1 00:00:00,090 --> 00:00:02,490 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,490 --> 00:00:04,030 Commons license. 3 00:00:04,030 --> 00:00:06,330 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,330 --> 00:00:10,690 continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,690 --> 00:00:13,320 To make a donation or view additional materials 6 00:00:13,320 --> 00:00:17,250 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:17,250 --> 00:00:18,390 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:22,280 --> 00:00:27,930 AUDIENCE: Are you really wanting an excel style spreadsheet? 9 00:00:29,025 --> 00:00:31,644 PROFESSOR: A word table is fine. 10 00:00:31,644 --> 00:00:32,810 I would like to see a table. 11 00:00:32,810 --> 00:00:35,487 AUDIENCE: It looks more like a journal, I'd say, than a table. 12 00:00:40,300 --> 00:00:42,930 PROFESSOR: Yeah, that's OK. 13 00:00:42,930 --> 00:00:45,570 So it looks as if you converted your table, 14 00:00:45,570 --> 00:00:47,872 and then you converted the table to text, 15 00:00:47,872 --> 00:00:48,830 or something like that. 16 00:00:48,830 --> 00:00:51,527 And it looks like there's this paragraph on that. 17 00:00:51,527 --> 00:00:52,110 AUDIENCE: Yes. 18 00:00:52,110 --> 00:00:54,392 It's like the journal of our game. 19 00:00:54,392 --> 00:00:55,350 PROFESSOR: That's fine. 20 00:00:55,350 --> 00:00:57,780 As long I get a shape of the history of the game, 21 00:00:57,780 --> 00:00:59,400 and the reasons why you made changes. 22 00:00:59,400 --> 00:01:02,000 That's the thing I'm really looking for. 23 00:01:02,000 --> 00:01:04,522 The table format does make it easier for me to read. 24 00:01:04,522 --> 00:01:06,480 In the future, I would like [INAUDIBLE] things. 25 00:01:06,480 --> 00:01:08,750 But because I didn't make that clear in this assignment 26 00:01:08,750 --> 00:01:10,990 at all, as long as I can trace the history of the game, 27 00:01:10,990 --> 00:01:11,490 I am good. 28 00:01:14,230 --> 00:01:15,200 Other questions? 29 00:01:17,461 --> 00:01:19,710 If anyone has a copy of the syllabus, do check it out. 30 00:01:19,710 --> 00:01:23,340 I do think the one-page write up is due the following week, 31 00:01:23,340 --> 00:01:24,660 on Monday. 32 00:01:24,660 --> 00:01:25,617 This coming Monday. 33 00:01:25,617 --> 00:01:27,450 I'm actually not going to be here on Monday. 34 00:01:27,450 --> 00:01:29,290 I'll be traveling to give a talk, 35 00:01:29,290 --> 00:01:32,220 so Rick will be heading next week's classes. 36 00:01:32,220 --> 00:01:34,760 Basically Monday and Wednesday. 37 00:01:34,760 --> 00:01:38,830 So, I'll catch you-- 38 00:01:38,830 --> 00:01:40,694 grading might be delayed by a little bit. 39 00:01:40,694 --> 00:01:42,979 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 40 00:01:42,979 --> 00:01:45,620 PROFESSOR: A little [INAUDIBLE] Yeah. 41 00:01:45,620 --> 00:01:47,160 That one in particular, [INAUDIBLE]. 42 00:01:47,160 --> 00:01:51,630 For the assignment itself, for the group submissions, 43 00:01:51,630 --> 00:01:53,760 I would actually like to see hard copies, 44 00:01:53,760 --> 00:01:55,110 so I can keep it all together. 45 00:01:55,110 --> 00:01:57,360 The game itself obviously needs to be a hard copy. 46 00:01:57,360 --> 00:01:59,010 But then if I can get a print out 47 00:01:59,010 --> 00:02:02,040 of your change log and everything is all in one place. 48 00:02:02,040 --> 00:02:03,540 Oh, by the way, on Wednesday, I will 49 00:02:03,540 --> 00:02:05,840 come in with a whole bunch of Amazon boxes. 50 00:02:05,840 --> 00:02:09,600 Old Amazon empty boxes, so that you can just put your games 51 00:02:09,600 --> 00:02:12,080 into an appropriate size box. 52 00:02:12,080 --> 00:02:12,710 If you-- 53 00:02:12,710 --> 00:02:14,600 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 54 00:02:14,600 --> 00:02:18,310 PROFESSOR: Yes, after this talk I will go in and grab 55 00:02:18,310 --> 00:02:19,330 the prototyping cases. 56 00:02:19,330 --> 00:02:21,330 I'll bring them down here, and you will probably 57 00:02:21,330 --> 00:02:23,160 have at least an hour and a 1/2, if not two hours 58 00:02:23,160 --> 00:02:23,922 to work on them. 59 00:02:28,720 --> 00:02:34,470 So, today's reading was from The Design of Everyday Things, 60 00:02:34,470 --> 00:02:38,234 also known as the psychology of everyday things. 61 00:02:38,234 --> 00:02:40,150 You probably noticed we skipped from chapter 1 62 00:02:40,150 --> 00:02:41,544 all the way to chapter 4. 63 00:02:41,544 --> 00:02:43,210 Part of the reason for that is chapter 4 64 00:02:43,210 --> 00:02:46,407 is kind of a summary of chapters 2 and 3. 65 00:02:46,407 --> 00:02:50,020 Chapters 2 and 3 have tons of nice case examples. 66 00:02:50,020 --> 00:02:51,870 It walks you through the reasoning, 67 00:02:51,870 --> 00:02:53,440 explaining things in detail. 68 00:02:53,440 --> 00:02:55,150 Again, I will recommend this book 69 00:02:55,150 --> 00:02:57,400 to anybody who is doing any kind of design 70 00:02:57,400 --> 00:03:00,970 where he would be expected to touch your design. 71 00:03:00,970 --> 00:03:03,700 And it's really, really easy to read. 72 00:03:03,700 --> 00:03:07,080 Hopefully you enjoyed today's reading. 73 00:03:07,080 --> 00:03:09,540 So what I'm going to go into today 74 00:03:09,540 --> 00:03:11,470 is actually a little bit more detail 75 00:03:11,470 --> 00:03:15,190 about the stuff that wasn't covered in chapter 4. 76 00:03:15,190 --> 00:03:18,010 In chapter 3 in this book, Donald Norman 77 00:03:18,010 --> 00:03:20,150 actually lays out this-- 78 00:03:20,150 --> 00:03:23,260 his mental model of how people make decisions 79 00:03:23,260 --> 00:03:25,690 when they are confronted with a piece of technology 80 00:03:25,690 --> 00:03:30,254 or a designed object that they don't quite understand. 81 00:03:30,254 --> 00:03:32,054 We first saw this briefly in chapter 4, 82 00:03:32,054 --> 00:03:33,970 but I thought I'd like to go into a little bit 83 00:03:33,970 --> 00:03:36,261 more detail about this before going to the stuff that's 84 00:03:36,261 --> 00:03:38,020 actually in chapter 4. 85 00:03:38,020 --> 00:03:42,130 So he's got this basic idea that every time you 86 00:03:42,130 --> 00:03:47,140 interact with any kind of technology, 87 00:03:47,140 --> 00:03:49,810 whether that's a chair you've never seen before, 88 00:03:49,810 --> 00:03:53,870 or a car, or a computer program, you go through this loop. 89 00:03:53,870 --> 00:03:57,250 You have got some goals as an individual human being. 90 00:03:57,250 --> 00:04:04,760 Get a new microwave oven, I would like to eat something. 91 00:04:04,760 --> 00:04:06,780 And then you go through this loop 92 00:04:06,780 --> 00:04:10,870 of trying to figure out how this new microwave oven works. 93 00:04:10,870 --> 00:04:13,870 You have some sort of intention. 94 00:04:13,870 --> 00:04:19,560 The goal might be, OK I want to eat something. 95 00:04:19,560 --> 00:04:25,170 So my intention is to warm up this TV dinner. 96 00:04:25,170 --> 00:04:26,370 I plan. 97 00:04:26,370 --> 00:04:31,970 OK, the plan is that I've got to prep this TV dinner somehow. 98 00:04:31,970 --> 00:04:34,810 So I'm going to go through a series of steps. 99 00:04:34,810 --> 00:04:38,040 I guess I need to take the wrapping off. 100 00:04:38,040 --> 00:04:40,840 Maybe I peeled back the plastic a little bit. 101 00:04:40,840 --> 00:04:43,960 Sometimes I get confused, too. 102 00:04:43,960 --> 00:04:45,590 And then you actually have to peel it. 103 00:04:45,590 --> 00:04:46,840 And then, instead of peeling up nicely, 104 00:04:46,840 --> 00:04:48,420 it peels up into little strips. 105 00:04:48,420 --> 00:04:51,110 Has this is ever happened to you? 106 00:04:51,110 --> 00:04:53,710 And it comes up in your fingers. 107 00:04:53,710 --> 00:04:55,140 That's the execution part, right? 108 00:04:55,140 --> 00:04:57,400 So I know what I want it to do, but I actually 109 00:04:57,400 --> 00:04:59,020 have to go and do it. 110 00:04:59,020 --> 00:05:00,614 And then I get feedback. 111 00:05:00,614 --> 00:05:02,530 I'm not even talking about the microwave oven, 112 00:05:02,530 --> 00:05:06,280 I'm talking about just the TV dinner right now. 113 00:05:06,280 --> 00:05:08,141 I see the feedback. 114 00:05:08,141 --> 00:05:10,390 The thing peeled back, but it didn't peel back the way 115 00:05:10,390 --> 00:05:11,590 that I want it to. 116 00:05:11,590 --> 00:05:12,530 I see it. 117 00:05:12,530 --> 00:05:14,830 I have to interpret whether that's 118 00:05:14,830 --> 00:05:16,410 getting me closer to my goal. 119 00:05:16,410 --> 00:05:18,310 Well, all I really want is a couple 120 00:05:18,310 --> 00:05:20,020 of holes for the steam to come out. 121 00:05:20,020 --> 00:05:22,250 So OK I guess that's good enough. 122 00:05:22,250 --> 00:05:24,296 And I evaluate that as being good enough. 123 00:05:24,296 --> 00:05:25,670 So I can proceed to the next step 124 00:05:25,670 --> 00:05:28,210 on my plan of getting dinner. 125 00:05:28,210 --> 00:05:30,880 So my intention now is to actually 126 00:05:30,880 --> 00:05:33,820 put this thing into the microwave oven as I've planned. 127 00:05:33,820 --> 00:05:35,720 To heat it up for 30 seconds. 128 00:05:35,720 --> 00:05:38,290 Which means a series of steps to actually push buttons 129 00:05:38,290 --> 00:05:40,989 to heat it up for 30 seconds. 