1 00:00:06,960 --> 00:00:08,500 Let's get started. 2 00:00:08,500 --> 00:00:16,930 Again, just putting things in perspective, Professor Cohen talked about how in a big 3 00:00:16,930 --> 00:00:21,110 engineering design project you work through the various stages. 4 00:00:21,110 --> 00:00:27,290 And the first stage is phase A where you come up with the basic concepts. 5 00:00:27,290 --> 00:00:36,570 And I think the level of detail of the system and subsystem lectures that he is giving, 6 00:00:36,570 --> 00:00:42,420 last lecture and today, we could sort of look at as being on kind of the phase A level to 7 00:00:42,420 --> 00:00:46,960 show the basic feasibility and the overall structure. 8 00:00:46,960 --> 00:00:56,620 Those of you from aero-astro have certainly been familiar with our approach to systems 9 00:00:56,620 --> 00:01:02,929 engineering which we call CDIO. 10 00:01:02,929 --> 00:01:11,000 Someone from aero-astro can tell me the C is conceive, design, implement, which actually 11 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:15,390 means manufacture and test, and operate. 12 00:01:15,390 --> 00:01:20,380 So we're kind of dealing in these first few lectures. 13 00:01:20,380 --> 00:01:26,960 And this could be looked at as phase A and then the detailed design, that's your phase 14 00:01:26,960 --> 00:01:28,670 B. 15 00:01:28,670 --> 00:01:34,289 That ends with the critical design review after which, in principle, you're supposed 16 00:01:34,289 --> 00:01:36,570 to be ready to cut hardware. 17 00:01:36,570 --> 00:01:40,329 And then you get into the phase CD where you actually build and test. 18 00:01:40,329 --> 00:01:43,149 And then, of course, we operate. 19 00:01:43,149 --> 00:01:50,640 My sort of background, the way I got into engineering, and I probably should have mentioned 20 00:01:50,640 --> 00:01:55,039 this at the beginning as sort of truth in advertising is I was never trained as an engineer, 21 00:01:55,039 --> 00:01:55,950 unlike Professor Cohen. 22 00:01:55,950 --> 00:01:57,939 I was actually trained as an astrophysicist. 23 00:01:57,939 --> 00:02:03,039 But, when I went to NASA, I spent so much time working with all the technical systems 24 00:02:03,039 --> 00:02:09,978 and interacting with the engineers and the people who use them that I learned certainly 25 00:02:09,978 --> 00:02:14,750 a lot about the way these systems are designed and particularly operated. 26 00:02:14,750 --> 00:02:21,860 So my approach to a lot of these engineering situations is very much from an operator's 27 00:02:21,860 --> 00:02:22,750 point of view. 28 00:02:22,750 --> 00:02:26,240 And I will try to emphasize that as we go along. 29 00:02:26,240 --> 00:02:31,980 Very important, right from the beginning of the design, I think that you think about how 30 00:02:31,980 --> 00:02:33,570 you're going to operate the system. 31 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:40,670 We have had too many examples that I've come across and many people who have to actually 32 00:02:40,670 --> 00:02:48,270 operate systems where you build something without really thinking of how the system 33 00:02:48,270 --> 00:02:50,870 is going to be maintained and taken care of. 34 00:02:50,870 --> 00:02:56,550 One of the things that we have been doing for the last few years is to take a group 35 00:02:56,550 --> 00:03:02,430 of undergraduates down to the Kennedy Space Center every January, an interim activities 36 00:03:02,430 --> 00:03:07,590 period, and have them spend a couple of weeks with the engineers and technicians who have 37 00:03:07,590 --> 00:03:10,950 to maintain and operate the shuttle system. 38 00:03:10,950 --> 00:03:18,190 And they hear lots of stories from the engineers and particularly from the technicians who 39 00:03:18,190 --> 00:03:21,960 say, boy, I would like to have a chance to talk to the person who designed this little 40 00:03:21,960 --> 00:03:22,160 system. 41 00:03:22,160 --> 00:03:24,700 And I have to get my hand all the way around. 42 00:03:24,700 --> 00:03:30,430 And it takes five hours to turn the bolt or something more fundamental. 43 00:03:30,430 --> 00:03:33,630 And we will probably discuss this when we talk about the main engines. 44 00:03:33,630 --> 00:03:39,870 The fact that originally the main engines were supposed to be reusable without being 45 00:03:39,870 --> 00:03:42,620 taken out of the shuttle so that you could cycle them many times. 46 00:03:42,620 --> 00:03:50,690 Well, it turns out that in order to get sufficient confidence that the engines are ready to fly, 47 00:03:50,690 --> 00:03:53,430 we really do have to take them out after every flight. 48 00:03:53,430 --> 00:03:56,410 And they are extensively borescoped when you look inside. 49 00:03:56,410 --> 00:04:02,970 But some of the engineers in the main engine shop pointed out that, for instance, if certain 50 00:04:02,970 --> 00:04:09,550 diagnostic test equipment had been built into the engine so that you could have taken data 51 00:04:09,550 --> 00:04:16,500 as the engines were shutting down over and above the data that we actually get, possibly 52 00:04:16,500 --> 00:04:23,129 we would have been able to reduce considerably the maintenance on those engines. 53 00:04:23,129 --> 00:04:29,610 Again, the shuttle was the first time we had really tried to design reusability into a 54 00:04:29,610 --> 00:04:30,990 space vehicle and engines. 55 00:04:30,990 --> 00:04:33,289 And we've learned an awful lot. 56 00:04:33,289 --> 00:04:40,349 So I think it's very important when we discuss the systems in the course of the term that 57 00:04:40,349 --> 00:04:45,280 we don't just look at the detailed design but we also consider the operations. 58 00:04:45,280 --> 00:04:49,360 That's very important. 59 00:04:49,360 --> 00:04:58,460 In that spirit, Professor Cohen is going to continue his introduction to the shuttle systems. 60 00:04:58,460 --> 00:05:02,610 And, Aaron, I will turn it over to you. 61 00:05:02,610 --> 00:05:03,069 OK. 62 00:05:03,069 --> 00:05:03,990 Thank you. 63 00:05:03,990 --> 00:05:09,569 As Professor Hoffman said, I'm really giving you what I would call a technical management 64 00:05:09,569 --> 00:05:17,840 overview because, when we talk about structures, on the 22nd Mr. 65 00:05:17,840 --> 00:05:21,770 Moser is going to come and talk about structures and he's really going to go into the details, 66 00:05:21,770 --> 00:05:26,219 how the loads were calculated, how the stressors were calculated, how NASTRAN was used, how 67 00:05:26,219 --> 00:05:28,780 we came up with the basic structure. 68 00:05:28,780 --> 00:05:34,360 But I'm just going to really give you sort of an overview on it. 69 00:05:34,360 --> 00:05:41,919 And I think it's interesting to note that the structures may be a very good system to 70 00:05:41,919 --> 00:05:46,219 look at for your project because it weighs a lot. 71 00:05:46,219 --> 00:05:55,039 We certainly didn't have all the tools for calculations that you have today to make it 72 00:05:55,039 --> 00:05:56,699 a more efficient structure. 73 00:05:56,699 --> 00:05:58,650 The materials are a lot different. 74 00:05:58,650 --> 00:06:04,110 But basically this structure, if you start at the front of it, the crew cabin, which 75 00:06:04,110 --> 00:06:08,590 I showed you a little bit about being made, a welded configuration, and the forward fuselage 76 00:06:08,590 --> 00:06:14,569 are basically an aluminum skin-stringer structure, very basic aluminum. 77 00:06:14,569 --> 00:06:22,800 If you go back down to the mid-fuselage, which is the large part there, it's, again, a skinned 78 00:06:22,800 --> 00:06:23,749 structure. 79 00:06:23,749 --> 00:06:29,330 Interestingly enough, the forward fuselage and the crew cabin where made by Rockwell 80 00:06:29,330 --> 00:06:31,529 International in Downey. 81 00:06:31,529 --> 00:06:35,680 The mid-fuselage was made by General Dynamics in San Diego. 82 00:06:35,680 --> 00:06:38,460 So we had various people putting the structure parts together. 83 00:06:38,460 --> 00:06:40,560 The wings were made by Grumman. 84 00:06:40,560 --> 00:06:46,370 So we had this vehicle being built all over the country coming to Palmdale, California 85 00:06:46,370 --> 00:06:49,090 for assembly. 86 00:06:49,090 --> 00:06:51,629 And the aft thrust structure was built by Rockwell. 87 00:06:51,629 --> 00:06:56,499 The vertical tail, I believe, was built by Fairchild on Long Island. 88 00:06:56,499 --> 00:06:59,020 Some of these places don't exist anymore. 89 00:06:59,020 --> 00:07:02,199 But then you go back to the vertical tail. 90 00:07:02,199 --> 00:07:08,319 Again, it is machined skins with honeycomb. 91 00:07:08,319 --> 00:07:10,529 The aft fuselage, as you can see, is very complicated. 92 00:07:10,529 --> 00:07:18,169 It has all the plumbing, all the wiring, all the auxiliary power unit, so it is a maze 93 00:07:18,169 --> 00:07:19,319 of plumbing and wiring. 94 00:07:19,319 --> 00:07:21,759 You could get lost in there and they'd never find you again. 95 00:07:21,759 --> 00:07:25,139 But it is a maze of wiring and plumbing. 96 00:07:25,139 --> 00:07:27,740 And it's made basically of aluminum. 97 00:07:27,740 --> 00:07:37,770 But a lot of the support structure are boron/aluminum thrust structure panels with graphite epoxy 98 00:07:37,770 --> 00:07:39,439 skin panels. 99 00:07:39,439 --> 00:07:47,590 And then the payload bay doors, which was our innovative material going into large composites, 100 00:07:47,590 --> 00:07:53,909 we use graphite epoxy, that was the first time that really a large composite structure 101 00:07:53,909 --> 00:07:55,180 was used in a vehicle. 102 00:07:55,180 --> 00:08:01,139 Now it's used quite commonly in the Air Force and a lot of places, but graphite epoxy were 103 00:08:01,139 --> 00:08:03,159 the panels we used. 104 00:08:03,159 --> 00:08:04,020 And that saved a lot of weight. 105 00:08:04,020 --> 00:08:10,659 One of the problems we had, though, was when we built these panels we found we got moisture 106 00:08:10,659 --> 00:08:11,379 trapped in it. 107 00:08:11,379 --> 00:08:18,499 And, of course, the moisture, when you heat it up coming back it would pop the panels 108 00:08:18,499 --> 00:08:19,259 off. 109 00:08:19,259 --> 00:08:23,430 So, on the pad, we had to go in and drill little holes in these panels to be sure we 110 00:08:23,430 --> 00:08:25,719 could get the moisture to escape. 111 00:08:25,719 --> 00:08:28,779 So those are things you learn when you do new technologies. 112 00:08:28,779 --> 00:08:32,179 But, as I said, Mr. 113 00:08:32,179 --> 00:08:35,520 Moser is going to go through a very detailed explanation of this. 114 00:08:35,520 --> 00:08:41,070 This may be something you want to consider because there could be a real innovative way 115 00:08:41,070 --> 00:08:47,840 of reducing the weight and making the vehicle more robust, so I suggest you think about 116 00:08:47,840 --> 00:08:50,980 that for the structure. 117 00:08:50,980 --> 00:08:56,150 Now I'm going to talk a little bit about guidance, navigation and control. 118 00:08:56,150 --> 00:08:59,410 And some people asked me yesterday where they could find some information on it. 119 00:08:59,410 --> 00:09:05,210 Actually, in those orange or yellow books, I've forgotten what color they are, that we 120 00:09:05,210 --> 00:09:12,640 showed you that are on-hold in the library, have a very detailed analysis and discussion 121 00:09:12,640 --> 00:09:16,620 of how the guidance, navigation and control system was formulated. 122 00:09:16,620 --> 00:09:17,810 And it is probably as good as you're going to find. 123 00:09:17,810 --> 00:09:19,660 It was very early in the program. 124 00:09:19,660 --> 00:09:25,950 It's a little bit different than it is today, but it's a very good description of the redundant 125 00:09:25,950 --> 00:09:28,700 computer set, the fail-operational, fail-safe system. 126 00:09:28,700 --> 00:09:32,880 So I think you could really get a lot out of going through that book. 127 00:09:32,880 --> 00:09:40,260 I should just say it turns out that we have two sets of those books in the library and 128 00:09:40,260 --> 00:09:44,590 they are on reserve so you can only use them for two hours at a time. 129 00:09:44,590 --> 00:09:48,880 There really should not be any problem with everybody in the class having access to those 130 00:09:48,880 --> 00:09:51,090 books when you need to go and look at them. 131 00:09:51,090 --> 00:09:57,020 That will probably be the best source, except when Phil Hattis from the Draper Labs comes 132 00:09:57,020 --> 00:09:58,890 and talks about the guidance system. 133 00:09:58,890 --> 00:10:00,900 I will talk a little bit more about that. 134 00:10:00,900 --> 00:10:09,020 This chart or this schematic or whatever you want to call it was originated by the Johnson 135 00:10:09,020 --> 00:10:11,380 Space Center and Rockwell International. 136 00:10:11,380 --> 00:10:17,810 It took us many hours but it basically is the architecture, I am going to go through 137 00:10:17,810 --> 00:10:21,700 it in some detail, for the guidance, navigation and control system. 138 00:10:21,700 --> 00:10:23,420 Now, this was the original one. 139 00:10:23,420 --> 00:10:28,200 It is a little bit different today, and I will explain the differences that we have, 140 00:10:28,200 --> 00:10:35,700 but this was basically the guidance, navigation and control system main architecture. 141 00:10:35,700 --> 00:10:40,990 And you can see on the left side, and the left side is what I would call sensors. 142 00:10:40,990 --> 00:10:45,830 First of all, in a very simplistic term, some of your experts in guidance, navigation and 143 00:10:45,830 --> 00:10:52,090 control, but guidance, navigation and control, navigation is actually determining where you 144 00:10:52,090 --> 00:10:56,770 are, guidance is getting to where you want to go and control is controlling the vehicle 145 00:10:56,770 --> 00:11:01,720 and its stability and its characteristics around the center of gravity. 146 00:11:01,720 --> 00:11:04,490 So that's basically control. 147 00:11:04,490 --> 00:11:08,420 This is for the total guidance, navigation and control system. 148 00:11:08,420 --> 00:11:14,750 Interestingly enough, the contractor for this was IBM Federal Systems Division. 149 00:11:14,750 --> 00:11:17,780 We used their computer and they did the software. 150 00:11:17,780 --> 00:11:26,310 Much of the hardware was designed and built by other contractors, and Rockwell International 151 00:11:26,310 --> 00:11:27,200 basically did the integration. 152 00:11:27,200 --> 00:11:34,890 And they did the integration on a system called the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory. 153 00:11:34,890 --> 00:11:40,220 It was basically a vehicle that was in the laboratory that had all the electronics, the 154 00:11:40,220 --> 00:11:42,440 cockpit and everything in it. 155 00:11:42,440 --> 00:11:43,900 It simulated the actuators. 156 00:11:43,900 --> 00:11:47,510 The hydraulic system was simulated and the engines were simulated, but basically all 157 00:11:47,510 --> 00:11:50,890 the hardware and software was in the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory. 158 00:11:50,890 --> 00:11:52,480 I imagine you spent some time. 159 00:11:52,480 --> 00:11:54,080 We actually had two. 160 00:11:54,080 --> 00:11:57,060 We had one in Houston and there was one out at Rockwell. 161 00:11:57,060 --> 00:12:03,300 And, when Professor Cohen says that it was a vehicle, you have to appreciate that it 162 00:12:03,300 --> 00:12:08,780 was actually laid out just like the shuttle so that they had the controllers, which were 163 00:12:08,780 --> 00:12:16,660 in the aft end, like in the engine compartment, were a hundred feet away from the crew cabin 164 00:12:16,660 --> 00:12:23,470 and the computers and all the lines, the data and power lines were laid out as closely as 165 00:12:23,470 --> 00:12:29,170 possible to physically duplicate the layout in the shuttle because there was concern about 166 00:12:29,170 --> 00:12:32,060 the timing of signals going back and forth. 167 00:12:32,060 --> 00:12:38,030 And they wanted to run the simulation as accurately as possible. 168 00:12:38,030 --> 00:12:44,170 And then, of course, you have to have a set of simulation computers to try to determine 169 00:12:44,170 --> 00:12:49,600 the environment that the shuttle would be flying in so that it could make the inputs 170 00:12:49,600 --> 00:12:55,540 to the rate gyros and the other parts of the measurement units to try to duplicate the 171 00:12:55,540 --> 00:12:59,020 flight regime. 172 00:12:59,020 --> 00:13:05,310 And here is an explanation of the alphabet soup of all the systems, subsystems, components. 173 00:13:05,310 --> 00:13:09,440 On this side you see really the sensors. 174 00:13:09,440 --> 00:13:18,320 That's the information that you need to do your navigation part of it. 175 00:13:18,320 --> 00:13:22,950 And then, of course, that information then is sent to the computer through a multiplexer 176 00:13:22,950 --> 00:13:30,370 demultiplexer, MDM, which basically is an analog to digital converter, digital to analog 177 00:13:30,370 --> 00:13:30,900 converter. 178 00:13:30,900 --> 00:13:38,640 The computer does its computations and then sends it to the effectors which actually change, 179 00:13:38,640 --> 00:13:42,120 whether it's the RCS, reaction control system, whether it's the orbital maneuvering system, 180 00:13:42,120 --> 00:13:46,670 whether it's the aerosurfaces, the SRB actuators, the solid rocket booster actuators, the main 181 00:13:46,670 --> 00:13:48,300 propulsion system actuators. 182 00:13:48,300 --> 00:13:52,890 So you've got sensors, computation and effectors. 183 00:13:52,890 --> 00:13:59,320 Let me talk a little bit about one sensor which probably many of you can relate to, 184 00:13:59,320 --> 00:14:03,610 and that's the IMU or the inertial measurement unit. 185 00:14:03,610 --> 00:14:06,730 And Draper Labs is famous for its inertial measurement units. 