1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,615 The following content is provided by MIT open 2 00:00:02,615 --> 00:00:04,756 courseware under a creative commons license. 3 00:00:04,756 --> 00:00:08,830 Additional information about our license, and MIT open 4 00:00:08,830 --> 00:00:12,394 courseware, in general, is available at ocw.mit.edu. 5 00:00:15,450 --> 00:00:17,900 PROFESSOR: Good afternoon. 6 00:00:22,270 --> 00:00:30,250 In response to public demand here-- 7 00:00:30,250 --> 00:00:32,790 let's see how many people do you-- 8 00:00:32,790 --> 00:00:35,940 again, the colors may have faded by now, but check it 9 00:00:35,940 --> 00:00:37,560 when you tilt your head. 10 00:00:37,560 --> 00:00:38,970 The effect changes. 11 00:00:44,930 --> 00:00:48,530 How many people still have some sort of an effect? 12 00:00:48,530 --> 00:00:51,780 It's really nice to know that this course has some lasting 13 00:00:51,780 --> 00:00:53,190 impact on people. 14 00:01:00,100 --> 00:01:08,210 Maybe we should try posting the Powerpoint on the web, 15 00:01:08,210 --> 00:01:10,430 because then if you want to build up your own McCullough 16 00:01:10,430 --> 00:01:14,130 effect you can do this and entertain yourselves. 17 00:01:18,250 --> 00:01:24,680 If you have been following the story thus far, you should 18 00:01:24,680 --> 00:01:31,790 basically have the idea that at the front of the visual 19 00:01:31,790 --> 00:01:37,310 system, or of any sensory system, you've got all sorts 20 00:01:37,310 --> 00:01:41,640 of information coming in. 21 00:01:41,640 --> 00:01:46,830 That the job early processes in the visual systems do. 22 00:01:46,830 --> 00:01:49,330 The sorts of things that the early parts of visual cortex 23 00:01:49,330 --> 00:01:53,516 do and say, oh look, there's a little line at this point in 24 00:01:53,516 --> 00:01:54,660 the visual field. 25 00:01:54,660 --> 00:01:58,830 Oh look, there's a dot there, and a line here, and it's 26 00:01:58,830 --> 00:02:00,150 moving like that. 27 00:02:00,150 --> 00:02:03,120 Little bits of information all over the place. 28 00:02:03,120 --> 00:02:06,710 Too much of it for you to handle. 29 00:02:06,710 --> 00:02:11,140 So, last time I talked about this bottleneck of attention 30 00:02:11,140 --> 00:02:17,740 that allows only some of it through to processes that 31 00:02:17,740 --> 00:02:21,980 would do things like, say, recognition. 32 00:02:21,980 --> 00:02:24,940 And, then, I'm going to run out of places to draw. 33 00:02:24,940 --> 00:02:26,940 We'll take a little detour here. 34 00:02:26,940 --> 00:02:32,820 Somewhere up here, you're going to get perception. 35 00:02:32,820 --> 00:02:38,160 And the job of today's lecture is to convince you that that 36 00:02:38,160 --> 00:02:42,770 percept, your current understanding of the world, is 37 00:02:42,770 --> 00:02:46,930 always the result of many, many inferences. 38 00:02:46,930 --> 00:02:52,530 Many, many guesses of what the nature of the world might be. 39 00:02:52,530 --> 00:02:59,880 Because, not only is there too much information coming in, 40 00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:03,490 there's also too little information coming to specify 41 00:03:03,490 --> 00:03:06,800 exactly what's going on out there in the world. 42 00:03:06,800 --> 00:03:08,650 Consider just a couple of the problems -- 43 00:03:08,650 --> 00:03:10,280 I think are they on the hand out? 44 00:03:10,280 --> 00:03:12,790 Couple of them are-- well, one of the obvious ones. 45 00:03:12,790 --> 00:03:15,520 It's the world is 3D. 46 00:03:15,520 --> 00:03:17,140 Your job is to figure out what's going 47 00:03:17,140 --> 00:03:18,400 on out in the world. 48 00:03:18,400 --> 00:03:20,680 The input is inherently 2D. 49 00:03:20,680 --> 00:03:25,950 That retina that you've got is a 2D surface. 50 00:03:25,950 --> 00:03:29,320 So, if you are seeing 3D, you are recovering that 3D 51 00:03:29,320 --> 00:03:34,640 information from essentially 2D input. 52 00:03:34,640 --> 00:03:40,230 You're collecting information about light intensities. 53 00:03:40,230 --> 00:03:42,170 You don't care about light intensity. 54 00:03:42,170 --> 00:03:46,080 You care about surface properties in the world. 55 00:03:46,080 --> 00:03:49,580 So, everything patch that you're seeing -- 56 00:03:49,580 --> 00:03:57,160 if you're looking at this spot right here, what you're seeing 57 00:03:57,160 --> 00:04:03,110 is the product of the surface, the properties of the surface, 58 00:04:03,110 --> 00:04:05,610 and the properties of the illuminant, the properties of 59 00:04:05,610 --> 00:04:07,000 what's lighting it up. 60 00:04:07,000 --> 00:04:09,870 You don't care about the properties of the illuminate. 61 00:04:09,870 --> 00:04:15,190 You want to recover just the properties of the surface. 62 00:04:15,190 --> 00:04:18,350 So how do you successfully ignore the properties of 63 00:04:18,350 --> 00:04:18,970 illumination? 64 00:04:18,970 --> 00:04:21,360 We'll say a little bit about that. 65 00:04:21,360 --> 00:04:25,730 The world you're looking is an essentially stable world. 66 00:04:25,730 --> 00:04:27,700 I mean things move around in it, but the whole world 67 00:04:27,700 --> 00:04:28,870 doesn't jump around. 68 00:04:28,870 --> 00:04:32,460 But, you're looking at it from an inherently 69 00:04:32,460 --> 00:04:34,040 unstable vantage point. 70 00:04:34,040 --> 00:04:35,340 You're moving around. 71 00:04:35,340 --> 00:04:38,460 And more to the point, even if you're salk still, the way 72 00:04:38,460 --> 00:04:39,510 you're looking at the world is you're 73 00:04:39,510 --> 00:04:42,830 moving your eyes around. 74 00:04:42,830 --> 00:04:44,180 Try this for a moment. 75 00:04:44,180 --> 00:04:46,430 Look at the lower left hand corner of the screen. 76 00:04:49,430 --> 00:04:51,360 Well, actually that might be a little large, so look at the 77 00:04:51,360 --> 00:04:54,370 lower left hand corner this McCollough test pattern. 78 00:04:54,370 --> 00:04:56,220 Look at the lower right hand corner of the 79 00:04:56,220 --> 00:04:58,680 McCollough test pattern. 80 00:04:58,680 --> 00:05:02,930 Did the McCollough effect test pattern jump 81 00:05:02,930 --> 00:05:03,640 when you did that? 82 00:05:03,640 --> 00:05:04,060 No. 83 00:05:04,060 --> 00:05:05,090 It didn't. 84 00:05:05,090 --> 00:05:06,560 Why didn't it jump? 85 00:05:06,560 --> 00:05:10,800 Because when you're looking here-- do I have a laser 86 00:05:10,800 --> 00:05:12,450 pointer today? 87 00:05:12,450 --> 00:05:12,920 No. 88 00:05:12,920 --> 00:05:17,785 Oh well -- when you're looking here, the bulk of that square 89 00:05:17,785 --> 00:05:19,330 is to the right of fixation. 90 00:05:19,330 --> 00:05:21,460 When you're looking here, the bulk that image is to the left 91 00:05:21,460 --> 00:05:22,300 the fixation. 92 00:05:22,300 --> 00:05:25,270 So it's in two different spots on the retina. 93 00:05:25,270 --> 00:05:27,420 If I put something here, and something here, on your 94 00:05:27,420 --> 00:05:28,920 retina, it'll look like it's moving. 95 00:05:28,920 --> 00:05:31,120 Why didn't that look like it's moving? 96 00:05:31,120 --> 00:05:36,910 The reason is, that when you tell your eyes to move, you 97 00:05:36,910 --> 00:05:43,180 send a copy of that command, in effect, to visual centers 98 00:05:43,180 --> 00:05:47,430 of your brain saying, look, I just told my eyes to move, 99 00:05:47,430 --> 00:05:52,480 kindly ignore the resulting smear. 100 00:05:52,480 --> 00:05:54,130 In fact, I want you to do two things. 101 00:05:54,130 --> 00:05:57,050 I want you-- you, your visual system-- 102 00:05:57,050 --> 00:06:02,060 I want you to shut down during the course of the eye 103 00:06:02,060 --> 00:06:08,120 movement, and I want you to compensate for the fact that 104 00:06:08,120 --> 00:06:10,610 everything is been displaced. 105 00:06:10,610 --> 00:06:13,890 You can see what would happen if that was not the case, by 106 00:06:13,890 --> 00:06:17,620 taking your finger, and poking your eye. 107 00:06:20,890 --> 00:06:24,220 On your eyelid, you should try this, because it's more 108 00:06:24,220 --> 00:06:26,430 interesting if you actually try this, it if you wiggle 109 00:06:26,430 --> 00:06:27,660 your eyeball. 110 00:06:27,660 --> 00:06:30,450 You can do it slowly, or you can do it quickly. 111 00:06:30,450 --> 00:06:32,640 Look at me, and poke your eye ball around. 112 00:06:32,640 --> 00:06:37,070 You will notice that all your friends look funny. 113 00:06:37,070 --> 00:06:40,440 But, you'll notice that things are jumping around. 114 00:06:40,440 --> 00:06:41,290 Why is that? 115 00:06:41,290 --> 00:06:44,130 Well look. 116 00:06:44,130 --> 00:06:47,770 Millions of years of evolution did not provide you with a 117 00:06:47,770 --> 00:06:52,290 mechanism that said, I am now going to poke my eye. 118 00:06:52,290 --> 00:06:56,150 Please send a copy of that signal to the visual centers 119 00:06:56,150 --> 00:06:57,770 of the brain, saying to cancel that out. 120 00:06:57,770 --> 00:06:59,660 There's no cancellation signal here. 121 00:06:59,660 --> 00:07:02,490 And so, you see the image moving around. 122 00:07:02,490 --> 00:07:06,040 You don't see the image moving around when you move your eyes 123 00:07:06,040 --> 00:07:10,870 normally, because you're compensating for it. 124 00:07:10,870 --> 00:07:12,790 All right, so you're collecting all this 125 00:07:12,790 --> 00:07:13,310 information. 126 00:07:13,310 --> 00:07:17,170 You're doing your best to register it in a 127 00:07:17,170 --> 00:07:19,080 stable kind of a way. 128 00:07:19,080 --> 00:07:19,650 Oh look at that. 129 00:07:19,650 --> 00:07:21,870 It also says I'm going to demonstrate the vestibular 130 00:07:21,870 --> 00:07:23,120 ocular reflex. 131 00:07:25,890 --> 00:07:29,110 Let me do that, just because you might as well get to use 132 00:07:29,110 --> 00:07:32,520 your fingers some more. 133 00:07:32,520 --> 00:07:35,460 You also want the world not to jump around too much when 134 00:07:35,460 --> 00:07:36,590 you're moving your head. 135 00:07:36,590 --> 00:07:41,170 One of the things you do very reflexively is, if you rotate 136 00:07:41,170 --> 00:07:43,140 you take your head one way, your eyes 137 00:07:43,140 --> 00:07:44,920 counter rotate the other. 138 00:07:44,920 --> 00:07:47,670 That's a very quick reflex. 139 00:07:47,670 --> 00:07:49,560 If you want to see how quick it is, try this. 140 00:07:49,560 --> 00:07:51,650 Hold your finger out in front of you. 141 00:07:51,650 --> 00:07:55,940 Look at your finger, and move your head back and forth, and 142 00:07:55,940 --> 00:07:58,550 just keep your eyes on the finger. 143 00:07:58,550 --> 00:08:01,320 No problem, right? 144 00:08:01,320 --> 00:08:02,100 You know you can do that. 145 00:08:02,100 --> 00:08:05,540 Now, at the same speed, move your fingers, and try to keep 146 00:08:05,540 --> 00:08:07,110 your eye on the finger. 147 00:08:07,110 --> 00:08:10,160 Can't do it. 148 00:08:10,160 --> 00:08:16,480 It doesn't work, because that tracking movement -- there are 149 00:08:16,480 --> 00:08:17,380 more neurons involved. 150 00:08:17,380 --> 00:08:20,770 It's a slower process. 151 00:08:20,770 --> 00:08:25,420 The vestibular ocular reflect is a very short latency kind 152 00:08:25,420 --> 00:08:29,200 of a reflex designed to keep the input relatively stable. 153 00:08:29,200 --> 00:08:32,630 So, you take all that lovely input in, you got all these 154 00:08:32,630 --> 00:08:35,290 little bits information all over the place, and then 155 00:08:35,290 --> 00:08:39,200 you've gotta make your best guess about what it is that 156 00:08:39,200 --> 00:08:40,190 you're looking at. 157 00:08:40,190 --> 00:08:42,800 The reason that this is an interesting picture, it's in 158 00:08:42,800 --> 00:08:45,510 the book, by the way, so when you can't see here, you can go 159 00:08:45,510 --> 00:08:48,060 and study it in the book, until you can see the 160 00:08:48,060 --> 00:08:50,170 dalmatian dog that really is there. 161 00:08:50,170 --> 00:08:52,170 How many people can see it now? 162 00:08:52,170 --> 00:08:55,470 Oh, we got most of them. 163 00:08:55,470 --> 00:08:59,410 His head is right above my finger, front paws, back paws. 164 00:08:59,410 --> 00:09:05,730 He's on a road sloping from lower left to upper right. 165 00:09:05,730 --> 00:09:11,020 The point of a picture like this, is that it's slows down 166 00:09:11,020 --> 00:09:14,560 the process of inference enough, that you can sort of 167 00:09:14,560 --> 00:09:15,810 feel it happened. 168 00:09:15,810 --> 00:09:20,410 Normally, when I look out at you, for instance, my visual 169 00:09:20,410 --> 00:09:24,020 system kicks up one, and only one, interpretation of what 170 00:09:24,020 --> 00:09:27,900 I'm looking at, so rapidly, that I never notice all the 171 00:09:27,900 --> 00:09:29,950 work that's involved. 172 00:09:29,950 --> 00:09:32,220 The purpose of this picture, and really the purpose of this 173 00:09:32,220 --> 00:09:36,230 lecture, is to show some of the work that's involved. 174 00:09:36,230 --> 00:09:42,220 So what you've got here is a bunch of isolated little black 175 00:09:42,220 --> 00:09:44,560 and white regions. 