130 00:05:40,989 --> 00:05:43,030 I have to make sure I don't set it to 30 minutes, 131 00:05:43,030 --> 00:05:44,800 so I punched a button to make sure I 132 00:05:44,800 --> 00:05:46,450 don't hit too many zeroes. 133 00:05:46,450 --> 00:05:48,370 I see the feedback on the screen. 134 00:05:48,370 --> 00:05:50,680 I perceive whether that's what I want or not. 135 00:05:50,680 --> 00:05:52,240 Sometimes it's not what I want. 136 00:05:52,240 --> 00:05:55,570 I punched in 30 minutes by mistake. 137 00:05:55,570 --> 00:05:59,230 I interpret that 30 zero zero as 30 minutes, 138 00:05:59,230 --> 00:06:01,470 I evaluate that's not what I want it to do. 139 00:06:01,470 --> 00:06:05,110 And then I make another set of intentions 140 00:06:05,110 --> 00:06:06,030 to solve that problem. 141 00:06:08,190 --> 00:06:09,080 So this is a model. 142 00:06:09,080 --> 00:06:11,505 And this is actually seven steps, 143 00:06:11,505 --> 00:06:12,880 even though I've got eight boxes. 144 00:06:12,880 --> 00:06:16,430 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. 145 00:06:16,430 --> 00:06:18,264 This thing here happens in the system. 146 00:06:18,264 --> 00:06:19,680 It happens with the thing that you 147 00:06:19,680 --> 00:06:21,440 are trying to interact with. 148 00:06:21,440 --> 00:06:24,980 You can expand it into what you think of as a computer program. 149 00:06:24,980 --> 00:06:27,920 This will be expanded into a huge algorithm, or the thing 150 00:06:27,920 --> 00:06:29,550 that the computer has to solve. 151 00:06:29,550 --> 00:06:34,205 And figure out what you were trying to do, and tried to do. 152 00:06:34,205 --> 00:06:37,870 And try to communicate back to you whether that was successful 153 00:06:37,870 --> 00:06:38,370 or not. 154 00:06:38,370 --> 00:06:41,760 That's not really what I want you to worry about right now. 155 00:06:41,760 --> 00:06:45,710 But these seven steps are all happening in the human. 156 00:06:45,710 --> 00:06:49,580 And all these steps are an opportunity for something 157 00:06:49,580 --> 00:06:50,352 to go wrong. 158 00:06:52,890 --> 00:06:56,570 Let me give you an example, from games in particular. 159 00:06:56,570 --> 00:06:59,540 These are some of the considerations 160 00:06:59,540 --> 00:07:01,290 that you might have in a game. 161 00:07:01,290 --> 00:07:03,230 There are-- say it's a competitive game. 162 00:07:03,230 --> 00:07:05,925 You. want to win, you don't want to lose. 163 00:07:05,925 --> 00:07:07,400 So how do I win? 164 00:07:07,400 --> 00:07:12,040 How can I win, gathering a lot of money or resources 165 00:07:12,040 --> 00:07:15,920 or getting more points, or knocking out my opponent. 166 00:07:15,920 --> 00:07:17,539 What are my options right now? 167 00:07:17,539 --> 00:07:19,580 Maybe it's a card based game, and the options all 168 00:07:19,580 --> 00:07:21,410 laid out in the cards that you're holding. 169 00:07:21,410 --> 00:07:26,270 Maybe you have the same three decisions every turn. 170 00:07:26,270 --> 00:07:29,600 So, given all those options, what do I want to do? 171 00:07:29,600 --> 00:07:32,090 And then you actually have to execute that. 172 00:07:32,090 --> 00:07:34,460 If it's some sort of dexterity game, where 173 00:07:34,460 --> 00:07:39,200 you have to flick tokens on a board, that's kind of tough. 174 00:07:39,200 --> 00:07:41,195 Maybe you just place the card face down. 175 00:07:41,195 --> 00:07:43,070 You need to make sure you pick the right card 176 00:07:43,070 --> 00:07:47,155 before placing face down and not placing it face up by accident. 177 00:07:47,155 --> 00:07:49,400 The game reacts. 178 00:07:49,400 --> 00:07:51,200 That could involve other people. 179 00:07:51,200 --> 00:07:54,110 That could involve a computer. 180 00:07:54,110 --> 00:07:57,150 That could just involve how the board looks. 181 00:07:57,150 --> 00:08:01,170 And then you as a human being now see the perceived state 182 00:08:01,170 --> 00:08:05,630 of the game, and figure out whether that got you any closer 183 00:08:05,630 --> 00:08:07,600 to where you wanted to be. 184 00:08:07,600 --> 00:08:10,670 You say, oh, I made that move. 185 00:08:10,670 --> 00:08:14,400 And man, that was a terrible move. 186 00:08:14,400 --> 00:08:17,330 And I know that because that took points away from me. 187 00:08:17,330 --> 00:08:20,370 So now I need to figure out what's my next step. 188 00:08:20,370 --> 00:08:23,860 I make a plan and go on, and on, and so forth. 189 00:08:27,390 --> 00:08:35,320 So, the idea that Donald Norman talks about, mental models, 190 00:08:35,320 --> 00:08:38,570 is basically this idea that the human beings 191 00:08:38,570 --> 00:08:42,440 who are playing your game have an idea of how your game works. 192 00:08:42,440 --> 00:08:43,750 And they might be right. 193 00:08:43,750 --> 00:08:44,880 They might be wrong. 194 00:08:44,880 --> 00:08:50,930 Or maybe somewhat vaguely right, but not quite there. 195 00:08:50,930 --> 00:08:53,170 Now as a designer of a game, then 196 00:08:53,170 --> 00:08:55,887 you are creating the system that players are interacting with. 197 00:08:55,887 --> 00:08:57,470 Everything that I talked about earlier 198 00:08:57,470 --> 00:08:59,610 was happening between the player system. 199 00:08:59,610 --> 00:09:01,690 But you're the designer who is trying 200 00:09:01,690 --> 00:09:05,570 to machine the system into something that a player can 201 00:09:05,570 --> 00:09:07,010 understand. 202 00:09:07,010 --> 00:09:09,500 That should actually sound familiar 203 00:09:09,500 --> 00:09:11,326 because we talked a little bit about this. 204 00:09:11,326 --> 00:09:12,450 Mechanic-dynamic aesthetic. 205 00:09:12,450 --> 00:09:15,700 If you as a designer, are designing a system, 206 00:09:15,700 --> 00:09:18,870 are creating the mechanics of the game. 207 00:09:18,870 --> 00:09:22,190 Players experiencing the aesthetics of a game 208 00:09:22,190 --> 00:09:24,200 have all kinds of resultant dynamics 209 00:09:24,200 --> 00:09:27,440 that are coming from both how your rules define 210 00:09:27,440 --> 00:09:29,810 what the player is going to do as well 211 00:09:29,810 --> 00:09:31,280 as how the player decides they're 212 00:09:31,280 --> 00:09:33,680 going to execute your rules. 213 00:09:33,680 --> 00:09:38,510 So it's this weird, horrible, second-order problem, 214 00:09:38,510 --> 00:09:42,930 which results in you trying to communicate to the player, 215 00:09:42,930 --> 00:09:44,810 this is what's happening underneath the hood 216 00:09:44,810 --> 00:09:46,643 and you really need to understand this to be 217 00:09:46,643 --> 00:09:51,600 able to make good decisions. 218 00:09:51,600 --> 00:09:54,740 So again, the player develops a mental model 219 00:09:54,740 --> 00:09:58,060 of how the system works by interacting with the system. 220 00:09:58,060 --> 00:10:02,930 The player tries to play a game by poking at it. 221 00:10:02,930 --> 00:10:06,100 And the user then uses that model, 222 00:10:06,100 --> 00:10:09,380 that happens to exist in the player's head, 223 00:10:09,380 --> 00:10:12,920 to anticipate what that system is going to do in the future 224 00:10:12,920 --> 00:10:15,950 if he did something differently. 225 00:10:15,950 --> 00:10:19,070 And that mental model gives the player 226 00:10:19,070 --> 00:10:22,130 an explanation for why the system is behaving in a way 227 00:10:22,130 --> 00:10:24,780 that it does. 228 00:10:24,780 --> 00:10:26,360 The designer also has a mental model. 229 00:10:26,360 --> 00:10:30,110 You all have an idea of how your teams currently work. 230 00:10:30,110 --> 00:10:31,610 Whether or not your games actually 231 00:10:31,610 --> 00:10:34,190 work that way, because if I read your rules 232 00:10:34,190 --> 00:10:35,750 I may interpret it differently. 233 00:10:35,750 --> 00:10:37,310 But right now you have an idea of how 234 00:10:37,310 --> 00:10:38,768 your game works because you've been 235 00:10:38,768 --> 00:10:42,045 working with these things for two weeks. 236 00:10:42,045 --> 00:10:46,555 And you are materializing that into a set of game mechanics, 237 00:10:46,555 --> 00:10:50,270 a bunch of rules. 238 00:10:50,270 --> 00:10:52,400 The player has to interpret, and then 239 00:10:52,400 --> 00:10:55,190 create their own mental model out of that. 240 00:10:55,190 --> 00:10:59,000 So you can imagine so many different possibilities 241 00:10:59,000 --> 00:11:01,340 of things just going wrong. 242 00:11:01,340 --> 00:11:04,570 I'm going to talk a little bit about that. 243 00:11:04,570 --> 00:11:09,370 So one of them are mistakes that a player makes. 244 00:11:09,370 --> 00:11:11,090 There are two different kinds of mistakes 245 00:11:11,090 --> 00:11:12,080 that I want to talk about and try 246 00:11:12,080 --> 00:11:13,538 to introduce this vocabulary to you 247 00:11:13,538 --> 00:11:16,490 so that when you're talking with your teams 248 00:11:16,490 --> 00:11:18,290 you can use clear language. 249 00:11:18,290 --> 00:11:20,870 If you have gone through CMS 611 before, 250 00:11:20,870 --> 00:11:22,880 you've seen a version of this presentation. 251 00:11:22,880 --> 00:11:24,670 I have had to change up the examples, 252 00:11:24,670 --> 00:11:28,460 so that these are board game examples. 253 00:11:28,460 --> 00:11:31,680 Flips are when the player knows what's supposed to happen 254 00:11:31,680 --> 00:11:33,020 and what they're supposed to do. 255 00:11:33,020 --> 00:11:35,420 The player just happens to accidentally do 256 00:11:35,420 --> 00:11:37,970 the wrong thing. 