1 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:02,500 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:04,019 Commons license. 3 00:00:04,019 --> 00:00:06,360 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:10,730 continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,730 --> 00:00:13,330 To make a donation or view additional materials 6 00:00:13,330 --> 00:00:17,236 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:17,236 --> 00:00:17,861 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:20,770 --> 00:00:21,520 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 9 00:00:21,520 --> 00:00:26,480 So the way to this day is going to be set up 10 00:00:26,480 --> 00:00:32,090 is we've got one hour to go Philip, me, and Drew. 11 00:00:32,090 --> 00:00:33,910 We'll go to each team, and we're just 12 00:00:33,910 --> 00:00:36,940 going to talk with each team about your updated vision 13 00:00:36,940 --> 00:00:40,064 statement-- you should have one by now-- 14 00:00:40,064 --> 00:00:41,730 your product backlog you just turned in, 15 00:00:41,730 --> 00:00:44,001 and your sprint tasklist you just turned in. 16 00:00:44,001 --> 00:00:45,500 The main thing we want to talk about 17 00:00:45,500 --> 00:00:47,680 is just some more detailed discussion 18 00:00:47,680 --> 00:00:50,000 based on the presentations you gave, as well. 19 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:52,930 So what are you doing over the next week and a half? 20 00:00:52,930 --> 00:00:55,820 What do we think the biggest issues are? 21 00:00:55,820 --> 00:00:59,210 What are your plans for Thanksgiving, and not working 22 00:00:59,210 --> 00:01:02,710 during Thanksgiving, hopefully? 23 00:01:02,710 --> 00:01:06,490 And we'll go in that order-- so Heat Wave, Hello Wave, Snap, 24 00:01:06,490 --> 00:01:09,050 Cholera, and Awesome Cholera. 25 00:01:09,050 --> 00:01:11,440 It should only take about five to 10 minutes per team, 26 00:01:11,440 --> 00:01:13,970 unless you have more questions. 27 00:01:13,970 --> 00:01:19,480 And then after that, you are free to depart or work 28 00:01:19,480 --> 00:01:20,080 in class. 29 00:01:20,080 --> 00:01:23,110 We've got the room until 4:00, as well. 30 00:01:23,110 --> 00:01:26,010 Before we do that, Phillip had some generalized feedback 31 00:01:26,010 --> 00:01:26,760 he wanted to give. 32 00:01:26,760 --> 00:01:29,220 PHILLIP TAN: So after looking through all 33 00:01:29,220 --> 00:01:33,745 of the state of the projects in terms of the deliverables 34 00:01:33,745 --> 00:01:36,070 that you handed us, when we looked through the product 35 00:01:36,070 --> 00:01:38,390 backlogs, we noticed something fairly consistent 36 00:01:38,390 --> 00:01:39,870 among all the teams. 37 00:01:39,870 --> 00:01:43,390 And that was you know how you have these columns, right? 38 00:01:43,390 --> 00:01:45,370 You have your serial number, your item number 39 00:01:45,370 --> 00:01:47,790 of your task, the description of the task, 40 00:01:47,790 --> 00:01:51,665 usually who it's assigned to, and then a priority list. 41 00:01:51,665 --> 00:01:53,206 Well, first of all, everybody sent us 42 00:01:53,206 --> 00:01:57,470 this list sorted by serial number rather than my priority 43 00:01:57,470 --> 00:01:58,160 list. 44 00:01:58,160 --> 00:02:00,720 That's not so bad, because we can always just 45 00:02:00,720 --> 00:02:02,280 resort it ourselves. 46 00:02:02,280 --> 00:02:05,000 The problem was that the priorities was something 47 00:02:05,000 --> 00:02:08,160 like, task one was priority one. 48 00:02:08,160 --> 00:02:09,550 Task two was priority one. 49 00:02:09,550 --> 00:02:10,870 Task three was priority one. 50 00:02:10,870 --> 00:02:12,520 Task four was priority one. 51 00:02:12,520 --> 00:02:14,405 Task five was priority two. 52 00:02:14,405 --> 00:02:17,030 And then it goes, two, two, two, two, two, three, three, three, 53 00:02:17,030 --> 00:02:17,730 three, three. 54 00:02:17,730 --> 00:02:22,810 And that-- if you get granular enough, that might be fine. 55 00:02:22,810 --> 00:02:24,630 But I'm a little bit worried that's 56 00:02:24,630 --> 00:02:26,190 not quite granular enough when it 57 00:02:26,190 --> 00:02:27,670 comes to your priority levels. 58 00:02:27,670 --> 00:02:30,150 Everybody seems to have about three to four levels 59 00:02:30,150 --> 00:02:31,170 of priority. 60 00:02:31,170 --> 00:02:34,240 And you get these huge swaths of tasks 61 00:02:34,240 --> 00:02:36,081 that all have the same priority. 62 00:02:36,081 --> 00:02:38,330 So you don't actually know which one's more important. 63 00:02:38,330 --> 00:02:40,180 Now, you might be thinking, well, 64 00:02:40,180 --> 00:02:42,110 they're all assigned to different people. 65 00:02:42,110 --> 00:02:47,130 So for everybody who has a set of tasks, 66 00:02:47,130 --> 00:02:48,830 they have a priority one task and they 67 00:02:48,830 --> 00:02:50,913 know what they're supposed to be doing right away. 68 00:02:50,913 --> 00:02:53,170 And that's true for the individual. 69 00:02:53,170 --> 00:02:56,740 The problem is that if you've got-- 70 00:02:56,740 --> 00:02:59,750 I'm just going to bring this up. 71 00:02:59,750 --> 00:03:00,590 If you've got-- OK. 72 00:03:00,590 --> 00:03:02,916 So say this-- what the? 73 00:03:02,916 --> 00:03:05,010 Oh, here we go. 74 00:03:05,010 --> 00:03:07,490 Say this is your product backlog, 75 00:03:07,490 --> 00:03:09,890 and you've got a chunk of priority one tasks, 76 00:03:09,890 --> 00:03:14,920 priority two tasks, priority three tasks. 77 00:03:14,920 --> 00:03:18,410 And each one of these tasks have been assigned 78 00:03:18,410 --> 00:03:21,540 to some individual person. 79 00:03:21,540 --> 00:03:24,260 Maybe you've got something like all your priority 80 00:03:24,260 --> 00:03:26,720 one stuff done. 81 00:03:26,720 --> 00:03:27,554 All that is cleared. 82 00:03:27,554 --> 00:03:29,178 All the most important things got done. 83 00:03:29,178 --> 00:03:29,679 We are fine. 84 00:03:29,679 --> 00:03:32,219 So now you're somewhere dealing with all of your priority two 85 00:03:32,219 --> 00:03:32,820 tasks. 86 00:03:32,820 --> 00:03:34,127 And some of them are done. 87 00:03:34,127 --> 00:03:35,210 Some of them are not done. 88 00:03:35,210 --> 00:03:37,293 Hopefully you're finishing off a priority two task 89 00:03:37,293 --> 00:03:40,320 before you get to your priority three tasks. 