1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,000 The following content is provided by MIT OpenCourseWare 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:06,000 under a Creative Commons license. 3 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:10,000 Additional information about our license and MIT 4 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:15,000 OpenCourseWare in general is available at ocw.mit.edu. 5 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:18,000 -- dissolved in water, such that there are six water 6 00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:22,000 molecules arranged around the metal in an octahedral array. 7 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:26,000 You will see here that I have colored one of the water 8 00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:30,000 molecule's oxygens in this peach color because we are going to 9 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:34,000 talk about reactions today. In fact, I am going to 10 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:38,000 introduce you to the idea of a potential energy surface for a 11 00:00:38,000 --> 00:00:41,000 reaction. I am taking water substitution 12 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:46,000 as an example and as a context for this, but this very general. 13 00:00:46,000 --> 00:00:50,000 And the same ideas that we are going to be talking about today 14 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:54,000 would apply to reactions in organic chemistry or in 15 00:00:54,000 --> 00:00:56,000 biochemistry. Let's imagine having this 16 00:00:56,000 --> 00:01:00,000 system dissolved in liquid water. 17 00:01:00,000 --> 00:01:04,000 And let's further imagine that we have some way, 18 00:01:04,000 --> 00:01:09,000 perhaps, for isotopic labeling of the oxygens in the water to 19 00:01:09,000 --> 00:01:14,000 differentiate from those that start out on the metal complex. 20 00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:19,000 And so I am differentiating here by using a green color for 21 00:01:19,000 --> 00:01:23,000 the oxygen in a liquid water solvent. 22 00:01:23,000 --> 00:01:27,000 And in this reaction, it is a very simple reaction in 23 00:01:27,000 --> 00:01:32,000 which liquid water from solution, -- 24 00:01:32,000 --> 00:01:36,000 -- we are going to talk about reaction mechanisms today, 25 00:01:36,000 --> 00:01:40,000 somehow will come in and bind to the metal center and displace 26 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:43,000 one water molecule from the metal center. 27 00:01:43,000 --> 00:01:48,000 And I will represent that here by saying that we would lose 28 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:52,000 that one water molecule that I've colored this way. 29 00:01:52,000 --> 00:01:56,000 And that gives us our product, which is very similar to the 30 00:01:56,000 --> 00:02:00,000 starting material in this case, -- 31 00:02:00,000 --> 00:02:04,000 -- except that one water molecule, the one here colored 32 00:02:04,000 --> 00:02:07,000 green, has replaced one of the others. 33 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:19,000 And when we look at this type of reaction as a function of 34 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:24,000 which 3d transition element we have at the center of the 35 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:29,000 octahedron, we find that the time constant for this reaction 36 00:02:29,000 --> 00:02:33,000 taking place varies quite dramatically. 37 00:02:33,000 --> 00:02:38,000 And this is informative with respect both to the mechanism of 38 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:41,000 the reaction, as we will discuss, 39 00:02:41,000 --> 00:02:46,000 and to the electronic structure attributes of the systems that 40 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:50,000 control the way a metal binds to its ligands. 41 00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:54,000 And so, for example, let's make a little table of 42 00:02:54,000 --> 00:02:57,000 the metal n plus. 43 00:03:04,000 --> 00:03:09,000 And we will take the log of the rate constant for the reaction, 44 00:03:09,000 --> 00:03:11,000 which I will denote with this k. 45 00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:15,000 Small k is going to be our rate constant. 46 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:19,000 And the units that we would find for such a rate constant 47 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:24,000 would be reciprocal seconds to describe how fast this takes 48 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:28,000 place. And, if we start down here at 49 00:03:28,000 --> 00:03:34,000 chromium three plus, we would find that the log of 50 00:03:34,000 --> 00:03:37,000 the rate constant is approximately minus 6. 51 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:42,000 And then, if we went to vanadium two plus, 52 00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:45,000 the rate constant log goes to minus 2. 53 00:03:45,000 --> 00:03:50,000 So the reaction is faster than it is for chromium three. 54 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:54,000 And then, if we look at some of 55 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:57,000 the other d ions that are possible here, 56 00:03:57,000 --> 00:04:03,000 we could have chromium two plus or copper two plus. 57 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:08,000 And, for both of those, 58 00:04:08,082 --> 00:00:09,000 the log of the rate constant is 59 00:04:11,000 --> 00:04:14,000 You can see, because I am taking the log of 60 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:19,000 these first order rate constants, the actual rates of 61 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:24,000 these processes differ here by 15 orders of magnitude. 