257 00:11:37,970 --> 00:11:41,495 Real world slips including-- 258 00:11:41,495 --> 00:11:45,395 has anybody tried to call somebody on the phone, 259 00:11:45,395 --> 00:11:47,270 dialed in the number, and accidentally dialed 260 00:11:47,270 --> 00:11:50,060 somebody else that really well? 261 00:11:50,060 --> 00:11:52,587 It's not like you didn't know each person's phone numbers. 262 00:11:52,587 --> 00:11:54,170 You just automatically started dialing 263 00:11:54,170 --> 00:11:59,740 the wrong number, which you knew you also knew very well. 264 00:11:59,740 --> 00:12:03,217 Driving, if you drive, you and you 265 00:12:03,217 --> 00:12:05,300 want to drive your friend's house you accidentally 266 00:12:05,300 --> 00:12:09,254 end at work because you just got into a routine. 267 00:12:09,254 --> 00:12:11,420 Halfway through a task you forget what you're doing. 268 00:12:11,420 --> 00:12:12,710 It's not like you don't actually know 269 00:12:12,710 --> 00:12:14,777 what your task is, you just happened to forget it 270 00:12:14,777 --> 00:12:15,860 in the middle of doing it. 271 00:12:18,680 --> 00:12:20,180 Pushing a similar button to the one 272 00:12:20,180 --> 00:12:22,054 that you actually wanted, that sort of thing. 273 00:12:22,054 --> 00:12:24,080 Dealing cards. 274 00:12:24,080 --> 00:12:26,780 Everybody gets five cards. 275 00:12:26,780 --> 00:12:28,760 How many have I got? 276 00:12:28,760 --> 00:12:32,402 That person has five cards, six cards, five cards, five cards, 277 00:12:32,402 --> 00:12:33,360 or something like that. 278 00:12:33,360 --> 00:12:34,790 People come up with systems like this 279 00:12:34,790 --> 00:12:36,950 to be able to help them keep track of how many cards 280 00:12:36,950 --> 00:12:37,410 they gave out. 281 00:12:37,410 --> 00:12:38,540 But it's not like you didn't know 282 00:12:38,540 --> 00:12:40,206 that you were supposed to do five cards, 283 00:12:40,206 --> 00:12:42,560 you just lost track. 284 00:12:42,560 --> 00:12:44,050 So that's a slip. 285 00:12:44,050 --> 00:12:46,050 That's not a problem of a player's mental model. 286 00:12:46,050 --> 00:12:48,591 The player, he understands how his game was supposed to work. 287 00:12:53,700 --> 00:12:55,970 Well, there are also mistakes, which 288 00:12:55,970 --> 00:12:58,569 are errors in the player's mental model. 289 00:12:58,569 --> 00:13:00,610 The player thinks the game works in a certain way 290 00:13:00,610 --> 00:13:02,443 and a game doesn't actually-- isn't actually 291 00:13:02,443 --> 00:13:03,740 supposed to work in that way. 292 00:13:03,740 --> 00:13:09,800 So this is a product placement shot of-- 293 00:13:09,800 --> 00:13:13,600 a beauty shot, of a beautifully hand-crafted, 294 00:13:13,600 --> 00:13:20,630 machined [INAUDIBLE] What's wrong with that? 295 00:13:20,630 --> 00:13:22,150 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 296 00:13:22,150 --> 00:13:28,260 PROFESSOR: Yes you can't put cities on adjacent spots. 297 00:13:28,260 --> 00:13:31,502 I think you can't even put it adjacent your opponents. 298 00:13:31,502 --> 00:13:32,460 AUDIENCE: That's right. 299 00:13:32,460 --> 00:13:33,790 Two apart. 300 00:13:33,790 --> 00:13:37,290 PROFESSOR: Two cities cannot be right next to each other. 301 00:13:37,290 --> 00:13:39,930 It makes for a nice photo, but the person 302 00:13:39,930 --> 00:13:43,246 who set this up clearly never actually played the game. 303 00:13:43,246 --> 00:13:46,570 It's still beautiful work. 304 00:13:46,570 --> 00:13:50,890 That player has-- if the person was actually playing the game. 305 00:13:50,890 --> 00:13:54,060 This person have the wrong idea about how this game is played? 306 00:13:54,060 --> 00:13:57,470 That's actually sometimes perfectly fine. 307 00:13:57,470 --> 00:13:58,470 That's part of learning. 308 00:13:58,470 --> 00:14:00,870 You make a mistake. 309 00:14:00,870 --> 00:14:02,820 If the game corrects you, and then you 310 00:14:02,820 --> 00:14:06,940 learn how to compensate for that, or play differently, 311 00:14:06,940 --> 00:14:08,880 that's just the process of learning the game. 312 00:14:08,880 --> 00:14:10,296 People make mistakes while they're 313 00:14:10,296 --> 00:14:11,970 learning the game all the time. 314 00:14:11,970 --> 00:14:13,810 If you're playing a computer game, 315 00:14:13,810 --> 00:14:16,340 sometimes that's all the fun of playing the game. 316 00:14:16,340 --> 00:14:19,140 Trying to figure out how this crazy computer game works. 317 00:14:19,140 --> 00:14:20,940 Probing it, and then the game punishes you 318 00:14:20,940 --> 00:14:23,206 because that was the wrong decision. 319 00:14:23,206 --> 00:14:24,580 And then you learn not to do that 320 00:14:24,580 --> 00:14:26,580 and then you try a different strategy. 321 00:14:26,580 --> 00:14:28,500 In fact, the game where you never fail-- 322 00:14:28,500 --> 00:14:30,708 and it's actually fairly easy to make a computer game 323 00:14:30,708 --> 00:14:33,480 where you never fail-- 324 00:14:33,480 --> 00:14:35,940 isn't that interesting for a player 325 00:14:35,940 --> 00:14:37,770 because that means you can just use 326 00:14:37,770 --> 00:14:41,370 whatever strategy you went in with and it will always work. 327 00:14:41,370 --> 00:14:43,110 There's no reason for you to think 328 00:14:43,110 --> 00:14:45,510 that this game needs smart strategy 329 00:14:45,510 --> 00:14:47,980 or has any depth to it. 330 00:14:47,980 --> 00:14:50,230 Whereas, a game where you try out the strategy 331 00:14:50,230 --> 00:14:53,040 you came in with and maybe works a little bit 332 00:14:53,040 --> 00:14:55,450 and, then it stops working. 333 00:14:55,450 --> 00:14:58,910 And then getting feedback on the why it might not be working, 334 00:14:58,910 --> 00:15:00,900 well that tells you, hey he doesn't 335 00:15:00,900 --> 00:15:03,210 know there's something underneath the hood here. 336 00:15:03,210 --> 00:15:06,760 Maybe I can explore this game a little bit further. 337 00:15:06,760 --> 00:15:08,910 That was an interesting study from Jester Juul, 338 00:15:08,910 --> 00:15:13,230 who is a game scholar, who wrote the book The Art of Failure. 339 00:15:13,230 --> 00:15:15,150 One of the tricks that-- 340 00:15:15,150 --> 00:15:19,620 he made this really simple kind of snake type game 341 00:15:19,620 --> 00:15:23,030 where you pick things up and it just gets longer. 342 00:15:23,030 --> 00:15:26,352 And he ask people to just rate the game 343 00:15:26,352 --> 00:15:27,310 at the end of the game. 344 00:15:27,310 --> 00:15:29,439 The game was the same, no matter who played it. 345 00:15:29,439 --> 00:15:31,730 But some people played it better, some people play it-- 346 00:15:31,730 --> 00:15:32,900 played it worse. 347 00:15:32,900 --> 00:15:37,140 The people who never failed once in beating, I think, 348 00:15:37,140 --> 00:15:41,640 five levels of the game, rated that game 349 00:15:41,640 --> 00:15:45,494 as being lower than someone who failed once or twice. 350 00:15:45,494 --> 00:15:47,160 And somebody who played it once or twice 351 00:15:47,160 --> 00:15:48,420 rated it a seven or eight. 352 00:15:48,420 --> 00:15:51,450 Some people who never failed, that rated it a five. 353 00:15:51,450 --> 00:15:54,120 People who could never get past the first level 354 00:15:54,120 --> 00:15:56,190 will also rate it a five or four. 355 00:15:56,190 --> 00:15:58,800 So people who get frustrated if they 356 00:15:58,800 --> 00:16:01,430 can't find the right mental model to play this game. 357 00:16:01,430 --> 00:16:03,252 It's like, none of my strategies work. 358 00:16:03,252 --> 00:16:04,460 I don't understand this game. 359 00:16:04,460 --> 00:16:05,270 I don't get this game. 360 00:16:05,270 --> 00:16:06,103 This is frustrating. 361 00:16:06,103 --> 00:16:07,740 I hate this game. 362 00:16:07,740 --> 00:16:09,930 And the alternative is, I completely get this game. 363 00:16:09,930 --> 00:16:11,725 I saw right through it the moment I-- 364 00:16:11,725 --> 00:16:13,380 you put this in front of me. 365 00:16:13,380 --> 00:16:15,880 I beat it in less than five minutes. 366 00:16:15,880 --> 00:16:17,456 My strategy just worked. 367 00:16:17,456 --> 00:16:19,200 Eh, not much there. 368 00:16:19,200 --> 00:16:22,455 And the people who feel a little bit halfway but then managed 369 00:16:22,455 --> 00:16:24,330 to complete the rest of the game because they 370 00:16:24,330 --> 00:16:25,123 changed the strategy. 371 00:16:25,123 --> 00:16:26,539 Woohoo, that's a pretty good game. 372 00:16:26,539 --> 00:16:29,495 They gave me a challenge and I overcame it. 373 00:16:29,495 --> 00:16:32,200 So let's talk a little about feedback. 374 00:16:32,200 --> 00:16:35,020 How do we give users this type of really, really 375 00:16:35,020 --> 00:16:37,250 valuable information to correct those mental models? 376 00:16:40,540 --> 00:16:46,150 I guess I'm skipping to the right side of the slide here. 377 00:16:46,150 --> 00:16:48,680 So we need to tell the player that an error has happened, 378 00:16:48,680 --> 00:16:51,160 and we need to give them tools to recover. 379 00:16:51,160 --> 00:16:53,770 Often, in a board game or in a card game, 380 00:16:53,770 --> 00:16:56,950 that kind of telling the player an error has happened 381 00:16:56,950 --> 00:16:59,420 needs to be enforced by other people. 