1 00:00:06,640 --> 00:00:13,640 In that case, I will move on to introduce Colonel Gordon Fullerton who got is bachelor's 2 00:00:14,280 --> 00:00:21,280 and master's degree from Caltech in mechanical engineering, did ROTC and went on to the Air 3 00:00:23,869 --> 00:00:30,869 Force where, well, I guess he has flown, in the course of his career about 135 different 4 00:00:33,579 --> 00:00:34,710 types of airplanes. 5 00:00:34,710 --> 00:00:39,420 16,000 flying hours. 6 00:00:39,420 --> 00:00:46,420 He flew F86 interceptors, B47 Bombers before going to Air Force test pilot school in the 7 00:00:53,929 --> 00:00:54,550 mid `60s. 8 00:00:54,550 --> 00:01:01,550 In '66, he was chosen by the Air Force for the Manned Orbiting Laboratory which was going 9 00:01:01,969 --> 00:01:07,490 to be the Air Force's Space Station. 10 00:01:07,490 --> 00:01:14,490 That program was cancelled in 1969 and the MOL, well, some of the MOL astronauts came 11 00:01:17,320 --> 00:01:20,200 over to NASA and became NASA astronauts. 12 00:01:20,200 --> 00:01:25,049 That was in the heyday of Apollo. 13 00:01:25,049 --> 00:01:30,799 And Gordon was support crew on the last four Apollo missions. 14 00:01:30,799 --> 00:01:37,799 Then went on to be the test pilot on three of the first five approach and landing tests. 15 00:01:40,570 --> 00:01:46,060 If you remember, that is when the Shuttle Enterprise, which was not designed for orbital 16 00:01:46,060 --> 00:01:51,439 flight but was designed to test basically the last 50,000 feet down to the ground, was 17 00:01:51,439 --> 00:01:53,039 dropped from the 747. 18 00:01:53,039 --> 00:02:00,039 Went onto pilot the third Shuttle flight, which was one of the orbital flight tests. 19 00:02:01,930 --> 00:02:04,549 That was the flight which landed in New Mexico. 20 00:02:04,549 --> 00:02:11,549 And then commanded STS-51F which was the first flight of the instrument pointing system. 21 00:02:18,709 --> 00:02:25,709 That was also the flight, I am trying to think, where you lost the engine, which we talked 22 00:02:27,250 --> 00:02:27,650 about. 23 00:02:27,650 --> 00:02:31,349 That was the one flight where we had an engine shutdown. 24 00:02:31,349 --> 00:02:37,980 And we went over that in some detail. 25 00:02:37,980 --> 00:02:42,440 I think they should hear about it from what it seemed like inside the cockpit, now that 26 00:02:42,440 --> 00:02:44,780 they have heard kind of the technical details. 27 00:02:44,780 --> 00:02:51,780 In any case, after leaving the Astronautic Office, Gordon has moved into pilot's heaven 28 00:02:51,879 --> 00:02:58,879 which is Edwards Air Force Base, the Dryden Test Flight Center where he basically spends 29 00:02:59,550 --> 00:03:00,879 all his time. 30 00:03:00,879 --> 00:03:03,989 Well, not all of his time because there is management stuff as well. 31 00:03:03,989 --> 00:03:05,549 Unfortunately, that is the price you pay. 32 00:03:05,549 --> 00:03:09,180 But basically he gets to fly airplanes for a living. 33 00:03:09,180 --> 00:03:15,870 And lots of different kinds, including the career aircraft and the B52 which launches 34 00:03:15,870 --> 00:03:22,870 various test aircraft and a whole bunch of other airplanes. 35 00:03:24,650 --> 00:03:31,120 If you remember in the whole systems engineering approach to things, we talk about the conceived 36 00:03:31,120 --> 00:03:35,620 design, manufacture, test and operation. 37 00:03:35,620 --> 00:03:42,090 So this is basically the final lecture and this is the test and operation of the Space 38 00:03:42,090 --> 00:03:44,450 Shuttle from a pilot's point of view. 39 00:03:44,450 --> 00:03:46,470 So, with that, I will give it to you, Gordon. 40 00:03:46,470 --> 00:03:50,980 Thanks. 41 00:03:50,980 --> 00:03:57,980 I was sitting at your place back in 1958 when I was a grad student at Caltech for a year 42 00:04:01,629 --> 00:04:03,129 before heading off to the Air Force. 43 00:04:03,129 --> 00:04:08,450 Wow, almost 50 years ago. 44 00:04:08,450 --> 00:04:13,480 But the real blessing of my life is to be able to do what I love to do for as long as 45 00:04:13,480 --> 00:04:17,350 I have done it, beyond all reason. 46 00:04:17,350 --> 00:04:20,220 Anyway, I hope to share some of that with you this morning. 47 00:04:20,220 --> 00:04:21,970 This is my first time through this pitch. 48 00:04:21,970 --> 00:04:28,970 Feel free to holler out any questions as we go and we will stumble through it together. 49 00:04:29,250 --> 00:04:36,250 I planned to talk about three different phases of the orbiter test program. 50 00:04:42,790 --> 00:04:49,790 The first were called ALT, the Approach and Landing Test, that consisted of really 13 51 00:04:50,150 --> 00:04:57,030 flights, five captive inert flights where the enterprise was flown on top of the 747 52 00:04:57,030 --> 00:04:58,409 but nobody in the cockpit. 53 00:04:58,409 --> 00:05:00,610 The controls were locked. 54 00:05:00,610 --> 00:05:07,370 That was to clear the envelope for the kind of unlikely looking combination of a 747 with 55 00:05:07,370 --> 00:05:09,290 an orbiter on top. 56 00:05:09,290 --> 00:05:14,820 And then there were three "captive active" flights where we were manned up in the orbiter 57 00:05:14,820 --> 00:05:19,570 with the systems running, the electronics, the hydraulics were active. 58 00:05:19,570 --> 00:05:23,500 The controls were free to move a little bit, not full throw. 59 00:05:23,500 --> 00:05:28,730 And we also determined how high the combination could get. 60 00:05:28,730 --> 00:05:35,730 Because altitude was not 50,000 feet, it was more like 28,000 feet max even with the 747 61 00:05:38,230 --> 00:05:41,330 engines over boosted. 62 00:05:41,330 --> 00:05:47,070 Followed by three "free flights" were we actually pushed the button, munched off the top and 63 00:05:47,070 --> 00:05:51,600 glided to a landing. 64 00:05:51,600 --> 00:05:56,790 The orbital flight test, prior to the Shuttle Program, OFT consisted of four flights. 65 00:05:56,790 --> 00:06:02,660 STS 1 through 4 of varying durations. 66 00:06:02,660 --> 00:06:09,660 STS-1 was planned for just a couple days to get up and get down and have a look at how 67 00:06:10,230 --> 00:06:11,300 things looked after it flew. 68 00:06:11,300 --> 00:06:13,590 STS-2 was supposed to be five days. 69 00:06:13,590 --> 00:06:19,050 They had a fuel cell problem that cut their flight short, unfortunately for the crew. 70 00:06:19,050 --> 00:06:23,540 Then I was on STS-3. 71 00:06:23,540 --> 00:06:25,590 We were scheduled for seven days. 72 00:06:25,590 --> 00:06:32,040 And, because of a raging dust storm at the planned landing site, we got an extra day. 73 00:06:32,040 --> 00:06:33,659 A real blessing. 74 00:06:33,659 --> 00:06:38,560 With no tests to do, we had a free day on orbit. 75 00:06:38,560 --> 00:06:41,880 And ended up with eight days. 76 00:06:41,880 --> 00:06:48,850 STS-4 planned and flew seven days, landing on the fourth of July with President Reagan 77 00:06:48,850 --> 00:06:50,550 out there to watch. 78 00:06:50,550 --> 00:06:55,740 And then we got into operational flights of which there had been a lot. 79 00:06:55,740 --> 00:06:58,690 Something over a hundred. 80 00:06:58,690 --> 00:07:05,690 The last flight to fly, the return to flight was STS-114, but the number system went through 81 00:07:08,820 --> 00:07:09,950 a couple of phases. 82 00:07:09,950 --> 00:07:12,860 There have not been 114 flights. 83 00:07:12,860 --> 00:07:17,440 I don't know how many it has been, but there had been a bunch. 84 00:07:17,440 --> 00:07:24,440 I will talk about three, well, more than three flights, but the ALT flights. 85 00:07:24,580 --> 00:07:31,580 If you have to have a crew patch, that is a major hurdle that you have to overcome. 86 00:07:32,690 --> 00:07:37,140 When you are assigned to a crew, get the patch designed and then get it approved by upper 87 00:07:37,140 --> 00:07:42,600 management. 88 00:07:42,600 --> 00:07:49,600 Part of the OFT, STS-3 in 1982 and finally then an operational flight 51F in 1985. 89 00:07:56,610 --> 00:08:03,610 Prior to any of these flights, I worked into a dream job for really systems engineering, 90 00:08:03,930 --> 00:08:06,800 I guess, and for a pilot. 91 00:08:06,800 --> 00:08:09,310 I had been to test pilot school. 92 00:08:09,310 --> 00:08:16,310 I was intrigued with all the airplanes I flew with a cockpit design and was very aware of 93 00:08:18,080 --> 00:08:19,450 the flaws of cockpit design. 94 00:08:19,450 --> 00:08:26,450 It seems like sometimes engineers lie awake nights trying to make it hard to operate subsystems. 95 00:08:28,770 --> 00:08:35,770 I got in at the beginning of the orbiter crew interface and became, before it was over, 96 00:08:40,090 --> 00:08:46,700 sort of the Czar who was responsible to sign off all the drawings, lots of reviews. 97 00:08:46,700 --> 00:08:53,700 It was a great responsibility because I was immediately and early into subsystem design 98 00:08:56,390 --> 00:09:00,420 because you have to know what the subsystem does to make any intelligent choice of what 99 00:09:00,420 --> 00:09:04,220 the controls and displays should be. 100 00:09:04,220 --> 00:09:11,220 This is a view of, not the Enterprise, but probably, I don't know whether it is a simulator 101 00:09:13,580 --> 00:09:20,580 or the real airplane, they look alike, but one of the orbital capable shuttles. 102 00:09:20,690 --> 00:09:26,960 This is like the little old ladies always say when you're out on display for Armed Forces 103 00:09:26,960 --> 00:09:32,050 Day and look at all the things, how do you remember what they all do? 104 00:09:32,050 --> 00:09:38,450 Well, that really is a challenge to make things straightforward. 105 00:09:38,450 --> 00:09:45,450 And I became painfully aware, especially later on when we had a lot of experiments coming 106 00:09:47,650 --> 00:09:54,650 in, that engineers in their little ivory tower building a system in the lab are so totally, 107 00:09:56,650 --> 00:10:02,750 personally familiar with how their stuff works that it doesn't bother them that the switches 108 00:10:02,750 --> 00:10:05,180 are unlabeled or labeled illogically. 109 00:10:05,180 --> 00:10:10,990 And they bring that all in and want to put it in the orbiter. 110 00:10:10,990 --> 00:10:17,990 And when the crew says wait a minute, I have to remember, before I turn on switch A, switch 111 00:10:18,570 --> 00:10:24,770 C and D have got to be turned on in this order or the whole thing will blow up? 112 00:10:24,770 --> 00:10:26,630 And they say oh, yeah, that is the way it is. 113 00:10:26,630 --> 00:10:29,500 And they know it so well personally. 114 00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:34,170 And, yet, when you are overwhelmed with a whole lot of experiments, I am sure you ran 115 00:10:34,170 --> 00:10:41,170 into it on your flight, that all the stuff that is just totally familiar to the guy that 116 00:10:43,780 --> 00:10:48,720 invented it becomes a challenge when you are faced with a whole lot of them and a limited 117 00:10:48,720 --> 00:10:50,520 amount of time to learn it. 118 00:10:50,520 --> 00:10:57,520 And so, standardization of what the scheme, especially in the software. 119 00:10:58,440 --> 00:11:05,440 While there are a lot of gadgets, in fact, if you count all the switches, gauges, circuit 120 00:11:08,850 --> 00:11:14,440 breakers, upstairs, downstairs and the mid deck, there are about 2,100 total in the orbiter 121 00:11:14,440 --> 00:11:17,800 cockpit. 122 00:11:17,800 --> 00:11:23,660 But the real challenge is what shows up on the screens here. 123 00:11:23,660 --> 00:11:30,000 So the software was a bigger thing in making them all play together. 124 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:33,720 Here is a higher view in the overhead panel above your head. 125 00:11:33,720 --> 00:11:37,430 And the forward cockpit has a lot of other switches. 126 00:11:37,430 --> 00:11:44,430 An example of what I am talking about, this array of switches right here controls the 127 00:11:47,660 --> 00:11:54,660 reaction control system valving and then the orbital maneuvering system. 128 00:11:56,010 --> 00:12:03,010 Back in Apollo, which I worked on when I first came to Johnson Space Center, I learned, while 129 00:12:05,070 --> 00:12:12,070 lying many hours in the Apollo crew simulator, that that had the worst cockpit every designed 130 00:12:13,720 --> 00:12:16,440 by man. 131 00:12:16,440 --> 00:12:23,440 As an example, it had a helium pressurization system to push the propellants for the reaction 132 00:12:25,810 --> 00:12:31,180 control jets out of the tanks and then the valves that went to the various arrays of 133 00:12:31,180 --> 00:12:34,900 thrusters all around the command module. 134 00:12:34,900 --> 00:12:40,370 And one would think logically, if you have something to turn on the helium, you label 135 00:12:40,370 --> 00:12:42,230 that helium on/off. 136 00:12:42,230 --> 00:12:49,230 And then the manifold, the next branch in the Christmas tree manifold would be system 137 00:12:51,029 --> 00:12:53,550 A versus system B or something like that. 138 00:12:53,550 --> 00:12:55,860 And, in fact, it had names like that. 139 00:12:55,860 --> 00:13:02,860 But they put the switches in a long room and labeled them A through H, right there on the 140 00:13:03,380 --> 00:13:05,160 panel. 141 00:13:05,160 --> 00:13:10,670 No clue as to what you were throwing, so every move you made in the cockpit, some of these 142 00:13:10,670 --> 00:13:17,670 things were critical, required you to either be a metal giant or open a checklist and say 143 00:13:19,630 --> 00:13:26,630 to pressurize system B, I have got to throw B on and then A next and then H last or something 144 00:13:29,730 --> 00:13:30,170 like that. 145 00:13:30,170 --> 00:13:34,470 Obviously, unacceptable. 146 00:13:34,470 --> 00:13:41,470 It became my career and mania to try to improve that. 147 00:13:41,910 --> 00:13:48,910 The first orbiter simulator built was called the OAS, Orbiter Aeroflight Simulator. 148 00:13:49,520 --> 00:13:56,520 It was on a moving based platform like the standard airline simulators you see today. 149 00:13:58,670 --> 00:14:02,260 This is Fred Hayes and I sitting in the cockpit. 150 00:14:02,260 --> 00:14:05,570 This one was built originally to be the Enterprise. 151 00:14:05,570 --> 00:14:12,570 And the Enterprise was OV-101 in the scheme of things, a numbering of orbiters as they 152 00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:17,900 were built. 153 00:14:17,900 --> 00:14:23,230 101 had only the systems it needed to fly the approach and landing test. 154 00:14:23,230 --> 00:14:28,350 The plan was to retrofit it later to make it into orbit capable. 155 00:14:28,350 --> 00:14:35,350 But before the ALT program it had just what you needed and only that to fly in the atmosphere 156 00:14:38,000 --> 00:14:39,740 very short flights. 