 --> 01:03:29,720 Then we worry about getting down to a landing point. 814 01:03:29,720 --> 01:03:36,720 In terms of corridor, they term that corridor, the Apollo vehicle had about a 27 mile corridor 815 01:03:37,540 --> 01:03:38,000 at 400,000 feet. 816 01:03:38,000 --> 01:03:41,119 If you were too shallow then you would skip out. 817 01:03:41,119 --> 01:03:47,200 If you were too steep in that corridor you would go in too deep and exceed the G level. 818 01:03:47,200 --> 01:03:54,200 Coming back from the moon, 240,000 miles away, you basically had to a corridor about 27 miles 819 01:03:54,430 --> 01:03:59,460 in the earth's atmosphere. 820 01:03:59,460 --> 01:04:04,760 And that was really what the guidance navigation system did for us. 821 01:04:04,760 --> 01:04:08,220 And with the mid-course correction, of course you've got a lot of leverage, but it is a 822 01:04:08,220 --> 01:04:12,280 very tight corridor that you've got to hit. 823 01:04:12,280 --> 01:04:13,250 Well, I can talk about it now. 824 01:04:13,250 --> 01:04:19,520 No, I will wait until the next chart in terms of the systems engineering and everything. 825 01:04:19,520 --> 01:04:26,520 When I was here, the computers were in the electrical engineering department and occupied an entire 826 01:04:34,740 --> 01:04:35,260 room. 827 01:04:35,260 --> 01:04:41,690 Mechanical engineers like me, I mean we didn't understand all that stuff. 828 01:04:41,690 --> 01:04:43,920 Generations. 829 01:04:43,920 --> 01:04:46,420 Design and flight test environments, a lot of points I want to make here. 830 01:04:46,420 --> 01:04:53,420 This is a log maximum heating rate and this is the maximum integrated heat load at design 831 01:04:55,500 --> 01:04:56,270 conditions. 832 01:04:56,270 --> 01:05:00,190 Now, the numbers are not so important. 833 01:05:00,190 --> 01:05:01,589 Apollo is triangles. 834 01:05:01,589 --> 01:05:05,180 Shuttle is circles. 835 01:05:05,180 --> 01:05:08,050 Filled is design. 836 01:05:08,050 --> 01:05:10,450 Open is actual. 837 01:05:10,450 --> 01:05:12,230 Let's start with the Apollo. 838 01:05:12,230 --> 01:05:17,119 Our design is up here coming back from the moon. 839 01:05:17,119 --> 01:05:18,900 Actually, there were two design points. 840 01:05:18,900 --> 01:05:22,550 This was the maximum load which was the thickness of the ablator. 841 01:05:22,550 --> 01:05:23,400 That is the weight. 842 01:05:23,400 --> 01:05:25,040 We picked the material. 843 01:05:25,040 --> 01:05:26,950 We got the best material we could. 844 01:05:26,950 --> 01:05:28,320 Now the question is how thick do we make it? 845 01:05:28,320 --> 01:05:29,950 And that's the weight. 846 01:05:29,950 --> 01:05:31,690 Here is the design condition. 847 01:05:31,690 --> 01:05:37,000 The heat load I mentioned before relative to the question. 848 01:05:37,000 --> 01:05:41,810 We didn't have the trajectories of flight mechanics when we started the design. 849 01:05:41,810 --> 01:05:47,119 We had to start to design the capsule, the ablator and everything else in parallel with 850 01:05:47,119 --> 01:05:50,750 the development of the computer capability and the flight mechanics and being able to 851 01:05:50,750 --> 01:05:53,029 actually fly this thing. 852 01:05:53,029 --> 01:05:55,130 What happened? 853 01:05:55,130 --> 01:05:58,430 We knew we couldn't exceed 20 Gs. 854 01:05:58,430 --> 01:06:01,510 And so give me a trajectory that comes in and hits 20 Gs. 855 01:06:01,510 --> 01:06:03,839 I've got to be able to handle that heating rate. 856 01:06:03,839 --> 01:06:06,470 We also needed to capture. 857 01:06:06,470 --> 01:06:13,470 If we skipped out and went another two weeks, that was kind of tough on the crew, so give 858 01:06:13,630 --> 01:06:15,930 me a trajectory that just stays in. 859 01:06:15,930 --> 01:06:18,770 They are miles apart. 860 01:06:18,770 --> 01:06:22,010 That point is up here on that chart. 861 01:06:22,010 --> 01:06:27,380 For clarity and trying to illustrate other things, it is way up here in heating rate. 862 01:06:27,380 --> 01:06:34,380 And there is sort of a range of entry of Apollo in terms of -- That's the maximum you could 863 01:06:36,040 --> 01:06:36,290 get. All sorts of things in between. 864 01:06:39,339 --> 01:06:40,320 This is an actual flight. 865 01:06:40,320 --> 01:06:44,540 This is log paper. 866 01:06:44,540 --> 01:06:46,310 A significant difference. 867 01:06:46,310 --> 01:06:48,660 A factor of two. 868 01:06:48,660 --> 01:06:55,660 Square root of that, 40% of that ablator that we didn't need is in the trajectory difference. 869 01:06:56,260 --> 01:07:02,770 But now here is the systems engineering point. 870 01:07:02,770 --> 01:07:08,010 When we started the Shuttle, we looked at Apollo and said how do we get this heat shield 871 01:07:08,010 --> 01:07:08,260 down? 872 01:07:08,029 --> 01:07:14,529 Well, if you look at the aerospace industry or NASA you have specialists. 873 01:07:14,529 --> 01:07:16,599 Everybody does their own little thing. 874 01:07:16,599 --> 01:07:17,599 I am aerothermodynamicist. 875 01:07:17,599 --> 01:07:21,599 George Truhall was the thermal protection system guy. 876 01:07:21,599 --> 01:07:23,160 Tom Moser was a structures guy. 877 01:07:23,160 --> 01:07:24,490 Then there was a materials guy. 878 01:07:24,490 --> 01:07:28,589 All these different people, they all do their thing and work together as a team. 879 01:07:28,589 --> 01:07:32,089 We're designing a system to go to the moon and come back. 880 01:07:32,089 --> 01:07:36,640 Boy, I sure don't want to put too low a heating rate in. 881 01:07:36,640 --> 01:07:43,640 I mean I don't want to be the cause of a failure, so I think the heating rate is going to be 882 01:07:45,869 --> 01:07:48,080 right here or whatever. 883 01:07:48,080 --> 01:07:55,080 Well, I don't have that level of confidence, I've got some uncertainty, so I will put 10% 884 01:07:55,279 --> 01:07:58,830 or 20% at least in on my heating. 885 01:07:58,830 --> 01:08:05,830 The ablator guy, he is testing on arc jets, and he does exactly the same thing. 886 01:08:06,070 --> 01:08:08,920 The structures guy says, well, we want to do this and that. 887 01:08:08,920 --> 01:08:14,180 Well, on the Shuttle, for example, our guideline was 100 missions, a structure that would take 888 01:08:14,180 --> 01:08:15,200 100 cycles. 889 01:08:15,200 --> 01:08:22,200 Well, if I don't exceed this temperature, you know, how well do I know that, what is 890 01:08:22,569 --> 01:08:26,839 the stress level, all the different variables, you know, this is what I expect but I better 891 01:08:26,839 --> 01:08:27,788 put a little pad in. 892 01:08:27,788 --> 01:08:30,029 There is nothing wrong with that. 893 01:08:30,029 --> 01:08:35,198 What was wrong is we didn't have communication with all these people. 894 01:08:35,198 --> 01:08:40,318 Somebody gives me a trajectory and I calculate heat and I say, boy, this is what I think 895 01:08:40,318 --> 01:08:40,799 it's going to be. 896 01:08:40,799 --> 01:08:44,488 And I'm going to show you some of that, in all honesty, which you won't see in journal 897 01:08:44,488 --> 01:08:46,238 articles. 898 01:08:46,238 --> 01:08:52,988 But I better put a little bit of pad on that because I don't know this that well. 899 01:08:52,988 --> 01:08:53,759 They compound. 900 01:08:53,759 --> 01:08:57,068 We call it compound conservatism. 901 01:08:57,068 --> 01:09:03,139 Everybody puts their 10% in and you get your factor of two. 902 01:09:03,139 --> 01:09:09,999 Now, you just lost significant, if not half the payload on the Shuttle by doing that. 903 01:09:09,999 --> 01:09:11,880 We did not do that on the Shuttle. 904 01:09:11,880 --> 01:09:15,078 Now, let me very honest. 905 01:09:15,078 --> 01:09:18,618 In the early days, when we recognized that, because we were getting beat on. 906 01:09:18,618 --> 01:09:21,670 You don't need all that TPS. 907 01:09:21,670 --> 01:09:26,328 When we realized where it really came from, we would go back to the management and say 908 01:09:26,328 --> 01:09:26,849 this is what you need to do. 909 01:09:26,849 --> 01:09:30,618 You need a system where you have all this communication. 910 01:09:30,618 --> 01:09:33,499 Well, that's going to be expensive. 911 01:09:33,499 --> 01:09:35,529 We did it, but we did it informally. 912 01:09:35,529 --> 01:09:39,488 We did it by communicating informally everybody understanding. 913 01:09:39,488 --> 01:09:44,759 And we actually did a statistical assessment before we flew the Shuttle to give us confidence 914 01:09:44,759 --> 01:09:49,299 that things would work. 915 01:09:49,299 --> 01:09:49,749 Extremely important. 916 01:09:49,749 --> 01:09:54,179 I mean when you talk about systems engineering it is communication, different disciplines, 917 01:09:54,179 --> 01:09:56,829 different requirements, different everything. 918 01:09:56,829 --> 01:09:59,079 Communication between people is very important. 