1 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:02,500 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:04,019 Commons license. 3 00:00:04,019 --> 00:00:06,360 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:10,730 continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,730 --> 00:00:13,330 To make a donation or view additional materials 6 00:00:13,330 --> 00:00:17,236 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:17,236 --> 00:00:17,861 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:22,100 --> 00:00:23,440 SARA VERILLI: OK. 9 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:29,507 So I get to do the introduction spiel for today's class. 10 00:00:29,507 --> 00:00:31,340 I'm going to start by just saying what we're 11 00:00:31,340 --> 00:00:32,870 doing in class today, so you've got 12 00:00:32,870 --> 00:00:34,260 sort of a framework of what we're doing, because we're 13 00:00:34,260 --> 00:00:35,450 doing a whole lot of things. 14 00:00:35,450 --> 00:00:37,408 And we're going to be jumping between speakers, 15 00:00:37,408 --> 00:00:40,160 and workshops, and lectures, and in class work. 16 00:00:40,160 --> 00:00:41,750 So we actually have a lot of stuff 17 00:00:41,750 --> 00:00:43,208 to try and get through today to get 18 00:00:43,208 --> 00:00:46,290 you guys started on Project 1. 19 00:00:46,290 --> 00:00:49,119 So we're going to introduce Project 1. 20 00:00:49,119 --> 00:00:50,910 And that's actually what my brief lecture's 21 00:00:50,910 --> 00:00:54,340 going to be after I get done with the class spiel. 22 00:00:54,340 --> 00:00:57,949 We're going to hear lectures on how to do brainstorming. 23 00:00:57,949 --> 00:00:59,490 And then we'll ask you to brainstorm. 24 00:00:59,490 --> 00:01:01,060 We're going to do lectures on prototyping. 25 00:01:01,060 --> 00:01:02,740 And then I'm going to give a more pointed lecture 26 00:01:02,740 --> 00:01:04,870 on what we mean by low-fidelity prototype, which 27 00:01:04,870 --> 00:01:06,920 is what Project 1 calls for. 28 00:01:06,920 --> 00:01:09,770 And we are going to do all those bits 29 00:01:09,770 --> 00:01:14,260 of in-class work, hopefully, scattered along the way. 30 00:01:14,260 --> 00:01:15,210 OK. 31 00:01:15,210 --> 00:01:19,014 So moving on to introducing Project 1, so that you've got-- 32 00:01:19,014 --> 00:01:21,180 and the reason we're introducing Project 1 before we 33 00:01:21,180 --> 00:01:22,888 give the supporting lectures is so you've 34 00:01:22,888 --> 00:01:24,140 got something to frame. 35 00:01:24,140 --> 00:01:27,090 You're going to be hearing lectures about prototyping 36 00:01:27,090 --> 00:01:29,650 and brainstorming, which we want you to do in Project 1. 37 00:01:29,650 --> 00:01:32,305 We want you to be thinking about the project 38 00:01:32,305 --> 00:01:34,680 as we give you the lecture, so you can try and figure out 39 00:01:34,680 --> 00:01:37,540 how you're going to be applying that information to the thing 40 00:01:37,540 --> 00:01:39,850 we're going to be asking you to be doing, OK? 41 00:01:39,850 --> 00:01:42,480 So the overall goal is-- and I have to actually stand back 42 00:01:42,480 --> 00:01:44,730 so I can either see my notes, or I can see the slides. 43 00:01:44,730 --> 00:01:47,390 But I can't see both-- to demonstrate a working 44 00:01:47,390 --> 00:01:50,240 mechanic via a low-fidelity paper prototype, 45 00:01:50,240 --> 00:01:52,590 to service the prototype for a digital game 46 00:01:52,590 --> 00:01:55,850 while tracking and understanding how your game design changes 47 00:01:55,850 --> 00:01:57,590 over time. 48 00:01:57,590 --> 00:01:59,614 Any words there you didn't understand? 49 00:01:59,614 --> 00:02:01,030 Because we've got a lot of jargon, 50 00:02:01,030 --> 00:02:04,156 actually, up there, a lot of game design jargon up there. 51 00:02:04,156 --> 00:02:07,420 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 52 00:02:07,420 --> 00:02:08,381 SARA VERRILLI: OK. 53 00:02:08,381 --> 00:02:10,617 AUDIENCE: What is actually a mechanic? 54 00:02:10,617 --> 00:02:11,700 SARA VERRILLI: A mechanic? 55 00:02:11,700 --> 00:02:13,980 That's actually a really good question. 56 00:02:13,980 --> 00:02:16,210 A mechanic is usually a key chunk 57 00:02:16,210 --> 00:02:18,860 of a game by which the player takes 58 00:02:18,860 --> 00:02:22,030 actions in the game or the game takes actions. 59 00:02:22,030 --> 00:02:27,530 So if you're playing like a basic platforming digital game, 60 00:02:27,530 --> 00:02:30,772 one of your basic mechanics is your character can jump. 61 00:02:30,772 --> 00:02:32,480 And that's what your character often uses 62 00:02:32,480 --> 00:02:33,940 to solve a lot of problems. 63 00:02:33,940 --> 00:02:36,820 A very common mechanic in games is shooting. 64 00:02:36,820 --> 00:02:40,290 So a mechanic is basically an in-game action. 65 00:02:40,290 --> 00:02:44,102 It's a game design term for that. 66 00:02:44,102 --> 00:02:44,935 Any other questions? 67 00:02:47,900 --> 00:02:49,060 OK then. 68 00:02:49,060 --> 00:02:52,650 So we're hoping that this project will 69 00:02:52,650 --> 00:02:54,596 teach you to do prototyping, which 70 00:02:54,596 --> 00:02:57,220 is a skill we will hope you will use again in Projects 3 and 4, 71 00:02:57,220 --> 00:02:58,506 and we expect you to. 72 00:02:58,506 --> 00:02:59,880 And we're also going to introduce 73 00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:03,080 our very first project management tool, which 74 00:03:03,080 --> 00:03:06,860 is the design change log, which is, hopefully, a reasonably 75 00:03:06,860 --> 00:03:09,680 quick and concise way to record the changes your team makes 76 00:03:09,680 --> 00:03:13,760 to your design as your design evolves and helps you keep 77 00:03:13,760 --> 00:03:15,400 a group memory of what you've done, 78 00:03:15,400 --> 00:03:18,710 so you don't end up doing the same things again. 79 00:03:18,710 --> 00:03:21,649 But that's not actually all we're hoping to do. 80 00:03:21,649 --> 00:03:22,940 That's just the official goals. 81 00:03:22,940 --> 00:03:24,830 We're also using it to give you a small group 82 00:03:24,830 --> 00:03:29,640 experience working in teams on a creative project. 83 00:03:29,640 --> 00:03:31,610 This is the first and last time you'll 84 00:03:31,610 --> 00:03:34,320 be in nice, small, tight teams of three people. 85 00:03:34,320 --> 00:03:37,100 Project 2, we boost you all the way up to six people. 86 00:03:37,100 --> 00:03:39,440 And by the end, we're going to be in eight-person teams. 87 00:03:39,440 --> 00:03:42,180 And you're going to get to see just how more complex 88 00:03:42,180 --> 00:03:44,790 it gets working with bigger and bigger groups. 89 00:03:44,790 --> 00:03:48,000 But we're going to start you small for your first project, 90 00:03:48,000 --> 00:03:51,032 so you get a chance to learn how to communicate. 91 00:03:51,032 --> 00:03:52,490 We're going to teach brainstorming. 92 00:03:52,490 --> 00:03:54,830 We're going to expect you to brainstorm again for Projects 3 93 00:03:54,830 --> 00:03:57,050 and 4, although we're not going to formally tell you where 94 00:03:57,050 --> 00:03:58,310 to do it or when to do it. 95 00:03:58,310 --> 00:03:59,810 We're just going to expect you, when 96 00:03:59,810 --> 00:04:01,891 you form your groups, to start going over ideas 97 00:04:01,891 --> 00:04:04,140 to use the techniques we've taught you in this project 98 00:04:04,140 --> 00:04:06,009 to do that on your own. 99 00:04:06,009 --> 00:04:07,550 We're also going to teach you-- and I 100 00:04:07,550 --> 00:04:11,200 think the most important thing here is-- working fast. 101 00:04:11,200 --> 00:04:14,010 You've got one week to do this project. 102 00:04:14,010 --> 00:04:18,250 The final version and your project reports on this 103 00:04:18,250 --> 00:04:19,986 are due next Monday. 104 00:04:19,986 --> 00:04:21,610 You're going to get some time in class. 105 00:04:21,610 --> 00:04:23,725 But unfortunately, we have a lot to say, 106 00:04:23,725 --> 00:04:26,000 to teach you everything you want to do in this class. 107 00:04:26,000 --> 00:04:27,050 So you're not going to get all of class. 108 00:04:27,050 --> 00:04:28,280 You're going to get a small portion of class 109 00:04:28,280 --> 00:04:29,530 Monday and Wednesday. 110 00:04:29,530 --> 00:04:32,060 And we're going to expect you to be able to play something 111 00:04:32,060 --> 00:04:33,940 on Wednesday in class. 112 00:04:33,940 --> 00:04:35,820 Or hopefully, you'll be running play tests. 113 00:04:35,820 --> 00:04:37,370 We expect you to have something working. 114 00:04:37,370 --> 00:04:38,650 So you're going to have to learn how to work fast. 115 00:04:38,650 --> 00:04:41,560 How do you get those ideas out of your head, onto paper, 116 00:04:41,560 --> 00:04:44,450 and usable quickly? 117 00:04:44,450 --> 00:04:48,510 And finally, the prototypes you're using here 118 00:04:48,510 --> 00:04:51,551 are going to move on to Project 2, probably about half of them. 119 00:04:51,551 --> 00:04:53,300 Your team sizes are going to be shrinking, 120 00:04:53,300 --> 00:04:55,600 so we'll be doing fewer of them. 121 00:04:55,600 --> 00:04:57,820 We, the instructors, are going to take a look 122 00:04:57,820 --> 00:04:59,850 at the prototypes as they come in, 123 00:04:59,850 --> 00:05:01,400 both during the presentations and 124 00:05:01,400 --> 00:05:04,179 during the playable playtesting sessions. 125 00:05:04,179 --> 00:05:06,220 And we're going to decide which of those projects 126 00:05:06,220 --> 00:05:08,340 we think really do have the potential 127 00:05:08,340 --> 00:05:10,770 to go on to be Project 2. 128 00:05:10,770 --> 00:05:13,070 If your prototype isn't chosen to go on, 129 00:05:13,070 --> 00:05:16,220 that doesn't mean it's not a good prototype. 130 00:05:16,220 --> 00:05:18,790 We may choose to exclude things because we think 131 00:05:18,790 --> 00:05:22,080 the scope is too big for a two-week project, 132 00:05:22,080 --> 00:05:23,960 we think it's a little too complicated 133 00:05:23,960 --> 00:05:26,750 to try and communicate the ideas. 134 00:05:26,750 --> 00:05:33,210 We may also think that there are other projects that sort of 135 00:05:33,210 --> 00:05:35,460 nailed the requirements better. 136 00:05:35,460 --> 00:05:39,977 So your prototype hasn't failed if it doesn't move on, 137 00:05:39,977 --> 00:05:42,060 it's just that there were other ones that we think 138 00:05:42,060 --> 00:05:44,420 fit all the constraints better. 139 00:05:44,420 --> 00:05:47,710 And all the prototypes are important to do. 140 00:05:47,710 --> 00:05:49,310 All right. 141 00:05:49,310 --> 00:05:51,750 So that's that. 142 00:05:51,750 --> 00:05:52,850 OK. 143 00:05:52,850 --> 00:05:57,570 So the breakdown of the project is, today, we'll 144 00:05:57,570 --> 00:05:59,810 be forming teams, doing brainstorming, 145 00:05:59,810 --> 00:06:02,790 and getting started working on things. 146 00:06:02,790 --> 00:06:04,810 We will do the first formal playtesting 147 00:06:04,810 --> 00:06:11,380 session on Wednesday, Monday, everything gets turned in, 148 00:06:11,380 --> 00:06:17,690 and including your change log and a presentation. 149 00:06:17,690 --> 00:06:20,590 The vision document, we will be making in class. 150 00:06:20,590 --> 00:06:22,860 So don't worry about that, because we'll 151 00:06:22,860 --> 00:06:24,720 be explaining what a vision document is 152 00:06:24,720 --> 00:06:27,160 and how you make one in class. 153 00:06:27,160 --> 00:06:30,240 So don't worry too much about that particular requirement. 154 00:06:33,530 --> 00:06:35,520 The presentation, the one-minute pitch, 155 00:06:35,520 --> 00:06:39,230 will be one of the things that helps sell your classmates 156 00:06:39,230 --> 00:06:42,480 on joining your team and will be one of the things 157 00:06:42,480 --> 00:06:43,980 that we use to decide whether or not 158 00:06:43,980 --> 00:06:46,190 we think you guys have a good enough core 159 00:06:46,190 --> 00:06:49,840 idea and enough core excitement to move that prototype forward. 160 00:06:49,840 --> 00:06:52,544 So it's actually pretty important. 161 00:06:52,544 --> 00:06:54,210 And remember, it needs to be one minute. 162 00:06:54,210 --> 00:06:57,270 We're going to have like 10 groups up pitching, 163 00:06:57,270 --> 00:06:58,730 so it's going to have to be fast. 164 00:07:02,560 --> 00:07:07,250 Finally, design change logs, which some of you 165 00:07:07,250 --> 00:07:08,460 may never have heard about. 166 00:07:08,460 --> 00:07:09,140 Whoa. 167 00:07:09,140 --> 00:07:10,010 Oh, no. 168 00:07:10,010 --> 00:07:11,944 My slide, it isn't there. 169 00:07:11,944 --> 00:07:12,610 PHILLIP TAN: Oh. 170 00:07:12,610 --> 00:07:14,026 Because that screen's [INAUDIBLE]. 171 00:07:14,026 --> 00:07:15,990 SARA VERRILLI: Because this one isn't-- aha. 172 00:07:15,990 --> 00:07:16,850 Oh, boy. 173 00:07:16,850 --> 00:07:21,422 PHILLIP TAN: Let me restart this presentation. 174 00:07:21,422 --> 00:07:22,880 SARA VERRILLI: So who here has used 175 00:07:22,880 --> 00:07:24,120 a design change log before? 176 00:07:24,120 --> 00:07:26,900 Because if you've taken 608, I know you have. 177 00:07:26,900 --> 00:07:27,400 All right. 178 00:07:27,400 --> 00:07:28,580 So those are your experts. 179 00:07:28,580 --> 00:07:29,970 If you have one of those people on your team, 180 00:07:29,970 --> 00:07:30,845 you're in good shape. 181 00:07:30,845 --> 00:07:32,900 Talk to them. 182 00:07:32,900 --> 00:07:35,130 But essentially, what a design change log is, 183 00:07:35,130 --> 00:07:38,720 it's actually really simple. 184 00:07:38,720 --> 00:07:41,360 It's a table, three columns. 185 00:07:41,360 --> 00:07:42,720 You've got a date. 186 00:07:42,720 --> 00:07:44,740 You've got some action you made on your design 187 00:07:44,740 --> 00:07:46,448 to change it in some way, and then you've 188 00:07:46,448 --> 00:07:48,137 got the reason why you made the change. 189 00:07:48,137 --> 00:07:49,970 And every time you make a significant change 190 00:07:49,970 --> 00:07:55,620 to your project, and/or every day you work on your project, 191 00:07:55,620 --> 00:07:59,474 you make another entry so that your team and the people 192 00:07:59,474 --> 00:08:01,640 working on it and the people looking at your project 193 00:08:01,640 --> 00:08:05,040 to see where it is now can see why you made the decisions you 194 00:08:05,040 --> 00:08:07,970 made and what decisions you made, 195 00:08:07,970 --> 00:08:10,320 what features you dropped, what features you added, 196 00:08:10,320 --> 00:08:11,950 what problems you were trying to solve 197 00:08:11,950 --> 00:08:14,650 when you made those changes. 198 00:08:14,650 --> 00:08:15,150 Yeah. 199 00:08:15,150 --> 00:08:16,660 I was probably-- anyway. 200 00:08:16,660 --> 00:08:20,320 So that is, in fact, a design change log. 201 00:08:20,320 --> 00:08:23,070 There's an example of one at the bottom of the Problem 1 202 00:08:23,070 --> 00:08:29,490 handout of the-- there's an example of one at the Project 1 203 00:08:29,490 --> 00:08:31,470 handout, so you can see an example there. 204 00:08:31,470 --> 00:08:32,470 Are there any questions? 205 00:08:37,799 --> 00:08:41,059 Hearing no takers, I hand you over to Phillip 206 00:08:41,059 --> 00:08:41,950 for brainstorming. 207 00:08:41,950 --> 00:08:42,616 PHILLIP TAN: OK. 208 00:08:44,760 --> 00:08:46,730 All right, let's talk about brainstorming. 209 00:08:46,730 --> 00:08:51,460 How many of you have done brainstorming in any class? 210 00:08:51,460 --> 00:08:53,130 High school? 211 00:08:53,130 --> 00:08:54,034 Before high school? 