1 00:00:00,070 --> 00:00:02,500 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:04,019 Commons license. 3 00:00:04,019 --> 00:00:06,360 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:10,730 continue to offer high-quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,730 --> 00:00:13,340 To make a donation or view additional materials 6 00:00:13,340 --> 00:00:17,236 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:17,236 --> 00:00:17,861 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:21,767 --> 00:00:23,850 SPEAKER 1: So the schedule for today-- once again, 9 00:00:23,850 --> 00:00:25,820 another one of those one hour lecture, 10 00:00:25,820 --> 00:00:27,492 two hour group work things. 11 00:00:27,492 --> 00:00:29,170 We've got a guest lecturer today. 12 00:00:29,170 --> 00:00:34,084 We're got Luigi, here, to talk to us about art and artists, 13 00:00:34,084 --> 00:00:36,250 especially when it comes to games and, particularly, 14 00:00:36,250 --> 00:00:36,810 visual artists. 15 00:00:36,810 --> 00:00:37,150 Yeah? 16 00:00:37,150 --> 00:00:37,670 LUIGI GUATIERI: Yes. 17 00:00:37,670 --> 00:00:39,086 SPEAKER 1: Yeah, so visual artists 18 00:00:39,086 --> 00:00:41,270 when it comes to game development. 19 00:00:41,270 --> 00:00:45,148 After his lecture, and after Q&A, we 20 00:00:45,148 --> 00:00:47,080 don't have any scheduled play tests today, 21 00:00:47,080 --> 00:00:49,167 but we do have a couple of guests here 22 00:00:49,167 --> 00:00:51,820 who have some really good experience making games. 23 00:00:51,820 --> 00:00:55,790 So if you'd like to set aside 10 to 15 minutes per team, 24 00:00:55,790 --> 00:00:58,330 have a person come and play your game, 25 00:00:58,330 --> 00:01:00,322 I'd highly recommend taking advantage of it. 26 00:01:00,322 --> 00:01:02,978 I mean, it all depends, I think, on what state 27 00:01:02,978 --> 00:01:04,810 your games are in. 28 00:01:04,810 --> 00:01:06,280 I do want to know that. 29 00:01:06,280 --> 00:01:09,965 How many teams are now working in what 30 00:01:09,965 --> 00:01:12,120 is going to be their final development environment. 31 00:01:12,120 --> 00:01:13,150 So if you're working in Phaser, you're 32 00:01:13,150 --> 00:01:15,275 building in Phaser now, if you're working in Unity, 33 00:01:15,275 --> 00:01:16,560 you're working in Unity now. 34 00:01:16,560 --> 00:01:19,194 Looks like one team, two teams, three teams-- 35 00:01:19,194 --> 00:01:21,062 is that two different teams over there? 36 00:01:21,062 --> 00:01:22,594 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 37 00:01:22,594 --> 00:01:23,260 SPEAKER 1: Here. 38 00:01:23,260 --> 00:01:23,940 OK, great. 39 00:01:23,940 --> 00:01:25,790 So everybody's pretty much working 40 00:01:25,790 --> 00:01:27,040 in a development environment. 41 00:01:27,040 --> 00:01:27,550 Great. 42 00:01:27,550 --> 00:01:29,040 Cool. 43 00:01:29,040 --> 00:01:34,710 So like I said, as it says on Stellar, 44 00:01:34,710 --> 00:01:38,000 Wednesday we're going to have a play test at 3 o'clock. 45 00:01:38,000 --> 00:01:40,982 So at 3 o'clock we're going to have a guest class come in 46 00:01:40,982 --> 00:01:42,007 to play your games. 47 00:01:42,007 --> 00:01:43,840 We'll do a play test, just like we've always 48 00:01:43,840 --> 00:01:45,480 been doing play tests. 49 00:01:45,480 --> 00:01:48,960 And then before that, I'm going to be giving a talk on fiction 50 00:01:48,960 --> 00:01:52,481 and story for your games. 51 00:01:52,481 --> 00:01:54,980 And in between there will be time for you to meet your teams 52 00:01:54,980 --> 00:01:56,980 and set up for your play tests. 53 00:01:56,980 --> 00:01:59,990 LUIGI GUATIERI: Cool, artists and games. 54 00:01:59,990 --> 00:02:03,350 And So this talk's going to be about what artists 55 00:02:03,350 --> 00:02:05,470 do in games, how to find artists, 56 00:02:05,470 --> 00:02:09,090 how to work with artists, how artists are involved 57 00:02:09,090 --> 00:02:12,090 in game development, the different roles that 58 00:02:12,090 --> 00:02:13,740 are assigned to them. 59 00:02:13,740 --> 00:02:15,960 I'm going to be talking from the independent games 60 00:02:15,960 --> 00:02:18,170 perspective, so smaller teams, because that's 61 00:02:18,170 --> 00:02:21,390 sort of my background and my experience with games. 62 00:02:21,390 --> 00:02:25,140 But I will talk a little bit about the diversification 63 00:02:25,140 --> 00:02:26,690 of artists' roles in bigger studios. 64 00:02:29,240 --> 00:02:31,080 First, who am I? 65 00:02:31,080 --> 00:02:31,580 I'm me. 66 00:02:31,580 --> 00:02:33,810 I'm this dude in the corner. 67 00:02:33,810 --> 00:02:34,890 My name's Luigi Guatieri. 68 00:02:34,890 --> 00:02:38,820 I'm a local Boston indie artist, when 69 00:02:38,820 --> 00:02:42,690 it comes to games at least-- no so much comics anymore. 70 00:02:47,150 --> 00:02:50,690 Yeah, so I work with a lot of teams in Boston developing 71 00:02:50,690 --> 00:02:51,590 games. 72 00:02:51,590 --> 00:02:54,950 Since so few of these developers know a lot of artists, 73 00:02:54,950 --> 00:02:56,950 I get to work on a lot of different projects, 74 00:02:56,950 --> 00:02:59,460 because they don't have a lot of people to turn to. 75 00:02:59,460 --> 00:03:01,110 And I'll go into that in a little bit. 76 00:03:01,110 --> 00:03:03,550 Sort of games I've developed in the past-- I 77 00:03:03,550 --> 00:03:05,710 worked on Girls Like Robots with Ziba Scott-- 78 00:03:05,710 --> 00:03:09,070 up there-- which was published by Adult Swim, iOS. 79 00:03:09,070 --> 00:03:11,890 And he likes to tout it as the 13th best rated 80 00:03:11,890 --> 00:03:13,890 iOS game of 2012. 81 00:03:13,890 --> 00:03:15,985 I don't really care about that statistic, 82 00:03:15,985 --> 00:03:17,847 but I'll mention it anyways. 83 00:03:17,847 --> 00:03:19,430 I worked on The Counting Kingdom which 84 00:03:19,430 --> 00:03:22,040 Jenna Hoffstein, which is actually coming out 85 00:03:22,040 --> 00:03:23,360 this week on iOS. 86 00:03:23,360 --> 00:03:25,300 So if you have kids, please buy it. 87 00:03:25,300 --> 00:03:28,220 If you're not a kid, buy it anyways. 88 00:03:28,220 --> 00:03:31,020 I've been working on Elegy for a Dead World, also with Ziba, 89 00:03:31,020 --> 00:03:34,290 and, as a partnership, with Dejobaan Studios, 90 00:03:34,290 --> 00:03:36,070 which had a successful Kickstarter so 91 00:03:36,070 --> 00:03:37,944 if anybody backed it in here, that was great. 92 00:03:37,944 --> 00:03:41,360 But if none of you did, then sucks to be you. 93 00:03:41,360 --> 00:03:43,260 All right, that's sort of my summary. 94 00:03:43,260 --> 00:03:45,704 I'm not going to show my portfolio, or anything. 95 00:03:45,704 --> 00:03:46,620 But let's get into it. 96 00:03:46,620 --> 00:03:47,870 So you need an artist. 97 00:03:47,870 --> 00:03:50,940 You're a programmer, or a designer, or a sound guy, 98 00:03:50,940 --> 00:03:53,070 and you can't draw for crap. 99 00:03:53,070 --> 00:03:55,170 You think you can be like, oh no. 100 00:03:55,170 --> 00:03:56,220 I'll just wing the art. 101 00:03:56,220 --> 00:03:57,100 It'll be fine. 102 00:03:57,100 --> 00:03:58,780 I'll release my game. 103 00:03:58,780 --> 00:04:00,350 No, don't, do that. 104 00:04:00,350 --> 00:04:02,229 Get an artist. 105 00:04:02,229 --> 00:04:03,520 Artists make games look pretty. 106 00:04:03,520 --> 00:04:05,540 Artists make games more immersive. 107 00:04:05,540 --> 00:04:08,370 Artists take a player who-- maybe you 108 00:04:08,370 --> 00:04:11,170 have the most amazing game mechanics in the game, sort 109 00:04:11,170 --> 00:04:14,060 of like a dwarf fortress or something, which turns away so 110 00:04:14,060 --> 00:04:16,310 many people because of how ugly it is. 111 00:04:16,310 --> 00:04:17,860 No, you need artists. 112 00:04:17,860 --> 00:04:21,250 Artists make your game better, more interesting, 113 00:04:21,250 --> 00:04:23,190 even objectively better in a lot of ways-- 114 00:04:23,190 --> 00:04:25,246 if you get the right artist, of course. 115 00:04:25,246 --> 00:04:27,370 It also makes something you're proud of looking at, 116 00:04:27,370 --> 00:04:28,920 and proud of showing off at shows. 117 00:04:28,920 --> 00:04:31,410 When you have your booth at PAX and you've 118 00:04:31,410 --> 00:04:35,620 got all the AAA studios around, all the high-end indies, 119 00:04:35,620 --> 00:04:38,640 and then there's you with blocks that hit each other, 120 00:04:38,640 --> 00:04:41,950 you're going to be kind of disappointed in yourself. 121 00:04:41,950 --> 00:04:42,560 But cool. 122 00:04:42,560 --> 00:04:44,040 What kind of artist do you need? 123 00:04:44,040 --> 00:04:46,380 But of course, that depends on what kind of game 124 00:04:46,380 --> 00:04:47,880 you're making. 125 00:04:47,880 --> 00:04:49,550 Obviously, here I have just doodled 126 00:04:49,550 --> 00:04:50,820 out a few different styles. 127 00:04:50,820 --> 00:04:54,310 Style's a big part of art for games. 128 00:04:54,310 --> 00:04:57,360 But of course, there's different roles and different kinds 129 00:04:57,360 --> 00:04:58,560 of artists in the world. 130 00:04:58,560 --> 00:05:00,980 I'm sure a lot of this will be redundant to any 131 00:05:00,980 --> 00:05:02,680 of those who really like games, but I'm 132 00:05:02,680 --> 00:05:04,930 going to go over it anyways. 133 00:05:04,930 --> 00:05:07,980 Obviously, in big studios you have 134 00:05:07,980 --> 00:05:10,999 a lot of very specific roles for artists. 135 00:05:10,999 --> 00:05:13,290 This is a character artist, environment artist, texture 136 00:05:13,290 --> 00:05:14,990 artist, this is the animator. 137 00:05:14,990 --> 00:05:16,480 But when it comes to indie studios, 138 00:05:16,480 --> 00:05:17,860 I'm the guy who does everything. 139 00:05:17,860 --> 00:05:20,830 I do the concept art, the 2D assets. 140 00:05:20,830 --> 00:05:22,611 I do the promotional material. 141 00:05:22,611 --> 00:05:23,610 I do the graphic design. 142 00:05:23,610 --> 00:05:24,530 I do the logo design. 143 00:05:24,530 --> 00:05:26,030 I make trailers. 144 00:05:26,030 --> 00:05:28,970 Because usually indie studios don't have the funds. 145 00:05:28,970 --> 00:05:31,600 They don't have the ability, or the time, 146 00:05:31,600 --> 00:05:35,210 and/or the resources to get more than one artist, 147 00:05:35,210 --> 00:05:39,090 so it sort of comes down to the one guy. 148 00:05:39,090 --> 00:05:43,000 But sort of going to go through the different kinds of art 149 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:44,970 that are typically done in games. 150 00:05:44,970 --> 00:05:47,610 I'm going to break it down to their specific roles. 151 00:05:47,610 --> 00:05:51,950 And I'll talk about-- I'll be showing mostly my work here. 152 00:05:51,950 --> 00:05:55,200 I'll sort of break it down to the different kinds of art, 153 00:05:55,200 --> 00:05:57,500 and the different kinds of artists that work on these. 154 00:05:57,500 --> 00:06:00,770 So first is a swath of indie games that are 2D now. 155 00:06:00,770 --> 00:06:03,750 Used to be that retro games were 2D. 156 00:06:03,750 --> 00:06:07,140 And then older games before polygons and all such things 157 00:06:07,140 --> 00:06:09,620 were all 2-dimensionals-- 2-dimension. 158 00:06:09,620 --> 00:06:12,170 So 2D makes up [? like-- ?] illustrators, 159 00:06:12,170 --> 00:06:14,540 graphic designers, concept artists, sprite artists, 160 00:06:14,540 --> 00:06:18,440 texture artists, 2D animators, UI designers-- 161 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:20,100 it is a large field. 162 00:06:20,100 --> 00:06:23,312 Again, with indie developers, it's easy to go 2D, 163 00:06:23,312 --> 00:06:25,020 because you don't have to worry about 3D, 164 00:06:25,020 --> 00:06:27,460 which takes a lot more time. 165 00:06:27,460 --> 00:06:31,150 So this is sort of some 2D assets from a prototype that I 166 00:06:31,150 --> 00:06:34,580 worked on a while back, but this is sort of [? my old ?] 167 00:06:34,580 --> 00:06:36,530 [? end ?] game stuff. 168 00:06:36,530 --> 00:06:39,630 Of course, the first part of 2D art, which also pertains 169 00:06:39,630 --> 00:06:43,072 to 3D art, and at bigger studios they 170 00:06:43,072 --> 00:06:44,280 have specific roles for this. 171 00:06:44,280 --> 00:06:45,510 This is concept art. 172 00:06:45,510 --> 00:06:49,330 Concept art is far my favorite part of pre-production, 173 00:06:49,330 --> 00:06:53,840 at least, in terms of you get to take what the programmer wants, 174 00:06:53,840 --> 00:06:56,590 and actually make it look like what they think in their head 175 00:06:56,590 --> 00:06:57,900 it's supposed to look like. 176 00:06:57,900 --> 00:06:59,566 They'll come to you with a crappy pencil 177 00:06:59,566 --> 00:07:02,876 sketch on some paper, and be like, here I've got a knight, 178 00:07:02,876 --> 00:07:05,000 and he's on a mountain, and he's fighting a dragon. 179 00:07:05,000 --> 00:07:07,855 And I'll be like, this doesn't look anything like that, 180 00:07:07,855 --> 00:07:09,730 but I know exactly what you're talking about. 181 00:07:09,730 --> 00:07:11,250 And he's like, I'm feeling red! 182 00:07:11,250 --> 00:07:12,072 I want red! 183 00:07:12,072 --> 00:07:14,030 And they just took like a Sharpie or something, 184 00:07:14,030 --> 00:07:16,060 and just scribbled all over the piece of paper. 185 00:07:16,060 --> 00:07:17,580 So I'm like, all right, I got that. 186 00:07:17,580 --> 00:07:19,490 Give me like a day, and I'll come back, 187 00:07:19,490 --> 00:07:20,906 and then you'll have this painting 188 00:07:20,906 --> 00:07:22,610 of a knight fighting a dragon. 189 00:07:22,610 --> 00:07:24,400 And the [? programmer's ?] like, yes! 190 00:07:24,400 --> 00:07:26,490 That's exactly what I drew on my piece of paper. 191 00:07:26,490 --> 00:07:28,290 It isn't, but you let them have that. 192 00:07:28,290 --> 00:07:30,840 It makes them feel better. 193 00:07:30,840 --> 00:07:33,604 So concept art is definitely for both 2D and 3D. 194 00:07:33,604 --> 00:07:35,020 You need to know what your game is 195 00:07:35,020 --> 00:07:36,811 going to look like before you dive straight 196 00:07:36,811 --> 00:07:40,160 into it-- into the visuals and even some of the design, 197 00:07:40,160 --> 00:07:41,850 before you have a clear idea of what 198 00:07:41,850 --> 00:07:42,750 the game's going to look like. 199 00:07:42,750 --> 00:07:44,833 If you have no idea what the game is going to look 200 00:07:44,833 --> 00:07:46,880 like, and you already have an artist, 201 00:07:46,880 --> 00:07:50,290 and you've made this amazing prototype. 202 00:07:50,290 --> 00:07:54,230 And you're like look, just swap out my art and put yours in. 203 00:07:54,230 --> 00:07:56,430 That's not always going to work. 204 00:07:56,430 --> 00:07:57,820 There's a lot of design decisions 205 00:07:57,820 --> 00:08:00,790 you have to make around the art-- 206 00:08:00,790 --> 00:08:03,990 how the characters contrast from the environment, how 207 00:08:03,990 --> 00:08:07,860 the environments will animate, how the environments will 208 00:08:07,860 --> 00:08:11,590 disappear into the mist, or how this sort of UI will work. 209 00:08:11,590 --> 00:08:13,970 These are all things that it's really good 210 00:08:13,970 --> 00:08:17,610 to have an artist's eye on as early as possible. 211 00:08:17,610 --> 00:08:21,350 It also gives a sort of visual Bible for the game. 212 00:08:21,350 --> 00:08:25,445 Concept art helps-- the artist draws it, and then hands it out 213 00:08:25,445 --> 00:08:27,070 to the rest of the team, and like, this 214 00:08:27,070 --> 00:08:28,797 is what we're aiming for. 215 00:08:28,797 --> 00:08:31,130 In a big studio, you would have the concept artist would 216 00:08:31,130 --> 00:08:34,250 hand that off to the 3D artists or the other 2D 217 00:08:34,250 --> 00:08:36,820 artists, the animator, the modelers, texture artists, 218 00:08:36,820 --> 00:08:38,719 and say, look, this is what we're aiming for. 219 00:08:38,719 --> 00:08:40,260 This is what I want the final product 220 00:08:40,260 --> 00:08:43,762 to look as close as possible to. 221 00:08:43,762 --> 00:08:45,470 But of course, if you're making 2D games, 222 00:08:45,470 --> 00:08:46,820 you go into 2D assets. 223 00:08:46,820 --> 00:08:48,850 This is a screenshot, or an early screenshot, 224 00:08:48,850 --> 00:08:51,050 from Elegy for a Dead World. 225 00:08:51,050 --> 00:08:54,150 So with this, I sort of made the concept art, 226 00:08:54,150 --> 00:08:56,530 cut it up, and stuck it in the game. 227 00:08:56,530 --> 00:08:58,877 That's a really basic way of making 2D art. 228 00:08:58,877 --> 00:09:00,710 I have one with this sort of painterly style 229 00:09:00,710 --> 00:09:03,520 that I decided to go with the concept art. 230 00:09:03,520 --> 00:09:04,910 I made a painting. 231 00:09:04,910 --> 00:09:08,720 I said this is the style that we're aiming for. 232 00:09:08,720 --> 00:09:10,800 So I cut it up and put it in the game. 233 00:09:10,800 --> 00:09:12,900 And now you can move around when things happen, 234 00:09:12,900 --> 00:09:16,370 and you can explore this piece of art. 235 00:09:16,370 --> 00:09:19,320 2D assets are part of-- 236 00:09:22,320 --> 00:09:27,620 Illustration, it's more of a old school term, especially when it 237 00:09:27,620 --> 00:09:28,690 comes to games now. 238 00:09:28,690 --> 00:09:31,260 People don't think of it illustration so much, 239 00:09:31,260 --> 00:09:34,530 but illustration is used for promotional art, 240 00:09:34,530 --> 00:09:37,460 for advertising the game, for inspiring your team, 241 00:09:37,460 --> 00:09:41,700 for websites, for trying to solidify 242 00:09:41,700 --> 00:09:44,330 your game into like a poster, or an image, or a banner. 243 00:09:44,330 --> 00:09:46,400 So many games are sold on Steam now 244 00:09:46,400 --> 00:09:49,146 with just a tiny little banner that you click on, 245 00:09:49,146 --> 00:09:51,020 then you get a little slightly bigger banner, 246 00:09:51,020 --> 00:09:52,394 and then maybe a game-play video. 247 00:09:52,394 --> 00:09:56,470 So much of that first click, like making that person go, 248 00:09:56,470 --> 00:09:58,880 oh that tiny little banner looks kind of interesting. 249 00:09:58,880 --> 00:10:03,560 Let me click on it-- is such a crucial point, 250 00:10:03,560 --> 00:10:06,200 especially if you haven't done your job marketing, that you 251 00:10:06,200 --> 00:10:08,680 need to have illustrations and promotional art, 252 00:10:08,680 --> 00:10:10,230 and posters, and graphic design. 253 00:10:10,230 --> 00:10:17,100 And that goes under the Illustrator sort of dome. 254 00:10:17,100 --> 00:10:19,660 In a big studio, they'd usually have the concept art also 255 00:10:19,660 --> 00:10:21,310 be the illustrations a lot of the time, 256 00:10:21,310 --> 00:10:23,740 but usually the concept artists are very proficient, 257 00:10:23,740 --> 00:10:25,270 because they have to be fast. 258 00:10:25,270 --> 00:10:27,710 And they also make the illustrations for a game. 259 00:10:27,710 --> 00:10:30,580 Obviously as an indie, you're making the illustrations too. 260 00:10:33,590 --> 00:10:41,300 UI design-- this is like in between three different facets. 261 00:10:41,300 --> 00:10:44,100 You got design, illustration, and graphic design. 262 00:10:44,100 --> 00:10:47,500 Graphic design, I mean, by like sort of logos, 263 00:10:47,500 --> 00:10:50,980 and making things more readable to users, 264 00:10:50,980 --> 00:10:53,779 but that sort of goes into game design in terms 265 00:10:53,779 --> 00:10:55,070 of how the UI is going to work. 266 00:10:55,070 --> 00:10:57,210 And then you also need a graphic designer 267 00:10:57,210 --> 00:10:59,030 to actually make it look good. 268 00:10:59,030 --> 00:11:00,930 This is a big part of 2D design-- obviously, 269 00:11:00,930 --> 00:11:03,370 it's in 2D games, but usually UI's 270 00:11:03,370 --> 00:11:05,510 flat, because you're dealing with buttons and menus 271 00:11:05,510 --> 00:11:07,750 and HUD overlays. 272 00:11:07,750 --> 00:11:10,310 So that's sort of a weird intersection between all three 273 00:11:10,310 --> 00:11:13,679 of these facets, where it'd sort of have to be usable, 274 00:11:13,679 --> 00:11:15,470 has to make sense in the game design world, 275 00:11:15,470 --> 00:11:16,469 and it has to look good. 276 00:11:18,960 --> 00:11:20,780 Let's jump into 3D. 277 00:11:20,780 --> 00:11:25,254 3D is the more complicated side of the art. 278 00:11:25,254 --> 00:11:27,420 Painting a picture doesn't take me a very long time, 279 00:11:27,420 --> 00:11:29,810 but making a 3D model takes much longer time, 280 00:11:29,810 --> 00:11:32,150 especially if it's highly detailed 281 00:11:32,150 --> 00:11:36,660 or needs a lot of texturing, or I 282 00:11:36,660 --> 00:11:39,670 need to make it work in a very specific type of game. 283 00:11:39,670 --> 00:11:42,090 There's a reason a lot of indies avoid 3D. 284 00:11:42,090 --> 00:11:43,790 It's because-- I mean, especially-- 285 00:11:43,790 --> 00:11:45,623 it's getting easier all the time, especially 286 00:11:45,623 --> 00:11:49,550 with tools like Unity and Blender but a lot in Indies 287 00:11:49,550 --> 00:11:52,290 do stick to 2D, because 3D just gives you 288 00:11:52,290 --> 00:11:55,120 a lot of hassles that you don't have to deal with in 2D. 289 00:11:55,120 --> 00:11:58,300 And usually you need more artists to work with 3D, 290 00:11:58,300 --> 00:12:01,539 because, to make a game in 3D, it takes a long time. 291 00:12:01,539 --> 00:12:02,830 You have to model environments. 292 00:12:02,830 --> 00:12:03,570 You have to model characters. 293 00:12:03,570 --> 00:12:04,653 You have to model objects. 294 00:12:04,653 --> 00:12:07,100 Whereas in a 2D game, I'd be like all right, 295 00:12:07,100 --> 00:12:10,520 a box is just four lines and just color it in. 296 00:12:10,520 --> 00:12:11,470 Box in 3D? 297 00:12:11,470 --> 00:12:13,050 All right, I made the cube. 298 00:12:13,050 --> 00:12:14,080 That's easy, whatever. 299 00:12:14,080 --> 00:12:15,750 Now I got to texture it, and I got to inclusion map 300 00:12:15,750 --> 00:12:17,890 it, normal map it-- It takes a lot more time. 301 00:12:17,890 --> 00:12:21,060 And it usually ends up looking really nice, 302 00:12:21,060 --> 00:12:23,260 but usually you'd need more artists. 303 00:12:23,260 --> 00:12:26,080 The roles in 3D is modeling-- this is one of my earlier 304 00:12:26,080 --> 00:12:28,340 attempts at modeling. 305 00:12:28,340 --> 00:12:31,370 So the modelers, they sculpt 3D characters in environments. 306 00:12:31,370 --> 00:12:34,710 They sculpt what's going to be put into the world. 307 00:12:34,710 --> 00:12:38,340 Modeling and texturing makes up the bulk of 3D work. 308 00:12:41,704 --> 00:12:43,120 It takes a long time to get right, 309 00:12:43,120 --> 00:12:45,990 and then sort of having to make it work within your game 310 00:12:45,990 --> 00:12:47,380 is another big facet of that. 311 00:12:50,090 --> 00:12:53,840 ZBrush is a really fancy tool that a lot of 3D artists use. 312 00:12:53,840 --> 00:12:56,220 And they will sculpt the crap out of it, and be like, 313 00:12:56,220 --> 00:12:59,340 oh man, you can see every-- I sculpted every skin pore 314 00:12:59,340 --> 00:13:02,020 on this guy's face, and every vein 315 00:13:02,020 --> 00:13:04,800 is actually underneath his skin, and the fat, and the muscle, 316 00:13:04,800 --> 00:13:08,280 and the bone-- yeah, good luck getting that to run in any game 317 00:13:08,280 --> 00:13:08,930 right now. 318 00:13:08,930 --> 00:13:10,596 Obviously, things getting more powerful. 319 00:13:10,596 --> 00:13:12,130 Again, as an indie guy, if you tried 320 00:13:12,130 --> 00:13:14,255 to sculpt every pore into a guy's skin, 321 00:13:14,255 --> 00:13:15,880 you're going to end up spending a month 322 00:13:15,880 --> 00:13:18,005 working on that where you should have been spending 323 00:13:18,005 --> 00:13:21,910 a month just pumping out art. 324 00:13:21,910 --> 00:13:25,570 So those get broken down further into character art, which 325 00:13:25,570 --> 00:13:28,500 is-- at bigger studios, you do have a specific character 326 00:13:28,500 --> 00:13:29,000 artist. 327 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:30,400 They only work on the characters, 328 00:13:30,400 --> 00:13:32,400 because the characters are a very important part 329 00:13:32,400 --> 00:13:34,110 of the game, obviously, and usually 330 00:13:34,110 --> 00:13:36,580 have to be more detailed than a lot of the other parts 331 00:13:36,580 --> 00:13:39,410 of the game, especially if it's the player character. 332 00:13:39,410 --> 00:13:42,100 You're always staring at them if they're a third person game, 333 00:13:42,100 --> 00:13:46,306 or if they're NPCs you deal with regularly in the world, 334 00:13:46,306 --> 00:13:47,180 they're always there. 335 00:13:47,180 --> 00:13:48,170 They're always looking at them. 336 00:13:48,170 --> 00:13:50,040 They have to be visually nice to look at. 337 00:13:50,040 --> 00:13:51,910 And the modelers have to spend a lot of time 338 00:13:51,910 --> 00:13:54,409 making that work right and look right. 339 00:13:54,409 --> 00:13:56,700 And they also have to deal with a lot of uncanny valley 340 00:13:56,700 --> 00:13:59,830 stuff, which-- what the uncanny valley is, 341 00:13:59,830 --> 00:14:03,050 if you try to make it realistic, and it doesn't quite 342 00:14:03,050 --> 00:14:07,500 look realistic-- like this guy-- people look weird, 343 00:14:07,500 --> 00:14:08,980 and people are weirded out by that. 344 00:14:08,980 --> 00:14:12,740 And it's a big problem character artists have to deal with. 345 00:14:12,740 --> 00:14:16,270 Environment artists-- they're the ones who make the world. 346 00:14:16,270 --> 00:14:17,270 They make the buildings. 347 00:14:17,270 --> 00:14:17,860 They make the trees. 348 00:14:17,860 --> 00:14:19,010 They make the mountains. 349 00:14:19,010 --> 00:14:21,470 They're the ones who fill up the world. 