1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,000 The following content is provided by MIT OpenCourseWare 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:06,000 under a Creative Commons license. 3 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:10,000 Additional information about our license and MIT 4 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:15,000 OpenCourseWare in general is available at ocw.mit.edu. 5 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:20,000 We were talking about the energies of the various states 6 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:25,000 in a multi-electron atom. And the question is, 7 00:00:25,000 --> 00:00:29,000 how do we know what these energies are, 8 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:34,000 experimentally? And the technique that we use 9 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:39,000 to know those energies is something called photoelectron 10 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:41,000 spectroscopy. In principle, 11 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:46,000 it is the same kind of spectroscopy as when we talked 12 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:51,000 about photoemission from a solid, the photoelectron effect 13 00:00:51,000 --> 00:00:54,000 explained by Einstein. And, by the way, 14 00:00:54,000 --> 00:00:59,000 I put on the website an article that is really very clear about 15 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:04,000 what Einstein's contributions were. 16 00:01:04,000 --> 00:01:07,000 In particular, in explaining the photoelectric 17 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:10,000 effect. And it has some sociology in 18 00:01:10,000 --> 00:01:12,000 it, too. It is a really easy-to-read 19 00:01:12,000 --> 00:01:15,000 article. I encourage you to take a look 20 00:01:15,000 --> 00:01:18,000 at it as a study break sometime. Anyway. 21 00:01:18,000 --> 00:01:23,000 The idea here is the same, the photoelectron spectroscopy 22 00:01:23,000 --> 00:01:28,000 off of atoms and molecules. It is the same thing as the 23 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:33,000 photoelectron emission from a solid, in that you send in a 24 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:37,000 photon and that causes an electron to be ejected. 25 00:01:37,000 --> 00:01:42,000 But, unlike the solid where we essentially had just one state 26 00:01:42,000 --> 00:01:46,000 at a particular energy, in an atom or a molecule, 27 00:01:46,000 --> 00:01:51,000 we have many different states with many different energies. 28 00:01:51,000 --> 00:01:56,000 And what we typically do, then, is we send in a photon 29 00:01:56,000 --> 00:02:02,000 that will be able to ionize all of those electrons. 30 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:07,000 That is, it is a photon with enough energy to rip off even 31 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:09,000 the most strongly bound electron. 32 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:14,000 And so, that photon is typically an X-ray photon. 33 00:02:14,000 --> 00:02:18,000 For example, we take this unsuspecting neon 34 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:22,000 atom, and we bring in an X-ray photon and make neon plus. 35 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:26,000 And one of the electrons that 36 00:02:26,000 --> 00:02:30,000 can come off is, of course, the 2p electron, 37 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:34,000 here, so that the ion configuration is 38 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:39,000 1s 2 2s 2 2p 5. And then, of course, 39 00:02:39,000 --> 00:02:44,000 another possible electron to be pulled off is that 2s electron. 40 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:48,000 The electron configuration is 1s 2 2s 1 2p 6. 41 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:50,000 And then, finally, 42 00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:55,000 if the photon has enough energy, we can pull off the 1s 43 00:02:55,000 --> 00:02:58,000 electron, to make the 1s 1 2s 2 configuration, 44 00:02:58,000 --> 00:03:03,000 2s 2p6 configuration. 45 00:03:03,000 --> 00:03:07,000 And what we then do in this technique is we measure the 46 00:03:07,000 --> 00:03:11,000 kinetic energies of all the electrons that come off. 47 00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:16,000 We measure the kinetic energies and disperse them so that we get 48 00:03:16,000 --> 00:03:20,000 a plot of the number of electrons with a particular 49 00:03:20,000 --> 00:03:23,000 kinetic energy. The plot is what I show you 50 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:29,000 here, number of electrons versus the kinetic energy. 51 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:34,000 And what you see is that we have three kinetic energies that 52 00:03:34,000 --> 00:03:37,000 show up. We have electrons with three 53 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:42,000 different kinetic energies. We have three different kinetic 54 00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:46,000 energies because in neon, we had three states with 55 00:03:46,000 --> 00:03:50,000 different energies. So, for example, 56 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:53,000 this energy, 384 eV, that corresponds to the 57 00:03:53,000 --> 00:03:59,000 electrons that were pulled off, electrons that were in that 1s 58 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:03,000 state. That is the most strongly bound 59 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:04,000 state. For example, 60 00:04:04,000 --> 00:04:07,000 if this is the energy of our incident photon, 61 00:04:07,000 --> 00:04:10,000 and then this is the ionization energy, which is going to be 62 00:04:10,000 --> 00:04:14,000 largest for the 1s electron because it is most strongly 63 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:17,000 bound, well, then, the energy difference between 64 00:04:17,000 --> 00:04:21,000 the incident energy and that ionization energy is the kinetic 65 00:04:21,000 --> 00:04:24,000 energy of the electron. That is the leftover energy 66 00:04:24,000 --> 00:04:29,000 that goes into the kinetic energy of the electron. 67 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:33,000 That is going to be smallest because that 1s electron is most 68 00:04:33,000 --> 00:04:36,000 strongly bound. Then we have this kinetic 69 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:40,000 energy here, electrons with that kinetic energy were electrons 70 00:04:40,000 --> 00:04:44,000 sitting in the 2s state. That has higher kinetic energy 71 00:04:44,000 --> 00:04:47,000 because they are less strongly bound. 72 00:04:47,000 --> 00:04:50,000 This is the energy of the incident photon. 73 00:04:50,000 --> 00:04:53,000 This is the ionization energy of that 2s electron. 74 00:04:53,000 --> 00:04:57,000 That leftover energy, then, is that kinetic energy. 75 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:00,000 And then, finally, this is the feature that 76 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:05,000 represents the electrons in the 2p state. 77 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:09,000 They are least strongly bound. If this is the incident energy, 78 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:13,000 this is that ionization energy for the 2p state. 79 00:05:13,000 --> 00:05:17,000 All of this energy is leftover to go into kinetic energy of 80 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:21,000 that 2p electron moving away from the atom. 81 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:24,000 And so, in general, as the kinetic energy goes up, 82 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:30,000 the binding energy here is getting less and less negative. 83 00:05:30,000 --> 00:05:32,000 It is getting weaker and weaker. 84 00:05:32,000 --> 00:05:35,000 Or, in other words, as the kinetic energy goes up, 85 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:39,000 the binding energy is getting more negative in this direction. 86 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:42,000 Very quickly, if you look at a photoelectron 87 00:05:42,000 --> 00:05:47,000 spectrum and you see three lines like this, you know you have 88 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:50,000 three states at three different energies. 89 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:54,000 And you always know that the highest kinetic energy means the 90 00:05:54,000 --> 00:05:58,000 least strongly bound electron, the lowest kinetic energy means 91 00:05:58,000 --> 00:06:02,000 the most strongly bound electron. 92 00:06:02,000 --> 00:06:05,000 And then, we can use these results to actually calculate 93 00:06:05,000 --> 00:06:09,000 the binding energies of the electrons by conservation of 94 00:06:09,000 --> 00:06:12,000 energy. And this you have to know for 95 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:14,000 the exam. Incident energy is that 96 00:06:14,000 --> 00:06:18,000 ionization energy or the work function, in the case of the 97 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:22,000 solid, plus the kinetic energy. Or, I can turn this around. 98 00:06:22,000 --> 00:06:25,000 I can solve for the ionization energy. 99 00:06:25,000 --> 00:06:30,000 That will be the incident energy, which is right here. 100 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:33,000 This is the energy of that X-ray photon, 101 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:37,000 1,253 eV, minus the kinetic energies that we actually 102 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:42,000 measure, which are going to give us those ionization energies for 103 00:06:42,000 --> 00:06:46,000 each one of the electrons in their corresponding state. 104 00:06:46,000 --> 00:06:50,000 And then, once we have those ionization energies, 105 00:06:50,000 --> 00:06:54,000 it is easy to turn it into a binding energy because that 106 00:06:54,000 --> 00:07:00,000 ionization energy is equal to minus that binding energy. 