"Divide and Conquer" by MIT student Justin Lo. (Image courtesy of Justin Lo. Used with permission.)
Prof. Drew Endy
Dr. Natalie Kuldell
Dr. Neal Lerner
(Writing Instructor)
Dr. Agi Stachowiak
Prof. Angela M. Belcher
Dr. Atissa Banuazizi
(Oral Presentation Instructor)
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Fall 2007
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
This course introduces experimental biochemical and molecular techniques from a quantitative engineering perspective. Experimental design, rigorous data analysis, and scientific communication form the underpinnings of this subject. Three discovery-based experimental modules focus on genome engineering, expression engineering, and biomaterial engineering.
This OCW site is based on the source OpenWetWare class Wiki, found at 20.109(F07): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering.
Other Versions
Other OCW Versions
20.109 is offered twice per year, with rotating instructor responsibilities. Reflecting the instructors' specific expertise and the evolving biological engineering field, the topics vary each time.
Archived versions: