1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,000 As I'm going to argue repeatedly today, biology has become a science 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:08,000 over the last 50 years. And, as a consequence, we can talk 3 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:12,000 about some basic principles. We can talk about some laws and 4 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:16,000 then begin to apply them to very interesting biological problems. 5 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:20,000 And so our general strategy this semester, as it has been in the past, 6 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:24,000 is to spend roughly the first half of the semester talking about the 7 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:28,000 basic laws and rules that govern all forms of biological life 8 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:34,000 on this planet. And you can see some of the specific 9 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:40,000 kinds of problems, including the problem of cancer, 10 00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:46,000 how cancer cells begin to grow abnormally, how viruses proliferate, 11 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:52,000 how the immune system functions, how the nervous system functions, 12 00:00:52,000 --> 00:00:58,000 stem cells and how they work and their impact on modern biology, 13 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:04,000 molecular medicine, and finally perhaps the future of biology and 14 00:01:04,000 --> 00:01:09,000 even certain aspects of evolution. The fact of the matter is that we 15 00:01:09,000 --> 00:01:13,000 now understand lots of these things in ways that were inconceivable 50 16 00:01:13,000 --> 00:01:18,000 years ago. And now we could begin to talk about things that 50 years 17 00:01:18,000 --> 00:01:22,000 ago people could not have dreamt of. When I took this course, and I did 18 00:01:22,000 --> 00:01:26,000 take it in 1961, we didn't know about 80% of what we 19 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:31,000 now know. You cannot say that about mechanics 20 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:35,000 in physics, you cannot say that about circuit theory in electronics, 21 00:01:35,000 --> 00:01:40,000 and you cannot say that, obviously, about chemistry. 22 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:44,000 And I'm mentioning that to you simply because this field has 23 00:01:44,000 --> 00:01:48,000 changed enormously over the ensuing four decades. I won't tell you what 24 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:53,000 grade I got in 7. 1 because if I would, 25 00:01:53,000 --> 00:01:57,000 and you might pry it out of me later in the semester, 26 00:01:57,000 --> 00:02:02,000 you probably would never show up again in lecture. 27 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:06,000 But in any case, please know that this has been an 28 00:02:06,000 --> 00:02:11,000 area of enormous ferment. And the reason it's been in such 29 00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:16,000 enormous ferment is of the discovery in 1953 by Watson and Crick of the 30 00:02:16,000 --> 00:02:21,000 structure of the DNA double helix. Last year I said that we were so 31 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:25,000 close to this discovery that both Watson and Crick are alive and with 32 00:02:25,000 --> 00:02:30,000 us and metabolically active, and more than 50 years, well, 33 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:35,000 exactly 50 years after the discovery. Sadly, several months ago one of the 34 00:02:35,000 --> 00:02:39,000 two characters, Francis Crick died well into his 35 00:02:39,000 --> 00:02:43,000 eighties, and so he is no longer with us. But I want to impress on 36 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:47,000 you the notion that 200 years from now, we will talk about Watson and 37 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:51,000 Crick the same way that people talk about Isaac Newton in terms of 38 00:02:51,000 --> 00:02:55,000 physics. And that will be so because we are only beginning to 39 00:02:55,000 --> 00:02:59,000 perceive the ramifications of this enormous revolution that was 40 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:02,000 triggered by their discovery. That is the field of molecular 41 00:03:02,000 --> 00:03:06,000 biology and genetics and biochemistry which has totally 42 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:10,000 changed our perceptions of how life on Earth is actually organized. 43 00:03:10,000 --> 00:03:14,000 Much of the biology to which you may have been exposed until now has 44 00:03:14,000 --> 00:03:17,000 been a highly descriptive science. That is you may have had courses in 45 00:03:17,000 --> 00:03:21,000 high school where you had to memorize the names of different 46 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:25,000 organisms, where you had to understand how evolutionary 47 00:03:25,000 --> 00:03:29,000 phylogenies were organized, where you had to learn the names of 48 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:33,000 different organelles, and that biology was, for you, 49 00:03:33,000 --> 00:03:37,000 a field of memorization. And one point we would like, 50 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:41,000 hopefully successfully, to drive home this semester is the notion 51 00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:46,000 that biology has now achieved a logical and rational coherence that 52 00:03:46,000 --> 00:03:50,000 allows us to articulate a whole set of rules that explain how all life 53 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:54,000 forms on this planet are organized. It's no longer just a collection of 54 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:59,000 jumbled facts. Indeed, if one masters these 55 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:04,000 molecular and genetic principles, one can understand in principle a 56 00:04:04,000 --> 00:04:09,000 large number of processes that exist in the biosphere and begin to apply 57 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:14,000 one's molecular biology to solving new problems in this arena. 