107 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:04,000 For example, since the ionization energy, 108 00:07:04,000 --> 00:07:08,000 the 1s electron, is 870 eV, the binding energy 109 00:07:08,000 --> 00:07:12,000 of that 1s electron is minus eV. 110 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:17,000 And I also want you to notice just how much more strongly 111 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:23,000 bound that electron in the 1s state is compared to the 112 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:26,000 electrons in the n equals 2 shell. 113 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:32,000 That is because that n equals 1 shell is much closer in to the 114 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:40,000 nucleus, where that attractive interaction is much stronger. 115 00:07:40,000 --> 00:07:42,000 And, therefore, this electron is much more 116 00:07:42,000 --> 00:07:46,000 strongly bound than those electrons in the n equals 2 117 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:48,000 state. Of course, 2s is lower in 118 00:07:48,000 --> 00:07:50,000 energy than 2p, and that is important. 119 00:07:50,000 --> 00:07:54,000 This is because in the 2s state, you have a finite 120 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:57,000 probability of being really close to the nucleus. 121 00:07:57,000 --> 00:08:01,000 That is what makes that 2s a little bit lower in energy than 122 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:07,000 the 2p. Now, what we are going to do is 123 00:08:07,000 --> 00:08:14,000 I am going to start lecturing about trends in the Periodic 124 00:08:14,000 --> 00:08:22,000 Table, and this is where the questions come for your section. 125 00:08:22,000 --> 00:08:27,000 Oh, okay. Do you have any extra paper? 126 00:08:27,000 --> 00:08:32,000 Not much. Well, the way you were going to 127 00:08:32,000 --> 00:08:38,000 be able to answer a question for your recitation was by making a 128 00:08:38,000 --> 00:08:43,000 paper airplane and launching it to the blackboard after I say 129 00:08:43,000 --> 00:08:46,000 launch. And the first paper airplane to 130 00:08:46,000 --> 00:08:50,000 hit the blackboard, well, you will have the 131 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:53,000 opportunity to answer the question. 132 00:08:53,000 --> 00:08:58,000 Your recitation will have that opportunity to answer the 133 00:08:58,000 --> 00:09:02,000 question. And we will keep score. 134 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:07,000 Now, we are kind of running out of extra paper. 135 00:09:07,000 --> 00:09:14,000 You can take the one page that asks for the seating plan that 136 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:20,000 you will not need again, as a piece of paper to make an 137 00:09:20,000 --> 00:09:25,000 airplane. Do you have any other paper? 138 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:30,000 Here are a couple of extra pages. 139 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:34,000 Also, if you need some, there are some paper airplanes 140 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:38,000 up here. You are welcome to take those. 141 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:46,000 Okay. Some of you are more 142 00:09:46,000 --> 00:09:51,000 strategically placed than others, and so you may want to 143 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:56,000 designate someone in your recitation section as a launcher 144 00:09:56,000 --> 00:10:03,000 and send them down here so that everybody gets an equal chance. 145 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:06,000 That is fine with me. And, as I said, 146 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:09,000 if anybody wants a paper airplane. 147 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:13,000 Oh, also the other thing, write your recitation section 148 00:10:13,000 --> 00:10:19,000 number on the airplane so that I can identify which airplane and 149 00:10:19,000 --> 00:10:24,000 what section it comes from. And they have to be airplanes. 150 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:28,000 They cannot be wads. And here are some extra 151 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:31,000 airplanes if you want. 152 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:43,000 You can take some and pass them back if you want. 153 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:48,000 While you are doing that, I am going to start lecturing 154 00:10:48,000 --> 00:10:52,000 here about trends in the Periodic Table. 155 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:05,000 And, of course, it is these electron 156 00:11:05,000 --> 00:11:09,000 configurations that allow us to understand the trends in the 157 00:11:09,000 --> 00:11:13,000 Periodic Table. But you should realize that the 158 00:11:13,000 --> 00:11:18,000 Periodic Table was initially put together by Mendeleev and others 159 00:11:18,000 --> 00:11:21,000 in 1850-1870. And it was put together on the 160 00:11:21,000 --> 00:11:25,000 basis of the similarity of the chemical and physical properties 161 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:28,000 of the elements. For example, 162 00:11:28,000 --> 00:11:32,000 lithium, sodium, potassium, they were put in the 163 00:11:32,000 --> 00:11:36,000 same column because those elements are all soft, 164 00:11:36,000 --> 00:11:39,000 malleable elements that were very reactive. 