1 00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:01,670 The following content is provided 2 00:00:01,670 --> 00:00:03,820 under a Creative Commons license. 3 00:00:03,820 --> 00:00:06,550 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue 4 00:00:06,550 --> 00:00:10,160 to offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,160 --> 00:00:12,700 To make a donation or to view additional materials 6 00:00:12,700 --> 00:00:16,620 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:16,620 --> 00:00:17,275 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:25,835 --> 00:00:27,210 PROFESSOR: Maybe I should go over 9 00:00:27,210 --> 00:00:29,350 real quickly what we did on Monday. 10 00:00:30,460 --> 00:00:34,540 We can start out with we covered the various parts 11 00:00:34,540 --> 00:00:39,060 of the auditory periphery-- the external, middle, 12 00:00:39,060 --> 00:00:39,935 and inner ears. 13 00:00:41,560 --> 00:00:46,430 And we had a paper on the function of the external ear 14 00:00:46,430 --> 00:00:52,040 and how it can help you localize sounds when you distort it 15 00:00:52,040 --> 00:00:56,435 by using clay molds that you can put in subjects' pinnae. 16 00:00:57,660 --> 00:00:59,930 Your sense of localization of sounds, 17 00:00:59,930 --> 00:01:04,099 especially those at different elevation, is all screwed up. 18 00:01:05,459 --> 00:01:08,140 And you can relearn because you still 19 00:01:08,140 --> 00:01:12,880 have some bends and quirky geometry in your pinnae. 20 00:01:12,880 --> 00:01:14,300 Even with a little clay in there, 21 00:01:14,300 --> 00:01:19,770 you can relearn using new clues to localize sounds 22 00:01:19,770 --> 00:01:21,880 in elevation, but it takes a little bit of time. 23 00:01:21,880 --> 00:01:25,630 So the subjects in that paper relearned 24 00:01:25,630 --> 00:01:26,870 how to localize sounds. 25 00:01:26,870 --> 00:01:28,460 Now, there are other cues that we'll 26 00:01:28,460 --> 00:01:32,060 be dealing with for localization of sounds in azimuth. 27 00:01:32,060 --> 00:01:33,945 And that's where you use two separate ears. 28 00:01:35,130 --> 00:01:38,390 For example, if a sound's off to my right, 29 00:01:38,390 --> 00:01:41,170 it's going to hit my right ear first. 30 00:01:41,170 --> 00:01:45,500 And then because sound travels at a finite velocity in air, 31 00:01:45,500 --> 00:01:47,050 it's going to hit my left ear second. 32 00:01:47,050 --> 00:01:50,310 So there's a delay between the two ears, 33 00:01:50,310 --> 00:01:55,370 and that's a primary cue for localizing in azimuth, 34 00:01:55,370 --> 00:01:56,620 in the horizontal plane. 35 00:01:58,500 --> 00:02:02,420 So one comment I had after class was 36 00:02:02,420 --> 00:02:04,860 that was a good paper on relearning 37 00:02:04,860 --> 00:02:06,790 sound localization with new ears. 38 00:02:06,790 --> 00:02:08,680 Someone came up and said they had 39 00:02:08,680 --> 00:02:10,360 read that in another discussion group. 40 00:02:10,360 --> 00:02:12,030 And I think it is a very good paper, 41 00:02:12,030 --> 00:02:14,800 because it deals with the function of the external ear. 42 00:02:14,800 --> 00:02:18,050 It deals with how you can relearn new cues. 43 00:02:18,050 --> 00:02:22,100 Let's say if when you grow up, your pinnae are getting bigger 44 00:02:22,100 --> 00:02:23,980 from being an infant to an adult. 45 00:02:23,980 --> 00:02:27,280 So you have to relearn those cues over time. 46 00:02:29,090 --> 00:02:31,590 We talked about the function of the middle ear, 47 00:02:31,590 --> 00:02:34,600 securing efficient transmission of sound energy 48 00:02:34,600 --> 00:02:37,230 from air into the fluid of the inner ear. 49 00:02:39,390 --> 00:02:44,160 And we talked about, of course, the physical characteristics 50 00:02:44,160 --> 00:02:48,890 of sound, what sound frequency is, what sound level is. 51 00:02:48,890 --> 00:02:50,770 We talked about simple sounds-- that 52 00:02:50,770 --> 00:02:52,890 is, pure tones or single frequencies. 53 00:02:53,970 --> 00:02:57,100 More complex sounds like musical sounds that 54 00:02:57,100 --> 00:03:00,890 have a bunch of frequencies, and even speech 55 00:03:00,890 --> 00:03:04,740 sounds that have a whole bunch of different frequencies 56 00:03:04,740 --> 00:03:07,180 and they're changed a little bit. 57 00:03:07,180 --> 00:03:10,180 And the change is very perceptually obvious 58 00:03:10,180 --> 00:03:14,200 in the form of changing from one vowel to another vowel. 59 00:03:15,840 --> 00:03:20,004 And so another comment I got by email, someone said, well, 60 00:03:20,004 --> 00:03:21,420 can you tell me where you're from? 61 00:03:21,420 --> 00:03:23,445 Because you have a Midwestern accent. 62 00:03:24,620 --> 00:03:27,020 OK, speaking of speech sounds. 63 00:03:27,020 --> 00:03:29,300 And that's a very interesting comment, 64 00:03:29,300 --> 00:03:33,660 because I've been in the Boston area since 1983. 65 00:03:33,660 --> 00:03:35,340 And that's 30 years. 66 00:03:35,340 --> 00:03:38,620 And I am from the Midwest. 67 00:03:38,620 --> 00:03:41,310 In fact, I brought my Midwestern clothes today. 68 00:03:41,310 --> 00:03:45,610 I got my hat and my Michigan sweatshirt 69 00:03:45,610 --> 00:03:47,890 which I got out of the rag pile. 70 00:03:47,890 --> 00:03:49,380 Or is it my Harvard sweatshirt? 71 00:03:49,380 --> 00:03:50,360 Let's see. 72 00:03:50,360 --> 00:03:53,096 It says, "Harvard, Michigan of the East." 73 00:03:53,096 --> 00:03:54,720 So I guess it's my Michigan sweatshirt. 74 00:03:54,720 --> 00:03:58,075 It's got the Michigan colors, maize and blue. 75 00:03:59,080 --> 00:04:01,540 And so I grew up in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 76 00:04:01,540 --> 00:04:04,030 I probably-- it depends on who you are, 77 00:04:04,030 --> 00:04:06,050 you have to sort of listen for it. 78 00:04:06,050 --> 00:04:09,770 According to my wife I still have it, and maybe some of you 79 00:04:09,770 --> 00:04:11,940 can hear my Midwestern twang. 80 00:04:11,940 --> 00:04:16,329 So it's an evidence that you have very good hearing 81 00:04:16,329 --> 00:04:18,640 that you can hear these different not only vowels 82 00:04:18,640 --> 00:04:19,950 but accents. 83 00:04:19,950 --> 00:04:22,860 So that's kind of interesting that I 84 00:04:22,860 --> 00:04:25,980 was reading a book just last week. 85 00:04:25,980 --> 00:04:27,530 And it's called Our Boston. 86 00:04:27,530 --> 00:04:29,840 You can get at the MIT COOP. 87 00:04:29,840 --> 00:04:35,220 And one of the chapters is on regional accents. 88 00:04:35,220 --> 00:04:38,740 And I'll do a little reading maybe 89 00:04:38,740 --> 00:04:41,630 just at the very beginning of this chapter which 90 00:04:41,630 --> 00:04:44,480 talks about regional accents and linguists. 91 00:04:44,480 --> 00:04:46,295 I'll just read you the first sentence. 92 00:04:46,295 --> 00:04:50,130 It says, "As most linguists might tell you, 93 00:04:50,130 --> 00:04:52,653 regional accents are a lot like underpants. 94 00:04:53,950 --> 00:04:59,590 Everybody has them, and usually no one notices his or her own. 95 00:04:59,590 --> 00:05:01,950 But the world would be a very different place 96 00:05:01,950 --> 00:05:03,710 in their absence." 97 00:05:03,710 --> 00:05:05,610 So that's what regional accents are. 98 00:05:08,250 --> 00:05:09,770 How many of you guys are linguists, 99 00:05:09,770 --> 00:05:10,990 or interested in linguistics? 100 00:05:12,940 --> 00:05:13,670 Just a few, OK. 101 00:05:14,870 --> 00:05:17,670 Well, of course is it's a fascinating science, 102 00:05:17,670 --> 00:05:19,650 and it intersects with the auditory world. 103 00:05:22,920 --> 00:05:26,750 So today we're going to launch into the next aspect 104 00:05:26,750 --> 00:05:29,910 of the auditory periphery which is the inner ear. 105 00:05:29,910 --> 00:05:32,820 And the inner ear, the scientific name, of course, 106 00:05:32,820 --> 00:05:36,820 is the cochlea, from the Greek snail shell. 107 00:05:36,820 --> 00:05:39,600 We're going to talk about the anatomy of the cochlea. 108 00:05:39,600 --> 00:05:40,730 This is the cochlea here. 109 00:05:44,110 --> 00:05:45,990 We're going to talk about the vibration 110 00:05:45,990 --> 00:05:47,620 patterns in the cochlea. 111 00:05:47,620 --> 00:05:49,470 Because of course, the cochlear structures 112 00:05:49,470 --> 00:05:51,385 are vibrating in response to sound. 113 00:05:52,830 --> 00:05:56,250 And the original pioneer in that area 114 00:05:56,250 --> 00:05:58,370 was of course George von Bekesy, who 115 00:05:58,370 --> 00:06:02,290 was a Hungarian physicist who worked for the telephone 116 00:06:02,290 --> 00:06:06,520 company, later came to Harvard and won the Nobel 117 00:06:06,520 --> 00:06:08,690 Prize in 1961. 118 00:06:08,690 --> 00:06:11,740 So we always put him up on the pedestal 119 00:06:11,740 --> 00:06:16,440 because he is the only winner for the hearing 120 00:06:16,440 --> 00:06:18,720 field for the Nobel Prize. 121 00:06:18,720 --> 00:06:21,470 So those in the vision system, you 122 00:06:21,470 --> 00:06:24,190 can pull out all these people who've won the Nobel Prize. 123 00:06:24,190 --> 00:06:27,140 In the auditory field, there's one winner. 124 00:06:27,140 --> 00:06:28,140 It's George von Bekesy. 125 00:06:28,140 --> 00:06:32,325 So we'll talk about his work on cochlear vibration patterns. 126 00:06:33,530 --> 00:06:35,990 Then we'll talk about the receptor cells 127 00:06:35,990 --> 00:06:40,160 for hearing, which are inner hair cells and outer hair 128 00:06:40,160 --> 00:06:40,660 cells. 129 00:06:40,660 --> 00:06:42,120 There are two types, a little bit 130 00:06:42,120 --> 00:06:44,405 like you had the rods and cones in the retina. 131 00:06:45,890 --> 00:06:49,740 But these have very different and complementary roles, 132 00:06:49,740 --> 00:06:53,200 and we'll talk about the separate functions of those two 133 00:06:53,200 --> 00:06:54,930 types of hair cells. 134 00:06:54,930 --> 00:06:57,920 We'll talk about the outer hair cell electromotility. 135 00:06:57,920 --> 00:06:59,190 We'll go into what that is. 136 00:07:00,520 --> 00:07:02,060 And finally if we have time, we'll 137 00:07:02,060 --> 00:07:03,870 end up with otoacoustic emissions, which 138 00:07:03,870 --> 00:07:07,870 are a very interesting research and clinical tool for testing 139 00:07:07,870 --> 00:07:08,370 here. 140 00:07:11,280 --> 00:07:16,280 So cochlear anatomy, here is an early drawing 141 00:07:16,280 --> 00:07:20,240 of the cochlea by DeVerny. 142 00:07:20,240 --> 00:07:23,360 Back in the 1600s, they already knew 143 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:26,100 that the cochlea was like a snail shell. 144 00:07:26,100 --> 00:07:28,590 And in the middle of it, it had a membrane, 145 00:07:28,590 --> 00:07:32,570 and the membrane went all the way from the base to the apex. 146 00:07:32,570 --> 00:07:36,570 This very basalmost part is called the hook. 147 00:07:37,760 --> 00:07:42,150 And then the membrane spirals around 148 00:07:42,150 --> 00:07:44,090 and goes to the very apex. 149 00:07:44,090 --> 00:07:48,290 And so I have a very simple wire model that I can hold up, 150 00:07:48,290 --> 00:07:49,040 do the same thing. 151 00:07:49,040 --> 00:07:50,634 I can bend it any way I want to. 152 00:07:50,634 --> 00:07:51,300 Here's the hook. 153 00:07:53,360 --> 00:07:55,240 You can see this in three dimensions here. 154 00:07:57,100 --> 00:07:59,770 OK, so the cochlea is a spiral shaped 155 00:07:59,770 --> 00:08:02,350 structure which has a membrane in it. 156 00:08:02,350 --> 00:08:03,850 The name of the big membrane-- it 157 00:08:03,850 --> 00:08:06,090 has several membranes-- the name of the big membrane 158 00:08:06,090 --> 00:08:12,000 is called the basilar membrane, which 159 00:08:12,000 --> 00:08:13,505 of course stands for base. 160 00:08:16,910 --> 00:08:19,620 And we'll see that the hair cells and the other cells 161 00:08:19,620 --> 00:08:23,970 associated with them sit right on top of the basilar membrane. 162 00:08:23,970 --> 00:08:26,380 We can go to that in just a second. 163 00:08:27,470 --> 00:08:31,120 Anatomists more recently like to cut sections 164 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:32,070 through structures. 165 00:08:32,070 --> 00:08:34,600 And that's because the light microscope, the electron 166 00:08:34,600 --> 00:08:37,960 microscope, can resolve very small things 167 00:08:37,960 --> 00:08:43,710 like cells and parts of cells very well in thin sections. 168 00:08:43,710 --> 00:08:47,160 So if you cut right down the middle of that snail shell 169 00:08:47,160 --> 00:08:49,860 and took out a thin section, you'd get this view. 170 00:08:50,920 --> 00:08:52,790 So of course, all this gray shading 171 00:08:52,790 --> 00:08:56,380 on the outside and even parts of the inside is bone. 172 00:08:56,380 --> 00:08:58,070 So this is a bony structure. 173 00:08:58,070 --> 00:09:00,040 It's very different from the eyeball, 174 00:09:00,040 --> 00:09:01,990 which is all soft tissue. 175 00:09:01,990 --> 00:09:03,060 This is a bony structure. 176 00:09:04,180 --> 00:09:07,410 In the middle, there is a nerve coming in. 177 00:09:07,410 --> 00:09:08,575 That's the auditory nerve. 178 00:09:09,730 --> 00:09:11,870 The auditory nerve starts in the cochlea 179 00:09:11,870 --> 00:09:14,260 and sends messages to the brain, which is down here. 180 00:09:14,260 --> 00:09:15,100 It's been cut away. 181 00:09:17,320 --> 00:09:23,500 You can see the tube of the snail shell, or cochlea, 182 00:09:23,500 --> 00:09:26,460 is subdivided by this big membrane, this basilar 183 00:09:26,460 --> 00:09:26,960 membrane. 184 00:09:26,960 --> 00:09:29,155 And that there's another membrane in here too. 185 00:09:30,430 --> 00:09:32,704 The name of that membrane is Reissner's membrane, 186 00:09:32,704 --> 00:09:33,870 but it's not that important. 187 00:09:35,010 --> 00:09:38,310 But the picture you get here sort of 188 00:09:38,310 --> 00:09:40,925 looks like steps on a ladder. 189 00:09:42,380 --> 00:09:49,835 And the Latin name first steps is "scala"-- or "scalae," 190 00:09:49,835 --> 00:09:50,735 if it's plural. 191 00:09:51,950 --> 00:09:52,775 This means steps. 