58 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:19,000 One of the important ideas that we'll refer to repeatedly this 59 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:24,000 semester is the fact that many of the biological attributes that we 60 00:04:24,000 --> 00:04:29,000 posses now were already developed a very long time ago early in the 61 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:34,000 inception of life on this planet. So if we look at the history of 62 00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:38,000 Earth, here the history of Earth is given as 5 billion years, 63 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:42,000 this is in thousands obviously. The Earth is probably not that old. 64 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:47,000 It's probably 4.5 or 4 or 3 billion years but, anyhow, 65 00:04:47,000 --> 00:04:51,000 that's when the planet first aggregated, as far as we know. 66 00:04:51,000 --> 00:04:56,000 One believes that no life existed for perhaps the first half billion 67 00:04:56,000 --> 00:05:00,000 years, but after half a billion years, which is a lot of time to be 68 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:04,000 sure, there already begins to be traces of life forms on the surface 69 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:08,000 of this planet. And that, itself, 70 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:11,000 is an extraordinary testimonial, a testimonial to how evolutionary 71 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:15,000 processes occur. We don't know how many planets 72 00:05:15,000 --> 00:05:18,000 there are in the universe where similar things happened. 73 00:05:18,000 --> 00:05:21,000 And we don't know whether the solution that were arrived at by 74 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:25,000 other life systems in other places in the universe, 75 00:05:25,000 --> 00:05:28,000 which we may or may not ever discover, were the similar solutions 76 00:05:28,000 --> 00:05:32,000 to the ones that have been arrived at here. 77 00:05:32,000 --> 00:05:35,000 It's clear, for example, that to the extent that Darwinian 78 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:39,000 Evolution governs the development of life forms on this planet that is 79 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:42,000 not an artifact of the Earth. Darwinian Evolution is a logic 80 00:05:42,000 --> 00:05:46,000 which is applicable to all life forms and all biosystems that may 81 00:05:46,000 --> 00:05:49,000 exist in the universe, even the ones we have not discovered. 82 00:05:49,000 --> 00:05:53,000 However, there are specific solutions that were arrived at 83 00:05:53,000 --> 00:05:56,000 during the development of life on Earth which may be peculiar to Earth. 84 00:05:56,000 --> 00:06:00,000 The structure of the DNA double helix. 85 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:04,000 The use of ribose in deoxyribose. The choice of amino acids to make 86 00:06:04,000 --> 00:06:08,000 proteins. And those specific solutions may not be universal. 87 00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:12,000 Whether they're universal in the sense of existing in all life forms 88 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:16,000 across the planet, the fact is that many of the 89 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:20,000 biochemical and molecular solutions that are represented in our own 90 00:06:20,000 --> 00:06:24,000 cells today, these solutions, these problems were solved already 2 91 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:29,000 and 3 billion years ago. And once they were solved they were 92 00:06:29,000 --> 00:06:34,000 kept and conserved almost unchanged for the intervening 2 or 3 billion 93 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:38,000 years. And that strong degree of conservation means that we can begin 94 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:43,000 to figure out what these principles were early on in evolution of life 95 00:06:43,000 --> 00:06:48,000 on this planet and begin to apply them to all modern life forms. 96 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:53,000 From the point of view of evolution, almost all animals are identical in 97 00:06:53,000 --> 00:06:58,000 terms of their biochemistry and in terms of their physiology. 98 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:01,000 The molecular biology of all eukaryotic cells, 99 00:07:01,000 --> 00:07:05,000 that is all cells that have nuclei in them, is almost the same. 100 00:07:05,000 --> 00:07:09,000 And, therefore, we're not going to focus much in this course this 101 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:12,000 semester on specific species but rather focus on general principles 102 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:16,000 that would allow us to understand the cells and the tissues and the 103 00:07:16,000 --> 00:07:20,000 physiological processes that are applicable to all species on the 104 00:07:20,000 --> 00:07:23,000 surface of the planet. Let's just look here and get us 105 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:27,000 some perspective on this because, the fact of the matter is, is that 106 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:31,000 multicellular life forms, like ourselves, we have, the average 107 00:07:31,000 --> 00:07:35,000 human being has roughly three or four or five times ten to the 108 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:39,000 thirteenth cells in the body. That's an interesting figure. 109 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:43,000 The average human being goes through roughly ten to the sixteenth 110 00:07:43,000 --> 00:07:47,000 cell divisions in a lifetime, i.e. ten to the sixteenth times in 111 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:51,000 your body there will be cells that divide, grow and divide. 112 00:07:51,000 --> 00:07:55,000 Every day in your body there are roughly ten to the eleventh cells 113 00:07:55,000 --> 00:07:59,000 that grow and divide. Think of that, ten to the eleventh. 114 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:03,000 And you can divide that by the number of minutes in a day and come 115 00:08:03,000 --> 00:08:07,000 up with an astounding degree of cellular replication going on. 116 00:08:07,000 --> 00:08:11,000 All of these processes can be traceable back to solutions that 117 00:08:11,000 --> 00:08:16,000 were arrived at very early in the evolution of life on this planet, 118 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:21,000 perhaps 550, 600 million years ago when the first multicellular life 119 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:26,000 forms began to evolve. Before that time, that is to say 120 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:31,000 before 500 to 600 million years ago, there were single-cell organisms. 