919 01:09:59,079 --> 01:09:59,650 All right. 920 01:09:59,650 --> 01:10:01,010 Where was I? 921 01:10:01,010 --> 01:10:08,010 Here is the orbital entry on Apollo, the two flight tests that we did, 201 and 202. 922 01:10:08,179 --> 01:10:11,699 And, I'm sorry, I don't remember why we called them one, three, four. 923 01:10:11,699 --> 01:10:14,170 This was a design, there's another design up here. 924 01:10:14,170 --> 01:10:15,229 That was a conservative. 925 01:10:15,229 --> 01:10:15,959 All right. 926 01:10:15,959 --> 01:10:22,959 Here are the five OFT flights on Shuttle, heat rate and heat load, and there is the 927 01:10:23,239 --> 01:10:25,760 design. 928 01:10:25,760 --> 01:10:29,219 We do not have a whole lot of margin. 929 01:10:29,219 --> 01:10:34,119 But, as you saw from the previous chart, we can fly it. 930 01:10:34,119 --> 01:10:38,179 We're obviously able to do it as long as the TPS and the structure are intact, obviously. 931 01:10:38,179 --> 01:10:38,429 Any questions? 932 01:10:38,400 --> 01:10:38,650 Yes. 933 01:10:38,510 --> 01:10:39,539 How much does your ability to control the trajectory play into that? 934 01:10:39,539 --> 01:10:46,539 I mean it seems like you'd be able to control the trajectory of the Shuttle a lot more precise 935 01:10:49,039 --> 01:10:56,039 than you would Apollo. 936 01:10:56,300 --> 01:10:56,719 Yes. 937 01:10:56,719 --> 01:10:57,139 Absolutely. 938 01:10:57,139 --> 01:11:01,619 You've got a body flap on there, in particular, to trim angle-of-attack. 939 01:11:01,619 --> 01:11:06,130 We also have RCS engines which we'd use if we would have to. 940 01:11:06,130 --> 01:11:08,489 And, in some cases, we have to. 941 01:11:08,489 --> 01:11:11,969 And you've got aileron settings which primarily are used later. 942 01:11:11,969 --> 01:11:13,780 But, yes, crucial. 943 01:11:13,780 --> 01:11:20,329 In terms of getting this level of precision you need control. 944 01:11:20,329 --> 01:11:27,329 But isn't the most important factor the flight path angle, the angle between the velocity 945 01:11:29,139 --> 01:11:30,579 vector and the local horizontal at [400,000?] feet? 946 01:11:30,579 --> 01:11:30,940 Initially yes. 947 01:11:30,940 --> 01:11:34,199 On Shuttle you could modulate that. 948 01:11:34,199 --> 01:11:34,749 Yes. 949 01:11:34,749 --> 01:11:40,150 And, actually, you see some of these wiggles, you know, we have highs and lows. 950 01:11:40,150 --> 01:11:47,150 We have hurricanes and high pressure areas, but the atmosphere is an exponential decay. 951 01:11:48,190 --> 01:11:54,820 And any waves, any ripples, by the time you get to the tail end of the whip it can get 952 01:11:54,820 --> 01:11:57,289 very significant. 953 01:11:57,289 --> 01:12:01,769 And so there are density variations that you really don't know about until you hit them. 954 01:12:01,769 --> 01:12:05,840 And being able to control is sort of crucial there. 955 01:12:05,840 --> 01:12:11,829 Coming back from the moon right on, that initial angle is crucial, and the de-orbit from orbit 956 01:12:11,829 --> 01:12:12,679 obviously the same thing. 957 01:12:12,679 --> 01:12:19,679 Any other questions on this before we go to the next chart? 958 01:12:19,820 --> 01:12:20,590 OK. 959 01:12:20,590 --> 01:12:22,150 All right. 960 01:12:22,150 --> 01:12:26,780 I mentioned three levels of aerothermodynamic methodology. 961 01:12:26,780 --> 01:12:32,090 One is to correlate in the wind tunnel and relate everything to reference heating or 962 01:12:32,090 --> 01:12:38,479 stagnation point heating, which is what we did on the capsules which are good blunt vehicles. 963 01:12:38,479 --> 01:12:43,340 The real technology challenge on the Shuttle was the geometry. 964 01:12:43,340 --> 01:12:49,889 It was a lot more complicated than just the shock and a stagnation point and flow around 965 01:12:49,889 --> 01:12:52,340 a blunt vehicle. 966 01:12:52,340 --> 01:12:55,599 You name it, you've got it, in terms of flow on this thing. 967 01:12:55,599 --> 01:13:02,130 Now, the way this was modeled in terms of -- When we started, we didn't have computational 968 01:13:02,130 --> 01:13:03,920 fluid dynamics. 969 01:13:03,920 --> 01:13:10,179 The design methodology that was used to actually design the system was to model the flow. 970 01:13:10,179 --> 01:13:14,579 Obviously, up front here looks kind of like a sphere. 971 01:13:14,579 --> 01:13:16,780 And so I calculate the heating on a sphere. 972 01:13:16,780 --> 01:13:21,510 I go into a wind tunnel and look at the actual data and relate that and say, well, that's 973 01:13:21,510 --> 01:13:25,260 kind of like a sphere of two foot radius. 974 01:13:25,260 --> 01:13:26,550 So that's my heating there. 975 01:13:26,550 --> 01:13:33,199 I look at flow down the center line -- And, I'm sorry, this wedge isn't supposed to be 976 01:13:33,199 --> 01:13:35,829 wedge or a flat platted angle-of-attack. 977 01:13:35,829 --> 01:13:37,949 This flat surface down here looks kind of like a wedge. 978 01:13:37,949 --> 01:13:44,599 Well, I can calculate [a boundary?] on a wedge given the pressure which Newtonian would work 979 01:13:44,599 --> 01:13:45,179 fine. 980 01:13:45,179 --> 01:13:49,900 Certainly, in the blunt regions and on a wedge, I can do that flow. 981 01:13:49,900 --> 01:13:55,729 I can do a swept cylinder for the leading edge and I can do a comb for the boundary 982 01:13:55,729 --> 01:13:55,979 layer. I can take diagnostics in a wind tunnel, look at the boundary layer path and say, boy, this 983 01:14:02,690 --> 01:14:05,630 thing is spreading kind of like a cone. 984 01:14:05,630 --> 01:14:07,229 This is the design methodology. 985 01:14:07,229 --> 01:14:12,059 These are all one-dimensional flows for the boundary layer. 986 01:14:12,059 --> 01:14:16,619 These are geometric flow models where the boundary layer is basically one-dimensional. 987 01:14:16,619 --> 01:14:20,999 And even though, for example, on a cone, the boundary layer is spreading, it's still a 988 01:14:20,999 --> 01:14:22,349 one-dimensional flow. 989 01:14:22,349 --> 01:14:29,349 So I calculated in a wind tunnel what the heating would be at this particular condition. 990 01:14:29,900 --> 01:14:34,369 I calculate, for example, flat plate. 991 01:14:34,369 --> 01:14:38,860 This heating rate has a function of distance from the nose to the tail if you want. 992 01:14:38,860 --> 01:14:45,860 This is what I calculate, here is what I measure, a little factor in there. 993 01:14:46,159 --> 01:14:51,320 But I assume whatever I don't know in the wind tunnel, I don't know in flight, too. 994 01:14:51,320 --> 01:14:58,320 But I take this analysis which can include the chemistry, all the nice things that go 995 01:14:59,139 --> 01:15:00,789 on in flight. 996 01:15:00,789 --> 01:15:06,690 So I calibrate it to wind tunnel which is basically an empirical flow field now and 997 01:15:06,690 --> 01:15:07,559 I take that to flight. 998 01:15:07,559 --> 01:15:08,369 It works pretty well. 999 01:15:08,369 --> 01:15:11,510 It really does. 1000 01:15:11,510 --> 01:15:18,159 Better than my normal shock Reynolds number that I gave to the trajectory guys. 1001 01:15:18,159 --> 01:15:22,449 Actually, there are areas where there is significant disagreement. 1002 01:15:22,449 --> 01:15:29,130 But mostly they are pretty consistent because they're reflecting the basic diffusion of 1003 01:15:29,130 --> 01:15:34,079 the boundary layer and the basic physics that I tried to talk about in the beginning here. 1004 01:15:34,079 --> 01:15:38,999 It is very important to normalize what you're doing to something fundamental. 1005 01:15:38,999 --> 01:15:42,869 If you cannot do it on the back of the envelope, have a question about it. 1006 01:15:42,869 --> 01:15:48,119 If you cannot back it up with the back of the envelope, have a question about it. 1007 01:15:48,119 --> 01:15:50,550 So this is the design methodology. 1008 01:15:50,550 --> 01:15:57,550 I mentioned the Apollo methodology which was used for quick numbers and for trajectories. 1009 01:15:58,219 --> 01:16:02,489 The third level is a computational fluid dynamics. 1010 01:16:02,489 --> 01:16:09,489 I'm only going to show results from the technology that we had at the time we flew the Shuttle. 1011 01:16:12,269 --> 01:16:18,559 Since then computers have done so much, we can do so much more, but I want to compare 1012 01:16:18,559 --> 01:16:25,559 what we expected and what we actually got with the technology we had at the time. 1013 01:16:26,530 --> 01:16:27,880 Boundary layer transition. 1014 01:16:27,880 --> 01:16:34,880 I talked about the boundary between the turbulent and laminar heating. 1015 01:16:35,489 --> 01:16:39,489 Characteristically, and in the Shuttle level, your heating goes up by about a factor of 1016 01:16:39,489 --> 01:16:40,619 three. 1017 01:16:40,619 --> 01:16:45,489 If you go to higher Reynolds numbers it can get significantly higher, so you want to avoid 1018 01:16:45,489 --> 01:16:48,369 that factor of three. 