1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:07,000 So, today we're going to continue with our series of lectures to come 2 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:14,000 to a conclusion from the section on population and community ecology. 3 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:22,000 At last time, or three lectures ago, we were talking about the regulation 4 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:30,000 of population growth. And this time, 5 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:38,000 we're going to move into, just wanted to make sure the boards 6 00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:46,000 are in order, community ecology. And as I said of the first lecture, 7 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:54,000 this is one of the most difficult branches of the ecological sciences 8 00:00:54,000 --> 00:01:02,000 to really describe because an ecological community is a bit of an 9 00:01:02,000 --> 00:01:11,000 abstract concept. And one definition is that it's a 10 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:23,000 collection of species that are linked together by their 11 00:01:23,000 --> 00:01:39,000 feeding relationships. 12 00:01:39,000 --> 00:01:45,000 OK, so it's sort of like the ecosystem without the 13 00:01:45,000 --> 00:01:51,000 biogeochemistry in a sense. So really what we're looking at 14 00:01:51,000 --> 00:01:57,000 here is the interaction between species in a localized area with 15 00:01:57,000 --> 00:02:04,000 respect to how they influence each other's fitness, in a sense. 16 00:02:04,000 --> 00:02:09,000 And these interrelationships between these species govern all of the 17 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:14,000 things that we talked about in the first half of my lectures set. 18 00:02:14,000 --> 00:02:19,000 It's these interactions that shape the biogeochemistry of those systems. 19 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:24,000 So, this is the structure of the system and the biogeochemistry is 20 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:30,000 the function of the system. And it's also these interactions. 21 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:40,000 So, they affect the flow of energy, which we talked about. They affect 22 00:02:40,000 --> 00:02:50,000 the cycling of elements. They affect the evolution, 23 00:02:50,000 --> 00:03:00,000 the very evolution of species within the community. 24 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:06,000 And these communities self assemble. In other words, if you start with 25 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:12,000 an empty plot of bare land, we talked about this. Remember the 26 00:03:12,000 --> 00:03:18,000 example of the glacier retreating and showing the succession of 27 00:03:18,000 --> 00:03:24,000 species as the glacier retreated? We started with a bare rock, and 28 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:31,000 you'll start getting lichen growing on the rock. 29 00:03:31,000 --> 00:03:35,000 And then that lichen will create a little bit of soil, 30 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:39,000 allowing plants to come in, and that the plants increase 31 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:43,000 productivity. Some of them bring nitrogen and, allowing shrubs and 32 00:03:43,000 --> 00:03:47,000 trees and everything. And that's the self-assembly of the 33 00:03:47,000 --> 00:03:51,000 community. Once you have plant there, you can have insects there. 34 00:03:51,000 --> 00:03:55,000 Once you have insects there, you have birds there. 35 00:03:55,000 --> 00:03:59,000 It self assembles. And one of the questions that 36 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:03,000 ecologists ask is, how deterministic is that? 37 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:08,000 I mean, we know there are some random components to it, 38 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:13,000 and we know that there are some things that will happen because we 39 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:18,000 see it happen over, and over, and over. So the big 40 00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:24,000 question is what must happen? What could happen? And what might 41 00:04:24,000 --> 00:04:29,000 not ever happen? That's really one of the challenges 42 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:35,000 of ecologists is to understand those assembly rules 43 00:04:35,000 --> 00:04:39,000 of community if there are any. Now, we're not going to really get 44 00:04:39,000 --> 00:04:44,000 into that. We are just going to start looking at the real 45 00:04:44,000 --> 00:04:49,000 fundamentals of community [SOUND OFF/THEN ON] which is, 46 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:54,000 what are the possible interactions between species that shape 47 00:04:54,000 --> 00:05:07,000 evolution? OK. 48 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:13,000 Species interactions: so, when we talk about species 49 00:05:13,000 --> 00:05:20,000 interactions and how they structure communities, we have to first define 50 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:27,000 some terms. One is Darwinian fitness. 