350 00:14:21,470 --> 00:14:23,342 Sometimes concept artists are actually 351 00:14:23,342 --> 00:14:25,800 broken up between character artists and environment artists 352 00:14:25,800 --> 00:14:27,846 too, depending on how big the studio is. 353 00:14:27,846 --> 00:14:29,220 Again, as an indie, you're always 354 00:14:29,220 --> 00:14:32,120 making the environment art, the character art, the concept art, 355 00:14:32,120 --> 00:14:34,300 UI, and everything. 356 00:14:34,300 --> 00:14:38,310 But usually when you hand in a portfolio to a big studio, 357 00:14:38,310 --> 00:14:40,221 as an artist, they always ask first, 358 00:14:40,221 --> 00:14:42,720 are you a character artist or are you an environment artist? 359 00:14:42,720 --> 00:14:45,840 Unless you're going for like UI design. 360 00:14:45,840 --> 00:14:50,360 But as an artist, if you go up and say, 361 00:14:50,360 --> 00:14:53,390 I don't-- I'm kind of both-- which is what I do, 362 00:14:53,390 --> 00:14:54,930 kind of both-- they just turn away. 363 00:14:54,930 --> 00:14:57,280 They don't have time for you unless you're just 364 00:14:57,280 --> 00:15:00,000 unbelievably amazing at both. 365 00:15:00,000 --> 00:15:03,070 So the big facet I skipped out on both of those things 366 00:15:03,070 --> 00:15:07,080 is animation, which pertains to 2D and 3D. 367 00:15:07,080 --> 00:15:10,360 Animation is very, very difficult 368 00:15:10,360 --> 00:15:14,100 to get right in 2D, and in 3D, but 3D is way easier. 369 00:15:14,100 --> 00:15:17,170 There's a reason Disney closed down all their 2D animation 370 00:15:17,170 --> 00:15:20,100 studios, because it's a waste of time now. 371 00:15:20,100 --> 00:15:24,500 It looks good, but it's very expensive, very time consuming. 372 00:15:24,500 --> 00:15:27,610 A good reference point is-- has anyone played Skullgirls? 373 00:15:27,610 --> 00:15:31,320 Which was like a 2D indie fighting game. 374 00:15:31,320 --> 00:15:34,820 They wanted to add a single character to their game. 375 00:15:34,820 --> 00:15:38,670 And they started a Kickstarter and they asked for $250 grand 376 00:15:38,670 --> 00:15:40,410 just to add one character. 377 00:15:40,410 --> 00:15:44,620 Because of how exact the animations 378 00:15:44,620 --> 00:15:47,460 had to be and the quality of the 2D animations. 379 00:15:47,460 --> 00:15:52,030 Hand drawing animations is very time consuming 380 00:15:52,030 --> 00:15:58,370 for sprites-- and sort of hand animating 2D guys. 381 00:15:58,370 --> 00:16:00,610 So that was sort of solved by tweening. 382 00:16:00,610 --> 00:16:03,880 Tweening is-- as you probably all know-- is I have my arm, 383 00:16:03,880 --> 00:16:05,670 and I draw it, and I can do this with it. 384 00:16:08,360 --> 00:16:10,060 And that makes animation more fluid, 385 00:16:10,060 --> 00:16:12,780 and you can sort of blend in animations 386 00:16:12,780 --> 00:16:16,110 with other animations much easier, especially with like, 387 00:16:16,110 --> 00:16:22,150 I've been using Spine-- that's it. 388 00:16:22,150 --> 00:16:26,110 Spine in Unity to help blend a lot of my tweening animations. 389 00:16:26,110 --> 00:16:28,870 3D usually only works with tweening animations, 390 00:16:28,870 --> 00:16:30,880 in sort of, you have the animation rigged. 391 00:16:30,880 --> 00:16:32,530 And you move the body parts around, 392 00:16:32,530 --> 00:16:35,810 and sort of algorithmically draws in the in between frames. 393 00:16:35,810 --> 00:16:38,240 Whereas in hand drawn 2D animation-- old school 394 00:16:38,240 --> 00:16:41,640 2D animation-- characters-- if you want to move the character 395 00:16:41,640 --> 00:16:45,270 like this, you have to draw all of those frames usually. 396 00:16:45,270 --> 00:16:47,580 So that's why a lot of indies, they turn to pixel art. 397 00:16:47,580 --> 00:16:51,580 Because an arm doing this is like two blocks moving, 398 00:16:51,580 --> 00:16:53,700 which it takes way less time. 399 00:16:53,700 --> 00:16:54,710 It's way easier. 400 00:16:54,710 --> 00:16:56,710 And it's a style that a lot of people 401 00:16:56,710 --> 00:17:00,439 like so it's sort of easy to sell it. 402 00:17:00,439 --> 00:17:02,105 If there was no such thing as pixel art, 403 00:17:02,105 --> 00:17:05,149 and you tried to make a pixel art game now, 404 00:17:05,149 --> 00:17:06,940 people would be like, this is kind of lazy. 405 00:17:06,940 --> 00:17:10,550 The whole world was Disney quality animation. 406 00:17:10,550 --> 00:17:12,716 All right, great, so you're thinking about what kind 407 00:17:12,716 --> 00:17:16,339 of artists you need, what roles you need to fill for your game. 408 00:17:16,339 --> 00:17:16,839 But wait! 409 00:17:16,839 --> 00:17:18,630 The most important thing is, how much money 410 00:17:18,630 --> 00:17:21,579 do you have in your wallet? 411 00:17:21,579 --> 00:17:27,530 Because artists cost money, obviously. 412 00:17:27,530 --> 00:17:30,560 They have to eat, as much as the starving artist 413 00:17:30,560 --> 00:17:34,110 stereotype is perpetuated. 414 00:17:34,110 --> 00:17:35,560 Obviously, if you're a big studio, 415 00:17:35,560 --> 00:17:37,910 you can just throw down the fat stacks of cash, 416 00:17:37,910 --> 00:17:40,200 and say, I want four concept artists, 417 00:17:40,200 --> 00:17:43,870 an army of VFX artists, 3D art modelers. 418 00:17:43,870 --> 00:17:49,650 I need 2D texture guys and UI designers, you name it. 419 00:17:49,650 --> 00:17:51,860 And they can bring in every one and get 420 00:17:51,860 --> 00:17:53,860 the best of the best, because they have millions 421 00:17:53,860 --> 00:17:55,200 of dollars to work with. 422 00:17:55,200 --> 00:17:59,430 As an indie, you don't have anything to work with, usually, 423 00:17:59,430 --> 00:18:03,300 unless you Kickstarted magically now, and made a ton of money, 424 00:18:03,300 --> 00:18:05,910 or you have some sort of outside funding, 425 00:18:05,910 --> 00:18:09,490 you sort of have to coax an artist into your grasp. 426 00:18:09,490 --> 00:18:12,570 And either promise them with some money you have 427 00:18:12,570 --> 00:18:16,170 or revenue share, but usually you're 428 00:18:16,170 --> 00:18:19,022 going to only end up with maybe one, two artists, 429 00:18:19,022 --> 00:18:20,480 depending on the size of your team. 430 00:18:23,370 --> 00:18:24,520 It's tough. 431 00:18:24,520 --> 00:18:26,860 Amazing artists cost a lot of money. 432 00:18:26,860 --> 00:18:29,030 If you're trying to go for the best of the best, 433 00:18:29,030 --> 00:18:31,510 the famous guy you saw on the internet one time, 434 00:18:31,510 --> 00:18:33,500 they're going to charge for being 435 00:18:33,500 --> 00:18:36,100 the famous guy on the internet you saw one time. 436 00:18:36,100 --> 00:18:38,300 Middle-of-the-road artists are harder to find, 437 00:18:38,300 --> 00:18:46,850 because-- how do I put this-- either they're too old to have 438 00:18:46,850 --> 00:18:48,930 kept going with art and they've given up, 439 00:18:48,930 --> 00:18:51,080 because they couldn't be an amazing artist, 440 00:18:51,080 --> 00:18:53,940 and they're not making enough money as an artist making 441 00:18:53,940 --> 00:18:56,962 a living, and they're sort of given up, 442 00:18:56,962 --> 00:18:59,170 or you can nab them right out of school at some point 443 00:18:59,170 --> 00:19:00,460 or in school. 444 00:19:00,460 --> 00:19:02,870 But there are a lot of crappy artists out there. 445 00:19:02,870 --> 00:19:06,590 If you want to find any artist, there's a ton of them. 446 00:19:06,590 --> 00:19:08,340 I will go into how to find those guys too. 447 00:19:10,950 --> 00:19:14,460 First, back to the next-- one of the early slides here-- 448 00:19:14,460 --> 00:19:16,720 artists are important. 449 00:19:16,720 --> 00:19:21,030 I know as a designer programmer, you think you can do it all, 450 00:19:21,030 --> 00:19:22,960 but don't skimp on artists. 451 00:19:22,960 --> 00:19:26,030 If you have an amazing game idea, 452 00:19:26,030 --> 00:19:29,150 you want to make that product the best you can. 453 00:19:29,150 --> 00:19:32,290 And having a really good artist is a big part of that. 454 00:19:32,290 --> 00:19:35,040 You might think, I'm just going to sell my game on mechanics. 455 00:19:35,040 --> 00:19:37,540 It's going to be great. 456 00:19:37,540 --> 00:19:40,450 The best mechanics you've ever seen. 457 00:19:40,450 --> 00:19:41,700 But why stop there? 458 00:19:41,700 --> 00:19:44,330 Why not have amazing art to go with your mechanics? 459 00:19:44,330 --> 00:19:47,930 If you can hire multiple artists, please do. 460 00:19:47,930 --> 00:19:51,632 Because it'll take a load off of them, because-- 461 00:19:51,632 --> 00:19:54,090 especially at a big studio, even indie studios-- making art 462 00:19:54,090 --> 00:19:57,670 is a huge chunk of time. 463 00:19:57,670 --> 00:20:00,470 As graphics get more and more intense and more 464 00:20:00,470 --> 00:20:04,257 and more realistic, art is the thing 465 00:20:04,257 --> 00:20:06,590 that takes up the most amount of time during development 466 00:20:06,590 --> 00:20:08,764 and it's the money sink now. 467 00:20:08,764 --> 00:20:10,305 You know, OK, let's say we're working 468 00:20:10,305 --> 00:20:12,820 on the new Call of Duty-- just came out. 469 00:20:12,820 --> 00:20:14,840 All right, this is a first-person shooter. 470 00:20:14,840 --> 00:20:16,310 We can do some level design. 471 00:20:16,310 --> 00:20:18,560 There's some added features. 472 00:20:18,560 --> 00:20:20,060 But like, all right, we need robots, 473 00:20:20,060 --> 00:20:21,980 and destructible buildings, and soldiers, 474 00:20:21,980 --> 00:20:25,660 and everything has to look as top quality as possible, 475 00:20:25,660 --> 00:20:30,000 or else everyone will decry the game as looking like crap, 476 00:20:30,000 --> 00:20:32,900 because of one other game that did go that extra mile. 477 00:20:32,900 --> 00:20:36,270 And as an indie, maybe you do want 478 00:20:36,270 --> 00:20:39,230 to try and compete with that, in that-- let's say, all right, 479 00:20:39,230 --> 00:20:40,630 you have your illustrator. 480 00:20:40,630 --> 00:20:43,790 He can do the concept art, he can do the 2D assets, 481 00:20:43,790 --> 00:20:44,580 in a lot of ways. 482 00:20:44,580 --> 00:20:47,760 But maybe he's not the best at animation-- 483 00:20:47,760 --> 00:20:50,190 I'm not the best at animation-- so we'll get an animator, 484 00:20:50,190 --> 00:20:53,340 as well, who doesn't have to come up with the cool designs-- 485 00:20:53,340 --> 00:20:55,940 maybe he can help or she can help-- 486 00:20:55,940 --> 00:20:57,470 but you have this artist. 487 00:20:57,470 --> 00:21:00,460 You can be like, look, these are the monsters I need animated. 488 00:21:00,460 --> 00:21:03,340 Can you do the animation while I move on to the next thing? 489 00:21:03,340 --> 00:21:07,510 And especially if you're working in 3D, having multiple artists 490 00:21:07,510 --> 00:21:09,260 is almost a must, because otherwise you're 491 00:21:09,260 --> 00:21:11,240 never really going to get anything done, 492 00:21:11,240 --> 00:21:14,280 unless you can sort of design around having one artist, which 493 00:21:14,280 --> 00:21:17,092 becomes a huge limiting factor. 494 00:21:17,092 --> 00:21:19,550 But again, with everything, especially in game development, 495 00:21:19,550 --> 00:21:21,650 you get sort of a law of diminishing returns. 496 00:21:21,650 --> 00:21:25,084 The more artists you have-- or the bigger your team is-- you 497 00:21:25,084 --> 00:21:28,840 know, going back to Destiny with it's ridiculously high budget. 498 00:21:28,840 --> 00:21:33,410 It was like $300 million or something, $500 million? 499 00:21:33,410 --> 00:21:35,350 You know, how much more game did they get? 500 00:21:35,350 --> 00:21:36,820 How much more entertainment value 501 00:21:36,820 --> 00:21:40,570 did they get with their like studios of artists? 502 00:21:40,570 --> 00:21:43,065 They didn't just have one studio of artists 503 00:21:43,065 --> 00:21:43,940 working on that game. 504 00:21:43,940 --> 00:21:45,530 They had multiple. 505 00:21:45,530 --> 00:21:47,720 So if you're an indie studio and you're like, right, 506 00:21:47,720 --> 00:21:51,730 we have two programmers and, like, eight artists. 507 00:21:51,730 --> 00:21:53,990 Eight artists, that work is diluted between them. 508 00:21:53,990 --> 00:21:56,115 You have to try and make sure that each one of them 509 00:21:56,115 --> 00:21:59,519 is working in the exact same style. 510 00:21:59,519 --> 00:22:02,060 You have to sort of understand that it is difficult to switch 511 00:22:02,060 --> 00:22:03,130 your art style. 512 00:22:03,130 --> 00:22:08,090 If you've been drawing one way your whole life, 513 00:22:08,090 --> 00:22:11,630 and then you're hired to a team, maybe wrongly, 514 00:22:11,630 --> 00:22:14,580 to work on this game that looks nothing like anything 515 00:22:14,580 --> 00:22:15,730 you've ever done. 516 00:22:15,730 --> 00:22:21,211 And you can't work within those limits, within that style, 517 00:22:21,211 --> 00:22:22,710 you're going to make work that looks 518 00:22:22,710 --> 00:22:25,110 different from the other artists, and it will stand out 519 00:22:25,110 --> 00:22:26,000 and it'll look weird. 