165 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:43,000 Helium, neon, argon were put in the same 166 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:47,000 column because they are all atoms that are very unreactive. 167 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:51,000 And, of course, today, we understand why their 168 00:11:51,000 --> 00:11:55,000 properties are what they are. And we understand it on the 169 00:11:55,000 --> 00:12:00,000 basis of the electron configurations. 170 00:12:00,000 --> 00:12:03,000 Lithium, sodium, potassium, we have this extra 171 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:09,000 valence electron in the s state that makes it very reactive. 172 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:12,000 Helium, neon, argon are very unreactive 173 00:12:12,000 --> 00:12:17,000 because they have this closed shell, this inner gas 174 00:12:17,000 --> 00:12:20,000 configuration. But really, by the late 1800s 175 00:12:20,000 --> 00:12:24,000 and early 1900s, the similar chemical 176 00:12:24,000 --> 00:12:29,000 properties, as you go down a column of the Periodic Table, 177 00:12:29,000 --> 00:12:35,000 was really very firmly believed to an extreme extent. 178 00:12:35,000 --> 00:12:38,000 So strongly, that it was known that, 179 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:43,000 and, of course, human beings ate salt and that 180 00:12:43,000 --> 00:12:48,000 the body had sodium ions in it and potassium ions in it, 181 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:53,000 if that is the case, if you can consume sodium and 182 00:12:53,000 --> 00:12:58,000 potassium, why not a little lithium? 183 00:12:58,000 --> 00:13:01,000 In 1925 or so, there was marketed a soft 184 00:13:01,000 --> 00:13:05,000 drink, and this soft drink wanted a lemon-lime flavor to 185 00:13:05,000 --> 00:13:08,000 it. To get that lemon-lime flavor 186 00:13:08,000 --> 00:13:12,000 they needed a little bit of citric acid, but that is not 187 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:17,000 very soluble in water. To make it soluble you make it 188 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:19,000 a salt. And, for whatever reason, 189 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:22,000 they used lithium citrate. Why not? 190 00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:27,000 Let's use some lithium citrate. And that soft drink was none 191 00:13:27,000 --> 00:13:31,000 other than 7-Up. Honestly. 192 00:13:31,000 --> 00:13:36,000 And, in fact, the benefits of lithium were 193 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:40,000 touted. Lithium was claimed to give the 194 00:13:40,000 --> 00:13:46,000 beverage healthful benefits, an abundance of energy, 195 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:51,000 enthusiasm, clear complexion, lustrous hair, 196 00:13:51,000 --> 00:13:55,000 lustrous eyes, shinning eyes, 197 00:13:55,000 --> 00:14:01,000 and you have got to drink this stuff. 198 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:05,000 It was the market for 25 years until the early 1950s, 199 00:14:05,000 --> 00:14:09,000 when the antipsychotic properties of lithium were 200 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:14,000 beginning to be noticed, along with the severe side 201 00:14:14,000 --> 00:14:18,000 effects of lithium. And it was then taken off the 202 00:14:18,000 --> 00:14:23,000 market, or at least taken off the market with the citrate as 203 00:14:23,000 --> 00:14:28,000 the lithium salt in it. And it was really only another 204 00:14:28,000 --> 00:14:32,000 20 years, 1970, before lithium was actually 205 00:14:32,000 --> 00:14:36,000 approved as a drug for the treatment of antipsychotic 206 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:40,000 behavior. I don't know how many 207 00:14:40,000 --> 00:14:44,000 individuals suffered the side effects of lithium from drinking 208 00:14:44,000 --> 00:14:47,000 too much 7-Up, but there is a moral to this 209 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:49,000 story. And the moral, 210 00:14:49,000 --> 00:14:53,000 of course, is that even though we are about to talk about the 211 00:14:53,000 --> 00:14:56,000 general trends along a column of a Periodic Table, 212 00:14:56,000 --> 00:15:00,000 don't put any element in your mouth just because it is in the 213 00:15:00,000 --> 00:15:06,000 same column of the Period Table as some element you do eat. 214 00:15:06,000 --> 00:15:11,000 This is a for real story. One of the properties we are 215 00:15:11,000 --> 00:15:15,000 going to talk about is the ionization energy. 216 00:15:15,000 --> 00:15:21,000 And we have already used the word ionization energy quite a 217 00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:27,000 lot, but let me just formalize the definitions here. 218 00:15:27,000 --> 00:15:30,000 For example, we have a boron atom being 219 00:15:30,000 --> 00:15:32,000 ionized. The energy difference between 220 00:15:32,000 --> 00:15:37,000 the products and the reactions here is that ionization energy. 