192 00:09:54,690 --> 00:09:58,160 For instance, a musical scale is whole steps, 193 00:09:58,160 --> 00:09:59,710 and every now and then a half step. 194 00:10:00,860 --> 00:10:02,880 So these, to the early anatomists, 195 00:10:02,880 --> 00:10:04,940 looked like steps on a ladder. 196 00:10:04,940 --> 00:10:10,280 But actually what they are, are fluid-filled compartments 197 00:10:10,280 --> 00:10:11,760 separated by membranes. 198 00:10:13,310 --> 00:10:17,060 And there are three fluid-filled compartments here. 199 00:10:18,100 --> 00:10:21,060 And this is another cross section 200 00:10:21,060 --> 00:10:23,970 of just one turn of the cochlea. 201 00:10:25,210 --> 00:10:27,680 This compartment is called scala tympani. 202 00:10:29,269 --> 00:10:31,060 This compartment is called scala vestibuli. 203 00:10:32,420 --> 00:10:35,320 And this one, which is in the middle, is called scala media. 204 00:10:35,320 --> 00:10:38,185 So there are three scalae in the cochlea. 205 00:10:39,820 --> 00:10:50,800 So scala tympani, vestibuli, and media, or middle. 206 00:10:53,590 --> 00:10:58,550 And the hair cells sit on this membrane 207 00:10:58,550 --> 00:11:03,930 that separates scala tympani from scala media. 208 00:11:03,930 --> 00:11:06,110 And the hair cells here, the inner hair cells 209 00:11:06,110 --> 00:11:08,560 and the outer hair cells, are surrounded 210 00:11:08,560 --> 00:11:10,990 by a whole bunch of other cells. 211 00:11:10,990 --> 00:11:15,430 And that whole receptor organ is called the organ of Corti. 212 00:11:15,430 --> 00:11:17,520 So it says that down here, the organ of Corti. 213 00:11:17,520 --> 00:11:22,390 And Corti was one of the first Italian anatomists 214 00:11:22,390 --> 00:11:25,400 to really draw the structure correctly, 215 00:11:25,400 --> 00:11:27,020 although he got it a little bit wrong. 216 00:11:27,020 --> 00:11:31,120 These round circles are the outer hair cells. 217 00:11:31,120 --> 00:11:33,170 If you cut this in cross section and look 218 00:11:33,170 --> 00:11:36,110 at this in a magnified version, there's 219 00:11:36,110 --> 00:11:37,600 only one inner hair cell. 220 00:11:37,600 --> 00:11:40,665 He put two in his drawing, so it's a little bit incorrect. 221 00:11:41,820 --> 00:11:44,360 But his name is now attached to the organ. 222 00:11:44,360 --> 00:11:46,670 The organ of Corti is where the hair cells are, 223 00:11:46,670 --> 00:11:49,250 and there's a whole bunch of other supporting cells 224 00:11:49,250 --> 00:11:51,250 that keep the hair cells in their place. 225 00:11:54,960 --> 00:11:58,745 OK, so the receptor organ sits on the basilar membrane. 226 00:12:00,649 --> 00:12:01,940 And the organ of Corti's there. 227 00:12:01,940 --> 00:12:05,080 There's this other membrane that separates scala media 228 00:12:05,080 --> 00:12:06,175 from scala vestibuli. 229 00:12:06,175 --> 00:12:09,110 It's called Reissner's membrane, but it's not important. 230 00:12:09,110 --> 00:12:11,780 OK, so that's the structure of the organ of Corti. 231 00:12:12,850 --> 00:12:16,020 And during the 1930s and '40s, people 232 00:12:16,020 --> 00:12:18,170 started thinking about, well, how does this thing 233 00:12:18,170 --> 00:12:21,350 move when you stimulate the ear with sound? 234 00:12:22,930 --> 00:12:25,940 And George von Bekesy, as I've said before, 235 00:12:25,940 --> 00:12:29,440 was the first to make really good measurements 236 00:12:29,440 --> 00:12:32,930 of the motion of the basilar membrane in response to sound. 237 00:12:32,930 --> 00:12:37,120 And this is a cutaway diagram of his experimental setup. 238 00:12:37,120 --> 00:12:39,030 This is the cochlea in cross section. 239 00:12:39,030 --> 00:12:41,280 Of course, he had the whole cochlea there. 240 00:12:41,280 --> 00:12:44,200 And he used cochleas from cadavers. 241 00:12:44,200 --> 00:12:48,150 He would go to the mortuary, get a temporal bone 242 00:12:48,150 --> 00:12:50,870 and drill away all the bone and be left with the cochlea 243 00:12:50,870 --> 00:12:52,360 and put it in his Petri dish. 244 00:12:54,170 --> 00:12:58,020 He had a huge sound source that he 245 00:12:58,020 --> 00:13:00,610 would apply right to the oval window. 246 00:13:00,610 --> 00:13:03,800 He would take out the stapes and drive the cochlear fluids 247 00:13:03,800 --> 00:13:04,810 directly. 248 00:13:04,810 --> 00:13:08,434 And as we said last time, if you have sound in air 249 00:13:08,434 --> 00:13:09,850 and are trying to get it in fluid, 250 00:13:09,850 --> 00:13:11,370 you really to crank it up. 251 00:13:11,370 --> 00:13:14,960 And so it's a huge sound source. 252 00:13:14,960 --> 00:13:18,730 And he stimulated way up at 140 dB, 253 00:13:18,730 --> 00:13:21,440 way at the top end of the curve we had last time. 254 00:13:23,240 --> 00:13:25,847 He needed to drive it that high not only 255 00:13:25,847 --> 00:13:28,860 to get sound into the fluid but also 256 00:13:28,860 --> 00:13:32,395 so that his measurement system could pick up these movements. 257 00:13:32,395 --> 00:13:35,130 The movements tend to be very, very small. 258 00:13:37,310 --> 00:13:39,790 In response to sound, maybe the basilar membrane 259 00:13:39,790 --> 00:13:42,186 is moving only a few nanometers. 260 00:13:44,260 --> 00:13:46,790 OK, but it's going to move a lot more nanometers 261 00:13:46,790 --> 00:13:49,290 if you blast the heck out of it. 262 00:13:49,290 --> 00:13:54,610 And his observation device was simply a microscope, a water 263 00:13:54,610 --> 00:13:57,980 immersion lens that he brought down and focused on the basilar 264 00:13:57,980 --> 00:14:00,890 membrane to see the thing move. 265 00:14:00,890 --> 00:14:03,530 So he didn't have very good resolution. 266 00:14:03,530 --> 00:14:06,100 Maybe he could only see micrometers 267 00:14:06,100 --> 00:14:10,020 in terms of movements, so he had to turn up the sound very 268 00:14:10,020 --> 00:14:11,525 high to get the thing to vibrate. 269 00:14:13,330 --> 00:14:18,320 So we can criticize his experiments now 270 00:14:18,320 --> 00:14:19,960 for several reasons. 271 00:14:19,960 --> 00:14:23,150 Number one, we don't listen way up at 140 dB. 272 00:14:23,150 --> 00:14:25,080 In fact, those kinds of sounds are actually 273 00:14:25,080 --> 00:14:26,550 damaging to the hair cells. 274 00:14:27,890 --> 00:14:31,000 But we can also say there weren't any hair cells. 275 00:14:31,000 --> 00:14:32,225 It's a dead preparation. 276 00:14:32,225 --> 00:14:36,300 It's a cochlea from a cadaver, OK? 277 00:14:36,300 --> 00:14:41,090 And what we know now is that the movements and vibration 278 00:14:41,090 --> 00:14:45,520 patterns of the cochlea are very different in a dead preparation 279 00:14:45,520 --> 00:14:47,250 than they are in a living preparation. 280 00:14:47,250 --> 00:14:49,510 We'll get to that in just a minute. 281 00:14:49,510 --> 00:14:52,450 In spite of those problems-- I mean, von Bekesy 282 00:14:52,450 --> 00:14:53,650 was working in the '30s. 283 00:14:53,650 --> 00:14:56,810 He didn't have very good measurement devices, 284 00:14:56,810 --> 00:14:59,050 he had to use what he had. 285 00:14:59,050 --> 00:15:01,055 He discovered some very important things. 286 00:15:02,290 --> 00:15:05,670 One of the things was that the basilar membrane-- and here's 287 00:15:05,670 --> 00:15:07,780 a diagram of the basilar membrane. 288 00:15:07,780 --> 00:15:11,120 It's this horizontal line here, if there's no sound. 289 00:15:12,550 --> 00:15:15,960 And it's stretched out now as if you took the snail shell 290 00:15:15,960 --> 00:15:20,930 and unwound the coil and made it a long, straight basilar 291 00:15:20,930 --> 00:15:21,430 membrane. 292 00:15:21,430 --> 00:15:27,320 So the base is over here and the apex is up here. 293 00:15:28,700 --> 00:15:32,500 And we think that that doesn't change the vibration pattern 294 00:15:32,500 --> 00:15:33,590 at all. 295 00:15:33,590 --> 00:15:35,770 The only reason that the cochlea is coiled 296 00:15:35,770 --> 00:15:37,757 is to save space in your head. 297 00:15:37,757 --> 00:15:39,215 Otherwise, it would be pretty long. 298 00:15:40,890 --> 00:15:44,470 So unwinding this is just a convenient way 299 00:15:44,470 --> 00:15:46,060 to look at the vibration pattern. 300 00:15:47,370 --> 00:15:50,790 He measured in the intact cochlea, of course. 301 00:15:51,820 --> 00:15:56,950 This pattern of vibration that von Bekesy observed 302 00:15:56,950 --> 00:15:59,640 was called a traveling wave. 303 00:15:59,640 --> 00:16:03,310 OK, so this-- traveling waves in the cochlea. 304 00:16:04,430 --> 00:16:08,180 And basically what that means is these are snapshots-- one, two, 305 00:16:08,180 --> 00:16:09,490 three, and four. 306 00:16:09,490 --> 00:16:13,620 At one instant, the wave pattern looks like number one. 307 00:16:13,620 --> 00:16:16,460 At the next instant, it moves, or travels, 308 00:16:16,460 --> 00:16:19,880 and looks like number two, and so on and so forth, 309 00:16:19,880 --> 00:16:21,900 three and four. 310 00:16:21,900 --> 00:16:25,230 So the traveling wave starts in the base 311 00:16:25,230 --> 00:16:27,685 and travels up to the apex. 312 00:16:27,685 --> 00:16:31,630 And remember, the base of the cochlear 313 00:16:31,630 --> 00:16:33,630 is where the input is coming. 314 00:16:33,630 --> 00:16:38,230 If we go back to our first diagram here, remember, 315 00:16:38,230 --> 00:16:42,270 the stapes is pushing in and out at the oval window. 316 00:16:42,270 --> 00:16:44,560 And that's way down at the base of the cochlear. 317 00:16:45,620 --> 00:16:47,480 And what we're seeing is these vibrations 318 00:16:47,480 --> 00:16:52,090 are traveling from the base all the way up to the apex, 319 00:16:52,090 --> 00:16:54,170 and it's taking a little bit of time to do so. 320 00:16:56,200 --> 00:16:58,790 So that's what von Bekesy discovered-- 321 00:16:58,790 --> 00:16:59,985 there's a traveling wave. 322 00:17:01,800 --> 00:17:04,690 The second thing he discovered is 323 00:17:04,690 --> 00:17:07,990 that the peak of the traveling wave-- you notice these dash 324 00:17:07,990 --> 00:17:13,390 curves draw the envelope or the maximal point of movement 325 00:17:13,390 --> 00:17:15,470 of this basilar membrane. 326 00:17:15,470 --> 00:17:20,060 There's a peak of this traveling when the basilar membrane is 327 00:17:20,060 --> 00:17:21,065 vibrating the most. 328 00:17:22,480 --> 00:17:26,470 That peak changes as a function of the frequency of the sound 329 00:17:26,470 --> 00:17:28,415 that you used to stimulate your preparation. 330 00:17:29,640 --> 00:17:34,610 And this diagram shows that, but I have a little better movie, 331 00:17:34,610 --> 00:17:38,390 or demonstration, that shows you a traveling wave 332 00:17:38,390 --> 00:17:40,590 that's a little bit easier to understand. 333 00:17:40,590 --> 00:17:43,210 So I actually have two of them. 334 00:17:43,210 --> 00:17:45,795 These were made by Chris Shera at Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary. 335 00:17:46,930 --> 00:17:50,550 And again, this is the basilar membrane stretched out 336 00:17:50,550 --> 00:17:53,600 in a long line from the base of the cochlea up 337 00:17:53,600 --> 00:17:55,400 to the apex of the cochlear. 338 00:17:55,400 --> 00:17:57,400 And this is a situation with no sound. 339 00:17:58,500 --> 00:18:03,170 So now we're going to turn on a sound that is a low frequency 340 00:18:03,170 --> 00:18:03,790 tone. 341 00:18:03,790 --> 00:18:09,251 So tone is synonymous with pure tone or a single frequency. 342 00:18:09,251 --> 00:18:10,875 So it's just going to be one frequency. 343 00:18:12,070 --> 00:18:14,990 And the input comes in here at the stapes. 344 00:18:14,990 --> 00:18:18,170 And you'll see the pattern of movement of the basilar 345 00:18:18,170 --> 00:18:20,680 membrane in response to the low frequency tone. 346 00:18:20,680 --> 00:18:23,191 Whoops, pressed the wrong button. 347 00:18:27,810 --> 00:18:30,005 It takes a little bit of time for this to develop. 348 00:18:32,360 --> 00:18:37,200 And then you can see the complex pattern, or traveling wave. 349 00:18:37,200 --> 00:18:40,110 It seems to start here and go up to here. 350 00:18:40,110 --> 00:18:43,290 It goes up to a peak and then quickly comes down. 351 00:18:43,290 --> 00:18:46,370 There's almost no movement right at the apex there. 352 00:18:47,770 --> 00:18:53,030 So one thing about that movement that I said before is there's 353 00:18:53,030 --> 00:18:56,940 a peak of vibration at a certain place along the basilar 354 00:18:56,940 --> 00:18:57,810 membrane. 355 00:18:57,810 --> 00:19:00,640 The other thing is that at any point along the basilar 356 00:19:00,640 --> 00:19:03,835 membrane that's moving, it's moving as a function of time. 357 00:19:04,840 --> 00:19:07,750 And actually, if you knew what the frequency of that tone 358 00:19:07,750 --> 00:19:10,670 is and looked at the frequency of movement here, 359 00:19:10,670 --> 00:19:11,910 it would be the same. 360 00:19:11,910 --> 00:19:15,250 So the basilar membrane is moving up and down 361 00:19:15,250 --> 00:19:18,690 at the same frequency as the sound stimulus. 362 00:19:18,690 --> 00:19:21,170 Maybe that'll be a little bit more clear 363 00:19:21,170 --> 00:19:24,600 when I go to the next one, because the next movie shows 364 00:19:24,600 --> 00:19:29,330 the basilar membrane vibration to three tones-- the low one 365 00:19:29,330 --> 00:19:32,630 that we just saw, a middle frequency 366 00:19:32,630 --> 00:19:36,000 one, and a high frequency one. 367 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:38,540 And as you can indicate, you can probably 368 00:19:38,540 --> 00:19:42,100 get from my hand movements, the low frequency tone 369 00:19:42,100 --> 00:19:47,090 is going to maximally vibrate here toward the apex. 370 00:19:47,090 --> 00:19:51,320 The middle frequency is going to be maximally vibrating here, 371 00:19:51,320 --> 00:19:54,900 and the high frequency is going to be maximally vibrating over 372 00:19:54,900 --> 00:19:55,820 here. 373 00:19:55,820 --> 00:19:58,520 OK, so there's going to sort of a frequency 374 00:19:58,520 --> 00:20:01,275 analysis along the length of this basilar membrane. 