51 00:05:27,000 --> 00:05:43,000 And the fitness of an individual is 52 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:59,000 the relative ability of an individual in a population to 53 00:05:59,000 --> 00:06:16,000 survive and reproduce. 54 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:21,000 So, it's all relative, OK, within a population. 55 00:06:21,000 --> 00:06:26,000 And we're going to define also, we'll be talking about adaptations, 56 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:31,000 and I know you know what this is, but let's just make sure that we are 57 00:06:31,000 --> 00:06:37,000 all operating with the same assumption. 58 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:51,000 And an adaptation, which is something that affects the 59 00:06:51,000 --> 00:07:05,000 fitness, is a heritable trait that increases the fitness of an 60 00:07:05,000 --> 00:07:20,000 individual with respect to other individuals in that population. 61 00:07:20,000 --> 00:07:25,000 So, these are just some operating assumptions so that when we talk 62 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:30,000 about species interactions, there are several possibilities. 63 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:37,000 If we have organism one and organism two, we can have, 64 00:07:37,000 --> 00:07:44,000 and we ask how does the presence of organism two and the presence of 65 00:07:44,000 --> 00:07:51,000 organism one affect the fitness of the two organisms? 66 00:07:51,000 --> 00:07:58,000 And if the fitness of both organisms is increased by being in 67 00:07:58,000 --> 00:08:06,000 the presence of the other, that's called mutualism. 68 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:13,000 Being together increases the fitness of both relative to when they're 69 00:08:13,000 --> 00:08:20,000 alone. If being together decreases the fitness of both, 70 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:28,000 that's called competition. And if you have the situation, 71 00:08:28,000 --> 00:08:36,000 what we recall that? It could be parasitism, 72 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:44,000 yeah, parasitism. What else? Was the ultimate form of reduced 73 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:52,000 fitness? Predation, yeah, being dead is the ultimate 74 00:08:52,000 --> 00:09:00,000 reduced fitness. So, parasitism and predation. 75 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:06,000 And then there are some other sort of rather vague interactions where 76 00:09:06,000 --> 00:09:12,000 when you put two individuals together, the fitness of one is not 77 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:18,000 influenced but the fitness of the other is either influenced 78 00:09:18,000 --> 00:09:24,000 positively or negatively, and we're not going to talk about 79 00:09:24,000 --> 00:09:30,000 those. But this one's called commencalism. And this one's 80 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:37,000 called amensalism. And obviously there are gradients. 81 00:09:37,000 --> 00:09:44,000 Actually, an example of commencalism is something that we've 82 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:51,000 talked about. Can anybody think about what that is when we talked 83 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:58,000 about food webs? It's kind of a stretch, 84 00:09:58,000 --> 00:10:04,000 but detritivory. An organism eating detritus, 85 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:09,000 in a sense, is commencalism because it doesn't affect the fitness of the 86 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:13,000 dead individual because it's already dead. So, that gets to not having 87 00:10:13,000 --> 00:10:18,000 that much meaning. So anyway, these we are not going 88 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:23,000 to spend time on, but they are forms of interaction 89 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:28,000 that do exist. And there are gradients between 90 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:33,000 these. Obviously, it's not all black and white. 91 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:46,000 So, we're going to start by talking about competition. 92 00:10:46,000 --> 00:10:59,000 And just to remind you, competition comes in two forms. 93 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:12,000 There is intraspecific competition, which means within a species, OK? 94 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:19,000 And that's not what we're going to be talking about today, 95 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:27,000 but we've already talked about this without explicitly, 96 00:11:27,000 --> 00:11:34,000 remember our logistic equation and the density dependent feedback 97 00:11:34,000 --> 00:11:40,000 mechanisms in that population that caused the population to deviate 98 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:47,000 from exponential growth was due to intraspecific competition: 99 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:54,000 individuals within a species competing with each other for 100 00:11:54,000 --> 00:12:01,000 resources. We are going to talking about now is more interspecific -- 101 00:12:01,000 --> 00:12:20,000 -- which is competition 102 00:12:20,000 --> 00:12:31,000 between species, OK? So, I want to show you some slides 103 00:12:31,000 --> 00:12:35,000 that are just from your textbook, but just to get you in the mood for 104 00:12:35,000 --> 00:12:40,000 competition. So, it comes in all different forms, 105 00:12:40,000 --> 00:12:45,000 and I don't care whether you know the names of these. 