1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,000 So, today we're going to talk about, we've talked about primary 2 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:10,000 productivity on a global scale last time. And today, 3 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:15,000 we're going to talk about what regulates that productivity. 4 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:21,000 In other words, last time we just talked about on average the amount 5 00:00:21,000 --> 00:00:26,000 of carbon and biomass that was distributed among the ecosystems 6 00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:30,000 of the globe. And we talked about deficiencies of 7 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:34,000 transfer of that biomass through food webs, etc. 8 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:38,000 By the way, the one universal thing that everybody seems to like are the 9 00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:42,000 DVDs at the end of the class, which is good. Unfortunately, 10 00:00:42,000 --> 00:00:46,000 in today's class we are not going to have one. So you have something to 11 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:50,000 look forward to on Wednesday. I'll show you one at the end that 12 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:54,000 is really one of the cooler ones of the collection. 13 00:00:54,000 --> 00:00:58,000 It has nothing to do with the lecture but I'm going to 14 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:02,000 show it to you anyway. OK, so today we are going to talk 15 00:01:02,000 --> 00:01:07,000 about what regulates the productivity. We've talked about 16 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:11,000 these complex systems in ecology, and the feedback mechanisms. So, in 17 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:16,000 the context of productivity we're going to talk about the factors, 18 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:21,000 the abiotic factors, to the non-living parts of the Earth, 19 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:25,000 that regulate this productivity and how the productivity feeds back on 20 00:01:25,000 --> 00:01:30,000 those. And then Wednesday, we're going to put it all together 21 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:35,000 in an analysis of global biogeochemical cycles, 22 00:01:35,000 --> 00:01:40,000 how the elements in the globe cycle, and how that's mediated by organisms. 23 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:43,000 And then, that will be the end of the segment. And when I come back, 24 00:01:43,000 --> 00:01:47,000 we're going to move on to population and community ecology, 25 00:01:47,000 --> 00:01:50,000 which will feel like a totally different subject to you. 26 00:01:50,000 --> 00:01:54,000 So, we'll talk more about organisms. And some of you said it was so 27 00:01:54,000 --> 00:01:58,000 interesting to see math last time in the last lecture even if they were 28 00:01:58,000 --> 00:02:01,000 just efficiencies. Well, when you get to population 29 00:02:01,000 --> 00:02:05,000 ecology, you're going to have real math and you'll actually have 30 00:02:05,000 --> 00:02:09,000 differential equations. So, if you like that you have 31 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:13,000 something to look forward to. If you don't like it, well, it's 32 00:02:13,000 --> 00:02:16,000 not too bad. OK, so today the lecture will be in two 33 00:02:16,000 --> 00:02:20,000 halves. We'll talk about terrestrial productivity, 34 00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:24,000 and then aquatic productivity and what regulates it. 35 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:28,000 And, can you see in the back or do I need to turn, 36 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:32,000 I'm going to have to turn the lights down, never mind. 37 00:02:32,000 --> 00:02:37,000 So, because we have some colored images, so let's start with 38 00:02:37,000 --> 00:02:42,000 terrestrial productivity. And look at this map, oops, 39 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:47,000 wrong ones. I think that might be enough to see it, 40 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:53,000 which is a satellite image. You've seen several of these so far. 41 00:02:53,000 --> 00:02:58,000 So just showing the gradients of productivity on a global scale, 42 00:02:58,000 --> 00:03:04,000 where we're just looking at the land now. 43 00:03:04,000 --> 00:03:08,000 Where it's green, you have high levels of productivity. 44 00:03:08,000 --> 00:03:13,000 These are grams carbon per meter squared per year. 45 00:03:13,000 --> 00:03:17,000 Yellow is intermediate, and red is very low levels of 46 00:03:17,000 --> 00:03:22,000 productivity. So, what determines this distribution of 47 00:03:22,000 --> 00:03:26,000 productivity in terrestrial ecosystems? Well, 48 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:39,000 got any ideas? This is not hard. 49 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:46,000 What's a key factor in regulating plant growth on land? 50 00:03:46,000 --> 00:03:53,000 Light, absolutely. That's a given. But looking at this map, what's 51 00:03:53,000 --> 00:04:00,000 probably more important? Water, exactly. 52 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:05,000 If we plot on a global scale, if we go around to all these 53 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:10,000 ecosystems, and we look at the average annual rainfall and we plot 54 00:04:10,000 --> 00:04:15,000 it against net primary productivity, you all know what NPP is right, net 55 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:20,000 primary productivity, you get a graph that look something 56 00:04:20,000 --> 00:04:25,000 like this. Each one of these dots would be an ecosystem. 57 00:04:25,000 --> 00:04:31,000 And this one is millimeters rain per year. 58 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:36,000 So, despite the Sahara Desert, and this might be a tropical rain 59 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:42,000 forest. And they scatter, but there's some sort of general 60 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:48,000 relationship like that, increasing NPP with increasing 61 00:04:48,000 --> 00:04:54,000 rainfall. Well, what else is probably important? 62 00:04:54,000 --> 00:05:00,000 What else is different between the Sahara Desert and the northern 63 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:05,000 US? Temperature. Exactly, which is not a good example 64 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:11,000 for comparison. Let's take tropical rain forests 65 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:17,000 and the northern US. How's that? But you get something 66 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:22,000 like this. In other words, it doesn't always map directly onto 67 00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:28,000 temperature alone. But on average, you find that 68 00:05:28,000 --> 00:05:34,000 places with higher temperature have higher productivity if there's 69 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:40,000 adequate water. So, does a relationship, 70 00:05:40,000 --> 00:05:46,000 there's an interaction between the water and the temperature. 71 00:05:46,000 --> 00:05:52,000 So, those are the key factors for terrestrial ecosystems. 72 00:05:52,000 --> 00:05:58,000 Now, what we have, so there's light, nutrients, I mean light, 73 00:05:58,000 --> 00:06:03,000 rain, and temperature, rainfall. What about nutrients? 74 00:06:03,000 --> 00:06:08,000 Anybody who's had plants and their room, or nurtured our garden knows 75 00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:13,000 that nutrients are very important. You have to fertilize in order to 76 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:18,000 get the most growth. So, how does that work? 77 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:23,000 Well, now we are going to do an analysis of a terrestrial ecosystem. 78 00:06:23,000 --> 00:06:28,000 We're going to use a tree. Some ecosystems you have, 79 00:06:28,000 --> 00:06:34,000 that's a rock in case you didn't recognize it. 80 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:41,000 And we have soil. These are components. 81 00:06:41,000 --> 00:06:48,000 And, we've talked about this over, and over, and over now. 82 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:55,000 Photosynthesis is the key, taking up CO2, evolving oxygen, 83 00:06:55,000 --> 00:07:02,000 we are going to call this biosynthesis. 84 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:06,000 That's the mass from gas. So, that's CO2 plus, and now we're 85 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:11,000 going to add something. And these are not balanced chemical 86 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:15,000 reactions, OK? These are just to give you an idea 87 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:20,000 of what's going on. So, CO2 plus, there's all the 88 00:07:20,000 --> 00:07:25,000 elements required for life, OK? In other words, for a plant to 89 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:30,000 grow, it doesn't only need CO2 and water. 90 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:35,000 It needs all of these elements required for life. 91 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:41,000 And they are converted to organic forms of those elements. 92 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:46,000 And then oxygen is evolved. So, we are in a general sense, 93 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:52,000 just modifying the equation for photosynthesis to include all of the 94 00:07:52,000 --> 00:07:58,000 elements that are required for life. So that's the biosynthesis. 95 00:07:58,000 --> 00:08:03,000 And then, the tree, these are leaves in case you didn't 96 00:08:03,000 --> 00:08:08,000 recognize them, that are falling to the soil. 97 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:13,000 And the leaves fall down to the soil and they become, 98 00:08:13,000 --> 00:08:19,000 what? What's that organic manner? You learn it last time. It's the 99 00:08:19,000 --> 00:08:24,000 whale falling to the bottom of the ocean, and if that was a carcass, 100 00:08:24,000 --> 00:08:30,000 the general term for dead, organic matter is called detritus. 101 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:34,000 And there is a detritivore food web, remember? And we had some 102 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:39,000 discussion with students after class whether we were detritivores, 103 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:44,000 because in a sense we are because we eat dead meat, 104 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:48,000 right? We don't eat live meat. It doesn't matter. You don't have 105 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:53,000 to know that. Forget that. But it's interesting to think about. 106 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:58,000 So, the leaves fall down to the soil. They are acted upon by the 107 00:08:58,000 --> 00:09:03,000 heterotrophic bacteria, the bacteria that use organic carbon. 108 00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:07,000 And, what happens is that those bacteria and fungi, 109 00:09:07,000 --> 00:09:12,000 and worms, and everything that chews on organic matter are responsible 110 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:17,000 for regenerating these elements in the soil. So, 111 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:22,000 we are going to call that regeneration. And that's basically, 112 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:27,000 simply the back reaction of this, OK? So, you are starting 113 00:09:27,000 --> 00:09:32,000 with organic carbon. And, organic carbon, 114 00:09:32,000 --> 00:09:38,000 organic PNS, and it's converting it back to the inorganic forms so that 115 00:09:38,000 --> 00:09:43,000 they're available for the tree to take up again. 116 00:09:43,000 --> 00:09:49,000 So, this is the cycle of biosynthesis regeneration, 117 00:09:49,000 --> 00:09:54,000 and then take it up again. Some of the feedback I got on the lectures 118 00:09:54,000 --> 00:10:00,000 when people said that they found it interesting to think about how 119 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:06,000 everything in nature is recycled and used. 120 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:11,000 Now, in some ecosystems, there's another form of available 121 00:10:11,000 --> 00:10:17,000 nutrients: calcium here, you have cations, potassium from 122 00:10:17,000 --> 00:10:23,000 rocks, magnesium. All of these are also in this 123 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:29,000 equation. When I go dot, dot, dot, dot, it's every element 124 00:10:29,000 --> 00:10:34,000 that's required for life. And in some ecosystems, 125 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:39,000 the [disillusion?] of these elements from rocks is an important renewal 126 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:44,000 route for nutrients in the ecosystem, OK? So these are the two, 127 00:10:44,000 --> 00:10:48,000 basically in terrestrial ecosystems, there is the rock source, and 128 00:10:48,000 --> 00:10:53,000 there's the regeneration source. And it turns out that different 129 00:10:53,000 --> 00:10:58,000 terrestrial ecosystems have different relative dependence on 130 00:10:58,000 --> 00:11:05,000 these two sources. And this is an interesting phenomena. 