375 00:20:02,500 --> 00:20:04,930 The other thing I want you to notice when the movie is 376 00:20:04,930 --> 00:20:10,080 playing is how fast these three places along the basilar 377 00:20:10,080 --> 00:20:11,860 membrane are moving, see if they're 378 00:20:11,860 --> 00:20:14,910 moving at the same speed or at a different speed. 379 00:20:25,300 --> 00:20:26,860 So this is the one we had before. 380 00:20:28,280 --> 00:20:31,340 This is the middle frequency and this is the high frequency. 381 00:20:31,340 --> 00:20:33,990 See how much faster this is going back and forth 382 00:20:33,990 --> 00:20:36,180 than the slow one, and see that it's 383 00:20:36,180 --> 00:20:37,490 peeking in a different place? 384 00:20:39,551 --> 00:20:40,050 OK. 385 00:20:40,050 --> 00:20:43,730 So this is, we think, due to the physical characteristics 386 00:20:43,730 --> 00:20:46,180 of the way this membrane is set up. 387 00:20:47,360 --> 00:20:53,430 For example, down here the membrane is fairly tense 388 00:20:53,430 --> 00:20:56,280 and it's very short in width. 389 00:20:56,280 --> 00:21:00,010 It's like those little tiny strings on the piano way 390 00:21:00,010 --> 00:21:02,515 up at the right end of the piano for the high notes. 391 00:21:03,530 --> 00:21:05,865 And it's naturally going to vibrate at high frequencies. 392 00:21:07,049 --> 00:21:08,840 When you get up toward the apex, everything 393 00:21:08,840 --> 00:21:11,980 gets real wide in terms of the membranes. 394 00:21:11,980 --> 00:21:13,480 The cells get bigger. 395 00:21:13,480 --> 00:21:15,920 Everything's heavier, and it's naturally 396 00:21:15,920 --> 00:21:18,120 going to vibrate slower. 397 00:21:18,120 --> 00:21:20,560 And it's going to vibrate best for low frequencies. 398 00:21:21,780 --> 00:21:25,250 OK, so there's this analysis along the length of the cochlea 399 00:21:25,250 --> 00:21:28,360 in terms of high frequencies are mapped here, 400 00:21:28,360 --> 00:21:31,264 mid frequencies are mapped here, and low frequencies 401 00:21:31,264 --> 00:21:31,930 are mapped here. 402 00:21:31,930 --> 00:21:36,890 There is, if you will, a place code for sound frequency. 403 00:21:44,600 --> 00:21:46,560 So sound frequencies are broken up 404 00:21:46,560 --> 00:21:52,986 into a place code-- low frequencies apically, 405 00:21:52,986 --> 00:21:54,735 and higher and higher frequencies basally. 406 00:21:56,260 --> 00:22:03,040 Secondly, if you buy into my frequency, or our timing 407 00:22:03,040 --> 00:22:12,590 of the movement, there's also a timing code 408 00:22:12,590 --> 00:22:18,090 in that high frequencies are vibrating much quicker 409 00:22:18,090 --> 00:22:20,245 and low frequencies are vibrating much slower. 410 00:22:21,800 --> 00:22:23,730 And as we'll learn in a week or two, 411 00:22:23,730 --> 00:22:27,070 the nervous system keeps track of both of those things. 412 00:22:28,240 --> 00:22:31,340 There are hair cells down here in the base of your cochlea 413 00:22:31,340 --> 00:22:34,950 which are connected to the nerve fibers that only innervate 414 00:22:34,950 --> 00:22:40,030 them and are only active when there's a high frequency sound 415 00:22:40,030 --> 00:22:41,110 stimulus. 416 00:22:41,110 --> 00:22:43,350 They send that message to the brain. 417 00:22:43,350 --> 00:22:46,130 The brain says, ah, here are some high frequency 418 00:22:46,130 --> 00:22:47,540 or high pitched sounds. 419 00:22:49,160 --> 00:22:52,680 Conversely, there are hair cells up here 420 00:22:52,680 --> 00:22:55,190 that are only responding when the basilar membrane is 421 00:22:55,190 --> 00:22:56,740 stimulated with a low frequency. 422 00:22:56,740 --> 00:23:00,990 And they're telling their nerve fibers only send 423 00:23:00,990 --> 00:23:03,476 action potentials to the brain when there's a low frequency 424 00:23:03,476 --> 00:23:04,100 sound stimulus. 425 00:23:05,890 --> 00:23:07,460 So what are examples? 426 00:23:07,460 --> 00:23:08,950 Everybody knows what a low pitched 427 00:23:08,950 --> 00:23:10,116 and a high pitched sound is. 428 00:23:10,116 --> 00:23:14,080 But for example, one of the ways you tell a male voice 429 00:23:14,080 --> 00:23:17,910 from a female voice is that female voices 430 00:23:17,910 --> 00:23:20,520 have higher pitches to them, higher frequencies, 431 00:23:20,520 --> 00:23:22,090 maybe an octave higher. 432 00:23:22,090 --> 00:23:25,090 So immediately usually, even over the telephone, 433 00:23:25,090 --> 00:23:28,890 you can tell I'm talking to a female speaker 434 00:23:28,890 --> 00:23:31,180 because the frequencies are higher 435 00:23:31,180 --> 00:23:34,035 and they're mapped more toward the basal end of your cochlea. 436 00:23:35,210 --> 00:23:37,900 Male voices that have lower frequencies 437 00:23:37,900 --> 00:23:40,700 are mapped to more apical positions. 438 00:23:40,700 --> 00:23:41,980 Any questions about that? 439 00:23:45,980 --> 00:23:50,740 Now how do we, in the modern times, well beyond von Bekesy, 440 00:23:50,740 --> 00:23:52,820 how do we measure these motions? 441 00:23:52,820 --> 00:23:56,390 You're sort of taking it for granted from me 442 00:23:56,390 --> 00:23:58,200 that we can make these measurements. 443 00:23:58,200 --> 00:24:01,490 Well, von Bekesy used an ordinary light microscope. 444 00:24:01,490 --> 00:24:05,110 And he really had to crank things way up 445 00:24:05,110 --> 00:24:08,390 to see the structures moving. 446 00:24:08,390 --> 00:24:11,470 And we want to measure them down near where we usually 447 00:24:11,470 --> 00:24:15,155 hear, 20 dB SPL, 40 dB SPL. 448 00:24:16,710 --> 00:24:22,930 So what's used is, on to the basilar membrane, 449 00:24:22,930 --> 00:24:24,385 you put some sort of source. 450 00:24:25,950 --> 00:24:30,010 And maybe in the 1980s and '90s, people 451 00:24:30,010 --> 00:24:33,906 were using radioactive sources and using the Mossbauer 452 00:24:33,906 --> 00:24:34,405 technique. 453 00:24:35,520 --> 00:24:39,320 They knew that the radioactive particles being emitted 454 00:24:39,320 --> 00:24:42,880 had a certain frequency, and when the basilar membrane 455 00:24:42,880 --> 00:24:44,960 was moving toward you, the frequency 456 00:24:44,960 --> 00:24:48,530 would be changed versus moving away from you. 457 00:24:48,530 --> 00:24:52,440 Nowadays in the '90s and 200s, people 458 00:24:52,440 --> 00:24:56,580 are using spots that they put down, 459 00:24:56,580 --> 00:24:59,190 like little reflective disks that are put down 460 00:24:59,190 --> 00:25:02,030 onto the basilar membrane that reflect light. 461 00:25:02,030 --> 00:25:05,850 And you shine down a light onto the basilar membrane. 462 00:25:05,850 --> 00:25:09,350 And that spot reflects the light back to you. 463 00:25:09,350 --> 00:25:11,300 You can compare the light you sent down 464 00:25:11,300 --> 00:25:13,770 with the light that's reflected back. 465 00:25:13,770 --> 00:25:17,320 If the membrane is moving away from you, 466 00:25:17,320 --> 00:25:21,430 that light will be shifted to a higher 467 00:25:21,430 --> 00:25:24,880 wavelength versus if it's coming toward you, 468 00:25:24,880 --> 00:25:26,690 it'll be a lower wavelength. 469 00:25:26,690 --> 00:25:29,195 And this process is called interferometry. 470 00:25:37,130 --> 00:25:41,310 And if the source is moving like the basilar membrane is moving 471 00:25:41,310 --> 00:25:43,390 when you stimulate it with sound, 472 00:25:43,390 --> 00:25:47,210 you can use a laser to shine the light, 473 00:25:47,210 --> 00:25:52,570 and you can use the Doppler interferometer-- which 474 00:25:52,570 --> 00:25:59,270 is a device that measures the shift in light when there's 475 00:25:59,270 --> 00:26:02,570 a moving light source or a moving light reflection. 476 00:26:02,570 --> 00:26:07,070 You can calibrate this in terms of the displacement 477 00:26:07,070 --> 00:26:12,850 or the velocity that the object doing the reflecting is giving. 478 00:26:12,850 --> 00:26:14,330 It's shifting the light, basically. 479 00:26:15,770 --> 00:26:20,417 So that's how most modern experiment experiments measure 480 00:26:20,417 --> 00:26:22,500 of the movement of structures, even though they're 481 00:26:22,500 --> 00:26:25,510 very, very small movements, like in terms of nanometers. 482 00:26:26,960 --> 00:26:33,000 So let's see what this-- these are data from the 1980s using 483 00:26:33,000 --> 00:26:35,665 a Mossbauer technique, a radioactive source. 484 00:26:35,665 --> 00:26:38,480 So instead of reflecting light, you're 485 00:26:38,480 --> 00:26:41,460 measuring the emitted wavelengths of particles 486 00:26:41,460 --> 00:26:45,745 from a radioactive source at one point on the basilar membrane. 487 00:26:47,030 --> 00:26:49,160 And you're stimulating the basilar membrane 488 00:26:49,160 --> 00:26:51,180 with sound of different frequencies, 489 00:26:51,180 --> 00:26:53,560 and you're measuring how much it moves 490 00:26:53,560 --> 00:26:55,310 in terms of the basilar membrane. 491 00:26:56,222 --> 00:26:57,513 I think this says displacement. 492 00:26:59,266 --> 00:27:00,275 Is that what it says? 493 00:27:00,275 --> 00:27:02,030 It says amplitude in dB. 494 00:27:03,530 --> 00:27:07,060 This is a displacement scale, how much movement 495 00:27:07,060 --> 00:27:10,780 you're getting, as a function of sound frequency 496 00:27:10,780 --> 00:27:14,380 for one particular point on the basilar membrane. 497 00:27:16,570 --> 00:27:18,600 So you change your sound frequency. 498 00:27:18,600 --> 00:27:20,900 Start with low frequencies at 20 dB. 499 00:27:20,900 --> 00:27:23,220 Pretty low level sound. 500 00:27:23,220 --> 00:27:24,655 You don't find much displacement. 501 00:27:26,110 --> 00:27:30,410 Go up to 6 kilohertz, find a little bit more movement. 502 00:27:31,640 --> 00:27:34,180 Go up to 10 kilohertz, it's getting bigger. 503 00:27:34,180 --> 00:27:36,670 And then all of a sudden at about 16 kilohertz, 504 00:27:36,670 --> 00:27:38,810 you get a huge amount of movement. 505 00:27:38,810 --> 00:27:40,960 You're right at the peak of the traveling wave. 506 00:27:42,200 --> 00:27:45,780 Go up to 18 kilohertz and it goes way back down again. 507 00:27:45,780 --> 00:27:48,040 And 20 kilohertz there's no point 508 00:27:48,040 --> 00:27:51,320 plotted because you can't get the thing to move at all. 509 00:27:52,490 --> 00:27:55,780 It's a very sharply-tuned function 510 00:27:55,780 --> 00:27:58,600 of movement in terms of the sound frequencies. 511 00:27:58,600 --> 00:28:02,720 This place is only moving-- or mostly 512 00:28:02,720 --> 00:28:07,160 moving-- for a sound frequency of 16 kilohertz 513 00:28:07,160 --> 00:28:08,890 in terms of where the source was. 514 00:28:11,110 --> 00:28:15,970 Change the sound level to 40 or 60 or even 80 dB-- 515 00:28:15,970 --> 00:28:19,200 80 dB is a sound that is certainly 516 00:28:19,200 --> 00:28:21,510 within conversational speech. 517 00:28:21,510 --> 00:28:25,345 It's a high level sound, but it's not painful or damaging 518 00:28:25,345 --> 00:28:26,080 at all. 519 00:28:27,460 --> 00:28:29,476 In that case, the function is much broader. 520 00:28:31,410 --> 00:28:34,030 If you just looked at that function, you'd say, 521 00:28:34,030 --> 00:28:36,650 well, this point on the basilar membrane years 522 00:28:36,650 --> 00:28:38,565 is responding to many sound frequencies. 523 00:28:39,770 --> 00:28:42,100 It's not responding to 20 kilohertz, 524 00:28:42,100 --> 00:28:44,380 but it's responding to everything below that. 525 00:28:45,670 --> 00:28:48,850 And if you were to-- they didn't here because they wanted 526 00:28:48,850 --> 00:28:50,310 to take care of their preparation 527 00:28:50,310 --> 00:28:53,010 and not damage it-- if they want up to the levels 528 00:28:53,010 --> 00:28:57,825 that von Bekesy used, 140 dB, it would be completely flat. 529 00:28:59,210 --> 00:29:03,050 And von Bekesy found that the tuning of the basilar membrane 530 00:29:03,050 --> 00:29:06,140 was very flat, or just broadly tuned. 531 00:29:07,160 --> 00:29:13,360 But these modern measurements show extremely sharp functions 532 00:29:13,360 --> 00:29:16,340 for a single point of movement on the basilar membrane. 533 00:29:20,190 --> 00:29:25,845 This is a plot of the same data, but plotted a little bit 534 00:29:25,845 --> 00:29:26,345 differently. 535 00:29:27,630 --> 00:29:29,610 This axis is still sound frequency. 536 00:29:31,060 --> 00:29:34,640 And now we're going to plot it on the x-axis. 537 00:29:34,640 --> 00:29:37,410 It's still a dB scale, but now on the y-axis 538 00:29:37,410 --> 00:29:41,040 it's threshold dB SPL. 539 00:29:41,040 --> 00:29:42,390 So what's threshold? 540 00:29:42,390 --> 00:29:45,290 Well in this case, it doesn't really make sense. 541 00:29:45,290 --> 00:29:50,110 I think it would've been better to label this some criterion 542 00:29:50,110 --> 00:29:53,940 displacement, because the criterion displacement 543 00:29:53,940 --> 00:29:59,740 use for this lowest curve is 0.35 nanometers. 544 00:29:59,740 --> 00:30:02,530 And what the experiment now, or what the plotting now 545 00:30:02,530 --> 00:30:10,640 is how much sound level do we have to crank into the system 546 00:30:10,640 --> 00:30:13,630 to get this point on the basilar membrane 547 00:30:13,630 --> 00:30:18,030 to vibrate 0.35 nanometers? 548 00:30:18,030 --> 00:30:22,360 OK, in the case of 16 kilohertz right here, 549 00:30:22,360 --> 00:30:26,000 at the lowest point, we only had to put in 10 dB, 550 00:30:26,000 --> 00:30:27,490 not very much sound at all. 551 00:30:29,000 --> 00:30:31,660 At 14 kilohertz, at 19 kilohertz, 552 00:30:31,660 --> 00:30:33,970 we had to turn the sound up a little bit. 553 00:30:35,920 --> 00:30:39,730 At 20 kilohertz, we turned up the sound so much, 554 00:30:39,730 --> 00:30:43,800 but we said could never get it to vibrate 0.35 nanometers. 555 00:30:43,800 --> 00:30:45,370 So there's no point plotted there. 556 00:30:46,450 --> 00:30:51,010 At 5 kilohertz, we had to crank up the sound to about 60 dB 557 00:30:51,010 --> 00:30:56,250 to get this point to vibrate 0.35 nanometers. 558 00:30:56,250 --> 00:30:58,300 So you're asking for the point to give you 559 00:30:58,300 --> 00:31:01,690 some specified amount of vibration 560 00:31:01,690 --> 00:31:04,220 or a criterion of vibration. 