121 00:08:31,000 --> 00:08:36,000 For example, many of them survive to this day. There were yeast-like 122 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:41,000 organisms. And there were bacteria. And we make one large and major 123 00:08:41,000 --> 00:08:47,000 distinction between the two major life forms on the planet in terms of 124 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:52,000 cells. One are the prokaryotic cells. And these are the cells of 125 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:58,000 bacteria, I'll show you an image of them shortly, which lack nuclei. 126 00:08:58,000 --> 00:09:02,000 And the eukaryotic cells which poses nuclei and indeed have a highly 127 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:06,000 complex cytoplasm and overall cellular architecture. 128 00:09:06,000 --> 00:09:10,000 We think that the prokaryotic life forms on this planet evolved first 129 00:09:10,000 --> 00:09:15,000 probably on the order of 3 billion years ago, maybe 3. 130 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:19,000 billion years ago, and that about 1. billion years ago cells evolved 131 00:09:19,000 --> 00:09:23,000 that contained nuclei. Again, I'll show them to you 132 00:09:23,000 --> 00:09:28,000 shortly. And these nucleated cells, 133 00:09:28,000 --> 00:09:32,000 the eukaryotes then existed in single-cell form for perhaps the 134 00:09:32,000 --> 00:09:37,000 next 700 or 800 million years until multi-cellular aggregates of 135 00:09:37,000 --> 00:09:41,000 eukaryotic cells first assembled to become the ancestors of the 136 00:09:41,000 --> 00:09:45,000 multi-cellular plants and the multi-cellular animals that exist on 137 00:09:45,000 --> 00:09:50,000 the surface of the Earth today. To put that in perspective, our 138 00:09:50,000 --> 00:09:54,000 species has only been on the planet for about 150, 139 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:59,000 00 years. So we've all been here for that period of time. 140 00:09:59,000 --> 00:10:03,000 And a 150,000 sounds like a long time, in one sense, 141 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:08,000 but it's just “a blink in the eye of the Lord” as one says in terms of 142 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:12,000 the history of life on this planet, and obviously the history of the 143 00:10:12,000 --> 00:10:17,000 universe which is somewhere between 13 and 15 billion years old. 144 00:10:17,000 --> 00:10:22,000 You can begin to see that the appearance of humans represents a 145 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:27,000 very small segment of the entire history of life on this planet. 146 00:10:27,000 --> 00:10:32,000 And here you can roughly see the way that life has developed during this 147 00:10:32,000 --> 00:10:37,000 period of time from the fossil record. You see that many plants 148 00:10:37,000 --> 00:10:42,000 actually go back a reasonable length of time, but not more than maybe 300 149 00:10:42,000 --> 00:10:47,000 or 400 million years. Here are the Metazoa. 150 00:10:47,000 --> 00:11:00,000 And this represents -- 151 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:07,000 Well, can you hear me? Wow, 614 came in handy. 152 00:11:07,000 --> 00:11:15,000 OK. So if we talk about another major division, 153 00:11:15,000 --> 00:11:22,000 we talk about protozoa and metazoa. The suffix zoa refers to animals, 154 00:11:22,000 --> 00:11:30,000 as in a zoo. And the protozoa represents single-cell organisms. 155 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:34,000 The metazoa represent multi-cellular organisms. And we're going to be 156 00:11:34,000 --> 00:11:38,000 focusing largely on the biology of metazoan cells this semester, 157 00:11:38,000 --> 00:11:43,000 and we're going to be spending almost no time on plants. 158 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:47,000 It's not that plants aren't important. It's just that we don't 159 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:52,000 have time to cover everything. And, indeed, the molecular biology 160 00:11:52,000 --> 00:11:56,000 that you learn this semester will ultimately enable you to understand 161 00:11:56,000 --> 00:12:01,000 much about the physiology of multi-cellular plants which happen 162 00:12:01,000 --> 00:12:05,000 to be called metaphyta, a term you may never hear again in 163 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:10,000 your entire life after today. That reminds me, 164 00:12:10,000 --> 00:12:14,000 by the way, that both Dr. Lander and I sometimes use big words. 165 00:12:14,000 --> 00:12:18,000 And people come up to me afterwards each semester each year and say 166 00:12:18,000 --> 00:12:22,000 Professor Weinberg, why don't you talk simple, 167 00:12:22,000 --> 00:12:26,000 why don't you talk the way we heard things in high school? 168 00:12:26,000 --> 00:12:30,000 And please understand that if I use big words sometimes it's to broaden 169 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:34,000 your vocabulary so you can learn big words. 170 00:12:34,000 --> 00:12:37,000 One of the things you should be able, one of the big take-home lessons of 171 00:12:37,000 --> 00:12:41,000 this course should be that your vocabulary is expanded. 172 00:12:41,000 --> 00:12:44,000 Not just your scientific vocabulary but your general working English 173 00:12:44,000 --> 00:12:48,000 vocabulary. Perhaps the biggest goal of this course, 174 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:51,000 by the way, is not that you learn the names of all the organelles and 175 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:55,000 cells but that you learn how to think in a scientific and rational 176 00:12:55,000 --> 00:12:59,000 way. Not just because of this course but that this course 177 00:12:59,000 --> 00:13:02,000 helps you to do so. And as such, we don't place that 178 00:13:02,000 --> 00:13:06,000 much emphasis on memorization but to be able to think logically about 179 00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:10,000 scientific problems. Here we can begin to see the 180 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:14,000 different kinds of metazoa, the animals. Here are the metaphyta 181 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:17,000 and here are the protozoa, different words for all of these. 182 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:21,000 And here we see our own phylum, the chordates. And, 183 00:13:21,000 --> 00:13:25,000 again, keep in mind that this line right down here is about 550 to 600 184 00:13:25,000 --> 00:13:29,000 million years ago, just to give you a time scale for 185 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:33,000 what's been going on, on this planet. 