176 00:09:44,560 --> 00:09:47,770 In order to figure out what's going on here, you've got to 177 00:09:47,770 --> 00:09:50,010 decide who goes together. 178 00:09:50,010 --> 00:09:51,920 How are we going to decide who goes together? 179 00:09:51,920 --> 00:09:54,200 Well lets think of this in the context of a bunch of little 180 00:09:54,200 --> 00:09:55,620 line segments. 181 00:09:58,870 --> 00:10:01,290 You can, sort of, decide that some of these guys might go 182 00:10:01,290 --> 00:10:03,950 with some of the other ones but what I'm going to do, is 183 00:10:03,950 --> 00:10:08,810 rotate all of them by 90 degrees, if I recall. 184 00:10:08,810 --> 00:10:09,000 No. 185 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:10,490 Maybe some other orientation. 186 00:10:10,490 --> 00:10:15,580 But anyway, now they are the same lines on the screen, but 187 00:10:15,580 --> 00:10:18,110 now some of them hang together, right? 188 00:10:18,110 --> 00:10:22,170 Got that sort of potato shape thing there. 189 00:10:22,170 --> 00:10:23,190 Why? 190 00:10:23,190 --> 00:10:26,970 What makes these guys go along with each other now in a way 191 00:10:26,970 --> 00:10:27,910 that they didn't before? 192 00:10:27,910 --> 00:10:35,170 Well, if you're a little chunk of brain, whose job it is to 193 00:10:35,170 --> 00:10:38,290 figure out where contours are out in the world, what you're 194 00:10:38,290 --> 00:10:41,570 getting from earlier in the visual system, is word that 195 00:10:41,570 --> 00:10:43,450 there's a little bit of contour here, a little bit of 196 00:10:43,450 --> 00:10:45,370 a contour here, a little bit of a contour here. 197 00:10:45,370 --> 00:10:47,300 I wonder if those should go together? 198 00:10:47,300 --> 00:10:50,260 Now how do we decide that the little bits of contour might 199 00:10:50,260 --> 00:10:51,070 go together? 200 00:10:51,070 --> 00:10:53,750 Well, you might do something like this. 201 00:11:00,650 --> 00:11:06,070 If you've got a line here, and you're asking what's the best 202 00:11:06,070 --> 00:11:15,080 bet about if this is really a piece of a continuing contour? 203 00:11:15,080 --> 00:11:17,120 Where's this likely to go next? 204 00:11:17,120 --> 00:11:20,530 Well, it might make a hair pin turn and go off that way. 205 00:11:20,530 --> 00:11:21,900 Doesn't seem really likely. 206 00:11:21,900 --> 00:11:27,050 More likely, it's going to go off in something like the 207 00:11:27,050 --> 00:11:28,530 direction that it's pointing. 208 00:11:28,530 --> 00:11:33,880 And that turns out to be the potato shaped ones. 209 00:11:33,880 --> 00:11:37,530 This is a very rule governed behavior. 210 00:11:37,530 --> 00:11:42,760 If you've got a bunch a little line segments, as long as the 211 00:11:42,760 --> 00:11:47,540 deviation here isn't more than about, as I recall, 30 degrees 212 00:11:47,540 --> 00:11:51,920 or so, from co-linear, you're willing to string those 213 00:11:51,920 --> 00:11:54,100 together pretty happily. 214 00:11:54,100 --> 00:11:58,680 If it starts to be more than, that your unlikely to string 215 00:11:58,680 --> 00:11:59,270 them together. 216 00:11:59,270 --> 00:12:02,360 The beginning of an effort to tie little pieces of 217 00:12:02,360 --> 00:12:08,490 information together into larger structures. 218 00:12:08,490 --> 00:12:09,770 All right, what do you see here? 219 00:12:12,490 --> 00:12:13,730 Two lines crossing each other. 220 00:12:13,730 --> 00:12:17,220 A reasonable interpretation. 221 00:12:17,220 --> 00:12:19,080 Though, it's not the only possible 222 00:12:19,080 --> 00:12:20,140 interpretation of this. 223 00:12:20,140 --> 00:12:22,800 I mean, it could be something like this. 224 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:27,850 Two birds kissing each other, or something like that. 225 00:12:27,850 --> 00:12:40,600 Why do you see and, in fact, this is something like that. 226 00:12:40,600 --> 00:12:43,720 And you see that as an x with two lines crossing each other, 227 00:12:43,720 --> 00:12:58,070 but if I provide enough other details here, it's a sea lion? 228 00:12:58,070 --> 00:12:59,320 I don't know what it is. 229 00:13:02,710 --> 00:13:05,130 The point is, he's still a lousy artist. 230 00:13:05,130 --> 00:13:09,110 It hasn't gotten any better. 231 00:13:09,110 --> 00:13:10,910 The point is more or less the same. 232 00:13:10,910 --> 00:13:18,190 You've got this little process that's worrying about that 233 00:13:18,190 --> 00:13:25,360 little piece of line segment, gets to this junction, and is 234 00:13:25,360 --> 00:13:28,630 busy doing the three roads diversion of yellow wood kind 235 00:13:28,630 --> 00:13:31,170 of thing, trying to decide which way to go. 236 00:13:31,170 --> 00:13:36,340 And, it's guessing that all else being equal, I should 237 00:13:36,340 --> 00:13:37,590 probably go with that. 238 00:13:47,380 --> 00:13:50,330 It sometimes goes by the name of good continuation. 239 00:13:50,330 --> 00:13:53,880 It's one of a variety of so- called grouping rules that 240 00:13:53,880 --> 00:13:58,070 were developed first by the Gestalt psychologists starting 241 00:13:58,070 --> 00:14:02,950 in the early part of the twentieth century, and they're 242 00:14:02,950 --> 00:14:10,110 really rules for figuring out how bits of the scene might 243 00:14:10,110 --> 00:14:12,260 hang together. 244 00:14:12,260 --> 00:14:17,230 You can see a similar sort of process going on here. 245 00:14:17,230 --> 00:14:19,800 You can see that as three isolated line segments, but 246 00:14:19,800 --> 00:14:21,120 you probably don't. 247 00:14:21,120 --> 00:14:26,060 You see that as a curvy lines that occluded, right? 248 00:14:26,060 --> 00:14:28,590 If I suddenly reveal this, you don't go, ooh. 249 00:14:28,590 --> 00:14:31,170 Amazing! 250 00:14:31,170 --> 00:14:33,210 Kind of what I thought was there. 251 00:14:33,210 --> 00:14:37,530 That's also highly rule governed. 252 00:14:40,040 --> 00:14:50,950 If you've got a line segment and you've got another line 253 00:14:50,950 --> 00:14:55,090 segment, you're perfectly happy to see this one and this 254 00:14:55,090 --> 00:14:56,340 one is connected. 255 00:14:59,870 --> 00:15:00,550 Well how about this. 256 00:15:00,550 --> 00:15:01,870 This will do. 257 00:15:01,870 --> 00:15:04,450 If I put one up here. 258 00:15:04,450 --> 00:15:06,810 All the more if I erase the stuff in between. 259 00:15:11,470 --> 00:15:13,590 That, you're less likely to see as connected. 260 00:15:13,590 --> 00:15:16,880 Now why are you less likely to see that as connected? 261 00:15:16,880 --> 00:15:22,840 The rule turns out to be, that if I can connect two lines 262 00:15:22,840 --> 00:15:29,500 with a smooth curve, I'm in business. 263 00:15:29,500 --> 00:15:30,900 I'll be willing to see those as connected. 264 00:15:30,900 --> 00:15:33,320 But, if I have to put an inflection in it to make it 265 00:15:33,320 --> 00:15:36,440 work, then it doesn't look as convincing. 266 00:15:36,440 --> 00:15:39,190 I mean it's not that I deny the possibility this could 267 00:15:39,190 --> 00:15:46,560 ever connect with that, but if I give people a bunch of 268 00:15:46,560 --> 00:15:52,880 stimuli like this, and ask good connection or a bad 269 00:15:52,880 --> 00:15:54,040 connection? 270 00:15:54,040 --> 00:15:57,390 The good connections are the ones that can be done can with 271 00:15:57,390 --> 00:15:58,650 a single smooth curve. 272 00:15:58,650 --> 00:15:59,570 That can't quite. 273 00:15:59,570 --> 00:16:00,790 I think you probably have to get an 274 00:16:00,790 --> 00:16:02,550 inflection in there somewhere. 275 00:16:02,550 --> 00:16:07,130 And if you have to inflict the curve, it fails. 276 00:16:07,130 --> 00:16:13,170 People report it as looking less convincingly continuous. 277 00:16:13,170 --> 00:16:16,260 All right, it's voting times here. 278 00:16:16,260 --> 00:16:19,050 Here we've got a whole bunch isolated guys, but they do 279 00:16:19,050 --> 00:16:21,780 seem to have something to do with each other. 280 00:16:21,780 --> 00:16:26,400 If you had to pick, this being organized by columns or rows, 281 00:16:26,400 --> 00:16:28,980 how many vote for columns? 282 00:16:28,980 --> 00:16:31,420 How many vote for rows? 283 00:16:31,420 --> 00:16:33,410 Ain't much to chose, right? 284 00:16:33,410 --> 00:16:38,180 But, if I do this, OK, how many vote for columns? 285 00:16:38,180 --> 00:16:40,300 How many vote for rows? 286 00:16:40,300 --> 00:16:42,230 So, we've now skewed it very heavily in the 287 00:16:42,230 --> 00:16:44,190 direction of columns. 288 00:16:44,190 --> 00:16:46,100 And, all that I've done is change the 289 00:16:46,100 --> 00:16:49,170 proximity of elements. 290 00:16:49,170 --> 00:16:55,270 Once the distance from one item to the next item in a 291 00:16:55,270 --> 00:16:59,030 vertical direction is closer than to the items in the 292 00:16:59,030 --> 00:17:04,870 horizontal direction, it's another one just these gestalt 293 00:17:04,870 --> 00:17:08,590 grouping rules of proximity takes over, and says, well, 294 00:17:08,590 --> 00:17:11,940 all else being equal, if I had to guess who goes with who, 295 00:17:11,940 --> 00:17:13,640 the guys that are close to each other. 296 00:17:13,640 --> 00:17:17,670 They probably go with each other. 297 00:17:17,670 --> 00:17:21,430 Multiple rules operate at the same time, so I'll keep the 298 00:17:21,430 --> 00:17:24,590 proximity rule working here. 299 00:17:24,590 --> 00:17:28,940 Now, if you have to vote, how many vote for columns? 300 00:17:28,940 --> 00:17:30,570 How many votes for rows? 301 00:17:30,570 --> 00:17:34,040 So now, I've skewed it very heavily in the direction of 302 00:17:34,040 --> 00:17:40,000 rows, even though the proximity rule, is still going 303 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:40,460 for columns. 304 00:17:40,460 --> 00:17:43,000 Those things are closer to each other in a vertical 305 00:17:43,000 --> 00:17:44,390 direction that horizontal. 306 00:17:44,390 --> 00:17:48,880 In this case, the similarity is trumping that. 307 00:17:48,880 --> 00:17:51,300 You can balance these off against each other. 308 00:17:51,300 --> 00:17:54,220 How similar to does it need to be to compensate for a two to 309 00:17:54,220 --> 00:17:59,200 one difference in distance for instance or something like 310 00:17:59,200 --> 00:18:01,970 that, but the important point here is, that what you're 311 00:18:01,970 --> 00:18:04,170 trying to do. 312 00:18:04,170 --> 00:18:07,880 These are, you know, demonstration versions of 313 00:18:07,880 --> 00:18:10,220 presumably what you're doing all the time. 314 00:18:10,220 --> 00:18:20,340 I'm looking out there, and I'm seeing regions of redness. 315 00:18:20,340 --> 00:18:24,430 I see sort of disconnected regions of redness, but I'm 316 00:18:24,430 --> 00:18:26,890 guessing, they're all part of her top. 317 00:18:26,890 --> 00:18:32,080 It's your top there. 318 00:18:32,080 --> 00:18:33,460 It's you. 319 00:18:33,460 --> 00:18:34,160 No, not her. 320 00:18:34,160 --> 00:18:36,890 That's pink, you're wearing. 321 00:18:36,890 --> 00:18:37,900 The woman behind you. 322 00:18:37,900 --> 00:18:40,190 Well, the woman next to you is also red. 323 00:18:40,190 --> 00:18:49,030 But, in this case, you can see the role of proximity here. 324 00:18:49,030 --> 00:18:51,450 So, the similarity thing is telling me, all those red 325 00:18:51,450 --> 00:18:54,040 things are tied together, and I'm making it into sort of one 326 00:18:54,040 --> 00:18:55,160 piece of clothing. 327 00:18:55,160 --> 00:19:00,340 The proximity thing is saying, well I don't think her red 328 00:19:00,340 --> 00:19:03,490 top, and her red top are the same red top. 329 00:19:03,490 --> 00:19:05,160 That would be a very weird assumption. 330 00:19:05,160 --> 00:19:08,070 On the other hand, the guy she's sitting next to is also 331 00:19:08,070 --> 00:19:09,290 wearing red. 332 00:19:09,290 --> 00:19:12,340 So maybe they're just wearing one garment. 333 00:19:12,340 --> 00:19:13,670 No. 334 00:19:13,670 --> 00:19:14,620 I'm probably not going to come up with 335 00:19:14,620 --> 00:19:15,530 that assumption either. 336 00:19:15,530 --> 00:19:21,960 But what my visual system is doing, is continuously trying 337 00:19:21,960 --> 00:19:29,840 to cut the world up into meaningful chunks, that are 338 00:19:29,840 --> 00:19:33,170 going to be worth subsequent analysis. 339 00:19:33,170 --> 00:19:36,690 I don't want to go off and analyze every little pixel in 340 00:19:36,690 --> 00:19:37,170 this scene. 341 00:19:37,170 --> 00:19:40,950 I don't have the brain power to do that. 342 00:19:40,950 --> 00:19:43,420 I want to have meaningful chunks that are worth 343 00:19:43,420 --> 00:19:46,000 analyzing, so here I might decide to the meaningful 344 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:48,170 chunks were the rows. 345 00:19:48,170 --> 00:19:49,910 They are a something or other. 346 00:19:52,450 --> 00:19:53,700 OK. 347 00:19:57,630 --> 00:19:59,530 There's a couple of reasons why you need to do this 348 00:19:59,530 --> 00:20:06,870 grouping business over little elements in the world. 