62 00:04:24,000 --> 00:04:30,000 That is an enormous difference. So it is not true that whatever 63 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:34,000 metal ion you have at the center, the rate at which water 64 00:04:34,000 --> 00:04:38,000 comes on and off and it exchanges with water from 65 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:41,000 solution is about the same. It is not. 66 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:45,000 It differs over an enormous range of actual rates, 67 00:04:45,000 --> 00:04:49,000 many orders of magnitude, depending on exactly which 68 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:54,000 metal ion you have here. And so I will classify these as 69 00:04:54,000 --> 00:04:57,000 either slow or fast. And we will say that here, 70 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:01,000 we are slow. And here we are fast. 71 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:04,000 And, of course, there are cases that are 72 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:08,000 somewhat in between. But I will be giving you a 73 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:12,000 little bit of nomenclature that arises from the study of such 74 00:05:12,000 --> 00:05:16,000 ligand substitution rates in a little while. 75 00:05:16,000 --> 00:05:19,000 Here is one type of substitution reaction. 76 00:05:19,000 --> 00:05:23,000 Now, I would like you to consider a different type of 77 00:05:23,000 --> 00:05:26,000 substitution reaction, one that does not have a 78 00:05:26,000 --> 00:05:30,000 product that is essentially identical to the starting 79 00:05:30,000 --> 00:05:36,000 material. And that will be one as shown 80 00:05:36,000 --> 00:05:40,000 here. Let's use the metal tungsten at 81 00:05:40,000 --> 00:05:46,000 the bottom of Group 6, a 5d transition element. 82 00:05:46,000 --> 00:05:54,000 This makes a very stable binary compound with carbon monoxide in 83 00:05:54,000 --> 00:06:01,000 which six carbon monoxide ligands bind to the metal center 84 00:06:01,000 --> 00:06:08,000 at the corners of an octahedron. And in this tungsten 85 00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:13,000 hexacarbonyl system, you are going to find that, 86 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:18,000 as you will be seeing in recitation this week, 87 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:24,000 these CO ligands are pi-acids, they are very high in the 88 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:29,000 spectrochemical series. This leads to a molecule like 89 00:06:29,000 --> 00:06:33,000 this being colorless. 90 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:39,000 It has a large delta O. 91 00:06:44,000 --> 00:06:50,000 And because ligands are pi-acidic and the metal center, 92 00:06:50,000 --> 00:06:54,000 as you will see, this metal center is a d six 93 00:06:54,000 --> 00:06:59,000 pi-base, the metal itself is very 94 00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:06,000 electronically complimentary to its set of six carbon monoxide 95 00:07:06,000 --> 00:07:10,000 ligands. So a system like this is very 96 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:12,000 stable. And what you might like to do 97 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:17,000 is to tag some biomolecule with a tungsten pentacarbonyl 98 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:21,000 fragment, so that you could use the vibrational spectroscopy 99 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:25,000 associated with these CO oscillators to watch some 100 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:30,000 biological process that has that thing attached to it. 101 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:34,000 And one example of a substitution reaction you might 102 00:07:34,000 --> 00:07:38,000 wish to use would be the one shown here. 103 00:07:38,000 --> 00:07:43,000 This ligand that I am currently sketching is one in which we 104 00:07:43,000 --> 00:07:48,000 have a phosphorus with a lone pair and three phenyl groups 105 00:07:48,000 --> 00:07:52,000 attached to it. A phenyl group is a benzene 106 00:07:52,000 --> 00:07:56,000 ring where one of the positions is substituted. 107 00:07:56,000 --> 00:08:00,000 This ligand here, then, is triphenylphosphine, 108 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:07,000 and this is a good ligand for various types of metals. 109 00:08:17,000 --> 00:08:20,000 And, in fact, one of the Nobel laureates that 110 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:23,000 I may have mentioned in passing this semester, 111 00:08:23,000 --> 00:08:27,000 Sir Jeffrey Wilkinson, used triphenylphosphine as a 112 00:08:27,000 --> 00:08:31,000 ligand in the preparation of what is now universally known as 113 00:08:31,000 --> 00:08:35,000 Wilkinson's hydrogenation catalyst. 114 00:08:35,000 --> 00:08:39,000 So this ligand is quite common, indeed, and well-known. 115 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:44,000 And what we might like to do is to replace one carbon monoxide 116 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:47,000 with this triphenylphosphine ligand. 117 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:51,000 That would be a simple substitution reaction. 118 00:08:51,000 --> 00:08:57,000 We would like one equivalent of carbon monoxide to be evolved as 119 00:08:57,000 --> 00:09:02,000 CO gas in this reaction. But we find that we can put 120 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:07,000 tungsten hexacarbonyl in the presence of triphenylphosphine, 121 00:09:07,000 --> 00:09:12,000 and nothing really happens. They just sit there and look at 122 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:14,000 each other. They do not react. 123 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:19,000 So one of the things that happens when you are learning to 124 00:09:19,000 --> 00:09:25,000 do synthetic chemistry is that the outcome of a reaction can be 125 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:30,000 either that it proceeded cleanly onto products. 126 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:35,000 And one possible outcome is there was no reaction at all. 127 00:09:35,000 --> 00:09:39,000 And so this is what we will call no thermal reaction. 128 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:45,000 And that means that just with the energy supplied by the 129 00:09:45,000 --> 00:09:49,000 temperature of the room, the reaction is not proceeding 130 00:09:49,000 --> 00:09:55,000 in the forward direction. And what that may mean is that 131 00:09:55,000 --> 00:10:00,000 there is an energy barrier to this reaction. 