1 00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:01,670 The following content is provided 2 00:00:01,670 --> 00:00:03,820 under a Creative Commons license. 3 00:00:03,820 --> 00:00:06,550 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue 4 00:00:06,550 --> 00:00:10,160 to offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,160 --> 00:00:12,700 To make a donation or to view additional materials 6 00:00:12,700 --> 00:00:16,620 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:16,620 --> 00:00:17,267 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:25,940 --> 00:00:28,810 PROFESSOR: All right, so today our topic 9 00:00:28,810 --> 00:00:32,500 is going to be depth perception, which, 10 00:00:32,500 --> 00:00:34,690 as I have mentioned to you before, 11 00:00:34,690 --> 00:00:38,620 is certainly one of the most intriguing achievements 12 00:00:38,620 --> 00:00:39,160 in vision. 13 00:00:40,900 --> 00:00:43,870 Because the impressions onto the retinal surface 14 00:00:43,870 --> 00:00:46,560 essentially two dimensional. 15 00:00:46,560 --> 00:00:49,000 And from that, somehow the brain needs 16 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:52,470 to reconstruct the third dimension. 17 00:00:52,470 --> 00:00:54,850 And what is interesting about this also, 18 00:00:54,850 --> 00:00:59,300 that even in the most primitive animals, this is a must. 19 00:00:59,300 --> 00:01:02,280 And so annals with tiny brains also 20 00:01:02,280 --> 00:01:08,370 have mechanisms to be able to calculate depth 21 00:01:08,370 --> 00:01:11,330 from the information that comes in through their eyes. 22 00:01:11,330 --> 00:01:15,150 And to demonstrate that, I have here 23 00:01:15,150 --> 00:01:21,020 a frog, which has a tiny little brain like that, has big eyes, 24 00:01:21,020 --> 00:01:24,150 and this frog, for its existence, 25 00:01:24,150 --> 00:01:27,080 needs to know exactly where things are in depth. 26 00:01:27,080 --> 00:01:29,820 Because if he doesn't, he would starve to death. 27 00:01:29,820 --> 00:01:32,830 And so what a frog does looks something like this, 28 00:01:32,830 --> 00:01:33,405 very crudely. 29 00:01:35,170 --> 00:01:40,870 He will stick out his tongue, grab a flying insect 30 00:01:40,870 --> 00:01:42,940 and consume it. 31 00:01:42,940 --> 00:01:46,440 And because of this incredible capability, 32 00:01:46,440 --> 00:01:49,930 it is a well-adjusted, healthy animal 33 00:01:49,930 --> 00:01:52,500 in most parts of the world. 34 00:01:52,500 --> 00:01:55,340 Now the big question then comes up, 35 00:01:55,340 --> 00:01:57,495 how do we carry out these computations. 36 00:01:58,710 --> 00:02:01,360 What kind of mechanisms are involved 37 00:02:01,360 --> 00:02:06,200 in being able to compute where things are in space, 38 00:02:06,200 --> 00:02:08,830 either in absolute sense where it is from you 39 00:02:08,830 --> 00:02:11,870 and in a relative sense where one object is 40 00:02:11,870 --> 00:02:13,560 relative to another one. 41 00:02:13,560 --> 00:02:20,000 Now it turns out that this became such a serious problem, 42 00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:22,010 in the course of evolution, that actually 43 00:02:22,010 --> 00:02:26,120 several different mechanisms have evolved 44 00:02:26,120 --> 00:02:30,090 to make possible our ability to see things in depth. 45 00:02:30,090 --> 00:02:34,800 And so when one looks at this as a list, as a fairly brief list, 46 00:02:34,800 --> 00:02:37,890 we can make a distinction between so called ocular motor 47 00:02:37,890 --> 00:02:40,090 cues and visual cues. 48 00:02:40,090 --> 00:02:44,130 The ocular motor cues are accommodation and vergence. 49 00:02:44,130 --> 00:02:47,575 So if various objects are at a very distance from you, 50 00:02:47,575 --> 00:02:49,920 your eyes converge or diverge. 51 00:02:49,920 --> 00:02:53,550 And you your lens gets thicker and thinner. 52 00:02:53,550 --> 00:02:58,530 And that information can be utilized in a rather crude way 53 00:02:58,530 --> 00:03:03,670 to tell you about where things are in that relative to you. 54 00:03:03,670 --> 00:03:07,166 Now as far as visual cues are concerned, 55 00:03:07,166 --> 00:03:09,310 the very significant one we are going 56 00:03:09,310 --> 00:03:12,160 to talk about quite a bit, is a binocular cue, 57 00:03:12,160 --> 00:03:14,490 which is called stereopsis as you all know. 58 00:03:14,490 --> 00:03:17,300 And then we have a whole bunch of monocular cues motion 59 00:03:17,300 --> 00:03:20,340 parallax, shading, interposition, size, 60 00:03:20,340 --> 00:03:21,470 and perspective. 61 00:03:21,470 --> 00:03:24,240 And so we will talk about many of these 62 00:03:24,240 --> 00:03:28,110 to give you a sense of what it is like 63 00:03:28,110 --> 00:03:32,040 and to give you a sense of what various brain structures do 64 00:03:32,040 --> 00:03:36,470 with this as a result of extensive research 65 00:03:36,470 --> 00:03:38,550 that had been done in this area. 66 00:03:38,550 --> 00:03:42,220 So now, first of all, let's talk about stereopsis. 67 00:03:42,220 --> 00:03:44,710 And we talk about stereopsis, we're 68 00:03:44,710 --> 00:03:46,970 going to talk about the basic facts of it, 69 00:03:46,970 --> 00:03:50,330 and then we are going to have some demonstrations. 70 00:03:50,330 --> 00:03:55,462 First of all, the so called stereoscope, 71 00:03:55,462 --> 00:03:59,690 of whichever modern version that has been handed out to you, 72 00:03:59,690 --> 00:04:04,570 the stereoscope was invented in the late 19th century. 73 00:04:04,570 --> 00:04:10,170 And when that was done, the initial approach to this 74 00:04:10,170 --> 00:04:14,280 was to be able to present to each eye separately 75 00:04:14,280 --> 00:04:18,420 an image that was taken by a camera that 76 00:04:18,420 --> 00:04:21,829 has two lenses, which are apart about as much as your two eyes 77 00:04:21,829 --> 00:04:22,840 are apart. 78 00:04:22,840 --> 00:04:24,930 And each of those created a separate image 79 00:04:24,930 --> 00:04:26,429 of what's out there. 80 00:04:26,429 --> 00:04:28,720 And, of course, each eye gets a very slightly different 81 00:04:28,720 --> 00:04:30,550 perspective of what's there. 82 00:04:30,550 --> 00:04:33,260 And then when you present these two images 83 00:04:33,260 --> 00:04:36,030 that you had collected separately to each eye, 84 00:04:36,030 --> 00:04:38,830 you get a very strong sense of real depth, 85 00:04:38,830 --> 00:04:40,670 as you will see in just a minute. 86 00:04:40,670 --> 00:04:44,420 Now another way to do it, which nowadays is easier 87 00:04:44,420 --> 00:04:48,090 because you can barely ever find even 88 00:04:48,090 --> 00:04:55,550 one of these two-lens cameras, even in stores that 89 00:04:55,550 --> 00:04:58,300 sell ancient materials, antique stores. 90 00:04:59,860 --> 00:05:01,950 So sometimes what you do instead, 91 00:05:01,950 --> 00:05:05,550 if you only want to take a picture of a static image, 92 00:05:05,550 --> 00:05:08,330 that you can take a camera, put in a track, 93 00:05:08,330 --> 00:05:11,774 and have it take two pictures in succession. 94 00:05:11,774 --> 00:05:13,190 And then you can do the same thing 95 00:05:13,190 --> 00:05:15,960 as you do with a serial camera. 96 00:05:15,960 --> 00:05:18,390 You can present one to each eye. 97 00:05:18,390 --> 00:05:21,210 OK, so, what we are going to do now, 98 00:05:21,210 --> 00:05:23,670 we are going to have a series of demos. 99 00:05:23,670 --> 00:05:28,040 And so we have a handout for each of you, the paper. 100 00:05:28,040 --> 00:05:30,650 And that you can keep and take home. 101 00:05:30,650 --> 00:05:34,370 But the stereoscope that I have for each of you, 102 00:05:34,370 --> 00:05:36,430 that you're going to have to leave behind, 103 00:05:36,430 --> 00:05:39,650 because I need to use that in other classes. 104 00:05:39,650 --> 00:05:42,830 So what I want you to do then, there 105 00:05:42,830 --> 00:05:45,280 are two pictures on the first page 106 00:05:45,280 --> 00:05:48,880 that you put the stereoscope down onto the page 107 00:05:48,880 --> 00:05:51,550 so that the vertical line cuts it in half 108 00:05:51,550 --> 00:05:54,290 so that one goes into each eye. 109 00:05:54,290 --> 00:05:56,250 And then you put your head right down to it 110 00:05:56,250 --> 00:05:58,320 to look into it, all right? 111 00:05:58,320 --> 00:06:00,950 And if you do that, if you have it properly sectioned, 112 00:06:00,950 --> 00:06:04,075 you're going to have a sense that that image is actually 113 00:06:04,075 --> 00:06:04,825 three dimensional. 114 00:06:06,600 --> 00:06:08,990 It's an ancient, ancient old picture on purpose. 115 00:06:10,200 --> 00:06:15,080 But you should still be able to see it in depth. 116 00:06:15,080 --> 00:06:17,430 So that's the initial thing. 117 00:06:17,430 --> 00:06:21,310 This became quite a parlor game and for that case, 118 00:06:21,310 --> 00:06:24,570 for many, many decades, whenever you went to a party, 119 00:06:24,570 --> 00:06:27,960 they would hand out to you a stereoscope, a handheld one, 120 00:06:27,960 --> 00:06:30,370 and they would show you all kinds of images. 121 00:06:30,370 --> 00:06:32,530 And you can even do this today when 122 00:06:32,530 --> 00:06:36,690 you get on the internet to find such displays. 123 00:06:36,690 --> 00:06:41,670 Now, then a very important discovery was made. 124 00:06:41,670 --> 00:06:43,220 I shouldn't say discovery, really, 125 00:06:43,220 --> 00:06:48,660 I should say an invention was made by Bela Julesz who came up 126 00:06:48,660 --> 00:06:50,855 with a so-called random dot stereograms. 127 00:06:52,620 --> 00:06:55,520 By the way, don't look at the bottom one, that just tells you 128 00:06:55,520 --> 00:06:56,728 what it's going to look like. 129 00:06:56,728 --> 00:06:59,750 There's nothing to look at the bottom, the bottom set. 130 00:06:59,750 --> 00:07:01,820 Now if you look in the middle set, 131 00:07:01,820 --> 00:07:04,250 that looks like a random dot stereogram. 132 00:07:04,250 --> 00:07:09,130 And the idea here was that the only cue that you provide 133 00:07:09,130 --> 00:07:11,300 is stereo cue, nothing else. 134 00:07:11,300 --> 00:07:12,160 It's pure. 135 00:07:12,160 --> 00:07:14,150 And so what can be done here, you 136 00:07:14,150 --> 00:07:18,540 can take a section here, or the same on each side, 137 00:07:18,540 --> 00:07:23,814 and simply move a few pixels, those images as a unit, over. 138 00:07:23,814 --> 00:07:26,230 And when you do that, they're going to stick out in depth. 139 00:07:27,720 --> 00:07:33,430 So now take you stereoscope and look in the middle display, 140 00:07:33,430 --> 00:07:35,770 and you look through it, you should see something 141 00:07:35,770 --> 00:07:37,130 sticking out in depth. 142 00:07:38,700 --> 00:07:43,000 And the first question I'm going to ask you is how many of you 143 00:07:43,000 --> 00:07:45,020 can see something stick out in depth? 144 00:07:46,220 --> 00:07:46,920 What do you see? 145 00:07:48,220 --> 00:07:48,730 You see 146 00:07:48,730 --> 00:07:49,680 AUDIENCE: A square. 147 00:07:49,680 --> 00:07:51,680 PROFESSOR: A little square sticking out? 148 00:07:51,680 --> 00:07:56,820 All right, so now, don't try to look at the bottom one. 149 00:07:56,820 --> 00:08:00,140 That simply tells you what the procedure was in that center 150 00:08:00,140 --> 00:08:02,630 section where you see the square sticking out. 151 00:08:02,630 --> 00:08:09,130 The pixels were moved a few steps inward from both the left 152 00:08:09,130 --> 00:08:11,623 and to the right creating what is called a disparity. 153 00:08:12,680 --> 00:08:16,480 And that's what the brain then can calculate for depth. 154 00:08:16,480 --> 00:08:20,190 So now to provide you with the acid test, 155 00:08:20,190 --> 00:08:21,360 go to the second page. 156 00:08:24,510 --> 00:08:27,330 Now you look at the second page, everybody 157 00:08:27,330 --> 00:08:28,530 see the letter on top? 158 00:08:29,780 --> 00:08:32,840 You don't even have to look through the stereoscope, 159 00:08:32,840 --> 00:08:34,534 obviously you see the letter E, right? 160 00:08:35,830 --> 00:08:39,890 That's because that section is made darker. 161 00:08:39,890 --> 00:08:43,690 But now if you do the same thing at the bottom, the only cue 162 00:08:43,690 --> 00:08:45,860 you have is the disparity cue. 163 00:08:45,860 --> 00:08:50,065 And the question comes up, what letter do you see there? 164 00:08:53,230 --> 00:08:57,390 And let me just add, this can be used as a quick, general test. 165 00:08:57,390 --> 00:09:01,246 You can present these two subjects, 166 00:09:01,246 --> 00:09:03,620 and if it can present a whole bunch of different letters, 167 00:09:03,620 --> 00:09:07,050 and if they can see the letters, that means they can see stereo. 168 00:09:07,050 --> 00:09:10,150 If they cannot see the letters, then it looks like they may not 169 00:09:10,150 --> 00:09:11,350 see stereo. 170 00:09:11,350 --> 00:09:13,710 Now let me add one other fact here. 171 00:09:15,570 --> 00:09:20,420 As you move these progressively closer to each other like this, 172 00:09:20,420 --> 00:09:22,050 you increase the disparity. 173 00:09:22,050 --> 00:09:25,645 And that causes the image to be seen at increasing depths. 174 00:09:27,390 --> 00:09:29,570 Our sensitivity is so great that when 175 00:09:29,570 --> 00:09:33,410 you look at this on a computer, a standard computer, 176 00:09:33,410 --> 00:09:36,750 if you move those images just one 177 00:09:36,750 --> 00:09:39,190 pixel from the left to the right, then 178 00:09:39,190 --> 00:09:42,240 from right to the left, you will see it in depth. 179 00:09:42,240 --> 00:09:46,165 And even monkeys can see as small step as one pixel. 180 00:09:47,170 --> 00:09:48,690 So now how many of you can tell me 181 00:09:48,690 --> 00:09:51,076 what was the letter at the bottom there? 182 00:09:51,076 --> 00:09:51,576 AUDIENCE: H. 183 00:09:51,576 --> 00:09:52,730 PROFESSOR: H, H, good. 184 00:09:52,730 --> 00:09:55,660 Anybody not being able to see the letter? 185 00:09:55,660 --> 00:09:57,210 Everybody sees it. 186 00:09:57,210 --> 00:09:58,300 Well, you guys are lucky. 187 00:09:58,300 --> 00:10:01,080 Because there are a significant number 188 00:10:01,080 --> 00:10:04,780 of people in the world who lack stereopsis, 189 00:10:04,780 --> 00:10:08,330 something like 5% to 10% of the population 190 00:10:08,330 --> 00:10:14,260 lacks stereopsis for a variety of reasons. 191 00:10:14,260 --> 00:10:16,200 We'll talk about that a bit more later. 192 00:10:16,200 --> 00:10:20,450 But one is sometimes you're born, 193 00:10:20,450 --> 00:10:22,200 and you're amblyopic in one eye. 194 00:10:23,220 --> 00:10:26,100 Sometimes you are strabismic, which 195 00:10:26,100 --> 00:10:29,340 means that your two eyes are not aligned, 196 00:10:29,340 --> 00:10:32,080 which in commonplace language is often 197 00:10:32,080 --> 00:10:35,410 called as being cross eyed or wall eyed. 198 00:10:35,410 --> 00:10:38,220 Those types of people very seldom 199 00:10:38,220 --> 00:10:42,880 will have stereoscopic depth perception, 200 00:10:42,880 --> 00:10:46,035 even after it's corrected, especially 201 00:10:46,035 --> 00:10:51,470 if the correction is made by the time you're 8 or 10 years old, 202 00:10:51,470 --> 00:10:52,660 the correction won't help. 203 00:10:52,660 --> 00:10:55,400 It has to be done much, much earlier. 204 00:10:55,400 --> 00:10:59,800 All right, so that then is the very, very basics 205 00:10:59,800 --> 00:11:04,520 of the stereo procedures. 206 00:11:04,520 --> 00:11:07,720 And now another procedure that had 207 00:11:07,720 --> 00:11:11,040 been developed more recently is one 208 00:11:11,040 --> 00:11:13,100 which is called the auto stereogram. 209 00:11:13,100 --> 00:11:16,610 So then if you go to the next page, and what you want to do 210 00:11:16,610 --> 00:11:19,480 is you want to look at this horizontally like that 211 00:11:19,480 --> 00:11:20,530 with the T on top. 212 00:11:23,240 --> 00:11:26,280 And then just look at it at sort of, I don't know, maybe 213 00:11:26,280 --> 00:11:30,540 about 20 inches from you, normal reading length. 214 00:11:30,540 --> 00:11:34,460 And what you want to do is to look beyond it. 215 00:11:34,460 --> 00:11:36,040 So stare beyond it. 216 00:11:36,040 --> 00:11:38,600 And if you keep doing that for a while, 217 00:11:38,600 --> 00:11:42,750 you will suddenly see an image, a three-dimensional image, 218 00:11:42,750 --> 00:11:46,550 as this comes actually from a book called The Magic Eye. 219 00:11:46,550 --> 00:11:48,120 There are several magic eye books 220 00:11:48,120 --> 00:11:49,990 in which all kinds of displays are 221 00:11:49,990 --> 00:11:52,820 done using these auto stereograms. 222 00:11:53,930 --> 00:11:57,820 Does everybody see-- who can see what's sticking out? 223 00:11:58,900 --> 00:12:00,009 OK, what do you see? 224 00:12:00,009 --> 00:12:01,050 AUDIENCE: Was it a shark? 225 00:12:01,050 --> 00:12:02,450 PROFESSOR: You see a shark? 226 00:12:02,450 --> 00:12:03,110 OK. 227 00:12:03,110 --> 00:12:07,590 Now let me see if any of you don't see it. 228 00:12:07,590 --> 00:12:08,640 Keep staring at it. 229 00:12:08,640 --> 00:12:10,170 Look beyond it. 230 00:12:10,170 --> 00:12:12,190 Another thing that helps, if you look at it, 231 00:12:12,190 --> 00:12:14,200 bring it a little closer to you so you 232 00:12:14,200 --> 00:12:16,590 can look beyond it easier, gradually 233 00:12:16,590 --> 00:12:17,910 move it back and forth. 234 00:12:17,910 --> 00:12:19,900 And if you're patient, eventually you 235 00:12:19,900 --> 00:12:21,970 may be able to do this. 236 00:12:21,970 --> 00:12:24,410 The reason this is difficult is because you 237 00:12:24,410 --> 00:12:27,960 have to uncouple the vergence in your two eyes. 238 00:12:27,960 --> 00:12:29,565 You have to look beyond it slightly. 239 00:12:30,630 --> 00:12:34,850 And, in fact, that is one of the reasons why 240 00:12:34,850 --> 00:12:37,980 testing people for stereopsis, an auto stereogram 241 00:12:37,980 --> 00:12:40,210 is not a very good procedure. 242 00:12:40,210 --> 00:12:44,160 Whereas virtually everybody can use a stereoscope 243 00:12:44,160 --> 00:12:45,020 without any trouble. 244 00:12:49,199 --> 00:12:50,240 AUDIENCE: That's so cool. 245 00:12:50,240 --> 00:12:51,685 PROFESSOR: Did you get it finally? 246 00:12:51,685 --> 00:12:53,170 AUDIENCE: Yeah, that's so cool. 247 00:12:53,170 --> 00:12:55,540 PROFESSOR: Yeah, all right so, if anybody 248 00:12:55,540 --> 00:12:58,180 is really interested in this auto stereograms 249 00:12:58,180 --> 00:13:01,440 is I say go to the store, the bookstore, 250 00:13:01,440 --> 00:13:04,090 and get one of those magic eye books. 251 00:13:04,090 --> 00:13:05,320 They're just a lot of fun. 252 00:13:05,320 --> 00:13:07,050 And you can just leaf through it. 253 00:13:07,050 --> 00:13:09,670 You don't even have to buy the book, just look through it 254 00:13:09,670 --> 00:13:10,720 at the store. 255 00:13:10,720 --> 00:13:14,010 And you'll see one interesting, clever image after the next. 256 00:13:15,550 --> 00:13:17,490 All right, so that's the stereoscope. 257 00:13:17,490 --> 00:13:20,660 And now let me explain to, I think 258 00:13:20,660 --> 00:13:25,430 I've mentioned this briefly before, the principles involved 259 00:13:25,430 --> 00:13:30,530 behind being able to see stereoscopic depth perception. 260 00:13:31,550 --> 00:13:34,010 And what I've mentioned to you before was 261 00:13:34,010 --> 00:13:36,370 that if you have the two eyes fixating 262 00:13:36,370 --> 00:13:40,114 at a particular distance, if you then draw a circle around that, 263 00:13:40,114 --> 00:13:42,030 that's sometimes called a Veith-Muller circle, 264 00:13:42,030 --> 00:13:46,620 or the sometimes called a horopter, then any target, 265 00:13:46,620 --> 00:13:49,400 like this one here, will hit equivalent points 266 00:13:49,400 --> 00:13:52,840 on the retinal surface of the left and right eyes. 267 00:13:52,840 --> 00:13:55,770 However, if you do the same thing, 268 00:13:55,770 --> 00:13:58,620 and you put a target either beyond or closer 269 00:13:58,620 --> 00:14:01,430 than the Vieth-Muller circle, then they're 270 00:14:01,430 --> 00:14:05,390 going to hit nonequivalent points on the retinal surface. 271 00:14:05,390 --> 00:14:09,920 So then by nonequivalency, we can do this and calculate this 272 00:14:09,920 --> 00:14:12,940 as to where the image falls relative 273 00:14:12,940 --> 00:14:15,960 to the central fixation spot in the foveola. 274 00:14:18,070 --> 00:14:21,780 And so then, when these nonequivalent points are hit, 275 00:14:21,780 --> 00:14:24,410 somehow the brain can measure this nonequivalence. 276 00:14:25,900 --> 00:14:29,690 And that is then converted into an estimate 277 00:14:29,690 --> 00:14:31,650 of where things are in depth. 278 00:14:31,650 --> 00:14:34,490 Now the idea behind this was that 279 00:14:34,490 --> 00:14:38,150 these nonequivalent points, that you 280 00:14:38,150 --> 00:14:42,230 have on the retinal surface, can connect in the cortex 281 00:14:42,230 --> 00:14:43,980 to single cells. 282 00:14:43,980 --> 00:14:47,910 So they have a cell in the cortex that is binocular, 283 00:14:47,910 --> 00:14:49,310 by virtue of the fact that inputs 284 00:14:49,310 --> 00:14:50,590 from the left and right eyes. 285 00:14:50,590 --> 00:14:56,765 But they don't necessarily have to come from equivalent points. 286 00:14:56,765 --> 00:14:59,080 They can come from nonequivalent points. 287 00:14:59,080 --> 00:15:03,030 And that may be then the mechanism whereby 288 00:15:03,030 --> 00:15:06,640 it can tell you the degree of nonequivalence, 289 00:15:06,640 --> 00:15:08,720 and, therefore, convert that into depth. 290 00:15:08,720 --> 00:15:10,710 And, therefore, there could be single neurons 291 00:15:10,710 --> 00:15:14,210 in the brain that are selective to certain depths. 292 00:15:14,210 --> 00:15:17,630 And so people began to do all kinds of experiments with this. 293 00:15:17,630 --> 00:15:20,340 And the way these experiments were done 294 00:15:20,340 --> 00:15:22,080 is you presented images separately 295 00:15:22,080 --> 00:15:23,850 to the left eyes and right eyes. 296 00:15:25,310 --> 00:15:32,080 And you could then present them to both eyes at the same time 297 00:15:32,080 --> 00:15:35,940 and vary the amount of disparity systematically 298 00:15:35,940 --> 00:15:38,390 to see what kind of tuning function 299 00:15:38,390 --> 00:15:40,130 you would get in the cortex. 300 00:15:40,130 --> 00:15:42,960 So this, some of the most beautiful work of this 301 00:15:42,960 --> 00:15:46,650 was done by a person called John [? Porgio ?] 302 00:15:46,650 --> 00:15:49,970 And I will tell you briefly about some of his experiments. 303 00:15:49,970 --> 00:15:51,450 So here we go with then. 304 00:15:51,450 --> 00:15:53,670 We're going to look at the neural responses, 305 00:15:53,670 --> 00:16:00,235 neural responses in V1 as initially done in the monkey. 