1 00:00:00,090 --> 00:00:01,670 The following content is provided 2 00:00:01,670 --> 00:00:03,820 under a Creative Commons license. 3 00:00:03,820 --> 00:00:06,550 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue 4 00:00:06,550 --> 00:00:10,160 to offer high-quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,160 --> 00:00:12,700 To make a donation, or to view additional materials 6 00:00:12,700 --> 00:00:16,620 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:16,620 --> 00:00:17,275 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:27,122 --> 00:00:28,830 PROFESSOR: OK, I guess we'll get started. 9 00:00:28,830 --> 00:00:36,453 So last time we talked about hearing loss, and deafness, 10 00:00:36,453 --> 00:00:39,040 and cochlear implants. 11 00:00:39,040 --> 00:00:39,660 Any questions? 12 00:00:44,660 --> 00:00:48,645 So did anyone read the Sunday New York Times yesterday? 13 00:00:49,990 --> 00:00:58,050 My email really lit up when this front page article showed up 14 00:00:58,050 --> 00:01:03,410 and it was titled, "Ground Shaking Noise Rocks NFL 15 00:01:03,410 --> 00:01:06,730 and Eardrums Take a Big Hit." 16 00:01:06,730 --> 00:01:10,620 So the reason my email lit up is because my lab director 17 00:01:10,620 --> 00:01:11,660 is quoted. 18 00:01:11,660 --> 00:01:14,600 So it's a big deal to be quoted in the Sunday Times, right? 19 00:01:14,600 --> 00:01:18,130 So this is talking about the NFL games 20 00:01:18,130 --> 00:01:21,860 where they have a noise meter down on the field 21 00:01:21,860 --> 00:01:24,575 and they encourage the fans to make a lot of noise. 22 00:01:25,680 --> 00:01:32,700 And apparently at the Seattle Seahawks recent game-- 23 00:01:32,700 --> 00:01:36,350 whatever-- the crowd was recorded 24 00:01:36,350 --> 00:01:40,445 at making 136 decibel noise in September. 25 00:01:41,630 --> 00:01:47,120 And so it says later on in the article, "Fans accustomed 26 00:01:47,120 --> 00:01:51,200 to hollering may--" is that what they do at the Seahawks games? 27 00:01:51,200 --> 00:01:54,540 "May scoff at the warnings as nanny state silliness. 28 00:01:54,540 --> 00:01:58,660 But to auditory experts, the danger is very real. 29 00:01:59,750 --> 00:02:02,820 People think it's cool or funny, or whatever. 30 00:02:02,820 --> 00:02:09,440 But there is increasing--" this is a quote "Increasing 31 00:02:09,440 --> 00:02:13,850 evidence that if your ears are ringing, damage is happening, 32 00:02:13,850 --> 00:02:18,330 said M. Charles Liberman, a professor of otology at Harvard 33 00:02:18,330 --> 00:02:22,210 Medical School, and the director of a hearing research lab 34 00:02:22,210 --> 00:02:24,260 at the Massachusetts Eye And Ear Infirmary." 35 00:02:24,260 --> 00:02:26,259 So he's a director of the lab where 36 00:02:26,259 --> 00:02:27,800 we're going to have a lab tour later. 37 00:02:29,305 --> 00:02:31,760 "There's something irreversible going on, 38 00:02:31,760 --> 00:02:35,770 and it's only going to get worse as you get older. 39 00:02:35,770 --> 00:02:38,870 Liberman's research shows that even in the immediate effects 40 00:02:38,870 --> 00:02:42,750 of noise exposure after the immediate effects subside-- 41 00:02:42,750 --> 00:02:45,710 the ringing, the muffling, the feeling of pressure-- ears 42 00:02:45,710 --> 00:02:48,200 do not really recover." 43 00:02:48,200 --> 00:02:51,360 So noise damage in the news. 44 00:02:52,836 --> 00:02:54,312 I'll pass it around. 45 00:02:57,150 --> 00:02:57,650 All right. 46 00:02:57,650 --> 00:02:58,539 So yeah, question? 47 00:02:58,539 --> 00:03:00,163 AUDIENCE: I just have a quick question. 48 00:03:00,163 --> 00:03:03,225 So when I'm down at the T, it's extremely loud. 49 00:03:03,225 --> 00:03:05,350 Do you happen to know how loud that is in decibels? 50 00:03:05,350 --> 00:03:07,450 PROFESSOR: I've never measured it on the T. 51 00:03:07,450 --> 00:03:08,908 AUDIENCE: I had a friend who tried. 52 00:03:08,908 --> 00:03:11,970 And the thing on his phone wouldn't go high enough. 53 00:03:12,815 --> 00:03:13,440 PROFESSOR: Yes. 54 00:03:13,440 --> 00:03:17,800 And a lot of folks have a sound level meter app. 55 00:03:17,800 --> 00:03:20,547 So how high was the maximum? 56 00:03:20,547 --> 00:03:23,214 AUDIENCE: The max was 100, and it more than maxed out. 57 00:03:23,214 --> 00:03:23,880 PROFESSOR: Yeah. 58 00:03:23,880 --> 00:03:26,660 Well, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's 110 dB 59 00:03:26,660 --> 00:03:30,710 on the T. Certain in between stops 60 00:03:30,710 --> 00:03:35,130 runs are louder than others as you know if you ride the T. 61 00:03:35,130 --> 00:03:38,350 So I think that that's not so damaging 62 00:03:38,350 --> 00:03:40,390 that it would hurt your hearing. 63 00:03:40,390 --> 00:03:43,930 But if you were the conductor or the driver on the train, 64 00:03:43,930 --> 00:03:45,404 you really have to worry about it. 65 00:03:45,404 --> 00:03:47,070 On the other hand, if you're the driver, 66 00:03:47,070 --> 00:03:49,890 you have to have good hearing to respond 67 00:03:49,890 --> 00:03:52,280 to some kind of signals. 68 00:03:52,280 --> 00:03:55,800 So it's not like they can just wear hearing protection. 69 00:03:55,800 --> 00:03:59,050 In this article about NFL fans, they 70 00:03:59,050 --> 00:04:01,710 said in some games they hand out those little foam ear 71 00:04:01,710 --> 00:04:07,750 plugs, which attenuate the noise as much as 20 dB. 72 00:04:07,750 --> 00:04:12,020 So if you're listening to 120, put the noise-- ear plug in 73 00:04:12,020 --> 00:04:13,660 and it goes down to 100. 74 00:04:13,660 --> 00:04:18,260 But it also said that some people, like children, 75 00:04:18,260 --> 00:04:21,029 can't fit the foam ear plugs in their ear canal. 76 00:04:21,029 --> 00:04:23,240 So it doesn't work for them. 77 00:04:23,240 --> 00:04:26,090 And some people, like people who work on the T, 78 00:04:26,090 --> 00:04:26,870 need good hearing. 79 00:04:32,970 --> 00:04:36,010 So today, we're going to move on and get back 80 00:04:36,010 --> 00:04:37,210 to the auditory brainstem. 81 00:04:38,810 --> 00:04:43,590 We had talked about the auditory pathway that comes up 82 00:04:43,590 --> 00:04:46,410 from the cochlea through the auditory nerve 83 00:04:46,410 --> 00:04:48,110 and into the cochlear nucleus, which 84 00:04:48,110 --> 00:04:50,850 is the very lowest level of the brainstem. 85 00:04:52,090 --> 00:04:54,320 And now we're going to talk about some higher 86 00:04:54,320 --> 00:04:55,630 levels of the brainstem. 87 00:04:55,630 --> 00:04:57,590 And especially some pathways that are 88 00:04:57,590 --> 00:05:01,971 called descending systems and brainstem reflexes. 89 00:05:05,660 --> 00:05:08,850 So we'll define what those two things are. 90 00:05:08,850 --> 00:05:13,370 We'll talk especially about one descending system, which 91 00:05:13,370 --> 00:05:16,810 is a brainstem reflex called the olivocochlear neurons. 92 00:05:18,750 --> 00:05:22,180 Their anatomy, their functions, and their reflex pathway. 93 00:05:22,180 --> 00:05:27,390 And let me just stop and tie in once again with hearing loss. 94 00:05:28,540 --> 00:05:31,420 These two brainstem reflexes that I'm 95 00:05:31,420 --> 00:05:34,820 going to talk about clearly protect the ear 96 00:05:34,820 --> 00:05:37,690 from damage due to high-level sound. 97 00:05:37,690 --> 00:05:41,110 So that is certainly one of the functions of the Olivocochlear 98 00:05:41,110 --> 00:05:42,160 neurons. 99 00:05:42,160 --> 00:05:44,360 And we'll see how that takes place. 100 00:05:45,550 --> 00:05:49,530 The second brain stem reflex that we'll talk about 101 00:05:49,530 --> 00:05:51,600 is the middle ear muscle reflex. 102 00:05:51,600 --> 00:05:53,700 There are two muscles in your middle ear. 103 00:05:53,700 --> 00:05:57,400 When they contract, they make your sense of hearing 104 00:05:57,400 --> 00:05:58,260 less sensitive. 105 00:05:59,610 --> 00:06:01,410 Why would you ever want that to happen? 106 00:06:01,410 --> 00:06:04,690 Well again, these muscles contract 107 00:06:04,690 --> 00:06:07,580 when you're in a high-level sound environment, 108 00:06:07,580 --> 00:06:10,060 like at the NFL game. 109 00:06:10,060 --> 00:06:13,050 And one of their functions is to reduce 110 00:06:13,050 --> 00:06:14,775 the sound getting into your inner ear. 111 00:06:16,060 --> 00:06:19,610 So to prevent damage from the high-level sound that 112 00:06:19,610 --> 00:06:21,755 might otherwise damage your hair cells. 113 00:06:22,790 --> 00:06:25,710 So that's the subject of today's talk. 114 00:06:25,710 --> 00:06:30,110 Now, what do I mean by reflexes and descending systems? 115 00:06:30,110 --> 00:06:36,560 Well, this is a nice diagram from Michael Slama, who 116 00:06:36,560 --> 00:06:40,240 shows in the solid lines the pathways going up, 117 00:06:40,240 --> 00:06:42,020 which we've been talking about. 118 00:06:42,020 --> 00:06:45,390 And sometimes those pathways are called ascending systems 119 00:06:45,390 --> 00:06:46,430 because they go up. 120 00:06:47,450 --> 00:06:50,140 So it says here in red, the solid lines 121 00:06:50,140 --> 00:06:51,250 are ascending pathways. 122 00:06:51,250 --> 00:06:56,130 So by ascending, we mean from a lower level up to a higher. 123 00:06:56,130 --> 00:06:59,250 And ultimately, to the highest level in the neural pathway 124 00:06:59,250 --> 00:06:59,905 to the cortex. 125 00:07:02,570 --> 00:07:05,090 There are analogous descending systems, 126 00:07:05,090 --> 00:07:06,909 which are shown here in dashed lines. 127 00:07:06,909 --> 00:07:08,450 And I think you can see some of them. 128 00:07:08,450 --> 00:07:10,570 For example, here's auditory cortex. 129 00:07:11,610 --> 00:07:13,680 And there's some dashed lines, which 130 00:07:13,680 --> 00:07:16,900 means cell bodies sitting an auditory cortex that 131 00:07:16,900 --> 00:07:21,810 project their axons down and end at the next lowest level, which 132 00:07:21,810 --> 00:07:25,125 is the auditory thalamus or the medial geniculate. 133 00:07:26,920 --> 00:07:30,300 And so that would be an example of a descending system 134 00:07:30,300 --> 00:07:32,960 because the information is starting at the higher level 135 00:07:32,960 --> 00:07:34,470 and going down to a lower level. 136 00:07:36,080 --> 00:07:39,590 And at every junction between nuclei 137 00:07:39,590 --> 00:07:42,080 you can find descending systems. 138 00:07:42,080 --> 00:07:45,540 And in the auditory pathway, even at the lowest level, 139 00:07:45,540 --> 00:07:47,740 you have a descending system that 140 00:07:47,740 --> 00:07:51,460 starts here in the superior olive 141 00:07:51,460 --> 00:07:54,200 and goes all the way out to the cochlea. 142 00:07:54,200 --> 00:07:57,660 And we talked about some efferent nerve endings 143 00:07:57,660 --> 00:07:59,565 on the hair cells and the nerve fibers. 144 00:08:00,880 --> 00:08:06,670 And that descending system is called the olivocochlear system 145 00:08:06,670 --> 00:08:10,200 of neurons because it starts out in the olive 146 00:08:10,200 --> 00:08:11,290 and goes to the cochlear. 147 00:08:12,730 --> 00:08:15,170 OK, so that's what descending systems 148 00:08:15,170 --> 00:08:19,415 is, starting from higher levels and going down to lower levels. 149 00:08:20,510 --> 00:08:23,970 Now, how does that work out with brainstem reflexes? 150 00:08:23,970 --> 00:08:27,370 Well, we've said that one of the functions 151 00:08:27,370 --> 00:08:29,290 of these olivocochlear neurons would 152 00:08:29,290 --> 00:08:32,030 be they prevent the cochlea from being 153 00:08:32,030 --> 00:08:33,735 damaged by high-level sounds. 154 00:08:34,890 --> 00:08:38,059 Well, when would you activate that system? 155 00:08:38,059 --> 00:08:42,120 Well, obviously, when you hear a loud sound. 156 00:08:42,120 --> 00:08:46,460 So the ascending pathway has to come into the brain, 157 00:08:46,460 --> 00:08:52,300 synapse in the cochlear nucleus, go up to the olivary complex, 158 00:08:52,300 --> 00:08:56,270 and then come back down to the cochlear to prevent the damage. 159 00:08:56,270 --> 00:09:01,350 And so that little loop that I just diagrammed 160 00:09:01,350 --> 00:09:03,500 could be called a reflex pathway. 161 00:09:06,150 --> 00:09:08,355 So let's define what a reflex is. 162 00:09:12,460 --> 00:09:14,160 What is a reflex? 163 00:09:14,160 --> 00:09:14,900 Anybody know? 164 00:09:16,250 --> 00:09:18,173 What does it mean to act reflexively? 165 00:09:23,730 --> 00:09:25,140 AUDIENCE: Automatic reaction. 166 00:09:25,140 --> 00:09:25,848 PROFESSOR: Right. 167 00:09:30,750 --> 00:09:32,215 So an automatic response. 168 00:09:38,600 --> 00:09:41,060 And certainly, these olivocochlear neurons 169 00:09:41,060 --> 00:09:42,026 turn on automatically. 170 00:09:43,390 --> 00:09:48,570 And sort of in between the lines of that definition 171 00:09:48,570 --> 00:09:52,420 means that the reflex pathway is operating down here 172 00:09:52,420 --> 00:09:55,880 in the automatic portion of your auditory pathway 173 00:09:55,880 --> 00:09:56,635 in the brainstem. 