132 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:05,000 And energy barriers are going to be a topic of this lecture in 133 00:10:05,000 --> 00:10:09,000 a few moments, but there may be an energy 134 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:13,000 barrier. And we don't have sufficient 135 00:10:13,000 --> 00:10:18,000 energy to surmount the barrier, so the substitution reaction is 136 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:23,000 not taking place. But we find that if we shine 137 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:27,000 light on the system, UV light, then the reaction 138 00:10:27,000 --> 00:10:32,000 takes place. And we form this desired 139 00:10:32,000 --> 00:10:37,000 product that has one of the carbon monoxide ligands replaced 140 00:10:37,000 --> 00:10:42,000 with triphenylphosphine. That would be the initial 141 00:10:42,000 --> 00:10:46,000 product formed in such a process. 142 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:54,000 Still octahedral, now five CO ligands instead of 143 00:10:54,000 --> 00:10:59,000 six, and one of them replaced by triphenylphosphine. 144 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:03,000 And it occurs under the action of UV light. 145 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:06,000 If you put a photon into the system for some reason, 146 00:11:06,000 --> 00:11:10,000 we can now surmount the energy barrier to the reaction, 147 00:11:10,000 --> 00:11:14,000 blow one of the CO molecules away as CO gas. 148 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:16,000 We might, in fact, in practice, 149 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:20,000 possibly be bubbling an inert gas like N two through 150 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:24,000 the solution to sweep the evolved carbon monoxide out of 151 00:11:24,000 --> 00:11:29,000 the system to help the reaction go to completion as we are 152 00:11:29,000 --> 00:11:33,000 carrying out such a prep. But, in any event, 153 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:38,000 the key feature is that it goes under photolysis in the presence 154 00:11:38,000 --> 00:11:43,000 of a UV lamp but not simply through input of normal thermal 155 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:46,000 energy. And, in thinking back to the 156 00:11:46,000 --> 00:11:51,000 development of the electronic structure of systems of this 157 00:11:51,000 --> 00:11:56,000 type, we can actually begin to understand this. 158 00:11:56,000 --> 00:12:01,000 Because we have an energy diagram, a d orbital splitting 159 00:12:01,000 --> 00:12:05,000 diagram for simplicity, where we have our t(2g) set and 160 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:09,000 our e(g)*. And tungsten is in Group 6, 161 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:14,000 the ligands are all neutral, so this is d six. 162 00:12:14,000 --> 00:12:19,000 This is a common electron count for octahedral systems that are 163 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:23,000 quite stable. And CO is high in the 164 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:27,000 spectrochemical series, so it leads to a large value of 165 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:33,000 delta O. This splitting here between 166 00:12:33,000 --> 00:12:38,000 t(2g) and e(g) is large. And that means we have an s 167 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:43,000 equals zero state, with the system not being 168 00:12:43,000 --> 00:12:48,000 paramagnetic, all the electrons paired up in 169 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:54,000 t(2g) and this big gap. And what happens when we add a 170 00:12:54,000 --> 00:12:59,000 photon to the system, we can promote the system into 171 00:12:59,000 --> 00:13:05,000 an excited state. And, in order to satisfy the 172 00:13:05,000 --> 00:13:09,000 spin selection rule, this excited state will have no 173 00:13:09,000 --> 00:13:14,000 net spin polarization. This one is s equals zero, 174 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:19,000 this one is s equals zero to satisfy the spin selection rule 175 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:23,000 that we have talked about. But notice, now, 176 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:26,000 in the excited state -- 177 00:13:34,000 --> 00:13:37,000 -- we have an electron in e g star. 178 00:13:37,000 --> 00:13:42,000 And, as I was discussing last time, when you look at the MO 179 00:13:42,000 --> 00:13:47,000 theory for a problem like this, e(g)* is sigma antibonding with 180 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:51,000 respect to the ligands. I am going to illuminate that 181 00:13:51,000 --> 00:13:55,000 for you very clearly in a few moments with a graphic, 182 00:13:55,000 --> 00:14:00,000 but this is sigma star with respect to the ligands. 183 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:03,000 So what are we doing? We are taking an electron, 184 00:14:03,000 --> 00:14:07,000 here, that is pi bonding because CO is a pi-acid ligand. 185 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:11,000 In the ground state, this electron that we are going 186 00:14:11,000 --> 00:14:16,000 to promote is helping to bind the carbon monoxide ligands to 187 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:19,000 the metal. And then, when we input that 188 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:24,000 photon and we produce an excited state, that same electron now 189 00:14:24,000 --> 00:14:29,000 has been taken away from our sum total of bonding. 190 00:14:29,000 --> 00:14:33,000 And it has been added to an antibonding orbital. 191 00:14:33,000 --> 00:14:39,000 And the effect of that is to "labialize" one of the carbon 192 00:14:39,000 --> 00:14:44,000 monoxide ligands, allowing it to dissociate from 193 00:14:44,000 --> 00:14:50,000 the metal center producing an unsaturated intermediate that 194 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:56,000 can be captured by the lone pair of triphenylphosphine. 195 00:14:56,000 --> 00:15:02,000 That word I just used, labialized, we have from Henry 196 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:04,000 Taube. 197 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:16,000 Henry Taube, Nobel Prize in 1983. 