221 00:15:37,000 --> 00:15:42,000 But this ionization energy is minus the binding energy of the 222 00:15:42,000 --> 00:15:46,000 2p electron in boron. That is what that ionization 223 00:15:46,000 --> 00:15:49,000 energy is. We are ripping off the least 224 00:15:49,000 --> 00:15:53,000 strongly bound electron. And when we rip off the least 225 00:15:53,000 --> 00:15:57,000 strongly bound electron, we call that the first 226 00:15:57,000 --> 00:16:02,000 ionization energy. That is the energy to remove 227 00:16:02,000 --> 00:16:06,000 the electron from the highest occupied atomic orbital. 228 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:10,000 That is the same idea, the highest occupied atomic 229 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:14,000 orbital, that is the same idea as the least strongly bound 230 00:16:14,000 --> 00:16:17,000 electron. However, most of the time, 231 00:16:17,000 --> 00:16:22,000 when we talk about ionization energy, we don't use the word 232 00:16:22,000 --> 00:16:25,000 first. If you see a list of ionization 233 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:29,000 energies, if you see a table of ionization energies, 234 00:16:29,000 --> 00:16:33,000 they don't say first. That first is implied. 235 00:16:33,000 --> 00:16:36,000 Now, of course, there are other kinds of 236 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:39,000 ionization energies. For example, 237 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:43,000 the second ionization energy. We can keep going here. 238 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:47,000 We can take boron plus, rip off the next least strongly 239 00:16:47,000 --> 00:16:51,000 bound electron to make boron plus 2. 240 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:55,000 That energy change is what we define as a second ionization 241 00:16:55,000 --> 00:16:58,000 energy. That second ionization energy 242 00:16:58,000 --> 00:17:02,000 is minus the binding energy of the 2s electron in boron plus. 243 00:17:02,000 --> 00:17:04,000 And we can keep going. 244 00:17:04,000 --> 00:17:08,000 There is a third ionization energy, taking another electron 245 00:17:08,000 --> 00:17:11,000 from boron plus 2 to boron plus 3. 246 00:17:11,000 --> 00:17:14,000 And there is a fourth ionization energy, 247 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:17,000 boron plus 3 to boron plus 4. 248 00:17:17,000 --> 00:17:20,000 And a fifth ionization energy, boron plus 4, 249 00:17:20,000 --> 00:17:23,000 boron plus 5, all the way down. 250 00:17:23,000 --> 00:17:25,000 And now we are the bare nucleus. 251 00:17:25,000 --> 00:17:28,000 That is our definition of ionization energy, 252 00:17:28,000 --> 00:17:32,000 second, third, fourth, and fifth. 253 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:38,000 Now comes the first question, and the question is going to be 254 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:43,000 on the side boards here. We have this reaction. 255 00:17:43,000 --> 00:17:50,000 This is boron plus going to boron plus 2. 256 00:17:50,000 --> 00:17:55,000 What we are doing here is removing a 2s electron. 257 00:17:55,000 --> 00:18:02,000 [LAUGHTER] Remember about the 258 00:18:02,000 --> 00:18:08,000 fool aiming for their chemistry professor? 259 00:18:16,000 --> 00:18:20,000 Look at the second reaction here, boron to boron plus. 260 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:23,000 Again, we are pulling off a 2s 261 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:26,000 electron. And the question is, 262 00:18:26,000 --> 00:18:30,000 are these two energies equal? Now, the way we are going to 263 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:34,000 answer it is after I get out of the way, I am going to say 264 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:36,000 launch. You are going to launch. 265 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:39,000 And the first paper airplane to hit the blackboard, 266 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:42,000 we are going to look at that recitation number and you are 267 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:44,000 going to have a chance to answer. 268 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:47,000 Are you ready? Launch. 269 00:18:55,000 --> 00:19:00,000 Recitation four. Are these two energies equal? 270 00:19:00,000 --> 00:19:02,000 That is you. 271 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:10,000 Are these two energies equal? No. 272 00:19:10,000 --> 00:19:13,000 Final answer? Yes, they are right. 273 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:19,000 One point for recitation four. These energies are not equal. 274 00:19:19,000 --> 00:19:22,000 Why? Well, because this ionization 275 00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:25,000 energy is the second ionization energy. It is 276 00:19:25,000 --> 00:19:31,000 minus the binding energy of the 2s electron in boron plus. 277 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:36,000 This energy is the ionization 278 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:39,000 energy of the 2s electron in boron. 