1019 01:16:48,369 --> 01:16:53,179 Our initial estimate on the effect of roughness, I have to say, was not as good as it should 1020 01:16:53,179 --> 01:16:56,090 have been, but the technology wasn't really there. 1021 01:16:56,090 --> 01:16:56,999 This is the logic. 1022 01:16:56,999 --> 01:16:59,570 And I won't go through in intimate detail. 1023 01:16:59,570 --> 01:17:05,800 Just to point out the complexity to recognize the level of effort that goes into getting 1024 01:17:05,800 --> 01:17:07,840 a basic database to design vehicles. 1025 01:17:07,840 --> 01:17:12,920 This is all in that document in that conference report. 1026 01:17:12,920 --> 01:17:13,429 And there are two copies, I think. 1027 01:17:13,429 --> 01:17:14,469 I brought a copy, and I think there is a copy in the library that Dr. 1028 01:17:14,469 --> 01:17:16,979 Hoffman has on reserve, but this is all documented in there. 1029 01:17:16,979 --> 01:17:17,999 Yes. 1030 01:17:17,999 --> 01:17:24,999 And I won't spend much time other than to say we first looked at smooth body transition. 1031 01:17:25,499 --> 01:17:27,590 This is heating rate versus distance. 1032 01:17:27,590 --> 01:17:29,110 Smooth body. 1033 01:17:29,110 --> 01:17:31,630 And then we put roughness in. 1034 01:17:31,630 --> 01:17:37,170 We actually went to cryogenic models with simulated tiles to get that boundary layer 1035 01:17:37,170 --> 01:17:40,849 to suck down to be a little better simulation of flight. 1036 01:17:40,849 --> 01:17:46,269 The alternative was to put bowling balls on the surface of the thing to try to trip the 1037 01:17:46,269 --> 01:17:48,800 flow, and that didn't have anything to do with physical reality. 1038 01:17:48,800 --> 01:17:51,369 So a lot of work there. 1039 01:17:51,369 --> 01:17:58,369 We related and took the simulations for the transition and came up with an effective roughness 1040 01:17:59,809 --> 01:18:01,940 relative to smooth body transition. 1041 01:18:01,940 --> 01:18:06,860 Again, I don't claim to understand turbulence, I certainly don't claim to understand transition 1042 01:18:06,860 --> 01:18:09,099 and certainly on a complex configuration. 1043 01:18:09,099 --> 01:18:12,070 So then we correlated that and we had predictions. 1044 01:18:12,070 --> 01:18:14,510 And you will see some of that in a few minutes. 1045 01:18:14,510 --> 01:18:18,699 On the tile problem on the last mission when those little gap fillers came out, do you 1046 01:18:18,699 --> 01:18:20,860 think that it tripped the boundary layer? 1047 01:18:20,860 --> 01:18:22,510 No, I don't. 1048 01:18:22,510 --> 01:18:27,340 On the other hand, some of the people that had been correlating the various missions 1049 01:18:27,340 --> 01:18:28,889 felt that we would. 1050 01:18:28,889 --> 01:18:31,510 And the problem is it was the first time we had a picture. 1051 01:18:31,510 --> 01:18:32,389 Yeah, I understand. 1052 01:18:32,389 --> 01:18:37,329 We had tile gaps after we landed and we said oh, gee, this is the relationship. 1053 01:18:37,329 --> 01:18:43,119 There was a lot of correlation, but I'm not sure it was that valid. 1054 01:18:43,119 --> 01:18:50,119 I really don't think so. 1055 01:18:50,499 --> 01:18:52,099 Now, this is the surface catalysis. 1056 01:18:52,099 --> 01:18:53,309 I haven't really talked about that. 1057 01:18:53,309 --> 01:19:00,309 I talked about the gas going from molecular to dissociated, ionized to weekly ionized. 1058 01:19:01,070 --> 01:19:05,780 When you get back to the surface conditions, you're back to a molecule again. 1059 01:19:05,780 --> 01:19:07,820 Now, I am simplifying things here. 1060 01:19:07,820 --> 01:19:12,510 But I think the way I look at it is you start out with a molecule, you blast it apart, you 1061 01:19:12,510 --> 01:19:17,050 have atoms, you get back to the surface of the vehicle. 1062 01:19:17,050 --> 01:19:19,800 And at equilibrium now you're back to a microstate. 1063 01:19:19,800 --> 01:19:20,050 Yes. 1064 01:19:19,809 --> 01:19:20,059 In the whole design process, was the shape of the wings and the underbelly designed first 1065 01:19:19,880 --> 01:19:20,130 and then you calculated properties? 1066 01:19:19,900 --> 01:19:23,010 Or, did you have to go back and say no, this redesign is impossible? 1067 01:19:23,010 --> 01:19:30,010 Because of the heating do it this way. 1068 01:19:38,170 --> 01:19:38,420 Was there a [cyclic process? 1069 01:19:38,219 --> 01:19:38,469 (check)] or was it one way? It was primarily one way. 1070 01:19:39,429 --> 01:19:43,570 Here is the aerodynamic requirement in order to come in. 1071 01:19:43,570 --> 01:19:49,659 The biggest exception of that was on boundary layer transition. 1072 01:19:49,659 --> 01:19:56,449 That classic if the structures guys design an airplane or if the electronics guys design 1073 01:19:56,449 --> 01:20:02,769 an airplane or the aerodynamic guys, they all come out to be different airplanes. 1074 01:20:02,769 --> 01:20:08,539 The prime thing was the aerodynamics, to be able to control it and bring it in. 1075 01:20:08,539 --> 01:20:13,170 We did alter it relative to where the thermal protection system was. 1076 01:20:13,170 --> 01:20:16,900 The other thing we did is don't fool with Mother Nature. 1077 01:20:16,900 --> 01:20:21,679 The structures guys like to make things nice and flat or cylindrical. 1078 01:20:21,679 --> 01:20:26,469 And the flow is a continuous radius curvature type phenomenon. 1079 01:20:26,469 --> 01:20:31,030 And that difference is very, very important, particularly for boundary layer transition. 1080 01:20:31,030 --> 01:20:38,030 So we did fair the geometry to keep the boundary layer transition essentially two orders of 1081 01:20:38,760 --> 01:20:41,229 magnitude lower than it might have been. 1082 01:20:41,229 --> 01:20:44,510 But overall I would say predominantly it is aerodynamics. 1083 01:20:44,510 --> 01:20:47,739 And we tried to calculate the heating to the configuration that we had. 1084 01:20:47,739 --> 01:20:48,760 [UNINTELLIGIBLE PHRASE] [would you change? 1085 01:20:48,760 --> 01:20:55,760 < 3 or 4 of this type of question ] The only thing I would have preferred to have done 1086 01:21:10,939 --> 01:21:16,409 is fly higher angle-of-attack which could have reconfigured the thermal protection system. 1087 01:21:16,409 --> 01:21:22,059 The tiles are a very efficient system. 1088 01:21:22,059 --> 01:21:27,459 They are fragile but are very efficient from [an entry?] standpoint. 1089 01:21:27,459 --> 01:21:33,739 The carbon nose and leading edge are heavy and they don't insulate worth a darn. 1090 01:21:33,739 --> 01:21:39,059 I mean that's a layer of carbon. 1091 01:21:39,059 --> 01:21:43,159 When it gets hot it radiates out, but it also radiates in. 1092 01:21:43,159 --> 01:21:46,760 And so you have to have an insulation behind that. 1093 01:21:46,760 --> 01:21:52,420 And, in fact, the way we're able to reconcile the environment with the temperature capability 1094 01:21:52,420 --> 01:21:56,699 of the carbon is it's sort of like an oven. 1095 01:21:56,699 --> 01:22:03,699 And it's easier to illustrate on a leading edge. 1096 01:22:06,269 --> 01:22:11,639 Just picture a two-dimensional air foil at angle-of-attack. 1097 01:22:11,639 --> 01:22:17,070 And a carbon section, if you want, covers from here to here. 1098 01:22:17,070 --> 01:22:22,760 Now, if I look at the heating distribution, here the heating is quite high, still high 1099 01:22:22,760 --> 01:22:25,439 over here, still high over here, still high over here. 1100 01:22:25,439 --> 01:22:27,610 Boy, it drops off very quickly over here. 1101 01:22:27,610 --> 01:22:34,610 Well, if I can radiate this energy over here, this basically becomes a uniform temperature 1102 01:22:35,280 --> 01:22:36,119 oven first order. 1103 01:22:36,119 --> 01:22:39,999 And insulation is back here. 1104 01:22:39,999 --> 01:22:43,349 I don't know how you illustrate insulation. 1105 01:22:43,349 --> 01:22:47,189 Insulation is back here to keep the lower temperature structure from getting too hot. 1106 01:22:47,189 --> 01:22:52,590 I don't think a lot of people realize that, but behind the carbon-carbon, on the leading 1107 01:22:52,590 --> 01:22:57,630 edge of the wing and the nose, there are actually tiles in there just like on the outside of 1108 01:22:57,630 --> 01:22:59,420 the rest of the Shuttle. 1109 01:22:59,420 --> 01:23:04,789 So this is sort of a staged thermal protection system. 1110 01:23:04,789 --> 01:23:10,349 And if we didn't do that, if we put the tiles right up here then this temperature could 1111 01:23:10,349 --> 01:23:15,689 exceed the carbon capability. 1112 01:23:15,689 --> 01:23:20,499 By flying at high angle of attack, I could reduce the amount of carbon. 1113 01:23:20,499 --> 01:23:25,809 What was the problem going to a higher angle of attack? 1114 01:23:25,809 --> 01:23:26,599 You said there was a conflict. 