349 00:20:06,870 --> 00:20:07,450 One of them-- 350 00:20:07,450 --> 00:20:10,260 I was sort of cartooning over here-- which is that early in 351 00:20:10,260 --> 00:20:13,120 the visual system, the chunks of the brain that are looking 352 00:20:13,120 --> 00:20:15,540 at it bits of the world are only looking at very teeny 353 00:20:15,540 --> 00:20:17,940 bits, and you're going to have to tie those together. 354 00:20:17,940 --> 00:20:22,770 The other reason, is that out in the world, contours don't 355 00:20:22,770 --> 00:20:24,260 behave well. 356 00:20:24,260 --> 00:20:27,750 They tend to do awkward things like disappear on you. 357 00:20:27,750 --> 00:20:31,010 And you don't want to get the idea that these are-- 358 00:20:39,330 --> 00:20:43,050 if I've got a contour like that, if for some reason bits 359 00:20:43,050 --> 00:20:46,430 of it are deleted, maybe because there's an occluder, 360 00:20:46,430 --> 00:20:48,900 or maybe because something just bad happened in the 361 00:20:48,900 --> 00:20:52,950 image, you don't want to lose this whole structure, because 362 00:20:52,950 --> 00:20:55,880 bits of it have been deleted. 363 00:20:55,880 --> 00:21:00,880 So you have a lot clever mechanisms designed to help 364 00:21:00,880 --> 00:21:05,150 you find where the edges are of things out 365 00:21:05,150 --> 00:21:07,870 there in the scene. 366 00:21:07,870 --> 00:21:10,300 And, putting the bits of edges together into a 367 00:21:10,300 --> 00:21:11,440 long coherent one. 368 00:21:11,440 --> 00:21:13,290 If you play with Photoshop, you can go and 369 00:21:13,290 --> 00:21:14,300 find the edges I think. 370 00:21:14,300 --> 00:21:17,520 Isn't there like a find edges filter, or something? 371 00:21:17,520 --> 00:21:19,080 So, try that sometime. 372 00:21:19,080 --> 00:21:28,110 Do find edges on an image of, say, a person, and you'll see 373 00:21:28,110 --> 00:21:30,940 that it comes up with a lot of edges that you recognize as 374 00:21:30,940 --> 00:21:33,050 being related to this person, but its fragmented 375 00:21:33,050 --> 00:21:34,150 all over the place. 376 00:21:34,150 --> 00:21:38,490 And, in fact, getting your computer to figure out which 377 00:21:38,490 --> 00:21:43,420 bits go with each other is a tricky piece of work. 378 00:21:43,420 --> 00:21:44,790 It's tricky for you too. 379 00:21:44,790 --> 00:21:46,470 You just don't know that it's tricky, because, it 380 00:21:46,470 --> 00:21:47,250 works all the time. 381 00:21:47,250 --> 00:21:47,680 All right. 382 00:21:47,680 --> 00:21:53,110 So, this beautifully boring stimulus is there, because you 383 00:21:53,110 --> 00:21:59,390 see this beautiful vertical contour, right? 384 00:21:59,390 --> 00:22:02,110 Now, all I'm going to do, I'm going to leave it there, but 385 00:22:02,110 --> 00:22:05,340 I'm going to put a new background on it. 386 00:22:05,340 --> 00:22:07,280 Isn't that lovely? 387 00:22:07,280 --> 00:22:08,830 Why is that interesting? 388 00:22:08,830 --> 00:22:12,960 Well, among the reasons it is interesting, is because it's 389 00:22:12,960 --> 00:22:15,430 the same gray stuff that was there before. 390 00:22:15,430 --> 00:22:18,190 So, the top of that bar, and the bottom of that bar are 391 00:22:18,190 --> 00:22:20,410 still identical. 392 00:22:20,410 --> 00:22:24,710 All four of those little rectangles are all identical. 393 00:22:24,710 --> 00:22:27,490 Even though they no longer look identical. 394 00:22:27,490 --> 00:22:30,000 Because what the system is doing, is-- 395 00:22:30,000 --> 00:22:31,870 actually can I do this? 396 00:22:31,870 --> 00:22:33,820 I forget what I programmed. 397 00:22:33,820 --> 00:22:35,320 Oh, there we go. 398 00:22:35,320 --> 00:22:38,180 little key's going to turn into that one. 399 00:22:38,180 --> 00:22:40,500 Isn't that fun? 400 00:22:40,500 --> 00:22:41,690 Get back there. 401 00:22:41,690 --> 00:22:43,010 There we go. 402 00:22:43,010 --> 00:22:46,600 -- but my real point -- so what that is, is a 403 00:22:46,600 --> 00:22:49,350 simultaneous contrast affect, by the way. 404 00:22:49,350 --> 00:22:53,890 This square looks bright, because it's surrounded by 405 00:22:53,890 --> 00:22:55,230 darker stuff. 406 00:22:55,230 --> 00:22:57,840 That square looks dark, because it's surrounded by 407 00:22:57,840 --> 00:22:58,960 brighter stuff. 408 00:22:58,960 --> 00:23:03,410 And even though this bar is continuous with it's gray 409 00:23:03,410 --> 00:23:08,140 level from bottom to top, it picks up it's apparent 410 00:23:08,140 --> 00:23:11,170 brightness from the 411 00:23:11,170 --> 00:23:13,190 immediately surrounding contours. 412 00:23:13,190 --> 00:23:17,710 The interesting aspect of this from the point of view of 413 00:23:17,710 --> 00:23:25,600 understanding were edges are, is that if the bar is brighter 414 00:23:25,600 --> 00:23:29,440 than the background here, and darker than the background up 415 00:23:29,440 --> 00:23:33,820 there, there must be a place in the middle where it's gone. 416 00:23:33,820 --> 00:23:35,220 Where there is no contour. 417 00:23:35,220 --> 00:23:36,470 But you don't see that. 418 00:23:39,980 --> 00:23:45,740 I was too busy making this little thing move, and I 419 00:23:45,740 --> 00:23:46,540 forgot to do that. 420 00:23:46,540 --> 00:23:47,630 Oh well. 421 00:23:47,630 --> 00:23:50,340 It's not a small region. 422 00:23:50,340 --> 00:23:53,170 There's a fairly sizable region of that middle there 423 00:23:53,170 --> 00:23:56,870 where there is no physical contour. 424 00:23:56,870 --> 00:23:58,890 But you fill it in. 425 00:23:58,890 --> 00:24:05,240 You know, in some fashion, that contour is there. 426 00:24:05,240 --> 00:24:07,280 That's called a subjective contour, where you're 427 00:24:07,280 --> 00:24:12,260 completing a contour that doesn't have any real support 428 00:24:12,260 --> 00:24:12,820 in the image. 429 00:24:12,820 --> 00:24:15,360 That's the piece that your Photoshop filter will have a 430 00:24:15,360 --> 00:24:17,360 hard time doing, by the way. 431 00:24:17,360 --> 00:24:24,370 Oh, we can also do a second order affect here, 432 00:24:24,370 --> 00:24:25,270 that's kind of -- 433 00:24:25,270 --> 00:24:26,980 well, no, we'll do that later. 434 00:24:26,980 --> 00:24:27,050 Oh. 435 00:24:27,050 --> 00:24:27,480 Come on. 436 00:24:27,480 --> 00:24:28,100 Go away. 437 00:24:28,100 --> 00:24:31,630 You've moved often enough. 438 00:24:31,630 --> 00:24:32,850 OK. 439 00:24:32,850 --> 00:24:34,440 Let's continue the same point here. 440 00:24:34,440 --> 00:24:37,390 All right, everybody sees this rectangle, right? 441 00:24:37,390 --> 00:24:43,980 And what are those black things? 442 00:24:46,830 --> 00:24:47,750 Three quarter circles. 443 00:24:47,750 --> 00:24:47,950 Yes. 444 00:24:47,950 --> 00:24:50,370 The literalists figured out that these are Pacmen or three 445 00:24:50,370 --> 00:24:52,880 quarter circles, or something like that, but you didn't 446 00:24:52,880 --> 00:24:54,090 really see that when it came up. 447 00:24:54,090 --> 00:24:56,770 You said, oh that's a rectangle sitting on top of 448 00:24:56,770 --> 00:25:01,190 four circles of some variety, and, in fact, you still see it 449 00:25:01,190 --> 00:25:04,800 as a rectangle sitting on top of four circles. 450 00:25:04,800 --> 00:25:08,270 In fact, you're probably reasonably convinced that you 451 00:25:08,270 --> 00:25:09,540 can see the contour. 452 00:25:12,750 --> 00:25:13,590 That's weird. 453 00:25:13,590 --> 00:25:15,490 I'm reasonably convinced that there's an interesting 454 00:25:15,490 --> 00:25:19,070 artifact on the screen that's creating contours. 455 00:25:19,070 --> 00:25:20,170 I don't know what that's about. 456 00:25:20,170 --> 00:25:21,170 It looks better over there. 457 00:25:21,170 --> 00:25:24,740 It looks less bogus over there. 458 00:25:24,740 --> 00:25:26,740 You can probably see the whole rectangle. 459 00:25:26,740 --> 00:25:31,350 The white on white borders are not there. 460 00:25:31,350 --> 00:25:34,480 There's simply is no physical contour there. 461 00:25:34,480 --> 00:25:36,090 There may be here, because the project's 462 00:25:36,090 --> 00:25:38,140 doing something mutant. 463 00:25:38,140 --> 00:25:41,380 But, there's certainly no contour there, even though the 464 00:25:41,380 --> 00:25:44,400 rectangle at the center looks somewhat brighter. 465 00:25:44,400 --> 00:25:48,580 Again, what you're doing is, making a guess about what is 466 00:25:48,580 --> 00:25:52,720 it that actually created that image that's landing on my 467 00:25:52,720 --> 00:25:53,700 retina now? 468 00:25:53,700 --> 00:25:57,840 It could be a little conference of pac-people. 469 00:25:57,840 --> 00:26:01,010 Four little three quarter circles that got together to 470 00:26:01,010 --> 00:26:02,210 talk to each other. 471 00:26:02,210 --> 00:26:05,810 But that doesn't seem the most likely possibility. 472 00:26:05,810 --> 00:26:10,320 What seems more likely here, is that it's a white rectangle 473 00:26:10,320 --> 00:26:16,250 sitting on top of four black circles. 474 00:26:16,250 --> 00:26:21,040 And you end up completing that contour. 475 00:26:21,040 --> 00:26:23,620 Or this circle for that matter. 476 00:26:23,620 --> 00:26:26,710 What are you doing here? 477 00:26:26,710 --> 00:26:33,320 You don't need to have fancy computer graphics to do this. 478 00:26:33,320 --> 00:26:37,500 One of the advantages of the material in this particular 479 00:26:37,500 --> 00:26:44,460 lecture is that it provides great material for doodling in 480 00:26:44,460 --> 00:26:47,460 other lectures. 481 00:26:47,460 --> 00:26:49,420 So, if you like subjective contours, you 482 00:26:49,420 --> 00:26:50,690 can make your own. 483 00:26:53,320 --> 00:27:00,510 And, so how's that look? 484 00:27:00,510 --> 00:27:04,320 Got a subjective contour there? 485 00:27:04,320 --> 00:27:05,760 It's not perfectly circular. 486 00:27:05,760 --> 00:27:07,300 That's OK. 487 00:27:07,300 --> 00:27:11,370 But what seems to happen is that you generate a hypothesis 488 00:27:11,370 --> 00:27:15,710 that says, the whole problem I got here, is contours don't 489 00:27:15,710 --> 00:27:17,610 just end in the world, they tend to continue. 490 00:27:17,610 --> 00:27:21,640 Well, if this guy's continuing, well, what 491 00:27:21,640 --> 00:27:22,350 happened here? 492 00:27:22,350 --> 00:27:22,530 Well. 493 00:27:22,530 --> 00:27:26,540 Maybe it ran into another edge, it's being hidden. 494 00:27:26,540 --> 00:27:29,160 All else being equal, it probably ran into an edge 495 00:27:29,160 --> 00:27:31,510 that's orthogonal to the direction it's going, let's 496 00:27:31,510 --> 00:27:33,970 guess that. 497 00:27:33,970 --> 00:27:36,310 And, if we guess a whole bunch of little orthogonal edges, 498 00:27:36,310 --> 00:27:40,030 we're back to that earlier demonstration with a bunch of 499 00:27:40,030 --> 00:27:41,160 little line segments. 500 00:27:41,160 --> 00:27:43,930 I can tie those little bits together. 501 00:27:43,930 --> 00:27:46,320 They make a kind of a circle thing. 502 00:27:46,320 --> 00:27:50,970 So I end up seeing that imaginary circle. 503 00:27:50,970 --> 00:27:53,350 And, in fact, I'm going to start filling in the contour 504 00:27:53,350 --> 00:27:55,280 all the way around. 505 00:27:55,280 --> 00:27:58,360 That suggests, by the way, that if I was to tilt all 506 00:27:58,360 --> 00:28:04,690 these lines a little bit off of straight radial, so that 507 00:28:04,690 --> 00:28:08,880 the virtual line segment was not forming a nice, neat 508 00:28:08,880 --> 00:28:12,110 circle, that the impression of a subjective 509 00:28:12,110 --> 00:28:13,410 circle would get weaker. 510 00:28:13,410 --> 00:28:15,920 And you can decide whether or not that's true here. 511 00:28:15,920 --> 00:28:18,600 So, see this circle? 512 00:28:18,600 --> 00:28:25,920 Now, the question is, we'll give you three choices here. 513 00:28:25,920 --> 00:28:27,630 Stronger, weaker or about the same? 514 00:28:27,630 --> 00:28:29,440 How vote that this one is stronger than 515 00:28:29,440 --> 00:28:31,490 the previous one? 516 00:28:31,490 --> 00:28:34,380 How many vote for just about the same? 517 00:28:34,380 --> 00:28:36,830 How many vote for weaker? 518 00:28:36,830 --> 00:28:38,695 Just about the same. 519 00:28:38,695 --> 00:28:39,680 That's a boring demo. 520 00:28:39,680 --> 00:28:43,260 I'll have to change that next year. 521 00:28:43,260 --> 00:28:44,850 Because, it didn't work well enough. 522 00:28:47,510 --> 00:28:50,000 OK. 523 00:28:50,000 --> 00:28:53,060 Another example. 524 00:28:53,060 --> 00:28:57,030 If your following along on the notes, we have now gotten to 525 00:28:57,030 --> 00:28:59,690 the so-called Craik-O'Brien-Cornsweet 526 00:28:59,690 --> 00:29:05,980 illusion, named after Craik, O'Brien and Cornsweet. suites. 527 00:29:05,980 --> 00:29:14,470 We're continuing the edge business, but, now, what I 528 00:29:14,470 --> 00:29:17,880 want to do is tie that into that topic that I mentioned 529 00:29:17,880 --> 00:29:23,970 early in the lecture, about how it is that, what you're 530 00:29:23,970 --> 00:29:26,550 interested in is things the surface properties in the 531 00:29:26,550 --> 00:29:28,960 world, and you're not interested in lighting. 