279 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:46,000 It is minus the binding energy of the 2s electron in boron. 280 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:49,000 They are not equal. Next question. 281 00:19:49,000 --> 00:19:54,000 Which one of these binding energies is greater? 282 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:58,000 Wait. I am getting out of the way. 283 00:19:58,000 --> 00:20:02,000 Are you ready? In position. 284 00:20:02,000 --> 00:20:04,000 Launch. 285 00:20:09,000 --> 00:20:12,000 Recitation eight. Where are you, 286 00:20:12,000 --> 00:20:16,000 eight? You are over here. 287 00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:20,000 Eight does not want to identify itself. 288 00:20:20,000 --> 00:20:24,000 All right. Which one is greater, 289 00:20:24,000 --> 00:20:27,000 top or bottom? Top. 290 00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:32,000 Final answer? Boy, you are right. 291 00:20:32,000 --> 00:20:36,000 Top one is greater. Recitation eight. 292 00:20:36,000 --> 00:20:43,000 It is greater because the effective charge in boron plus 293 00:20:43,000 --> 00:20:50,000 is larger than it is in boron. There are fewer electrons for 294 00:20:50,000 --> 00:20:55,000 shielding. The effective charge is larger. 295 00:20:55,000 --> 00:21:02,000 That binding energy is greater. Or, that ionization energy 296 00:21:02,000 --> 00:21:06,000 here, the way I write it, is greater. 297 00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:10,000 Fantastic. Now, we are going to look at 298 00:21:10,000 --> 00:21:17,000 some trends in the ionization energy along the Periodic Table. 299 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:22,000 The first question is, here is the Periodic Table, 300 00:21:22,000 --> 00:21:28,000 as we go across it, what happens to that ionization 301 00:21:28,000 --> 00:21:31,000 energy? Wait. 302 00:21:31,000 --> 00:21:36,000 Are we in position? Ready? 303 00:21:36,000 --> 00:21:39,000 Launch. 304 00:21:45,000 --> 00:21:49,000 Recitation five. What happens to the ionization 305 00:21:49,000 --> 00:21:54,000 energy as you go across the Periodic Table? 306 00:21:54,000 --> 00:21:57,000 Is that five? Is that your answer, 307 00:21:57,000 --> 00:21:59,000 five? 308 00:22:05,000 --> 00:22:11,000 What happens to the ionization energy as you go across the 309 00:22:11,000 --> 00:22:15,000 Periodic Table from here to here? 310 00:22:15,000 --> 00:22:18,000 It increases. You are right, 311 00:22:18,000 --> 00:22:22,000 recitation five. Here is the trend. 312 00:22:22,000 --> 00:22:26,000 Here is row one, from hydrogen to helium. 313 00:22:26,000 --> 00:22:32,000 Here is row two, from lithium to neon. 314 00:22:32,000 --> 00:22:35,000 It increases. It increases because, 315 00:22:35,000 --> 00:22:41,000 as you go across the Periodic Table here, Z increases. 316 00:22:41,000 --> 00:22:45,000 The nuclear charge increases. But, of course, 317 00:22:45,000 --> 00:22:50,000 there is another parameter here, and that is r. 318 00:22:50,000 --> 00:22:55,000 But, as you go across the Periodic Table right here, 319 00:22:55,000 --> 00:23:00,000 you are putting electrons into the same shell, 320 00:23:00,000 --> 00:23:05,000 essentially. You are putting those electrons 321 00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:09,000 into shells that have, roughly speaking, 322 00:23:09,000 --> 00:23:12,000 the same distance of r from the nucleus. 323 00:23:12,000 --> 00:23:18,000 And so the factor that wins out is Z, the effective charge here. 324 00:23:18,000 --> 00:23:23,000 And the ionization energy as you go across then increases. 325 00:23:23,000 --> 00:23:27,000 But you also see that there are some glitches. 326 00:23:27,000 --> 00:23:33,000 You see that boron is a little bit lower energy than -- 327 00:23:38,000 --> 00:23:42,000 What did I want to say here? I'm sorry. 328 00:23:42,000 --> 00:23:46,000 I am looking at it from the side. 329 00:23:46,000 --> 00:23:51,000 Here is the electron configuration of beryllium. 330 00:23:51,000 --> 00:23:56,000 Here it is, boron, Z equals 5. 331 00:24:02,000 --> 00:24:04,000 What you see, here, is that in boron, 332 00:24:04,000 --> 00:24:09,000 you have to put that extra electron into the 2p state, 333 00:24:09,000 --> 00:24:11,000 which requires some more energy. 334 00:24:11,000 --> 00:24:16,000 The bottom line is that the nuclear charge does not increase 335 00:24:16,000 --> 00:24:20,000 fast enough to compensate completely for the extra energy 336 00:24:20,000 --> 00:24:24,000 that you need to have to get to this 2p state. 337 00:24:24,000 --> 00:24:28,000 Boron has a little bit lower ionization energy than 338 00:24:28,000 --> 00:24:32,000 beryllium. And to see another glitch, 339 00:24:32,000 --> 00:24:37,000 that other glitch is between nitrogen and oxygen. 340 00:24:37,000 --> 00:24:43,000 Again, we can understand that glitch by the electron 341 00:24:43,000 --> 00:24:46,000 configuration. Here is nitrogen, 342 00:24:46,000 --> 00:24:49,000 Z equals 7. Here is oxygen, 343 00:24:49,000 --> 00:24:53,000 Z equals 8. And the bottom line here is 344 00:24:53,000 --> 00:24:57,000 that in oxygen, you have to put an electron in 345 00:24:57,000 --> 00:25:04,000 a state in which there already is an electron. 