186 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:37,000 One point we'll return to repeatedly throughout the semester is that all 187 00:13:37,000 --> 00:13:41,000 life forms on this planet are related to one another. 188 00:13:41,000 --> 00:13:45,000 It's not as if life was invented multiple times on this planet and 189 00:13:45,000 --> 00:13:50,000 that there are multiple independent inventions to the extent that life 190 00:13:50,000 --> 00:13:54,000 arose more than once on this planet, and it may have. The other 191 00:13:54,000 --> 00:13:58,000 alternative or competing life forms were soon wiped out by our ancestors, 192 00:13:58,000 --> 00:14:03,000 our single-cellular ancestors 3 billion years ago. 193 00:14:03,000 --> 00:14:07,000 And, therefore, everything that exists today on this 194 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:11,000 planet represents the descendents of that successful group of cells that 195 00:14:11,000 --> 00:14:15,000 existed a very long time ago. Here we have all this family tree 196 00:14:15,000 --> 00:14:20,000 of the different metazoan forms that have been created by the florid hand 197 00:14:20,000 --> 00:14:24,000 of evolution. And we're not going to study those phylogenies simply 198 00:14:24,000 --> 00:14:29,000 because we want to understand principles that explain all of them. 199 00:14:29,000 --> 00:14:32,000 Not just how this or that particular organism is able to digest its food 200 00:14:32,000 --> 00:14:35,000 or is able to reproduce. Here's another thing we're not 201 00:14:35,000 --> 00:14:38,000 going to talk about. We're not going to talk about 202 00:14:38,000 --> 00:14:42,000 complicated life forms. We're not going to talk very much, 203 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:45,000 in fact hardly at all, about ecology. This is just one such thing, 204 00:14:45,000 --> 00:14:48,000 the way that a parasite is able to, a tapeworm is able to infect people. 205 00:14:48,000 --> 00:14:52,000 This is, again, I'm showing you this not to say this is what we're 206 00:14:52,000 --> 00:14:55,000 going to talk about, we're not going to talk about that. 207 00:14:55,000 --> 00:14:59,000 We're not going to talk about that. There's a wealth of detail that's 208 00:14:59,000 --> 00:15:03,000 known about the way life exists in the biosphere that we're simply 209 00:15:03,000 --> 00:15:07,000 going to turn our backs on by focusing on some basic principles. 210 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:12,000 We're also not going to talk about anatomy. Here in quick order are 211 00:15:12,000 --> 00:15:16,000 some of the anatomies you may have learned about in high school, 212 00:15:16,000 --> 00:15:20,000 and I'm giving them to you each with a three-second minute, 213 00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:25,000 a three-second showing to say we're not going to do all this. 214 00:15:25,000 --> 00:15:29,000 And rather just to reinforce our focus, we're going to limit 215 00:15:29,000 --> 00:15:34,000 ourselves to a very finite part of the biosphere. 216 00:15:34,000 --> 00:15:37,000 And here is one way of depicting the biosphere. It's obviously an 217 00:15:37,000 --> 00:15:41,000 arbitrary way of doing so but it's quite illustrative. 218 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:44,000 Here we start from molecules. And, in fact, we will occasionally 219 00:15:44,000 --> 00:15:48,000 go down to submolecular atoms. And here's the next dimension of 220 00:15:48,000 --> 00:15:52,000 complexity, organelles. That is these specialized little 221 00:15:52,000 --> 00:15:55,000 organs within cells. We're going to focus on them as 222 00:15:55,000 --> 00:15:59,000 well. We're going to focus on cells. And when we start getting to 223 00:15:59,000 --> 00:16:03,000 tissues, we're going to start not talking so much about them. 224 00:16:03,000 --> 00:16:07,000 And we're not going to talk about organisms and organs or entire 225 00:16:07,000 --> 00:16:12,000 organisms or higher complex ecological communities. 226 00:16:12,000 --> 00:16:16,000 And the reason we're doing that is that for 40 years in this department, 227 00:16:16,000 --> 00:16:21,000 and increasingly in the rest of the world there is the acceptance of the 228 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:25,000 notion that if we understand what goes on down here in these first 229 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:30,000 three steps, we can understand almost everything else in principle. 230 00:16:30,000 --> 00:16:34,000 Of course, in practice we may not be able to apply those principles to 231 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:38,000 how an organism works or to how the human brain works yet. 232 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:42,000 Maybe we never will. But, in general, if one begins to 233 00:16:42,000 --> 00:16:46,000 understand these principles down here, one can understand much about 234 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:50,000 how organismic embryologic develop occurs, one can understand a lot 235 00:16:50,000 --> 00:16:54,000 about a whole variety of disease processes, one can understand how 236 00:16:54,000 --> 00:16:58,000 one inherits disease susceptibilities, 237 00:16:58,000 --> 00:17:02,000 and one can understand why many organisms look the way they do, 238 00:17:02,000 --> 00:17:07,000 i.e. the process of developmental biology. 239 00:17:07,000 --> 00:17:11,000 And so, keep in mind that if you came to hear about all of these 240 00:17:11,000 --> 00:17:15,000 things, we're going to let you down. That's not what this is going to be 241 00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:19,000 about. This also dictates the dimensions of the universe that 242 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:23,000 we're going to talk about because we're going to limit ourselves to 243 00:17:23,000 --> 00:17:27,000 the very, very small and not to the microscopic. On some occasions 244 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:31,000 we'll limit ourselves to items that are so small you cannot see them in 245 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:36,000 the light microscope. On other occasions we may widen our 246 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:40,000 gaze to look at things that are as large as a millimeter, 247 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:45,000 but basically we're staying very, very small. Again, because we view, 248 00:17:45,000 --> 00:17:50,000 correctly or not, the fact that the big processes can be understood by 249 00:17:50,000 --> 00:17:54,000 delving into the molecular details of what happens invisibly and cannot 250 00:17:54,000 --> 00:17:59,000 be seen by most ways of visualizing things, including the light and 251 00:17:59,000 --> 00:18:04,000 often even the electron microscope. Keep in mind that 50 years ago we 252 00:18:04,000 --> 00:18:08,000 didn't know any of this, for all practical purposes, 253 00:18:08,000 --> 00:18:12,000 or very little of this. And keep in mind that we're so close to this 254 00:18:12,000 --> 00:18:16,000 revolution that we don't really understand its ramifications. 