106 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:49,000 It doesn't matter. This is just to give you an idea of the different 107 00:12:49,000 --> 00:12:54,000 types of competition that we see in nature. This is what's called 108 00:12:54,000 --> 00:12:59,000 consumptive competition, and this is just showing the roots 109 00:12:59,000 --> 00:13:03,000 of the trees competing for nutrients in the soil. Preemptive competition 110 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:08,000 shows these are barnacles. We're going to talk a little bit 111 00:13:08,000 --> 00:13:12,000 more about that later, just totally taking over the 112 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:16,000 substrate. So no other organism could possibly settle there. 113 00:13:16,000 --> 00:13:21,000 Overgrowth competition in plants where this plant would be shading, 114 00:13:21,000 --> 00:13:25,000 so other plants that require a lot of light could not grow underneath. 115 00:13:25,000 --> 00:13:30,000 Chemical competition also occurs where one plant will actually 116 00:13:30,000 --> 00:13:34,000 excrete certain chemicals that create these corridors of no growth 117 00:13:34,000 --> 00:13:38,000 around them so other plants can't get near to compete 118 00:13:38,000 --> 00:13:43,000 for the nutrients. The classic form of competition, 119 00:13:43,000 --> 00:13:48,000 say, in birds and a lot of higher organisms is competition for 120 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:52,000 territory. So these are displays so that an individual can keep a 121 00:13:52,000 --> 00:13:57,000 certain territory, and therefore make that food 122 00:13:57,000 --> 00:14:02,000 available to itself, therefore increasing its fitness 123 00:14:02,000 --> 00:14:07,000 because it's able to feed its young. 124 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:13,000 And then this is sort of the classic, really tooth and claw competition 125 00:14:13,000 --> 00:14:19,000 where encounter competition where all these species are competing over 126 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:25,000 this zebra carcass, hyena, vultures, etc. 127 00:14:25,000 --> 00:14:31,000 OK, now before we can talk more and more in detail about competition, 128 00:14:31,000 --> 00:14:37,000 we need to define the ecological niche. 129 00:14:37,000 --> 00:14:41,000 And this is an interesting concept in ecology that has been around for 130 00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:45,000 quite some time, and it kind of went out of 131 00:14:45,000 --> 00:14:50,000 popularity for a while. And I was gratified to see that 132 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:54,000 it's made it back into the introductory biology textbooks 133 00:14:54,000 --> 00:14:59,000 because I think it's a very profound concept. 134 00:14:59,000 --> 00:15:04,000 In this particular competition, the fundamental ecological niche 135 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:09,000 comes from G. Evelyn Hutchinson, who is one of the founders of modern 136 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:14,000 ecology. He defined as the fundamental niche of an organism as 137 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:20,000 an N-dimensional hypervolume, every point on which a species can 138 00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:25,000 survive and reproduce indefinitely in the absence of other 139 00:15:25,000 --> 00:15:30,000 species, OK? So, this is an abstract concept, 140 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:35,000 because those species are rarely in the absence of other species, 141 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:40,000 except maybe in a test tube. But it defines the, and also we can't even 142 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:45,000 think about N-dimensions, right? We're able to think about, 143 00:15:45,000 --> 00:15:50,000 we can envision three dimensions. But what he's talking about here, 144 00:15:50,000 --> 00:15:55,000 is every single dimension in the environment that would have any 145 00:15:55,000 --> 00:16:01,000 effect on the fitness of an organism. 146 00:16:01,000 --> 00:16:05,000 So here, just to wrap our brains around this, we're looking at three 147 00:16:05,000 --> 00:16:09,000 dimensions. Our organisms here is a ladybug, and this would be food size. 148 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:14,000 These guys eat little aphids and things. I don't know if you've ever 149 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:18,000 used them under house plants, but it's a good way to keep aphids 150 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:23,000 off your house plants if you want to introduce ladybugs to your dorm room, 151 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:27,000 which maybe you don't. But there's a certain range of size, 152 00:16:27,000 --> 00:16:33,000 food size, that they can eat. And so, that's three dimensions. 153 00:16:33,000 --> 00:16:39,000 There are undoubtedly many other dimensions that we don't even know 154 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:45,000 about, elements that they require, etc. So, this would be everywhere, 155 00:16:45,000 --> 00:16:51,000 in this space is a space where this organism could survive and reproduce 156 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:57,000 indefinitely. And the reason this concept lost favor is its something 157 00:16:57,000 --> 00:17:03,000 you could never ever measure this because we can't know 158 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:09,000 the N-dimensions. Well, you can never say you can't 159 00:17:09,000 --> 00:17:13,000 know anything, but it's very difficult to say you 160 00:17:13,000 --> 00:17:17,000 could know all the dimensions that influence the fitness of an organism. 161 00:17:17,000 --> 00:17:21,000 But it's still a very important concept for thinking about it. 162 00:17:21,000 --> 00:17:25,000 And the niche is not a physical place, OK? The niche of an organism 163 00:17:25,000 --> 00:17:30,000 is not a physical place. In an N-dimensional hypervolume. 164 00:17:30,000 --> 00:17:35,000 It's an abstract concept. So this is the fundamental niche, 165 00:17:35,000 --> 00:17:39,000 and here's another closely related species whose niche has some overlap 166 00:17:39,000 --> 00:17:44,000 with this one, but has different ranges for 167 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:49,000 temperature, humidity, and food size. And when you have 168 00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:54,000 overlapping niches is when you have the possibility, 169 00:17:54,000 --> 00:17:59,000 the potential, for competition. And two things can happen. 170 00:17:59,000 --> 00:18:04,000 If they overlap a lot, than those two species cannot 171 00:18:04,000 --> 00:18:09,000 coexist in the same environment. One will outcompete the other, and 172 00:18:09,000 --> 00:18:14,000 it will move on to some other place where it doesn't have a strong 173 00:18:14,000 --> 00:18:19,000 competitor. But if they overlap a little, you can actually have 174 00:18:19,000 --> 00:18:24,000 competitive coexistence. And we're going to talk about the 175 00:18:24,000 --> 00:18:29,000 results of these degrees of niche overlap as we go on in the lecture. 176 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:33,000 So, if the species can makes it realized, so this is its fundamental 177 00:18:33,000 --> 00:18:38,000 niche, this one's fundamental niche, and what happens if it can make its 178 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:43,000 realized niche small enough so that there's no niche overlap, 179 00:18:43,000 --> 00:18:48,000 then you can have coexistence of those two species, 180 00:18:48,000 --> 00:18:53,000 or very little niche overlap in the same environment. 181 00:18:53,000 --> 00:18:58,000 So that's the difference between the fundamental and the 182 00:18:58,000 --> 00:19:04,000 realized niche. I think this is from your textbook. 183 00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:10,000 This is just one dimension, seed sized, for, say, 184 00:19:10,000 --> 00:19:16,000 a bird eating seeds of this size range. We'll be talking about birds 185 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:22,000 a lot in this. And here's partial niche overlap, 186 00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:28,000 species to where they eat some seeds of the same size, 187 00:19:28,000 --> 00:19:34,000 but by and large the mode is different. 188 00:19:34,000 --> 00:19:39,000 You can have species coexisting. Partial niche overlap can lead to 189 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:45,000 competitive coexistence. And here's the complete overlap in 190 00:19:45,000 --> 00:19:51,000 just this one dimension, which would lead to competitive 191 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:57,000 exclusion. But obviously it matters what's happening on all the 192 00:19:57,000 --> 00:20:03,000 dimensions. This is just an oversimplification, to 193 00:20:03,000 --> 00:20:11,000 give you the idea. OK, so before we go to that, 194 00:20:11,000 --> 00:20:23,000 I want to talk about the classic experiment that led to this, 195 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:35,000 they're going to put this screen up. Screen, screen, screen, screen. 196 00:20:35,000 --> 00:20:56,000 Can you see, or do I need to turn 197 00:20:56,000 --> 00:21:01,000 the lights on? Thank you. I'm sorry, 198 00:21:01,000 --> 00:21:04,000 I always ask my questions that way, where there's no possible answer. 199 00:21:19,000 --> 00:21:25,000 There were some classic competition experiments that's carried out by 200 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:32,000 Gause way back in 1934 -- -- that I'm just going to use to 201 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:38,000 illustrate the concept of competitive exclusion, 202 00:21:38,000 --> 00:21:44,000 because these were done with very simple protozoa in a test tube, 203 00:21:44,000 --> 00:21:50,000 paramecia, and actually this was back in the days when they were 204 00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:56,000 developing these theories for population growth. 