186 00:14:06,730 --> 00:14:14,760 I worked with Draper Labs or MIT Instrumentation Lab on Apollo, and we had the original initial 187 00:14:14,760 --> 00:14:20,720 measurement developed by the MIT Instrumentation Lab in that vehicle. 188 00:14:20,720 --> 00:14:27,230 The initial measurement unit has gyros on it to determine angles and it has accelerometers 189 00:14:27,230 --> 00:14:28,860 on it. 190 00:14:28,860 --> 00:14:31,420 And it is aligned with the star tracker. 191 00:14:31,420 --> 00:14:34,560 It's basically a stable platform. 192 00:14:34,560 --> 00:14:39,140 It's aligned with the star tracker to get a reference system in inertial space. 193 00:14:39,140 --> 00:14:43,410 And when you make a maneuver you get acceleration and you send it to the computer. 194 00:14:43,410 --> 00:14:48,110 And you integrate it once, you get velocity and you integrate it twice and you get position. 195 00:14:48,110 --> 00:14:55,050 And it's also used during powered flight and it's used during entry but that then goes 196 00:14:55,050 --> 00:14:56,250 to the computer. 197 00:14:56,250 --> 00:14:59,170 So the inertial measurement unit is very critical. 198 00:14:59,170 --> 00:15:04,390 Just to give you an example, here you have three of them and you have four computers. 199 00:15:04,390 --> 00:15:06,760 I'm going to talk about the computers in a minute. 200 00:15:06,760 --> 00:15:08,160 You have three of them. 201 00:15:08,160 --> 00:15:12,530 You have to recognize when we went to the moon on Apollo we had one IMU and one computer 202 00:15:12,530 --> 00:15:18,540 in the Command and Service Module, and we had one IMU and one computer in the Lunar 203 00:15:18,540 --> 00:15:23,300 Module, except we did have a backup system called a strap-down system. 204 00:15:23,300 --> 00:15:31,520 The primary system was built by Draper Labs, MIT, and the backup system was TRW. 205 00:15:31,520 --> 00:15:34,570 So we had two different contractors. 206 00:15:34,570 --> 00:15:39,490 Then you have rate gyros and accelerometer assemblies primarily for ascent, for the stability 207 00:15:39,490 --> 00:15:42,880 of the bending of the vehicle. 208 00:15:42,880 --> 00:15:47,130 Here's the air data transducers that we talked about yesterday for entry. 209 00:15:47,130 --> 00:15:52,110 Then you have the microwave landing system, the tactical navigation, radar altimeter, 210 00:15:52,110 --> 00:15:53,550 rendezvous radar. 211 00:15:53,550 --> 00:15:57,760 These are all sensors you use during various phases of a mission, which again go through 212 00:15:57,760 --> 00:16:04,300 the MDMs or multiplexer demultiplexers to the computers and then to the effectors which 213 00:16:04,300 --> 00:16:11,430 change your position and velocity as need be. 214 00:16:11,430 --> 00:16:12,760 Let me talk about the computers for a moment. 215 00:16:12,760 --> 00:16:14,900 You see four computers. 216 00:16:14,900 --> 00:16:17,670 That was the real test of this system. 217 00:16:17,670 --> 00:16:20,570 We had four computers that were synchronized. 218 00:16:20,570 --> 00:16:29,480 This vehicle, as we talked about yesterday, for aerodynamicists we decided to make it 219 00:16:29,480 --> 00:16:30,980 statically unstable. 220 00:16:30,980 --> 00:16:32,500 We saved a lot of weight. 221 00:16:32,500 --> 00:16:35,710 By that I mean a regular airplane, a normal airplane that's stable. 222 00:16:35,710 --> 00:16:38,880 When you get a disturbance it will still come back. 223 00:16:38,880 --> 00:16:43,730 Without any augmentation it will come back to its original position. 224 00:16:43,730 --> 00:16:47,010 With this vehicle, if you get a disturbance it will diverge. 225 00:16:47,010 --> 00:16:50,150 So you had to continually have augmentation. 226 00:16:50,150 --> 00:16:54,200 So you had to have a fail-operational, fail-safe system. 227 00:16:54,200 --> 00:16:55,850 And that's why you have four computers. 228 00:16:55,850 --> 00:17:00,880 It's fail -operationa/ fail-safe You could lose one computer and your fail-operational 229 00:17:00,880 --> 00:17:01,690 will use another computer. 230 00:17:01,690 --> 00:17:03,430 That means you have two left. 231 00:17:03,430 --> 00:17:05,869 And you're fail-safe and you come home. 232 00:17:05,869 --> 00:17:08,339 So that's what it is. 233 00:17:08,339 --> 00:17:12,089 Now, the real concern about it is these computers are synchronized. 234 00:17:12,089 --> 00:17:16,449 They essentially communicate with each other 440 times a second. 235 00:17:16,449 --> 00:17:21,869 Now, I'm recalling a lot of this from memory, but 440 times a second. 236 00:17:21,869 --> 00:17:27,249 And they actually vote on each other to simplistic form terminology. 237 00:17:27,249 --> 00:17:32,049 And if one computer is out, it votes it out and another computer takes over. 238 00:17:32,049 --> 00:17:33,600 Basically that's it. 239 00:17:33,600 --> 00:17:41,379 But the concern we had was that in doing this we could have a generic failure and lose all 240 00:17:41,379 --> 00:17:46,850 computers or we could have what we call a two on two split. 241 00:17:46,850 --> 00:17:51,470 And these would be sort of diabolical errors which would cause the vehicle to fail. 242 00:17:51,470 --> 00:17:57,820 So we decided, after this was made, to put in a backup flight system, a backup computer, 243 00:17:57,820 --> 00:17:58,580 a fifth computer. 244 00:17:58,580 --> 00:18:02,090 Now, it turns out there was an argument there. 245 00:18:02,090 --> 00:18:07,090 Should we have the fifth computer a different computer and different people or should we 246 00:18:07,090 --> 00:18:10,429 have a same computer with different people? 247 00:18:10,429 --> 00:18:13,470 And we argued long and hard on how to do it. 248 00:18:13,470 --> 00:18:15,889 And we had a lot of experience with the Draper Labs. 249 00:18:15,889 --> 00:18:18,330 The Draper Labs just did an outstanding job. 250 00:18:18,330 --> 00:18:22,950 The MIT Instrumentation Lab just did an outstanding job on the Apollo vehicle, both on the Command 251 00:18:22,950 --> 00:18:24,610 and Service module and Lunar module. 252 00:18:24,610 --> 00:18:30,659 We went to the MIT Instrumentation Lab, Draper Labs, and asked them to actually take the 253 00:18:30,659 --> 00:18:34,830 same computer but put it outside the loop. 254 00:18:34,830 --> 00:18:37,419 It's not part of the redundant set. 255 00:18:37,419 --> 00:18:38,720 It's outside the loop. 256 00:18:38,720 --> 00:18:42,940 I didn't show the schematic right because it gets all the same information that the 257 00:18:42,940 --> 00:18:48,830 other computers get, but it then can take over if the primary system fails. 258 00:18:48,830 --> 00:18:55,769 Now, Phil Hattis did this work for the Draper Labs, for NASA in this backup system. 259 00:18:55,769 --> 00:18:57,970 He's going to give you a lecture. 260 00:18:57,970 --> 00:18:59,820 He's very good to lecture on this total system. 261 00:18:59,820 --> 00:19:02,200 He can tell you about the total system. 262 00:19:02,200 --> 00:19:05,870 We thought we'd put the backup flight system in just for a short period of time to give 263 00:19:05,870 --> 00:19:11,120 us confidence in the primary system, but it turns out that we started putting things in 264 00:19:11,120 --> 00:19:14,269 it that now we needed so we could not take it out. 265 00:19:14,269 --> 00:19:16,389 So, it's really part of the major system. 266 00:19:16,389 --> 00:19:21,159 That is a very different part of the system today. 267 00:19:21,159 --> 00:19:26,419 I don't think we ever really had a diabolical problem in flight. 268 00:19:26,419 --> 00:19:30,590 I think we did have one in the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory one time when we had 269 00:19:30,590 --> 00:19:32,230 a two on two split. 270 00:19:32,230 --> 00:19:37,690 But when we did the approach and landing test where we had the Orbiter on top of the 747 271 00:19:37,690 --> 00:19:42,919 and we separated the Orbiter and landed, I remember that first flight, I was sitting 272 00:19:42,919 --> 00:19:47,870 in the Control Station at Edwards Air Force Base, and at that time I smoked a pipe, and 273 00:19:47,870 --> 00:19:52,889 when we separated a big X came across the screen because we lost the first computer. 274 00:19:52,889 --> 00:19:57,049 I guess the shock actually broke a solder joint in the computer. 275 00:19:57,049 --> 00:20:02,019 The power shock from separating actually broke the first computer so we had to go to the 276 00:20:02,019 --> 00:20:02,590 second computer. 277 00:20:02,590 --> 00:20:03,840 I bit my pipe in two. 278 00:20:03,840 --> 00:20:09,159 But it did prove that the redundant set did work because it took over and landed. 279 00:20:09,159 --> 00:20:16,340 We had a very successful in-flight test, not planned, but it turned out to be a very successful 280 00:20:16,340 --> 00:20:19,580 in-flight test. 281 00:20:19,580 --> 00:20:26,730 Now, when you make the computations, you get the information on position that the computer 282 00:20:26,730 --> 00:20:38,529 computes, it sends it to the effectors. 283 00:20:38,529 --> 00:20:43,179 The effectors, during the high part of entry, may be to the reaction control system, the 284 00:20:43,179 --> 00:20:50,389 forward RCS system or to the aft, or it could be to the OMS systems if you're trying to 285 00:20:50,389 --> 00:20:51,440 make a maneuver. 286 00:20:51,440 --> 00:20:57,559 Or, when you get down lower in the atmosphere, it could be the aerosurface actuators. 287 00:20:57,559 --> 00:21:02,820 And then, during ascent, it's to the solid rocket boosters or the main propulsion system. 288 00:21:02,820 --> 00:21:04,960 So, those are the effectors. 289 00:21:04,960 --> 00:21:11,799 The flight control system is a very interesting system for entry because, as you can envision 290 00:21:11,799 --> 00:21:18,610 early in the entry you don't have any aerodynamics so your aerosurfaces aren't of any value to 291 00:21:18,610 --> 00:21:20,450 you, you use the reaction control system. 292 00:21:20,450 --> 00:21:25,200 But, as you get farther into the atmosphere, the loads become so high that the reaction 293 00:21:25,200 --> 00:21:28,279 control system becomes ineffective and then you have to use the aerosurfaces. 294 00:21:28,279 --> 00:21:30,129 So it's a blended system. 295 00:21:30,129 --> 00:21:35,820 And the system has to know when to handle the aerosurfaces versus the reaction control 296 00:21:35,820 --> 00:21:36,090 system. 297 00:21:36,090 --> 00:21:43,080 And, of course, then you also have displays to the crew and actually information that 298 00:21:43,080 --> 00:21:45,850 the crew could use to make certain decisions. 299 00:21:45,850 --> 00:21:50,279 So that basically is the guidance, navigation and control system. 300 00:21:50,279 --> 00:21:55,619 There is one additional change, that I don't have on this chart, which they have incorporated 301 00:21:55,619 --> 00:21:58,509 the global positioning system in the shuttle. 302 00:21:58,509 --> 00:22:01,860 The GPS is now part of the system. 303 00:22:01,860 --> 00:22:07,119 It took a long time to do it because I remember it wasn't done when I left. 304 00:22:07,119 --> 00:22:10,779 And were you still there when it was implemented? 305 00:22:10,779 --> 00:22:13,480 Yeah, they did put it in. 306 00:22:13,480 --> 00:22:18,840 And GPS you can essentially get position. 307 00:22:18,840 --> 00:22:27,659 If you could get attitude then theoretically you could eliminate the inertial measurement. 308 00:22:27,659 --> 00:22:29,360 And I don't think they do it that way. 309 00:22:29,360 --> 00:22:37,159 But theoretically, the GPS, for you looking at the guidance system change, this again 310 00:22:37,159 --> 00:22:41,639 becomes a very interesting system to look at. 311 00:22:41,639 --> 00:22:42,860 Would you do it different today? 312 00:22:42,860 --> 00:22:52,570 For example, the computer that was used, I cannot remember all the characteristics of 313 00:22:52,570 --> 00:22:55,899 it, but it's basically the IBM 4 Pi computer, which is a very old computer. 314 00:22:55,899 --> 00:22:59,629 It was probably made before many of you were using computers. 315 00:22:59,629 --> 00:23:00,679 Or, weren't born. 316 00:23:00,679 --> 00:23:06,769 [OVERLAPPING VOICES] which I think was a design from the early `70s. 317 00:23:06,769 --> 00:23:09,799 Yeah, it is the early `70s. 318 00:23:09,799 --> 00:23:14,690 This would be a very neat system to take a look at for your system. 319 00:23:14,690 --> 00:23:17,299 Not only that, you could probably get a lot of support from Draper Labs and that type 320 00:23:17,299 --> 00:23:17,690 of thing. 321 00:23:17,690 --> 00:23:19,539 So it would really be a good system to take a look at. 322 00:23:19,539 --> 00:23:21,860 And I'm sure you could make a lot of improvements. 323 00:23:21,860 --> 00:23:28,899 Those improvements could theoretically be used on the new CEV, the crew exploration 324 00:23:28,899 --> 00:23:29,759 vehicle. 325 00:23:29,759 --> 00:23:36,179 I think it would land a lot of merit of you very smart people to take a look at the guidance, 326 00:23:36,179 --> 00:23:37,269 navigation and control system. 327 00:23:37,269 --> 00:23:37,929 Yes, sir. 328 00:23:37,929 --> 00:23:43,470 In the air data transducers, were there more than just torpedo tubes and static cords? 329 00:23:43,470 --> 00:23:44,879 That's all there was, I believe. 330 00:23:44,879 --> 00:23:46,440 I think that was. 331 00:23:46,440 --> 00:23:47,419 We had a lot of problems with those. 332 00:23:47,419 --> 00:23:50,200 I think it's just very old technology. 333 00:23:50,200 --> 00:23:51,320 Yes. 334 00:23:51,320 --> 00:24:04,769 I was going to ask, how you got position information before GPS. 335 00:24:04,769 --> 00:24:05,360 Position? 336 00:24:05,360 --> 00:24:08,309 Well, I don't know exactly. 337 00:24:08,309 --> 00:24:12,009 But it's got 13 satellites going around. 338 00:24:12,009 --> 00:24:15,149 Well, there were two ways. 339 00:24:15,149 --> 00:24:20,590 I mean the desire for GPS, of course, was to give the shuttle autonomous navigation 340 00:24:20,590 --> 00:24:22,049 capability. 341 00:24:22,049 --> 00:24:28,549 The shuttle with the star trackers and the IMUs, it has the autonomous ability to determine 342 00:24:28,549 --> 00:24:32,989 its attitude, but it doesn't know where it is because the inertial measurement units 343 00:24:32,989 --> 00:24:34,799 drift over time. 344 00:24:34,799 --> 00:24:38,980 And so you need to be able to update the state vectors. 345 00:24:38,980 --> 00:24:43,600 Originally, the only way you could do it was radar tracking from the ground. 346 00:24:43,600 --> 00:24:44,989 You would track it. 347 00:24:44,989 --> 00:24:46,139 You would get a state vector. 348 00:24:46,139 --> 00:24:49,450 You would uplink the state vector and then the shuttle would know where it was. 349 00:24:49,450 --> 00:24:53,950 And then periodically you would have to update it because of IMU drift. 350 00:24:53,950 --> 00:25:03,039 Once we got the tracking and data relay satellite system installed, you do get navigational 351 00:25:03,039 --> 00:25:09,419 information by the Doppler navigation and from the signals coming back and forth through 352 00:25:09,419 --> 00:25:12,549 TDRSS, but it was generally calculated on the ground. 353 00:25:12,549 --> 00:25:21,070 So it was not really until the advent of GPS that we got autonomous capability. 354 00:25:21,070 --> 00:25:26,929 You need it for things like if you're going to deploy a satellite, for instance, you need 355 00:25:26,929 --> 00:25:31,369 to know your position pretty accurately. 356 00:25:31,369 --> 00:25:36,580 Because the satellite is going to take that position and has to do its burn accordingly. 357 00:25:36,580 --> 00:25:44,600 And, obviously, for your reentry burn or for rendezvous it's critical that you know your 358 00:25:44,600 --> 00:25:45,509 position. 359 00:25:45,509 --> 00:25:49,169 When you're doing a rendezvous, the shuttle does have a rendezvous radar. 360 00:25:49,169 --> 00:25:52,779 I don't know if we'll deal with that in detail. 361 00:25:52,779 --> 00:25:57,830 Once you get close enough to the object that you're rendezvousing with such that you can 362 00:25:57,830 --> 00:26:02,559 get it either with your radar, or they actually use the star trackers to optically track the 363 00:26:02,559 --> 00:26:07,440 object, then you can start getting your relative position with respect to the object, Even 364 00:26:07,440 --> 00:26:10,179 though you may not know your absolute position. 365 00:26:10,179 --> 00:26:14,860 And so, from that point of view, the shuttle gets a certain degree of autonomy. 366 00:26:14,860 --> 00:26:21,230 Maybe I'll just say one other thing about the computers because people are amazed at 367 00:26:21,230 --> 00:26:23,710 how primitive the shuttle computers are. 368 00:26:23,710 --> 00:26:29,049 But, like I say, the original idea and the concepts that we talked about, this was going 369 00:26:29,049 --> 00:26:31,860 to be an airplane-like vehicle. 370 00:26:31,860 --> 00:26:35,749 And originally they wanted to use some off-the-shelf hardware. 371 00:26:35,749 --> 00:26:41,179 And, of course, the AP-101s, as they finally used them, were not off the shelf. 372 00:26:41,179 --> 00:26:48,499 But these original computers had 128k of memory. 373 00:26:48,499 --> 00:26:53,850 And the memory they used, I don't know if any of you have read back in the history of 374 00:26:53,850 --> 00:26:58,309 computing where they actually had the little magnetic ring cores with the wires going through. 375 00:26:58,309 --> 00:27:00,489 I mean this was really old stuff. 376 00:27:00,489 --> 00:27:06,299 And they did finally replace that with a solid-state memory with a whopping 256k. 377 00:27:06,299 --> 00:27:13,649 And, again, probably none of you have dealt with overlay technology but, back when I was 378 00:27:13,649 --> 00:27:19,789 a graduate student and we were using computers to do complex astrophysical calculations, 379 00:27:19,789 --> 00:27:25,659 sometimes you would have a program that was too big for the computer memory so you would 380 00:27:25,659 --> 00:27:30,450 have the whole program on a tape recorder and you'd segment it into what they would 381 00:27:30,450 --> 00:27:31,269 call overlays. 