157 00:14:39,740 --> 00:14:46,740 But this is our first chance to look at what we had and what we were getting into as far 158 00:14:46,950 --> 00:14:50,350 as pilot concerns. 159 00:14:50,350 --> 00:14:52,990 Now, I guess you have had all the subsystems, right? 160 00:14:52,990 --> 00:14:58,690 You were all completely briefed and experts on subsystems by the people that had preceded 161 00:14:58,690 --> 00:15:00,360 me here in the course. 162 00:15:00,360 --> 00:15:07,150 I will give you, though, a quick review here, the avionics system. 163 00:15:07,150 --> 00:15:14,150 The Shuttle is build with inside the outer mole line as the pressure vessel that is roughly 164 00:15:15,279 --> 00:15:22,279 back to the forward bulkhead of the payload bay and is imbedded inside basically aluminum 165 00:15:24,860 --> 00:15:30,600 structure with a thermal protection system applied to the outside. 166 00:15:30,600 --> 00:15:37,600 And most of the avionics are in racks right up here, right in there with you in the cockpit 167 00:15:38,180 --> 00:15:39,850 on the middeck. 168 00:15:39,850 --> 00:15:46,850 The stowage lockers are aft of the racks full of black boxes and lots of wires. 169 00:15:48,320 --> 00:15:53,690 And the other place there were avionics is back here just after the aft bulkhead of the 170 00:15:53,690 --> 00:15:54,460 payload bay. 171 00:15:54,460 --> 00:16:01,460 And there are some areas where they put items like rate gyros and accelerometers. 172 00:16:01,570 --> 00:16:08,570 A lot way back. 173 00:16:10,430 --> 00:16:17,430 From a systems engineering standpoint, Fred Hayes and I were out at Palmdale where they 174 00:16:18,870 --> 00:16:20,860 built all the orbiters. 175 00:16:20,860 --> 00:16:27,860 It seems like the testing always happens after 2:00 AM, tests would run around the clock. 176 00:16:32,220 --> 00:16:39,220 And we were out there way after midnight in the cockpit participating in the first time 177 00:16:39,770 --> 00:16:44,850 they were going to close the loop between the rate gyros and the flight control system 178 00:16:44,850 --> 00:16:51,040 which is contained back up here in the nose and the general purpose computers. 179 00:16:51,040 --> 00:16:58,040 The whole orbiter was suspended on some big airfield bag so it had compliance to move. 180 00:16:58,690 --> 00:17:05,089 And the hydraulic system was on powered by a facility hydraulic source. 181 00:17:05,089 --> 00:17:12,089 The elevons were powered and the rudder speed brake was powered and the process let us down 182 00:17:13,849 --> 00:17:20,660 for the very first time that we were going to close the loop between the software up 183 00:17:20,660 --> 00:17:27,199 here and the rate gyros particularly and accelerometers mounted in the back. 184 00:17:27,199 --> 00:17:29,220 And it was a milestone. 185 00:17:29,220 --> 00:17:36,220 And we had people stationed around the back to see if anything spit out hydraulic fluid 186 00:17:36,290 --> 00:17:39,240 or whatever. 187 00:17:39,240 --> 00:17:44,290 Anyway, we went up to the glass shield and pushed the button to go into CSS, Control 188 00:17:44,290 --> 00:17:51,270 Stick Steering, which hooked the stick up now to the flight control system. 189 00:17:51,270 --> 00:17:55,540 I will never forget. 190 00:17:55,540 --> 00:18:01,120 We pushed the button and a rumble started. 191 00:18:01,120 --> 00:18:04,360 And the rumble built very rapidly to a violent rumble. 192 00:18:04,360 --> 00:18:07,620 I mean we were being bounced around the cockpit. 193 00:18:07,620 --> 00:18:14,620 This is 150,000 pounds of airplane dancing on these rubber bags. 194 00:18:15,059 --> 00:18:19,640 And it didn't take us long to say this doesn't feel good. 195 00:18:19,640 --> 00:18:25,440 We pulled the button that downloads back to direct control so there is no feedback. 196 00:18:25,440 --> 00:18:30,809 And the upshot of it was that these rate gyros are mounted on this flexible bulkhead. 197 00:18:30,809 --> 00:18:35,890 And that had been taken into account properly. 198 00:18:35,890 --> 00:18:41,380 And so there was a structural resonance that was just diversion. 199 00:18:41,380 --> 00:18:48,380 In spite of all the Grounds tests down at Downy and the Iron Bird mockups and everything, 200 00:18:49,200 --> 00:18:56,200 when we put it in the real airplane it tried to jump off the supports. 201 00:18:58,190 --> 00:19:05,190 And Fred and I were in the cockpit, our eyes were big, and we called the control room which 202 00:19:06,160 --> 00:19:08,370 were people back in an adjacent room. 203 00:19:08,370 --> 00:19:14,600 It seems like most spacecraft tests, traditionally, are done with engineers all locked up in windowless 204 00:19:14,600 --> 00:19:16,850 room, no view of the real hardware. 205 00:19:16,850 --> 00:19:23,390 Down at the Cape they are miles away when the spacecraft is either out on the pad or 206 00:19:23,390 --> 00:19:26,030 in the main checkout building. 207 00:19:26,030 --> 00:19:33,030 And so they said no, the procedure says this is OK and we want you to re-engage. 208 00:19:34,030 --> 00:19:37,370 We tried one more time. 209 00:19:37,370 --> 00:19:42,630 And this time the guy stationed in back that were watching said this doesn't look good. 210 00:19:42,630 --> 00:19:46,030 They started hollering on the loop so we pitched it off. 211 00:19:46,030 --> 00:19:50,670 And we went into a raging argument. 212 00:19:50,670 --> 00:19:53,400 We need to complete this test, the engineers were saying. 213 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:56,420 And we were saying we don't want to break something. 214 00:19:56,420 --> 00:20:01,080 And they got people out of bed down in California, controls engineers. 215 00:20:01,080 --> 00:20:07,530 And so, it was a memorable night. 216 00:20:07,530 --> 00:20:14,530 The resolution was finally a redesign of the mounting area back there and reanalysis of 217 00:20:16,520 --> 00:20:21,700 the vibrational modes of the aft bulkhead sorted all out. 218 00:20:21,700 --> 00:20:28,700 Here is what we had for a crew interface. 219 00:20:31,540 --> 00:20:38,540 You saw in the earlier picture, upfront three CRTs, monochrome, green, it was either green 220 00:20:38,780 --> 00:20:45,530 or nothing on the screen, and we had two keyboards, three CRTs. 221 00:20:45,530 --> 00:20:49,710 There was always this little concern, when you are punching on a keyboard, you want to 222 00:20:49,710 --> 00:20:55,220 be sure it is selected to the CRT you think you are doing something on. 223 00:20:55,220 --> 00:20:58,799 Another marginal design, but that is what we ended up with. 224 00:20:58,799 --> 00:21:02,650 You notice we have a hexadecimal keyboard here. 225 00:21:02,650 --> 00:21:09,650 We have some strange keys called item and electric and ops which had to do with this 226 00:21:13,030 --> 00:21:17,790 truly unique way you cause things to happen through software. 227 00:21:17,790 --> 00:21:21,380 And lots of things were critical through software. 228 00:21:21,380 --> 00:21:24,530 And then this rather dim green screen. 229 00:21:24,530 --> 00:21:30,710 This was way before the days, I guess, Bill Gates was still here at MIT or maybe even 230 00:21:30,710 --> 00:21:32,270 hadn't registered yet. 231 00:21:32,270 --> 00:21:32,970 I don't know. 232 00:21:32,970 --> 00:21:36,630 It was way before Windows 1.0. 233 00:21:36,630 --> 00:21:43,630 And so it seems almost comical now when you compare it to even modern airliner crew interface 234 00:21:45,170 --> 00:21:51,049 with glass cockpits, but we were breaking new ground here. 235 00:21:51,049 --> 00:21:58,049 And it, even at the time, seemed antiquated because that is all they were willing to embrace 236 00:21:58,059 --> 00:22:03,290 in the way of computer control and design. 237 00:22:03,290 --> 00:22:04,620 And it was unique. 238 00:22:04,620 --> 00:22:11,620 And it causes lots of headaches and delays. 239 00:22:13,250 --> 00:22:20,250 The big thing about the orbiter with its data process system, the decision was made that 240 00:22:23,410 --> 00:22:29,190 everything is going to be done with these all powerful general purpose computers in 241 00:22:29,190 --> 00:22:33,120 which there were five in an array that worked together. 242 00:22:33,120 --> 00:22:40,120 Flight control, system management, navigation, inertial subsystem control of everything. 243 00:22:41,940 --> 00:22:48,940 And so, the result was the software loads, as they were built, had lots of flaws when 244 00:22:50,880 --> 00:22:54,490 they came down, yet we couldn't fix them. 245 00:22:54,490 --> 00:23:01,490 We had cases as dumb as a display that showed the Freon loop A pump on. 246 00:23:04,000 --> 00:23:09,600 And, when it got through the entire software belt, it was backwards. 247 00:23:09,600 --> 00:23:12,650 It would say off when it was really on. 248 00:23:12,650 --> 00:23:14,250 Seems like a simple fix, right? 249 00:23:14,250 --> 00:23:20,120 Go back to the programmer and rewrite the code. 250 00:23:20,120 --> 00:23:21,730 But we couldn't do it. 251 00:23:21,730 --> 00:23:25,850 We had to live with it for a long period of time through training until another whole 252 00:23:25,850 --> 00:23:27,640 load was built. 253 00:23:27,640 --> 00:23:34,640 Because the load that would fix this dumb little bi-level mistake was also the one that 254 00:23:35,400 --> 00:23:38,210 steered you during ascent. 255 00:23:38,210 --> 00:23:42,679 So everything was frozen and there was great fear of changing anything that would ricochet 256 00:23:42,679 --> 00:23:45,179 through to something truly critical. 257 00:23:45,179 --> 00:23:52,179 And so, even when we got to STS-3, we flew with a book about this thick of program notes 258 00:23:57,070 --> 00:24:04,070 that told you, line after line, what was wrong, what was backwards, what was a trap. 259 00:24:06,590 --> 00:24:12,540 And really a big challenge to the crew to embrace and live with because there just wasn't 260 00:24:12,540 --> 00:24:19,540 time in the program to build another load, check it out through all the different labs 261 00:24:19,730 --> 00:24:26,730 that had to certify it. 262 00:24:26,880 --> 00:24:32,860 That is load for modular software where you can change something here and be assured you 263 00:24:32,860 --> 00:24:39,860 are not bollixing up something else in the same machine. 264 00:24:40,260 --> 00:24:41,049 OMS, RCS. 265 00:24:41,049 --> 00:24:43,090 These are the two pods. 266 00:24:43,090 --> 00:24:50,010 On either side of the vertical tail are a couple big OMS, propellant tanks, oxidizer 267 00:24:50,010 --> 00:24:51,860 and fuel hypergolic. 268 00:24:51,860 --> 00:24:53,419 We didn't need any ignition system. 269 00:24:53,419 --> 00:24:59,890 As soon as these came together in a thruster you had thrust. 270 00:24:59,890 --> 00:25:04,140 And there were, I think, 44 main thrusters. 271 00:25:04,140 --> 00:25:08,410 Here are four yaw jets firing out to the side. 272 00:25:08,410 --> 00:25:11,120 S&B pitch jets. 273 00:25:11,120 --> 00:25:13,590 The same thing repeated on the other side. 274 00:25:13,590 --> 00:25:16,910 And up in the nose are the forward RCS. 275 00:25:16,910 --> 00:25:20,610 They had jets that fired up and out to the side and down. 276 00:25:20,610 --> 00:25:26,919 And I mentioned the controls in the cockpit, which we did. 277 00:25:26,919 --> 00:25:33,919 One of my great successes was getting the orbiter panels to be arranged in a plumbing 278 00:25:36,160 --> 00:25:40,650 layout so that you could see what you were pressurizing when you turned on the helium 279 00:25:40,650 --> 00:25:44,190 for a given let and that sort of thing. 280 00:25:44,190 --> 00:25:51,190 Helium tanks are what pressurized in a really cleaver system of OH control. 281 00:25:53,340 --> 00:26:00,340 That is when you are in zero G and you have propellant floating around randomly. 282 00:26:00,679 --> 00:26:04,720 And you turn on the helium to push it toward the outlet. 283 00:26:04,720 --> 00:26:10,510 If the outlet is uncovered, the helium is going to squirt right out. 284 00:26:10,510 --> 00:26:17,059 But they had an elaborate system of surface tension kind of baffles that kept and trapped 285 00:26:17,059 --> 00:26:24,059 fuel near the outlet of the tank so that when the thrust came on and all the propellant 286 00:26:24,730 --> 00:26:31,730 went down where it should, it sort of recharged this chamber at the bottom of the tanks to 287 00:26:32,419 --> 00:26:38,669 keep it flowing smoothly and not lose all the pressurization. 288 00:26:38,669 --> 00:26:45,669 I remember my first impression of what reaction control jets would be like was based on science 289 00:26:53,660 --> 00:27:00,169 fiction movies where you would see the spacecraft out there and there were little squirts of 290 00:27:00,169 --> 00:27:02,640 jets that nudge you around. 291 00:27:02,640 --> 00:27:09,640 And we went out to the Ground test facility at White Sands on a fieldtrip out there where 292 00:27:09,740 --> 00:27:16,070 they actually had the forward RCS setup, and they were going to do real firings of the 293 00:27:16,070 --> 00:27:19,049 main jets out there. 294 00:27:19,049 --> 00:27:24,250 And we were probably a couple hundred feet away from the test setup. 295 00:27:24,250 --> 00:27:31,250 We were out there waiting for this sequence of jet firing to start on a test. 296 00:27:33,309 --> 00:27:40,309 And the first firing of one of the main jets, which are right up around 900 pounds thrust, 297 00:27:41,770 --> 00:27:42,860 was just this short pulse. 298 00:27:42,860 --> 00:27:46,470 And everybody went about three feet off the ground. 299 00:27:46,470 --> 00:27:49,770 I mean it was like you fired a howitzer. 300 00:27:49,770 --> 00:27:51,440 It was just stunning. 301 00:27:51,440 --> 00:27:56,000 Wham, wham, and it just blew you away. 302 00:27:56,000 --> 00:27:59,380 And the realization of we are going to be in the cockpit here, and these things are 303 00:27:59,380 --> 00:28:03,750 firing right outside the windshield. 304 00:28:03,750 --> 00:28:04,520 They did. 305 00:28:04,520 --> 00:28:09,490 In space, the ignition transient ricochets through the structure. 306 00:28:09,490 --> 00:28:12,580 You can hear this kind of bombing effect. 307 00:28:12,580 --> 00:28:18,190 But once they are on, if it is a long duration firing, it is silent. 308 00:28:18,190 --> 00:28:25,190 And the same way visually, you can see a flash when the fuel is led a little bit in front 309 00:28:25,390 --> 00:28:28,429 of the oxidizer to make sure you don't overheat something. 310 00:28:28,429 --> 00:28:31,270 And so, there is incomplete combustion at the ignition. 311 00:28:31,270 --> 00:28:32,789 You can see a flash go out there. 