205 00:21:56,000 --> 00:22:03,000 And these organisms were growing according to the logistic equation. 206 00:22:03,000 --> 00:22:07,000 So here we are with, and this is the classic experiment 207 00:22:07,000 --> 00:22:12,000 actually in your textbook that they talk about in the context of the 208 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:17,000 ecological niche. So this is Paramecia caudatum. 209 00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:22,000 These names aren't important. Don't worry about it, 210 00:22:22,000 --> 00:22:27,000 but we have to call them something. P. aurelia, which, when grown alone 211 00:22:27,000 --> 00:22:32,000 in a test tube grow according to the logistic equation, 212 00:22:32,000 --> 00:22:37,000 they grow up and then they level off at a certain level. 213 00:22:37,000 --> 00:22:46,000 And what Gause did is that he wanted to see, look at this phenomenon of 214 00:22:46,000 --> 00:22:55,000 competition and he grew them together, and he found that, 215 00:22:55,000 --> 00:23:04,000 actually that no matter what combination he put in, 216 00:23:04,000 --> 00:23:13,000 aurelia would always win out in competitive exclusion. 217 00:23:13,000 --> 00:23:23,000 And he learned through a series of 218 00:23:23,000 --> 00:23:27,000 experiments, we don't have time to go into the details, 219 00:23:27,000 --> 00:23:32,000 but this would always occur if you made two species compete in a very 220 00:23:32,000 --> 00:23:37,000 simple environment. In the test tube where he was 221 00:23:37,000 --> 00:23:41,000 feeding these guys exactly the same food, some form of bacteria, 222 00:23:41,000 --> 00:23:46,000 in a test tube this one would always outcompete the other, 223 00:23:46,000 --> 00:23:50,000 and there would be competitive exclusion. If he made the 224 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:55,000 environment more complex, where there were layers in it, 225 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:59,000 or there was sediment in the bottom of the test tube, 226 00:23:59,000 --> 00:24:04,000 that allowed more niche dimensions. There were conditions under which 227 00:24:04,000 --> 00:24:10,000 the competitive coexistence would be allowed. And he actually developed 228 00:24:10,000 --> 00:24:15,000 a set of equations to describe his competition that I'm going to write 229 00:24:15,000 --> 00:24:20,000 for you. We're not going to use them; we're not going to analyze 230 00:24:20,000 --> 00:24:26,000 them in detail, but I'm just going to show them to 231 00:24:26,000 --> 00:24:31,000 you so that you have an appreciation for how population ecologists and 232 00:24:31,000 --> 00:24:37,000 community ecologists start to think about these systems. 233 00:24:37,000 --> 00:24:43,000 So, he said we can model this interaction using our logistic 234 00:24:43,000 --> 00:24:50,000 equation. So he said dN/dt would be the growth rate of, 235 00:24:50,000 --> 00:24:57,000 let's call, the top one, one. It doesn't matter what you 236 00:24:57,000 --> 00:25:04,000 call which. The dN/dt equals r1, N1. Now here's our logistic, K1 237 00:25:04,000 --> 00:25:11,000 minus N1 over K. But he said I'm going to modify this 238 00:25:11,000 --> 00:25:18,000 equation so that the actual growth of the organism is reduced to some 239 00:25:18,000 --> 00:25:25,000 amount that's proportional to the number of the other organisms that 240 00:25:25,000 --> 00:25:32,000 are there. So, he called that alpha-N2. 241 00:25:32,000 --> 00:25:41,000 OK, so some amount that's proportional to amount the other 242 00:25:41,000 --> 00:25:50,000 species that's here. And then, he said dN2/DT is equal 243 00:25:50,000 --> 00:26:00,000 to r2, N2, K2 minus N2 minus beta-N1 over, this should be K1, over K2. 244 00:26:00,000 --> 00:26:05,000 So, the growth rate of species to in the presence of species one is 245 00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:10,000 reduced by some amount that's proportional to the abundance of 246 00:26:10,000 --> 00:26:15,000 species one. And these, the values of these, these are 247 00:26:15,000 --> 00:26:20,000 called competition coefficients. You can actually do experiments and 248 00:26:20,000 --> 00:26:26,000 put values on these, and they are a measure of how strong 249 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:31,000 a competitor each of these species are with respect to 250 00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:36,000 the other one. So, you're not going to have to deal 251 00:26:36,000 --> 00:26:41,000 with these, but I just wanted you to see them, and see how population 252 00:26:41,000 --> 00:26:46,000 ecologists began to model these systems. And so, 253 00:26:46,000 --> 00:26:52,000 it's the relative values of these relative to the carrying capacities 254 00:26:52,000 --> 00:26:57,000 that will ultimately determine whether species will coexist or not 255 00:26:57,000 --> 00:27:02,000 when they are competing. OK, so that's more of a theoretical 256 00:27:02,000 --> 00:27:07,000 analysis. Now let's look at the real world. Competitive exclusion, 257 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:12,000 that is, the exclusion of one species from an environment because 258 00:27:12,000 --> 00:27:16,000 of strong competition in another, is very difficult to study, because 259 00:27:16,000 --> 00:27:21,000 if it's not there, you don't know it was excluded, 260 00:27:21,000 --> 00:27:26,000 right? I mean, you don't go to some place and say I don't see 261 00:27:26,000 --> 00:27:31,000 the species here. It must have been eliminated by 262 00:27:31,000 --> 00:27:36,000 competitive exclusion. It might never have been there. 