90 00:03:40,320 --> 00:03:43,060 And so this is person A, this is person B, 91 00:03:43,060 --> 00:03:46,017 this is person C. And person C's done their job. 92 00:03:46,017 --> 00:03:47,100 Person B's done their job. 93 00:03:47,100 --> 00:03:49,650 And person A's still working on it. 94 00:03:49,650 --> 00:03:52,922 How complete is your game, actually? 95 00:03:52,922 --> 00:04:01,260 Your game's only as complete as person A 96 00:04:01,260 --> 00:04:03,730 is capable of finishing their task. 97 00:04:03,730 --> 00:04:07,170 So if you've got like a giant list of priorities-- 98 00:04:07,170 --> 00:04:09,580 if I were to take this list of priority one, priority 99 00:04:09,580 --> 00:04:12,950 two, priority three and forced sat you down and went 100 00:04:12,950 --> 00:04:15,380 through the arduous process of actually giving 101 00:04:15,380 --> 00:04:18,608 each individual task a separate priority number 102 00:04:18,608 --> 00:04:20,649 so that you could actually solve it and rank it-- 103 00:04:20,649 --> 00:04:21,779 I'm going to do that. 104 00:04:21,779 --> 00:04:23,695 Because I know it takes a heck of a long time. 105 00:04:23,695 --> 00:04:27,490 But if I were to do that, what you'll find most likely 106 00:04:27,490 --> 00:04:33,720 is that you've got a bunch of tasks that are done. 107 00:04:33,720 --> 00:04:39,130 You have an undone task, a bunch of tasks that are done, 108 00:04:39,130 --> 00:04:43,450 an undone task, and then some stuff done, and a whole bunch 109 00:04:43,450 --> 00:04:44,560 of undone tasks. 110 00:04:44,560 --> 00:04:47,200 And the game's only this done. 111 00:04:47,200 --> 00:04:48,780 You are not here. 112 00:04:48,780 --> 00:04:49,610 You are not here. 113 00:04:49,610 --> 00:04:51,520 You are here. 114 00:04:51,520 --> 00:04:54,220 And you need to be able to see that as a team. 115 00:04:54,220 --> 00:04:56,250 You need to be able to actually see, 116 00:04:56,250 --> 00:04:59,710 what is the highest, most important thing that's 117 00:04:59,710 --> 00:05:01,580 still not completed? 118 00:05:01,580 --> 00:05:03,530 Right now, at the level of granularity 119 00:05:03,530 --> 00:05:05,980 that we're looking at all of your product backlogs, 120 00:05:05,980 --> 00:05:08,490 all of your product backlogs don't quite 121 00:05:08,490 --> 00:05:10,090 have that level of granularity. 122 00:05:10,090 --> 00:05:12,195 But, it is possible that in your head, 123 00:05:12,195 --> 00:05:14,070 you actually have that level of granularity-- 124 00:05:14,070 --> 00:05:17,500 that you actually know in your team what that highest 125 00:05:17,500 --> 00:05:20,382 level undone task is, even though they all 126 00:05:20,382 --> 00:05:21,340 have the same priority. 127 00:05:21,340 --> 00:05:24,220 They're all priority two tasks, or something like that. 128 00:05:24,220 --> 00:05:29,950 So something that will be useful before you depart class today 129 00:05:29,950 --> 00:05:33,660 is to actually figure out-- off all of the things that 130 00:05:33,660 --> 00:05:35,820 are the highest priority and undone 131 00:05:35,820 --> 00:05:39,740 right now, what is really the most important thing? 132 00:05:39,740 --> 00:05:43,140 And who's responsible for that? 133 00:05:43,140 --> 00:05:46,410 In fact, all of your highest priority tasks 134 00:05:46,410 --> 00:05:48,670 should all be assigned to somebody. 135 00:05:48,670 --> 00:05:52,770 And you should have a good sense of what order of priority 136 00:05:52,770 --> 00:05:53,350 they are. 137 00:05:53,350 --> 00:05:56,112 Because not everybody who's been assigned a task 138 00:05:56,112 --> 00:05:58,070 is actually going to be able to complete a task 139 00:05:58,070 --> 00:06:00,510 before the next time you meet. 140 00:06:00,510 --> 00:06:03,640 And the next time when you meet, when you actually check in 141 00:06:03,640 --> 00:06:05,160 and you discover some tasks are done 142 00:06:05,160 --> 00:06:06,750 and some tasks haven't been done, 143 00:06:06,750 --> 00:06:09,780 you need to know how much progress your team actually 144 00:06:09,780 --> 00:06:13,330 made towards completion of the game. 145 00:06:13,330 --> 00:06:16,260 Otherwise, you may say, oh, we got five out of our six tasks-- 146 00:06:16,260 --> 00:06:19,010 only that one task that didn't get done 147 00:06:19,010 --> 00:06:21,910 turns out to be the most important thing, which 148 00:06:21,910 --> 00:06:25,550 means you actually haven't made enough progress on your game 149 00:06:25,550 --> 00:06:26,050 at all. 150 00:06:26,050 --> 00:06:27,940 And you need to know that so that you can actually 151 00:06:27,940 --> 00:06:30,530 start to cut features, scope down, and do all of the things 152 00:06:30,530 --> 00:06:36,080 that we talked about regarding crisis control for your team. 153 00:06:36,080 --> 00:06:38,580 So we'll talk a little bit more with each individual team 154 00:06:38,580 --> 00:06:39,162 about that. 155 00:06:39,162 --> 00:06:40,870 But that's a conversation that you should 156 00:06:40,870 --> 00:06:42,702 be having within your own team. 157 00:06:42,702 --> 00:06:44,660 Of all your highest priority tasks, which one's 158 00:06:44,660 --> 00:06:48,348 actually the highest priority? 159 00:06:48,348 --> 00:06:49,061 OK? 160 00:06:49,061 --> 00:06:50,102 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 161 00:06:50,102 --> 00:06:53,180 So take a minute just to meet up with your team, 162 00:06:53,180 --> 00:06:55,890 and we're going to go to Heat Wave in one minute. 163 00:06:55,890 --> 00:06:59,080 Also, make sure you've got a playable version of your game, 164 00:06:59,080 --> 00:07:01,210 because Drew would like to see it. 165 00:07:01,210 --> 00:07:03,490 He was not available for the presentations. 166 00:07:06,580 --> 00:07:08,920 Amelia wanted Drew to play, since he's 167 00:07:08,920 --> 00:07:11,203 played it during the play test. 168 00:07:11,203 --> 00:07:13,286 And there might have been some stuff that changed. 169 00:07:13,286 --> 00:07:14,262 ANDREW GRANT: Oh, excellent. 170 00:07:14,262 --> 00:07:15,238 That person's on fire. 171 00:07:15,238 --> 00:07:16,702 I like it already. 172 00:07:21,094 --> 00:07:25,886 People are dying, and you're asking me questions why? 173 00:07:25,886 --> 00:07:27,842 Seriously? 174 00:07:27,842 --> 00:07:30,287 You're dying, and I'm talking to you. 175 00:07:30,287 --> 00:07:32,721 Why are you talking back when you're dying? 176 00:07:32,721 --> 00:07:33,221 All right. 