312 00:28:32,789 --> 00:28:38,880 But what is on during an OMS burn, for instance, when these OMS engines are firing and you 313 00:28:38,880 --> 00:28:42,929 are looking back at the aft, you see the flash and they are on and they are pushing and you 314 00:28:42,929 --> 00:28:43,470 can feel it. 315 00:28:43,470 --> 00:28:48,600 But otherwise invisible is the way I remember. 316 00:28:48,600 --> 00:28:51,850 On the other hand, there are vernier jets, little guys. 317 00:28:51,850 --> 00:28:53,750 I don't know if they are shown here. 318 00:28:53,750 --> 00:29:00,750 But there are little 25 pound thrusters or something used 98% of the time on orbit. 319 00:29:00,750 --> 00:29:05,179 You really are doing that kind of thing with the vernier jets. 320 00:29:05,179 --> 00:29:09,179 And you cannot hear those or see anything when they are going off. 321 00:29:09,179 --> 00:29:16,179 In fact, we got everybody quiet and kind of held onto the walls just trying to see if 322 00:29:16,179 --> 00:29:22,880 we could barely detect when a vernier jet fired physically in a cockpit. 323 00:29:22,880 --> 00:29:29,570 Interesting. 324 00:29:29,570 --> 00:29:36,570 The orbiter is one giant heat transfer machine. 325 00:29:36,660 --> 00:29:43,660 Lots of calories of heat energy pumped around from one end to the other. 326 00:29:45,470 --> 00:29:52,470 And so, there are water loops within the cabin that transfer the heat to Freon loops. 327 00:29:53,870 --> 00:30:00,190 The fluid is pumped through the radiators to reject heat. 328 00:30:00,190 --> 00:30:07,190 In spite of all these heat rejection systems then there are heaters everywhere, whole banks 329 00:30:08,480 --> 00:30:10,150 of heaters to keep stuff from freezing. 330 00:30:10,150 --> 00:30:17,150 Then for the landing and takeoff phases, there are flash evaporators that flash water and/or 331 00:30:19,900 --> 00:30:23,299 ammonia. 332 00:30:23,299 --> 00:30:30,299 When you are down in the atmosphere you use ammonia to cool the loops. 333 00:30:32,590 --> 00:30:35,580 And, of course, the payload bay doors are closed. 334 00:30:35,580 --> 00:30:42,580 And it turns out STS-3, a major test of it was test all these loops and how the structure 335 00:30:44,860 --> 00:30:51,710 responded to long durations of given attitudes with the sun shining on one side and cold 336 00:30:51,710 --> 00:30:58,710 space on the other side and how the structure would distort or hopefully not distort and 337 00:30:58,910 --> 00:31:00,740 how all that system would work. 338 00:31:00,740 --> 00:31:07,740 As it turned out, if you like lots of redundancy, this is probably the weak point I thought 339 00:31:07,750 --> 00:31:12,049 in the whole orbiter design, we've got three engines. 340 00:31:12,049 --> 00:31:16,140 We proved that you can get there with only two. 341 00:31:16,140 --> 00:31:22,860 But the Freon loops, there were two redundant through the radiators. 342 00:31:22,860 --> 00:31:28,320 And if one Freon loop pumped quick you are in a severe emergency. 343 00:31:28,320 --> 00:31:31,549 That means stop everything and power down severely. 344 00:31:31,549 --> 00:31:38,549 Turn off all the computers except one, get in a proper attitude and go into a panic reconfiguration 345 00:31:44,200 --> 00:31:45,620 to come back and land. 346 00:31:45,620 --> 00:31:49,850 Originally, the design had three Freon loops. 347 00:31:49,850 --> 00:31:56,370 It could use one and go on with no concern. 348 00:31:56,370 --> 00:32:03,370 But, as it turned out, the heat loads were so high and the weight criticality determined 349 00:32:07,559 --> 00:32:13,820 that all we had electrical power to run were two loops. 350 00:32:13,820 --> 00:32:19,590 And so we ended up with a single Freon loop which fortunately, as far as I know, never 351 00:32:19,590 --> 00:32:20,809 failed. 352 00:32:20,809 --> 00:32:27,809 But if it had it would have been a crash deorbit landing under severely powered down conditions. 353 00:32:30,030 --> 00:32:37,030 While it is kind of mundane and people don't think about it as a primary system, the thermal 354 00:32:38,120 --> 00:32:42,049 control really was critical. 355 00:32:42,049 --> 00:32:49,049 Payload bay doors, this is a busy chart but indicates these are really complicated. 356 00:32:50,230 --> 00:32:57,230 60 feet long and something like 120 little motor driven latches to latch them closed. 357 00:33:03,289 --> 00:33:10,289 And you don't just go chunk close like the bomb bay on a B52 and it is closed. 358 00:33:10,690 --> 00:33:17,200 To close the payload bay doors you get them close and then the latches along the bulked, 359 00:33:17,200 --> 00:33:20,549 all in a zipper fashion, have to sequentially close. 360 00:33:20,549 --> 00:33:27,549 And then you go down the center section to latch the two left and right doors together. 361 00:33:29,559 --> 00:33:33,179 All software controlled. 362 00:33:33,179 --> 00:33:39,950 And there was a lot of concern that we address on STS-3 particularly about whether this is 363 00:33:39,950 --> 00:33:41,210 all going to work. 364 00:33:41,210 --> 00:33:47,820 If you have been floating around with these pointed to dark space, would they distort 365 00:33:47,820 --> 00:33:50,830 to where the zipper scheme would work? 366 00:33:50,830 --> 00:33:57,830 We worried about it enough that part of our emergency training, contingency training, 367 00:34:00,500 --> 00:34:07,500 a lot of time was spent underwater in the neutral buoyancy tank looking at a system 368 00:34:07,799 --> 00:34:14,799 going out EVA with a series of come-alongs, you know, the kind of things you use to pull 369 00:34:18,129 --> 00:34:25,129 the motor out a car, that kind of thing, that we could go down there and hookup and latch 370 00:34:28,518 --> 00:34:35,518 the doors shut to actually manually get them shut and then latch them shut with these. 371 00:34:37,739 --> 00:34:39,190 Fortunately, that has never been used. 372 00:34:39,190 --> 00:34:46,190 And this complex system has worked good, but it was scary the first time we flew it on 373 00:34:46,839 --> 00:34:47,728 STS-3. 374 00:34:47,728 --> 00:34:50,199 That was a big concern. 375 00:34:50,199 --> 00:34:57,200 What I have got here is hydraulic system. 376 00:34:58,819 --> 00:35:05,819 Hydraulics are hydrazine powered turbines that run at some ridiculous RPM, like 200,000 377 00:35:08,269 --> 00:35:12,950 RPM to drive hydraulic pumps back here in the backend. 378 00:35:12,950 --> 00:35:19,890 And then they are crucial during launch because they have got to hold the elevons in position. 379 00:35:19,890 --> 00:35:26,890 But they also have to provide the muscle to gimbal the main engines and keep you steering 380 00:35:28,019 --> 00:35:31,400 straight during launch. 381 00:35:31,400 --> 00:35:37,160 During entry they are what you use to fly when you get into a dynamic pressure situation. 382 00:35:37,160 --> 00:35:40,969 Control the rudder speed brake and the body flap. 383 00:35:40,969 --> 00:35:47,969 The body flap is a big surface that sticks out underneath the main engine bells and is 384 00:35:48,369 --> 00:35:50,859 a slow moving trem device. 385 00:35:50,859 --> 00:35:52,900 The body flat is always moved. 386 00:35:52,900 --> 00:35:59,869 You go through this mach 25 to mach zero envelope. 387 00:35:59,869 --> 00:36:06,869 And the trem conditions necessary with these big elevons varies a lot. 388 00:36:07,200 --> 00:36:14,150 So, to desaturate the elevons and keep them basically faired with the wing, the body flap 389 00:36:14,150 --> 00:36:16,460 is your trim device. 390 00:36:16,460 --> 00:36:21,839 And it is like this row of tables long and this wide. 391 00:36:21,839 --> 00:36:25,440 I remember asking to see the motor. 392 00:36:25,440 --> 00:36:31,099 It is driven by a whole lot of mechanical advantage by a hydraulic motor. 393 00:36:31,099 --> 00:36:34,119 A guy took me around. 394 00:36:34,119 --> 00:36:36,869 I couldn't find the actuator for the body flap. 395 00:36:36,869 --> 00:36:37,349 He showed me. 396 00:36:37,349 --> 00:36:41,119 The motor was this big around and this long, a little hydraulic motor. 397 00:36:41,119 --> 00:36:45,130 So you can do anything with mechanical advantage. 398 00:36:45,130 --> 00:36:47,009 But it didn't have to move very fast. 399 00:36:47,009 --> 00:36:54,009 Finally, on the system pictures here, the RMS. 400 00:36:54,710 --> 00:36:56,519 Hopefully, you have heard about this. 401 00:36:56,519 --> 00:36:59,450 It was built by Spara up in Canada. 402 00:36:59,450 --> 00:37:03,440 The Canadians main contribution to the orbiter program. 403 00:37:03,440 --> 00:37:05,380 A pretty magical device. 404 00:37:05,380 --> 00:37:12,380 It can go on either side, but for our flights mounted on the left-hand side or the right 405 00:37:13,859 --> 00:37:16,640 if you're looking out the back windows at it. 406 00:37:16,640 --> 00:37:23,640 And it had joints logically called the shoulder joint, elbow, wrist joint. 407 00:37:25,799 --> 00:37:29,969 All electric motor driven. 408 00:37:29,969 --> 00:37:32,279 But the interesting thing was a control. 409 00:37:32,279 --> 00:37:39,249 You had hand controllers mounted in the aft part on the right console in the back where 410 00:37:39,249 --> 00:37:40,160 you looked out. 411 00:37:40,160 --> 00:37:46,900 And you could work in the mode where you actually drive in the end left, right, up, down, in, 412 00:37:46,900 --> 00:37:50,059 out without regard to whatever joint was done. 413 00:37:50,059 --> 00:37:52,390 That is all resolved by the software. 414 00:37:52,390 --> 00:37:54,229 And worked well. 415 00:37:54,229 --> 00:38:00,960 The end effector was a cleaver kind of a hallow cylindrical device. 416 00:38:00,960 --> 00:38:07,960 It would rotate inside and three cables that would be curved around the periphery inside 417 00:38:12,259 --> 00:38:15,950 this cavity when activated. 418 00:38:15,950 --> 00:38:22,369 I put this over a post on whatever you wanted to grab onto with a knob on the end. 419 00:38:22,369 --> 00:38:27,420 You go over the post and then rotate the inner barrel and the cables would wrap up and grab 420 00:38:27,420 --> 00:38:28,930 onto the post. 421 00:38:28,930 --> 00:38:31,880 And then they would retract in to rigidize. 422 00:38:31,880 --> 00:38:34,549 And that was the grabber on the RMS. 423 00:38:34,549 --> 00:38:38,079 And we flew this on STS-3. 424 00:38:38,079 --> 00:38:39,109 I will show you later. 425 00:38:39,109 --> 00:38:45,729 Anyway, that is the subsystem review. 426 00:38:45,729 --> 00:38:51,339 Let me show you how things went during approach and landing tests. 427 00:38:51,339 --> 00:38:52,150 Now, let's see. 428 00:38:52,150 --> 00:38:59,150 I have never figured out how to imbed video and PowerPoint so I am going to be doing it 429 00:39:01,170 --> 00:39:01,660 manually. 430 00:39:01,660 --> 00:39:08,660 Any questions while we are waiting on this to come up? 431 00:39:21,180 --> 00:39:28,180 Well, this is the desert around where I live and a Gila monster and a Joshua tree to set 432 00:39:28,489 --> 00:39:29,049 the scene. 433 00:39:29,049 --> 00:39:33,999 And here you have OV-101. 434 00:39:33,999 --> 00:39:38,789 The numbering system, as it turned out, is kind of interesting. 435 00:39:38,789 --> 00:39:42,589 They built OV-99 as the structural test article. 436 00:39:42,589 --> 00:39:49,589 It was strictly built to be in the lab and do all the structural testing on it. 437 00:39:49,710 --> 00:39:56,710 101 then was the first orbiter build, the Enterprise, being hauled from Palmdale across 438 00:39:58,839 --> 00:40:03,739 the backgrounds and the desert roads to get over to Edwards in these scenes. 439 00:40:03,739 --> 00:40:06,910 And 101 was the ALT airplane. 440 00:40:06,910 --> 00:40:10,910 You can see kind of phony looking RCS. 441 00:40:10,910 --> 00:40:17,910 It has, as I mentioned, only the systems that you needed to fly atmospheric flight. 442 00:40:18,349 --> 00:40:23,440 This was a big thing getting it across the country. 443 00:40:23,440 --> 00:40:26,640 It had a Pitot boom on it. 444 00:40:26,640 --> 00:40:30,420 It has just simulated thermal protection. 445 00:40:30,420 --> 00:40:37,009 Styrofoam painted to look kind of like they thought the space vehicles would look but 446 00:40:37,009 --> 00:40:38,029 wasn't real. 447 00:40:38,029 --> 00:40:45,029 It was put in the mating and docking device which is at NASA Dryden where I work now. 448 00:40:46,089 --> 00:40:46,880 Hoisted it up. 449 00:40:46,880 --> 00:40:53,880 And then the 747 and 905, the first Shuttle carrier aircraft, was pulled under and they 450 00:40:54,479 --> 00:40:55,119 mated them up. 451 00:40:55,119 --> 00:41:00,709 I remember flying out to Edwards and seeing this unlikely combination. 452 00:41:00,709 --> 00:41:06,809 And the first time I saw the two together, I thought they cannot be serious. 453 00:41:06,809 --> 00:41:10,239 But then I realized I was going to be in it. 454 00:41:10,239 --> 00:41:14,559 There were 13 total flights. 455 00:41:14,559 --> 00:41:17,469 This is a taxi test. 456 00:41:17,469 --> 00:41:21,450 When you have an aerodynamic test you can sneak up, and so you do baby steps. 457 00:41:21,450 --> 00:41:26,650 This was just a high speed down the runway to see if it would rotate and if anything 458 00:41:26,650 --> 00:41:29,489 would shake alarmingly. 459 00:41:29,489 --> 00:41:34,150 And that will look good. 460 00:41:34,150 --> 00:41:39,489 Preparations proceeded for the first of the captive inert flights. 461 00:41:39,489 --> 00:41:45,410 This is Fitz Fulton and Tom McMurtry, both real good friends, and they were the crew 462 00:41:45,410 --> 00:41:49,269 on the 747 for this first milestone flight. 463 00:41:49,269 --> 00:41:55,940 A lot of people were out watching and wondering if it would fly, which it did very well. 464 00:41:55,940 --> 00:41:57,609 And off it went. 465 00:41:57,609 --> 00:42:03,109 You notice a longer front attached structure there. 466 00:42:03,109 --> 00:42:10,109 And the orbiter is purposely on there at angle of attack to produce lift. 467 00:42:12,019 --> 00:42:19,019 I flew a 747 for ferry flights now and to haul orbiters back to the Cape when they land 468 00:42:19,989 --> 00:42:22,559 at Edwards, as the last one did. 469 00:42:22,559 --> 00:42:29,559 And the nose, that front bipod is much shorter so that the orbiter is down for less drag 470 00:42:30,650 --> 00:42:33,119 for the combination. 471 00:42:33,119 --> 00:42:40,119 But this setup here was so that we could get the orbiter off the top and not the tail. 472 00:42:44,410 --> 00:42:44,950 There is a rumble. 473 00:42:44,950 --> 00:42:46,829 The crew noticed a shaking. 474 00:42:46,829 --> 00:42:49,400 It is still the case when you fly. 475 00:42:49,400 --> 00:42:55,640 These vertical fins were added onto the horizontal stabs to increase directional stability because 476 00:42:55,640 --> 00:42:58,400 the orbiter blanks a lot of flow over the normal vertical. 