212 00:08:54,034 --> 00:08:54,950 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 213 00:08:54,950 --> 00:08:55,400 PHILLIP TAN: Wow. 214 00:08:55,400 --> 00:08:55,640 OK. 215 00:08:55,640 --> 00:08:55,950 All right. 216 00:08:55,950 --> 00:08:56,450 OK. 217 00:08:56,450 --> 00:08:59,920 So it's a term that gets bandied around a lot. 218 00:08:59,920 --> 00:09:01,320 Let me see. 219 00:09:01,320 --> 00:09:02,500 Awesome. 220 00:09:02,500 --> 00:09:06,120 However, there is a problem with brainstorming. 221 00:09:06,120 --> 00:09:09,030 And a lot of people have practiced it 222 00:09:09,030 --> 00:09:12,490 without actually knowing why certain things are 223 00:09:12,490 --> 00:09:14,760 done in a certain way and, as a result of that, 224 00:09:14,760 --> 00:09:17,010 may actually be doing it incorrectly. 225 00:09:17,010 --> 00:09:19,650 We have an excerpt of an article-- 226 00:09:19,650 --> 00:09:22,160 I'm sorry-- a chapter from a book called, 227 00:09:22,160 --> 00:09:24,762 Applied Imagination, which is written by Alex Osborn. 228 00:09:24,762 --> 00:09:26,220 This is a guy who actually came out 229 00:09:26,220 --> 00:09:28,960 with the term brainstorming and the practice of it. 230 00:09:28,960 --> 00:09:30,560 He worked in advertising. 231 00:09:30,560 --> 00:09:36,200 And he has lamented since he wrote that book 232 00:09:36,200 --> 00:09:37,685 that a lot of people kind of liked 233 00:09:37,685 --> 00:09:40,060 the output of brainstorming, but didn't really understand 234 00:09:40,060 --> 00:09:41,450 the practice of it. 235 00:09:41,450 --> 00:09:44,290 So I'm going to try to start from first principles 236 00:09:44,290 --> 00:09:46,100 so that you understand why brainstorming is 237 00:09:46,100 --> 00:09:48,130 and how it's supposed to be working. 238 00:09:48,130 --> 00:09:51,870 And hopefully, you can sort of get the benefits of it, 239 00:09:51,870 --> 00:09:57,420 without maybe, say, overstating its power. 240 00:09:57,420 --> 00:10:00,740 Now, the main reason why we're doing brainstorming in groups-- 241 00:10:00,740 --> 00:10:03,369 you will hear people out there in the game industry saying 242 00:10:03,369 --> 00:10:05,160 that brainstorming's not necessarily always 243 00:10:05,160 --> 00:10:08,940 the best way to be able to come up with an idea for a game. 244 00:10:08,940 --> 00:10:11,630 However, in this class in particular 245 00:10:11,630 --> 00:10:14,830 and in a lot of video game design outside of this class, 246 00:10:14,830 --> 00:10:18,450 game design is coordinated, creative collaboration 247 00:10:18,450 --> 00:10:20,620 involving different skilled workers. 248 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:22,980 And if this is going to be the first time you're 249 00:10:22,980 --> 00:10:24,790 going to work with a team, you need 250 00:10:24,790 --> 00:10:28,130 to understand who are the people who you might be working with. 251 00:10:28,130 --> 00:10:30,660 Brainstorming, if nothing else, can be a really, really good 252 00:10:30,660 --> 00:10:32,850 way to just be able to get a sense of who it is that you're 253 00:10:32,850 --> 00:10:33,960 going to be working with. 254 00:10:33,960 --> 00:10:36,484 And when we start forming up teams, 255 00:10:36,484 --> 00:10:37,900 you're not going to necessarily be 256 00:10:37,900 --> 00:10:40,440 able to choose who you're brainstorming with. 257 00:10:40,440 --> 00:10:44,620 So you want to be able to get a quick read of their ideas 258 00:10:44,620 --> 00:10:46,850 and what their interests are and maybe decide, 259 00:10:46,850 --> 00:10:50,700 hey, this is a person I'm going to do Project 1 with later on. 260 00:10:50,700 --> 00:10:53,180 However, there are very strong social pressures 261 00:10:53,180 --> 00:10:58,490 of being imaginative in a collaborative environment, 262 00:10:58,490 --> 00:11:01,560 especially here in MIT. 263 00:11:01,560 --> 00:11:04,760 There's a lot of pressure to hold back your ideas 264 00:11:04,760 --> 00:11:07,990 or maybe not say what's coming to your mind 265 00:11:07,990 --> 00:11:09,794 because you think that's kind of dumb, 266 00:11:09,794 --> 00:11:11,960 but other people are going to think that I'm stupid, 267 00:11:11,960 --> 00:11:12,986 or anything like that. 268 00:11:12,986 --> 00:11:14,610 And brainstorming has certain practices 269 00:11:14,610 --> 00:11:16,700 to be able to get you past that. 270 00:11:16,700 --> 00:11:18,800 So there are four principles of brainstorming. 271 00:11:18,800 --> 00:11:20,610 The [INAUDIBLE] just do this thing. 272 00:11:23,690 --> 00:11:26,740 This was the four principles laid out by Alex Osbourne. 273 00:11:26,740 --> 00:11:31,570 And he was Advertising Manager at BBDO, which is a very, very 274 00:11:31,570 --> 00:11:33,990 large advertising agency. 275 00:11:33,990 --> 00:11:36,860 And there are certain similarities at marketing 276 00:11:36,860 --> 00:11:38,190 and video game design, right? 277 00:11:38,190 --> 00:11:41,680 You can produce ads, you can produce marketing, 278 00:11:41,680 --> 00:11:44,450 you can produce games, without necessarily saying, 279 00:11:44,450 --> 00:11:46,440 yes, we solved the problem. 280 00:11:46,440 --> 00:11:48,030 There's a lot of different solutions 281 00:11:48,030 --> 00:11:49,570 for exactly the same problem. 282 00:11:49,570 --> 00:11:52,180 And advertising is trying to get people to pay attention 283 00:11:52,180 --> 00:11:54,570 to the ad, and maybe you'll buy stuff. 284 00:11:54,570 --> 00:11:56,365 In video games, it's trying to create 285 00:11:56,365 --> 00:11:59,820 an entertaining experience for somebody else. 286 00:11:59,820 --> 00:12:01,910 Millions of ways to be able to accomplish that. 287 00:12:01,910 --> 00:12:04,790 So we're not looking for like, here's a engineering 288 00:12:04,790 --> 00:12:07,530 solution to a engineering problem where it does, 289 00:12:07,530 --> 00:12:09,747 you know, if the thing doesn't explode, 290 00:12:09,747 --> 00:12:11,080 you know you've done a good job. 291 00:12:11,080 --> 00:12:14,110 That's sort of like a very easy metric to be able to measure 292 00:12:14,110 --> 00:12:15,010 success. 293 00:12:15,010 --> 00:12:19,030 For games, for advertising, not so easy. 294 00:12:19,030 --> 00:12:21,864 So here's the first principle, no criticism. 295 00:12:21,864 --> 00:12:24,030 How many of you have been in a brainstorming session 296 00:12:24,030 --> 00:12:28,100 where you said your idea, and then somebody said, oh. 297 00:12:28,100 --> 00:12:28,710 Yeah, OK. 298 00:12:28,710 --> 00:12:29,210 All right. 299 00:12:29,210 --> 00:12:30,230 I see some hands go up. 300 00:12:30,230 --> 00:12:30,730 All right. 301 00:12:30,730 --> 00:12:31,240 OK. 302 00:12:31,240 --> 00:12:33,630 So this is the most important rule 303 00:12:33,630 --> 00:12:35,100 of a brainstorming session. 304 00:12:35,100 --> 00:12:36,810 If you do not stick to this rule, 305 00:12:36,810 --> 00:12:39,800 if everybody around the group doesn't stick to this rule, 306 00:12:39,800 --> 00:12:41,590 you can ruin the entire session. 307 00:12:41,590 --> 00:12:44,560 The whole session can just become worthless. 308 00:12:44,560 --> 00:12:49,780 You can give positive feedback that says, thanks for the idea. 309 00:12:49,780 --> 00:12:52,440 Just simply writing it down is positive feedback of we've 310 00:12:52,440 --> 00:12:53,260 received your idea. 311 00:12:53,260 --> 00:12:58,110 But you want to hold back on adverse judgment or any kind 312 00:12:58,110 --> 00:13:00,340 of negative reinforcement. 313 00:13:00,340 --> 00:13:03,420 You can share that after the brainstorm session. 314 00:13:03,420 --> 00:13:06,350 You just don't want to do that during a brainstorm session, 315 00:13:06,350 --> 00:13:11,430 because it inhibits the process of creating new ideas. 316 00:13:11,430 --> 00:13:15,170 Again, that's sort of like professional shame, 317 00:13:15,170 --> 00:13:17,760 especially in a place like MIT, but also if you go out 318 00:13:17,760 --> 00:13:19,510 into the corporate world, this idea of you 319 00:13:19,510 --> 00:13:20,790 don't want to look bad. 320 00:13:20,790 --> 00:13:23,250 And then you can't have that in your head 321 00:13:23,250 --> 00:13:25,540 to have a proper brainstorming session. 322 00:13:25,540 --> 00:13:28,201 If you're worried about how your ideas are going to be taken, 323 00:13:28,201 --> 00:13:30,450 then you're not actually generating ideas at the speed 324 00:13:30,450 --> 00:13:32,140 that you need to be. 325 00:13:32,140 --> 00:13:36,180 So you need to be able to let your entire group know 326 00:13:36,180 --> 00:13:39,640 that we now have total freedom to explore all territories. 327 00:13:39,640 --> 00:13:42,087 Whatever idea you generate, we're going to write down. 328 00:13:42,087 --> 00:13:44,670 And then we'll figure out which are the good ideas after we've 329 00:13:44,670 --> 00:13:48,250 generated all of these ideas. 330 00:13:48,250 --> 00:13:52,170 Secondly, you kind of want to be freewheeling. 331 00:13:52,170 --> 00:13:55,350 Typically, the crazier the idea, the better. 332 00:13:55,350 --> 00:13:58,400 It's easier to be able to tame down a crazy idea 333 00:13:58,400 --> 00:14:02,400 than to take a fairly unambitious idea 334 00:14:02,400 --> 00:14:04,900 and scale it up. 335 00:14:04,900 --> 00:14:09,250 So typically, you will get your best ideas 336 00:14:09,250 --> 00:14:10,980 from some sort of pipe dream or blue moon 337 00:14:10,980 --> 00:14:12,800 idea, something that's out of scope, 338 00:14:12,800 --> 00:14:14,040 something that's unfeasible. 339 00:14:14,040 --> 00:14:15,780 And then you sort of scale it down 340 00:14:15,780 --> 00:14:17,680 into the thing that is actually feasible. 341 00:14:17,680 --> 00:14:19,710 So go ahead and shoot for the moon. 342 00:14:19,710 --> 00:14:21,770 Shoot for the game that you can't possibly 343 00:14:21,770 --> 00:14:25,960 develop in the next week or in the next couple of weeks. 344 00:14:25,960 --> 00:14:28,190 And then, after the brainstorming session, 345 00:14:28,190 --> 00:14:31,420 figure out how you're going to pare down 346 00:14:31,420 --> 00:14:33,880 that idea into something that you can do in a week 347 00:14:33,880 --> 00:14:36,400 or in two weeks. 348 00:14:36,400 --> 00:14:41,850 Now you can expand on simple ideas. 349 00:14:41,850 --> 00:14:44,680 And I'll talk a little bit about some strategies on doing that. 350 00:14:44,680 --> 00:14:48,180 But usually, reworking a wild idea to become feasible, 351 00:14:48,180 --> 00:14:50,390 there's usually a nugget there that's 352 00:14:50,390 --> 00:14:52,425 a lot easier to identify when you start big 353 00:14:52,425 --> 00:14:55,122 and then shrink down. 354 00:14:55,122 --> 00:14:56,080 What are you going for? 355 00:14:56,080 --> 00:14:58,530 You're trying to come up with as many ideas as possible. 356 00:14:58,530 --> 00:14:59,650 Quantity. 357 00:14:59,650 --> 00:15:02,160 The greater number of ideas, the more likelihood 358 00:15:02,160 --> 00:15:05,890 that some of those ideas are actually going to be useful. 359 00:15:05,890 --> 00:15:07,840 You're not actually trying to solve 360 00:15:07,840 --> 00:15:10,280 the problem in brainstorming. 361 00:15:10,280 --> 00:15:13,340 Say, if the problem that we're asking you to solve 362 00:15:13,340 --> 00:15:17,000 is create something playable in a week, 363 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:18,980 we're not asking you to solve that problem 364 00:15:18,980 --> 00:15:20,420 during the brainstorm session. 365 00:15:20,420 --> 00:15:22,320 That comes after the brainstorm session. 366 00:15:22,320 --> 00:15:23,986 That comes with things like prototyping, 367 00:15:23,986 --> 00:15:25,660 which we'll get to later today. 368 00:15:28,570 --> 00:15:30,080 Now, that's a simple metric that you 369 00:15:30,080 --> 00:15:32,480 can use to gauge the success of a brainstorm session, 370 00:15:32,480 --> 00:15:34,570 how many ideas that you generate, at what pace 371 00:15:34,570 --> 00:15:36,430 are you generating them at. 372 00:15:36,430 --> 00:15:38,740 Again, that's why you don't want to be judging ideas 373 00:15:38,740 --> 00:15:40,500 while they're being generated. 374 00:15:40,500 --> 00:15:42,310 All ideas should be included. 375 00:15:42,310 --> 00:15:43,650 Nothing is excluded. 376 00:15:43,650 --> 00:15:46,054 And you're going to need to reinforce that 377 00:15:46,054 --> 00:15:48,470 within the group of people that you're brainstorming with. 378 00:15:48,470 --> 00:15:50,178 There's somebody who's actually got a job 379 00:15:50,178 --> 00:15:53,030 to specifically do that, but you've got to help with that. 380 00:15:55,830 --> 00:15:57,490 And you can build on ideas. 381 00:15:57,490 --> 00:16:03,090 You can refer back to ideas that have already been mentioned. 382 00:16:03,090 --> 00:16:05,100 Take the notes off, and then combine them 383 00:16:05,100 --> 00:16:07,850 with your own idea, even if ideas that other people 384 00:16:07,850 --> 00:16:12,070 have come up with, to be able to come up with something 385 00:16:12,070 --> 00:16:15,211 synthetically more complex. 386 00:16:15,211 --> 00:16:16,710 Great ideas are often generated when 387 00:16:16,710 --> 00:16:20,220 disparate ideas are combined, LEGO plus Star Wars 388 00:16:20,220 --> 00:16:22,000 equals LEGO Star Wars. 389 00:16:22,000 --> 00:16:23,460 [LAUGHTER] 390 00:16:23,460 --> 00:16:25,790 Which is awesome, you know? 391 00:16:25,790 --> 00:16:30,040 Marvel plus Capcom, Marvel vs. Capcom. 392 00:16:30,040 --> 00:16:31,390 OK, great ideas there. 393 00:16:31,390 --> 00:16:34,117 And often, that's actually where a lot of your really good ideas 394 00:16:34,117 --> 00:16:35,700 are going to come from, because you're 395 00:16:35,700 --> 00:16:38,210 going to come up with a whole bunch of really mundane things 396 00:16:38,210 --> 00:16:41,140 that basically refer back to games that you've already 397 00:16:41,140 --> 00:16:43,780 played or ideas that a lot of people 398 00:16:43,780 --> 00:16:46,450 have encountered, but maybe not encountered together 399 00:16:46,450 --> 00:16:48,860 in the same context. 400 00:16:48,860 --> 00:16:52,580 So this is how you're going to do it. 401 00:16:52,580 --> 00:16:54,360 You're going to start off with a really, 402 00:16:54,360 --> 00:16:57,710 really-- try to create a little casual spirit. 403 00:16:57,710 --> 00:17:02,250 This is not like a really straight laced, formal affair. 404 00:17:02,250 --> 00:17:04,819 Start with giving your worst idea, the worst 405 00:17:04,819 --> 00:17:10,160 idea that you can possibly think of, the most useless, terrible. 406 00:17:10,160 --> 00:17:11,680 If you have to do offensive, sure, 407 00:17:11,680 --> 00:17:15,660 but usually there's just an idea that you know is dumb. 408 00:17:15,660 --> 00:17:17,220 Just tell people that. 409 00:17:17,220 --> 00:17:18,950 Everyone put it down. 410 00:17:18,950 --> 00:17:20,660 Write it down. 411 00:17:20,660 --> 00:17:23,140 While someone is speaking, don't interrupt them. 412 00:17:23,140 --> 00:17:25,765 But do designate a facilitator at the beginning 413 00:17:25,765 --> 00:17:26,390 of the session. 414 00:17:26,390 --> 00:17:27,599 And it's going to be that person's job 415 00:17:27,599 --> 00:17:28,840 to keep things moving. 416 00:17:28,840 --> 00:17:31,750 So you don't really need to explain 417 00:17:31,750 --> 00:17:33,677 so much, because again, you're not trying 418 00:17:33,677 --> 00:17:34,760 to solve the problem here. 419 00:17:34,760 --> 00:17:36,968 You're just trying to be able to get enough ideas out 420 00:17:36,968 --> 00:17:39,630 so that whoever's performing the role of the secretary 421 00:17:39,630 --> 00:17:40,380 can write it down. 422 00:17:43,350 --> 00:17:46,900 And again, before you start the entire session, 423 00:17:46,900 --> 00:17:49,325 make sure everybody understands this process. 424 00:17:49,325 --> 00:17:51,450 If there's somebody who walked in late in the class 425 00:17:51,450 --> 00:17:53,241 or something and is just joining your team, 426 00:17:53,241 --> 00:17:56,130 make sure they understand all of these rules, these four rules 427 00:17:56,130 --> 00:17:57,240 that I went through. 428 00:17:57,240 --> 00:18:01,200 And write down everything. 429 00:18:01,200 --> 00:18:07,200 Now, don't just write down the title of the idea-- 430 00:18:07,200 --> 00:18:10,472 turtle tower defense, I don't know-- 431 00:18:10,472 --> 00:18:12,180 those are three easy words to write down, 432 00:18:12,180 --> 00:18:14,544 but it might be difficult for you to then remember 433 00:18:14,544 --> 00:18:15,960 exactly what that idea-- were they 434 00:18:15,960 --> 00:18:18,060 like anthropomorphic turtles? 435 00:18:18,060 --> 00:18:19,470 Are the turtles the towers? 436 00:18:19,470 --> 00:18:21,030 Are the turtles marching into towers? 437 00:18:21,030 --> 00:18:23,740 You know, it's like, what was that again? 438 00:18:23,740 --> 00:18:25,910 Let whoever is taking down notes take a little bit 439 00:18:25,910 --> 00:18:28,270 more information, maybe like a line of information, 440 00:18:28,270 --> 00:18:30,420 just so that, when you come back to that idea, 441 00:18:30,420 --> 00:18:33,470 you don't look at a title as, that looks like a-- 442 00:18:33,470 --> 00:18:34,710 what was that idea again? 443 00:18:34,710 --> 00:18:37,480 Does anybody remember what his idea was? 444 00:18:37,480 --> 00:18:41,850 Just take the time to be able to write things down. 445 00:18:41,850 --> 00:18:44,430 Now, this is more general. 446 00:18:44,430 --> 00:18:46,280 Today, we're asking you very specifically 447 00:18:46,280 --> 00:18:48,310 to brainstorm about the game that you're 448 00:18:48,310 --> 00:18:52,890 going to be prototyping for Project 1. 449 00:18:52,890 --> 00:18:55,960 But in general, you can apply brainstorming 450 00:18:55,960 --> 00:18:58,040 to a bunch of different ideas, even 451 00:18:58,040 --> 00:19:00,810 in the middle of a project, Project 1 or later 452 00:19:00,810 --> 00:19:02,530 or to other domains. 453 00:19:02,530 --> 00:19:04,040 But it's very, very important to be 454 00:19:04,040 --> 00:19:05,220 able to know what kinds of problems 455 00:19:05,220 --> 00:19:07,428 are good for brainstorming and what kinds of problems 456 00:19:07,428 --> 00:19:09,580 are terrible for brainstorming. 457 00:19:09,580 --> 00:19:13,190 You need to be able to find a problem that 458 00:19:13,190 --> 00:19:14,810 is very clearly defined. 459 00:19:14,810 --> 00:19:16,606 The problem should be simple. 460 00:19:16,606 --> 00:19:18,480 If you've got a problem that's really, really 461 00:19:18,480 --> 00:19:25,280 complex with lots of very different opposing factors 462 00:19:25,280 --> 00:19:28,490 that you have to be taking into account, optimize, something, 463 00:19:28,490 --> 00:19:32,240 you can either try to divide those complex problems 464 00:19:32,240 --> 00:19:36,160 into subdivisions where each one of those subdivisions 465 00:19:36,160 --> 00:19:38,812 could have a separate answer, or you 466 00:19:38,812 --> 00:19:41,020 could try to use a different problem solving strategy 467 00:19:41,020 --> 00:19:41,510 entirely. 468 00:19:41,510 --> 00:19:42,968 You don't necessarily need to apply 469 00:19:42,968 --> 00:19:44,170 brainstorming to everything. 470 00:19:44,170 --> 00:19:48,485 You should be able to articulate the problem simply and clearly. 471 00:19:48,485 --> 00:19:50,360 But just because I can articulate the problem 472 00:19:50,360 --> 00:19:53,160 doesn't necessarily mean that it's 473 00:19:53,160 --> 00:19:55,080 appropriate for brainstorming. 474 00:19:55,080 --> 00:19:58,660 Osborn, for instance, gives you an example of get married. 475 00:19:58,660 --> 00:19:59,570 That's your problem. 476 00:19:59,570 --> 00:20:00,070 All right. 477 00:20:00,070 --> 00:20:00,260 OK. 478 00:20:00,260 --> 00:20:01,801 And then you're trying to solve that. 479 00:20:01,801 --> 00:20:05,120 Brainstorming's a really terrible technique for that. 480 00:20:05,120 --> 00:20:07,170 Here are all the ways that you can get married. 481 00:20:07,170 --> 00:20:08,336 It's like that doesn't help. 482 00:20:11,060 --> 00:20:14,750 Maybe that doesn't identify the problem in the first place. 483 00:20:14,750 --> 00:20:17,800 It's is a complex problem that's a little bit too large. 484 00:20:17,800 --> 00:20:19,790 What's your game going to be about? 485 00:20:19,790 --> 00:20:24,940 Or what is your player going to do 80% of the time? 486 00:20:24,940 --> 00:20:27,010 What's the one action that your player 487 00:20:27,010 --> 00:20:29,490 is going to do 80% of the time. 488 00:20:29,490 --> 00:20:31,470 Where is our game set? 489 00:20:31,470 --> 00:20:32,570 Who is our main character? 490 00:20:32,570 --> 00:20:35,050 These are sort of well-articulated problems 491 00:20:35,050 --> 00:20:39,110 that brainstorming does work for. 492 00:20:39,110 --> 00:20:40,600 Now, responsibilities. 493 00:20:40,600 --> 00:20:43,280 Again, I said designate someone to be a facilitator. 494 00:20:43,280 --> 00:20:47,450 And this person's job is to basically keep 495 00:20:47,450 --> 00:20:49,990 this whole session moving. 496 00:20:49,990 --> 00:20:52,120 We don't like to use the word "leader," 497 00:20:52,120 --> 00:20:56,341 because their job is not to be the head of the brainstorming 498 00:20:56,341 --> 00:20:56,840 session. 499 00:20:56,840 --> 00:21:03,290 Your job is to facilitate it, is to be the clerical equivalent 500 00:21:03,290 --> 00:21:07,950 of moving the process along. 501 00:21:07,950 --> 00:21:09,740 So you need to understand the problem 502 00:21:09,740 --> 00:21:14,100 and then make sure that everybody around the brainstorm 503 00:21:14,100 --> 00:21:17,136 group also understands this problem. 504 00:21:17,136 --> 00:21:19,510 And then, when the session actually goes, every time, you 505 00:21:19,510 --> 00:21:21,932 sort of sense that there's some criticism coming out, 506 00:21:21,932 --> 00:21:24,265 and you say, all right, we'll put that aside and move on 507 00:21:24,265 --> 00:21:25,240 to the next idea. 508 00:21:25,240 --> 00:21:28,210 Try to defuse any criticism when you see it coming. 509 00:21:28,210 --> 00:21:31,470 And encourage people who aren't speaking up to speak up. 510 00:21:31,470 --> 00:21:36,740 Just simply, it's like what's on your mind? 511 00:21:36,740 --> 00:21:38,180 Or you'll call out someone's name 512 00:21:38,180 --> 00:21:42,920 and just say, any of these things give you any ideas? 513 00:21:42,920 --> 00:21:44,720 Try to sort of call out those people who 514 00:21:44,720 --> 00:21:46,096 aren't already very much involved 515 00:21:46,096 --> 00:21:48,220 in the process to try to get them into the process. 516 00:21:48,220 --> 00:21:50,170 Because the more people riff off each other, 517 00:21:50,170 --> 00:21:53,300 the more ideas you're going to be able to generate. 518 00:21:53,300 --> 00:21:55,050 Encourage people to join ideas together. 519 00:21:55,050 --> 00:21:56,716 Sometimes, you'll just do that yourself, 520 00:21:56,716 --> 00:21:58,310 just like look at two random things 521 00:21:58,310 --> 00:22:01,347 that you wrote down and just try to slam them together, 522 00:22:01,347 --> 00:22:02,680 just to get the process started. 523 00:22:02,680 --> 00:22:06,900 And maybe other people will do more logical compositions. 524 00:22:06,900 --> 00:22:09,240 Make sure that no voices are lost in this process. 525 00:22:12,609 --> 00:22:14,400 It's not the facilitator's job, by the way, 526 00:22:14,400 --> 00:22:18,380 to identify what's the best solution on the board 527 00:22:18,380 --> 00:22:20,760 or on the computer when you're taking down these ideas. 528 00:22:23,416 --> 00:22:26,180 That may not actually be the job of brainstorming at all. 529 00:22:26,180 --> 00:22:27,710 That's actually a problem that you 530 00:22:27,710 --> 00:22:30,050 come to later when you see the whole pile of ideas 531 00:22:30,050 --> 00:22:30,910 that you generated. 532 00:22:30,910 --> 00:22:32,440 And now, you figure out what it is 533 00:22:32,440 --> 00:22:36,700 that you're going to choose for, say, Project 1. 534 00:22:36,700 --> 00:22:38,750 Now, there's a second person who's involved. 535 00:22:38,750 --> 00:22:42,440 This is the person who either has a giant Post-it pad, 536 00:22:42,440 --> 00:22:45,240 or a chalkboard, or a computer usually connected 537 00:22:45,240 --> 00:22:46,840 to a projector. 538 00:22:46,840 --> 00:22:49,930 And that person is the secretary whose basic job 539 00:22:49,930 --> 00:22:51,980 is to record every single idea in a way 540 00:22:51,980 --> 00:22:56,290 that everybody around the group can actually see those ideas. 541 00:22:56,290 --> 00:22:58,710 You don't want to just work on your own personal laptop, 542 00:22:58,710 --> 00:23:00,709 on your own screen where no one else can see it, 543 00:23:00,709 --> 00:23:02,266 because then other people can't, say, 544 00:23:02,266 --> 00:23:04,140 look at ideas that have been mentioned before 545 00:23:04,140 --> 00:23:05,099 and combine them. 546 00:23:05,099 --> 00:23:07,390 So make sure that you're writing things up on somewhere 547 00:23:07,390 --> 00:23:08,348 where everyone can see. 548 00:23:08,348 --> 00:23:12,150 We've got some giant Post-it pads right here. 549 00:23:12,150 --> 00:23:13,430 And you can grab them. 550 00:23:13,430 --> 00:23:15,370 And we've got some markers. 551 00:23:15,370 --> 00:23:18,880 Stick them up on the wall and write on them. 552 00:23:18,880 --> 00:23:23,410 So you want to try to just report 553 00:23:23,410 --> 00:23:24,670 on what people are saying. 554 00:23:24,670 --> 00:23:27,330 Don't try to be editorial about it. 555 00:23:27,330 --> 00:23:29,060 Don't say, good idea, bad idea. 556 00:23:29,060 --> 00:23:31,365 That's your job either. 557 00:23:31,365 --> 00:23:32,990 You do want to keep an eye on the time, 558 00:23:32,990 --> 00:23:35,360 especially because we're doing this in class and time 559 00:23:35,360 --> 00:23:37,310 will run out. 560 00:23:37,310 --> 00:23:40,640 So make sure that you actually have enough time 561 00:23:40,640 --> 00:23:43,120 to get down the to those last couple of ideas 562 00:23:43,120 --> 00:23:46,120 before we go into our next part of our class, which 563 00:23:46,120 --> 00:23:48,920 I think is prototyping. 564 00:23:48,920 --> 00:23:52,760 The secretary can participate in a brainstorming. 565 00:23:52,760 --> 00:23:54,680 It's sometimes a little bit tough. 566 00:23:54,680 --> 00:23:56,370 It's tough to write down and listen 567 00:23:56,370 --> 00:23:59,030 to what other people are saying while trying 568 00:23:59,030 --> 00:24:00,640 to generate your own ideas. 569 00:24:00,640 --> 00:24:03,180 So what you might want to do is split up your brainstorming 570 00:24:03,180 --> 00:24:04,680 session into, basically, two halves. 571 00:24:04,680 --> 00:24:06,804 How much time are we giving them for brainstorming? 572 00:24:06,804 --> 00:24:07,780 PROFESSOR: 30. 573 00:24:07,780 --> 00:24:08,840 PHILLIP TAN: 30 minutes? 574 00:24:08,840 --> 00:24:11,090 So split it into like two 15-minute chunks. 575 00:24:11,090 --> 00:24:14,200 And either the facilitator and the secretary 576 00:24:14,200 --> 00:24:16,787 can switch, or just get two other people 577 00:24:16,787 --> 00:24:18,120 to be secretary and facilitator. 578 00:24:18,120 --> 00:24:20,760 So the people who were facilitator and secretary 579 00:24:20,760 --> 00:24:24,285 can sit down and have the space to generate their own ideas 580 00:24:24,285 --> 00:24:26,160 while someone else is taking notes and making 581 00:24:26,160 --> 00:24:28,390 sure the process is running. 582 00:24:28,390 --> 00:24:30,569 So that's what we're asking you to do. 583 00:24:30,569 --> 00:24:31,985 Any questions about brainstorming? 584 00:24:34,950 --> 00:24:36,958 Or anything else I've said? 585 00:24:36,958 --> 00:24:37,930 Yep? 586 00:24:37,930 --> 00:24:41,800 AUDIENCE: Is there a limit or a minimum number of ideas 587 00:24:41,800 --> 00:24:42,800 we have to come up with? 588 00:24:42,800 --> 00:24:45,241 PHILLIP TAN: Is there a minimum of ideas? 589 00:24:45,241 --> 00:24:45,740 No. 590 00:24:48,880 --> 00:24:52,390 In fact, that's probably counterproductive. 591 00:24:52,390 --> 00:24:55,081 Don't say, oh, we have to hit a least 30, no-- it's 30 ideas 592 00:24:55,081 --> 00:24:57,330 and we're done-- because that implies that once you're 593 00:24:57,330 --> 00:24:58,950 over 30, you can stop. 594 00:24:58,950 --> 00:24:59,946 You don't want to stop. 595 00:24:59,946 --> 00:25:01,320 You want to keep generating ideas 596 00:25:01,320 --> 00:25:02,730 until you run out of time. 597 00:25:02,730 --> 00:25:07,440 And if it takes you 30 minutes to come up with two ideas, 598 00:25:07,440 --> 00:25:07,940 that's fine. 599 00:25:07,940 --> 00:25:08,690 That's the group. 600 00:25:08,690 --> 00:25:12,320 That's what your group was able to come up with. 601 00:25:12,320 --> 00:25:14,040 Generally, you want to be generating 602 00:25:14,040 --> 00:25:20,282 like a lot, several dozen ideas in a 30-minute session. 603 00:25:20,282 --> 00:25:21,740 SARA VERRILLI: I'm going to ask you 604 00:25:21,740 --> 00:25:23,340 to form groups of six people. 605 00:25:23,340 --> 00:25:25,970 Grab the people who are nearest you. 606 00:25:25,970 --> 00:25:29,230 These groups of six are going to like-- do us 607 00:25:29,230 --> 00:25:32,490 a favor and everybody stand up. 608 00:25:32,490 --> 00:25:36,370 As you form groups, sit down. 609 00:25:36,370 --> 00:25:39,070 You've got three minutes to form groups. 610 00:25:39,070 --> 00:25:51,700 [SIDE CONVERSATIONS] 611 00:25:51,700 --> 00:25:54,360 PHILLIP TAN: So we just finished the brainstorming session, 612 00:25:54,360 --> 00:25:57,216 and I'd like to get some people's impression about what 613 00:25:57,216 --> 00:25:57,715 worked. 614 00:26:00,860 --> 00:26:03,622 Do you need some time to get started? 615 00:26:03,622 --> 00:26:05,080 Were people kind of feeling it went 616 00:26:05,080 --> 00:26:08,320 a little slowly at the beginning and then picked up or died off 617 00:26:08,320 --> 00:26:10,025 halfway? 618 00:26:10,025 --> 00:26:10,900 Tell me some results. 619 00:26:10,900 --> 00:26:11,400 Yeah? 620 00:26:11,400 --> 00:26:14,163 AUDIENCE: I think it's like the sessions were 621 00:26:14,163 --> 00:26:17,394 like, instead of two-minute, three-minute sessions, 622 00:26:17,394 --> 00:26:18,885 they were like even shorter. 623 00:26:18,885 --> 00:26:21,469 And like broken up into kind of a mini theme [INAUDIBLE]. 624 00:26:21,469 --> 00:26:22,135 PHILLIP TAN: OK. 625 00:26:22,135 --> 00:26:24,264 AUDIENCE: And it felt like it ran out of steam. 626 00:26:24,264 --> 00:26:24,930 PHILLIP TAN: OK. 627 00:26:24,930 --> 00:26:25,540 All right. 628 00:26:25,540 --> 00:26:28,182 So sort of like breaking up even further 629 00:26:28,182 --> 00:26:29,390 into smaller chunks and that. 630 00:26:29,390 --> 00:26:29,440 OK. 631 00:26:29,440 --> 00:26:29,980 Sure. 632 00:26:29,980 --> 00:26:32,800 That's a good idea. 633 00:26:32,800 --> 00:26:35,797 How about the note-taker as a facilitator [INAUDIBLE]? 634 00:26:35,797 --> 00:26:38,088 AUDIENCE: I think starting with words and themes helped 635 00:26:38,088 --> 00:26:40,360 us get just basic concepts out there and then sort 636 00:26:40,360 --> 00:26:42,610 of applying them, rather than jumping into game ideas. 637 00:26:42,610 --> 00:26:42,930 PHILLIP TAN: Right. 638 00:26:42,930 --> 00:26:44,430 And one of the reasons why we did 639 00:26:44,430 --> 00:26:47,410 that will also give you an idea of what's a theme versus whats 640 00:26:47,410 --> 00:26:48,300 a mechanic, right? 641 00:26:48,300 --> 00:26:49,258 Yeah. 642 00:26:49,258 --> 00:26:51,590 AUDIENCE: It gets hard to avoid the scenario of someone 643 00:26:51,590 --> 00:26:53,090 writing an idea, and then everyone's 644 00:26:53,090 --> 00:26:54,048 like, oh, that's cool. 645 00:26:54,048 --> 00:26:56,443 Let's talk more about that thing, 646 00:26:56,443 --> 00:26:58,850 instead of just throwing out completely different ideas. 647 00:26:58,850 --> 00:26:59,641 PHILLIP TAN: Right. 648 00:26:59,641 --> 00:27:01,775 Oh, so switching to a different idea, right? 649 00:27:01,775 --> 00:27:04,317 Oh, you know, that's not necessarily 650 00:27:04,317 --> 00:27:05,650 a failure of the process either. 651 00:27:05,650 --> 00:27:06,110 But you're right. 652 00:27:06,110 --> 00:27:07,380 You're trying to generate quantity. 653 00:27:07,380 --> 00:27:09,060 And instead, people trying to improve 654 00:27:09,060 --> 00:27:11,620 the quality of the idea. 655 00:27:11,620 --> 00:27:18,740 So yeah, but still that's a happy problem to have, right? 656 00:27:18,740 --> 00:27:19,900 It is a good point. 657 00:27:19,900 --> 00:27:20,900 Yeah. 658 00:27:20,900 --> 00:27:24,570 AUDIENCE: I think, for our team, jokes helped us a lot. 659 00:27:24,570 --> 00:27:25,320 PHILLIP TAN: Sure. 660 00:27:25,320 --> 00:27:27,195 AUDIENCE: Our first situation was more tense. 661 00:27:27,195 --> 00:27:29,780 And then, after one or two specific ideas, 662 00:27:29,780 --> 00:27:33,666 everyone became more casual in saying more ideas. 663 00:27:33,666 --> 00:27:36,290 PHILLIP TAN: And that's why the throwing out the bad ideas part 664 00:27:36,290 --> 00:27:37,020 helps as well. 665 00:27:37,020 --> 00:27:42,770 It helps you get into that mood of we can be silly now. 666 00:27:42,770 --> 00:27:47,470 Something that might help with the switching gears problem is 667 00:27:47,470 --> 00:27:53,910 the act of writing it down, to begin with, of course, sort of 668 00:27:53,910 --> 00:27:57,440 says the idea is on record. 669 00:27:57,440 --> 00:28:00,360 And you can always say, let's get back to that later, 670 00:28:00,360 --> 00:28:03,509 because you will get back to it later anyway. 671 00:28:03,509 --> 00:28:05,300 And there will be time for that discussion. 672 00:28:05,300 --> 00:28:09,180 It doesn't always work, but it's worth a shot. 673 00:28:09,180 --> 00:28:09,990 Cool. 674 00:28:09,990 --> 00:28:11,910 OK. 675 00:28:11,910 --> 00:28:15,290 Let's talk a little bit again about Project 1, 676 00:28:15,290 --> 00:28:16,170 just as a reminder. 677 00:28:16,170 --> 00:28:17,919 There is a theme for Project 1, and that's 678 00:28:17,919 --> 00:28:19,270 planning for randomness. 679 00:28:19,270 --> 00:28:20,670 You generated a lot of ideas. 680 00:28:20,670 --> 00:28:25,769 We didn't really over-emphasize that constraint right 681 00:28:25,769 --> 00:28:27,560 at the beginning of the brainstorm session, 682 00:28:27,560 --> 00:28:28,934 because we wanted you to generate 683 00:28:28,934 --> 00:28:30,510 tons and tons of ideas. 684 00:28:30,510 --> 00:28:35,430 But now, you should be looking at that theme and the ideas 685 00:28:35,430 --> 00:28:37,620 that you've generated and figuring out 686 00:28:37,620 --> 00:28:39,920 which ones of those kind of match that theme. 687 00:28:42,680 --> 00:28:45,290 Now, that's sort of your overall constraint, 688 00:28:45,290 --> 00:28:47,670 over-constraint of what we want the players to be doing 689 00:28:47,670 --> 00:28:49,040 is planning for randomness. 690 00:28:49,040 --> 00:28:51,290 But is it in space? 691 00:28:51,290 --> 00:28:54,780 Is it some sort of like dice rolling mechanic? 692 00:28:54,780 --> 00:28:56,350 Is it some sort of race mechanic, 693 00:28:56,350 --> 00:28:59,830 are just a branching decision tree or something like that? 694 00:28:59,830 --> 00:29:01,680 That comes into themes and mechanics. 695 00:29:01,680 --> 00:29:03,490 So you want to be identifying that, 696 00:29:03,490 --> 00:29:08,490 as well, as part of Project 1. 697 00:29:08,490 --> 00:29:11,440 So what I'm going to be asking you right now is that, 698 00:29:11,440 --> 00:29:14,060 from your brainstorming group, we 699 00:29:14,060 --> 00:29:15,710 want you to split into two groups. 700 00:29:15,710 --> 00:29:17,890 That's your prototyping group for Project 1. 701 00:29:17,890 --> 00:29:22,470 You only have to work with this group for one week, you know? 702 00:29:22,470 --> 00:29:25,750 This is not a long-term commitment. 703 00:29:25,750 --> 00:29:29,470 And there were eight brainstorming groups, 704 00:29:29,470 --> 00:29:32,050 so basically, we're looking for 16 teams. 705 00:29:32,050 --> 00:29:33,600 And so we're encouraging everyone 706 00:29:33,600 --> 00:29:36,090 to be in groups of three. 707 00:29:36,090 --> 00:29:40,046 Not only does that mean that we will 708 00:29:40,046 --> 00:29:41,670 get the right number of groups, it also 709 00:29:41,670 --> 00:29:44,280 means that if somebody falls sick in the next week, 710 00:29:44,280 --> 00:29:48,590 your team still has at least two people to work on it. 711 00:29:48,590 --> 00:29:51,065 So for each group of three, first of all, 712 00:29:51,065 --> 00:29:52,940 you figure out who you're going to work with. 713 00:29:52,940 --> 00:29:55,444 And then you choose one item from your list, one 714 00:29:55,444 --> 00:29:57,360 of these ideas from your list, keeping in mind 715 00:29:57,360 --> 00:29:59,290 those constraints that I just mentioned. 716 00:29:59,290 --> 00:30:03,600 And we will be using that idea for the upcoming prototyping 717 00:30:03,600 --> 00:30:05,040 workshop, which I will be leading. 718 00:30:05,040 --> 00:30:07,470 So once you know what your idea is, 719 00:30:07,470 --> 00:30:09,040 you know who you're working with, 720 00:30:09,040 --> 00:30:11,390 I will go into the prototyping workshop 721 00:30:11,390 --> 00:30:14,346 to tell you what you do next. 722 00:30:14,346 --> 00:30:15,720 And the goal will be to then test 723 00:30:15,720 --> 00:30:18,154 that idea through the process of prototyping. 724 00:30:18,154 --> 00:30:20,070 And if it doesn't work, you are free to choose 725 00:30:20,070 --> 00:30:21,050 a different theme. 726 00:30:21,050 --> 00:30:22,870 But you still have to stick with your team. 727 00:30:22,870 --> 00:30:23,370 OK? 728 00:30:23,370 --> 00:30:26,160 You stick with your team, you can choose a different theme, 729 00:30:26,160 --> 00:30:27,160 just to be clear. 730 00:30:27,160 --> 00:30:28,755 All right. 731 00:30:28,755 --> 00:30:29,630 AUDIENCE: 10 minutes? 732 00:30:29,630 --> 00:30:32,100 PHILLIP TAN: We have 10 minutes to figure out 733 00:30:32,100 --> 00:30:33,610 who you want to work with and what 734 00:30:33,610 --> 00:30:38,210 your initial idea that you want to work with, so go for it. 735 00:30:38,210 --> 00:30:42,455 [SIDE CONVERSATION] 736 00:30:42,455 --> 00:30:45,466 And your team was six, right? 737 00:30:45,466 --> 00:30:46,930 Cool. 738 00:30:46,930 --> 00:30:49,695 You used the computer control, so it 739 00:30:49,695 --> 00:30:51,322 was really voice-activated. 740 00:30:51,322 --> 00:30:52,358 It just didn't work. 741 00:30:52,358 --> 00:30:53,274 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 742 00:30:59,662 --> 00:31:01,370 PHILLIP TAN: How many of you have seen me 743 00:31:01,370 --> 00:31:03,980 give this presentation before? 744 00:31:03,980 --> 00:31:04,480 OK. 745 00:31:04,480 --> 00:31:06,300 How many of you are thinking does Phillip 746 00:31:06,300 --> 00:31:09,510 give his presentation every class? 747 00:31:09,510 --> 00:31:10,690 Correctarino. 748 00:31:10,690 --> 00:31:11,592 I do. 749 00:31:11,592 --> 00:31:14,190 [LAUGHTER] 750 00:31:14,190 --> 00:31:16,630 So I apologize to everyone who's seen this presentation. 751 00:31:16,630 --> 00:31:18,600 Maybe there's one or two little points in here 752 00:31:18,600 --> 00:31:20,120 that you might not have seen before. 753 00:31:20,120 --> 00:31:22,090 But for the most part, it is the same, 754 00:31:22,090 --> 00:31:24,390 because it is the fundamental skill 755 00:31:24,390 --> 00:31:28,740 that we try to teach in every single game design class, 756 00:31:28,740 --> 00:31:31,647 because it is basically the first skill that you're 757 00:31:31,647 --> 00:31:33,230 going to need to be able to figure out 758 00:31:33,230 --> 00:31:35,810 whether an idea works. 759 00:31:35,810 --> 00:31:39,480 How many of you have made prototypes in any field, 760 00:31:39,480 --> 00:31:41,570 say engineering, software, whatever? 761 00:31:41,570 --> 00:31:45,268 All right, why do you make a prototype? 762 00:31:45,268 --> 00:31:47,240 AUDIENCE: Because it's cheaper. 763 00:31:47,240 --> 00:31:48,620 PHILLIP TAN: Because it's cheaper 764 00:31:48,620 --> 00:31:49,744 than making the real thing. 765 00:31:49,744 --> 00:31:50,820 Sure. 766 00:31:50,820 --> 00:31:52,320 I thought I saw some hands up there. 767 00:31:52,320 --> 00:31:52,530 Yeah? 768 00:31:52,530 --> 00:31:54,250 AUDIENCE: It's faster than making the whole thing. 769 00:31:54,250 --> 00:31:55,500 PHILLIP TAN: It's faster than making the whole thing. 770 00:31:55,500 --> 00:31:56,010 Yeah. 771 00:31:56,010 --> 00:31:58,720 But that kind of goes hand in hand too, right? 772 00:31:58,720 --> 00:31:59,729 Time is money. 773 00:31:59,729 --> 00:32:02,145 AUDIENCE: Making drastic changes is a lot cheaper on paper 774 00:32:02,145 --> 00:32:03,284 than it is the built system. 775 00:32:03,284 --> 00:32:04,110 PHILLIP TAN: Ah, OK. 776 00:32:04,110 --> 00:32:04,610 All right. 777 00:32:04,610 --> 00:32:08,832 You can sort figure out what's broken and then make changes. 778 00:32:08,832 --> 00:32:10,720 AUDIENCE: It shows the proof of concept. 779 00:32:10,720 --> 00:32:12,511 PHILLIP TAN: It shows the proof of concept. 780 00:32:12,511 --> 00:32:14,867 You can show it to other people, and not 781 00:32:14,867 --> 00:32:15,950 just prove it to yourself. 782 00:32:15,950 --> 00:32:16,934 Right. 783 00:32:16,934 --> 00:32:19,394 AUDIENCE: It's a lot easier to experiment and make changes 784 00:32:19,394 --> 00:32:21,227 that are necessary when you're not committed 785 00:32:21,227 --> 00:32:22,850 to something like [INAUDIBLE]. 786 00:32:22,850 --> 00:32:23,070 PHILLIP TAN: All right. 787 00:32:23,070 --> 00:32:24,350 You can try a lot of different ideas, right? 788 00:32:24,350 --> 00:32:26,510 It's like, I'm not quite sure which way I want to go, 789 00:32:26,510 --> 00:32:28,676 so I'm going to try a lot of different alternatives. 790 00:32:28,676 --> 00:32:31,474 AUDIENCE: It helps you realize, maybe, your flaws [INAUDIBLE]. 791 00:32:31,474 --> 00:32:33,140 PHILLIP TAN: Catch the big problems that 792 00:32:33,140 --> 00:32:34,570 are going to break your design. 793 00:32:34,570 --> 00:32:36,440 Yeah. 794 00:32:36,440 --> 00:32:37,910 AUDIENCE: To move from 2D to 3D? 795 00:32:37,910 --> 00:32:39,650 PHILLIP TAN: To move from 2D to 3D? 796 00:32:39,650 --> 00:32:42,630 You'll make a 2D prototype, before taking it 797 00:32:42,630 --> 00:32:45,620 into a more complex design. 798 00:32:45,620 --> 00:32:47,970 All of those are absolutely true. 799 00:32:47,970 --> 00:32:49,680 You know, just for the general sense 800 00:32:49,680 --> 00:32:53,340 of why you want to do a prototype at all is to get 801 00:32:53,340 --> 00:32:55,240 feedback from other people. 802 00:32:55,240 --> 00:32:57,320 And you get it early, you get it cheap. 803 00:32:57,320 --> 00:33:01,370 And of course, we talked about making changes 804 00:33:01,370 --> 00:33:02,524 early on in the process. 805 00:33:02,524 --> 00:33:04,190 Usually, it costs less money because you 806 00:33:04,190 --> 00:33:06,000 haven't committed anything. 807 00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:08,870 You haven't invested a whole lot of resources in something just 808 00:33:08,870 --> 00:33:11,819 to have to change it again. 809 00:33:11,819 --> 00:33:14,360 If you're not quite sure which direction you want your design 810 00:33:14,360 --> 00:33:18,050 to go, you want to be able to have lots of different ideas 811 00:33:18,050 --> 00:33:20,890 on the table and actually see how all of them 812 00:33:20,890 --> 00:33:23,460 work in one way or another. 813 00:33:23,460 --> 00:33:24,960 We talked about how easy it is to be 814 00:33:24,960 --> 00:33:27,190 able to change our ideas when you're prototyping. 815 00:33:27,190 --> 00:33:30,310 But also, it's easy to discard a prototype. 816 00:33:30,310 --> 00:33:33,590 It's easy to just say, well, that was a bad idea, 817 00:33:33,590 --> 00:33:37,010 because you haven't really spent all that much time on it. 818 00:33:37,010 --> 00:33:39,230 And in many ways, that's something 819 00:33:39,230 --> 00:33:43,100 you're going to need to do in game design a lot. 820 00:33:43,100 --> 00:33:45,100 You're going to pursue some of these ideas, some 821 00:33:45,100 --> 00:33:47,260 of these ideas that you've already been discussing. 822 00:33:47,260 --> 00:33:49,320 And you're going to start prototyping it today. 823 00:33:49,320 --> 00:33:51,500 And then you're going to say, well, that was a bad idea 824 00:33:51,500 --> 00:33:53,666 and shove the whole thing off the table into a trash 825 00:33:53,666 --> 00:33:57,430 can somewhere and start afresh, because you've spent what? 826 00:33:57,430 --> 00:34:00,230 An hour designing this thing? 827 00:34:00,230 --> 00:34:02,050 It's not going to be a whole lot of time. 828 00:34:02,050 --> 00:34:05,610 And then you can learn from that process 829 00:34:05,610 --> 00:34:07,710 and build something new. 830 00:34:07,710 --> 00:34:09,730 So that is very good mindset to be 831 00:34:09,730 --> 00:34:11,960 able to have in early iterations, 832 00:34:11,960 --> 00:34:13,880 that this thing that you're making 833 00:34:13,880 --> 00:34:16,780 is meant to be informative. 834 00:34:16,780 --> 00:34:19,090 It's meant to teach you something about this project 835 00:34:19,090 --> 00:34:23,530 that you're working on, but it's also meant to be disposable. 836 00:34:23,530 --> 00:34:27,969 It's something that you do not have to make look good, 837 00:34:27,969 --> 00:34:30,520 or you don't have to make it last. 838 00:34:30,520 --> 00:34:33,377 You don't have to make it perfect. 839 00:34:33,377 --> 00:34:34,960 You are just trying to learn something 840 00:34:34,960 --> 00:34:37,170 through the process of prototyping. 841 00:34:37,170 --> 00:34:39,110 Now, when you're making games, this 842 00:34:39,110 --> 00:34:40,909 is what you're trying to figure out. 843 00:34:40,909 --> 00:34:42,159 You're trying to find the fun. 844 00:34:42,159 --> 00:34:44,870 And we've talked about games being a series 845 00:34:44,870 --> 00:34:47,620 of interesting choices. 846 00:34:47,620 --> 00:34:52,310 And when you're prototyping, what you are trying to do 847 00:34:52,310 --> 00:34:54,840 is you are trying to identify what are those few game 848 00:34:54,840 --> 00:34:57,180 mechanics that are going to be able to sustain 849 00:34:57,180 --> 00:34:59,850 the interest of your players over a significant amount 850 00:34:59,850 --> 00:35:01,880 of time. 851 00:35:01,880 --> 00:35:03,970 So the nice thing about prototyping 852 00:35:03,970 --> 00:35:07,024 when you're, say, trying to design a computer game using 853 00:35:07,024 --> 00:35:08,690 paper materials or something is that you 854 00:35:08,690 --> 00:35:12,770 have to define those mechanics down to the very purest form. 855 00:35:12,770 --> 00:35:15,110 So for instance, I could say, oh, 856 00:35:15,110 --> 00:35:17,780 this is going to be a game about space aliens. 