198 00:15:16,000 --> 00:15:20,000 If you want to read more about Henry Taube and his 199 00:15:20,000 --> 00:15:26,000 contributions to chemistry and, in fact, the study of ligand 200 00:15:26,000 --> 00:15:32,000 substitution reactions and the relationship of reaction rates 201 00:15:32,000 --> 00:15:37,000 to the population of the e g star orbitals, 202 00:15:37,000 --> 00:15:43,000 then I would direct you to the 1983 section of the Nobel Prize 203 00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:48,000 dot org website. And you can read his biography, 204 00:15:48,000 --> 00:15:51,000 his Nobel Prize lecture and his banquet address. 205 00:15:51,000 --> 00:15:55,000 These are all things that Professor Schrock from our 206 00:15:55,000 --> 00:15:59,000 department is doing this week in Sweden, so shortly, 207 00:15:59,000 --> 00:16:04,000 you will be able to read his contributions to that website. 208 00:16:04,000 --> 00:16:12,000 And I am sure you will all find that to be pretty exciting, 209 00:16:12,000 --> 00:16:15,000 as I do. But Henry Taube, 210 00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:23,000 this Nobel Prize winner, coined the terms "inert" and 211 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:26,000 "labile." These terms, 212 00:16:26,000 --> 00:16:33,000 inert and labile, they refer to rates of ligand 213 00:16:33,000 --> 00:16:41,000 substitution reactions. If a complex is to be thought 214 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:44,000 of as inert, it isn't really inert. 215 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:51,000 What that means is that its substitution reactions are slow. 216 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:56,000 And, on the other hand, if a system is to be referred 217 00:16:56,000 --> 00:17:03,000 to labile, that means that its ligand substitution reactions 218 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:07,000 are fast. And over there on the left, 219 00:17:07,000 --> 00:17:13,000 we looked at a set of four metal ions whose aqua-complexes 220 00:17:13,000 --> 00:17:18,000 could be classified as either inert or as labile. 221 00:17:18,000 --> 00:17:23,000 So let me relate that to the occupation of the eg star 222 00:17:23,000 --> 00:17:27,000 energy level. Here what we have, 223 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:32,000 t(2g) and e(g)*. In the case of chromium three 224 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:37,000 plus or vanadium two plus, 225 00:17:37,000 --> 00:17:42,000 since vanadium is in Group 5 and chromium is in Group 6, 226 00:17:42,000 --> 00:17:48,000 both of these metal ions have a d three electron 227 00:17:48,000 --> 00:17:52,000 configuration. And so, when we populate our 228 00:17:52,000 --> 00:17:57,000 d-orbital splitting diagram for these two systems, 229 00:17:57,000 --> 00:18:01,000 here is the result. We have an s equals 230 00:18:01,000 --> 00:18:05,000 three-halves ground state, three unpaired electrons. 231 00:18:05,000 --> 00:18:10,000 The system is paramagnetic. You could certainly calculate 232 00:18:10,000 --> 00:18:14,000 the spin-only magnetic moment for such a system. 233 00:18:14,000 --> 00:18:19,000 And e(g)* is not occupied. We have three electrons, 234 00:18:19,000 --> 00:18:22,000 here, in t(2g). t(2g) is basically nonbonding 235 00:18:22,000 --> 00:18:28,000 if the ligand is neither a pi-base nor a pi-acid. 236 00:18:28,000 --> 00:18:33,000 This is three nonbonding electrons centered in d(xz), 237 00:18:33,000 --> 00:18:39,000 d(yz), and d(xy), which is t(2g) on our metal ion 238 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:45,000 chromium three plus in the hexa-aquo system or 239 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:51,000 vanadium two plus in the hexa-aquo system. 240 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:57,000 And these are inert and slow. And then, we have two more 241 00:18:57,000 --> 00:19:02,000 cases to discuss. And, again, here is our t(2g) 242 00:19:02,000 --> 00:19:07,000 and our e(g)*. Notice that if we go from 243 00:19:07,000 --> 00:19:11,000 chromium three plus to chromium two plus, 244 00:19:11,000 --> 00:19:16,000 we go up 15 orders of magnitude in ligand 245 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:21,000 substitution rate just by changing the charge by one unit. 246 00:19:21,000 --> 00:19:25,000 And what is going on here? Well, now chromium two 247 00:19:25,000 --> 00:19:30,000 is d four, and the four electrons go in 248 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:36,000 and populate like this. So eg* now has an electron in 249 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:39,000 it. And that makes it related to 250 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:43,000 the excited state here of tungsten hexacarbonyl because 251 00:19:43,000 --> 00:19:47,000 both of those, if you were to write out their 252 00:19:47,000 --> 00:19:51,000 electronic configuration, would have eg*1 as the 253 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:55,000 population of eg*. In the case of copper two plus, 254 00:19:55,000 --> 00:20:01,000 we have a situation similar to chromium two plus 255 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:06,000 in that the complex is labile. 256 00:20:06,000 --> 00:20:12,000 It is undergoing substitution associated with a rate constant 257 00:20:12,000 --> 00:20:18,000 here whose log is 9. This is undergoing exchange of 258 00:20:18,000 --> 00:20:24,000 water molecules from liquid solution onto the metal very 259 00:20:24,000 --> 00:20:28,000 rapidly. And this is a d nine 260 00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:32,000 case. The electrons go in like this. 261 00:20:32,000 --> 00:20:36,000 And this is an s equals one-half system with a single 262 00:20:36,000 --> 00:20:41,000 unpaired electron. Both of these are paramagnetic. 263 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:45,000 Both of these have a population of e g star. 264 00:20:45,000 --> 00:20:50,000 And the two ions that have e(g)* that contain electrons 265 00:20:50,000 --> 00:20:55,000 have fast ligand exchange rates. When e(g)* is not occupied, 266 00:20:55,000 --> 00:21:00,000 the ligand substitution rates are very slow. 267 00:21:00,000 --> 00:21:05,000 And we can understand that because of the antibonding 268 00:21:05,000 --> 00:21:11,000 character of e(g)*. There is an additional nuance, 269 00:21:11,000 --> 00:21:17,000 which is when e(g)* is occupied by an odd number of electrons, 270 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:23,000 we can get what is called a Jahn-Teller distortion. 271 00:21:23,000 --> 00:21:29,000 And that distortion is a structural response to the odd 272 00:21:29,000 --> 00:21:35,000 electronic population of e(g)*. It is a distortion of the 273 00:21:35,000 --> 00:21:39,000 molecule that makes these systems, the chromium two 274 00:21:39,000 --> 00:21:43,000 and copper two the fastest of all 275 00:21:43,000 --> 00:21:46,000 the 3d metal ions for exchanging water molecules. 276 00:21:46,000 --> 00:21:50,000 Let's look at a structure of one of these systems briefly. 277 00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:54,000 Here is the result of a quantum chemical calculation optimizing 278 00:21:54,000 --> 00:21:57,000 the structure of chromium two hexaaquo two plus. 279 00:21:57,000 --> 00:22:01,000 This system as a spin 280 00:22:01,000 --> 00:22:04,000 polarization of four, meaning we do have the four 281 00:22:04,000 --> 00:22:08,000 unpaired electrons, three of which are in t(2g) and 282 00:22:08,000 --> 00:22:12,000 one of which is in e(g)*. This is how the molecule 283 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:16,000 optimizes without using any symmetry constraints based on 284 00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:20,000 the density functional theory model that is typically in use 285 00:22:20,000 --> 00:22:23,000 these days for optimizing geometries of molecules. 286 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:27,000 And what you can see is that this program I am using to 287 00:22:27,000 --> 00:22:31,000 display the structure is drawing four of the lines from the 288 00:22:31,000 --> 00:22:37,000 chromium ion to the oxygens. And the other two it is not 289 00:22:37,000 --> 00:22:39,000 drawing. And the reason for that, 290 00:22:39,000 --> 00:22:44,000 if I go ahead and use the tools in this program to find out just 291 00:22:44,000 --> 00:22:49,000 what are those chromium oxygen distances in this hexaaquo ion, 292 00:22:49,000 --> 00:22:54,000 what we find out is that four of them, the four where it is 293 00:22:54,000 --> 00:22:58,000 choosing to draw the lines between the metal and the 294 00:22:58,000 --> 00:23:04,000 oxygen, are about 2.1 angstroms. Whereas, to the two oxygens 295 00:23:04,000 --> 00:23:08,000 where it is not drawing the metal oxygen line, 296 00:23:08,000 --> 00:23:11,000 the distance is about 2.45 angstroms. 297 00:23:11,000 --> 00:23:14,000 This molecule, this hexaaquo ion, 298 00:23:14,000 --> 00:23:20,000 has decided to deviate from a pure octahedral geometry because 299 00:23:20,000 --> 00:23:24,000 what it has done is it has stretched two of the oxygens 300 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:30,000 along an axis and made those two water molecules move farther 301 00:23:30,000 --> 00:23:36,000 away from the metal center. And that has to do with the 302 00:23:36,000 --> 00:23:40,000 Jahn-Teller distortion that I mentioned a moment ago, 303 00:23:40,000 --> 00:23:45,000 when e(g)* is occupied by an odd number of electrons. 304 00:23:45,000 --> 00:23:50,000 Now, if you see that two waters have moved far away from the 305 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:55,000 metal and four are in closer as a result of how e(g)* is 306 00:23:55,000 --> 00:24:00,000 populated, then which d orbital do you think has the e(g)* 307 00:24:00,000 --> 00:24:03,000 electron? d z squared*, 308 00:24:03,000 --> 00:24:06,000 that is right. And that means the two 309 00:24:06,000 --> 00:24:11,000 molecules that can interact with the two big lobes of d z squared 310 00:24:11,000 --> 00:24:14,000 along the axis, those are repelled away from 311 00:24:14,000 --> 00:24:19,000 the metal more than the other four that are in the x,y-plane 312 00:24:19,000 --> 00:24:23,000 because we don't have any electron in x squared minus y 313 00:24:23,000 --> 00:24:28,000 squared, that other component of e(g)*. 314 00:24:28,000 --> 00:24:33,000 This molecule achieves its most stable structure by distorting 315 00:24:33,000 --> 00:24:37,000 in response to the unequal occupation of e(g)*. 316 00:24:37,000 --> 00:24:42,000 And I will just show you what that orbital looks like by 317 00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:45,000 quitting out of there. 318 00:24:50,000 --> 00:24:53,000 Now this graphic, sadly, isn't as nice as the one 319 00:24:53,000 --> 00:24:57,000 I could have shown you using my laptop and VMD, 320 00:24:57,000 --> 00:25:00,000 but it will have to serve the purpose. 321 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:03,000 And this is just a snapshot of the orbital. 322 00:25:03,000 --> 00:25:08,000 It may not be possible to increase the size of this. 323 00:25:15,000 --> 00:25:17,000 Here we go. I think it should be clear, 324 00:25:17,000 --> 00:25:21,000 from your inspection of this diagram, that we actually 325 00:25:21,000 --> 00:25:26,000 superposed a couple of different representations of the system on 326 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:28,000 top of one another. First of all, 327 00:25:28,000 --> 00:25:32,000 this program has drawn balls and sticks to connect the atoms. 328 00:25:32,000 --> 00:25:35,000 You have a red ball here, a red ball. 329 00:25:35,000 --> 00:25:38,000 Each place there is a red ball, that is an oxygen. 330 00:25:38,000 --> 00:25:42,000 And at the center, we have our chromium plus two 331 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:44,000 ion. So these are our water 332 00:25:44,000 --> 00:25:49,000 molecules. And what you should be able to 333 00:25:49,000 --> 00:25:53,000 see here is that this orbital, on this water molecule up here 334 00:25:53,000 --> 00:25:56,000 along positive z, has an appearance that would 335 00:25:56,000 --> 00:26:01,000 suggest that that is the highest occupied molecular orbital of 336 00:26:01,000 --> 00:26:04,000 the water molecule, interacting with the big lobe 337 00:26:04,000 --> 00:26:08,000 of d z squared in this antibonding fashion where 338 00:26:08,000 --> 00:26:12,000 we go from blue phase to red phase as we go along the sigma 339 00:26:12,000 --> 00:26:17,000 axis between the oxygen and the metal center. 340 00:26:17,000 --> 00:26:19,000 And then, in a better representation, 341 00:26:19,000 --> 00:26:22,000 you would be able to see that there are small contributions 342 00:26:22,000 --> 00:26:26,000 from the four water molecules that are interacting here with 343 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:29,000 the torus of the d z squared orbital. 