131 00:11:05,000 --> 00:11:13,000 So, tropical rain forests, like in the Amazon, these are the 132 00:11:13,000 --> 00:11:21,000 forests that we're concerned about losing for many reasons. 133 00:11:21,000 --> 00:11:30,000 And these have, essentially, no number one up here. 134 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:36,000 Tropical rain forests have essentially no renewal nutrients 135 00:11:36,000 --> 00:11:43,000 from bedrock. And temperate forests, however, have a combination of one 136 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:49,000 and two. They can have renewal. The bedrock is exposed, and the 137 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:56,000 water cycle helps dissolve the rock, and renews the nutrients to the 138 00:11:56,000 --> 00:12:08,000 system. So, if we look at the soil to 139 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:24,000 biomass ratio of phosphorus and nitrogen in the temperate forests 140 00:12:24,000 --> 00:12:40,000 versus the tropical, we see something like this. 141 00:12:40,000 --> 00:12:45,000 In the tropical rain forests, all of the nutrients in the system 142 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:51,000 are basically tied up in the biomass. And it's highly dependent, 143 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:57,000 then, on this regeneration cycle. The trees fall down, it's 144 00:12:57,000 --> 00:13:02,000 regenerated, it's taken up right away from the soil whereas in the 145 00:13:02,000 --> 00:13:08,000 temperate system, you see the opposite where there's a 146 00:13:08,000 --> 00:13:14,000 much higher proportion of nutrients in the soil relative to 147 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:19,000 the tropical system. And what that means is that if you 148 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:23,000 cut down a tropical rain forest, which they're doing, converting to 149 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:28,000 farmland, you will only get a few years of productivity out of that 150 00:13:28,000 --> 00:13:33,000 farmland because once you shut down the forests and haul away the trees, 151 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:37,000 you've hauled away most of the nutrients in that ecosystem that are 152 00:13:37,000 --> 00:13:41,000 available to fuel productivity. And they can't be renewed from 153 00:13:41,000 --> 00:13:45,000 bedrock because they don't have bedrock there. 154 00:13:45,000 --> 00:13:48,000 So, that's one of the tragedies of cutting down these forests when they 155 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:52,000 probably would have more economic value by harvesting some of the 156 00:13:52,000 --> 00:13:56,000 natural products from the forests. 157 00:13:56,000 --> 00:14:05,000 OK, so when we get to aquatic productivity, we are going to see 158 00:14:05,000 --> 00:14:14,000 that we have these same biosynthesis and regeneration processes. 159 00:14:14,000 --> 00:14:23,000 So, that's what we're going to move to now. And let's look at the 160 00:14:23,000 --> 00:14:33,000 distribution of aquatic productivity. That's too much. 161 00:14:33,000 --> 00:14:37,000 A while. Can you see that in the back OK, the colors? 162 00:14:37,000 --> 00:14:42,000 All right. So, now we're just looking at the ocean's ecosystem. 163 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:47,000 And areas that are blue and green are less productive than the areas 164 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:52,000 that are red and yellow in the system. So you can see all of the 165 00:14:52,000 --> 00:14:57,000 coastal regions; we have coastal upwelling that we're going to talk 166 00:14:57,000 --> 00:15:02,000 about a lot with nutrients fueling that, that is very important. 167 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:06,000 And on the whole north Atlantic here we'll talk about that. 168 00:15:06,000 --> 00:15:10,000 But before we talk about what regulates aquatic productivity, 169 00:15:10,000 --> 00:15:14,000 now I am going to turn the lights out, I thought I'd give you a tour. 170 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:18,000 Since you all know trees look like but you don't know what primary 171 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:22,000 producers in the ocean ecosystems look like, I'm going to give you a 172 00:15:22,000 --> 00:15:26,000 quick tour through the phytoplankton, which as you know, are my 173 00:15:26,000 --> 00:15:30,000 favorite organisms. So, the aquatic productivity is 174 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:34,000 dominated by these microscopic plants. There are over 20, 175 00:15:34,000 --> 00:15:39,000 00 species, but we really have no idea how many there are. 176 00:15:39,000 --> 00:15:43,000 Wherever there's water, they exist. They range from 0.5 to 1,000 µ in 177 00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:48,000 diameter. And as I told you in the first lecture, 178 00:15:48,000 --> 00:15:53,000 there's as much genetic information and a liter of seawater that 179 00:15:53,000 --> 00:15:57,000 contains these primary producers and all the bacteria but they live with 180 00:15:57,000 --> 00:16:02,000 than there is in the human genome. So here's some of my favorites. 181 00:16:02,000 --> 00:16:06,000 These are marine diatoms. This is a silicon shell. 182 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:10,000 This is a single cell. It's about 30 µ in diameter. 183 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:14,000 And this is made out of amorphous silicon. It's essentially opal. 184 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:19,000 And here's another one. They come in different shapes and sizes. 185 00:16:19,000 --> 00:16:23,000 They're just really incredibly beautiful. And people are just 186 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:27,000 starting to study what mechanisms are responsible for laying down 187 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:32,000 these exquisite architectures. Here's another one. 188 00:16:32,000 --> 00:16:39,000 To me this always remind me of the Coliseum for some reason. 189 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:46,000 These are pillbox shaped cells. And they have two halves like that. 190 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:53,000 And when they grow, when they divide, one half lays down another 191 00:16:53,000 --> 00:17:00,000 half inside of it. Now, what's going to happen 192 00:17:00,000 --> 00:17:05,000 ultimately if these are rigid? They get smaller. 