520 00:22:29,030 --> 00:22:30,220 Yes, really. 521 00:22:30,220 --> 00:22:31,190 Artists are important. 522 00:22:31,190 --> 00:22:35,020 I got to really stress this point because I like work. 523 00:22:35,020 --> 00:22:37,330 Artists not only make the game look good, 524 00:22:37,330 --> 00:22:40,360 but they inspire the rest of the team. 525 00:22:40,360 --> 00:22:43,040 If you're just sitting, staring at blocks hitting-- you know, 526 00:22:43,040 --> 00:22:45,342 pongs-- hitting a block back and forth all day, 527 00:22:45,342 --> 00:22:47,050 you're going to get tired of it if you're 528 00:22:47,050 --> 00:22:48,520 working on it for a year. 529 00:22:48,520 --> 00:22:51,100 If you have constant art coming in, like concept art, 530 00:22:51,100 --> 00:22:54,550 animations, illustrations, and you see it 531 00:22:54,550 --> 00:22:57,170 when a website writes about your game, 532 00:22:57,170 --> 00:23:00,610 or a You-Tuber does a stream about your game, 533 00:23:00,610 --> 00:23:04,060 it's exciting to see like, look how good my game is, 534 00:23:04,060 --> 00:23:07,560 and I need to make this better to match to the awesome art 535 00:23:07,560 --> 00:23:09,296 that I have in the game. 536 00:23:09,296 --> 00:23:13,270 It helps motivate everyone to be excited about the project 537 00:23:13,270 --> 00:23:14,300 they're working on. 538 00:23:14,300 --> 00:23:15,980 To know that, look, when this comes out, 539 00:23:15,980 --> 00:23:16,700 it's going to look great. 540 00:23:16,700 --> 00:23:18,890 And it's going to be compared to the best of them. 541 00:23:18,890 --> 00:23:20,400 Because that's awesome! 542 00:23:20,400 --> 00:23:21,790 And everyone should be inspired. 543 00:23:21,790 --> 00:23:24,459 And art is such a quick way of inspiring people, 544 00:23:24,459 --> 00:23:26,750 that it's almost worth the money to pay the artist just 545 00:23:26,750 --> 00:23:28,685 to keep your wheels turning. 546 00:23:28,685 --> 00:23:30,810 Because if you just, again, if you're just watching 547 00:23:30,810 --> 00:23:33,097 blocks bounce back and forth-- yeah, great, OK. 548 00:23:33,097 --> 00:23:34,930 If you get excited about that, that's great. 549 00:23:34,930 --> 00:23:37,010 But if you've got five other people on your team, 550 00:23:37,010 --> 00:23:40,270 and they're all just working on blocks bouncing back and forth, 551 00:23:40,270 --> 00:23:41,440 they're going to go and work on something else that's 552 00:23:41,440 --> 00:23:42,148 more interesting. 553 00:23:47,390 --> 00:23:52,480 So where do you find these so-called artists? 554 00:23:52,480 --> 00:23:56,030 Usually in sewers, like the Ninja Turtles. 555 00:23:56,030 --> 00:24:00,300 But artists, in general, are usually introverted people. 556 00:24:00,300 --> 00:24:03,260 Sort of like a upbringing of-- I'm 557 00:24:03,260 --> 00:24:05,960 just going to sit in the corner and doodle all the time. 558 00:24:05,960 --> 00:24:07,710 A lot of programmers have the same thing-- 559 00:24:07,710 --> 00:24:10,400 I'm going to sit on my computer and code. 560 00:24:10,400 --> 00:24:13,550 A lot of them don't go out of their way to make attention 561 00:24:13,550 --> 00:24:14,840 to themselves. 562 00:24:14,840 --> 00:24:16,340 I first learned this when I was sort 563 00:24:16,340 --> 00:24:19,190 of going to meet ups around Boston for game development. 564 00:24:19,190 --> 00:24:23,330 And how few artists I was meeting. 565 00:24:23,330 --> 00:24:25,820 It was kind of disheartening in a lot of ways. 566 00:24:25,820 --> 00:24:27,820 And the few artists I was meeting, a lot of them 567 00:24:27,820 --> 00:24:30,810 were like, eh, OK, get out of here, you're done. 568 00:24:34,080 --> 00:24:36,640 Because artists, sort of, even some of the best artists 569 00:24:36,640 --> 00:24:39,540 I know, they sit in their rooms, they make their art, 570 00:24:39,540 --> 00:24:41,332 maybe they get a blog post on the internet, 571 00:24:41,332 --> 00:24:42,331 and it does really well. 572 00:24:42,331 --> 00:24:44,030 But a lot of them are just sort of like, 573 00:24:44,030 --> 00:24:45,710 oh I'll just work on this drawing. 574 00:24:45,710 --> 00:24:46,680 It's OK. 575 00:24:46,680 --> 00:24:48,080 And it's crap. 576 00:24:48,080 --> 00:24:50,060 Work on the next one. 577 00:24:50,060 --> 00:24:52,670 So you do have to look for the right artist, which 578 00:24:52,670 --> 00:24:55,140 is sometimes more difficult than you think it would be. 579 00:24:55,140 --> 00:24:57,473 You would think all artists are always looking for work. 580 00:24:57,473 --> 00:24:58,710 They're all starving. 581 00:24:58,710 --> 00:24:59,420 They need work. 582 00:24:59,420 --> 00:25:00,640 They need work to live. 583 00:25:00,640 --> 00:25:05,230 Well, yeah sure, a lot of them. 584 00:25:05,230 --> 00:25:08,210 They're not going to be coming looking for you specifically. 585 00:25:08,210 --> 00:25:11,030 So here's some ideas of how to track down 586 00:25:11,030 --> 00:25:13,300 this elusive species. 587 00:25:13,300 --> 00:25:15,629 Networking. 588 00:25:15,629 --> 00:25:17,920 Meet-ups, like I mentioned, a lot of game dev meet-ups. 589 00:25:17,920 --> 00:25:18,990 They do exist. 590 00:25:18,990 --> 00:25:19,956 They are there. 591 00:25:19,956 --> 00:25:22,650 There's some comic book meet-ups in Boston 592 00:25:22,650 --> 00:25:24,950 with a lot of artists. 593 00:25:24,950 --> 00:25:27,490 It's all about maybe you'll meet someone who knows someone. 594 00:25:27,490 --> 00:25:28,990 That's how most of my work comes in, 595 00:25:28,990 --> 00:25:33,094 is someone who knows me from someone or from a project I 596 00:25:33,094 --> 00:25:35,510 worked on through networking, they get in contact with me, 597 00:25:35,510 --> 00:25:36,660 and I get work. 598 00:25:36,660 --> 00:25:39,530 I actually used this in a slide for one of my classes. 599 00:25:39,530 --> 00:25:41,250 This is PAX. 600 00:25:41,250 --> 00:25:43,300 PAX is actually another great place, surprisingly 601 00:25:43,300 --> 00:25:44,340 to meet other artists. 602 00:25:44,340 --> 00:25:47,490 Because a lot of people are walking around booths, 603 00:25:47,490 --> 00:25:49,850 looking for work, surprisingly, at PAX. 604 00:25:49,850 --> 00:25:52,760 Which is kind of weird. 605 00:25:52,760 --> 00:25:56,574 They'll hand you business cards and you're like, 606 00:25:56,574 --> 00:25:58,240 oh, I'll check out your portfolio later. 607 00:25:58,240 --> 00:25:59,323 Maybe they're pretty good. 608 00:25:59,323 --> 00:26:01,300 And then maybe there's something to that. 609 00:26:01,300 --> 00:26:08,075 Obviously, bigger conferences like GDC, IndieCade, 610 00:26:08,075 --> 00:26:09,855 like Unite, or something. 611 00:26:09,855 --> 00:26:11,730 There's a lot of artists there that hang out, 612 00:26:11,730 --> 00:26:14,200 and they're a great place to meet, socialize, 613 00:26:14,200 --> 00:26:16,690 see if you find someone you sort of can relate to 614 00:26:16,690 --> 00:26:18,070 and hang out with, and maybe they 615 00:26:18,070 --> 00:26:20,020 have some really cool work they can make for you. 616 00:26:20,020 --> 00:26:21,978 I just thought it was funny, because I randomly 617 00:26:21,978 --> 00:26:24,020 found this picture of PAX East on the internet. 618 00:26:24,020 --> 00:26:26,612 Ziba and I at our first booth-- we're actually in it-- 619 00:26:26,612 --> 00:26:27,320 and it's circled. 620 00:26:27,320 --> 00:26:30,570 Our birth, I was very excited about that. 621 00:26:30,570 --> 00:26:32,970 Internet, that scary place. 622 00:26:32,970 --> 00:26:35,540 There are a lot of artists on the internet, obviously. 623 00:26:35,540 --> 00:26:38,580 There are some big sites that are 624 00:26:38,580 --> 00:26:45,200 great to find artists, and sort of remotely discuss with them. 625 00:26:45,200 --> 00:26:47,807 CG hub used to be a big one, but for some reason 626 00:26:47,807 --> 00:26:48,890 the guy just shut it down. 627 00:26:48,890 --> 00:26:49,700 I don't know why. 628 00:26:49,700 --> 00:26:52,780 But deviant art, you have to shift through a pile of shit 629 00:26:52,780 --> 00:26:56,490 to find good art in deviant art, but it exists. 630 00:26:56,490 --> 00:26:58,070 Tumblr is actually really good. 631 00:26:58,070 --> 00:27:00,390 A lot of artists I know, especially good artists, 632 00:27:00,390 --> 00:27:02,590 post their art on Tumblr. 633 00:27:02,590 --> 00:27:05,690 And usually with tags like game art or concept 634 00:27:05,690 --> 00:27:06,450 art or indie art. 635 00:27:06,450 --> 00:27:08,590 And again, you have the shift through a lot of crap 636 00:27:08,590 --> 00:27:10,020 to find the good stuff. 637 00:27:10,020 --> 00:27:13,050 But I know a lot of people who find work through Tumblr. 638 00:27:13,050 --> 00:27:17,970 Conceptart.org has some of the bigger, well-known artists, 639 00:27:17,970 --> 00:27:19,910 but there's also a lot of smaller artists. 640 00:27:19,910 --> 00:27:23,900 There's like a jobs board you can post on there. 641 00:27:23,900 --> 00:27:26,130 This was conceptart.org. 642 00:27:26,130 --> 00:27:30,000 A lot of the big studios post there, looking for jobs. 643 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:36,090 This is more for 2D painters, and concept artists, and 2D 644 00:27:36,090 --> 00:27:39,090 guys more-- Polycount, for 3D artists, 645 00:27:39,090 --> 00:27:42,480 which is another great website and resource. 646 00:27:42,480 --> 00:27:45,060 But if you want to scrape the bottom of the barrel, schools. 647 00:27:45,060 --> 00:27:49,150 Schools are a great way to get free artists. 648 00:27:49,150 --> 00:27:51,790 I like the claw grabber, because that's basically 649 00:27:51,790 --> 00:27:52,962 what you're getting. 650 00:27:52,962 --> 00:27:54,420 I mean, I'm not saying there aren't 651 00:27:54,420 --> 00:27:55,820 amazing artists at school. 652 00:27:55,820 --> 00:27:56,920 Of course there are. 653 00:27:56,920 --> 00:27:59,850 But most of them are, obviously, inexperienced. 654 00:27:59,850 --> 00:28:03,929 Most of them will work for cheap to nothing, 655 00:28:03,929 --> 00:28:05,720 because they're just excited about the fact 656 00:28:05,720 --> 00:28:07,180 to work on a game. 657 00:28:07,180 --> 00:28:09,510 So if you just desperately need an artist. 658 00:28:09,510 --> 00:28:11,840 And you're just like, I got this prototype. 659 00:28:11,840 --> 00:28:13,680 I want to pitch it somewhere else, 660 00:28:13,680 --> 00:28:15,940 but I just need some art in it. 661 00:28:15,940 --> 00:28:17,065 Schools are a great places. 662 00:28:17,065 --> 00:28:18,856 There's lots of schools in the Boston area. 663 00:28:18,856 --> 00:28:21,550 A lot of art schools around here with lots 664 00:28:21,550 --> 00:28:24,360 of people looking for work, obviously. 665 00:28:24,360 --> 00:28:28,620 But again, scraping the bottom of the barrel. 666 00:28:28,620 --> 00:28:32,070 There's a lot of shows that aren't about games where 667 00:28:32,070 --> 00:28:33,580 are great to pick up artists. 668 00:28:33,580 --> 00:28:36,650 In Boston, we have the Massachusetts Independents 669 00:28:36,650 --> 00:28:39,830 Comics Expo, where a bunch of artists sit around tables 670 00:28:39,830 --> 00:28:41,950 and they sell their comics. 671 00:28:41,950 --> 00:28:45,350 This is a great place to meet artists who, maybe, aren't 672 00:28:45,350 --> 00:28:48,420 into games, but maybe you find someone who's like wow, 673 00:28:48,420 --> 00:28:49,640 your style's really unique. 674 00:28:49,640 --> 00:28:51,730 Your style's really cool. 675 00:28:51,730 --> 00:28:52,630 Come work for me. 676 00:28:52,630 --> 00:28:55,500 Come be a part of my team and we can make something 677 00:28:55,500 --> 00:28:58,316 really interesting together. 678 00:28:58,316 --> 00:28:59,690 There's a lot of artists' tables. 679 00:28:59,690 --> 00:29:02,735 There's a lot of-- I used to do these a lot. 680 00:29:02,735 --> 00:29:04,360 I don't really do them so much anymore, 681 00:29:04,360 --> 00:29:06,900 but-- just selling your prints on tables. 682 00:29:06,900 --> 00:29:09,184 There's lots of festivals all the time. 683 00:29:09,184 --> 00:29:11,100 I know this isn't really a stereotypical where 684 00:29:11,100 --> 00:29:13,780 to find a game artist, but they are great places 685 00:29:13,780 --> 00:29:16,486 to find artists who maybe never thought about making games. 686 00:29:16,486 --> 00:29:18,110 And maybe they have a really cool style 687 00:29:18,110 --> 00:29:21,410 that'll fit games perfectly, but they've just never even thought 688 00:29:21,410 --> 00:29:22,130 about it. 689 00:29:22,130 --> 00:29:25,190 Because, again, in this very competitive environment 690 00:29:25,190 --> 00:29:28,490 that we are in, game development, 691 00:29:28,490 --> 00:29:30,950 you want to make your games stand out and be unique. 