177 00:07:33,221 --> 00:07:35,670 Cool. 178 00:07:35,670 --> 00:07:37,820 PHILLIP TAN: So, I just want to be clear. 179 00:07:37,820 --> 00:07:40,165 Catching on fire is fainting? 180 00:07:40,165 --> 00:07:41,290 AUDIENCE: Equivalent, yeah. 181 00:07:41,290 --> 00:07:41,460 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah? 182 00:07:41,460 --> 00:07:41,740 OK. 183 00:07:41,740 --> 00:07:42,055 All right. 184 00:07:42,055 --> 00:07:42,806 AUDIENCE: It's a metaphor. 185 00:07:42,806 --> 00:07:45,014 AUDIENCE: It's meant to invoke an emotional response. 186 00:07:45,014 --> 00:07:45,782 PHILLIP TAN: Yes. 187 00:07:45,782 --> 00:07:46,907 ANDREW GRANT: It does that. 188 00:07:46,907 --> 00:07:47,766 Oh my god. 189 00:07:47,766 --> 00:07:48,758 They're all dying. 190 00:07:48,758 --> 00:07:50,742 [LAUGHTER] 191 00:07:50,742 --> 00:07:51,734 Hello. 192 00:07:51,734 --> 00:07:53,222 Go inside. 193 00:07:53,222 --> 00:07:54,210 No. 194 00:07:54,210 --> 00:07:54,710 OK. 195 00:07:54,710 --> 00:07:55,657 No. 196 00:07:55,657 --> 00:07:56,198 AUDIENCE: Ah. 197 00:07:56,198 --> 00:07:58,100 Something you should know is the dialog 198 00:07:58,100 --> 00:07:59,475 is just-- the back end's working, 199 00:07:59,475 --> 00:08:01,540 but we actually haven't put the content in yet. 200 00:08:01,540 --> 00:08:01,615 ANDREW GRANT: Sure. 201 00:08:01,615 --> 00:08:01,950 OK. 202 00:08:01,950 --> 00:08:03,495 AUDIENCE: The dialog will be much more educational and-- 203 00:08:03,495 --> 00:08:05,909 AUDIENCE: And have choices, which it currently doesn't. 204 00:08:05,909 --> 00:08:06,617 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 205 00:08:06,617 --> 00:08:08,164 Sure. 206 00:08:08,164 --> 00:08:10,068 AUDIENCE: You guys are going to want to-- 207 00:08:10,068 --> 00:08:11,496 AUDIENCE: So right now, we don't have an and condition, 208 00:08:11,496 --> 00:08:12,460 because the dialog is just-- 209 00:08:12,460 --> 00:08:14,126 ANDREW GRANT: Well, you eventually will. 210 00:08:14,126 --> 00:08:15,024 AUDIENCE: Yeah yeah. 211 00:08:15,024 --> 00:08:17,274 ANDREW GRANT: It's currently the Space Invadors style. 212 00:08:17,274 --> 00:08:20,271 You will eventually die and condition? 213 00:08:20,271 --> 00:08:21,702 AUDIENCE: Yes. 214 00:08:21,702 --> 00:08:22,660 ANDREW GRANT: OK, cool. 215 00:08:22,660 --> 00:08:27,197 RIK EBERHARDT: So I've got the old vision statement. 216 00:08:27,197 --> 00:08:28,655 Did you make a new version of that, 217 00:08:28,655 --> 00:08:30,170 and is that on Stellar right now? 218 00:08:30,170 --> 00:08:31,170 AUDIENCE: No, it is not. 219 00:08:31,170 --> 00:08:33,396 I didn't realize we needed it for today, because it wasn't 220 00:08:33,396 --> 00:08:33,950 on the homework assignments. 221 00:08:33,950 --> 00:08:35,280 RIK EBERHARDT: Oh, yeah, yeah. 222 00:08:35,280 --> 00:08:35,890 That's OK. 223 00:08:35,890 --> 00:08:37,044 Then just-- 224 00:08:37,044 --> 00:08:38,711 AUDIENCE: I'll redo it today. 225 00:08:38,711 --> 00:08:39,710 RIK EBERHARDT: OK, cool. 226 00:08:39,710 --> 00:08:41,330 Yeah, that's-- I should have put that on the thing. 227 00:08:41,330 --> 00:08:41,839 AUDIENCE: In therms of the task breakdown, 228 00:08:41,839 --> 00:08:43,370 its' actually pretty much the same. 229 00:08:43,370 --> 00:08:46,850 And the overall vision I haven't looked at in a while, 230 00:08:46,850 --> 00:08:49,007 but I think most of our goals are the same. 231 00:08:49,007 --> 00:08:49,840 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 232 00:08:49,840 --> 00:08:53,340 It actually looks pretty-- so, like, vaguely, 233 00:08:53,340 --> 00:08:55,710 when you're reading through the old 30 of game play, 234 00:08:55,710 --> 00:08:57,140 it feels like this game. 235 00:08:57,140 --> 00:08:58,844 A lot of these elements are in there. 236 00:08:58,844 --> 00:09:00,552 AUDIENCE: We haven't had any major design 237 00:09:00,552 --> 00:09:01,070 changes in terms of that. 238 00:09:01,070 --> 00:09:01,980 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 239 00:09:01,980 --> 00:09:07,470 So between Monday and today, has anything new 240 00:09:07,470 --> 00:09:09,610 gone on the chopping block? 241 00:09:09,610 --> 00:09:12,002 Are any other features getting cut? 242 00:09:12,002 --> 00:09:14,364 AUDIENCE: Monday is when the product backlog was due? 243 00:09:14,364 --> 00:09:14,831 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 244 00:09:14,831 --> 00:09:15,330 Yeah. 245 00:09:15,330 --> 00:09:16,232 AUDIENCE: No. 246 00:09:16,232 --> 00:09:22,000 We caught secondary scenes, and everything else seemed doable, 247 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:25,255 because a lot of it-- the only other thing that could possibly 248 00:09:25,255 --> 00:09:27,270 be cut is items breaking over time. 249 00:09:27,270 --> 00:09:28,590 RIK EBERHARDT: Yep. 250 00:09:28,590 --> 00:09:30,730 AUDIENCE: Everything else is actually in progress, 251 00:09:30,730 --> 00:09:32,420 and just being improved upon. 252 00:09:32,420 --> 00:09:33,454 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 253 00:09:33,454 --> 00:09:34,870 AUDIENCE: So they might not break. 254 00:09:34,870 --> 00:09:36,395 It might be that once you've installed an umbrella, 255 00:09:36,395 --> 00:09:38,370 it will last forever, kind of thing-- or a water fountain, 256 00:09:38,370 --> 00:09:39,505 or whatever we choose. 257 00:09:39,505 --> 00:09:41,300 But everything else is in progress, 258 00:09:41,300 --> 00:09:43,706 and I really think we're on track to finishing OK. 259 00:09:43,706 --> 00:09:44,100 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 260 00:09:44,100 --> 00:09:46,173 So you said a lot of the content you have to get in 261 00:09:46,173 --> 00:09:46,515 is the dialogue. 262 00:09:46,515 --> 00:09:48,910 Then you're also going to be doing some new artwork 263 00:09:48,910 --> 00:09:49,845 for the characters. 264 00:09:49,845 --> 00:09:50,428 AUDIENCE: Yes. 265 00:09:50,428 --> 00:09:53,116 RIK EBERHARDT: Is Julia the only person doing artwork on that? 266 00:09:53,116 --> 00:09:54,490 AUDIENCE: She is the only person doing artwork. 267 00:09:54,490 --> 00:09:55,360 RIK EBERHARDT: Is she also doing dialog? 268 00:09:55,360 --> 00:09:56,348 AUDIENCE: No. 269 00:09:56,348 --> 00:09:57,193 AUDIENCE: Uh, no. 270 00:09:57,193 --> 00:09:58,818 AUDIENCE: I'm doing the dialog content. 271 00:09:58,818 --> 00:10:00,362 AUDIENCE: All the backup stuff was for my UAP, 272 00:10:00,362 --> 00:10:00,920 so I was kind of-- 273 00:10:00,920 --> 00:10:01,670 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 274 00:10:01,670 --> 00:10:03,970 But, I mean, are you still coding the dialog 275 00:10:03,970 --> 00:10:05,950 system for this game? 276 00:10:05,950 --> 00:10:06,920 AUDIENCE: Not anymore. 277 00:10:06,920 --> 00:10:07,280 AUDIENCE: Unless it's debugging. 278 00:10:07,280 --> 00:10:09,250 RIK EBERHARDT: So you're saying it's bug OK. 279 00:10:09,250 --> 00:10:10,541 AUDIENCE: We need more testing. 280 00:10:10,541 --> 00:10:11,368 We know that. 281 00:10:11,368 --> 00:10:12,690 AUDIENCE: If there are issues, I will fix them. 282 00:10:12,690 --> 00:10:13,910 RIK EBERHARDT: That was like the big red flag 283 00:10:13,910 --> 00:10:16,530 when Phillip and I were talking, is that one person 284 00:10:16,530 --> 00:10:17,656 doing two important things. 285 00:10:17,656 --> 00:10:19,321 AUDIENCE: We know that there's-- no, no. 286 00:10:19,321 --> 00:10:21,500 The dialog is split between these two lovely people. 287 00:10:21,500 --> 00:10:21,650 RIK EBERHARDT: Oh, yeah. 288 00:10:21,650 --> 00:10:22,570 No, not the creation of the dialog. 289 00:10:22,570 --> 00:10:22,800 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 290 00:10:22,800 --> 00:10:23,760 RIK EBERHARDT: That's not the thing we're concerned about. 291 00:10:23,760 --> 00:10:26,470 It's the creation of the art with one person, 292 00:10:26,470 --> 00:10:28,430 and that person also being the person in charge 293 00:10:28,430 --> 00:10:29,942 of the back end for your dialog. 294 00:10:29,942 --> 00:10:30,733 AUDIENCE: Oh, yeah. 295 00:10:30,733 --> 00:10:31,840 The back end-- 296 00:10:31,840 --> 00:10:32,496 AUDIENCE: Well, I mean, it was a lot of work, 297 00:10:32,496 --> 00:10:35,284 but again, it's like I was counting the dialog for my UAP 298 00:10:35,284 --> 00:10:37,744 instead, so I was definitely doing this fast. 299 00:10:37,744 --> 00:10:38,728 It's not a big thing. 300 00:10:38,728 --> 00:10:41,188 So the artwork is my, like, contribution 301 00:10:41,188 --> 00:10:43,156 for this project for this class. 302 00:10:43,156 --> 00:10:45,150 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 303 00:10:45,150 --> 00:10:45,970 All right. 304 00:10:45,970 --> 00:10:48,230 So if you have enough time during the day 305 00:10:48,230 --> 00:10:49,180 that if that breaks-- 306 00:10:49,180 --> 00:10:49,490 AUDIENCE: I do. 307 00:10:49,490 --> 00:10:50,410 I can get the art done. 308 00:10:50,410 --> 00:10:50,909 I know that. 309 00:10:51,110 --> 00:10:51,510 RIK EBERHARDT: and you're doing both. 310 00:10:51,510 --> 00:10:51,550 OK. 311 00:10:51,550 --> 00:10:52,050 All right. 312 00:10:52,050 --> 00:10:53,060 We'll see how that goes. 313 00:10:53,060 --> 00:10:54,850 AUDIENCE: Worst case, we'll have stick figures. 314 00:10:54,850 --> 00:10:55,110 It'll be OK. 315 00:10:55,110 --> 00:10:55,740 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 316 00:10:55,740 --> 00:10:56,239 Oh, yeah. 317 00:10:56,239 --> 00:10:58,280 And from our point of view, it's fine. 318 00:10:58,280 --> 00:10:59,780 ANDREW GRANT: These people are fine. 319 00:10:59,780 --> 00:11:01,105 RIK EBERHARDT: These people are fine. 320 00:11:01,105 --> 00:11:01,840 ANDREW GRANT: Unless they don't-- 321 00:11:01,840 --> 00:11:02,290 AUDIENCE: The issue with that is one 322 00:11:02,290 --> 00:11:03,920 of the main learning things about this game 323 00:11:03,920 --> 00:11:05,795 is choosing who you're going to try and help, 324 00:11:05,795 --> 00:11:09,120 and these people do not convey at all their characteristics, 325 00:11:09,120 --> 00:11:11,380 which is why we're redoing the art. 326 00:11:11,380 --> 00:11:11,580 ANDREW GRANT: That makes sense. 327 00:11:11,580 --> 00:11:12,955 RIK EBERHARDT: And art is one way 328 00:11:12,955 --> 00:11:14,680 of doing it, floating dialog, floating 329 00:11:14,680 --> 00:11:16,810 box is another way of doing it, and floating boxes. 330 00:11:16,810 --> 00:11:17,680 AUDIENCE: We have labels. 331 00:11:17,680 --> 00:11:18,830 RIK EBERHARDT: Are they-- they're broken, or? 332 00:11:18,830 --> 00:11:21,750 AUDIENCE: We deleted them, because they-- they were just 333 00:11:21,750 --> 00:11:23,372 hard to read, and we didn't have them 334 00:11:23,372 --> 00:11:25,705 moving with the characters, so they would stay in place. 335 00:11:25,705 --> 00:11:27,606 We could have made them move, but we just 336 00:11:27,606 --> 00:11:29,740 decided it was better to redo the art than try 337 00:11:29,740 --> 00:11:31,660 and make the little captions better. 338 00:11:31,660 --> 00:11:31,939 RIK EBERHARDT: No. 339 00:11:31,939 --> 00:11:32,128 Oh, yeah. 340 00:11:32,128 --> 00:11:32,596 That's-- 341 00:11:32,596 --> 00:11:33,532 AUDIENCE: If you guys don't think I need to do the art, 342 00:11:33,532 --> 00:11:34,408 let's not do the art. 343 00:11:34,408 --> 00:11:36,323 PHILLIP TAN: Well, I mean, the art is awesome, 344 00:11:36,323 --> 00:11:37,980 but it is also a huge bottleneck. 345 00:11:37,980 --> 00:11:43,960 And if you fall sick and then a lot 346 00:11:43,960 --> 00:11:46,680 of the reliance on your art to be 347 00:11:46,680 --> 00:11:51,400 able to convey that important information falls through, 348 00:11:51,400 --> 00:11:52,730 and the project fails. 349 00:11:52,730 --> 00:11:55,120 If you don't fall sick and you get all your stuff done, 350 00:11:55,120 --> 00:11:56,930 your game just looks better, and it's awesome. 351 00:11:56,930 --> 00:11:57,176 Right? 352 00:11:57,176 --> 00:11:57,422 So. 353 00:11:57,422 --> 00:11:57,914 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 354 00:11:57,914 --> 00:11:59,390 So, I mean, we have placeholders. 355 00:11:59,390 --> 00:12:00,866 So if for some reason I don't complete it, 356 00:12:00,866 --> 00:12:01,650 we can just use what we've got now. 357 00:12:01,650 --> 00:12:03,066 PHILLIP TAN: But I'm just thinking 358 00:12:03,066 --> 00:12:06,050 about tinting the [INAUDIBLE], or something that like-- 359 00:12:06,050 --> 00:12:07,950 like just through software or something. 360 00:12:07,950 --> 00:12:12,006 What else can you do that's a little bit like as a backup? 361 00:12:12,006 --> 00:12:13,630 AUDIENCE: So with heat waves, one thing 362 00:12:13,630 --> 00:12:16,050 that happens when you get sick is you turn red. 363 00:12:16,050 --> 00:12:18,390 So we could tint them red over time, 364 00:12:18,390 --> 00:12:21,130 and like have people starting at different levels of red. 365 00:12:21,130 --> 00:12:23,582 But I think-- and that's actually something 366 00:12:23,582 --> 00:12:25,290 that we might be looking into separately. 367 00:12:25,290 --> 00:12:27,690 Because something Pablo talked to us about 368 00:12:27,690 --> 00:12:29,574 was wanting to convey that people 369 00:12:29,574 --> 00:12:31,991 are getting sicker over time, and that maybe once you see, 370 00:12:31,991 --> 00:12:32,490 OK. 371 00:12:32,490 --> 00:12:34,640 Somebody's turning red or has an exclamation point, 372 00:12:34,640 --> 00:12:35,889 or some way of conveying that. 373 00:12:38,044 --> 00:12:39,710 Let's show the person that they're sick. 374 00:12:39,710 --> 00:12:40,840 The users need to know. 375 00:12:40,840 --> 00:12:42,339 But that's something we're doing as, 376 00:12:42,339 --> 00:12:43,922 like, a secondary thing, because we 377 00:12:43,922 --> 00:12:46,935 want to focus primarily on making the game better 378 00:12:46,935 --> 00:12:47,810 as a whole right now. 379 00:12:47,810 --> 00:12:48,296 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 380 00:12:48,296 --> 00:12:48,796 That's cool. 381 00:12:48,796 --> 00:12:49,440 All right. 382 00:12:49,440 --> 00:12:50,390 Yeah. 383 00:12:50,390 --> 00:12:53,430 And all the things we're saying are not at all, do this. 384 00:12:53,430 --> 00:12:54,076 It's more-- 385 00:12:54,076 --> 00:12:54,790 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 386 00:12:54,790 --> 00:12:55,120 No. 387 00:12:55,120 --> 00:12:55,290 I-- 388 00:12:55,290 --> 00:12:55,910 RIK EBERHARDT: Think about this. 389 00:12:55,910 --> 00:12:57,940 PHILLIP TAN: It's more we're flagging our concerns rather 390 00:12:57,940 --> 00:12:58,880 than telling you how to solve it. 391 00:12:58,880 --> 00:13:00,630 RIK EBERHARDT: And prove us wrong, please. 392 00:13:00,630 --> 00:13:01,463 AUDIENCE: All right. 393 00:13:01,463 --> 00:13:02,570 I'll prove you guys wrong. 394 00:13:02,570 --> 00:13:02,660 Don't worry. 395 00:13:02,660 --> 00:13:03,618 PHILLIP TAN: All right. 396 00:13:03,618 --> 00:13:04,924 Cool. 397 00:13:04,924 --> 00:13:06,950 RIK EBERHARDT: The other thing we had 398 00:13:06,950 --> 00:13:10,589 was about tutorial and ramping up, right? 399 00:13:10,589 --> 00:13:12,630 PHILLIP TAN: Well, actually more like ramping up. 400 00:13:12,630 --> 00:13:14,480 So, right now, the game's frantic. 401 00:13:14,480 --> 00:13:14,980 Right? 402 00:13:14,980 --> 00:13:18,070 It feels like you have to be everywhere at all places. 403 00:13:18,070 --> 00:13:19,750 And that's great for somebody who 404 00:13:19,750 --> 00:13:21,310 knows how to play the game, and also 405 00:13:21,310 --> 00:13:23,055 great for someone who's just learning how to play the game. 406 00:13:23,055 --> 00:13:23,596 AUDIENCE: OK. 407 00:13:23,596 --> 00:13:26,370 PHILLIP TAN: So you already have this concept of this. 408 00:13:26,370 --> 00:13:28,565 I don't know if difficulty is ramping up over this-- 409 00:13:28,565 --> 00:13:30,690 AUDIENCE: Actually, currently, right now, it's not. 410 00:13:30,690 --> 00:13:31,670 AUDIENCE: It's not. 411 00:13:31,670 --> 00:13:34,732 We were planning on just changing the number of people 412 00:13:34,732 --> 00:13:36,080 that come up every day. 413 00:13:36,080 --> 00:13:38,020 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah, so maybe, I mean, just-- 414 00:13:38,020 --> 00:13:39,520 AUDIENCE: Starting with less people. 415 00:13:39,520 --> 00:13:41,603 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah, just starting with less people, 416 00:13:41,603 --> 00:13:43,326 or reducing the rate in which people, 417 00:13:43,326 --> 00:13:44,950 like, fall over or something like that. 418 00:13:44,950 --> 00:13:47,332 Just like, how do you ease people into this situation? 419 00:13:47,332 --> 00:13:49,457 AUDIENCE: That is kind of set, because that depends 420 00:13:49,457 --> 00:13:50,509 on temperature right now. 421 00:13:50,509 --> 00:13:51,300 PHILLIP TAN: Right. 422 00:13:51,300 --> 00:13:52,280 So that-- it's-- 423 00:13:52,280 --> 00:13:53,750 AUDIENCE: So we could just have lower temperatures 424 00:13:53,750 --> 00:13:54,240 in the first few days. 425 00:13:54,240 --> 00:13:54,660 AUDIENCE: The first couple days. 426 00:13:54,660 --> 00:13:55,180 We could definitely do that. 427 00:13:55,180 --> 00:13:55,930 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah. 428 00:13:55,930 --> 00:13:58,400 Just think about how you're going to run people in. 429 00:13:58,400 --> 00:14:01,080 That's definitely better than going 430 00:14:01,080 --> 00:14:04,295 to the expository tutorial route, you know, of the I'm 431 00:14:04,295 --> 00:14:05,670 just going to tell you everything 432 00:14:05,670 --> 00:14:07,586 that you need to know and hope you remember it 433 00:14:07,586 --> 00:14:09,550 when you play the game. 434 00:14:09,550 --> 00:14:11,165 Ease people into the experience. 435 00:14:11,165 --> 00:14:11,560 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 436 00:14:11,560 --> 00:14:13,130 In fact, if it's just the case that 437 00:14:13,130 --> 00:14:15,270 you have your high risk person. 438 00:14:15,270 --> 00:14:17,470 And if you've got your-- really cool-- 439 00:14:17,470 --> 00:14:19,640 I'd like you to tell how that might map to reality. 440 00:14:19,640 --> 00:14:21,391 And you don't need to tell me that they're 441 00:14:21,391 --> 00:14:23,681 at risk if they're the ones that keep dying like flies. 442 00:14:23,681 --> 00:14:24,880 I'll be like, oh my gosh. 443 00:14:24,880 --> 00:14:28,930 That's kind of a visceral way learn that lesson. 444 00:14:28,930 --> 00:14:31,250 Is the game-- when you guys play the game, 445 00:14:31,250 --> 00:14:33,720 do you feel that you are winning it? 446 00:14:33,720 --> 00:14:35,130 AUDIENCE: No. [LAUGH] 447 00:14:35,130 --> 00:14:35,870 AUDIENCE: No. 448 00:14:35,870 --> 00:14:36,038 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 449 00:14:36,038 --> 00:14:38,205 So if you don't have it really high in your backlog, 450 00:14:38,205 --> 00:14:39,579 you probably should put it there. 451 00:14:39,579 --> 00:14:42,010 You need to do the gameplay balancing first, first thing. 452 00:14:42,010 --> 00:14:44,760 Because you need to play test that. 453 00:14:44,760 --> 00:14:48,102 Even if you guys are-- you can use yourselves as play testers 454 00:14:48,102 --> 00:14:50,060 to some extent for difficulty, but keep in mind 455 00:14:50,060 --> 00:14:52,690 that if you think the game is hard, the game is impossible. 456 00:14:52,690 --> 00:14:54,690 If you think the game is easy, the game is hard. 457 00:14:54,690 --> 00:14:56,570 AUDIENCE: Well, I think the game's impossible right now. 458 00:14:56,570 --> 00:14:56,800 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 459 00:14:56,800 --> 00:14:58,883 AUDIENCE: Which has to do-- I think we have, like, 460 00:14:58,883 --> 00:15:01,925 a bug where too many people show up, which I think 461 00:15:01,925 --> 00:15:03,540 is something you noticed also. 462 00:15:03,540 --> 00:15:05,540 It's just like, they're all on fire all at once. 463 00:15:05,540 --> 00:15:06,998 And I think we definitely-- we only 464 00:15:06,998 --> 00:15:09,130 intend to start with like, four or five people, 465 00:15:09,130 --> 00:15:12,520 and the fact that there's like 20 there is an accident. 466 00:15:12,520 --> 00:15:13,270 We're fixing that. 467 00:15:13,270 --> 00:15:13,650 ANDREW GRANT: Sure. 468 00:15:13,650 --> 00:15:16,084 And you could easily have it-- they could arrive over 469 00:15:16,084 --> 00:15:18,500 the course level, or whatever, if that's what professors-- 470 00:15:18,500 --> 00:15:18,670 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 471 00:15:18,670 --> 00:15:18,880 Definitely. 472 00:15:18,880 --> 00:15:19,160 ANDREW GRANT: But, yeah. 473 00:15:19,160 --> 00:15:22,480 I would say make sure that that game play piece is really high. 474 00:15:22,480 --> 00:15:24,770 AUDIENCE: Definitely-- game balancing. 475 00:15:24,770 --> 00:15:27,580 RIK EBERHARDT: Have you all played Diner Dash at all? 476 00:15:27,580 --> 00:15:28,532 Is it free online? 477 00:15:28,532 --> 00:15:29,115 AUDIENCE: Yes. 478 00:15:29,115 --> 00:15:29,540 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah? 479 00:15:29,540 --> 00:15:30,276 AUDIENCE: Yeah, I think I have. 480 00:15:30,276 --> 00:15:30,370 Yeah. 481 00:15:30,370 --> 00:15:30,448 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah. 482 00:15:30,448 --> 00:15:32,200 You should be able to find at least a video of it. 483 00:15:32,200 --> 00:15:33,190 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 484 00:15:33,190 --> 00:15:33,980 ANDREW GRANT: Or Tapper. 485 00:15:33,980 --> 00:15:34,366 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 486 00:15:34,366 --> 00:15:35,290 PHILLIP TAN: Oh, Root Beer Tapper. 487 00:15:35,290 --> 00:15:36,650 RIK EBERHARDT: Diner Dash or Tapper-- 488 00:15:36,650 --> 00:15:38,316 they're basically time management games, 489 00:15:38,316 --> 00:15:40,320 very similar to this one. 490 00:15:40,320 --> 00:15:43,420 Take a look at those just to see how they ramp up difficulty-- 491 00:15:43,420 --> 00:15:45,930 how easy it is when you first start compared to after 492 00:15:45,930 --> 00:15:48,370 about five minutes of play, and try to think of that. 493 00:15:48,370 --> 00:15:49,915 It might be as a baseline. 494 00:15:49,915 --> 00:15:51,040 AUDIENCE: I had a question. 495 00:15:51,040 --> 00:15:53,340 So, somewhere it says that we should have explicit end 496 00:15:53,340 --> 00:15:54,621 conditions for our game. 497 00:15:54,621 --> 00:15:56,620 RIK EBERHARDT: That's an explicit end condition. 498 00:15:56,620 --> 00:15:57,370 You died. 499 00:15:57,370 --> 00:15:59,040 PHILLIP TAN: Loss is an end condition. 500 00:15:59,040 --> 00:15:59,270 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 501 00:15:59,270 --> 00:15:59,740 PHILLIP TAN: You can-- 502 00:15:59,740 --> 00:16:01,740 AUDIENCE: Well, you don't technically ever lose. 503 00:16:01,740 --> 00:16:03,565 You just lose people. 504 00:16:03,565 --> 00:16:04,315 RIK EBERHARDT: Oh. 505 00:16:04,315 --> 00:16:07,190 So there should be some point where I know that, OK. 506 00:16:07,190 --> 00:16:09,200 I can stop trying right now. 507 00:16:09,200 --> 00:16:11,429 I can try playing the game again. 508 00:16:11,429 --> 00:16:13,220 We try to keep it vague, because every game 509 00:16:13,220 --> 00:16:14,950 is going to do it differently. 510 00:16:14,950 --> 00:16:18,620 If it's A, the heat wave lasted four days, 511 00:16:18,620 --> 00:16:21,330 and you ended those four days of heat wave or whatever, 512 00:16:21,330 --> 00:16:23,809 and that heat wave's over, then you're done. 513 00:16:23,809 --> 00:16:24,350 AUDIENCE: OK. 514 00:16:24,350 --> 00:16:26,146 We were just going to do it by, like, 20 people 515 00:16:26,146 --> 00:16:27,380 dead or something like that. 516 00:16:27,380 --> 00:16:27,570 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 517 00:16:27,570 --> 00:16:28,070 ANDREW GRANT: That will work fine. 518 00:16:28,070 --> 00:16:29,450 RIK EBERHARDT: That's fine, too. 519 00:16:29,450 --> 00:16:30,970 Whatever is best for the project. 520 00:16:30,970 --> 00:16:33,100 PHILLIP TAN: You can actually do both, right? 521 00:16:33,100 --> 00:16:36,820 If you keep this town going 20 days without losing 522 00:16:36,820 --> 00:16:39,655 x number of people, you win, otherwise you lose. 523 00:16:39,655 --> 00:16:41,850 ANDREW GRANT: That's an aesthetic choice, I think. 524 00:16:41,850 --> 00:16:45,900 The modern game shtick is that all games have a win condition. 525 00:16:45,900 --> 00:16:47,497 But classic games didn't. 526 00:16:47,497 --> 00:16:48,890 They had a lose condition only. 527 00:16:48,890 --> 00:16:49,000 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah. 528 00:16:49,000 --> 00:16:50,708 You could be like a Tetris kind of thing, 529 00:16:50,708 --> 00:16:52,977 where you just-- how long can you last? 530 00:16:52,977 --> 00:16:54,310 But summer doesn't last forever. 531 00:16:54,310 --> 00:16:56,790 If somebody goes for, like, you know, 200 days, 532 00:16:56,790 --> 00:16:58,415 it's probably not a heat wave any more. 533 00:16:58,415 --> 00:16:58,700 ANDREW GRANT: That's funny. 534 00:16:58,700 --> 00:16:59,241 That's funny. 535 00:16:59,241 --> 00:17:01,080 After 90 days, you're like, summer is over. 536 00:17:01,080 --> 00:17:02,288 No one is dying of heat wave. 537 00:17:02,288 --> 00:17:03,902 Wait for the sequel-- Winter. 538 00:17:03,902 --> 00:17:04,834 [LAUGHTER] 539 00:17:04,834 --> 00:17:06,232 ANDREW GRANT: Cold Snap. 540 00:17:06,232 --> 00:17:08,489 AUDIENCE: Maybe it's only winter all year long. 541 00:17:08,489 --> 00:17:09,030 AUDIENCE: Oh. 542 00:17:09,030 --> 00:17:10,113 ANDREW GRANT: That's true. 543 00:17:10,113 --> 00:17:12,697 Some parts of the world actually is heat wave all year around. 