382 00:16:59,420 --> 00:17:01,540 So you need to give the other players 383 00:17:01,540 --> 00:17:06,099 tools to detect when the game is on the verge of crashing, 384 00:17:06,099 --> 00:17:08,950 when someone has executed an illegal move, 385 00:17:08,950 --> 00:17:10,990 and then give them some sort of structure 386 00:17:10,990 --> 00:17:13,099 to be able to correct that. 387 00:17:13,099 --> 00:17:16,824 I'll give you a bit more example about that in a second. 388 00:17:16,824 --> 00:17:18,490 The alternative of the process, you just 389 00:17:18,490 --> 00:17:19,573 let them make the mistake. 390 00:17:19,573 --> 00:17:21,674 Their location-- or, on occasion they 391 00:17:21,674 --> 00:17:24,010 are making a move that is an error, that 392 00:17:24,010 --> 00:17:25,839 is a mistake, because they don't understand 393 00:17:25,839 --> 00:17:30,140 how this game is supposed to work, but its a legal move. 394 00:17:30,140 --> 00:17:34,030 And then, as a designer, so you have the option of giving them 395 00:17:34,030 --> 00:17:36,330 tools to fix that problem. 396 00:17:36,330 --> 00:17:38,400 It's like, all right you made a suboptimal move. 397 00:17:38,400 --> 00:17:41,620 It isn't going to get you any closer to your winning goal, 398 00:17:41,620 --> 00:17:45,400 but I'm going to give you kinds of rules 399 00:17:45,400 --> 00:17:49,010 to be able to then recover from that mistake. 400 00:17:49,010 --> 00:17:51,520 Of course you could also just prevent some of those mistakes 401 00:17:51,520 --> 00:17:52,710 from happening, right? 402 00:17:52,710 --> 00:17:55,030 In the Settlers of Cataan board, they actually 403 00:17:55,030 --> 00:18:00,210 had slots of the right size to be able to put the pieces. 404 00:18:00,210 --> 00:18:01,720 You know that's a constraint, that's 405 00:18:01,720 --> 00:18:03,340 a typical constraint that prevents you 406 00:18:03,340 --> 00:18:07,280 from putting the wrong piece in the wrong place. 407 00:18:07,280 --> 00:18:10,150 Ways to be checked and confirmation-- 408 00:18:10,150 --> 00:18:12,580 again, usually tend to happen with other players. 409 00:18:12,580 --> 00:18:13,772 Or maybe a referee. 410 00:18:16,510 --> 00:18:18,455 Especially in sports, you want to think 411 00:18:18,455 --> 00:18:20,830 about the role of the referee and what the referee should 412 00:18:20,830 --> 00:18:23,520 be checking for. 413 00:18:23,520 --> 00:18:25,860 But if you're making a computer game then 414 00:18:25,860 --> 00:18:28,770 the computer is doing that for you. 415 00:18:28,770 --> 00:18:30,745 Let's talk about the kinds of error recovery. 416 00:18:30,745 --> 00:18:33,855 That's backward error recovery, which is undo, basically. 417 00:18:33,855 --> 00:18:35,710 I'm taking back that move. 418 00:18:35,710 --> 00:18:39,100 In chess, the rule is if you've got your hand still 419 00:18:39,100 --> 00:18:42,056 on the piece, you can still take it back. 420 00:18:42,056 --> 00:18:44,010 AUDIENCE: Not in tournament play. 421 00:18:44,010 --> 00:18:44,320 PROFESSOR: Not in tournament play? 422 00:18:44,320 --> 00:18:46,236 AUDIENCE: In tournament play, it's touch move. 423 00:18:46,236 --> 00:18:47,917 PROFESSOR: It's touch move? 424 00:18:47,917 --> 00:18:49,825 AUDIENCE: As long as your hand is on it 425 00:18:49,825 --> 00:18:51,256 If you touch an opponent's piece, 426 00:18:51,256 --> 00:18:52,750 you have to capture that piece. 427 00:18:52,750 --> 00:18:53,160 PROFESSOR: Oh, yes. 428 00:18:53,160 --> 00:18:54,576 AUDIENCE: If you touch your piece, 429 00:18:54,576 --> 00:18:56,452 then you have to make a legal move with that. 430 00:18:56,452 --> 00:18:58,784 PROFESSOR: Yes, you have to make a legal move with that. 431 00:18:58,784 --> 00:19:01,360 But you could-- if it was a knight, I move this way, 432 00:19:01,360 --> 00:19:02,650 or it could move that way. 433 00:19:02,650 --> 00:19:05,120 If I moved it that way I can still move it over there 434 00:19:05,120 --> 00:19:06,260 if I haven't let go. 435 00:19:06,260 --> 00:19:08,130 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 436 00:19:08,130 --> 00:19:09,580 PROFESSOR: Yes I do hit a clock. 437 00:19:09,580 --> 00:19:11,610 Because in tournament play, especially when 438 00:19:11,610 --> 00:19:15,050 clocked, in timed tournament play, which 439 00:19:15,050 --> 00:19:16,489 is how it is usually done, there's 440 00:19:16,489 --> 00:19:17,530 still a penalty for that. 441 00:19:17,530 --> 00:19:19,810 You're still losing time, even if you're correct. 442 00:19:19,810 --> 00:19:24,830 But at least there's a very clear stated set 443 00:19:24,830 --> 00:19:28,380 in the rules of this is how you take that move back. 444 00:19:28,380 --> 00:19:32,290 And this is where you're not allowed to take that move back, 445 00:19:32,290 --> 00:19:36,110 which is basically when you let go of the piece. 446 00:19:36,110 --> 00:19:39,160 Forward error recovery is more about, again, 447 00:19:39,160 --> 00:19:41,780 giving people tools be able to compensate. 448 00:19:41,780 --> 00:19:44,920 Mario-- this is not a board game example, obviously. 449 00:19:44,920 --> 00:19:48,970 You jump, and you can change your direction in mid-air. 450 00:19:48,970 --> 00:19:52,500 So you can do a jump that you are not going to complete 451 00:19:52,500 --> 00:19:55,030 and you will fall to your death. 452 00:19:55,030 --> 00:19:58,510 But you can go backwards while you're flying in mid-air 453 00:19:58,510 --> 00:20:02,650 and then land back where you started. 454 00:20:02,650 --> 00:20:04,510 Again you lose time, but otherwise you 455 00:20:04,510 --> 00:20:05,980 haven't lost the game. 456 00:20:05,980 --> 00:20:07,506 So that's forward every recovery. 457 00:20:07,506 --> 00:20:09,880 You've made the decision, and that's a decision I wanted. 458 00:20:09,880 --> 00:20:11,900 And then you fix it. 459 00:20:11,900 --> 00:20:13,724 So you take a new action to compensate. 460 00:20:18,940 --> 00:20:22,230 Now affordances comes up in Donald Norman, 461 00:20:22,230 --> 00:20:24,550 but I believe he goes into more detail about it 462 00:20:24,550 --> 00:20:27,040 in chapter 2 and chapter 1. 463 00:20:27,040 --> 00:20:32,410 So we are going to go into different kinds of affordances 464 00:20:32,410 --> 00:20:33,930 and constraints. 465 00:20:33,930 --> 00:20:40,210 So affordances are things that are aspects 466 00:20:40,210 --> 00:20:43,300 of the thing that you're confronted with that 467 00:20:43,300 --> 00:20:45,250 invites you to do something. 468 00:20:45,250 --> 00:20:50,050 So we talked a little bit about affordances of materials. 469 00:20:50,050 --> 00:20:53,180 Glass invites breaking. 470 00:20:53,180 --> 00:20:57,490 Porous wood invites writing on. 471 00:20:57,490 --> 00:21:01,616 Door handles are one thing that comes up a lot Donald Norman. 472 00:21:01,616 --> 00:21:02,990 We have a door handle that is not 473 00:21:02,990 --> 00:21:07,630 all that different from this on the door in this class. 474 00:21:07,630 --> 00:21:13,090 And that handle, it's about hand-sized, 475 00:21:13,090 --> 00:21:15,370 it invites you to grab it. 476 00:21:15,370 --> 00:21:17,762 You could turn it, you could pull it, you could push it. 477 00:21:21,290 --> 00:21:25,390 So there are bigger constraints when 478 00:21:25,390 --> 00:21:29,470 you look at a door like that door, that tell you 479 00:21:29,470 --> 00:21:32,825 about what that function of this handle is supposed to be. 480 00:21:32,825 --> 00:21:34,700 First of all it's like a semantic constraint. 481 00:21:34,700 --> 00:21:37,300 You've been taught: that thing is a door. 482 00:21:37,300 --> 00:21:42,160 You know, you've seen a million doors just like that. 483 00:21:42,160 --> 00:21:46,900 And so you say, it's a door, it must open somehow. 484 00:21:46,900 --> 00:21:49,900 Have any of you just found a random door on campus 485 00:21:49,900 --> 00:21:52,060 that just doesn't open? 486 00:21:52,060 --> 00:21:56,270 It's not locked, it just doesn't open. 487 00:21:56,270 --> 00:21:59,300 Or maybe it opens into a brick wall. 488 00:21:59,300 --> 00:22:00,133 Yeah? 489 00:22:00,133 --> 00:22:07,972 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] No, not here. 490 00:22:07,972 --> 00:22:08,680 PROFESSOR: Right. 491 00:22:11,790 --> 00:22:14,444 Did it just not open, or does it open into something bizarre? 492 00:22:14,444 --> 00:22:15,360 AUDIENCE: Into a wall. 493 00:22:15,360 --> 00:22:16,651 PROFESSOR: A brick wall, right? 494 00:22:16,651 --> 00:22:19,460 Yes, that's betraying the semantic constraint. 495 00:22:19,460 --> 00:22:21,850 The door is not supposed to open it to a wall, 496 00:22:21,850 --> 00:22:23,590 it's supposed to open into another space 497 00:22:23,590 --> 00:22:25,225 that you can go through. 498 00:22:25,225 --> 00:22:27,950 It's a door, it must open somehow. 499 00:22:27,950 --> 00:22:31,300 And so you look at a door and see all the different ways 500 00:22:31,300 --> 00:22:33,850 that you can open it. 501 00:22:33,850 --> 00:22:37,930 Now in emergency doors, you have these things often 502 00:22:37,930 --> 00:22:39,960 called crash bars. 503 00:22:39,960 --> 00:22:43,170 And what you see over there is pretty popular, 504 00:22:43,170 --> 00:22:46,880 but not the only way to implement this idea. 505 00:22:46,880 --> 00:22:50,590 A crash bar is designed so that you make it very, very clear 506 00:22:50,590 --> 00:22:53,320 that this door only opens in one way, 507 00:22:53,320 --> 00:22:56,410 to try limit how much mental processing you 508 00:22:56,410 --> 00:23:01,160 need to think about because it's usually put on emergency exits. 