532 00:29:28,960 --> 00:29:31,170 Lighting is very boring. 533 00:29:31,170 --> 00:29:33,610 So, what do you see here? 534 00:29:36,890 --> 00:29:46,000 Some bold soul described this complicated image, boy, slow 535 00:29:46,000 --> 00:29:50,750 group, gray thing. 536 00:29:50,750 --> 00:29:52,000 Two gray things. 537 00:29:56,600 --> 00:29:57,540 One is darker. 538 00:29:57,540 --> 00:30:01,800 Oh boy, I'm going to bring my pliers next time. 539 00:30:01,800 --> 00:30:02,740 This is like pulling teeth. 540 00:30:02,740 --> 00:30:03,630 Yes. 541 00:30:03,630 --> 00:30:09,023 AUDIENCE: It's like the top of the pyramid, and there's 542 00:30:09,023 --> 00:30:11,880 shading on the other side. 543 00:30:11,880 --> 00:30:12,580 PROFESSOR: Oh. 544 00:30:12,580 --> 00:30:13,070 Yeah. 545 00:30:13,070 --> 00:30:15,580 Ok, so the light's coming from the left, or something. 546 00:30:15,580 --> 00:30:16,020 OK. 547 00:30:16,020 --> 00:30:16,220 Yeah. 548 00:30:16,220 --> 00:30:20,680 That's a complicated inference about these. 549 00:30:20,680 --> 00:30:20,970 OK. 550 00:30:20,970 --> 00:30:25,440 But what you don't particularly see, is this. 551 00:30:25,440 --> 00:30:30,110 If I take the edge out, if I take that edge away from the 552 00:30:30,110 --> 00:30:32,300 middle here, what you discover is the whole 553 00:30:32,300 --> 00:30:35,970 thing is the same gray. 554 00:30:35,970 --> 00:30:40,180 That's not obvious. 555 00:30:40,180 --> 00:30:43,370 If you were to draw the luminance profile, drag a 556 00:30:43,370 --> 00:30:47,370 photo detector across this thing, what you would get is 557 00:30:47,370 --> 00:30:49,050 something like. 558 00:30:49,050 --> 00:30:49,930 Which side is bright? 559 00:30:49,930 --> 00:30:50,190 OK. 560 00:30:50,190 --> 00:30:50,980 That side bright. 561 00:30:50,980 --> 00:30:55,790 So it rises, then drops across the edge, and then 562 00:30:55,790 --> 00:30:58,540 rises back like that. 563 00:30:58,540 --> 00:31:02,140 So, that if you take out the actual edge, it's 564 00:31:02,140 --> 00:31:05,040 equal on the two sides. 565 00:31:05,040 --> 00:31:07,110 So, that's kind of weird. 566 00:31:07,110 --> 00:31:14,750 Why does it look like, now, they didn't believe me. 567 00:31:14,750 --> 00:31:17,820 They thought I was doing something evil here. 568 00:31:23,130 --> 00:31:23,600 Here we go. 569 00:31:23,600 --> 00:31:23,830 Look. 570 00:31:23,830 --> 00:31:27,210 That's why I had this thing slowly sneak up, so you could, 571 00:31:27,210 --> 00:31:32,490 well, semi slowly, fast-ly sneak up. 572 00:31:32,490 --> 00:31:37,190 What's going on here is that the visual system knows 573 00:31:37,190 --> 00:31:40,490 something about edges and about lighting. 574 00:31:40,490 --> 00:31:46,050 Edges in the world tend to be fairly abrupt. 575 00:31:46,050 --> 00:31:50,150 Lightning changes, so it's bright here, and dimmer over 576 00:31:50,150 --> 00:31:55,570 here, lighting changes tend to be fairly gradual. 577 00:31:55,570 --> 00:31:59,770 So, if what I'm interested in is seeing what's on the 578 00:31:59,770 --> 00:32:08,220 surface, as opposed to seeing the product of boring light 579 00:32:08,220 --> 00:32:09,980 and shade variations. 580 00:32:09,980 --> 00:32:18,510 What I might want to do is to look for abrupt changes, and 581 00:32:18,510 --> 00:32:21,790 to, in effect, suppress gradual changes. 582 00:32:21,790 --> 00:32:24,160 And that's what's going on here. 583 00:32:27,380 --> 00:32:31,200 We might as well do an entertaining second order 584 00:32:31,200 --> 00:32:32,650 effect here. 585 00:32:35,730 --> 00:32:38,050 Remember that negative after image thing? 586 00:32:38,050 --> 00:32:42,100 You know, look at red, you see green, and stuff like that? 587 00:32:42,100 --> 00:32:44,900 What I should be able to do here, is produce a negative 588 00:32:44,900 --> 00:32:50,926 version of this affect, where you'll end up seeing this side 589 00:32:50,926 --> 00:32:54,030 is dark and this side is light, even though I'm not 590 00:32:54,030 --> 00:32:57,990 going to change anything over here, over here. 591 00:32:57,990 --> 00:33:02,110 Stare at that center line, right. 592 00:33:02,110 --> 00:33:05,870 Stare rigorously at the center line, and keep staring. 593 00:33:05,870 --> 00:33:13,760 And then when I do that, so, this is two illusions 594 00:33:13,760 --> 00:33:15,380 concentrates on top of that. 595 00:33:15,380 --> 00:33:18,250 Do it again, was that? 596 00:33:18,250 --> 00:33:18,680 All right. 597 00:33:18,680 --> 00:33:25,740 For the people incapable of following instructions the 598 00:33:25,740 --> 00:33:27,510 first time, try it again. 599 00:33:27,510 --> 00:33:35,050 So stare at the center and hold your fixation there. 600 00:33:35,050 --> 00:33:37,550 Actually, people who got it the first time, keep staring 601 00:33:37,550 --> 00:33:39,440 at the center, but the people who got it the first time, can 602 00:33:39,440 --> 00:33:41,440 try something tricky-er which is move your fixation, a 603 00:33:41,440 --> 00:33:44,460 little bit, and you'll change the proportion that looks 604 00:33:44,460 --> 00:33:45,710 light or dark. 605 00:33:49,240 --> 00:33:51,770 Isn't that fun? 606 00:33:51,770 --> 00:33:54,070 You should understand why that works. 607 00:33:54,070 --> 00:33:57,400 If you don't, write yourself a little note on your paper 608 00:33:57,400 --> 00:34:02,020 saying I don't understand why that works and figure it out. 609 00:34:02,020 --> 00:34:02,620 All right. 610 00:34:02,620 --> 00:34:05,540 So the important thing is that what you're trying to do here, 611 00:34:05,540 --> 00:34:09,280 is you're trying to get rid of information about the light. 612 00:34:09,280 --> 00:34:11,670 You don't care about the light levels. 613 00:34:11,670 --> 00:34:13,790 What you care about is what's going on in the world. 614 00:34:13,790 --> 00:34:17,370 Now Ted Adelson in the brain and cogs department here has 615 00:34:17,370 --> 00:34:20,430 exploited this fact brilliantly in a variety of 616 00:34:20,430 --> 00:34:22,580 gorgeous demos. 617 00:34:22,580 --> 00:34:24,660 One of which is this. 618 00:34:24,660 --> 00:34:28,390 It is extremely difficult, even if you've seen this 619 00:34:28,390 --> 00:34:32,600 before, to convince yourself that the gray levels of A and 620 00:34:32,600 --> 00:34:34,610 B are identical. 621 00:34:34,610 --> 00:34:35,980 Which they are. 622 00:34:35,980 --> 00:34:38,650 In fact, it's so difficult that even if I stick a bar 623 00:34:38,650 --> 00:34:42,560 across it that's clearly the same thing, it's still kind of 624 00:34:42,560 --> 00:34:45,450 hard to see that as identical. 625 00:34:45,450 --> 00:34:48,760 Your brain wants to do all sorts of things to deny that 626 00:34:48,760 --> 00:34:51,070 possibility. 627 00:34:51,070 --> 00:34:52,820 What's going on here? 628 00:34:52,820 --> 00:34:56,660 What's going on is that virtual cylinder is casting a 629 00:34:56,660 --> 00:35:02,130 virtual shadow, that you are busy discounting. 630 00:35:02,130 --> 00:35:05,290 You're saying, I don't care about the shadow. 631 00:35:05,290 --> 00:35:07,370 There's a checker board. 632 00:35:07,370 --> 00:35:08,410 I know about checker boards. 633 00:35:08,410 --> 00:35:11,030 Checker boards to go dark square, light square. 634 00:35:11,030 --> 00:35:12,290 I can figure this out. 635 00:35:12,290 --> 00:35:14,460 That means B is a light square, because it's 636 00:35:14,460 --> 00:35:18,050 surrounded by dark squares, and A is dark square because 637 00:35:18,050 --> 00:35:20,370 it's surrounded by light squares. 638 00:35:20,370 --> 00:35:26,050 And, it's a particularly lovely example of, among other 639 00:35:26,050 --> 00:35:31,580 things, this ability to get rid of information about the 640 00:35:31,580 --> 00:35:32,400 illumination. 641 00:35:32,400 --> 00:35:35,270 This isn't to say that what you do is somehow just run 642 00:35:35,270 --> 00:35:37,890 some sort of, throw away the light source information, and 643 00:35:37,890 --> 00:35:41,660 don't do anything with it. 644 00:35:41,660 --> 00:35:42,910 Get back there. 645 00:35:45,230 --> 00:35:46,220 What's it say? 646 00:35:46,220 --> 00:35:47,470 Cow. 647 00:35:49,760 --> 00:35:53,200 There's only white and black on that screen. 648 00:35:53,200 --> 00:35:59,480 Look at the C and ask where that contour is coming from. 649 00:35:59,480 --> 00:36:03,640 That contour, particularly the outside of that C, has 650 00:36:03,640 --> 00:36:06,970 extremely little support in the image. 651 00:36:06,970 --> 00:36:09,900 What you are doing is making an inference. 652 00:36:09,900 --> 00:36:12,650 This time, you're using the shadow information. 653 00:36:12,650 --> 00:36:16,120 You don't want to see the shadow. 654 00:36:16,120 --> 00:36:18,990 How many people see it not only as cow, also as an 655 00:36:18,990 --> 00:36:22,540 embossed word cow, sticking out a little bit? 656 00:36:22,540 --> 00:36:25,210 The reason you're seeing the cow at all, is you're assuming 657 00:36:25,210 --> 00:36:27,130 that those black things are shadows. 658 00:36:27,130 --> 00:36:30,100 If those black things are shadows, it follows the light 659 00:36:30,100 --> 00:36:31,810 is coming from the upper left. 660 00:36:31,810 --> 00:36:35,030 If the light is coming from the upper left, well, we can 661 00:36:35,030 --> 00:36:41,280 go and figure out what shape object must have been 662 00:36:41,280 --> 00:36:46,560 producing those shadows, and the answer spells cow. 663 00:36:46,560 --> 00:36:48,990 But, if you were to take a look at the C, 664 00:36:48,990 --> 00:36:50,560 is about the clearest. 665 00:36:50,560 --> 00:36:53,090 Well, I don't know, the O is pretty good too, and so the W, 666 00:36:53,090 --> 00:36:53,920 for that matter. 667 00:36:53,920 --> 00:36:56,740 Anyway, looking any of those guys, and look at the shapes 668 00:36:56,740 --> 00:37:00,040 of the black bits, which is the only thing that stands out 669 00:37:00,040 --> 00:37:01,070 from the background, of course. 670 00:37:01,070 --> 00:37:02,900 There's nothing else there, except the black bits on a 671 00:37:02,900 --> 00:37:04,450 white background. 672 00:37:04,450 --> 00:37:11,150 None of those bits say C or O or W. It's a construction 673 00:37:11,150 --> 00:37:14,930 based on the assumption that the black bits are shadows. 674 00:37:14,930 --> 00:37:20,310 You use that sort of information all the time to do 675 00:37:20,310 --> 00:37:22,660 things like see faces. 676 00:37:22,660 --> 00:37:24,990 These are so called Mooney faces, named 677 00:37:24,990 --> 00:37:26,950 after a guy named Mooney. 678 00:37:30,640 --> 00:37:36,370 You can tell me a lot about the curvature of these faces, 679 00:37:36,370 --> 00:37:39,610 even though, again, there's nothing on the screen except 680 00:37:39,610 --> 00:37:42,140 for black regions and white regions. 681 00:37:42,140 --> 00:37:47,040 None of which are, themselves, particularly faced shape. 682 00:37:47,040 --> 00:37:49,060 I mean look at the eye. 683 00:37:49,060 --> 00:37:51,860 Are any of those eyes actually shaped -- look at the guy on 684 00:37:51,860 --> 00:37:53,070 the right-- 685 00:37:53,070 --> 00:37:58,720 I mean his eye, he's only got one apparently, that eye looks 686 00:37:58,720 --> 00:38:03,180 like, I don't know, a mutant bunny or something. 687 00:38:03,180 --> 00:38:10,810 If I just presented the eye piece on the on the guy on the 688 00:38:10,810 --> 00:38:14,160 right, that black glob that's defining his eye, if I just 689 00:38:14,160 --> 00:38:16,970 presented that in isolation, nobody would 690 00:38:16,970 --> 00:38:18,430 say, oh yeah, sure. 691 00:38:18,430 --> 00:38:20,180 That's an eye. 692 00:38:20,180 --> 00:38:23,350 You'd all be saying dalmatian dog before, mutant bunny this 693 00:38:23,350 --> 00:38:25,670 time, or something. 694 00:38:25,670 --> 00:38:32,230 And, it relies on these assumptions about shadow, is 695 00:38:32,230 --> 00:38:33,640 what is what you're doing here. 696 00:38:36,510 --> 00:38:40,730 It survives inversion reasonably well. 697 00:38:40,730 --> 00:38:46,630 But, those don't look like faces very much. 698 00:38:46,630 --> 00:38:50,050 What went wrong? 699 00:38:50,050 --> 00:38:53,690 You might think, I know that shadows aren't red and blue. 700 00:38:53,690 --> 00:38:55,110 But that's actually not the problem. 701 00:38:55,110 --> 00:38:57,170 Here they look pretty good, right. 702 00:38:57,170 --> 00:39:02,780 Those faces look ok, but these faces look lousy. 703 00:39:02,780 --> 00:39:04,230 Why do they look lousy? 704 00:39:07,590 --> 00:39:08,850 Somebody raise a hand, or something, 705 00:39:08,850 --> 00:39:09,650 yeah there's a theory. 706 00:39:09,650 --> 00:39:11,280 AUDIENCE: The shadows are lighte than the [INAUDIBLE] 707 00:39:11,280 --> 00:39:13,760 PROFESSOR: Yes, if you make the shadow regions lighter 708 00:39:13,760 --> 00:39:16,990 than the lit regions, the brain says, 709 00:39:16,990 --> 00:39:19,080 that's not a shadow. 710 00:39:19,080 --> 00:39:20,590 I don't care about shadows. 711 00:39:20,590 --> 00:39:24,190 I don't want to see shadows as entities in their own right 712 00:39:24,190 --> 00:39:25,720 particularly, most of the time. 713 00:39:25,720 --> 00:39:27,980 But I'll tell you one thing I know about shadows. 