344 00:26:29,000 --> 00:26:33,000 And then what you have down on negative z is equal to what you 345 00:26:33,000 --> 00:26:37,000 have on positive z. Namely, you have an oxygen lone 346 00:26:37,000 --> 00:26:41,000 pair here that is being repelled by the electron occupying d z 347 00:26:41,000 --> 00:26:43,000 squared, which is one of our e(g) 348 00:26:43,000 --> 00:26:46,000 components. The idea is that systems like 349 00:26:46,000 --> 00:26:50,000 this exchange water so very rapidly, 15 orders of magnitude 350 00:26:50,000 --> 00:26:53,000 more rapidly than a simple d three system, 351 00:26:53,000 --> 00:26:57,000 because two of the water molecules are repelled away from 352 00:26:57,000 --> 00:27:01,000 the metal center quite a bit. And it makes this structure 353 00:27:01,000 --> 00:27:05,000 close to the transition state for just losing a water molecule 354 00:27:05,000 --> 00:27:09,000 from the coordination sphere and dissociating it from the metal 355 00:27:09,000 --> 00:27:11,000 center. And that is what we are going 356 00:27:11,000 --> 00:27:13,000 to talk about next. 357 00:27:36,000 --> 00:27:41,000 Now, we are going to talk about a reaction like that in terms of 358 00:27:41,000 --> 00:27:44,000 a potential energy surface diagram. 359 00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:10,000 We have seen how d orbital occupation affects color and 360 00:28:10,000 --> 00:28:13,000 magnetism and bonding between metals and ligands. 361 00:28:13,000 --> 00:28:17,000 And now we are seeing how actually we can interpret 362 00:28:17,000 --> 00:28:21,000 chemical reaction rates on the basis of these electronic 363 00:28:21,000 --> 00:28:24,000 structure considerations. 364 00:28:31,000 --> 00:28:35,000 We like to draw energy level diagrams that have orbitals on 365 00:28:35,000 --> 00:28:39,000 them or states on them, but sometimes what we like to 366 00:28:39,000 --> 00:28:43,000 do is to try to describe the total energy of the system, 367 00:28:43,000 --> 00:28:47,000 fold all these different coordinates into one and look at 368 00:28:47,000 --> 00:28:51,000 the total energy of the system as a function of where we are 369 00:28:51,000 --> 00:28:55,000 along a chemical reaction coordinate. 370 00:28:55,000 --> 00:29:00,000 That means as we progress through a sequence of elementary 371 00:29:00,000 --> 00:29:05,000 steps corresponding to a chemical reaction. 372 00:29:05,000 --> 00:29:11,000 A complete description of any reaction implies a knowledge of 373 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:17,000 the potential energy surface for the reaction. 374 00:29:22,000 --> 00:29:25,000 We have our reaction coordinate, and we desire some 375 00:29:25,000 --> 00:29:29,000 kind of a plot that could represent this reaction 376 00:29:29,000 --> 00:29:32,000 coordinate. And what that plot looks like 377 00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:36,000 depends on the particular reaction mechanism of the 378 00:29:36,000 --> 00:29:40,000 reaction that you are scrutinizing. 379 00:29:40,000 --> 00:29:43,000 If you have a reaction and you want to know how it works, 380 00:29:43,000 --> 00:29:45,000 the first thing you do is make a hypothesis. 381 00:29:45,000 --> 00:29:49,000 And from your hypothesis, you can build predictions about 382 00:29:49,000 --> 00:29:52,000 the reaction coordinate, and then you can test those 383 00:29:52,000 --> 00:29:55,000 experimentally. And either your hypothesis will 384 00:29:55,000 --> 00:29:59,000 turn out to be consistent with the predictions or not. 385 00:29:59,000 --> 00:30:02,000 And, if not, you reject the hypothesis and 386 00:30:02,000 --> 00:30:04,000 start again. It has been said, 387 00:30:04,000 --> 00:30:08,000 concerning reaction mechanisms, that the closest you can get to 388 00:30:08,000 --> 00:30:11,000 the truth is your own best guess. 389 00:30:11,000 --> 00:30:15,000 But the way that people test reaction mechanisms is through 390 00:30:15,000 --> 00:30:19,000 studying reaction rates under various conditions and comparing 391 00:30:19,000 --> 00:30:23,000 the results to those predicted by your hypothesis. 392 00:30:23,000 --> 00:30:28,000 And so here is a hypothesis for a dissociative mechanism for the 393 00:30:28,000 --> 00:30:32,000 type of ligand substitution reaction that we are talking 394 00:30:32,000 --> 00:30:37,000 about. A dissociative mechanism means 395 00:30:37,000 --> 00:30:44,000 that the mechanism proceeds by dissociation of one of the 396 00:30:44,000 --> 00:30:52,000 ligands from the metal center as the first important step of the 397 00:30:52,000 --> 00:30:56,000 reaction. We have down here some ML five 398 00:30:56,000 --> 00:31:02,000 X compound. And let's say we have it in a 399 00:31:02,000 --> 00:31:08,000 solvent Y, where the solvent can also act as a ligand. 400 00:31:08,000 --> 00:31:14,000 And we are interested in what rate profile will we have if, 401 00:31:14,000 --> 00:31:19,000 at the end of the reaction, down here in this well, 402 00:31:19,000 --> 00:31:25,000 this is meant to represent a potential energy well where now 403 00:31:25,000 --> 00:31:29,000 we have X replaced by Y, -- 404 00:31:35,000 --> 00:31:38,000 -- as illustrated there. That is the overall result of 405 00:31:38,000 --> 00:31:41,000 the reaction. But how does it take place? 406 00:31:41,000 --> 00:31:44,000 Are there any intermediates in the reaction? 407 00:31:44,000 --> 00:31:48,000 And so, in a dissociative mechanism, what happens is that 408 00:31:48,000 --> 00:31:52,000 there is an intermediate. And it occurs here in this 409 00:31:52,000 --> 00:31:55,000 intermediate well. One thing that you are going to 410 00:31:55,000 --> 00:32:00,000 be interested in distinguishing between, on potential energy 411 00:32:00,000 --> 00:32:04,000 diagrams, will be potential energy minima. 412 00:32:04,000 --> 00:32:08,000 Because these potential energy minima that I have just colored 413 00:32:08,000 --> 00:32:11,000 in, those correspond to starting materials, products, 414 00:32:11,000 --> 00:32:14,000 or intermediates. And then, alternatively, 415 00:32:14,000 --> 00:32:18,000 you can have potential energy maxima on the potential energy 416 00:32:18,000 --> 00:32:20,000 surface. This is a two-dimensional 417 00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:22,000 diagram. And what it really represents 418 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:26,000 is a two-dimensional slice through a three-dimensional 419 00:32:26,000 --> 00:32:30,000 surface that has hills and valleys on it. 420 00:32:30,000 --> 00:32:34,000 And these hills on the potential energy surface 421 00:32:34,000 --> 00:32:38,000 represent energy barriers to a chemical reaction. 