A light ring attached to a hand for cyclograph pictures. Cyclography is the study of motion by photographing (up to hundreds of times a minute) light sources attached to moving parts of the human body. This image is from the Frank B. Gilbreth Motion Study Photographs Collection and is a part of the discussion on Productive Bodies during week 11. (Image courtesy of the Kheel Center on flickr. License CC BY.)
Prof. Gediminas Urbonas
Nikola Bojic
MIT Course Number
4.313 / 4.312
As Taught In
Fall 2016
Undergraduate / Graduate
Course Description
Course Description
This class is developed around the concept of disobedient interference within the existing models of production of space and knowledge.
Modeling is the main modus operandi of the class as students will be required to make critical diagrammatic cuts through processes of production in different thematic registers – from chemistry, law and economy to art, architecture and urbanism – in order to investigate the sense of social responsibility and control over the complex agendas embedded in models that supports production of everyday objects and surroundings. Students will be encouraged to explore relations between material or immaterial aspects and agencies of production, whether they emerged as a consequence of connection of mind, body and space, or the infrastructural, geographical and ecological complexities of the Anthropocene. These production environments will be taken as modeling settings.