714 00:39:27,980 --> 00:39:30,130 Shadows are darker than the other stuff. 715 00:39:30,130 --> 00:39:31,400 If the shadows are lighter than the other 716 00:39:31,400 --> 00:39:33,480 stuff, it's not shadow. 717 00:39:33,480 --> 00:39:37,430 It's something else, and something weird. 718 00:39:37,430 --> 00:39:38,740 So this doesn't work. 719 00:39:38,740 --> 00:39:39,800 But that works. 720 00:39:39,800 --> 00:39:42,030 Oh, I suppose the fact that it said on this one, shadow must 721 00:39:42,030 --> 00:39:44,040 be darker, might have tipped some people off. 722 00:39:47,090 --> 00:39:48,020 OK. 723 00:39:48,020 --> 00:39:50,070 Let's see here. 724 00:39:50,070 --> 00:39:54,620 I think what I will do -- this makes it very natural break 725 00:39:54,620 --> 00:39:57,970 point -- where it says Mooney face and we'll go on to this 726 00:39:57,970 --> 00:40:00,280 question about making the best guess you can make in the 727 00:40:00,280 --> 00:40:03,570 context of going from 2D to 3D. 728 00:40:03,570 --> 00:40:08,790 D But before we go on to that, let's us lets take our brief, 729 00:40:08,790 --> 00:40:11,260 stretch your limbs kind of break, here. 730 00:42:03,370 --> 00:42:03,970 OK. 731 00:42:03,970 --> 00:42:07,490 Let us gather back together here. 732 00:42:11,830 --> 00:42:14,460 By the way, it looks like it's getting to be that time in the 733 00:42:14,460 --> 00:42:24,550 term, where people are abusing their natural sleep mechanism 734 00:42:24,550 --> 00:42:27,860 that I will talk about later on in the term. 735 00:42:27,860 --> 00:42:33,200 But looking around at this crowd, I would say that you're 736 00:42:33,200 --> 00:42:39,200 not getting the seven to eight you need. 737 00:42:39,200 --> 00:42:47,610 Or, if you are, maybe you really need ten and you're 738 00:42:47,610 --> 00:42:49,900 catching the extra to 2 here. 739 00:42:57,390 --> 00:43:01,720 I've been talking about sort of little, almost like atomic 740 00:43:01,720 --> 00:43:05,320 small scale examples, of these sort of 741 00:43:05,320 --> 00:43:06,840 inferences that you make. 742 00:43:06,840 --> 00:43:10,840 And, now what I want to do, is sort of head for the larger 743 00:43:10,840 --> 00:43:12,530 picture of how you make an inference 744 00:43:12,530 --> 00:43:14,630 about the whole scene. 745 00:43:14,630 --> 00:43:19,960 I'm not going to get all the way there, and there are many 746 00:43:19,960 --> 00:43:21,440 realm I could talk about this in. 747 00:43:21,440 --> 00:43:24,270 So I'm going to talk about it in one restricted area, which 748 00:43:24,270 --> 00:43:29,600 is this question of going from a 2D image to 3D inferences 749 00:43:29,600 --> 00:43:30,710 about the world. 750 00:43:30,710 --> 00:43:35,770 Something that you do automatically, all the time. 751 00:43:35,770 --> 00:43:38,000 I want to explain a bit about how you do it. 752 00:43:38,000 --> 00:43:42,070 You will see, on your hand out, this is very useless, 753 00:43:42,070 --> 00:43:45,600 blank region, that says one two, three, four, five. 754 00:43:45,600 --> 00:43:48,070 I'm going to go through a series of depth cues. 755 00:43:48,070 --> 00:43:50,970 Probably more than five of them. 756 00:43:50,970 --> 00:43:52,890 And, that's what's supposed to go in there. 757 00:43:52,890 --> 00:43:56,000 They're all lots of different sources of information that 758 00:43:56,000 --> 00:44:03,170 you use to go from the 2D world to the 3D world, many of 759 00:44:03,170 --> 00:44:06,050 them seen here in this lovely piece of renaissance art that 760 00:44:06,050 --> 00:44:07,900 we will come up back to. 761 00:44:07,900 --> 00:44:11,360 But, here's a much more boring piece of art. 762 00:44:11,360 --> 00:44:12,610 What do you see? 763 00:44:15,530 --> 00:44:16,900 Circle, square and a diamond. 764 00:44:16,900 --> 00:44:19,310 And, then there's the clever person, who's trying to figure 765 00:44:19,310 --> 00:44:21,030 out, I've describe them as pac-man 766 00:44:21,030 --> 00:44:22,540 before, but these aren't. 767 00:44:22,540 --> 00:44:25,310 But, you see a circle, square, and a diamond. 768 00:44:25,310 --> 00:44:29,100 You don't have any serious difficulty inferring that -- 769 00:44:29,100 --> 00:44:30,860 triangle, sorry. 770 00:44:30,860 --> 00:44:33,050 You don't see this. 771 00:44:33,050 --> 00:44:37,240 For present purposes, the important point here is, you 772 00:44:37,240 --> 00:44:41,190 can also tell me their depth order. 773 00:44:41,190 --> 00:44:44,400 It's in some sense so obvious that you never think about it, 774 00:44:44,400 --> 00:44:49,710 but it's a very important source of information about 775 00:44:49,710 --> 00:44:54,040 depth order, that you get simply because you know that 776 00:44:54,040 --> 00:44:55,950 solid object occlude each other. 777 00:44:55,950 --> 00:44:59,850 So you firmly believe that I am standing 778 00:44:59,850 --> 00:45:02,000 in front the screen. 779 00:45:02,000 --> 00:45:05,130 I could had, well no, I couldn't have, it'd be 780 00:45:05,130 --> 00:45:09,520 theoretically possible that I had suddenly cut a cunningly 781 00:45:09,520 --> 00:45:16,050 wolf shaped hole in the screen and I'm A, very large, and B, 782 00:45:16,050 --> 00:45:20,350 standing over towards east campus somewhere. 783 00:45:20,350 --> 00:45:23,920 And, you're looking at me through this set of holes. 784 00:45:23,920 --> 00:45:27,910 No. 785 00:45:27,910 --> 00:45:32,080 You automatically leap to the assumption that if A looks 786 00:45:32,080 --> 00:45:37,040 like it's occluding B, A in front of B. 787 00:45:37,040 --> 00:45:38,210 Ah, my bunnies. 788 00:45:38,210 --> 00:45:39,340 I don't know what happened to them. 789 00:45:39,340 --> 00:45:40,540 They got kind of pixellated. 790 00:45:40,540 --> 00:45:50,780 But, all right, which bunnies are closer to you? 791 00:45:50,780 --> 00:45:53,530 The big bunnies are closer to you. 792 00:45:53,530 --> 00:45:54,030 Right. 793 00:45:54,030 --> 00:45:56,170 Why do you think the big bunnies are closer to you? 794 00:45:56,170 --> 00:45:58,690 Because, you're making an inference that bunnies are 795 00:45:58,690 --> 00:46:01,810 roughly bunny sized. 796 00:46:01,810 --> 00:46:07,370 And, in the same way, I'm currently making the 797 00:46:07,370 --> 00:46:11,370 assumption that you guys are all more or less people sized. 798 00:46:11,370 --> 00:46:14,400 If I did not make that assumption, I would come to 799 00:46:14,400 --> 00:46:18,030 some very odd inferences about the current view that I'm 800 00:46:18,030 --> 00:46:19,050 looking at. 801 00:46:19,050 --> 00:46:22,890 So, the people in the front row -- there's a person in the 802 00:46:22,890 --> 00:46:26,560 front row -- her head is about two degrees of visual angle. 803 00:46:26,560 --> 00:46:31,840 Remember 360 degrees around my head each degree it's about my 804 00:46:31,840 --> 00:46:34,540 thumb, so her head takes up about two degrees. 805 00:46:34,540 --> 00:46:38,840 And, let's see, there's this guy in the cheap seats back 806 00:46:38,840 --> 00:46:44,020 there, his head is only about half a degree. 807 00:46:44,020 --> 00:46:48,020 I could make the assumption that he's a pinhead. 808 00:46:48,020 --> 00:46:49,910 A guy with a real small had sitting out the 809 00:46:49,910 --> 00:46:51,530 deep back out there. 810 00:46:51,530 --> 00:46:53,190 Well actually, I wouldn't make the assumption that he was 811 00:46:53,190 --> 00:46:54,170 sitting in the back. 812 00:46:54,170 --> 00:46:57,780 He's a pin head sitting at the same distance as large head 813 00:46:57,780 --> 00:47:00,820 woman here in the front. 814 00:47:00,820 --> 00:47:02,340 But that's dumb. 815 00:47:02,340 --> 00:47:02,640 Right? 816 00:47:02,640 --> 00:47:04,510 Your visual system knows that's dumb. 817 00:47:04,510 --> 00:47:05,940 Your visual system knows people are 818 00:47:05,940 --> 00:47:06,870 roughly people's sized. 819 00:47:06,870 --> 00:47:09,660 Not exactly people sized, but roughly people sized, and if I 820 00:47:09,660 --> 00:47:11,890 see a bunch of small things there and a bunch of big 821 00:47:11,890 --> 00:47:15,200 things here, odds are that this is closer than that. 822 00:47:15,200 --> 00:47:18,320 And that's part of what's giving me my current inference 823 00:47:18,320 --> 00:47:21,430 that I'm looking at a tilted plane of people in purple 824 00:47:21,430 --> 00:47:25,940 seats is this information about size. 825 00:47:25,940 --> 00:47:28,820 If I organize the bunnies the way you guys are organized, I 826 00:47:28,820 --> 00:47:31,500 got a much clearer sensation of depth from 827 00:47:31,500 --> 00:47:32,990 this texture radiant. 828 00:47:32,990 --> 00:47:36,560 So, now you should be able to see sort of tilted rabbit 829 00:47:36,560 --> 00:47:38,140 plane, right? 830 00:47:38,140 --> 00:47:40,330 Even though you know objectively, it's just sitting 831 00:47:40,330 --> 00:47:42,280 flat on the screen, it looks tilted. 832 00:47:42,280 --> 00:47:43,830 Is that a hand up there? 833 00:47:43,830 --> 00:47:45,080 That was a hand. 834 00:47:54,860 --> 00:47:56,860 Sorry I missed that. 835 00:47:56,860 --> 00:47:57,720 My previous image. 836 00:47:57,720 --> 00:48:00,458 We can do that. 837 00:48:00,458 --> 00:48:01,708 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 838 00:48:07,430 --> 00:48:07,760 PROFESSOR: Yeah. 839 00:48:07,760 --> 00:48:09,380 That's another possibility. 840 00:48:09,380 --> 00:48:13,280 It could would be that. 841 00:48:13,280 --> 00:48:18,450 And, in fact, it is, just a flat image. 842 00:48:18,450 --> 00:48:20,200 And you actually sound like you're getting a sort of a 843 00:48:20,200 --> 00:48:24,830 hybrid of a tilted plane with bunnies of a range of sizes. 844 00:48:24,830 --> 00:48:28,140 Actually, we can see that combination here. 845 00:48:28,140 --> 00:48:31,810 So, we got a whole bunch of big bunnies, 846 00:48:31,810 --> 00:48:36,720 and two little bunnies. 847 00:48:36,720 --> 00:48:41,560 Which is the smallest bunny in this display? 848 00:48:41,560 --> 00:48:43,890 The bottom right bunny, right? 849 00:48:43,890 --> 00:48:47,420 These guys are identical in size. 850 00:48:47,420 --> 00:48:48,850 It's a very minimal display. 851 00:48:48,850 --> 00:48:51,100 There's a much more vivid version of this illusion in 852 00:48:51,100 --> 00:48:53,260 the book as I recall. 853 00:48:53,260 --> 00:48:58,070 It's a very minimal version of the illusion. 854 00:48:58,070 --> 00:49:03,984 Because you assume, if you are -- 855 00:49:08,700 --> 00:49:09,620 All right. 856 00:49:09,620 --> 00:49:12,520 So I still can't draw. -- 857 00:49:12,520 --> 00:49:16,770 If I'm looking at two bunnies, if I'm looking at a ground 858 00:49:16,770 --> 00:49:26,300 plane, closer is also lower in the visual field. 859 00:49:26,300 --> 00:49:28,660 So, you make an automatic assumption that was what was 860 00:49:28,660 --> 00:49:32,050 giving this woman that notion of a fairly tilted plane in 861 00:49:32,050 --> 00:49:34,160 the first bunny example. 862 00:49:34,160 --> 00:49:38,200 You make the assumption that the bottom of the image is 863 00:49:38,200 --> 00:49:40,730 closer to you then the top of the image. 864 00:49:40,730 --> 00:49:42,390 Well, if the bottom of the image -- 865 00:49:42,390 --> 00:49:45,260 let's go a back here-- 866 00:49:45,260 --> 00:49:52,050 if the bottom of the image is closer then the top, and these 867 00:49:52,050 --> 00:49:55,820 two bunny images are the same size, if this guy's closer, it 868 00:49:55,820 --> 00:49:57,290 must be really small. 869 00:50:00,000 --> 00:50:03,530 Suppose I took the guy from the back row here. 870 00:50:03,530 --> 00:50:08,050 His whole upper body fills sort of the top joint of my 871 00:50:08,050 --> 00:50:09,900 thumb in visual angle terms. 872 00:50:09,900 --> 00:50:13,970 If I moved that image to the front, and sat him in a seat 873 00:50:13,970 --> 00:50:18,330 here, he would be about the size of this 874 00:50:18,330 --> 00:50:20,280 woman's upper arms. 875 00:50:20,280 --> 00:50:23,160 And, I would think, that's a really small guy. 876 00:50:25,850 --> 00:50:29,360 She could wear him on her --instead of wearing your 877 00:50:29,360 --> 00:50:31,610 heart on your sleeve, you could wear the whole guy on 878 00:50:31,610 --> 00:50:35,260 your sleeve. 879 00:50:35,260 --> 00:50:36,600 So, that's what's going on here. 880 00:50:36,600 --> 00:50:40,590 You're making the assumption that small bunny one is closer 881 00:50:40,590 --> 00:50:41,990 than small bunny two. 882 00:50:41,990 --> 00:50:43,710 They're the same image size. 883 00:50:43,710 --> 00:50:46,490 You therefore infer that out in the world, this must be a 884 00:50:46,490 --> 00:50:49,090 really small bunny, and that one is just a 885 00:50:49,090 --> 00:50:50,310 reasonably small bunny. 886 00:50:50,310 --> 00:50:54,680 Now the bunny part turns out to be not that critical. 887 00:50:54,680 --> 00:51:00,200 Here you can also see a nice plane going off into the 888 00:51:00,200 --> 00:51:04,290 distance with objects that are clearly not meaningful. 889 00:51:04,290 --> 00:51:04,750 Right. 