422 00:32:38,000 --> 00:32:44,000 What we are going to have at these points of high energy will 423 00:32:44,000 --> 00:32:49,000 be things that we call transition states. 424 00:32:59,000 --> 00:33:03,000 And you start out down here at the starting materials, 425 00:33:03,000 --> 00:33:07,000 the reaction will proceed to the right, we are assuming in 426 00:33:07,000 --> 00:33:11,000 this case, and you go up hill in energy first. 427 00:33:11,000 --> 00:33:15,000 You have to surmount this energy barrier associated with 428 00:33:15,000 --> 00:33:18,000 this first transition state, or TS1. 429 00:33:18,000 --> 00:33:22,000 And when you system has gone over that first barrier, 430 00:33:22,000 --> 00:33:26,000 if it is a dissociative mechanism, that produces an 431 00:33:26,000 --> 00:33:32,000 intermediate ML five. Because X has dissociated from 432 00:33:32,000 --> 00:33:36,000 the metal center and Y, of course, being the solvent, 433 00:33:36,000 --> 00:33:40,000 is still there. And then, once we get down into 434 00:33:40,000 --> 00:33:45,000 this well, this potential energy minimum, this valley associated 435 00:33:45,000 --> 00:33:50,000 with the intermediate ML five, it is a five coordinate 436 00:33:50,000 --> 00:33:53,000 intermediate, so it should have a structure 437 00:33:53,000 --> 00:34:00,000 of the trigonal bipyramid or the structure of a square pyramid. 438 00:34:00,000 --> 00:34:02,000 And, over there, I was talking about the 439 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:06,000 distortion of that molecule based on its occupation of e(g)* 440 00:34:06,000 --> 00:34:10,000 having repelled two of the water molecules farther away from the 441 00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:14,000 metal than the other four. And what that does is it begins 442 00:34:14,000 --> 00:34:18,000 to lower the energy barrier here to get over to TS1. 443 00:34:18,000 --> 00:34:22,000 It makes it easier for one ligand to fall off the metal 444 00:34:22,000 --> 00:34:25,000 center because it is being repelled by that d z squared 445 00:34:25,000 --> 00:34:30,000 electron. And what we will see is that we 446 00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:33,000 can associate rate constants with each of these barriers. 447 00:34:33,000 --> 00:34:37,000 This is the second instance today that I have used the term 448 00:34:37,000 --> 00:34:40,000 rate constant. And we are going to want to 449 00:34:40,000 --> 00:34:43,000 distinguish the term "rate constant" from the term 450 00:34:43,000 --> 00:34:46,000 "reaction rate." And one of our goals today is 451 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:50,000 to understand the difference between a reaction rate and a 452 00:34:50,000 --> 00:34:53,000 rate constant. Going up this first hill, 453 00:34:53,000 --> 00:34:56,000 over TS1 and down into the intermediate state, 454 00:34:56,000 --> 00:35:00,000 where you have a five coordinate species and X has 455 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:03,000 become freely dissociated from the metal center, 456 00:35:03,000 --> 00:35:06,000 that is k1. And then, when you are down in 457 00:35:06,000 --> 00:35:09,000 the valley, there are two ways out of the valley. 458 00:35:09,000 --> 00:35:12,000 You can either go back in the direction of TS1. 459 00:35:12,000 --> 00:35:16,000 We call that back reaction k minus one. 460 00:35:16,000 --> 00:35:19,000 We associate the rate constant k minus one with the back 461 00:35:19,000 --> 00:35:24,000 reaction that would take us back over the same transition state 462 00:35:24,000 --> 00:35:28,000 and back to the starting materials. 463 00:35:28,000 --> 00:35:32,000 That would be a nonproductive step because it is going in the 464 00:35:32,000 --> 00:35:35,000 wrong direction. And then, over here, 465 00:35:35,000 --> 00:35:39,000 ML five has this branching option. 466 00:35:39,000 --> 00:35:42,000 When you are at the stage of the intermediate, 467 00:35:42,000 --> 00:35:47,000 you can go either back to starting materials or you can go 468 00:35:47,000 --> 00:35:51,000 onto products. And this rate constant we will 469 00:35:51,000 --> 00:35:55,000 call k two for the reaction in which the molecule Y 470 00:35:55,000 --> 00:36:02,000 that is doing the substituting would add to ML five. 471 00:36:02,000 --> 00:36:04,000 That is associated with some barrier. 472 00:36:04,000 --> 00:36:08,000 And it produces the six coordinate ML five Y and X 473 00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:12,000 dissociated. And then, finally, 474 00:36:12,000 --> 00:36:17,000 in this last step we would call the rate constant associated 475 00:36:17,000 --> 00:36:21,000 with going back into the intermediate from the products, 476 00:36:21,000 --> 00:36:25,000 we would call that k minus two for that rate 477 00:36:25,000 --> 00:36:28,000 constant. This is how you begin to write 478 00:36:28,000 --> 00:36:35,000 out the math associated with a hypothetical reaction mechanism. 479 00:36:35,000 --> 00:36:38,000 And so, for those of you who are gearing up to take 18.03 480 00:36:38,000 --> 00:36:41,000 next semester, Differential Equations, 481 00:36:41,000 --> 00:36:45,000 you are going to find that this is one area in chemistry where 482 00:36:45,000 --> 00:36:48,000 differential equations become extremely valuable. 483 00:36:48,000 --> 00:36:51,000 Because you are going to generate differential equations 484 00:36:51,000 --> 00:36:55,000 that describe the kinetics of a chemical reaction system. 485 00:36:55,000 --> 00:36:59,000 And those equations will differ depending on the hypothetical 486 00:36:59,000 --> 00:37:03,000 mechanism. And you are going to want to 487 00:37:03,000 --> 00:37:09,000 figure out which hypothetical mechanism actually fits your 488 00:37:09,000 --> 00:37:12,000 data. Here is one limiting case, 489 00:37:12,000 --> 00:37:15,000 but let me first just -- 490 00:37:25,000 --> 00:37:29,000 I am going to leave that, given the amount of time here. 491 00:37:29,000 --> 00:37:34,000 We are going to go ahead and talk about a limiting case. 492 00:38:00,000 --> 00:38:04,000 When I use square brackets here, I am going to be talking 493 00:38:04,000 --> 00:38:07,000 about concentration, just like we did when we were 494 00:38:07,000 --> 00:38:10,000 talking about acids and bases and so forth. 495 00:38:10,000 --> 00:38:14,000 Square brackets denote concentrations. 