382 00:27:31,269 --> 00:27:34,940 And then you would load it one part at a time and it would do its calculations. 383 00:27:34,940 --> 00:27:38,539 And then you would stop and load the next batch of software. 384 00:27:38,539 --> 00:27:40,700 Well, that's the way we have to run a mission. 385 00:27:40,700 --> 00:27:47,149 The computers cannot hold enough software to do ascent, orbit and entry. 386 00:27:47,149 --> 00:27:50,149 There are three segments of flight software. 387 00:27:50,149 --> 00:27:53,299 You start the mission with the ascent software loaded. 388 00:27:53,299 --> 00:27:58,409 Then, when you get up into orbit, you do what they call a major mode transition where you 389 00:27:58,409 --> 00:28:02,369 basically punch a button and everything goes blank. 390 00:28:02,369 --> 00:28:06,700 And you sort of sit there saying I hope this is going to load properly. 391 00:28:06,700 --> 00:28:11,379 And the tape recorder chugs away. 392 00:28:11,379 --> 00:28:13,779 And then it loads the orbit part. 393 00:28:13,779 --> 00:28:15,999 And the same thing when you're getting ready for entry. 394 00:28:15,999 --> 00:28:21,019 Now, the backup system they decided that they didn't want to take that risk. 395 00:28:21,019 --> 00:28:27,419 That if something went wrong in a major way they wanted the whole flight software on the 396 00:28:27,419 --> 00:28:27,830 backup system. 397 00:28:27,830 --> 00:28:30,489 And that meant it had to be scrubbed. 398 00:28:30,489 --> 00:28:36,289 The backup system is capable of flying the shuttle and getting it home safely, but there 399 00:28:36,289 --> 00:28:43,899 are a lot of capabilities which the main computer system can do which the backup system cannot 400 00:28:43,899 --> 00:28:47,869 do just because they're limited to the amount of software. 401 00:28:47,869 --> 00:28:55,590 The one other thing I'll say is putting together this redundant set of four computers because, 402 00:28:55,590 --> 00:28:59,690 as Professor Cohen said, the shuttle will not fly without the computers. 403 00:28:59,690 --> 00:29:02,840 I mean it's absolutely flight critical. 404 00:29:02,840 --> 00:29:10,440 Hundreds of times a second, every computer is looking at the data from all the other 405 00:29:10,440 --> 00:29:11,100 computers. 406 00:29:11,100 --> 00:29:13,090 And they are all voting. 407 00:29:13,090 --> 00:29:19,830 And so you have this matrix, just to make sure you understand the way the system works. 408 00:29:19,830 --> 00:29:26,659 If computer number one sees a problem with computer number three, it's likely that computer 409 00:29:26,659 --> 00:29:33,059 three is also going to see a problem with computer one because they're doing something 410 00:29:33,059 --> 00:29:33,749 different. 411 00:29:33,749 --> 00:29:38,749 But if computer number two sees a problem with computer three and computer three sees 412 00:29:38,749 --> 00:29:43,119 a problem with computer two and computer four sees a problem with computer three, now you've 413 00:29:43,119 --> 00:29:44,889 got a three to one vote. 414 00:29:44,889 --> 00:29:53,539 And so computer three will recognize that it is the problem and it will take itself 415 00:29:53,539 --> 00:29:54,850 out of the set. 416 00:29:54,850 --> 00:29:58,409 And that's what happened, well, in that case, the computer actually shut down. 417 00:29:58,409 --> 00:30:00,210 I remember that big X. 418 00:30:00,210 --> 00:30:03,450 I bit my pipe in two. 419 00:30:03,450 --> 00:30:09,710 And, at the same time, all of this information has to go back and forth to the backup computer. 420 00:30:09,710 --> 00:30:14,119 Because, if you're ever going to engage the backup computer, it has to be ready to go 421 00:30:14,119 --> 00:30:17,139 at a split second's notice. 422 00:30:17,139 --> 00:30:26,749 And there are situations where you can get a two on two split. 423 00:30:26,749 --> 00:30:32,940 When we run through the simulations to learn how to work this, actually learning the ins 424 00:30:32,940 --> 00:30:39,119 and outs of how to work the computer system is probably one of the biggest trainings. 425 00:30:39,119 --> 00:30:42,159 The astronauts become more knowledgeable than the designers. 426 00:30:42,159 --> 00:30:42,460 Yes? 427 00:30:42,460 --> 00:30:52,080 If there is this danger of a two to two vote, was it ever thought about to have five computers 428 00:30:52,080 --> 00:30:52,320 then? 429 00:30:52,320 --> 00:30:54,450 Well, that's why we put the backup system in. 430 00:30:54,450 --> 00:30:55,989 Oh, the backup system. 431 00:30:55,989 --> 00:30:56,929 Yeah, the backup system. 432 00:30:56,929 --> 00:30:59,820 That was why we put the backup system in. 433 00:30:59,820 --> 00:31:02,649 It did a little bit more, too. 434 00:31:02,649 --> 00:31:04,119 It was programmed by different people. 435 00:31:04,119 --> 00:31:08,739 Even though it used the same computer, it was actually programmed and formulated by 436 00:31:08,739 --> 00:31:09,739 different people. 437 00:31:09,739 --> 00:31:15,869 So, that was one way of saying take away any, you might say, systematic errors that were 438 00:31:15,869 --> 00:31:16,749 in the redundant set. 439 00:31:16,749 --> 00:31:23,669 In other words, they kept the same software requirements document but the actual coding 440 00:31:23,669 --> 00:31:26,960 was done by Draper rather than by IBM. 441 00:31:26,960 --> 00:31:28,570 That was the other problem. 442 00:31:28,570 --> 00:31:34,369 Suppose all four computers are doing the same thing but there was an error in the code which 443 00:31:34,369 --> 00:31:41,039 never turned out so that something starts to diverge, what's your protection against 444 00:31:41,039 --> 00:31:41,149 that? 445 00:31:41,149 --> 00:31:44,919 There was a big argument in doing that. 446 00:31:44,919 --> 00:31:48,539 The real argument said should you really have this or a different computer? 447 00:31:48,539 --> 00:31:50,359 Should you really just say just do everything differently? 448 00:31:50,359 --> 00:31:51,590 Just have a different computer? 449 00:31:51,590 --> 00:31:52,419 A different everything? 450 00:31:52,419 --> 00:31:56,710 And, of course, there are advantages to that and there are disadvantages to that. 451 00:31:56,710 --> 00:32:00,070 So, we settled on this. 452 00:32:00,070 --> 00:32:00,529 I think there was another question. 453 00:32:00,529 --> 00:32:01,549 Was there a question back there? 454 00:32:01,549 --> 00:32:01,850 Yes? 455 00:32:01,850 --> 00:32:04,679 You said this was the first fly-by-wire system. 456 00:32:04,679 --> 00:32:13,850 I was wondering what competing ideas there were besides having [four computer systems?]. 457 00:32:13,850 --> 00:32:21,330 Well, fly-by-wire means when you put an input into the control system, whether you do it 458 00:32:21,330 --> 00:32:28,700 manually or whether the computer does it, nevertheless, ultimately your command just 459 00:32:28,700 --> 00:32:30,649 goes into the computer. 460 00:32:30,649 --> 00:32:37,659 You put the stick to the left saying I want to do a left bank, all you're doing is telling 461 00:32:37,659 --> 00:32:39,739 the computer you want to do a left bank. 462 00:32:39,739 --> 00:32:46,220 And now the computer has to figure out what's my navigation state, where am I if I'm coming 463 00:32:46,220 --> 00:32:52,679 down through the atmosphere, what's my altitude, what's the air pressure, what's my mach number? 464 00:32:52,679 --> 00:32:56,809 And then it's programmed with aerodynamic control laws. 465 00:32:56,809 --> 00:32:58,960 This is one of the big challenges. 466 00:32:58,960 --> 00:33:05,960 Because, as I mentioned the other day, you hit the top of the atmosphere at mach 25, 467 00:33:05,960 --> 00:33:09,769 you do your initial control with the RCS. 468 00:33:09,769 --> 00:33:19,239 As the dynamic pressure starts to increase, first the ailerons, the roll becomes active 469 00:33:19,239 --> 00:33:25,549 at about, I think, ten pounds per square inch, something like that. 470 00:33:25,549 --> 00:33:29,369 You blend the roll control into your aerosurfaces. 471 00:33:29,369 --> 00:33:34,869 At about 20, I think it's pounds per square inch, you can do the pitch control. 472 00:33:34,869 --> 00:33:40,999 But because the shuttle is coming in at a 40 degree angle, the vertical stabilizer is 473 00:33:40,999 --> 00:33:44,049 pretty much shadowed. 474 00:33:44,049 --> 00:33:50,049 So for yaw control you actually have to keep using the RCS all the way down to about mach 475 00:33:50,049 --> 00:33:55,479 one when the shuttle finally pitches down and the vertical stabilizer now has some effectivity. 476 00:33:55,479 --> 00:34:06,159 The computer calculates all this information and it comes to the effectors, and you do 477 00:34:06,159 --> 00:34:07,460 the control laws on that. 478 00:34:07,460 --> 00:34:14,409 And the problem is that the flight control laws, which the computer has to use in order 479 00:34:14,409 --> 00:34:19,480 to control the air surfaces in the RCS, are not constant on your way down. 480 00:34:19,480 --> 00:34:28,659 I mean the flight control laws at mach 15 are very different from at mach 5. 481 00:34:28,659 --> 00:34:34,869 And there is part of the flight regime, for instance, where if you want do a left bank, 482 00:34:34,869 --> 00:34:38,649 you actually have to start by commanding a right yaw. 483 00:34:38,649 --> 00:34:46,020 And then the cross-coupling terms in the aerodynamics actually causes you to go in the other direction. 484 00:34:46,020 --> 00:34:46,969 It gets very complex. 485 00:34:46,969 --> 00:34:53,639 And the flight control system is continually changing as the entry progresses. 486 00:34:53,639 --> 00:35:03,339 And so the idea that maybe you should have a direct backup link between the pilot's inputs 487 00:35:03,339 --> 00:35:10,400 and the aerocontrol surfaces, although it might give you a warm, fuzzy feeling, you 488 00:35:10,400 --> 00:35:12,859 could not fly the shuttle directly. 489 00:35:12,859 --> 00:35:19,549 Because to be able to take into account these change in control laws on the way down, you 490 00:35:19,549 --> 00:35:20,520 just cannot do it. 491 00:35:20,520 --> 00:35:26,200 In fact, the shuttle is uniquely, I mean, unless the shuttle knows where it is, if the 492 00:35:26,200 --> 00:35:31,780 navigation state goes bad the shuttle cannot fly. 493 00:35:31,780 --> 00:35:39,349 You could have the runway in sight, but if the shuttle's inertial nav state is wrong 494 00:35:39,349 --> 00:35:41,180 you will lose control and you cannot land. 495 00:35:41,180 --> 00:35:45,130 So it's a very complex system from that point of view. 496 00:35:45,130 --> 00:35:49,260 This is a very, very, if you can envision the systems engineering that went into this 497 00:35:49,260 --> 00:35:56,460 system, it takes aeordynamics, it takes flight dynamics, it takes electrical signals, it 498 00:35:56,460 --> 00:36:01,339 takes guidance laws, navigation laws, hardware, software. 499 00:36:01,339 --> 00:36:07,690 This is probably the biggest integration job, or systems engineering job. 500 00:36:07,690 --> 00:36:09,170 It requires everything. 501 00:36:09,170 --> 00:36:12,400 It also has to take into consideration aerodynamic heating. 502 00:36:12,400 --> 00:36:15,369 I'm going to show you that in a minute, because you've got to be sure that you don't fly outside 503 00:36:15,369 --> 00:36:17,990 the regime that you were designed for aerodynamically. 504 00:36:17,990 --> 00:36:19,230 I think you had a question. 505 00:36:19,230 --> 00:36:21,460 Just real quick, how big are those IMUs? 506 00:36:21,460 --> 00:36:25,960 Because nowadays you can get a solid-state one not quite that big. 507 00:36:25,960 --> 00:36:27,210 Well, I don't recall. 508 00:36:27,210 --> 00:36:29,230 It's a box, sort of like a shoebox. 509 00:36:29,230 --> 00:36:31,640 The Apollo IMU was about this big. 510 00:36:31,640 --> 00:36:33,170 That was built for the Polaris vehicle. 511 00:36:33,170 --> 00:36:36,660 It was one IMU and it was a three gimble platform. 512 00:36:36,660 --> 00:36:39,500 And I remember it was a big issue. 513 00:36:39,500 --> 00:36:44,160 A three gimble platform has a singularity, so you had to maneuver the Apollo vehicle 514 00:36:44,160 --> 00:36:47,160 a certain way so you didn't get the singularity in it. 515 00:36:47,160 --> 00:36:51,829 And one of our astronauts, Jim McDivitt, quite a famous astronaut who was a good friend of 516 00:36:51,829 --> 00:36:54,619 mine, said he wanted a fourth gimble. 517 00:36:54,619 --> 00:36:58,609 And there was no way we could get an IMU in that day in time with a fourth gimble. 518 00:36:58,609 --> 00:37:02,349 So, what I did was gave him a fourth gimble to carry with him on his flight. 519 00:37:02,349 --> 00:37:05,440 A little gimble system so he had a fourth gimble. 520 00:37:05,440 --> 00:37:09,520 We didn't have the gimble lock problem on the shuttle because it was a four gimble platform. 521 00:37:09,520 --> 00:37:13,890 But I remember we went through that with MIT Instrumentation many times because all you 522 00:37:13,890 --> 00:37:19,369 could get at that time, because the IMUs were so big, a fourth gimble was almost impossible. 523 00:37:19,369 --> 00:37:22,980 And McDivitt was a very good astronaut but he wanted the four gimbles. 524 00:37:22,980 --> 00:37:24,700 In fact, he wound up being my boss. 525 00:37:24,700 --> 00:37:30,940 Before we go on, let me just mention one more thing about the backup system. 526 00:37:30,940 --> 00:37:31,299 Sure. 527 00:37:31,299 --> 00:37:32,030 Go ahead. 528 00:37:32,030 --> 00:37:36,400 The backup system actually takes a lot of care and maintenance and there's a lot of 529 00:37:36,400 --> 00:37:38,640 money that goes into that. 530 00:37:38,640 --> 00:37:42,940 And this is not a dead issue because in the design of the CEV, NASA is going to have to 531 00:37:42,940 --> 00:37:45,599 make a decision. 532 00:37:45,599 --> 00:37:50,010 There were some guidelines which were produced a couple of years ago out of the Johnson Space 533 00:37:50,010 --> 00:37:55,190 Center with a lot of astronaut office input about what are the requirements in the future 534 00:37:55,190 --> 00:37:58,589 for human space vehicles? 535 00:37:58,589 --> 00:38:03,549 And they put in that you should have a backup computer system because basically that's the 536 00:38:03,549 --> 00:38:04,799 way we did the shuttle. 537 00:38:04,799 --> 00:38:07,750 And, actually, that was an afterthought. 538 00:38:07,750 --> 00:38:10,930 And yet now it's being listed as a requirement. 539 00:38:10,930 --> 00:38:18,650 And this is now being questioned for the CEV because it's a huge financial impact. 540 00:38:18,650 --> 00:38:22,930 And so we're going to have to deal with these problems all over again. 541 00:38:22,930 --> 00:38:26,000 It's an interesting thing to think about if some of you want to delve a little bit more 542 00:38:26,000 --> 00:38:26,480 deeply. 543 00:38:26,480 --> 00:38:30,780 I think this could lead to a very interesting activity for you. 544 00:38:30,780 --> 00:38:31,460 Yes, sir. 545 00:38:31,460 --> 00:38:35,710 Do backup computers have their own sensor or are they reading the same sensors? 546 00:38:35,710 --> 00:38:35,780 The same sensors. 547 00:38:35,780 --> 00:38:41,539 I just didn't show this very accurately because I looked at the chart, when I had it, I said 548 00:38:41,539 --> 00:38:42,920 my God this is the wrong chart. 549 00:38:42,920 --> 00:38:46,900 But this was the original chart before the backup system so I quickly penciled in the 550 00:38:46,900 --> 00:38:48,369 backup system so I would remember to talk about it. 551 00:38:48,369 --> 00:38:49,609 But, no, it has the same sensors. 552 00:38:49,609 --> 00:38:50,869 It has all the same information. 553 00:38:50,869 --> 00:38:52,460 But, again, most of those sensors are redundant. 554 00:38:52,460 --> 00:38:54,380 Yeah, they're redundant sensors. 555 00:38:54,380 --> 00:38:55,609 Not all of them but most of them. 556 00:38:55,609 --> 00:38:58,490 Any one of the four computers can read any of these sensors. 557 00:38:58,490 --> 00:39:01,750 It's not like sensor one is dedicated [to this computer?]. 558 00:39:01,750 --> 00:39:06,059 The sensor input is put on a data bus, and they have multiple data buses. 559 00:39:06,059 --> 00:39:10,000 Like four data buses in each of the computers can read all four data buses. 560 00:39:10,000 --> 00:39:13,270 I mean there's just a tremendous amount of redundancy built in. 561 00:39:13,270 --> 00:39:13,869 Yes, go ahead. 562 00:39:13,869 --> 00:39:18,450 Did they ever use the star tracker to update your gyros? 563 00:39:18,450 --> 00:39:18,990 The platform? 564 00:39:18,990 --> 00:39:20,920 Yeah, they do that. 565 00:39:20,920 --> 00:39:26,520 There is also a procedure if you totally lose attitude. 566 00:39:26,520 --> 00:39:31,640 Then you have to go right back and manually take a star site and orient. 567 00:39:31,640 --> 00:39:37,119 And that we've only had to do in a simulator. 568 00:39:37,119 --> 00:39:40,950 To look at the failure history of this would be very interesting. 569 00:39:40,950 --> 00:39:44,740 In my tenure, I know we lost one inertial measurement unit. 570 00:39:44,740 --> 00:39:48,680 We lost that one computer during the approach and landing test. 571 00:39:48,680 --> 00:39:53,720 I don't know what other failures we actually had in this system. 572 00:39:53,720 --> 00:39:57,520 The MDMs, this box was made by Sperry at the time in Phoenix, Arizona. 573 00:39:57,520 --> 00:40:04,549 And I've visited that many times because that is probably the most complicated electronics 574 00:40:04,549 --> 00:40:06,710 box of this whole system other than the computer. 575 00:40:06,710 --> 00:40:06,829 It's very, very complicated. 