174 00:09:58,890 --> 00:10:02,150 The part where you think the auditory cortex 175 00:10:02,150 --> 00:10:05,810 or the other regions of cortex doesn't have to get involved. 176 00:10:05,810 --> 00:10:09,910 You don't have to say, OK, I'm in a loud environment. 177 00:10:09,910 --> 00:10:12,290 Should I respond with this reflex? 178 00:10:12,290 --> 00:10:12,790 OK. 179 00:10:12,790 --> 00:10:13,910 Yeah, maybe I will. 180 00:10:13,910 --> 00:10:15,230 OK, respond. 181 00:10:15,230 --> 00:10:17,240 You don't have to think about it. 182 00:10:17,240 --> 00:10:20,000 It's automatic because it happens 183 00:10:20,000 --> 00:10:22,740 in the parts of the brain where things happen automatically. 184 00:10:22,740 --> 00:10:24,610 What other things happen in the brainstem? 185 00:10:25,740 --> 00:10:28,070 Well, control of breathing. 186 00:10:28,070 --> 00:10:32,270 You have the motor neurons that come to your chest muscles 187 00:10:32,270 --> 00:10:35,580 and your diaphragm that enable you to breathe. 188 00:10:35,580 --> 00:10:38,060 Those motor neurons are located in the brainstem. 189 00:10:38,060 --> 00:10:42,430 And the control of respiration is this brainstem function. 190 00:10:42,430 --> 00:10:44,770 It doesn't have to go all the way to the cortex 191 00:10:44,770 --> 00:10:46,850 and have to think about it. 192 00:10:46,850 --> 00:10:51,590 Now, that's not to say that reflexes, like the breathing 193 00:10:51,590 --> 00:10:53,160 reflex, you can say, OK, I'm going 194 00:10:53,160 --> 00:10:55,750 to stop breathing for a minute. 195 00:10:55,750 --> 00:10:57,470 OK, I'm going to hold my breath. 196 00:10:57,470 --> 00:11:00,930 So you can, via your higher centers, 197 00:11:00,930 --> 00:11:03,800 say I'm going to send information down here. 198 00:11:03,800 --> 00:11:06,030 Maybe some of these other descending pathways 199 00:11:06,030 --> 00:11:08,810 come down to the olivocochlear neurons and say, 200 00:11:08,810 --> 00:11:11,972 I'm not going to do this reflex for a moment. 201 00:11:11,972 --> 00:11:14,305 Of course, you eventually have to start breathing again. 202 00:11:15,780 --> 00:11:21,320 But you can have higher center control of these reflexes. 203 00:11:21,320 --> 00:11:24,800 It's not that the higher centers aren't involved. 204 00:11:24,800 --> 00:11:27,980 OK, so another reflex would be your patellar tendon reflex. 205 00:11:27,980 --> 00:11:33,010 The physician tests when you go to your doctor's office. 206 00:11:33,010 --> 00:11:36,750 They hit your patellar tendon with a little mallet 207 00:11:36,750 --> 00:11:38,510 and see that your leg contracts. 208 00:11:41,310 --> 00:11:45,850 And apparently, everyone passes that test, right? 209 00:11:45,850 --> 00:11:48,450 You can't walk into the doctor's office 210 00:11:48,450 --> 00:11:50,060 without having some kind of reflex. 211 00:11:50,060 --> 00:11:54,500 But they're actually testing for hyper-reflex in that case. 212 00:11:54,500 --> 00:11:58,470 And so some of these reflexes can be in overdrive. 213 00:11:58,470 --> 00:12:00,920 And that's what the physician is testing for. 214 00:12:02,750 --> 00:12:06,660 OK, so we are really interested in what all 215 00:12:06,660 --> 00:12:08,470 these descending systems do. 216 00:12:09,780 --> 00:12:12,230 What do the descending systems do in general? 217 00:12:13,350 --> 00:12:17,170 Well, it actually ends up being a very hard issue to study. 218 00:12:18,470 --> 00:12:25,170 We know that those systems are there, but what good are they? 219 00:12:26,530 --> 00:12:29,280 What do they do in our sense of hearing? 220 00:12:29,280 --> 00:12:34,250 So the classic, old-fashioned way of studying such a system 221 00:12:34,250 --> 00:12:36,840 would be to go in and make a lesion 222 00:12:36,840 --> 00:12:40,010 and see how the animal's behavior, the person's behavior 223 00:12:40,010 --> 00:12:41,800 changes, or do some kind of test. 224 00:12:43,270 --> 00:12:46,150 But it turns out most of these descending systems 225 00:12:46,150 --> 00:12:50,790 are intertwined with their corresponding ascending 226 00:12:50,790 --> 00:12:51,500 pathway. 227 00:12:51,500 --> 00:12:57,590 So it's very difficult to go in and make a cut or a burning 228 00:12:57,590 --> 00:13:02,900 lesion that just lesions one of the descending pathways 229 00:13:02,900 --> 00:13:04,805 and not affect the ascending pathway, which 230 00:13:04,805 --> 00:13:06,305 would complicate the interpretation. 231 00:13:08,340 --> 00:13:11,010 The reason that some of these systems-- for example, 232 00:13:11,010 --> 00:13:14,930 the olivocochlear neurons-- are amenable 233 00:13:14,930 --> 00:13:16,880 and we know a lot about them-- are 234 00:13:16,880 --> 00:13:20,210 amenable to experimentation-- is we can selectively 235 00:13:20,210 --> 00:13:23,980 lesion and stimulate them in isolation 236 00:13:23,980 --> 00:13:26,410 from the ascending systems. 237 00:13:26,410 --> 00:13:29,490 And let me show you a diagram done of the olivocochlear 238 00:13:29,490 --> 00:13:32,790 system that illustrates that. 239 00:13:32,790 --> 00:13:37,910 So these are the olivocochlear neurons, these stars here. 240 00:13:37,910 --> 00:13:39,360 There are two types. 241 00:13:39,360 --> 00:13:44,100 The red are the so-called medial olivocochlear neurons 242 00:13:44,100 --> 00:13:46,870 because they're sitting in the medial part 243 00:13:46,870 --> 00:13:47,865 of the superior olive. 244 00:13:50,100 --> 00:13:55,100 The green ones are so-called lateral olivocochlear neurons 245 00:13:55,100 --> 00:13:58,120 because they're sitting in the more lateral part 246 00:13:58,120 --> 00:13:59,060 the superior olive. 247 00:13:59,060 --> 00:14:03,900 And this diagram shows the cell bodies of those olivocochlear 248 00:14:03,900 --> 00:14:08,110 neurons that are innovating this cochlea-- sending axons out 249 00:14:08,110 --> 00:14:09,940 to this cochlea on the right side. 250 00:14:11,260 --> 00:14:16,120 And that defines this cochlea as the ipsilateral cochlea. 251 00:14:16,120 --> 00:14:17,860 Ipsi means the same. 252 00:14:17,860 --> 00:14:20,630 So that cochlea gets a name. 253 00:14:20,630 --> 00:14:22,870 That's the ipsilateral cochlear. 254 00:14:22,870 --> 00:14:26,730 And you can see that these green lateral olivocochlear 255 00:14:26,730 --> 00:14:29,340 neurons are basically on the same side of the brain 256 00:14:29,340 --> 00:14:31,395 stem as the cochlea that they innervate. 257 00:14:32,510 --> 00:14:34,840 But these medial olivocochlear neurons 258 00:14:34,840 --> 00:14:37,119 are distributed on both sides of the brain. 259 00:14:37,119 --> 00:14:39,035 So there's a little bit difference in anatomy. 260 00:14:40,380 --> 00:14:43,960 Now, these are a little bit like neurons 261 00:14:43,960 --> 00:14:46,094 that we call motor neurons. 262 00:14:46,094 --> 00:14:48,010 Everybody knows what a motor neuron is, right? 263 00:14:48,010 --> 00:14:52,590 It's going from the brain of the spinal cord out to the muscle. 264 00:14:52,590 --> 00:14:54,600 That's why it's called a motor neuron. 265 00:14:54,600 --> 00:14:57,014 And when it fires off, it contracts the muscle 266 00:14:57,014 --> 00:14:57,930 that it's innervating. 267 00:14:59,850 --> 00:15:02,790 It turns out all the muscles on the side of the body, 268 00:15:02,790 --> 00:15:05,000 let's say the ipsilateral muscles, 269 00:15:05,000 --> 00:15:08,475 the motor neurons are located on that same side of the brain. 270 00:15:09,960 --> 00:15:14,100 So right-side muscles are always innervated by right-side motor 271 00:15:14,100 --> 00:15:14,600 neurons. 272 00:15:15,690 --> 00:15:20,760 So this anatomy is a little bit different than the anatomy 273 00:15:20,760 --> 00:15:22,240 of motor neurons. 274 00:15:22,240 --> 00:15:25,576 Even though these neurons are having 275 00:15:25,576 --> 00:15:26,950 an effect in the cochlea, they're 276 00:15:26,950 --> 00:15:28,240 not innervating muscles. 277 00:15:28,240 --> 00:15:31,180 They're innervating hair cells in this case. 278 00:15:31,180 --> 00:15:36,480 They do use the same neurotransmitter as muscles. 279 00:15:36,480 --> 00:15:43,317 So the olivocochlear neurons use the neurotransmitter 280 00:15:43,317 --> 00:15:43,900 acetylcholine. 281 00:15:45,570 --> 00:15:48,075 And so they would be called cholinergic. 282 00:16:00,010 --> 00:16:03,180 OK, so they synthesize the acetylcholine 283 00:16:03,180 --> 00:16:04,930 and their cell bodies are transported down 284 00:16:04,930 --> 00:16:07,490 to the axons and the nerve terminals. 285 00:16:07,490 --> 00:16:09,730 Out in the cochlea use acetylcholine. 286 00:16:09,730 --> 00:16:10,910 They release it. 287 00:16:10,910 --> 00:16:13,520 Now, where do they release it to? 288 00:16:13,520 --> 00:16:15,710 They release it to their targets. 289 00:16:17,040 --> 00:16:21,160 And out in the periphery, these Medial Olivocochlear Neurons, 290 00:16:21,160 --> 00:16:25,650 or the MOC neurons, target the outer hair cells. 291 00:16:25,650 --> 00:16:27,700 And they release acetylcholine directly 292 00:16:27,700 --> 00:16:31,720 onto the outer hair cells via their synapses. 293 00:16:33,510 --> 00:16:36,510 The lateral olivocochlear neurons 294 00:16:36,510 --> 00:16:40,210 come out to the periphery and they release the acetylcholine 295 00:16:40,210 --> 00:16:45,420 in their synapses on the auditory nerve fiber 296 00:16:45,420 --> 00:16:46,405 peripheral dendrites. 297 00:16:47,820 --> 00:16:49,620 OK, so the innervation is very distinct. 298 00:16:52,129 --> 00:16:54,170 What are the auditory nerve peripheral dendrites? 299 00:16:54,170 --> 00:16:56,800 Well, those are the ones we've been talking about. 300 00:16:56,800 --> 00:16:59,680 We've been talking about auditory nerve fibers. 301 00:16:59,680 --> 00:17:03,084 They start at the inner hair cells for the most part. 302 00:17:03,084 --> 00:17:03,875 They send messages. 303 00:17:03,875 --> 00:17:05,569 That's what this arrow is indicating. 304 00:17:05,569 --> 00:17:07,335 Send messages into the brain. 305 00:17:08,700 --> 00:17:12,140 When there's a sound, the membranes move. 306 00:17:12,140 --> 00:17:14,420 The outer hair cells are electromotile. 307 00:17:14,420 --> 00:17:15,685 The inner hair cells respond. 308 00:17:17,530 --> 00:17:20,609 They send messages, synaptic messages, 309 00:17:20,609 --> 00:17:21,780 to their nerve fibers. 310 00:17:21,780 --> 00:17:24,872 The nerve fibers spike and they send information to the brain 311 00:17:24,872 --> 00:17:26,080 through the cochlear nucleus. 312 00:17:28,119 --> 00:17:30,720 These efferent fibers are sending messages 313 00:17:30,720 --> 00:17:31,530 the opposite way. 314 00:17:31,530 --> 00:17:34,680 They're starting in the brain and going out to the cochlea. 315 00:17:34,680 --> 00:17:37,240 And out in the cochlea, this arrow 316 00:17:37,240 --> 00:17:40,740 means that the information is coming from the brain 317 00:17:40,740 --> 00:17:45,360 out to the outer hair cells or the auditory nerve dendrites 318 00:17:45,360 --> 00:17:45,860 here. 319 00:17:46,880 --> 00:17:48,130 Is everybody clear about that? 320 00:17:49,880 --> 00:17:52,500 Now, the anatomy works out so that you 321 00:17:52,500 --> 00:17:54,590 can do some pretty interesting things. 322 00:17:54,590 --> 00:17:59,770 You can make a cut of this nerve bundle, the olivocochlear nerve 323 00:17:59,770 --> 00:18:00,740 bundle. 324 00:18:00,740 --> 00:18:02,930 You can stimulate it. 325 00:18:02,930 --> 00:18:05,920 And right there underneath where the word "brainstem" is, 326 00:18:05,920 --> 00:18:07,800 there's a great place to make a cut 327 00:18:07,800 --> 00:18:10,970 or to electrically stimulate and activate this system. 328 00:18:12,180 --> 00:18:14,864 Well, why don't we use sound to stimulate the system? 329 00:18:14,864 --> 00:18:16,030 Well, it's a little messier. 330 00:18:17,240 --> 00:18:19,700 It's cleaner to activate this bundle 331 00:18:19,700 --> 00:18:21,470 with electrical stimulation because you 332 00:18:21,470 --> 00:18:24,130 can put your stimulating electron right on it 333 00:18:24,130 --> 00:18:26,255 and only activate that system. 334 00:18:28,700 --> 00:18:31,250 So that's one big advantage. 335 00:18:31,250 --> 00:18:35,650 You can selectively activate these olivocochlear neurons 336 00:18:35,650 --> 00:18:37,880 and then study, well, what the heck do 337 00:18:37,880 --> 00:18:40,180 they do out in the cochlea? 338 00:18:40,180 --> 00:18:44,410 What changes do they have when you activate them? 339 00:18:44,410 --> 00:18:47,000 And what changes happen when you deactivate them 340 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:49,740 and making a cut in the system? 341 00:18:49,740 --> 00:18:51,910 And de-efferent, if you will, the cochlea. 342 00:18:54,460 --> 00:18:58,350 And as this list shows, there are a number of functions. 