890 00:51:04,750 --> 00:51:06,590 Big stuff, front and low. 891 00:51:06,590 --> 00:51:13,390 Small stuff high in the image and, you simply infer this is 892 00:51:13,390 --> 00:51:16,530 close, and stuff up there is far, and you get a nice 893 00:51:16,530 --> 00:51:19,250 impression of a tilted plane. 894 00:51:21,910 --> 00:51:28,060 This is one of the cues that is interestingly variable 895 00:51:28,060 --> 00:51:29,640 depending on where you're from. 896 00:51:33,330 --> 00:51:36,690 The atmosphere scatters light, particularly water in the 897 00:51:36,690 --> 00:51:39,740 atmosphere scatters light, that's why the sky is blue. 898 00:51:39,740 --> 00:51:42,650 The result is that objects that are far away tend to be 899 00:51:42,650 --> 00:51:44,600 both hazier and bluer. 900 00:51:44,600 --> 00:51:49,000 Something that you can see in all sorts of works of art. 901 00:51:49,000 --> 00:51:51,810 Go to the museum, you can see artists take advantage of this 902 00:51:51,810 --> 00:51:54,050 right, left and center. 903 00:51:54,050 --> 00:51:59,420 And, you can probably get even in my pathetically reduced 904 00:51:59,420 --> 00:52:00,190 version of it. 905 00:52:00,190 --> 00:52:02,830 You probably get a sensation of depth here that 906 00:52:02,830 --> 00:52:04,770 you don't get here. 907 00:52:04,770 --> 00:52:07,740 The geographic aspect of it, -- 908 00:52:07,740 --> 00:52:09,870 anybody here from Arizona? 909 00:52:09,870 --> 00:52:12,020 Doesn't work well in Arizona. 910 00:52:12,020 --> 00:52:16,610 I know this because I went to a meeting in Tucson and it was 911 00:52:16,610 --> 00:52:19,450 boring, so I went out for a walk, and I saw this hill, and 912 00:52:19,450 --> 00:52:22,640 I said to the guy who was at the street corner with me, how 913 00:52:22,640 --> 00:52:25,690 long would it take me to walk to that hill? 914 00:52:25,690 --> 00:52:29,770 And he said, three days, four days? 915 00:52:32,520 --> 00:52:37,670 It's like 50 miles away and it's like 6000 feet high. 916 00:52:37,670 --> 00:52:41,380 But it was extremely crisp. 917 00:52:41,380 --> 00:52:44,010 And, there's no water in Arizona. 918 00:52:44,010 --> 00:52:45,650 I don't know why people live there. 919 00:52:45,650 --> 00:52:47,000 It's like hot all the time. 920 00:52:47,000 --> 00:52:48,960 And there's no water. 921 00:52:48,960 --> 00:52:54,410 But anyway, aerial perspective cues don't work, so not only 922 00:52:54,410 --> 00:52:58,520 are you thirsty, put your short one depth cue. 923 00:52:58,520 --> 00:53:01,380 Anyway, this works much better in a humid setting that in a 924 00:53:01,380 --> 00:53:04,110 non humid setting, but the point is that 925 00:53:04,110 --> 00:53:07,290 again you know about-- 926 00:53:07,290 --> 00:53:09,780 this is your visual system making use of the physics of 927 00:53:09,780 --> 00:53:12,510 the situation in order to infer something about the 928 00:53:12,510 --> 00:53:13,810 depth of the situation. 929 00:53:16,660 --> 00:53:20,440 You also know about the geometry of the world. 930 00:53:20,440 --> 00:53:25,050 So, this is an extremely limited picture. 931 00:53:25,050 --> 00:53:30,410 If I say, this is a highway going off to infinity 932 00:53:30,410 --> 00:53:34,725 somewhere in Arizona, or something like that, that's 933 00:53:34,725 --> 00:53:36,260 not a great picture. 934 00:53:36,260 --> 00:53:37,380 But you can believe that. 935 00:53:37,380 --> 00:53:43,190 Because you know implicitly that parallel lines in the 936 00:53:43,190 --> 00:53:47,820 world, if they're in depth, will look like they are 937 00:53:47,820 --> 00:53:51,010 converging towards a vanishing point somewhere. 938 00:53:51,010 --> 00:53:54,680 Now it is sometimes claimed that this is known as linear 939 00:53:54,680 --> 00:53:59,620 perspective, that linear perspective was discovered by 940 00:53:59,620 --> 00:54:02,100 artists during the renaissance. 941 00:54:02,100 --> 00:54:03,460 That's only sort of true. 942 00:54:03,460 --> 00:54:06,100 What happened in the renaissance, was that they 943 00:54:06,100 --> 00:54:10,260 made this knowledge explicit, and became able to use it for 944 00:54:10,260 --> 00:54:13,020 instance to make their art works. 945 00:54:13,020 --> 00:54:18,240 But, your cat and your lizard and stuff know about linear 946 00:54:18,240 --> 00:54:19,000 perspective. 947 00:54:19,000 --> 00:54:20,380 They just know it implicitly. 948 00:54:20,380 --> 00:54:26,270 The same way they knew about arial perspective and size 949 00:54:26,270 --> 00:54:29,220 clues and occlusion cues, and things like that. 950 00:54:29,220 --> 00:54:33,880 It wasn't that we woke up one day in Renaissance, Italy and 951 00:54:33,880 --> 00:54:36,690 suddenly we could use this depth cue. 952 00:54:36,690 --> 00:54:41,360 What we figured out was how to paint with this depth cue. 953 00:54:41,360 --> 00:54:43,070 And you could do all sorts of amusing things 954 00:54:43,070 --> 00:54:44,230 with the depth cue. 955 00:54:44,230 --> 00:54:46,920 So, for instance. 956 00:54:46,920 --> 00:54:49,280 Lines look more or less the same size, right. 957 00:54:54,940 --> 00:54:58,360 Let me see if I can change that here. 958 00:55:13,710 --> 00:55:14,310 All right. 959 00:55:14,310 --> 00:55:21,290 Even though we're using crude materials, let's do a forced 960 00:55:21,290 --> 00:55:23,210 choice vote here. 961 00:55:23,210 --> 00:55:26,280 If you know they're at the same size, so it's boring to 962 00:55:26,280 --> 00:55:27,470 ask if they're the same size. 963 00:55:27,470 --> 00:55:31,790 But if you had to vote bigger or smaller, how many people 964 00:55:31,790 --> 00:55:36,470 would vote that the bottom line now looks bigger? 965 00:55:36,470 --> 00:55:39,960 How many would vote that the bottom line now look smaller. 966 00:55:39,960 --> 00:55:43,240 Well, I guess that worked, cheap chalk and all. 967 00:55:43,240 --> 00:55:49,090 This is an illusion known as the Ponzo illusion. 968 00:55:49,090 --> 00:55:53,200 There are a number of ways to account for it, but one of the 969 00:55:53,200 --> 00:55:56,980 intuitively appealing ones, at least, is to say, what this is 970 00:55:56,980 --> 00:56:00,670 doing, even though you're not particularly seeing it as a 971 00:56:00,670 --> 00:56:03,130 depth cue, is it's telling the chunks of your brain that are 972 00:56:03,130 --> 00:56:09,040 trying to figure out 3D, I see these two converging lines. 973 00:56:09,040 --> 00:56:11,250 If they're parallel lines in the world, they must be going 974 00:56:11,250 --> 00:56:12,210 off into depth. 975 00:56:12,210 --> 00:56:14,810 If they're going off into depth, then this thing is 976 00:56:14,810 --> 00:56:17,500 further away than this one. 977 00:56:17,500 --> 00:56:19,410 Well, if this one is further away, and they are the same 978 00:56:19,410 --> 00:56:21,960 size on my retina, this must be bigger. 979 00:56:21,960 --> 00:56:25,360 If that's not intuitively obvious to you, think about 980 00:56:25,360 --> 00:56:28,530 this as train tracks. 981 00:56:28,530 --> 00:56:32,040 So here are train tracks going off into the distance, and ask 982 00:56:32,040 --> 00:56:40,830 yourself, which maiden here, tied of to the tracks is in 983 00:56:40,830 --> 00:56:43,370 more distress? 984 00:56:43,370 --> 00:56:47,550 It's obvious that this must be the bigger person if we 985 00:56:47,550 --> 00:56:51,770 interpret this as train tracks going off into the distance. 986 00:56:51,770 --> 00:56:52,650 Even though we know that they're 987 00:56:52,650 --> 00:56:55,260 essentially the same size. 988 00:56:55,260 --> 00:56:58,470 You're getting the results of the inference are then 989 00:56:58,470 --> 00:57:02,580 influencing what you see. 990 00:57:02,580 --> 00:57:04,980 They are influencing other inferences that you 991 00:57:04,980 --> 00:57:08,370 make about the image. 992 00:57:08,370 --> 00:57:13,380 Now you can exploit these rules of linear perspective in 993 00:57:13,380 --> 00:57:18,250 much more elaborate fashion then that. 994 00:57:18,250 --> 00:57:24,570 And the great master of that game is Escher. 995 00:57:24,570 --> 00:57:29,560 Here is one of Escher's pictures. 996 00:57:29,560 --> 00:57:33,620 What you want to do again, I think the image looks rather 997 00:57:33,620 --> 00:57:37,600 sharper up on these sides guys, but ask yourself where 998 00:57:37,600 --> 00:57:40,480 the vanishing point is. 999 00:57:40,480 --> 00:57:44,260 So, look at the first floor of that structure. 1000 00:57:44,260 --> 00:57:46,880 And, it's pretty clear that those railings are converging 1001 00:57:46,880 --> 00:57:49,640 to a vanishing point off to the right somewhere. 1002 00:57:49,640 --> 00:57:52,060 Well, now look at the top floor. 1003 00:57:52,060 --> 00:57:54,310 That's converting to vanishing point 1004 00:57:54,310 --> 00:57:57,600 off to the left somewhere. 1005 00:57:57,600 --> 00:58:00,600 And, then when you tried it put the whole thing together, 1006 00:58:00,600 --> 00:58:03,960 you've got a structure the doesn't quite hang together 1007 00:58:03,960 --> 00:58:05,070 quite right. 1008 00:58:05,070 --> 00:58:06,720 This tells you a couple of things. 1009 00:58:06,720 --> 00:58:10,590 Thing one it tells you Escher was a very clever draftsman. 1010 00:58:10,590 --> 00:58:14,140 Thing two that it tells you is that you do a lot of these 1011 00:58:14,140 --> 00:58:18,600 calculations about perspective very locally. 1012 00:58:18,600 --> 00:58:23,800 What you do is you say, your attending, let's say, to the 1013 00:58:23,800 --> 00:58:26,740 lower floor there, and you say, yeah, this all adds up. 1014 00:58:26,740 --> 00:58:28,200 It makes sense. 1015 00:58:28,200 --> 00:58:30,410 And, then you direct your attention to the upper floor. 1016 00:58:30,410 --> 00:58:31,630 And it all adds up. 1017 00:58:31,630 --> 00:58:32,560 It makes sense. 1018 00:58:32,560 --> 00:58:35,880 It's only when you try to combine all of that across 1019 00:58:35,880 --> 00:58:38,630 whole image, that you realize that the whole image somehow 1020 00:58:38,630 --> 00:58:40,380 doesn't quite make sense. 1021 00:58:40,380 --> 00:58:43,090 And, that's how Escher can do things like, have staircases 1022 00:58:43,090 --> 00:58:48,380 that always go up, and water falls that fall apparently in 1023 00:58:48,380 --> 00:58:50,820 an infinite loop and things like that. 1024 00:58:50,820 --> 00:58:53,840 Grab yourself your favorite Escher website and or your 1025 00:58:53,840 --> 00:58:57,020 favorite Escher book, and you can watch him manipulating 1026 00:58:57,020 --> 00:58:59,400 these depth cues endlessly. 1027 00:58:59,400 --> 00:59:01,460 It's great entertainment. 1028 00:59:04,370 --> 00:59:15,030 Now what I want to do is to bring together the themes of 1029 00:59:15,030 --> 00:59:19,960 the lectures to this point in single demo. 1030 00:59:19,960 --> 00:59:23,280 At the moment, that doesn't look like much of nothing, 1031 00:59:23,280 --> 00:59:27,690 except that, well, I don't know, what does it look like? 1032 00:59:27,690 --> 00:59:28,680 Cubes. 1033 00:59:28,680 --> 00:59:29,720 All right. 1034 00:59:29,720 --> 00:59:35,180 That's interesting, because I don't see no cubes! 1035 00:59:35,180 --> 00:59:39,240 Where's that inference coming from? 1036 00:59:39,240 --> 00:59:42,390 What you're really have is a bunch of Y junctions. 1037 00:59:42,390 --> 00:59:44,100 And you know about Y junctions. 1038 00:59:44,100 --> 00:59:46,650 Those are probably corners. 1039 00:59:46,650 --> 00:59:49,140 And, they look like they might be kind of cube-y corners. 1040 00:59:49,140 --> 00:59:51,770 But, what I'm going to do is rotate each of those. 1041 00:59:56,750 --> 01:00:03,900 Now, this is cool stimulus for a variety of reasons. 1042 01:00:03,900 --> 01:00:06,380 First of all, now you're really seeing a cube. 1043 01:00:06,380 --> 01:00:07,670 Right? 1044 01:00:07,670 --> 01:00:08,610 No problem. 1045 01:00:08,610 --> 01:00:10,500 Second of all, there are two cubes. 1046 01:00:13,320 --> 01:00:17,250 There's the cube, with its face pointing. 1047 01:00:17,250 --> 01:00:18,450 Let's try this. 1048 01:00:18,450 --> 01:00:24,210 There's that face, pointing down and to the right. 1049 01:00:30,690 --> 01:00:35,510 There's that face pointing up and to the left. 1050 01:00:35,510 --> 01:00:36,270 So, you've got two cubes. 1051 01:00:36,270 --> 01:00:38,890 This is an ambigious by stable figure. 1052 01:00:38,890 --> 01:00:40,540 It's known as a Necker cube. 1053 01:00:43,530 --> 01:00:46,180 We can quickly draw one of those. 1054 01:00:49,090 --> 01:00:50,730 Endless fun for doodling again. 1055 01:00:50,730 --> 01:00:55,610 You can make yourself ambiguous figures instantly. 1056 01:00:55,610 --> 01:00:58,920 That figure by itself is known as the Necker cube after a guy 1057 01:00:58,920 --> 01:01:00,170 named Necker. 1058 01:01:02,150 --> 01:01:05,740 So, you're inferring two cubes. 1059 01:01:05,740 --> 01:01:08,120 You're inferring one of two cubes. 1060 01:01:08,120 --> 01:01:11,270 The cube isn't particularly there. 