509 00:23:01,160 --> 00:23:04,940 But this particular one, you could grab this. 510 00:23:04,940 --> 00:23:06,420 You can grab this with your hand. 511 00:23:06,420 --> 00:23:09,380 You could push it, you could grab it, you can pull it up, 512 00:23:09,380 --> 00:23:10,940 you can push it down. 513 00:23:10,940 --> 00:23:14,465 There is a logical constraint, the more you 514 00:23:14,465 --> 00:23:16,280 grab your hands on something like this, 515 00:23:16,280 --> 00:23:17,530 you really can't see the lock. 516 00:23:17,530 --> 00:23:20,910 You just see the door, and the door is closed. 517 00:23:20,910 --> 00:23:22,920 As soon as you grab this, you realize 518 00:23:22,920 --> 00:23:27,150 that this hinge is spring loaded and can only go down. 519 00:23:27,150 --> 00:23:30,380 So there is this logic, there's a logical constraint there. 520 00:23:30,380 --> 00:23:33,100 This is a hinge that can go up and down, but already 521 00:23:33,100 --> 00:23:34,590 in the up position. 522 00:23:34,590 --> 00:23:37,680 So in order to activate this thing, 523 00:23:37,680 --> 00:23:39,570 you push it down, which encourages 524 00:23:39,570 --> 00:23:41,610 pushing rather than pulling. 525 00:23:41,610 --> 00:23:47,310 So it encourages you to exert force in the correct direction, 526 00:23:47,310 --> 00:23:48,960 assuming that the door opens outwards. 527 00:23:48,960 --> 00:23:50,730 If it opens inwards, then you really 528 00:23:50,730 --> 00:23:55,666 put the door handle on the wrong side of the door. 529 00:23:55,666 --> 00:23:57,166 There are also physical constraints, 530 00:23:57,166 --> 00:23:59,790 back to the example I talked about, 531 00:23:59,790 --> 00:24:02,700 the Settlers of Cataan board. 532 00:24:02,700 --> 00:24:05,464 This is a different kind of crash bar but this one I think 533 00:24:05,464 --> 00:24:07,380 does a slightly better job because it actually 534 00:24:07,380 --> 00:24:08,470 kind of difficult to grab. 535 00:24:08,470 --> 00:24:10,350 It is actually pretty wide. 536 00:24:10,350 --> 00:24:14,520 And it's much wider and a lot of people's hands. 537 00:24:14,520 --> 00:24:16,590 It's really easy to push. 538 00:24:16,590 --> 00:24:19,860 So, just physically it makes it difficult 539 00:24:19,860 --> 00:24:22,665 for you to do the wrong thing, to pull out the door that 540 00:24:22,665 --> 00:24:25,584 generally opens outwards. 541 00:24:25,584 --> 00:24:28,360 But because this doesn't tell you where it hinges, 542 00:24:28,360 --> 00:24:30,610 it doesn't tell you whether the door opens to the left 543 00:24:30,610 --> 00:24:31,760 or the door opens to the right. 544 00:24:31,760 --> 00:24:33,930 If you push too hard on the wrong side of the door, 545 00:24:33,930 --> 00:24:37,620 where the hinges are, the door doesn't really open. 546 00:24:37,620 --> 00:24:39,550 I guess it would be hard to open, 547 00:24:39,550 --> 00:24:42,240 but if you just gently push it, it won't open. 548 00:24:42,240 --> 00:24:46,044 Which is why you get these, which is offset to one side. 549 00:24:46,044 --> 00:24:47,460 And there are cultural constraints 550 00:24:47,460 --> 00:24:49,940 that are associated with that. 551 00:24:49,940 --> 00:24:52,530 Like the blue slightly rubberized, 552 00:24:52,530 --> 00:24:57,210 grippy surface encourages you to put your hands on that. 553 00:24:57,210 --> 00:24:59,284 There's a physical constraint. 554 00:24:59,284 --> 00:25:02,990 Because it's off-center, if you push anywhere along this part 555 00:25:02,990 --> 00:25:04,650 you won't generate enough torque to be 556 00:25:04,650 --> 00:25:07,990 able to open the door easily. 557 00:25:07,990 --> 00:25:11,570 I'm not so sure about this sticker that's over here, 558 00:25:11,570 --> 00:25:13,710 but I do think they kind of informed you 559 00:25:13,710 --> 00:25:16,110 that this is actually something where you put your hand. 560 00:25:16,110 --> 00:25:20,350 because this is rubber and there is ink on there. 561 00:25:20,350 --> 00:25:22,206 This is rubberised, and it's coated, 562 00:25:22,206 --> 00:25:24,140 and it's clearly hand-size. 563 00:25:24,140 --> 00:25:26,190 It's inviting you to push it. 564 00:25:26,190 --> 00:25:30,120 So that is cultural because of the colors, of the material, 565 00:25:30,120 --> 00:25:31,410 of the rubber. 566 00:25:31,410 --> 00:25:35,030 That says, this is something for you to put your hands on. 567 00:25:35,030 --> 00:25:38,427 So there are four different kinds of constraints 568 00:25:38,427 --> 00:25:39,260 that I went through. 569 00:25:39,260 --> 00:25:40,801 There are cultural constraints, which 570 00:25:40,801 --> 00:25:42,150 is what I was talking about-- 571 00:25:42,150 --> 00:25:42,650 the blue. 572 00:25:42,650 --> 00:25:45,480 There's the physical-- the physical constraints are just 573 00:25:45,480 --> 00:25:48,210 making it hard for you to do the wrong thing in the same way 574 00:25:48,210 --> 00:25:50,342 that certain pieces in certain games 575 00:25:50,342 --> 00:25:51,800 are easy to pick up because you are 576 00:25:51,800 --> 00:25:53,860 going to be picking up a lot. 577 00:25:53,860 --> 00:25:56,387 Certain things are easy to roll. 578 00:25:56,387 --> 00:25:58,720 Those things that are hard to pick up because you're not 579 00:25:58,720 --> 00:26:00,553 supposed to be picking them up, maybe you're 580 00:26:00,553 --> 00:26:02,620 supposed to be sliding them around. 581 00:26:02,620 --> 00:26:04,320 There are logical constraints, where 582 00:26:04,320 --> 00:26:07,680 if you just look at it for a second, you will say well, 583 00:26:07,680 --> 00:26:11,039 it can't be this, therefore it must be that. 584 00:26:11,039 --> 00:26:12,830 And finally, there are semantic constraints 585 00:26:12,830 --> 00:26:14,596 of when I say something is a door, 586 00:26:14,596 --> 00:26:16,220 you expect to be able to go through it. 587 00:26:16,220 --> 00:26:17,136 Same thing for a game. 588 00:26:17,136 --> 00:26:20,370 If you see a door in a game, it is labelled door, 589 00:26:20,370 --> 00:26:24,434 you expect that door leads somewhere in the game. 590 00:26:24,434 --> 00:26:25,850 I think there is a version of Clue 591 00:26:25,850 --> 00:26:29,220 that I used to play when I was a very, very little kid. 592 00:26:29,220 --> 00:26:31,680 And if you remember the Clue board, 593 00:26:31,680 --> 00:26:33,827 it looked like a floor plan of a house. 594 00:26:37,102 --> 00:26:38,560 It has windows and stuff like that, 595 00:26:38,560 --> 00:26:40,932 and that implies that you can go outside of the house. 596 00:26:40,932 --> 00:26:42,890 But you can't really go outside the house, that 597 00:26:42,890 --> 00:26:44,390 would be breaking the rules. 598 00:26:44,390 --> 00:26:46,670 That confused me when I was five years old, 599 00:26:46,670 --> 00:26:49,211 because I expected that you'd be able to go through any door. 600 00:26:51,737 --> 00:26:53,820 A couple of other things you can do to help people 601 00:26:53,820 --> 00:26:56,100 understand your game, it's context. 602 00:26:56,100 --> 00:26:58,530 Where how things are placed next to other things 603 00:26:58,530 --> 00:27:00,970 that suggest how they're supposed to be used. 604 00:27:00,970 --> 00:27:03,750 This is Boggle, and when you open it, 605 00:27:03,750 --> 00:27:05,790 you get these two pieces. 606 00:27:05,790 --> 00:27:08,485 Well you actually get [INAUDIBLE]. 607 00:27:13,390 --> 00:27:15,990 But you get these things together, 608 00:27:15,990 --> 00:27:20,010 and as soon as you see this if you know what an hourglass is, 609 00:27:20,010 --> 00:27:23,970 you immediately know that this is a timed game. 610 00:27:23,970 --> 00:27:25,590 Whether or not you read it on the box 611 00:27:25,590 --> 00:27:28,380 that this was a game that was timed, whether you've ever 612 00:27:28,380 --> 00:27:30,240 played this game before. 613 00:27:30,240 --> 00:27:32,660 When you see a timer that's packed 614 00:27:32,660 --> 00:27:34,570 in the same box with things, that 615 00:27:34,570 --> 00:27:38,770 suggests that this is a game that you play with Time. 616 00:27:38,770 --> 00:27:40,560 So that's one way of thinking context. 617 00:27:40,560 --> 00:27:45,400 I'm going to go to a few more examples later on 618 00:27:45,400 --> 00:27:49,410 and I want you to think about how things 619 00:27:49,410 --> 00:27:51,090 are placed next to each other suggests 620 00:27:51,090 --> 00:27:53,610 how they're supposed to be used. 621 00:27:53,610 --> 00:27:55,780 Context also comes from how you name things 622 00:27:55,780 --> 00:27:57,840 and how you provide art. 623 00:27:57,840 --> 00:28:00,750 This is not something to worry about in assignment 1, 624 00:28:00,750 --> 00:28:03,430 but you're going to have to worry about in assignment 2. 625 00:28:03,430 --> 00:28:07,571 How many of you have played Diplomacy? 626 00:28:07,571 --> 00:28:09,720 Do you still play Diplomacy with the same people 627 00:28:09,720 --> 00:28:10,100 that you played with? 628 00:28:10,100 --> 00:28:10,980 AUDIENCE: No. 629 00:28:10,980 --> 00:28:12,230 PROFESSOR: You don't talk to them anymore? 630 00:28:12,230 --> 00:28:12,730 No? 631 00:28:12,730 --> 00:28:13,770 OK. 632 00:28:13,770 --> 00:28:15,700 That's the problem with Diplomacy. 