263 00:27:36,000 --> 00:27:40,000 So, the way we learn about this phenomenon is either through 264 00:27:40,000 --> 00:27:45,000 inadvertent experiments, and that is the introduction of 265 00:27:45,000 --> 00:27:50,000 species to new environments and then see what happens, 266 00:27:50,000 --> 00:27:55,000 or actual intentional ecological experiments. So, 267 00:27:55,000 --> 00:28:00,000 we're going to talk about both of those. 268 00:28:00,000 --> 00:28:11,000 And the first one -- 269 00:28:11,000 --> 00:28:26,000 -- we'll talk about invasions -- 270 00:28:26,000 --> 00:28:33,000 -- and competitive exclusion. And one of the classic examples of 271 00:28:33,000 --> 00:28:41,000 this is the zebra mussel. I don't know what happened. 272 00:28:41,000 --> 00:28:49,000 Oh, there it is. I didn't realize this was animated. 273 00:28:49,000 --> 00:28:57,000 That's why there was nothing there. So, the zebra mussel is a tiny 274 00:28:57,000 --> 00:29:05,000 mussel that was introduced to the United States back in, 275 00:29:05,000 --> 00:29:10,000 I guess, 1988. And up here, introduced into the 276 00:29:10,000 --> 00:29:14,000 Great Lakes by ships just being attached to ships, 277 00:29:14,000 --> 00:29:18,000 or it's possible it might have been the larvae in ships' ballasts. 278 00:29:18,000 --> 00:29:22,000 Ships go into port, they take on water into their ballasts to 279 00:29:22,000 --> 00:29:26,000 stabilize, and then they go to another port and let it out. 280 00:29:26,000 --> 00:29:30,000 And they're filled with larvae and species. 281 00:29:30,000 --> 00:29:37,000 So, the entire world oceans are now filled with introduced species from 282 00:29:37,000 --> 00:29:44,000 ships ballasts. So here's 1988. 283 00:29:44,000 --> 00:29:51,000 The zebra mussel is there. 1990: here. 92: here. 94, 284 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:58,000 90 whatever, oh, 2001. It spread amazingly fast. 285 00:29:58,000 --> 00:30:04,000 And it is this tiny little mussel that seems to thrive everywhere: 286 00:30:04,000 --> 00:30:10,000 clogs, all kinds of pipes, settles on top of other native 287 00:30:10,000 --> 00:30:16,000 shellfish and kills them, and has led to extensive competitive 288 00:30:16,000 --> 00:30:22,000 exclusion of native shellfish in a number of ecosystems. 289 00:30:22,000 --> 00:30:28,000 Some of the effects of these: in some ecosystems they cleared 290 00:30:28,000 --> 00:30:34,000 up the water. They are able to filter just an 291 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:39,000 amazing amount of water when they're feeding. So they actually have 292 00:30:39,000 --> 00:30:43,000 increased the clarity of the water in many ecosystems, 293 00:30:43,000 --> 00:30:48,000 filtering out plankton, which allows the light to penetrate 294 00:30:48,000 --> 00:30:53,000 deeper in those systems, allowing aquatic plants to grow from 295 00:30:53,000 --> 00:30:58,000 the bottom. So the introduction of this one species can completely 296 00:30:58,000 --> 00:31:03,000 change the structure of the entire ecosystem. 297 00:31:03,000 --> 00:31:06,000 I just heard a lecture. I was just visiting the Institute 298 00:31:06,000 --> 00:31:10,000 for Ecosystem Studies which is out in Millbrook, NY. 299 00:31:10,000 --> 00:31:14,000 By the way, if any of you are looking for summer internships and 300 00:31:14,000 --> 00:31:17,000 are interested in ecology, they have a fabulous summer 301 00:31:17,000 --> 00:31:21,000 internship program. I've had several students go there 302 00:31:21,000 --> 00:31:25,000 that have had great experiences. But there's somebody there studying 303 00:31:25,000 --> 00:31:29,000 the zebra mussel invasion in the Hudson River. 304 00:31:29,000 --> 00:31:33,000 And he showed this incredibly depressing graph of over the last 305 00:31:33,000 --> 00:31:37,000 ten years of the native mussels in that river going down to basically 306 00:31:37,000 --> 00:31:42,000 extinction. And then, this is the weird thing about 307 00:31:42,000 --> 00:31:46,000 ecosystems, just last year it started to turn around. 308 00:31:46,000 --> 00:31:50,000 And they haven't done anything to eradicate the zebra mussels, 309 00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:55,000 but the native mussels are starting to have a comeback. 310 00:31:55,000 --> 00:31:59,000 And nobody knows why, and nobody knows whether it's a real 311 00:31:59,000 --> 00:32:04,000 comeback because it could come back for a couple of years. 