1061 01:01:11,270 --> 01:01:13,670 The black stuff -- 1062 01:01:13,670 --> 01:01:16,060 all you're seeing is the verticies of this cube-- 1063 01:01:16,060 --> 01:01:22,080 but you're still managing to infer the rest of the cube You 1064 01:01:22,080 --> 01:01:24,940 can probably see the lines of the cube in the 1065 01:01:24,940 --> 01:01:27,500 black region, right. 1066 01:01:27,500 --> 01:01:30,620 In fact, you can see the intersection, if you straight 1067 01:01:30,620 --> 01:01:34,020 up from here, you can see the intersection of two lines that 1068 01:01:34,020 --> 01:01:35,270 aren't there. 1069 01:01:39,340 --> 01:01:42,570 I can make those lines go away. 1070 01:01:42,570 --> 01:01:46,770 Now take a look at that cube, and imagine that what you're 1071 01:01:46,770 --> 01:01:50,470 looking at is a cube -- 1072 01:01:50,470 --> 01:01:54,700 sort of a wire frame cube-- that's behind a sheet of sort 1073 01:01:54,700 --> 01:01:56,040 of black swiss cheese. 1074 01:01:56,040 --> 01:01:57,950 You're looking at it through holes. 1075 01:01:57,950 --> 01:02:00,680 Can you get it to go back there? 1076 01:02:00,680 --> 01:02:03,120 If you get it to go back there, you can hold it back 1077 01:02:03,120 --> 01:02:05,910 there, you probably noticed that the subjective contours 1078 01:02:05,910 --> 01:02:08,790 pretty much disappear on you. 1079 01:02:08,790 --> 01:02:09,720 Why is that? 1080 01:02:09,720 --> 01:02:13,380 Well, if it's behind, there's no reason that you should be 1081 01:02:13,380 --> 01:02:14,620 seeing those contour. 1082 01:02:14,620 --> 01:02:15,880 They would be invisible. 1083 01:02:15,880 --> 01:02:18,580 And so the invisible contours become invisible. 1084 01:02:18,580 --> 01:02:21,610 Now if you bring the cube back in front in your perception, 1085 01:02:21,610 --> 01:02:24,600 you'll see, oh yeah, now if that cube's floating in front. 1086 01:02:24,600 --> 01:02:26,240 I ought to be able to see the whole cube. 1087 01:02:26,240 --> 01:02:28,250 And now, I can see the subjective contours. 1088 01:02:28,250 --> 01:02:34,610 So you can make the subjective contours contingent on which 1089 01:02:34,610 --> 01:02:39,160 particular interpretation you care to give to the image. 1090 01:02:39,160 --> 01:02:44,450 So, I think this illustrates very nicely the notion that 1091 01:02:44,450 --> 01:02:51,140 what you are seeing is your current hypothesis about what 1092 01:02:51,140 --> 01:02:55,760 might be generating the image on the screen. 1093 01:02:55,760 --> 01:02:58,700 Another thing that it points out, is that you are only 1094 01:02:58,700 --> 01:03:02,450 willing to entertain at limited set of hypothesis. 1095 01:03:02,450 --> 01:03:08,140 It is extremely hard to look at this and see it as however 1096 01:03:08,140 --> 01:03:08,780 many it is. 1097 01:03:08,780 --> 01:03:14,430 Eight little disks with chicken feed in them. 1098 01:03:14,430 --> 01:03:16,660 With little Y's in them of some sort. 1099 01:03:16,660 --> 01:03:18,820 It's very, very hard to see that. 1100 01:03:18,820 --> 01:03:21,810 Even though that is perfectly consistent with the image 1101 01:03:21,810 --> 01:03:22,960 hypothesis. 1102 01:03:22,960 --> 01:03:28,590 You are out there trying to make a guess about the world. 1103 01:03:28,590 --> 01:03:31,300 And, you're not willing to entertain all of them. 1104 01:03:31,300 --> 01:03:33,910 At least most of them are immediately relegated to the 1105 01:03:33,910 --> 01:03:35,910 realm of the very unlikely. 1106 01:03:38,900 --> 01:03:43,070 And, normally out in the world, what happens is that a 1107 01:03:43,070 --> 01:03:46,240 single hypothesis immediately pops to the four, 1108 01:03:46,240 --> 01:03:47,370 and you accept it. 1109 01:03:47,370 --> 01:03:49,830 In weird situations like this, you can 1110 01:03:49,830 --> 01:03:51,260 entertain a few of them. 1111 01:03:55,710 --> 01:03:58,680 You immediately narrow down the realm of possibilities to 1112 01:03:58,680 --> 01:04:01,680 a few, not to an infinity. 1113 01:04:01,680 --> 01:04:03,720 Even though there's an infinite number of possible 1114 01:04:03,720 --> 01:04:07,020 ways to generate this thing. 1115 01:04:07,020 --> 01:04:10,140 Shadows I've already shown are a depth cue. 1116 01:04:10,140 --> 01:04:14,550 The reason for putting this nice piece of renaissance art 1117 01:04:14,550 --> 01:04:17,530 up there, is to point out that, while shadows are a 1118 01:04:17,530 --> 01:04:21,320 depth cue, you're not actually terribly picky about the 1119 01:04:21,320 --> 01:04:24,520 physics of the situation. 1120 01:04:24,520 --> 01:04:26,600 At least not the global physics of the situation. 1121 01:04:26,600 --> 01:04:29,100 So where's the sun here? 1122 01:04:29,100 --> 01:04:30,840 This is an outdoor scene. 1123 01:04:30,840 --> 01:04:33,430 Where's the sun coming from? 1124 01:04:33,430 --> 01:04:36,120 Well, if you look at the people in the lower left -- 1125 01:04:36,120 --> 01:04:38,490 the people on the ground plane there -- it's pretty clear 1126 01:04:38,490 --> 01:04:41,460 that the sun must be down and to the left somewhere. 1127 01:04:41,460 --> 01:04:42,730 Right? 1128 01:04:42,730 --> 01:04:46,620 Well, look at the shadow underneath that portico. 1129 01:04:46,620 --> 01:04:51,720 Well, the sun must be up and to the right there somewhere. 1130 01:04:51,720 --> 01:04:55,860 There's no consistent source of illumination in this image, 1131 01:04:55,860 --> 01:05:00,680 but your perfectly willing to use the shadow information to 1132 01:05:00,680 --> 01:05:01,950 give you depth information. 1133 01:05:01,950 --> 01:05:04,050 It's giving it to you locally. 1134 01:05:04,050 --> 01:05:06,300 The fact that it doesn't add up globally, 1135 01:05:06,300 --> 01:05:07,430 doesn't bother you. 1136 01:05:07,430 --> 01:05:11,110 And it doesn't even bother you to the extent that it bothers 1137 01:05:11,110 --> 01:05:14,450 you in the Escher picture where the building was 1138 01:05:14,450 --> 01:05:15,370 actually impossible. 1139 01:05:15,370 --> 01:05:20,240 Here, you don't recognize the impossibility at all, unless 1140 01:05:20,240 --> 01:05:23,040 it's pointed out to you directly. 1141 01:05:23,040 --> 01:05:27,420 And, finally I should add to the list, three more than are 1142 01:05:27,420 --> 01:05:29,560 rather hard to demonstrate. 1143 01:05:29,560 --> 01:05:35,010 That are hard to put up just as Powerpoint slides. 1144 01:05:35,010 --> 01:05:38,180 When people think about depth perception, if they think 1145 01:05:38,180 --> 01:05:41,710 about depth perception, it's stereopsis binocular vision 1146 01:05:41,710 --> 01:05:44,470 that they typically think of. 1147 01:05:44,470 --> 01:05:47,770 Your two eyes are in two different places in your head 1148 01:05:47,770 --> 01:05:50,790 for most of us. 1149 01:05:50,790 --> 01:05:53,960 If you blink from eye to eye, or just cover your one eye 1150 01:05:53,960 --> 01:05:55,950 after the other, it's actually better if you hold one finger 1151 01:05:55,950 --> 01:05:58,910 out in front of you, and blink from eye to eye. 1152 01:05:58,910 --> 01:06:02,520 You'll see the image in the two eyes is not the same. 1153 01:06:02,520 --> 01:06:04,480 The difference in those two images is highly 1154 01:06:04,480 --> 01:06:06,460 geometrically regular. 1155 01:06:06,460 --> 01:06:09,530 And you make use of that regularity as a depth cue. 1156 01:06:09,530 --> 01:06:11,230 It's called binocular disparity. 1157 01:06:11,230 --> 01:06:12,490 Very useful depth cue. 1158 01:06:12,490 --> 01:06:17,480 It's what's giving you the magic eye demos that you get. 1159 01:06:17,480 --> 01:06:19,940 Those posters that if you cross your eyes just right, 1160 01:06:19,940 --> 01:06:21,200 they jump out in depth. 1161 01:06:21,200 --> 01:06:22,450 Those still around? 1162 01:06:25,590 --> 01:06:27,240 It's a very useful depth cue. 1163 01:06:27,240 --> 01:06:29,590 It's a little on the overrated side, because it's a lot of 1164 01:06:29,590 --> 01:06:31,340 fun to study. 1165 01:06:31,340 --> 01:06:34,480 People who think that binocular vision is the be all 1166 01:06:34,480 --> 01:06:39,100 and end all depth cue, should cover one eye, and ask if the 1167 01:06:39,100 --> 01:06:41,990 world suddenly looks very flat. 1168 01:06:41,990 --> 01:06:44,310 It looks a little flatter, but I can still perfectly well 1169 01:06:44,310 --> 01:06:46,460 tell who's in front of who. 1170 01:06:46,460 --> 01:06:49,590 On the other hand, if you want to see what's stereo is doing 1171 01:06:49,590 --> 01:06:53,360 for you, on a beautiful day like today, go outside, lie 1172 01:06:53,360 --> 01:06:58,000 under a tree, close one eye, and look up into the branches, 1173 01:06:58,000 --> 01:06:59,750 and try to figure out which twigs are in 1174 01:06:59,750 --> 01:07:00,660 front of other twigs. 1175 01:07:00,660 --> 01:07:02,610 You'll have very hard time doing it. 1176 01:07:02,610 --> 01:07:05,270 Open the eye, and the whole thing will jump 1177 01:07:05,270 --> 01:07:06,650 out at you in depth. 1178 01:07:06,650 --> 01:07:09,780 That's the sort of information that stereo is giving you. 1179 01:07:09,780 --> 01:07:11,480 You don't have to do it with stereo. 1180 01:07:11,480 --> 01:07:15,170 Motion parralax to jump to the bottom of that list, is a 1181 01:07:15,170 --> 01:07:20,990 similar sort of geometric clue. 1182 01:07:20,990 --> 01:07:24,700 If I'm here, and then I'm here, the image changes in a 1183 01:07:24,700 --> 01:07:26,460 geometrically regular way. 1184 01:07:26,460 --> 01:07:29,930 You guys are sliding around on my retina in such a way that 1185 01:07:29,930 --> 01:07:33,110 these guys are moving more than you guys out in the back 1186 01:07:33,110 --> 01:07:34,310 on my retina. 1187 01:07:34,310 --> 01:07:37,870 And, I know that, again implicitly, like I know linear 1188 01:07:37,870 --> 01:07:40,810 praralax and I can use that to inferred depth. 1189 01:07:40,810 --> 01:07:43,680 Try this under the tree, and you can see the same thing. 1190 01:07:43,680 --> 01:07:46,320 Close one eye, look up into the branches. 1191 01:07:46,320 --> 01:07:47,890 The branches look relatively flat. 1192 01:07:47,890 --> 01:07:50,340 Now rather than opening this eye, just move your head back 1193 01:07:50,340 --> 01:07:53,570 and forth, and the tree will jump out at you in depth. 1194 01:07:53,570 --> 01:07:55,770 Actually quite striking, you should try this sometime. 1195 01:07:55,770 --> 01:07:59,210 I don't know if anybody ever does take me up on this 1196 01:07:59,210 --> 01:07:59,990 suggestion. 1197 01:07:59,990 --> 01:08:03,940 So if you actually try it, let me know so that I know that 1198 01:08:03,940 --> 01:08:05,220 somebody actually tried it. 1199 01:08:05,220 --> 01:08:11,670 Oh and vergence is another one of these geometrical cues. 1200 01:08:11,670 --> 01:08:12,890 Hold your finger out in front of you. 1201 01:08:12,890 --> 01:08:14,600 Look at your finger. 1202 01:08:14,600 --> 01:08:18,470 Now move the finger towards you, holding it as a single 1203 01:08:18,470 --> 01:08:20,830 finger as long as you can. 1204 01:08:20,830 --> 01:08:23,790 So I can watch you go cross eyed. 1205 01:08:23,790 --> 01:08:27,570 What you are doing is converging your eyes. 1206 01:08:27,570 --> 01:08:30,380 And, if you could move your finger further out, you would 1207 01:08:30,380 --> 01:08:32,030 be diverging your eyes. 1208 01:08:32,030 --> 01:08:35,930 Well, what you can think of that as doing, is taking like 1209 01:08:35,930 --> 01:08:40,540 a pair of sticks and pointing them at the object. 1210 01:08:40,540 --> 01:08:44,520 It's your visual axis in the sense, you're pointing at the 1211 01:08:44,520 --> 01:08:46,400 object there. 1212 01:08:46,400 --> 01:08:49,510 And the angle formed by those sticks is narrower if you're 1213 01:08:49,510 --> 01:08:52,250 looking far away, then it is if you're looking close up. 1214 01:08:52,250 --> 01:08:55,720 And you have a fairly impoverished ability to use 1215 01:08:55,720 --> 01:08:57,950 that as a depth cue too. 1216 01:08:57,950 --> 01:09:01,090 If you were a chameleon you'd be much better at this. 1217 01:09:01,090 --> 01:09:05,130 Chameleons have eyes the move independently and are very 1218 01:09:05,130 --> 01:09:10,540 sensitive to the angle that their eyes are pointing. 1219 01:09:10,540 --> 01:09:15,690 And, in fact, you've seen the Animal Planet kind of videos 1220 01:09:15,690 --> 01:09:19,000 where the chameleon's tongue goes out the length of its 1221 01:09:19,000 --> 01:09:21,590 body, and it grabs a fly or something like that. 1222 01:09:21,590 --> 01:09:23,290 How does that it know where the fly is? 1223 01:09:23,290 --> 01:09:26,690 It knows by measuring the angle of its eyes. 1224 01:09:26,690 --> 01:09:27,980 How do we know that? 1225 01:09:27,980 --> 01:09:32,680 Well, we know that because, somebody went and put glasses 1226 01:09:32,680 --> 01:09:36,710 on chameleon that diverged the eye. 1227 01:09:36,710 --> 01:09:44,410 So, in order to point it's eyes at the fly, it had the 1228 01:09:44,410 --> 01:09:46,150 angle wrong, basically. 1229 01:09:46,150 --> 01:09:48,450 So, you put a fly on a popsicle stick you put the 1230 01:09:48,450 --> 01:09:51,580 glasses on the chameleon and then your film the chameleon's 1231 01:09:51,580 --> 01:09:53,720 tongue, and the chameleon keeps missing. 