306 00:16:01,410 --> 00:16:03,410 So here's an example of a cell. 307 00:16:03,410 --> 00:16:07,703 We have here different degrees of disparity. 308 00:16:09,690 --> 00:16:13,840 And we have the neuron responding 309 00:16:13,840 --> 00:16:16,480 each time they're four repeated trials. 310 00:16:16,480 --> 00:16:20,730 And you can see the action potentials by these dark lines 311 00:16:20,730 --> 00:16:21,580 here. 312 00:16:21,580 --> 00:16:24,700 And what you do is you move the stimuli back and forth 313 00:16:24,700 --> 00:16:28,320 across the two eyes, the way it's actually done, 314 00:16:28,320 --> 00:16:29,130 you have a mirror. 315 00:16:29,130 --> 00:16:31,410 And then you have two in this experiment. 316 00:16:31,410 --> 00:16:35,480 You have two monitors, one to the left and one to the right. 317 00:16:35,480 --> 00:16:37,264 And then you can set it up almost exactly 318 00:16:37,264 --> 00:16:39,305 the same as what you would do with a stereoscope. 319 00:16:40,370 --> 00:16:43,810 So this particular cell, as you can readily see, 320 00:16:43,810 --> 00:16:46,130 responds best when there's zero disparity. 321 00:16:48,180 --> 00:16:53,330 Now by contrast, here is a cell that responds vigorously 322 00:16:53,330 --> 00:16:57,800 at the far disparity and not to the close one. 323 00:16:59,560 --> 00:17:03,010 So then, when you do this, you can study hundreds of cells 324 00:17:03,010 --> 00:17:05,730 to see what kinds of distributions 325 00:17:05,730 --> 00:17:09,471 you have in the cortex for different degrees of disparity, 326 00:17:09,471 --> 00:17:10,054 cell activity. 327 00:17:11,130 --> 00:17:14,510 Now again, this hearkens back to what 328 00:17:14,510 --> 00:17:18,010 I talked about with respect to color vision 329 00:17:18,010 --> 00:17:20,680 where the question came up, if you want to see color, 330 00:17:20,680 --> 00:17:23,670 how many receptors would you need that peak 331 00:17:23,670 --> 00:17:26,220 at different wavelengths, right? 332 00:17:26,220 --> 00:17:31,300 And one idea was that maybe you need as many photo receptors 333 00:17:31,300 --> 00:17:32,290 as there are colors. 334 00:17:32,290 --> 00:17:35,410 But in the end, it turned out that we have only three 335 00:17:35,410 --> 00:17:36,440 of them. 336 00:17:36,440 --> 00:17:39,430 And on the basis of that, we can recreate all the colors out 337 00:17:39,430 --> 00:17:40,280 there. 338 00:17:40,280 --> 00:17:43,590 Now the same thing applies to stereopsis. 339 00:17:43,590 --> 00:17:45,450 So when this was done systematically, 340 00:17:45,450 --> 00:17:50,170 here's an example of the tuning functions. 341 00:17:50,170 --> 00:17:52,990 This one here is the same, very much the same, 342 00:17:52,990 --> 00:17:55,260 as the first figure I showed you. 343 00:17:57,310 --> 00:17:59,420 And so we have a bunch of different ones. 344 00:17:59,420 --> 00:18:02,430 And if you then study, as I've said hundreds of cells, 345 00:18:02,430 --> 00:18:05,640 you can come up with a distribution of this. 346 00:18:05,640 --> 00:18:08,060 And what John [? Porgio ?] came up with, 347 00:18:08,060 --> 00:18:10,405 he thought that there were four major classes. 348 00:18:11,510 --> 00:18:13,680 And the relative amount of activity of these four 349 00:18:13,680 --> 00:18:17,570 major classes then is used to compute all the very fine 350 00:18:17,570 --> 00:18:19,020 differences in depth. 351 00:18:19,020 --> 00:18:20,370 So there's a right on one. 352 00:18:22,460 --> 00:18:27,730 This cell is right on the fixation spot. 353 00:18:27,730 --> 00:18:29,880 And then you have near and far cells. 354 00:18:29,880 --> 00:18:31,920 And you have some in between cells. 355 00:18:31,920 --> 00:18:34,720 Initially he thought there were four classes. 356 00:18:34,720 --> 00:18:37,670 Some people argue that there may be as many as six. 357 00:18:37,670 --> 00:18:40,030 But at any rate, there's a limited number 358 00:18:40,030 --> 00:18:42,190 on the basis of which you can calculate 359 00:18:42,190 --> 00:18:44,960 almost an unlimited number of depths, 360 00:18:44,960 --> 00:18:46,590 which is quite remarkable. 361 00:18:46,590 --> 00:18:51,550 All right, so now, what you can next turn to 362 00:18:51,550 --> 00:18:56,740 is to ask the question to what degree do various extrastriate 363 00:18:56,740 --> 00:19:02,140 areas contribute to stereoscopic depth perception. 364 00:19:02,140 --> 00:19:05,390 And some people thought that this 365 00:19:05,390 --> 00:19:08,590 is a unique function for area MT, 366 00:19:08,590 --> 00:19:10,620 some people argue that maybe it's 367 00:19:10,620 --> 00:19:16,940 area V4, and so experiments were done in which it was examined 368 00:19:16,940 --> 00:19:23,920 to what degree stereoscopic depth deception is altered when 369 00:19:23,920 --> 00:19:31,180 you eliminate, say, area MT or you eliminate area V4. 370 00:19:31,180 --> 00:19:34,725 So that is what's been done. 371 00:19:34,725 --> 00:19:36,350 And you can think about it for a minute 372 00:19:36,350 --> 00:19:38,070 and say, well, what do you think? 373 00:19:38,070 --> 00:19:42,160 What do you think would happen in a monkey 374 00:19:42,160 --> 00:19:44,300 once you no longer had area V4? 375 00:19:44,300 --> 00:19:46,950 What you think would happen if the monkey no longer had 376 00:19:46,950 --> 00:19:47,535 area MT? 377 00:19:48,740 --> 00:19:51,990 Well, the results were actually quite surprising. 378 00:19:51,990 --> 00:19:55,720 And they're shown here, same experiment as before. 379 00:19:55,720 --> 00:19:57,645 The Bela Julesz random dot stereograms. 380 00:19:57,645 --> 00:20:00,060 And then you're presenting one of four locations 381 00:20:00,060 --> 00:20:05,090 of however many little area where, 382 00:20:05,090 --> 00:20:07,640 like little square, that's sticks out in depth 383 00:20:07,640 --> 00:20:10,470 and you vary the amount of depth that sticks out 384 00:20:10,470 --> 00:20:12,830 by varying the number of pixels you 385 00:20:12,830 --> 00:20:17,700 moved the images into this place. 386 00:20:17,700 --> 00:20:20,520 And when that was done systematically, 387 00:20:20,520 --> 00:20:21,680 this is what was found. 388 00:20:21,680 --> 00:20:26,830 It was found that neither V4 lesion nor an MT lesion 389 00:20:26,830 --> 00:20:29,070 cause a significant deficit. 390 00:20:29,070 --> 00:20:32,060 The only deficit that was significant 391 00:20:32,060 --> 00:20:34,660 had to do with a response latency. 392 00:20:34,660 --> 00:20:37,660 And as I should have mentioned earlier, 393 00:20:37,660 --> 00:20:40,620 like when we talked about the frog, one 394 00:20:40,620 --> 00:20:43,090 of the very important things about processing depth, 395 00:20:43,090 --> 00:20:45,440 again, is to be able to do it quickly. 396 00:20:45,440 --> 00:20:48,380 So when you have that's frog and the fly is flying along, 397 00:20:48,380 --> 00:20:50,640 he has to be very quick to compute it 398 00:20:50,640 --> 00:20:52,860 so that he can catch it, right, as you had seen. 399 00:20:54,220 --> 00:20:57,090 So in this case, what you see here, 400 00:20:57,090 --> 00:20:59,960 that there is about a 20 millisecond difference 401 00:20:59,960 --> 00:21:04,700 after V4 lesion, increase in latency, and quite a bit more, 402 00:21:04,700 --> 00:21:09,090 almost 40, 30, 40 after and MT lesion. 403 00:21:09,090 --> 00:21:13,510 So that contributes to some aspect of depth processing 404 00:21:13,510 --> 00:21:16,100 in terms of being able to do it quickly. 405 00:21:16,100 --> 00:21:21,840 But neither the MT or V4 are unique in processing 406 00:21:21,840 --> 00:21:22,820 stereopsis. 407 00:21:22,820 --> 00:21:25,190 It looks like that it is processed 408 00:21:25,190 --> 00:21:28,180 in several different areas in the brain 409 00:21:28,180 --> 00:21:32,560 and inspire conjoint computation that you 410 00:21:32,560 --> 00:21:36,290 can arrive at the actual depth. 411 00:21:36,290 --> 00:21:38,890 And it's by virtue of that joint computation 412 00:21:38,890 --> 00:21:40,345 that you can do this very quickly. 413 00:21:41,790 --> 00:21:49,970 So now you come to the next important depth 414 00:21:49,970 --> 00:21:52,380 cue, which is called motion parallax. 415 00:21:53,790 --> 00:22:01,440 This one is a capacity that we had acquired 416 00:22:01,440 --> 00:22:03,160 in the course of evolution, which 417 00:22:03,160 --> 00:22:05,800 is extremely potent and powerful. 418 00:22:05,800 --> 00:22:09,170 And it's based on a very simple physical fact. 419 00:22:09,170 --> 00:22:16,274 And the physical fact it that either when you are in motion, 420 00:22:16,274 --> 00:22:17,690 or something in the environment is 421 00:22:17,690 --> 00:22:23,100 in motion, the rate at which these images travel 422 00:22:23,100 --> 00:22:29,330 across the retinal surface is heavily distance dependent. 423 00:22:29,330 --> 00:22:32,120 And so let me demonstrate this concretely for you. 424 00:22:33,830 --> 00:22:36,010 Here we have an eye that's fixed. 425 00:22:36,010 --> 00:22:37,780 It's always looking straight ahead. 426 00:22:37,780 --> 00:22:43,680 And we have two rods here, sorry, just one rod, 427 00:22:43,680 --> 00:22:46,460 that we are going to move into position gradually from here 428 00:22:46,460 --> 00:22:49,420 to here, and then back up as shown by the arrows here. 429 00:22:49,420 --> 00:22:53,300 And we examine the range over which 430 00:22:53,300 --> 00:22:56,790 these near and far and middle objects move 431 00:22:56,790 --> 00:23:00,720 across the retinal surface when you engage in this motion 432 00:23:00,720 --> 00:23:02,160 and the eye is stable. 433 00:23:02,160 --> 00:23:04,020 And you can see that the far object moves 434 00:23:04,020 --> 00:23:06,685 over a much shorter distance than the near object. 435 00:23:08,990 --> 00:23:11,720 This you can readily do it yourself in an experiment. 436 00:23:11,720 --> 00:23:14,660 You can stick out your thumb and move your head back and forth. 437 00:23:14,660 --> 00:23:20,330 And you see that your thumb will move a lot more than the object 438 00:23:20,330 --> 00:23:21,330 that you're looking at. 439 00:23:22,660 --> 00:23:27,070 So now the same thing also applies when you actually 440 00:23:27,070 --> 00:23:29,310 are engaged in the eye movements, which of course you 441 00:23:29,310 --> 00:23:30,420 do all the time. 442 00:23:30,420 --> 00:23:35,790 In this case, they eye is set up so that it's fixated initially 443 00:23:35,790 --> 00:23:38,020 on this object and then tracks it to here 444 00:23:38,020 --> 00:23:39,560 and then tracks it back. 445 00:23:39,560 --> 00:23:42,830 And when you do that, you get the same kind of effect, 446 00:23:42,830 --> 00:23:46,460 namely that the distance over which a far and a near object 447 00:23:46,460 --> 00:23:50,080 move is quite different. 448 00:23:50,080 --> 00:23:53,280 The near object moves over much, much greater distance 449 00:23:53,280 --> 00:23:56,290 than the far object, even though the eyes are tracking. 450 00:23:57,460 --> 00:24:03,060 So this, then, being a basic physical fact, 451 00:24:03,060 --> 00:24:08,780 was then used in the course of evolution 452 00:24:08,780 --> 00:24:12,350 to create mechanisms that are sensitive to this differential 453 00:24:12,350 --> 00:24:12,850 motion. 