544 00:17:12,697 --> 00:17:13,404 PHILLIP TAN: Mhm. 545 00:17:13,404 --> 00:17:13,910 Singapore. 546 00:17:13,910 --> 00:17:15,890 [LAUGH] 547 00:17:15,890 --> 00:17:16,740 RIK EBERHARDT: Cool. 548 00:17:16,740 --> 00:17:17,700 Any other stuff? 549 00:17:17,700 --> 00:17:18,825 PHILLIP TAN: No, that's it. 550 00:17:18,825 --> 00:17:21,900 RIK EBERHARDT: Last thing for me, then, is product backlog 551 00:17:21,900 --> 00:17:24,889 item 20-- menu user interface. 552 00:17:24,889 --> 00:17:25,430 Outside menu. 553 00:17:25,430 --> 00:17:25,579 AUDIENCE: Oh, OK. 554 00:17:25,579 --> 00:17:26,420 RIK EBERHARDT: What is that? 555 00:17:26,420 --> 00:17:27,260 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 556 00:17:27,260 --> 00:17:28,390 So that's not actually well explained. 557 00:17:28,390 --> 00:17:30,610 That has to do with the insoluble items, which-- 558 00:17:30,610 --> 00:17:31,240 Roy isn't here. 559 00:17:31,240 --> 00:17:31,940 But Roy is working on it. 560 00:17:31,940 --> 00:17:33,880 AUDIENCE: It's kind of like the pods are like add water 561 00:17:33,880 --> 00:17:34,976 stations, add umbrella. 562 00:17:34,976 --> 00:17:35,420 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 563 00:17:35,420 --> 00:17:35,670 Cool. 564 00:17:35,670 --> 00:17:35,840 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 565 00:17:35,840 --> 00:17:36,520 RIK EBERHARDT: We just weren't sure 566 00:17:36,520 --> 00:17:37,920 what you were talking about there. 567 00:17:37,920 --> 00:17:38,220 But that's enough. 568 00:17:38,220 --> 00:17:38,968 AUDIENCE: I meant to fix that. 569 00:17:38,968 --> 00:17:39,530 I forgot. 570 00:17:39,530 --> 00:17:40,080 RIK EBERHARDT: No. 571 00:17:40,080 --> 00:17:41,240 These documents are for you. 572 00:17:41,240 --> 00:17:43,323 As long as you understand what's going on-- that's 573 00:17:43,323 --> 00:17:45,130 why Phillip was saying, yes. 574 00:17:45,130 --> 00:17:46,200 We didn't understand. 575 00:17:46,200 --> 00:17:49,210 There's probably some things in your head that you understand. 576 00:17:49,210 --> 00:17:51,600 But also, in case you didn't see that, 577 00:17:51,600 --> 00:17:52,970 then we wanted to go over that. 578 00:17:52,970 --> 00:17:53,792 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 579 00:17:53,792 --> 00:17:54,264 PHILLIP TAN: Yep. 580 00:17:54,264 --> 00:17:55,210 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 581 00:17:55,210 --> 00:17:55,780 ANDREW GRANT: And another thing-- 582 00:17:55,780 --> 00:17:56,909 so add water-- is it red on there 583 00:17:56,909 --> 00:17:57,450 because it's high priority? 584 00:17:57,450 --> 00:17:57,991 AUDIENCE: No. 585 00:17:57,991 --> 00:17:59,172 Red means it was cut. 586 00:17:59,172 --> 00:17:59,880 ANDREW GRANT: Ah. 587 00:17:59,880 --> 00:18:00,210 Awesome. 588 00:18:00,210 --> 00:18:00,540 OK, cool. 589 00:18:00,540 --> 00:18:02,790 RIK EBERHARDT: And we like that-- cutting the features 590 00:18:02,790 --> 00:18:04,750 and leaving them there is fine. 591 00:18:04,750 --> 00:18:07,840 Sometimes, as a morale, removing them is also good. 592 00:18:07,840 --> 00:18:09,753 Have a party when you do that. 593 00:18:09,753 --> 00:18:11,265 ANDREW GRANT: Well, trying to-- 594 00:18:11,265 --> 00:18:12,930 RIK EBERHARDT: But as memory, they're 595 00:18:12,930 --> 00:18:14,770 good for institutional memory, to know, hey. 596 00:18:14,770 --> 00:18:15,686 We thought about this. 597 00:18:15,686 --> 00:18:16,390 We cut it. 598 00:18:16,390 --> 00:18:18,985 Later on, oh-- assuming you had another couple weeks. 599 00:18:18,985 --> 00:18:19,860 We can go back to it. 600 00:18:19,860 --> 00:18:21,693 ANDREW GRANT: Actually, almost every project 601 00:18:21,693 --> 00:18:23,637 I work on, I now have a do not do list. 602 00:18:23,637 --> 00:18:24,088 Like, not a to do list. 603 00:18:24,088 --> 00:18:25,555 Like this is the thing I thought about, 604 00:18:25,555 --> 00:18:25,890 and I really want to do it. 605 00:18:25,890 --> 00:18:27,431 And I'm going to write down here so I 606 00:18:27,431 --> 00:18:28,675 know I'm going to ever do it. 607 00:18:28,675 --> 00:18:30,450 So later, when I think about, what about that? 608 00:18:30,450 --> 00:18:31,015 Oh, right. 609 00:18:31,015 --> 00:18:32,216 PHILLIP TAN: You're not going to do it. 610 00:18:32,216 --> 00:18:33,142 AUDIENCE: Never do that. 611 00:18:33,142 --> 00:18:34,308 ANDREW GRANT: Never do that. 612 00:18:34,308 --> 00:18:35,457 Because I don't have time. 613 00:18:35,457 --> 00:18:38,222 And so I think even if you don't keep 614 00:18:38,222 --> 00:18:39,680 those on your main to-do list, it's 615 00:18:39,680 --> 00:18:40,455 cool to have them there for a little bit, 616 00:18:40,455 --> 00:18:42,520 just so you remember-- oh, right. 617 00:18:42,520 --> 00:18:44,357 We cut that. 618 00:18:44,357 --> 00:18:44,940 AUDIENCE: Mhm. 619 00:18:44,940 --> 00:18:45,110 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 620 00:18:45,110 --> 00:18:45,590 PHILLIP TAN: Well, thank you. 621 00:18:45,590 --> 00:18:46,506 RIK EBERHARDT: Thanks. 622 00:18:46,506 --> 00:18:48,350 And actually, so the vision statement 623 00:18:48,350 --> 00:18:50,099 isn't due until December 10. 624 00:18:50,099 --> 00:18:50,640 AUDIENCE: OK. 625 00:18:50,640 --> 00:18:52,931 RIK EBERHARDT: Is just we wanted to give you the chance 626 00:18:52,931 --> 00:18:54,736 to make an update now if you could, 627 00:18:54,736 --> 00:18:56,360 but this discussion is fulfilling that. 628 00:18:56,360 --> 00:18:57,789 So, that's good. 629 00:18:57,789 --> 00:18:58,414 AUDIENCE: Cool. 630 00:18:58,414 --> 00:18:59,290 Thank you, sir. 631 00:18:59,290 --> 00:18:59,560 RIK EBERHARDT: All right? 632 00:18:59,560 --> 00:19:00,060 Thanks. 633 00:19:00,060 --> 00:19:02,744 Have a great holiday. 634 00:19:02,744 --> 00:19:03,410 All right, Drew. 635 00:19:03,410 --> 00:19:05,260 When you're ready, go ahead and play another game. 636 00:19:05,260 --> 00:19:06,010 ANDREW GRANT: Yes. 637 00:19:06,010 --> 00:19:06,594 Oh, excellent. 638 00:19:06,594 --> 00:19:08,301 AUDIENCE: There's still some instructions 639 00:19:08,301 --> 00:19:10,120 which are missing from within the game. 640 00:19:10,120 --> 00:19:10,828 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 641 00:19:10,828 --> 00:19:12,660 AUDIENCE: So I'll just explain those now. 642 00:19:12,660 --> 00:19:15,160 So the goal of the game is to build up your victory progress 643 00:19:15,160 --> 00:19:15,960 to 100%. 