1115 01:23:26,599 --> 01:23:26,849 Yeah. 1116 01:23:26,739 --> 01:23:30,719 The problem was one of the requirements was long cross-range, and you don't get that at 1117 01:23:30,719 --> 01:23:31,300 high angle of attack. 1118 01:23:31,300 --> 01:23:34,360 I mean high angle of attack just comes in ballistically, if you want. 1119 01:23:34,360 --> 01:23:39,030 You roll around the velocity vector so you get a little L/D. 1120 01:23:39,030 --> 01:23:43,329 But, if you want to go range, you need more lift so you need to drop your angle of attack. 1121 01:23:43,329 --> 01:23:47,249 A very significant design parameter for Shuttle. 1122 01:23:47,249 --> 01:23:52,769 And if you recall the trajectories, it was primarily needed from a polar orbit where 1123 01:23:52,769 --> 01:23:56,110 you're trying to get to a particular runway. 1124 01:23:56,110 --> 01:24:03,110 You don't have as much capability coming from polar orbit as you do from equatorial or lower 1125 01:24:03,159 --> 01:24:05,239 inclinational orbits. 1126 01:24:05,239 --> 01:24:12,239 You remember we were talking about energy management, and I talked about how if you 1127 01:24:12,789 --> 01:24:19,789 end up low on energy you actually have to decrease your angle-of-attack even more and 1128 01:24:20,039 --> 01:24:22,959 no S turns or anything, just straight in. 1129 01:24:22,959 --> 01:24:26,429 But there is a thermal boundary. 1130 01:24:26,429 --> 01:24:32,260 I don't remember whether it was 38 degrees or 37, but 40 degrees was nominal. 1131 01:24:32,260 --> 01:24:34,679 And you really didn't have a whole lot to play with. 1132 01:24:34,679 --> 01:24:41,099 If you drop your angle-of-attack in order to increase your lift so that you can stretch 1133 01:24:41,099 --> 01:24:46,249 your trajectory to make the runway, at some point you're going to violate thermal constraints 1134 01:24:46,249 --> 01:24:49,420 and start melting your thermal protection. 1135 01:24:49,420 --> 01:24:56,420 There were years of concepts and vehicles that were developed and flown, test vehicles 1136 01:24:58,800 --> 01:25:02,909 with different emphasis. 1137 01:25:02,909 --> 01:25:05,880 And there were some aerothermodynamic vehicles nice and smooth. 1138 01:25:05,880 --> 01:25:07,369 I mean it just looked beautiful. 1139 01:25:07,369 --> 01:25:11,860 It looked like something an architect would come up with, if you want. 1140 01:25:11,860 --> 01:25:13,590 And, from a heating standpoint, they worked well. 1141 01:25:13,590 --> 01:25:18,880 But the structures guys, it was very heavy from a structures standpoint to get all these 1142 01:25:18,880 --> 01:25:21,800 compound curvatures, this, that and the other thing. 1143 01:25:21,800 --> 01:25:25,309 There were also vehicles that were designed specifically from a structures standpoint. 1144 01:25:25,309 --> 01:25:26,610 And I'm not knocking the structure people. 1145 01:25:26,610 --> 01:25:27,889 I do a lot of structure work, too. 1146 01:25:27,889 --> 01:25:34,449 But there was one that had discontinuous two flat surfaces to be able to handle all kinds 1147 01:25:34,449 --> 01:25:34,969 of good stuff. 1148 01:25:34,969 --> 01:25:39,059 And that was a terrible configuration from an aerothermodynamic standpoint. 1149 01:25:39,059 --> 01:25:43,150 So there actually was a heritage of all kinds of attempts. 1150 01:25:43,150 --> 01:25:46,059 The big challenge was how do you land some of these things? 1151 01:25:46,059 --> 01:25:51,739 A nice hypersonic aerothermodynamic configuration and aerodynamic configuration, OK, now you 1152 01:25:51,739 --> 01:25:53,659 try to put it down the runway and it is hot. 1153 01:25:53,659 --> 01:26:00,320 A lot of test pilots had some problems with some of these vehicles. 1154 01:26:00,320 --> 01:26:04,610 There are all kinds of heritage of people pursuing this, that and the other thing. 1155 01:26:04,610 --> 01:26:06,949 And one of them was aerothermodynamic design. 1156 01:26:06,949 --> 01:26:11,650 And it didn't have these big wings that we have on Shuttle, but it was hot as can be 1157 01:26:11,650 --> 01:26:12,360 coming in. 1158 01:26:12,360 --> 01:26:17,760 I think the Shuttle frankly, I mean I don't look at it just from an aerothermodynamic 1159 01:26:17,760 --> 01:26:18,010 standpoint. 1160 01:26:17,889 --> 01:26:23,239 If I look at it overall, we needed all the lift we could get on landing. 1161 01:26:23,239 --> 01:26:28,909 And, as it was, we had to build a pretty special runway to do that or go to the dessert. 1162 01:26:28,909 --> 01:26:31,300 So, from an aerodynamic standpoint, we would like a lot higher lift. 1163 01:26:31,300 --> 01:26:37,019 In fact, that is a nice area for innovation. 1164 01:26:37,019 --> 01:26:42,079 Some of the earlier concepts for vehicles, you're probably with familiar with, capsules 1165 01:26:42,079 --> 01:26:45,130 with rotogyros on them that power up as you come down. 1166 01:26:45,130 --> 01:26:51,260 Boosters, if you wanted a cylindrical configuration with a straight wing on it that swings out. 1167 01:26:51,260 --> 01:26:57,969 Now you've got to lift an airplane when it comes in to land, but there are problems with 1168 01:26:57,969 --> 01:26:58,219 all of them. In that case, the weight estimate for all the hardware and all that kind of good stuff 1169 01:27:02,689 --> 01:27:03,559 was excessive. 1170 01:27:03,559 --> 01:27:06,429 Anyway, that is a real challenge for design. 1171 01:27:06,429 --> 01:27:10,719 I understand you folks are going to come up with a better design, some real innovative 1172 01:27:10,719 --> 01:27:14,340 thoughts in terms of how to marry all these different requirements. 1173 01:27:14,340 --> 01:27:21,340 In my opinion, the mindset for hypersonic vehicles was [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [fibercups] 1174 01:27:22,510 --> 01:27:24,530 have straight wings. 1175 01:27:24,530 --> 01:27:28,979 Supersonics like this and, boy, hypersonic ought to be like this. 1176 01:27:28,979 --> 01:27:30,249 I mean that's just kind of the mindset. 1177 01:27:30,249 --> 01:27:32,639 And it kind of works. 1178 01:27:32,639 --> 01:27:35,880 But an entry vehicle is a whole different vehicle. 1179 01:27:35,880 --> 01:27:38,099 Capsules work fine for their requirements. 1180 01:27:38,099 --> 01:27:42,099 Shuttle has been a fantastic marriage of different requirements. 1181 01:27:42,099 --> 01:27:46,179 The challenge today, and I think the reason for the class, is how about some new and better 1182 01:27:46,179 --> 01:27:46,709 ideas. 1183 01:27:46,709 --> 01:27:51,979 It's not going to be easy but there's a big need. 1184 01:27:51,979 --> 01:27:52,749 OK. 1185 01:27:52,749 --> 01:27:56,599 Surface catalysis. 1186 01:27:56,599 --> 01:28:00,729 First order, start with molecules in a free strain. 1187 01:28:00,729 --> 01:28:01,689 Atoms. 1188 01:28:01,689 --> 01:28:03,909 Some ionized. 1189 01:28:03,909 --> 01:28:10,909 And then I get to a surface back here at equilibrium, I am back to molecules again. 1190 01:28:12,159 --> 01:28:14,840 They're pretty hot but they are still molecules. 1191 01:28:14,840 --> 01:28:20,719 Well, Professor Fay did a wonderful job in looking at a stagnation point on a sphere 1192 01:28:20,719 --> 01:28:22,159 and saying, well, we've got limits. 1193 01:28:22,159 --> 01:28:27,860 If we're at equilibrium, that is the chemistry is fast enough that you're always at equilibrium, 1194 01:28:27,860 --> 01:28:32,059 all the way through to the boundary layer, you get this amount of heating. 1195 01:28:32,059 --> 01:28:36,989 And that amount of heating included not just the conduction but the chemistry changes going 1196 01:28:36,989 --> 01:28:43,989 from dissociated atoms, if you want, and putting that energy back into translation and rotation 1197 01:28:44,360 --> 01:28:46,889 into molecules. 1198 01:28:46,889 --> 01:28:53,889 Or the other limit is completely out of equilibrium where all you get is the translational energy. 1199 01:28:56,729 --> 01:29:03,729 And what happens there, however, is if the surface is catalytic -- That is I have atoms coming into the surface and they are, if you want for discussion, 1200 01:29:17,280 --> 01:29:18,729 absorbed on the surface. 1201 01:29:18,729 --> 01:29:23,780 And then another atom comes in, recombines and forms a molecule that releases that energy. 1202 01:29:23,780 --> 01:29:26,119 That is a catalytic surface. 1203 01:29:26,119 --> 01:29:32,840 So you have sort of two limits, a completely catalytic surface and a non-catalytic surface 1204 01:29:32,840 --> 01:29:34,360 in a non-equilibrium environment. 1205 01:29:34,360 --> 01:29:37,639 And that is very significant on Shuttle, and you will see that in some data I am going 1206 01:29:37,639 --> 01:29:43,329 to show here in a short while. 1207 01:29:43,329 --> 01:29:47,849 This is just the concept which, again, as Aaron mentioned is in the report. 