561 00:31:04,220 --> 00:31:06,150 And you're plotting this function here. 562 00:31:07,240 --> 00:31:10,950 And this is a very important curve. 563 00:31:10,950 --> 00:31:14,400 We'll be seeing this many, many times the rest of the semester. 564 00:31:16,352 --> 00:31:18,480 And it's called a tuning curve. 565 00:31:26,680 --> 00:31:28,620 So you should all be familiar with how 566 00:31:28,620 --> 00:31:31,870 this tuning curve is generated. 567 00:31:31,870 --> 00:31:35,585 You can make a tuning curve for a recording from a hair cell. 568 00:31:37,140 --> 00:31:38,940 You could make a tuning curve for recording 569 00:31:38,940 --> 00:31:40,890 from a nerve fiber. 570 00:31:40,890 --> 00:31:44,330 Let's say we put on an electrode in the auditory nerve. 571 00:31:44,330 --> 00:31:46,970 You guys have talked about this term, 572 00:31:46,970 --> 00:31:49,600 this technique called single unit recording 573 00:31:49,600 --> 00:31:51,750 where you put an electrode in a nerve-- 574 00:31:51,750 --> 00:31:55,630 say, the optic nerve-- and you measure the spikes coming 575 00:31:55,630 --> 00:31:59,280 from the single axon that you're recording from. 576 00:31:59,280 --> 00:32:00,920 And you might say, well, I'm going 577 00:32:00,920 --> 00:32:06,417 to turn the sound up until I get 10 spikes per second. 578 00:32:06,417 --> 00:32:07,250 That's my criterion. 579 00:32:08,400 --> 00:32:10,590 And I'm going to change the frequency. 580 00:32:10,590 --> 00:32:16,390 How much sound level do I have to stimulate the ear with 581 00:32:16,390 --> 00:32:21,140 to get the auditory nerve fiber to fire 10 spikes per second? 582 00:32:21,140 --> 00:32:25,860 Well, at 16 kilohertz I have to hardly put any sound in at all. 583 00:32:25,860 --> 00:32:29,620 But 2 kilohertz, I have to really blast the thing. 584 00:32:29,620 --> 00:32:32,960 So this auditory nerve fiber is very tuned 585 00:32:32,960 --> 00:32:34,190 to the sound frequency. 586 00:32:34,190 --> 00:32:39,330 It's sharply tuned, OK, to a frequency near 16 kilohertz. 587 00:32:40,810 --> 00:32:44,000 You could make a tuning curve from a receptor cell 588 00:32:44,000 --> 00:32:49,640 by saying how much receptor potential do I want? 589 00:32:49,640 --> 00:32:53,310 Let's say one microvolt of response or receptor potential 590 00:32:53,310 --> 00:32:54,940 from the hair cell. 591 00:32:54,940 --> 00:32:57,110 What sort of sound level do I need 592 00:32:57,110 --> 00:32:59,800 to dial into the ear at these different frequencies 593 00:32:59,800 --> 00:33:02,315 to get that criterion receptor potential? 594 00:33:02,315 --> 00:33:03,100 Is that clear? 595 00:33:04,350 --> 00:33:08,242 So these tuning curves are omnipresent 596 00:33:08,242 --> 00:33:09,575 throughout the auditory pathway. 597 00:33:10,740 --> 00:33:12,930 And they're a measure of the sharpness of tuning. 598 00:33:12,930 --> 00:33:17,560 They're a measure of whether one place on the basilar membrane 599 00:33:17,560 --> 00:33:21,530 or one auditory nerve fiber can listen to 16 kilohertz 600 00:33:21,530 --> 00:33:24,240 and ignore 20 kilohertz. 601 00:33:24,240 --> 00:33:25,940 It's very important if you're trying 602 00:33:25,940 --> 00:33:29,160 to know in the pattern of harmonics 603 00:33:29,160 --> 00:33:31,050 that harmonic number two is missing, 604 00:33:31,050 --> 00:33:34,930 you better listen to number two with a very 605 00:33:34,930 --> 00:33:37,015 sensitive and sharply-tuned function. 606 00:33:38,040 --> 00:33:40,480 And you have that in the auditory system 607 00:33:40,480 --> 00:33:43,290 starting with the vibration of the basilar membrane. 608 00:33:49,420 --> 00:33:51,580 What are these receptor cells for hearing? 609 00:33:51,580 --> 00:33:55,820 So the receptor cells for hearing are called hair cells. 610 00:33:55,820 --> 00:33:58,239 That's kind of a funny name, right? 611 00:33:58,239 --> 00:33:59,780 But they get their name from the fact 612 00:33:59,780 --> 00:34:03,520 that they have hairs coming out the top of them-- at least, 613 00:34:03,520 --> 00:34:05,520 it looked that way to the early neuroanatomists. 614 00:34:09,730 --> 00:34:14,274 So these hairs are more properly called stereocilia. 615 00:34:17,580 --> 00:34:19,775 And let me write that down here, stereocilia. 616 00:34:26,100 --> 00:34:31,590 And even that more proper term is kind of a misnomer, 617 00:34:31,590 --> 00:34:42,920 because it has as part of it "cilium." 618 00:34:42,920 --> 00:34:44,969 That's really a misnomer. 619 00:34:44,969 --> 00:34:46,530 What is a cilium on a cell? 620 00:34:46,530 --> 00:34:47,690 Does anybody know? 621 00:34:49,799 --> 00:34:50,715 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 622 00:34:55,484 --> 00:34:56,150 PROFESSOR: Yeah. 623 00:34:56,150 --> 00:35:00,620 And they can propel single cells through a medium, right? 624 00:35:00,620 --> 00:35:04,860 And they're wavy and floppy, and if you look at them 625 00:35:04,860 --> 00:35:08,600 in cross-section of the electron microscope, 626 00:35:08,600 --> 00:35:15,885 they have these sort of 9 plus 2 tubular arrangements. 627 00:35:17,470 --> 00:35:20,850 The stereociliae do not look like that at all. 628 00:35:20,850 --> 00:35:28,020 They should be called stereomicrovilli, 629 00:35:28,020 --> 00:35:30,470 because when you look at them in cross section 630 00:35:30,470 --> 00:35:32,270 you see all these filaments but there's 631 00:35:32,270 --> 00:35:34,010 no organization to them. 632 00:35:36,240 --> 00:35:39,390 And you can see the filaments right here 633 00:35:39,390 --> 00:35:44,190 in longitudinal section going up into the stereocilia. 634 00:35:46,590 --> 00:35:49,880 And these keep the stereocilia very stiff. 635 00:35:51,900 --> 00:35:56,070 So when sound comes and moves a stereocilium, 636 00:35:56,070 --> 00:35:58,780 it's sort of like a telephone pole in a hurricane. 637 00:35:58,780 --> 00:36:02,185 It pivots around its base, but it doesn't flop around. 638 00:36:03,686 --> 00:36:05,060 And the base of these stereocilia 639 00:36:05,060 --> 00:36:09,610 are right as they insert part of the cell right. 640 00:36:09,610 --> 00:36:11,325 They're very stiff structures. 641 00:36:13,330 --> 00:36:18,710 Furthermore, they're all attached one to another. 642 00:36:18,710 --> 00:36:22,980 So all the stereocilia on a hair cell 643 00:36:22,980 --> 00:36:27,240 tend to move together back and forth in response to sound. 644 00:36:28,650 --> 00:36:30,830 And especially, they're attached, of course, 645 00:36:30,830 --> 00:36:33,150 at the base, but they're also attached 646 00:36:33,150 --> 00:36:37,380 at the very tips in something called tip links. 647 00:36:37,380 --> 00:36:40,470 And I think I have a picture or a diagram. 648 00:36:40,470 --> 00:36:46,820 So here are some tip links that connects the very tallest part 649 00:36:46,820 --> 00:36:52,225 of one stereocilium to its next tallest neighbor stereocilium. 650 00:36:53,800 --> 00:36:57,420 So the whole bundle of stereocilia 651 00:36:57,420 --> 00:37:01,780 move together in a rigid, pivoting way. 652 00:37:01,780 --> 00:37:07,000 And the whole bundle is usually called just 653 00:37:07,000 --> 00:37:14,860 in jargon terms, the "hair bundle" 654 00:37:14,860 --> 00:37:17,160 at the top of a hair cell. 655 00:37:17,160 --> 00:37:19,250 And I have some numbers for you. 656 00:37:19,250 --> 00:37:24,030 How many stereocilia are there in the hair bundle of a given 657 00:37:24,030 --> 00:37:24,650 cell? 658 00:37:24,650 --> 00:37:38,030 So there are 40 stereocilia for one inner hair cell. 659 00:37:38,030 --> 00:37:39,680 We haven't talked about what these are, 660 00:37:39,680 --> 00:37:41,510 but these are in your cochlea. 661 00:37:41,510 --> 00:37:43,580 They have inner hair cells and outer hair cells. 662 00:37:46,450 --> 00:37:56,080 And there are about 140 stereocilia 663 00:37:56,080 --> 00:37:59,600 in the hair bundle of a given outer hair cell. 664 00:37:59,600 --> 00:38:04,015 OK, there are many stereocilia per cell. 665 00:38:05,600 --> 00:38:09,050 In this cross section, you're just seeing three rows, 666 00:38:09,050 --> 00:38:12,060 but there are many per row. 667 00:38:12,060 --> 00:38:14,750 And here's a whole big hair bundle all together. 668 00:38:14,750 --> 00:38:16,830 Now, why are these exact numbers important? 669 00:38:16,830 --> 00:38:21,430 Well, it isn't that important, except we 670 00:38:21,430 --> 00:38:27,950 think that the channel that opens up when this hair 671 00:38:27,950 --> 00:38:30,460 bundle moves in response to sound 672 00:38:30,460 --> 00:38:34,530 is located right at the tips of the stereocilia. 673 00:38:34,530 --> 00:38:36,760 And most people believe that there 674 00:38:36,760 --> 00:38:42,630 is one channel at the tip of each stereocilium which 675 00:38:42,630 --> 00:38:49,280 would suggest that each outer hair cell has 140 channels 676 00:38:49,280 --> 00:38:51,520 and each inner hair cell has 40 channels. 677 00:38:51,520 --> 00:38:52,990 Now, what are these channels? 678 00:38:52,990 --> 00:38:58,260 Sometimes they're called the transduction channels. 679 00:39:04,410 --> 00:39:06,200 What's transduction? 680 00:39:06,200 --> 00:39:06,820 Anybody? 681 00:39:06,820 --> 00:39:09,595 What's a transducer in engineering terms? 682 00:39:13,730 --> 00:39:15,180 Anybody? 683 00:39:15,180 --> 00:39:17,026 What does it mean to transduce something? 684 00:39:18,750 --> 00:39:20,044 Well, you can have-- yeah? 685 00:39:20,044 --> 00:39:20,960 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]? 686 00:39:22,720 --> 00:39:23,890 PROFESSOR: Exactly right. 687 00:39:23,890 --> 00:39:28,460 So you can have an accelerometer which converts acceleration 688 00:39:28,460 --> 00:39:30,260 to an electrical signal. 689 00:39:30,260 --> 00:39:34,710 In this case, the physical energy of sound 690 00:39:34,710 --> 00:39:35,960 is mechanical energy. 691 00:39:35,960 --> 00:39:38,850 It's movement, movement of the tympanic membrane, 692 00:39:38,850 --> 00:39:41,350 movement of the ossicles, movement of the basilar 693 00:39:41,350 --> 00:39:43,090 membrane up and down. 694 00:39:43,090 --> 00:39:46,030 These cells are sitting on the basilar membrane. 695 00:39:46,030 --> 00:39:48,660 And the hair bundle is moving back and forth. 696 00:39:50,020 --> 00:39:52,580 But the code of the nervous system-- 697 00:39:52,580 --> 00:39:54,810 we've been talking about spikes-- 698 00:39:54,810 --> 00:39:57,560 somehow you have to get that mechanical energy 699 00:39:57,560 --> 00:40:02,320 into the electrical energy of, in the case of hair cells, 700 00:40:02,320 --> 00:40:06,260 the receptor potentials, and in the case of the nerve fibers, 701 00:40:06,260 --> 00:40:07,920 the action potentials that are going 702 00:40:07,920 --> 00:40:10,310 to send messages to the brain. 703 00:40:10,310 --> 00:40:13,230 So the transduction channel is the channel 704 00:40:13,230 --> 00:40:16,570 that responds to mechanical energy 705 00:40:16,570 --> 00:40:21,100 and allows ions to flow into the hair 706 00:40:21,100 --> 00:40:23,650 cell-- that is, it opens up. 707 00:40:24,680 --> 00:40:27,040 And in the case of these transduction channels, 708 00:40:27,040 --> 00:40:34,140 it allows positive ions, mostly potassium 709 00:40:34,140 --> 00:40:37,240 because there is a high concentration of potassium 710 00:40:37,240 --> 00:40:39,810 in the fluid of scala media. 711 00:40:39,810 --> 00:40:41,460 Remember, these cells are sitting in 712 00:40:41,460 --> 00:40:44,130 between scala tympani and scala media. 713 00:40:44,130 --> 00:40:45,565 So scala media is up here. 714 00:40:46,790 --> 00:40:48,520 The transduction channel opens. 715 00:40:48,520 --> 00:40:50,360 And it's relatively non-selective, 716 00:40:50,360 --> 00:40:55,840 but the big positive-- it's non-selected for positive ions 717 00:40:55,840 --> 00:40:56,750 or cations. 718 00:40:56,750 --> 00:40:59,040 The big concentration here is potassium, 719 00:40:59,040 --> 00:41:04,640 so potassium is probably the ion that flows into the hair cells 720 00:41:04,640 --> 00:41:07,360 when the transduction channels open up. 721 00:41:09,650 --> 00:41:13,200 And the evidence for that here is in part from Hudspeth's lab. 722 00:41:14,470 --> 00:41:18,430 He probed around the hair cells while the hair bundle 723 00:41:18,430 --> 00:41:21,000 was moved back and forth. 724 00:41:21,000 --> 00:41:25,370 And he found big potentials up near the tips 725 00:41:25,370 --> 00:41:28,650 of the stereocilia and very small potentials 726 00:41:28,650 --> 00:41:30,560 in the rest of the cell. 727 00:41:30,560 --> 00:41:33,710 So there's very good evidence that the transduction channels 728 00:41:33,710 --> 00:41:35,820 are at the tips of the hair cells. 729 00:41:35,820 --> 00:41:39,040 We don't know what the transduction channels are. 730 00:41:39,040 --> 00:41:40,930 People are actively working on that. 731 00:41:42,490 --> 00:41:45,040 So there's a guy at Harvard in the Department 732 00:41:45,040 --> 00:41:49,750 of Neurobiology, Jeff Holt, who thinks the transduction 733 00:41:49,750 --> 00:41:55,690 channel, this so-called transmembrane channel, TMC, 734 00:41:55,690 --> 00:41:58,290 of which there are two varieties, 1 and 2. 735 00:42:00,630 --> 00:42:02,680 It's not clear if that's actually 736 00:42:02,680 --> 00:42:05,840 the channel or something associated with the channel. 737 00:42:05,840 --> 00:42:08,290 But when you knock it out, the hair cells 738 00:42:08,290 --> 00:42:09,550 don't respond anymore. 739 00:42:09,550 --> 00:42:10,415 The animal is deaf. 740 00:42:12,090 --> 00:42:16,460 OK, so these transmembrane channels 741 00:42:16,460 --> 00:42:19,610 may be the transduction channel, but the jury is still out. 742 00:42:25,280 --> 00:42:30,910 OK, so let me go back to our generic hair cell. 743 00:42:30,910 --> 00:42:33,890 We've talked about the stereocilia 744 00:42:33,890 --> 00:42:34,910 here and their movement. 745 00:42:34,910 --> 00:42:38,910 That's the input end of the hair cell. 746 00:42:38,910 --> 00:42:41,725 The middle part of the hair cell has a nucleus. 747 00:42:44,230 --> 00:42:45,410 It has a membrane. 