576 00:40:06,829 --> 00:40:06,900 Yes, sir. 577 00:40:06,900 --> 00:40:19,970 Computers have developed a lot faster so why do you still think that it will be a major 578 00:40:19,970 --> 00:40:20,700 expense now? 579 00:40:20,700 --> 00:40:23,910 I don't think it will be a major expense now. 580 00:40:23,910 --> 00:40:29,130 As I recall, and you're absolutely right, NASA does not put a lot of money into development 581 00:40:29,130 --> 00:40:32,180 of this technology because other people have done it. 582 00:40:32,180 --> 00:40:35,309 It's so much more sophisticated than we have now. 583 00:40:35,309 --> 00:40:37,390 We don't need it. 584 00:40:37,390 --> 00:40:43,849 It turns out, though, at one point in time structures was the most expensive component 585 00:40:43,849 --> 00:40:45,680 of a space craft. 586 00:40:45,680 --> 00:40:47,950 Then, of course, there was propulsion. 587 00:40:47,950 --> 00:40:49,940 And then there became avionics and software. 588 00:40:49,940 --> 00:40:52,779 And avionics and software for the shuttle is very, very expensive. 589 00:40:52,779 --> 00:40:54,539 It's probably one of the most expensive things. 590 00:40:54,539 --> 00:41:01,740 I think today, in today's environment, with the technology we have in both software and 591 00:41:01,740 --> 00:41:04,690 hardware, I think it won't be that expensive anymore. 592 00:41:04,690 --> 00:41:07,650 So, I think you're right. 593 00:41:07,650 --> 00:41:13,230 That's why I'm saying in redoing it, you could use new technology and really show how much 594 00:41:13,230 --> 00:41:16,630 less it's going to weigh because the IMUs are probably going to be smaller. 595 00:41:16,630 --> 00:41:19,710 You could reduce the weight, you could reduce the electric power and you could reduce the 596 00:41:19,710 --> 00:41:23,039 cost. 597 00:41:23,039 --> 00:41:24,859 But you're going to have another detailed briefing on this. 598 00:41:24,859 --> 00:41:31,329 And Phil Hattis, I know him very well, I think he will do an outstanding job in explaining 599 00:41:31,329 --> 00:41:32,420 it to you. 600 00:41:32,420 --> 00:41:36,240 Let me just show you very briefly, we talked a little bit about this yesterday, but here 601 00:41:36,240 --> 00:41:41,980 are some of the profiles that the guidance system has to be able to do. 602 00:41:41,980 --> 00:41:45,529 It certainly has to take care of launch. 603 00:41:45,529 --> 00:41:50,619 The abort modes, which are interesting, there is an abort mode that is a return to launch 604 00:41:50,619 --> 00:41:52,010 site. 605 00:41:52,010 --> 00:41:55,510 And I guess you would use return to launch site primarily for a main engine failure, 606 00:41:55,510 --> 00:41:56,089 I guess. 607 00:41:56,089 --> 00:42:00,690 If the main engine fails during ascent, you can go to a return to launch site. 608 00:42:00,690 --> 00:42:04,029 Or, a total loss of cabin pressurization, something like that. 609 00:42:04,029 --> 00:42:05,390 And I guess that's never been tried. 610 00:42:05,390 --> 00:42:09,079 And I guess that's probably one of the most difficult maneuvers, most biggest fears the 611 00:42:09,079 --> 00:42:11,990 astronauts have if they ever have to come back to return to launch site. 612 00:42:11,990 --> 00:42:15,460 But, of course, the guidance system has got to be capable to take care of that. 613 00:42:15,460 --> 00:42:23,200 Then you have abort once around. 614 00:42:23,200 --> 00:42:28,510 Again, when you have main engine cutoff, you have separation and you abort to once around. 615 00:42:28,510 --> 00:42:32,069 Again, I guess that's primarily a main engine problem. 616 00:42:32,069 --> 00:42:35,970 And then you have, of course, an abort to orbit. 617 00:42:35,970 --> 00:42:38,029 And those are the three abort regimes you have. 618 00:42:38,029 --> 00:42:38,029 Yes, sir. Transatlantic landing? Transatlantic. Yes, you have transatlantic abort. 619 00:42:38,299 --> 00:42:39,160 That's right. 620 00:42:39,160 --> 00:42:42,839 You do have transatlantic abort. 621 00:42:42,839 --> 00:42:45,049 Yes, thank you. 622 00:42:45,049 --> 00:42:51,420 That actually drives the launch window, because [if they don't have clear weather overseas 623 00:42:51,420 --> 00:42:53,099 they don't launch?] . 624 00:42:53,099 --> 00:42:54,220 That's right. 625 00:42:54,220 --> 00:43:00,940 So, the guidance system has to take care of all those abort modes. 626 00:43:00,940 --> 00:43:05,940 Again, I'm sure Phil will go through this with you. 627 00:43:05,940 --> 00:43:14,309 But first stage guidance really consists of attitude and throttle schedules as a function 628 00:43:14,309 --> 00:43:15,339 of relative velocity. 629 00:43:15,339 --> 00:43:19,099 It's not completely open-loop, it's almost an open-looped system, but you do control 630 00:43:19,099 --> 00:43:24,650 the thrust vectors of the engine and the solid rocket booster actuators. 631 00:43:24,650 --> 00:43:33,410 And the key thing, though, where systems engineering comes into play, it has to get maximum performance. 632 00:43:33,410 --> 00:43:40,529 But the angle tack history has got to be shaped to control aerodynamic loads. 633 00:43:40,529 --> 00:43:45,490 Because some of the highest loads you have, and you will find out when Moser talks about 634 00:43:45,490 --> 00:43:49,549 it, some of the highest loads you have on the structure is during ascent. 635 00:43:49,549 --> 00:43:51,210 Control of maximum dynamic pressure. 636 00:43:51,210 --> 00:43:55,630 And you have to provide the flight angle at SRB staging to allow recovery of the spent 637 00:43:55,630 --> 00:43:56,520 boosters. 638 00:43:56,520 --> 00:43:58,940 These are some of the constraints that you have. 639 00:43:58,940 --> 00:44:02,319 And, again, this comes out to be a real systems engineering problem. 640 00:44:02,319 --> 00:44:13,789 And for entry, entry really becomes a task in itself because one of the basic problems 641 00:44:13,789 --> 00:44:16,650 you have to control is thermal control. 642 00:44:16,650 --> 00:44:23,849 The thermal protection system, I should have pointed out on that structural slide that 643 00:44:23,849 --> 00:44:29,559 the back face temperature of the tiles have to be at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 644 00:44:29,559 --> 00:44:34,020 While the surface temperature may be 15 to 2000 degrees Fahrenheit the back face has 645 00:44:34,020 --> 00:44:40,660 to be at 350 degrees Fahrenheit because that's the limit of aluminum, so you've got to control 646 00:44:40,660 --> 00:44:42,450 the guidance. 647 00:44:42,450 --> 00:44:46,750 The thermal control for guidance is to keep the vehicle within the temperature constraints 648 00:44:46,750 --> 00:44:47,799 in the peak heating region. 649 00:44:47,799 --> 00:44:52,930 So, that's all got to be married together so that the tile system you design keeps the 650 00:44:52,930 --> 00:44:59,039 back face temperature to within 350 degrees on the aluminum structure. 651 00:44:59,039 --> 00:45:02,339 Then you go into equilibrium glide. 652 00:45:02,339 --> 00:45:05,510 Constant bank angle, we were talking about, is modulated for drag control. 653 00:45:05,510 --> 00:45:09,230 And then the transition guides the vehicle from the high out braking to the lower angle 654 00:45:09,230 --> 00:45:10,900 of attack. 655 00:45:10,900 --> 00:45:12,819 And then you basically land. 656 00:45:12,819 --> 00:45:19,410 All this has to be tied together for your guidance, navigation and control system. 657 00:45:19,410 --> 00:45:24,980 I have one more system that I'd like to talk about briefly. 658 00:45:24,980 --> 00:45:28,210 Now, you're going to have another very detailed briefing on this. 659 00:45:28,210 --> 00:45:31,599 This is the hydraulic system. 660 00:45:31,599 --> 00:45:40,220 This ties in together with the other systems we talked about, the flight control system, 661 00:45:40,220 --> 00:45:44,520 the guidance system, the Department of Flight Control, because the hydraulic system is three 662 00:45:44,520 --> 00:45:45,069 systems. 663 00:45:45,069 --> 00:45:48,450 It's a 3000 pound per square inch system. 664 00:45:48,450 --> 00:45:51,430 And what does it do? 665 00:45:51,430 --> 00:45:58,140 It basically is used during ascent and entry for it to control the thrust vector control 666 00:45:58,140 --> 00:46:06,279 of the engines, for the body flap, for the elevons, for the rudder speed brake, the actuators 667 00:46:06,279 --> 00:46:15,980 for the main engine, the doors for the external tank separation, main landing gear, nose wheel 668 00:46:15,980 --> 00:46:18,470 steering and braking. 669 00:46:18,470 --> 00:46:21,079 So, that's what the hydraulic system does. 670 00:46:21,079 --> 00:46:26,020 If you lose your hydraulic system you had a bad day. 671 00:46:26,020 --> 00:46:27,839 And there are three systems. 672 00:46:27,839 --> 00:46:32,720 I do believe there is one place where there's a single point failure in the hydraulic system. 673 00:46:32,720 --> 00:46:35,240 It's pretty hard to eliminate all single point phase. 674 00:46:35,240 --> 00:46:36,230 I believe that. 675 00:46:36,230 --> 00:46:40,559 When Henry Pohl talks, he's going to be doing a very detailed discussion on the hydraulic 676 00:46:40,559 --> 00:46:41,869 system, you might ask him that. 677 00:46:41,869 --> 00:46:47,420 I don't recall, but he'll tell you whether there is a single point failure in the hydraulic 678 00:46:47,420 --> 00:46:48,390 system. 679 00:46:48,390 --> 00:46:53,049 And this is a schematic of the hydraulic system. 680 00:46:53,049 --> 00:46:57,690 I am not going to go through the details of it because I'm not sure I could explain it. 681 00:46:57,690 --> 00:47:02,270 But basically this is the hydraulic system that shows how system one, system two and 682 00:47:02,270 --> 00:47:07,970 system three is tied into the right outboard elevon, the right inboard elevon and so forth 683 00:47:07,970 --> 00:47:09,059 and so on. 684 00:47:09,059 --> 00:47:12,200 The main engines. 685 00:47:12,200 --> 00:47:14,589 The external tank. 686 00:47:14,589 --> 00:47:20,670 And we've never had a loss in the hydraulic system. 687 00:47:20,670 --> 00:47:25,349 We did test the hydraulic system in what we call the flight control hydraulics laboratory 688 00:47:25,349 --> 00:47:32,480 at Downey where we had actually all the hydraulic systems tied together with the computer system. 689 00:47:32,480 --> 00:47:37,510 And actually flew the vehicle, what we called this iron bird, with a hydraulic system. 690 00:47:37,510 --> 00:47:39,510 And we did have a failure there one time. 691 00:47:39,510 --> 00:47:44,309 Early in the program, we had a single point failure and lost all the hydraulic fluid. 692 00:47:44,309 --> 00:47:48,380 We had to go back and make a major change to the actuator system, to the hydraulic system. 693 00:47:48,380 --> 00:47:48,559 Yes, sir. 694 00:47:48,559 --> 00:47:53,210 I'm just wondering how the hydraulic system on the shuttle compares to the hydraulic system 695 00:47:53,210 --> 00:47:54,970 on an aircraft? 696 00:47:54,970 --> 00:47:56,670 An airplane. 697 00:47:56,670 --> 00:47:57,519 Yeah. 698 00:47:57,519 --> 00:48:02,210 I'm really not sure I can explain it. 699 00:48:02,210 --> 00:48:03,880 I think there's not much difference. 700 00:48:03,880 --> 00:48:08,519 Let me tell you the only difference. 701 00:48:08,519 --> 00:48:13,940 I think airplanes have three hydraulic systems. 702 00:48:13,940 --> 00:48:16,369 The shuttle started out with four hydraulic systems. 703 00:48:16,369 --> 00:48:20,519 We actually started out with four, but it was so heavy and so complicated we decided 704 00:48:20,519 --> 00:48:21,819 to go to three. 705 00:48:21,819 --> 00:48:26,930 And I think the airplanes have three hydraulic systems, if I'm not mistaken. 706 00:48:26,930 --> 00:48:27,510 Does anybody know? 707 00:48:27,510 --> 00:48:30,510 I at least know quite a few that have three. 708 00:48:30,510 --> 00:48:32,369 I don't know if all airplanes have three. 709 00:48:32,369 --> 00:48:39,200 The big difference in it is that the hydraulic system in the shuttle is powered by what we 710 00:48:39,200 --> 00:48:41,829 call an auxiliary power unit. 711 00:48:41,829 --> 00:48:44,430 And that's what pressurizes the system. 712 00:48:44,430 --> 00:48:50,619 And I think on an airplane it's powered by the engine itself. 713 00:48:50,619 --> 00:48:55,460 But this system is pressurized by what we call an auxiliary power unit. 714 00:48:55,460 --> 00:48:59,420 An auxiliary power unit is a box about this big. 715 00:48:59,420 --> 00:49:01,920 It generates 135 horsepower. 716 00:49:01,920 --> 00:49:08,410 And it's got a ten inch turbine wheel that goes about 10,000 to 20,000 RPM. 717 00:49:08,410 --> 00:49:11,010 And actually it's fueled by hydrazine. 718 00:49:11,010 --> 00:49:19,720 And it essentially pressurizes the system to get you up to 3000 PSI. 719 00:49:19,720 --> 00:49:27,309 Again, if this auxiliary power unit doesn't work, we have three of them, it's a bad day. 720 00:49:27,309 --> 00:49:30,349 And I think we did have some problems with one of the auxiliary power units at one time 721 00:49:30,349 --> 00:49:32,140 during ascent. 722 00:49:32,140 --> 00:49:37,339 But that's the major difference, I think, because I think we tried to copy pretty much 723 00:49:37,339 --> 00:49:40,990 aircraft designs using the same type of hydraulic fluid and everything else. 724 00:49:40,990 --> 00:49:46,410 So I think we copied their standard in using this, as I recall, except we're pressurized 725 00:49:46,410 --> 00:49:48,470 by the auxiliary power unit. 726 00:49:48,470 --> 00:49:53,779 Again, not to belabor the point, you're going to have a very detailed briefing or lecture 727 00:49:53,779 --> 00:49:57,990 on the hydraulic system, the auxiliary power unit and the reaction control system, the 728 00:49:57,990 --> 00:49:59,200 OMS system by Henry Pohl. 729 00:49:59,200 --> 00:50:01,460 So, you will have more details on this. 730 00:50:01,460 --> 00:50:05,779 Again, the hydraulic system might be another interesting thing to take a look at. 731 00:50:05,779 --> 00:50:09,200 I hope what I'm trying to get across to you is how these systems all fit together. 732 00:50:09,200 --> 00:50:13,410 You cannot do the guidance, navigation and control without the hydraulic system. 733 00:50:13,410 --> 00:50:17,180 You have the aerodynamics and you have the aerothermodynamics. 734 00:50:17,180 --> 00:50:20,250 You've got the structures and everything that has to fit together. 735 00:50:20,250 --> 00:50:23,829 And you can imagine the systems engineering problem associated with trying to put all 736 00:50:23,829 --> 00:50:24,900 that together. 737 00:50:24,900 --> 00:50:32,529 Just to remind you of a few other things that you have to deal with. 738 00:50:32,529 --> 00:50:38,779 When you're working with a space system that also makes it a little bit different from 739 00:50:38,779 --> 00:50:39,579 designing for the ground. 740 00:50:39,579 --> 00:50:48,609 For instance, you have a fuel tank with the hydrazine inert. 741 00:50:48,609 --> 00:50:53,359 This is a generic problem with any liquid tank. 742 00:50:53,359 --> 00:50:59,890 Once you're in weightlessness, how do you get the liquid to flow out? 743 00:50:59,890 --> 00:51:07,769 This is actually a fairly traditional old-fashioned design where they have a diaphragm in the 744 00:51:07,769 --> 00:51:08,279 tank. 745 00:51:08,279 --> 00:51:13,069 And, on one side of the diaphragm, you pressurize it with either helium or nitrogen. 746 00:51:13,069 --> 00:51:16,650 And that pushes the material. 747 00:51:16,650 --> 00:51:20,180 It's basically sort of like squeezing it out of a bag. 748 00:51:20,180 --> 00:51:24,359 The problem is that hydrazine is nasty stuff. 749 00:51:24,359 --> 00:51:31,660 And in the orbiter maneuvering and reaction control systems they decided that, for reusability, 750 00:51:31,660 --> 00:51:34,000 they didn't want to use diaphragms. 751 00:51:34,000 --> 00:51:37,349 And so we'll probably learn more about some of the details. 752 00:51:37,349 --> 00:51:43,130 But there's a very elaborate screen mechanism which uses surface tension to collect the 753 00:51:43,130 --> 00:51:43,859 material. 754 00:51:43,859 --> 00:51:49,390 And just getting liquids out of a tank into where you want to go is something you have 755 00:51:49,390 --> 00:51:50,420 to worry about in space. 756 00:51:50,420 --> 00:51:55,430 The second problem is a thermal problem. 757 00:51:55,430 --> 00:51:58,579 You're not flying through the atmosphere so you don't have air cooling. 758 00:51:58,579 --> 00:52:01,049 As you see, you've got the gear box. 759 00:52:01,049 --> 00:52:02,779 You're generating a lot of heat. 760 00:52:02,779 --> 00:52:07,390 And, actually, in order to cool, they use water spray boilers. 761 00:52:07,390 --> 00:52:13,579 And you essentially, we actually do this to get rid of heat from the orbiter as well before 762 00:52:13,579 --> 00:52:17,260 we open the payload bay doors which have radiators. 763 00:52:17,260 --> 00:52:21,690 While those are closed, it has to be done with a water spray boiler. 764 00:52:21,690 --> 00:52:26,579 And so you get rid of all your heat by putting it into a heat exchanger. 765 00:52:26,579 --> 00:52:28,430 And you basically shoot liquid water. 766 00:52:28,430 --> 00:52:34,559 And, of course, in a vacuum the water flash evaporates and that takes the heat away. 767 00:52:34,559 --> 00:52:40,599 And so, although in essence the control system is similar to airplanes, even there, there 768 00:52:40,599 --> 00:52:47,799 are a lot of special design features that have to be put in because this is a system 769 00:52:47,799 --> 00:52:49,359 that has to work in space as well. 770 00:52:49,359 --> 00:52:50,670 That's a very good point. 771 00:52:50,670 --> 00:52:52,950 The cooling is one of the biggest differences. 772 00:52:52,950 --> 00:53:01,279 And because this system is so complex and heavy and needs a lot of maintenance and uses 773 00:53:01,279 --> 00:53:09,329 hydrazine, which is very nasty stuff, there have been, on various occasions, studies of 774 00:53:09,329 --> 00:53:12,900 could this system be replaced by an electromechanical system? 775 00:53:12,900 --> 00:53:21,430 And as motors become more powerful and battery and fuel cell systems are more efficient, 776 00:53:21,430 --> 00:53:27,150 I think just about two years ago we gave up on the last effort, but it always turned out 777 00:53:27,150 --> 00:53:29,980 to be too heavy. 