193 00:17:05,000 --> 00:17:09,000 One lineage gets smaller, and smaller, and smaller. Well, 194 00:17:09,000 --> 00:17:13,000 both of them get smaller, and smaller. And this group of 195 00:17:13,000 --> 00:17:17,000 organisms has this really neat system where when it gets really 196 00:17:17,000 --> 00:17:20,000 tiny, they differentiate into egg and sperm. They made, 197 00:17:20,000 --> 00:17:24,000 and that they make a giant cell again. And they start the whole 198 00:17:24,000 --> 00:17:28,000 thing. It's cool. Just to show you some of the things 199 00:17:28,000 --> 00:17:32,000 people have studied, people have wondered why have they 200 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:35,000 evolved this very heavy armor? And of course, 201 00:17:35,000 --> 00:17:38,000 the first thing you think about is resistance to predation. 202 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:41,000 But there was never any evidence for that. And so, 203 00:17:41,000 --> 00:17:45,000 I just found this recent study in nature that shows where they 204 00:17:45,000 --> 00:17:48,000 actually measured. I thought MIT students look like 205 00:17:48,000 --> 00:17:51,000 this because they actually measure the force that it takes to crush one 206 00:17:51,000 --> 00:17:54,000 of these cells. Here's the study. 207 00:17:54,000 --> 00:17:57,000 There is a diatom [thrustule? and they're putting a measured 208 00:17:57,000 --> 00:18:01,000 force on it to see what would crush it. 209 00:18:01,000 --> 00:18:05,000 And they were able to show that the amount of force that it takes is 210 00:18:05,000 --> 00:18:10,000 enough to have a selective advantage against the crunching parts of the 211 00:18:10,000 --> 00:18:15,000 zooplankton that eat them. I also want to point out, this is 212 00:18:15,000 --> 00:18:20,000 from the website of Dr. Angela Belcher, who is a professor 213 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:25,000 here at MIT and material sciences. And she is studying diatoms. 214 00:18:25,000 --> 00:18:30,000 Here's a diatom. She's studying them as a material, 215 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:35,000 this amorphous silicon, looking at the way it's laid down. 216 00:18:35,000 --> 00:18:38,000 And she's also studying coccolithophores, 217 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:41,000 which is another group of my favorite organisms. 218 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:44,000 They have these calcium carbonate plates. Again, 219 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:47,000 this is a single cell. But it's cell wall is made up of 220 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:51,000 calcium carbonate plates. And they come in all different 221 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:54,000 shapes and sizes. Here's a really weird one with 222 00:18:54,000 --> 00:18:57,000 these huge, they're called coccoliths. And these cells, 223 00:18:57,000 --> 00:19:00,000 this is a satellite image of reflection, of light. 224 00:19:00,000 --> 00:19:04,000 In these cells, the calcium carbonate, reflects light. 225 00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:08,000 And this is a coccolithophore bloom somewhere I think in the Bering Sea. 226 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:12,000 And we can measure these, but we have no idea what causes a 227 00:19:12,000 --> 00:19:16,000 particular species to bloom at a particular point in time. 228 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:20,000 It's one of the challenges of oceanography. Here's another group 229 00:19:20,000 --> 00:19:25,000 of organisms. The cyanobacteria: we've talked about them a little bit. 230 00:19:25,000 --> 00:19:29,000 These are prokaryotic cells that can fix nitrogen. 231 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:33,000 They're one of the few groups of microbes that can take nitrogen gas 232 00:19:33,000 --> 00:19:37,000 from the atmosphere and convert it to ammonia, which draws 233 00:19:37,000 --> 00:19:42,000 it in to the food web. So you can actually see a bloom here. 234 00:19:42,000 --> 00:19:46,000 That one's called trichodesmium. It grows out in the open Atlantic 235 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:50,000 and Pacific. Here's a bloom of trichodesmium sucking nitrogen into 236 00:19:50,000 --> 00:19:54,000 the ecosystem, converting it into ammonia, 237 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:58,000 making it available to the other organisms. Here's the organism we 238 00:19:58,000 --> 00:20:02,000 work on, unfortunately very boring looking, not as exciting looking at 239 00:20:02,000 --> 00:20:06,000 the other ones. And now, this is just under a light 240 00:20:06,000 --> 00:20:11,000 microscope. These are less than a micron in diameter. 241 00:20:11,000 --> 00:20:16,000 But if you shine blue light on them, they fluoresce red. 242 00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:21,000 The chlorophyll in them fluoresces red. And these are the smallest and 243 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:26,000 simplest photosynthetic cell. They have 1,700 genes. 244 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:29,000 And with that, I call them the essence of life 245 00:20:29,000 --> 00:20:33,000 because with 1, 00 genes, they can convert CO2, 246 00:20:33,000 --> 00:20:37,000 nitrogen, phosphorus, all inorganic compounds, basically this rock over 247 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:41,000 here, in sunlight into life. And this happens to be like that 248 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:44,000 dominates the oceans. They are the most abundant cell in 249 00:20:44,000 --> 00:20:48,000 the oceans. In some areas, it's about 50% of the total 250 00:20:48,000 --> 00:20:52,000 chlorophyll. So, they are basically a lean, 251 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:56,000 mean photosynthesis machine, and we're trying to understand 252 00:20:56,000 --> 00:21:01,000 everything about it. OK, does a digression, 253 00:21:01,000 --> 00:21:09,000 hopefully not a diversion. So, what regulates aquatic primary 254 00:21:09,000 --> 00:21:16,000 productivity? Have to turn the lights back on. 255 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:24,000 Before we get into that totally, I want to draw a typical, what we 256 00:21:24,000 --> 00:21:32,000 call a water column in an aquatic ecosystem. 