477 00:42:58,400 --> 00:43:01,749 In fact, they overdid it a little bit. 478 00:43:01,749 --> 00:43:08,749 There is too much structural stability which has resulted in the weird situation. 479 00:43:08,969 --> 00:43:15,969 Your cross-wind limit, when you have an orbiter onboard, is greater than when it is not because 480 00:43:19,099 --> 00:43:21,609 you have so much directional stability and a crosswind. 481 00:43:21,609 --> 00:43:26,509 There is a strong weathervaning and you run out of normal rudder without an orbiter, so 482 00:43:26,509 --> 00:43:31,630 you are good only to 15 knots crosswind with the orbiter on. 483 00:43:31,630 --> 00:43:33,729 The limit is 20 knots. 484 00:43:33,729 --> 00:43:35,109 And it is a good limit. 485 00:43:35,109 --> 00:43:37,569 I have flown them both ways in cross winds. 486 00:43:37,569 --> 00:43:42,619 And, indeed, at those numbers you run out of rudder as you land and are rolling out. 487 00:43:42,619 --> 00:43:49,339 The strong weathervane intensity is leading you out this side of the runway. 488 00:43:49,339 --> 00:43:50,440 Anyway, that looked good. 489 00:43:50,440 --> 00:43:55,549 And so I came back and we had a big post-flight party. 490 00:43:55,549 --> 00:43:56,979 ALT was great for parties. 491 00:43:56,979 --> 00:43:59,099 We had 13 post-flight parties. 492 00:43:59,099 --> 00:44:06,099 And, at the same time we were doing the ALT flights, we are developing a Shuttle training 493 00:44:11,700 --> 00:44:12,259 aircraft. 494 00:44:12,259 --> 00:44:19,259 This is Gulfstream II with big side force generators on the belly. 495 00:44:19,279 --> 00:44:21,640 That is an airborne simulator. 496 00:44:21,640 --> 00:44:25,200 The left seat is set up with orbiter instruments. 497 00:44:25,200 --> 00:44:32,200 And the right seat was the standard gulfstream cockpit that had flown thousands of dives 498 00:44:34,160 --> 00:44:41,160 at the ground in the SGA preparing for the whole idea of first time for sure unpowered 499 00:44:47,549 --> 00:44:49,999 landing that you have to do right the first time. 500 00:44:49,999 --> 00:44:56,999 And back in the simulator here for lots more runs. 501 00:44:58,979 --> 00:45:05,150 And it was a great time because everything was brand new, very interesting. 502 00:45:05,150 --> 00:45:08,299 This is a camera and an actual model. 503 00:45:08,299 --> 00:45:13,630 This is before the days of computer generated video. 504 00:45:13,630 --> 00:45:16,630 It flew the little camera down to landing. 505 00:45:16,630 --> 00:45:19,869 And we learned a lot about [NOISE OBSCURES] 506 00:45:19,869 --> 00:45:21,269 characteristics. 507 00:45:21,269 --> 00:45:28,269 One that we really wondered about, when you made a lateral input to roll the orbiter in 508 00:45:30,609 --> 00:45:32,969 the simulator, it would bang you. 509 00:45:32,969 --> 00:45:37,089 It was this lateral lurch, we call it. 510 00:45:37,089 --> 00:45:38,579 It would jolt you sideways. 511 00:45:38,579 --> 00:45:40,420 And we thought this cannot be real. 512 00:45:40,420 --> 00:45:41,130 It doesn't make any sense. 513 00:45:41,130 --> 00:45:43,569 No airplane we ever flew does that. 514 00:45:43,569 --> 00:45:45,430 We squawked it. 515 00:45:45,430 --> 00:45:51,049 They came back and said the equations are all worked out so we live with it and thought 516 00:45:51,049 --> 00:45:57,130 it was just an artifact that snuck in there and didn't worry about it. 517 00:45:57,130 --> 00:46:04,130 Now, the captive-active started where we actually got in and cranked things up. 518 00:46:10,700 --> 00:46:14,369 On the second flight, I was chasing in a T-38. 519 00:46:14,369 --> 00:46:15,890 And Engle and Truly were in the cockpit. 520 00:46:15,890 --> 00:46:22,539 And I noticed a shiny look on the side. 521 00:46:22,539 --> 00:46:28,619 That big X on the CRT is what happens when the computer that is driving that CRT quits. 522 00:46:28,619 --> 00:46:34,420 That is sort of the panic symbol when the X shows up. 523 00:46:34,420 --> 00:46:38,910 Anyway, I noticed a leak, as it turned out to be. 524 00:46:38,910 --> 00:46:40,930 We had that severe hydrazine leak. 525 00:46:40,930 --> 00:46:43,920 Hydrazine is bad stuff to have leaking. 526 00:46:43,920 --> 00:46:49,969 And one of the APU supply tanks let go. 527 00:46:49,969 --> 00:46:53,920 Plus, they had an over temp. 528 00:46:53,920 --> 00:46:59,819 We found things that were wrong that made these captive flights worthwhile. 529 00:46:59,819 --> 00:47:06,819 If we had just gone and launched off on the first one, it could have been more exciting 530 00:47:06,930 --> 00:47:10,089 than it needed to be. 531 00:47:10,089 --> 00:47:11,479 We had five of those. 532 00:47:11,479 --> 00:47:16,459 And Fred Hayes and I got the odd numbered flights, one, three and five. 533 00:47:16,459 --> 00:47:17,869 Five more post-flight parties. 534 00:47:17,869 --> 00:47:24,469 And then we decided we were ready to go. 535 00:47:24,469 --> 00:47:27,130 Well, this is the last of the captive-active flights. 536 00:47:27,130 --> 00:47:34,130 The scheme by which we plan to get off of here and not take off the tail of the 747 537 00:47:34,369 --> 00:47:37,130 was that the 747 would go as high as it could go. 538 00:47:37,130 --> 00:47:43,069 It could get up to around 27,000 feet with engines over-boosted. 539 00:47:43,069 --> 00:47:47,829 Pratt & Whitney said you could go this long with extra power. 540 00:47:47,829 --> 00:47:52,900 And then nose over and speed up to 240 knots. 541 00:47:52,900 --> 00:47:57,289 It was climbing maybe to 190, 200 knots. 542 00:47:57,289 --> 00:48:00,959 With a little downhill push, we got up to 240. 543 00:48:00,959 --> 00:48:07,959 At 240 the SEA pilots would go to idle power and air brakes up to put drag on the carrier. 544 00:48:11,089 --> 00:48:18,089 At that condition of 240 knots and the angle of attack of the orbiter, it was actually 545 00:48:19,410 --> 00:48:22,089 lifting more than its own weight. 546 00:48:22,089 --> 00:48:27,779 So the result is we really dropped the carrier, as it turns out. 547 00:48:27,779 --> 00:48:31,199 There is three-quarters of a G difference between the two. 548 00:48:31,199 --> 00:48:33,959 And so, we got a lot of use. 549 00:48:33,959 --> 00:48:39,109 For some reason Fred's left shoulder, he is in the left seat and he mashed the separation 550 00:48:39,109 --> 00:48:45,479 button after Fitz on the carrier aircraft hollered "carrier ready," that is they were 551 00:48:45,479 --> 00:48:52,479 back at idle with the speed brakes up, pushed the go button and bang, all seven explosive 552 00:48:55,309 --> 00:48:58,509 bolts would blow. 553 00:48:58,509 --> 00:49:00,259 Control Room was in Houston, strange enough. 554 00:49:00,259 --> 00:49:07,259 We are talking to people back in the old JSC Control Room when we are out at Edwards flying 555 00:49:07,589 --> 00:49:08,609 these flights. 556 00:49:08,609 --> 00:49:09,599 It was just like they were there. 557 00:49:09,599 --> 00:49:13,549 And we were coming up on a condition. 558 00:49:13,549 --> 00:49:17,599 And this was in August of '77. 559 00:49:17,599 --> 00:49:20,209 All the ALT flights happened in 1977. 560 00:49:20,209 --> 00:49:26,239 You notice there is a tail cone on here. 561 00:49:26,239 --> 00:49:29,170 The tail cone was flown on the first three flights. 562 00:49:29,170 --> 00:49:32,949 That makes a big difference. 563 00:49:32,949 --> 00:49:39,749 It smoothes the flow s that the buffet on the tail, the carrier aircraft was less, and 564 00:49:39,749 --> 00:49:43,079 it just about doubled the L/D of the orbiter. 565 00:49:43,079 --> 00:49:50,079 We are going to arm. 566 00:49:51,440 --> 00:49:58,440 And we had two chases, one off to the right and in trail separation. 567 00:50:04,999 --> 00:50:11,999 Just like the engineer said and the load cells that we had on there, testing exactly which 568 00:50:12,839 --> 00:50:16,650 was the thing tugging before we did it, said we could do straight up. 569 00:50:16,650 --> 00:50:18,209 This is slow motion. 570 00:50:18,209 --> 00:50:19,180 Nothing is leaking. 571 00:50:19,180 --> 00:50:26,180 The vortex is out at the wing tips causing condensation and away we went. 572 00:50:27,839 --> 00:50:32,910 And simultaneous with this bang that shutters through the airplane with all these explosive 573 00:50:32,910 --> 00:50:39,319 volts a big X on the CRT in front of me. 574 00:50:39,319 --> 00:50:44,410 We had cue cards and we had practiced this. 575 00:50:44,410 --> 00:50:51,410 My job, while Fred flew, he actually got a vertical clear from this chase pilot and then 576 00:50:53,640 --> 00:50:58,650 rolled into a bank and a lateral clear from the guy that was chasing from behind and knew 577 00:50:58,650 --> 00:51:00,199 that it was OK to push over. 578 00:51:00,199 --> 00:51:04,259 Because we are only now at 200 knots and we wanted to get to 300. 579 00:51:04,259 --> 00:51:09,859 And it took a considerable pushover to get up to speed. 580 00:51:09,859 --> 00:51:14,779 Meanwhile, I am pulling circuit breakers on rate gyros and turning off accelerometers 581 00:51:14,779 --> 00:51:21,779 at our preplanned procedure to accommodate flaws in the redundancy management. 582 00:51:25,299 --> 00:51:31,279 When you lose one computer you also take out part of the sensors in the flight control 583 00:51:31,279 --> 00:51:31,529 system. 584 00:51:31,449 --> 00:51:36,660 And, to be sure that a subsequent failure wouldn't put you in worse shape, it took about 585 00:51:36,660 --> 00:51:39,650 a minute's worth of manual reconfiguration on my part. 586 00:51:39,650 --> 00:51:42,109 And I kind of missed the whole first part of the flight. 587 00:51:42,109 --> 00:51:46,559 When I turned around I realized hey, this thing is flying good, it is smooth and is 588 00:51:46,559 --> 00:51:47,819 on speed. 589 00:51:47,819 --> 00:51:49,789 And Fred was flying. 590 00:51:49,789 --> 00:51:55,349 We flew a rectangular pattern out of a downwind leg here as we nosed over. 591 00:51:55,349 --> 00:52:01,199 And I got my chance to roll into a left 90 degree turn and fly base leg. 592 00:52:01,199 --> 00:52:07,009 And, as I put the stick over to roll, we got this big lateral arch just like the simulator 593 00:52:07,009 --> 00:52:10,900 said. 594 00:52:10,900 --> 00:52:11,559 It just stunned me. 595 00:52:11,559 --> 00:52:13,869 Son of a gun, they were right after all. 596 00:52:13,869 --> 00:52:20,869 It was just the nature of something flying at high alpha and rotating about a stability 597 00:52:21,180 --> 00:52:23,759 axis and the cockpit gets slid sideways. 598 00:52:23,759 --> 00:52:26,890 It has big elevons so it flies like a fighter. 599 00:52:26,890 --> 00:52:27,299 It really does. 600 00:52:27,299 --> 00:52:31,279 And you are doing it all with a little stick that doesn't move much. 601 00:52:31,279 --> 00:52:38,219 Anyway, we came down final at 290, I think it was, flared out. 602 00:52:38,219 --> 00:52:40,890 My job was to put the gear down, a critical function. 603 00:52:40,890 --> 00:52:47,890 And we are landing on lakebed 1-7 on the dry lake at Edwards which is something like ten 604 00:52:50,469 --> 00:52:54,509 miles long, so we have pretty good margins there. 605 00:52:54,509 --> 00:53:00,440 And Fred took the airplane back from ALT and I got to fly base leg. 606 00:53:00,440 --> 00:53:06,299 But we touched down at about 185, I think it was, nice and smooth. 607 00:53:06,299 --> 00:53:07,049 It was beautiful. 608 00:53:07,049 --> 00:53:14,049 The speed brake comes out to help cushion the de-rotation, nose gear down and he raised 609 00:53:16,489 --> 00:53:18,180 a little dust as he rolled to a stop. 610 00:53:18,180 --> 00:53:20,170 So it was a good day. 611 00:53:20,170 --> 00:53:27,170 Now, we had a really good post-flight party after this one. 612 00:53:28,699 --> 00:53:35,699 And see the rudder speed brake flared there and the elevons fold up. 613 00:53:39,219 --> 00:53:43,239 And so, now Fred truly did it again. 614 00:53:43,239 --> 00:53:50,239 A couple weeks later or thereabouts they got their turn and they did much the same flight, 615 00:53:56,420 --> 00:53:57,059 repeated it. 616 00:53:57,059 --> 00:54:00,369 Oh, one thing. 617 00:54:00,369 --> 00:54:03,630 You see the Pitot boom out there. 618 00:54:03,630 --> 00:54:07,910 The Pitot boom is strictly on the Enterprise, put out there to get good air data out in 619 00:54:07,910 --> 00:54:14,249 front of this big blivit of an airplane which is hard to get good measurements. 620 00:54:14,249 --> 00:54:21,249 Let me get the next one going here, if I can figure out how to get out of this. 621 00:54:30,369 --> 00:54:32,319 The excitement came later. 622 00:54:32,319 --> 00:54:39,319 On STS-1, I looked out there when were on final, I had to look out and look at the Pitot 623 00:54:49,319 --> 00:54:54,829 boom, and it is going through an arch of about three feet. 624 00:54:54,829 --> 00:54:59,189 It was built with the perfect resonance of everything else with the airplane, and it 625 00:54:59,189 --> 00:55:02,209 was just a blur out there going back and forth. 626 00:55:02,209 --> 00:55:04,759 And I really thought it was going to break off. 627 00:55:04,759 --> 00:55:11,759 Was that your only Pitot source or did you have the normal ones [OVERLAPPING VOICES]? 628 00:55:13,689 --> 00:55:15,920 Good question. 629 00:55:15,920 --> 00:55:18,269 Somehow we had at least inertially derived ones. 630 00:55:18,269 --> 00:55:20,469 Everything looked good. 631 00:55:20,469 --> 00:55:24,279 And, actually, it still put out good airspeed, even though it was a blur. 632 00:55:24,279 --> 00:55:26,759 And I think the beta averaged out. 633 00:55:26,759 --> 00:55:33,759 Anyway, it wasn't a problem we noticed other than visually it looked like it was going 634 00:55:35,459 --> 00:55:36,469 to break off. 635 00:55:36,469 --> 00:55:40,969 They changed and stiffened it up so it wasn't a problem on subsequent flights. 636 00:55:40,969 --> 00:55:47,920 Now, you can see here we are at free flight four now which was the other crew's turn. 637 00:55:47,920 --> 00:55:54,920 The tail cone is off and our final pressure glide slope with the tail cone on was 11 degrees. 638 00:55:59,569 --> 00:56:05,449 With tail cone off it was 23 degrees, halves your L/D. 639 00:56:05,449 --> 00:56:11,189 So you really are in a steep dive. 640 00:56:11,189 --> 00:56:18,189 Normal ILS into Logan out here would be 2.5 degrees so you are coming down gangbusters. 641 00:56:20,739 --> 00:56:27,739 And it is even worse in ALT than it was in the orbital missions which were coming down 642 00:56:27,910 --> 00:56:30,439 with the same configuration but much heavier. 643 00:56:30,439 --> 00:56:33,989 Heavier you've got more gravity working for you and you can fly shallower. 644 00:56:33,989 --> 00:56:36,339 It doesn't seem to figure, but that is the way it is. 645 00:56:36,339 --> 00:56:41,289 So 19 degrees is a normal return from orbit. 646 00:56:41,289 --> 00:56:44,670 Final pressure glide slope we were up in the 20s. 647 00:56:44,670 --> 00:56:51,009 Kind of catching up a little. 648 00:56:51,009 --> 00:56:57,180 One of our jobs on the flight preceding this was to try the braking. 649 00:56:57,180 --> 00:57:00,170 We just let it roll out on the first couple flights. 650 00:57:00,170 --> 00:57:02,829 They wanted to do brake tests. 651 00:57:02,829 --> 00:57:08,969 And Fred jumped on the brakes after we touched down and another resonance problem, interaction 652 00:57:08,969 --> 00:57:15,969 between the structure and the anti-skid, and I thought it was going to break the airplane. 653 00:57:19,339 --> 00:57:24,749 It was just violent shuttering, shaking, everything rattling in the cockpit. 654 00:57:24,749 --> 00:57:27,930 And I hollered to Fred, get off the brakes, we are going to brake something. 655 00:57:27,930 --> 00:57:30,910 He said no, the card says we have got to do max braking. 656 00:57:30,910 --> 00:57:33,969 I was pleading with him to get off the brakes, which he did. 657 00:57:33,969 --> 00:57:34,900 Easy fix. 658 00:57:34,900 --> 00:57:40,109 When they flew the next flight here they did hard braking, and it was smooth. 659 00:57:40,109 --> 00:57:47,109 They went in to change the resister and the feedback electrons, and that did it. 660 00:57:47,140 --> 00:57:50,549 I mean it was instant fix. 661 00:57:50,549 --> 00:57:57,549 So there still is reason to do flight tests because surprises happen. 662 00:58:02,519 --> 00:58:09,519 Now free flight five, it turns out there was a little brake here. 663 00:58:09,529 --> 00:58:16,529 We are back at Houston and Prince Charles, who wasn't married yet at that time, came 664 00:58:17,459 --> 00:58:19,299 by on a visit. 665 00:58:19,299 --> 00:58:24,920 And we gave him a ride in the simulator. 666 00:58:24,920 --> 00:58:26,209 He had some flying time. 667 00:58:26,209 --> 00:58:28,819 And he got into a horrendous PIO. 668 00:58:28,819 --> 00:58:33,380 I mean he was out of control and crashed in the simulator. 669 00:58:33,380 --> 00:58:34,229 And felt bad. 670 00:58:34,229 --> 00:58:37,109 And we said that is because you're not used to the stick and everything. 671 00:58:37,109 --> 00:58:38,299 And that was his tour. 672 00:58:38,299 --> 00:58:43,039 Now, for this flight, he was actually out along the runway. 673 00:58:43,039 --> 00:58:46,859 They had him out there so he could watch. 674 00:58:46,859 --> 00:58:51,150 The objective here was to land on the concrete runway, put it right on the line, there is 675 00:58:51,150 --> 00:58:57,869 a white line 5,000 feet down, and Fred was really working at it, putting in a lot of 676 00:58:57,869 --> 00:58:58,119 inputs. Look at the elevons going there. 677 00:58:59,749 --> 00:59:02,170 You see them? 678 00:59:02,170 --> 00:59:06,880 And he is making roll commands. 679 00:59:06,880 --> 00:59:13,880 And so we logged a couple landings. 680 00:59:16,349 --> 00:59:23,349 And down and rolled to a stop. 681 00:59:24,209 --> 00:59:26,849 Afterwards, we called out and he came up to say hello. 682 00:59:26,849 --> 00:59:28,150 He said oh, you made me feel good. 683 00:59:28,150 --> 00:59:31,069 You guys did as bad as I did. 684 00:59:31,069 --> 00:59:35,849 There he is right there with his binoculars. 685 00:59:35,849 --> 00:59:38,199 Well, that scared everybody to death. 686 00:59:38,199 --> 00:59:40,769 It looked worse from outside than it did in the cockpit. 687 00:59:40,769 --> 00:59:45,199 And the flight control flaw that we found, though, was serious. 688 00:59:45,199 --> 00:59:50,390 You've got elevons that do both pitch and roll. 689 00:59:50,390 --> 00:59:54,829 So, in the software, when you are asking for both pitch and roll at the same time, it has 690 00:59:54,829 --> 00:59:58,819 got to decide which one do I move? 691 00:59:58,819 --> 01:00:05,819 This is just a supposition of what would come. 692 01:00:08,009 --> 01:00:10,549 The software had to give priority. 693 01:00:10,549 --> 01:00:13,630 And they decided to give priority to pitch. 694 01:00:13,630 --> 01:00:20,630 And roll was taken second priority when you had to limit the commands to the elevons to 695 01:00:22,039 --> 01:00:27,329 within the capability of the hydraulic system. 696 01:00:27,329 --> 01:00:32,689 The result was a lag in roll response when you are working pitch hard. 697 01:00:32,689 --> 01:00:36,549 And the lag was up around two-tenths to three-tenths of a second. 698 01:00:36,549 --> 01:00:40,539 You may be aware if you studied flight control systems. 699 01:00:40,539 --> 01:00:47,539 Any kind of system that has a quarter second delay between input and response is asking 700 01:00:50,949 --> 01:00:55,239 for a PIO, Pilot Induced Oscillation. 701 01:00:55,239 --> 01:00:57,400 And we had a big time in roll. 702 01:00:57,400 --> 01:01:01,529 Fred was clanking back and forth to stop and roll trying to level the wings out there that 703 01:01:01,529 --> 01:01:02,749 first skip. 704 01:01:02,749 --> 01:01:06,759 I heard the controller banging over there. 705 01:01:06,759 --> 01:01:10,420 And I suggested if you get off maybe it will damp. 706 01:01:10,420 --> 01:01:15,119 We're doing this and, sure enough, that is what he did. 707 01:01:15,119 --> 01:01:21,150 He stopped the inputs, the airplane damped right away and then it went OK. 708 01:01:21,150 --> 01:01:28,150 But it was something we had to fix, obviously. 709 01:01:30,869 --> 01:01:37,869 Here is a picture just a micro-second after liftoff on one of the last two. 710 01:01:40,890 --> 01:01:46,549 Well, there was a decision with a lot of debate about do we go back and fix the flight control 711 01:01:46,549 --> 01:01:48,199 and fly some more ALT? 712 01:01:48,199 --> 01:01:52,289 But this is a huge production and it was costing time and we weren't getting into orbit. 713 01:01:52,289 --> 01:01:58,869 A decision was made now we will do it in simulators and in-flight simulators and fix the problem, 714 01:01:58,869 --> 01:01:59,819 but press on. 715 01:01:59,819 --> 01:02:04,479 That was the end of ALT, at the end of which, when you do flight tests, you talk about opening 716 01:02:04,479 --> 01:02:05,819 the envelope of an airplane. 717 01:02:05,819 --> 01:02:12,279 Well, the envelope of the Space Shuttle is 400 nautical miles altitude and mach 25. 718 01:02:12,279 --> 01:02:16,069 And in ALT we got the four miles and 0.3 mach. 719 01:02:16,069 --> 01:02:23,069 It is really down in the lower left corner, but worth doing. 720 01:02:23,299 --> 01:02:25,729 Test results. 721 01:02:25,729 --> 01:02:28,779 I mentioned as we went we had that APU fuel leak. 722 01:02:28,779 --> 01:02:29,429 Fixed it. 723 01:02:29,429 --> 01:02:32,099 Didn't come back. 724 01:02:32,099 --> 01:02:37,009 The buffet lifter drag was right on what we expected, no surprises there. 725 01:02:37,009 --> 01:02:40,619 Handling qualities were good, even with the lurch. 726 01:02:40,619 --> 01:02:43,150 It was not a problem. 727 01:02:43,150 --> 01:02:46,670 I mentioned the Pitot boom, the anti-skid. 728 01:02:46,670 --> 01:02:51,150 SCA did the job, although it struggled to get up. 729 01:02:51,150 --> 01:02:55,689 With the tail coming off, it could only get to about 18,000 feet. 730 01:02:55,689 --> 01:03:00,670 So this was not a good program to build up your flying time. 731 01:03:00,670 --> 01:03:07,670 It was about a total, in three flights, of about 12 minutes of flying time. 732 01:03:09,630 --> 01:03:16,630 And the biggie I mentioned was the handling qualities and the PIO tendency that we fixed 733 01:03:18,160 --> 01:03:25,160 with lots of studies later and changes in the way the control equations were written. 734 01:03:25,160 --> 01:03:30,369 And, as a final thing, they did some more flights with the nose lowered down and determine 735 01:03:30,369 --> 01:03:34,788 what the ferry flight performance of the combination is. 736 01:03:34,788 --> 01:03:41,439 I, later after flying in space, checked out on the 747 and still fly it on the ferry flights. 737 01:03:41,439 --> 01:03:44,559 And it does the job. 738 01:03:44,559 --> 01:03:46,890 It burns lots of gas. 739 01:03:46,890 --> 01:03:53,890 I figured out that the combination across the country, the mileage is about 300 feet 740 01:03:56,549 --> 01:04:00,549 per gallon, so a football field per gallon of fuel. 741 01:04:00,549 --> 01:04:04,519 40,000 pounds an hour is the field flow. 742 01:04:04,519 --> 01:04:11,519 It goes about 1.5 times its own length when we get on the gas, but it gets there. 743 01:04:15,059 --> 01:04:17,819 I don't have to buy the fuel. 744 01:04:17,819 --> 01:04:20,979 A lot of people said wasn't this scary, ALT? 745 01:04:20,979 --> 01:04:25,609 Actually, from a risk standpoint, we had ejection seats. 746 01:04:25,609 --> 01:04:31,709 If anything had gone wrong, anywhere along the line, we could have pulled the handle 747 01:04:31,709 --> 01:04:33,140 and jumped out. 748 01:04:33,140 --> 01:04:39,660 The scariest part of it was when we got in, and during the captive flights, we would just 749 01:04:39,660 --> 01:04:41,959 walk up a stairway and crawl through the hatch. 750 01:04:41,959 --> 01:04:43,380 And the same way getting out. 751 01:04:43,380 --> 01:04:50,380 But after the captive active flights, we would land still on the orbiter. 752 01:04:52,979 --> 01:04:56,849 And they had this cherry picker to get us out. 753 01:04:56,849 --> 01:05:00,890 Now, the situation here is it's a round hatch hedged at the bottom. 754 01:05:00,890 --> 01:05:07,769 They only wanted on person at a time on the end of this thing. 755 01:05:07,769 --> 01:05:13,849 You open a round hatch and then they bring this up, the guy on the ground. 756 01:05:13,849 --> 01:05:19,410 And he doesn't want to get too close and ding so he leaves about this much of a gap from 757 01:05:19,410 --> 01:05:24,670 this round hatch which is 60 feet above the ground that you have got to crawl out on your 758 01:05:24,670 --> 01:05:31,670 knees, then stand up and then make the leap across the thing onto this wobbly cage up 759 01:05:31,929 --> 01:05:32,880 there. 760 01:05:32,880 --> 01:05:37,519 That is how our captive actives went. 761 01:05:37,519 --> 01:05:44,519 Where you wearing flight suits for all these tests? 762 01:05:44,999 --> 01:05:51,999 Yeah, we were wearing flight suits and helmets like you would in a 518 or any fighter. 763 01:05:52,509 --> 01:05:53,219 Not pressure suits. 764 01:05:53,219 --> 01:06:00,219 We didn't have a severe cabin pressure risk at 25,000 feet. 765 01:06:02,219 --> 01:06:08,719 Let me get into the full screen mode here. 766 01:06:08,719 --> 01:06:15,049 I put in some thoughts about what is different when you test an aircraft versus a spacecraft. 767 01:06:15,049 --> 01:06:18,589 With an airplane you can do little baby steps, incremental tests. 768 01:06:18,589 --> 01:06:24,699 You can do static runs of the propulsion up to the full power in the airplane itself. 769 01:06:24,699 --> 01:06:28,420 Then you taxi it slow and then faster and faster down the runway. 770 01:06:28,420 --> 01:06:31,739 You can rotate the nose a little bit. 771 01:06:31,739 --> 01:06:36,729 The first flight you will fly slow and leave the gear down and then land it soon and check 772 01:06:36,729 --> 01:06:37,249 everything. 773 01:06:37,249 --> 01:06:40,049 And you could hold off for a perfect day to do it. 774 01:06:40,049 --> 01:06:44,179 And then you go faster and faster to expand the envelope. 775 01:06:44,179 --> 01:06:50,288 If anything goes wrong you can peel off and get back on the ground quick. 776 01:06:50,288 --> 01:06:55,579 And, as I mentioned, you can always pull the handle and bail out if things go really bad. 777 01:06:55,579 --> 01:07:01,299 When you have a spacecraft it is all or nothing. 778 01:07:01,299 --> 01:07:05,880 You have got to use the propulsion at its full power. 779 01:07:05,880 --> 01:07:11,788 All the critical systems and subsystems have got to work. 780 01:07:11,788 --> 01:07:14,819 You cannot make a quick abort. 781 01:07:14,819 --> 01:07:19,038 Long delays like days are sometimes required to get back to the conditions where you can 782 01:07:19,038 --> 01:07:21,459 make an appropriate landing. 783 01:07:21,459 --> 01:07:27,788 And the weather could turn sour at the time. 784 01:07:27,788 --> 01:07:34,420 When you are going to flight test the spacecraft you have got to have a lot of redundancy in 785 01:07:34,420 --> 01:07:41,420 the design to allow for the bad day that has to carry it through in a considerable amount 786 01:07:41,509 --> 01:07:41,910 of time. 787 01:07:41,910 --> 01:07:48,910 You necessarily have got to test everything to the limit, wind tunnels, CVD, thermal vacuum 788 01:07:50,819 --> 01:07:54,479 because the environment is lots more stressful. 789 01:07:54,479 --> 01:07:59,359 You have got to have a lot of instrumentation so that you can tell what did go wrong or 790 01:07:59,359 --> 01:08:00,788 be sure that everything went right. 791 01:08:00,788 --> 01:08:07,788 You are talking about an army of controllers in a control room to pull it off with a complex 792 01:08:08,839 --> 01:08:10,359 system like the Shuttle. 793 01:08:10,359 --> 01:08:14,380 And lots of simulation to get everybody trained. 794 01:08:14,380 --> 01:08:16,310 A biggie is to verify the software. 795 01:08:16,310 --> 01:08:22,120 I mentioned the software is guaranteed to be wrong on the first release and several 796 01:08:22,120 --> 01:08:22,729 subsequent. 797 01:08:22,729 --> 01:08:27,600 It is just the nature of building software. 798 01:08:27,600 --> 01:08:32,899 And so getting that checked out is a major one. 799 01:08:32,899 --> 01:08:33,149 Procedures. 800 01:08:33,040 --> 01:08:40,040 When we flew the orbital flight, the stack of checklists just laid on top of each other 801 01:08:44,460 --> 01:08:49,109 was about this high, for 51F, and it weighed 210 pounds. 802 01:08:49,109 --> 01:08:55,059 It was called the Flight Data File. 803 01:08:55,059 --> 01:09:02,059 And then lots of time and expense getting everybody really ready to go. 804 01:09:03,940 --> 01:09:10,549 And being sure that when you're going into an unknown part of the envelope that the margins 805 01:09:10,549 --> 01:09:12,279 on the flight control are adequate. 806 01:09:12,279 --> 01:09:17,979 So the surprises and the aeroderivatives that hit you can be accommodating. 807 01:09:17,979 --> 01:09:22,830 I have rambled on a long time here. 808 01:09:22,830 --> 01:09:27,210 We can take the five-minute break, I can answer questions, however you want to do it. 809 01:09:27,210 --> 01:09:28,559 Maybe it's time for a stretch. 810 01:09:28,559 --> 01:09:32,529 Let's do a two-minute break. 811 01:09:32,529 --> 01:09:36,359 These people are tough. 812 01:09:36,359 --> 01:09:38,279 All right. 813 01:09:38,279 --> 01:09:40,200 Break is over. 814 01:09:40,200 --> 01:09:47,200 The next assignment for me was being put on an orbital flight test, and specifically STS-3. 