Required Readings
Dines, Gail, and Jean Humez, eds. Gender, Race, and Class In Media. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1994. ISBN: 9780803951648.
Postman, Neil. Amusing Ourselves to Death. New York, NY: Viking, 1985. ISBN: 9780670804542.
Kaysen, Susanna. Girl, Interrupted. New York, NY: Vintage, 1994. ISBN: 9780679746041.
Mangold, James. Girl, Interrupted. Film, 1999.
Perelman, Leslie, James Paradis, and Edward Barrett. The Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Scientific Writing.
You should also have on hand a college dictionary and thesaurus such as The Oxford English Dictionary. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1991. ISBN: 9780198612582.
Lec # | Topics | readings |
Unit One: First Essay - Writing Focus: Living In the Age of the Image; Close Textual Reading |
1 |
Introduction to the Class as a Writing Community And to the Academic Study of Mass Media |
2 |
Image Culture and Media Artifacts Advertising, Media Literacy and Close Reading Discussion: Notebook Assignment |
Kellner, Douglas. "Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism and Media Culture." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 5-17. "Advertising." Introduction in Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 71-75. Jhally, Sut. "Image-Based Culture: advertising and popular culture." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 77-87. |
3 |
Writing as Process: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising Advertising: A Case Study of Mass Media |
Goldman, Robert. "Constructing and Addressing the Audience as Commodity." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 88-92. Kellner, Douglas."Reading Images Critically: Toward A Postmodern Pedagogy." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 126-132. |
4 |
Strategies of Close Reading: Ads as Representative Texts: Finding Patterns |
Seiter, Ellen. "Different Children, Different Dreams." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 99-108. Steinem, Gloria. "Sex, Lies and Advertising." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 112-120. Kilbourne, Jean. "Beauty and the Beast of Advertising." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 121-125. Documentary Film: Killing Us Softly 3. Media Education Foundation, 2000. |
5 |
Strategies of Close Reading: Constructing Arguments About Advertising Texts Living in Consumer Culture Theories of Social Control and Social Reflection |
6 |
Writing Workshop: Peer Review of Drafts |
7 |
Using Secondary Sources: Library Workshop |
Unit Two: Second Essay - Writing Focus: Working with Primary and Secondary Sources; Crafting Individual and Group Identities in the Age of Mass Media and Consumer Culture |
8 |
The Individual in the TV Age: Working With Primary Source Data: Interviews, Letters, etc. The Art of Interviewing |
9 |
The Individual in the Media Age: Growing Up on TV (cont.) |
10 |
The Individual in the Media Age: The Interview Transcript as Primary Source Identifying Key Passages |
Fiske, John. "Gendered Television: Femininity." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 340-347. Rapping, Elaine. "Movie of the Week." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 445-453. Pettegrew, John. "A Post-modernist moment: 1980s Commercial Culture and the Founding of MTV." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 488-498. |
11 |
The Individual in the Age of Television and Mass Media: Interpreting Interview Material Within the Context of Secondary Sources |
Gerbner, George. "Television Violence: The Power and The Peril." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 547-557. Gray, Herman. "Television, Black Americans and the American Dream." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 430-437. Butsch, Richard. "Ralph, Fred, Archie and Homer: Why Television Keeps Recreating the White Male Working-Class Buffoon." In Gender, Race, and Class in Media. pp. 403-412. |
12 |
The Individual in the "Digital Revolution" Discuss: Assigned Readings Managing and Citing Sources Issues of Structure Bookending: Intros and Conclusion |
13 |
Generating Hypotheses from Case Studies: From Individual Lives to Social Patterns Hypothesis Exercise Television Analyses |
14 |
Workshop, Draft, Essay 2 |
Unit Three: Writing Focus: Comparative Analysis: Print Into Film |
15 |
From Print to Film: Thinking Critically About the Potentialities of Different Media for Storytelling Literature, Film and the Depiction of Madness |
16 |
From Print to Film: Questions of Comparative Analysis Discuss: Susanna Kaysen, Girl, Interrupted |
17 |
Film Showing: Girl, Interrupted (James Mangold,1999) |
18 |
From Print to Film Discuss: Novel and Film, Girl, Interrupted |
19 |
Writing About Film Film as Language Discuss: "Reading Films Critically" |
20 |
Incorporating Secondary Sources on Film and Print-to-film Adaptation Types of Writing About Film Small Groups: Scene Analysis Exercise |
21 |
Workshop: Draft, Essay 3 Revision Strategies |
22 |
Advanced Revision: The Potential of Publication Discuss: Assigned Readings |
23 |
Course Evaluations Portfolio Preparation |
24 |
Advanced Revision Workshop: Essay 1, Essay 2 |
25 |
Student Readings Course Overview |
26 |
Final Class Student Readings Submission of Portfolios |