778 00:53:29,980 --> 00:53:36,059 To get an electromechanical system which had enough muscle to move these air surfaces around, 779 00:53:36,059 --> 00:53:38,349 it is just beyond what we can do. 780 00:53:38,349 --> 00:53:40,329 But that might be another good system to take a look at today. 781 00:53:40,329 --> 00:53:41,789 It might be another good system. 782 00:53:41,789 --> 00:53:43,789 The other thing. 783 00:53:43,789 --> 00:53:47,750 You see where it has a speed control and safety for the APU controller? 784 00:53:47,750 --> 00:53:54,240 The interesting thing about this turbine wheel, I forget the exact RPM, but it's pretty high. 785 00:53:54,240 --> 00:53:56,920 I think it's at least 10,000 to 20,000 RPM. 786 00:53:56,920 --> 00:54:04,500 If this shaft should break off, it's a very hard to control it in the box. 787 00:54:04,500 --> 00:54:09,680 I mean it will go right through the box it's in and share the vehicle. 788 00:54:09,680 --> 00:54:11,769 We've tried everything we know. 789 00:54:11,769 --> 00:54:13,529 We've put protection around it. 790 00:54:13,529 --> 00:54:17,910 We've put a lot of margin into the turbine wheel, into the shaft, but that's a very critical 791 00:54:17,910 --> 00:54:18,339 thing. 792 00:54:18,339 --> 00:54:23,349 And, as Professor Hoffman mentioned, there have been many exercises to replace the auxiliary 793 00:54:23,349 --> 00:54:23,720 power unit. 794 00:54:23,720 --> 00:54:27,859 And I think again this would be another good challenge to take a look at seeing what you 795 00:54:27,859 --> 00:54:31,599 could do to come up with a different design for the auxiliary power unit. 796 00:54:31,599 --> 00:54:33,510 But there will be other systems that you might want to look at. 797 00:54:33,510 --> 00:54:38,900 But I thought I'd just give you a little discussion of some that I personally think are very pertinent 798 00:54:38,900 --> 00:54:39,980 to look at. 799 00:54:39,980 --> 00:54:44,619 That's the thermal protection system, the structures, the guidance, navigation and control, 800 00:54:44,619 --> 00:54:46,859 the hydraulic system, including the APU. 801 00:54:46,859 --> 00:54:48,220 And these, I think, would be a very good system. 802 00:54:48,220 --> 00:54:51,579 Now, you might pick others, but these might be very good ones to look at. 803 00:54:51,579 --> 00:54:59,509 Let me wind up my discussion by talking to you about what I think you ought to look for 804 00:54:59,509 --> 00:55:00,150 in the system. 805 00:55:00,150 --> 00:55:05,579 This is just a very simplistic chart, but this is my way of thinking about what you 806 00:55:05,579 --> 00:55:09,519 do when you go about designing something. 807 00:55:09,519 --> 00:55:10,769 You need to look at the functions. 808 00:55:10,769 --> 00:55:15,359 As we pointed out yesterday, the functions are very important because, when we talked 809 00:55:15,359 --> 00:55:20,630 about a thermal protection system , we looked at the functions of protecting the vehicle, 810 00:55:20,630 --> 00:55:24,539 maintaining that back surface temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 811 00:55:24,539 --> 00:55:28,259 We worked that to finite detail. 812 00:55:28,259 --> 00:55:32,559 We knew exactly how thick the tiles had to be, what the characteristics had to be, but 813 00:55:32,559 --> 00:55:32,680 what did we? 814 00:55:32,680 --> 00:55:39,349 We forgot, oddly enough, that it had to be attached to the vehicle, which is sort of 815 00:55:39,349 --> 00:55:40,250 dumb. 816 00:55:40,250 --> 00:55:42,960 And you would think, my gosh, they ought to be able to do that. 817 00:55:42,960 --> 00:55:46,150 But you're infinitely smarter after you find out your problem. 818 00:55:46,150 --> 00:55:50,750 One thing you ought to do is really understand what functions have to be performed. 819 00:55:50,750 --> 00:55:54,279 And you might say that becomes your functional requirements. 820 00:55:54,279 --> 00:55:57,190 The whole thing is understanding your requirements. 821 00:55:57,190 --> 00:56:01,069 Then you ought to understand what performance is required. 822 00:56:01,069 --> 00:56:02,210 In other words, performance requirements. 823 00:56:02,210 --> 00:56:07,430 You ought to have a first order of magnitude calculation of what kind of performance requirements 824 00:56:07,430 --> 00:56:08,089 you need. 825 00:56:08,089 --> 00:56:13,450 A lot of times this is going to have come from assumptions, talking to people, getting 826 00:56:13,450 --> 00:56:14,869 experts involved. 827 00:56:14,869 --> 00:56:17,279 But what kind of performance requirements? 828 00:56:17,279 --> 00:56:20,519 It is going to have to be iterated, but what kind of performance are you thinking about 829 00:56:20,519 --> 00:56:21,779 in this system? 830 00:56:21,779 --> 00:56:26,180 Whatever the system may be, hydraulic system, thermal protection system, whatever. 831 00:56:26,180 --> 00:56:32,130 Then we talk about the three-legged stool, as Professor Hoffman said. 832 00:56:32,130 --> 00:56:36,750 We talk about schedule, cost and output weight under performance. 833 00:56:36,750 --> 00:56:42,000 Because, as I told you before, the first thing you're going to wind up, in designing a system, 834 00:56:42,000 --> 00:56:44,170 is that the weight is going to get too high. 835 00:56:44,170 --> 00:56:47,559 Then you're going to find out that performance goes down. 836 00:56:47,559 --> 00:56:48,450 You have schedule slips. 837 00:56:48,450 --> 00:56:52,410 But the first thing that usually happens is you wake up in the morning and you find out, 838 00:56:52,410 --> 00:56:56,410 my gosh, my system weighs a lot more, my subsystem weighs a lot more than they told me I could 839 00:56:56,410 --> 00:56:56,750 have. 840 00:56:56,750 --> 00:56:59,869 So, you've got to understand your weight. 841 00:56:59,869 --> 00:57:03,410 And then you need to think about what is the available technology? 842 00:57:03,410 --> 00:57:05,180 What is the technology available? 843 00:57:05,180 --> 00:57:11,339 As somebody pointed out, today the avionics technology is probably pretty high up on the 844 00:57:11,339 --> 00:57:12,130 ladder. 845 00:57:12,130 --> 00:57:14,289 And you could probably pick something today right off the shelf. 846 00:57:14,289 --> 00:57:18,670 Although, in my experience of the 30 years I had in the space program, I never was able 847 00:57:18,670 --> 00:57:21,250 to find something that was off the shelf. 848 00:57:21,250 --> 00:57:24,720 Space programs just don't usually allow you to take something off the shelf. 849 00:57:24,720 --> 00:57:27,190 People told me to go do it. 850 00:57:27,190 --> 00:57:29,920 And, once I went and did it, we changed everything. 851 00:57:29,920 --> 00:57:34,380 But today, in the technology we have in the avionics, you may be able to get a lot off 852 00:57:34,380 --> 00:57:35,059 the shelf. 853 00:57:35,059 --> 00:57:37,720 So, what technology is available? 854 00:57:37,720 --> 00:57:41,500 And then one of the key things, one of the biggest things you have to know is what are 855 00:57:41,500 --> 00:57:42,049 the interfaces? 856 00:57:42,049 --> 00:57:48,420 If you could see the multitude of interfaces that are required for the guidance, navigation 857 00:57:48,420 --> 00:57:52,890 and control system, it takes into consideration all the interfaces you could think about. 858 00:57:52,890 --> 00:57:56,920 And so you need to think about interfaces, whether they be mechanical, whether they be 859 00:57:56,920 --> 00:57:58,980 electrical, whether they be functional. 860 00:57:58,980 --> 00:58:02,210 So, you need to think about what interfaces you're talking about. 861 00:58:02,210 --> 00:58:05,579 And, to me, those are some guidelines you need to think about. 862 00:58:05,579 --> 00:58:11,329 Of course then we talk about cost and schedule. 863 00:58:11,329 --> 00:58:17,509 Usually your cost is going to grow, unfortunately, and usually your schedule is going to slip. 864 00:58:17,509 --> 00:58:21,430 And those are, what I would call, career limiting problems. 865 00:58:21,430 --> 00:58:27,009 That's the best way to get fired, to have your costs go up and you schedule increase. 866 00:58:27,009 --> 00:58:34,150 So, these are some of my guidelines for things you ought to look for when you try to design 867 00:58:34,150 --> 00:58:35,109 your system. 868 00:58:35,109 --> 00:58:40,789 I would be happy to answer any questions for you that you may have. 869 00:58:40,789 --> 00:58:43,130 Yes, sir. 870 00:58:43,130 --> 00:58:48,480 About taking technology off the shelf, I'm wondering, and I don't think, from what I 871 00:58:48,480 --> 00:58:52,200 know, it was really thought of much during the shuttle, but the idea of maybe putting 872 00:58:52,200 --> 00:58:57,210 something on the shelf, so to speak, the idea of designing something, a subsystem or something 873 00:58:57,210 --> 00:59:08,549 so it would have the flexibility to be used in future systems. 874 00:59:08,549 --> 00:59:09,470 Do you see where I'm going? 875 00:59:09,470 --> 00:59:13,640 No, I don't think I quite follow what you're saying. 876 00:59:13,640 --> 00:59:14,750 Try again. 877 00:59:14,750 --> 00:59:17,160 Well, you said there wasn't really off the shelf technology available then but maybe 878 00:59:17,160 --> 00:59:17,619 there is now. 879 00:59:17,619 --> 00:59:21,390 The idea I'm thinking about is the idea of designing something not so much just for the 880 00:59:21,390 --> 00:59:26,640 shuttle in this phase, but so that it could be used for other things. 881 00:59:26,640 --> 00:59:31,000 Well, that's a very possible thing to do and would be a very good thing to do. 882 00:59:31,000 --> 00:59:35,220 In my experience, and we tried something like that, usually this tends to start growing 883 00:59:35,220 --> 00:59:36,309 into it. 884 00:59:36,309 --> 00:59:39,349 You start saying, well, what is it really going to cost you to do that? 885 00:59:39,349 --> 00:59:43,759 I know, when I was project manager, people would come to me with something like that. 886 00:59:43,759 --> 00:59:46,440 And I used to be a pretty mean guy. 887 00:59:46,440 --> 00:59:49,230 I'm not quite as mean as I used to be. 888 00:59:49,230 --> 00:59:54,029 But that's the first thing I'd ask them, what about the cost, because that's what happens. 889 00:59:54,029 --> 00:59:57,890 When you start trying to make multiple uses out of something, you usually drive the cost 890 00:59:57,890 --> 00:59:57,890 up. And that's what you have 891 01:00:56,230 --> 01:01:01,009 to be careful of. 892 01:01:01,009 --> 01:01:04,150 Yes, sir. 893 01:01:04,150 --> 01:01:17,829 [UNINTELLIGIBLE PHRASE] Well, let me add to that. 894 01:01:17,829 --> 01:01:26,089 I feel very strongly that had it not been for the MIT Instrumentation Lab or the Draper 895 01:01:26,089 --> 01:01:29,269 Lab or the people they had there, the technology they had there, we wouldn't have gone to the 896 01:01:29,269 --> 01:01:31,190 moon when we said we were going to doing it. 897 01:01:31,190 --> 01:01:36,779 I mean I worked very closely with them, and I feel very strongly that Draper Labs, I keep 898 01:01:36,779 --> 01:01:40,920 getting them mixed up, at that time the MIT Instrumentation Lab was really one of the 899 01:01:40,920 --> 01:01:42,410 prime movers of the whole system. 900 01:01:42,410 --> 01:01:46,119 It was really fantastic. 901 01:01:46,119 --> 01:01:50,839 So the people working here, and you can take advantage of that, would be very useful for 902 01:01:50,839 --> 01:01:53,000 you to do that. 903 01:01:53,000 --> 01:01:54,609 Any other questions? 904 01:01:54,609 --> 01:01:58,640 Well, I will be back on the 22nd. 905 01:01:58,640 --> 01:02:02,109 And I look forward to working with you some more. 906 01:02:02,109 --> 01:02:02,849 One more question. 907 01:02:02,849 --> 01:02:03,519 Sorry. 908 01:02:03,519 --> 01:02:04,190 Yes. 909 01:02:04,190 --> 01:02:16,880 It has not as much to do with the subsystems but to the overall concept of the shuttle. 910 01:02:16,880 --> 01:02:29,519 I was wondering why, if you know at all, the military thought it was important to have 911 01:02:29,519 --> 01:02:29,849 the ability to capture a satellite and bring it back? 912 01:02:29,849 --> 01:02:30,589 Was it because satellites were so expensive at the time and maybe they aren't as much? 913 01:02:30,589 --> 01:02:30,960 Because I don't think we've really done that. 914 01:02:30,960 --> 01:02:31,240 Well, it really wasn't the military. 915 01:02:31,240 --> 01:02:32,839 Several satellites we did bring back. 916 01:02:32,839 --> 01:02:35,740 I cannot recall which ones. 917 01:02:35,740 --> 01:02:36,900 Westar and Palapa. 918 01:02:36,900 --> 01:02:38,779 I have pictures of that a little later. 919 01:02:38,779 --> 01:02:40,700 And we retrieved those. 920 01:02:40,700 --> 01:02:48,490 And it turns out, interestingly enough, they were insured by Lloyds of London. 921 01:02:48,490 --> 01:02:55,390 And that was the biggest salvage operation Lloyds of London ever achieved when they returned 922 01:02:55,390 --> 01:02:57,990 those satellites, bigger than anything in the ocean they ever picked up. 923 01:02:57,990 --> 01:02:59,549 In fact, they rang the bell. 924 01:02:59,549 --> 01:03:03,809 When they have a big recovery, a big thing in Lloyds of London they ring a bell. 925 01:03:03,809 --> 01:03:07,970 And they came down to serve somebody, whoever he was, I don't recall who he was, but he 926 01:03:07,970 --> 01:03:10,109 was head of Lloyds of London. 927 01:03:10,109 --> 01:03:15,339 And we had a big reception at the Johnson Space Center after we retrieved Westar and 928 01:03:15,339 --> 01:03:16,089 Palapa. 929 01:03:16,089 --> 01:03:20,920 I don't think the Air Force really had that much demand at the time, or it went away, 930 01:03:20,920 --> 01:03:27,099 whatever it was, for retrieving payloads, but commercials did. 931 01:03:27,099 --> 01:03:32,559 What the military was interested in was the possibility of refueling satellites in orbit. 932 01:03:32,559 --> 01:03:33,170 That's right. 933 01:03:33,170 --> 01:03:33,660 We did do that. 934 01:03:33,660 --> 01:03:39,609 Because when you have recognizant satellites, very often you have to change their orbit 935 01:03:39,609 --> 01:03:42,460 to get them over to the right place at the right time. 936 01:03:42,460 --> 01:03:49,140 And orbital maneuvering fuel is a limiting commodity on satellites. 937 01:03:49,140 --> 01:03:51,538 And these are very expensive satellites to build. 938 01:03:51,538 --> 01:03:59,249 So if you have the possibility of refueling then, in principle, you could extend the life 939 01:03:59,249 --> 01:04:01,549 of these very high value assets. 940 01:04:01,549 --> 01:04:05,880 And we did do a demonstration. 941 01:04:05,880 --> 01:04:10,910 Of course, the fuel, in most cases, is hydrazine which is very nasty stuff. 942 01:04:10,910 --> 01:04:16,720 If you get it on your spacesuit you cannot come inside until you bake it off. 943 01:04:16,720 --> 01:04:20,140 It's fairly dangerous. 944 01:04:20,140 --> 01:04:28,569 And so we actually did do a demonstration just in the shuttle's cargo bay, but we've 945 01:04:28,569 --> 01:04:36,170 never actually done a real refueling of a satellite in orbit. 946 01:04:36,170 --> 01:04:37,329 But they're still working on it. 947 01:04:37,329 --> 01:04:45,630 Now I think the military is still working on possibly robotic refuelling technologies. 948 01:04:45,630 --> 01:04:56,380 For whatever the next version of the shuttle or crew vehicle would be, is it necessary 949 01:04:56,380 --> 01:04:57,990 or even a good idea to have this huge cargo bay? 950 01:04:57,990 --> 01:04:59,380 Well, I think that's what they're eliminating. 951 01:04:59,380 --> 01:05:00,740 I haven't been that close to it. 952 01:05:00,740 --> 01:05:04,890 But the CEV is going to be really a passenger carrier. 953 01:05:04,890 --> 01:05:08,700 And then any cargo will be on an unmanned vehicle, I believe. 954 01:05:08,700 --> 01:05:10,279 So, that's what they're separating. 955 01:05:10,279 --> 01:05:11,089 Is that right? 956 01:05:11,089 --> 01:05:14,809 I mean I haven't really been that close to it. 957 01:05:14,809 --> 01:05:21,069 This is one of the guidelines now for future space vehicles, is to the maximum extent possible 958 01:05:21,069 --> 01:05:25,130 separate humans and cargo. 959 01:05:25,130 --> 01:05:33,230 If the original concept of the shuttle had been realizable that the shuttle would be 960 01:05:33,230 --> 01:05:39,799 capable of flying frequently enough that it could basically satisfy all of our launch 961 01:05:39,799 --> 01:05:45,869 needs then you can make the argument, well, all right, we're doing this and people are 962 01:05:45,869 --> 01:05:49,470 in it to fly it and we'll just do it that way. 963 01:05:49,470 --> 01:05:57,779 But given the fact that we cannot fulfill that goal then you have to ask why put humans 964 01:05:57,779 --> 01:06:05,019 at risk just to take a satellite up in the cargo bay and launch it when we can launch 965 01:06:05,019 --> 01:06:06,950 satellites using unmanned vehicles? 966 01:06:06,950 --> 01:06:15,999 And, in fact, that was the decision after the Challenger accident, was any payloads 967 01:06:15,999 --> 01:06:22,329 that are carried into space on the shuttle in general, I mean there were some exceptions 968 01:06:22,329 --> 01:06:28,480 for various reasons, but you ought to be using the shuttle to do things where you need people 969 01:06:28,480 --> 01:06:29,809 to do them. 970 01:06:29,809 --> 01:06:35,029 And some of those things, for instance, to service in the Hubble or the assembly of the 971 01:06:35,029 --> 01:06:41,038 space station, although even that could be argued that, had we planned it differently, 972 01:06:41,038 --> 01:06:45,200 we might have been able to do it without making such extensive use of the shuttle. 973 01:06:45,200 --> 01:06:48,319 But there we do make full use of the big cargo bay. 974 01:06:48,319 --> 01:06:54,660 But future human space vehicles, the CEV will be basically a people carrier with a small 975 01:06:54,660 --> 01:06:56,150 amount of cargo. 976 01:06:56,150 --> 01:07:02,440 And any time you want to launch large amounts of cargo you will do it without people. 977 01:07:02,440 --> 01:07:05,279 Let's take a one or two-minute break. 978 01:07:05,279 --> 01:07:08,130 I'm going to get my computer set up. 979 01:07:08,130 --> 01:07:17,609 Let me put this down here. 980 01:07:17,609 --> 01:07:28,690 I want to give you a short presentation just to bring everybody up to a certain level of 981 01:07:28,690 --> 01:07:34,119 familiarity with what the shuttle does and what it looks like. 982 01:07:34,119 --> 01:07:41,499 And, again, I tend to look at this from an operational point of view. 983 01:07:41,499 --> 01:07:45,480 This will be informal, you know, ask questions as we go through. 984 01:07:45,480 --> 01:07:54,410 As we've said, the two critical phases of shuttle operations and what makes this such 985 01:07:54,410 --> 01:08:01,200 a unique vehicle is it launches vertically like a spaceship with a tremendous amount 986 01:08:01,200 --> 01:08:04,999 of power. 987 01:08:04,999 --> 01:08:07,440 And it lands. 988 01:08:07,440 --> 01:08:14,240 You look at this, and you have to remind yourself that it looks like an airplane landing and, 989 01:08:14,240 --> 01:08:18,779 yet, a half an hour ago this was a spaceship going in orbit around the earth. 990 01:08:18,779 --> 01:08:28,389 So it really has been a spectacular technological achievement. 991 01:08:28,389 --> 01:08:33,818 Let's go through some of the maintenance operations, what is actually done to the shuttle. 992 01:08:33,818 --> 01:08:39,719 We've talked about it a little bit, but I think if you actually see some of the images 993 01:08:39,719 --> 01:08:42,908 it will help to give some reality to some of this. 994 01:08:42,908 --> 01:08:48,868 After the shuttle lands, here it's landing on the runway at the Kennedy Space Center. 995 01:08:48,868 --> 01:08:53,479 And, as we mentioned, all of this is a bird sanctuary so sometimes you have to chase the 996 01:08:53,479 --> 01:08:54,420 birds away. 997 01:08:54,420 --> 01:09:00,750 And there's a problem from time to time with crosswinds. 998 01:09:00,750 --> 01:09:06,259 There is only one runway so, if you get wind blowing across the runway at more than 15 999 01:09:06,259 --> 01:09:08,509 knots, you cannot land. 1000 01:09:08,509 --> 01:09:15,359 And so that's also a constraint sometimes to launch because when you take off you always 1001 01:09:15,359 --> 01:09:20,639 have to be able to turn around and come back and land here, just like you have to be able 1002 01:09:20,639 --> 01:09:24,589 to land over in Europe or Africa. 1003 01:09:24,589 --> 01:09:29,068 And so there are a lot of launch constraints. 1004 01:09:29,068 --> 01:09:39,190 What they do is, this was actually hooked up back on the runway, but they hook up air 1005 01:09:39,190 --> 01:09:41,279 conditioning units. 1006 01:09:41,279 --> 01:09:43,770 They have to purge. 1007 01:09:43,770 --> 01:09:45,488 There's an ammonia boiler. 1008 01:09:45,488 --> 01:09:50,868 Remember we talked about getting rid of heat as you're coming in using water spray boilers. 1009 01:09:50,868 --> 01:09:56,710 But, once you get below 100,000 feet, the pressure is actually above the triple point 1010 01:09:56,710 --> 01:09:59,570 of water and you cannot flash evaporate anymore. 1011 01:09:59,570 --> 01:10:03,350 And so they switch from a water boiler to an ammonia boiler. 1012 01:10:03,350 --> 01:10:07,389 And so, after the shuttle lands, there are ammonia fumes all over the place. 1013 01:10:07,389 --> 01:10:12,400 If you've looked at pictures of shuttle servicing on the runway, sometimes if there isn't actually 1014 01:10:12,400 --> 01:10:18,949 wind blowing they bring around a big fan to blow the ammonia way. 1015 01:10:18,949 --> 01:10:21,619 And everybody has to stay upwind of the ammonia. 1016 01:10:21,619 --> 01:10:25,989 And there is also the possibility, of course, that there might be a hydrazine leak or who 1017 01:10:25,989 --> 01:10:26,760 knows. 1018 01:10:26,760 --> 01:10:28,840 Anyway, the orbiter has to be safe. 1019 01:10:28,840 --> 01:10:34,110 And you have the people come out in what looks like space suits. 1020 01:10:34,110 --> 01:10:36,809 Escape suits they call them. 1021 01:10:36,809 --> 01:10:40,760 Self-contained, I don't remember the acronym. 1022 01:10:40,760 --> 01:10:49,360 But, in any case, we're bringing the orbiter back to the hanger area where it will undergo 1023 01:10:49,360 --> 01:10:51,790 a lot more than 14 days of servicing. 1024 01:10:51,790 --> 01:11:00,800 I remember, again, just to give you a sense of the state of mind before we were actually 1025 01:11:00,800 --> 01:11:05,239 operating the shuttle, as a new astronaut back in 1978. 1026 01:11:05,239 --> 01:11:07,610 Remember the shuttle didn't fly until '81. 1027 01:11:07,610 --> 01:11:10,360 We were getting a series of lectures on all the shuttle systems. 1028 01:11:10,360 --> 01:11:15,440 And I remember the lecture they gave us on turnaround, which was supposed to take 14 1029 01:11:15,440 --> 01:11:16,610 days. 1030 01:11:16,610 --> 01:11:19,670 And we got a briefing from the people who were planning the turnaround. 1031 01:11:19,670 --> 01:11:26,850 And I remember they told us we've studied this really carefully, and we just don't think 1032 01:11:26,850 --> 01:11:30,389 it's going to be possible to turn the shuttle around in 14 days. 1033 01:11:30,389 --> 01:11:38,150 We've cut out every unnecessary step and we think it's impossible to do it in less than 1034 01:11:38,150 --> 01:11:40,250 16 days. 1035 01:11:40,250 --> 01:11:43,250 [LAUGHTER] And that's kind of the way people were thinking. 1036 01:11:43,250 --> 01:11:50,520 We were talking about it's supposed to make 60 flights a year, and people were skeptical. 1037 01:11:50,520 --> 01:11:55,380 There is no way they can make more than 40 flights a year. 1038 01:11:55,380 --> 01:12:04,199 People just didn't have a concept of how complex it was going to be to operate this vehicle 1039 01:12:04,199 --> 01:12:07,790 because it is such a complex vehicle. 1040 01:12:07,790 --> 01:12:10,179 To operate it safety is difficult. 1041 01:12:10,179 --> 01:12:12,659 Now sometimes it lands in California. 1042 01:12:12,659 --> 01:12:17,690 And, in that case, you put it on the 747. 1043 01:12:17,690 --> 01:12:26,100 This is the same bipod fitting, just to essentially duplicate the way that the orbiter is put 1044 01:12:26,100 --> 01:12:36,130 on the external tank, and the tail pod is, of course, for aerodynamics. 1045 01:12:36,130 --> 01:12:41,219 And that was also the configuration for the approach and landing tests. 1046 01:12:41,219 --> 01:12:46,889 And, actually, later, I think, in the middle of October, Gordon Fullerton who was one of 1047 01:12:46,889 --> 01:12:53,929 NASA's premier test pilots, he still flies, I mean I'll have to find out from him how 1048 01:12:53,929 --> 01:12:58,550 many different types of airplanes he's flow, he's just an amazing guy, but he was actually 1049 01:12:58,550 --> 01:13:03,690 in the shuttle during that first approach and landing test. 1050 01:13:03,690 --> 01:13:08,710 So he can tell us about what it was actually like test flying the shuttle, as well as being 1051 01:13:08,710 --> 01:13:11,540 on the third orbital flight test. 1052 01:13:11,540 --> 01:13:11,989 Yes? 1053 01:13:11,989 --> 01:13:15,139 Were they carrying anything on the airplane? 1054 01:13:15,139 --> 01:13:16,940 You mean inside here? 1055 01:13:16,940 --> 01:13:17,380 Yeah. 1056 01:13:17,380 --> 01:13:22,630 No, this is not your opportunity for a transcontinental vacation trip. 1057 01:13:22,630 --> 01:13:27,750 [LAUGHTER] I mean there are a few people who ride along with it because you need the maintenance 1058 01:13:27,750 --> 01:13:28,050 people. 1059 01:13:28,050 --> 01:13:35,920 They also have an airplane flying about 50 miles in front of this checking for turbulence. 1060 01:13:35,920 --> 01:13:39,830 And, in the early days, they had a chase airplane as well. 1061 01:13:39,830 --> 01:13:49,389 I told people they were crazy trying to get them to do this because I thought it was the 1062 01:13:49,389 --> 01:13:49,480 dumbest thing I heard of. 1063 01:13:49,480 --> 01:13:49,520 [LAUGHTER] OK. 1064 01:13:49,520 --> 01:13:51,100 Now a look at some of the details. 1065 01:13:51,100 --> 01:13:57,159 Remember we talked about how the engines are taken out? 1066 01:13:57,159 --> 01:14:00,489 You get a little bit of a view here inside the engine compartment. 1067 01:14:00,489 --> 01:14:05,489 I had the chance, on numerous occasions, to actually go inside the engine compartment. 1068 01:14:05,489 --> 01:14:06,650 I mean it's just amazing. 1069 01:14:06,650 --> 01:14:08,980 You get these huge big pipes. 1070 01:14:08,980 --> 01:14:13,580 And it really helps when you're going to be using a system like this. 1071 01:14:13,580 --> 01:14:16,630 We spent a lot of time in the simulators. 1072 01:14:16,630 --> 01:14:25,070 And you'll flip a switch, and that switch controls what they call the main fuel shutoff 1073 01:14:25,070 --> 01:14:26,960 valve. 1074 01:14:26,960 --> 01:14:31,920 It's a big butterfly valve about 17 inches in diameter inside this huge pipe. 1075 01:14:31,920 --> 01:14:37,750 And you sit in the simulator and you flick the switch and the talk back shows that the 1076 01:14:37,750 --> 01:14:38,580 thing is closed. 1077 01:14:38,580 --> 01:14:44,210 And then you actually go in the compartment and you look and there's this huge pipe and 1078 01:14:44,210 --> 01:14:45,250 this area. 1079 01:14:45,250 --> 01:14:49,929 And you realize this huge thing that's moving around. 1080 01:14:49,929 --> 01:14:51,830 And it kind of gives a sense of realism. 1081 01:14:51,830 --> 01:14:57,389 And, in fact, that's one of the big safety concerns. 1082 01:14:57,389 --> 01:15:02,059 When the fuel is flowing, the butterfly valve is in a vertical position so the fuel flips 1083 01:15:02,059 --> 01:15:02,760 by it. 1084 01:15:02,760 --> 01:15:04,780 Obviously, it's an unstable situation. 1085 01:15:04,780 --> 01:15:11,110 If it goes out just a little bit then the fuel flow can slam it closed and you've got 1086 01:15:11,110 --> 01:15:12,639 an explosion on your hands. 1087 01:15:12,639 --> 01:15:16,030 So that was a major consideration. 1088 01:15:16,030 --> 01:15:17,800 This is the body flap. 1089 01:15:17,800 --> 01:15:21,650 So, you can see all of the plumbing. 1090 01:15:21,650 --> 01:15:29,420 And all these red things are removed before flight, stickers. 1091 01:15:29,420 --> 01:15:31,590 It's a very, very complex process. 1092 01:15:31,590 --> 01:15:39,150 And they pull the engines out after every flight now. 1093 01:15:39,150 --> 01:15:45,179 That's the thing, all of the platforms have to be designed so that they fold up and they 1094 01:15:45,179 --> 01:15:47,989 fold down so that you can get access to all the places. 1095 01:15:47,989 --> 01:15:51,210 I mean it's a very complex system. 1096 01:15:51,210 --> 01:15:56,989 And a lot of the equipment, the launch platforms and everything, as we mentioned, were adapted 1097 01:15:56,989 --> 01:15:58,980 from the Apollo program. 1098 01:15:58,980 --> 01:16:04,880 But the hangers, which we call the OPF, the orbiter processing facility was built specifically 1099 01:16:04,880 --> 01:16:05,570 for the shuttle. 1100 01:16:05,570 --> 01:16:09,610 The tiles we talked about. 1101 01:16:09,610 --> 01:16:19,210 I mean that's just a huge amount of work replacing, maintaining and testing the tiles. 1102 01:16:19,210 --> 01:16:23,670 This is inside the cargo bay. 1103 01:16:23,670 --> 01:16:24,980 You've got the fuel cells. 1104 01:16:24,980 --> 01:16:30,020 You've got hydrogen and oxygen cryogenic tanks. 1105 01:16:30,020 --> 01:16:31,880 Helium pressurization tanks. 1106 01:16:31,880 --> 01:16:34,340 Nitrogen for your atmospheric system. 1107 01:16:34,340 --> 01:16:40,460 This is the bulkhead in front of which on one side you have the engine compartment. 1108 01:16:40,460 --> 01:16:43,010 On the other side you have the crew compartment. 1109 01:16:43,010 --> 01:16:49,610 And, like we mentioned, this has to be done essentially in clean-room conditions and yet 1110 01:16:49,610 --> 01:16:51,570 it's on the scale of a battleship. 1111 01:16:51,570 --> 01:16:56,330 So, it's a real challenge. 1112 01:16:56,330 --> 01:16:59,880 This is the forward window. 1113 01:16:59,880 --> 01:17:06,440 On maybe one in every five flights we'll get a little ding on the windshield from a little 1114 01:17:06,440 --> 01:17:08,980 piece of usually orbital debris. 1115 01:17:08,980 --> 01:17:13,900 In fact, more often than not, it turns out to be little paint chips. 1116 01:17:13,900 --> 01:17:19,889 Whenever they do that they remove the window, they replace it and do a chemical analysis 1117 01:17:19,889 --> 01:17:26,230 to see whether it was a micrometeorite or a piece of space debris. 1118 01:17:26,230 --> 01:17:29,889 The windows, actually there are three panes. 1119 01:17:29,889 --> 01:17:34,300 There's a redundant pressure pane. 1120 01:17:34,300 --> 01:17:40,610 The two panes on the inside are capable of holding pressure and the outer is a thermal 1121 01:17:40,610 --> 01:17:45,650 pane. 1122 01:17:45,650 --> 01:17:49,610 This is one of the orbital maneuvering system pods. 1123 01:17:49,610 --> 01:17:57,530 These are removable because, again, they contain nitrogen tetroxide and hydrazine. 1124 01:17:57,530 --> 01:18:01,780 And we mentioned the fact that these are called hypergolic fuels. 1125 01:18:01,780 --> 01:18:07,170 When you bring them together they ignite spontaneously, as opposed to hydrogen and oxygen you need 1126 01:18:07,170 --> 01:18:09,510 a spark igniter. 1127 01:18:09,510 --> 01:18:15,480 So, in that one sense, it's a nice system because when you want to use them in your 1128 01:18:15,480 --> 01:18:20,110 reaction control and you only want a very tiny tenth of a second pulse, you don't have 1129 01:18:20,110 --> 01:18:23,489 to worry about an igniter which is a potential failure point. 1130 01:18:23,489 --> 01:18:28,690 You just squirt in the hydrazine and the nitrogen tetroxide. 1131 01:18:28,690 --> 01:18:30,010 But they're very nasty stuff. 1132 01:18:30,010 --> 01:18:37,980 They are extremely toxic and, of course, highly combustible and they are very corrosive. 1133 01:18:37,980 --> 01:18:45,510 So, these pods are serviced in a place far away from where the other activities take 1134 01:18:45,510 --> 01:18:49,580 place for the orbiter so just in case there is a leak or an explosion it's not going to 1135 01:18:49,580 --> 01:18:52,900 take down the rest of the critical facilities. 1136 01:18:52,900 --> 01:18:58,559 This is the orbiter maneuvering engine, and then they also have these smaller reaction 1137 01:18:58,559 --> 01:19:01,940 control engines. 1138 01:19:01,940 --> 01:19:04,900 And there are two aft pods. 1139 01:19:04,900 --> 01:19:11,040 And all the fuel tanks with the hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide are in here. 1140 01:19:11,040 --> 01:19:16,719 The aft system, the two pods, they actually have inner connects so that you can actually 1141 01:19:16,719 --> 01:19:19,340 cross-feed from one system to the other. 1142 01:19:19,340 --> 01:19:21,570 And all of that stuff has to be hooked up. 1143 01:19:21,570 --> 01:19:24,500 The forward system is independent. 1144 01:19:24,500 --> 01:19:28,070 You cannot cross-feed to that. 1145 01:19:28,070 --> 01:19:29,420 The landing gears. 1146 01:19:29,420 --> 01:19:33,510 We talked a little bit the other day about the tires. 1147 01:19:33,510 --> 01:19:37,469 These things sit up in space for two weeks at a time. 1148 01:19:37,469 --> 01:19:39,559 You've got to worry about thermal control. 1149 01:19:39,559 --> 01:19:47,460 I mean can you imagine if you had a slow leak and you found out that your tire was flat 1150 01:19:47,460 --> 01:19:51,699 before you started your reentry? 1151 01:19:51,699 --> 01:20:00,690 And then, of course, the problem of sealing this against the hot gas. 1152 01:20:00,690 --> 01:20:09,040 The tiles on the edge of the doors for the landing gear, that's a very critical section. 1153 01:20:09,040 --> 01:20:19,489 Anyway, after typically about a three month turnaround in the hanger they wheel the orbiter, 1154 01:20:19,489 --> 01:20:26,670 actually, originally it was pulled over on its own wheels, but that required that they 1155 01:20:26,670 --> 01:20:32,469 then stow the wheels in this big vertical assembly building. 1156 01:20:32,469 --> 01:20:36,659 This is the vertical assembly building. 1157 01:20:36,659 --> 01:20:38,920 Hopefully you've seen pictures of it. 1158 01:20:38,920 --> 01:20:39,550 It's huge. 1159 01:20:39,550 --> 01:20:42,580 It was actually built to assemble the Saturn rockets. 1160 01:20:42,580 --> 01:20:53,239 It's much taller than we need for the orbiter stack, but it has been adapted. 1161 01:20:53,239 --> 01:21:05,270 So, what goes on here is it's wheeled into the big vertical assembly building. 1162 01:21:05,270 --> 01:21:08,250 There it is actually on the inside. 1163 01:21:08,250 --> 01:21:12,770 You just don't get a sense of the size of this building from any picture that can be 1164 01:21:12,770 --> 01:21:12,900 taken. 1165 01:21:12,900 --> 01:21:17,820 You have to be there and see it to really appreciate it. 1166 01:21:17,820 --> 01:21:26,540 In the meantime, you remember the solid rocket boosters are recovered after every flight. 1167 01:21:26,540 --> 01:21:32,080 And the Liberty Star and I think the Freedom Star, that's the NASA Navy. 1168 01:21:32,080 --> 01:21:38,559 These boats are positioned out offshore. 1169 01:21:38,559 --> 01:21:45,130 And they actually have divers who go down and put in plugs and floatation devices so 1170 01:21:45,130 --> 01:21:48,719 that they actually float the boosters. 