815 01:09:58,309 --> 01:10:05,309 A two man crew, Jack Lousma, a Marine, and myself from the Air Force, we were in pressure 816 01:10:11,980 --> 01:10:16,220 suits, you will notice there, and on ejection seats in the Columbia. 817 01:10:16,220 --> 01:10:19,100 This is OV-102. 818 01:10:19,100 --> 01:10:22,180 101 was the Enterprise. 819 01:10:22,180 --> 01:10:24,630 102 was the Columbia. 820 01:10:24,630 --> 01:10:28,170 And our countdown went smoothly. 821 01:10:28,170 --> 01:10:30,210 This was in March of '82. 822 01:10:30,210 --> 01:10:37,210 And this is a signature moment in your life when the SRBs light. 823 01:10:37,290 --> 01:10:44,290 I mean it looks smooth and nice as we are flying through a cloud here on launch, logging 824 01:10:46,400 --> 01:10:53,400 weather time I might add, but it is rough and noisy and rattley. 825 01:10:57,580 --> 01:11:03,090 And the acceleration is right away, and it builds up to 3Gs. 826 01:11:03,090 --> 01:11:06,020 When the main engines are throttled back, the whole 3Gs. 827 01:11:06,020 --> 01:11:10,670 And so, it is no doubt you are on your way somewhere really fast wherever the solids 828 01:11:10,670 --> 01:11:14,020 want to go. 829 01:11:14,020 --> 01:11:17,040 Everything worked good right up to MECO. 830 01:11:17,040 --> 01:11:20,510 And the external tank, as you saw, drifted away. 831 01:11:20,510 --> 01:11:27,510 And then here come the first order of business, opening the payload bay doors so we can start 832 01:11:28,960 --> 01:11:33,240 rejecting heat with the radiators that are mounted on the inside. 833 01:11:33,240 --> 01:11:35,440 We are tailed down. 834 01:11:35,440 --> 01:11:41,770 And as you watch here, we are going right over Los Angeles at the time. 835 01:11:41,770 --> 01:11:43,480 This is just north of LA. 836 01:11:43,480 --> 01:11:47,920 You can see LA. 837 01:11:47,920 --> 01:11:54,920 Sorry, this is Santa Monica, LAX and Palos Verdes right there. 838 01:12:02,370 --> 01:12:09,370 Anyway, the first thing we had to do is get out of Theodolite, that is a sighting device 839 01:12:09,620 --> 01:12:16,620 that surveyors use, and take a daunting number of readings on little targets that were pasted 840 01:12:19,750 --> 01:12:23,980 around inside the payload bay and on the doors to measure where they were. 841 01:12:23,980 --> 01:12:27,200 And we did that through the flight all the way along. 842 01:12:27,200 --> 01:12:30,309 It wasn't fast enough. 843 01:12:30,309 --> 01:12:32,800 Out in front of the nose there were some dark patches. 844 01:12:32,800 --> 01:12:36,470 That is where tile were, white tile, and fell off during launch. 845 01:12:36,470 --> 01:12:38,350 They actually found some washed up on the beach. 846 01:12:38,350 --> 01:12:44,870 Fortunately, none of the black tile on the bottom fell off but we did lose some on the 847 01:12:44,870 --> 01:12:45,120 top. Zero G is really one of the delights. 848 01:12:51,490 --> 01:12:58,490 There are two really good things about flying in orbit, weightlessness and the view out 849 01:12:59,010 --> 01:12:59,330 the window. 850 01:12:59,330 --> 01:13:06,330 And that is like nothing that you experience, even flying high-performance airplanes. 851 01:13:06,880 --> 01:13:09,809 We had the RMS cranked up. 852 01:13:09,809 --> 01:13:12,210 That was my job as RMS operator. 853 01:13:12,210 --> 01:13:18,460 And we had a package in the back, the plasma diagnostic package to grab and move out there. 854 01:13:18,460 --> 01:13:20,940 There are some things that show you the housekeeping area. 855 01:13:20,940 --> 01:13:27,940 In the corner there is the john. 856 01:13:31,290 --> 01:13:34,250 And long duration spaceflight exercise is important. 857 01:13:34,250 --> 01:13:39,040 It is really not a big deal on a seven-day flight. 858 01:13:39,040 --> 01:13:46,040 Jack is a Marine, as I mentioned. 859 01:13:47,380 --> 01:13:51,610 He has got to have his daily ration of pushups, so here we go. 860 01:13:51,610 --> 01:13:54,210 How about a one-handed pushup, Jack? 861 01:13:54,210 --> 01:14:01,210 How about a no-handed pushup? 862 01:14:07,900 --> 01:14:09,130 This is a quick summary. 863 01:14:09,130 --> 01:14:11,610 We went our seven days. 864 01:14:11,610 --> 01:14:18,570 And the lakebed at Edwards, they had a really wet spring, was unusable, so we went to White 865 01:14:18,570 --> 01:14:20,580 Sands, New Mexico. 866 01:14:20,580 --> 01:14:27,580 The first day, right as we are about to light the OMS engines to start deorbit, they said 867 01:14:28,480 --> 01:14:32,750 hold off because this terrible dust storm is going on. 868 01:14:32,750 --> 01:14:39,750 And then we waited a delightful day with nothing in the flight plane much to enjoy ourselves, 869 01:14:40,630 --> 01:14:42,250 and then came down the next day. 870 01:14:42,250 --> 01:14:49,250 Now we find another gotcha in handling quantities here. 871 01:14:49,850 --> 01:14:54,400 Right here Jack thought the nose might be coming down too fast and tried to stop it, 872 01:14:54,400 --> 01:14:58,080 and ended up doing a little wheelie. 873 01:14:58,080 --> 01:15:03,400 Subsequent analysis showed that the whole response of the vehicle changes when you are 874 01:15:03,400 --> 01:15:05,790 down on the main gear only. 875 01:15:05,790 --> 01:15:07,630 And nobody thought of that. 876 01:15:07,630 --> 01:15:14,630 It would seem like, well, they are worried about pitch in the air but not while you are 877 01:15:16,920 --> 01:15:18,650 rolling on the main gear trying to de-rotate. 878 01:15:18,650 --> 01:15:21,920 So it resulted in more software changes. 879 01:15:21,920 --> 01:15:28,920 Another thing we learned, they were pushing for auto-land. 880 01:15:31,250 --> 01:15:36,530 We flew the whole turn onto final and down final hands off in auto-land. 881 01:15:36,530 --> 01:15:43,530 The program wanted to take this out of the hands of the crew, so here on the third flight 882 01:15:45,730 --> 01:15:49,940 they had us sitting there watching the airplane fly down to pre-flare. 883 01:15:49,940 --> 01:15:55,210 And then the first chance Jack got to grab the stick was at the last minute to do the 884 01:15:55,210 --> 01:15:57,230 flare and landing. 885 01:15:57,230 --> 01:15:59,410 And that was dumb when you look back, really dumb. 886 01:15:59,410 --> 01:16:06,410 And so, now all flight commanders, if it has been auto down to 40,000 feet where you go 887 01:16:07,020 --> 01:16:11,150 subsonic, we will fly manually all the way down to get a feel for the airplane. 888 01:16:11,150 --> 01:16:13,630 It makes a lot more sense. 889 01:16:13,630 --> 01:16:14,870 That is the way flights are done now. 890 01:16:14,870 --> 01:16:18,370 Here is where we started from orbit. 891 01:16:18,370 --> 01:16:21,850 This is how Cape Canaveral looks. 892 01:16:21,850 --> 01:16:24,460 Right here is the shuttle landing strip that is down there. 893 01:16:24,460 --> 01:16:25,340 You can see it. 894 01:16:25,340 --> 01:16:28,850 And the launch pads are these two dots. 895 01:16:28,850 --> 01:16:34,490 And so, that is where usually a shuttle flight starts and ends. 896 01:16:34,490 --> 01:16:37,210 Here is a picture of our payload bay on STS-3. 897 01:16:37,210 --> 01:16:40,220 And we did have a payload. 898 01:16:40,220 --> 01:16:47,220 Previous crews had pretty much empty payload bay, but we had an environmental measurement 899 01:16:48,460 --> 01:16:51,670 thing, a lot of instrumentation. 900 01:16:51,670 --> 01:16:58,670 Then this PDP, Plasma Diagnostic Package that we actually had something to grab with the 901 01:16:59,020 --> 01:17:00,630 manipulator arm, as you see here. 902 01:17:00,630 --> 01:17:07,630 I looked around and found, I don't know if you can recognize this, but that is Cape Cod 903 01:17:08,150 --> 01:17:08,400 back there. 904 01:17:08,320 --> 01:17:13,120 A picture of MIT. 905 01:17:13,120 --> 01:17:14,180 Not a good picture. 906 01:17:14,180 --> 01:17:16,130 There have got to be lots of better ones. 907 01:17:16,130 --> 01:17:22,160 And here is where we ended up, the White Sands area near Alamogordo, New Mexico. 908 01:17:22,160 --> 01:17:29,160 What we learned, this is a pretty cryptic summary. 909 01:17:31,130 --> 01:17:33,190 Training was a real problem. 910 01:17:33,190 --> 01:17:40,190 The first two crews that flew STS-1 and STS-2 had all the attention of the training people 911 01:17:43,970 --> 01:17:44,970 in the simulators. 912 01:17:44,970 --> 01:17:48,030 They had priority, properly so. 913 01:17:48,030 --> 01:17:55,030 We, on the third flight, had low priority and really struggled. 914 01:17:55,230 --> 01:18:00,350 And what we found, when we got in the simulators, is when they didn't work right nobody could 915 01:18:00,350 --> 01:18:03,540 explain why. 916 01:18:03,540 --> 01:18:06,840 Many times we try on ascent and crash and burn. 917 01:18:06,840 --> 01:18:09,130 And you always were scratching your head is this real? 918 01:18:09,130 --> 01:18:12,940 Is this the way the orbiter flies or is it some flaw in the simulator? 919 01:18:12,940 --> 01:18:19,940 Early on you are developing not only the orbiter but the training facilities. 920 01:18:20,950 --> 01:18:22,850 And the people didn't understand the system. 921 01:18:22,850 --> 01:18:28,640 We had more exposure from ALT to subsystems than the people that were supposed to be the 922 01:18:28,640 --> 01:18:29,040 experts. 923 01:18:29,040 --> 01:18:36,040 It was a group learning process and a long way from what happens now when crews go in. 924 01:18:36,520 --> 01:18:40,309 And they get the straight word right from the beginning on how things are. 925 01:18:40,309 --> 01:18:43,210 The tiles fell off. 926 01:18:43,210 --> 01:18:43,850 Not good. 927 01:18:43,850 --> 01:18:50,850 They changed the bonding scheme, improved the quality control and, fortunately for the 928 01:18:52,260 --> 01:18:55,610 program, no critical tiles fell off. 929 01:18:55,610 --> 01:18:57,090 But that was alarming. 930 01:18:57,090 --> 01:19:04,090 We looked out there, we reported it, took pictures of it looking at these gaps in the 931 01:19:04,420 --> 01:19:06,670 system right out in front of the windshield. 932 01:19:06,670 --> 01:19:13,670 But Ground said don't worry, that is a cool area during entry. 933 01:19:13,790 --> 01:19:18,710 Entry is at 40 degrees angle of attack so it is cool on top. 934 01:19:18,710 --> 01:19:19,410 They were right. 935 01:19:19,410 --> 01:19:23,900 Everything was fine. 936 01:19:23,900 --> 01:19:29,290 Another tile thing was after the flight, actually, delay that. 937 01:19:29,290 --> 01:19:32,350 It was really more after the next flight. 938 01:19:32,350 --> 01:19:36,080 I mentioned how the ride is. 939 01:19:36,080 --> 01:19:40,100 The first two minutes were rough and exciting. 940 01:19:40,100 --> 01:19:47,100 The next six or seven are unbelievably smooth when you get on the main engines, and then 941 01:19:49,380 --> 01:19:52,460 more vibration that you are getting sitting in the chairs now. 942 01:19:52,460 --> 01:19:54,480 And it is just a steady relentless push. 943 01:19:54,480 --> 01:19:58,309 It is just a spectacular right. 944 01:19:58,309 --> 01:20:03,030 But you are back in the seat. 945 01:20:03,030 --> 01:20:09,630 Had an APU oil overheat during that 3G part. 946 01:20:09,630 --> 01:20:15,460 Actually, about two minutes before MECO, Ground called and said we needed to shut down one 947 01:20:15,460 --> 01:20:15,910 APU. 948 01:20:15,910 --> 01:20:21,270 We were up past the point where we could live without all three APUs running. 949 01:20:21,270 --> 01:20:28,270 I had a chance to test what I worked on years previously with the cockpit design. 950 01:20:28,460 --> 01:20:35,290 You are concerned about visibility when you are squashed in the seat at 3Gs and access. 951 01:20:35,290 --> 01:20:40,360 And the APU switches, we had to put them down here. 952 01:20:40,360 --> 01:20:47,360 And, I remember worrying specifically, if we have got to get to the APU switches, the 953 01:20:48,190 --> 01:20:52,920 guy on the right seat under 3Gs, can he lift the helmet and look over there and find the 954 01:20:52,920 --> 01:20:53,690 correct switch? 955 01:20:53,690 --> 01:20:58,380 And you do not want to shut down the wrong one, one of the good ones. 956 01:20:58,380 --> 01:21:05,380 And it turned out, I guess with the adrenaline lifting this heavy helmet at 3Gs, I did it 957 01:21:08,000 --> 01:21:10,280 without even thinking about it and went right to the switch. 958 01:21:10,280 --> 01:21:17,190 So it worked. 959 01:21:17,190 --> 01:21:19,920 General habitability was good in the orbiter. 960 01:21:19,920 --> 01:21:26,059 The first time anybody lived there for eight days. 961 01:21:26,059 --> 01:21:30,309 A good way to think about living in the orbiter, think of it as a camping trip. 962 01:21:30,309 --> 01:21:37,309 You go on a camping trip you don't worry about hot water, showers and all the niceties of 963 01:21:37,930 --> 01:21:39,020 home. 964 01:21:39,020 --> 01:21:41,240 You get in that frame of mind and it is fine. 965 01:21:41,240 --> 01:21:48,240 The food is adequate, the facilities are OK, although in our case the toilet ground to 966 01:21:51,470 --> 01:21:52,740 a halt. 967 01:21:52,740 --> 01:21:59,740 It is a drum that rotates to centrifugally sling all fecal material out and contain it. 968 01:22:00,830 --> 01:22:02,760 And it ground to a halt. 969 01:22:02,760 --> 01:22:09,760 We were in a real camping trip for a while on that, although it worked out. 970 01:22:13,000 --> 01:22:16,440 The arm worked great, RMS. 971 01:22:16,440 --> 01:22:19,210 The main jets I mentioned earlier. 972 01:22:19,210 --> 01:22:23,690 Of course, you don't use the main jets much. 973 01:22:23,690 --> 01:22:27,770 It would be hard to sleep with them booming away, but you use the Verniers most of the 974 01:22:27,770 --> 01:22:28,020 time. 975 01:22:27,880 --> 01:22:32,809 Verniers are critical to smooth operation over long periods of time. 976 01:22:32,809 --> 01:22:39,520 We spent a lot of time, for instance, tail sun. 977 01:22:39,520 --> 01:22:45,620 For like three days we put the tail right at the sun and stayed in that inertial attitude. 978 01:22:45,620 --> 01:22:51,390 And so it cooked the backend while the front end of the orbiter is cold. 979 01:22:51,390 --> 01:22:56,580 We took all the Theodolite measurements, opened and closed the doors. 980 01:22:56,580 --> 01:22:58,380 All of that worked fine. 981 01:22:58,380 --> 01:22:59,930 The systems handled it. 982 01:22:59,930 --> 01:23:01,670 A lot of it was ground analysis. 983 01:23:01,670 --> 01:23:06,140 And how the temperatures were, were extensively instrumented. 984 01:23:06,140 --> 01:23:12,940 And we did notice a strange thing. 985 01:23:12,940 --> 01:23:15,880 Not strange but it became apparent. 