257 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:36,000 And I have seen this little red, sticky thing here. This is from 258 00:21:36,000 --> 00:21:40,000 last year, and it says they don't understand these axes. 259 00:21:40,000 --> 00:21:44,000 See, I remember from year to year. So, if you don't understand 260 00:21:44,000 --> 00:21:48,000 something and doing, because I can tell when students 261 00:21:48,000 --> 00:21:52,000 come up afterwards that I've completely lost you. 262 00:21:52,000 --> 00:21:56,000 First of all, oceanographers plot things upside down. 263 00:21:56,000 --> 00:22:00,000 So this is depth. So, depth goes down, which makes sense, 264 00:22:00,000 --> 00:22:05,000 right? And then, whatever we are plotting 265 00:22:05,000 --> 00:22:11,000 against depth is on this axis. So, in this graph I'm going to make, 266 00:22:11,000 --> 00:22:17,000 we are going to plot net primary productivity, temperature, 267 00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:23,000 nutrients, a bunch of different variables. OK, 268 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:29,000 and for oceans, this is about, well, we'll just say 2,000 m, and 269 00:22:29,000 --> 00:22:36,000 for lakes, say, 200 m for a deep lake. 270 00:22:36,000 --> 00:22:44,000 So, I'm drawing here sort of a generic picture of a water column in 271 00:22:44,000 --> 00:22:52,000 either a lake or ocean. OK, so do we have colored chalk? 272 00:22:52,000 --> 00:23:00,000 Not here, OK. Sometimes it used to float around. 273 00:23:00,000 --> 00:23:05,000 Well, you're going to have to use your imagination. 274 00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:11,000 So first of all, let's plot light as a function of depth. 275 00:23:11,000 --> 00:23:17,000 What does that look like? Like that, exactly. It's going to 276 00:23:17,000 --> 00:23:23,000 decay exponentially. In lakes, this is about 10 m, 277 00:23:23,000 --> 00:23:29,000 and in oceans this is about 100 m. 278 00:23:29,000 --> 00:23:33,000 Oh, and this was a question somebody gave in the instant feedback. 279 00:23:33,000 --> 00:23:38,000 Somebody said, I find it hard to believe that all life in the oceans 280 00:23:38,000 --> 00:23:43,000 disappears where there is no more light. And, you're absolutely right. 281 00:23:43,000 --> 00:23:48,000 It's only the photosynthetic life that disappears when there's no more 282 00:23:48,000 --> 00:23:53,000 light. There's lots of life below there that is using organic carbon. 283 00:23:53,000 --> 00:23:57,000 So, if you're here, that the answer to your question. 284 00:23:57,000 --> 00:24:02,000 OK, so then, now we're going to plot temperature which looks 285 00:24:02,000 --> 00:24:08,000 something like this. And, this is what's called the 286 00:24:08,000 --> 00:24:14,000 [thermocline?]. And we can also think of this as 287 00:24:14,000 --> 00:24:20,000 density. Because colder water is more dense than warmer water, 288 00:24:20,000 --> 00:24:26,000 right, you must have learned that, did you learn that somewhere? Did 289 00:24:26,000 --> 00:24:33,000 you learn that somewhere? Where did you learn that? 290 00:24:33,000 --> 00:24:40,000 Fourth grade, great, well-prepared. So, up on the 291 00:24:40,000 --> 00:24:47,000 surface we have biosynthesis here where there's light, 292 00:24:47,000 --> 00:24:54,000 and so it's exactly the same reaction as we have over here. 293 00:24:54,000 --> 00:25:02,000 And now it gets to the terrestrial ecosystem. 294 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:06,000 The production you have in the surface water is you have 295 00:25:06,000 --> 00:25:10,000 phytoplankton photosynthesizing, making organic matter. They're 296 00:25:10,000 --> 00:25:14,000 being eaten by zooplankton, by fish that are making feces, 297 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:19,000 etc., that are being eaten by the detritivores. But the net effect of 298 00:25:19,000 --> 00:25:23,000 this teeming food web they saw in the DVD last time, 299 00:25:23,000 --> 00:25:27,000 is that there's going to be organic carbon that falls down 300 00:25:27,000 --> 00:25:33,000 below this lit zone. OK, and that was the whale calling 301 00:25:33,000 --> 00:25:40,000 out to make, no, not purposefully, 302 00:25:40,000 --> 00:25:47,000 but telling down and making carbon available to the food web in the 303 00:25:47,000 --> 00:25:54,000 deep water. So down here, you have regeneration. So this is 304 00:25:54,000 --> 00:26:01,000 light. And this is in the dark in the system. 305 00:26:01,000 --> 00:26:07,000 But it's directly analogous to the biosynthesis and regeneration system 306 00:26:07,000 --> 00:26:13,000 there. So the other thing we want to plot on this is nutrients. 307 00:26:13,000 --> 00:26:20,000 They are drawn down to very low levels in the surface water in the 308 00:26:20,000 --> 00:26:26,000 lit layer because the phytoplankton are sucking them up. 309 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:32,000 They are nutrient limited. They're sucking up the nitrogen, 310 00:26:32,000 --> 00:26:38,000 phosphorus, et cetera. And then, as the carbon and all of 311 00:26:38,000 --> 00:26:43,000 that range down to the deep water, it's regenerated, and then the 312 00:26:43,000 --> 00:26:48,000 nutrients are regenerated. So that's why you see the gradient 313 00:26:48,000 --> 00:26:53,000 of the low nutrients here and high nutrients here, 314 00:26:53,000 --> 00:26:58,000 because the bacteria in the deep water are breaking down the carbon 315 00:26:58,000 --> 00:27:03,000 and releasing them. OK, so if we look at this map, 316 00:27:03,000 --> 00:27:08,000 we can see that for aquatic ecosystems, obviously water 317 00:27:08,000 --> 00:27:13,000 is not limiting. So water is an important regulator. 318 00:27:13,000 --> 00:27:19,000 Light is a very important regulator of productivity down to about in 319 00:27:19,000 --> 00:27:25,000 this region. And nutrients, it turns out, are very important. 320 00:27:25,000 --> 00:27:31,000 And it's nutrients that really determine the tapestry of this map 321 00:27:31,000 --> 00:27:37,000 that we're looking at. And what I'm going to do for the 322 00:27:37,000 --> 00:27:45,000 rest of the class is explain it lakes and oceans how the physical 323 00:27:45,000 --> 00:27:53,000 forces make these nutrients available in certain regions more 324 00:27:53,000 --> 00:28:01,000 than in other regions and explain this. OK, so first let's look at 325 00:28:01,000 --> 00:28:07,000 lake ecosystems. So, what we're showing here is a 326 00:28:07,000 --> 00:28:12,000 year in the life of a temperate lake. So this might be the Mystic Lakes 327 00:28:12,000 --> 00:28:16,000 out in Arlington or something like that. Well, maybe that doesn't 328 00:28:16,000 --> 00:28:21,000 freeze over, I don't know. But anyway, a lake that freezes 329 00:28:21,000 --> 00:28:26,000 over in the winter. So let's start during the summer, 330 00:28:26,000 --> 00:28:31,000 and here's this basic graph showing the thermocline, 331 00:28:31,000 --> 00:28:35,000 the nutrient depletion in the surface, and this one indicates that 332 00:28:35,000 --> 00:28:40,000 you actually have oxygen depletion in the deep water because of all of 333 00:28:40,000 --> 00:28:45,000 this organic matter from productivity raining down and being 334 00:28:45,000 --> 00:28:50,000 consumed by heterotrophic organisms that consume oxygen. 