255 00:18:16,000 --> 00:18:21,000 I imagine it will be another 50 years before we really begin to 256 00:18:21,000 --> 00:18:25,000 appreciate the fallout, the long-term consequences of this 257 00:18:25,000 --> 00:18:29,000 revolution in biology which began 51 years ago. And so you're part of 258 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:34,000 that and you're going to experience it much more than my generation did. 259 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:38,000 And indeed one of the reasons why MIT decided about 10 or 12 years ago 260 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:42,000 that every MIT undergraduate needed to have at least one semester of 261 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:47,000 biology is that biology, in the same way as physics and 262 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:51,000 chemistry and math, has become an integral part of every 263 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:55,000 educated person's knowledge-base in terms of their ability to deal with 264 00:18:55,000 --> 00:18:59,000 the world in a rational way. In terms of public policy, 265 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:03,000 in terms of all kinds of ethical issues, they need to understand 266 00:19:03,000 --> 00:19:06,000 what's really going on. Many of the issues that one talks 267 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:09,000 about today about bioethics are articulated by people who haven't 268 00:19:09,000 --> 00:19:13,000 the vaguest idea about what we're talking about this semester. 269 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:16,000 You will know much more than they will, and hopefully some time down 270 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:20,000 the road, when you become more and more influential voices in society, 271 00:19:20,000 --> 00:19:23,000 you'll be able to contribute what you understood here, 272 00:19:23,000 --> 00:19:27,000 what you learned here to that discussion. 273 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:31,000 Right now much of bioethical discussion is fueled by people who 274 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:35,000 haven't the vaguest idea what a ribosome or mitochondrion or even a 275 00:19:35,000 --> 00:19:39,000 gene is, and therefore is often a discussion of mutually shared 276 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:43,000 ignorance which you can diffuse by learning some basics, 277 00:19:43,000 --> 00:19:47,000 by learning some of the essentials. Here is the complexity of the cell 278 00:19:47,000 --> 00:19:51,000 we're going to focus on largely this semester, which is to say the 279 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:55,000 eukaryotic rather than the prokaryotic cell. 280 00:19:55,000 --> 00:19:59,000 And this is just to give you a feeling for the overall dimensions 281 00:19:59,000 --> 00:20:03,000 of the cell and refer to many of the landmarks that will repeatedly be 282 00:20:03,000 --> 00:20:08,000 brought up during the course of this semester. 283 00:20:08,000 --> 00:20:11,000 Here is the nucleus. The term karion comes from the 284 00:20:11,000 --> 00:20:15,000 Greek meaning a seed or a kernel. And the nucleus is what gives the 285 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:19,000 eukaryotic cell its name. Within the nucleus, although not 286 00:20:19,000 --> 00:20:22,000 shown here, are the chromosomes which carry DNA. 287 00:20:22,000 --> 00:20:26,000 You may have learned that a long time ago. Outside of the nucleus is 288 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:30,000 this entire vast array of organelles that goes from the nuclear membrane, 289 00:20:30,000 --> 00:20:34,000 and I'm point to it right here, all the way out to the outside 290 00:20:34,000 --> 00:20:37,000 of the cell. The outside limiting membrane, 291 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:41,000 the outer membrane of the cell is called the plasma membrane. 292 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:44,000 And between the nucleus and the plasma membrane there is an enormous 293 00:20:44,000 --> 00:20:48,000 amount of biological and biochemical activity taking place. 294 00:20:48,000 --> 00:20:52,000 Here are, for example, the mitochondria. And the 295 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:55,000 mitochondria, as one has learned, are the sources of energy production 296 00:20:55,000 --> 00:20:59,000 in the cell. And, therefore, we'll touch on them very 297 00:20:59,000 --> 00:21:03,000 briefly. This is an artist's conception of 298 00:21:03,000 --> 00:21:07,000 what a mitochondrion looks like. Almost always artists' conceptions 299 00:21:07,000 --> 00:21:12,000 of these things have only vague resemblance to the reality. 300 00:21:12,000 --> 00:21:16,000 But, in any case, you can begin to get a feeling for what one thinks 301 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:21,000 about their appearance. Here are mitochondria sliced open 302 00:21:21,000 --> 00:21:25,000 by the hand of the artist. And, interestingly, mitochondria 303 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:30,000 have their own DNA in them. One now accepts the fact that 304 00:21:30,000 --> 00:21:34,000 mitochondria are the descendents of bacteria which insinuated themselves 305 00:21:34,000 --> 00:21:39,000 into the cytoplasms of larger cells, roughly 1.5 billion years ago, and 306 00:21:39,000 --> 00:21:43,000 began to do a specialized job which increasingly became the job of 307 00:21:43,000 --> 00:21:47,000 energy production within cells. To this day, mitochondria retain 308 00:21:47,000 --> 00:21:51,000 some vestigial attributes of the bacterial ancestors which initially 309 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:54,000 colonized or parasitized the cytoplasm of the cell. 310 00:21:54,000 --> 00:21:58,000 When I say parasitized, you might imagine that the 311 00:21:58,000 --> 00:22:02,000 mitochondria are taking advantage of the cell. 312 00:22:02,000 --> 00:22:06,000 But, in fact, the mitochondria represent the essential sources of 313 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:11,000 energy production in the cell. Without our mitochondria, as you 314 00:22:11,000 --> 00:22:16,000 might learn by taking cyanide, for example, you don't live for very 315 00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:20,000 many minutes. And the vestiges of bacterial origins of mitochondria 316 00:22:20,000 --> 00:22:25,000 are still apparent in the fact that mitochondria still have their own 317 00:22:25,000 --> 00:22:30,000 DNA molecule, their own chromosome. They still have their own ribosomes 318 00:22:30,000 --> 00:22:34,000 and protein synthetic apparatus, even though the vast majority of the 319 00:22:34,000 --> 00:22:39,000 proteins inside mitochondria are imported from the cytoplasm, 320 00:22:39,000 --> 00:22:43,000 i.e., these vestigial bacteria now rely on proteins made by the cell at 321 00:22:43,000 --> 00:22:48,000 large that are imported into the mitochondrion to supplement the 322 00:22:48,000 --> 00:22:53,000 small number of vestigial bacterial proteins which are still made here 323 00:22:53,000 --> 00:22:57,000 inside the mitochondrion and used for essential function 324 00:22:57,000 --> 00:23:01,000 in energy production. Here is the Golgi apparatus. 325 00:23:01,000 --> 00:23:05,000 And the Golgi apparatus up here is used for the production of membranes. 326 00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:08,000 As one will learn throughout the semester, the membranes of a cell 327 00:23:08,000 --> 00:23:12,000 are in constant flux and are being pulled in and remodeled and 328 00:23:12,000 --> 00:23:15,000 regenerated. The Golgi apparatus is very important for that. 329 00:23:15,000 --> 00:23:19,000 Here's the rough endoplasmic reticulum. That's important for the 330 00:23:19,000 --> 00:23:22,000 synthesis of proteins which are going to be displayed on the surface 331 00:23:22,000 --> 00:23:26,000 of cells, you don't see them depicted here, 332 00:23:26,000 --> 00:23:30,000 or are going to be secreted into the extracellular space. 333 00:23:30,000 --> 00:23:33,000 Here are the ribosomes, which I might have mentioned briefly 334 00:23:33,000 --> 00:23:37,000 before. And these ribosomes are the factories where proteins are made. 335 00:23:37,000 --> 00:23:41,000 Again, we're going to talk a lot about them. And, 336 00:23:41,000 --> 00:23:45,000 finally, several other aspects, the cytoskeleton. The physical 337 00:23:45,000 --> 00:23:49,000 integrity, the architecture of the cell is maintained by a complex 338 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:53,000 network of proteins which together are considered to be the 339 00:23:53,000 --> 00:23:57,000 cytoskeleton. And they enable the cell to have some rigidity, 340 00:23:57,000 --> 00:24:01,000 to resist tensile forces, and actually to move. 341 00:24:01,000 --> 00:24:04,000 Cells can actually move from one place to the other. 342 00:24:04,000 --> 00:24:07,000 They have motile properties. They're able to move from one 343 00:24:07,000 --> 00:24:11,000 location to another. The process of cell motility, 344 00:24:11,000 --> 00:24:21,000 if that's a word you'd like to learn. 345 00:24:21,000 --> 00:24:23,000 Here is what a prokaryotic cell looks like by contrast. 346 00:24:23,000 --> 00:24:26,000 And I just want to give you a feeling. First of all, 347 00:24:26,000 --> 00:24:28,000 it looks roughly like a mitochondrion that I 348 00:24:28,000 --> 00:24:32,000 discussed before. But you see that there is the 349 00:24:32,000 --> 00:24:36,000 absence of a nuclear membrane. There's the absence of the highly 350 00:24:36,000 --> 00:24:41,000 complex cytoarchitecture. Cyto always refers to cells. 351 00:24:41,000 --> 00:24:45,000 There's the absence of the complex cytoarchitecture that one associates 352 00:24:45,000 --> 00:24:50,000 with eukaryotic cells. In fact, all that a bacterium has 353 00:24:50,000 --> 00:24:54,000 is this area in the middle. It's called the nucleoid, a term 354 00:24:54,000 --> 00:24:59,000 which you also will probably never hear in your lifetime. 355 00:24:59,000 --> 00:25:02,000 And it represents simply an aggregate of the DNA of the 356 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:06,000 chromosomes of the bacterium. And, in most bacteria, the DNA 357 00:25:06,000 --> 00:25:10,000 consists of only a single molecule of DNA which is responsible for 358 00:25:10,000 --> 00:25:14,000 carrying the genetic information of the bacteria. There's no membrane 359 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:18,000 around this nucleoid. And outside of this area where the 360 00:25:18,000 --> 00:25:22,000 DNA is kept are largely ribosomes which are important for protein 361 00:25:22,000 --> 00:25:26,000 synthesis. There's a membrane on the outside of this called the 362 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:30,000 plasma membrane, very similar to the plasma membrane 363 00:25:30,000 --> 00:25:34,000 of eukaryotic cells. And outside of that is a meshwork 364 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:38,000 that's called the outer membrane, it's sometimes called the cell wall 365 00:25:38,000 --> 00:25:42,000 of the bacterium, which is simply there to impart 366 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:46,000 structural rigidity to the bacterium making sure that it doesn't explode 367 00:25:46,000 --> 00:25:50,000 and holding it together. And then there are other versions 368 00:25:50,000 --> 00:25:54,000 of eukaryotic cells. Here's what a plant cell looks like. 369 00:25:54,000 --> 00:25:58,000 And it's almost identical to the cells in our body, except 370 00:25:58,000 --> 00:26:02,000 for two major features. For one thing, 371 00:26:02,000 --> 00:26:06,000 it has chloroplasts in it which are also, one believes now, 372 00:26:06,000 --> 00:26:10,000 the vestiges of parasitic bacteria that invade into the cytoplasm of 373 00:26:10,000 --> 00:26:14,000 eukaryotic cells. So, in addition to mitochondria 374 00:26:14,000 --> 00:26:18,000 which are responsible for energy production in all eukaryotic cells, 375 00:26:18,000 --> 00:26:22,000 we have here the chloroplasts which are responsible for harvesting light 376 00:26:22,000 --> 00:26:26,000 and converting it into energy in plant cells. The rest of the 377 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:30,000 cytoplasm of a plant cell looks pretty much the same. 378 00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:34,000 One feature that I didn't really mention when I talked about an 379 00:26:34,000 --> 00:26:38,000 animal cell is in the middle of the nucleus, here you can see, 380 00:26:38,000 --> 00:26:42,000 is a structure called a nucleolus. And a nucleolus, or the nucleolus 381 00:26:42,000 --> 00:26:46,000 in the eukaryotic cell is responsible for making the large 382 00:26:46,000 --> 00:26:50,000 number of ribosomes which are exported from the nucleus into the 383 00:26:50,000 --> 00:26:54,000 cytoplasm. And, as I mentioned just before, 384 00:26:54,000 --> 00:26:59,000 the ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis. 385 00:26:59,000 --> 00:27:03,000 It turns out this is a major synthetic effort on the part of most 386 00:27:03,000 --> 00:27:07,000 cells. Cells, like our own, have between 5 and 10 387 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:11,000 million ribosomes in the cytoplasm. So it's an enormous amount of 388 00:27:11,000 --> 00:27:15,000 biomass in the cytoplasm whose sole function is to synthesize proteins. 389 00:27:15,000 --> 00:27:19,000 As we will learn also, proteins that are synthesized by the 390 00:27:19,000 --> 00:27:23,000 ribosomes don't sit around forever. Some proteins have long lives. 391 00:27:23,000 --> 00:27:27,000 Some proteins have lifetimes of 15 minutes before they're degraded, 392 00:27:27,000 --> 00:27:32,000 before they're turned over. One other distinction between our 393 00:27:32,000 --> 00:27:36,000 cells, that is the cells of metazoa and metaphyta, 394 00:27:36,000 --> 00:27:40,000 are the cell walls, analogous to the cell walls of 395 00:27:40,000 --> 00:27:44,000 bacteria, this green thing on the outside. As I said before, 396 00:27:44,000 --> 00:27:48,000 we do not have cell walls around our cells. And we will, 397 00:27:48,000 --> 00:27:52,000 as the semester goes on, go into more and more details about 398 00:27:52,000 --> 00:27:56,000 different aspects of this cytoarchitecture during the first 399 00:27:56,000 --> 00:27:59,000 half of the semester. Here, for example, 400 00:27:59,000 --> 00:28:03,000 is an artist's depiction of the endoplasmic reticulum. 401 00:28:03,000 --> 00:28:07,000 Why it has such a complex name, I cannot tell you, but it does. 402 00:28:07,000 --> 00:28:11,000 It's called the ER in the patois of the street. The ER. 403 00:28:11,000 --> 00:28:14,000 And the endoplasmic reticulum is a series of membranes. 404 00:28:14,000 --> 00:28:18,000 Keep in mind, not the only membrane in the cell is the plasma membrane. 405 00:28:18,000 --> 00:28:22,000 Within the cytoplasm there are literally hundreds of membranes 406 00:28:22,000 --> 00:28:26,000 which are folded up in different ways. 407 00:28:26,000 --> 00:28:30,000 Here you see them depicted. And one set of these membranes, 408 00:28:30,000 --> 00:28:34,000 often they're organized much like tubes, represents the membranes of 409 00:28:34,000 --> 00:28:38,000 the endoplasmic reticulum which either lacks ribosomes attached to 410 00:28:38,000 --> 00:28:43,000 it or has these ribosomes attached to it which cause this to be called 411 00:28:43,000 --> 00:28:47,000 the rough endoplasmic reticulum to refer to its rough structure which 412 00:28:47,000 --> 00:28:52,000 is created by the studding of ribosomes on the surface. 413 00:28:52,000 --> 00:28:55,000 As we will learn, just trying to give you a feeling 414 00:28:55,000 --> 00:28:59,000 for the geography of what we're going to talk about this semester, 415 00:28:59,000 --> 00:29:03,000 these ribosomes on the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum are 416 00:29:03,000 --> 00:29:07,000 dedicated to the task of making highly specialized proteins which 417 00:29:07,000 --> 00:29:11,000 are either going to be dispatched to the surface of the cell where they 418 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:15,000 will be displayed on the cell's surface or actually secreted into 419 00:29:15,000 --> 00:29:19,000 the extracellular space. Many of the proteins that are 420 00:29:19,000 --> 00:29:23,000 destined for our body are not kept within cells but are released into 421 00:29:23,000 --> 00:29:27,000 the extracellular space where they serve important functions, 422 00:29:27,000 --> 00:29:31,000 and so we're going to focus very much on them. 423 00:29:31,000 --> 00:29:35,000 Here's actually what some of these things look like in the electron 424 00:29:35,000 --> 00:29:39,000 microscope to see whether we can either believe or fully discredit 425 00:29:39,000 --> 00:29:43,000 the imaginations of the artists. Here's the rough endoplasmic 426 00:29:43,000 --> 00:29:48,000 reticulum I showed you in schematic form before. And you can see why 427 00:29:48,000 --> 00:29:52,000 it's called rough. All these black dots are ribosomes 428 00:29:52,000 --> 00:29:56,000 attached on the outside. Here's the Golgi apparatus. 429 00:29:56,000 --> 00:30:00,000 You see these vesicles indicated here. And a vesicle, 430 00:30:00,000 --> 00:30:05,000 just to use a new word, is simply a membranous bag. 431 00:30:05,000 --> 00:30:08,000 And keep in mind, by the way, that we're not going to 432 00:30:08,000 --> 00:30:12,000 spend the semester with these highly descriptive discussions. 433 00:30:12,000 --> 00:30:16,000 Our intent today is to get a lot of these descriptive discussions out of 434 00:30:16,000 --> 00:30:19,000 the way so that we can begin to talk in a common parlance about many of 435 00:30:19,000 --> 00:30:23,000 the parts, the molecular parts of cells and organisms. 436 00:30:23,000 --> 00:30:27,000 Here is the mitochondrion which we saw depicted before. 437 00:30:27,000 --> 00:30:31,000 It looks similar to, but not identical to the artist's 438 00:30:31,000 --> 00:30:34,000 description of that. And keep in mind that the 439 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:38,000 mitochondrion in our cells, as I said before, are the 440 00:30:38,000 --> 00:30:42,000 descendents of parasitic bacteria. Here's the endoplasmic reticulum, 441 00:30:42,000 --> 00:30:46,000 and the way it would look, as it does in certain parts of the 442 00:30:46,000 --> 00:30:49,000 cell when it doesn't have all of these ribosomes studded on the 443 00:30:49,000 --> 00:30:53,000 surface. The endoplasmic reticulum here is involved in making membranes. 444 00:30:53,000 --> 00:30:57,000 The endoplasmic reticulum here is involved in the synthesis and export 445 00:30:57,000 --> 00:31:01,000 of proteins to the cell's surface and for secretion, as 446 00:31:01,000 --> 00:31:05,000 I mentioned before. Much of what we're going to talk 447 00:31:05,000 --> 00:31:09,000 about over the next days is going to be focused on the nucleus of the 448 00:31:09,000 --> 00:31:14,000 cell, that is on the chromosomes on the cell and on the material which 449 00:31:14,000 --> 00:31:19,000 is called chromatin which carries the genetic material. 