1 00:00:01,210 --> 00:00:02,510 ANDREA: Hi there. 2 00:00:02,510 --> 00:00:05,530 This is Andrea's v-log for the 13th 3 00:00:05,530 --> 00:00:09,390 of January in regards to the class yesterday, 4 00:00:09,390 --> 00:00:12,960 which I guess would have been class six, where basically, we 5 00:00:12,960 --> 00:00:17,820 sat down and did a table read of most of the scripts. 6 00:00:17,820 --> 00:00:19,650 And it was a fairly good day. 7 00:00:19,650 --> 00:00:22,500 I gained an appreciation for how difficult 8 00:00:22,500 --> 00:00:25,350 it is to distill all of your ideas 9 00:00:25,350 --> 00:00:34,280 down into a small, really good, compact, and compelling story. 10 00:00:34,280 --> 00:00:37,426 And so I thought it was really useful. 11 00:00:37,426 --> 00:00:38,800 I hope some of the other students 12 00:00:38,800 --> 00:00:41,370 also thought it was pretty useful. 13 00:00:41,370 --> 00:00:44,780 I know it's really difficult to stand in the line of fire 14 00:00:44,780 --> 00:00:47,710 of six, seven, eight other people who are all 15 00:00:47,710 --> 00:00:49,560 critiquing you but I think you guys 16 00:00:49,560 --> 00:00:51,830 all did a really wonderful job. 17 00:00:51,830 --> 00:00:54,080 And yes, I would want to watch all of your movies. 18 00:00:54,080 --> 00:00:57,520 I think they would be all awesome. 19 00:00:57,520 --> 00:01:00,720 So I actually have a couple of confessions to make. 20 00:01:00,720 --> 00:01:03,140 First of all, I'm feeling much better today. 21 00:01:03,140 --> 00:01:04,980 So I'm much more hopeful about being 22 00:01:04,980 --> 00:01:07,500 able to complete the assignment of actually doing 23 00:01:07,500 --> 00:01:10,500 some filming in the next few days 24 00:01:10,500 --> 00:01:12,410 since I have most of my voice back 25 00:01:12,410 --> 00:01:16,600 and I just had to basically sleep all night last night. 26 00:01:16,600 --> 00:01:19,040 But my confession is actually that I've 27 00:01:19,040 --> 00:01:21,460 considered dropping or at least reducing 28 00:01:21,460 --> 00:01:25,510 down to listener status in this class seven or eight times. 29 00:01:25,510 --> 00:01:28,640 It's been probably one of the most difficult classes 30 00:01:28,640 --> 00:01:31,970 I've ever taken and that's saying something, 31 00:01:31,970 --> 00:01:34,420 since I was a chemistry major and I'm also 32 00:01:34,420 --> 00:01:36,370 in business school. 33 00:01:36,370 --> 00:01:38,160 But I think it highlights that we 34 00:01:38,160 --> 00:01:42,080 have a lot of potential psychological blocks 35 00:01:42,080 --> 00:01:45,430 and it's really instructive to try to get 36 00:01:45,430 --> 00:01:47,600 over these mental blocks. 37 00:01:47,600 --> 00:01:51,570 And one of them, of course, for me is being on video 38 00:01:51,570 --> 00:01:53,090 and being photographed. 39 00:01:53,090 --> 00:01:55,350 That's one of them but another one 40 00:01:55,350 --> 00:02:00,210 was sort of shifting my mindset from sort 41 00:02:00,210 --> 00:02:02,150 of being a product manager, which is what I 42 00:02:02,150 --> 00:02:04,510 was prior to coming to school. 43 00:02:04,510 --> 00:02:06,510 I was very business-oriented mindset 44 00:02:06,510 --> 00:02:09,789 and getting back into the educational mindset. 45 00:02:09,789 --> 00:02:13,360 And I think that that has changed-- 46 00:02:13,360 --> 00:02:16,170 I don't want to say, oh my gosh, it's changed my life. 47 00:02:16,170 --> 00:02:18,780 But in a sense, it's why I decided 48 00:02:18,780 --> 00:02:22,690 to step back from business and to sort of recapture 49 00:02:22,690 --> 00:02:28,890 my love of science, of making people successful in science, 50 00:02:28,890 --> 00:02:34,260 whether it's small children or other adults who are starting 51 00:02:34,260 --> 00:02:35,280 their own businesses. 52 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:37,580 That's really why I came to business school. 53 00:02:37,580 --> 00:02:39,970 And I think this dovetails actually really nicely 54 00:02:39,970 --> 00:02:41,360 in with this whole mission. 55 00:02:41,360 --> 00:02:45,400 So I'm glad I haven't dropped yet 56 00:02:45,400 --> 00:02:50,250 and I'm really hopeful that I can continue my momentum 57 00:02:50,250 --> 00:02:54,294 and basically complete everything. 58 00:02:54,294 --> 00:02:55,960 And I know it's not going to be perfect. 59 00:02:55,960 --> 00:02:58,800 That's another big mental block that sometimes we 60 00:02:58,800 --> 00:03:02,190 cling on a lot to perfection. 61 00:03:02,190 --> 00:03:05,090 And I know it's going to be a pretty rough cut by next week 62 00:03:05,090 --> 00:03:07,280 but it'll be a lot of fun. 63 00:03:07,280 --> 00:03:09,690 So cheers, everyone.