1171 01:21:48,719 --> 01:21:54,750 And they drag them back where they're disassembled and cleaned up. 1172 01:21:54,750 --> 01:22:02,300 The actual segments, which contain the fuel, are shipped back to Utah to Thiokol which 1173 01:22:02,300 --> 01:22:07,080 is now ATK for cleaning, refilling. 1174 01:22:07,080 --> 01:22:14,320 And the other parts, the nozzle and the top, which contains the electronics and the parachutes, 1175 01:22:14,320 --> 01:22:17,820 those are serviced in Florida. 1176 01:22:17,820 --> 01:22:26,219 And then they're brought in segments into the vehicle assembly building where they are 1177 01:22:26,219 --> 01:22:26,980 stacked. 1178 01:22:26,980 --> 01:22:31,110 And remember those are the segment sizes. 1179 01:22:31,110 --> 01:22:33,080 Some of these are assembled in the factory. 1180 01:22:33,080 --> 01:22:35,119 Those are the so-called factory joints. 1181 01:22:35,119 --> 01:22:39,000 And then were these come together that's the so-called field joint, and that's the joint 1182 01:22:39,000 --> 01:22:42,330 that failed in the Challenger accident. 1183 01:22:42,330 --> 01:22:49,050 This gives you a sense of the size of those solid rocket motors in the way the solid fuel 1184 01:22:49,050 --> 01:22:49,570 is put in. 1185 01:22:49,570 --> 01:22:54,360 And they do all of these tests to look for the roundness of the motor and the flatness 1186 01:22:54,360 --> 01:22:57,270 of the propellant. 1187 01:22:57,270 --> 01:22:59,840 Yeah? 1188 01:22:59,840 --> 01:23:01,650 Is that the fuel itself? 1189 01:23:01,650 --> 01:23:02,260 It is. 1190 01:23:02,260 --> 01:23:07,420 Although, what confuses me about this is I'm not sure which segment this is because most 1191 01:23:07,420 --> 01:23:14,820 of the fuel is actually put in with a star pattern in it and they actually shape the 1192 01:23:14,820 --> 01:23:20,090 way it's loaded so that you shape the thrust profile. 1193 01:23:20,090 --> 01:23:28,320 And I've not been able to get a good explanation of why that is not the case here. 1194 01:23:28,320 --> 01:23:35,030 In any case, this is now the process where they lift one segment, they put it down on 1195 01:23:35,030 --> 01:23:35,869 top of another. 1196 01:23:35,869 --> 01:23:38,690 Of course, all of these are hazardous activities. 1197 01:23:38,690 --> 01:23:44,210 And nobody is allowed, except for the critical personnel, nobody's allowed in the VAB when 1198 01:23:44,210 --> 01:23:48,449 they're doing this just in case there is a problem. 1199 01:23:48,449 --> 01:23:56,000 And then they actually put all of these bolts in to join up the field joint. 1200 01:23:56,000 --> 01:24:05,699 And now, of course, after Challenger we have a new and improved O ring configuration. 1201 01:24:05,699 --> 01:24:12,570 Now we have the two solid rocket boosters sitting on the mobile launch platform. 1202 01:24:12,570 --> 01:24:20,260 And, again, you can see you have to design all of these platforms so you have access. 1203 01:24:20,260 --> 01:24:24,010 Now, the external tank we talked about. 1204 01:24:24,010 --> 01:24:25,780 This is in [UNINTELLIGIBLE]. 1205 01:24:25,780 --> 01:24:32,260 This has actually been damaged, not too heavily, but it did suffer damage from Katrina. 1206 01:24:32,260 --> 01:24:34,750 This is the oxygen tank upfront. 1207 01:24:34,750 --> 01:24:39,010 Notice how small this is compared to this is the big hydrogen tank. 1208 01:24:39,010 --> 01:24:44,750 And then this is actually the front side, but this is then turned around and the two 1209 01:24:44,750 --> 01:24:48,840 are joined together inside the outer shell. 1210 01:24:48,840 --> 01:24:58,280 And, of course, the solids are joined to the external tank, the orbiter is joined to the 1211 01:24:58,280 --> 01:25:04,199 external tank, so basically the external tank needs a strong back mechanism inside it because 1212 01:25:04,199 --> 01:25:07,449 that's ultimately what's tying the whole stack together. 1213 01:25:07,449 --> 01:25:13,750 And the trust from the solids and the thrust from the main engines, ultimately they're 1214 01:25:13,750 --> 01:25:15,750 linked together through the external tanks. 1215 01:25:15,750 --> 01:25:22,510 So the tanks themselves, the hydrogen and oxygen tanks don't have a lot of beefy structure. 1216 01:25:22,510 --> 01:25:27,260 But going through this is a very heavy structure. 1217 01:25:27,260 --> 01:25:28,300 Yeah? 1218 01:25:28,300 --> 01:25:36,739 The hydrogen tank there is about the diameter of the overall structure? 1219 01:25:36,739 --> 01:25:37,179 Yeah. 1220 01:25:37,179 --> 01:25:39,449 That gives another idea of the scale. 1221 01:25:39,449 --> 01:25:46,309 This is cleaning and polishing inside the big hydrogen tank. 1222 01:25:46,309 --> 01:25:54,010 I mean, again, the scale of all of this, it's important to get a sense of what's involved 1223 01:25:54,010 --> 01:25:56,889 in taking care of these vehicles. 1224 01:25:56,889 --> 01:26:03,659 Do you know if they actually had to go in and scrub it by hand? 1225 01:26:03,659 --> 01:26:04,559 I guess. 1226 01:26:04,559 --> 01:26:06,800 I mean the scrubbing is only part of it. 1227 01:26:06,800 --> 01:26:12,940 The inspection is the really critical thing, to see if there is anything that's not quite 1228 01:26:12,940 --> 01:26:13,630 right. 1229 01:26:13,630 --> 01:26:23,639 One thing that's interesting, the use of liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen is wanted so much 1230 01:26:23,639 --> 01:26:25,489 because of its higher performance. 1231 01:26:25,489 --> 01:26:31,800 But, on the other hand, if you would do something like liquid oxygen and kerosene you would 1232 01:26:31,800 --> 01:26:37,330 get a much smaller tank or some other propellant. 1233 01:26:37,330 --> 01:26:40,300 And there is a tradeoff. 1234 01:26:40,300 --> 01:26:45,869 I think today people are realizing, especially from the Russians, the Russians don't really 1235 01:26:45,869 --> 01:26:45,920 use liquid hydrogen. 1236 01:26:45,920 --> 01:26:49,059 You get a lower ISP but your tanks become so much smaller to deal with. 1237 01:26:49,059 --> 01:26:52,469 And hydrogen is very hard to deal with. 1238 01:26:52,469 --> 01:26:57,290 It's very hard to find the hydrogen level, and hydrogen is very hard to deal with. 1239 01:26:57,290 --> 01:26:59,570 My second flight, do you remember? 1240 01:26:59,570 --> 01:27:04,530 That was the one with the hydrogen leaks, remember that? 1241 01:27:04,530 --> 01:27:06,869 We were supposed to launch in May of 1990. 1242 01:27:06,869 --> 01:27:08,300 And we went down. 1243 01:27:08,300 --> 01:27:14,489 And before they fill the system they do a helium leak check. 1244 01:27:14,489 --> 01:27:18,290 And, of course, helium, for those of you who have worked with vacuum systems, helium will 1245 01:27:18,290 --> 01:27:19,389 leak through anything. 1246 01:27:19,389 --> 01:27:25,150 And, if the system is tight against helium, they figure it is tight. 1247 01:27:25,150 --> 01:27:28,239 The problem is that that's done at ambient temperature. 1248 01:27:28,239 --> 01:27:35,170 And, when you fill it with the cryogenic hydrogen, everything contracts. 1249 01:27:35,170 --> 01:27:43,679 And so things which were vacuum-tight at ambient temperature are not always vacuum-tight. 1250 01:27:43,679 --> 01:27:49,400 But the problem is you don't know that until you fill it, which is only done a few hours 1251 01:27:49,400 --> 01:27:51,790 before a launch. 1252 01:27:51,790 --> 01:27:53,230 So, we had gone down to the Cape. 1253 01:27:53,230 --> 01:27:55,199 We were in medical quarantine. 1254 01:27:55,199 --> 01:28:01,619 And we just got the message about six hours before launch there's a hydrogen leak, launch 1255 01:28:01,619 --> 01:28:03,619 is scrubbed. 1256 01:28:03,619 --> 01:28:06,210 They did some checks. 1257 01:28:06,210 --> 01:28:07,730 They drained the tank. 1258 01:28:07,730 --> 01:28:10,800 They did another helium leak check. 1259 01:28:10,800 --> 01:28:12,780 It was fine. 1260 01:28:12,780 --> 01:28:13,940 We had gone back to Houston. 1261 01:28:13,940 --> 01:28:15,239 We came back. 1262 01:28:15,239 --> 01:28:17,139 The same thing happened. 1263 01:28:17,139 --> 01:28:19,739 How long did it take? 1264 01:28:19,739 --> 01:28:23,900 Well, in the end, we made six trips over the course of six months. 1265 01:28:23,900 --> 01:28:25,820 And we didn't launch until December. 1266 01:28:25,820 --> 01:28:31,070 And, actually, another one of the shuttles also had a hydrogen leak. 1267 01:28:31,070 --> 01:28:32,880 They actually alternated us. 1268 01:28:32,880 --> 01:28:34,830 They pulled us off the launch pad. 1269 01:28:34,830 --> 01:28:36,619 They put somebody else on. 1270 01:28:36,619 --> 01:28:42,900 I mean what had happened was they had somewhat changed the procedure of installing some O 1271 01:28:42,900 --> 01:28:48,570 rings in these big hydrogen lines, and it required a process where the workers were 1272 01:28:48,570 --> 01:28:51,780 actually working in an area where they couldn't see. 1273 01:28:51,780 --> 01:28:57,059 And the O rings were being installed slightly wrong. 1274 01:28:57,059 --> 01:29:01,739 But it was just terribly difficult to track that down. 1275 01:29:01,739 --> 01:29:06,210 So, yeah, there are a lot of problems using cryogenic fuel. 1276 01:29:06,210 --> 01:29:12,650 Now, the other thing is if you have a fully staged vehicle with a separate first and second 1277 01:29:12,650 --> 01:29:20,190 stage, one of the things that you learn in rocket propulsion classes is that in the first 1278 01:29:20,190 --> 01:29:24,260 stage the specific impulse is not nearly as important. 1279 01:29:24,260 --> 01:29:26,849 What's really important is to get a lot of thrust. 1280 01:29:26,849 --> 01:29:32,340 In your upper stages having a high ISP becomes much more important in terms of the payload 1281 01:29:32,340 --> 01:29:33,400 that you can carry. 1282 01:29:33,400 --> 01:29:39,290 So, if you had a fully staged vehicle, and, in fact, that's the way Saturn worked. 1283 01:29:39,290 --> 01:29:44,139 The first stage of Saturn was kerosene and liquid oxygen and the upper stages were cryogenic 1284 01:29:44,139 --> 01:29:46,929 with hydrogen and oxygen just for that reason. 1285 01:29:46,929 --> 01:29:48,559 OK, let's move on. 1286 01:29:48,559 --> 01:29:55,800 Now we have the external tank, again, suspended in the vertical assembly building. 1287 01:29:55,800 --> 01:30:01,469 That's lifted up and joined between the two SRBs. 1288 01:30:01,469 --> 01:30:12,360 This is the feed line where the oxygen comes down and this is where these two feeds lines, 1289 01:30:12,360 --> 01:30:13,599 this is the hydrogen. 1290 01:30:13,599 --> 01:30:21,199 And then the orbiter has two corresponding feed ports where the hydrogen and oxygen comes 1291 01:30:21,199 --> 01:30:22,590 into the engine. 1292 01:30:22,590 --> 01:30:27,800 And, actually, when you fill the tank on the pad, you actually put the hydrogen and oxygen 1293 01:30:27,800 --> 01:30:29,170 into the orbiter. 1294 01:30:29,170 --> 01:30:33,719 And it flows from the orbiter back then into the external tank. 1295 01:30:33,719 --> 01:30:38,760 And it was on this oxygen fitting from the foam that they put around this, was what fell 1296 01:30:38,760 --> 01:30:44,290 off in the recent Discovery flight where they did get a big piece of foam. 1297 01:30:44,290 --> 01:30:46,460 OK, so now we go back. 1298 01:30:46,460 --> 01:30:50,199 Remember we brought the orbiter over into the vertical assembly building? 1299 01:30:50,199 --> 01:30:55,599 Now, you put this strong back to hold the orbiter. 1300 01:30:55,599 --> 01:30:56,559 And this is really spectacular. 1301 01:30:56,559 --> 01:31:02,199 I mean you lift the whole orbiter up off the ground and tilt it up. 1302 01:31:02,199 --> 01:31:06,989 And you basically hang it and lower it. 1303 01:31:06,989 --> 01:31:18,330 And these are big pieces of equipment and yet you need millimeters of accuracy. 1304 01:31:18,330 --> 01:31:25,230 So, very skilled crane operators, to say the least. 1305 01:31:25,230 --> 01:31:33,400 Now we have the orbiter and the strong back laid down in position and all of the mating 1306 01:31:33,400 --> 01:31:34,510 is done. 1307 01:31:34,510 --> 01:31:37,239 And we're on the pad. 1308 01:31:37,239 --> 01:31:43,520 Excuse me, we're on the mobile launch platform and they put the crawler transporter underneath 1309 01:31:43,520 --> 01:31:50,719 it and then they roll it on these specially prepared pads which have very, I don't know 1310 01:31:50,719 --> 01:31:55,070 how deep it goes into the ground, but this is heavy river gravel. 1311 01:31:55,070 --> 01:32:01,080 Most of the boulders are about the size of your fist, but after one or two trips of the 1312 01:32:01,080 --> 01:32:03,809 orbiter it's crushed down to the size of pea gravel. 1313 01:32:03,809 --> 01:32:05,800 And then they have to replace it with new stuff. 1314 01:32:05,800 --> 01:32:10,309 And, of course, as you're going out to the pad, when you're rolling up to the launch 1315 01:32:10,309 --> 01:32:13,040 pad, you're actually going up at an angle. 1316 01:32:13,040 --> 01:32:19,199 And so this whole system, you can see the crawlers down here, each one of these treads, 1317 01:32:19,199 --> 01:32:21,750 each single piece of the tread weighs a ton. 1318 01:32:21,750 --> 01:32:27,040 Just to give you a sense, it goes about one or two miles per hour top speed. 1319 01:32:27,040 --> 01:32:29,239 It takes hours to get out there. 1320 01:32:29,239 --> 01:32:34,199 And it has to be capable of staying level to within a few degrees, even as you're climbing 1321 01:32:34,199 --> 01:32:38,150 the ramp up to the launch platform. 1322 01:32:38,150 --> 01:32:42,090 What are those things supporting the [UNINTELLIGIBLE]? 1323 01:32:42,090 --> 01:32:47,280 The whole stack is basically sitting on the two SRBs. 1324 01:32:47,280 --> 01:32:50,730 The skirts of the SRBs is taking the weight. 1325 01:32:50,730 --> 01:32:58,590 These are the fuel inputs which are connected through the other side where the hydrogen 1326 01:32:58,590 --> 01:33:00,880 and the oxygen run into the shuttle. 1327 01:33:00,880 --> 01:33:04,570 And, from there, the way I showed you before, it goes into the external tank. 1328 01:33:04,570 --> 01:33:06,889 Did they also keep it tilted back? 1329 01:33:06,889 --> 01:33:10,070 Did it have the tendency to [UNINTELLIGIBLE]? 1330 01:33:10,070 --> 01:33:14,500 Each of the SRBs has four bolts. 1331 01:33:14,500 --> 01:33:21,219 Actually, they give us, as a souvenir after a flight, they give us the big nuts that are 1332 01:33:21,219 --> 01:33:23,679 explosive bolts. 1333 01:33:23,679 --> 01:33:27,219 There are eight, four on each of the SRBs. 1334 01:33:27,219 --> 01:33:33,920 And, essentially, that's what gives it its stability. 1335 01:33:33,920 --> 01:33:38,849 Again, this is a hill. 1336 01:33:38,849 --> 01:33:43,340 It's a little hard to see the perspective, but keeping the whole thing steady. 1337 01:33:43,340 --> 01:33:49,610 And we talked about how you can see this track here where the payload change-out room eventually 1338 01:33:49,610 --> 01:33:55,400 could come around and cover the shuttle to give it protection. 1339 01:33:55,400 --> 01:33:58,969 This is actually going up the hill to get up. 1340 01:33:58,969 --> 01:34:01,820 And it's just a pretty picture that I like. 1341 01:34:01,820 --> 01:34:03,460 And here we are. 1342 01:34:03,460 --> 01:34:10,710 This is nice because you have both shuttles on the launch pad. 1343 01:34:10,710 --> 01:34:14,170 This is a big water tower. 1344 01:34:14,170 --> 01:34:23,949 In order to protect the launch pad against flame damage, and also to protect the shuttle 1345 01:34:23,949 --> 01:34:30,320 against acoustic effects, they actually get a shockwave when you ignite the engines which 1346 01:34:30,320 --> 01:34:35,260 can bounce back and do some damage. 1347 01:34:35,260 --> 01:34:44,080 Shortly, about 15 seconds before T zero, they open up the valves. 1348 01:34:44,080 --> 01:34:48,250 And all that water flows with little jets. 1349 01:34:48,250 --> 01:34:52,360 If you've seen pictures of a launch, sometimes they show that as part of the launch sequence. 1350 01:34:52,360 --> 01:34:58,290 In fact, in another class, I will show you some of the details of an actual launch picture. 1351 01:34:58,290 --> 01:35:01,989 That's the water deluge, and that goes for about 30 seconds. 1352 01:35:01,989 --> 01:35:08,179 And that cushions the acoustic load reflected back to the shuttle. 1353 01:35:08,179 --> 01:35:11,320 OK, that's enough pictures on the pad. 1354 01:35:11,320 --> 01:35:15,090 Oh, I know what I wanted to show. 1355 01:35:15,090 --> 01:35:18,530 This is called the white room. 1356 01:35:18,530 --> 01:35:19,960 And that's how the crew goes in. 1357 01:35:19,960 --> 01:35:22,590 You take an elevator up to here. 1358 01:35:22,590 --> 01:35:26,040 And then that actually joins up with the hatch. 1359 01:35:26,040 --> 01:35:29,150 So the hatch is sitting open. 1360 01:35:29,150 --> 01:35:34,530 And you put on your parachutes and the last few pieces of equipment to get in. 1361 01:35:34,530 --> 01:35:36,809 And this is a view inside the white room. 1362 01:35:36,809 --> 01:35:42,030 This is, I guess, from our last flight in 1996. 1363 01:35:42,030 --> 01:35:48,139 And, when you go out on launch day, the big thing that you notice that's different is 1364 01:35:48,139 --> 01:35:52,770 there are very few people on the pad, only the essential personnel. 1365 01:35:52,770 --> 01:35:57,599 And the whole stack is creaking because it's now filled with the cryogens and everything 1366 01:35:57,599 --> 01:36:03,369 is shrunk and it's sort of alive in a very strange way. 1367 01:36:03,369 --> 01:36:06,050 So, we talked about the mission profile. 1368 01:36:06,050 --> 01:36:08,520 I won't deal with this. 1369 01:36:08,520 --> 01:36:17,360 And I do want to talk about some of the shuttle aborts, but we will do that another time because 1370 01:36:17,360 --> 01:36:20,070 I want to get finished with the slides. 1371 01:36:20,070 --> 01:36:26,190 I did want to show you, after Challenger they introduced a bailout. 1372 01:36:26,190 --> 01:36:34,579 We did mention that the basic survivability for the crew requires an intact orbiter. 