343 00:18:59,810 --> 00:19:04,860 And if I had to pick one of these, each of these functions 344 00:19:04,860 --> 00:19:06,350 has some experimental support. 345 00:19:07,790 --> 00:19:09,840 And I don't think I would be able to pick 346 00:19:09,840 --> 00:19:11,410 which is the most important. 347 00:19:11,410 --> 00:19:14,070 Well, sure, if you're at an NFL game, 348 00:19:14,070 --> 00:19:18,180 you are probably experiencing a very high sound level. 349 00:19:18,180 --> 00:19:20,560 And so it becomes important in that situation 350 00:19:20,560 --> 00:19:23,675 to protect the cochlea from damage. 351 00:19:23,675 --> 00:19:25,440 So it depends on the situation. 352 00:19:26,890 --> 00:19:28,850 But we're going to go through these. 353 00:19:28,850 --> 00:19:33,930 In turn, I think that since I mentioned damage, 354 00:19:33,930 --> 00:19:36,800 and since I don't have a slide on it, 355 00:19:36,800 --> 00:19:41,190 let me say how that experimental evidence arises. 356 00:19:41,190 --> 00:19:43,959 It's a very simple type of experiment. 357 00:19:43,959 --> 00:19:44,750 You take an animal. 358 00:19:46,200 --> 00:19:49,720 You put it in a high-level sound environment 359 00:19:49,720 --> 00:19:52,425 comparable to an NFL game, 120 dB. 360 00:19:53,740 --> 00:19:56,800 Take the animal out, you study its cochleas. 361 00:19:56,800 --> 00:19:59,220 You can count the hair cells. 362 00:19:59,220 --> 00:20:01,430 You can measure the responses. 363 00:20:01,430 --> 00:20:04,010 The hearing has become much less sensitive. 364 00:20:04,010 --> 00:20:05,975 Some of the hair cells have been killed. 365 00:20:07,370 --> 00:20:08,400 OK, no big deal. 366 00:20:08,400 --> 00:20:10,470 We went over that last time. 367 00:20:10,470 --> 00:20:11,960 Take a second animal. 368 00:20:11,960 --> 00:20:18,550 And in that animal, cut this olivocochlear bundle going out 369 00:20:18,550 --> 00:20:20,620 to, let's say, the ipsilateral cochlea. 370 00:20:22,500 --> 00:20:25,430 The olivocochlear neurons going to this other side, 371 00:20:25,430 --> 00:20:28,295 the contralateral cochlea, leave that intact. 372 00:20:29,820 --> 00:20:34,910 OK, beautiful experiment because within just one animal, 373 00:20:34,910 --> 00:20:39,455 you have one side's cochlea has been de-efferented. 374 00:20:40,570 --> 00:20:43,840 You have cut off these efferent fibers. 375 00:20:43,840 --> 00:20:46,095 The other side has a normal innervation. 376 00:20:47,240 --> 00:20:50,400 Expose the animal to 120 dB SPL. 377 00:20:50,400 --> 00:20:53,590 Do the same response metrics. 378 00:20:53,590 --> 00:20:55,510 Test the responses of the cochlea. 379 00:20:55,510 --> 00:20:58,380 Look at how many hair cells have been killed. 380 00:20:58,380 --> 00:21:02,075 You find that there is a huge difference in the two ears. 381 00:21:03,170 --> 00:21:06,480 Where the efference or these olivocochlear neurons 382 00:21:06,480 --> 00:21:09,830 have been cut, there's a lot of damage 383 00:21:09,830 --> 00:21:11,325 and a lot of loss of sensitivity. 384 00:21:12,610 --> 00:21:15,880 On the intact side, it has been protected. 385 00:21:15,880 --> 00:21:19,710 There is less damage and better responses. 386 00:21:19,710 --> 00:21:21,040 It's more sensitive. 387 00:21:21,040 --> 00:21:23,970 So it's a very, very nice, very elegant experiment 388 00:21:23,970 --> 00:21:25,145 that's been done many times. 389 00:21:27,250 --> 00:21:29,520 In probably both of these systems, 390 00:21:29,520 --> 00:21:34,500 the medials and the laterals provide such protection 391 00:21:34,500 --> 00:21:35,750 from damage. 392 00:21:35,750 --> 00:21:37,285 So we can say one of the functions 393 00:21:37,285 --> 00:21:45,480 then is then protection. 394 00:21:57,740 --> 00:21:59,970 What do I mean by these other functions-- shift 395 00:21:59,970 --> 00:22:02,070 the dynamic range of hearing, reduce 396 00:22:02,070 --> 00:22:06,590 the effects of noise masking, and reduce hearing sensitivity 397 00:22:06,590 --> 00:22:09,290 when paying attention to visual tasks? 398 00:22:09,290 --> 00:22:11,400 OK, we're going to go over those one by one. 399 00:22:14,210 --> 00:22:20,310 For the first one, the experiment runs like this. 400 00:22:20,310 --> 00:22:24,085 You record from these afferent auditory nerve fibers. 401 00:22:25,820 --> 00:22:29,210 And instead of cutting these olivocochlear neurons, 402 00:22:29,210 --> 00:22:31,110 you stimulate them. 403 00:22:31,110 --> 00:22:34,240 You can put a stimulating electrode right down there, 404 00:22:34,240 --> 00:22:36,130 right below the word "brainstem," 405 00:22:36,130 --> 00:22:38,590 and activate this bundle. 406 00:22:38,590 --> 00:22:41,860 What happens to the responses of the nerve fibers 407 00:22:41,860 --> 00:22:45,020 when you activate this olivocochlear system? 408 00:22:47,692 --> 00:22:48,900 And that's what's shown here. 409 00:22:48,900 --> 00:22:53,930 And this experiment has been done since the 1970s. 410 00:22:53,930 --> 00:22:55,050 This is an old experiment. 411 00:22:57,790 --> 00:23:00,560 This is the response in terms of the firing 412 00:23:00,560 --> 00:23:02,100 rate from the auditory nerve. 413 00:23:03,620 --> 00:23:06,040 And in this case, a tone is on. 414 00:23:06,040 --> 00:23:08,970 So you're really driving the auditory nerve fiber. 415 00:23:10,500 --> 00:23:12,750 So the firing rate is high. 416 00:23:12,750 --> 00:23:14,350 Then, during the second black bar 417 00:23:14,350 --> 00:23:17,544 here, you stimulate the olivocochlear neurons 418 00:23:17,544 --> 00:23:18,960 that are going out to the cochlea. 419 00:23:21,520 --> 00:23:23,290 And look what happens to the firing rate. 420 00:23:23,290 --> 00:23:24,600 It goes almost down to zero. 421 00:23:26,300 --> 00:23:28,160 When you turn that stimulation off, 422 00:23:28,160 --> 00:23:30,890 the firing rate comes back to about what it was before. 423 00:23:32,610 --> 00:23:36,630 There's been a huge inhibition of firing rate 424 00:23:36,630 --> 00:23:37,735 in the auditory nerve. 425 00:23:40,300 --> 00:23:45,190 If you plot the firing rate as a function of the tone burst 426 00:23:45,190 --> 00:23:47,802 level-- so now we're going to do different tones 427 00:23:47,802 --> 00:23:48,635 at different levels. 428 00:23:50,210 --> 00:23:54,077 At low tone levels where the fiber is firing spontaneously, 429 00:23:54,077 --> 00:23:55,160 there's hardly any effect. 430 00:23:56,790 --> 00:24:00,240 In mid-levels, like we saw illustrated here, 431 00:24:00,240 --> 00:24:01,940 this is without stimulation. 432 00:24:01,940 --> 00:24:03,430 This is with stimulation. 433 00:24:03,430 --> 00:24:06,716 There's a huge decrease in firing rate. 434 00:24:06,716 --> 00:24:08,310 And up at the highest levels where 435 00:24:08,310 --> 00:24:13,760 the fiber has become saturated-- saturation means 436 00:24:13,760 --> 00:24:16,710 that even though you're increasing the tone burst, 437 00:24:16,710 --> 00:24:21,180 you're not increasing the fire rate coming from the fiber-- 438 00:24:21,180 --> 00:24:23,350 there's very little effect of this stimulation. 439 00:24:26,330 --> 00:24:27,900 How can that help us? 440 00:24:29,140 --> 00:24:31,730 We have a dynamic range problem in hearing. 441 00:24:31,730 --> 00:24:35,440 Most auditory nerve fibers-- forget about the stimulation 442 00:24:35,440 --> 00:24:35,940 right now. 443 00:24:35,940 --> 00:24:36,940 Look at the solid curve. 444 00:24:38,240 --> 00:24:40,690 The dynamic range of most auditory nerve fibers 445 00:24:40,690 --> 00:24:43,740 has just 20 or 30 dB before saturating. 446 00:24:43,740 --> 00:24:46,315 That means the fiber goes up and it saturates. 447 00:24:47,630 --> 00:24:50,160 What happens when we get to the NFL game 448 00:24:50,160 --> 00:24:53,640 or in the better case, what happens when 449 00:24:53,640 --> 00:24:55,870 we're in a restaurant or a bar and we want 450 00:24:55,870 --> 00:24:59,120 to listen to the speaker across the table from us? 451 00:24:59,120 --> 00:25:02,290 Well, that's a pretty high sound level, 80 dB. 452 00:25:02,290 --> 00:25:04,910 It's not damaging, but it's high enough 453 00:25:04,910 --> 00:25:07,740 to saturate our auditory nerve fibers. 454 00:25:07,740 --> 00:25:10,920 That means when the added sound level 455 00:25:10,920 --> 00:25:14,610 of the person across the table from you, their voice, 456 00:25:14,610 --> 00:25:18,522 adds to the background, they're not 457 00:25:18,522 --> 00:25:21,105 going to change the firing rate of your auditory nerve fibers. 458 00:25:22,320 --> 00:25:25,250 And the brain won't know except by seeing 459 00:25:25,250 --> 00:25:28,525 the person's lips move that there is speech. 460 00:25:30,090 --> 00:25:33,320 It's much better to understand any kind of signals 461 00:25:33,320 --> 00:25:37,460 to be within this rising function of the firing rate 462 00:25:37,460 --> 00:25:40,210 curve, not in the saturated function where 463 00:25:40,210 --> 00:25:42,990 there's no change in firing rate. 464 00:25:42,990 --> 00:25:45,510 OK, so how can the olivocochlear system 465 00:25:45,510 --> 00:25:48,685 help us with this dynamic range problem? 466 00:25:50,170 --> 00:25:55,040 Well, I've been emphasizing the decrease of firing rates. 467 00:25:55,040 --> 00:25:58,580 But as you can see from this curve with stimulation 468 00:25:58,580 --> 00:26:02,035 of the OC neurons, the effect is to shift this function over. 469 00:26:03,400 --> 00:26:05,460 In this case, it's about a 20 dB shift. 470 00:26:06,750 --> 00:26:13,550 And now, at 70 dB, you're in the dynamic range of the function. 471 00:26:13,550 --> 00:26:16,425 And you're not saturated anymore as you were before. 472 00:26:18,390 --> 00:26:21,430 So one of the functions, we think then 473 00:26:21,430 --> 00:26:26,120 from this type of experiment, is the MOC efference kick in, 474 00:26:26,120 --> 00:26:28,940 reflexively kick in when you're in a high-level sound 475 00:26:28,940 --> 00:26:30,200 environment. 476 00:26:30,200 --> 00:26:33,850 And they shift the firing rate functions over 477 00:26:33,850 --> 00:26:36,630 so you can now understand a speaker's 478 00:26:36,630 --> 00:26:38,285 voice in a high-level background. 479 00:26:45,320 --> 00:26:46,770 Now, there are some other factors 480 00:26:46,770 --> 00:26:50,800 that change an increase of dynamic range of hearing, which 481 00:26:50,800 --> 00:26:52,760 I don't think are important to the course. 482 00:26:52,760 --> 00:26:56,173 But we have talked about two-tone suppression. 483 00:26:57,710 --> 00:27:00,850 This certainly does the same kind of thing. 484 00:27:00,850 --> 00:27:03,470 We're going to talk about contraction of the middle ear 485 00:27:03,470 --> 00:27:08,140 muscles, which also helps you with the dynamic range problem. 486 00:27:08,140 --> 00:27:12,150 So this is clearly then, one important function 487 00:27:12,150 --> 00:27:13,700 of the olivocochlear neurons. 488 00:27:13,700 --> 00:27:24,445 That is, shifting dynamic range. 489 00:27:26,820 --> 00:27:29,260 Now, is there experimental evidence 490 00:27:29,260 --> 00:27:32,730 besides what you see here looking 491 00:27:32,730 --> 00:27:35,290 at firing rates of auditory nerve fibers 492 00:27:35,290 --> 00:27:39,780 to suggest that the olivocochlear system really 493 00:27:39,780 --> 00:27:40,550 does this? 494 00:27:40,550 --> 00:27:42,170 There is a little bit. 495 00:27:42,170 --> 00:27:45,630 That is, with animals trained to detect changes 496 00:27:45,630 --> 00:27:48,420 in tones in a background of noise, 497 00:27:48,420 --> 00:27:51,250 they do it a little bit better when 498 00:27:51,250 --> 00:27:54,660 they have an intact olivocochlear system. 499 00:27:54,660 --> 00:27:56,740 You can't do these experiments in humans 500 00:27:56,740 --> 00:28:00,080 because it's very difficult to turn this system off. 501 00:28:00,080 --> 00:28:04,510 We don't know a way of turning it off or interrupting it. 502 00:28:06,740 --> 00:28:10,550 And people probably call this system into play reflexively. 503 00:28:11,730 --> 00:28:15,295 So it's difficult to do these kinds of experiments in humans. 504 00:28:19,410 --> 00:28:22,460 Now, there's another important function 505 00:28:22,460 --> 00:28:26,430 of the olivocochlear system, which is probably 506 00:28:26,430 --> 00:28:33,465 to reduce the effects of noise masking. 507 00:28:35,450 --> 00:28:42,430 And we haven't talked too much about masking in this course. 508 00:28:42,430 --> 00:28:45,140 I mean, two-tone suppression is a kind of masking. 509 00:28:47,270 --> 00:28:51,200 Masking is where you're listening to one sound 510 00:28:51,200 --> 00:28:55,160 and a second sound comes in and interferes your ability 511 00:28:55,160 --> 00:28:58,110 to detect that very first sound. 512 00:28:58,110 --> 00:29:00,090 So I have a demonstration, though, 513 00:29:00,090 --> 00:29:04,260 that I think will convince you that masking is very important. 