857 00:35:17,780 --> 00:35:21,440 And you're going to run around shooting 858 00:35:21,440 --> 00:35:24,230 different kinds of weapons and occasionally throwing grenades 859 00:35:24,230 --> 00:35:25,130 and taking cover. 860 00:35:25,130 --> 00:35:27,940 And you get to fly ships and drive things around. 861 00:35:27,940 --> 00:35:32,460 But what I can do when I'm prototyping is that, all right, 862 00:35:32,460 --> 00:35:34,990 I'm going to make a game where you come out 863 00:35:34,990 --> 00:35:37,450 and take a few potshots, go under cover, 864 00:35:37,450 --> 00:35:39,880 wait for your [? shoots ?] to recharge, throw a grenade, 865 00:35:39,880 --> 00:35:41,490 wait for [? shoots ?] to recharge, 866 00:35:41,490 --> 00:35:43,760 come out and take a few potshots. 867 00:35:43,760 --> 00:35:45,390 That's basically what game? 868 00:35:45,390 --> 00:35:46,120 AUDIENCE: Halo. 869 00:35:46,120 --> 00:35:47,990 PHILLIP TAN: That's basically Halo. 870 00:35:47,990 --> 00:35:51,160 That's the thing that you do every 20 seconds in Halo 871 00:35:51,160 --> 00:35:52,180 all the time. 872 00:35:52,180 --> 00:35:54,070 And that's really the thing that you 873 00:35:54,070 --> 00:35:56,650 have to nail and get absolutely right. 874 00:35:56,650 --> 00:35:59,120 So when you are making a prototype, 875 00:35:59,120 --> 00:36:02,160 you can identify, oh, this core little loop 876 00:36:02,160 --> 00:36:03,500 is the thing that's interesting. 877 00:36:03,500 --> 00:36:05,400 And if we can actually get it right 878 00:36:05,400 --> 00:36:07,904 and tuned perfectly in [? additional ?] game, then 879 00:36:07,904 --> 00:36:10,070 we know players are going to do this over, and over, 880 00:36:10,070 --> 00:36:12,710 and over again, and it's gong to feel good. 881 00:36:12,710 --> 00:36:14,340 So you're trying to find that fun. 882 00:36:14,340 --> 00:36:16,673 So you're going to focus on the small handful of choices 883 00:36:16,673 --> 00:36:20,140 that a player must make in order to play your prototype. 884 00:36:20,140 --> 00:36:22,960 And you model the system with a few basic rules 885 00:36:22,960 --> 00:36:26,030 that creates interesting choices for the player. 886 00:36:26,030 --> 00:36:27,870 Always ask a question about your game. 887 00:36:27,870 --> 00:36:29,390 Make sure it's falsifiable. 888 00:36:29,390 --> 00:36:35,560 Anyone heard that term, "falsifiable hypothesis"? 889 00:36:35,560 --> 00:36:37,052 No? 890 00:36:37,052 --> 00:36:38,310 Yep. 891 00:36:38,310 --> 00:36:39,105 What's that mean? 892 00:36:39,105 --> 00:36:43,542 AUDIENCE: Basically, it means some kind of opinion 893 00:36:43,542 --> 00:36:45,350 that can be proven wrong. 894 00:36:45,350 --> 00:36:46,100 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah. 895 00:36:46,100 --> 00:36:50,610 You could say, well, say the question is 896 00:36:50,610 --> 00:36:53,270 that we think the players are going to enjoy making 897 00:36:53,270 --> 00:36:54,650 these kinds of decisions. 898 00:36:54,650 --> 00:36:57,870 And the answer could be, no, they don't. 899 00:36:57,870 --> 00:36:59,630 You want that information. 900 00:36:59,630 --> 00:37:03,360 It could be something like this particular design 901 00:37:03,360 --> 00:37:06,060 is going to save time, right? 902 00:37:06,060 --> 00:37:08,740 It's going to be less of a cognitive load. 903 00:37:08,740 --> 00:37:11,040 Or it's going to be easier for players to understand. 904 00:37:11,040 --> 00:37:13,660 And it should be that kind of question 905 00:37:13,660 --> 00:37:15,690 that you ask when you're making a prototype. 906 00:37:15,690 --> 00:37:18,230 Your prototype should be able to be designed in a way 907 00:37:18,230 --> 00:37:21,270 where you can sit someone in front of it, play through it, 908 00:37:21,270 --> 00:37:26,850 and then tell you yes or no, was that hypothesis true or not. 909 00:37:26,850 --> 00:37:29,240 Now, physical prototyping, paper prototyping, 910 00:37:29,240 --> 00:37:31,640 doesn't give you insight into everything that you 911 00:37:31,640 --> 00:37:33,642 can achieve in a digital game. 912 00:37:33,642 --> 00:37:35,600 It doesn't say, for instance, tell you terribly 913 00:37:35,600 --> 00:37:38,530 much about the sensory experience of playing that game 914 00:37:38,530 --> 00:37:41,440 or how feasible a certain feature is going to be. 915 00:37:41,440 --> 00:37:45,590 So you don't discover everything through making a prototype, 916 00:37:45,590 --> 00:37:46,750 but you do get a lot. 917 00:37:46,750 --> 00:37:50,350 Now, the other thing that a few people alluded to 918 00:37:50,350 --> 00:37:53,080 is the ability for your prototype 919 00:37:53,080 --> 00:37:56,170 to communicate to other people, especially 920 00:37:56,170 --> 00:37:58,080 other people on your team. 921 00:37:58,080 --> 00:38:00,610 So imagine getting into a room full of developers. 922 00:38:00,610 --> 00:38:02,940 All of you are game developers. 923 00:38:02,940 --> 00:38:06,990 And you don't know what's in each other's heads right now. 924 00:38:06,990 --> 00:38:12,710 You maybe have come down to a certain theme. 925 00:38:12,710 --> 00:38:15,040 And all of you have different versions 926 00:38:15,040 --> 00:38:18,980 of that game floating in your head somewhere. 927 00:38:18,980 --> 00:38:21,930 Now, if you want to be able to explain that to somebody else, 928 00:38:21,930 --> 00:38:24,200 it can be near to impossible to communicate that. 929 00:38:24,200 --> 00:38:25,570 You can try doing it verbally. 930 00:38:25,570 --> 00:38:27,580 You can try writing it down. 931 00:38:27,580 --> 00:38:29,630 But all of those methods don't really 932 00:38:29,630 --> 00:38:32,130 compare very well to something you can actually set somebody 933 00:38:32,130 --> 00:38:33,910 in front and play. 934 00:38:33,910 --> 00:38:36,450 So what you are trying to do is you're 935 00:38:36,450 --> 00:38:38,720 trying to give you own team, to start with, 936 00:38:38,720 --> 00:38:40,980 something solid to work from. 937 00:38:40,980 --> 00:38:44,030 It may not necessarily be-- it will almost certainly not 938 00:38:44,030 --> 00:38:46,390 be the idea that you're going to end up 939 00:38:46,390 --> 00:38:47,725 implementing in the long run. 940 00:38:47,725 --> 00:38:50,100 But you're going to start creating some sort of framework 941 00:38:50,100 --> 00:38:52,265 for you to then say, well, I didn't like that. 942 00:38:52,265 --> 00:38:53,140 I should change that. 943 00:38:53,140 --> 00:38:55,990 Or I really like that, and we should try 944 00:38:55,990 --> 00:38:59,300 to polish that a little bit. 945 00:38:59,300 --> 00:39:00,940 So it's a communication tool. 946 00:39:00,940 --> 00:39:05,720 And any kind of game design definitely 947 00:39:05,720 --> 00:39:09,720 benefits tremendously from early stages of physical prototype, 948 00:39:09,720 --> 00:39:12,810 because it forces you to think through how 949 00:39:12,810 --> 00:39:14,520 your game is going to work. 950 00:39:14,520 --> 00:39:17,680 Every little detail about how your rules worked, at least. 951 00:39:17,680 --> 00:39:19,800 Maybe not how your game looks, maybe not 952 00:39:19,800 --> 00:39:21,810 what your input mechanism is, but certainly 953 00:39:21,810 --> 00:39:23,976 what are the decisions you're asking for your player 954 00:39:23,976 --> 00:39:26,740 and what are the consequences of those decisions. 955 00:39:26,740 --> 00:39:27,970 You have to define them. 956 00:39:27,970 --> 00:39:29,720 You have to write them down in rules 957 00:39:29,720 --> 00:39:32,730 that your players, as well as your design team, 958 00:39:32,730 --> 00:39:34,410 actually understand. 959 00:39:34,410 --> 00:39:36,140 And then they're going to try it out. 960 00:39:36,140 --> 00:39:37,514 And you're going to see all kinds 961 00:39:37,514 --> 00:39:40,260 of emergent little dynamics pop up when all of these rules 962 00:39:40,260 --> 00:39:42,850 are put together that you didn't anticipate, and could 963 00:39:42,850 --> 00:39:45,371 be really cool or could completely break your game. 964 00:39:45,371 --> 00:39:46,620 And you want to find that out. 965 00:39:50,760 --> 00:39:52,340 I talked about bringing in testers. 966 00:39:52,340 --> 00:39:54,919 And as we keep harping on this class, 967 00:39:54,919 --> 00:39:56,710 and again, every single class that I teach, 968 00:39:56,710 --> 00:39:59,380 testing's incredibly important. 969 00:39:59,380 --> 00:40:02,130 But the nice thing about paper prototyping 970 00:40:02,130 --> 00:40:04,450 is that you don't really need special skills. 971 00:40:04,450 --> 00:40:08,710 You need third grade arts and crafts skills, really. 972 00:40:08,710 --> 00:40:10,100 Maybe MIT math. 973 00:40:10,100 --> 00:40:10,960 Sure. 974 00:40:10,960 --> 00:40:14,070 But actual, we're talking about using 975 00:40:14,070 --> 00:40:18,060 markers and scissors and kindergarten counters and dice. 976 00:40:18,060 --> 00:40:20,310 And the nice thing about it is that, as your team gets 977 00:40:20,310 --> 00:40:23,530 larger and larger, everyone can still contribute to the paper 978 00:40:23,530 --> 00:40:24,100 prototype. 979 00:40:24,100 --> 00:40:24,730 It could be an artist. 980 00:40:24,730 --> 00:40:26,870 It could be a designer, a producer, a [? quoter, ?] 981 00:40:26,870 --> 00:40:30,780 a QA tester, even someone that you just brought in for a day 982 00:40:30,780 --> 00:40:33,210 to play your game, can all contribute 983 00:40:33,210 --> 00:40:36,250 to the design of the game, because it can give you 984 00:40:36,250 --> 00:40:39,490 feedback of, well, what if, instead of rolling this dice, 985 00:40:39,490 --> 00:40:40,500 I roll that dice. 986 00:40:40,500 --> 00:40:43,080 Or what if the grid was a little bit bigger? 987 00:40:43,080 --> 00:40:45,430 What if my pieces were a little bit larger 988 00:40:45,430 --> 00:40:48,100 and took up more space, for instance? 989 00:40:48,100 --> 00:40:51,310 A paper prototype itself is not just interactive in its play, 990 00:40:51,310 --> 00:40:52,970 but is interactive in the design. 991 00:40:52,970 --> 00:40:57,610 You can just open up the hood of your paper prototype 992 00:40:57,610 --> 00:40:58,450 and change a rule. 993 00:41:01,260 --> 00:41:03,600 Do not do that when you're working with code. 994 00:41:03,600 --> 00:41:05,170 In the middle of a playtest, do not 995 00:41:05,170 --> 00:41:08,530 change your code, for god sake. 996 00:41:08,530 --> 00:41:10,550 But you can do that with the paper prototype. 997 00:41:10,550 --> 00:41:12,802 And many times, you might want to do 998 00:41:12,802 --> 00:41:14,010 that in the middle of a test. 999 00:41:14,010 --> 00:41:16,840 It's like, you're playing a game. 1000 00:41:16,840 --> 00:41:19,140 10 minutes into the game, it's like, oh, my god, 1001 00:41:19,140 --> 00:41:23,300 this game is hurtling downhill into a pit. 1002 00:41:23,300 --> 00:41:24,560 And you can see it. 1003 00:41:24,560 --> 00:41:25,590 And the player sees it. 1004 00:41:25,590 --> 00:41:27,230 And you know there's a problem. 1005 00:41:27,230 --> 00:41:29,003 You can just change a rule and just say, 1006 00:41:29,003 --> 00:41:32,127 what if we did this instead, mid-game even, 1007 00:41:32,127 --> 00:41:32,960 and then try it out. 1008 00:41:32,960 --> 00:41:35,287 And says, oh, that seemed to maybe address the problem. 1009 00:41:35,287 --> 00:41:36,870 Then start the game from the beginning 1010 00:41:36,870 --> 00:41:39,480 and see if it actually did. 1011 00:41:39,480 --> 00:41:43,030 But you can do that with a paper prototype. 1012 00:41:43,030 --> 00:41:45,100 Paper prototypes, in particular, are 1013 00:41:45,100 --> 00:41:47,970 very good at revealing usability problems. 1014 00:41:47,970 --> 00:41:52,260 The simple issue of a player has a decision, 1015 00:41:52,260 --> 00:41:54,420 knows what he or she wants to do, 1016 00:41:54,420 --> 00:41:57,360 and has no idea how to actually execute that. 1017 00:41:57,360 --> 00:41:59,710 It's like, does that mean I roll first and then move, 1018 00:41:59,710 --> 00:42:02,340 or do I move first and roll, which piece do I 1019 00:42:02,340 --> 00:42:05,780 move, things like that. 1020 00:42:05,780 --> 00:42:07,280 Paper prototypes are very, very good 1021 00:42:07,280 --> 00:42:10,470 in sort of just laying that bare. 1022 00:42:10,470 --> 00:42:12,760 Your team will see where those problems are, as soon 1023 00:42:12,760 --> 00:42:14,190 as somebody who's not part of your team 1024 00:42:14,190 --> 00:42:15,481 sits down and tries to play it. 1025 00:42:18,740 --> 00:42:20,120 Let's see. 1026 00:42:20,120 --> 00:42:25,500 Now, players do tend to more readily give criticism 1027 00:42:25,500 --> 00:42:28,432 when they see something that's very clearly incomplete, very 1028 00:42:28,432 --> 00:42:30,390 clearly something that you're still working on. 1029 00:42:30,390 --> 00:42:32,950 And if you've got a hand-drawn cardboard paper 1030 00:42:32,950 --> 00:42:34,760 prototype in front of them, they know 1031 00:42:34,760 --> 00:42:37,060 you're right at the beginning of this project. 1032 00:42:37,060 --> 00:42:39,940 They know that they can tell you something about, 1033 00:42:39,940 --> 00:42:41,996 I really don't like how this character looks. 1034 00:42:41,996 --> 00:42:43,120 And it's like, that's fine. 1035 00:42:43,120 --> 00:42:45,840 We spent two minutes drawing that character. 1036 00:42:45,840 --> 00:42:48,470 We can completely redo that. 1037 00:42:48,470 --> 00:42:51,480 And they'll tell you that, if it feels like you haven't spent 1038 00:42:51,480 --> 00:42:54,230 a whole lot of time in it. 1039 00:42:54,230 --> 00:42:56,600 And that's a useful trick, by the way, if you are doing, 1040 00:42:56,600 --> 00:42:59,700 say, the digital version of your games later on. 1041 00:42:59,700 --> 00:43:02,070 It can actually be easier to get feedback 1042 00:43:02,070 --> 00:43:06,340 if you deliberately insert some things that look incomplete, 1043 00:43:06,340 --> 00:43:10,307 a giant box that says Place Order right there while you're 1044 00:43:10,307 --> 00:43:12,140 doing your testing, just to get a little bit 1045 00:43:12,140 --> 00:43:16,024 more feedback from your testers, so they feel, OK, yes, they're 1046 00:43:16,024 --> 00:43:16,690 working on this. 1047 00:43:16,690 --> 00:43:19,760 I can tell you that character looks terrible. 1048 00:43:19,760 --> 00:43:21,720 And it's like, we spent three days on it, 1049 00:43:21,720 --> 00:43:22,860 but you don't say that. 1050 00:43:22,860 --> 00:43:24,440 You don't say that in front of them, 1051 00:43:24,440 --> 00:43:27,270 because you want that feedback. 1052 00:43:27,270 --> 00:43:31,540 But when they give you feedback, you take everything 1053 00:43:31,540 --> 00:43:33,810 that they're telling you with a grain of salt, 1054 00:43:33,810 --> 00:43:35,760 because, in the paper prototype, it's 1055 00:43:35,760 --> 00:43:38,060 very, very easy for a tester that says, 1056 00:43:38,060 --> 00:43:40,660 I don't like pieces that are this color. 1057 00:43:40,660 --> 00:43:43,010 I want pieces that are that color. 1058 00:43:43,010 --> 00:43:44,330 And it's, OK. 1059 00:43:44,330 --> 00:43:46,670 You could just make the substitution. 1060 00:43:46,670 --> 00:43:50,320 But what you should do is you should think back a little bit 1061 00:43:50,320 --> 00:43:53,230 and try to figure out why they're giving you 1062 00:43:53,230 --> 00:43:54,940 this piece of feedback. 