633 00:28:15,700 --> 00:28:17,700 How good are you at playing Risk? 634 00:28:17,700 --> 00:28:21,070 OK, if you just look at a Diplomacy board or a Risk 635 00:28:21,070 --> 00:28:23,070 board, they don't look all that different. 636 00:28:23,070 --> 00:28:25,120 It's a world map. 637 00:28:25,120 --> 00:28:30,300 I think in Diplomacy it's a modern European map. 638 00:28:30,300 --> 00:28:33,960 But now, this game is a game of international intrigue, trust, 639 00:28:33,960 --> 00:28:36,575 and treasury, and called diplomacy. 640 00:28:36,575 --> 00:28:39,424 And this game called the game of global domination. 641 00:28:39,424 --> 00:28:40,680 Risk. 642 00:28:40,680 --> 00:28:42,436 Just look at the way they're presented. 643 00:28:45,210 --> 00:28:47,760 Why don't you tell me, what did these boxes tell you 644 00:28:47,760 --> 00:28:50,104 about these games? 645 00:28:50,104 --> 00:28:52,860 AUDIENCE: Risk has a bunch of cannons and [INAUDIBLE], 646 00:28:52,860 --> 00:28:55,680 so you're probably going to be fighting and attacking stuff. 647 00:28:55,680 --> 00:28:56,390 PROFESSOR: OK. 648 00:28:56,390 --> 00:28:59,001 Yeah, more conflict. 649 00:28:59,001 --> 00:29:03,760 AUDIENCE: Diplomacy, it looks like guy is hanging around. 650 00:29:03,760 --> 00:29:05,337 And there's a sword and wine glass, 651 00:29:05,337 --> 00:29:06,795 so maybe there's a bit of fighting, 652 00:29:06,795 --> 00:29:08,770 or a bit of wheeling and dealing, 653 00:29:08,770 --> 00:29:11,720 but it seems like mostly you'll be talking to people. 654 00:29:11,720 --> 00:29:14,601 PROFESSOR: OK, there'll be lot of talking in this game. 655 00:29:14,601 --> 00:29:16,964 AUDIENCE: I get the sense that they might leaders 656 00:29:16,964 --> 00:29:19,690 discussing a deal. 657 00:29:19,690 --> 00:29:22,785 PROFESSOR: There's a world map and a globe to remind you. 658 00:29:25,560 --> 00:29:31,790 Yes, they're making decisions on behalf of all the world. 659 00:29:31,790 --> 00:29:35,095 AUDIENCE: If anything, it seems like these 660 00:29:35,095 --> 00:29:39,500 are people behind the throne and making shady deals. 661 00:29:39,500 --> 00:29:42,540 PROFESSOR: Ah, shadow presidents, or kings. 662 00:29:42,540 --> 00:29:46,420 I guess at the time that this game is set-- 663 00:29:46,420 --> 00:29:48,465 the world of czars and kaisers. 664 00:29:51,220 --> 00:29:53,780 So you're making shady deals with authority 665 00:29:53,780 --> 00:29:57,210 to be able to determine the fate of the world. 666 00:29:57,210 --> 00:29:59,150 And Risk? 667 00:29:59,150 --> 00:30:01,860 Stomp over everything. 668 00:30:01,860 --> 00:30:05,240 I'm going to take my army and I'm going to meet your army 669 00:30:05,240 --> 00:30:09,580 and we're going to figure out who's got a bigger army. 670 00:30:09,580 --> 00:30:14,020 That's the game. 671 00:30:14,020 --> 00:30:19,220 That is another hint, in the titles Diplomacy and Risk. 672 00:30:19,220 --> 00:30:21,170 Diplomacy is a game about diplomacy. 673 00:30:21,170 --> 00:30:24,750 It's about talking to people and making deals, and breaking 674 00:30:24,750 --> 00:30:26,800 deals at opportune times. 675 00:30:26,800 --> 00:30:29,370 And this is why people who people don't often 676 00:30:29,370 --> 00:30:32,740 play diplomacy with the same people anymore. 677 00:30:32,740 --> 00:30:34,800 It is a great friendship killer. 678 00:30:34,800 --> 00:30:38,496 Risk is a game about-- 679 00:30:38,496 --> 00:30:41,090 I'm going all in! 680 00:30:41,090 --> 00:30:45,690 I might win this if the dice roll in my favor, 681 00:30:45,690 --> 00:30:46,890 so it's about risk. 682 00:30:46,890 --> 00:30:50,130 The game is about risking everything on big gambles. 683 00:30:52,706 --> 00:30:54,330 And it's actually a pretty good example 684 00:30:54,330 --> 00:30:56,820 of what this game is expecting you to do. 685 00:30:56,820 --> 00:30:59,522 So immediately, just by looking at the box, 686 00:30:59,522 --> 00:31:01,230 the games are already trying to condition 687 00:31:01,230 --> 00:31:03,100 you to think the way you need to think 688 00:31:03,100 --> 00:31:05,165 in order to well in this game. 689 00:31:08,960 --> 00:31:09,700 Let's see. 690 00:31:09,700 --> 00:31:10,550 Visibility. 691 00:31:10,550 --> 00:31:17,320 This comes up a million times in Donald Norman. 692 00:31:17,320 --> 00:31:19,770 And when you're designing your games, 693 00:31:19,770 --> 00:31:21,300 you need to think about how to be 694 00:31:21,300 --> 00:31:25,890 able to make what's happening in your game more 695 00:31:25,890 --> 00:31:29,130 visible to the players who need to make decisions about that. 696 00:31:29,130 --> 00:31:31,520 This is a very close-up view of the game 697 00:31:31,520 --> 00:31:34,470 called Cosmic Encounter, which we will play later on. 698 00:31:34,470 --> 00:31:36,360 And it has this Risk- like element 699 00:31:36,360 --> 00:31:40,530 that I am going to put my army of flying 700 00:31:40,530 --> 00:31:43,630 saucers against your army of flying saucers. 701 00:31:43,630 --> 00:31:46,170 But we're going to be fighting on multiple fronts at once, 702 00:31:46,170 --> 00:31:49,250 and that's actually going to be-- 703 00:31:49,250 --> 00:31:51,810 in the game, you can join forces. 704 00:31:51,810 --> 00:31:56,620 So I can keep up with you to go up against a planet that's 705 00:31:56,620 --> 00:31:57,450 been held by you. 706 00:31:57,450 --> 00:31:59,370 But somebody else is going to join in and try 707 00:31:59,370 --> 00:32:01,090 to help defend your planet. 708 00:32:01,090 --> 00:32:04,890 And so they have this system of stackable tokens 709 00:32:04,890 --> 00:32:07,410 to basically be able to then very, very easily 710 00:32:07,410 --> 00:32:09,260 see whose pile is higher. 711 00:32:09,260 --> 00:32:10,885 Right now, these are all the defenders, 712 00:32:10,885 --> 00:32:13,370 so they are all on this little [INAUDIBLE]. 713 00:32:13,370 --> 00:32:16,680 There is actually this big flat spike 714 00:32:16,680 --> 00:32:19,776 where you stack all of the attacking ships 715 00:32:19,776 --> 00:32:21,150 and you put them in the direction 716 00:32:21,150 --> 00:32:22,862 on the planet you are attacking. 717 00:32:22,862 --> 00:32:24,570 So to just makes things very, very clear, 718 00:32:24,570 --> 00:32:26,879 this is how big the army is that's attacking is, 719 00:32:26,879 --> 00:32:28,920 and this is how big the army that's defending is. 720 00:32:28,920 --> 00:32:31,169 Even though there are many, many, many, many different 721 00:32:31,169 --> 00:32:32,750 forces involved. 722 00:32:32,750 --> 00:32:36,210 So they're making visible what the current state is. 723 00:32:36,210 --> 00:32:39,930 Again it's kind of a diplomatic game of like Diplomacy. 724 00:32:39,930 --> 00:32:42,090 In the middle of every combat, you 725 00:32:42,090 --> 00:32:45,600 have both sides asking all the players not involved 726 00:32:45,600 --> 00:32:48,210 in the combat to please contribute something to this-- 727 00:32:48,210 --> 00:32:52,520 please contribute a ship or two to this attack. 728 00:32:52,520 --> 00:32:55,470 And they're making deals all the time. 729 00:32:55,470 --> 00:32:58,620 Even days are not really about visibility 730 00:32:58,620 --> 00:33:00,364 take advantage of visibility. 731 00:33:00,364 --> 00:33:02,280 The whole idea of Battleship is that you don't 732 00:33:02,280 --> 00:33:05,410 know where your opponents are. 733 00:33:05,410 --> 00:33:09,210 But they gave you all these useful tools, these red pegs 734 00:33:09,210 --> 00:33:12,810 and white pegs, and a whole extra grid 735 00:33:12,810 --> 00:33:18,090 to be able to keep track of where you bombed before, 736 00:33:18,090 --> 00:33:22,164 and where you were successful. 737 00:33:22,164 --> 00:33:25,540 AUDIENCE: Can you imagine without the second grid? 738 00:33:25,540 --> 00:33:28,835 PROFESSOR: Yes, it's possible. 739 00:33:28,835 --> 00:33:30,210 I mean, you would probably end up 740 00:33:30,210 --> 00:33:32,400 drawing your own second grid pretty quickly just 741 00:33:32,400 --> 00:33:36,830 to keep track of where the you hit before. 742 00:33:36,830 --> 00:33:39,910 There's other things up here, as well. 743 00:33:39,910 --> 00:33:45,870 [INAUDIBLE] actually that's what it's describing-- 744 00:33:45,870 --> 00:33:47,800 how big each ship is. 745 00:33:47,800 --> 00:33:51,270 You've got your own fleet to keep track of, 746 00:33:51,270 --> 00:33:55,560 what the possible ships are, and how long they are. 747 00:33:55,560 --> 00:33:58,650 This person uses white tokens to keep 748 00:33:58,650 --> 00:34:02,350 track of where the enemy has bombed, 749 00:34:02,350 --> 00:34:04,541 which is something you don't have to do in the game 750 00:34:04,541 --> 00:34:05,040 to do well. 751 00:34:07,860 --> 00:34:09,500 It is probably useful information, 752 00:34:09,500 --> 00:34:10,880 but you have the tools. 753 00:34:10,880 --> 00:34:13,020 The player has all of these tools 754 00:34:13,020 --> 00:34:16,590 to be able to keep track of that information. 755 00:34:16,590 --> 00:34:18,840 So this game has gone a long way to try 756 00:34:18,840 --> 00:34:21,810 to make the little bit of information 757 00:34:21,810 --> 00:34:24,060 that you do get over the play of the game-- the little 758 00:34:24,060 --> 00:34:28,409 of information that you reveal over the game as visible 759 00:34:28,409 --> 00:34:31,618 as possible, so that you can make the next logical decision 760 00:34:31,618 --> 00:34:32,534 as easily as possible. 