692 00:29:30,950 --> 00:29:32,533 You don't want it to look like, again, 693 00:29:32,533 --> 00:29:34,520 Call of Duty number five. 694 00:29:34,520 --> 00:29:36,830 Why are you bothering at that point? 695 00:29:36,830 --> 00:29:39,400 Why don't you find someone who has like-- no one 696 00:29:39,400 --> 00:29:40,610 can draw like this person. 697 00:29:40,610 --> 00:29:42,490 It might not be the most realistic, 698 00:29:42,490 --> 00:29:48,380 and it might not be the theme of the time-- 699 00:29:48,380 --> 00:29:49,880 like low poly is a big thing now-- 700 00:29:49,880 --> 00:29:52,260 but like, this guy will stand out. 701 00:29:52,260 --> 00:29:55,770 This guy will make my game look so unique and so interesting 702 00:29:55,770 --> 00:29:58,530 to people who may not have even been interested in my mechanics 703 00:29:58,530 --> 00:29:59,960 in the first place. 704 00:29:59,960 --> 00:30:03,150 And it jives with my theme. 705 00:30:03,150 --> 00:30:04,900 I want this person to work for me 706 00:30:04,900 --> 00:30:06,705 to make my game the best it can be, 707 00:30:06,705 --> 00:30:08,880 because that's really what it's about. 708 00:30:08,880 --> 00:30:11,419 It's all about finding that special someone. 709 00:30:11,419 --> 00:30:13,460 You're going to have a working relation together. 710 00:30:13,460 --> 00:30:15,104 You're going to have some rough times, 711 00:30:15,104 --> 00:30:17,020 you're going to have some good times together. 712 00:30:17,020 --> 00:30:19,420 So you really want to find someone, especially 713 00:30:19,420 --> 00:30:23,160 as an artist, who you guys can work together very well. 714 00:30:23,160 --> 00:30:25,170 You understand a common goal. 715 00:30:25,170 --> 00:30:27,070 You're going to be both-- or if you 716 00:30:27,070 --> 00:30:29,569 have multiple artists-- you're going to be all your harshest 717 00:30:29,569 --> 00:30:31,000 critics, including themselves. 718 00:30:31,000 --> 00:30:35,820 You're going to-- because if no one in your group 719 00:30:35,820 --> 00:30:37,830 is telling you what you're doing is bad, 720 00:30:37,830 --> 00:30:39,470 then everyone else will and. 721 00:30:39,470 --> 00:30:42,880 They will do it much harsher and much meaner 722 00:30:42,880 --> 00:30:44,092 than anybody in your group. 723 00:30:44,092 --> 00:30:46,050 Because if you're like, hey man, you know, this 724 00:30:46,050 --> 00:30:47,890 is a good drawing, but why don't you 725 00:30:47,890 --> 00:30:50,000 try doing this to make it better, 726 00:30:50,000 --> 00:30:51,940 is much better than a comment on, like, 727 00:30:51,940 --> 00:30:54,430 [? Kotaki ?] was saying, this fucking sucks. 728 00:30:54,430 --> 00:30:56,180 Don't buy this fucking piece of shit. 729 00:30:56,180 --> 00:30:57,327 Because that's-- yeah. 730 00:30:57,327 --> 00:30:59,160 You want to, again, you want to find someone 731 00:30:59,160 --> 00:31:00,250 who's good as an artist. 732 00:31:00,250 --> 00:31:04,350 You want to find someone who's competent, 733 00:31:04,350 --> 00:31:08,060 who turns things in on time-- which is a big thing. 734 00:31:08,060 --> 00:31:09,510 I've recommended too many artists 735 00:31:09,510 --> 00:31:13,370 to developer friends who did not turn things in on time, 736 00:31:13,370 --> 00:31:16,880 and that made me look bad in a lot of ways, 737 00:31:16,880 --> 00:31:19,380 because I recomm-- I thought these-- I'm like these guys are 738 00:31:19,380 --> 00:31:19,879 great. 739 00:31:19,879 --> 00:31:20,792 They work hard. 740 00:31:20,792 --> 00:31:22,500 But they weren't hitting their deadlines, 741 00:31:22,500 --> 00:31:24,840 they weren't getting stuff in, so they obviously 742 00:31:24,840 --> 00:31:27,314 lost those contracts. 743 00:31:27,314 --> 00:31:29,730 So you guys are really going to be like partners in crime, 744 00:31:29,730 --> 00:31:31,950 especially if you're in a small, two-man group. 745 00:31:31,950 --> 00:31:35,740 So these are some my working relationships I'll talk about. 746 00:31:35,740 --> 00:31:37,450 Girls Like Robots, I developed with Ziba. 747 00:31:37,450 --> 00:31:38,390 He's up there. 748 00:31:38,390 --> 00:31:39,890 You can all look at him if you want. 749 00:31:42,030 --> 00:31:43,430 He took a chance on me. 750 00:31:43,430 --> 00:31:44,930 I was out of college. 751 00:31:44,930 --> 00:31:48,490 And I'd done my three month period of mourning 752 00:31:48,490 --> 00:31:49,820 looking for a job. 753 00:31:49,820 --> 00:31:55,490 And he found me and said, OK, you're OK enough. 754 00:31:55,490 --> 00:31:57,220 I'll let you work on my game. 755 00:31:57,220 --> 00:31:59,770 And so we really hit it off. 756 00:31:59,770 --> 00:32:01,875 And we worked really well together. 757 00:32:01,875 --> 00:32:04,250 This game went places we didn't think it was going to go, 758 00:32:04,250 --> 00:32:05,870 which was great. 759 00:32:05,870 --> 00:32:08,640 It's still doing things that I didn't 760 00:32:08,640 --> 00:32:10,790 think it could do as a game. 761 00:32:10,790 --> 00:32:14,229 And so we've continued to work together from this. 762 00:32:14,229 --> 00:32:16,770 This was The Counting Kingdom with Little Worlds Interactive, 763 00:32:16,770 --> 00:32:18,360 Jenna Hoffstein. 764 00:32:18,360 --> 00:32:25,100 This was a more standard contractual artist hiring, 765 00:32:25,100 --> 00:32:26,610 game development cycle. 766 00:32:26,610 --> 00:32:30,350 Jenna came to me and was like, I need these five things. 767 00:32:30,350 --> 00:32:31,170 Done. 768 00:32:31,170 --> 00:32:32,240 I need these 10 things. 769 00:32:32,240 --> 00:32:32,550 Done. 770 00:32:32,550 --> 00:32:33,420 I need these five things. 771 00:32:33,420 --> 00:32:33,680 Done. 772 00:32:33,680 --> 00:32:35,138 All done with [? sculpture ?] works 773 00:32:35,138 --> 00:32:37,730 and work for hire contracts. 774 00:32:37,730 --> 00:32:39,380 She is the most efficient game designer 775 00:32:39,380 --> 00:32:41,050 I've ever met in my life. 776 00:32:41,050 --> 00:32:42,690 It was just boom, boom, boom, boom. 777 00:32:42,690 --> 00:32:43,940 We're aiming for this release. 778 00:32:43,940 --> 00:32:44,460 Done. 779 00:32:44,460 --> 00:32:46,250 Released. 780 00:32:46,250 --> 00:32:47,880 It was kind of amazing. 781 00:32:47,880 --> 00:32:49,990 I don't think any other game I've ever 782 00:32:49,990 --> 00:32:53,380 seen in my life developed that smoothly. 783 00:32:53,380 --> 00:32:56,240 And she didn't do any coding, which was also the crazy thing, 784 00:32:56,240 --> 00:32:59,670 as the lead designer and coder. 785 00:32:59,670 --> 00:33:04,000 She only used PlayMaker, which was kind of fascinating. 786 00:33:04,000 --> 00:33:06,160 Elegy for a Dead World was a weird 787 00:33:06,160 --> 00:33:09,810 in that I worked with Ziba again from Popcannibal, 788 00:33:09,810 --> 00:33:14,150 but this was a game jam game that turned into a full game 789 00:33:14,150 --> 00:33:17,640 when it started getting some attention. 790 00:33:17,640 --> 00:33:20,150 It started out as a rev share agreement 791 00:33:20,150 --> 00:33:23,350 between a few different studios in the office. 792 00:33:23,350 --> 00:33:26,254 And it's been, less of, these are 793 00:33:26,254 --> 00:33:28,420 my boss's working on the game, but I've sort of been 794 00:33:28,420 --> 00:33:30,490 like a partner in crime. 795 00:33:30,490 --> 00:33:32,980 I'm on the same level as all the designers, which is 796 00:33:32,980 --> 00:33:35,050 kind of interesting for once. 797 00:33:35,050 --> 00:33:36,530 All right, enough of that. 798 00:33:36,530 --> 00:33:39,000 Great, you found an artist. 799 00:33:39,000 --> 00:33:40,220 Now what do you do with them? 800 00:33:40,220 --> 00:33:42,310 You have them, all right? 801 00:33:42,310 --> 00:33:44,360 You just going to poke 'em a little bit? 802 00:33:44,360 --> 00:33:46,370 Hey, make some art. 803 00:33:46,370 --> 00:33:48,070 Well, first you have to hire them. 804 00:33:48,070 --> 00:33:53,770 And there's one way I like to think that artists should 805 00:33:53,770 --> 00:33:55,800 be hired is with an art test. 806 00:33:55,800 --> 00:33:59,450 Before you sign them up for a huge massive contract, 807 00:33:59,450 --> 00:34:01,070 you should say look, you know what? 808 00:34:01,070 --> 00:34:02,910 Your portfolio looks great. 809 00:34:02,910 --> 00:34:04,160 I really like you as a person. 810 00:34:04,160 --> 00:34:07,190 I think we're going to work really well together. 811 00:34:07,190 --> 00:34:11,750 But how about you like take this design that I did, 812 00:34:11,750 --> 00:34:15,530 and I want to see the final product. 813 00:34:15,530 --> 00:34:17,469 And I want to see how long it takes you. 814 00:34:17,469 --> 00:34:20,114 I want to understand your workflow and your process. 815 00:34:20,114 --> 00:34:22,780 Because they might have the most amazing portfolio in the world, 816 00:34:22,780 --> 00:34:24,155 but if it takes them three months 817 00:34:24,155 --> 00:34:26,920 to draw a single picture, then it's not worth your time. 818 00:34:26,920 --> 00:34:30,184 And maybe they just lied. 819 00:34:30,184 --> 00:34:31,100 That's always a thing. 820 00:34:31,100 --> 00:34:34,409 They might have just been like, I just found this picture. 821 00:34:34,409 --> 00:34:36,750 I found a photo and I drew over it, 822 00:34:36,750 --> 00:34:40,699 which a lot concept artists do to get things done quickly. 823 00:34:40,699 --> 00:34:43,257 They maybe can't do what you think they can do, 824 00:34:43,257 --> 00:34:45,840 and this is a good way to figure out exactly what they can do. 825 00:34:45,840 --> 00:34:47,730 So you do pay them for this. 826 00:34:47,730 --> 00:34:50,699 You pay them for their time, whether you hire them or not. 827 00:34:50,699 --> 00:34:53,580 How many art tests I've gotten, which were like, 828 00:34:53,580 --> 00:34:56,060 oh no, no, I'm not going to pay you for the art tests, 829 00:34:56,060 --> 00:34:58,860 because it's just an art test. 830 00:34:58,860 --> 00:35:00,420 I want to see if I want to hire you. 831 00:35:00,420 --> 00:35:01,050 No, no, no. 832 00:35:01,050 --> 00:35:02,710 They took time out of their schedule, 833 00:35:02,710 --> 00:35:04,410 doesn't matter if they're busy or not, 834 00:35:04,410 --> 00:35:06,390 to make this art test to show they 835 00:35:06,390 --> 00:35:07,930 are capable of doing the work. 836 00:35:07,930 --> 00:35:09,430 You pay them for the time they spent 837 00:35:09,430 --> 00:35:12,440 on it, whether they continue to work for you or not. 838 00:35:12,440 --> 00:35:15,140 If they don't, you say, thank you for your time. 839 00:35:15,140 --> 00:35:17,630 I don't think you're exactly what we're looking for. 840 00:35:17,630 --> 00:35:19,590 Get lost. 841 00:35:19,590 --> 00:35:23,460 But you do pay them for their time. 842 00:35:23,460 --> 00:35:27,060 Contracting, most indies are going 843 00:35:27,060 --> 00:35:33,170 to be on work-for-hire basises for independent artists. 844 00:35:36,310 --> 00:35:39,850 What I mean by work-for-hire, those of you who don't know, 845 00:35:39,850 --> 00:35:42,430 any work they make, they don't own anymore. 846 00:35:42,430 --> 00:35:45,300 When I draw a picture on my own, it is my copyright. 847 00:35:45,300 --> 00:35:46,710 I can do whatever I want with it. 848 00:35:46,710 --> 00:35:49,270 I can hire a 70 foot billboard and put it up, 849 00:35:49,270 --> 00:35:51,360 and there's nothing anybody can do about it. 850 00:35:51,360 --> 00:35:54,920 But if I'm under a work-for-hire contract, 851 00:35:54,920 --> 00:35:57,460 and I'm working for a game designer or game company, 852 00:35:57,460 --> 00:36:01,430 and I make art for that game, I longer 853 00:36:01,430 --> 00:36:02,930 can put it up on a 70 foot billboard 854 00:36:02,930 --> 00:36:04,460 without any permissions. 855 00:36:04,460 --> 00:36:08,940 The company, or the designer, or the person I'm working for now 856 00:36:08,940 --> 00:36:09,700 owns that art. 857 00:36:09,700 --> 00:36:14,050 And that is what most artists and other people 858 00:36:14,050 --> 00:36:16,455 work as for game companies. 859 00:36:16,455 --> 00:36:19,080 In art school, I was always told work-for-hire contracts aren't 860 00:36:19,080 --> 00:36:22,990 fair, because then I can't sell my art again. 861 00:36:22,990 --> 00:36:26,870 And that is a-- I mean, that's good as an artist, 862 00:36:26,870 --> 00:36:28,960 meaning like, good, I can sell my same painting 863 00:36:28,960 --> 00:36:31,540 again and again and again and again for lots of money, 864 00:36:31,540 --> 00:36:33,670 and make more money off of this one painting. 865 00:36:33,670 --> 00:36:35,670 But that's not the norm in game industry. 866 00:36:35,670 --> 00:36:38,770 It's the norm in other illus-- in other illustration fields 867 00:36:38,770 --> 00:36:41,157 you can do that-- some magazine publishing. 