1063 00:43:54,940 --> 00:43:56,440 They may have a personal preference, 1064 00:43:56,440 --> 00:43:58,941 and they think this is the way how it should be executed. 1065 00:43:58,941 --> 00:44:00,690 But probably what they're say is that they 1066 00:44:00,690 --> 00:44:04,250 have some sort of actual problem with your game, 1067 00:44:04,250 --> 00:44:06,790 and that's the only solution that they can think of. 1068 00:44:06,790 --> 00:44:10,040 So for instance, why does this person 1069 00:44:10,040 --> 00:44:11,840 want to change the color of the pieces 1070 00:44:11,840 --> 00:44:12,980 that they're moving around? 1071 00:44:12,980 --> 00:44:14,670 Is it because they're having trouble 1072 00:44:14,670 --> 00:44:16,300 telling the pieces apart? 1073 00:44:16,300 --> 00:44:17,820 That may be the real problem. 1074 00:44:17,820 --> 00:44:19,902 And the solution may not be change the pieces 1075 00:44:19,902 --> 00:44:22,110 to a different color, it may be like change the piece 1076 00:44:22,110 --> 00:44:24,470 into a completely different shape, 1077 00:44:24,470 --> 00:44:26,540 stick a little sticker on them. 1078 00:44:26,540 --> 00:44:30,020 On a computer, it's going to be different kinds of solutions. 1079 00:44:30,020 --> 00:44:32,400 Vet every little bit of information 1080 00:44:32,400 --> 00:44:33,480 that comes into you. 1081 00:44:33,480 --> 00:44:35,390 People can make suggestions on how 1082 00:44:35,390 --> 00:44:37,710 you're going to change your design, 1083 00:44:37,710 --> 00:44:40,000 but it's up to the team to actually provide 1084 00:44:40,000 --> 00:44:41,860 some sort of unified direction on where 1085 00:44:41,860 --> 00:44:43,600 you want the game to go. 1086 00:44:43,600 --> 00:44:45,450 So the feedback is valuable. 1087 00:44:45,450 --> 00:44:48,480 The solutions they're providing may not 1088 00:44:48,480 --> 00:44:50,840 be the solutions you want to use. 1089 00:44:50,840 --> 00:44:53,266 Any questions so far about why we're doing prototyping? 1090 00:44:56,920 --> 00:44:57,620 No? 1091 00:44:57,620 --> 00:44:58,890 OK. 1092 00:44:58,890 --> 00:45:00,330 We'll have more questions later. 1093 00:45:00,330 --> 00:45:02,871 So here are the kinds of tools that you're going to be using, 1094 00:45:02,871 --> 00:45:06,160 very large sheets of paper. 1095 00:45:06,160 --> 00:45:09,080 This is probably the smallest sheet of paper-- well, 1096 00:45:09,080 --> 00:45:11,730 we're going to be using index cards as well. 1097 00:45:11,730 --> 00:45:13,980 A lot of you have seen this before in my other classes 1098 00:45:13,980 --> 00:45:14,480 as well. 1099 00:45:14,480 --> 00:45:18,550 This is a square grid on one side, hex squared on another. 1100 00:45:18,550 --> 00:45:20,604 For spatial games, you can use this. 1101 00:45:20,604 --> 00:45:22,270 But sometimes, it's much better to start 1102 00:45:22,270 --> 00:45:23,780 with a blank sheet of paper. 1103 00:45:23,780 --> 00:45:27,910 So don't immediately start designing grid games 1104 00:45:27,910 --> 00:45:31,690 just because we happen to have sheets of gridded paper. 1105 00:45:31,690 --> 00:45:34,650 But we do want them to be large, so that everyone 1106 00:45:34,650 --> 00:45:36,900 around the team can actually see what you're 1107 00:45:36,900 --> 00:45:39,530 working on at the same time, as well as the people playing 1108 00:45:39,530 --> 00:45:41,150 the game. 1109 00:45:41,150 --> 00:45:44,147 If you're going to be designing something like an iPad game 1110 00:45:44,147 --> 00:45:46,230 or something like that, don't use something that's 1111 00:45:46,230 --> 00:45:47,660 literally the size of the iPad. 1112 00:45:47,660 --> 00:45:49,440 Use something a little bit larger, 1113 00:45:49,440 --> 00:45:51,160 so that everyone around the table 1114 00:45:51,160 --> 00:45:53,980 can see what the tester is doing while they're 1115 00:45:53,980 --> 00:45:57,580 testing your prototype 1116 00:45:57,580 --> 00:46:01,090 We use index cards for a lot of different things, 1117 00:46:01,090 --> 00:46:02,720 writing down rules. 1118 00:46:02,720 --> 00:46:06,350 You can shuffle them and use them as playing cards. 1119 00:46:06,350 --> 00:46:09,510 You can record data on them. 1120 00:46:09,510 --> 00:46:13,440 They're very disposable, more accurately, very recyclable. 1121 00:46:13,440 --> 00:46:17,670 Please, please recycle any paper material. 1122 00:46:17,670 --> 00:46:19,740 Dice, of course. 1123 00:46:19,740 --> 00:46:21,130 They can be tokens. 1124 00:46:21,130 --> 00:46:23,600 They can be used to help keep track of stats. 1125 00:46:23,600 --> 00:46:25,910 But something that I've seen a lot, that students like 1126 00:46:25,910 --> 00:46:29,060 to use a lot, is they use two 10-sided dice 1127 00:46:29,060 --> 00:46:34,270 to keep track of a number between zero to 99. 1128 00:46:34,270 --> 00:46:35,740 That's a really bad idea. 1129 00:46:35,740 --> 00:46:40,650 One brush of the hand, and that variable is gone, right? 1130 00:46:40,650 --> 00:46:44,820 You can swap the tens and the ones really easily. 1131 00:46:44,820 --> 00:46:46,470 It's like, was that 91 or 19? 1132 00:46:46,470 --> 00:46:48,130 I can't remember. 1133 00:46:48,130 --> 00:46:50,000 So if you want to record variables, 1134 00:46:50,000 --> 00:46:51,815 just gram an index card and just write down the variable. 1135 00:46:51,815 --> 00:46:53,540 And then, whenever the variable changes, 1136 00:46:53,540 --> 00:46:56,420 cross it out right in your variable. 1137 00:46:56,420 --> 00:46:59,760 It's much better for you to use a dice either 1138 00:46:59,760 --> 00:47:02,930 as actual randomizers, or you can use them sometimes 1139 00:47:02,930 --> 00:47:07,630 as tokens that move around on the board. 1140 00:47:07,630 --> 00:47:08,190 Let's see. 1141 00:47:08,190 --> 00:47:11,070 What else? 1142 00:47:11,070 --> 00:47:13,800 Game bits, pieces from other games 1143 00:47:13,800 --> 00:47:18,400 are wonderful, but sometimes a little irritating because, 1144 00:47:18,400 --> 00:47:19,960 if you took them out of the game box, 1145 00:47:19,960 --> 00:47:21,780 then you have to put them back into the game box, otherwise, 1146 00:47:21,780 --> 00:47:23,530 you've just ruined your copy of the game. 1147 00:47:23,530 --> 00:47:26,230 So I like using disposable kindergarten counters a lot, 1148 00:47:26,230 --> 00:47:29,170 because I don't really care about returning exactly 1149 00:47:29,170 --> 00:47:32,740 the same number I took out. 1150 00:47:32,740 --> 00:47:34,620 And there's usually less assumption 1151 00:47:34,620 --> 00:47:37,350 about what a kindergarten counter is supposed to be. 1152 00:47:37,350 --> 00:47:38,290 Is it a number? 1153 00:47:38,290 --> 00:47:39,680 Is it a person? 1154 00:47:39,680 --> 00:47:42,224 Whereas, if you use game bits, that's kind of person-shaped, 1155 00:47:42,224 --> 00:47:43,140 [? meatball-shaped. ?] 1156 00:47:46,110 --> 00:47:47,610 Post-it glue and notepads-- well, I 1157 00:47:47,610 --> 00:47:51,070 don't think we actually have any Post-it glue right now, 1158 00:47:51,070 --> 00:47:53,700 but they're basically glue sticks 1159 00:47:53,700 --> 00:47:56,480 that don't stick permanently. 1160 00:47:56,480 --> 00:48:00,730 So you put that on an index card or on a piece of paper, 1161 00:48:00,730 --> 00:48:02,790 and suddenly, it becomes a Post-it. 1162 00:48:02,790 --> 00:48:05,000 But what we do have are a lot of Post-it note pads, 1163 00:48:05,000 --> 00:48:06,320 both big ones and small ones. 1164 00:48:06,320 --> 00:48:09,780 And these are useful for you to simulate displays, 1165 00:48:09,780 --> 00:48:12,560 for instance, or variables and information that a player is 1166 00:48:12,560 --> 00:48:13,400 supposed to have. 1167 00:48:13,400 --> 00:48:17,850 And you don't want that to go flying off if somebody sneezes. 1168 00:48:17,850 --> 00:48:19,584 Of course-- oh, right. 1169 00:48:19,584 --> 00:48:21,500 I have a picture of some Kindergarten counters 1170 00:48:21,500 --> 00:48:24,734 up there-- pencils, pens, markers, scissors, tape, 1171 00:48:24,734 --> 00:48:26,400 just to be able to hold things together, 1172 00:48:26,400 --> 00:48:29,300 write down information. 1173 00:48:29,300 --> 00:48:31,810 Something else about Kindergarten counters. 1174 00:48:31,810 --> 00:48:34,280 We have a particular kind of Kindergarten counter, 1175 00:48:34,280 --> 00:48:37,150 which is an interlocking cube. 1176 00:48:37,150 --> 00:48:38,440 You take it out? 1177 00:48:38,440 --> 00:48:41,140 PROFESSOR: Every year, we've-- 1178 00:48:41,140 --> 00:48:42,859 PHILLIP TAN: Well, it is possible 1179 00:48:42,859 --> 00:48:45,150 that we took them out because they're very problematic. 1180 00:48:45,150 --> 00:48:46,970 Because once I give you interlocking cubes, 1181 00:48:46,970 --> 00:48:50,310 you make games about interlocking cubes. 1182 00:48:50,310 --> 00:48:52,894 It's like handing LEGOs. 1183 00:48:52,894 --> 00:48:54,310 And then, the first thing everyone 1184 00:48:54,310 --> 00:48:55,690 thinks of is let's make it a game 1185 00:48:55,690 --> 00:48:57,690 where you put things together and assemble them. 1186 00:48:57,690 --> 00:48:58,840 AUDIENCE: Like stacking counters. 1187 00:48:58,840 --> 00:48:59,900 PHILLIP TAN: Stacking counters. 1188 00:48:59,900 --> 00:49:01,358 AUDIENCE: So you make games about-- 1189 00:49:01,358 --> 00:49:02,770 PHILLIP TAN: Stacking. 1190 00:49:02,770 --> 00:49:03,390 Yeah. 1191 00:49:03,390 --> 00:49:06,120 The pieces that you end up prototyping with sometimes 1192 00:49:06,120 --> 00:49:09,520 ends up shaping the direction of your game. 1193 00:49:09,520 --> 00:49:12,830 And then, sometimes, if you are dealing with a designer's 1194 00:49:12,830 --> 00:49:14,260 block, that can be helpful. 1195 00:49:14,260 --> 00:49:16,220 That gives you a path to follow. 1196 00:49:16,220 --> 00:49:19,330 But in many ways, that's a distraction. 1197 00:49:19,330 --> 00:49:22,830 You start becoming constrained by your tools, instead of 1198 00:49:22,830 --> 00:49:24,970 the idea that you're trying to work with. 1199 00:49:24,970 --> 00:49:28,005 So if we managed to get rid of the interlocking cubes, 1200 00:49:28,005 --> 00:49:28,630 that's awesome. 1201 00:49:28,630 --> 00:49:31,730 But if they're still in there, by all means, use them. 1202 00:49:31,730 --> 00:49:34,140 But don't automatically assume you 1203 00:49:34,140 --> 00:49:37,950 have to make a game about interlocking cubes. 1204 00:49:37,950 --> 00:49:41,690 Now, don't forget to keep a record of everything, including 1205 00:49:41,690 --> 00:49:43,690 all of the notes that you've had. 1206 00:49:43,690 --> 00:49:47,160 Use your phone camera doing the session. 1207 00:49:47,160 --> 00:49:49,170 At the end of your project, make sure 1208 00:49:49,170 --> 00:49:51,710 that you try to get them scanned, 1209 00:49:51,710 --> 00:49:53,900 photocopied in some way. 1210 00:49:53,900 --> 00:49:56,920 There are a lot of photocopy machines around campus now. 1211 00:49:56,920 --> 00:49:58,440 There are actually scanners. 1212 00:49:58,440 --> 00:50:00,780 And you just put the raw materials on top. 1213 00:50:00,780 --> 00:50:03,040 And instead of generating a copy, 1214 00:50:03,040 --> 00:50:06,880 you can have them email a color scan to your email account. 1215 00:50:06,880 --> 00:50:10,005 Those things are really useful for your final assignment. 1216 00:50:10,005 --> 00:50:11,102 OK. 1217 00:50:11,102 --> 00:50:12,060 So those are the tools. 1218 00:50:15,340 --> 00:50:18,660 Who are the people sitting around the table? 1219 00:50:18,660 --> 00:50:23,870 When you've actually made a prototype, what 1220 00:50:23,870 --> 00:50:26,960 happens is-- I guess I got some of my slides mixed up-- 1221 00:50:26,960 --> 00:50:29,620 this usually happens at the end of having designed 1222 00:50:29,620 --> 00:50:31,325 a workable prototype is that there 1223 00:50:31,325 --> 00:50:33,840 is going to be a bunch of people sitting around the table. 1224 00:50:33,840 --> 00:50:35,620 And each person has a different role. 1225 00:50:35,620 --> 00:50:36,730 That's, of course, the person who's actually 1226 00:50:36,730 --> 00:50:38,390 going to be playing the game, preferably 1227 00:50:38,390 --> 00:50:40,080 somebody from a different team or somebody who's 1228 00:50:40,080 --> 00:50:41,361 even outside of this class. 1229 00:50:41,361 --> 00:50:43,360 It could be one of us instructors, for instance. 1230 00:50:43,360 --> 00:50:46,340 It could be one of the OCW people. 1231 00:50:46,340 --> 00:50:50,622 And somebody in your team is going to be a facilitator. 1232 00:50:50,622 --> 00:50:52,330 This is the person who's going to present 1233 00:50:52,330 --> 00:50:54,830 the rules to the person who's going to play, 1234 00:50:54,830 --> 00:50:57,920 you know, tell them that we're looking for your feedback. 1235 00:50:57,920 --> 00:50:58,919 Make them comfortable. 1236 00:50:58,919 --> 00:51:00,710 Make sure that they understand what they're 1237 00:51:00,710 --> 00:51:04,720 supposed to be doing and basically making sure 1238 00:51:04,720 --> 00:51:08,190 that the session runs according to script. 1239 00:51:08,190 --> 00:51:12,280 That person, or somebody else, can also be the computer. 1240 00:51:12,280 --> 00:51:14,580 This is the person who is actually making the prototype 1241 00:51:14,580 --> 00:51:19,630 work, updating variables, moving the positions of pieces 1242 00:51:19,630 --> 00:51:22,510 on the board, revealing new dialogue boxes, 1243 00:51:22,510 --> 00:51:27,160 or basically making the board respond to what 1244 00:51:27,160 --> 00:51:29,230 the player decides to do. 1245 00:51:29,230 --> 00:51:34,100 And the computer is trying to do all the computation 1246 00:51:34,100 --> 00:51:36,110 that your actual computer will do, 1247 00:51:36,110 --> 00:51:37,880 if you're making a digital game. 1248 00:51:37,880 --> 00:51:40,380 The computer should not do anything that a real computer 1249 00:51:40,380 --> 00:51:40,880 wouldn't. 1250 00:51:40,880 --> 00:51:43,800 So for instance, if somebody doesn't understand a rule, 1251 00:51:43,800 --> 00:51:49,580 the computer person shouldn't be correcting the player. 1252 00:51:49,580 --> 00:51:51,211 The facilitator could. 1253 00:51:51,211 --> 00:51:53,210 But sometimes, what I find is really interesting 1254 00:51:53,210 --> 00:51:55,560 is that somebody thinks a rule works differently. 1255 00:51:55,560 --> 00:51:56,990 I let them play through it. 1256 00:51:56,990 --> 00:51:59,150 And that becomes like a different iteration 1257 00:51:59,150 --> 00:52:00,210 of the game. 1258 00:52:00,210 --> 00:52:02,380 And sometimes, it turns out to be better. 1259 00:52:02,380 --> 00:52:05,210 Then you can run through the iteration 1260 00:52:05,210 --> 00:52:06,400 with the correct rule. 1261 00:52:06,400 --> 00:52:07,342 Yeah? 1262 00:52:07,342 --> 00:52:09,092 AUDIENCE: So the person who's the computer 1263 00:52:09,092 --> 00:52:11,590 does have to make a choice at that point of whether they 1264 00:52:11,590 --> 00:52:15,302 would let them play according to what they think the rule is? 1265 00:52:15,302 --> 00:52:16,010 PHILLIP TAN: Yes. 1266 00:52:16,010 --> 00:52:18,016 AUDIENCE: Or what the computer-- like 1267 00:52:18,016 --> 00:52:20,196 if it were a real computer, it would just 1268 00:52:20,196 --> 00:52:23,000 think [INAUDIBLE] something that doesn't work [INAUDIBLE]. 1269 00:52:23,000 --> 00:52:24,590 PHILLIP TAN: And it puts it in play. 1270 00:52:24,590 --> 00:52:27,146 And the computer says, nothing happens, you know? 1271 00:52:27,146 --> 00:52:28,520 It's like you can do that, right? 