748 00:42:45,410 --> 00:42:47,120 It has mitochondria. 749 00:42:47,120 --> 00:42:49,400 And down here, you might think of this part 750 00:42:49,400 --> 00:42:51,490 as the output end of the hair cell. 751 00:42:51,490 --> 00:42:55,370 This is where the hair cell is giving its information 752 00:42:55,370 --> 00:42:57,090 to the associated nerve fibers. 753 00:42:58,660 --> 00:43:03,580 And there are, interestingly, two types of nerve fibers. 754 00:43:03,580 --> 00:43:05,720 The one you would instantly think of 755 00:43:05,720 --> 00:43:11,090 is the afferent nerve fiber, the auditory nerve fiber, 756 00:43:11,090 --> 00:43:16,060 where the hair cell is sending messages to the nerve fiber. 757 00:43:16,060 --> 00:43:19,060 And how does one cell send a message 758 00:43:19,060 --> 00:43:21,050 to another in the nervous system? 759 00:43:21,050 --> 00:43:22,790 Well, there's a synapse, right? 760 00:43:25,300 --> 00:43:32,345 So there's a hair cell to nerve fiber synapse. 761 00:43:41,020 --> 00:43:42,600 And that's right here. 762 00:43:42,600 --> 00:43:47,300 And this hair cell then releases transmitter, 763 00:43:47,300 --> 00:43:48,865 because this is a chemical synapse. 764 00:43:54,730 --> 00:43:56,720 And it uses a neurotransmitter. 765 00:43:56,720 --> 00:43:59,910 Right, everybody knows what neurotransmitters are. 766 00:43:59,910 --> 00:44:02,316 The neurotransmitter here is probably glutamate. 767 00:44:06,970 --> 00:44:09,075 And so that's an excitatory neurotransmitter. 768 00:44:23,650 --> 00:44:25,865 OK, so the hair cell then releases the glutamate. 769 00:44:25,865 --> 00:44:28,690 It goes through the synaptic cleft. 770 00:44:28,690 --> 00:44:31,220 There's a glutamate receptor that it binds to 771 00:44:31,220 --> 00:44:33,390 on the auditory nerve fiber. 772 00:44:33,390 --> 00:44:36,025 The auditory nerve fiber is depolarized or excited. 773 00:44:37,190 --> 00:44:39,010 It starts to fire action potentials. 774 00:44:39,010 --> 00:44:40,718 And then these action potentials are then 775 00:44:40,718 --> 00:44:43,254 sent down the auditory nerve and into the brain. 776 00:44:43,254 --> 00:44:44,795 The brain says, aha, there's a sound. 777 00:44:48,200 --> 00:44:50,400 Now interestingly, there's another kind 778 00:44:50,400 --> 00:44:53,490 of nerve fiber associated with many hair cells, 779 00:44:53,490 --> 00:44:57,260 and it's called an efferent nerve fiber. 780 00:44:57,260 --> 00:45:02,000 So what's the difference between an afferent and an efferent? 781 00:45:02,880 --> 00:45:03,380 anybody? 782 00:45:05,929 --> 00:45:07,470 AUDIENCE: Directionality of the cell? 783 00:45:07,470 --> 00:45:08,540 PROFESSOR: That's right. 784 00:45:08,540 --> 00:45:10,080 So, which one goes which way. 785 00:45:10,080 --> 00:45:13,430 We've said this one is going-- the afferent is going that way. 786 00:45:14,900 --> 00:45:17,280 The efferent nerve ending is going the opposite way. 787 00:45:17,280 --> 00:45:22,480 And so most of this naming nomenclature 788 00:45:22,480 --> 00:45:25,810 comes from the reference being the brain. 789 00:45:27,070 --> 00:45:29,880 The brain is where the action is, right? 790 00:45:29,880 --> 00:45:31,960 The cochlea's way out here. 791 00:45:31,960 --> 00:45:34,880 So anything that's going out from the brain 792 00:45:34,880 --> 00:45:38,540 is efflux or efferent, so signals 793 00:45:38,540 --> 00:45:42,150 that are going from the brain out to peripheral structures-- 794 00:45:42,150 --> 00:45:46,670 like the hair cells-- travel by way of efferent nerve fibers, 795 00:45:46,670 --> 00:45:47,170 right? 796 00:45:47,170 --> 00:45:49,190 Another efferent type of nerve fiber 797 00:45:49,190 --> 00:45:52,840 would be a motor neuron, a motor neuron sending messages 798 00:45:52,840 --> 00:45:54,340 from the brain out to the periphery 799 00:45:54,340 --> 00:45:55,960 to contract the muscles. 800 00:45:55,960 --> 00:45:59,450 That'd be another type of efferent nerve fiber. 801 00:45:59,450 --> 00:46:03,970 So interestingly, the hair cells have efferent nerve fibers 802 00:46:03,970 --> 00:46:07,670 attached to them, and they form synapses on the hair cells. 803 00:46:07,670 --> 00:46:11,580 And you do not see this in the visual system. 804 00:46:11,580 --> 00:46:15,020 You do not see efferent innervation of the receptor 805 00:46:15,020 --> 00:46:20,480 cells or of the retina at all in vision, at least 806 00:46:20,480 --> 00:46:22,220 in mammalian systems. 807 00:46:22,220 --> 00:46:24,830 You do see it in lower vertebrates. 808 00:46:26,060 --> 00:46:30,259 But in mammalian systems, the auditory hair cells 809 00:46:30,259 --> 00:46:31,425 get an efferent innervation. 810 00:46:32,950 --> 00:46:35,200 There are hair cells as another part of the inner ear. 811 00:46:35,200 --> 00:46:37,650 We talked about the vestibular system 812 00:46:37,650 --> 00:46:39,015 and the semicircular canals. 813 00:46:40,250 --> 00:46:45,740 That is a hair cell organ, and those get efferent nerve 814 00:46:45,740 --> 00:46:46,950 endings from the brain. 815 00:46:48,290 --> 00:46:54,240 And in the sides of the body in amphibians and fish, 816 00:46:54,240 --> 00:46:57,070 there's a lateral line system of hair cells 817 00:46:57,070 --> 00:47:01,285 that allows the fish to detect currents of motion of water. 818 00:47:02,420 --> 00:47:05,460 And those are hair cell-based receptor organs, 819 00:47:05,460 --> 00:47:09,570 and they get an efferent as well as an afferent innervation. 820 00:47:09,570 --> 00:47:13,570 So it seems like wherever there are hair cell-based systems, 821 00:47:13,570 --> 00:47:16,510 the brain sends messages out to the hair cells 822 00:47:16,510 --> 00:47:18,820 as well as getting information from the hair cells. 823 00:47:18,820 --> 00:47:22,510 So we'll have a lecture later on what 824 00:47:22,510 --> 00:47:24,300 these efferent nerves are doing. 825 00:47:24,300 --> 00:47:26,900 I mean, why would the brain want to control 826 00:47:26,900 --> 00:47:28,020 the auditory periphery? 827 00:47:29,110 --> 00:47:31,110 It's an interesting question, and maybe there 828 00:47:31,110 --> 00:47:32,920 are several answers to that. 829 00:47:32,920 --> 00:47:34,850 Certainly, the brain wants to know 830 00:47:34,850 --> 00:47:36,900 what's happening to the hair cells. 831 00:47:36,900 --> 00:47:42,120 So these afferent nerve fibers are sending messages 832 00:47:42,120 --> 00:47:43,710 when the hair cell is stimulated. 833 00:47:43,710 --> 00:47:45,820 So that's the main pathway going into the brain. 834 00:47:51,570 --> 00:48:00,295 OK, we've talked about the transduction channels. 835 00:48:01,670 --> 00:48:05,110 We haven't talked about these little things called tip links. 836 00:48:06,510 --> 00:48:09,980 One idea is that these links between the tips 837 00:48:09,980 --> 00:48:15,410 of the stereocilia are sort of like a rope on a trap door. 838 00:48:15,410 --> 00:48:18,590 And when the stereocilium moves, it opens up the trap door, 839 00:48:18,590 --> 00:48:21,150 and that's what opens the ion channel. 840 00:48:21,150 --> 00:48:22,750 These little tip links are something 841 00:48:22,750 --> 00:48:24,560 you see in the electron microscope. 842 00:48:24,560 --> 00:48:26,580 They're very, very fine. 843 00:48:26,580 --> 00:48:30,340 When you use some chemical treatment to dissolve those tip 844 00:48:30,340 --> 00:48:33,790 links, the hair cells don't work anymore. 845 00:48:33,790 --> 00:48:35,550 They don't respond to sound anymore. 846 00:48:35,550 --> 00:48:38,290 So there are some other proteins up 847 00:48:38,290 --> 00:48:41,011 there associated with the transduction channels called 848 00:48:41,011 --> 00:48:41,510 tip links. 849 00:48:43,380 --> 00:48:46,772 That's a very active area of research now-- 850 00:48:46,772 --> 00:48:48,230 what are the transduction channels? 851 00:48:48,230 --> 00:48:49,900 How do the tip links work? 852 00:48:49,900 --> 00:48:51,150 How are they mechanosensitive? 853 00:48:54,170 --> 00:48:55,730 OK, now let's talk. 854 00:48:55,730 --> 00:48:58,450 We've been alluding to the two types of hair cells, right? 855 00:48:58,450 --> 00:48:59,785 Outer and inner hair cells. 856 00:49:01,660 --> 00:49:07,160 And all mammals have these two types 857 00:49:07,160 --> 00:49:08,910 of hair cells, outer and inner hair cells. 858 00:49:10,480 --> 00:49:16,060 Birds have hair cells that are also of several classes. 859 00:49:16,060 --> 00:49:19,380 They have what are called tall and short hair cells. 860 00:49:19,380 --> 00:49:22,640 They're a little bit different than outer and inner hair 861 00:49:22,640 --> 00:49:23,140 cells. 862 00:49:23,140 --> 00:49:26,350 Reptiles generally have one type of hair cell. 863 00:49:26,350 --> 00:49:31,480 So the inner and outer hair cell distinction is true for mammals 864 00:49:31,480 --> 00:49:31,980 mainly. 865 00:49:33,020 --> 00:49:34,460 So how do they get their names? 866 00:49:34,460 --> 00:49:38,070 Well, if you look down on the top of the organ of Corti-- 867 00:49:38,070 --> 00:49:40,110 so this is my wire model. 868 00:49:40,110 --> 00:49:42,540 So this is like the cochlea we've been looking at. 869 00:49:42,540 --> 00:49:45,640 Now, turn it so you're looking down from the apex down. 870 00:49:45,640 --> 00:49:48,730 On top of this membrane, what you 871 00:49:48,730 --> 00:49:52,200 would see if you looked at one little tiny piece 872 00:49:52,200 --> 00:49:56,020 is a row of inner hair cells going from the extreme base 873 00:49:56,020 --> 00:50:00,810 to the apex, which would be this row right here. 874 00:50:00,810 --> 00:50:04,030 And three rows of outer hair cells, going from the base 875 00:50:04,030 --> 00:50:07,520 to the apex, and it turns out that the inner hair 876 00:50:07,520 --> 00:50:09,020 cells get their name because they're 877 00:50:09,020 --> 00:50:10,900 on the inner side of the spiral. 878 00:50:12,310 --> 00:50:16,970 And the outers are on the outer part of the spiral. 879 00:50:16,970 --> 00:50:19,360 So the inners are toward the center, 880 00:50:19,360 --> 00:50:21,080 or toward the axis of the cochlea. 881 00:50:22,270 --> 00:50:24,000 The outers are away from it. 882 00:50:26,250 --> 00:50:29,870 And this view, looking down on them, 883 00:50:29,870 --> 00:50:32,620 would be looking down onto their stereocilia. 884 00:50:32,620 --> 00:50:35,985 And these white structures are the hair bundles-- the tips, 885 00:50:35,985 --> 00:50:37,430 if you will-- of the stereocilia. 886 00:50:38,970 --> 00:50:44,010 And there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight 887 00:50:44,010 --> 00:50:47,060 and a half inner hair cells here. 888 00:50:47,060 --> 00:50:49,600 And in the first row of outer hair cells, 889 00:50:49,600 --> 00:50:53,636 there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 890 00:50:53,636 --> 00:50:55,090 ten, eleven, twelve. 891 00:50:55,090 --> 00:50:57,530 There's a dozen outer hair cells. 892 00:50:57,530 --> 00:50:59,750 And their stereocilia are lined up differently. 893 00:50:59,750 --> 00:51:03,570 They're sort of like inverted V's on the outer hair cells. 894 00:51:03,570 --> 00:51:06,500 And there's the first row, the second row, 895 00:51:06,500 --> 00:51:10,470 and the outermost row, the third row of outer hair cells. 896 00:51:10,470 --> 00:51:12,870 And this is a stereotyped pattern. 897 00:51:12,870 --> 00:51:15,080 Almost all mammals have this. 898 00:51:15,080 --> 00:51:18,540 In the human, if you go up into the apex of the cochlea, 899 00:51:18,540 --> 00:51:21,980 sometimes a fourth row of outer hair cells starts to form, 900 00:51:21,980 --> 00:51:25,000 but it's not very well organized. 901 00:51:25,000 --> 00:51:26,180 It's sort of patchy. 902 00:51:26,180 --> 00:51:29,002 But you can have a fourth row of outer hair cells. 903 00:51:31,600 --> 00:51:37,820 If one of these were missing, the supporting cells nearby 904 00:51:37,820 --> 00:51:40,155 form a little scar in its place. 905 00:51:42,100 --> 00:51:45,080 And we'll talk about things that kill hair cells in a few weeks. 906 00:51:46,680 --> 00:51:49,485 Loud sounds can kill your hair cells. 907 00:51:50,670 --> 00:51:53,179 Infectious agents-- meningitis, for example-- 908 00:51:53,179 --> 00:51:54,220 can kill your hair cells. 909 00:51:54,220 --> 00:51:58,340 Certain drugs, aminoglycoside antibiotics like kanamycin 910 00:51:58,340 --> 00:51:59,450 can kill your hair cells. 911 00:52:00,550 --> 00:52:04,850 And the supporting cells thereby just fill in. 912 00:52:04,850 --> 00:52:08,850 And you can go and look at a cochlea that has some hair cell 913 00:52:08,850 --> 00:52:09,350 damage. 914 00:52:09,350 --> 00:52:11,540 You can count, you can see how regular 915 00:52:11,540 --> 00:52:14,020 the array is of hair cells. 916 00:52:14,020 --> 00:52:15,939 And you can count how many are present there 917 00:52:15,939 --> 00:52:16,980 and how many are damaged. 918 00:52:18,139 --> 00:52:19,680 And you can, you know, say if there's 919 00:52:19,680 --> 00:52:22,450 a 50% loss of outer hair cells in row one, 920 00:52:22,450 --> 00:52:24,460 this regularity is so beautiful. 921 00:52:26,300 --> 00:52:30,220 Unfortunately, once they're killed in a mammal, 922 00:52:30,220 --> 00:52:31,650 they never come back. 923 00:52:31,650 --> 00:52:35,820 You cannot regrow your hair cells once they've been killed. 924 00:52:35,820 --> 00:52:39,560 In birds, they grow right back. 925 00:52:39,560 --> 00:52:41,000 Takes about three or four weeks. 926 00:52:42,730 --> 00:52:46,134 So you can kill all the hair cells in a bird cochlea 927 00:52:46,134 --> 00:52:47,800 and come back three or four weeks later, 928 00:52:47,800 --> 00:52:48,924 and they're all grown back. 929 00:52:50,230 --> 00:52:52,780 In mammals, they don't grow back. 930 00:52:52,780 --> 00:52:54,591 And so there's a lot of interest-- 931 00:52:54,591 --> 00:52:57,090 Because you have these agents that kill hair cells-- there's 932 00:52:57,090 --> 00:53:00,600 a lot of interest in, how can we make our hair cells 933 00:53:00,600 --> 00:53:02,255 grow back after they've been killed? 