1208 01:29:47,849 --> 01:29:52,650 We had to go to arc jets and spectroscopic diagnostics and flow models of what is going 1209 01:29:52,650 --> 01:29:58,590 on in the arc jet to understand the surface catalysis of tiles and carbon. 1210 01:29:58,590 --> 01:30:04,320 We had to model the flow and model the chemistry to come up with an efficiency. 1211 01:30:04,320 --> 01:30:08,139 Then we go to flight with similar analysis and predict, and I will show some predictions 1212 01:30:08,139 --> 01:30:08,559 of this. 1213 01:30:08,559 --> 01:30:15,559 This is a significant phenomenon at the high altitudes, low density for the Shuttle. 1214 01:30:17,380 --> 01:30:18,849 Any questions on surface catalysis? 1215 01:30:18,849 --> 01:30:25,849 I always found it amazing that you don't think of designing a space vehicle that you have 1216 01:30:28,349 --> 01:30:29,389 to worry about chemistry. 1217 01:30:29,389 --> 01:30:33,349 There are lots of things you have to worry about, but chemistry I had never thought about. 1218 01:30:33,349 --> 01:30:40,099 But when I first heard about the surface catalysis problem, there are just so many things you 1219 01:30:40,099 --> 01:30:42,380 have to take into account. 1220 01:30:42,380 --> 01:30:46,679 This is the flow field. 1221 01:30:46,679 --> 01:30:53,679 At the time of this conference and the OFT flights, again, the design was the methodology 1222 01:30:55,789 --> 01:31:00,999 that I explained where you use simple configurations, model it and extrapolate the flight. 1223 01:31:00,999 --> 01:31:06,639 This is sort of the level of the technology, and this is at 20% of the vehicle length. 1224 01:31:06,639 --> 01:31:11,570 If the vehicle length is 1.0, it is 0.2, 0.4, 0.5 cross-sections. 1225 01:31:11,570 --> 01:31:14,849 And it's just the cross flow speed contours. 1226 01:31:14,849 --> 01:31:21,849 The only point I'm trying to make here is this is kind of the level of CFD that we had 1227 01:31:22,579 --> 01:31:24,219 at the time. 1228 01:31:24,219 --> 01:31:27,340 Since then, boy, we've gone gangbusters. 1229 01:31:27,340 --> 01:31:30,780 But this kind of the level. 1230 01:31:30,780 --> 01:31:33,619 We did not have the finite rate chemistry in this. 1231 01:31:33,619 --> 01:31:37,039 That is a lot more computer than we could handle. 1232 01:31:37,039 --> 01:31:41,869 At this point, we were trying to develop algorithms and grids. 1233 01:31:41,869 --> 01:31:48,829 And, as I said, we could, in certain regions of the body, compute the heat transfer as 1234 01:31:48,829 --> 01:31:50,800 accurately as we could measure it in the wind tunnel. 1235 01:31:50,800 --> 01:31:52,199 But that's not at flight. 1236 01:31:52,199 --> 01:31:56,729 That is just sort of a picture of where we were, and that is where I'm focusing in terms 1237 01:31:56,729 --> 01:32:03,729 of comparing what we expected from what we actually got. 1238 01:32:04,820 --> 01:32:11,090 Now I'm going to show results in terms of temperature as a function of time. 1239 01:32:11,090 --> 01:32:16,499 This is the entry time from about 400 to 1,000 seconds. 1240 01:32:16,499 --> 01:32:18,459 You notice this plateau. 1241 01:32:18,459 --> 01:32:25,110 You're talking about 20 minutes entry and ten minutes of flying it so you don't exceed 1242 01:32:25,110 --> 01:32:27,630 the thermal protection system. 1243 01:32:27,630 --> 01:32:29,360 I am going to show three locations. 1244 01:32:29,360 --> 01:32:35,659 Right up here at the nose, just behind the carbon, mid body and aft body. 1245 01:32:35,659 --> 01:32:41,289 Now, the flow field technology, we had a heck of a time getting from our starting solution, 1246 01:32:41,289 --> 01:32:46,590 subsonic flow, which used one particular algorithm [to match?] supersonically down the vehicle. 1247 01:32:46,590 --> 01:32:49,570 We succeeded in doing that prior to flying. 1248 01:32:49,570 --> 01:32:55,849 And we were able to compute up to the point where the shocks from the wing intersect the 1249 01:32:55,849 --> 01:32:56,989 shock from the fuselage. 1250 01:32:56,989 --> 01:33:00,219 And then we had another subsonic region and we weren't able to handle it. 1251 01:33:00,219 --> 01:33:01,079 Now we can do that. 1252 01:33:01,079 --> 01:33:06,079 But at the time we flew, we could only compute up to about here. 1253 01:33:06,079 --> 01:33:08,979 Now, this is not what you'd see in a journal. 1254 01:33:08,979 --> 01:33:11,920 I will show you one you'd see in a journal here in the middle. 1255 01:33:11,920 --> 01:33:13,699 This is right behind the carbon. 1256 01:33:13,699 --> 01:33:19,360 Now, what we did is we computed at different times through the trajectory and then there 1257 01:33:19,360 --> 01:33:24,729 were correlations to get the history. 1258 01:33:24,729 --> 01:33:26,769 This is JSC prediction right here. 1259 01:33:26,769 --> 01:33:30,590 Now, we didn't worry about exceeding Stanton number one. 1260 01:33:30,590 --> 01:33:35,959 That is we didn't worry about the heat transfer being higher than the energy flux to the vehicle 1261 01:33:35,959 --> 01:33:39,739 up here because it doesn't, I mean it is, if you look at these numbers, we should have 1262 01:33:39,739 --> 01:33:44,070 accounted for that, but it's not that important so don't worry about that portion of the curve. 1263 01:33:44,070 --> 01:33:44,829 Up here is very important. 1264 01:33:44,829 --> 01:33:46,429 Now, this is temperature. 1265 01:33:46,429 --> 01:33:50,699 And I just mentioned epsilon sigma T to the fourth. 1266 01:33:50,699 --> 01:33:55,849 That means the heat transfer is four times a bad. 1267 01:33:55,849 --> 01:33:59,559 We did a terrible job up here, and I will get back to that. 1268 01:33:59,559 --> 01:34:04,479 Now over here what happens is I've tried to stay laminar. 1269 01:34:04,479 --> 01:34:05,119 I come down. 1270 01:34:05,119 --> 01:34:07,829 And this was really a stretch. 1271 01:34:07,829 --> 01:34:11,420 We never got turbulence heating up on the nose. 1272 01:34:11,420 --> 01:34:16,228 Way beyond wind tunnel, way beyond our experience base, but the model just went up there. 1273 01:34:16,228 --> 01:34:17,478 So we really didn't expect that. 1274 01:34:17,478 --> 01:34:20,280 That was a pretty conservative boundary layer transition. 1275 01:34:20,280 --> 01:34:26,519 And then, son of a gun, the actual temperature is higher than turbulent even though it would 1276 01:34:26,519 --> 01:34:30,709 appear to be laminar. 1277 01:34:30,709 --> 01:34:33,559 What is really going on here? 1278 01:34:33,559 --> 01:34:35,340 This is right behind a carbon. 1279 01:34:35,340 --> 01:34:38,619 The carbon is an oven. 1280 01:34:38,619 --> 01:34:42,550 As the service temperature of the tile drops, which drops very quickly because it re-radiates. 1281 01:34:42,550 --> 01:34:43,639 Not because it diffuses. 1282 01:34:43,639 --> 01:34:45,699 We control that. 1283 01:34:45,699 --> 01:34:48,119 It re-radiates so, as soon as the heating drops, the temperature drops. 1284 01:34:48,119 --> 01:34:51,900 I mean this is almost identical to reflecting what the heating is. 1285 01:34:51,900 --> 01:34:54,659 It is dropping like mad. 1286 01:34:54,659 --> 01:34:56,449 And, indeed, we're agreeing quite well. 1287 01:34:56,449 --> 01:35:00,150 We're kind of out of the real bad chemistry and surface catalysis which is part of the 1288 01:35:00,150 --> 01:35:02,909 problem here. 1289 01:35:02,909 --> 01:35:08,249 And here, all of a sudden, the laminar is higher than the turbulent. 1290 01:35:08,249 --> 01:35:09,760 The carbon is this oven. 1291 01:35:09,760 --> 01:35:10,900 It doesn't cool down. 1292 01:35:10,900 --> 01:35:13,349 Even sitting on a runway it is as hot as can be. 1293 01:35:13,349 --> 01:35:16,789 If you think about it, it's got this oven. 1294 01:35:16,789 --> 01:35:19,999 It can only radiate out of surface and inside it is still radiating. 1295 01:35:19,999 --> 01:35:24,619 Just like when you turn your oven off at home, it takes a while for it to cool down. 1296 01:35:24,619 --> 01:35:29,340 The flow is going across the nose and actually heating the air. 1297 01:35:29,340 --> 01:35:32,719 At least changing the boundary layer profile so that the heating is higher. 1298 01:35:32,719 --> 01:35:34,030 How do I know that? 1299 01:35:34,030 --> 01:35:37,610 [Here is your tank? 1300 01:35:37,610 --> 01:35:38,510 yup]. 1301 01:35:38,510 --> 01:35:44,570 Over here there can be a little bit of that effect also, and it takes a while to preheat 1302 01:35:44,570 --> 01:35:46,380 the oven, if you want, if you're doing any cooking. 1303 01:35:46,380 --> 01:35:48,519 There is a little bit of that. 1304 01:35:48,519 --> 01:35:50,929 But, predominantly, this is the chemistry. 1305 01:35:50,929 --> 01:35:56,539 See, we come much closer together here in time. 1306 01:35:56,539 --> 01:35:59,179 This is predominantly the chemistry. 1307 01:35:59,179 --> 01:36:06,179 At this time, this non-equilibrium relaxation distance is about six inches. 1308 01:36:06,900 --> 01:36:10,840 Now, we're not into radiating gas but we're certainly not into equilibrium. 