514 00:29:04,260 --> 00:29:05,450 And it runs like this. 515 00:29:06,740 --> 00:29:11,580 So the demonstration is going to be 516 00:29:11,580 --> 00:29:16,260 you're listening to tone bursts, which are the pink things here. 517 00:29:16,260 --> 00:29:18,910 And they're at 2,000 Hertz, so it's going to be kind 518 00:29:18,910 --> 00:29:23,500 of a little bit above our 1,000 standard 519 00:29:23,500 --> 00:29:26,185 middle-of-the-hearing-range frequency. 520 00:29:27,950 --> 00:29:30,245 And it's going to give you 10 tone bursts 521 00:29:30,245 --> 00:29:34,090 and they're each going to be successively softer 522 00:29:34,090 --> 00:29:35,630 in sound level. 523 00:29:35,630 --> 00:29:39,110 And you're supposed to count how many steps you can hear. 524 00:29:39,110 --> 00:29:41,340 And I think there are 10 of them. 525 00:29:41,340 --> 00:29:44,680 We should be able to hear all 10 with the way I 526 00:29:44,680 --> 00:29:46,570 have set the level. 527 00:29:46,570 --> 00:29:49,170 The second part of the demo is now 528 00:29:49,170 --> 00:29:51,320 the signal is masked with broadband noise. 529 00:29:51,320 --> 00:29:54,040 So the broadband noise will come on first. 530 00:29:54,040 --> 00:29:55,530 Shh. 531 00:29:55,530 --> 00:29:58,250 And these tone pips will be on top of that noise. 532 00:29:59,270 --> 00:30:02,340 And you're supposed to count now how many tone 533 00:30:02,340 --> 00:30:05,810 pips you can hear with the broadband noise. 534 00:30:05,810 --> 00:30:09,640 And I think there's a little verbiage before this. 535 00:30:09,640 --> 00:30:10,660 Just ignore that. 536 00:30:14,644 --> 00:30:16,138 [AUDIO PLAYBACK] 537 00:30:16,138 --> 00:30:19,126 -Critical bands by masking. 538 00:30:19,126 --> 00:30:23,608 You will hear a 2,000 Hertz tone in 10 decreasing 539 00:30:23,608 --> 00:30:25,600 steps of 5 decibels. 540 00:30:25,600 --> 00:30:28,588 Count how many steps you can hear. 541 00:30:28,588 --> 00:30:30,082 Series are presented twice. 542 00:30:31,576 --> 00:30:43,030 [BEEPING] 543 00:30:43,030 --> 00:30:44,060 [END AUDIO PLAYBACK] 544 00:30:44,060 --> 00:30:46,460 PROFESSOR: OK, so could everybody hear most of them? 545 00:30:46,460 --> 00:30:46,960 10? 546 00:30:46,960 --> 00:30:47,491 All 10? 547 00:30:47,491 --> 00:30:47,990 OK. 548 00:30:49,170 --> 00:30:49,995 Here's the masked. 549 00:30:49,995 --> 00:30:50,661 [AUDIO PLAYBACK] 550 00:30:50,661 --> 00:30:53,334 -Now the signal is masked with broadband noise. 551 00:30:55,310 --> 00:31:07,660 [BEEPING] 552 00:31:07,660 --> 00:31:08,670 [END AUDIO PLAYBACK] 553 00:31:08,670 --> 00:31:10,640 PROFESSOR: OK, how many now? 554 00:31:10,640 --> 00:31:11,274 AUDIENCE: Five. 555 00:31:11,274 --> 00:31:11,940 PROFESSOR: Five? 556 00:31:13,500 --> 00:31:16,820 I mean, this is not a bad illustration, right? 557 00:31:16,820 --> 00:31:20,076 When the pink tone bursts get within the black noise, 558 00:31:20,076 --> 00:31:21,450 they're pretty much disappearing. 559 00:31:22,920 --> 00:31:28,020 So clearly the noise was an effective masker 560 00:31:28,020 --> 00:31:29,180 of the tone pip. 561 00:31:29,180 --> 00:31:36,030 Now, we had the example earlier of the phenomenon 562 00:31:36,030 --> 00:31:37,530 called two-tone suppression. 563 00:31:51,700 --> 00:31:55,221 And that was measured in an auditory nerve fiber. 564 00:31:55,221 --> 00:31:57,470 And everybody should be able to draw an auditory nerve 565 00:31:57,470 --> 00:31:58,605 fiber tuning curve. 566 00:32:00,990 --> 00:32:03,510 On the x-axis, we have the frequency 567 00:32:03,510 --> 00:32:04,675 of the sound in kilohertz. 568 00:32:05,940 --> 00:32:09,810 And the y-axis, we have the sound pressure level 569 00:32:09,810 --> 00:32:12,325 for a response. 570 00:32:15,000 --> 00:32:20,040 An auditory nerve tuning curves, at least those with high CFs, 571 00:32:20,040 --> 00:32:21,160 look like this. 572 00:32:21,160 --> 00:32:24,570 And the characteristic frequency is the frequency right here. 573 00:32:26,160 --> 00:32:31,680 In two-tone suppression, what we had is two tones. 574 00:32:31,680 --> 00:32:36,390 The first tone is a probe tone, which 575 00:32:36,390 --> 00:32:39,905 is placed inside the nerve fibers response area. 576 00:32:41,860 --> 00:32:45,450 And if you look at a graph of firing rate-- 577 00:32:45,450 --> 00:32:51,480 so this is firing-- and you turn that tone on, 578 00:32:51,480 --> 00:32:53,770 the firing rate is going to go way up. 579 00:32:53,770 --> 00:32:58,550 Maybe 100 spikes per second because it's 580 00:32:58,550 --> 00:33:00,570 within the response area. 581 00:33:00,570 --> 00:33:05,440 Now, the second tone, sometimes called the suppressor, 582 00:33:05,440 --> 00:33:09,410 is put outside the response area but close to it. 583 00:33:14,610 --> 00:33:15,870 OK, so here's the probe. 584 00:33:25,940 --> 00:33:29,276 This is the probe tone, high firing rate. 585 00:33:29,276 --> 00:33:30,650 And now a little bit later, we're 586 00:33:30,650 --> 00:33:32,620 going to turn on a second tone. 587 00:33:35,900 --> 00:33:37,336 And this is called the suppressor. 588 00:33:42,570 --> 00:33:44,410 And I haven't drawn this very well, 589 00:33:44,410 --> 00:33:46,590 but when the suppressor goes on, the firing rate 590 00:33:46,590 --> 00:33:47,755 can come back down. 591 00:33:49,300 --> 00:33:50,635 This goes off first. 592 00:33:52,356 --> 00:33:54,230 And come back up. 593 00:33:55,930 --> 00:33:56,950 OK. 594 00:33:56,950 --> 00:34:01,930 So clearly, at least in the discharges of auditory nerve 595 00:34:01,930 --> 00:34:07,380 fibers, you can have suppressors outside the response areas 596 00:34:07,380 --> 00:34:09,579 that decrease the response to probes. 597 00:34:12,400 --> 00:34:16,820 This probe tone is going to be signaled by auditory nerve 598 00:34:16,820 --> 00:34:20,020 fibers close to that frequency. 599 00:34:20,020 --> 00:34:24,745 So many auditory nerve fibers have CFs close to 2 kilohertz. 600 00:34:26,190 --> 00:34:32,409 This noise has energy throughout the frequency range, 601 00:34:32,409 --> 00:34:33,854 if it's absolutely white noise. 602 00:34:34,969 --> 00:34:39,310 Some of its noise will be within the response area, 603 00:34:39,310 --> 00:34:42,239 but some of it will be in suppression areas. 604 00:34:42,239 --> 00:34:46,409 And these suppression areas can be 605 00:34:46,409 --> 00:34:48,979 either side of the excitatory area. 606 00:34:50,050 --> 00:34:51,199 And they can be big. 607 00:34:51,199 --> 00:34:55,349 And in some cases, they can overrule the excitation, 608 00:34:55,349 --> 00:34:56,349 or at least decrease it. 609 00:34:57,700 --> 00:35:01,740 So some of the reason you couldn't hear the tone when 610 00:35:01,740 --> 00:35:03,320 it was masked by the noise is because 611 00:35:03,320 --> 00:35:04,480 of two-tone suppression. 612 00:35:06,360 --> 00:35:08,745 This is sometimes called suppressive masking. 613 00:35:19,160 --> 00:35:22,280 There's another kind of masking that's important-- it may 614 00:35:22,280 --> 00:35:28,445 be equally important-- and it's called adaptive masking. 615 00:35:33,570 --> 00:35:36,523 And it comes from the process called adaptation. 616 00:35:37,960 --> 00:35:42,720 Almost all sensory systems have adaptation, 617 00:35:42,720 --> 00:35:45,370 which means that when you turn a stimulus on, 618 00:35:45,370 --> 00:35:46,895 you get a vigorous response. 619 00:35:47,900 --> 00:35:51,560 And even though the stimulus stays on, after a while 620 00:35:51,560 --> 00:35:53,810 the response dies down a little bit. 621 00:35:53,810 --> 00:35:56,085 And that process is called adaptation. 622 00:35:57,140 --> 00:36:01,220 So I've illustrated the process of adaptation 623 00:36:01,220 --> 00:36:04,750 for auditory nerve fibers in this next graph. 624 00:36:06,800 --> 00:36:08,920 Here's that pink tone burst at 2,000 625 00:36:08,920 --> 00:36:10,170 Hertz we were listening to. 626 00:36:11,180 --> 00:36:14,320 There's the auditory nerve response to it. 627 00:36:14,320 --> 00:36:17,070 Right as the tone burst goes on, there's 628 00:36:17,070 --> 00:36:20,020 going to be a vigorous discharge, which 629 00:36:20,020 --> 00:36:22,870 die eyes down and becomes a smaller-- still 630 00:36:22,870 --> 00:36:25,390 a discharge, but a smaller discharge. 631 00:36:25,390 --> 00:36:27,250 And that process is called adaptation. 632 00:36:29,290 --> 00:36:31,000 Where do you think that process arises? 633 00:36:33,659 --> 00:36:35,200 OK, while you're thinking about that, 634 00:36:35,200 --> 00:36:48,240 I'm going to draw a picture of what's happening here. 635 00:36:48,240 --> 00:36:50,400 So you have the three rows of outer hair cells. 636 00:36:54,660 --> 00:36:56,180 We have the inner hair cell. 637 00:36:58,040 --> 00:36:59,736 We have the auditory nerve fiber. 638 00:37:00,870 --> 00:37:02,200 And we're recording here. 639 00:37:04,750 --> 00:37:07,290 And we're saying, we turn the sound on 640 00:37:07,290 --> 00:37:08,950 and you get a whole bunch of spikes 641 00:37:08,950 --> 00:37:11,070 from that single auditory nerve fiber. 642 00:37:11,070 --> 00:37:18,190 But after a few milliseconds or so, the response dies down. 643 00:37:18,190 --> 00:37:20,630 What experiment could you do? 644 00:37:20,630 --> 00:37:22,750 We don't know where that process is arising. 645 00:37:22,750 --> 00:37:24,310 We can't explain it. 646 00:37:24,310 --> 00:37:28,970 What experiment would you do to study where that comes from? 647 00:37:31,774 --> 00:37:32,274 Anybody? 648 00:37:37,010 --> 00:37:37,985 Here's the tone. 649 00:37:43,730 --> 00:37:45,590 Here's the response from the nerve fiber. 650 00:37:50,592 --> 00:37:52,050 What do we need to figure out where 651 00:37:52,050 --> 00:37:53,670 that adaptation is taking place? 652 00:37:57,430 --> 00:37:59,540 Well, how about recording from somewhere else? 653 00:38:03,000 --> 00:38:04,670 What about recording from the hair cell? 654 00:38:07,920 --> 00:38:12,260 OK, if you do that, the hair cell doesn't fire spikes, 655 00:38:12,260 --> 00:38:15,125 but it has a receptor potential in response to the sound. 656 00:38:17,715 --> 00:38:21,445 The receptor goes on and stays on. 657 00:38:24,170 --> 00:38:27,870 OK, where is adaptation taking place? 658 00:38:27,870 --> 00:38:32,130 Well, somewhere between the hair cell and the nerve fiber. 659 00:38:33,300 --> 00:38:36,770 The hair cell doesn't adapt, the nerve fiber does adapt. 660 00:38:36,770 --> 00:38:40,940 what could explain adaptation then given that? 661 00:38:42,280 --> 00:38:42,780 Anybody? 662 00:38:46,750 --> 00:38:49,650 OK, what do we have here? 663 00:38:49,650 --> 00:38:53,445 We have a synaptic ribbon with lots of synaptic vesicles. 664 00:38:57,420 --> 00:38:58,690 The tone goes on. 665 00:38:58,690 --> 00:39:00,560 You have a whole bunch of synaptic vesicles. 666 00:39:02,760 --> 00:39:06,362 You release them because the hair cell has depolarized. 667 00:39:06,362 --> 00:39:09,020 You have a burst of auditory nerve firing. 668 00:39:11,200 --> 00:39:14,500 And you can make new synaptic vesicles, right? 669 00:39:14,500 --> 00:39:16,690 Yeah, but it takes time. 670 00:39:17,910 --> 00:39:21,170 OK, so as time goes on, you've released all of these 671 00:39:21,170 --> 00:39:22,800 or many of them. 672 00:39:22,800 --> 00:39:27,210 And you can make some new ones, but maybe not quite as fast 673 00:39:27,210 --> 00:39:28,550 as you've released them. 674 00:39:28,550 --> 00:39:32,085 So you deplete your synaptic vesicles. 675 00:39:33,130 --> 00:39:35,180 The hair cell's still responding. 676 00:39:35,180 --> 00:39:38,570 There are fewer vesicles and fewer neurotransmitter released 677 00:39:38,570 --> 00:39:41,275 to the nerve and so the nerve firing dies out. 678 00:39:43,020 --> 00:39:55,500 So adaptation is often ascribed to the diminished release 679 00:39:55,500 --> 00:39:56,476 of neurotransmitter. 680 00:40:08,960 --> 00:40:13,560 And so far, that's all adaptation to a single tone. 681 00:40:13,560 --> 00:40:15,650 How does that explain masking? 682 00:40:15,650 --> 00:40:21,120 Well, if your nerve fiber responded to the noise-- 683 00:40:21,120 --> 00:40:24,430 at the very beginning you heard that noise come on-- shh. 684 00:40:24,430 --> 00:40:27,400 And then the tone came on a little bit later. 685 00:40:27,400 --> 00:40:29,530 If the tone is high in level, sure, it's 686 00:40:29,530 --> 00:40:32,900 going to still have some synaptic vesicles to release. 687 00:40:32,900 --> 00:40:37,840 But if the tone is very soft, the hair cell 688 00:40:37,840 --> 00:40:41,760 is not going to be able to release synaptic vesicles 689 00:40:41,760 --> 00:40:43,426 because they've already been released 690 00:40:43,426 --> 00:40:44,675 at the beginning of the noise. 691 00:40:47,700 --> 00:40:51,900 So adaptive masking is where you have, to a certain extent, 692 00:40:51,900 --> 00:40:54,086 run out of hair cell neurotransmitter. 