312 00:32:04,000 --> 00:32:10,000 So, it's really interesting how unpredictable these complex systems 313 00:32:10,000 --> 00:32:17,000 are. But these mussels can cause millions and millions of dollars of 314 00:32:17,000 --> 00:32:23,000 damage. And I also learned on that trip that ecologists are trying to 315 00:32:23,000 --> 00:32:30,000 get in place policies that if an industry for whatever reasons wants 316 00:32:30,000 --> 00:32:36,000 to intentionally introduce, Here's an example of an application 317 00:32:36,000 --> 00:32:40,000 of fundamental ecological knowledge. The reason people study the ecology 318 00:32:40,000 --> 00:32:45,000 of invasive species, understanding this competitive 319 00:32:45,000 --> 00:32:49,000 exclusion and all that, is that you want to use that 320 00:32:49,000 --> 00:32:54,000 understanding to be able to predict, if you introduce a new species to a 321 00:32:54,000 --> 00:32:58,000 new habitat, whether it will be invasive or not, 322 00:32:58,000 --> 00:33:03,000 there are some species you can introduce and they will fit right in 323 00:33:03,000 --> 00:33:08,000 and not exclude every other species. 324 00:33:08,000 --> 00:33:13,000 And so, what they're trying to put in place is insurance that a company 325 00:33:13,000 --> 00:33:18,000 would have to buy that was either intentionally introducing a species, 326 00:33:18,000 --> 00:33:23,000 or whatever practice that they were doing was likely to introduce a 327 00:33:23,000 --> 00:33:28,000 species, and the cost of that insurance would be a function of the 328 00:33:28,000 --> 00:33:34,000 probability of that species actually causing competitive exclusion. 329 00:33:34,000 --> 00:33:39,000 And this is something that people are trying to put into place in to 330 00:33:39,000 --> 00:33:45,000 the economic system basically. So, it puts a new meaning to 331 00:33:45,000 --> 00:33:50,000 limited liability company, LLC. So, you have to insure your 332 00:33:50,000 --> 00:33:56,000 liability, which I think would go a long way to reduce some of these 333 00:33:56,000 --> 00:34:01,000 ecological crises. OK, so that's an inadvertent 334 00:34:01,000 --> 00:34:06,000 experiment. Now there are many, many examples of this. There's 335 00:34:06,000 --> 00:34:11,000 books written on invasive species. And if I can get this thing to work, 336 00:34:11,000 --> 00:34:16,000 I'll show you some clips of invasive species, snakes. 337 00:34:16,000 --> 00:34:20,000 And the biggest impact is on islands because islands have been 338 00:34:20,000 --> 00:34:25,000 isolated ecosystems for so long that if you introduce a species, 339 00:34:25,000 --> 00:34:30,000 you have dramatic changes. In Australia, a big example was a 340 00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:35,000 prickly pear cactus which was introduced many years ago to create 341 00:34:35,000 --> 00:34:40,000 living fences for livestock. They completely took over not all of 342 00:34:40,000 --> 00:34:46,000 the grasslands, but a lot of the grasslands and turn 343 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:51,000 them into thickets. OK, so invasive species are 344 00:34:51,000 --> 00:34:57,000 inadvertent ecological experiments. Let's talk about intentional 345 00:34:57,000 --> 00:35:02,000 experiments. And this is also very classic textbook experiment that was 346 00:35:02,000 --> 00:35:08,000 one of the first ecological experiments to be done. 347 00:35:08,000 --> 00:35:12,000 And it was done with barnacles. This was Joseph Connell was a 348 00:35:12,000 --> 00:35:17,000 professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. 349 00:35:17,000 --> 00:35:21,000 Barnacles have a larval stage that floats around in the plankton, 350 00:35:21,000 --> 00:35:26,000 and then they settle on rocks. So this was a classic barnacle 351 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:31,000 ecosystem in Scotland, actually, in which the upper inner 352 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:36,000 tidal there is a species called Chthamalus. 353 00:35:36,000 --> 00:35:40,000 And then the lower was dominated by a species of mussel called Balanus. 354 00:35:40,000 --> 00:35:45,000 So, he asked the question, is this distribution where the two are 355 00:35:45,000 --> 00:35:49,000 exclusive of one another, is it due to competition between 356 00:35:49,000 --> 00:35:54,000 them, or is it just that this one tolerates desiccation longer than 357 00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:58,000 this one? The inner tidal zone, the tide goes up and down, so this 358 00:35:58,000 --> 00:36:03,000 one's going to be exposed to dryness a lot longer. 359 00:36:03,000 --> 00:36:07,000 So, how do you answer that question? Well, you do an experiment and so 360 00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:12,000 what he did was he took rocks from the upper, inner tidal that had the 361 00:36:12,000 --> 00:36:17,000 Chthamalus on them, and he moved them to the lower one. 362 00:36:17,000 --> 00:36:22,000 And he let the Balanus, the species that dominates down here colonize on 363 00:36:22,000 --> 00:36:27,000 those rocks. But then he divided them in half, and removed the 364 00:36:27,000 --> 00:36:32,000 Balanus from half of the rock. And then he monitored the 365 00:36:32,000 --> 00:36:37,000 survivorship of the Chthamalus. And remember the survivorship 366 00:36:37,000 --> 00:36:41,000 curves that we talked about when we created those life tables, 367 00:36:41,000 --> 00:36:46,000 he actually measured survivorship curves on these. 