934 00:53:03,270 --> 00:53:06,430 And people are thinking of stem cell approached 935 00:53:06,430 --> 00:53:11,190 or neurotropic drugs that might be good. 936 00:53:11,190 --> 00:53:13,070 So why don't they grow back? 937 00:53:13,070 --> 00:53:15,220 We don't know that at all. 938 00:53:15,220 --> 00:53:17,950 We do know that, for example, I'm 939 00:53:17,950 --> 00:53:21,110 in a department called ENT-- Ear, Nose, and Throat. 940 00:53:21,110 --> 00:53:23,840 Lots of the surgeons in our department deal 941 00:53:23,840 --> 00:53:26,700 with cancers of the head and neck, right? 942 00:53:26,700 --> 00:53:30,730 Because there are cancers that can come up, and surgeons 943 00:53:30,730 --> 00:53:33,950 can take care of that by taking cancers out. 944 00:53:33,950 --> 00:53:37,050 There are no known cancers that grow in the inner ear. 945 00:53:37,050 --> 00:53:38,390 It never, ever happens. 946 00:53:40,030 --> 00:53:44,570 So maybe these cells are so far differentiated 947 00:53:44,570 --> 00:53:47,420 and they've become this classic inner and outer hair 948 00:53:47,420 --> 00:53:51,110 distinction, they're so evolved that they can't grow back. 949 00:53:51,110 --> 00:53:52,120 They can't multiply. 950 00:53:52,120 --> 00:53:53,390 They can't form a cancer. 951 00:53:53,390 --> 00:53:57,750 But unfortunately, once there destroyed by some agent 952 00:53:57,750 --> 00:54:01,140 like a drug, they can't grow back. 953 00:54:01,140 --> 00:54:05,950 So a way to put new cells in there that 954 00:54:05,950 --> 00:54:09,040 could become new hair cells, or a way 955 00:54:09,040 --> 00:54:12,100 to encourage these supporting cells on the sides 956 00:54:12,100 --> 00:54:15,720 to grow and become hair cells, is a very interesting idea, 957 00:54:15,720 --> 00:54:18,790 but one that's just in the research phase now. 958 00:54:20,830 --> 00:54:24,250 OK, so that's the difference between inner and outer hair 959 00:54:24,250 --> 00:54:25,000 cells. 960 00:54:25,000 --> 00:54:27,175 If you cut them in the other dimension 961 00:54:27,175 --> 00:54:29,940 and look at them in the longitudinal plane, 962 00:54:29,940 --> 00:54:33,960 inner and outer hair cells look completely different. 963 00:54:33,960 --> 00:54:37,280 An inner hair cell is a big fat cell. 964 00:54:37,280 --> 00:54:39,300 It comes up to a neck and bulges out 965 00:54:39,300 --> 00:54:41,675 a little bit where the hair bundle is, way up at the top. 966 00:54:44,630 --> 00:54:46,420 At the bottom of the inner hair cell, 967 00:54:46,420 --> 00:54:49,700 there's lots of afferent nerve endings. 968 00:54:50,880 --> 00:54:53,510 Maybe as many as 20 per hair cell. 969 00:54:55,360 --> 00:54:57,570 There's a few efferent nerve endings, 970 00:54:57,570 --> 00:54:59,835 but they're usually not on the hair cell itself. 971 00:55:00,970 --> 00:55:03,412 They're on these afferent terminals. 972 00:55:03,412 --> 00:55:05,620 The efferents come and get on the afferent terminals. 973 00:55:08,550 --> 00:55:10,300 The outer hair cells, by contrast, 974 00:55:10,300 --> 00:55:11,690 are completely different. 975 00:55:11,690 --> 00:55:14,845 They're long, test tube-like shaped cells. 976 00:55:16,740 --> 00:55:19,370 Down at the bottom, they also have nerve terminals. 977 00:55:19,370 --> 00:55:21,460 Most of the nerve terminals in this case 978 00:55:21,460 --> 00:55:23,990 are efferent nerve terminals. 979 00:55:23,990 --> 00:55:26,850 How do we know that they're efferent afferent? 980 00:55:34,290 --> 00:55:40,630 Well, if you look at them in the electron microscope-- 981 00:55:40,630 --> 00:55:43,560 I'll just draw a quick diagram. 982 00:55:45,120 --> 00:55:46,140 Here's the hair cell. 983 00:55:50,720 --> 00:55:52,290 Here's a nerve terminal coming up. 984 00:55:54,890 --> 00:55:59,310 And here is a whole bunch of synaptic vesicles 985 00:55:59,310 --> 00:56:05,670 in the hair cell ready to be released when the hair 986 00:56:05,670 --> 00:56:07,880 cell is stimulated with sound. 987 00:56:07,880 --> 00:56:09,820 Obviously, the transmission is going that way. 988 00:56:12,180 --> 00:56:13,660 Here's a nerve terminal. 989 00:56:19,880 --> 00:56:22,710 Here's a whole bunch of synaptic vesicles. 990 00:56:28,450 --> 00:56:30,670 None over here, they're all on the nerve terminal. 991 00:56:32,180 --> 00:56:36,440 When the message comes down from the brain, 992 00:56:36,440 --> 00:56:37,950 a whole bunch of these vesicles are 993 00:56:37,950 --> 00:56:40,940 released onto the hair cell. 994 00:56:40,940 --> 00:56:44,910 OK, so by just looking at the nerve terminals in the electron 995 00:56:44,910 --> 00:56:49,360 microscope, you can get an idea of which direction 996 00:56:49,360 --> 00:56:50,500 the transmission is going. 997 00:56:50,500 --> 00:56:53,390 And so label them as either afferent or efferent. 998 00:56:53,390 --> 00:56:56,590 On the outer hair cells, there are many, many efferent nerve 999 00:56:56,590 --> 00:56:57,600 terminals on them. 1000 00:57:01,830 --> 00:57:05,790 In fact, in the 1970s, it became clear 1001 00:57:05,790 --> 00:57:09,950 that almost all afferent nerve fibers, the ones that 1002 00:57:09,950 --> 00:57:12,330 were sending messages to the brain, 1003 00:57:12,330 --> 00:57:16,200 were associated with the inner hair cells, and only about 5% 1004 00:57:16,200 --> 00:57:18,610 of them were associated with the outer hair cells. 1005 00:57:18,610 --> 00:57:22,750 This is was a big mystery for a while, 1006 00:57:22,750 --> 00:57:24,560 and people didn't believe it at first. 1007 00:57:24,560 --> 00:57:26,250 It said, well, all the information going 1008 00:57:26,250 --> 00:57:28,120 into the brain, or 95% percent of it, 1009 00:57:28,120 --> 00:57:29,980 is coming from the inner hair cell. 1010 00:57:29,980 --> 00:57:31,660 Huh, that's kind of funny. 1011 00:57:31,660 --> 00:57:35,180 There's actually more outer hair cells than inner hair cells. 1012 00:57:35,180 --> 00:57:36,100 So what's going on? 1013 00:57:36,100 --> 00:57:37,870 Somebody screwed up the counts, right? 1014 00:57:37,870 --> 00:57:40,172 So it was done over and over again, 1015 00:57:40,172 --> 00:57:41,630 and the counts came back correctly. 1016 00:57:43,540 --> 00:57:45,130 So how do we interpret that now? 1017 00:57:45,130 --> 00:57:50,230 Well, about the same time in the early 1980s, a very interesting 1018 00:57:50,230 --> 00:57:52,455 property of outer hair cells was noticed. 1019 00:57:55,090 --> 00:57:58,990 It was noticed that outer hair cells are actually motile. 1020 00:57:58,990 --> 00:57:59,725 They can move. 1021 00:58:01,970 --> 00:58:08,040 And this was first discovered by Joe Santos Saatchi and others 1022 00:58:08,040 --> 00:58:11,240 in the early 1980s. 1023 00:58:11,240 --> 00:58:20,660 And this discovery was made when they put a hair cell 1024 00:58:20,660 --> 00:58:24,320 in a fluid of high potassium, lots of potassium here. 1025 00:58:26,280 --> 00:58:27,830 There are some potassium channels 1026 00:58:27,830 --> 00:58:29,060 in the sides of the cell. 1027 00:58:29,060 --> 00:58:29,950 Potassium went in. 1028 00:58:31,070 --> 00:58:34,430 When you have positive ions coming into a cell, 1029 00:58:34,430 --> 00:58:35,810 the cell depolarizes. 1030 00:58:35,810 --> 00:58:38,850 It might have started out at minus 80 millivolts. 1031 00:58:38,850 --> 00:58:42,740 In the high potassium solution, it may have gone to minus 50 1032 00:58:42,740 --> 00:58:45,285 millivolts or maybe even 0 millivolts. 1033 00:58:48,160 --> 00:58:51,050 Bill Brownell and Joe Santos, when they saw this happen, 1034 00:58:51,050 --> 00:58:53,075 they saw the cell shrink. 1035 00:58:54,810 --> 00:58:57,910 It was, let's say, five micrometers in length before. 1036 00:58:57,910 --> 00:59:00,475 They put it in the potassium solution, it became four. 1037 00:59:02,270 --> 00:59:04,420 Take it out of the high potassium solution, 1038 00:59:04,420 --> 00:59:06,870 put it in a regular solution, it lengthened again. 1039 00:59:08,322 --> 00:59:12,940 OK, here is a graph of those data. 1040 00:59:14,820 --> 00:59:17,920 In this case it's a more elegant experiment where they actually 1041 00:59:17,920 --> 00:59:21,460 measured the potential inside the cell 1042 00:59:21,460 --> 00:59:23,260 by putting an electrode into it. 1043 00:59:30,140 --> 00:59:34,510 So you can run this out to your amplifier 1044 00:59:34,510 --> 00:59:37,370 and measure the electrical potential 1045 00:59:37,370 --> 00:59:40,350 in terms of the millivolts of the inside of the cell. 1046 00:59:41,560 --> 00:59:46,260 And by putting current down or coming out of the cell, 1047 00:59:46,260 --> 00:59:50,390 you can move the inside of this potential whatever you want, 1048 00:59:50,390 --> 00:59:51,470 whichever way you want. 1049 00:59:52,530 --> 00:59:57,920 And in this case, this x-axis in millivolts 1050 00:59:57,920 --> 01:00:00,510 is the potential inside the hair cell. 1051 01:00:03,000 --> 01:00:07,020 The ordinary potential is about minus 80 millivolts, 1052 01:00:07,020 --> 01:00:08,870 about right here. 1053 01:00:08,870 --> 01:00:13,900 Minus 180 is a huge hyperpolarization of the cell. 1054 01:00:13,900 --> 01:00:17,440 And plus 0 up to plus 40 millivolts 1055 01:00:17,440 --> 01:00:19,041 is a depolarization of a cell. 1056 01:00:19,041 --> 01:00:21,040 Does everybody understand what we're doing here? 1057 01:00:21,040 --> 01:00:24,160 We're changing the intracellular potential 1058 01:00:24,160 --> 01:00:25,905 of the cell in terms of its millivolts. 1059 01:00:28,670 --> 01:00:31,470 And then we're looking at the change in length. 1060 01:00:31,470 --> 01:00:33,850 As you depolarize the cell, the cell 1061 01:00:33,850 --> 01:00:37,020 goes from 0 to negative values. 1062 01:00:37,020 --> 01:00:39,620 That's a shortening in terms of micrometers 1063 01:00:39,620 --> 01:00:41,580 of the length of the outer hair cell. 1064 01:00:41,580 --> 01:00:44,870 This is the basal end where the hair cells are, 1065 01:00:44,870 --> 01:00:47,560 this is the apical end where the stereocilia would be. 1066 01:00:48,880 --> 01:00:51,310 OK, so these hair cells can actually move. 1067 01:00:51,310 --> 01:00:54,410 You can do this experiment with a muscle fiber 1068 01:00:54,410 --> 01:00:55,565 and get the same result. 1069 01:00:56,920 --> 01:00:59,190 It's a very different process, but when 1070 01:00:59,190 --> 01:01:04,806 you depolarize a muscle cell, it contracts by actin and myosin 1071 01:01:04,806 --> 01:01:05,305 means. 1072 01:01:06,360 --> 01:01:10,050 This was very surprising though to see this in a sensory cell. 1073 01:01:10,050 --> 01:01:13,610 Sensory cells aren't supposed to contract, right? 1074 01:01:13,610 --> 01:01:15,030 They figured out that they are. 1075 01:01:15,030 --> 01:01:15,860 They can contract. 1076 01:01:17,400 --> 01:01:23,310 Now, that means this outer hair cell-- 1077 01:01:23,310 --> 01:01:25,050 and I should say outer hair cell, 1078 01:01:25,050 --> 01:01:27,350 these are outer hair cells because when 1079 01:01:27,350 --> 01:01:30,990 you do the same experiment with an inner hair cell 1080 01:01:30,990 --> 01:01:34,100 or any other cell in the body, you don't get a contraction. 1081 01:01:34,100 --> 01:01:36,260 So it's peculiar to outer hair cells. 1082 01:01:36,260 --> 01:01:37,360 Make sure you know that. 1083 01:01:37,360 --> 01:01:39,470 Outer hair cells are the ones that are motile. 1084 01:01:41,480 --> 01:01:44,010 This process became known as electromotility. 1085 01:01:54,830 --> 01:02:02,710 OK, so when the inside voltage is changed, 1086 01:02:02,710 --> 01:02:05,070 the length of the outer hair cells has changed. 1087 01:02:05,070 --> 01:02:07,270 So let me give you a demonstration of this. 1088 01:02:07,270 --> 01:02:11,720 I have a nice demonstration from Joe Santos Saatchi, who 1089 01:02:11,720 --> 01:02:13,900 is now at Yale School of Medicine. 1090 01:02:13,900 --> 01:02:16,210 And he made this demonstration. 1091 01:02:17,320 --> 01:02:19,290 And it's kind of a clever demonstration 1092 01:02:19,290 --> 01:02:21,880 because you can see the hair cell, 1093 01:02:21,880 --> 01:02:27,080 and it will be moving because Joe has patched onto the hair 1094 01:02:27,080 --> 01:02:28,530 cell with his electrode. 1095 01:02:29,770 --> 01:02:32,990 And the electrode is-- usually, in these kinds of experiments-- 1096 01:02:32,990 --> 01:02:36,240 is put on a micromanipulator and it's bolted to the table. 1097 01:02:37,270 --> 01:02:40,960 And because that patch pipette has impaled the cell, 1098 01:02:40,960 --> 01:02:43,070 that part of the cell is just pegged 1099 01:02:43,070 --> 01:02:45,400 so it's not going to move at all. 1100 01:02:45,400 --> 01:02:46,940 That's the very bottom of the cell. 1101 01:02:46,940 --> 01:02:49,540 And you'll see a little bit of a ghost-like image of that. 1102 01:02:49,540 --> 01:02:53,610 The rest of the cell is the long part of the hair cell, and then 1103 01:02:53,610 --> 01:02:56,510 the stereocilia, or hair bundle, right up at the top. 1104 01:02:57,630 --> 01:03:00,200 And that part is free to move. 1105 01:03:00,200 --> 01:03:03,640 Now, what Joe has done is he's depolarized and hyperpolarized 1106 01:03:03,640 --> 01:03:04,885 the cell using his amplifier. 1107 01:03:06,050 --> 01:03:13,620 But he has made that signal sync'd to a musical signal, OK? 1108 01:03:13,620 --> 01:03:15,800 So you'll hear music on the soundtrack 1109 01:03:15,800 --> 01:03:17,660 and you'll see the hair cell moving. 1110 01:03:17,660 --> 01:03:20,890 The music is not directly stimulating the hair cell 1111 01:03:20,890 --> 01:03:24,320 by moving its stereocilia as normally it would be, 1112 01:03:24,320 --> 01:03:26,870 as when we listen to it. 1113 01:03:26,870 --> 01:03:31,480 Instead, that music is just in sync with the electrical signal 1114 01:03:31,480 --> 01:03:33,830 manipulating the inside of the hair cell. 1115 01:03:33,830 --> 01:03:34,910 So I'll play that now. 1116 01:03:38,403 --> 01:03:39,401 Once again. 1117 01:03:42,900 --> 01:03:44,625 OK, so here's the hair cell. 1118 01:03:45,970 --> 01:03:49,803 This is the shadow of the electrode holding this stiff. 1119 01:03:50,830 --> 01:03:53,070 This is the main part of the cell. 1120 01:03:53,070 --> 01:03:54,974 These are the stereocilia right up there. 