454 00:24:14,080 --> 00:24:16,790 And, of course, because of the rate of motion 455 00:24:16,790 --> 00:24:20,320 also varies a little bit, it became 456 00:24:20,320 --> 00:24:24,000 possible to create mechanisms to make that computation 457 00:24:24,000 --> 00:24:26,180 to tell you where things are in depth. 458 00:24:26,180 --> 00:24:30,420 So here I'm going to show you an actual demo of this 459 00:24:30,420 --> 00:24:32,620 to make it clear to you. 460 00:24:32,620 --> 00:24:37,100 In this case, again, we have a bunch of random dots, much 461 00:24:37,100 --> 00:24:40,280 like in the Bela Julesz random dot stereograms 462 00:24:40,280 --> 00:24:41,890 but just a single one. 463 00:24:41,890 --> 00:24:43,900 And everybody agrees there's no depth here. 464 00:24:43,900 --> 00:24:44,345 Is there any depth? 465 00:24:44,345 --> 00:24:45,300 Do you see any depth? 466 00:24:47,890 --> 00:24:50,130 So now what I'm going to do is I'm 467 00:24:50,130 --> 00:24:54,230 going to set this image into rocking motion. 468 00:24:54,230 --> 00:24:57,090 And when I do this, almost instantly, you're 469 00:24:57,090 --> 00:24:58,560 going to see something in depth. 470 00:24:58,560 --> 00:24:59,230 Are you ready? 471 00:25:02,670 --> 00:25:06,210 So what you see here is are three levels, right, 472 00:25:06,210 --> 00:25:07,320 very clearly. 473 00:25:07,320 --> 00:25:11,350 In milliseconds, in 20 milliseconds, you can see this. 474 00:25:11,350 --> 00:25:14,260 And let me explain to you why you see this. 475 00:25:14,260 --> 00:25:17,550 If, OK, let me go back and do it again. 476 00:25:17,550 --> 00:25:21,810 If I keep this stable, you can see that the dots move over 477 00:25:21,810 --> 00:25:24,250 a great distance here, a lesser distance 478 00:25:24,250 --> 00:25:26,770 here, and practically not at all here. 479 00:25:27,930 --> 00:25:30,470 So there is a differential motion. 480 00:25:30,470 --> 00:25:33,700 And the greater the motion, the closer the image 481 00:25:33,700 --> 00:25:36,760 is in your analysis. 482 00:25:36,760 --> 00:25:39,300 So that's called motion parallax. 483 00:25:40,730 --> 00:25:43,040 And then what you can do actually, 484 00:25:43,040 --> 00:25:45,346 you can play all kinds of games, do experiments 485 00:25:45,346 --> 00:25:48,990 in which you can present this kind of image. 486 00:25:48,990 --> 00:25:51,700 You can put this into each of the eyes separately. 487 00:25:51,700 --> 00:25:54,790 And you can present this image alone 488 00:25:54,790 --> 00:26:01,240 or you can present it paired with disparity for stereopsis. 489 00:26:04,460 --> 00:26:07,970 And you can do each separately or you can do the two together. 490 00:26:07,970 --> 00:26:16,060 So let's now first summarize the essence of motion parallax. 491 00:26:16,060 --> 00:26:18,710 To derive depth information from motion parallax, 492 00:26:18,710 --> 00:26:21,480 neurons are needed that provide information 493 00:26:21,480 --> 00:26:24,380 about velocity and direction of motion 494 00:26:24,380 --> 00:26:27,190 and perhaps also about differential motion. 495 00:26:27,190 --> 00:26:30,710 Secondly, the majority of V1 cells 496 00:26:30,710 --> 00:26:33,240 are direction and velocity selective, 497 00:26:33,240 --> 00:26:36,410 as we had discussed before, and some appear also 498 00:26:36,410 --> 00:26:40,200 to be selective for differential motion, which 499 00:26:40,200 --> 00:26:42,100 I did not mention before. 500 00:26:42,100 --> 00:26:44,630 But, indeed, there are such cells in the visual cortex. 501 00:26:46,250 --> 00:26:48,410 Now, the third important point is 502 00:26:48,410 --> 00:26:54,170 that such cells that are motion selective and direction 503 00:26:54,170 --> 00:26:57,870 selective and selective for differential motion 504 00:26:57,870 --> 00:26:59,960 are very, very common area MT. 505 00:27:01,660 --> 00:27:04,580 So those are some of the very, very basic facts. 506 00:27:04,580 --> 00:27:10,780 And now we can move on and ask what kind of brain activation 507 00:27:10,780 --> 00:27:12,730 occurs by stereopsis and motion parallax 508 00:27:12,730 --> 00:27:15,180 in normal and serial blind subjects 509 00:27:15,180 --> 00:27:17,840 using a recently developed technique, which 510 00:27:17,840 --> 00:27:22,940 is magnetic resonance imaging, functional, functional 511 00:27:22,940 --> 00:27:24,520 magnetic resonance imaging. 512 00:27:24,520 --> 00:27:26,530 So how do you do this kind of stuff? 513 00:27:26,530 --> 00:27:30,000 Well, what you do here, here's an example, 514 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:34,180 you have a very large stereoscope 515 00:27:34,180 --> 00:27:35,680 with a mirror at the end. 516 00:27:35,680 --> 00:27:37,880 And you have a subject who is lying down. 517 00:27:37,880 --> 00:27:41,340 And this whole unit, except not of course that part, 518 00:27:41,340 --> 00:27:44,000 is put into the magnet. 519 00:27:44,000 --> 00:27:46,200 And we have a magnet down here at MIT. 520 00:27:46,200 --> 00:27:47,790 Most of you probably have seen that. 521 00:27:47,790 --> 00:27:49,870 It's on the ground floor. 522 00:27:49,870 --> 00:27:53,990 So you can do this, and then you can present those images here. 523 00:27:53,990 --> 00:27:57,200 And so the stereoscope will present two images 524 00:27:57,200 --> 00:28:01,740 and then you can vary this by rocking him back and forth 525 00:28:01,740 --> 00:28:06,140 either to present only motion parallax 526 00:28:06,140 --> 00:28:09,860 or present only stereopsis and to present both. 527 00:28:09,860 --> 00:28:12,515 And so now the question is, this is a very primitive question 528 00:28:12,515 --> 00:28:17,070 at this stage, where in the brain are 529 00:28:17,070 --> 00:28:21,630 these processes analyzed? 530 00:28:21,630 --> 00:28:25,110 And so you can find out what brain areas are 531 00:28:25,110 --> 00:28:29,770 active by doing this repeatedly collecting the fMRI data 532 00:28:29,770 --> 00:28:32,140 and then printing them out and looking 533 00:28:32,140 --> 00:28:34,190 at them to see what happens. 534 00:28:34,190 --> 00:28:36,810 So I'm going to show you a couple examples of that. 535 00:28:36,810 --> 00:28:40,710 Here is the basic figure that the person 536 00:28:40,710 --> 00:28:43,340 sees but done in such a way that you can see it. 537 00:28:43,340 --> 00:28:45,280 Of course, he doesn't see anything like this. 538 00:28:45,280 --> 00:28:47,440 He just sees different depths. 539 00:28:47,440 --> 00:28:49,400 There are one, two, three, four, five, six, 540 00:28:49,400 --> 00:28:51,100 seven different depths here. 541 00:28:52,140 --> 00:28:53,610 And this rocks back and forth. 542 00:28:54,660 --> 00:28:57,110 And then you can, as I say, present this only 543 00:28:57,110 --> 00:29:00,830 with differential motion or you can present it only 544 00:29:00,830 --> 00:29:05,870 with disparity or you can present it with both. 545 00:29:05,870 --> 00:29:08,107 And then finally, as a control, what you do is 546 00:29:08,107 --> 00:29:09,190 you can do the same thing. 547 00:29:09,190 --> 00:29:11,300 But you don't have any depth of any sort. 548 00:29:11,300 --> 00:29:14,810 You just have a flat surface rocking back and forth. 549 00:29:14,810 --> 00:29:17,130 And then when you do data analysis, 550 00:29:17,130 --> 00:29:21,070 you actually subtract the last one from the rest of the data 551 00:29:21,070 --> 00:29:24,280 so that you're not looking at the data for the activation 552 00:29:24,280 --> 00:29:26,840 just by the spots but for the activation that's 553 00:29:26,840 --> 00:29:30,390 specific for stereopsis or motion parallax. 554 00:29:30,390 --> 00:29:32,090 So now if you do this experiment, 555 00:29:32,090 --> 00:29:34,770 here's an example of a normal subject 556 00:29:34,770 --> 00:29:36,440 and a stereobind subject. 557 00:29:36,440 --> 00:29:42,100 And we have here a sagittal cut adding up the images sideways. 558 00:29:42,100 --> 00:29:45,740 And what you see here, this is posterior cortex, of course. 559 00:29:45,740 --> 00:29:49,430 Here in the normal subject, when you present only motion 560 00:29:49,430 --> 00:29:52,180 parallax, you only analyze motion parallax. 561 00:29:52,180 --> 00:29:56,890 But you have a huge amount of activation in the visual areas. 562 00:29:56,890 --> 00:29:59,040 And then if you do the same thing 563 00:29:59,040 --> 00:30:02,170 when you do a binocular stereopsis only, 564 00:30:02,170 --> 00:30:04,465 you also get a great deal of activation, 565 00:30:04,465 --> 00:30:05,915 in quite similar set of areas. 566 00:30:07,030 --> 00:30:09,770 And then the big crucial test comes up. 567 00:30:09,770 --> 00:30:13,320 What happens if you present the stereo under monocular 568 00:30:13,320 --> 00:30:15,860 conditions when you don't see stereo? 569 00:30:15,860 --> 00:30:20,470 And if you do that, using this same calculation procedures, 570 00:30:20,470 --> 00:30:23,530 there is no brain activation here. 571 00:30:23,530 --> 00:30:27,940 And, therefore, what we see here is due, indeed, to the analysis 572 00:30:27,940 --> 00:30:31,970 that we do for stereopsis. 573 00:30:31,970 --> 00:30:33,790 Now if you do the same experiment 574 00:30:33,790 --> 00:30:38,275 in a stereoblind subject who has been tested, on tests 575 00:30:38,275 --> 00:30:43,150 similar we had shown you, when that person even 576 00:30:43,150 --> 00:30:46,190 looks at it under binocular conditions, 577 00:30:46,190 --> 00:30:48,660 there is no brain activation meaning 578 00:30:48,660 --> 00:30:51,540 that this person doesn't have any mechanisms in the brain 579 00:30:51,540 --> 00:30:54,400 to analyze stereopsis. 580 00:30:54,400 --> 00:30:56,970 Now the fortunate thing is that we 581 00:30:56,970 --> 00:30:59,380 have these several different mechanisms 582 00:30:59,380 --> 00:31:00,680 for depth perception. 583 00:31:00,680 --> 00:31:04,190 And so people who are stereoblind and have 584 00:31:04,190 --> 00:31:10,320 no analysis for disparity, they can still see depth reasonably 585 00:31:10,320 --> 00:31:11,490 well. 586 00:31:11,490 --> 00:31:13,700 And, indeed, they can get driver's license and all 587 00:31:13,700 --> 00:31:17,690 that, because we have all these other mechanisms that include, 588 00:31:17,690 --> 00:31:21,520 that we have talked about, motion parallax. 589 00:31:23,810 --> 00:31:26,830 So that then is one way of looking at it. 590 00:31:26,830 --> 00:31:31,370 Now the other way to look at it, especially when I ask as well, 591 00:31:31,370 --> 00:31:34,600 are the same brain areas doing both or what. 592 00:31:34,600 --> 00:31:36,660 And so what you can do is instead 593 00:31:36,660 --> 00:31:40,410 of doing a sagittal section, you can take sections coronally 594 00:31:40,410 --> 00:31:42,240 like bang, bang, bang, bang like that 595 00:31:42,240 --> 00:31:43,860 and see what that looks like. 596 00:31:43,860 --> 00:31:48,130 And here's an example in which I've isolated the stereo. 597 00:31:48,130 --> 00:31:49,830 And here are a bunch of sections. 598 00:31:49,830 --> 00:31:54,435 And this shows the activation for stereopsis. 599 00:31:56,300 --> 00:31:58,084 You can see there are all kinds of areas 600 00:31:58,084 --> 00:31:59,125 that are being activated. 601 00:32:00,840 --> 00:32:02,470 And then if you do the same thing 602 00:32:02,470 --> 00:32:05,340 and just look at the parallax alone, 603 00:32:05,340 --> 00:32:08,720 here we have the activation for that. 604 00:32:08,720 --> 00:32:11,980 And then lastly here, we do both of them. 605 00:32:11,980 --> 00:32:13,180 Now we can go back. 606 00:32:13,180 --> 00:32:15,135 The way to look at the question, how 607 00:32:15,135 --> 00:32:21,210 are these two areas, these two types of depth perception 608 00:32:21,210 --> 00:32:24,450 analyses, differently activating in the brain. 