868 00:36:41,157 --> 00:36:43,240 Since they're all dying, they're much more lenient 869 00:36:43,240 --> 00:36:45,270 on that thing, on that. 870 00:36:45,270 --> 00:36:47,550 But game companies is, you no longer own the art. 871 00:36:47,550 --> 00:36:50,140 So you're going to have to make a work-for-hire contract, 872 00:36:50,140 --> 00:36:52,700 usually with a scope of work attached to it of what exactly 873 00:36:52,700 --> 00:36:55,140 is needed from the artist. 874 00:36:55,140 --> 00:36:57,960 Another interesting point for independent contractors 875 00:36:57,960 --> 00:37:01,710 when hiring for work-for-hire work is software licensing. 876 00:37:01,710 --> 00:37:04,930 It's usually up to the artist to have their own software. 877 00:37:04,930 --> 00:37:08,300 If they're hired full-time-- if you somehow magically 878 00:37:08,300 --> 00:37:11,870 are able to do that, usually you have to supply the software, 879 00:37:11,870 --> 00:37:14,750 especially for working at an office. 880 00:37:14,750 --> 00:37:16,470 Great, so you've hired them. 881 00:37:16,470 --> 00:37:18,210 You've got them down. 882 00:37:18,210 --> 00:37:19,220 They're sitting there. 883 00:37:19,220 --> 00:37:20,550 They've got their tablet out. 884 00:37:20,550 --> 00:37:21,800 They got their pen. 885 00:37:21,800 --> 00:37:22,800 Now what do you do? 886 00:37:25,700 --> 00:37:27,050 You got to art direct them. 887 00:37:27,050 --> 00:37:29,710 You have to play art director, even if you can't draw. 888 00:37:29,710 --> 00:37:32,090 As the person who hired this artist, 889 00:37:32,090 --> 00:37:36,710 you have to critique them, and understand how they work, 890 00:37:36,710 --> 00:37:40,300 and to give them feedback constantly, even if it's just 891 00:37:40,300 --> 00:37:43,100 encouragement. 892 00:37:43,100 --> 00:37:45,560 You have to make them make the art that you 893 00:37:45,560 --> 00:37:47,170 want them to make for you. 894 00:37:47,170 --> 00:37:48,770 They're not making art for themselves, 895 00:37:48,770 --> 00:37:50,460 they're making art for you. 896 00:37:50,460 --> 00:37:51,510 They're not fine artists. 897 00:37:51,510 --> 00:37:54,070 Fine artists just sort of waft in the air 898 00:37:54,070 --> 00:37:56,060 and discover what they want. 899 00:37:56,060 --> 00:38:01,570 But as an illustrator, or a 3D artist, you're like a plumber. 900 00:38:01,570 --> 00:38:02,780 I need you to fix this pipe. 901 00:38:02,780 --> 00:38:04,670 I need you to draw this picture specifically. 902 00:38:07,690 --> 00:38:12,190 It's a great variation on do what I say, 903 00:38:12,190 --> 00:38:15,050 not what I do, especially with a programmer or designer who 904 00:38:15,050 --> 00:38:16,050 can't draw. 905 00:38:16,050 --> 00:38:19,300 But here are some helpful things to yell at artists. 906 00:38:19,300 --> 00:38:23,990 Aesthetic, just instead of saying do it better this time, 907 00:38:23,990 --> 00:38:25,310 just not as crap. 908 00:38:25,310 --> 00:38:27,270 Aesthetic, the general feel of the art. 909 00:38:27,270 --> 00:38:31,330 This one is a little hard to critique, aesthetic, 910 00:38:31,330 --> 00:38:34,000 but if you have a general sense of what 911 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:37,750 the theme of the game you're going for, definitely 912 00:38:37,750 --> 00:38:39,930 be like, all right, this is a zombie shooter. 913 00:38:39,930 --> 00:38:41,831 OK, you've put Hello Kitty in here. 914 00:38:41,831 --> 00:38:44,330 This isn't really the aesthetic I'm looking for in the game. 915 00:38:44,330 --> 00:38:45,610 And that ties into style. 916 00:38:45,610 --> 00:38:49,670 They're very close together, but style is very easier 917 00:38:49,670 --> 00:38:53,990 to point to and be like, we're looking for this style of game. 918 00:38:53,990 --> 00:38:55,625 And that helps guide the artist. 919 00:38:55,625 --> 00:38:57,000 OK, that's what they're thinking. 920 00:38:57,000 --> 00:38:59,140 It's a bad idea, but I'll sort of work with it, 921 00:38:59,140 --> 00:39:01,490 and see what I can come up with. 922 00:39:01,490 --> 00:39:05,990 Contrast is probably the most important term in art, 923 00:39:05,990 --> 00:39:11,760 in general, and specifically for game development art. 924 00:39:11,760 --> 00:39:15,420 Contrast is how different things look, like in contrast 925 00:39:15,420 --> 00:39:15,980 in real life. 926 00:39:15,980 --> 00:39:17,480 Like when two things contrast against each other, 927 00:39:17,480 --> 00:39:19,438 that you're telling the difference between them 928 00:39:19,438 --> 00:39:21,610 or the similarities. 929 00:39:21,610 --> 00:39:23,660 In games, you want the character to stand out 930 00:39:23,660 --> 00:39:24,493 from the background. 931 00:39:24,493 --> 00:39:26,410 You need items to be obvious. 932 00:39:26,410 --> 00:39:30,237 You need certain things to stand out more than others, 933 00:39:30,237 --> 00:39:32,570 maybe things to disappear more than others, maybe things 934 00:39:32,570 --> 00:39:34,294 to be more similar, to be more hidden. 935 00:39:34,294 --> 00:39:36,710 Like if you're making a Metal Gear Solid game is like, oh, 936 00:39:36,710 --> 00:39:39,130 I need the character to blend into the environment. 937 00:39:39,130 --> 00:39:41,200 Contrast is a very helpful word when 938 00:39:41,200 --> 00:39:43,910 you're having trouble defining what's wrong with this image, 939 00:39:43,910 --> 00:39:45,530 why isn't it working in the game? 940 00:39:45,530 --> 00:39:49,241 OK, it's because these animations blend in too much 941 00:39:49,241 --> 00:39:50,490 with the character animations. 942 00:39:50,490 --> 00:39:51,960 I can't tell what's going on. 943 00:39:51,960 --> 00:39:54,240 Or, this image, there's not enough depth in it. 944 00:39:54,240 --> 00:39:55,710 This image, I need more depth. 945 00:39:55,710 --> 00:39:57,354 Contrast is a big word. 946 00:39:57,354 --> 00:39:59,270 It's a really great word that helps with that. 947 00:39:59,270 --> 00:40:03,050 Saturation is another handy one, but that just means how 948 00:40:03,050 --> 00:40:05,730 colourful something is. 949 00:40:05,730 --> 00:40:08,580 The more saturated something is, the more vibrant and colorful 950 00:40:08,580 --> 00:40:08,770 it is. 951 00:40:08,770 --> 00:40:10,895 The less saturated it is, the more gray into whites 952 00:40:10,895 --> 00:40:12,870 and blacks it is. 953 00:40:12,870 --> 00:40:17,310 That really helps with saying, all right, 954 00:40:17,310 --> 00:40:20,444 this is sort of the objects and the theme I'm going for, 955 00:40:20,444 --> 00:40:22,110 but why don't you make it more colorful? 956 00:40:22,110 --> 00:40:25,120 Maybe make it more saturated so the world feels more 957 00:40:25,120 --> 00:40:26,514 fantastical and interesting. 958 00:40:26,514 --> 00:40:28,430 Or, it's like I want this to be dark and grim. 959 00:40:28,430 --> 00:40:30,550 Let's lower the saturation quite a bit 960 00:40:30,550 --> 00:40:33,910 to really make it feel like oh, it's a gray day 961 00:40:33,910 --> 00:40:36,900 and it's dark and dreary. 962 00:40:36,900 --> 00:40:40,870 Composition, just the layout of art, and the layout of levels, 963 00:40:40,870 --> 00:40:43,357 or the layout of what the player is seeing, 964 00:40:43,357 --> 00:40:44,690 what the player is dealing with. 965 00:40:44,690 --> 00:40:46,850 It's just sort of the arrangement of items. 966 00:40:46,850 --> 00:40:49,060 It's another handy word to know. 967 00:40:49,060 --> 00:40:51,490 But of course, encouragement, encouragement 968 00:40:51,490 --> 00:40:54,380 is always needed in any part of game development. 969 00:40:54,380 --> 00:40:58,130 It's always great to hear you're doing a good job. 970 00:40:58,130 --> 00:41:01,850 Give yourself a high-five, or me a high-five, whatever. 971 00:41:01,850 --> 00:41:06,990 It's really helpful to encourage your artists, 972 00:41:06,990 --> 00:41:09,290 so it makes them make the best work they can. 973 00:41:09,290 --> 00:41:12,032 If you're just yelling at them all the time, 974 00:41:12,032 --> 00:41:14,240 and they're not doing a good job-- or you don't think 975 00:41:14,240 --> 00:41:14,970 they're doing a good job. 976 00:41:14,970 --> 00:41:16,480 Maybe they aren't, but they're not 977 00:41:16,480 --> 00:41:18,920 going to get better if you're just always dissing what 978 00:41:18,920 --> 00:41:22,330 they've got, and it's not fun. 979 00:41:22,330 --> 00:41:25,310 Let's go into-- so you've got the artist, 980 00:41:25,310 --> 00:41:27,880 you're going to art direct them, now what are the phases? 981 00:41:27,880 --> 00:41:28,550 Pre-production! 982 00:41:28,550 --> 00:41:30,951 Pre-production is the happiest part of game development. 983 00:41:30,951 --> 00:41:32,450 You're coming up with all the ideas. 984 00:41:32,450 --> 00:41:35,390 Your scope is increasing through the roof. 985 00:41:35,390 --> 00:41:38,680 You're like, oh, now we're going to have open world this. 986 00:41:38,680 --> 00:41:40,310 The world's dynamic, the characters 987 00:41:40,310 --> 00:41:42,476 die, their families grow up, it's going to be great. 988 00:41:42,476 --> 00:41:44,240 The art is going to be realistic! 989 00:41:44,240 --> 00:41:45,980 It's going to go into space! 990 00:41:45,980 --> 00:41:47,910 We got to have all these textures! 991 00:41:47,910 --> 00:41:51,160 And the concept art is amazing! 992 00:41:51,160 --> 00:41:54,152 But as an artist, you're working on, usually, 993 00:41:54,152 --> 00:41:55,360 the concept art for the game. 994 00:41:55,360 --> 00:41:56,860 You're helping with ideas sometimes. 995 00:41:56,860 --> 00:42:03,580 Maybe your designer, he's so happy 996 00:42:03,580 --> 00:42:07,150 to let you help out with ideas for the game. 997 00:42:07,150 --> 00:42:11,672 Pitches, another good thing if you're making concept art. 998 00:42:11,672 --> 00:42:13,380 If you're pitching a game to get funding, 999 00:42:13,380 --> 00:42:15,010 like Kickstarter or maybe it's one 1000 00:42:15,010 --> 00:42:19,780 of the bigger studios like Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, or others. 1001 00:42:19,780 --> 00:42:21,720 If you're trying to get money upfront, 1002 00:42:21,720 --> 00:42:24,271 artwork really helps a pitch, because you have nothing 1003 00:42:24,271 --> 00:42:24,770 to show. 1004 00:42:24,770 --> 00:42:27,030 On Kickstarter, you're selling hopes and dreams. 1005 00:42:27,030 --> 00:42:28,800 You're not selling a game. 1006 00:42:28,800 --> 00:42:30,450 Because people are imagining in their 1007 00:42:30,450 --> 00:42:32,199 heads what the actual game is going to be, 1008 00:42:32,199 --> 00:42:35,520 and it's way better than what you're actually going to make, 1009 00:42:35,520 --> 00:42:38,340 because they have no idea what they're thinking about. 1010 00:42:38,340 --> 00:42:42,700 Pitches with art work better than pitches with nothing. 1011 00:42:42,700 --> 00:42:44,590 If you just have text, and just be like, 1012 00:42:44,590 --> 00:42:47,300 here's some scribbles of how my game's going to work. 1013 00:42:47,300 --> 00:42:49,050 They're going to be like, I'm not excited. 1014 00:42:49,050 --> 00:42:51,080 But if you have like, here's a painting! 1015 00:42:51,080 --> 00:42:52,306 And then they're like, wow! 1016 00:42:52,306 --> 00:42:52,930 That's amazing! 1017 00:42:52,930 --> 00:42:53,450 How's the game going to work? 1018 00:42:53,450 --> 00:42:54,660 Don't worry about that. 1019 00:42:54,660 --> 00:42:56,450 Just look at the painting. 1020 00:42:56,450 --> 00:42:58,690 Web stuff, so making a website, obviously, it's 1021 00:42:58,690 --> 00:42:59,564 early pre-production. 1022 00:43:02,022 --> 00:43:04,480 Maybe you want to make a blog or something about your game. 1023 00:43:04,480 --> 00:43:05,646 It's a great place to start. 1024 00:43:05,646 --> 00:43:08,520 And posting about art as it comes in 1025 00:43:08,520 --> 00:43:11,700 from concept art, and pictures-- 1026 00:43:11,700 --> 00:43:13,430 Logos are another big thing, especially 1027 00:43:13,430 --> 00:43:15,180 if you're doing a pitch. 1028 00:43:15,180 --> 00:43:19,714 Logos really help with identifying your game, 1029 00:43:19,714 --> 00:43:21,380 not only to your selves, but if you ever 1030 00:43:21,380 --> 00:43:23,210 want to talk about it really early on, 1031 00:43:23,210 --> 00:43:26,907 it's a really good way of getting your icon out there. 1032 00:43:26,907 --> 00:43:29,240 And early prototype work, so if you've made a prototype, 1033 00:43:29,240 --> 00:43:31,310 and you're like, look, let's just slap some art in there 1034 00:43:31,310 --> 00:43:33,851 to see what this game's actually going to visually feel like. 1035 00:43:33,851 --> 00:43:35,940 This is all part of pre-production. 1036 00:43:35,940 --> 00:43:38,240 Production, the bulk of the work. 1037 00:43:38,240 --> 00:43:40,090 So this is all the asset creation. 1038 00:43:40,090 --> 00:43:42,310 This is, maybe, you're doing concept art here too. 1039 00:43:42,310 --> 00:43:45,389 Maybe you've said, all right, that style isn't working. 1040 00:43:45,389 --> 00:43:46,930 Let's go back a little bit, but we'll 1041 00:43:46,930 --> 00:43:50,680 keep moving forward with making models and texturing. 1042 00:43:50,680 --> 00:43:53,620 It's all about iterations too in production. 