693 00:40:55,390 --> 00:40:58,490 And there's none, or much less, left to release. 694 00:41:00,870 --> 00:41:05,420 Clearly, adaptive masking means that this fiber is also 695 00:41:05,420 --> 00:41:09,150 responding to the mask or the noise in this case. 696 00:41:09,150 --> 00:41:11,840 So in adaptive masking you have to have 697 00:41:11,840 --> 00:41:13,660 a stimulus that excites. 698 00:41:13,660 --> 00:41:18,673 The masker has to excite the nerve fiber and the hair cell. 699 00:41:18,673 --> 00:41:21,964 And the probe-- probe is always exciting it. 700 00:41:23,860 --> 00:41:27,110 So that is a second explanation for masking. 701 00:41:27,110 --> 00:41:30,130 Now in this case, the olivocochlear system 702 00:41:30,130 --> 00:41:34,020 can actually help you with adaptive masking. 703 00:41:35,630 --> 00:41:37,220 How can it help you? 704 00:41:37,220 --> 00:41:40,370 Well, in this case, if you also-- 705 00:41:40,370 --> 00:41:42,660 when you start to hear this noise, 706 00:41:42,660 --> 00:41:45,905 you call that olivocochlear system into play. 707 00:41:47,100 --> 00:41:48,260 And it acts. 708 00:41:48,260 --> 00:41:50,410 What does it act to do? 709 00:41:50,410 --> 00:41:52,695 It decreases the firing of the auditory nerve. 710 00:41:55,030 --> 00:41:57,330 Then when you have the tone come along, 711 00:41:57,330 --> 00:41:59,130 you have plenty of neurotransmitter 712 00:41:59,130 --> 00:42:02,870 left in the hair cell because you haven't released it all. 713 00:42:02,870 --> 00:42:06,130 And you have at least some to be released 714 00:42:06,130 --> 00:42:08,670 in response to the tone. 715 00:42:08,670 --> 00:42:11,400 So in this case, the third function 716 00:42:11,400 --> 00:42:14,400 then of the olivocochlear system is 717 00:42:14,400 --> 00:42:16,850 to reduce the effects of masking. 718 00:42:16,850 --> 00:42:19,510 And we should have said back here 719 00:42:19,510 --> 00:42:24,090 when I listed the functions, reduce the effects of noise 720 00:42:24,090 --> 00:42:27,220 masking, especially adaptive noise masking. 721 00:42:27,220 --> 00:42:34,120 The kind where the masker excites the fiber unlike 722 00:42:34,120 --> 00:42:37,790 suppressive masking where the masker reduces the response. 723 00:42:43,320 --> 00:42:48,370 There are certainly important and reliable studies 724 00:42:48,370 --> 00:42:51,650 where animals in which the olivocochlear bundle has 725 00:42:51,650 --> 00:42:55,810 been cut have much more of a problem with noise masking. 726 00:42:55,810 --> 00:43:01,910 They cannot detect signals that are buried in a noise masker 727 00:43:01,910 --> 00:43:05,030 as well as animals with an intact olivocochlear bundle. 728 00:43:06,220 --> 00:43:08,035 So clearly, that is a viable function. 729 00:43:10,400 --> 00:43:15,670 Now finally, and this is pretty important for our course here, 730 00:43:15,670 --> 00:43:19,400 there's been this fourth idea of what the olivocochlear 731 00:43:19,400 --> 00:43:21,680 reflex could do. 732 00:43:21,680 --> 00:43:25,100 And it's always been a little bit wishy-washy 733 00:43:25,100 --> 00:43:28,720 because there hasn't been really good experimental evidence. 734 00:43:28,720 --> 00:43:32,010 Until this paper-- this paper Delano et al, 735 00:43:32,010 --> 00:43:37,215 2007-- is the paper that we have listed for reading today. 736 00:43:38,920 --> 00:43:43,720 And this paper clearly shows that another function 737 00:43:43,720 --> 00:43:47,920 of the olivocochlear system is when you're paying attention 738 00:43:47,920 --> 00:43:49,950 to something that is not auditory, 739 00:43:49,950 --> 00:43:55,560 like a visual stimulus, the olivocochlear system 740 00:43:55,560 --> 00:43:58,570 acts and reduces your sense of hearing. 741 00:43:58,570 --> 00:44:03,170 You're not using hearing for whatever task, 742 00:44:03,170 --> 00:44:08,090 so you desensitize your hearing and you pay attention 743 00:44:08,090 --> 00:44:09,330 to the visual system. 744 00:44:09,330 --> 00:44:12,860 OK, so how is this going to work? 745 00:44:12,860 --> 00:44:16,820 So this paper trained chinchillas 746 00:44:16,820 --> 00:44:18,050 as the experimental animal. 747 00:44:19,860 --> 00:44:23,160 And the task was to pay attention to lights. 748 00:44:23,160 --> 00:44:25,010 So let me get my pointer here so I 749 00:44:25,010 --> 00:44:27,230 can point out a little better. 750 00:44:32,730 --> 00:44:35,890 So this is the task in part A here. 751 00:44:35,890 --> 00:44:41,090 And this neutral cue is a light that's straight ahead 752 00:44:41,090 --> 00:44:42,720 from the experimental animal. 753 00:44:42,720 --> 00:44:44,820 And that goes on and says to the animal 754 00:44:44,820 --> 00:44:46,905 that the trial is starting. 755 00:44:48,010 --> 00:44:53,600 Then, that goes off and one of two targets appears. 756 00:44:53,600 --> 00:44:56,950 Either a left target or a right target. 757 00:44:56,950 --> 00:44:59,610 And these are little spots of light to the animal's left 758 00:44:59,610 --> 00:45:00,450 or to the right. 759 00:45:01,910 --> 00:45:06,380 The task then is if the left target went on, 760 00:45:06,380 --> 00:45:10,100 the animal goes and presses the left lever. 761 00:45:10,100 --> 00:45:12,980 And if it does that correctly, it gets a food reward. 762 00:45:14,430 --> 00:45:16,825 If the light went on on the right, 763 00:45:16,825 --> 00:45:18,200 the right target was illuminated, 764 00:45:18,200 --> 00:45:20,200 the right lever is supposed to be pressed. 765 00:45:20,200 --> 00:45:23,000 And if the animal does that correctly, 766 00:45:23,000 --> 00:45:24,670 then it gets a food reward. 767 00:45:24,670 --> 00:45:29,260 If it does nothing or if it presses the wrong lever, 768 00:45:29,260 --> 00:45:30,990 it's punished by a timeout. 769 00:45:30,990 --> 00:45:32,810 And the animals are food deprived, 770 00:45:32,810 --> 00:45:35,320 so they're motivated to do this task. 771 00:45:35,320 --> 00:45:36,590 That's the visual task. 772 00:45:37,690 --> 00:45:41,700 Now, on top of that there's some auditory stimuli presented. 773 00:45:41,700 --> 00:45:44,210 And they're not relevant to the task. 774 00:45:44,210 --> 00:45:46,790 They're just ongoing all the time. 775 00:45:46,790 --> 00:45:54,500 And here then in B are the target and the neutral cue 776 00:45:54,500 --> 00:45:56,310 lights and the response period. 777 00:45:56,310 --> 00:45:58,850 And the auditory stimulus going on all the time 778 00:45:58,850 --> 00:46:01,411 is a click or a tone burst. 779 00:46:01,411 --> 00:46:02,910 And it's just going on all the time. 780 00:46:04,050 --> 00:46:06,640 And they're making some recordings 781 00:46:06,640 --> 00:46:07,850 from the auditory system. 782 00:46:08,880 --> 00:46:12,130 And in this case, they're making a recording 783 00:46:12,130 --> 00:46:14,840 from the round window of the cochlea. 784 00:46:14,840 --> 00:46:18,830 And if you had a microscope, you could see some little blips 785 00:46:18,830 --> 00:46:20,740 right here in response to the clicks. 786 00:46:21,970 --> 00:46:23,225 And they're pretty big here. 787 00:46:24,270 --> 00:46:26,280 But as time goes on, they get smaller. 788 00:46:28,970 --> 00:46:30,490 And that's plotted right here. 789 00:46:30,490 --> 00:46:33,320 The response they're measuring is called the CAP, 790 00:46:33,320 --> 00:46:35,425 and that's the Compound Action Potential. 791 00:46:52,410 --> 00:46:55,475 And if you are astute here, the action potential 792 00:46:55,475 --> 00:46:58,330 is another word for "spikes" or "impulses." 793 00:46:58,330 --> 00:47:01,190 But they're not measuring from one single fiber, 794 00:47:01,190 --> 00:47:03,930 they're putting a big electrode on the round window 795 00:47:03,930 --> 00:47:07,820 of the cochlear and they're measuring the summed 796 00:47:07,820 --> 00:47:11,650 or compound action potential from the whole auditory nerve. 797 00:47:11,650 --> 00:47:14,080 It's just a convenient place to do it. 798 00:47:14,080 --> 00:47:15,740 You can do it in an awake animal. 799 00:47:15,740 --> 00:47:18,550 You can do it in awake behaving animal like we have here. 800 00:47:19,580 --> 00:47:23,290 When you turn on a click, almost all the auditory nerve fibers 801 00:47:23,290 --> 00:47:26,540 fire synchronously and you get a big response. 802 00:47:26,540 --> 00:47:28,440 Hardly have to do any averaging at all. 803 00:47:30,100 --> 00:47:33,855 OK, so that's the response, the compound action potential. 804 00:47:36,120 --> 00:47:41,720 And this graph plots the CAP amplitude-- how big it is. 805 00:47:42,780 --> 00:47:45,820 Upward on the graph is a big amplitude 806 00:47:45,820 --> 00:47:47,715 and lower is a diminished amplitude. 807 00:47:48,730 --> 00:47:50,810 And right here at zero-- they just 808 00:47:50,810 --> 00:47:53,380 call it zero because that's sort of the baseline 809 00:47:53,380 --> 00:47:54,735 before the trial even starts. 810 00:47:55,740 --> 00:48:00,899 So in this first bar here is the neutral OK cue. 811 00:48:00,899 --> 00:48:03,190 That's the thing in the middle that says to the animal, 812 00:48:03,190 --> 00:48:04,135 the task is starting. 813 00:48:05,640 --> 00:48:08,640 And right away during that neutral cue, 814 00:48:08,640 --> 00:48:12,980 these black dots show you that the compound action potential 815 00:48:12,980 --> 00:48:13,695 is decreasing. 816 00:48:15,920 --> 00:48:19,270 Then, the neutral cue goes off and the target-- one 817 00:48:19,270 --> 00:48:20,270 of the targets goes on. 818 00:48:20,270 --> 00:48:21,860 Either the left or right. 819 00:48:21,860 --> 00:48:25,555 And the compound action potential further decreases. 820 00:48:27,290 --> 00:48:30,640 Then, the animal makes its response here 821 00:48:30,640 --> 00:48:31,740 in this dashed line. 822 00:48:33,220 --> 00:48:37,820 OK, gets its food reward and the CAP comes back up. 823 00:48:37,820 --> 00:48:40,780 OK, now how do we explain this? 824 00:48:45,890 --> 00:48:49,340 Well, the CAP is the summed firing rate 825 00:48:49,340 --> 00:48:51,260 of many auditory nerve fibers. 826 00:48:52,900 --> 00:48:57,700 Instead of stimulation of the OC neurons 827 00:48:57,700 --> 00:49:00,550 decreasing the firing rate, essentially the animal 828 00:49:00,550 --> 00:49:04,670 itself has turned on its OC neurons 829 00:49:04,670 --> 00:49:06,610 and the firing rate has gone down. 830 00:49:06,610 --> 00:49:11,755 Or the summed response, in this case, has gone down. 831 00:49:13,730 --> 00:49:17,400 The animal has said to the olivocochlear system, 832 00:49:17,400 --> 00:49:19,630 I'm starting a visual task. 833 00:49:19,630 --> 00:49:24,970 I don't want to pay attention to extraneous things, like sounds. 834 00:49:24,970 --> 00:49:28,360 So I'm going to decrease my sensitivity 835 00:49:28,360 --> 00:49:31,510 in hearing by activating these olivocochlear neurons. 836 00:49:31,510 --> 00:49:34,582 Now, pay attention to the important targets, 837 00:49:34,582 --> 00:49:35,290 which are visual. 838 00:49:40,760 --> 00:49:43,935 Now, there are some other symbols in here that are open. 839 00:49:43,935 --> 00:49:46,000 They're a little bit harder to see. 840 00:49:47,740 --> 00:49:49,700 But there are some CAP amplitudes 841 00:49:49,700 --> 00:49:52,505 from another trial of these same animals. 842 00:49:53,560 --> 00:49:56,880 And for one reason or another, the chinchillas 843 00:49:56,880 --> 00:49:58,065 didn't always do the task. 844 00:49:59,900 --> 00:50:03,960 Every now and then they would just not pay attention to it. 845 00:50:03,960 --> 00:50:05,210 They wouldn't press the lever. 846 00:50:06,570 --> 00:50:08,630 They wouldn't respond at all. 847 00:50:08,630 --> 00:50:11,550 As if they were sort of spaced out, 848 00:50:11,550 --> 00:50:14,060 thinking about something else if you will. 849 00:50:14,060 --> 00:50:18,464 And in those cases, which are timeout trials. 850 00:50:18,464 --> 00:50:19,922 Let's see, what did they call them? 851 00:50:27,794 --> 00:50:28,670 Ah, omissions. 852 00:50:29,950 --> 00:50:32,420 This little symbol right here is omissions. 853 00:50:32,420 --> 00:50:34,670 So it's an omission trial where the animal didn't even 854 00:50:34,670 --> 00:50:35,790 do the task. 855 00:50:35,790 --> 00:50:38,510 In that case, the olivocochlear system 856 00:50:38,510 --> 00:50:40,630 is apparently not called into play at all. 857 00:50:40,630 --> 00:50:42,765 The animal is just not doing the task. 858 00:50:46,020 --> 00:50:50,570 Now, the investigators were very astute and they said, 859 00:50:50,570 --> 00:50:52,630 we're going to make the task a little more 860 00:50:52,630 --> 00:50:54,930 difficult for the animals and see 861 00:50:54,930 --> 00:50:59,450 if we get a bigger effect here. 862 00:50:59,450 --> 00:51:01,740 And the way to make the task difficult 863 00:51:01,740 --> 00:51:03,465 is make the targets brief. 864 00:51:05,270 --> 00:51:08,720 So instead of the target going on for a couple of seconds, 865 00:51:08,720 --> 00:51:12,130 the target went on for just a half a second. 