1272 00:52:28,520 --> 00:52:30,780 It's like if the person really doesn't [INAUDIBLE]. 1273 00:52:30,780 --> 00:52:33,810 But if you notice, say, this person is clearly 1274 00:52:33,810 --> 00:52:36,830 playing a really sub-optimal strategy, 1275 00:52:36,830 --> 00:52:38,286 just respond like a computer will, 1276 00:52:38,286 --> 00:52:39,910 lead them to [? that loose ?] condition 1277 00:52:39,910 --> 00:52:43,250 or whatever it is that happens. 1278 00:52:43,250 --> 00:52:45,300 Because in many ways, that's how an actual player 1279 00:52:45,300 --> 00:52:48,160 is going to learn how to play your game in the long run. 1280 00:52:48,160 --> 00:52:50,290 They're going to make a lot of bad decisions. 1281 00:52:50,290 --> 00:52:51,820 The computer is going to respond, 1282 00:52:51,820 --> 00:52:53,861 and then they're going to learn from the mistakes 1283 00:52:53,861 --> 00:52:57,900 that they made and then try it differently. 1284 00:52:57,900 --> 00:52:59,832 Let's see. 1285 00:52:59,832 --> 00:53:01,290 Something else that the facilitator 1286 00:53:01,290 --> 00:53:03,540 can do while the game is going on-- say, 1287 00:53:03,540 --> 00:53:04,998 the player is actually playing-- is 1288 00:53:04,998 --> 00:53:08,530 to encourage the player to think aloud. 1289 00:53:08,530 --> 00:53:12,900 So the person that you brought in to play your game 1290 00:53:12,900 --> 00:53:14,750 is trying to understand your game 1291 00:53:14,750 --> 00:53:16,700 and is just like sitting there in silence 1292 00:53:16,700 --> 00:53:17,800 looking at the board. 1293 00:53:17,800 --> 00:53:20,470 And you don't know if they're bored, confused, or really 1294 00:53:20,470 --> 00:53:21,500 into it. 1295 00:53:21,500 --> 00:53:24,850 So you ask them, what are you thinking now? 1296 00:53:24,850 --> 00:53:27,734 And if they're saying, what are all these pieces? 1297 00:53:27,734 --> 00:53:28,400 All right, then. 1298 00:53:28,400 --> 00:53:30,300 You know that they're confused. 1299 00:53:30,300 --> 00:53:32,840 The facilitator can help, can say, all right, 1300 00:53:32,840 --> 00:53:35,150 let's start again, and I'll explain 1301 00:53:35,150 --> 00:53:36,420 what all these pieces are. 1302 00:53:36,420 --> 00:53:38,880 They could be, ah, I've got like five different strategies, 1303 00:53:38,880 --> 00:53:41,380 and I'm trying to figure out which-- you know, I'm thinking, 1304 00:53:41,380 --> 00:53:43,220 maybe, if I move this here, [? I move this out, ?] OK, 1305 00:53:43,220 --> 00:53:44,540 that person's into it, right? 1306 00:53:44,540 --> 00:53:47,810 That person's really thinking hard about this problem. 1307 00:53:47,810 --> 00:53:50,502 Everybody else in your team watching that board. 1308 00:53:50,502 --> 00:53:52,460 And this is the reason why we have a big board. 1309 00:53:52,460 --> 00:53:54,560 As an observer, you want to be able to see 1310 00:53:54,560 --> 00:53:56,120 what's going on in your game. 1311 00:53:56,120 --> 00:53:59,135 You want to be able to write down the information in a note 1312 00:53:59,135 --> 00:54:03,231 book or on your laptop and try to record whatever information. 1313 00:54:03,231 --> 00:54:05,480 Most importantly, look at the face of the person who's 1314 00:54:05,480 --> 00:54:07,360 playing the game. 1315 00:54:07,360 --> 00:54:11,630 Again, that helps identify whether they're confused 1316 00:54:11,630 --> 00:54:13,806 or whether they're really into it 1317 00:54:13,806 --> 00:54:15,305 and trying to make a tough decision, 1318 00:54:15,305 --> 00:54:16,350 or they're just bored. 1319 00:54:19,100 --> 00:54:20,995 Don't offer help to the user, especially 1320 00:54:20,995 --> 00:54:22,370 if you're on the development team 1321 00:54:22,370 --> 00:54:24,210 and you know all about this game. 1322 00:54:24,210 --> 00:54:28,260 It can be a real temptation to basically just tell the user, 1323 00:54:28,260 --> 00:54:30,030 this is what you want to do. 1324 00:54:30,030 --> 00:54:30,620 Don't do that. 1325 00:54:30,620 --> 00:54:31,430 Sit on your hands. 1326 00:54:31,430 --> 00:54:33,570 Bite your tongue. 1327 00:54:33,570 --> 00:54:35,200 It can be hard to take notes when 1328 00:54:35,200 --> 00:54:39,870 you're sitting on your hands, but, you know, take notes. 1329 00:54:39,870 --> 00:54:43,210 And the person who's being the computer 1330 00:54:43,210 --> 00:54:47,030 and being the facilitator really doesn't have the bandwidth. 1331 00:54:47,030 --> 00:54:49,370 Those people do not have the bandwidth to take notes. 1332 00:54:49,370 --> 00:54:51,594 So someone has to be officially designated 1333 00:54:51,594 --> 00:54:53,760 with the job of actually taking notes and observing. 1334 00:54:56,740 --> 00:54:59,790 What we're going to be doing is a Wizard of Oz test 1335 00:54:59,790 --> 00:55:01,110 for your games. 1336 00:55:01,110 --> 00:55:03,900 And that is someone's playing the computer. 1337 00:55:03,900 --> 00:55:05,950 It's very constrained in terms of communication 1338 00:55:05,950 --> 00:55:10,060 between the computer and the person who's testing your game. 1339 00:55:10,060 --> 00:55:12,486 The rules are usually pretty rigid. 1340 00:55:12,486 --> 00:55:14,110 And the nice thing about it is that you 1341 00:55:14,110 --> 00:55:19,180 can do a pretty deep analysis of a game. 1342 00:55:19,180 --> 00:55:24,040 You can make a game that sort of goes through multiple decisions 1343 00:55:24,040 --> 00:55:26,716 into sort of long-term consequences. 1344 00:55:26,716 --> 00:55:28,090 That's not necessarily what we're 1345 00:55:28,090 --> 00:55:30,549 asking you to do for Project 1. 1346 00:55:30,549 --> 00:55:32,090 I'm just telling you this because you 1347 00:55:32,090 --> 00:55:35,560 might want to do this for Project 2, 3, or 4. 1348 00:55:35,560 --> 00:55:37,930 A Wizard of Oz test allows you to really 1349 00:55:37,930 --> 00:55:41,080 do a deep dive into how a particular feature works, 1350 00:55:41,080 --> 00:55:43,320 for instance. 1351 00:55:43,320 --> 00:55:48,490 And since it's a human simulating the back end, 1352 00:55:48,490 --> 00:55:50,210 simulating the computing, you can 1353 00:55:50,210 --> 00:55:54,450 be very high-fidelity with very little cost. 1354 00:55:54,450 --> 00:55:57,210 That's not, again, we're asking you to do for Project 1. 1355 00:55:57,210 --> 00:55:59,670 We're asking you to do a low-fidelity prototype. 1356 00:55:59,670 --> 00:56:02,940 And we'll go into a little bit more detail about what that is. 1357 00:56:02,940 --> 00:56:03,570 Very important. 1358 00:56:03,570 --> 00:56:05,903 Don't let the player know what the computer is thinking. 1359 00:56:05,903 --> 00:56:07,600 The computer only displays information. 1360 00:56:07,600 --> 00:56:09,630 You do not reveal how the computer 1361 00:56:09,630 --> 00:56:12,922 is coming to those conclusions. 1362 00:56:12,922 --> 00:56:14,880 There are a couple of other kinds of prototypes 1363 00:56:14,880 --> 00:56:15,660 that you could design. 1364 00:56:15,660 --> 00:56:18,076 I'm going to run through them very quickly, because that's 1365 00:56:18,076 --> 00:56:20,740 not what happens in this class. 1366 00:56:20,740 --> 00:56:23,520 Player versus player, what you'd expect in a board 1367 00:56:23,520 --> 00:56:25,440 game or a card game situation. 1368 00:56:25,440 --> 00:56:26,850 We have a class just for that. 1369 00:56:26,850 --> 00:56:30,124 And you can make cooperative games, competitive games. 1370 00:56:30,124 --> 00:56:31,540 You can make games where everybody 1371 00:56:31,540 --> 00:56:34,100 has the same role, a symmetric game, or asymmetric game where 1372 00:56:34,100 --> 00:56:35,927 everyone has different roles. 1373 00:56:35,927 --> 00:56:37,510 The problem about that is that there's 1374 00:56:37,510 --> 00:56:40,000 a lot of loose miscommunication happening 1375 00:56:40,000 --> 00:56:42,370 between the people who are actually playing your game. 1376 00:56:42,370 --> 00:56:44,200 And they may decide on a house rule 1377 00:56:44,200 --> 00:56:45,840 that was totally not what you intended 1378 00:56:45,840 --> 00:56:48,240 or designed as developers. 1379 00:56:48,240 --> 00:56:49,680 And that turns out to be the rule 1380 00:56:49,680 --> 00:56:50,690 that you end up playing with. 1381 00:56:50,690 --> 00:56:52,160 Again, what I like to do is I like 1382 00:56:52,160 --> 00:56:53,676 to see them play through that rule. 1383 00:56:53,676 --> 00:56:55,550 Then, at the end of the game, I correct them, 1384 00:56:55,550 --> 00:56:56,920 and I have them play through the rule 1385 00:56:56,920 --> 00:56:58,870 that I originally designed, because sometimes, 1386 00:56:58,870 --> 00:57:01,327 the rule that they came up with is better. 1387 00:57:01,327 --> 00:57:03,410 The facilitator, again, helps to explain the rules 1388 00:57:03,410 --> 00:57:04,680 at the beginning of the game. 1389 00:57:04,680 --> 00:57:07,670 And then you kind of just watch after that. 1390 00:57:07,670 --> 00:57:10,190 It's hard to get consistent results across tests 1391 00:57:10,190 --> 00:57:11,770 when you're doing a multiplayer game, 1392 00:57:11,770 --> 00:57:13,660 because it's very hard to duplicate 1393 00:57:13,660 --> 00:57:15,070 exactly the same situation. 1394 00:57:15,070 --> 00:57:16,820 Whereas, you can do that on a Wizard of Oz 1395 00:57:16,820 --> 00:57:18,384 test pretty easily. 1396 00:57:18,384 --> 00:57:20,050 But if you're making a multiplayer game, 1397 00:57:20,050 --> 00:57:22,090 you have to do a multiplayer test. 1398 00:57:22,090 --> 00:57:24,020 So this might actually happen-- actually, 1399 00:57:24,020 --> 00:57:26,162 are we saying that you can only do single player 1400 00:57:26,162 --> 00:57:26,995 games this semester? 1401 00:57:30,170 --> 00:57:32,650 I'm not quite sure what the constraint is. 1402 00:57:36,200 --> 00:57:39,010 You can also do live action, not for today. 1403 00:57:39,010 --> 00:57:42,319 But I actually enjoy these where you actually 1404 00:57:42,319 --> 00:57:44,860 have predetermined rules that are explained between the game. 1405 00:57:44,860 --> 00:57:46,820 And then you just let real human beings 1406 00:57:46,820 --> 00:57:49,849 walk around and do stuff. 1407 00:57:49,849 --> 00:57:52,390 The problem with this is there's a very limited communication 1408 00:57:52,390 --> 00:57:55,070 between people who are playing a game or even the people who 1409 00:57:55,070 --> 00:57:58,740 are running the game, because everyone's kind of physically 1410 00:57:58,740 --> 00:57:59,970 spread out. 1411 00:57:59,970 --> 00:58:03,157 But it can be really useful for a game, 1412 00:58:03,157 --> 00:58:05,240 if your game is really about a human being walking 1413 00:58:05,240 --> 00:58:07,335 through a space, such like a stealth game 1414 00:58:07,335 --> 00:58:08,449 or something like that. 1415 00:58:08,449 --> 00:58:10,490 Yes, that's actually a person in that U-Haul box. 1416 00:58:13,454 --> 00:58:14,940 All right. 1417 00:58:14,940 --> 00:58:17,440 So when you're actually making your prototype, 1418 00:58:17,440 --> 00:58:19,440 here are the things that you have 1419 00:58:19,440 --> 00:58:22,680 to make sure you do for every single prototype. 1420 00:58:22,680 --> 00:58:26,790 Keep it hand-drawn, because hand-drawing is fast. 1421 00:58:26,790 --> 00:58:28,540 You want to keep it really, really sketchy 1422 00:58:28,540 --> 00:58:30,620 and look really sketchy and rough, again, 1423 00:58:30,620 --> 00:58:33,981 because that actually gets you feedback from the people who 1424 00:58:33,981 --> 00:58:34,480 are testing. 1425 00:58:34,480 --> 00:58:36,180 You make it look too pretty, people 1426 00:58:36,180 --> 00:58:38,940 are going to hesitate on commenting on how 1427 00:58:38,940 --> 00:58:40,330 your game looks, for instance. 1428 00:58:40,330 --> 00:58:42,510 Or they may actually hesitate on commenting 1429 00:58:42,510 --> 00:58:46,354 on how your game works, even though that may not 1430 00:58:46,354 --> 00:58:47,770 be the prettiest part of the game, 1431 00:58:47,770 --> 00:58:50,590 because they can tell you spent a lot of time on this game. 1432 00:58:50,590 --> 00:58:52,570 Again, you want it to be big. 1433 00:58:52,570 --> 00:58:55,350 Everyone needs to be able to see what's going on during testing. 1434 00:58:55,350 --> 00:58:59,660 And just use one dark color, if you can for your inks, 1435 00:58:59,660 --> 00:59:01,430 for your markers. 1436 00:59:01,430 --> 00:59:03,980 It needs to be dark, high-contrast, 1437 00:59:03,980 --> 00:59:07,630 so that everyone can read it easily. 1438 00:59:07,630 --> 00:59:10,580 You can use different color cards, for instance, 1439 00:59:10,580 --> 00:59:13,150 to be able to tell this card is a different kind of card 1440 00:59:13,150 --> 00:59:16,360 from that card, but don't use multiple colors 1441 00:59:16,360 --> 00:59:17,130 on the same card. 1442 00:59:17,130 --> 00:59:18,772 That's just not worth the effort. 1443 00:59:18,772 --> 00:59:20,480 And again, it gives people the impression 1444 00:59:20,480 --> 00:59:22,980 that you spent a lot of time on this prototype. 1445 00:59:22,980 --> 00:59:25,110 And even if you have, you don't want 1446 00:59:25,110 --> 00:59:28,600 to give them that impression. 1447 00:59:28,600 --> 00:59:29,900 You write your rules on cards. 1448 00:59:29,900 --> 00:59:31,929 So keep track of your rules. 1449 00:59:31,929 --> 00:59:33,970 Eventually, you're going to end up typing it down 1450 00:59:33,970 --> 00:59:36,950 on your laptop, because that'll make it easier for you to turn 1451 00:59:36,950 --> 00:59:39,070 in your work for Project 1. 1452 00:59:39,070 --> 00:59:41,132 But while you're working on a prototype, 1453 00:59:41,132 --> 00:59:42,590 try writing your rules on the cards 1454 00:59:42,590 --> 00:59:44,465 instead, because that allows you to do things 1455 00:59:44,465 --> 00:59:49,300 like rearrange the steps in which certain rules operate. 1456 00:59:49,300 --> 00:59:53,050 It allows you to change out a rule really easily, 1457 00:59:53,050 --> 00:59:54,575 while keeping the old rule around. 1458 00:59:54,575 --> 00:59:56,200 And you can just swap things in and you 1459 00:59:56,200 --> 00:59:58,120 can try things differently. 1460 00:59:58,120 --> 01:00:00,490 Every time you change a rule, change the card. 1461 01:00:00,490 --> 01:00:03,680 If you are changing the number of rules, instead of taking, 1462 01:00:03,680 --> 01:00:05,182 say, take three steps every turn, 1463 01:00:05,182 --> 01:00:07,640 you say take two steps every turn, just cross out the three 1464 01:00:07,640 --> 01:00:09,700 and write two in there. 1465 01:00:09,700 --> 01:00:12,280 Now, periodically take photos with your phone cameras. 1466 01:00:12,280 --> 01:00:13,690 And always try to simplify. 1467 01:00:13,690 --> 01:00:16,270 Always try to get down to the smallest 1468 01:00:16,270 --> 01:00:20,010 set of rules that is necessary for you to test your idea. 1469 01:00:20,010 --> 01:00:22,140 Part of that is just to speed up testing. 1470 01:00:22,140 --> 01:00:23,850 You're going to test within your team 1471 01:00:23,850 --> 01:00:26,780 first, just to be able to see whether this basic mechanism 1472 01:00:26,780 --> 01:00:27,280 works. 1473 01:00:27,280 --> 01:00:30,360 And eventually, you're going to end up testing with each other. 1474 01:00:30,360 --> 01:00:33,792 And the simpler your rules, the less time 1475 01:00:33,792 --> 01:00:35,500 it is to be able to start a new playtest, 1476 01:00:35,500 --> 01:00:37,130 because there's less for you to explain 1477 01:00:37,130 --> 01:00:41,060 to somebody else who's never seen your game before. 1478 01:00:41,060 --> 01:00:43,275 So try to get your rules to be as simple as possible. 