1043 00:43:53,620 --> 00:43:56,002 It's sort of oh, OK, this level doesn't quite look right. 1044 00:43:56,002 --> 00:43:57,210 Let's change it a little bit. 1045 00:43:57,210 --> 00:43:58,630 Let's make it look like this. 1046 00:43:58,630 --> 00:44:00,650 This is the longest part of game design 1047 00:44:00,650 --> 00:44:02,880 usually, unless your pre-production was, 1048 00:44:02,880 --> 00:44:05,860 I've thought of this game from five years ago. 1049 00:44:05,860 --> 00:44:07,780 This is just making the stuff that 1050 00:44:07,780 --> 00:44:12,650 will actually go in the game and making it fit together. 1051 00:44:12,650 --> 00:44:16,940 Near end of production, and this is when you start panicking 1052 00:44:16,940 --> 00:44:20,660 and realize your open world space game with dynamic NPCs 1053 00:44:20,660 --> 00:44:24,000 and families that live and die and have children 1054 00:44:24,000 --> 00:44:25,240 isn't exactly panning out. 1055 00:44:25,240 --> 00:44:27,990 You start cutting things just to get things done. 1056 00:44:27,990 --> 00:44:32,250 The artist is usually hopefully done by now towards the end, 1057 00:44:32,250 --> 00:44:34,560 but they have to start doing the promotional push. 1058 00:44:34,560 --> 00:44:36,709 They have to start making the illustrations, 1059 00:44:36,709 --> 00:44:38,250 and the art, and the graphic designs, 1060 00:44:38,250 --> 00:44:41,400 and the Steam banners, and making sure everything 1061 00:44:41,400 --> 00:44:44,160 looks as best as it can so when this game fires out 1062 00:44:44,160 --> 00:44:46,450 to the world, a lot of people get it. 1063 00:44:46,450 --> 00:44:49,930 As indies, I have to make trailers too. 1064 00:44:49,930 --> 00:44:52,550 Usually you have a trailer dude for that at a big studio, 1065 00:44:52,550 --> 00:44:56,040 but as indies, usually the artist has to make the trailer. 1066 00:44:56,040 --> 00:44:58,220 So that takes up more time you would think. 1067 00:44:58,220 --> 00:45:00,860 On The Counting Kingdom, Jenna came to me and said, 1068 00:45:00,860 --> 00:45:02,190 I need a trailer in two weeks. 1069 00:45:02,190 --> 00:45:04,800 And that was harrowing because I fully 1070 00:45:04,800 --> 00:45:06,557 animated it for some reason. 1071 00:45:06,557 --> 00:45:08,640 But a lot of the art is also like putting together 1072 00:45:08,640 --> 00:45:11,450 store assets like trailers and banners and promotional stuff. 1073 00:45:13,970 --> 00:45:17,760 So sort of in conclusion, indie artists, they fill many roles. 1074 00:45:17,760 --> 00:45:19,390 They do lots of things. 1075 00:45:19,390 --> 00:45:22,640 At a big studio, you have these very specific jobs 1076 00:45:22,640 --> 00:45:24,020 that everyone is assigned. 1077 00:45:24,020 --> 00:45:25,940 They go in the morning and they know, 1078 00:45:25,940 --> 00:45:27,650 I'm going to be the guy who animates 1079 00:45:27,650 --> 00:45:29,080 shattering glass all day. 1080 00:45:29,080 --> 00:45:32,200 And they do it for three years and the Avengers comes out. 1081 00:45:32,200 --> 00:45:36,630 But at a smaller studio, you know, all right, I'm 1082 00:45:36,630 --> 00:45:38,370 doing the concept art, at the same time, 1083 00:45:38,370 --> 00:45:40,630 learning how to model it, at the same time, 1084 00:45:40,630 --> 00:45:44,331 I'm figuring out how the items in the game 1085 00:45:44,331 --> 00:45:45,830 are going to work, at the same time, 1086 00:45:45,830 --> 00:45:49,530 making the logo and maybe some early illustration 1087 00:45:49,530 --> 00:45:50,800 promotional arts. 1088 00:45:50,800 --> 00:45:53,300 And you have to like balance a lot of these things. 1089 00:45:53,300 --> 00:45:56,904 So is this is me in my zen drawing state, I feel like. 1090 00:45:56,904 --> 00:45:58,070 I don't usually get to that. 1091 00:45:58,070 --> 00:46:02,520 I usually get really angry and I don't get this calm 1092 00:46:02,520 --> 00:46:03,570 when it comes to that. 1093 00:46:03,570 --> 00:46:05,890 But yeah, indie artists, they have so much stuff to do, 1094 00:46:05,890 --> 00:46:08,840 they have so much stuff to offer. 1095 00:46:08,840 --> 00:46:10,090 Hire artists. 1096 00:46:10,090 --> 00:46:11,820 Don't make your game without an artist. 1097 00:46:11,820 --> 00:46:12,490 That's boring. 1098 00:46:12,490 --> 00:46:13,990 If you think you can do it yourself, 1099 00:46:13,990 --> 00:46:16,490 that's great, but artists, they add a lot. 1100 00:46:16,490 --> 00:46:18,012 They inspire you. 1101 00:46:18,012 --> 00:46:21,880 They usually work hard if you find the right one. 1102 00:46:21,880 --> 00:46:24,860 And you can form long-term meaningful partnerships 1103 00:46:24,860 --> 00:46:26,400 with them and it's great. 1104 00:46:30,680 --> 00:46:31,840 Thank you. 1105 00:46:31,840 --> 00:46:34,634 There's my email address and my website, if anybody cares. 1106 00:46:34,634 --> 00:46:36,542 [APPLAUSE] 1107 00:46:38,927 --> 00:46:40,840 Cool. 1108 00:46:40,840 --> 00:46:41,800 44 minutes. 1109 00:46:41,800 --> 00:46:42,582 It was close. 1110 00:46:42,582 --> 00:46:42,840 SPEAKER 1: Excellent. 1111 00:46:42,840 --> 00:46:43,880 Do you got time for questions? 1112 00:46:43,880 --> 00:46:44,754 LUIGI GUATIERI: Sure. 1113 00:46:47,140 --> 00:46:48,110 Nothing? 1114 00:46:48,110 --> 00:46:48,610 Really? 1115 00:46:51,125 --> 00:46:52,452 [INAUDIBLE] 1116 00:46:52,452 --> 00:46:53,910 AUDIENCE: Actually, quick question. 1117 00:46:53,910 --> 00:46:55,971 LUIGI GUATIERI: There you go. 1118 00:46:55,971 --> 00:46:58,470 AUDIENCE: Do you ever work on multiple projects [INAUDIBLE]. 1119 00:46:58,470 --> 00:47:00,594 LUIGI GUATIERI: I usually work on multiple projects 1120 00:47:00,594 --> 00:47:01,632 at the same time. 1121 00:47:01,632 --> 00:47:03,010 I guess that was a good point. 1122 00:47:03,010 --> 00:47:05,390 I need to bring up-- that was a good question. 1123 00:47:05,390 --> 00:47:08,360 As a indie artist, I'm not getting paid a lot of money. 1124 00:47:08,360 --> 00:47:09,760 End of story. 1125 00:47:09,760 --> 00:47:10,840 It doesn't happen. 1126 00:47:10,840 --> 00:47:14,840 So usually I have to work on more than one project 1127 00:47:14,840 --> 00:47:17,990 at the same time just to let ends meet. 1128 00:47:22,390 --> 00:47:25,494 Usually the work isn't full-time because either the company 1129 00:47:25,494 --> 00:47:26,910 can't afford to have it full-time, 1130 00:47:26,910 --> 00:47:31,643 or the amount of work they need isn't full-time. 1131 00:47:31,643 --> 00:47:34,640 You have to juggle a lot as an artist. 1132 00:47:34,640 --> 00:47:36,181 I'm working on a couple projects, 1133 00:47:36,181 --> 00:47:38,305 doing contract work, sort of freelance illustration 1134 00:47:38,305 --> 00:47:38,970 on the side. 1135 00:47:38,970 --> 00:47:40,340 I'm also teaching a class. 1136 00:47:40,340 --> 00:47:45,380 And you have to juggle all these things at once to survive, 1137 00:47:45,380 --> 00:47:46,390 basically. 1138 00:47:46,390 --> 00:47:49,380 Because as sad as it sounds, indie games don't make a lot 1139 00:47:49,380 --> 00:47:52,640 of money usually, unless [? you're at ?] Goat Simulator. 1140 00:47:52,640 --> 00:47:54,673 Yes, go! 1141 00:47:54,673 --> 00:47:56,637 AUDIENCE: I didn't quite catch what you said, 1142 00:47:56,637 --> 00:48:01,759 2D animation is harder than 3D animation. 1143 00:48:01,759 --> 00:48:04,050 LUIGI GUATIERI: Have you ever seen an old Disney movie? 1144 00:48:07,490 --> 00:48:09,360 They usually had armies of what they 1145 00:48:09,360 --> 00:48:14,410 called in-betweeners, in that there would be a key frame 1146 00:48:14,410 --> 00:48:14,910 artist. 1147 00:48:14,910 --> 00:48:17,282 He would draw Snow White dancing like this. 1148 00:48:17,282 --> 00:48:18,990 And then there would be the poor bastards 1149 00:48:18,990 --> 00:48:23,410 who had to draw every single frame of her going 1150 00:48:23,410 --> 00:48:26,430 like this, all 30 or 40 frames. 1151 00:48:26,430 --> 00:48:30,780 So in a game, if you want hand-drawn animations that 1152 00:48:30,780 --> 00:48:33,094 look really interesting and nice, 1153 00:48:33,094 --> 00:48:34,760 you have to get someone who will bother. 1154 00:48:34,760 --> 00:48:37,020 Like, Street Fighter III is a great exam-- or King 1155 00:48:37,020 --> 00:48:40,070 of Fighters-- those games take forever to animate, 1156 00:48:40,070 --> 00:48:41,570 because they are done in that Disney 1157 00:48:41,570 --> 00:48:44,090 style, in terms of just frame by frame 1158 00:48:44,090 --> 00:48:45,530 by frame by frame by frame. 1159 00:48:45,530 --> 00:48:47,740 But the other thing they have to worry about 1160 00:48:47,740 --> 00:48:50,430 is to make sure that the hit points are in the right place, 1161 00:48:50,430 --> 00:48:53,070 that the collision boxes are in the right place. 1162 00:48:53,070 --> 00:48:55,090 It takes a lot of time to do that. 1163 00:48:55,090 --> 00:48:57,160 That's why when I mentioned tweening 1164 00:48:57,160 --> 00:49:00,145 as a quick way of trying to mimic that, 1165 00:49:00,145 --> 00:49:01,700 it doesn't look as good usually. 1166 00:49:01,700 --> 00:49:04,090 And in a lot of games that use a lot of tweening, 1167 00:49:04,090 --> 00:49:07,010 like Limbo, for example, they hide it with silhouettes. 1168 00:49:07,010 --> 00:49:11,576 Because you get these weird seams and it 1169 00:49:11,576 --> 00:49:12,450 doesn't look as good. 1170 00:49:12,450 --> 00:49:14,783 There are obviously tools that help with this like Flash 1171 00:49:14,783 --> 00:49:16,320 animation. 1172 00:49:16,320 --> 00:49:20,660 You can sort of do an in-between of tweening and hand animation. 1173 00:49:20,660 --> 00:49:22,950 But sort of frame by frame, sprite animation, 1174 00:49:22,950 --> 00:49:25,240 takes a long time. 1175 00:49:25,240 --> 00:49:27,530 And 3D-- I mean, it's easier, because it's all 1176 00:49:27,530 --> 00:49:28,660 tweening usually. 1177 00:49:28,660 --> 00:49:33,180 Unless you have some character that transforms all the time. 1178 00:49:33,180 --> 00:49:36,565 It's the same way in 2D, in that a 3D arm that 1179 00:49:36,565 --> 00:49:38,530 is rigged like this is always going 1180 00:49:38,530 --> 00:49:41,030 to look like this because you can just sort of manipulate it 1181 00:49:41,030 --> 00:49:42,490 in 3D space. 1182 00:49:42,490 --> 00:49:45,090 Doing this in 3D is really easy. 1183 00:49:45,090 --> 00:49:49,160 Doing this in 2D takes forever, if you know what I mean. 1184 00:49:49,160 --> 00:49:50,296 That answer your question? 1185 00:49:50,296 --> 00:49:51,404 AUDIENCE: Kind of. 1186 00:49:51,404 --> 00:49:52,820 LUIGI GUATIERI: Is there something 1187 00:49:52,820 --> 00:49:55,065 you need me to follow up on? 1188 00:49:55,065 --> 00:49:56,648 AUDIENCE: I kind of see what you mean, 1189 00:49:56,648 --> 00:49:58,064 like you have to draw every frame. 1190 00:49:58,064 --> 00:49:59,757 LUIGI GUATIERI: Yeah. 1191 00:49:59,757 --> 00:50:02,172 AUDIENCE: Unity has a very cool way to go around this. 1192 00:50:02,172 --> 00:50:06,036 Like, [INAUDIBLE] that's actually 3D that is snap-shot 1193 00:50:06,036 --> 00:50:07,904 into 2D, so they don't have to worry-- 1194 00:50:07,904 --> 00:50:09,820 LUIGI GUATIERI: Yeah, that's one way to do it. 1195 00:50:09,820 --> 00:50:11,800 That's one way to solve it, but then you 1196 00:50:11,800 --> 00:50:13,780 have to make all your models in 3D first, 1197 00:50:13,780 --> 00:50:17,410 and then animate in 3D, which the modeling process takes time 1198 00:50:17,410 --> 00:50:19,120 as well. 1199 00:50:19,120 --> 00:50:21,030 And then you have to think about-- all right, 1200 00:50:21,030 --> 00:50:23,220 I have 2D artists. 1201 00:50:23,220 --> 00:50:24,160 Can I do this? 1202 00:50:24,160 --> 00:50:26,362 No, I need a 3D artist to do this. 1203 00:50:26,362 --> 00:50:27,820 It's just something to think about. 1204 00:50:27,820 --> 00:50:31,140 But yeah, that's a way around it that a lot of people use. 1205 00:50:31,140 --> 00:50:32,188 Yes, go. 1206 00:50:32,188 --> 00:50:34,354 AUDIENCE: Does it make sense for a software engineer 1207 00:50:34,354 --> 00:50:37,672 to learn the basics of drawing, so that they better 1208 00:50:37,672 --> 00:50:40,376 understand maybe the artists and give more reasonable tasks? 1209 00:50:40,376 --> 00:50:42,584 LUIGI GUATIERI: Sorry, could you repeat the question? 1210 00:50:42,584 --> 00:50:44,994 AUDIENCE: So does it make sense for a software engineer 1211 00:50:44,994 --> 00:50:48,850 to learn the basics of drawing, so that you better understand 1212 00:50:48,850 --> 00:50:53,200 artists and maybe give more reasonable tasks? 1213 00:50:53,200 --> 00:50:55,120 LUIGI GUATIERI: Yes. 1214 00:50:55,120 --> 00:50:58,390 Programmers, designers, software engineers should totally 1215 00:50:58,390 --> 00:51:02,340 try to understand the basics of art and color theory 1216 00:51:02,340 --> 00:51:07,890 and the process of making art, so when it comes time 1217 00:51:07,890 --> 00:51:10,800 to either advising the artist on what they need to change 1218 00:51:10,800 --> 00:51:16,360 or what might not fit, you have some understanding 1219 00:51:16,360 --> 00:51:18,050 of all right, these colors go together. 