368 00:36:46,000 --> 00:36:51,000 If you go to the original paper, you see LX is a function of time. 369 00:36:51,000 --> 00:36:56,000 So that's a tool that we use, to ask the question, is the 370 00:36:56,000 --> 00:37:01,000 survivorship of Chthamalus increased in the absence of Balanus? 371 00:37:01,000 --> 00:37:05,000 And this is all from your textbook, showing that the percent of 372 00:37:05,000 --> 00:37:09,000 mortality, when a competitor is present is much higher than the 373 00:37:09,000 --> 00:37:14,000 competitor is absent. So, he's able to show directly that 374 00:37:14,000 --> 00:37:18,000 there was competition between the two. And in fact, 375 00:37:18,000 --> 00:37:23,000 this was that kind of aggressive kind of competition where one just 376 00:37:23,000 --> 00:37:27,000 plucks the other one off the rock. I mean it's direct: you're on my 377 00:37:27,000 --> 00:37:32,000 rock; get out of here, and it pops it off. 378 00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:37,000 He also was able to show that tolerance to desiccation is also a 379 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:42,000 factor in this system. It's not like it's totally 380 00:37:42,000 --> 00:37:47,000 competition. But competition was playing a role, 381 00:37:47,000 --> 00:37:52,000 and so I've summarized that in this slide using our terminology. 382 00:37:52,000 --> 00:37:57,000 He was able to show that the fundamental niche of Chthamalus, 383 00:37:57,000 --> 00:38:05,000 in other words -- -- the region in the inner tidal, 384 00:38:05,000 --> 00:38:15,000 where the larvae could actually settle and live in the absence of 385 00:38:15,000 --> 00:38:25,000 competitors was much broader than the realized niche. 386 00:38:25,000 --> 00:38:36,000 All right, so let's get this over. This is from your textbook. 387 00:38:36,000 --> 00:38:50,000 And we're going to just use, I'm going to use an example of that. 388 00:38:50,000 --> 00:39:04,000 So, competition can also lead to character displacement -- 389 00:39:04,000 --> 00:39:18,000 -- which in turn can lead to actual 390 00:39:18,000 --> 00:39:27,000 competitive coexistence. And an example of this, we're going 391 00:39:27,000 --> 00:39:37,000 to talk about Darwin's finches in the Galapagos Islands. 392 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:46,000 And one of the ways that ecologists actually measure, 393 00:39:46,000 --> 00:39:56,000 that's a bird, in case you didn't notice it. And this 394 00:39:56,000 --> 00:40:04,000 is beak depth. The shape and size of a beak tells 395 00:40:04,000 --> 00:40:11,000 you what kinds of seeds a bird can eat, and so they measured beak depth 396 00:40:11,000 --> 00:40:18,000 as a niche dimension, basically, because it tells you what 397 00:40:18,000 --> 00:40:26,000 size seeds the bird can eat. And a study was done; we're going 398 00:40:26,000 --> 00:40:33,000 to make the islands here. What is going to call them A, 399 00:40:33,000 --> 00:40:41,000 B, C, D; these are islands. And there are two species of finches, 400 00:40:41,000 --> 00:40:49,000 which we are just going to call F. Well, they're fuliginosa. Again, 401 00:40:49,000 --> 00:40:57,000 the name's not important, and the other one is called fortis. 402 00:40:57,000 --> 00:41:05,000 So, we'll just call them, 403 00:41:05,000 --> 00:41:12,000 on islands that have both of them, and there are some islands that have 404 00:41:12,000 --> 00:41:18,000 only one. So, what was done is they measure the 405 00:41:18,000 --> 00:41:25,000 beak depth of the different finches on the islands where they were found 406 00:41:25,000 --> 00:41:32,000 together versus islands where they were found alone in the 407 00:41:32,000 --> 00:41:40,000 Galapagos Islands. And what they found, 408 00:41:40,000 --> 00:41:48,000 and this has been shown for many, many different studies. You look at 409 00:41:48,000 --> 00:42:07,000 the beak depth distribution. 410 00:42:07,000 --> 00:42:23,000 This is percent in size class. And this is island C, D, and A, 411 00:42:23,000 --> 00:42:34,000 and B. And they found that when the species 412 00:42:34,000 --> 00:42:42,000 were on islands where they lived alone, they had almost complete 413 00:42:42,000 --> 00:42:49,000 niche, oh this is beak depth. They had exactly the same size beak 414 00:42:49,000 --> 00:42:57,000 distributions. In other words, 415 00:42:57,000 --> 00:43:05,000 they were feeding on the same food. And on the islands where they were 416 00:43:05,000 --> 00:43:13,000 together, A and B, I'm just making sure this actually 417 00:43:13,000 --> 00:43:21,000 holds together, they found what is called character 418 00:43:21,000 --> 00:43:29,000 displacement, and that is that the birds that had longer beaks and 419 00:43:29,000 --> 00:43:37,000 smaller beaks, were preferentially selected for 420 00:43:37,000 --> 00:43:45,000 such that reducing the amount of niche overlap. 421 00:43:45,000 --> 00:44:03,000 So, and this leads to competitive coexistence. 422 00:44:03,000 --> 00:44:07,000 OK, and that's what we're looking at here. This is from your textbooks. 423 00:44:07,000 --> 00:44:12,000 This is from African seed crackers showing that birds with smaller 424 00:44:12,000 --> 00:44:16,000 bills consume soft seeds more efficiently. Birds with larger 425 00:44:16,000 --> 00:44:21,000 bills crack hard seeds, and you can see that the width of 426 00:44:21,000 --> 00:44:24,000 the bill here is different.