1373 01:36:34,579 --> 01:36:40,020 It used to be that it needed an intact orbiter landing on the ground or ditching in the ocean, 1374 01:36:40,020 --> 01:36:45,420 which was kind of an unlikely survivability because you're going to hit the ocean at 200 1375 01:36:45,420 --> 01:36:47,440 knots and probably break up. 1376 01:36:47,440 --> 01:36:54,880 So now there are circumstances where you can lose more than one engine during launch or 1377 01:36:54,880 --> 01:37:01,000 you might have to do an emergency de-orbit where you basically can be flying along at 1378 01:37:01,000 --> 01:37:06,760 40,000 feet stably but with no place to land. 1379 01:37:06,760 --> 01:37:13,150 And so that's really the only situation which the bailout system protects you against, but 1380 01:37:13,150 --> 01:37:16,610 there is a collapsible poll. 1381 01:37:16,610 --> 01:37:21,420 The reason for that is because the aerodynamic studies show that if you just jumped out of 1382 01:37:21,420 --> 01:37:30,130 the open hatch with a parachute the airflow would carry you back on top of the wing and 1383 01:37:30,130 --> 01:37:34,219 you'd hit the OMS pod, and that would not be a good deal. 1384 01:37:34,219 --> 01:37:40,530 So, you actually hook yourself to this escape poll. 1385 01:37:40,530 --> 01:37:46,650 And that takes you down below the wing, and then you can open the parachute. 1386 01:37:46,650 --> 01:37:52,429 And we actually practiced this where you go out into a swimming pool using the escape 1387 01:37:52,429 --> 01:37:53,260 poll. 1388 01:37:53,260 --> 01:38:00,510 These are some actual tests conducted by Army parachutists in, I think, a 141 Transport. 1389 01:38:00,510 --> 01:38:04,880 The system has been tested in flight, although never with the shuttle. 1390 01:38:04,880 --> 01:38:13,809 And that's the test where they have a simulated hatch and you basically jump out into the 1391 01:38:13,809 --> 01:38:15,599 swimming pool. 1392 01:38:15,599 --> 01:38:19,139 Once again, into the white room. 1393 01:38:19,139 --> 01:38:21,550 You can see the hatch out here. 1394 01:38:21,550 --> 01:38:25,139 And that's the last thing that they'll do, is they close the hatch. 1395 01:38:25,139 --> 01:38:30,969 Then they pressurize the shuttle by about 1.5 PSI just to make sure that it has pressure 1396 01:38:30,969 --> 01:38:33,449 integrity before a launch. 1397 01:38:33,449 --> 01:38:37,389 And then we launch. 1398 01:38:37,389 --> 01:38:43,510 As you can see, you're burning hydrogen and oxygen in the main engines. 1399 01:38:43,510 --> 01:38:47,199 What's coming out there is just hot steam, not very visible. 1400 01:38:47,199 --> 01:38:52,949 Most of the smoke, the noise and everything come from the solid rocket boosters. 1401 01:38:52,949 --> 01:38:57,239 However, you do need these engines. 1402 01:38:57,239 --> 01:39:04,940 In fact, people have calculated that if you tried to take off without these main engines 1403 01:39:04,940 --> 01:39:09,670 pushing up on the shuttle that the attachment between the shuttle and the external tank 1404 01:39:09,670 --> 01:39:12,659 would probably fail. 1405 01:39:12,659 --> 01:39:18,290 Each of the main engines is about, well, it's a half a million pounds of thrust in vacuum. 1406 01:39:18,290 --> 01:39:21,719 It's slightly under 400,000 pounds at sea level. 1407 01:39:21,719 --> 01:39:26,550 You've got a little over a million pounds coming from the main engines, but these are 1408 01:39:26,550 --> 01:39:30,349 putting out almost three million pounds a piece. 1409 01:39:30,349 --> 01:39:34,869 So, most of your early thrusts in the first two minutes are coming from the solid rocket 1410 01:39:34,869 --> 01:39:36,280 boosters. 1411 01:39:36,280 --> 01:39:37,440 And it's a pretty rough ride. 1412 01:39:37,440 --> 01:39:41,409 I mean there's a lot of vibration. 1413 01:39:41,409 --> 01:39:49,179 When you go through mach 1, which is max Q, maximum dynamic pressure, the vibrations are 1414 01:39:49,179 --> 01:39:51,540 even more pronounced. 1415 01:39:51,540 --> 01:39:54,960 The first time on my first flight, I really thought the wings were going to come off, 1416 01:39:54,960 --> 01:39:56,179 there was so much vibration. 1417 01:39:56,179 --> 01:39:58,889 But, of course, they don't. 1418 01:39:58,889 --> 01:40:01,449 But I'd love to get a hold of it. 1419 01:40:01,449 --> 01:40:08,389 I actually saw a high-speed, well, a slow motion picture actually looking at the tail, 1420 01:40:08,389 --> 01:40:09,530 as you go through max Q. 1421 01:40:09,530 --> 01:40:12,659 And you can actually see the tail fluttering back and forth like that. 1422 01:40:12,659 --> 01:40:18,369 I mean the aerodynamic loads on the vehicle during ascent are significant. 1423 01:40:18,369 --> 01:40:26,510 And you do actually have to move your elevons to what's called load relief in order to take 1424 01:40:26,510 --> 01:40:29,980 the stress off that. 1425 01:40:29,980 --> 01:40:33,139 I really like this. 1426 01:40:33,139 --> 01:40:39,630 It gives a sense of the power that you're sitting on top of to get up there. 1427 01:40:39,630 --> 01:40:43,610 And that's just a nice picture of riding the fire. 1428 01:40:43,610 --> 01:40:48,190 OK, so you get up in orbit and you drop the external tank. 1429 01:40:48,190 --> 01:40:55,880 And, although now they're going out of their way to take even better close-ups of the tank 1430 01:40:55,880 --> 01:40:57,559 to look at the foam shedding. 1431 01:40:57,559 --> 01:41:03,280 We've been doing that, in fact, throughout the history. 1432 01:41:03,280 --> 01:41:07,880 Now they especially time the launch so that you're guaranteed to drop the external tank 1433 01:41:07,880 --> 01:41:09,369 with good lighting conditions. 1434 01:41:09,369 --> 01:41:12,920 That didn't used to be a constraint to launch but it is now. 1435 01:41:12,920 --> 01:41:17,429 You can also, by the way, see how the atmosphere quickly fades out into space. 1436 01:41:17,429 --> 01:41:23,250 And that's a telephoto so it actually makes the atmosphere look even thicker than it really 1437 01:41:23,250 --> 01:41:24,159 looks. 1438 01:41:24,159 --> 01:41:28,920 OK, so there is the orbiter in space. 1439 01:41:28,920 --> 01:41:32,929 That was actually after it had delivered a payload. 1440 01:41:32,929 --> 01:41:39,500 This was taken from the space station. 1441 01:41:39,500 --> 01:41:45,190 And just a quick reminder of all the different things that we've used the orbiter for. 1442 01:41:45,190 --> 01:41:48,150 Launching satellites, you've seen that picture. 1443 01:41:48,150 --> 01:41:54,530 This is a payload assist module to take the satellite from the shuttle orbit up to geosynchronous 1444 01:41:54,530 --> 01:41:57,540 transfer orbit. 1445 01:41:57,540 --> 01:42:03,730 We have used it extensively for satellite repair in orbit. 1446 01:42:03,730 --> 01:42:09,889 This is the Intelsat where it was put into orbit by an expendable rocket, but into a 1447 01:42:09,889 --> 01:42:13,929 bad orbit because of underperformance. 1448 01:42:13,929 --> 01:42:17,750 And they managed to get it into a shuttle compatible orbit. 1449 01:42:17,750 --> 01:42:20,840 And I won't go through the whole history. 1450 01:42:20,840 --> 01:42:25,510 Why there happened to be three people out there is a whole story in itself. 1451 01:42:25,510 --> 01:42:27,369 This is one of the satellites. 1452 01:42:27,369 --> 01:42:33,139 Again, the satellites were put into orbit by the shuttle. 1453 01:42:33,139 --> 01:42:38,110 And the shuttle deployment was fine, but the payload assist module, which you saw before, 1454 01:42:38,110 --> 01:42:39,579 did not perform properly. 1455 01:42:39,579 --> 01:42:44,280 And so the two satellites were stranded in a useless orbit. 1456 01:42:44,280 --> 01:42:46,579 We actually brought them back to the ground. 1457 01:42:46,579 --> 01:42:52,030 They were refurbished and re-launched again on expendable rockets. 1458 01:42:52,030 --> 01:42:59,389 The shuttle has also been used as a space station with the space lab on in the inside 1459 01:42:59,389 --> 01:43:01,159 to carry out scientific experiments. 1460 01:43:01,159 --> 01:43:05,900 This is a large pressurized module which is put into the cargo bay. 1461 01:43:05,900 --> 01:43:13,590 And the original idea, as Professor Cohen mentioned, was you could just take your laboratory 1462 01:43:13,590 --> 01:43:20,489 equipment off the shelf, plug it in here, 120 volts AC power, I guess, and it would 1463 01:43:20,489 --> 01:43:22,250 be just like working on the ground. 1464 01:43:22,250 --> 01:43:23,929 Well, it never was. 1465 01:43:23,929 --> 01:43:31,920 But, having said that, I think the space lab program, as a whole, was extremely successful. 1466 01:43:31,920 --> 01:43:36,040 And then it's been used to service the Mir Space Station. 1467 01:43:36,040 --> 01:43:41,510 We certainly added several years of useful life to the Mir Station because we could carry 1468 01:43:41,510 --> 01:43:44,969 up a lot more equipment than the Russians could themselves. 1469 01:43:44,969 --> 01:43:52,090 And that also gave us an opportunity to get some US astronauts on long duration space 1470 01:43:52,090 --> 01:43:54,440 missions. 1471 01:43:54,440 --> 01:44:00,059 And then, as you all know, we're using the shuttle to construct the International Space 1472 01:44:00,059 --> 01:44:02,050 Station. 1473 01:44:02,050 --> 01:44:07,429 And hopefully we'll get more of it built before too long. 1474 01:44:07,429 --> 01:44:15,190 The shuttle is also an excellent platform for performing EVAs, space walks. 1475 01:44:15,190 --> 01:44:20,030 And that's a picture of when we went up and repaired the Hubble Space Telescope. 1476 01:44:20,030 --> 01:44:29,409 I cannot overestimate the capability that the shuttle gives us as a work platform in 1477 01:44:29,409 --> 01:44:30,940 orbit. 1478 01:44:30,940 --> 01:44:36,300 We can do this sort of complex EVA activity on the Space Station, but once we retire the 1479 01:44:36,300 --> 01:44:40,340 shuttle we've essentially lost that capability. 1480 01:44:40,340 --> 01:44:46,369 To have the manipulator arm and to be able to use people and the robotic arm to move 1481 01:44:46,369 --> 01:44:51,510 equipment around, it's just a very powerful work platform. 1482 01:44:51,510 --> 01:45:01,349 That's one of my favorite pictures floating up there. 1483 01:45:01,349 --> 01:45:07,199 This is a pretty picture of firing the orbiter maneuvering engines just to start your descent 1484 01:45:07,199 --> 01:45:09,159 into the atmosphere. 1485 01:45:09,159 --> 01:45:14,340 Despite the fact that you're going at 18,000 miles an hour, you only have to slow down 1486 01:45:14,340 --> 01:45:21,440 by a few hundred feet per second in order to lower your perigee down to essentially 1487 01:45:21,440 --> 01:45:25,829 the surface of the earth so that half an orbit later you intersect with the atmosphere. 1488 01:45:25,829 --> 01:45:33,429 And, of course, that produces the aerodynamic heating which you can see on the outside. 1489 01:45:33,429 --> 01:45:34,920 This is looking out to the front. 1490 01:45:34,920 --> 01:45:38,059 That's kind of a dull glow. 1491 01:45:38,059 --> 01:45:44,070 It starts out as a deep red and then it gets orange and yellow and finally white on the 1492 01:45:44,070 --> 01:45:44,219 outside. 1493 01:45:44,219 --> 01:45:47,849 The most spectacular thing, you know, you're a meteor. 1494 01:45:47,849 --> 01:45:53,329 This is a picture that was taken from Houston. 1495 01:45:53,329 --> 01:45:58,809 This is at about 250,000 feet at about mach 12 on the way to a landing at the Kennedy 1496 01:45:58,809 --> 01:45:59,739 Space Center. 1497 01:45:59,739 --> 01:46:03,050 The shuttle is flying like this. 1498 01:46:03,050 --> 01:46:07,719 If you look up at the overhead windows, you can actually look back into the wake. 1499 01:46:07,719 --> 01:46:12,010 And this is really spectacular because you have these different colors, and it's sort 1500 01:46:12,010 --> 01:46:13,210 of shimmering around. 1501 01:46:13,210 --> 01:46:19,969 And every once in a while, when I would be looking at this, you'd see a big bright light. 1502 01:46:19,969 --> 01:46:23,070 And I would think boy, I hope that was nothing important. 1503 01:46:23,070 --> 01:46:27,480 [LAUGHTER] What people said it probably was were little bits of gap filler. 1504 01:46:27,480 --> 01:46:31,210 You may have heard that on the last flight they discovered that some gap fillers were 1505 01:46:31,210 --> 01:46:32,210 protruding. 1506 01:46:32,210 --> 01:46:37,110 And so Steve Robinson went around and actually pulled some of them out. 1507 01:46:37,110 --> 01:46:42,170 But they've probably been doing that the whole time and just have come off. 1508 01:46:42,170 --> 01:46:49,280 I mean this little point where you have the convergence of the shockwaves, this is about 1509 01:46:49,280 --> 01:46:54,880 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, that's the surface temperature of the sun. 1510 01:46:54,880 --> 01:46:58,550 It's a spectacular visual view. 1511 01:46:58,550 --> 01:47:08,980 And then, again, at this point we're just going subsonic flying like a glider and ready 1512 01:47:08,980 --> 01:47:09,710 for touchdown. 1513 01:47:09,710 --> 01:47:19,540 So, I hope that gives you some sense visually of what goes on in the course of a shuttle 1514 01:47:19,540 --> 01:47:26,630 flight with an emphasis on the maintenance operations. 1515 01:47:26,630 --> 01:47:35,349 Without appreciating how complex it is to operate this system, I think it's hard to 1516 01:47:35,349 --> 01:47:41,780 really make the link between the original concept and the difficulties we've had in 1517 01:47:41,780 --> 01:47:47,989 getting the shuttle to perform in terms of the turnaround maintainability. 1518 01:47:47,989 --> 01:47:58,760 So, again, just wrapping up, that's kind of my farewell picture, the shuttle was an amazingly 1519 01:47:58,760 --> 01:48:01,090 ambitious concept. 1520 01:48:01,090 --> 01:48:08,340 And, I think, what has been astounding is how well the shuttle has been able to perform 1521 01:48:08,340 --> 01:48:13,270 and do all the things that it was designed to do in terms of the satellite launching 1522 01:48:13,270 --> 01:48:19,679 and being used as a science platform, performing EVA, repairing satellites, building space 1523 01:48:19,679 --> 01:48:20,280 stations. 1524 01:48:20,280 --> 01:48:26,969 It has given us experience and capability to learn how to do things in earth orbit which 1525 01:48:26,969 --> 01:48:28,460 we never had before. 1526 01:48:28,460 --> 01:48:34,040 And, as I say, we may well miss them once we retire the shuttle. 1527 01:48:34,040 --> 01:48:40,480 But where we really did get it wrong, and this will be one of the things that we'll 1528 01:48:40,480 --> 01:48:44,809 look at when we deal with the individual subsystems, is in the operations. 1529 01:48:44,809 --> 01:48:55,110 It turned out to be a lot more complex, expensive and delicate to operate than had been anticipated. 1530 01:48:55,110 --> 01:49:04,559 So hopefully there will come a time when we set out to design another reusable vehicle, 1531 01:49:04,559 --> 01:49:07,110 possibly a reusable winged vehicle. 1532 01:49:07,110 --> 01:49:11,679 And I think a lot of what we've learned from the shuttle will be folded into that. 1533 01:49:11,679 --> 01:49:17,530 It still is a question of how re-usable the next crew exploration vehicle, the CEV will 1534 01:49:17,530 --> 01:49:19,159 be. 1535 01:49:19,159 --> 01:49:24,050 Re-usability has been put in as a requirement, but that remains to be seen. 1536 01:49:24,050 --> 01:49:29,000 And certainly the experience that we've gotten from the shuttle is going to make people look 1537 01:49:29,000 --> 01:49:35,809 really, really closely at what assumptions we're making about the reusability whenever 1538 01:49:35,809 --> 01:49:37,690 we do this again. 1539 01:49:37,690 --> 01:49:38,760 OK. 1540 01:49:38,760 --> 01:49:47,540 Next Tuesday will be the last in kind of the conceptual part of what we're doing. 1541 01:49:47,540 --> 01:49:54,750 Professor John Logsdon from George Washington University is a very well known space policy 1542 01:49:54,750 --> 01:49:55,510 analyst. 1543 01:49:55,510 --> 01:50:03,929 He did a seminal study on the Apollo program and has also written a lot and done a lot 1544 01:50:03,929 --> 01:50:07,230 of research on the origins of the shuttle. 1545 01:50:07,230 --> 01:50:08,820 And so he'll talk to us then. 1546 01:50:08,820 --> 01:50:10,040 Let's see. 1547 01:50:10,040 --> 01:50:15,719 I had promised to post everybody's emails on the Web, and I got diverted and didn't 1548 01:50:15,719 --> 01:50:16,559 get that done. 1549 01:50:16,559 --> 01:50:23,190 But I will do that before tomorrow, you know, in terms of forming your teams. 1550 01:50:23,190 --> 01:50:28,949 Put together an idea of what system you would like to work at. 1551 01:50:28,949 --> 01:50:34,790 If you're not able to form up as part of a team between now and Tuesday, just give me 1552 01:50:34,790 --> 01:50:36,889 what your own personal preference is. 1553 01:50:36,889 --> 01:50:42,449 And then we can look and see if different people are interested in the same system. 1554 01:50:42,449 --> 01:50:45,840 We'll let you all know and help you form up teams. 1555 01:50:45,840 --> 01:50:54,889 I'll make sure your email is there in the student view. 1556 01:50:54,889 --> 01:51:04,409 [UNINTELLIGIBLE PHRASE] If you've already formed a group then just turn in something 1557 01:51:04,409 --> 01:51:05,159 as a group. 1558 01:51:05,159 --> 01:51:06,340 That's fine. 1559 01:51:06,340 --> 01:51:13,099 If not, if you haven't hooked up with somebody, just let us know what system you're interested 1560 01:51:13,099 --> 01:51:17,619 in working at and any ideas you might have of what you're going to look at. 1561 01:51:17,619 --> 01:51:26,090 Really, this is just a very, very short write-up essentially to get you started. 1562 01:51:26,090 --> 01:51:30,269 And that way, if you have any questions, we can talk about it next Tuesday.