450 00:31:19,000 --> 00:31:23,000 So the term chromatin is used in biology to refer simply to the 451 00:31:23,000 --> 00:31:28,000 mixture of DNA and proteins, which together constitutes the 452 00:31:28,000 --> 00:31:33,000 chromosomes. So chromatin has within it DNA, 453 00:31:33,000 --> 00:31:37,000 it has protein, and it has a little bit of RNA in it. 454 00:31:37,000 --> 00:31:42,000 And we're going to focus mostly on the DNA in the chromatin, 455 00:31:42,000 --> 00:31:46,000 because if we can begin to understand the way the DNA works and 456 00:31:46,000 --> 00:31:51,000 functions many other aspects will flow from that. 457 00:31:51,000 --> 00:31:55,000 I mentioned the cell's surface, and I just want to impress on you 458 00:31:55,000 --> 00:32:00,000 the fact that the plasma membrane of a cell is much more complicated than 459 00:32:00,000 --> 00:32:05,000 was depicted in these drawings that I showed you just before. 460 00:32:05,000 --> 00:32:08,000 If we had a way of visualizing the plasma membrane of a cell, 461 00:32:08,000 --> 00:32:12,000 we would discover that it's formed from lipids. We see such lipids 462 00:32:12,000 --> 00:32:16,000 there, phospholipids, many of them. We'll talk about them 463 00:32:16,000 --> 00:32:20,000 shortly. That the outside of the cell, there are many proteins, 464 00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:24,000 you see them here, which thread their way through the plasma 465 00:32:24,000 --> 00:32:28,000 membrane, have an extracellular and intracellular part. 466 00:32:28,000 --> 00:32:32,000 And these transmembrane proteins, which reach from outside to inside, 467 00:32:32,000 --> 00:32:36,000 represent a very important way by which the cell senses 468 00:32:36,000 --> 00:32:39,000 its environment. This plasma membrane, 469 00:32:39,000 --> 00:32:43,000 as we'll return to, represents a very effective barrier to segregate 470 00:32:43,000 --> 00:32:47,000 what's inside the cell from what's outside of the cell to increase 471 00:32:47,000 --> 00:32:51,000 concentrations of certain biochemical entities. 472 00:32:51,000 --> 00:32:54,000 But at the same time it creates a barrier to communication. 473 00:32:54,000 --> 00:32:58,000 And one of the things that cells have had to solve over the last 700 474 00:32:58,000 --> 00:33:02,000 to 800 million years is ways by which the exterior of the cell is 475 00:33:02,000 --> 00:33:06,000 able to send certain signals and transmit that information to the 476 00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:09,000 interior of the cell. At the same time, 477 00:33:09,000 --> 00:33:12,000 cells have had to use a number of different, invent a number of 478 00:33:12,000 --> 00:33:16,000 different proteins, some of them indicated here, 479 00:33:16,000 --> 00:33:19,000 which are able to transport materials from the outside of the 480 00:33:19,000 --> 00:33:22,000 cell into the cell, or visa versa. So the existence of 481 00:33:22,000 --> 00:33:25,000 the plasma membrane represents a boon to the cell in the sense that 482 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:29,000 it's able to segregate what's on the inside from what's on the outside. 483 00:33:29,000 --> 00:33:33,000 But it represents an impediment to communication which had to be solved, 484 00:33:33,000 --> 00:33:37,000 as well as an impediment to transport. And many of these 485 00:33:37,000 --> 00:33:42,000 transmembrane proteins are dedicated to solving those particular problems. 486 00:33:42,000 --> 00:33:46,000 Here you see, once again an artist's depiction 487 00:33:46,000 --> 00:33:51,000 form, aspects of the cytoskeleton of the cell. And when we talk about 488 00:33:51,000 --> 00:33:55,000 the cytoskeleton we talk about this network of proteins which, 489 00:33:55,000 --> 00:34:00,000 as I said before, gives the cell rigidity. 490 00:34:00,000 --> 00:34:04,000 Keep in mind that the prefix cyto or the suffix cyt refers always to 491 00:34:04,000 --> 00:34:08,000 cells. Allows the cell to have shape. And here you can see this 492 00:34:08,000 --> 00:34:12,000 network as depicted in one way, but here it's depicted actually much 493 00:34:12,000 --> 00:34:17,000 more dramatically. And here you begin to see the 494 00:34:17,000 --> 00:34:21,000 complexity of what exists inside the cell. Here are these proteins. 495 00:34:21,000 --> 00:34:25,000 These are polymers of proteins called vimentin which are present in 496 00:34:25,000 --> 00:34:29,000 very many mesenchymal cells. Here are microtubules made from 497 00:34:29,000 --> 00:34:33,000 another kind of protein. Here are microfilaments, 498 00:34:33,000 --> 00:34:37,000 in this case made of the molecule actin. And if we looked at 499 00:34:37,000 --> 00:34:41,000 individual molecules of actin they would be invisible. 500 00:34:41,000 --> 00:34:45,000 This is end-to-end polymerization of many actin molecules. 501 00:34:45,000 --> 00:34:49,000 And we're looking here under the microscope from one end of the cell 502 00:34:49,000 --> 00:34:53,000 to the other end of the cell. And you can see how these molecules, 503 00:34:53,000 --> 00:34:57,000 they create stiffness, and they also enable the cell to 504 00:34:57,000 --> 00:35:00,000 contract and to move. Some people might think that the 505 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:04,000 interior of the cell is just water with some molecules floating around 506 00:35:04,000 --> 00:35:08,000 them. But if you actually look at what's present in the cell, 507 00:35:08,000 --> 00:35:12,000 more than 50% of the volume is taken up by proteins. 508 00:35:12,000 --> 00:35:16,000 It's not simply an aqueous solvent where everything moves around freely. 509 00:35:16,000 --> 00:35:20,000 It's a very viscous slush, a mush. And it's quite difficult 510 00:35:20,000 --> 00:35:24,000 there for many cells to move around from one part of the 511 00:35:24,000 --> 00:35:27,000 cell to the other. Here you begin to get a feeling now 512 00:35:27,000 --> 00:35:31,000 for how the connection, which we'll reinforce shortly in 513 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:35,000 great detail, between individual molecules and the cytoskeleton. 514 00:35:35,000 --> 00:35:38,000 And here you see these actin fibers. I showed them to you just moments 515 00:35:38,000 --> 00:35:42,000 ago stretching from one end of the cell to the other. 516 00:35:42,000 --> 00:35:46,000 And each of these little globules is a single actin monomer which 517 00:35:46,000 --> 00:35:50,000 polymerize end-to-end and then form multi-strand aggregates to create 518 00:35:50,000 --> 00:35:54,000 the actin cytoskeleton. Here's an intermediate filament and 519 00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:58,000 here's the microtubules that are formed, once again giving us this 520 00:35:58,000 --> 00:36:03,000 impression that the cell is actually highly organized and that that high 521 00:36:03,000 --> 00:36:07,000 degree of organization is able to give it some physical structure and 522 00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:12,000 shape and form. I think we're going to end today 523 00:36:12,000 --> 00:36:17,000 two minutes early. You probably won't object.