1309 01:36:10,840 --> 01:36:16,590 That is also a factor and that is not well-included, even today in my opinion, other than through 1310 01:36:16,590 --> 01:36:20,789 correlations of the shock in what's going on here. 1311 01:36:20,789 --> 01:36:24,679 You won't see that on paper because we did a terrible job there. 1312 01:36:24,679 --> 01:36:28,189 We did not exceed design material requirements. 1313 01:36:28,189 --> 01:36:33,809 And I don't think I put anything in there about -- Well, when I get to the thermal protection 1314 01:36:33,809 --> 01:36:39,669 system, I will go through the philosophy of having confidence to fly. 1315 01:36:39,669 --> 01:36:43,570 And, obviously, with our predictions, we would not exceed the top capabilities so we could 1316 01:36:43,570 --> 01:36:44,530 fly. 1317 01:36:44,530 --> 01:36:47,439 But we were off here badly. 1318 01:36:47,439 --> 01:36:51,179 But at least you were off in the conservative direction. 1319 01:36:51,179 --> 01:36:55,978 Well, that's the way we tried to be. 1320 01:36:55,978 --> 01:36:57,809 This I will get into. 1321 01:36:57,809 --> 01:37:01,469 This is really what we expected, to the best of our understanding. 1322 01:37:01,469 --> 01:37:07,639 Yes, I was surprised at this also. 1323 01:37:07,639 --> 01:37:13,889 We did consider service catalysis, which I will show here after a while, but we did not 1324 01:37:13,889 --> 01:37:18,978 really include the nonequilibrium flow in the inviscid, what I've been talking here 1325 01:37:18,978 --> 01:37:19,599 about Apollo. 1326 01:37:19,599 --> 01:37:26,599 That was beyond our capability to do finite rate chemistry in the inviscid flow field. 1327 01:37:26,739 --> 01:37:30,978 Why don't we go to mid body now? 1328 01:37:30,978 --> 01:37:31,239 All right. 1329 01:37:31,239 --> 01:37:36,840 Here is something you might see in a journal. 1330 01:37:36,840 --> 01:37:39,030 Right where we wanted it. 1331 01:37:39,030 --> 01:37:40,478 And that's where we had the most confidence, too. 1332 01:37:40,478 --> 01:37:45,760 We got away from the subsonic, supersonic condition. 1333 01:37:45,760 --> 01:37:47,239 We were into a marching solution. 1334 01:37:47,239 --> 01:37:51,400 That is as good as we could do it those days. 1335 01:37:51,400 --> 01:37:58,400 And we knew that transition was going to be later than what we predicted because wind 1336 01:37:58,409 --> 01:37:59,889 tunnels, you've got walls. 1337 01:37:59,889 --> 01:38:02,570 You've got all kinds of reflected noise. 1338 01:38:02,570 --> 01:38:08,070 And wind tunnels are notoriously conservative relative to boundary layer transition. 1339 01:38:08,070 --> 01:38:15,070 But, amazingly, the turbulent heating correlated quite well. 1340 01:38:16,949 --> 01:38:19,559 And that even works with normal shock Reynolds numbers. 1341 01:38:19,559 --> 01:38:26,300 I mean when you go back and look at all of the Shuttle data with a crude back of the 1342 01:38:26,300 --> 01:38:33,300 envelope normal shock local heating to reference heating, including turbulence, it is amazing. 1343 01:38:34,030 --> 01:38:36,228 It really is. 1344 01:38:36,228 --> 01:38:40,709 First order physics seems to hang in there, in spite of all the complications of chemistry 1345 01:38:40,709 --> 01:38:42,419 and all the kinds of things that can happen. 1346 01:38:42,419 --> 01:38:46,139 You have to be careful, but overall things usually work for you. 1347 01:38:46,139 --> 01:38:48,499 Again, that is academic there. 1348 01:38:48,499 --> 01:38:52,679 If we put in a constraint it would look a lot better. 1349 01:38:52,679 --> 01:38:57,110 That is good stuff, but we can do even better now. 1350 01:38:57,110 --> 01:39:01,329 And, as you can see, when I said we could do a wind tunnel as accurately as we could 1351 01:39:01,329 --> 01:39:04,349 measure, in flight basically we could do the same thing. 1352 01:39:04,349 --> 01:39:04,869 Mid body. 1353 01:39:04,869 --> 01:39:08,889 Everything is just right for the CFD folks. 1354 01:39:08,889 --> 01:39:15,889 Now we'll go to the rear where we go past CFD and more to the wind tunnel correlations, 1355 01:39:17,429 --> 01:39:18,829 and we're not doing as well. 1356 01:39:18,829 --> 01:39:23,719 Certainly on transition we knew we'd be very conservative. 1357 01:39:23,719 --> 01:39:25,939 This is ideally how we design the vehicle. 1358 01:39:25,939 --> 01:39:32,749 Fly to temperature capability of the tile. 1359 01:39:32,749 --> 01:39:39,269 And on this STS-3 that's what we were trying to do. 1360 01:39:39,269 --> 01:39:43,800 Now, if we exceeded this that's all right, but we don't want to exceed the material capability. 1361 01:39:43,800 --> 01:39:47,070 And we obviously don't want to exceed the structural capability. 1362 01:39:47,070 --> 01:39:48,289 Let's see. 1363 01:39:48,289 --> 01:39:51,478 I want to talk about surface catalysis. 1364 01:39:51,478 --> 01:39:52,539 Then we will get into the thermal protection system. 1365 01:39:52,539 --> 01:39:59,539 I've got one chart I am going to spend a lot of time on. 1366 01:39:59,949 --> 01:40:02,860 This is distance down the vehicle from the nose. 1367 01:40:02,860 --> 01:40:05,380 I mean it is linear distance. 1368 01:40:05,380 --> 01:40:08,309 There is 50%. 1369 01:40:08,309 --> 01:40:12,840 This is surface heat flux at one particular time in the entry. 1370 01:40:12,840 --> 01:40:14,119 The circles are flight data. 1371 01:40:14,119 --> 01:40:17,619 These are catalysis experiments. 1372 01:40:17,619 --> 01:40:23,179 This is a fully catalytic or equilibrium heat transfer. 1373 01:40:23,179 --> 01:40:29,179 This is a zero catalysis non-equilibrium, boundary layer non-equilibrium. 1374 01:40:29,179 --> 01:40:32,150 The reactions are not occurring in the boundary layer. 1375 01:40:32,150 --> 01:40:34,869 This is the flight data that opens circles. 1376 01:40:34,869 --> 01:40:37,769 I don't remember what the measurement problem here was. 1377 01:40:37,769 --> 01:40:42,199 And here is this point way up front you can see again. 1378 01:40:42,199 --> 01:40:47,300 Now, this is a viscous flow field where we could do the chemistry but we couldn't do 1379 01:40:47,300 --> 01:40:49,550 the fluid mechanics real accurately. 1380 01:40:49,550 --> 01:40:52,199 This is still a mix and match. 1381 01:40:52,199 --> 01:40:54,929 Look at the difference between the measurement and the prediction. 1382 01:40:54,929 --> 01:41:01,228 The same thing as before only I eased it by showing temperature instead of heat flux. 1383 01:41:01,228 --> 01:41:05,209 The surface catalysis is a predominant factor. 1384 01:41:05,209 --> 01:41:11,880 Now, there is some rambling in the data here, depending on particular location, et cetera. 1385 01:41:11,880 --> 01:41:18,429 But our friends at Ames developed a catalytic coding, and they coded tiles. 1386 01:41:18,429 --> 01:41:24,939 And they said we're going to demonstrate service catalysis, so they put these tiles at these 1387 01:41:24,939 --> 01:41:26,820 particular locations. 1388 01:41:26,820 --> 01:41:29,978 If the whole vehicle was like that, the heating would have been up here. 1389 01:41:29,978 --> 01:41:34,739 But since there was just the tile, the boundary layer comes along here and all of a sudden, 1390 01:41:34,739 --> 01:41:36,760 boom, it gets hit with a different boundary condition. 1391 01:41:36,760 --> 01:41:43,760 We've got all those atoms and they see this catalytic surface, the heating goes way up 1392 01:41:44,499 --> 01:41:45,189 and then relaxes. 1393 01:41:45,189 --> 01:41:51,820 This is the computation and there is the measurement. 1394 01:41:51,820 --> 01:41:58,639 Indeed, here is a demonstration that chemistry can be important in this flight regime. 1395 01:41:58,639 --> 01:42:03,228 If you come down in altitude where everything starts going to equilibrium, it's not that 1396 01:42:03,228 --> 01:42:04,239 important. 1397 01:42:04,239 --> 01:42:10,059 You're going to get this because the chemistry is going to, the gas is going to react. 1398 01:42:10,059 --> 01:42:17,059 But where we are, up in altitude trying to maintain conditions so we can be reusable, 1399 01:42:17,349 --> 01:42:22,260 that chemistry is significant. 1400 01:42:22,260 --> 01:42:25,959 Now, I think the next one is probably the thermal protection system. 1401 01:42:25,959 --> 01:42:27,369 No, one more measurement. 1402 01:42:27,369 --> 01:42:29,340 This is the leeside. 1403 01:42:29,340 --> 01:42:34,519 This is normal shock versus film heat transfer coefficient. 1404 01:42:34,519 --> 01:42:35,489 Basically heat transfer. 1405 01:42:35,489 --> 01:42:36,889 Log. 1406 01:42:36,889 --> 01:42:38,300 Log. 1407 01:42:38,300 --> 01:42:44,689 This is the heating shown here as a function of normal shock Reynolds number. 1408 01:42:44,689 --> 01:42:51,280 Now, remember I said we designed the trajectories so we went up here and spent 10 minutes and 1409 01:42:51,280 --> 01:42:54,189 then came down as normal a normal shock Reynolds number. 