346 00:25:04,000 --> 00:25:06,000 That is a repulsive interaction. 347 00:25:06,000 --> 00:25:11,000 Again, the increase in the nuclear charge just is not large 348 00:25:11,000 --> 00:25:16,000 enough to fully compensate for that repulsive interaction. 349 00:25:16,000 --> 00:25:21,000 We can understand those little glitches in terms of these 350 00:25:21,000 --> 00:25:24,000 electron configurations. And, in general, 351 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:29,000 here, that ionization increases as we go across the Periodic 352 00:25:29,000 --> 00:25:32,000 Table. Here is the third row. 353 00:25:32,000 --> 00:25:36,000 You also see there are glitches in the third row. 354 00:25:36,000 --> 00:25:41,000 You see there is a glitch between magnesium and aluminum. 355 00:25:41,000 --> 00:25:45,000 They are right underneath beryllium and boron. 356 00:25:45,000 --> 00:25:48,000 A glitch between phosphorous and sulfur. 357 00:25:48,000 --> 00:25:51,000 They are right underneath nitrogen and oxygen. 358 00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:55,000 For the same reason, there is a glitch at those 359 00:25:55,000 --> 00:26:01,000 elements in the second row. Now, the next question. 360 00:26:01,000 --> 00:26:09,000 As we go down a column of the Periodic Table, 361 00:26:09,000 --> 00:26:16,000 what happens to the ionization energy? 362 00:26:16,000 --> 00:26:18,000 Wait. Ready? 363 00:26:18,000 --> 00:26:20,000 Set? Launch. 364 00:26:20,000 --> 00:26:26,000 Five. What happens to the ionization 365 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:30,000 energy? What? 366 00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:33,000 Decreases. You are right, 367 00:26:33,000 --> 00:26:37,000 recitation five. Why does it decrease? 368 00:26:37,000 --> 00:26:43,000 It decreases because? Well, it decreases because you 369 00:26:43,000 --> 00:26:50,000 are putting electrons into shells that are farther and 370 00:26:50,000 --> 00:26:57,000 farther away from the nucleus. Yes, as you go down the column, 371 00:26:57,000 --> 00:27:02,000 Z increases. But it does not increase fast 372 00:27:02,000 --> 00:27:07,000 enough as r increases. Remember there are the two 373 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:11,000 factors, Z and r. Although Z increases, 374 00:27:11,000 --> 00:27:17,000 you are putting the electrons into shells that are farther 375 00:27:17,000 --> 00:27:21,000 from the nucleus. Therefore, that attractive 376 00:27:21,000 --> 00:27:26,000 interaction does go down, and the ionization energy goes 377 00:27:26,000 --> 00:27:29,000 down. Great. 378 00:27:29,000 --> 00:27:33,000 Now, we are going to talk about another property. 379 00:27:33,000 --> 00:27:38,000 That other property is called the electron affinity. 380 00:27:38,000 --> 00:27:42,000 For example, if I take chlorine and add an 381 00:27:42,000 --> 00:27:46,000 electron to it to make chlorine minus. 382 00:27:46,000 --> 00:27:51,000 There is an energy change here. That energy change, 383 00:27:51,000 --> 00:27:56,000 delta E, is equal to minus kilojoules per mole. 384 00:27:56,000 --> 00:28:02,000 That is, the fact that this 385 00:28:02,000 --> 00:28:08,000 energy change is negative, this tells you that the 386 00:28:08,000 --> 00:28:13,000 chlorine ion is more stable than the neutral atom. 387 00:28:13,000 --> 00:28:19,000 Now, in terms of an equation, what is the definition here of 388 00:28:19,000 --> 00:28:24,000 the electron affinity? That is the next question. 389 00:28:24,000 --> 00:28:29,000 Are you ready to launch? Launch. 390 00:28:34,000 --> 00:28:36,000 Recitation eight. Where are you? 391 00:28:36,000 --> 00:28:39,000 You are right here. No, you are right there. 392 00:28:39,000 --> 00:28:43,000 Recitation eight, what is the definition of the 393 00:28:43,000 --> 00:28:45,000 electron affinity? 394 00:28:50,000 --> 00:28:55,000 TAs cannot help. Energy required to add an 395 00:28:55,000 --> 00:28:59,000 electron, that is -- 396 00:29:09,000 --> 00:29:12,000 Recitation eight, you are right. 397 00:29:12,000 --> 00:29:16,000 It is minus delta E. Fantastic. 398 00:29:16,000 --> 00:29:20,000 This is the delta E for the reason. 399 00:29:20,000 --> 00:29:25,000 The electron affinity is minus that quantity. 400 00:29:25,000 --> 00:29:30,000 The electron affinity, then, of chlorine is 401 00:29:30,000 --> 00:29:36,000 kilojoules per mole. Now, unlike the ionization 402 00:29:36,000 --> 00:29:42,000 energy, the electron affinity can be positive or negative. 403 00:29:42,000 --> 00:29:47,000 For example, if you try to stick an electron 404 00:29:47,000 --> 00:29:52,000 on a nitrogen atom to make N minus, 405 00:29:52,000 --> 00:29:56,000 delta E for that reaction is positive. 406 00:29:56,000 --> 00:30:02,000 It is 7 kilojoules per mole. And so that electron is not 407 00:30:02,000 --> 00:30:06,000 going to stick onto the nitrogen. 408 00:30:06,000 --> 00:30:11,000 The electron affinity in that case is negative. 