986 01:23:15,880 --> 01:23:22,880 When you are in orbit, when you are on the sunny side of the earth, as soon as the sun 987 01:23:24,480 --> 01:23:31,309 comes up it is high noon bright, but there is no atmosphere around to diffuse the light. 988 01:23:31,309 --> 01:23:38,309 When we were at tail sun, it is hidden behind perfectly eclipsed by the aft structure. 989 01:23:38,740 --> 01:23:45,740 And so, there is no sun ball to be seen anywhere, even though it is bright sunny from just the 990 01:23:46,740 --> 01:23:50,980 reflections of the structure you can see out the window. 991 01:23:50,980 --> 01:23:57,980 I noticed, looking at the radiators, which are very, very smooth concave surfaces out 992 01:23:58,370 --> 01:24:01,190 there and shiny silver colored. 993 01:24:01,190 --> 01:24:08,190 It looked like there were bright diamonds all along the surface when we were tail sun. 994 01:24:09,250 --> 01:24:14,990 And I finally figured out it was just little specks of dust on the radiators, which you 995 01:24:14,990 --> 01:24:16,730 wouldn't even notice normally. 996 01:24:16,730 --> 01:24:23,730 But exactly tail sun, the sun's rays are coming right down exactly tangent to that surface. 997 01:24:24,550 --> 01:24:28,650 And the least little thing on it would flare. 998 01:24:28,650 --> 01:24:35,650 And interesting effect which took me a while to figure out what all these bright spots 999 01:24:36,460 --> 01:24:43,460 on the radiators are. 1000 01:24:44,590 --> 01:24:51,590 Entry on STS-3 was done to an about 1:00 in the morning landing at White Sands, New Mexico. 1001 01:24:53,150 --> 01:24:54,100 We started the entry. 1002 01:24:54,100 --> 01:25:00,440 Halfway around the world it is dark, and most of the entry was in the dark. 1003 01:25:00,440 --> 01:25:05,809 The plasma light show that happens, as you get down in the atmosphere, the ionization 1004 01:25:05,809 --> 01:25:11,420 that happens produces a spectacular scene out the windshield. 1005 01:25:11,420 --> 01:25:18,420 I mean it also had us thinking about the missing tiles that are going. 1006 01:25:19,059 --> 01:25:24,150 But a night entry is really a show. 1007 01:25:24,150 --> 01:25:29,360 The next flight was a day entry which was not nearly as spectacular. 1008 01:25:29,360 --> 01:25:36,360 I mentioned about grabbing the stick too late, unfair to Jack, and then the de-rotation. 1009 01:25:41,980 --> 01:25:43,850 Now onto part three. 1010 01:25:43,850 --> 01:25:45,050 How am I doing? 1011 01:25:45,050 --> 01:25:46,059 I might make it yet. 1012 01:25:46,059 --> 01:25:53,059 STS-51F was a whole different situation than the earlier test flights. 1013 01:26:00,720 --> 01:26:05,050 One big difference is there were seven people instead of two. 1014 01:26:05,050 --> 01:26:09,410 With seven we had to add a little bit on the patch to put the extra two names. 1015 01:26:09,410 --> 01:26:12,440 This is the ninth flight. 1016 01:26:12,440 --> 01:26:15,059 There are nineteen stars. 1017 01:26:15,059 --> 01:26:15,780 Primary experiments. 1018 01:26:15,780 --> 01:26:16,960 This was a science flight. 1019 01:26:16,960 --> 01:26:19,970 It was a space lab but without the laboratory. 1020 01:26:19,970 --> 01:26:25,900 All equipment in the payload bay full stem to stern with telescopes mostly. 1021 01:26:25,900 --> 01:26:31,650 And all the telescopes mounted on the pointing system we had were solar telescopes. 1022 01:26:31,650 --> 01:26:37,570 So we had the sun in the accurate part of the sky. 1023 01:26:37,570 --> 01:26:44,570 Here is Orion and Leo, the backwards question mark. 1024 01:26:46,680 --> 01:26:51,320 Nineteen stars. 1025 01:26:51,320 --> 01:26:58,320 A lot of symbology here. 1026 01:27:01,070 --> 01:27:08,070 A short entertaining video. 1027 01:27:13,230 --> 01:27:20,230 We had seven people, including three mission specialists, which Dr. 1028 01:27:22,220 --> 01:27:25,920 Hoffman was when he was down in Houston. 1029 01:27:25,920 --> 01:27:31,530 And we had two payload specialists, guys who were not full time astronauts. 1030 01:27:31,530 --> 01:27:33,030 They were solar physicists. 1031 01:27:33,030 --> 01:27:39,740 And they were the experts on the solar telescopes that we had and went along to fly. 1032 01:27:39,740 --> 01:27:43,780 First try here at main engine ignition ended three seconds after ignition. 1033 01:27:43,780 --> 01:27:50,780 We felt the spacecraft rock around, the noise and then nothing. 1034 01:27:51,600 --> 01:27:58,600 And we had a pad shutdown because the left engine, the automatic system detected a failure, 1035 01:28:00,760 --> 01:28:02,980 a slow-acting valve and it shut us off. 1036 01:28:02,980 --> 01:28:07,400 So we are there wondering if we are on fire and whether we ought to race out and so forth. 1037 01:28:07,400 --> 01:28:13,280 It was tense for a while but there wasn't a fire, just this automatic shutdown. 1038 01:28:13,280 --> 01:28:15,790 We crawled out. 1039 01:28:15,790 --> 01:28:22,790 We were told there would be a two-week delay, so we took the kids to Disneyland and had 1040 01:28:24,570 --> 01:28:28,260 a good time, went back home and started the whole training cycle again. 1041 01:28:28,260 --> 01:28:34,840 And came back two weeks later and got a good start this time. 1042 01:28:34,840 --> 01:28:41,270 But not after lying on our back on the pads strapped in for five hours because of some 1043 01:28:41,270 --> 01:28:48,040 software glitches that had to be fixed and computers reloaded and tested. 1044 01:28:48,040 --> 01:28:52,490 And one of our reports was five hours is the limit. 1045 01:28:52,490 --> 01:28:58,490 I mean you are lying on your back with your feet up in a pressure suit strapped in. 1046 01:28:58,490 --> 01:29:05,490 That is more than is reasonable to ask prior to launch. 1047 01:29:08,710 --> 01:29:10,740 On the way up, well, I will mention that later. 1048 01:29:10,740 --> 01:29:12,910 Here is the instrument system. 1049 01:29:12,910 --> 01:29:15,040 This baby was built in Germany. 1050 01:29:15,040 --> 01:29:22,040 It is this gimbal device that held these four solar telescopes and the star trackers. 1051 01:29:23,150 --> 01:29:25,380 Here is a physics experiment. 1052 01:29:25,380 --> 01:29:30,340 The OMS engines are lit and produces one-sixteenth of a G. 1053 01:29:30,340 --> 01:29:33,920 The thrust of the orbital maneuvering engines. 1054 01:29:33,920 --> 01:29:37,020 If you are trying to sleep, that is what happens when the OMS engines come on. 1055 01:29:37,020 --> 01:29:44,020 And you saw the water going across. 1056 01:29:44,290 --> 01:29:46,870 It is déjà vu. 1057 01:29:46,870 --> 01:29:52,270 We had the same old PDP package on this, but with a difference this time. 1058 01:29:52,270 --> 01:29:54,940 We took it out of the payload bay and brought it up here. 1059 01:29:54,940 --> 01:29:59,559 That is my right ear you are looking at in profile out the window. 1060 01:29:59,559 --> 01:30:05,240 It is crowded up there with seven people up on the flight deck all trying to get a view 1061 01:30:05,240 --> 01:30:07,220 here, but we let go of it. 1062 01:30:07,220 --> 01:30:13,370 And it had a momentum wheel in there to cause it to spin up slowly. 1063 01:30:13,370 --> 01:30:20,370 And we backed away from it and flew a couple of very challenging loops around it. 1064 01:30:22,620 --> 01:30:26,080 Here is a sequel to the hairbrush. 1065 01:30:26,080 --> 01:30:26,760 This is not me. 1066 01:30:26,760 --> 01:30:33,540 It is Story Musgrave who has the same hairdo as I do. 1067 01:30:33,540 --> 01:30:37,740 And he is getting spiffed up for the TV show. 1068 01:30:37,740 --> 01:30:44,740 That is all we did is horse around for seven days. 1069 01:31:00,300 --> 01:31:04,380 It got extended a day to eight days again. 1070 01:31:04,380 --> 01:31:11,380 And this landing was back at Edwards, runway 23 on August 6th when it was 105 degrees, 1071 01:31:13,240 --> 01:31:17,670 lots of heat waves. 1072 01:31:17,670 --> 01:31:22,960 This landing was by far the most forward CG because we still had all that equipment in 1073 01:31:22,960 --> 01:31:24,650 the payload bay. 1074 01:31:24,650 --> 01:31:31,650 And we were almost the heaviest orbiter landing, so getting the nose down before it fell down, 1075 01:31:32,170 --> 01:31:39,170 crashed and broke the nose gear was one of my primary concerns on this one. 1076 01:32:01,230 --> 01:32:04,420 More about the actual launch itself. 1077 01:32:04,420 --> 01:32:05,850 There is the customary view. 1078 01:32:05,850 --> 01:32:12,850 They put a camera right in close and got this really close-up view, but it was about 5.5 1079 01:32:18,590 --> 01:32:21,610 minutes after this picture. 1080 01:32:21,610 --> 01:32:22,820 We had delayed five hours. 1081 01:32:22,820 --> 01:32:29,820 It is late afternoon so very quickly heading out over the Atlantic we were in darkness. 1082 01:32:30,690 --> 01:32:31,980 And then, bang. 1083 01:32:31,980 --> 01:32:38,559 Remember the left engine got us on the pad abort? 1084 01:32:38,559 --> 01:32:42,110 Well, the center engine shut down. 1085 01:32:42,110 --> 01:32:47,090 We were at 3Gs and all of a sudden we are at 2Gs or something like that. 1086 01:32:47,090 --> 01:32:53,660 Instant square wave cutoff and acceleration. 1087 01:32:53,660 --> 01:32:56,370 Looking there and confirming the center engine shut down. 1088 01:32:56,370 --> 01:33:01,860 What happened was there are a number of sensors on the main engines. 1089 01:33:01,860 --> 01:33:08,860 The particular one that got us was the fuel high pressure turbo pump. 1090 01:33:09,240 --> 01:33:16,240 A piece of machinery running at 75,000 RPM high pressures. 1091 01:33:19,130 --> 01:33:26,130 The high-tech gear that makes the main engine so efficient, IISP, but really run at the 1092 01:33:26,150 --> 01:33:31,610 limits of metallurgy and technology. 1093 01:33:31,610 --> 01:33:36,880 The sensor that senses the output temperature was a series of four platinum wires in the 1094 01:33:36,880 --> 01:33:42,550 cavity in the output of that turbo pump. 1095 01:33:42,550 --> 01:33:45,730 They had some tendency for the wires to burn through. 1096 01:33:45,730 --> 01:33:52,730 When they burn through, they showed over-temp was the electrical result of a burn through, 1097 01:33:53,280 --> 01:33:54,280 one of these sensors. 1098 01:33:54,280 --> 01:33:56,910 Well, we had two burn throughs. 1099 01:33:56,910 --> 01:34:03,360 And the software said that must mean there are two sensors that say you are too hot, 1100 01:34:03,360 --> 01:34:04,809 I will shut the motor off. 1101 01:34:04,809 --> 01:34:06,850 And it did. 1102 01:34:06,850 --> 01:34:13,850 With no reaction we just kept going straight and smooth, but it now put us into what is 1103 01:34:20,809 --> 01:34:21,490 called an abort. 1104 01:34:21,490 --> 01:34:24,340 Well, here is the crew. 1105 01:34:24,340 --> 01:34:26,960 There are seven of us. 1106 01:34:26,960 --> 01:34:33,750 I need to practice this more. 1107 01:34:33,750 --> 01:34:35,620 But, anyway, it was a two shift operation. 1108 01:34:35,620 --> 01:34:39,550 We were going to work around the clock, so we had a red team and a blue team. 1109 01:34:39,550 --> 01:34:44,210 And I was the commander so I had a striped shirt. 1110 01:34:44,210 --> 01:34:44,710 Abort to orbit. 1111 01:34:44,710 --> 01:34:49,980 We had to call from the ground, confirm what we knew already, which means turning that 1112 01:34:49,980 --> 01:34:54,040 rotary knob to ATO, abort to orbit, kind of an oxymoron in a way. 1113 01:34:54,040 --> 01:34:55,290 It is not really an abort. 1114 01:34:55,290 --> 01:34:58,500 It is pressing on and pushing the button behind it. 1115 01:34:58,500 --> 01:35:04,059 It loads the software in to do a couple of things, lower the insertion target. 1116 01:35:04,059 --> 01:35:11,059 We had tried to get as high orbit as performance would permit, but now we are going lower. 1117 01:35:11,219 --> 01:35:15,760 Engine down costs you total performance. 1118 01:35:15,760 --> 01:35:20,170 And we also started dumping OMS fuel. 1119 01:35:20,170 --> 01:35:26,010 We had to turn on the OMS engines, and we ended up dumping 4500 pounds of OMS fuel, 1120 01:35:26,010 --> 01:35:33,010 a little bit of extra thrust but a significant loss of weight to allow the remaining performance 1121 01:35:34,469 --> 01:35:38,469 to get us to an acceptable orbit. 1122 01:35:38,469 --> 01:35:44,980 And, interestingly, the last sim we did in training in Houston, before we went to the 1123 01:35:44,980 --> 01:35:51,780 Cape to fly about two days before, was an integrated sim where we are tied into all 1124 01:35:51,780 --> 01:35:53,730 the controllers and everybody is working as a team. 1125 01:35:53,730 --> 01:35:59,650 And the very last run we had was an ATO, abort to orbit. 1126 01:35:59,650 --> 01:36:01,650 And, son of a gun, that is what we did. 1127 01:36:01,650 --> 01:36:05,110 We always had trouble starting a watch. 1128 01:36:05,110 --> 01:36:09,219 And you try to do everything internally on the crew so that if you lose communication 1129 01:36:09,219 --> 01:36:15,530 with the ground you can complete the emergency properly on your own. 1130 01:36:15,530 --> 01:36:22,530 On ATOs before, we had to start a stopwatch at the time we started the OMS dump. 1131 01:36:22,630 --> 01:36:27,400 And we had a chart to go in to find out how many minutes of OMS dump we needed to do given 1132 01:36:27,400 --> 01:36:31,200 at what velocity we lost the engine. 1133 01:36:31,200 --> 01:36:33,650 And Story's job was to do the watch. 1134 01:36:33,650 --> 01:36:39,110 In the excitement of all the other stuff we had to do to get the OMS on, we would always 1135 01:36:39,110 --> 01:36:39,469 forget the watch. 1136 01:36:39,469 --> 01:36:43,300 But this time he got the watch going so we actually did it right. 1137 01:36:43,300 --> 01:36:50,300 And we knew that when we got to where we burned out all the available fuel, which we did, 1138 01:36:51,670 --> 01:36:58,670 we went to a fuel depletion cutoff, that we would be really close to having to do right 1139 01:37:01,350 --> 01:37:04,450 away another OMS burn to get an acceptable orbit. 1140 01:37:04,450 --> 01:37:09,000 We are right on the boundary, as it turned out. 1141 01:37:09,000 --> 01:37:16,000 We dumped the right amount of OMS, every last drop of main propellant gone, we were just 1142 01:37:16,790 --> 01:37:23,790 on the boundary of not having to do the first OMS burn and we could relax 45 minutes later 1143 01:37:26,030 --> 01:37:29,940 halfway around the world to do the final circularization. 1144 01:37:29,940 --> 01:37:35,860 So it worked out good, except we were in a lot lower orbit than we had planned. 