335 00:28:50,000 --> 00:28:54,000 So, as fall comes, and this is the important part, 336 00:28:54,000 --> 00:28:59,000 in the summertime, this layer is mixed. So, it's isothermal. 337 00:28:59,000 --> 00:29:04,000 In the fall, you have the winds and the surface cools. 338 00:29:04,000 --> 00:29:08,000 And as this density gradient here starts to break down, 339 00:29:08,000 --> 00:29:12,000 do the cooling in the winds. And so, you have this mixing. 340 00:29:12,000 --> 00:29:17,000 It's called fall overturn, which [then trains?] these nutrients from 341 00:29:17,000 --> 00:29:21,000 the deep water into the surface. So that's what way you get the 342 00:29:21,000 --> 00:29:26,000 nutrients for the deep water back up into the surface, 343 00:29:26,000 --> 00:29:30,000 whereas in the summertime, the gradient is maintained because 344 00:29:30,000 --> 00:29:35,000 of this density barrier, and the mixing can't bring this down. 345 00:29:35,000 --> 00:29:39,000 And then in the winter, you have the ice cover that 346 00:29:39,000 --> 00:29:44,000 obviously everything then is just isothermal. There's not much going 347 00:29:44,000 --> 00:29:49,000 on, but there is some photosynthesis. And then in the spring, 348 00:29:49,000 --> 00:29:54,000 the surface waters start to warm up, the ice melts, you have overturn, 349 00:29:54,000 --> 00:29:59,000 and brings the water up from the deep water. 350 00:29:59,000 --> 00:30:03,000 In the ocean, in lakes, this can mix all the way to the 351 00:30:03,000 --> 00:30:07,000 bottom, OK? In the oceans, there's no force of nature that can 352 00:30:07,000 --> 00:30:12,000 mix all the way down to 2, 00 m. So you have this thermocline 353 00:30:12,000 --> 00:30:16,000 in the oceans, but it's in a relatively small 354 00:30:16,000 --> 00:30:20,000 fraction of the total water column. So the scale here is way off. 355 00:30:20,000 --> 00:30:25,000 We're going from 100 m down to 2, 00. So in the ocean, it's just this 356 00:30:25,000 --> 00:30:29,000 tiny little, all this action in the surface. So we need another 357 00:30:29,000 --> 00:30:34,000 mechanism. We can't mix all the way down to the deep ocean. 358 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:41,000 So, we need another mechanism for bringing nutrients to the surface. 359 00:30:41,000 --> 00:30:49,000 And we're going to talk about, there's four different ways. 360 00:30:49,000 --> 00:31:06,000 There's four different ways that the 361 00:31:06,000 --> 00:31:13,000 deep water nutrients are brought back up where there is light, 362 00:31:13,000 --> 00:31:20,000 because you have to have liked for photosynthesis to use the nutrients. 363 00:31:20,000 --> 00:31:27,000 And one is episodic mixing. I'm just going to list them, 364 00:31:27,000 --> 00:31:35,000 and then we're going to go through them: coastal upwelling -- 365 00:31:35,000 --> 00:31:45,000 -- equatorial upwelling, and on much longer time scales, 366 00:31:45,000 --> 00:31:55,000 what's called the ìoceanic conveyor beltî in quotes, 367 00:31:55,000 --> 00:32:05,000 which is basically local ocean circulation. 368 00:32:05,000 --> 00:32:10,000 So let's go through these. In the oceans, episodic mixing, 369 00:32:10,000 --> 00:32:15,000 let's go back. Now, just pretend this is an ocean, 370 00:32:15,000 --> 00:32:20,000 and that this goes down to 2, 00 m, and there's a thermocline. 371 00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:25,000 What happens in the oceans is that you just have little, 372 00:32:25,000 --> 00:32:30,000 episodic mixing events that you wrote a great here to get little 373 00:32:30,000 --> 00:32:36,000 bursts of nutrients injected into the lit area. 374 00:32:36,000 --> 00:32:40,000 That's seasonal mixing, but it never mixes all the way to 375 00:32:40,000 --> 00:32:45,000 the bottom. And we can see, I'll show you where, this right here 376 00:32:45,000 --> 00:32:50,000 is the north Atlantic's bloom. And in the springtime, you see 377 00:32:50,000 --> 00:32:55,000 major bloom there due to this episodic mixing in the North 378 00:32:55,000 --> 00:33:00,000 Atlantic, which have high winds and a lot of mixing. 379 00:33:00,000 --> 00:33:05,000 OK, so there are also ocean currents caused by this coastal upwelling 380 00:33:05,000 --> 00:33:10,000 phenomenon, especially along the western coasts of continents. 381 00:33:10,000 --> 00:33:15,000 And I don't have time to go into this. You need a whole course and 382 00:33:15,000 --> 00:33:20,000 physical oceanography to really understand this because it has to 383 00:33:20,000 --> 00:33:25,000 do with the whole global ocean circulation that causes this 384 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:30,000 upwelling along the coasts. But, I'm going to show you how this 385 00:33:30,000 --> 00:33:35,000 works in this movie, or a little movie. 386 00:33:35,000 --> 00:33:40,000 I guess that's as dark as we're going to get. This is a 387 00:33:40,000 --> 00:33:46,000 cross-section of a coastal ocean. So, here's the coastline. Here's 388 00:33:46,000 --> 00:33:51,000 the surface of the ocean. And these little molecules here are 389 00:33:51,000 --> 00:33:57,000 CO2. Can you see blue? This is probably not going to work 390 00:33:57,000 --> 00:34:02,000 because of this filming. Well, we'll see what happens. 391 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:06,000 OK, so going to go through it in a still, and then I'll show the movie. 392 00:34:06,000 --> 00:34:11,000 But what you're going to see is as blue patch upwelling along the coast 393 00:34:11,000 --> 00:34:15,000 here, in CO2 molecules are coming up with it. OK, here's the blue. 394 00:34:15,000 --> 00:34:20,000 That's nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc. 395 00:34:20,000 --> 00:34:24,000 The wind is blowing offshore causing the surface waters to move 396 00:34:24,000 --> 00:34:29,000 in that direction. They have to be replaced by 397 00:34:29,000 --> 00:34:33,000 something, so we're bringing the deep water up to replace that moving 398 00:34:33,000 --> 00:34:39,000 surface water. And as that comes up, 399 00:34:39,000 --> 00:34:45,000 the CO2 comes up and is released. And then you have a phytoplankton 400 00:34:45,000 --> 00:34:51,000 bloom from the nutrients, and then the CO2 sucked back in 401 00:34:51,000 --> 00:34:57,000 again and you have oxygen going out. And, here it goes, the movie. 