1220 00:51:18,050 --> 00:51:20,220 These colors don't go together. 1221 00:51:20,220 --> 00:51:22,530 Could you composition this a little better, 1222 00:51:22,530 --> 00:51:26,680 so you like put these down here and that over there. 1223 00:51:26,680 --> 00:51:29,385 But again, a lot of art direction is about contrasting, 1224 00:51:29,385 --> 00:51:31,590 and composition, and color is a big one. 1225 00:51:31,590 --> 00:51:36,990 I didn't really talk about color, color theory, too much. 1226 00:51:36,990 --> 00:51:39,570 Like for instance, Jenna in Little Worlds Interactive, 1227 00:51:39,570 --> 00:51:41,200 when I worked with her, she already 1228 00:51:41,200 --> 00:51:45,470 had a pretty good graphic design sense, which really helped in, 1229 00:51:45,470 --> 00:51:47,010 when I gave her art, and the sort 1230 00:51:47,010 --> 00:51:49,570 of feedback she could give me. 1231 00:51:49,570 --> 00:51:51,470 And also when she utilized my art. 1232 00:51:51,470 --> 00:51:53,590 So I didn't put anything into that game. 1233 00:51:53,590 --> 00:51:59,110 I wasn't directly working in Unity on The Counting Kingdom. 1234 00:51:59,110 --> 00:52:01,279 She knew how things look good together, 1235 00:52:01,279 --> 00:52:03,570 just because she'd already had like a background in web 1236 00:52:03,570 --> 00:52:04,640 design. 1237 00:52:04,640 --> 00:52:05,260 So yes. 1238 00:52:08,640 --> 00:52:10,070 Yes? 1239 00:52:10,070 --> 00:52:13,820 AUDIENCE: You were saying earlier that usually it's 1240 00:52:13,820 --> 00:52:18,070 good to have-- or it's basically a must to have-- 1241 00:52:18,070 --> 00:52:20,070 different people specialized in different roles. 1242 00:52:20,070 --> 00:52:21,570 Like, someone is the game designer, 1243 00:52:21,570 --> 00:52:23,570 someone's a programmer, and then you 1244 00:52:23,570 --> 00:52:26,470 have to find artists to do all the game art. 1245 00:52:26,470 --> 00:52:29,298 Do you ever find outliers to that? 1246 00:52:29,298 --> 00:52:30,294 Like, exceptions? 1247 00:52:30,294 --> 00:52:33,531 Like, someone who does everything and still 1248 00:52:33,531 --> 00:52:35,072 comes up [INAUDIBLE]? 1249 00:52:35,072 --> 00:52:37,280 LUIGI GUATIERI: Of course, there's always exceptions. 1250 00:52:37,280 --> 00:52:39,740 There's always some magic man who can do it all, 1251 00:52:39,740 --> 00:52:40,490 or magic woman. 1252 00:52:40,490 --> 00:52:41,406 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]? 1253 00:52:42,994 --> 00:52:45,410 LUIGI GUATIERI: An example of an artist who can do it all. 1254 00:52:45,410 --> 00:52:46,610 AUDIENCE: Like, a game. 1255 00:52:46,610 --> 00:52:48,068 LUIGI GUATIERI: A game designer who 1256 00:52:48,068 --> 00:52:50,343 can do it all-- I don't know. 1257 00:52:50,343 --> 00:52:51,289 Can you name anyone? 1258 00:52:56,019 --> 00:52:58,050 AUDIENCE: Other than [? Dwarf Fortress? ?] 1259 00:52:58,050 --> 00:52:59,800 LUIGI GUATIERI: [? Dwarf Fortress, ?] yes. 1260 00:52:59,800 --> 00:53:02,320 I mean, a lot of game designers-- 1261 00:53:02,320 --> 00:53:04,115 especially if they do it as a hobby-- they 1262 00:53:04,115 --> 00:53:04,990 make their own stuff. 1263 00:53:04,990 --> 00:53:06,260 They make their own art. 1264 00:53:06,260 --> 00:53:11,680 It's just a good idea to spread the work out, 1265 00:53:11,680 --> 00:53:13,260 because as an indie-- and obviously, 1266 00:53:13,260 --> 00:53:15,410 a lot of my developer friends-- they 1267 00:53:15,410 --> 00:53:17,640 have to focus so much of their time on marketing, 1268 00:53:17,640 --> 00:53:21,490 and programming, and designing, that, to also add art to that, 1269 00:53:21,490 --> 00:53:27,120 you've just extended your game development cycle by a lot. 1270 00:53:27,120 --> 00:53:29,200 And maybe you're not as competent in that. 1271 00:53:29,200 --> 00:53:32,780 And people are more apt at telling bad art 1272 00:53:32,780 --> 00:53:35,367 than they are from telling bad game design. 1273 00:53:35,367 --> 00:53:36,950 Because all you need to be able to see 1274 00:53:36,950 --> 00:53:39,945 is just a picture of the game or video from the game and go, 1275 00:53:39,945 --> 00:53:41,720 that doesn't look very good. 1276 00:53:41,720 --> 00:53:44,340 Even if the viewer doesn't understand 1277 00:53:44,340 --> 00:53:47,820 why it doesn't look good, they can tell that immediately. 1278 00:53:47,820 --> 00:53:49,720 I don't like that. 1279 00:53:49,720 --> 00:53:53,625 So if the designer, programmer is confident enough, 1280 00:53:53,625 --> 00:53:55,530 yeah, more power to them. 1281 00:53:55,530 --> 00:53:59,220 But you're going to be putting a lot to work on yourself. 1282 00:53:59,220 --> 00:54:01,430 And you're not going to get your game done 1283 00:54:01,430 --> 00:54:03,760 in a timely fashion at all. 1284 00:54:03,760 --> 00:54:05,757 And it probably won't be the best you can do. 1285 00:54:05,757 --> 00:54:07,340 AUDIENCE: Can I ask one more question? 1286 00:54:07,340 --> 00:54:08,553 LUIGI GUATIERI: Sure. 1287 00:54:08,553 --> 00:54:09,969 AUDIENCE: Do you ever as an artist 1288 00:54:09,969 --> 00:54:13,102 think about designing a video game? 1289 00:54:13,102 --> 00:54:16,476 Do you ever think about making [INAUDIBLE] video game? 1290 00:54:16,476 --> 00:54:18,890 Like, [INAUDIBLE]? 1291 00:54:18,890 --> 00:54:21,930 LUIGI GUATIERI: So I work with a few developers now. 1292 00:54:21,930 --> 00:54:25,180 And I'm always giving my design ideas. 1293 00:54:25,180 --> 00:54:26,740 I always have ideas for games. 1294 00:54:26,740 --> 00:54:29,010 I love coming up with ideas for games. 1295 00:54:29,010 --> 00:54:32,390 I don't think I would call myself apt enough 1296 00:54:32,390 --> 00:54:36,030 to design the whole game by myself yet, 1297 00:54:36,030 --> 00:54:38,910 so I'm definitely still focused on the art side of things. 1298 00:54:38,910 --> 00:54:40,740 But yeah, I love designing games. 1299 00:54:40,740 --> 00:54:41,240 It's fun. 1300 00:54:44,240 --> 00:54:44,780 Yes? 1301 00:54:44,780 --> 00:54:47,430 AUDIENCE: What have you had to do for an art test? 1302 00:54:47,430 --> 00:54:49,360 LUIGI GUATIERI: So usually for an art test, 1303 00:54:49,360 --> 00:54:50,570 it depends on the game. 1304 00:54:50,570 --> 00:54:55,590 So I recently did an art test for some sort of mobile MOBA 1305 00:54:55,590 --> 00:54:58,320 game, and what they asked-- they said 1306 00:54:58,320 --> 00:55:00,700 here are your character descriptions, 1307 00:55:00,700 --> 00:55:02,610 design these characters. 1308 00:55:02,610 --> 00:55:05,450 And I said, all right, that'll take me this amount of time. 1309 00:55:05,450 --> 00:55:06,700 They said, great, that's fine. 1310 00:55:06,700 --> 00:55:08,070 This is my rate. 1311 00:55:08,070 --> 00:55:09,590 It was a quick contract. 1312 00:55:09,590 --> 00:55:10,570 Out the door for that. 1313 00:55:10,570 --> 00:55:11,640 And I designed the characters. 1314 00:55:11,640 --> 00:55:13,014 I didn't end up getting the work, 1315 00:55:13,014 --> 00:55:15,550 but I don't think my style was really 1316 00:55:15,550 --> 00:55:18,574 what they were looking for. 1317 00:55:18,574 --> 00:55:19,490 But yeah, it was that. 1318 00:55:19,490 --> 00:55:20,590 I designed the characters. 1319 00:55:20,590 --> 00:55:22,050 I did a quick turnaround. 1320 00:55:22,050 --> 00:55:23,610 So it was like, characters standing 1321 00:55:23,610 --> 00:55:27,675 this way, this way, this way, this way, from the back, 1322 00:55:27,675 --> 00:55:29,410 of each character. 1323 00:55:29,410 --> 00:55:32,987 I fully painted one of them, and said, this is what I got. 1324 00:55:32,987 --> 00:55:34,570 I think that's a pretty good art test, 1325 00:55:34,570 --> 00:55:37,240 especially if you're building a game focused on characters. 1326 00:55:37,240 --> 00:55:39,156 If you're building a game focused environments 1327 00:55:39,156 --> 00:55:41,010 be like, draw this mountain for me that I'm 1328 00:55:41,010 --> 00:55:42,380 describing in this text. 1329 00:55:42,380 --> 00:55:48,490 So usually an art test is here's a description, draw this, 1330 00:55:48,490 --> 00:55:51,030 especially for an illustrator or a concept artist. 1331 00:55:51,030 --> 00:55:54,200 It's not so much here's a quick doodle I did, make it better. 1332 00:55:54,200 --> 00:55:58,623 It's usually here is a paragraph of text, make this thing exist. 1333 00:55:58,623 --> 00:56:02,121 I feel like that's a pretty solid art test. 1334 00:56:02,121 --> 00:56:02,620 Yes? 1335 00:56:02,620 --> 00:56:03,522 AUDIENCE: You talked about finding 1336 00:56:03,522 --> 00:56:05,780 someone who has the style that you're looking for? 1337 00:56:05,780 --> 00:56:06,195 LUIGI GUATIERI: Yes. 1338 00:56:06,195 --> 00:56:08,278 AUDIENCE: Is that generally the case with artists, 1339 00:56:08,278 --> 00:56:10,860 or are there artists who are more flexible in style? 1340 00:56:10,860 --> 00:56:14,550 LUIGI GUATIERI: So I like to think I'm more flexible. 1341 00:56:14,550 --> 00:56:18,620 I didn't used to work on a lot of cute games, but now I do. 1342 00:56:18,620 --> 00:56:20,950 That's just what happened. 1343 00:56:20,950 --> 00:56:23,389 There are definitely artists who more-- so I'm 1344 00:56:23,389 --> 00:56:25,430 going to go back to art school here a little bit. 1345 00:56:25,430 --> 00:56:26,340 This is time travel. 1346 00:56:26,340 --> 00:56:29,320 And I'm going to remind myself of what my Illustrator 1347 00:56:29,320 --> 00:56:32,200 professors told me, is to never do anything 1348 00:56:32,200 --> 00:56:33,840 else other than your style. 1349 00:56:33,840 --> 00:56:35,680 Get really good at that one thing. 1350 00:56:35,680 --> 00:56:37,300 And don't bother with anything else, 1351 00:56:37,300 --> 00:56:39,574 because you need to be the best at what you do. 1352 00:56:39,574 --> 00:56:40,990 And I was like, eh, that's boring. 1353 00:56:43,660 --> 00:56:45,786 Most artists have their style they work in. 1354 00:56:45,786 --> 00:56:47,160 A lot of video game artists, they 1355 00:56:47,160 --> 00:56:51,140 go for the hyper-realism concept art-- 1356 00:56:51,140 --> 00:56:54,155 the art movie, books, that you see from VFX houses. 1357 00:56:54,155 --> 00:56:56,530 That's why a lot of them can work together in big groups, 1358 00:56:56,530 --> 00:56:58,840 because they all have a very similar kind of like, 1359 00:56:58,840 --> 00:57:01,820 we're going for realism, robots, tanks. 1360 00:57:01,820 --> 00:57:03,860 OK, we can all work together. 1361 00:57:03,860 --> 00:57:06,410 The more unique your style is, I think, the more time 1362 00:57:06,410 --> 00:57:09,470 you have to spend working on that style. 1363 00:57:09,470 --> 00:57:12,740 And the more reason, if this person's style is very unique, 1364 00:57:12,740 --> 00:57:15,846 you're hiring them for their style, not their art talents. 1365 00:57:15,846 --> 00:57:17,470 Again, that's why a lot of big studios, 1366 00:57:17,470 --> 00:57:19,300 they hire people who can do realism, 1367 00:57:19,300 --> 00:57:22,200 because that's a little bit more malleable in terms of what 1368 00:57:22,200 --> 00:57:23,382 they can turn that into. 1369 00:57:23,382 --> 00:57:25,590 But if you're hiring artists for their very specific, 1370 00:57:25,590 --> 00:57:30,030 unique style, you're getting them for that one task. 1371 00:57:30,030 --> 00:57:32,490 But again, it depends on the contract for me. 1372 00:57:32,490 --> 00:57:35,280 If I'm-- all right, this is for children's magazine. 1373 00:57:35,280 --> 00:57:38,121 I'm not going to put the bad guy from Doom in there, obviously. 1374 00:57:38,121 --> 00:57:39,120 That doesn't make sense. 1375 00:57:42,140 --> 00:57:44,097 As an artist, I say yes to almost every job 1376 00:57:44,097 --> 00:57:45,930 that comes my way, because I don't know when 1377 00:57:45,930 --> 00:57:47,260 the next one's going to come. 1378 00:57:47,260 --> 00:57:48,844 That's just how it works. 1379 00:57:48,844 --> 00:57:49,760 But that's how I work. 1380 00:57:49,760 --> 00:57:51,259 A lot of other people are different. 1381 00:57:54,320 --> 00:57:55,292 All right, is that it? 1382 00:57:55,292 --> 00:57:56,125 Thank you very much. 1383 00:57:56,125 --> 00:57:57,320 It was awesome. 1384 00:57:57,320 --> 00:57:59,820 [APPLAUSE] 1385 00:58:02,820 --> 00:58:05,270 SPEAKER 1: All right, so take five minutes 1386 00:58:05,270 --> 00:58:07,174 to get with your teams. 1387 00:58:07,174 --> 00:58:09,340 If you'd like to have them take a look at your work, 1388 00:58:09,340 --> 00:58:12,527 just have your computer set aside, close to the edge 1389 00:58:12,527 --> 00:58:13,610 so they can easily see it. 1390 00:58:13,610 --> 00:58:16,780 And at 2:10, we'll walk around and see 1391 00:58:16,780 --> 00:58:19,180 who wants some feedback on their games from Luigi. 1392 00:58:19,180 --> 00:58:20,080 LUIGI GUATIERI: Cool. 1393 00:58:20,080 --> 00:58:22,530 [CHATTER]