1121 01:04:25,030 --> 01:04:25,530 OK. 1122 01:04:26,900 --> 01:04:31,330 So apparently Joe, lectures to medical students, 1123 01:04:31,330 --> 01:04:35,110 says there's a reflex that goes directly from your hair cells 1124 01:04:35,110 --> 01:04:36,830 to your dancing feet. 1125 01:04:36,830 --> 01:04:38,960 And apparently, the medical students believe him. 1126 01:04:40,510 --> 01:04:44,500 Anyway, that is clearly a demonstration 1127 01:04:44,500 --> 01:04:51,020 that this electromotility is much faster than, for example, 1128 01:04:51,020 --> 01:04:52,690 the contraction of muscle cells. 1129 01:04:52,690 --> 01:04:55,190 Muscle cell contraction, put it in a dish, or even hair cell 1130 01:04:55,190 --> 01:04:58,990 in a dish-- it can be very slow. 1131 01:04:58,990 --> 01:05:02,680 This electromotility is happening at audio frequencies, 1132 01:05:02,680 --> 01:05:03,700 right? 1133 01:05:03,700 --> 01:05:07,500 Some of those sounds were thousands of times per second. 1134 01:05:07,500 --> 01:05:12,340 So in the early debate of electromotility, 1135 01:05:12,340 --> 01:05:15,920 there were some questions of how fast this is 1136 01:05:15,920 --> 01:05:18,620 and whether it really manipulates movement 1137 01:05:18,620 --> 01:05:20,340 of the hair cells at audio frequency. 1138 01:05:20,340 --> 01:05:22,710 And I think that kind of demonstration 1139 01:05:22,710 --> 01:05:25,000 clearly shows that it does. 1140 01:05:25,000 --> 01:05:26,810 So what good is this? 1141 01:05:26,810 --> 01:05:29,330 How does this help us in the sense of hearing? 1142 01:05:30,440 --> 01:05:34,940 And what good would it be to have a motile sensory cell? 1143 01:05:34,940 --> 01:05:41,110 Well, the idea is that these hair cells-- here again 1144 01:05:41,110 --> 01:05:43,880 are the inner hair cells and the three rows of outer hair cells. 1145 01:05:45,250 --> 01:05:47,180 Sound comes into the ear. 1146 01:05:47,180 --> 01:05:49,570 It moves these membranes. 1147 01:05:49,570 --> 01:05:50,790 It moves the hair bundles. 1148 01:05:52,000 --> 01:05:55,640 Motion of the hair bundles opens up these transducer channels 1149 01:05:55,640 --> 01:05:59,620 which allow ions to come in and depolarize the outer hair 1150 01:05:59,620 --> 01:06:00,450 cells, let's say. 1151 01:06:01,550 --> 01:06:04,845 When the outer hair cells are depolarized, they shorten. 1152 01:06:06,330 --> 01:06:09,330 OK, when the sound phase reverses, 1153 01:06:09,330 --> 01:06:12,820 the hair bundle moves the other way, the channels close. 1154 01:06:12,820 --> 01:06:15,486 The hair cells go back to their normal length. 1155 01:06:15,486 --> 01:06:17,610 And this goes back and forth, and in the outer hair 1156 01:06:17,610 --> 01:06:19,151 cells are getting longer and shorter. 1157 01:06:20,670 --> 01:06:24,940 Somehow, that motion, that mechanical energy, 1158 01:06:24,940 --> 01:06:28,930 adds to the vibration that was initiated 1159 01:06:28,930 --> 01:06:32,135 by the sound in a sort of an amplification mechanism. 1160 01:06:33,270 --> 01:06:35,870 So you then have more vibration. 1161 01:06:35,870 --> 01:06:38,820 You then have more bending of the stereocilia. 1162 01:06:38,820 --> 01:06:41,430 You have more depolarizing of the hair cells. 1163 01:06:41,430 --> 01:06:44,140 You have even more electromotility and sort 1164 01:06:44,140 --> 01:06:46,250 of a positive feedback loop here. 1165 01:06:47,540 --> 01:06:49,830 The outer hair cells then are sometimes 1166 01:06:49,830 --> 01:06:52,180 called the cochlear amplifier. 1167 01:06:52,180 --> 01:06:57,710 They amplify the vibration patterns set up by sound 1168 01:06:57,710 --> 01:06:59,100 in the cochlea. 1169 01:06:59,100 --> 01:07:02,880 So the outer hair cells are sometimes 1170 01:07:02,880 --> 01:07:05,332 nicknamed the cochlear amplifier. 1171 01:07:11,590 --> 01:07:13,250 So what good is a cochlear amplifier? 1172 01:07:14,440 --> 01:07:18,700 Well, you have this ordinary receptor cell over here. 1173 01:07:18,700 --> 01:07:20,840 It doesn't change its length at all, 1174 01:07:20,840 --> 01:07:24,560 but it has all the auditory nerve fibers linked to it. 1175 01:07:24,560 --> 01:07:28,190 Now instead of its stereocilia moving just a little bit, 1176 01:07:28,190 --> 01:07:31,325 it has an amplifier sitting right next to it and amplifies 1177 01:07:31,325 --> 01:07:32,850 to all these membranes. 1178 01:07:32,850 --> 01:07:34,470 And the inner hair cell stereocilia 1179 01:07:34,470 --> 01:07:36,380 are really now waving and back and forth. 1180 01:07:38,060 --> 01:07:41,980 They then send their messages to the auditory nerve fibers, 1181 01:07:41,980 --> 01:07:45,620 which send their axons and messages into the brain. 1182 01:07:45,620 --> 01:07:48,400 Your brain says, I hear sound. 1183 01:07:48,400 --> 01:07:50,530 Even when it's a very soft sound, 1184 01:07:50,530 --> 01:07:54,650 like a pin dropping-- which, without the cochlear amplifier, 1185 01:07:54,650 --> 01:07:57,290 would be inaudible-- that pin dropping, 1186 01:07:57,290 --> 01:07:59,893 that very small mechanical motion is amplified. 1187 01:08:01,540 --> 01:08:03,270 And the inner hair cells then say, 1188 01:08:03,270 --> 01:08:04,670 oh, yes I do hear the sound. 1189 01:08:06,430 --> 01:08:10,120 So the function then of these receptor cells 1190 01:08:10,120 --> 01:08:12,420 is very different than what you have 1191 01:08:12,420 --> 01:08:15,510 in vision, where you had rods and cones, right? 1192 01:08:15,510 --> 01:08:18,725 Rods and cones mediate different types of vision. 1193 01:08:20,279 --> 01:08:24,279 In the cochlea, the hair cells work together. 1194 01:08:24,279 --> 01:08:26,540 The outer hair cells ore the cochlear amplifier 1195 01:08:26,540 --> 01:08:30,800 making this thing amplified more, and more sensitive. 1196 01:08:30,800 --> 01:08:35,189 The inner hair cells then are the major receptor cells 1197 01:08:35,189 --> 01:08:38,050 that are sending their messages to the brain, OK? 1198 01:08:38,050 --> 01:08:44,270 So it's really a different kind of two receptor sense, 1199 01:08:44,270 --> 01:08:46,040 if you will, compared to vision. 1200 01:08:49,649 --> 01:08:57,290 And that's what this diagram is supposed to be. 1201 01:08:57,290 --> 01:09:00,069 This is very fanciful diagram. 1202 01:09:00,069 --> 01:09:03,660 And there's a lot of hand waving here associated 1203 01:09:03,660 --> 01:09:05,949 with how the cochlear amplifier really works. 1204 01:09:08,830 --> 01:09:13,359 This is an unraveled cochlea from the base to the apex, 1205 01:09:13,359 --> 01:09:15,290 and this is how much displacement 1206 01:09:15,290 --> 01:09:18,370 you have-- von Bekesy's traveling wave envelope, 1207 01:09:18,370 --> 01:09:19,609 if you will. 1208 01:09:19,609 --> 01:09:22,990 This dashed line is what would happen if you just put sound in 1209 01:09:22,990 --> 01:09:24,219 and there was no amplifier. 1210 01:09:26,279 --> 01:09:30,840 And this enhanced solid line is when you have the outer hair 1211 01:09:30,840 --> 01:09:33,865 cells working their cochlear amplifier magic. 1212 01:09:35,340 --> 01:09:37,560 And apparently, the active region 1213 01:09:37,560 --> 01:09:39,830 where the outer hair cells are most active 1214 01:09:39,830 --> 01:09:44,930 is just basal to the peak of this traveling wave. 1215 01:09:44,930 --> 01:09:46,290 And how do we know that? 1216 01:09:46,290 --> 01:09:49,229 How do we know that the outer hair cell cochlear 1217 01:09:49,229 --> 01:09:51,750 amplifier is very important? 1218 01:09:51,750 --> 01:09:55,140 Well, there are actually situations 1219 01:09:55,140 --> 01:09:59,070 when you can lose your outer hair cells 1220 01:09:59,070 --> 01:10:04,380 and you have pretty intact inner hair cell population. 1221 01:10:04,380 --> 01:10:13,720 So in an animal treated with the aminoglycocide kanamycin, 1222 01:10:13,720 --> 01:10:15,370 it turns out that the outer hair cells 1223 01:10:15,370 --> 01:10:18,640 are a little bit more sensitive to the kanamycin 1224 01:10:18,640 --> 01:10:20,990 then the inner hair cells are. 1225 01:10:20,990 --> 01:10:23,460 So if you treat with just the right dose, 1226 01:10:23,460 --> 01:10:25,890 you can find a place of the cochlea 1227 01:10:25,890 --> 01:10:28,446 where there are intact inner hair cells 1228 01:10:28,446 --> 01:10:30,695 and where the outer hair cells have all been lesioned. 1229 01:10:32,340 --> 01:10:35,920 Basal to that, for example, all the hair cells are gone. 1230 01:10:35,920 --> 01:10:38,869 And apical to that, none of the hair cells are gone. 1231 01:10:38,869 --> 01:10:40,410 So in a certain region of the cochlea 1232 01:10:40,410 --> 01:10:42,240 with just the right dose of kanamycin. 1233 01:10:43,710 --> 01:10:47,040 And in those areas, where you just have inner hair cells 1234 01:10:47,040 --> 01:10:49,960 without the outer hair cells, you have a huge hearing loss. 1235 01:10:49,960 --> 01:10:50,915 You're not deaf. 1236 01:10:52,040 --> 01:10:54,570 The inner hair cells are still there 1237 01:10:54,570 --> 01:10:57,560 and they're sending their messages to the brain 1238 01:10:57,560 --> 01:10:59,310 by their auditory nerve fibers. 1239 01:10:59,310 --> 01:11:01,620 But there's a big hearing loss because you 1240 01:11:01,620 --> 01:11:04,105 have lost the function of the cohclear amplifier. 1241 01:11:05,560 --> 01:11:11,120 And those experiments were done in the 1970s and '80s. 1242 01:11:11,120 --> 01:11:14,220 And they were criticized by saying, 1243 01:11:14,220 --> 01:11:17,410 well, anytime you do some lesion treatment, 1244 01:11:17,410 --> 01:11:19,970 you say you have normal inner hair cells and outers. 1245 01:11:19,970 --> 01:11:23,090 Well, you don't really know the inner hair cells are normal. 1246 01:11:23,090 --> 01:11:24,620 Maybe the drug affected them. 1247 01:11:24,620 --> 01:11:26,670 They're still there, but they're screwed up. 1248 01:11:27,850 --> 01:11:34,770 So recently, a much more elegant way 1249 01:11:34,770 --> 01:11:37,450 of doing that same sort of experiment has come up. 1250 01:11:37,450 --> 01:11:41,680 And this is the paper, the research paper, 1251 01:11:41,680 --> 01:11:44,455 that is assigned reading for today's lecture. 1252 01:11:47,130 --> 01:11:52,330 It turns out you can knock out the cochlear amplifier 1253 01:11:52,330 --> 01:11:56,740 by knocking out a particular protein in the outer hair cells 1254 01:11:56,740 --> 01:11:59,030 and have the outer hair cells still there. 1255 01:12:00,330 --> 01:12:06,050 And this work started out with the discovery 1256 01:12:06,050 --> 01:12:12,875 of a protein that's in the membrane of the outer hair 1257 01:12:12,875 --> 01:12:13,375 cells. 1258 01:12:15,170 --> 01:12:16,860 So if you look at the outer hair cells, 1259 01:12:16,860 --> 01:12:19,665 there's a lot of protein in the membrane. 1260 01:12:32,190 --> 01:12:36,340 And the protein is found pretty much nowhere else in the body 1261 01:12:36,340 --> 01:12:38,695 and was given the name prestin. 1262 01:12:41,330 --> 01:12:45,170 Now, you amateur musicians out there, when you play a piece-- 1263 01:12:45,170 --> 01:12:46,830 right?-- at the beginning of the piece, 1264 01:12:46,830 --> 01:12:50,240 at least for classical music, the composer gives you 1265 01:12:50,240 --> 01:12:54,130 an Italian word that says how fast you should play it, right? 1266 01:12:54,130 --> 01:12:57,730 And if it says largo, you're supposed to play it really 1267 01:12:57,730 --> 01:13:01,190 slowly, Right or adagio, slow, right? 1268 01:13:01,190 --> 01:13:03,985 What's the marking or Italian word for "fast"? 1269 01:13:03,985 --> 01:13:04,980 AUDIENCE: Presto. 1270 01:13:04,980 --> 01:13:06,320 PROFESSOR: Presto, right. 1271 01:13:08,650 --> 01:13:11,770 And this protein was named prestin 1272 01:13:11,770 --> 01:13:14,690 because, at least at the time it was discovered, 1273 01:13:14,690 --> 01:13:16,350 they had the idea that, oh, OK. 1274 01:13:16,350 --> 01:13:19,360 Maybe it's the cochlear amplifier protein 1275 01:13:19,360 --> 01:13:22,360 and it makes these outer hair cells shorten and contract 1276 01:13:22,360 --> 01:13:24,304 really quickly, very fast. 1277 01:13:24,304 --> 01:13:25,345 So we'll call it prestin. 1278 01:13:28,110 --> 01:13:30,290 It turned out that that was true, 1279 01:13:30,290 --> 01:13:33,710 and here's some of the evidence in support of that. 1280 01:13:33,710 --> 01:13:37,490 You can knock out the gene for prestin. 1281 01:13:37,490 --> 01:13:44,260 So a knock-out is an animal in which a particular gene 1282 01:13:44,260 --> 01:13:49,040 is either removed or made so it doesn't make the protein. 1283 01:13:49,040 --> 01:13:52,040 Part of it's deleted, and so the protein is not made. 1284 01:13:52,040 --> 01:13:55,150 You can make a knock-out mouse where 1285 01:13:55,150 --> 01:13:57,120 the prestin is knocked out. 1286 01:13:57,120 --> 01:13:59,374 And that's what was done in this paper. 1287 01:14:06,020 --> 01:14:11,710 OK, and in that knock-out mouse, you can look-- 1288 01:14:11,710 --> 01:14:14,700 and they looked at a whole bunch of things. 1289 01:14:14,700 --> 01:14:18,720 That looked at the electromotility the outer hair 1290 01:14:18,720 --> 01:14:19,220 cells. 1291 01:14:19,220 --> 01:14:21,395 So they took outer hair cells and put them in a dish 1292 01:14:21,395 --> 01:14:24,350 and looked at the kind of movements we saw in that video. 1293 01:14:25,520 --> 01:14:28,270 And in this trace, this is minus minus, 1294 01:14:28,270 --> 01:14:32,940 which is the geneticist lingo for a knock-out. 1295 01:14:32,940 --> 01:14:35,035 Both genes for prestin are gone. 1296 01:14:38,030 --> 01:14:41,160 This trace is the plus plus, the wild type, or normal. 1297 01:14:42,640 --> 01:14:45,980 And there's big changes in outer hair cells 1298 01:14:45,980 --> 01:14:48,455 when you depolarize and hyperpolarize them. 1299 01:14:48,455 --> 01:14:52,350 And these big changes are on the order of half a micrometer. 1300 01:14:52,350 --> 01:14:53,650 So this is a length axis. 1301 01:14:55,690 --> 01:14:57,960 In the knock-out, the outer hair cells 1302 01:14:57,960 --> 01:14:59,739 don't change length at all when they're 1303 01:14:59,739 --> 01:15:01,030 depolarized and hyperpolarized. 