866 00:51:12,130 --> 00:51:14,005 And here's a trial with just a half a second. 867 00:51:15,160 --> 00:51:19,115 And there was a big decrease in the auditory response. 868 00:51:22,310 --> 00:51:23,940 If the target went on for a long time, 869 00:51:23,940 --> 00:51:25,200 there was less of a decrease. 870 00:51:25,200 --> 00:51:29,000 And this is the effect plotted as a function of target 871 00:51:29,000 --> 00:51:29,750 duration. 872 00:51:29,750 --> 00:51:32,897 Brief targets made this job harder 873 00:51:32,897 --> 00:51:33,980 to do for the chinchillas. 874 00:51:37,700 --> 00:51:40,290 So this is clearly, at least to me, 875 00:51:40,290 --> 00:51:46,310 some evidence that you call into play the olivocochlear system 876 00:51:46,310 --> 00:51:48,380 when you're doing a visual task. 877 00:51:48,380 --> 00:51:52,950 So maybe as humans, we do this when we're trying to read. 878 00:51:52,950 --> 00:51:56,295 We're concentrating on the book, visual stimulus. 879 00:51:56,295 --> 00:52:00,020 And our neighbors music is going on. 880 00:52:00,020 --> 00:52:01,820 It's not relevant to what we're doing. 881 00:52:01,820 --> 00:52:03,900 Maybe we're listening to it subconsciously, 882 00:52:03,900 --> 00:52:08,490 but we decrease the response to that auditory stimulus 883 00:52:08,490 --> 00:52:10,455 because it's not important to the task. 884 00:52:11,560 --> 00:52:14,970 So clearly then, this is good evidence 885 00:52:14,970 --> 00:52:21,860 from this single study for the last function 886 00:52:21,860 --> 00:52:23,850 for the olivocochlear system, which 887 00:52:23,850 --> 00:52:29,420 is that you reduce your hearing sensitivity when attending 888 00:52:29,420 --> 00:52:33,350 to visual or perhaps other modality tasks. 889 00:52:33,350 --> 00:52:35,705 So these are the four basic functions 890 00:52:35,705 --> 00:52:37,510 then for the olivocochlear system. 891 00:52:39,380 --> 00:52:42,510 Now, before I leave the olivocochlear system, 892 00:52:42,510 --> 00:52:47,005 let's do a little review here on exactly how it's acting. 893 00:52:48,030 --> 00:52:53,370 So we said we're activating these systems going out 894 00:52:53,370 --> 00:52:55,730 to the hair cells and we're reducing 895 00:52:55,730 --> 00:52:57,830 the responses of the auditory nerve fibers. 896 00:52:59,460 --> 00:53:04,500 Something I haven't told you but was observed maybe 20 897 00:53:04,500 --> 00:53:07,030 years after the phenomenon was first discovered 898 00:53:07,030 --> 00:53:11,190 is the idea of which of these systems 899 00:53:11,190 --> 00:53:13,470 is being used here when we electrically 900 00:53:13,470 --> 00:53:17,090 stimulate the system and activated it. 901 00:53:17,090 --> 00:53:20,770 It turns out that the medial olivocochlear neurons 902 00:53:20,770 --> 00:53:23,680 have big, fat myelinated axons. 903 00:53:23,680 --> 00:53:25,930 And you can maybe appreciate that from this drawing 904 00:53:25,930 --> 00:53:27,300 that these are very thick lines. 905 00:53:28,710 --> 00:53:32,590 The lateral olivocochlear neurons have very thin axons. 906 00:53:34,020 --> 00:53:38,310 And one effect of that besides how fast they conduct 907 00:53:38,310 --> 00:53:42,050 impulses is when you stimulate, for example, at this position 908 00:53:42,050 --> 00:53:46,780 here in the brainstem, it takes a huge amount of stimulating 909 00:53:46,780 --> 00:53:50,130 current to activate very thin nerve 910 00:53:50,130 --> 00:53:52,900 fibers like the lateral olivocochlear neurons. 911 00:53:52,900 --> 00:53:55,510 If you apply a huge stimulating current here, 912 00:53:55,510 --> 00:53:57,950 the current spreads to everywhere, 913 00:53:57,950 --> 00:54:00,190 including the facial nerve, which 914 00:54:00,190 --> 00:54:03,730 causes the experimental animal to twitch. 915 00:54:03,730 --> 00:54:05,400 So that's almost never done. 916 00:54:05,400 --> 00:54:08,110 More moderate levels of stimulation current 917 00:54:08,110 --> 00:54:09,590 are applied here. 918 00:54:09,590 --> 00:54:13,290 And at those levels, the predominant system activating 919 00:54:13,290 --> 00:54:16,280 is the medial olivocochlear neurons. 920 00:54:16,280 --> 00:54:18,680 Those MOC neurons send their fibers out 921 00:54:18,680 --> 00:54:19,875 to the outer hair cells. 922 00:54:21,140 --> 00:54:23,680 And we say when they act on the outer hair 923 00:54:23,680 --> 00:54:26,900 cells, the responses of the nerve fibers diminish. 924 00:54:29,290 --> 00:54:33,790 As we review, we should be able to account for that. 925 00:54:48,120 --> 00:54:50,470 OK, we are stimulating nerve fibers 926 00:54:50,470 --> 00:54:55,285 that go out to the outer hair cells here. 927 00:55:07,830 --> 00:55:09,720 And we're recording the responses 928 00:55:09,720 --> 00:55:14,176 from the auditory nerve fibers right here. 929 00:55:14,176 --> 00:55:17,290 Of course, these olivocochlear neurons 930 00:55:17,290 --> 00:55:20,260 are sending messages out to the periphery. 931 00:55:20,260 --> 00:55:23,480 And the auditory nerve fibers are sending messages 932 00:55:23,480 --> 00:55:24,310 into the brain. 933 00:55:28,440 --> 00:55:31,780 Somebody explain to me what's happening here. 934 00:55:31,780 --> 00:55:37,590 What are we doing to the cochlea to cause these responses to go 935 00:55:37,590 --> 00:55:40,435 down when we apply this simulation? 936 00:55:41,830 --> 00:55:43,040 Anybody? 937 00:55:43,040 --> 00:55:45,200 We're affecting the outer hair cells, right? 938 00:55:45,200 --> 00:55:46,745 What are the outer hair cells? 939 00:55:48,910 --> 00:55:50,510 The cochlea amplifier, right? 940 00:56:00,230 --> 00:56:03,490 It turns out that releasing the acetylcholine 941 00:56:03,490 --> 00:56:06,184 on to the outer hair cells decreases 942 00:56:06,184 --> 00:56:07,100 their electromotility. 943 00:56:09,110 --> 00:56:15,470 So in effect, it discusses the gain of the cochlear amplifier. 944 00:56:18,220 --> 00:56:22,870 If the cochlea is less amplified, 945 00:56:22,870 --> 00:56:26,080 the inner hair cell stereocilia are going to be bent less. 946 00:56:27,230 --> 00:56:29,670 They're going to release less neurotransmitter 947 00:56:29,670 --> 00:56:32,564 to the associated auditory nerve fibers. 948 00:56:32,564 --> 00:56:34,480 And we're going to measure less of a response. 949 00:56:36,030 --> 00:56:39,570 That is how the olivocochlear neurons-- 950 00:56:39,570 --> 00:56:42,110 those that go to the outer hair cells-- 951 00:56:42,110 --> 00:56:45,220 affect the responses of the auditory nerve fiber. 952 00:56:45,220 --> 00:56:51,870 So this decrease in firing rate then 953 00:56:51,870 --> 00:56:54,630 is a manifestation of turning down 954 00:56:54,630 --> 00:56:56,270 the gain of the cochlear amplifier. 955 00:56:58,320 --> 00:57:01,600 It was quite a mystery when this innervation was first 956 00:57:01,600 --> 00:57:04,220 worked out before the outer hair cells really 957 00:57:04,220 --> 00:57:05,670 were known to be the amplifier. 958 00:57:06,820 --> 00:57:11,060 How could stimulation of fibers going to the outer hair cells 959 00:57:11,060 --> 00:57:13,760 give you decreases in responses of fibers 960 00:57:13,760 --> 00:57:15,820 coming from the inner hair cells? 961 00:57:15,820 --> 00:57:19,300 And now that the outer hair cells are clearly 962 00:57:19,300 --> 00:57:21,790 associated with the cochlear amplifier, it's clear. 963 00:57:23,240 --> 00:57:28,500 Now, what was the loss of sensitivity 964 00:57:28,500 --> 00:57:30,940 when the outer hair cells were completely gone 965 00:57:30,940 --> 00:57:35,450 or when their prestin was knocked out? 966 00:57:35,450 --> 00:57:35,988 Anybody? 967 00:57:35,988 --> 00:57:37,363 What was the loss of sensitivity? 968 00:57:39,240 --> 00:57:41,970 40 to 60 dB, right? 969 00:57:41,970 --> 00:57:46,120 So if you eliminated the cochlear amplifier, 970 00:57:46,120 --> 00:57:49,685 we had a loss of 40 to 60 dB. 971 00:57:57,010 --> 00:57:59,790 What kind of effect do we have from stimulation 972 00:57:59,790 --> 00:58:02,180 of the olivocochlear neurons? 973 00:58:02,180 --> 00:58:08,630 Well, the length of this arrow when brought down to the x-axis 974 00:58:08,630 --> 00:58:12,100 shows you how much sensitivity is lost. 975 00:58:13,730 --> 00:58:17,560 You could overcome this by dialing 976 00:58:17,560 --> 00:58:22,460 in an increase of sound pressure level to make up for it. 977 00:58:22,460 --> 00:58:25,720 You could titrate the effect of decreasing the gain 978 00:58:25,720 --> 00:58:27,480 by increasing the sound stimulus. 979 00:58:28,660 --> 00:58:31,480 And the width of that arrow, the length of that arrow, 980 00:58:31,480 --> 00:58:33,890 is about 25 dB. 981 00:58:38,670 --> 00:58:42,370 So instead of eliminating the cochlear amplifier, 982 00:58:42,370 --> 00:58:46,511 you just reduce its gain by the action of these olivocochlear 983 00:58:46,511 --> 00:58:47,010 neurons. 984 00:58:47,010 --> 00:58:49,020 The effect is about 25 dB. 985 00:58:49,020 --> 00:58:54,450 Which is a fairly strong effect, but you're not completely 986 00:58:54,450 --> 00:58:57,000 ridding the cochlea of the cochlear amplifier. 987 00:58:57,000 --> 00:58:58,550 You're decreasing its gain. 988 00:59:00,430 --> 00:59:06,680 OK, so that's kind of a review on outer hair cell function 989 00:59:06,680 --> 00:59:09,800 and how these olivocochlear neurons affect the outer hair 990 00:59:09,800 --> 00:59:10,300 cells. 991 00:59:12,420 --> 00:59:16,080 So you really have a controllable cochlear amplifier 992 00:59:16,080 --> 00:59:19,020 controlled by these olivocochlear neurons, 993 00:59:19,020 --> 00:59:21,220 or efferent neurons, or descending neurons 994 00:59:21,220 --> 00:59:24,730 coming from the brain out to the cochlea. 995 00:59:24,730 --> 00:59:26,182 Any questions about that? 996 00:59:28,971 --> 00:59:29,470 OK. 997 00:59:29,470 --> 00:59:34,470 If there aren't, then I'll go on to another reflex pathway. 998 00:59:41,120 --> 00:59:44,493 Maybe I actually do have one more thing to talk about. 999 00:59:48,025 --> 00:59:48,525 Right. 1000 00:59:50,130 --> 00:59:54,710 Let me just mention this idea that this reflex pathway 1001 00:59:54,710 --> 00:59:57,430 is kind of getting teased out by current studies. 1002 00:59:58,680 --> 01:00:03,580 And it can be a little bit complicated, 1003 01:00:03,580 --> 01:00:05,870 so let me show you what people are working 1004 01:00:05,870 --> 01:00:09,750 on now in the olivocochlear reflex. 1005 01:00:09,750 --> 01:00:11,830 Here, I think I've flipped the slide on you 1006 01:00:11,830 --> 01:00:16,220 so that this slide shows the MOC neurons going 1007 01:00:16,220 --> 01:00:17,940 to the left cochlea. 1008 01:00:17,940 --> 01:00:18,650 OK. 1009 01:00:18,650 --> 01:00:20,250 That's the ipsilateral cochlea. 1010 01:00:22,770 --> 01:00:25,960 How do these MOC neurons get their inputs? 1011 01:00:25,960 --> 01:00:27,230 Where do they come from? 1012 01:00:29,680 --> 01:00:30,390 OK. 1013 01:00:30,390 --> 01:00:36,300 Well, the red and blue are the olivocochlear neurons 1014 01:00:36,300 --> 01:00:39,105 coming out to the cochlea and the purple are their inputs. 1015 01:00:41,910 --> 01:00:45,800 And all of the inputs have to, of course, use the cochlea. 1016 01:00:45,800 --> 01:00:50,300 To get this olivocochlear neurons to fire in response 1017 01:00:50,300 --> 01:00:53,320 to sound, you have to activate the cochlea. 1018 01:00:53,320 --> 01:00:55,490 You activate the auditory nerve. 1019 01:00:55,490 --> 01:00:59,030 The auditory nerve goes into the cochlea nucleus then. 1020 01:00:59,030 --> 01:01:02,250 And that's where the limits of our understanding 1021 01:01:02,250 --> 01:01:05,990 are sort of-- we are approaching the limits 1022 01:01:05,990 --> 01:01:07,250 of our understanding. 1023 01:01:07,250 --> 01:01:11,750 What are the cochlear nucleus neurons 1024 01:01:11,750 --> 01:01:15,720 that are the so-called MOC reflex interneurons that 1025 01:01:15,720 --> 01:01:17,570 are drawn in purple here? 1026 01:01:17,570 --> 01:01:19,610 When we talked about the cochlear nucleus, 1027 01:01:19,610 --> 01:01:23,140 we identified a bunch of different types of neurons. 1028 01:01:23,140 --> 01:01:27,170 We had spherical cells, globular cells. 1029 01:01:27,170 --> 01:01:29,110 Both of those are known as bushy cells. 1030 01:01:29,110 --> 01:01:30,515 We had stellate cells. 1031 01:01:31,860 --> 01:01:33,710 We had pyramidal cells. 1032 01:01:33,710 --> 01:01:35,640 We had octopus cells. 1033 01:01:35,640 --> 01:01:42,080 Which of those provide the inputs for the MOC neurons? 1034 01:01:44,300 --> 01:01:46,580 And that's assuming a direct pathway, 1035 01:01:46,580 --> 01:01:49,530 which I'll give you from some other experimental evidence 1036 01:01:49,530 --> 01:01:50,740 which I won't show you. 1037 01:01:53,060 --> 01:01:55,570 At least one group of cochlear nucleus 1038 01:01:55,570 --> 01:01:58,210 neurons projects to the MOC neurons. 