409 00:30:11,000 --> 00:30:14,000 It is minus 7 kilojoules per mole. 410 00:30:14,000 --> 00:30:20,000 Again, you can understand that in terms of the electron 411 00:30:20,000 --> 00:30:25,000 configuration for the nitrogen. Here is the electron 412 00:30:25,000 --> 00:30:32,000 configuration for nitrogen. If you go and you want to add 413 00:30:32,000 --> 00:30:35,000 in another electron, like right there, 414 00:30:35,000 --> 00:30:37,000 there is a repulsive interaction. 415 00:30:37,000 --> 00:30:39,000 And Z equals 7. In this case, 416 00:30:39,000 --> 00:30:44,000 that nuclear charge is not large enough to compensate for 417 00:30:44,000 --> 00:30:48,000 this repulsive interaction, so the electron affinity, 418 00:30:48,000 --> 00:30:51,000 here, is negative. Noble gases have negative 419 00:30:51,000 --> 00:30:55,000 electron affinities. You cannot add an electron to 420 00:30:55,000 --> 00:30:57,000 that. It is not stable. 421 00:30:57,000 --> 00:31:02,000 Why? Because you are destroying, 422 00:31:02,000 --> 00:31:10,000 in effect, the electronic configuration of the rare gas. 423 00:31:10,000 --> 00:31:17,000 With that, now we want to ask is how does the electron 424 00:31:17,000 --> 00:31:23,000 affinity change as you go across the periodic table? 425 00:31:23,000 --> 00:31:28,000 That is our next question. Wait. 426 00:31:28,000 --> 00:31:31,000 Okay. Ready? 427 00:31:31,000 --> 00:31:34,000 Set? Launch. 428 00:31:41,000 --> 00:31:47,000 Six, where are you? What happens to the electron 429 00:31:47,000 --> 00:31:52,000 affinity as you go across the Periodic Table, 430 00:31:52,000 --> 00:31:56,000 from left to right? Decreases. 431 00:31:56,000 --> 00:32:01,000 Is that your final answer? Yes? 432 00:32:01,000 --> 00:32:05,000 You are wrong. The electron affinity, 433 00:32:05,000 --> 00:32:08,000 as you go across, increases. 434 00:32:08,000 --> 00:32:12,000 The halogens, fluorine, chlorine have very 435 00:32:12,000 --> 00:32:17,000 large electron affinities, because adding an electron 436 00:32:17,000 --> 00:32:21,000 gives you that noble gas configuration. 437 00:32:21,000 --> 00:32:28,000 The electron affinity increases as you go across the Periodic 438 00:32:28,000 --> 00:32:31,000 Table. Now what happens to the 439 00:32:31,000 --> 00:32:35,000 electron affinity as we go down the Periodic Table? 440 00:32:35,000 --> 00:32:39,000 You guys, do you have any paper airplanes? 441 00:32:39,000 --> 00:32:42,000 We have to give you some. Are you okay? 442 00:32:42,000 --> 00:32:46,000 That is our next question. What happens to the electron 443 00:32:46,000 --> 00:32:49,000 affinity as we go down the Periodic Table? 444 00:32:49,000 --> 00:32:50,000 Ready? Set? 445 00:32:50,000 --> 00:32:52,000 Launch. 446 00:33:00,000 --> 00:33:03,000 Recitation four. What does it do? 447 00:33:03,000 --> 00:33:06,000 Does it go down? Decreases. 448 00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:09,000 It absolutely does. 449 00:33:14,000 --> 00:33:17,000 The electron affinity, as you go down, 450 00:33:17,000 --> 00:33:21,000 decreases. It decreases because the 451 00:33:21,000 --> 00:33:25,000 nuclear charge, here, is increasing, 452 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:31,000 but you are putting electrons in shells that are farther away 453 00:33:31,000 --> 00:33:37,000 from the nucleus. The overall effect is that that 454 00:33:37,000 --> 00:33:42,000 r dependence dictates, and the electron affinity goes 455 00:33:42,000 --> 00:33:43,000 down. 456 00:33:48,000 --> 00:33:54,000 Let me do one more here. Or, maybe a couple more. 457 00:33:54,000 --> 00:34:01,000 Now, what I want to ask is about the atomic radius. 458 00:34:07,000 --> 00:34:15,000 And what I want to know is what happens to r as you go across 459 00:34:15,000 --> 00:34:21,000 the Periodic Table. I am getting out of the way. 460 00:34:21,000 --> 00:34:22,000 Wait. Ready? 461 00:34:22,000 --> 00:34:26,000 Set? I haven't said launch yet. 462 00:34:26,000 --> 00:34:28,000 Ready? Set? 463 00:34:28,000 --> 00:34:32,000 Go. Recitation one. 464 00:34:32,000 --> 00:34:36,000 What happens to r? Decreases. 465 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:40,000 It decreases. It goes down. 466 00:34:40,000 --> 00:34:44,000 This is important. It goes down, 467 00:34:44,000 --> 00:34:51,000 here, because Z is increasing. Z is increasing, 468 00:34:51,000 --> 00:35:00,000 and you are putting electrons into the same shell. 469 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:07,000 And so the same shell means the same distance from the nucleus. 470 00:35:07,000 --> 00:35:13,000 Larger Z, the radius actually goes down, the size goes down. 471 00:35:13,000 --> 00:35:20,000 And then, one more question. What happens as you go down the 472 00:35:20,000 --> 00:35:25,000 Periodic Table? I am going to get out of the 473 00:35:25,000 --> 00:35:26,000 way. Ready? 474 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:29,000 Set? Go. 475 00:35:34,000 --> 00:35:45,000 One. It decreases? 476 00:35:45,000 --> 00:36:02,000 What did you say? Increases. 477 00:36:02,000 --> 00:36:37,000 It does increase because you are putting electrons into 478 00:36:37,000 --> 00:37:10,000 shells farther and farther away. What is the score, 479 00:37:10,158 --> 00:37:13,000 Christine? Fantastic.