402 00:34:57,000 --> 00:35:03,000 Upwelling: The Movie. There comes the CO2. Here are the 403 00:35:03,000 --> 00:35:09,000 nutrients. CO2 out, CO2 back in. These are phytoplankton, 404 00:35:09,000 --> 00:35:13,000 this green blobs. That's a bloom. So you have now the phytoplankton 405 00:35:13,000 --> 00:35:17,000 falling, big bloom, organic carbon going down and being 406 00:35:17,000 --> 00:35:21,000 regenerated. So, it's a very dynamic system and 407 00:35:21,000 --> 00:35:25,000 that's why you have a lot of high-intensity fisheries along the 408 00:35:25,000 --> 00:35:29,000 coasts, especially the western coast of continents because of this 409 00:35:29,000 --> 00:35:33,000 upwelling; there's lots of nutrients, lots of phytoplankton, 410 00:35:33,000 --> 00:35:38,000 lots of fish. A dramatic example of the power of 411 00:35:38,000 --> 00:35:45,000 the surface currents, and how they affect upwelling is 412 00:35:45,000 --> 00:35:51,000 this phenomenon called El NiÒo. I think I'll skip the slide. You 413 00:35:51,000 --> 00:35:58,000 don't have it in hand out, anyway. But here's an animation 414 00:35:58,000 --> 00:36:05,000 showing the changes in the productivity in the Pacific Ocean 415 00:36:05,000 --> 00:36:12,000 along the equator. Here's an El NiÒo. 416 00:36:12,000 --> 00:36:18,000 And I'll explain how that works in a minute. Here's a normal year 417 00:36:18,000 --> 00:36:24,000 where you have these phytoplankton blooms, and let's look at it in this. 418 00:36:24,000 --> 00:36:30,000 You've seen this one before, but let's look at it more closely. 419 00:36:30,000 --> 00:36:36,000 There's the equatorial bloom caused by upwelling along the equator and 420 00:36:36,000 --> 00:36:40,000 are normally year. And as we go around, 421 00:36:40,000 --> 00:36:44,000 this is like three years in the life of the globe. See, 422 00:36:44,000 --> 00:36:48,000 there is high productivity at the Amazon where the Amazon's empty. 423 00:36:48,000 --> 00:36:52,000 Now, we are going to zoom in here, and this is a normal year. And 424 00:36:52,000 --> 00:36:56,000 that's an El NiÒo year. You see, there's very little 425 00:36:56,000 --> 00:37:00,000 productivity, and is very little upwelling along the coasts here. 426 00:37:00,000 --> 00:37:06,000 And that El NiÒo in Spanish, what does it mean? It refers to the 427 00:37:06,000 --> 00:37:12,000 Christ Child because this happens around Christmastime roughly every 428 00:37:12,000 --> 00:37:18,000 seven years. And what happens in a phenomenon is it turned out that 429 00:37:18,000 --> 00:37:25,000 people have studied enough for years. 430 00:37:25,000 --> 00:37:30,000 It's a global phenomenon in which the prevailing currents in the whole 431 00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:35,000 Pacific Ocean shift from going in this direction which causes the 432 00:37:35,000 --> 00:37:40,000 upwelling here to going in this direction, which brings warm water 433 00:37:40,000 --> 00:37:46,000 suppressing the upwelling and reducing the nutrient input into the 434 00:37:46,000 --> 00:37:51,000 system. OK, so here's an El NiÒo year, and directly compared to 435 00:37:51,000 --> 00:37:56,000 non-El NiÒo year. And that's all due to physical 436 00:37:56,000 --> 00:38:02,000 force is changing the nutrient delivery. 437 00:38:02,000 --> 00:38:10,000 So here's equatorial upwelling, and then finally on a global scale, 438 00:38:10,000 --> 00:38:18,000 over very long periods of time, you can imagine that these upwelling 439 00:38:18,000 --> 00:38:26,000 events would not be enough to bring, you have this constant rain of 440 00:38:26,000 --> 00:38:35,000 organic matter coming from the surface waters. 441 00:38:35,000 --> 00:38:38,000 And this nutrient reservoir in the deep waters, none of these upwelling 442 00:38:38,000 --> 00:38:42,000 events are enough to bring all that back and renew the system. 443 00:38:42,000 --> 00:38:45,000 So you need a bigger force than that on a global scale over long 444 00:38:45,000 --> 00:38:49,000 time periods. And that's what's called the great oceanic conveyor 445 00:38:49,000 --> 00:38:53,000 belt. And this is really important, because I think people think of the 446 00:38:53,000 --> 00:38:56,000 oceans as a static, understandably, you look out there; 447 00:38:56,000 --> 00:39:00,000 it looks like a bunch of water with the surface waters and 448 00:39:00,000 --> 00:39:04,000 with the deep waters. And if you throw something in the 449 00:39:04,000 --> 00:39:08,000 deep waters it's going to stay there and you don't have to worry about it 450 00:39:08,000 --> 00:39:12,000 anymore. A lot of people want to bury nuclear waste in the deep water. 451 00:39:12,000 --> 00:39:16,000 And the point is that that's not true. The oceans are all 452 00:39:16,000 --> 00:39:20,000 interconnected, and if I'm a water molecule, 453 00:39:20,000 --> 00:39:25,000 the average amount of time, and I'm traveling with the currents, 454 00:39:25,000 --> 00:39:29,000 over a thousand years, I will make this whole journey where I go along 455 00:39:29,000 --> 00:39:33,000 the surface waters and then I get to the North Atlantic, 456 00:39:33,000 --> 00:39:37,000 and because the waters are cooled and there's very high winds in the 457 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:41,000 North Atlantic, you have cold water and of the high 458 00:39:41,000 --> 00:39:45,000 winds cause high evaporation. So you have saltier water, 459 00:39:45,000 --> 00:39:49,000 so, cold, saltier water up here sinks. And that actually is a force 460 00:39:49,000 --> 00:39:53,000 that drives this whole global circulation. And so, 461 00:39:53,000 --> 00:39:57,000 I'm cruising along here. I get here, and I sink. And then I 462 00:39:57,000 --> 00:40:01,000 go for this long journey down the bottom. And of course, 463 00:40:01,000 --> 00:40:04,000 it's much more complicated. This is grossly oversimplified. 464 00:40:04,000 --> 00:40:08,000 But I go this long journey to the bottom of the Atlantic in these deep 465 00:40:08,000 --> 00:40:12,000 ocean currents, and then somewhere along the line, 466 00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:16,000 I get brought up again through zones of upwelling here, 467 00:40:16,000 --> 00:40:20,000 or maybe I would meander up here and get brought up again. 468 00:40:20,000 --> 00:40:24,000 [I'm just one atom on average? . So, through these global ocean 469 00:40:24,000 --> 00:40:28,000 currents, the deep water eventually comes up to the surface, 470 00:40:28,000 --> 00:40:31,000 bringing those nutrients back. Where it comes in contact with the 471 00:40:31,000 --> 00:40:35,000 light and the phytoplankton, and they photosynthesize and they 472 00:40:35,000 --> 00:40:39,000 take up the nutrients and they make organic carbonate, 473 00:40:39,000 --> 00:40:43,000 and it all settles down again to the bottom. So, it's a cycle. 