609 00:32:24,450 --> 00:32:26,620 And so I'm going to go back and forth 610 00:32:26,620 --> 00:32:29,740 between stereo and parallax. 611 00:32:29,740 --> 00:32:31,980 You can see, and that, you can see the difference. 612 00:32:31,980 --> 00:32:34,600 Now some regions, which have a perfect 613 00:32:34,600 --> 00:32:36,285 overlap, and there's some regions 614 00:32:36,285 --> 00:32:37,620 that are quite separate. 615 00:32:37,620 --> 00:32:40,480 Notable here are these areas here, 616 00:32:40,480 --> 00:32:44,060 which are activated by stereo but not by parallax. 617 00:32:44,060 --> 00:32:48,190 So this then can provide you with an initial idea 618 00:32:48,190 --> 00:32:51,490 that there are some brain areas in which both of these 619 00:32:51,490 --> 00:32:53,090 are analyzed together. 620 00:32:53,090 --> 00:32:54,950 And there's some brain areas in which 621 00:32:54,950 --> 00:32:58,760 are uniquely analyzed for either stereopsis or motion parallax 622 00:32:58,760 --> 00:32:59,260 alone. 623 00:33:00,570 --> 00:33:03,460 Now this tells you where it takes place in the brain. 624 00:33:03,460 --> 00:33:07,660 But how it takes place requires a totally different approach. 625 00:33:07,660 --> 00:33:11,600 Namely, the most comfortably to record 626 00:33:11,600 --> 00:33:14,650 from individual neurons in various areas 627 00:33:14,650 --> 00:33:17,750 just like I had shown you that nice work done 628 00:33:17,750 --> 00:33:24,500 by John [? Porgio ?] recording from the one demonstrating 629 00:33:24,500 --> 00:33:27,980 there that there are disparity selective neurons that 630 00:33:27,980 --> 00:33:32,940 are tuned that then provide the hardware, if you will, 631 00:33:32,940 --> 00:33:36,470 for being able to analyze stereoscopic depth. 632 00:33:36,470 --> 00:33:40,100 So that then summarizes what I wanted 633 00:33:40,100 --> 00:33:44,480 to tell you about motion parallax. 634 00:33:46,260 --> 00:33:48,990 And now we are going to go on and talk 635 00:33:48,990 --> 00:33:51,410 about yet another important depth 636 00:33:51,410 --> 00:33:56,900 cue that is utilized by the brain, which is called shading. 637 00:33:56,900 --> 00:34:07,550 Now remember that our ability to use light to illuminate things 638 00:34:07,550 --> 00:34:11,020 is something that was practically nonexistent 639 00:34:11,020 --> 00:34:14,400 for endless millions of years. 640 00:34:14,400 --> 00:34:17,340 And so because of that, both animals and us, 641 00:34:17,340 --> 00:34:19,920 we have to heavily rely on information 642 00:34:19,920 --> 00:34:23,610 based on light coming from the sun, coming from above. 643 00:34:23,610 --> 00:34:29,270 And shading is based on those millions of years of evolution 644 00:34:29,270 --> 00:34:32,500 utilizing the fact that most of the light that 645 00:34:32,500 --> 00:34:34,810 illuminates things comes from above. 646 00:34:34,810 --> 00:34:38,300 So there are all kinds of nice examples of this. 647 00:34:38,300 --> 00:34:39,550 And here is one of them. 648 00:34:41,219 --> 00:34:45,900 What you can do here is you can take a bunch of disks 649 00:34:45,900 --> 00:34:47,330 and set them up so. 650 00:34:47,330 --> 00:34:50,139 You can do this on a computer to make the upper part 651 00:34:50,139 --> 00:34:52,219 light and the lower part dark or the other way 652 00:34:52,219 --> 00:34:55,100 around, the upper part dark and lower part light. 653 00:34:55,100 --> 00:34:58,990 And all of you readily can see that these images, 654 00:34:58,990 --> 00:35:02,130 the first and third row, seem to be protruding towards you. 655 00:35:02,130 --> 00:35:05,780 And the images in the second and fourth row seem to be receding. 656 00:35:05,780 --> 00:35:10,680 Now that is because the brain is interpreting 657 00:35:10,680 --> 00:35:17,456 that on the basis of the fact that the light at least used 658 00:35:17,456 --> 00:35:18,830 to come predominantly from above. 659 00:35:20,220 --> 00:35:26,830 So that is the basic arrangement for seeing depth. 660 00:35:26,830 --> 00:35:29,470 And now I'm going to give you some demonstrations 661 00:35:29,470 --> 00:35:35,370 to indicate that this cue is actually quite powerful, 662 00:35:35,370 --> 00:35:37,580 even when you would not necessarily expect it to be. 663 00:35:41,670 --> 00:35:47,930 So these shading cues have also been extensively used 664 00:35:47,930 --> 00:35:51,460 in art work to provide an impression of depth. 665 00:35:52,630 --> 00:35:54,200 And I will show you some examples 666 00:35:54,200 --> 00:35:57,340 that will give you a sense of how that is done. 667 00:35:57,340 --> 00:36:02,060 So let me make one more point before I proceed that namely it 668 00:36:02,060 --> 00:36:05,320 is, indeed, the degree of illumination 669 00:36:05,320 --> 00:36:06,460 that's crucial here. 670 00:36:06,460 --> 00:36:10,330 We have the same change from red to, sorry, 671 00:36:10,330 --> 00:36:14,090 from some greenish to yellowish. 672 00:36:14,090 --> 00:36:16,680 And you have no sense of depth here whatsoever. 673 00:36:16,680 --> 00:36:21,444 In other words, you do need the shading information, 674 00:36:21,444 --> 00:36:22,860 meaning the amount of light that's 675 00:36:22,860 --> 00:36:25,550 being reflected from various surfaces, that 676 00:36:25,550 --> 00:36:29,950 is crucial for perceiving depth. 677 00:36:29,950 --> 00:36:33,240 So now what we are going to do is 678 00:36:33,240 --> 00:36:37,570 we are going to present a series of slides that will highlight 679 00:36:37,570 --> 00:36:41,850 the power that shading has for the perception of depth. 680 00:36:42,870 --> 00:36:46,460 So here is an example of how we do this. 681 00:36:46,460 --> 00:36:48,240 And the reason I'm showing this in some 682 00:36:48,240 --> 00:36:53,630 detail because if you really are interested in stuff like this, 683 00:36:53,630 --> 00:36:55,800 you can do all this on your own computer. 684 00:36:55,800 --> 00:36:58,200 You can play games, endless games with it. 685 00:36:58,200 --> 00:37:01,150 You can spend hours and hours having a lot of fun 686 00:37:01,150 --> 00:37:05,940 thinking about how depth works on the basis of shading. 687 00:37:05,940 --> 00:37:09,050 So what you have here are a whole bunch of disks. 688 00:37:09,050 --> 00:37:12,410 And each of these can be shaded differently 689 00:37:12,410 --> 00:37:14,920 by many different computer programs. 690 00:37:16,900 --> 00:37:18,070 So that's what you can do. 691 00:37:18,070 --> 00:37:19,430 That's the basics. 692 00:37:19,430 --> 00:37:22,770 So now what we can do is we can play a game. 693 00:37:22,770 --> 00:37:25,870 And we can say, present just two different objects here. 694 00:37:26,900 --> 00:37:30,570 But we're going to present them repeatedly on a big display. 695 00:37:30,570 --> 00:37:35,090 And then we can shade these differently as we please. 696 00:37:35,090 --> 00:37:37,530 So here is a whole bunch of them. 697 00:37:37,530 --> 00:37:42,090 And all the rows, this, the first, third, and so on rows 698 00:37:42,090 --> 00:37:44,210 are the same shape and the second, fourth 699 00:37:44,210 --> 00:37:47,150 and so on are the other shape, these two shapes. 700 00:37:48,950 --> 00:37:51,563 So we only have two shapes here that are juxtapositioned. 701 00:37:52,950 --> 00:37:57,595 Now what we can do is say, well, this is a peculiar sensation. 702 00:37:59,650 --> 00:38:02,230 I have a vague sense that there's 703 00:38:02,230 --> 00:38:04,520 something maybe in the third dimension. 704 00:38:04,520 --> 00:38:07,900 But it's not too well defined, because this 705 00:38:07,900 --> 00:38:11,990 is not in accordance with the rules and laws of shading 706 00:38:11,990 --> 00:38:13,850 of light coming from above. 707 00:38:13,850 --> 00:38:16,440 So now what we can do instead, we can selectively 708 00:38:16,440 --> 00:38:22,280 shade these to be in accordance with the rules of light coming 709 00:38:22,280 --> 00:38:24,460 from above to create shading and depth. 710 00:38:24,460 --> 00:38:27,620 And when you do that, here's an example of that. 711 00:38:27,620 --> 00:38:31,070 What you can see here is a very compelling image 712 00:38:31,070 --> 00:38:36,000 of these protruding elements, sort of protruding to the left, 713 00:38:36,000 --> 00:38:36,500 right? 714 00:38:37,870 --> 00:38:40,850 Everybody see, have a strong sense of depth here? 715 00:38:42,330 --> 00:38:45,500 So now what you can do is you can play with it 716 00:38:45,500 --> 00:38:47,510 and decide, well, can we do something 717 00:38:47,510 --> 00:38:51,250 that, keeping the very, very same shapes, 718 00:38:51,250 --> 00:38:53,220 shade them differently and see what 719 00:38:53,220 --> 00:38:55,050 it does to our perception of depth. 720 00:38:55,050 --> 00:38:56,596 And so what we are going to do next 721 00:38:56,596 --> 00:38:58,470 is we're going to take each of these elements 722 00:38:58,470 --> 00:39:00,380 here, the same ones here, and we're 723 00:39:00,380 --> 00:39:02,000 going to reverse the contrast. 724 00:39:02,000 --> 00:39:04,710 You see the contrast here on top is white 725 00:39:04,710 --> 00:39:06,250 and the bottom is black. 726 00:39:06,250 --> 00:39:08,780 So we're going to reverse that contrast. 727 00:39:08,780 --> 00:39:12,520 And when we do so, the question is what are you going to see. 728 00:39:12,520 --> 00:39:14,600 And if you do that, low and behold, 729 00:39:14,600 --> 00:39:16,540 you still have a strong sense of depth. 730 00:39:16,540 --> 00:39:18,570 But it's a very confusing sense. 731 00:39:18,570 --> 00:39:23,430 You may see sometimes these objects pointing to the left 732 00:39:23,430 --> 00:39:24,720 and sometimes to the right. 733 00:39:24,720 --> 00:39:28,820 It's unstable, because you're confusing those computations 734 00:39:28,820 --> 00:39:31,200 that have evolved over millions of years 735 00:39:31,200 --> 00:39:35,140 for interpreting depth in terms of shading. 736 00:39:35,140 --> 00:39:37,910 Now you can play also some additional games. 737 00:39:37,910 --> 00:39:41,080 You can make this even more complicated, make more changes, 738 00:39:41,080 --> 00:39:42,324 and here is another one. 739 00:39:42,324 --> 00:39:43,740 You still have a feeling of depth. 740 00:39:43,740 --> 00:39:45,540 But it's totally confusing. 741 00:39:45,540 --> 00:39:46,360 It's very hard. 742 00:39:46,360 --> 00:39:48,610 You can't organize it any way, because it 743 00:39:48,610 --> 00:39:52,310 is not in accordance with the law of light 744 00:39:52,310 --> 00:39:55,300 coming from above to a real object. 745 00:39:55,300 --> 00:39:57,010 And lastly, you can also make this 746 00:39:57,010 --> 00:39:59,500 so that it would be in accordance with the laws. 747 00:39:59,500 --> 00:40:01,350 But you can change it around so that you 748 00:40:01,350 --> 00:40:03,040 get a completely different perception, 749 00:40:03,040 --> 00:40:04,430 a strong sense of depth. 750 00:40:04,430 --> 00:40:07,030 It's still the very, very same elements 751 00:40:07,030 --> 00:40:08,280 that you had seen before. 752 00:40:08,280 --> 00:40:10,590 But now the shading is done, again, differently. 753 00:40:10,590 --> 00:40:13,260 And then now gives you, again, a unified sense 754 00:40:13,260 --> 00:40:20,050 of a display that is not conflicting. 