1039 01:01:58,210 --> 01:01:59,610 And how do I know that? 1040 01:01:59,610 --> 01:02:03,610 Well, you can record from the MOC neurons 1041 01:02:03,610 --> 01:02:05,680 and turn a sound on. 1042 01:02:05,680 --> 01:02:08,590 And in less than 5 milliseconds, you can get a response. 1043 01:02:10,660 --> 01:02:13,680 So there isn't enough time for the reflex pathway 1044 01:02:13,680 --> 01:02:16,620 to go up to the auditory cortex, which 1045 01:02:16,620 --> 01:02:18,680 takes about 4 or 5 synapses. 1046 01:02:18,680 --> 01:02:21,760 And to go around there and start coming down, 1047 01:02:21,760 --> 01:02:24,640 that takes 10 or 20 milliseconds. 1048 01:02:24,640 --> 01:02:26,305 You get a response here very quickly. 1049 01:02:27,440 --> 01:02:31,570 And so there isn't enough time, except for cochlear nucleus 1050 01:02:31,570 --> 01:02:32,860 to project directly there. 1051 01:02:35,510 --> 01:02:39,930 So which of those cochlear nucleus neurons do project? 1052 01:02:39,930 --> 01:02:41,855 Well, we don't know absolutely for sure. 1053 01:02:43,400 --> 01:02:47,420 But it looks like from lesion studies 1054 01:02:47,420 --> 01:02:50,960 that probably the stellate cells in the cochlear nucleus. 1055 01:03:00,170 --> 01:03:01,990 And especially the stellate cells 1056 01:03:01,990 --> 01:03:06,780 in the part of the cochlear nucleus called the PVCN. 1057 01:03:06,780 --> 01:03:10,940 And I think we talked about the ventral cochlear 1058 01:03:10,940 --> 01:03:13,520 nucleus and the dorsal cochlear nucleus 1059 01:03:13,520 --> 01:03:16,300 as being the big main divisions. 1060 01:03:16,300 --> 01:03:20,470 In the VCN, there's two subdivisions, AVCN and PVCN. 1061 01:03:22,430 --> 01:03:26,030 And the stellate cells that seem to be-- the MOC 1062 01:03:26,030 --> 01:03:28,900 reflex interneurons are in the PVCN. 1063 01:03:28,900 --> 01:03:29,820 How do we know that? 1064 01:03:30,950 --> 01:03:34,130 You can make lesion studies in various parts of the cochlear 1065 01:03:34,130 --> 01:03:34,700 nucleus. 1066 01:03:34,700 --> 01:03:39,610 If you lesion the DCN, this reflex goes along fine. 1067 01:03:39,610 --> 01:03:42,330 If you lesion the AVCN, it goes along fine. 1068 01:03:44,090 --> 01:03:46,267 In the PVCN, if you make a lesion there, 1069 01:03:46,267 --> 01:03:47,350 the reflex is interrupted. 1070 01:03:51,570 --> 01:03:55,540 In the PVCN, there are a number of types of neurons. 1071 01:03:55,540 --> 01:03:59,160 The ones that seem to have the right characteristics in terms 1072 01:03:59,160 --> 01:04:03,750 of latency, sustainability of response, 1073 01:04:03,750 --> 01:04:06,720 tuning, are the stellate cells. 1074 01:04:06,720 --> 01:04:09,080 So it's a little bit of a squishy argument. 1075 01:04:09,080 --> 01:04:12,980 Stellate cells seem to project to the right way. 1076 01:04:12,980 --> 01:04:16,200 So most of the evidence is behind the idea 1077 01:04:16,200 --> 01:04:19,040 that those particular cochlear nucleus 1078 01:04:19,040 --> 01:04:22,760 cells are the ones that are the reflex interneurons. 1079 01:04:23,850 --> 01:04:29,300 Now, another point of this slide is that the MOC reflex pathway 1080 01:04:29,300 --> 01:04:31,740 is consensually organize. 1081 01:04:31,740 --> 01:04:33,680 So what does consensual mean? 1082 01:04:35,640 --> 01:04:38,790 What does consensual in terms of reflex mean? 1083 01:04:38,790 --> 01:04:41,020 Not in terms of consensual sex, in terms 1084 01:04:41,020 --> 01:04:43,930 of reflexes or brainstem organization. 1085 01:04:45,160 --> 01:04:49,270 How does the detective in the old 1950s black and white movie 1086 01:04:49,270 --> 01:04:51,440 come to the victim whose lying down 1087 01:04:51,440 --> 01:04:54,300 and shine a flashlight in the eye-- how does he 1088 01:04:54,300 --> 01:04:56,130 decide that the person is really dead? 1089 01:05:00,700 --> 01:05:04,570 The pupil constricts if the person's still alive, right? 1090 01:05:04,570 --> 01:05:06,270 The brainstem is still working. 1091 01:05:06,270 --> 01:05:07,860 It's a very quick test. 1092 01:05:07,860 --> 01:05:09,450 You don't have to have a stethoscope 1093 01:05:09,450 --> 01:05:10,616 and listen to the heartbeat. 1094 01:05:11,840 --> 01:05:14,370 You can be brain dead and still have a heartbeat. 1095 01:05:14,370 --> 01:05:17,250 But if you shine light in a person's eye, 1096 01:05:17,250 --> 01:05:19,030 the pupil constricts, right? 1097 01:05:19,030 --> 01:05:21,014 So that is a brainstem reflects. 1098 01:05:21,014 --> 01:05:22,430 The pupillary constriction reflex. 1099 01:05:22,430 --> 01:05:25,640 It turns out if you shine light in the right eye, what 1100 01:05:25,640 --> 01:05:27,040 happens to your left pupil? 1101 01:05:28,440 --> 01:05:30,150 It constricts, right. 1102 01:05:30,150 --> 01:05:34,610 So both pupils constrict from just a stimulus in one eye. 1103 01:05:34,610 --> 01:05:36,620 And that is called consensual. 1104 01:05:36,620 --> 01:05:38,300 It means in agreement. 1105 01:05:38,300 --> 01:05:41,620 The left and the right side do the same thing in agreement. 1106 01:05:43,910 --> 01:05:47,240 So most of these brainstem reflexes 1107 01:05:47,240 --> 01:05:48,890 are consensually organized. 1108 01:05:48,890 --> 01:05:51,360 And it turns out that you can look 1109 01:05:51,360 --> 01:05:53,942 at the MOC reflex in your left ear. 1110 01:05:53,942 --> 01:05:55,650 And obviously, if you put sound in there, 1111 01:05:55,650 --> 01:05:57,985 that reflex is going to take place. 1112 01:05:57,985 --> 01:06:00,210 But you can also elicit that reflex 1113 01:06:00,210 --> 01:06:01,560 by sound in the right ear. 1114 01:06:03,530 --> 01:06:08,990 For some reason, sound in either ear can activate the reflex. 1115 01:06:08,990 --> 01:06:13,880 Not quite as well, labeling studies 1116 01:06:13,880 --> 01:06:18,040 have shown that just some of the MOC neurons 1117 01:06:18,040 --> 01:06:22,530 are responsive to sound in the ipsilateral cochlea. 1118 01:06:22,530 --> 01:06:25,130 That is, the cochlea that they project to. 1119 01:06:27,280 --> 01:06:31,590 And about half as many are responsive to sound 1120 01:06:31,590 --> 01:06:32,860 in the other ear. 1121 01:06:32,860 --> 01:06:36,020 The so-called contralateral cochlea 1122 01:06:36,020 --> 01:06:39,010 and the so-called contra response, 1123 01:06:39,010 --> 01:06:40,810 MOC neurons in red here. 1124 01:06:43,840 --> 01:06:46,120 Labeling studies have shown these contra 1125 01:06:46,120 --> 01:06:49,600 response neurons are sitting on the side of the brain 1126 01:06:49,600 --> 01:06:52,160 as the cochlea that they innervate. 1127 01:06:52,160 --> 01:06:54,950 But the ipsi response neurons are 1128 01:06:54,950 --> 01:06:58,090 located on the opposite side of the brain [INAUDIBLE]. 1129 01:07:00,330 --> 01:07:04,560 And knowing those response characteristics, 1130 01:07:04,560 --> 01:07:07,440 then you can draw the purple pathway 1131 01:07:07,440 --> 01:07:10,000 that's necessary to drive them. 1132 01:07:10,000 --> 01:07:14,140 These contra response neurons respond to sound over here, 1133 01:07:14,140 --> 01:07:15,925 so they must get this purple arrow. 1134 01:07:19,180 --> 01:07:24,070 These ipsi response neurons are responsive to sound here, 1135 01:07:24,070 --> 01:07:25,970 so they must get this purple pathway. 1136 01:07:27,132 --> 01:07:33,100 And it's kind of complicated, but that's the kind of studies 1137 01:07:33,100 --> 01:07:36,460 that people do now on these brainstem reflexes. 1138 01:07:38,060 --> 01:07:40,020 And I want to just say one more thing. 1139 01:07:41,300 --> 01:07:45,345 People are now working on where the neurons go in the cochlea. 1140 01:07:47,030 --> 01:07:52,230 So these are some tuning curves from these MOC neurons. 1141 01:07:52,230 --> 01:07:55,290 So they show sharp tuning just like the auditory nerve. 1142 01:07:57,400 --> 01:07:59,380 And where do they go? 1143 01:07:59,380 --> 01:08:05,130 Well, they have a very nice so-called tonotopic projection 1144 01:08:05,130 --> 01:08:06,740 into the cochlea. 1145 01:08:06,740 --> 01:08:12,840 That is, an MOC neuron with a high CF 1146 01:08:12,840 --> 01:08:16,365 goes and innervates at a very basal cochlear location. 1147 01:08:18,330 --> 01:08:18,830 and. 1148 01:08:18,830 --> 01:08:23,479 An MOC neuron with a low CF goes and innervates closer 1149 01:08:23,479 --> 01:08:24,195 to the apex. 1150 01:08:27,510 --> 01:08:30,550 And this black line shows the mapping 1151 01:08:30,550 --> 01:08:32,524 for auditory nerve fibers. 1152 01:08:32,524 --> 01:08:34,399 Those are the ones coming out of the cochlea. 1153 01:08:35,700 --> 01:08:38,149 And the colored dots show the mapping 1154 01:08:38,149 --> 01:08:40,450 for the fibers going back on to the cochlea. 1155 01:08:44,396 --> 01:08:46,229 Everything, remember, in the auditory system 1156 01:08:46,229 --> 01:08:48,060 is tonotopically organized. 1157 01:08:48,060 --> 01:08:52,560 So it's no surprise that that would happen. 1158 01:08:52,560 --> 01:08:56,790 But it opens up the idea maybe that if you're 1159 01:08:56,790 --> 01:09:01,160 interested in turning off your sense of hearing just 1160 01:09:01,160 --> 01:09:06,880 for low frequencies, you could activate these fibers, 1161 01:09:06,880 --> 01:09:10,560 go out to the cochlea in just the apical part, 1162 01:09:10,560 --> 01:09:12,200 and leave the basal part. 1163 01:09:12,200 --> 01:09:14,109 Let's say you're very interested in listening 1164 01:09:14,109 --> 01:09:16,250 to high-frequency sounds. 1165 01:09:16,250 --> 01:09:18,000 Leave the basal part intact. 1166 01:09:18,000 --> 01:09:19,069 Or vice-versa. 1167 01:09:19,069 --> 01:09:22,640 You could control the cochlea in a frequency band 1168 01:09:22,640 --> 01:09:23,910 by frequency band manner. 1169 01:09:25,170 --> 01:09:28,700 The anatomical substrate there is 1170 01:09:28,700 --> 01:09:30,939 laid for that type of manipulation. 1171 01:09:30,939 --> 01:09:33,456 You don't have to shut down the whole sense of hearing. 1172 01:09:38,000 --> 01:09:43,689 OK, so let's move on to the second system 1173 01:09:43,689 --> 01:09:44,830 that I want to talk about. 1174 01:09:44,830 --> 01:09:50,660 That is, the brainstem reflexes associated with the stapedius 1175 01:09:50,660 --> 01:09:52,830 and tenser tympani middle-ear muscles. 1176 01:09:57,380 --> 01:10:00,280 These are two muscles that are in the middle ear. 1177 01:10:00,280 --> 01:10:03,040 Remember the middle ear was the part of the ear that 1178 01:10:03,040 --> 01:10:06,915 starts at the eardrum and ends at the cochlea? 1179 01:10:08,506 --> 01:10:09,880 There are two middle ear muscles. 1180 01:10:09,880 --> 01:10:11,160 There's a tensor tympani. 1181 01:10:11,160 --> 01:10:12,890 This is shaded in brown here. 1182 01:10:14,180 --> 01:10:18,380 And there's the stapedius shaded in red here. 1183 01:10:18,380 --> 01:10:20,810 The stapedius tugs on the stapes. 1184 01:10:23,150 --> 01:10:26,650 And the tensor tympani tugs on the malleus. 1185 01:10:26,650 --> 01:10:29,805 But it gets its name because when it contracts, 1186 01:10:29,805 --> 01:10:32,380 it looks like-- if you're looking at the eardrum 1187 01:10:32,380 --> 01:10:35,670 through an otoscope, it looks like the tympanic membrane gets 1188 01:10:35,670 --> 01:10:36,295 really tense. 1189 01:10:36,295 --> 01:10:39,300 It looks a little flaccid before it contracts, 1190 01:10:39,300 --> 01:10:40,930 and then it gets real tense. 1191 01:10:40,930 --> 01:10:42,360 So it's a tensor tympani. 1192 01:10:45,030 --> 01:10:48,163 And what happens when those muscles contract? 1193 01:10:49,410 --> 01:10:51,840 That's shown in this next slide. 1194 01:10:51,840 --> 01:10:55,340 They reduce the sound transmission 1195 01:10:55,340 --> 01:10:56,690 through the middle ear. 1196 01:10:56,690 --> 01:11:01,700 This is just simply a graph on contraction 1197 01:11:01,700 --> 01:11:05,290 of the stapedius muscle. 1198 01:11:07,175 --> 01:11:08,466 This is during the contraction. 1199 01:11:09,790 --> 01:11:11,430 This is the magnitude change. 1200 01:11:11,430 --> 01:11:17,760 So it looks like sound doesn't get through the middle ear 1201 01:11:17,760 --> 01:11:20,200 anywhere near as well as normally. 1202 01:11:20,200 --> 01:11:23,545 And you have about a 25 dB decrease in sensitivity. 1203 01:11:25,150 --> 01:11:30,630 Simply what that means is that usually the eardrum moves 1204 01:11:30,630 --> 01:11:33,680 and these bones move and they convey efficiently the sound 1205 01:11:33,680 --> 01:11:35,210 into the inner ear. 1206 01:11:35,210 --> 01:11:39,610 But if you tug on the muscles and contract them, 1207 01:11:39,610 --> 01:11:42,260 then the bones don't vibrate as easily. 1208 01:11:42,260 --> 01:11:45,730 And the sound doesn't get into the inner ear. 1209 01:11:45,730 --> 01:11:48,800 So this is again, like the olivocochlear system, 1210 01:11:48,800 --> 01:11:52,510 an inhibitory system in that when it's activated 1211 01:11:52,510 --> 01:11:55,327 it reduces your sensitivity of hearing. 