761 00:34:37,239 --> 00:34:38,960 Previous user experience goes a long way 762 00:34:38,960 --> 00:34:40,418 in helping people understand games. 763 00:34:40,418 --> 00:34:43,420 And these are dice with nontraditional numbers 764 00:34:43,420 --> 00:34:46,050 that you expect to find on a dice. 765 00:34:46,050 --> 00:34:49,540 But you see a dice, you kind of know what to do with it. 766 00:34:49,540 --> 00:34:52,370 You pick it up, you roll it, and it will give you a number. 767 00:34:52,370 --> 00:34:56,179 And that number is a number that you have for that turn. 768 00:34:56,179 --> 00:34:59,380 There's also the little dot that distinguishes the nines 769 00:34:59,380 --> 00:35:01,244 from the sixes. 770 00:35:01,244 --> 00:35:02,410 That comes from other games. 771 00:35:02,410 --> 00:35:04,990 I think a lot of people see that from games in particular 772 00:35:04,990 --> 00:35:07,817 because I can't think of any other situations in real life 773 00:35:07,817 --> 00:35:09,650 where something might be flipped upside down 774 00:35:09,650 --> 00:35:13,170 and you have to interpret that number. 775 00:35:13,170 --> 00:35:16,720 In fact, there's a Kickstarter out, or at least that was. 776 00:35:16,720 --> 00:35:18,960 The Kickstarter for this project, 777 00:35:18,960 --> 00:35:21,340 we took a whole bunch of cards, and a whole bunch 778 00:35:21,340 --> 00:35:24,050 of different randomized things depicted 779 00:35:24,050 --> 00:35:27,267 in a photoshopped photo. 780 00:35:27,267 --> 00:35:28,600 So it was a whole deck of cards. 781 00:35:28,600 --> 00:35:32,380 I think it was a standard poker deck. 782 00:35:32,380 --> 00:35:34,780 But it also had all these other randomizing things. 783 00:35:34,780 --> 00:35:39,570 It had a dreidel, it had a dice with [INAUDIBLE] on it. 784 00:35:39,570 --> 00:35:43,706 It had different size of dices. 785 00:35:43,706 --> 00:35:47,220 It had one of those counting sticks. 786 00:35:47,220 --> 00:35:50,960 There's a lot of things here that I am not really sure 787 00:35:50,960 --> 00:35:54,242 if I could tell you the name of it, 788 00:35:54,242 --> 00:35:56,200 but you could probably figure out how it works. 789 00:36:00,430 --> 00:36:03,898 What does that look like? 790 00:36:03,898 --> 00:36:05,366 It looks like a compass. 791 00:36:05,366 --> 00:36:09,156 Now, knowing that this is a randomizing element, 792 00:36:09,156 --> 00:36:11,670 how do you think that will be used if actually 793 00:36:11,670 --> 00:36:12,634 had it in real life? 794 00:36:12,634 --> 00:36:13,634 AUDIENCE: It's a spinner 795 00:36:13,634 --> 00:36:15,305 PROFESSOR: Yes, it's a spinner. 796 00:36:15,305 --> 00:36:20,321 It's a [INAUDIBLE] spinner, in particular. 797 00:36:20,321 --> 00:36:22,960 You can spin for one out of six sides on the inside, 798 00:36:22,960 --> 00:36:29,404 and one out of eight, sides in the top. 799 00:36:34,066 --> 00:36:37,780 But there are a couple of key things, like the coins. 800 00:36:37,780 --> 00:36:41,360 You could use this deck of cards for coin flips, if you wanted. 801 00:36:41,360 --> 00:36:45,230 And there is also these weird fortune cookies. 802 00:36:45,230 --> 00:36:48,460 Anyway, it's a cute idea, but you don't-- 803 00:36:48,460 --> 00:36:50,870 I don't need to explain to you how to use this. 804 00:36:50,870 --> 00:36:53,210 It's just a whole deck with different pictures on it, 805 00:36:53,210 --> 00:36:57,050 and you know and you can use it to randomize different letters 806 00:36:57,050 --> 00:36:59,054 and different numbers. 807 00:36:59,054 --> 00:37:01,540 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 808 00:37:01,540 --> 00:37:03,060 PROFESSOR: I forget the name of it. 809 00:37:03,060 --> 00:37:04,434 AUDIENCE: No, what was the point? 810 00:37:04,434 --> 00:37:07,610 PROFESSOR: The point was that you will get a deck of cards 811 00:37:07,610 --> 00:37:09,300 with every card is different. 812 00:37:09,300 --> 00:37:11,350 And every club looks kind of like this 813 00:37:11,350 --> 00:37:13,940 but it has different randomizing results on it. 814 00:37:17,150 --> 00:37:18,080 Cultural cues. 815 00:37:18,080 --> 00:37:22,550 This was actually played by a pair of friends. 816 00:37:22,550 --> 00:37:25,920 There is a game called War on Terror. 817 00:37:25,920 --> 00:37:28,640 There's a very satirical game. 818 00:37:28,640 --> 00:37:31,050 Basically, everybody has exactly the same strategy. 819 00:37:31,050 --> 00:37:33,680 Everyone's in charge of a country, basically. 820 00:37:33,680 --> 00:37:35,330 Everyone is after oil. 821 00:37:35,330 --> 00:37:36,710 Everybody has the same strategies 822 00:37:36,710 --> 00:37:38,730 and the same tactics. 823 00:37:38,730 --> 00:37:41,750 But if you cross a certain point, you get branded as evil 824 00:37:41,750 --> 00:37:45,290 and you have to wear the evil balaclava. 825 00:37:45,290 --> 00:37:47,570 And that immediately is a trigger for everybody 826 00:37:47,570 --> 00:37:49,130 to gang up on that person. 827 00:37:49,130 --> 00:37:50,720 So what the game is really trying-- 828 00:37:50,720 --> 00:37:52,940 the point of the game is that the game 829 00:37:52,940 --> 00:37:55,010 is trying to drive home the point 830 00:37:55,010 --> 00:37:56,840 that everybody is engaged. 831 00:37:56,840 --> 00:38:01,190 All the powers are engaging in exactly the same tactics. 832 00:38:01,190 --> 00:38:03,820 At the moment that you actually get declared as evil, 833 00:38:03,820 --> 00:38:05,570 you actually get a little bit more freedom 834 00:38:05,570 --> 00:38:07,730 than what you're about to do because you 835 00:38:07,730 --> 00:38:12,000 don't have to worry about other people branding you as evil. 836 00:38:12,000 --> 00:38:17,554 So the whole idea of-- here is this person in this balaclava. 837 00:38:17,554 --> 00:38:19,970 And it had-- it had the word evil on top to make it clear, 838 00:38:19,970 --> 00:38:21,886 but I don't think that was actually necessary. 839 00:38:21,886 --> 00:38:24,770 [INAUDIBLE] a regular [INAUDIBLE] I guess it 840 00:38:24,770 --> 00:38:27,160 caught the point that this person is now 841 00:38:27,160 --> 00:38:28,310 marked as the bad guy. 842 00:38:31,334 --> 00:38:33,250 It is actually a metaphor for something that-- 843 00:38:33,250 --> 00:38:35,850 I actually had some trouble coming up 844 00:38:35,850 --> 00:38:38,040 with board game examples. 845 00:38:38,040 --> 00:38:42,300 it happens a lot more often in computers, 846 00:38:42,300 --> 00:38:44,280 where you get some sort of metaphor 847 00:38:44,280 --> 00:38:47,580 to imply how it's supposed to be used. 848 00:38:47,580 --> 00:38:50,170 You're not going to exactly use it that way. 849 00:38:50,170 --> 00:38:55,642 So for instance, what are these things up here 850 00:38:55,642 --> 00:38:57,416 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 851 00:38:57,416 --> 00:39:00,460 PROFESSOR: [INAUDIBLE] So what do 852 00:39:00,460 --> 00:39:02,800 you think you do if I'm in the game 853 00:39:02,800 --> 00:39:04,399 and in this piece of software? 854 00:39:04,399 --> 00:39:06,844 AUDIENCE: You're going to read the inbox 855 00:39:06,844 --> 00:39:08,800 or put it into the outbox. 856 00:39:08,800 --> 00:39:14,700 PROFESSOR: You can send messages, and read, and check 857 00:39:14,700 --> 00:39:16,090 what messages you receive. 858 00:39:16,090 --> 00:39:25,920 That's a metaphor that we keep it mail software today. 859 00:39:25,920 --> 00:39:27,205 Anybody recognize that? 860 00:39:27,205 --> 00:39:28,420 AUDIENCE: It's a Rolodex. 861 00:39:28,420 --> 00:39:29,680 PROFESSOR: Oh, people still recognise Rolodexes. 862 00:39:29,680 --> 00:39:30,530 That's cool. 863 00:39:30,530 --> 00:39:31,639 What does a Rolodex do? 864 00:39:31,639 --> 00:39:32,430 AUDIENCE: Contacts. 865 00:39:32,430 --> 00:39:33,270 PROFESSOR: Contacts. 866 00:39:33,270 --> 00:39:37,020 So that just gives you a list of all the people. 867 00:39:37,020 --> 00:39:41,690 this gives you an idea of how old this screenshot is. 868 00:39:41,690 --> 00:39:50,670 This looks like a planner, some kind of scheduler. 869 00:39:50,670 --> 00:39:51,776 Magic lamp. 870 00:39:54,320 --> 00:39:55,140 Genies. 871 00:39:55,140 --> 00:39:58,620 You click on it and can ask things. 872 00:39:58,620 --> 00:40:00,220 Help, maybe? 873 00:40:00,220 --> 00:40:01,312 Not quite sure. 874 00:40:01,312 --> 00:40:02,020 AUDIENCE: Wishes. 875 00:40:02,020 --> 00:40:03,900 PROFESSOR: Wishes, maybe. 876 00:40:03,900 --> 00:40:06,300 Wishes maybe connect you to tech support. 877 00:40:06,300 --> 00:40:08,860 I don't know. 878 00:40:08,860 --> 00:40:14,940 You can see the metaphor break down here. 879 00:40:14,940 --> 00:40:20,336 This is a phone? 880 00:40:20,336 --> 00:40:22,264 AUDIENCE: A fax, maybe? 881 00:40:22,264 --> 00:40:25,580 PROFESSOR: A fax maybe. 882 00:40:25,580 --> 00:40:29,900 I'm looking at this, and I do a little bit about the machine 883 00:40:29,900 --> 00:40:32,620 that this was designed for, and it didn't have-- 884 00:40:32,620 --> 00:40:34,760 you couldn't make phone calls with it. 885 00:40:34,760 --> 00:40:36,935 So I have no idea what this thing actually does. 886 00:40:36,935 --> 00:40:37,768 Maybe send pictures. 887 00:40:41,200 --> 00:40:43,716 This thing looks like a-- 888 00:40:43,716 --> 00:40:45,810 AUDIENCE: A purse or briefcase. 