755 00:40:20,050 --> 00:40:23,430 Because in this case, it's in accordance with that 756 00:40:23,430 --> 00:40:25,430 some of the basic principles of shading. 757 00:40:26,930 --> 00:40:32,310 So now, what we can do next, having talked about stereo 758 00:40:32,310 --> 00:40:34,620 and we have talked about shading, 759 00:40:34,620 --> 00:40:36,550 is to look at some more of the demos. 760 00:40:36,550 --> 00:40:39,100 So let's go back to the stereoscope. 761 00:40:39,100 --> 00:40:42,250 And let's go back to the handouts. 762 00:40:42,250 --> 00:40:50,380 And so if you now come to the next page that has a heading 763 00:40:50,380 --> 00:40:52,210 called stereo and shading. 764 00:40:53,430 --> 00:40:55,790 So, again, take the stereoscope and we 765 00:40:55,790 --> 00:40:58,430 are going to look at these in steps. 766 00:40:58,430 --> 00:41:01,360 So let's start by looking at the top display 767 00:41:01,360 --> 00:41:04,840 first, which is called stereo only. 768 00:41:06,380 --> 00:41:08,330 So if you look at that, first of all, 769 00:41:08,330 --> 00:41:12,170 if you just look at it without the stereoscope, 770 00:41:12,170 --> 00:41:16,630 you see pretty much a sort of flat display 771 00:41:16,630 --> 00:41:18,250 of a truncated pyramid. 772 00:41:18,250 --> 00:41:23,240 Then if you put the stereoscope there and look through it, 773 00:41:23,240 --> 00:41:26,230 you should see, if you look at it for a little while, 774 00:41:26,230 --> 00:41:29,730 that one of those sticks out towards you 775 00:41:29,730 --> 00:41:32,280 and the other one seems to recede. 776 00:41:33,940 --> 00:41:35,145 Does everybody see that? 777 00:41:37,010 --> 00:41:38,830 So let's stop there for a minute, because I 778 00:41:38,830 --> 00:41:41,360 want to add one more fact here, which 779 00:41:41,360 --> 00:41:43,590 I should have mentioned earlier. 780 00:41:43,590 --> 00:41:47,620 So what you do here is-- so you have 781 00:41:47,620 --> 00:41:49,500 these two displays like that. 782 00:41:50,880 --> 00:41:55,430 And you have one image here and another image here. 783 00:41:55,430 --> 00:41:57,980 When you-- this is greatly exaggerated, 784 00:41:57,980 --> 00:41:59,990 these coming together like this. 785 00:41:59,990 --> 00:42:01,650 That means it's going to stick out 786 00:42:01,650 --> 00:42:03,200 towards you as you look at it. 787 00:42:03,200 --> 00:42:10,350 But if you do the opposite like that, 788 00:42:10,350 --> 00:42:12,460 they're further apart than the rest of them. 789 00:42:12,460 --> 00:42:13,935 Then actually you see it receding. 790 00:42:15,430 --> 00:42:18,800 And that's why, if you now take away the stereoscope 791 00:42:18,800 --> 00:42:24,640 and look at it, you can see that the top left image is 792 00:42:24,640 --> 00:42:28,800 in each, or facing towards each other, 793 00:42:28,800 --> 00:42:32,780 whereas the other ones are facing away from each other. 794 00:42:32,780 --> 00:42:35,800 And that's what creates, that's what the brain interprets, 795 00:42:35,800 --> 00:42:39,060 as protruding versus receding using the stereoscope. 796 00:42:40,740 --> 00:42:42,570 So that is very similar, in a way, 797 00:42:42,570 --> 00:42:44,470 to what happens with shading. 798 00:42:44,470 --> 00:42:48,300 So now if you look at the second image 799 00:42:48,300 --> 00:42:52,060 there, first without the stereoscope, what you see here, 800 00:42:52,060 --> 00:42:54,130 again, is one that sticks out just 801 00:42:54,130 --> 00:42:56,920 like in the original display. 802 00:42:56,920 --> 00:42:59,100 And the rest of them are receding. 803 00:42:59,100 --> 00:43:03,090 That's because the shading, the one that sticks out 804 00:43:03,090 --> 00:43:05,360 is light on top and dark on the bottom. 805 00:43:05,360 --> 00:43:07,380 And it's the obverse for the other ones. 806 00:43:07,380 --> 00:43:09,410 Now if you do the same thing looking 807 00:43:09,410 --> 00:43:12,420 through the stereoscope, what you will see 808 00:43:12,420 --> 00:43:16,300 is still some degree of depth, but it's not very pronounced. 809 00:43:16,300 --> 00:43:22,111 Because there is no corresponding disparity 810 00:43:22,111 --> 00:43:22,610 information. 811 00:43:24,250 --> 00:43:28,960 But now if you look at the third display, 812 00:43:28,960 --> 00:43:33,500 where stereo and shading are in harmony, then what you see 813 00:43:33,500 --> 00:43:36,880 is an extremely compelling dramatic sense 814 00:43:36,880 --> 00:43:39,810 of depth with the top left one sticking out 815 00:43:39,810 --> 00:43:42,660 towards you and the other three receding. 816 00:43:42,660 --> 00:43:47,582 So shading appeared to have added to the compelling nature 817 00:43:47,582 --> 00:43:49,665 of the depth that you see through the stereoscope. 818 00:43:51,240 --> 00:43:57,200 Now the last image in here is that we put stereo and shading 819 00:43:57,200 --> 00:43:59,040 and conflict with each other. 820 00:43:59,040 --> 00:44:02,932 And when you do that, you can look at it, first with just one 821 00:44:02,932 --> 00:44:04,140 eye, then with the other eye. 822 00:44:04,140 --> 00:44:06,695 When you look at it with both of them, you, for a while, 823 00:44:06,695 --> 00:44:08,540 you see something unstable. 824 00:44:08,540 --> 00:44:11,800 And when you see it well, eventually, you 825 00:44:11,800 --> 00:44:14,330 realize that there is a conflict there 826 00:44:14,330 --> 00:44:17,880 because of the shading and the stereo 827 00:44:17,880 --> 00:44:19,720 being in opposition to each other. 828 00:44:26,640 --> 00:44:31,990 Now then, this kind of effect, if you go to the next page, 829 00:44:31,990 --> 00:44:35,250 we're going to go now to page five, six, and seven. 830 00:44:35,250 --> 00:44:37,380 Again, what you need to do here is 831 00:44:37,380 --> 00:44:41,850 to look at it sideways with the F's on top. 832 00:44:41,850 --> 00:44:50,260 And when you look at this, those of you who can use your eyes so 833 00:44:50,260 --> 00:44:53,930 that they are divergent, and you look beyond it, 834 00:44:53,930 --> 00:44:57,240 then this is very much like, or it is the same actually, 835 00:44:57,240 --> 00:44:58,770 as an auto stereogram. 836 00:44:58,770 --> 00:45:01,680 So if you look at this for a while, and you look beyond it, 837 00:45:01,680 --> 00:45:03,570 eventually it's going to gel. 838 00:45:03,570 --> 00:45:05,500 And when it gels, what you should 839 00:45:05,500 --> 00:45:08,180 see is where the F's are, the images 840 00:45:08,180 --> 00:45:12,475 are protruding towards you, and the others are receding. 841 00:45:12,475 --> 00:45:14,610 Now it may take you awhile. 842 00:45:14,610 --> 00:45:16,810 It's much more difficult than what we just 843 00:45:16,810 --> 00:45:18,430 did with the stereoscope. 844 00:45:18,430 --> 00:45:21,860 But you should be able to see that. 845 00:45:23,420 --> 00:45:27,580 How many of you are able to actually see those images? 846 00:45:27,580 --> 00:45:31,360 A little bit di-- move it back and forth a little bit slowly. 847 00:45:31,360 --> 00:45:33,940 And maybe eventually you manage it. 848 00:45:38,550 --> 00:45:40,410 So as I say, where the F's are you 849 00:45:40,410 --> 00:45:44,020 see these images-- these truncated pyramids protruding 850 00:45:44,020 --> 00:45:44,980 towards you. 851 00:45:44,980 --> 00:45:47,070 And the rest of them are receding. 852 00:45:50,989 --> 00:45:52,900 If you have difficulty seeing this, 853 00:45:52,900 --> 00:45:55,670 I'm not surprised, because it takes a lot of practice. 854 00:45:55,670 --> 00:45:58,530 But once you get a sense of it, I 855 00:45:58,530 --> 00:46:03,647 think that you will enjoy doing this and actually 856 00:46:03,647 --> 00:46:05,105 showing it to some of your friends. 857 00:46:07,210 --> 00:46:10,760 So then if you go to the next page, 858 00:46:10,760 --> 00:46:15,570 there we have added shading. 859 00:46:15,570 --> 00:46:18,270 And the shearing is the same everywhere. 860 00:46:18,270 --> 00:46:22,220 But the stereo cues are not. 861 00:46:22,220 --> 00:46:25,400 Once again, what happens is that they 862 00:46:25,400 --> 00:46:30,120 are stereo cues where the F's are stick out 863 00:46:30,120 --> 00:46:32,695 towards you much greater than the others. 864 00:46:35,740 --> 00:46:38,530 They stick out a lot less because of the added stereo. 865 00:46:45,300 --> 00:46:51,990 And then, in the last demo there, the last page, we 866 00:46:51,990 --> 00:46:56,860 are putting, just like in that figure with a stereoscope, 867 00:46:56,860 --> 00:47:00,490 we are putting them into opposition with each other. 868 00:47:00,490 --> 00:47:02,350 And so when you look at these, this 869 00:47:02,350 --> 00:47:04,950 would be very difficult to see for a while. 870 00:47:04,950 --> 00:47:10,740 Because there's a tendency to see it differently 871 00:47:10,740 --> 00:47:15,692 for stereo and for motion parallax. 872 00:47:15,692 --> 00:47:19,170 And so it's going to be an unstable percept. 873 00:47:20,310 --> 00:47:23,310 So what you can do then is you can play around 874 00:47:23,310 --> 00:47:29,220 with this at your leisure and especially once you become more 875 00:47:29,220 --> 00:47:32,130 proficient looking at all the stereograms, 876 00:47:32,130 --> 00:47:36,420 if you go and get one of these magic eye books to look at, 877 00:47:36,420 --> 00:47:40,160 you will be able to see these displays as well. 878 00:47:44,790 --> 00:47:49,370 So now, this is the one was the first one that I showed you. 879 00:47:49,370 --> 00:47:52,330 As I said, this one, with the F's, are the ones 880 00:47:52,330 --> 00:47:54,360 that should stick out closest to you. 881 00:47:54,360 --> 00:47:57,190 Once you see that, then you can go on to the next 882 00:47:57,190 --> 00:48:01,636 to add the shading or subtract the shading from it. 883 00:48:05,040 --> 00:48:10,310 So now, an interesting question that arises 884 00:48:10,310 --> 00:48:20,400 is to what degree are we able, or are animals able, 885 00:48:20,400 --> 00:48:26,140 to integrate these different kinds of depth cues. 886 00:48:26,140 --> 00:48:28,270 And in particular, in this case, you're 887 00:48:28,270 --> 00:48:33,185 going to ask the question, what about integrating stereopsis, 888 00:48:33,185 --> 00:48:34,425 parallax, and shading. 889 00:48:35,590 --> 00:48:40,160 So the experiment is one done on monkeys 890 00:48:40,160 --> 00:48:44,120 in which you can present these cues either singly 891 00:48:44,120 --> 00:48:46,850 or in combination. 892 00:48:46,850 --> 00:48:48,380 And we can ask the question, well, 893 00:48:48,380 --> 00:48:52,350 does the monkey do better with one or the other, 894 00:48:52,350 --> 00:48:56,300 or does he integrate really and does really much better 895 00:48:56,300 --> 00:48:58,290 when you provide all three cues. 896 00:48:58,290 --> 00:49:00,640 And so here is a procedure. 897 00:49:00,640 --> 00:49:03,700 What you do here, again, you have a rocking display 898 00:49:03,700 --> 00:49:06,230 like this, and you can present this 899 00:49:06,230 --> 00:49:08,700 either with shading as shown here 900 00:49:08,700 --> 00:49:11,440 or with motion parallax where it rocks back and forth, 901 00:49:11,440 --> 00:49:15,240 and lastly also with stereopsis. 902 00:49:15,240 --> 00:49:19,330 So if you do that, the results you get are quite dramatic. 903 00:49:19,330 --> 00:49:23,910 What happens is shown here as a percent correct performance 904 00:49:23,910 --> 00:49:26,980 and here is the latency in milliseconds. 