496 00:38:14,000 --> 00:38:19,000 If k2 times Y, and I will stick with the green 497 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:26,000 color for Y, is much greater than k minus one times the 498 00:38:26,000 --> 00:38:34,000 concentration of X, hat corresponds to 499 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:39,000 a limiting case. We are also going to make 500 00:38:39,000 --> 00:38:42,000 another assumption, here. 501 00:38:42,000 --> 00:38:50,000 We are going to say assuming complete reaction. 502 00:38:58,000 --> 00:39:01,000 What does that mean? That means that k minus two 503 00:39:01,000 --> 00:39:06,000 times the concentration of ML five Y times the concentration 504 00:39:06,000 --> 00:39:11,000 of X at the end corresponds to essentially 505 00:39:11,000 --> 00:39:16,000 a negligible back reaction such that when we get to products we 506 00:39:16,000 --> 00:39:21,000 stop, this is a very deep well, and we don't go back anymore 507 00:39:21,000 --> 00:39:24,000 once we get over to the products. 508 00:39:24,000 --> 00:39:27,000 Under those conditions, we have made two 509 00:39:27,000 --> 00:39:32,000 simplifications. Then, the reaction rate. 510 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:40,000 And, when we talk about reaction rate, 511 00:39:40,000 --> 00:39:44,000 we usually define it in terms of the disappearance of the 512 00:39:44,000 --> 00:39:49,000 starting materials or alternatively the appearance of 513 00:39:49,000 --> 00:39:52,000 the products, the rate of appearance of the 514 00:39:52,000 --> 00:39:57,000 products in a system like this. And, under the conditions of 515 00:39:57,000 --> 00:40:01,000 those assumptions, the reaction rate is going to 516 00:40:01,000 --> 00:40:06,000 depend on k1 times the concentration of the starting 517 00:40:06,000 --> 00:40:08,000 material. 518 00:40:14,000 --> 00:40:19,000 Times the concentration of our entering group Y. 519 00:40:19,000 --> 00:40:25,000 And that says that every time we get over the first barrier, 520 00:40:25,000 --> 00:40:32,000 we rapidly get over the second barrier without going back. 521 00:40:32,000 --> 00:40:36,000 That is the assumption here that k two times the 522 00:40:36,000 --> 00:40:41,000 concentration of Y is much greater than k minus one times 523 00:40:41,000 --> 00:40:46,000 the concentration of X. This is 524 00:40:46,000 --> 00:40:50,000 often true when the concentration of Y is very 525 00:40:50,000 --> 00:40:52,000 great. 526 00:40:58,000 --> 00:41:01,000 i.e., Y is the solvent. 527 00:41:06,000 --> 00:41:10,000 In the case of water, you have essentially 12 molar 528 00:41:10,000 --> 00:41:11,000 Y. Y is your solvent. 529 00:41:11,000 --> 00:41:15,000 And, because of that, under these circumstances, 530 00:41:15,000 --> 00:41:19,000 the concentration of Y, which is very large, 531 00:41:19,000 --> 00:41:23,000 does not change effectively during the reaction. 532 00:41:23,000 --> 00:41:28,000 It is a constant that can be folded into together with the 533 00:41:28,000 --> 00:41:33,000 constant k1. So we can describe this as k 534 00:41:33,000 --> 00:41:38,000 observed. K observed is equal to k1 times 535 00:41:38,000 --> 00:41:43,000 Y times ML five X. And 536 00:41:43,000 --> 00:41:50,000 these are what we call pseudo-first order conditions. 537 00:42:16,000 --> 00:42:18,000 That is a particularly simple rate law. 538 00:42:18,000 --> 00:42:22,000 And a lot of times, experimentalists will engender 539 00:42:22,000 --> 00:42:27,000 pseudo-first order conditions by purposely using an entering 540 00:42:27,000 --> 00:42:31,000 group concentration that is very large. 541 00:42:31,000 --> 00:42:36,000 And, when you do that, you will find that, 542 00:42:36,000 --> 00:42:40,000 for example, the change in concentration 543 00:42:40,000 --> 00:42:47,000 with time of ML five X is, upon integration, 544 00:42:47,000 --> 00:42:53,000 when you integrate differential equations such as this, 545 00:42:53,000 --> 00:43:00,000 you can obtain expressions for the concentrations of these 546 00:43:00,000 --> 00:43:07,000 species of interest as a function of time. 547 00:43:07,000 --> 00:43:17,000 So we can obtain ML five X of t divided by ML five X at t equals 548 00:43:17,000 --> 00:43:26,000 zero is equal to e to the minus k observed, that contains that 549 00:43:26,000 --> 00:43:36,000 large invariant concentration of y folded into it times t. 550 00:43:44,000 --> 00:43:48,000 Hence, this single exponential decay of the starting materials 551 00:43:48,000 --> 00:43:53,000 predicted by this mechanism under these conditions for the 552 00:43:53,000 --> 00:43:58,000 change in concentration with time of your starting material. 553 00:44:04,000 --> 00:44:12,000 Finally, what you do seek is to follow, as a function of time, 554 00:44:12,000 --> 00:44:18,000 the concentration of the species involved such that, 555 00:44:18,000 --> 00:44:23,000 for example, you may be following, 556 00:44:23,000 --> 00:44:29,000 here, the decay of your starting species ML five X. 557 00:44:29,000 --> 00:44:33,000 As a function of time, 558 00:44:33,000 --> 00:44:36,000 you seek an expression for that. 559 00:44:36,000 --> 00:44:41,000 There are different methods to carry out the integration 560 00:44:41,000 --> 00:44:46,000 required for more complicated rate laws than did appear there 561 00:44:46,000 --> 00:44:49,000 for the pseudo first-order mechanism. 562 00:44:49,000 --> 00:44:53,000 But, simultaneously, as ML five X decays, 563 00:44:53,000 --> 00:45:00,000 the concentration of ML five Y would be increasing. 564 00:45:00,000 --> 00:45:06,000 And under the simple case shown here, where the intermediate 565 00:45:06,000 --> 00:45:12,000 does not build up to any substantial concentration, 566 00:45:12,000 --> 00:45:16,000 this is no buildup of intermediate, 567 00:45:16,000 --> 00:45:22,000 meaning whenever the intermediate is formed it either 568 00:45:22,000 --> 00:45:30,000 goes back to starting materials or goes on to products. 569 00:45:35,000 --> 00:46:03,000 In other words, the intermediate never attains 570 00:46:03,000 --> 00:46:38,000 significant concentrations relative to starting materials 571 00:46:38,000 --> 00:47:06,000 and final products. This is the basis for the 572 00:47:06,000 --> 00:47:43,000 steady state approximation that is explained in your notes. 573 00:47:43,000 --> 00:48:22,000 And I will go through that also at the beginning of the hour on 574 00:48:22,000 --> 00:48:25,000 Friday. Have a nice day.