474 00:40:43,000 --> 00:40:46,000 And if you didn't have that, the thing would run down. If you 475 00:40:46,000 --> 00:40:50,000 didn't have the deep water coming up eventually coming up somewhere, 476 00:40:50,000 --> 00:40:54,000 the system would just run down and you do have a big anoxic bottom of 477 00:40:54,000 --> 00:40:58,000 the ocean. And who knows what would happen? So, this is 478 00:40:58,000 --> 00:41:03,000 really important. OK, so finally, 479 00:41:03,000 --> 00:41:10,000 I've talked about nutrients just in general, what nutrients are the most 480 00:41:10,000 --> 00:41:18,000 important? And, it turns out that there are some 481 00:41:18,000 --> 00:41:25,000 nutrients that are in much less supply that are required by the 482 00:41:25,000 --> 00:41:33,000 plants. And this is what's called, so, what nutrients are important? 483 00:41:33,000 --> 00:41:41,000 Now, of course, they're all important but some are 484 00:41:41,000 --> 00:41:50,000 more important in regulation than others. And there's something 485 00:41:50,000 --> 00:41:58,000 called the law of the minimum. And it states that the growth of a 486 00:41:58,000 --> 00:42:10,000 plant will be limited -- -- by that element that is in least 487 00:42:10,000 --> 00:42:24,000 supply relative, this is the important part, 488 00:42:24,000 --> 00:42:38,000 to the requirements of the plant or the phytoplankton. 489 00:42:38,000 --> 00:42:43,000 When I say plant, it could be phytoplankton or a tree, 490 00:42:43,000 --> 00:42:48,000 or a plant, or whatever. And this is the important part. 491 00:42:48,000 --> 00:42:53,000 So how we figure out what the requirements for elements are above 492 00:42:53,000 --> 00:42:58,000 plants? You might grab it, harvested, grind it up, and measure 493 00:42:58,000 --> 00:43:04,000 the ratio of the elements in that plant. 494 00:43:04,000 --> 00:43:09,000 So, for example, if you do that, for most plants you 495 00:43:09,000 --> 00:43:15,000 get something on the order of, at least for most phytoplankton, 496 00:43:15,000 --> 00:43:21,000 which are my preferred plant, you get the ratio of carbon, 497 00:43:21,000 --> 00:43:27,000 nitrogen, and phosphorus, of 106 atoms of carbon [for? 498 00:43:27,000 --> 00:43:33,000 16 nitrogen per one of phosphorus. So this tells you in what ratio they 499 00:43:33,000 --> 00:43:41,000 need these elements in order to grow. So then you look in the environment 500 00:43:41,000 --> 00:43:49,000 and you ask, what are the ratios available? So, 501 00:43:49,000 --> 00:43:57,000 say if the water has a ratio of, what's going to be the most living 502 00:43:57,000 --> 00:44:05,000 element in that system for that plant? 503 00:44:05,000 --> 00:44:12,000 Exactly, nitrogen. And, alternatively, 504 00:44:12,000 --> 00:44:19,000 you could have something like this. And what would be limiting there? 505 00:44:19,000 --> 00:44:26,000 Phosphorus limits. And it turns out that in most 506 00:44:26,000 --> 00:44:33,000 aquatic ecosystems, for now we're going to say that 507 00:44:33,000 --> 00:44:40,000 nitrogen and phosphorus are the important limiting factors. 508 00:44:40,000 --> 00:44:44,000 And just to show you, again, that ecologists do 509 00:44:44,000 --> 00:44:48,000 experiments, here's an experimental lakes area in Ontario, 510 00:44:48,000 --> 00:44:52,000 where there are 22 different lakes set aside for research. 511 00:44:52,000 --> 00:44:56,000 And in this particular set of lakes, this is a control lake, 512 00:44:56,000 --> 00:45:00,000 and this is the experimental lake. They added phosphorus to the lake. 513 00:45:00,000 --> 00:45:05,000 And you can see the phytoplankton 514 00:45:05,000 --> 00:45:09,000 bloom by only adding phosphorus. They didn't add anything else. And 515 00:45:09,000 --> 00:45:14,000 that means that phosphorus was in least supply relative to the other 516 00:45:14,000 --> 00:45:18,000 nutrients. And the interesting thing that happened here was that 517 00:45:18,000 --> 00:45:23,000 when they added the phosphorus, that makes phosphorus in great 518 00:45:23,000 --> 00:45:27,000 abundance relative to nitrogen. And what that did is make nitrogen 519 00:45:27,000 --> 00:45:32,000 the limiting factor. And when nitrogen is the limiting 520 00:45:32,000 --> 00:45:37,000 factor, what organisms might have an advantage? 521 00:45:37,000 --> 00:45:40,000 We talked about them. Yeah, there you go, nitrogen fixing 522 00:45:40,000 --> 00:45:44,000 organisms. So, if nitrogen is limiting, 523 00:45:44,000 --> 00:45:47,000 only organisms that can take it from the atmosphere can get more nitrogen 524 00:45:47,000 --> 00:45:51,000 than the other organisms. So they are favored. And what 525 00:45:51,000 --> 00:45:54,000 happens is you fertilize with phosphorus. You get blooms of 526 00:45:54,000 --> 00:45:58,000 nitrogen fixing organisms. It's really an interesting 527 00:45:58,000 --> 00:46:02,000 phenomenon. But nitrogen and phosphorus are, 528 00:46:02,000 --> 00:46:06,000 one or the other is limiting in lakes. And in large areas of the 529 00:46:06,000 --> 00:46:10,000 oceans, nitrogen and phosphorus are also limiting, 530 00:46:10,000 --> 00:46:14,000 except we've learned recently that there are areas of the oceans where 531 00:46:14,000 --> 00:46:19,000 iron is actually a limiting factor. And this was an experiment that was 532 00:46:19,000 --> 00:46:23,000 done by oceanographers. And there is Alaska just to get you 533 00:46:23,000 --> 00:46:27,000 oriented. This is the North Pacific where they went out with a boat and 534 00:46:27,000 --> 00:46:31,000 they made it a patch. They added iron just to a patch of 535 00:46:31,000 --> 00:46:36,000 ocean. And I can tell you about this. 536 00:46:36,000 --> 00:46:40,000 We were involved in some of these experiments. It started out with a 537 00:46:40,000 --> 00:46:45,000 10 km x 10 km patch and showed that if you add iron you get a bloom of 538 00:46:45,000 --> 00:46:49,000 phytoplankton. And this is a satellite image of 539 00:46:49,000 --> 00:46:54,000 that phytoplankton bloom. And in the last lecture, I'm going 540 00:46:54,000 --> 00:46:59,000 to tell you all about those iron fertilization experiments, 541 00:46:59,000 --> 00:47:03,000 and the implications for how we are going to use the oceans 542 00:47:03,000 --> 00:47:08,000 in the future. So, take-home messages: we'll talk 543 00:47:08,000 --> 00:47:12,000 about that next time. You can take them home, 544 00:47:12,000 --> 00:47:15,000 but I don't want to keep you over.