1304 01:15:02,220 --> 01:15:06,710 In the heterozygote, which is the case when 1305 01:15:06,710 --> 01:15:08,815 you have one gene intact for prestin 1306 01:15:08,815 --> 01:15:10,370 and the other gene is knocked out, 1307 01:15:10,370 --> 01:15:11,536 it's an intermediate result. 1308 01:15:15,310 --> 01:15:17,150 OK, so the outer hair cell motility 1309 01:15:17,150 --> 01:15:20,740 is knocked out by knocking out this one protein. 1310 01:15:20,740 --> 01:15:22,610 So that's pretty good evidence that it's 1311 01:15:22,610 --> 01:15:24,130 involved in the cochlear amplifier. 1312 01:15:26,410 --> 01:15:27,600 What else was measured? 1313 01:15:27,600 --> 01:15:33,630 Well, they wanted to measure hearing sensitivity. 1314 01:15:33,630 --> 01:15:36,960 And so in humans, what you might do 1315 01:15:36,960 --> 01:15:39,894 for that is put a subject in a soundproof chamber and say, 1316 01:15:39,894 --> 01:15:41,560 raise your hand when you hear the sound. 1317 01:15:41,560 --> 01:15:45,000 But you could do that in mice, but it takes a long time 1318 01:15:45,000 --> 01:15:48,690 to train mice or other experimental animals 1319 01:15:48,690 --> 01:15:50,180 to do those behavioral tests. 1320 01:15:50,180 --> 01:15:52,820 So they did an electro physiological test. 1321 01:15:54,080 --> 01:15:57,440 They measured what's called the auditory brain stem 1322 01:15:57,440 --> 01:15:59,670 response, so the ABR. 1323 01:16:06,720 --> 01:16:15,998 This stands for auditory brain stem response. 1324 01:16:19,940 --> 01:16:20,890 OK. 1325 01:16:20,890 --> 01:16:29,330 And that top right graph gives you the ABR threshold in dB. 1326 01:16:29,330 --> 01:16:31,510 So something that has a really low threshold 1327 01:16:31,510 --> 01:16:33,315 is a really good hearing animal. 1328 01:16:34,680 --> 01:16:37,510 This is the wild type and the heterozygote. 1329 01:16:39,700 --> 01:16:42,560 And something that has a very high threshold 1330 01:16:42,560 --> 01:16:44,580 means you really had to crank up the sound 1331 01:16:44,580 --> 01:16:47,580 to get any kind of response at all 1332 01:16:47,580 --> 01:16:50,000 as you see in the open symbols for the knock-out. 1333 01:16:50,000 --> 01:16:51,870 So how do they measure that ABR? 1334 01:16:51,870 --> 01:16:55,030 You could do it in animals or humans as a clinical test. 1335 01:16:55,030 --> 01:16:57,210 Put electrodes on the surface of the skin. 1336 01:16:59,290 --> 01:17:02,930 You turn on a click or a tone burst. 1337 01:17:02,930 --> 01:17:04,439 In this case, they used tone bursts 1338 01:17:04,439 --> 01:17:05,480 of different frequencies. 1339 01:17:07,900 --> 01:17:11,130 And you can imagine that the auditory brain stem is way down 1340 01:17:11,130 --> 01:17:13,640 in the head, and you're measuring on the surface. 1341 01:17:13,640 --> 01:17:15,490 So you've got a click, click, click. 1342 01:17:15,490 --> 01:17:18,040 And you measure thousands of responses. 1343 01:17:18,040 --> 01:17:19,850 So there's a lot of noise. 1344 01:17:19,850 --> 01:17:21,010 There's noise in the room. 1345 01:17:21,010 --> 01:17:23,730 There's noise from other neurons in the brain. 1346 01:17:23,730 --> 01:17:26,560 But eventually, after thousands of averages, 1347 01:17:26,560 --> 01:17:28,950 that little tiny signal comes out of the noise, 1348 01:17:28,950 --> 01:17:33,350 and you get a response if the brain stem is responding-- 1349 01:17:33,350 --> 01:17:35,320 that is, if the hair cells are responding, 1350 01:17:35,320 --> 01:17:38,380 the nerve fibers send messages into the brain stem, 1351 01:17:38,380 --> 01:17:40,220 and the brain stem finally responds. 1352 01:17:40,220 --> 01:17:42,340 It's a very good test of auditory sensitivity. 1353 01:17:43,470 --> 01:17:44,950 And what does it show? 1354 01:17:44,950 --> 01:17:47,960 It shows that without prestin in the knock-out animal, 1355 01:17:47,960 --> 01:17:50,530 you have a huge hearing loss. 1356 01:17:50,530 --> 01:17:51,840 How big is the hearing loss? 1357 01:17:51,840 --> 01:17:55,850 Well, looks like it's about 40 to 60 dB. 1358 01:17:58,120 --> 01:18:00,440 So when you have prestin knocked out, 1359 01:18:00,440 --> 01:18:09,870 you have a hearing loss of 40 to 60 dB. 1360 01:18:13,630 --> 01:18:17,130 How much amplification does the cochlear amplifier give you? 1361 01:18:17,130 --> 01:18:18,705 40 to 60 dB. 1362 01:18:20,140 --> 01:18:22,980 You're not completely deaf without it, 1363 01:18:22,980 --> 01:18:24,725 but you have a severe hearing loss. 1364 01:18:26,020 --> 01:18:28,290 Most of you would not be able to understand 1365 01:18:28,290 --> 01:18:30,710 what I'm saying with a 60 dB hearing loss, 1366 01:18:30,710 --> 01:18:33,750 unless you were sitting right up here in the front. 1367 01:18:37,990 --> 01:18:40,960 What else do I want to say about this paper? 1368 01:18:40,960 --> 01:18:42,480 Not too much. 1369 01:18:42,480 --> 01:18:43,900 There are some problems with it. 1370 01:18:43,900 --> 01:18:46,050 Any paper has problems. 1371 01:18:46,050 --> 01:18:47,660 They found that, for some reason, 1372 01:18:47,660 --> 01:18:52,440 all the hair cells were lost for the high frequency basal 1373 01:18:52,440 --> 01:18:53,275 part of the cochlea. 1374 01:18:54,680 --> 01:18:57,790 It's just a problem in some strains of mice 1375 01:18:57,790 --> 01:19:01,830 that they lose hair cells in a certain part of the cochlea. 1376 01:19:01,830 --> 01:19:05,360 So within these gray bars, you can't conclude anything. 1377 01:19:07,260 --> 01:19:09,720 Now, they looked at the hair cells. 1378 01:19:09,720 --> 01:19:11,640 They just took them out and looked at them 1379 01:19:11,640 --> 01:19:13,170 in the microscope. 1380 01:19:13,170 --> 01:19:15,000 And they said, wow, in the knock-out, 1381 01:19:15,000 --> 01:19:17,730 the hair cells are actually smaller. 1382 01:19:17,730 --> 01:19:22,850 Well, you cut out all this protein from the membrane 1383 01:19:22,850 --> 01:19:24,847 in the knock-out, right? 1384 01:19:24,847 --> 01:19:27,055 So if there's a lot less membrane there, they shrink. 1385 01:19:29,870 --> 01:19:32,350 The outer hair cell membrane is packed with prestin. 1386 01:19:32,350 --> 01:19:35,630 So you could argue, oh, all the hair cells are shorter, 1387 01:19:35,630 --> 01:19:37,780 and so they're not working the same way. 1388 01:19:37,780 --> 01:19:39,250 Every paper has its problems. 1389 01:19:39,250 --> 01:19:41,700 but that's what these graphs mean. 1390 01:19:41,700 --> 01:19:43,390 The hair cells at rest are actually 1391 01:19:43,390 --> 01:19:45,400 shorter in the knock-out. 1392 01:19:45,400 --> 01:19:48,360 So just some caveats. 1393 01:19:48,360 --> 01:19:51,190 I think the main message is prestin 1394 01:19:51,190 --> 01:19:53,655 is essential for the cochlear amplifier. 1395 01:19:55,040 --> 01:19:59,630 And without it, you have a big hearing loss, 40 to 60 dB. 1396 01:20:01,020 --> 01:20:03,610 Now, one of the other things they measured in here 1397 01:20:03,610 --> 01:20:06,570 is something called the distortion product 1398 01:20:06,570 --> 01:20:07,450 otoacoustic emission. 1399 01:20:08,700 --> 01:20:13,040 And let me just, as the last thing in today's lecture, 1400 01:20:13,040 --> 01:20:15,990 tell you about what an otoacoustic emission is. 1401 01:20:15,990 --> 01:20:19,630 These were discovered about the same time as outer hair cell 1402 01:20:19,630 --> 01:20:23,310 electromotility by David Kemp, who's 1403 01:20:23,310 --> 01:20:24,600 at University College London. 1404 01:20:25,640 --> 01:20:29,930 And he was doing some kind of hearing tests in people, 1405 01:20:29,930 --> 01:20:34,410 and he developed a very, very sensitive microphone 1406 01:20:34,410 --> 01:20:37,095 that had a very low electrical noise. 1407 01:20:38,290 --> 01:20:40,355 He stuck that microphone in an ear canal. 1408 01:20:41,710 --> 01:20:43,060 And what did he find? 1409 01:20:43,060 --> 01:20:47,070 The microphone actually picked up sound in the ear canal. 1410 01:20:48,340 --> 01:20:49,544 Oh my gosh, this is crazy. 1411 01:20:49,544 --> 01:20:51,835 There's not supposed to be sound coming out of the ear, 1412 01:20:51,835 --> 01:20:54,870 you're supposed to be putting sound into the ear, right? 1413 01:20:54,870 --> 01:20:59,630 So he named it otoacoustic emission. 1414 01:20:59,630 --> 01:21:01,680 OK, "oto" means ear. 1415 01:21:03,150 --> 01:21:07,880 "Acoustic" means sound, and "emissions" means coming out, 1416 01:21:07,880 --> 01:21:10,410 sound coming out of the ear. 1417 01:21:10,410 --> 01:21:12,990 This was an amazing discovery, and it 1418 01:21:12,990 --> 01:21:16,440 fits very nicely with the idea that there's 1419 01:21:16,440 --> 01:21:19,850 something in the ear that's actually moving, 1420 01:21:19,850 --> 01:21:21,330 that being the outer hair cells. 1421 01:21:23,020 --> 01:21:26,510 The outer hair cells are moving either spontaneously-- 1422 01:21:26,510 --> 01:21:29,250 and there are some otoacoustic emissions that are spontaneous. 1423 01:21:30,440 --> 01:21:33,640 About half of us have spontaneous otoacoustic 1424 01:21:33,640 --> 01:21:35,260 emissions in our ears. 1425 01:21:35,260 --> 01:21:38,730 Now, before you get too excited and go home and listen to them, 1426 01:21:38,730 --> 01:21:41,340 they are very, very low levels of sound. 1427 01:21:41,340 --> 01:21:45,590 Most of them are below the audio metric hearing 1428 01:21:45,590 --> 01:21:46,990 curve for human hearing. 1429 01:21:46,990 --> 01:21:49,460 So you really, in most cases, are not 1430 01:21:49,460 --> 01:21:52,010 aware of your otoacoustic emissions. 1431 01:21:52,010 --> 01:21:56,220 This is very different from the sensation that some of us 1432 01:21:56,220 --> 01:22:01,050 have of ringing in the ears, tinnitus. 1433 01:22:13,040 --> 01:22:14,340 Does anybody have tinnitus? 1434 01:22:14,340 --> 01:22:16,380 I have tinnitus, especially my left ear. 1435 01:22:16,380 --> 01:22:19,960 If I close my left ear, often I can hear kind of a noise. 1436 01:22:19,960 --> 01:22:21,510 Put my head on the pillow at night, 1437 01:22:21,510 --> 01:22:23,390 I can hear a little noise in there. 1438 01:22:23,390 --> 01:22:26,830 So that's a sensation that I have even 1439 01:22:26,830 --> 01:22:28,590 though there's no sound going in my ear, 1440 01:22:28,590 --> 01:22:30,400 and it's not an otoacoustic emission. 1441 01:22:30,400 --> 01:22:32,025 You could put a microphone in that ear, 1442 01:22:32,025 --> 01:22:33,800 and there is no sound there. 1443 01:22:33,800 --> 01:22:38,035 Something in my brain is telling me that I am hearing a sound. 1444 01:22:39,460 --> 01:22:42,000 Some people are very disturbed by tinnitus. 1445 01:22:42,000 --> 01:22:44,250 There's no good treatment for it. 1446 01:22:44,250 --> 01:22:46,150 Historically, the famous treatment 1447 01:22:46,150 --> 01:22:50,030 was by an ear surgeon who said, OK, I'll cure your tinnitus. 1448 01:22:50,030 --> 01:22:54,260 And he took out the person's ear, the cochlea was taken out. 1449 01:22:54,260 --> 01:22:56,700 Tinnitus didn't change one bit. 1450 01:22:56,700 --> 01:22:59,190 Maybe it's like phantom limb pain, something 1451 01:22:59,190 --> 01:23:00,930 to do with your central nervous system. 1452 01:23:02,020 --> 01:23:04,110 Tinnitus and otoacoustic emissions 1453 01:23:04,110 --> 01:23:05,240 are completely different. 1454 01:23:05,240 --> 01:23:09,250 Otoacoustic emissions are associated with normal hearing, 1455 01:23:09,250 --> 01:23:11,650 normal outer hair cell function. 1456 01:23:11,650 --> 01:23:14,360 They're sometimes used as a clinical test 1457 01:23:14,360 --> 01:23:17,900 for hearing in patients who can't raise their arm. 1458 01:23:17,900 --> 01:23:20,770 For example, most states, like Massachusetts, 1459 01:23:20,770 --> 01:23:25,330 you have to, by law, test newborns for good hearing. 1460 01:23:25,330 --> 01:23:28,240 An otoacoustic emission test is one. 1461 01:23:28,240 --> 01:23:31,760 So how does that work if only 50% of the people have them? 1462 01:23:31,760 --> 01:23:34,770 Well, there are other types of otoacoustic emissions 1463 01:23:34,770 --> 01:23:38,990 that are evoked-- that is, you put sound in, 1464 01:23:38,990 --> 01:23:42,490 and you listen for the sound coming back out. 1465 01:23:42,490 --> 01:23:44,460 Some of these are transiently evoked. 1466 01:23:44,460 --> 01:23:48,320 You put a click in, and a few milliseconds later you 1467 01:23:48,320 --> 01:23:50,890 get a sound coming back out. 1468 01:23:50,890 --> 01:23:54,060 And that's the usual clinical test. 1469 01:23:54,060 --> 01:23:57,000 And 100% of normal hearing humans 1470 01:23:57,000 --> 01:23:59,930 have these so-called otoacoustic emissions. 1471 01:23:59,930 --> 01:24:03,230 Now, what would be an indication if you 1472 01:24:03,230 --> 01:24:06,480 had a patient with no otoacoustic emissions? 1473 01:24:06,480 --> 01:24:11,380 Well, it is a good test of whether your middle ear 1474 01:24:11,380 --> 01:24:15,025 and inner ear is working as far along the pathway 1475 01:24:15,025 --> 01:24:16,190 as the outer hair cells. 1476 01:24:17,300 --> 01:24:20,790 Beyond that, it doesn't test. 1477 01:24:20,790 --> 01:24:24,865 It just tests up to the electromotile part 1478 01:24:24,865 --> 01:24:25,740 of the hearing organ. 1479 01:24:25,740 --> 01:24:27,490 So it doesn't test the inner hair cells. 1480 01:24:27,490 --> 01:24:29,239 It doesn't test the auditory nerve fibers. 1481 01:24:30,180 --> 01:24:34,830 But much of hearing problem arises in the outer hair cells, 1482 01:24:34,830 --> 01:24:36,510 so it's a pretty good first step. 1483 01:24:36,510 --> 01:24:38,980 It's a very easy test to do. 1484 01:24:38,980 --> 01:24:42,685 And I think when we have the lab tour over at the Mass Eye 1485 01:24:42,685 --> 01:24:44,560 and Ear Infirmary at the end of the semester, 1486 01:24:44,560 --> 01:24:48,190 we'll be seeing some otoacoustic emissions recorded 1487 01:24:48,190 --> 01:24:48,860 from a human. 1488 01:24:48,860 --> 01:24:51,130 There's a project going on there now. 1489 01:24:51,130 --> 01:24:53,156 So we'll have a demo of that. 1490 01:24:55,290 --> 01:24:59,910 OK, so if there aren't any questions, 1491 01:24:59,910 --> 01:25:03,540 we'll meet up again on Monday.