1410 01:42:54,189 --> 01:43:00,880 And here are three trajectories with a heating on one location of the leeside. 1411 01:43:00,880 --> 01:43:06,880 By the way, Max Faget told me to burn a hole some place on the leeside. 1412 01:43:06,880 --> 01:43:10,070 He didn't want too much tile there. 1413 01:43:10,070 --> 01:43:13,360 The only thing I was able to do was we exceeded heating here because we didn't simulate the 1414 01:43:13,360 --> 01:43:14,709 flow very well in the wind tunnel. 1415 01:43:14,709 --> 01:43:17,429 We had to put tiles there after first flight. 1416 01:43:17,429 --> 01:43:19,650 So I told him that was as close as we came. 1417 01:43:19,650 --> 01:43:26,499 In any event, this is heating on three trajectories through normal shock history. 1418 01:43:26,499 --> 01:43:29,579 It's sort of like time. 1419 01:43:29,579 --> 01:43:31,849 Three different vehicles. 1420 01:43:31,849 --> 01:43:34,449 This is to reference heat. 1421 01:43:34,449 --> 01:43:38,579 This is our old Apollo level technology. 1422 01:43:38,579 --> 01:43:43,760 It works quite well all the way through to peak heating, and then it starts to change 1423 01:43:43,760 --> 01:43:49,130 as the Reynolds number picks up and the weight characteristic changes. 1424 01:43:49,130 --> 01:43:56,130 In ballistic facilities, if you have a vehicle traveling at high speed, eventually your weight 1425 01:43:57,409 --> 01:43:59,650 goes transitional and turbulent. 1426 01:43:59,650 --> 01:44:01,989 As you increase the Reynolds number that moves forward. 1427 01:44:01,989 --> 01:44:04,489 As that moves forward, you get more mixing. 1428 01:44:04,489 --> 01:44:08,489 As you get more mixing the gas in the wake gets hotter. 1429 01:44:08,489 --> 01:44:11,070 And I believe that is fundamentally what's going on. 1430 01:44:11,070 --> 01:44:12,630 It is very repeatable. 1431 01:44:12,630 --> 01:44:18,070 We cannot get this in the wind tunnel. 1432 01:44:18,070 --> 01:44:19,610 Now we'll go to TPS. 1433 01:44:19,610 --> 01:44:22,119 No, one more on the leeside heating. 1434 01:44:22,119 --> 01:44:27,699 On the Shuttle we had thermal couples located here, there, as many places as the aerothermodynamics 1435 01:44:27,699 --> 01:44:31,280 could put them, the TPS guys, but we couldn't put them anywhere. 1436 01:44:31,280 --> 01:44:35,689 This is the 201 vehicle and it's on its side. 1437 01:44:35,689 --> 01:44:37,829 I apologize because of my chartmanship. 1438 01:44:37,829 --> 01:44:41,239 The vehicle is coming in angle-of-attack on here. 1439 01:44:41,239 --> 01:44:45,059 This is the windward side where there was charring. 1440 01:44:45,059 --> 01:44:46,449 This is white paint down here. 1441 01:44:46,449 --> 01:44:48,789 And, I'm sorry, it is a terrible photograph. 1442 01:44:48,789 --> 01:44:55,419 Because of some of the protrusions we had on the first vehicle, we also got some charring 1443 01:44:55,419 --> 01:44:56,050 on this side. 1444 01:44:56,050 --> 01:44:57,010 This is not charring. 1445 01:44:57,010 --> 01:44:58,030 This is some charring. 1446 01:44:58,030 --> 01:45:02,260 And it is blown up here in the way the chart was made. 1447 01:45:02,260 --> 01:45:03,919 One point. 1448 01:45:03,919 --> 01:45:07,059 This is the first entry heating. 1449 01:45:07,059 --> 01:45:08,849 And the leeside was extremely important. 1450 01:45:08,849 --> 01:45:10,010 How well did we do? 1451 01:45:10,010 --> 01:45:11,809 How hot is it? 1452 01:45:11,809 --> 01:45:16,070 We got the data and it was all over the place. 1453 01:45:16,070 --> 01:45:18,400 It was down where we thought it probably should be. 1454 01:45:18,400 --> 01:45:21,619 And it was like an order of magnitude higher. 1455 01:45:21,619 --> 01:45:22,760 We thought that data is no good. 1456 01:45:22,760 --> 01:45:29,749 Well, then we went back and realized what happened is when the control system fired 1457 01:45:29,749 --> 01:45:35,260 jets, a lot more dynamic pressure than the airflow. 1458 01:45:35,260 --> 01:45:37,169 A lot cooler. 1459 01:45:37,169 --> 01:45:43,119 So, when I fired a jet, all of a sudden it is like putting a big wing out there. 1460 01:45:43,119 --> 01:45:45,360 Tremendous disturbance. 1461 01:45:45,360 --> 01:45:50,679 And, indeed, we were able to correlate firing RCS jets with when the heating was way up 1462 01:45:50,679 --> 01:45:52,570 here. 1463 01:45:52,570 --> 01:45:58,300 And flow times you're talking milliseconds for reaction time back then when we weren't 1464 01:45:58,300 --> 01:46:00,099 firing a jet. 1465 01:46:00,099 --> 01:46:00,570 Unbelievable. 1466 01:46:00,570 --> 01:46:04,478 We went to learning something. 1467 01:46:04,478 --> 01:46:06,709 Again, interaction of systems. 1468 01:46:06,709 --> 01:46:12,590 Now, finally, this is my one and only chart on the thermal protection system which is 1469 01:46:12,590 --> 01:46:16,610 the real hardware stuff. 1470 01:46:16,610 --> 01:46:22,780 This is temperature versus time at a mid body location. 1471 01:46:22,780 --> 01:46:25,880 Now, this is from STS-1. 1472 01:46:25,880 --> 01:46:29,459 We didn't have data until this time on that flight, which is why I haven't shown much 1473 01:46:29,459 --> 01:46:30,510 aerothermodynamic today. 1474 01:46:30,510 --> 01:46:33,829 We only had late time data. 1475 01:46:33,829 --> 01:46:39,260 This is the design trajectory coming in from polar orbit. 1476 01:46:39,260 --> 01:46:44,369 Our design condition was we do not exceed 350 degrees Fahrenheit if we want to have 1477 01:46:44,369 --> 01:46:47,419 a hundred flight life with this aluminum. 1478 01:46:47,419 --> 01:46:51,150 Aluminum is great stuff because it is a good conductor but it is low temperature and it 1479 01:46:51,150 --> 01:46:51,419 expands. 1480 01:46:51,419 --> 01:46:55,550 [Bond line?] that means at the [hahahahahaha] bottom, just so that everybody understands. 1481 01:46:55,550 --> 01:46:56,869 Yes, thank you. 1482 01:46:56,869 --> 01:47:01,320 Those temperatures are much lower than you see on the surface of the tiles. 1483 01:47:01,320 --> 01:47:05,090 That's after the heat has diffused. 1484 01:47:05,090 --> 01:47:05,340 Right. 1485 01:47:05,139 --> 01:47:08,429 I think Tom probably talked about the SIP, the strain isolation pad. 1486 01:47:08,429 --> 01:47:11,030 I'm sure he did. 1487 01:47:11,030 --> 01:47:16,019 This is after you diffuse through the clouds and through the RTV bonds through the SIP. 1488 01:47:16,019 --> 01:47:19,110 This is the actual aluminum temperature. 1489 01:47:19,110 --> 01:47:22,179 Now I'm talking predictions. 1490 01:47:22,179 --> 01:47:27,909 This is what the vehicle was designed to experience. 1491 01:47:27,909 --> 01:47:32,329 Now, the design prediction was right here. 1492 01:47:32,329 --> 01:47:36,459 That was purposefully a little conservative. 1493 01:47:36,459 --> 01:47:40,389 The guy who is building it doesn't want to lose the vehicle. 1494 01:47:40,389 --> 01:47:45,969 He is not going to get paid, plus much bigger problems, but this is what we expected. 1495 01:47:45,969 --> 01:47:50,249 This is our best estimate. 1496 01:47:50,249 --> 01:47:54,179 And, again, if you recall, I showed you where we really knew where the heating was. 1497 01:47:54,179 --> 01:47:56,199 This is really a TPS test right now. 1498 01:47:56,199 --> 01:48:01,039 If you read the TPS section in that report, those guys with the heating, they were just 1499 01:48:01,039 --> 01:48:02,280 way too hot. 1500 01:48:02,280 --> 01:48:04,159 Right here we were right on. 1501 01:48:04,159 --> 01:48:10,300 This is a purely TPS test, except it turns out it was my fault here. 1502 01:48:10,300 --> 01:48:12,340 In any event, here comes the data. 1503 01:48:12,340 --> 01:48:19,340 This is the prediction for this particular flight STS-1 right here. 1504 01:48:19,519 --> 01:48:21,389 This is what we predicted for STS-1. 1505 01:48:21,389 --> 01:48:24,989 This is what we would have predicted for design. 1506 01:48:24,989 --> 01:48:31,749 And this is the design technology prediction which has a little conservatism in it, obviously, 1507 01:48:31,749 --> 01:48:33,179 and on purpose. 1508 01:48:33,179 --> 01:48:35,689 This is yes you can fly the vehicle with confidence. 1509 01:48:35,689 --> 01:48:38,179 We're flying this STS-1 no problem. 1510 01:48:38,179 --> 01:48:43,150 And we're pretty sure we can fly a design but things have to go right for us. 1511 01:48:43,150 --> 01:48:46,978 We did a pretty good job along here. 1512 01:48:46,978 --> 01:48:50,260 And this structure is intricate and everything. 1513 01:48:50,260 --> 01:48:53,419 The thermal modeling has to take into account all kinds of geometry, materials, et cetera. 1514 01:48:53,419 --> 01:49:00,389 And all of a sudden right here, boom, what happened? 