889 00:40:45,810 --> 00:40:47,790 PROFESSOR: A purse, or a briefcase or a bag. 890 00:40:47,790 --> 00:40:50,770 It's a metaphor or something, but it 891 00:40:50,770 --> 00:40:53,830 might be cash transactions. 892 00:40:53,830 --> 00:40:54,970 But I doubt it. 893 00:40:54,970 --> 00:40:59,300 It could be your files that you save, who knows. 894 00:40:59,300 --> 00:41:01,438 Things are starting to break down. 895 00:41:01,438 --> 00:41:03,510 But you still have this desktop metaphor 896 00:41:03,510 --> 00:41:08,550 that we still maintain in a lot of user interfaces. 897 00:41:08,550 --> 00:41:10,552 This is somewhat-- this is a real kicker. 898 00:41:10,552 --> 00:41:12,620 This is extra [INAUDIBLE] the hallway. 899 00:41:12,620 --> 00:41:16,990 I have no Idea what to expect the hallway. 900 00:41:16,990 --> 00:41:18,470 User interface. 901 00:41:18,470 --> 00:41:23,030 Maybe other applications. 902 00:41:23,030 --> 00:41:27,220 We have that a little bit in both games, especially board 903 00:41:27,220 --> 00:41:31,210 games that are produced in many, many, many different languages. 904 00:41:31,210 --> 00:41:39,400 Because they have-- they can't slap words on the tokens. 905 00:41:39,400 --> 00:41:42,984 Because if you slap words on it and want to then release 906 00:41:42,984 --> 00:41:44,650 the same product in a different language 907 00:41:44,650 --> 00:41:46,150 for a different country, then you 908 00:41:46,150 --> 00:41:47,691 have to change all the words and that 909 00:41:47,691 --> 00:41:50,360 increases manufacturing costs. 910 00:41:50,360 --> 00:41:52,815 So they try to use generic tokens 911 00:41:52,815 --> 00:41:54,940 and then just explain everything in the rules which 912 00:41:54,940 --> 00:41:56,800 they can print fairly cheaply, and they 913 00:41:56,800 --> 00:41:59,850 can include six European languages if the same box. 914 00:41:59,850 --> 00:42:01,740 That won't be a problem. 915 00:42:01,740 --> 00:42:03,500 This is a game called Agricola. 916 00:42:03,500 --> 00:42:05,440 And it's called a worker placement game. 917 00:42:05,440 --> 00:42:07,780 Because what it basically is, is that you've 918 00:42:07,780 --> 00:42:10,900 got a bunch of members of your family of your little farming 919 00:42:10,900 --> 00:42:12,170 homestead. 920 00:42:12,170 --> 00:42:14,880 And then you send them out every turn 921 00:42:14,880 --> 00:42:22,060 to do tasks, like go to the fireplace and cook some meat, 922 00:42:22,060 --> 00:42:26,750 or go to the market and buy some more feed, 923 00:42:26,750 --> 00:42:28,400 or build some fences. 924 00:42:28,400 --> 00:42:29,690 Something like that. 925 00:42:29,690 --> 00:42:31,450 So what you do is you take these tokens 926 00:42:31,450 --> 00:42:34,300 and you put that on the cart. 927 00:42:34,300 --> 00:42:38,230 So this is both context and an interaction metaphor. 928 00:42:38,230 --> 00:42:41,129 By taking this thing and putting it on this cart, 929 00:42:41,129 --> 00:42:43,420 I'm achieving quite a large number of different things. 930 00:42:43,420 --> 00:42:45,520 I'm saying, this is the action that I'm taking. 931 00:42:45,520 --> 00:42:48,590 I am saying I have one, two, three, four, 932 00:42:48,590 --> 00:42:50,600 five different things that I could do. 933 00:42:50,600 --> 00:42:52,680 Actually, I am not sure. 934 00:42:55,570 --> 00:42:57,910 but there's at least four different things 935 00:42:57,910 --> 00:42:59,219 that I can do on my turn. 936 00:42:59,219 --> 00:43:00,760 Every time I take one of these things 937 00:43:00,760 --> 00:43:03,990 and then put it on a cart, like the cart that you see you 938 00:43:03,990 --> 00:43:06,850 on the right, that means that that's going 939 00:43:06,850 --> 00:43:09,112 to be my action for this turn. 940 00:43:09,112 --> 00:43:10,570 The other thing that this game does 941 00:43:10,570 --> 00:43:13,150 is that once what I've decided that I'm going to do that, 942 00:43:13,150 --> 00:43:16,270 I think in Agricola once you take it, 943 00:43:16,270 --> 00:43:17,800 nobody else can take it. 944 00:43:17,800 --> 00:43:20,290 So I can take over the fireplace and no one else 945 00:43:20,290 --> 00:43:21,730 can take over the fireplace. 946 00:43:21,730 --> 00:43:24,920 I can put two people on the same fireplace,certainly. 947 00:43:24,920 --> 00:43:26,470 So that's a metaphor, right? 948 00:43:26,470 --> 00:43:29,455 Now it doesn't really matter that you-- 949 00:43:29,455 --> 00:43:33,400 you don't really have to count everything in family members. 950 00:43:33,400 --> 00:43:37,630 You could just say you have four actions 951 00:43:37,630 --> 00:43:39,420 that you can take per turn. 952 00:43:39,420 --> 00:43:42,490 And you just choose which four actions that you get to do, 953 00:43:42,490 --> 00:43:45,970 do all the math that is necessary to improve your farm 954 00:43:45,970 --> 00:43:47,230 and that's it. 955 00:43:47,230 --> 00:43:50,410 But they turned your family members 956 00:43:50,410 --> 00:43:53,137 into your action counter, into your action points. 957 00:43:53,137 --> 00:43:54,720 The more family members that you have, 958 00:43:54,720 --> 00:43:57,303 the more different actions that you can take within your turn. 959 00:43:57,303 --> 00:44:01,417 So your family members are your metaphor for action points. 960 00:44:01,417 --> 00:44:04,000 We get the same thing in other games with things like workers. 961 00:44:07,720 --> 00:44:10,180 Finally, just a very quick word about accessibility. 962 00:44:10,180 --> 00:44:12,550 This is usually something I go into much more 963 00:44:12,550 --> 00:44:14,470 detail in in my computer games classes, 964 00:44:14,470 --> 00:44:16,180 but with board games classes one thing 965 00:44:16,180 --> 00:44:19,780 I do want you to keep in mind is colorblindness. 966 00:44:19,780 --> 00:44:23,080 I want you to, If you have colorblindness, 967 00:44:23,080 --> 00:44:25,889 or if you have friends who are colorblind, 968 00:44:25,889 --> 00:44:28,180 you definitely want them to take a look at your design, 969 00:44:28,180 --> 00:44:32,890 and see whether it is possible for them to play your game. 970 00:44:32,890 --> 00:44:34,470 Take a picture through Instagram, 971 00:44:34,470 --> 00:44:36,970 or something like that, and put in a black and white filter. 972 00:44:36,970 --> 00:44:40,060 See whether your game is still legible and possible 973 00:44:40,060 --> 00:44:42,911 to play with all the colors removed. 974 00:44:42,911 --> 00:44:45,160 You can accomplish a lot of things by just changing up 975 00:44:45,160 --> 00:44:48,130 your tokens, by putting additional marks on the tokens 976 00:44:48,130 --> 00:44:50,262 that are high contrast so that they don't-- 977 00:44:50,262 --> 00:44:51,970 they are not completely reliant on color. 978 00:44:51,970 --> 00:44:56,010 If [INAUDIBLE] you can look at bright and dark as well. 979 00:44:56,010 --> 00:44:56,900 That's all. 980 00:44:56,900 --> 00:45:01,090 If you take that into consideration in your design, 981 00:45:01,090 --> 00:45:03,490 you will definitely get kudos from the instructors 982 00:45:03,490 --> 00:45:04,407 when they are grading. 983 00:45:04,407 --> 00:45:06,239 Because that means you have taken the effort 984 00:45:06,239 --> 00:45:08,290 in trying to increase the range of people 985 00:45:08,290 --> 00:45:09,790 who can play your game. 986 00:45:09,790 --> 00:45:15,730 So, that's pretty much what I have 987 00:45:15,730 --> 00:45:19,760 to say about usability for today. 988 00:45:19,760 --> 00:45:20,545 Any questions? 989 00:45:23,660 --> 00:45:25,920 This is not something you have to worry too much 990 00:45:25,920 --> 00:45:28,220 about for assignment one. 991 00:45:28,220 --> 00:45:30,000 But it's something that you definitely 992 00:45:30,000 --> 00:45:31,620 have to think about whenever you're 993 00:45:31,620 --> 00:45:33,660 trying to create a game for lots and lots 994 00:45:33,660 --> 00:45:35,220 and lots of other people to play. 995 00:45:35,220 --> 00:45:37,380 So you will want to definitely start 996 00:45:37,380 --> 00:45:39,240 taking this into consideration. 997 00:45:39,240 --> 00:45:40,890 What pieces are you choosing? 998 00:45:40,890 --> 00:45:43,950 What do the pieces tell you about how to play this game? 999 00:45:43,950 --> 00:45:46,200 How does your board tell you how to play your game, 1000 00:45:46,200 --> 00:45:48,341 even if the rules are not printed on the board? 1001 00:45:48,341 --> 00:45:50,340 What are the clues that you're giving the player 1002 00:45:50,340 --> 00:45:52,380 to be able to form that mental model, 1003 00:45:52,380 --> 00:45:54,270 so you can get them past that learning stage 1004 00:45:54,270 --> 00:45:55,830 where they're just making mistakes 1005 00:45:55,830 --> 00:45:57,990 and start making decisions about how 1006 00:45:57,990 --> 00:46:01,241 they want to play the game in a way that's satisfying to them. 1007 00:46:01,241 --> 00:46:03,365 And giving them feedback on whether those decisions 1008 00:46:03,365 --> 00:46:04,710 works out for that. 1009 00:46:08,470 --> 00:46:10,190 So that's the presentation. 1010 00:46:10,190 --> 00:46:14,340 And now I guess it's team time to work on your projects. 1011 00:46:14,340 --> 00:46:15,380 I am going-- 1012 00:46:15,380 --> 00:46:19,650 Rick and I will go get boxes and we'll be right back. 1013 00:46:19,650 --> 00:46:23,600 Anyone needs to take a break now is a good time.