1479 01:00:46,444 --> 01:00:48,360 Also, if you have too many rules and something 1480 01:00:48,360 --> 01:00:50,120 breaks in your game, it's sometimes harder 1481 01:00:50,120 --> 01:00:53,074 to figure out which rule was the culprit. 1482 01:00:53,074 --> 01:00:55,490 If you have fewer rules, it's usually more obvious for you 1483 01:00:55,490 --> 01:00:58,010 to spot. 1484 01:00:58,010 --> 01:01:00,190 Now, we talked about iterative design a lot. 1485 01:01:00,190 --> 01:01:03,070 And this is basically the loop that we're using 1486 01:01:03,070 --> 01:01:06,200 while we are paper prototyping. 1487 01:01:06,200 --> 01:01:09,390 You start with a question, a falsifiable question, 1488 01:01:09,390 --> 01:01:11,370 a yes/no question. 1489 01:01:11,370 --> 01:01:16,630 And what is this prototype going to achieve? 1490 01:01:16,630 --> 01:01:20,600 Maybe in this particular case it's going to be, 1491 01:01:20,600 --> 01:01:24,690 does this theme that we picked actually have randomness in it 1492 01:01:24,690 --> 01:01:25,980 that you can plan for? 1493 01:01:25,980 --> 01:01:28,540 Or is it the randomness so random to the point 1494 01:01:28,540 --> 01:01:30,390 where you can't plan for it? 1495 01:01:30,390 --> 01:01:33,010 Or is it really just very deterministic, and when 1496 01:01:33,010 --> 01:01:35,840 you play the game, you can really tell, yeah, here's 1497 01:01:35,840 --> 01:01:39,420 the optimal solution? 1498 01:01:39,420 --> 01:01:42,690 You can look at axiomatic design-- 1499 01:01:42,690 --> 01:01:44,330 anyone heard of this term? 1500 01:01:44,330 --> 01:01:48,180 [? Mackee, ?] in particular, uses this a lot-- 1501 01:01:48,180 --> 01:01:50,500 which is, basically, you establish axioms, 1502 01:01:50,500 --> 01:01:52,520 which are things that you are taking to be true, 1503 01:01:52,520 --> 01:01:55,470 a baseline that need to be fulfilled 1504 01:01:55,470 --> 01:01:57,230 by any workable design. 1505 01:01:57,230 --> 01:02:01,490 So it could be we assume that this game needs 1506 01:02:01,490 --> 01:02:05,750 to have some sort of random condition 1507 01:02:05,750 --> 01:02:09,570 that's generated that changes during the game. 1508 01:02:09,570 --> 01:02:13,630 And we need the player to identify 1509 01:02:13,630 --> 01:02:17,310 that this number is changing and anticipate where 1510 01:02:17,310 --> 01:02:19,410 that number might end up going. 1511 01:02:19,410 --> 01:02:21,540 And if your prototype fulfills both of them, 1512 01:02:21,540 --> 01:02:23,152 then you know that prototype worked. 1513 01:02:23,152 --> 01:02:25,110 And you can build a lot of different prototypes 1514 01:02:25,110 --> 01:02:26,734 that fulfill those same two conditions. 1515 01:02:26,734 --> 01:02:30,960 That's another way to start with a question. 1516 01:02:30,960 --> 01:02:33,570 And then you actually start designing, grabbing 1517 01:02:33,570 --> 01:02:36,860 those pieces of paper, writing out your rules on cards, 1518 01:02:36,860 --> 01:02:39,790 brainstorming on what your game's all about. 1519 01:02:39,790 --> 01:02:42,170 But you want to do this as quickly as possible. 1520 01:02:42,170 --> 01:02:44,410 The less time you can spend talking 1521 01:02:44,410 --> 01:02:46,896 about this, the more different kinds of ideas 1522 01:02:46,896 --> 01:02:48,520 you're going to be able to run through. 1523 01:02:48,520 --> 01:02:52,480 And that's what we're trying to do during a prototyping 1524 01:02:52,480 --> 01:02:53,380 process. 1525 01:02:53,380 --> 01:02:56,480 If you're ever in a situation where 1526 01:02:56,480 --> 01:02:58,897 you've got two different options, this might be better, 1527 01:02:58,897 --> 01:03:00,480 or this might be better, or you're not 1528 01:03:00,480 --> 01:03:04,560 quite sure, it's usually faster in paper 1529 01:03:04,560 --> 01:03:07,910 prototyping to just start making both prototypes, you know? 1530 01:03:07,910 --> 01:03:11,070 All right, you do this version, you do this version. 1531 01:03:11,070 --> 01:03:13,650 Generate the cards, play through both of them. 1532 01:03:13,650 --> 01:03:17,942 And you'll get actual evidence, actual playtesting evidence 1533 01:03:17,942 --> 01:03:19,400 on which idea seems to work better. 1534 01:03:21,950 --> 01:03:24,110 After you design, you play through it. 1535 01:03:24,110 --> 01:03:25,610 First within your team, and then you 1536 01:03:25,610 --> 01:03:27,395 grab somebody from some other team, 1537 01:03:27,395 --> 01:03:28,670 or one of the instructors. 1538 01:03:28,670 --> 01:03:32,580 And we'll sit down and we'll play a game and see where 1539 01:03:32,580 --> 01:03:35,410 the strength in this design, where are the weaknesses. 1540 01:03:35,410 --> 01:03:36,910 Whatever you design within an hour 1541 01:03:36,910 --> 01:03:41,326 is going to be clunky and broken and really, really not 1542 01:03:41,326 --> 01:03:42,450 quite where you want to be. 1543 01:03:42,450 --> 01:03:43,600 That's find. 1544 01:03:43,600 --> 01:03:45,590 Do a playtest with that expectation 1545 01:03:45,590 --> 01:03:47,480 that there are going to be problems. 1546 01:03:47,480 --> 01:03:49,160 And you'll get a lot more information 1547 01:03:49,160 --> 01:03:52,930 out of that playtest than you will working on your own. 1548 01:03:52,930 --> 01:03:54,590 And then you use that information 1549 01:03:54,590 --> 01:03:55,950 to revise your design. 1550 01:03:55,950 --> 01:03:59,640 Make changes, and then you repeat this entire process 1551 01:03:59,640 --> 01:04:00,550 again. 1552 01:04:00,550 --> 01:04:03,160 Either you amplify it on the strengths, 1553 01:04:03,160 --> 01:04:05,380 you figure out what your weaknesses are 1554 01:04:05,380 --> 01:04:08,260 and you make big changes. 1555 01:04:08,260 --> 01:04:10,170 So you repeat that. 1556 01:04:10,170 --> 01:04:14,460 And here are a couple of tricks that can work, sometimes, 1557 01:04:14,460 --> 01:04:17,600 if you have trouble figuring out what sort of changes 1558 01:04:17,600 --> 01:04:19,490 to make in your design. 1559 01:04:19,490 --> 01:04:22,680 Killing a rule, just like taking a rule out 1560 01:04:22,680 --> 01:04:25,750 sometimes fixes problems more than trying to fix the rule 1561 01:04:25,750 --> 01:04:26,862 itself. 1562 01:04:26,862 --> 01:04:28,570 A certain thing is bogging down the game, 1563 01:04:28,570 --> 01:04:30,650 a certain thing is too confusing. 1564 01:04:30,650 --> 01:04:33,300 Just does the game work if you just take that rule out? 1565 01:04:33,300 --> 01:04:36,250 Sometimes it does. 1566 01:04:36,250 --> 01:04:38,400 You can make a resource that's limited, unlimited, 1567 01:04:38,400 --> 01:04:41,020 or make an unlimited resource limited, 1568 01:04:41,020 --> 01:04:47,170 limited health, unlimited health, limited ammunition, 1569 01:04:47,170 --> 01:04:49,500 money. 1570 01:04:49,500 --> 01:04:53,660 Player interference is more for multiplayer games where, 1571 01:04:53,660 --> 01:04:57,710 sometimes, if everybody is playing their own little solo 1572 01:04:57,710 --> 01:04:59,980 game and they're not interacting with each other, 1573 01:04:59,980 --> 01:05:03,010 you'd come up with ways to mess up each other's plans. 1574 01:05:03,010 --> 01:05:07,340 That doesn't always apply with single player games. 1575 01:05:07,340 --> 01:05:11,160 But if you've ever played a game like a role playing game 1576 01:05:11,160 --> 01:05:15,550 where you can delay an enemy. 1577 01:05:15,550 --> 01:05:18,870 Has anyone seen one of those where 1578 01:05:18,870 --> 01:05:22,719 you can like cast slow or something on an enemy, 1579 01:05:22,719 --> 01:05:25,260 and then they can't attack you for another turn or something. 1580 01:05:25,260 --> 01:05:26,810 That's player interference, right? 1581 01:05:26,810 --> 01:05:28,660 Only the player that you're interfering with 1582 01:05:28,660 --> 01:05:31,170 happens to be the computer. 1583 01:05:31,170 --> 01:05:36,015 What can you do to basically get into somebody else's plan 1584 01:05:36,015 --> 01:05:37,410 and change it? 1585 01:05:37,410 --> 01:05:40,950 And the computer can have those rules too. 1586 01:05:40,950 --> 01:05:42,320 Mess with the play order. 1587 01:05:42,320 --> 01:05:43,930 Mess with the order of your rules. 1588 01:05:43,930 --> 01:05:45,610 Just try rearranging the order of rules. 1589 01:05:45,610 --> 01:05:48,700 And sometimes by grouping things into logical chunks, 1590 01:05:48,700 --> 01:05:50,646 it can make the game easier to understand. 1591 01:05:50,646 --> 01:05:52,770 Instead of saying, first, you decide whether you're 1592 01:05:52,770 --> 01:05:53,610 going to do this. 1593 01:05:53,610 --> 01:05:55,420 Then you decide whether you're going to do this. 1594 01:05:55,420 --> 01:05:57,378 Then you're going to decide whether to do this. 1595 01:05:57,378 --> 01:06:03,270 Maybe you just say, make two of these three decisions, right? 1596 01:06:03,270 --> 01:06:07,220 And every turn, you get two out of these three. 1597 01:06:07,220 --> 01:06:08,900 Make them any order you want. 1598 01:06:08,900 --> 01:06:11,410 That's a way that you mess up play order. 1599 01:06:11,410 --> 01:06:13,420 If you're going to change variables, 1600 01:06:13,420 --> 01:06:15,460 either multiply or divide them by two. 1601 01:06:15,460 --> 01:06:19,610 There is not enough granularity in the prototypes 1602 01:06:19,610 --> 01:06:23,710 that you're making today to do like a 10% change 1603 01:06:23,710 --> 01:06:25,219 in a certain variable and then be 1604 01:06:25,219 --> 01:06:27,510 able to detect whether that change was the right change 1605 01:06:27,510 --> 01:06:28,010 or not. 1606 01:06:28,010 --> 01:06:30,770 That's not going be obvious enough. 1607 01:06:30,770 --> 01:06:34,069 Do like big multiples of two, of three, 1608 01:06:34,069 --> 01:06:36,610 to be able to see whether that's the change that's necessary. 1609 01:06:36,610 --> 01:06:39,150 You can tune things later when you 1610 01:06:39,150 --> 01:06:42,570 are preparing the project for the playtest on Wednesday, 1611 01:06:42,570 --> 01:06:43,630 for instance. 1612 01:06:43,630 --> 01:06:49,290 But when you're in this class, do things by big multiples. 1613 01:06:49,290 --> 01:06:50,940 If your game's really, really, really 1614 01:06:50,940 --> 01:06:53,910 kind of getting bogged down and taking too long to play, 1615 01:06:53,910 --> 01:06:55,880 try to get down to the core set of rules, 1616 01:06:55,880 --> 01:06:57,650 the minimum set of rules that's necessary 1617 01:06:57,650 --> 01:07:00,100 even just for your game to work. 1618 01:07:00,100 --> 01:07:02,240 Just for the game to run at all, try 1619 01:07:02,240 --> 01:07:05,530 to figure out what that core is, the minimum set of rules. 1620 01:07:05,530 --> 01:07:08,080 And then you add in each rule, one by one. 1621 01:07:08,080 --> 01:07:10,370 Reconstruct your game. 1622 01:07:10,370 --> 01:07:12,880 That's one way to identify where the main problems are 1623 01:07:12,880 --> 01:07:16,620 in your game because, as you add the problematic rule, 1624 01:07:16,620 --> 01:07:19,160 things start to break. 1625 01:07:19,160 --> 01:07:22,230 And finally, be willing to just throw away everything 1626 01:07:22,230 --> 01:07:24,820 that you generate in the next hour, OK? 1627 01:07:24,820 --> 01:07:27,150 Anything that you make in the next hour 1628 01:07:27,150 --> 01:07:28,880 might, in fact, just be terrible. 1629 01:07:28,880 --> 01:07:30,500 And you're going to learn that. 1630 01:07:30,500 --> 01:07:31,680 And that's fine. 1631 01:07:31,680 --> 01:07:33,138 That's why we're making prototypes, 1632 01:07:33,138 --> 01:07:34,680 so that they can be disposable. 1633 01:07:34,680 --> 01:07:37,510 That's how I started this talk. 1634 01:07:37,510 --> 01:07:39,801 So any questions before we actually start making stuff? 1635 01:07:45,580 --> 01:07:47,060 Coming up with rules? 1636 01:07:47,060 --> 01:07:50,010 You're going to grab pieces and create 1637 01:07:50,010 --> 01:07:53,610 some sort of a play surface or cards 1638 01:07:53,610 --> 01:07:55,460 that people are going to play with. 1639 01:07:55,460 --> 01:07:59,470 You don't need to put anything on a board. 1640 01:07:59,470 --> 01:08:02,390 And before everybody runs down and grabs things, 1641 01:08:02,390 --> 01:08:05,440 I guess we're going to go back and remind people what 1642 01:08:05,440 --> 01:08:08,169 a low-fidelity prototype is. 1643 01:08:08,169 --> 01:08:16,153 [SIDE CONVERSATIONS] 1644 01:08:16,153 --> 01:08:18,320 PROFESSOR: --terrible as long as you're aware of it. 1645 01:08:18,320 --> 01:08:20,736 AUDIENCE: I thought I replaced it with a stacking counter, 1646 01:08:20,736 --> 01:08:22,141 so I guess it didn't work. 1647 01:08:22,141 --> 01:08:29,640 [SIDE CONVERSATIONS] 1648 01:08:29,640 --> 01:08:32,140 [? ANDREW GRANT: All right. ?] So we just have a couple more 1649 01:08:32,140 --> 01:08:34,250 minutes left of class. 1650 01:08:34,250 --> 01:08:36,689 A couple of things to remember before you leave. 1651 01:08:36,689 --> 01:08:39,640 Take pictures of all of your brainstorming notes. 1652 01:08:39,640 --> 01:08:43,069 And keep your notes with you, so take them away with you. 1653 01:08:43,069 --> 01:08:46,470 Make sure everyone on your team can access those notes. 1654 01:08:46,470 --> 01:08:49,020 Make sure you know the email addresses of the people 1655 01:08:49,020 --> 01:08:52,550 you're on your team with, so you can talk them again. 1656 01:08:52,550 --> 01:08:56,069 And before you leave the classroom today, 1657 01:08:56,069 --> 01:09:00,020 start up a document and enter your change log. 1658 01:09:00,020 --> 01:09:04,117 So put in what you designed today 1659 01:09:04,117 --> 01:09:06,200 and what problems you found by the end of the day. 1660 01:09:08,970 --> 01:09:10,950 So I'm going to repeat that one last time. 1661 01:09:10,950 --> 01:09:16,350 Before you leave class today, start up a document, 1662 01:09:16,350 --> 01:09:19,560 open it up, and start up your new design change log. 1663 01:09:19,560 --> 01:09:20,790 Put the date. 1664 01:09:20,790 --> 01:09:22,990 Put what you did today, so a brief, two 1665 01:09:22,990 --> 01:09:26,590 or three-sentence description of what you designed today 1666 01:09:26,590 --> 01:09:29,460 and what are the problems you're facing now. 1667 01:09:29,460 --> 01:09:32,660 That'll be important to you both for when you meet as a team 1668 01:09:32,660 --> 01:09:35,300 again to remember what you did, but also later 1669 01:09:35,300 --> 01:09:38,689 on to have a full history of everything that you've done. 1670 01:09:38,689 --> 01:09:40,840 OK? 1671 01:09:40,840 --> 01:09:41,560 One more thing. 1672 01:09:41,560 --> 01:09:42,210 Yes? 1673 01:09:42,210 --> 01:09:44,120 SARA VERRILLI: One more thing. 1674 01:09:44,120 --> 01:09:44,620 Tomorrow-- 1675 01:09:44,620 --> 01:09:45,090 [? ANDREW GRANT: Wednesday. ?] 1676 01:09:45,090 --> 01:09:45,787 SARA VERRILLI: Wednesday, rather, we 1677 01:09:45,787 --> 01:09:47,415 are going to have playtests. 1678 01:09:47,415 --> 01:09:50,270 We're going to be playtesting all the prototypes. 1679 01:09:50,270 --> 01:09:54,449 So you need a playable prototype for Wednesday, 3 o'clock. 1680 01:09:54,449 --> 01:09:56,240 [? ANDREW GRANT: And ?] then we're starting 1681 01:09:56,240 --> 01:09:59,320 Wednesday's class off with discussions about the gaming 1682 01:09:59,320 --> 01:10:02,600 tutorial, so bring your problems, 1683 01:10:02,600 --> 01:10:05,300 bring your questions about the engines that you were assigned. 1684 01:10:05,300 --> 01:10:07,650 And we'll talk about them. 1685 01:10:07,650 --> 01:10:08,150 All right. 1686 01:10:08,150 --> 01:10:10,020 See you Wednesday.