1515 01:49:00,389 --> 01:49:06,169 I admit to overlooking this. 1516 01:49:06,169 --> 01:49:12,570 What happened is we opened the vents, we let some air in. 1517 01:49:12,570 --> 01:49:14,459 I mean you're up in a vacuum. 1518 01:49:14,459 --> 01:49:16,900 You do not want to let air in when it's hot. 1519 01:49:16,900 --> 01:49:21,939 The best way of burning a hole right through the vehicle is open a front and back door. 1520 01:49:21,939 --> 01:49:26,050 The absolutely worst thing that could happen to you. 1521 01:49:26,050 --> 01:49:27,199 You cannot radiate the energy. 1522 01:49:27,199 --> 01:49:28,369 You don't get rid of that 98%. 1523 01:49:28,369 --> 01:49:34,228 It was just like a blowtorch. 1524 01:49:34,228 --> 01:49:41,228 But, once you get down, if you don't do something, you've got this vacuum vehicle and you're 1525 01:49:41,280 --> 01:49:44,139 getting atmospheric pressure coming up on you. 1526 01:49:44,139 --> 01:49:45,389 And all of a sudden you're going to be crushed. 1527 01:49:45,389 --> 01:49:46,800 At some point, OK, it's all right. 1528 01:49:46,800 --> 01:49:47,619 We open the door. 1529 01:49:47,619 --> 01:49:48,439 We open a vent. 1530 01:49:48,439 --> 01:49:52,949 This particular location, not all locations, could experience that. 1531 01:49:52,949 --> 01:49:57,409 And, not only that, but the air is expanding so it is chilled as it comes in from outside. 1532 01:49:57,409 --> 01:50:00,919 Still cold compared to what we've been working with. 1533 01:50:00,919 --> 01:50:04,699 I overlooked that. 1534 01:50:04,699 --> 01:50:08,469 Now, in fairness, there are a lot of areas where there is insulation, you don't get that 1535 01:50:08,469 --> 01:50:12,340 cold air and so you cannot use it in many places. 1536 01:50:12,340 --> 01:50:17,999 But the point is, looking at the overall system and the kinds of things that could happen, 1537 01:50:17,999 --> 01:50:24,999 you could take advantage of those in designs if you're cleaver, if you're innovative. 1538 01:50:25,519 --> 01:50:32,409 And so there was, not 100 degrees, a significant difference there. 1539 01:50:32,409 --> 01:50:37,329 You could take advantage of that if you design a vehicle that you pop it at the right time 1540 01:50:37,329 --> 01:50:44,329 and get some cold air in there because that's what we're trying to control, this temperature, 1541 01:50:44,679 --> 01:50:46,239 from a temperature standpoint. 1542 01:50:46,239 --> 01:50:53,239 The other thing in the Shuttle, which I'm sure Tom discussed, was the thermal stress. 1543 01:50:54,219 --> 01:51:01,219 I mean if the belly gets heated and the wings don't, the whole wings will pop up. 1544 01:51:02,728 --> 01:51:07,610 That is one big integrated problem which gave us a lot of difficulty. 1545 01:51:07,610 --> 01:51:11,039 Again, with the simulation and computational capability we have today, I think we can do 1546 01:51:11,039 --> 01:51:12,469 a much better job of that. 1547 01:51:12,469 --> 01:51:19,469 And also just understanding the importance of it. 1548 01:51:20,280 --> 01:51:22,329 I think those are all my charts. 1549 01:51:22,329 --> 01:51:23,249 No, I'm sorry. 1550 01:51:23,249 --> 01:51:30,249 I have one more which is not a Shuttle chart. 1551 01:51:31,119 --> 01:51:38,119 We were looking at an experimental orbital transfer vehicle, a [low WOCDA?] vehicle running 1552 01:51:38,728 --> 01:51:43,860 from geosynchronous to low earth orbit, and then we use the Shuttle to go from low earth 1553 01:51:43,860 --> 01:51:45,110 orbit to the ground. 1554 01:51:45,110 --> 01:51:49,249 We were trying to make that reusable because you don't want to go up and put an ablator 1555 01:51:49,249 --> 01:51:51,919 on a vehicle in orbit on a space station. 1556 01:51:51,919 --> 01:51:53,329 And we thought we could do that. 1557 01:51:53,329 --> 01:51:54,898 Now, this is not coming back from the moon. 1558 01:51:54,898 --> 01:51:55,939 This is coming back from geosynchronous. 1559 01:51:55,939 --> 01:51:58,739 It's not quite as bad. 1560 01:51:58,739 --> 01:52:00,228 We had a design. 1561 01:52:00,228 --> 01:52:04,329 And, to prove the concept, we had a little model we were going to build and fly. 1562 01:52:04,329 --> 01:52:06,849 This came from a paper I gave discussing that. 1563 01:52:06,849 --> 01:52:13,489 Basically, this is the analysis and testing from research to an actual real hardware system, 1564 01:52:13,489 --> 01:52:18,659 from the fundamental equations down to numerical simulation. 1565 01:52:18,659 --> 01:52:24,469 Back of the envelope or perspective fundamentals, that's kind of the fun part that I enjoy. 1566 01:52:24,469 --> 01:52:31,050 Then modeling as we do, for example, in the design approach on Apollo. 1567 01:52:31,050 --> 01:52:34,550 Correlations of data, numerical computation and then numerical simulation where you're 1568 01:52:34,550 --> 01:52:38,610 trying to do as good as we understand with the equations. 1569 01:52:38,610 --> 01:52:39,659 Fundamental research. 1570 01:52:39,659 --> 01:52:43,579 The technology development which is where NASA's major emphasis is. 1571 01:52:43,579 --> 01:52:45,449 Component development of systems. 1572 01:52:45,449 --> 01:52:48,439 And finally subsystem, model and system testing. 1573 01:52:48,439 --> 01:52:51,110 You need all that stuff. 1574 01:52:51,110 --> 01:52:54,739 You would like to go right down the matrix here, have a good, firm foundation so you 1575 01:52:54,739 --> 01:52:57,059 really understand what you're doing. 1576 01:52:57,059 --> 01:52:58,519 Therefore, you have confidence in doing it. 1577 01:52:58,519 --> 01:53:00,249 And, therefore, you develop capability. 1578 01:53:00,249 --> 01:53:03,849 There are no shortcuts. 1579 01:53:03,849 --> 01:53:09,699 Shuttle has done a fantastic job in both these areas all the way down to computational fluid 1580 01:53:09,699 --> 01:53:09,949 dynamics. It is not limited just to NASA Shuttle people or aerospace people. 1581 01:53:14,570 --> 01:53:18,780 And certainly in this area, in Apollo, but all the human space flight. 1582 01:53:18,780 --> 01:53:20,709 We've got a lot of experience. 1583 01:53:20,709 --> 01:53:24,719 That needs to be taken advantage of for our future systems. 1584 01:53:24,719 --> 01:53:28,530 It is not just it looks like this or it looks like that, it's going to use this system, 1585 01:53:28,530 --> 01:53:29,579 it's going to use that system. 1586 01:53:29,579 --> 01:53:33,469 It's an overall integrated take advantage of the experience in what we've learned. 1587 01:53:33,469 --> 01:53:33,749 Yes. 1588 01:53:33,749 --> 01:53:35,639 I just have a question about the chart. 1589 01:53:35,639 --> 01:53:40,030 I'm just wondering if the inner section points on those lines correspond to a particular 1590 01:53:40,030 --> 01:53:41,499 path or something like that? 1591 01:53:41,499 --> 01:53:46,119 I used this from the standpoint of we were trying to do a flight test model. 1592 01:53:46,119 --> 01:53:51,269 We were going to predict what happened to an aero braking vehicle coming in, and so 1593 01:53:51,269 --> 01:53:56,169 I was focused on this and also on the numerical aspect. 1594 01:53:56,169 --> 01:54:00,630 Marrying those two, at this point, which was the reason for this flight test. 1595 01:54:00,630 --> 01:54:07,630 But I just thought that is applicable today in terms of where we're going in general. 1596 01:54:11,409 --> 01:54:12,929 I didn't get very many questions. 1597 01:54:12,929 --> 01:54:15,289 It must be because it's the first class of the day. 1598 01:54:15,289 --> 01:54:17,630 Well, you were going at a mile a minute. 1599 01:54:17,630 --> 01:54:21,019 I think we got a few in there. 1600 01:54:21,019 --> 01:54:28,019 But, yeah, the content of what we've been exposed to today has been tremendous. 1601 01:54:28,349 --> 01:54:31,409 We really want to thank you. 1602 01:54:31,409 --> 01:54:38,409 If they want to do some simple calculations, what reference would you give them? 1603 01:54:39,419 --> 01:54:43,999 Are there any simple calculations they could do? 1604 01:54:43,999 --> 01:54:45,709 [Faye and Rodell? 1605 01:54:45,709 --> 01:54:48,510 yes] has the boundary layer activity. 1606 01:54:48,510 --> 01:54:50,340 That is a crucial reference. 1607 01:54:50,340 --> 01:54:56,389 In the paper that they have, the Shuttle Technology Conference, I have a list of references that 1608 01:54:56,389 --> 01:55:02,630 were to date in the various areas, whether it be service catalysis, TPS, you name it. 1609 01:55:02,630 --> 01:55:05,478 And those were the best references at the time. 1610 01:55:05,478 --> 01:55:09,749 And the individuals named, many of them have gone on and done much better work. 1611 01:55:09,749 --> 01:55:11,829 Plus, there are lots of younger people, too. 1612 01:55:11,829 --> 01:55:13,800 I think that would be the best source. 1613 01:55:13,800 --> 01:55:14,300 OK, Bob. 1614 01:55:14,300 --> 01:55:15,630 Thank you very much. 1615 01:55:15,630 --> 01:55:16,269 Thank you. 1616 01:55:16,269 --> 01:55:16,599 [APPLAUSE]