1 00:00:12,310 --> 00:00:14,780 PROFESSOR: If I went out for a run now dressed like this, 2 00:00:14,780 --> 00:00:16,850 you would probably call me nuts, right? 3 00:00:16,850 --> 00:00:18,690 Because it's so cold outside that 4 00:00:18,690 --> 00:00:20,964 I'd probably dye of hypothermia. 5 00:00:20,964 --> 00:00:23,820 However, in 2009 Wim Hof managed to run 6 00:00:23,820 --> 00:00:25,360 a full marathon in minus 30 degrees 7 00:00:25,360 --> 00:00:27,059 Celsius wearing nothing but shorts. 8 00:00:27,059 --> 00:00:28,600 While most people would probably die, 9 00:00:28,600 --> 00:00:31,530 Wim Hof has been able to survive. 10 00:00:31,530 --> 00:00:34,446 So, what makes Wim Hof able to survive where others can't? 11 00:00:34,446 --> 00:00:37,060 To research him, researchers in Netherlands 12 00:00:37,060 --> 00:00:40,060 subject him to icy bath for almost two hours. 13 00:00:40,060 --> 00:00:42,420 While most people would have their core body temperature 14 00:00:42,420 --> 00:00:45,582 drop to below 35 degrees causing hypothermia to kick in. 15 00:00:45,582 --> 00:00:48,552 Wim Hof's Body temperature drop to merely 37.4 degrees 16 00:00:48,552 --> 00:00:51,540 Celsius, staying surprisingly warm. 17 00:00:51,540 --> 00:00:53,770 And the funny thing is that the researchers couldn't 18 00:00:53,770 --> 00:00:56,170 find exactly what had happened. 19 00:00:56,170 --> 00:00:58,622 Maybe it's his genetic ancestry that saves him. 20 00:00:58,622 --> 00:01:00,122 In a separate study, scientists have 21 00:01:00,122 --> 00:01:02,510 found that individuals with [? Cocam ?] ancestry 22 00:01:02,510 --> 00:01:04,920 have mitochondria that can produce more heat and less 23 00:01:04,920 --> 00:01:05,923 chemical energy. 24 00:01:05,923 --> 00:01:08,626 Mitochondria is like a mini furnace 25 00:01:08,626 --> 00:01:10,540 that burns the sugars from the food we eat 26 00:01:10,540 --> 00:01:12,467 into chemical and heat energy. 27 00:01:12,467 --> 00:01:14,300 Individuals like this would have been better 28 00:01:14,300 --> 00:01:15,846 able to survive the cold. 29 00:01:15,846 --> 00:01:18,940 However, scientists haven't fully studied Wim Hof's genome, 30 00:01:18,940 --> 00:01:21,342 so we don't really know. 31 00:01:21,342 --> 00:01:23,050 Wim Hof practices g-tummo, a Tibetan form 32 00:01:23,050 --> 00:01:25,500 of meditation and breathing which allows 33 00:01:25,500 --> 00:01:27,372 him to double his metabolism. 34 00:01:27,372 --> 00:01:29,330 Remember those mitochondria I mentioned before? 35 00:01:29,330 --> 00:01:31,663 Wim Hof can produce enough heat through his mitochondria 36 00:01:31,663 --> 00:01:34,140 with specific breathing and muscle 37 00:01:34,140 --> 00:01:36,130 contractions that can produce enough heat 38 00:01:36,130 --> 00:01:39,930 to keep his body warm. 39 00:01:39,930 --> 00:01:42,972 Well, you might believe that this is nonscientific. 40 00:01:42,972 --> 00:01:44,820 However, studies at NUS have shown 41 00:01:44,820 --> 00:01:47,270 these participants increased their core body temperature 42 00:01:47,270 --> 00:01:50,900 using g-tummo, and they had no prior meditation experience. 43 00:01:50,900 --> 00:01:52,200 Now, why could this be so? 44 00:01:52,200 --> 00:01:54,580 Increases in alpha and beta waves are noticed, 45 00:01:54,580 --> 00:01:57,270 and many have theorized that this has enabled the body 46 00:01:57,270 --> 00:01:59,890 to effectively heat the center as well as distribute heat 47 00:01:59,890 --> 00:02:02,240 to the extremities. 48 00:02:02,240 --> 00:02:04,500 We do not fully understand Wim Hof's methods. 49 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:06,850 And while some have tried to follow in his footsteps, 50 00:02:06,850 --> 00:02:08,620 it would be unwise to do the same. 51 00:02:08,620 --> 00:02:10,830 And Wim Hof even claims that he can control 52 00:02:10,830 --> 00:02:12,166 other parts of his body. 53 00:02:12,166 --> 00:02:14,840 Now if this is true, and scientifically backed, 54 00:02:14,840 --> 00:02:16,670 who knows what doors it could open? 55 00:02:16,670 --> 00:02:19,440 While science hasn't explained it all yet, and I myself 56 00:02:19,440 --> 00:02:21,160 don't buy these Wim Hof's methods. 57 00:02:21,160 --> 00:02:23,560 Maybe I'd better be off donning more jackets.