905 00:49:26,980 --> 00:49:32,510 And it shows that the monkey does extremely well when 906 00:49:32,510 --> 00:49:34,400 you present-- this is percent correct. 907 00:49:34,400 --> 00:49:36,600 This is degrees of disparity. 908 00:49:36,600 --> 00:49:40,390 The monkey does extremely well when you present all three cues 909 00:49:40,390 --> 00:49:42,890 and does worse when you present each of those cues alone. 910 00:49:44,080 --> 00:49:46,050 Even more dramatic is the fact, and this 911 00:49:46,050 --> 00:49:49,220 is-- I keep coming back to this, that the ability for us 912 00:49:49,220 --> 00:49:52,395 to respond quickly to things is very important for survival. 913 00:49:54,220 --> 00:49:57,500 And here what we can see is that when you present all three 914 00:49:57,500 --> 00:50:00,950 cues, performance is much, much, much, much faster than 915 00:50:00,950 --> 00:50:04,010 when you present each of those alone. 916 00:50:04,010 --> 00:50:06,080 And, of course, as you might expect, 917 00:50:06,080 --> 00:50:09,150 when you present parallax only, because that's 918 00:50:09,150 --> 00:50:13,130 motion over time, that takes the longest to do. 919 00:50:15,120 --> 00:50:18,680 So even though motion parallax cues are great, 920 00:50:18,680 --> 00:50:21,330 it became important in the course of evolution 921 00:50:21,330 --> 00:50:25,180 to create mechanisms that can detect these things more 922 00:50:25,180 --> 00:50:27,195 quickly and more efficiently. 923 00:50:28,930 --> 00:50:32,120 So now we come to yet another cue 924 00:50:32,120 --> 00:50:36,300 that we know very little about at the level of the brain 925 00:50:36,300 --> 00:50:40,450 or single units, because it's so complicated, which 926 00:50:40,450 --> 00:50:41,930 is called perspective. 927 00:50:41,930 --> 00:50:45,570 But I want you to just be aware of it and have a sense of it. 928 00:50:45,570 --> 00:50:48,770 And here is one of those cartoon examples 929 00:50:48,770 --> 00:50:51,220 that gives you a very strong sense of depth. 930 00:50:51,220 --> 00:50:52,510 And you almost cringe. 931 00:50:52,510 --> 00:50:54,330 If you were there, you would worry 932 00:50:54,330 --> 00:50:56,690 that you would be falling down. 933 00:50:56,690 --> 00:50:59,285 This is done strictly by virtue of perspective. 934 00:51:01,400 --> 00:51:04,910 It's very similar to what you encounter all the time when 935 00:51:04,910 --> 00:51:08,972 you're driving down a road and the road seems to converge, 936 00:51:08,972 --> 00:51:10,430 even though you're not aware of it. 937 00:51:10,430 --> 00:51:12,586 But that's what's happening on the rental surface. 938 00:51:12,586 --> 00:51:14,710 Because things further away are smaller than things 939 00:51:14,710 --> 00:51:16,082 that are close by. 940 00:51:16,082 --> 00:51:18,040 And that's when you look down a railroad track, 941 00:51:18,040 --> 00:51:20,170 the same thing happens, even though you 942 00:51:20,170 --> 00:51:22,920 know that the railroad track is not converging, 943 00:51:22,920 --> 00:51:24,450 it's going parallel. 944 00:51:24,450 --> 00:51:27,820 But because of the distances involved, 945 00:51:27,820 --> 00:51:29,590 that's what falls on the retina. 946 00:51:29,590 --> 00:51:33,220 And you're smart enough to know that even though that's 947 00:51:33,220 --> 00:51:34,900 what falls on the retina, you can 948 00:51:34,900 --> 00:51:37,070 make the right kind of interpretation. 949 00:51:37,070 --> 00:51:40,090 Conversely, you can also compute the depth 950 00:51:40,090 --> 00:51:42,270 on the basis of that kind of convergence. 951 00:51:42,270 --> 00:51:44,930 Now here's another example of that, a much simpler way 952 00:51:44,930 --> 00:51:47,200 that people can do with experiments. 953 00:51:47,200 --> 00:51:48,890 Here we have a bunch of dots. 954 00:51:48,890 --> 00:51:53,000 And we have two basic cues that have to do with perspective. 955 00:51:53,000 --> 00:52:00,715 One of them is this gradually decreasing size of these dots. 956 00:52:02,920 --> 00:52:05,220 I should say elongated disks, if you will, 957 00:52:05,220 --> 00:52:06,780 and also that they are converging 958 00:52:06,780 --> 00:52:08,800 much like a railroad track converges. 959 00:52:08,800 --> 00:52:10,830 And so we have a very strong sense 960 00:52:10,830 --> 00:52:13,160 of having a third dimension here. 961 00:52:13,160 --> 00:52:15,130 Now the fact that this is so strong 962 00:52:15,130 --> 00:52:21,030 can be mitigated by adding a few things here. 963 00:52:21,030 --> 00:52:25,150 If you add some more dots, it's not question as dramatic. 964 00:52:25,150 --> 00:52:27,460 And then if you start mixing up the sizes, 965 00:52:27,460 --> 00:52:29,160 you are beginning to lose it. 966 00:52:29,160 --> 00:52:30,910 And then if you totally mix it up, 967 00:52:30,910 --> 00:52:33,590 then you have no sense of that left at all. 968 00:52:33,590 --> 00:52:37,200 So it is that progression of steps and sizes 969 00:52:37,200 --> 00:52:40,380 and whatnot that gives you the sense 970 00:52:40,380 --> 00:52:45,310 of the depth of the images that you're looking at. 971 00:52:46,710 --> 00:52:49,870 Now here's another converse example 972 00:52:49,870 --> 00:52:55,370 of this that is an illusory effect that what you see here 973 00:52:55,370 --> 00:52:58,770 is three barrels, if you will. 974 00:53:00,050 --> 00:53:04,380 And this barrel is a lot bigger than this barrel, right, 975 00:53:04,380 --> 00:53:05,730 or is it? 976 00:53:05,730 --> 00:53:07,880 Well, so what we're going to do here, 977 00:53:07,880 --> 00:53:11,820 we have an inducing element here by this hallway, if you will, 978 00:53:11,820 --> 00:53:12,950 with a door at the end. 979 00:53:12,950 --> 00:53:15,200 And we're going to remove this hallway 980 00:53:15,200 --> 00:53:19,120 keeping the barrels exactly as they are. 981 00:53:19,120 --> 00:53:20,900 And if you do that, low and behold, 982 00:53:20,900 --> 00:53:22,725 those barrels are all the same size. 983 00:53:24,340 --> 00:53:27,230 It's induced by virtue of the surround that 984 00:53:27,230 --> 00:53:29,100 gives you a false sense of depth. 985 00:53:33,500 --> 00:53:39,700 So now let me show you another picture because 986 00:53:39,700 --> 00:53:42,380 of the purpose behind this. 987 00:53:42,380 --> 00:53:45,190 This a picture that's in a museum 988 00:53:45,190 --> 00:53:47,250 in Worcester, Massachusetts. 989 00:53:47,250 --> 00:53:50,375 And it was created by a fellow called Edward Savage. 990 00:53:50,375 --> 00:53:53,930 And it's a pretty unpleasant picture. 991 00:53:53,930 --> 00:53:56,300 But the main reason I'm showing this to you 992 00:53:56,300 --> 00:53:59,400 is that there seems to be very poor sense of depth 993 00:53:59,400 --> 00:54:01,080 in this picture. 994 00:54:01,080 --> 00:54:06,670 Now the reason this is interesting 995 00:54:06,670 --> 00:54:12,290 is because when artists began, centuries 996 00:54:12,290 --> 00:54:20,140 ago in the 13th, 12th centuries, draw things, 997 00:54:20,140 --> 00:54:24,240 they did not have a concept of an understanding of how 998 00:54:24,240 --> 00:54:29,895 to create depth, a third dimension, in their drawings. 999 00:54:31,130 --> 00:54:34,930 So what they did eventually, they came up 1000 00:54:34,930 --> 00:54:37,060 with a so-called vanishing point, 1001 00:54:37,060 --> 00:54:42,160 and they drew very much like what we had here. 1002 00:54:42,160 --> 00:54:45,620 Lines that converged at a point and then 1003 00:54:45,620 --> 00:54:49,080 scaled the images accordingly rather 1004 00:54:49,080 --> 00:54:50,740 than keeping it the same size. 1005 00:54:50,740 --> 00:54:54,180 And that way you got a good sense of depth. 1006 00:54:54,180 --> 00:54:58,290 So now that has a number of interesting stories 1007 00:54:58,290 --> 00:55:03,410 about it that we are going to discuss 1008 00:55:03,410 --> 00:55:07,909 next time you talk about the perception of shapes, 1009 00:55:07,909 --> 00:55:08,450 OK, patterns. 1010 00:55:10,270 --> 00:55:13,350 But I will leave that discussion until that. 1011 00:55:13,350 --> 00:55:17,120 What I'm going to do next, however, I'm 1012 00:55:17,120 --> 00:55:26,720 going to try to give you a sense of how important stereopsis can 1013 00:55:26,720 --> 00:55:28,995 be for the perception of fine depths. 1014 00:55:30,190 --> 00:55:33,860 And so to do that, what I'm going--I'm going to show you 1015 00:55:33,860 --> 00:55:35,500 actually a film. 1016 00:55:35,500 --> 00:55:40,600 And here what we have is a so-called needle test. 1017 00:55:40,600 --> 00:55:42,940 What you have here is a fine needle protruding. 1018 00:55:42,940 --> 00:55:48,870 And here we have a bunch of different size 1019 00:55:48,870 --> 00:55:54,300 circular openings, a little bit like a needle, but it's round. 1020 00:55:55,540 --> 00:55:59,590 And the task is to take these one at a time and hang them up. 1021 00:55:59,590 --> 00:56:01,900 And one can time how quickly you can do that, 1022 00:56:01,900 --> 00:56:05,670 or you can make a film to see how well you can do it. 1023 00:56:05,670 --> 00:56:07,940 And then what we can do is we can 1024 00:56:07,940 --> 00:56:11,020 test the subject under binocular conditions, 1025 00:56:11,020 --> 00:56:13,460 and test them under monocular conditions. 1026 00:56:13,460 --> 00:56:18,060 So I'm going to show you a film of this, actually two films. 1027 00:56:20,580 --> 00:56:22,786 It will just take just few seconds to do it. 1028 00:56:28,850 --> 00:56:31,900 OK, be ready, it's going to come up in a second. 1029 00:56:35,050 --> 00:56:37,820 OK, here's the subject under binocular viewing conditions. 1030 00:56:48,400 --> 00:56:51,870 So that's the condition under binocular viewing. 1031 00:56:51,870 --> 00:56:56,510 And now I'm going to show it to you, same subject, same time, 1032 00:56:56,510 --> 00:56:58,090 but with one eye closed off. 1033 00:57:26,680 --> 00:57:29,800 So that then just even looking at it 1034 00:57:29,800 --> 00:57:32,350 without taking any careful measurements. 1035 00:57:32,350 --> 00:57:34,370 It's obvious that it's much, much 1036 00:57:34,370 --> 00:57:38,050 more difficult to thread a needle under monocular 1037 00:57:38,050 --> 00:57:40,700 than under binocular viewing conditions. 1038 00:57:40,700 --> 00:57:43,530 And so what you can do is when you go home, 1039 00:57:43,530 --> 00:57:47,400 and next time you want to sew something up, 1040 00:57:47,400 --> 00:57:50,920 try threading the needle with one eye closed and with the two 1041 00:57:50,920 --> 00:57:51,460 eyes open. 1042 00:57:51,460 --> 00:57:54,490 And you will see immediately what a huge difference it is. 1043 00:57:54,490 --> 00:57:58,350 And that difference, therefore, is due 1044 00:57:58,350 --> 00:58:02,260 to you're having the mechanism of steropsis. 1045 00:58:17,750 --> 00:58:19,620 Just a few seconds here. 1046 00:59:09,920 --> 00:59:15,270 Another test that has been used in a similar fashion which 1047 00:59:15,270 --> 00:59:20,960 allows you to actually calculate exactly what your error is 1048 00:59:20,960 --> 00:59:24,620 in reaching, you can have a subject 1049 00:59:24,620 --> 00:59:27,940 sit in front of one of these touch panels, 1050 00:59:27,940 --> 00:59:30,400 and then do this experiment either binocularly or 1051 00:59:30,400 --> 00:59:31,245 monocularly. 