1212 01:12:01,670 --> 01:12:04,000 Now, how are these muscles controlled? 1213 01:12:04,000 --> 01:12:06,630 Well, they're controlled by neurons coming from the brain. 1214 01:12:07,810 --> 01:12:10,950 But in the case of muscles, of course, 1215 01:12:10,950 --> 01:12:13,110 they're always on the same side of the brain 1216 01:12:13,110 --> 01:12:14,360 as the muscles they innervate. 1217 01:12:14,360 --> 01:12:18,880 So the left stapedius muscle is controlled by motor neurons 1218 01:12:18,880 --> 01:12:20,300 on the left side of your brain. 1219 01:12:21,400 --> 01:12:25,490 And the stapedius muscle motor neurons 1220 01:12:25,490 --> 01:12:27,870 run in the seventh cranial nerve. 1221 01:12:33,050 --> 01:12:34,650 And what's the seventh cranial nerve? 1222 01:12:34,650 --> 01:12:35,150 Anybody? 1223 01:12:39,010 --> 01:12:47,190 We have the eighth cranial nerve is auditory and vestibular. 1224 01:12:51,410 --> 01:12:52,975 What's the seventh? 1225 01:12:56,620 --> 01:12:57,292 Anybody? 1226 01:12:57,292 --> 01:12:58,000 AUDIENCE: Facial. 1227 01:12:58,000 --> 01:12:59,041 PROFESSOR: Facial, right. 1228 01:13:04,750 --> 01:13:13,400 So the stapedius axons go in that cranial nerve. 1229 01:13:15,010 --> 01:13:18,060 The stapedius motor neuron axons, should say. 1230 01:13:20,060 --> 01:13:28,760 And for the tensor tympani, it's the fifth cranial nerve. 1231 01:13:35,564 --> 01:13:36,536 Tensor tympani. 1232 01:13:46,290 --> 01:13:49,310 So some very interesting experiments 1233 01:13:49,310 --> 01:13:52,250 have been done in people who have 1234 01:13:52,250 --> 01:13:56,380 a compromise of their seventh cranial nerve. 1235 01:13:56,380 --> 01:13:58,840 Does anybody know what Bell's palsy is? 1236 01:14:04,280 --> 01:14:06,220 Does anybody know what a palsy is? 1237 01:14:08,590 --> 01:14:11,934 Palsy means your motor neurons aren't working so well. 1238 01:14:11,934 --> 01:14:12,600 So what happens? 1239 01:14:14,140 --> 01:14:16,630 In Bell's palsy, the seventh cranial nerve 1240 01:14:16,630 --> 01:14:18,415 innervates facial musculature. 1241 01:14:20,280 --> 01:14:22,990 So if you have a problem, a cut seventh nerve 1242 01:14:22,990 --> 01:14:25,780 or a Bell's palsy, which is a viral infection 1243 01:14:25,780 --> 01:14:28,810 of the seventh cranial nerve on one side, one 1244 01:14:28,810 --> 01:14:33,180 side of your facial features droop because the muscles 1245 01:14:33,180 --> 01:14:37,920 there, which ordinary keep your muscles in good control 1246 01:14:37,920 --> 01:14:40,430 of your face, they're not working anymore. 1247 01:14:42,140 --> 01:14:46,220 So a person with a Bell's palsy has a droopy face on that side. 1248 01:14:46,220 --> 01:14:49,060 The other side is fine because the other seventh cranial 1249 01:14:49,060 --> 01:14:50,360 nerve is working just fine. 1250 01:14:51,630 --> 01:14:52,830 Or it usually is. 1251 01:14:52,830 --> 01:14:55,615 It's very often the case that it's unilateral. 1252 01:14:57,880 --> 01:15:04,310 In Scandinavia where you can do experiments on humans, 1253 01:15:04,310 --> 01:15:07,940 or you could at least do experiments on humans 1254 01:15:07,940 --> 01:15:12,770 to a much greater extent than in the United States, what 1255 01:15:12,770 --> 01:15:15,430 some enterprising researchers did was 1256 01:15:15,430 --> 01:15:19,510 they took people who had Bell's palsy and they said, 1257 01:15:19,510 --> 01:15:23,480 well, you can go and work in your ordinary job 1258 01:15:23,480 --> 01:15:26,515 in the automobile factory where it's really loud. 1259 01:15:27,930 --> 01:15:32,140 They tested their hearing before they went to work 1260 01:15:32,140 --> 01:15:35,680 and they tested their hearing at the end of the work day. 1261 01:15:35,680 --> 01:15:38,410 They tested it in the left ear and in the right ear. 1262 01:15:38,410 --> 01:15:40,370 Let's say the right ear was the palsied ear. 1263 01:15:42,770 --> 01:15:46,030 And then, left ear, which was normal, 1264 01:15:46,030 --> 01:15:48,100 person came out at the end of the workday 1265 01:15:48,100 --> 01:15:49,520 and their hearing was just right. 1266 01:15:50,550 --> 01:15:53,840 In the palsied side, at the end of the day 1267 01:15:53,840 --> 01:15:56,800 they had a temporary threshold shift. 1268 01:15:56,800 --> 01:16:00,050 That means that if they're hearing was down at 0 dB 1269 01:16:00,050 --> 01:16:02,800 at the beginning of the day, their thresholds 1270 01:16:02,800 --> 01:16:04,890 were elevated at the end of the day. 1271 01:16:04,890 --> 01:16:06,930 And hopefully, it's temporary. 1272 01:16:06,930 --> 01:16:09,390 That is, if you sleep all night and things recover, 1273 01:16:09,390 --> 01:16:12,116 you're back to normal the next day. 1274 01:16:12,116 --> 01:16:14,910 But what had happened-- this is a beautiful experiment 1275 01:16:14,910 --> 01:16:17,320 because it's controlled-- left-right 1276 01:16:17,320 --> 01:16:18,680 in the same individual. 1277 01:16:18,680 --> 01:16:23,190 So whatever that person did-- took drugs, or got infections, 1278 01:16:23,190 --> 01:16:25,480 or whatever-- was hopefully bilateral. 1279 01:16:26,500 --> 01:16:29,700 It's a human, so you can test very well 1280 01:16:29,700 --> 01:16:31,450 thresholds of hearing. 1281 01:16:31,450 --> 01:16:34,130 Presumably then, the stapedius muscle, 1282 01:16:34,130 --> 01:16:38,320 which was not working on the palsied side, 1283 01:16:38,320 --> 01:16:40,620 couldn't protect the ear from the high levels 1284 01:16:40,620 --> 01:16:42,690 of sound in the work environment. 1285 01:16:42,690 --> 01:16:44,510 And there was damage-- hopefully, 1286 01:16:44,510 --> 01:16:47,390 temporary-- to that person's hearing. 1287 01:16:47,390 --> 01:16:51,630 So clearly, the contraction of these muscles, 1288 01:16:51,630 --> 01:16:56,100 which makes sound not go through the middle ear as well, 1289 01:16:56,100 --> 01:16:59,990 is of beneficial effect. 1290 01:16:59,990 --> 01:17:02,970 For example, they protect the cochlea from damage. 1291 01:17:04,400 --> 01:17:08,890 People who are at the NFL games are having their middle ear 1292 01:17:08,890 --> 01:17:09,940 muscles contract. 1293 01:17:09,940 --> 01:17:11,097 Certainly, the stapedius. 1294 01:17:11,097 --> 01:17:12,430 And probably the tensor tympani. 1295 01:17:14,450 --> 01:17:18,940 They probably reduce the effects of noise masking. 1296 01:17:18,940 --> 01:17:23,330 So that is a little twist here in terms 1297 01:17:23,330 --> 01:17:26,530 of the spectrum of where these muscles act. 1298 01:17:27,710 --> 01:17:31,170 It turns out when the muscles contract, both the stapedius 1299 01:17:31,170 --> 01:17:35,310 and the tensor tympani, they affect low frequencies 1300 01:17:35,310 --> 01:17:37,400 to a much greater extent than highs. 1301 01:17:38,510 --> 01:17:43,190 For example, here you have a reduction in transmission 1302 01:17:43,190 --> 01:17:46,330 through the middle ear of 25 dB at the lowest frequency 1303 01:17:46,330 --> 01:17:49,845 and 0, or even actually, improved transmission 1304 01:17:49,845 --> 01:17:50,845 at the high frequencies. 1305 01:17:52,410 --> 01:17:55,940 And if you've ever been in a car and you accelerate 1306 01:17:55,940 --> 01:17:58,540 to go on the highway, you know the low rumbling 1307 01:17:58,540 --> 01:18:03,010 of the sound of the car means you have to turn the radio up 1308 01:18:03,010 --> 01:18:05,970 when you want to enjoy your music because the low rumbling 1309 01:18:05,970 --> 01:18:08,390 of the car, these low frequencies 1310 01:18:08,390 --> 01:18:11,030 tend to mask the interesting high frequencies 1311 01:18:11,030 --> 01:18:12,985 or mid-frequencies of the music that you're 1312 01:18:12,985 --> 01:18:14,360 trying to listen to on the radio. 1313 01:18:15,670 --> 01:18:20,840 So low frequencies tend to mask mid and highs very effectively. 1314 01:18:20,840 --> 01:18:22,640 And so if you decrease the transmission 1315 01:18:22,640 --> 01:18:25,430 for the low frequencies, you reduce 1316 01:18:25,430 --> 01:18:26,690 the effects of noise masking. 1317 01:18:28,170 --> 01:18:30,235 Especially by low-frequency noises. 1318 01:18:32,770 --> 01:18:34,900 Now finally, an interesting thing 1319 01:18:34,900 --> 01:18:38,490 that is clearly known for the middle ear muscles 1320 01:18:38,490 --> 01:18:42,040 is that they contract just before 1321 01:18:42,040 --> 01:18:44,120 and during when you speak. 1322 01:18:44,120 --> 01:18:45,719 During you speak, OK? 1323 01:18:45,719 --> 01:18:46,885 I don't know who wrote that. 1324 01:18:48,040 --> 01:18:50,770 But anyway, when I speak, I'm contracting my middle ear 1325 01:18:50,770 --> 01:18:51,280 muscles. 1326 01:18:51,280 --> 01:18:55,870 And the idea there is perhaps when you're speaking, 1327 01:18:55,870 --> 01:18:57,720 you don't want to listen to yourself. 1328 01:18:57,720 --> 01:19:01,610 And if you're speaking in a loud voice, like 80 dB, 1329 01:19:01,610 --> 01:19:03,830 I'm trying to project here. 1330 01:19:03,830 --> 01:19:07,490 Or if I'm yelling at some family members, 1331 01:19:07,490 --> 01:19:12,890 I want to not decrease my sense of hearing or damage it. 1332 01:19:12,890 --> 01:19:14,954 So I contract my own middle ear muscles 1333 01:19:14,954 --> 01:19:16,120 to prevent self-stimulation. 1334 01:19:17,930 --> 01:19:21,940 After I finish my speaking or vocalization, 1335 01:19:21,940 --> 01:19:26,920 my muscles then stop their contraction, 1336 01:19:26,920 --> 01:19:28,010 going back to normal. 1337 01:19:28,010 --> 01:19:30,570 And then my sense of hearing is very acute 1338 01:19:30,570 --> 01:19:33,950 because it hasn't been damaged by my own vocalization. 1339 01:19:35,460 --> 01:19:37,320 And later on in the course, when we 1340 01:19:37,320 --> 01:19:40,260 talk about echolocation in bats. 1341 01:19:40,260 --> 01:19:43,490 So bats send out this pulse of sound, 1342 01:19:43,490 --> 01:19:45,580 which is their vocalization. 1343 01:19:45,580 --> 01:19:47,530 And they listen for an echo. 1344 01:19:47,530 --> 01:19:49,540 The pulse of sound can be 120 dB. 1345 01:19:51,350 --> 01:19:55,350 They're really screaming because their targets, the insects 1346 01:19:55,350 --> 01:19:57,910 that they hunt, are very, very small. 1347 01:19:57,910 --> 01:19:59,940 And there's not much physical surface 1348 01:19:59,940 --> 01:20:01,490 for that to reflect off. 1349 01:20:01,490 --> 01:20:05,190 So the reflecting sound is very small. 1350 01:20:05,190 --> 01:20:07,730 And so they maximize that reflection 1351 01:20:07,730 --> 01:20:12,300 by emitting a very high-level acoustic pulse. 1352 01:20:12,300 --> 01:20:17,550 And they don't want to damage or desensitize their hearing 1353 01:20:17,550 --> 01:20:20,370 because they're listening to very soft reflections 1354 01:20:20,370 --> 01:20:21,670 from the echoes. 1355 01:20:21,670 --> 01:20:25,460 So bats clearly tense their middle ear muscles right 1356 01:20:25,460 --> 01:20:28,480 before they make this echo-locating pulse. 1357 01:20:30,270 --> 01:20:33,970 We don't know if that's the case for the olivocochlear neurons. 1358 01:20:33,970 --> 01:20:36,380 It just hasn't been investigated. 1359 01:20:36,380 --> 01:20:41,200 It's very hard to measure their effects during vocalizations. 1360 01:20:41,200 --> 01:20:43,340 But perhaps they do. 1361 01:20:43,340 --> 01:20:45,014 Certainly, the middle ear muscles do. 1362 01:20:49,280 --> 01:20:54,267 OK, that's all I wanted to say so we're sort of out of time. 1363 01:20:54,267 --> 01:20:54,850 Any questions? 1364 01:20:56,010 --> 01:20:58,390 And I want to make one announcement 1365 01:20:58,390 --> 01:21:00,602 about Wednesday's class. 1366 01:21:00,602 --> 01:21:02,060 So in Wednesday's class we're going 1367 01:21:02,060 --> 01:21:05,510 to be talking about sound localization, 1368 01:21:05,510 --> 01:21:10,030 and listening to sounds that differ in intraural timing 1369 01:21:10,030 --> 01:21:11,550 and level difference. 1370 01:21:11,550 --> 01:21:14,640 And so the usual demonstrations that I play 1371 01:21:14,640 --> 01:21:16,430 aren't going to work very well because we 1372 01:21:16,430 --> 01:21:19,040 want to manipulate just one of those cues. 1373 01:21:19,040 --> 01:21:21,160 So we're going to be listening in headphones. 1374 01:21:21,160 --> 01:21:23,290 So I have some great demos. 1375 01:21:23,290 --> 01:21:28,130 So please, if you can, bring some headphones or earbuds. 1376 01:21:28,130 --> 01:21:31,370 And maybe download the demos from the course website. 1377 01:21:32,450 --> 01:21:35,710 I have a few players that I can also circulate around. 1378 01:21:35,710 --> 01:21:38,860 But if some people have these demos on their laptops, 1379 01:21:38,860 --> 01:21:40,570 that would be more convenient. 1380 01:21:40,570 --> 01:21:41,170 OK? 1381 01:21:41,170 --> 01:21:43,320 See you on Wednesday.