1232 01:09:56,320 --> 01:09:59,630 If I put those prisms on your eyes, you will adapt, and you 1233 01:09:59,630 --> 01:10:02,750 will eventually be able to catch the fly again. 1234 01:10:02,750 --> 01:10:05,010 Should you be so inclined. 1235 01:10:05,010 --> 01:10:08,910 The chameleon turns out to be a less adaptable creature than 1236 01:10:08,910 --> 01:10:11,120 you, and will not adapt. 1237 01:10:11,120 --> 01:10:14,280 You can do the same game with chickens. 1238 01:10:14,280 --> 01:10:17,340 Put a pair of prisms on your eyes to divert everything off 1239 01:10:17,340 --> 01:10:20,300 say fifteen degrees to the left, and then if I tell you 1240 01:10:20,300 --> 01:10:22,220 pick this up, you'll reach fifteen degrees 1241 01:10:22,220 --> 01:10:23,230 in the wrong direction. 1242 01:10:23,230 --> 01:10:25,050 But eventually you'll learn. 1243 01:10:25,050 --> 01:10:27,330 Put the prisms on a chicken. 1244 01:10:27,330 --> 01:10:28,750 Put some grain down. 1245 01:10:28,750 --> 01:10:30,180 Here are the grains here. 1246 01:10:30,180 --> 01:10:31,430 The chicken sees it over there. 1247 01:10:31,430 --> 01:10:32,370 Chickens pecking over there. 1248 01:10:32,370 --> 01:10:35,120 Chickens not getting any grain. 1249 01:10:35,120 --> 01:10:41,170 Chicken will do that forever and apparently not learn to 1250 01:10:41,170 --> 01:10:44,430 get it right. 1251 01:10:44,430 --> 01:10:45,190 Oh, good. 1252 01:10:45,190 --> 01:10:51,620 I left myself with enough time to talk about inferences in a 1253 01:10:51,620 --> 01:10:55,620 more global sense of combining information 1254 01:10:55,620 --> 01:10:56,730 from across the senses. 1255 01:10:56,730 --> 01:11:01,720 So, you've got this job to try to figure out what's going on, 1256 01:11:01,720 --> 01:11:04,360 I've been talking about doing that specifically with the 1257 01:11:04,360 --> 01:11:06,180 visual system. 1258 01:11:06,180 --> 01:11:11,560 But, you're collecting information from multiple 1259 01:11:11,560 --> 01:11:15,230 sources, and taking whatever the best information is, so if 1260 01:11:15,230 --> 01:11:20,140 I show you a movie, you'll get captured by the visual 1261 01:11:20,140 --> 01:11:25,350 information, and you're perfectly happy to hear the 1262 01:11:25,350 --> 01:11:29,490 words coming out of the mouth of the guy on the screen, even 1263 01:11:29,490 --> 01:11:31,910 though it's coming out of some speaker on the side. 1264 01:11:31,910 --> 01:11:34,450 And it doesn't matter if they got fancy dolby stereo or 1265 01:11:34,450 --> 01:11:35,140 something like that. 1266 01:11:35,140 --> 01:11:41,040 Use a cheap, simple speaker sitting off to the side and 1267 01:11:41,040 --> 01:11:43,380 you'll still hear it as coming out of the guy's mouth if 1268 01:11:43,380 --> 01:11:43,930 you're watching it. 1269 01:11:43,930 --> 01:11:45,140 So you're combining information 1270 01:11:45,140 --> 01:11:46,660 from multiple senses. 1271 01:11:46,660 --> 01:11:51,670 The particular example I thought I would discuss with 1272 01:11:51,670 --> 01:11:59,610 you, is the ever pleasant example of motion sickness. 1273 01:11:59,610 --> 01:12:08,830 So, when I first came to graduate school, my lab was 1274 01:12:08,830 --> 01:12:16,220 doing research for NASA on the effects of looking at large 1275 01:12:16,220 --> 01:12:18,220 fields that were rotating. 1276 01:12:18,220 --> 01:12:20,030 Sort of Omni theater stuff. 1277 01:12:20,030 --> 01:12:23,370 If you look at a whole field that's rotating counter clock 1278 01:12:23,370 --> 01:12:25,820 wise around your line of sight, you feel like you're 1279 01:12:25,820 --> 01:12:27,940 rotating clock wise. 1280 01:12:27,940 --> 01:12:31,190 Meantime guys up at Brandeis who we were collaborating 1281 01:12:31,190 --> 01:12:34,260 with, were doing the same sort of thing, but their depended 1282 01:12:34,260 --> 01:12:37,620 measure was how long it took you to throw up. 1283 01:12:37,620 --> 01:12:39,090 Fortunately, that was not my 1284 01:12:39,090 --> 01:12:42,630 introduction to graduate school. 1285 01:12:42,630 --> 01:12:47,570 But, it will make you sick. 1286 01:12:47,570 --> 01:12:49,230 I might as well collect some data here. 1287 01:12:49,230 --> 01:12:52,460 How many people have ever been motion sick here? 1288 01:12:52,460 --> 01:12:53,660 OK. 1289 01:12:53,660 --> 01:12:56,060 What made you sick? 1290 01:12:56,060 --> 01:12:56,520 Motion. 1291 01:12:56,520 --> 01:12:56,740 Yes. 1292 01:12:56,740 --> 01:12:59,840 Thank you. 1293 01:12:59,840 --> 01:13:03,890 Could were get a little more specific, while keeping within 1294 01:13:03,890 --> 01:13:06,430 the realm of good taste here? 1295 01:13:11,790 --> 01:13:12,050 Oh. 1296 01:13:12,050 --> 01:13:14,470 Reading on a bumpy bus. 1297 01:13:14,470 --> 01:13:15,940 That's one good example. 1298 01:13:15,940 --> 01:13:17,190 Anybody got another good one? 1299 01:13:39,650 --> 01:13:40,900 We'll take one more here. 1300 01:13:43,890 --> 01:13:45,130 Oh, spinning around in a circle. 1301 01:13:45,130 --> 01:13:46,760 Did you get sick while you're spinning around in circle, or 1302 01:13:46,760 --> 01:13:49,650 after you stopped? 1303 01:13:49,650 --> 01:13:50,600 After you stopped. 1304 01:13:50,600 --> 01:13:54,170 And, then when you stopped, you felt like you were 1305 01:13:54,170 --> 01:13:56,660 spinning around in the other direction. 1306 01:13:56,660 --> 01:13:58,740 So when you're spinning yourself around in the circle, 1307 01:13:58,740 --> 01:14:02,980 -- you have, in your inner ears, these tubes filled with 1308 01:14:02,980 --> 01:14:11,320 fluid, -- and quick drawing here, quick bit of vestibular 1309 01:14:11,320 --> 01:14:14,980 physiology --need a nice fat piece of chalk -- 1310 01:14:14,980 --> 01:14:21,970 oh, it's yellow -- 1311 01:14:21,970 --> 01:14:26,820 you've got these tubes inside your ears that are filled with 1312 01:14:26,820 --> 01:14:34,400 a fluid, and inside a little space in 1313 01:14:34,400 --> 01:14:37,110 there, are these hairs. 1314 01:14:37,110 --> 01:14:39,350 If you bend the hairs, it sends a signal off to your 1315 01:14:39,350 --> 01:14:42,080 brain, that's the transducer to the equivalent of the photo 1316 01:14:42,080 --> 01:14:43,410 receptors from the eyes. 1317 01:14:50,250 --> 01:14:53,370 You can imagine taking a bucket and starting to move, 1318 01:14:53,370 --> 01:14:54,950 the fluid stays behind for a little 1319 01:14:54,950 --> 01:14:56,480 while, and sloshes around. 1320 01:14:56,480 --> 01:14:59,070 That's why its hard to carry buckets of liquid around if 1321 01:14:59,070 --> 01:14:59,940 they are too full. 1322 01:14:59,940 --> 01:15:03,110 So if you rotate your head, the fluid tends to stay put. 1323 01:15:03,110 --> 01:15:07,550 And, it moves over the hairs bending them and telling you 1324 01:15:07,550 --> 01:15:08,400 that you move your head. 1325 01:15:08,400 --> 01:15:10,750 That's what's telling you about this sort of motion. 1326 01:15:10,750 --> 01:15:14,730 Well, you spin around for awhile, and the fluid in here 1327 01:15:14,730 --> 01:15:17,530 eventually catches up with you and starts moving. 1328 01:15:17,530 --> 01:15:19,250 Then you stop. 1329 01:15:19,250 --> 01:15:24,830 And the fluid keeps going, and you say, oh no. 1330 01:15:24,830 --> 01:15:27,430 The other way you can do this, by the way-- so it's very 1331 01:15:27,430 --> 01:15:30,670 carefully calibrated system, turns out that alcohol is 1332 01:15:30,670 --> 01:15:34,720 lighter then this fluid. 1333 01:15:34,720 --> 01:15:38,350 If you drink, the reason you get dizzy, it's not because 1334 01:15:38,350 --> 01:15:41,120 you pickled your brain, which is also true, but because 1335 01:15:41,120 --> 01:15:44,520 you've dilute it this fluid with alcohol and this stuff is 1336 01:15:44,520 --> 01:15:45,600 uncalibrated. 1337 01:15:45,600 --> 01:15:48,510 And, now, you move your head a little, and the 1338 01:15:48,510 --> 01:15:49,800 brain, says, oh, man. 1339 01:15:49,800 --> 01:15:51,240 We just moved a lot. 1340 01:15:51,240 --> 01:15:52,490 Don't move that head. 1341 01:15:57,080 --> 01:16:00,590 What she was pointing out, is that what turns out to be the 1342 01:16:00,590 --> 01:16:06,610 great stimulus for making yourself motion sick, is a 1343 01:16:06,610 --> 01:16:11,690 mismatch between the information that in particular 1344 01:16:11,690 --> 01:16:16,280 this vesticular system, this balance system, and your eyes 1345 01:16:16,280 --> 01:16:16,880 are giving you. 1346 01:16:16,880 --> 01:16:22,510 So the example given here of reading on the bus is a 1347 01:16:22,510 --> 01:16:24,030 marvelous example. 1348 01:16:24,030 --> 01:16:28,680 Because what you're doing, in order to read, you're holding 1349 01:16:28,680 --> 01:16:30,410 this thing so it's a relatively 1350 01:16:30,410 --> 01:16:31,900 stable visual stimulus. 1351 01:16:31,900 --> 01:16:34,330 Nothing's happening here. 1352 01:16:34,330 --> 01:16:36,340 But your vestibular system is saying 1353 01:16:36,340 --> 01:16:37,840 [? bumbidingdibingdaeda-- ?] 1354 01:16:37,840 --> 01:16:39,510 lots of stuff is happening. 1355 01:16:39,510 --> 01:16:43,960 And your digestive system is busy saying [? Blech. ?] 1356 01:16:43,960 --> 01:16:46,080 Same thing happens on a plane, right? 1357 01:16:46,080 --> 01:16:51,100 The problem on a plane is that when the plane bounces up and 1358 01:16:51,100 --> 01:16:53,330 down, I mean short of catastrophic bouncing up and 1359 01:16:53,330 --> 01:16:55,480 down, when a plane hits turbulence and it's bouncing 1360 01:16:55,480 --> 01:16:58,760 up and down, what do you see? 1361 01:16:58,760 --> 01:17:00,450 Nothing. 1362 01:17:00,450 --> 01:17:01,360 Right. 1363 01:17:01,360 --> 01:17:02,940 There's nothing happening visually. 1364 01:17:02,940 --> 01:17:03,710 What do you feel? 1365 01:17:03,710 --> 01:17:06,010 You feel [? bompitdumitbomp. ?] 1366 01:17:06,010 --> 01:17:07,260 and you know, [? bloop. ?] 1367 01:17:09,540 --> 01:17:14,280 And, the interesting question is why'd you get sick? 1368 01:17:14,280 --> 01:17:18,310 It's fine to say that the mismatch of visual and 1369 01:17:18,310 --> 01:17:22,410 vestibular information turns out to be nauseating. 1370 01:17:22,410 --> 01:17:25,000 But, why should it make you sick? 1371 01:17:25,000 --> 01:17:29,410 The answer is, it's another inference. 1372 01:17:29,410 --> 01:17:31,700 So, the next question then is what's the inference? 1373 01:17:31,700 --> 01:17:32,990 What are you guessing? 1374 01:17:36,210 --> 01:17:39,140 You're guessing that the airline food was lousy. 1375 01:17:39,140 --> 01:17:40,960 Yeah. 1376 01:17:40,960 --> 01:17:42,910 Yeah, you're guessing that you were poisoned. 1377 01:17:42,910 --> 01:17:44,620 Why you guessing that you were poisoned? 1378 01:17:47,780 --> 01:17:50,710 It's the mismatch that's critical. 1379 01:17:50,710 --> 01:17:56,330 If you just make your vision strange, I could show you 1380 01:17:56,330 --> 01:17:59,010 weird stuff you hadn't seen before, and you 1381 01:17:59,010 --> 01:18:01,590 wouldn't throw up. 1382 01:18:01,590 --> 01:18:05,250 And, I can also bounce you around, and until I do fairly 1383 01:18:05,250 --> 01:18:07,410 dramatic stuff, you won't throw up. 1384 01:18:07,410 --> 01:18:11,950 But, if I mismatch what your visual system is telling you 1385 01:18:11,950 --> 01:18:15,660 about your body, and what your vestibular system is telling 1386 01:18:15,660 --> 01:18:20,020 you, what this is,is a protection of sorts against 1387 01:18:20,020 --> 01:18:21,800 neuro-toxins. 1388 01:18:21,800 --> 01:18:23,030 How do poisons work? 1389 01:18:23,030 --> 01:18:27,080 Well some of them work by attacking your nervous system. 1390 01:18:27,080 --> 01:18:28,960 Lot of work by attack your nervous system. 1391 01:18:28,960 --> 01:18:33,330 How are you, the owner of the nervous system, going to know, 1392 01:18:33,330 --> 01:18:37,770 you're going to think, I can't integrate anymore. 1393 01:18:40,780 --> 01:18:43,780 I can no longer remember that I love my mother. 1394 01:18:43,780 --> 01:18:46,460 The sorts of things that immediately present themselves 1395 01:18:46,460 --> 01:18:50,950 to you as you are being poisoned, are, your senses are 1396 01:18:50,950 --> 01:18:56,140 coming unglued from each other, and so if your eyes are 1397 01:18:56,140 --> 01:18:59,540 saying, bong-de-bong bong, and your vestibular system is 1398 01:18:59,540 --> 01:19:03,940 saying that your body infers that you have been poisoned, 1399 01:19:03,940 --> 01:19:06,860 and a useful idea, if you've been poisoned, is to get rid 1400 01:19:06,860 --> 01:19:08,850 of whatever you just ate. 1401 01:19:08,850 --> 01:19:13,370 So, why does this happen on airplanes and stuff like that? 1402 01:19:13,370 --> 01:19:17,700 You weren't built to be flying around at 30,000 feet bouncing 1403 01:19:17,700 --> 01:19:18,640 around in the clouds. 1404 01:19:18,640 --> 01:19:22,110 It just wasn't what's nature set you up to do, and so you 1405 01:19:22,110 --> 01:19:24,520 get the unfortunate situation where even though you haven't 1406 01:19:24,520 --> 01:19:27,110 been poisoned, you get sick. 1407 01:19:27,110 --> 01:19:28,530 OK. 1408 01:19:28,530 --> 01:19:29,970 Enough of that cheery topic.