1052 00:59:31,245 --> 00:59:33,590 And after he presses this a dot comes up, 1053 00:59:33,590 --> 00:59:35,540 and then the person has to touch it. 1054 00:59:35,540 --> 00:59:38,020 And you have about 30 or 40 trials like that. 1055 00:59:38,020 --> 00:59:42,070 And then you have recorded where the person touched. 1056 00:59:42,070 --> 00:59:44,480 And, therefore, you can calculate the error 1057 00:59:44,480 --> 00:59:47,350 between where we touched and where the dot is. 1058 00:59:47,350 --> 00:59:49,790 And then, again, you get a huge effect 1059 00:59:49,790 --> 00:59:53,040 between monocular and binocular viewing conditions. 1060 00:59:54,410 --> 00:59:56,850 Now when you come to monocular and binocular 1061 00:59:56,850 --> 01:00:00,950 viewing conditions, another thing important to test 1062 01:00:00,950 --> 01:00:04,580 is to what degree a person who does or does not 1063 01:00:04,580 --> 01:00:08,300 have stereopsis is capable of integrating information 1064 01:00:08,300 --> 01:00:10,130 between the two eyes. 1065 01:00:10,130 --> 01:00:13,530 So to do that, we have here examples 1066 01:00:13,530 --> 01:00:16,100 of what is called binocular integration. 1067 01:00:16,100 --> 01:00:19,910 So what we do here, again, you can use a stereoscope. 1068 01:00:19,910 --> 01:00:21,370 You look at a monitor. 1069 01:00:21,370 --> 01:00:23,940 And this represent the left eye, this is the right eye. 1070 01:00:23,940 --> 01:00:25,500 And you flash these on. 1071 01:00:25,500 --> 01:00:28,249 If you integrate this, this is what you see. 1072 01:00:28,249 --> 01:00:29,790 This would be actually what you would 1073 01:00:29,790 --> 01:00:32,205 show in the control part of the experiment. 1074 01:00:33,690 --> 01:00:36,440 So you see the Star of David. 1075 01:00:36,440 --> 01:00:39,390 And if a subject is shown this, and they 1076 01:00:39,390 --> 01:00:42,700 don't see the Star of David, you worry 1077 01:00:42,700 --> 01:00:46,520 that their ability to integrate the information between the two 1078 01:00:46,520 --> 01:00:48,530 eyes is deficient. 1079 01:00:48,530 --> 01:00:51,940 And I would say 90% of the cases, those people who 1080 01:00:51,940 --> 01:00:57,290 are deficient on this also show major deficiency 1081 01:00:57,290 --> 01:00:59,525 in stereoscopic viewing. 1082 01:00:59,525 --> 01:01:02,780 Now another way to do this is an experiment 1083 01:01:02,780 --> 01:01:06,400 in which you can present two words here, sud and try, 1084 01:01:06,400 --> 01:01:08,690 so the two are separate. 1085 01:01:08,690 --> 01:01:11,920 And when you present them simultaneously, 1086 01:01:11,920 --> 01:01:14,200 you actually see the word sturdy. 1087 01:01:14,200 --> 01:01:17,070 So you ask the subject, please tell us what do you see. 1088 01:01:17,070 --> 01:01:18,160 What is it word you see. 1089 01:01:18,160 --> 01:01:19,920 And the subject says sud. 1090 01:01:19,920 --> 01:01:22,746 And the subject says try, then you 1091 01:01:22,746 --> 01:01:26,010 know that that subject sees, if he says try, 1092 01:01:26,010 --> 01:01:28,390 he sees mostly with his right and prefers it, 1093 01:01:28,390 --> 01:01:30,360 doesn't see too well with his left eye. 1094 01:01:30,360 --> 01:01:33,790 If he says sturdy, then he integrates the two. 1095 01:01:33,790 --> 01:01:35,900 And, therefore, you can safely say 1096 01:01:35,900 --> 01:01:39,661 that this guy has very good integration between the two 1097 01:01:39,661 --> 01:01:40,160 eyes. 1098 01:01:41,900 --> 01:01:48,360 So what I would like to do next then 1099 01:01:48,360 --> 01:01:53,330 is to provide you with any questions that you have. 1100 01:01:53,330 --> 01:01:56,172 This was a complicated topic, that you have, 1101 01:01:56,172 --> 01:01:57,630 and then we are going to summarize. 1102 01:01:58,970 --> 01:02:02,184 Does anybody have a question about motion parallax, 1103 01:02:02,184 --> 01:02:03,100 stereopsis, and so on? 1104 01:02:06,700 --> 01:02:09,540 Let me maybe add one more important factor. 1105 01:02:11,080 --> 01:02:15,655 Your eyes are separated only by so many centimeters. 1106 01:02:16,880 --> 01:02:18,425 Now, can you think of an animal where 1107 01:02:18,425 --> 01:02:19,800 there's a much larger separation? 1108 01:02:21,064 --> 01:02:22,122 AUDIENCE: Hammerheads. 1109 01:02:22,122 --> 01:02:23,455 PROFESSOR: The hammerhead shark. 1110 01:02:25,210 --> 01:02:29,170 Yeah, that has a separation of over a foot between the two 1111 01:02:29,170 --> 01:02:29,870 eyes. 1112 01:02:29,870 --> 01:02:33,360 And so you could ask the question, why on earth did 1113 01:02:33,360 --> 01:02:36,460 that animal evolve to such a huge separation between the two 1114 01:02:36,460 --> 01:02:36,960 eyes? 1115 01:02:40,260 --> 01:02:43,565 Well, that brings one to yet another interesting point. 1116 01:02:48,760 --> 01:02:52,080 This I think may have started during the Second World War. 1117 01:02:55,440 --> 01:02:59,460 It was realized that when you're flying 1118 01:02:59,460 --> 01:03:03,210 over some territory, where there are all kinds of weapons 1119 01:03:03,210 --> 01:03:07,910 and whatnot, which are well camouflaged, 1120 01:03:07,910 --> 01:03:11,630 that just looking down at them, you can't see them. 1121 01:03:12,800 --> 01:03:14,730 But obviously if you're going to have a tank 1122 01:03:14,730 --> 01:03:23,800 or you're going to have a gun or other that may be more 1123 01:03:23,800 --> 01:03:28,620 like a cannon, it sticks out of the ground. 1124 01:03:28,620 --> 01:03:36,180 So it was discovered that if you had in your airplane 1125 01:03:36,180 --> 01:03:39,140 two lenses which are far apart, that 1126 01:03:39,140 --> 01:03:41,510 would greatly magnify the depth. 1127 01:03:41,510 --> 01:03:43,890 You could defeat that camouflage. 1128 01:03:43,890 --> 01:03:45,785 And you could find those weapons down there 1129 01:03:45,785 --> 01:03:48,160 by virtue of the fact they're sticking out of the ground. 1130 01:03:49,750 --> 01:03:56,710 So the fact then is that the more you separate the images 1131 01:03:56,710 --> 01:04:00,970 from the two eyes, if you will, or your two cameras, 1132 01:04:00,970 --> 01:04:04,800 the more likely it is that you can calculate 1133 01:04:04,800 --> 01:04:08,840 the disparity of information between the two images. 1134 01:04:08,840 --> 01:04:16,330 So that then is probably one of the reasons, not 1135 01:04:16,330 --> 01:04:19,050 the sole reason, but maybe one of the reasons 1136 01:04:19,050 --> 01:04:23,400 why, in some animals, is an excessive separation 1137 01:04:23,400 --> 01:04:24,530 between the two eyes. 1138 01:04:25,770 --> 01:04:28,780 And that brings me to get me to yet another point, which 1139 01:04:28,780 --> 01:04:33,380 is that stereopsis actually works best at relatively 1140 01:04:33,380 --> 01:04:36,070 short distances, like threading a needle. 1141 01:04:37,280 --> 01:04:42,760 It doesn't work too well beyond, I don't know, 10 feet or so. 1142 01:04:43,875 --> 01:04:46,404 It becomes progressively less effective. 1143 01:04:46,404 --> 01:04:48,195 But at short distance, it's very effective. 1144 01:04:49,380 --> 01:04:51,590 And so I presume also many animals 1145 01:04:51,590 --> 01:04:58,400 that have to hunt for food are able to utilize 1146 01:04:58,400 --> 01:05:00,550 the mechanism of stereopsis, because everything 1147 01:05:00,550 --> 01:05:04,830 is at a close distance when they hunt for food on the ground. 1148 01:05:06,515 --> 01:05:11,920 And by contrast, when you talk about motion parallax, 1149 01:05:11,920 --> 01:05:15,535 that works extremely well over very long distances. 1150 01:05:18,290 --> 01:05:21,400 So does anybody have any questions about motion parallax 1151 01:05:21,400 --> 01:05:23,640 or about steropsis? 1152 01:05:26,580 --> 01:05:28,410 Oh, once again, I'm crystal clear, huh? 1153 01:05:29,460 --> 01:05:31,610 So, therefore, I think it's time for us 1154 01:05:31,610 --> 01:05:33,900 to summarize what we had covered today. 1155 01:05:33,900 --> 01:05:37,213 First of all, there are numerous mechanisms 1156 01:05:37,213 --> 01:05:41,550 that have emerged for analyzing depth. 1157 01:05:41,550 --> 01:05:47,190 And they include the ocular motor cues, which are vergence 1158 01:05:47,190 --> 01:05:51,220 an accommodation and then the binocular cue of stereopsis 1159 01:05:51,220 --> 01:05:53,969 and then the monocular cues of parallax shading 1160 01:05:53,969 --> 01:05:54,635 and perspective. 1161 01:05:56,040 --> 01:05:58,205 Then you have several cortical structures 1162 01:05:58,205 --> 01:06:00,180 that process stereopsis. 1163 01:06:00,180 --> 01:06:03,570 You don't have one specific brain area 1164 01:06:03,570 --> 01:06:05,020 that uniquely does this. 1165 01:06:06,140 --> 01:06:10,240 The number of disparities that are represented in the brain, 1166 01:06:10,240 --> 01:06:13,270 as studies in the area of the one by John [? Porgio, ?] 1167 01:06:13,270 --> 01:06:14,360 is limited. 1168 01:06:14,360 --> 01:06:17,840 And maybe, maybe four, but there may be six, 1169 01:06:17,840 --> 01:06:21,650 but certainly there are not a large number of them. 1170 01:06:21,650 --> 01:06:24,720 And so it's analogous to the way things 1171 01:06:24,720 --> 01:06:28,430 had been resolved for us to be able to process color. 1172 01:06:29,680 --> 01:06:32,370 Utilizing motion parallax for depth processing 1173 01:06:32,370 --> 01:06:36,250 necessitates neuron specific for direction, velocity, 1174 01:06:36,250 --> 01:06:38,150 and differential velocity. 1175 01:06:38,150 --> 01:06:45,090 Several areas getting V1 and MT process motion parallax, 1176 01:06:45,090 --> 01:06:46,190 which I did not say. 1177 01:06:46,190 --> 01:06:51,110 But indeed, if you make a lesion in area MT, 1178 01:06:51,110 --> 01:06:54,506 you go get a deficit in motion parallax, even 1179 01:06:54,506 --> 01:06:57,700 thought you don't get a major deficit in steropsis. 1180 01:06:59,130 --> 01:07:01,990 Now, area MT combines the analysis 1181 01:07:01,990 --> 01:07:05,700 of motion parallax, depth, and flicker. 1182 01:07:05,700 --> 01:07:07,960 However, these analyses are also carried out 1183 01:07:07,960 --> 01:07:10,850 by several other structures as I've already said. 1184 01:07:10,850 --> 01:07:13,100 And lastly, little is know at present 1185 01:07:13,100 --> 01:07:16,810 about the manner in which information about shading 1186 01:07:16,810 --> 01:07:19,490 and prospective are analyzed in the brain. 1187 01:07:19,490 --> 01:07:23,640 And hopefully, that will be one of the future tasks 1188 01:07:23,640 --> 01:07:25,170 by neuroscientists. 1189 01:07:25,170 --> 01:07:30,900 And so if any of you ever get involved in neuroscience, 1190 01:07:30,900 --> 01:07:33,170 this certainly is a big open area 1191 01:07:33,170 --> 01:07:37,396 that we hope people will start to analyze. 1192 01:07:41,260 --> 01:07:46,800 So that then is the essence of what I wanted to cover today. 1193 01:07:46,800 --> 01:07:50,230 And once again, if any of you has a question, please, 1194 01:07:50,230 --> 01:07:51,560 please don't hesitate to ask. 1195 01:07:51,560 --> 01:07:53,490 I'll be very happy to answer them. 1196 01:07:58,890 --> 01:08:03,750 OK, lastly then, did everybody sign the attendance sheet? 1197 01:08:03,750 --> 01:08:07,470 If not, please come up after the class and sign your name to it. 1198 01:08:08,731 --> 01:08:09,230 Very good. 1199 01:08:09,230 --> 01:08:11,100 So next time then, we are going to talk 1200 01:08:11,100 --> 01:08:13,530 about pattern perception. 1201 01:08:13,530 --> 01:08:18,279 And hopefully you will find that also interesting.