1145 01:37:35,860 --> 01:37:40,770 And everything about this space lab flight depended on the orbit, so we were into a giant 1146 01:37:40,770 --> 01:37:41,170 re-plan. 1147 01:37:41,170 --> 01:37:45,719 Here is a nice picture of the IPS. 1148 01:37:45,719 --> 01:37:52,719 Gordon, I also explain the situation of the inhibit switch on and off. 1149 01:37:55,170 --> 01:38:02,170 I don't know how much you were aware of what was going on there in the cockpit. 1150 01:38:02,200 --> 01:38:08,610 There is a switch in the cockpit. 1151 01:38:08,610 --> 01:38:13,400 You have a lot of parameters that are monitored in the software on the main engines which, 1152 01:38:13,400 --> 01:38:17,210 if they go out of tolerance, will shut the engine off. 1153 01:38:17,210 --> 01:38:24,130 In fact, that is exactly why we lost the center engine. 1154 01:38:24,130 --> 01:38:28,830 But, right after that engine shutdown, we were in a state where we really don't want 1155 01:38:28,830 --> 01:38:29,740 to lose another engine. 1156 01:38:29,740 --> 01:38:35,530 Because if, with only one left, we did not have the performance to get to orbit, we would 1157 01:38:35,530 --> 01:38:42,440 have had to have gone to Zaragoza, Spain and land in the middle of the night where it was 1158 01:38:42,440 --> 01:38:45,059 a 10,000 foot overcast and raining. 1159 01:38:45,059 --> 01:38:51,880 I mean if we pulled that off we would have deserved some kind of metal. 1160 01:38:51,880 --> 01:38:58,880 And so, as a preplanned procedure, when you lose one engine before, the point where you 1161 01:38:59,510 --> 01:39:05,360 can stagger into orbit on one remaining engine you inhibit the limits. 1162 01:39:05,360 --> 01:39:12,360 You throw a switch that says you're telling the engines to keep running regardless of 1163 01:39:13,420 --> 01:39:18,500 over-temps or anything because you take the chance, which is a big one if something let 1164 01:39:18,500 --> 01:39:25,500 go, to not be susceptible that got us for the first engine, that is a sensor failure. 1165 01:39:28,770 --> 01:39:29,780 And so we did that. 1166 01:39:29,780 --> 01:39:35,790 We inhibited the limits until we got to a point in the energy profile where we were 1167 01:39:35,790 --> 01:39:37,719 "press to MECO." That is the call. 1168 01:39:37,719 --> 01:39:44,719 Press to MECO means that you are now at a velocity where you can make it into acceptable 1169 01:39:45,870 --> 01:39:51,790 low orbit on one engine if you should lose another one. 1170 01:39:51,790 --> 01:39:58,790 Press to MECO then the plan was we will re-enable the limits so we are not hanging it out on 1171 01:39:59,800 --> 01:40:03,510 a possible second engine failure. 1172 01:40:03,510 --> 01:40:07,570 And we would accept a second engine failure because we knew we could make it on one engine. 1173 01:40:07,570 --> 01:40:12,690 So we did that, the call came up, we went to enable. 1174 01:40:12,690 --> 01:40:17,059 And then, before we got there, we got another call from the ground that said go back to 1175 01:40:17,059 --> 01:40:18,870 inhibit. 1176 01:40:18,870 --> 01:40:21,719 Well, it wasn't time to get a full explanation. 1177 01:40:21,719 --> 01:40:23,990 We dutifully did it. 1178 01:40:23,990 --> 01:40:28,490 What they saw on the ground is more failures on the right engine. 1179 01:40:28,490 --> 01:40:30,570 Remember the left got us on the pad abort? 1180 01:40:30,570 --> 01:40:32,740 The center engine shut down on the way up. 1181 01:40:32,740 --> 01:40:39,610 And, to make everything equal, the right engine, the same sensors they can see on the ground, 1182 01:40:39,610 --> 01:40:45,650 it is not visible in the cockpit, each of those four platinum wires they saw starting 1183 01:40:45,650 --> 01:40:47,820 to go. 1184 01:40:47,820 --> 01:40:50,059 Clearly a design problem here. 1185 01:40:50,059 --> 01:40:55,790 And they could tell those were going to go and get us that second engine, so that is 1186 01:40:55,790 --> 01:40:58,940 why we went back to inhibit for the rest of the way. 1187 01:40:58,940 --> 01:41:04,650 It made a good war story, but we got there. 1188 01:41:04,650 --> 01:41:10,630 We started operating the IPS. 1189 01:41:10,630 --> 01:41:15,990 A platform built in Germany with all the telescopes. 1190 01:41:15,990 --> 01:41:19,460 These are start trackers to align where it is. 1191 01:41:19,460 --> 01:41:22,150 And this baby could point. 1192 01:41:22,150 --> 01:41:26,260 The spec was one arch second of accuracy. 1193 01:41:26,260 --> 01:41:29,330 An arch second is the size of a dime. 1194 01:41:29,330 --> 01:41:36,330 If you are standing at the capital and looking at dime at the Lincoln Memorial, that is how 1195 01:41:36,900 --> 01:41:38,080 much. 1196 01:41:38,080 --> 01:41:42,900 But, when we cranked it up, it didn't work worth a hoot. 1197 01:41:42,900 --> 01:41:46,840 They just couldn't get it to stabilize or point where it was supposed to. 1198 01:41:46,840 --> 01:41:52,350 And, for three days, the payload specialists and the MSs were in constant communication 1199 01:41:52,350 --> 01:41:54,110 with the ground. 1200 01:41:54,110 --> 01:41:59,559 And they patched the software in a major way and kept sending up new software loads to 1201 01:41:59,559 --> 01:42:01,620 get this thing to work. 1202 01:42:01,620 --> 01:42:08,620 And viola, on the third day they finally got it right, then it worked well and got a lot 1203 01:42:09,790 --> 01:42:14,820 of good solar science. 1204 01:42:14,820 --> 01:42:21,820 Just an aside, when you are looking at pictures from space, you tend to think you walk around 1205 01:42:23,630 --> 01:42:26,600 out here and the atmosphere is this big ocean of air above you, right? 1206 01:42:26,600 --> 01:42:30,010 Lots of air way up there. 1207 01:42:30,010 --> 01:42:37,010 This little bitty blue line right there, barely perceptible, there always appears on any sunlit 1208 01:42:37,340 --> 01:42:44,340 picture showing the limb of the earth, that is the same blue as the scattering that causes 1209 01:42:46,130 --> 01:42:47,760 the sky to be blue. 1210 01:42:47,760 --> 01:42:50,200 And that is how thick it is. 1211 01:42:50,200 --> 01:42:54,920 It is just this little thin shell of atmosphere around. 1212 01:42:54,920 --> 01:43:01,920 At 18,000 feet three miles up you have lost half the atmospheric pressure. 1213 01:43:05,910 --> 01:43:10,000 And that is laying on an 8,000 mile diameter globe. 1214 01:43:10,000 --> 01:43:17,000 And so that is where all of human history has happened, in that little shell over there 1215 01:43:18,030 --> 01:43:19,940 laying around the globe. 1216 01:43:19,940 --> 01:43:25,690 A philosophical point for you engineers. 1217 01:43:25,690 --> 01:43:28,110 What is flying on orbit like? 1218 01:43:28,110 --> 01:43:34,430 Well, it is one of the 215 pounds of checklist. 1219 01:43:34,430 --> 01:43:39,980 Here I am checking propellant usage against what we've got and where we are because we 1220 01:43:39,980 --> 01:43:46,980 dumped 4,500 pounds of crucial fuel that we needed to make the planned most maneuvers 1221 01:43:49,059 --> 01:43:55,580 that ever been done in the orbit on our mission. 1222 01:43:55,580 --> 01:44:01,910 We didn't want an extra blip out of an RCS thruster, and it worked very well. 1223 01:44:01,910 --> 01:44:07,150 We got through seven days and even had enough to have another day of science on the eighth 1224 01:44:07,150 --> 01:44:07,400 day. 1225 01:44:07,230 --> 01:44:11,530 Flying is mostly watching the clock. 1226 01:44:11,530 --> 01:44:15,110 Everything happens according to time. 1227 01:44:15,110 --> 01:44:21,360 And, since you have 16 sunrises and sunsets every 24 hours, you never know what time it 1228 01:44:21,360 --> 01:44:24,780 is without looking at a watch. 1229 01:44:24,780 --> 01:44:29,030 And you are looking at a crew activity plan with everything laid out. 1230 01:44:29,030 --> 01:44:36,030 And we even had an alarm system you could set in the CRT to make a tone to wake you 1231 01:44:40,090 --> 01:44:40,450 up. 1232 01:44:40,450 --> 01:44:45,219 It is a lot of clock watching to pull off a complex mission like this. 1233 01:44:45,219 --> 01:44:47,400 It is just the way life is on orbit. 1234 01:44:47,400 --> 01:44:54,400 Now, here is one of our really serious high-level scientific objectives. 1235 01:44:56,860 --> 01:44:59,440 This was the official name, the Carbonated Beverage Test. 1236 01:44:59,440 --> 01:45:04,440 I don't know if it was an MIT guy or not. 1237 01:45:04,440 --> 01:45:09,980 He was a real serious academic type. 1238 01:45:09,980 --> 01:45:12,380 An Indian I think. 1239 01:45:12,380 --> 01:45:19,380 Anyway, he built a Coke can that had a lot of pressure regulators in there and laminar 1240 01:45:23,590 --> 01:45:27,590 flow annular things. 1241 01:45:27,590 --> 01:45:31,050 So many that this Coke can only held four ounces of Coke. 1242 01:45:31,050 --> 01:45:34,540 But he talked to the White House. 1243 01:45:34,540 --> 01:45:35,650 Reagan was president. 1244 01:45:35,650 --> 01:45:42,559 And somebody on the staff approved we are going to fly these Coke cans and see if they 1245 01:45:42,559 --> 01:45:49,280 had a system to provide pop in orbit with the regular kind of carbonation and dispense 1246 01:45:49,280 --> 01:45:51,760 OK. 1247 01:45:51,760 --> 01:45:55,050 We got the briefing and we had the four stowed in a locker. 1248 01:45:55,050 --> 01:45:57,880 And I got them out at the start of the test. 1249 01:45:57,880 --> 01:46:03,809 But 30 days before launch, all of a sudden this big thing came down. 1250 01:46:03,809 --> 01:46:10,670 Pepsi got wind of this experiment and went to the White House staff and they got Pepsi 1251 01:46:10,670 --> 01:46:11,510 put on. 1252 01:46:11,510 --> 01:46:18,510 Pepsi went into a crash program to fly more cans of Pepsi. 1253 01:46:19,139 --> 01:46:24,880 Here is Carl trying the Pepsi. 1254 01:46:24,880 --> 01:46:29,250 You notice that looks a lot like a shaving cream can. 1255 01:46:29,250 --> 01:46:35,520 Well, that's how the Pepsi came out, just like shaving cream, this frothy ball of stuff. 1256 01:46:35,520 --> 01:46:37,860 I mean theirs was the last minute deal. 1257 01:46:37,860 --> 01:46:41,180 It didn't have any pressure regulators in it. 1258 01:46:41,180 --> 01:46:47,740 It just went out there. 1259 01:46:47,740 --> 01:46:51,340 Now we worried about having to make a judgment, which tasted better. 1260 01:46:51,340 --> 01:46:58,340 Well, the problem was we didn't have any kind of refrigerator so they are both warm. 1261 01:46:58,850 --> 01:47:04,550 Warm pop is not my favorite. 1262 01:47:04,550 --> 01:47:11,550 And so, they were not anything anybody fought over, either kind. 1263 01:47:16,800 --> 01:47:23,800 If you let the Pepsi float around it would coalesce a little CO2 in random fashion, but 1264 01:47:23,950 --> 01:47:30,950 the physics of it, Carl found by blowing very carefully on the edge you could get it spinning 1265 01:47:31,280 --> 01:47:33,380 up. 1266 01:47:33,380 --> 01:47:40,380 And spinning Pepsi would have the froth at the poles and the liquid around the equator. 1267 01:47:40,969 --> 01:47:47,969 And we always had a tall guy standing by in case it drifted into something. 1268 01:47:51,050 --> 01:47:52,550 This is the end of the experiment here. 1269 01:47:52,550 --> 01:47:59,550 He got it into his mouth without touching any of it. 1270 01:47:59,780 --> 01:48:06,550 We had the same PDP but, as I mentioned and as you saw in the movie, we let go of it. 1271 01:48:06,550 --> 01:48:10,730 We actually maneuvered all around the orbit and looked at the wake through the plasma, 1272 01:48:10,730 --> 01:48:11,850 let go of it. 1273 01:48:11,850 --> 01:48:18,520 The proximity ops were very extensive and challenging and many, many maneuvers. 1274 01:48:18,520 --> 01:48:20,070 That is in the Caribbean. 1275 01:48:20,070 --> 01:48:21,690 The tongue of the ocean. 1276 01:48:21,690 --> 01:48:25,950 A spectacular coral reef around very deep water. 1277 01:48:25,950 --> 01:48:28,880 Here is the Gibraltar. 1278 01:48:28,880 --> 01:48:32,630 The rock, I believe, is out on the point. 1279 01:48:32,630 --> 01:48:38,190 The Mediterranean here and the Atlantic here. 1280 01:48:38,190 --> 01:48:40,280 You've heard you cannot see borders in space. 1281 01:48:40,280 --> 01:48:41,620 Not true. 1282 01:48:41,620 --> 01:48:48,620 This is Israel this way and Egypt this way and the Gaza strip along here, which has been 1283 01:48:49,330 --> 01:48:53,469 in the news as of late. 1284 01:48:53,469 --> 01:48:56,330 And in the same area the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee. 1285 01:48:56,330 --> 01:48:58,300 Here is most of Israel in one picture. 1286 01:48:58,300 --> 01:49:04,219 A little closer to home. 1287 01:49:04,219 --> 01:49:06,900 This is most of New Jersey. 1288 01:49:06,900 --> 01:49:07,610 Long Island. 1289 01:49:07,610 --> 01:49:08,420 There is Manhattan. 1290 01:49:08,420 --> 01:49:11,389 Hudson River and East River. 1291 01:49:11,389 --> 01:49:18,389 There are about 10,000 copies of this picture. 1292 01:49:18,610 --> 01:49:20,219 This is Southern California. 1293 01:49:20,219 --> 01:49:21,809 This is San Diego right here. 1294 01:49:21,809 --> 01:49:23,880 Los Angeles. 1295 01:49:23,880 --> 01:49:29,719 And, in high rise print, you can see water here which is San Francisco Bay. 1296 01:49:29,719 --> 01:49:36,719 And the center of it all is the Antelope Valley right here where I live and where Edwards 1297 01:49:36,880 --> 01:49:38,400 is right here. 1298 01:49:38,400 --> 01:49:44,110 This is the San Andreas Fault right through here. 1299 01:49:44,110 --> 01:49:51,110 Closer up of LA which, at the end of 51F, we came right by Catalina Island, right up 1300 01:49:52,550 --> 01:49:54,830 the Harbor Freeway into Edwards. 1301 01:49:54,830 --> 01:50:01,830 And we went by Harbor Freeway at about mach 3. 1302 01:50:03,170 --> 01:50:06,000 And closer up of the dry lake at Edwards. 1303 01:50:06,000 --> 01:50:08,550 And the landing. 1304 01:50:08,550 --> 01:50:15,550 Flight test results most of which I have mentioned already. 1305 01:50:15,790 --> 01:50:22,790 And, to finish up, I have reports on a memory stick here, the pilot reports we wrote as 1306 01:50:24,219 --> 01:50:28,090 crews which you can take at your leisure. 1307 01:50:28,090 --> 01:50:30,739 If you are interested, copy it off. 1308 01:50:30,739 --> 01:50:32,900 They are available. 1309 01:50:32,900 --> 01:50:39,900 Not great works of art, but the specific things that we learned on doing the flight test. 1310 01:50:41,380 --> 01:50:48,380 And these are just thoughts of transitioning into operation from test mode, which I got 1311 01:50:50,139 --> 01:50:53,969 to see the whole gamut from beginning to full operational. 1312 01:50:53,969 --> 01:50:56,750 I apologize for running over. 1313 01:50:56,750 --> 01:51:00,430 I don't think anybody minded. 1314 01:51:00,430 --> 01:51:04,230 As you see, everybody is listening very intently. 1315 01:51:04,230 --> 01:51:06,489 Thank you very much for taking the time. 1316 01:51:06,489 --> 01:51:06,739 [APPLAUSE]