644 00:19:15,960 --> 00:19:20,940 And the way you do that is by setting your toys to build or-- 645 00:19:20,940 --> 00:19:21,940 ANDREW GRANT: Or gather. 646 00:19:21,940 --> 00:19:22,270 Mhm. 647 00:19:22,270 --> 00:19:22,940 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 648 00:19:22,940 --> 00:19:24,106 And you do that by clicking. 649 00:19:24,106 --> 00:19:26,810 So the story is like you brought your toys to the beach, 650 00:19:26,810 --> 00:19:28,250 and they have these sand castles. 651 00:19:28,250 --> 00:19:32,480 But then the waves-- like, if they cover the sand castles, 652 00:19:32,480 --> 00:19:34,760 the toys will then take damage. 653 00:19:34,760 --> 00:19:38,850 And they can only get hit by the waves twice. 654 00:19:38,850 --> 00:19:42,170 They take damage if they start underwater or end underwater. 655 00:19:42,170 --> 00:19:45,510 And so in order to prevent your toys 656 00:19:45,510 --> 00:19:48,510 from getting swept under the waves, 657 00:19:48,510 --> 00:19:51,452 you can move them by clicking and dragging them to castles. 658 00:19:51,452 --> 00:19:52,160 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 659 00:19:52,160 --> 00:19:54,190 AUDIENCE: And then they will move one castle at a time. 660 00:19:54,190 --> 00:19:55,577 So this one will move here, here. 661 00:19:55,577 --> 00:19:56,285 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 662 00:19:56,285 --> 00:19:58,660 It's pretty much the same as [INAUDIBLE] play test, then, 663 00:19:58,660 --> 00:20:00,032 the last I saw. 664 00:20:00,032 --> 00:20:00,740 AUDIENCE: Oh, OK. 665 00:20:00,740 --> 00:20:00,890 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 666 00:20:00,890 --> 00:20:02,473 AUDIENCE: And then the last thing-- so 667 00:20:02,473 --> 00:20:04,630 you can hover over this to see what 668 00:20:04,630 --> 00:20:07,145 the predictions are, and you can hover over the castles. 669 00:20:07,145 --> 00:20:08,430 ANDREW GRANT: Oh, I see. 670 00:20:08,430 --> 00:20:09,260 And they're no longer perfect. 671 00:20:09,260 --> 00:20:09,759 Excellent. 672 00:20:09,759 --> 00:20:11,140 I like that. 673 00:20:11,140 --> 00:20:12,010 I like that change. 674 00:20:12,010 --> 00:20:12,222 All right. 675 00:20:12,222 --> 00:20:12,722 Cool. 676 00:20:12,722 --> 00:20:16,380 I'm going to say, again, this toy is immune to water damage. 677 00:20:16,380 --> 00:20:18,450 AUDIENCE: But he does not need to be put away. 678 00:20:18,450 --> 00:20:19,700 ANDREW GRANT: Ah, OK. 679 00:20:22,600 --> 00:20:24,710 OK. 680 00:20:24,710 --> 00:20:26,645 RIK EBERHARDT: So while he's playing, 681 00:20:26,645 --> 00:20:28,930 did you update your-- did you have 682 00:20:28,930 --> 00:20:30,460 a discussion about cutting features 683 00:20:30,460 --> 00:20:33,590 after Monday, as a team? 684 00:20:33,590 --> 00:20:34,215 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 685 00:20:34,215 --> 00:20:35,880 RIK EBERHARDT: Did you cut anything? 686 00:20:35,880 --> 00:20:41,120 AUDIENCE: We cut, like, kind of any sort of big changes 687 00:20:41,120 --> 00:20:43,530 where we would give people special abilities, 688 00:20:43,530 --> 00:20:51,890 or give any sort of long tutorial kind of like that. 689 00:20:51,890 --> 00:20:52,640 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 690 00:20:52,640 --> 00:20:55,140 So you cut things you hadn't started yet, basically. 691 00:20:55,140 --> 00:20:55,981 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 692 00:20:55,981 --> 00:20:56,730 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 693 00:20:56,730 --> 00:20:59,180 Anything that if you had to cut today, like 694 00:20:59,180 --> 00:21:00,572 could you cut anything right now, 695 00:21:00,572 --> 00:21:02,530 or does everything have to go in the way you've 696 00:21:02,530 --> 00:21:04,400 thought about the game? 697 00:21:04,400 --> 00:21:07,880 AUDIENCE: So what we mainly have left is UI changes-- 698 00:21:07,880 --> 00:21:12,380 like make this a cloud it fits into the theme of our game, 699 00:21:12,380 --> 00:21:14,724 or add arrows to show where-- 700 00:21:14,724 --> 00:21:16,390 ANDREW GRANT: Where they're going to go, 701 00:21:16,390 --> 00:21:17,917 and how they're going. 702 00:21:17,917 --> 00:21:18,672 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 703 00:21:18,672 --> 00:21:19,380 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 704 00:21:19,380 --> 00:21:26,850 AUDIENCE: And so a lot of that is necessary to make sure 705 00:21:26,850 --> 00:21:28,640 that our game is standalone. 706 00:21:28,640 --> 00:21:32,210 But I guess the worst case scenario, 707 00:21:32,210 --> 00:21:34,832 we make that a blob of text, which would be, like, 708 00:21:34,832 --> 00:21:36,040 absolute worst-case scenario. 709 00:21:36,040 --> 00:21:36,480 RIK EBERHARDT: Do you already have the feature 710 00:21:36,480 --> 00:21:37,617 to do a blob of text? 711 00:21:37,617 --> 00:21:38,242 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 712 00:21:38,242 --> 00:21:39,500 That would be our-- 713 00:21:39,500 --> 00:21:40,170 RIK EBERHARDT: It's already in there, or? 714 00:21:40,170 --> 00:21:40,224 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 715 00:21:40,224 --> 00:21:42,330 That would be our menu screen, which we didn't show you, but. 716 00:21:42,330 --> 00:21:43,080 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 717 00:21:43,080 --> 00:21:44,165 Cool. 718 00:21:44,165 --> 00:21:46,390 OK. 719 00:21:46,390 --> 00:21:49,330 For your vision statement-- so I said 720 00:21:49,330 --> 00:21:51,640 if you have a new one today, we'd like to see it. 721 00:21:51,640 --> 00:21:52,570 If you don't have a new one today, 722 00:21:52,570 --> 00:21:54,880 make sure you update your vision statement before you turn 723 00:21:54,880 --> 00:21:55,925 in the game on December 10. 724 00:21:55,925 --> 00:21:56,466 AUDIENCE: OK. 725 00:21:56,466 --> 00:21:57,020 Yeah. 726 00:21:57,020 --> 00:21:58,655 We do have an updated vision statement now. 727 00:21:58,655 --> 00:21:59,020 RIK EBERHARDT: Oh, you do? 728 00:21:59,020 --> 00:21:59,480 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 729 00:21:59,480 --> 00:21:59,770 RIK EBERHARDT: Cool. 730 00:21:59,770 --> 00:21:59,853 Cool. 731 00:21:59,853 --> 00:22:01,060 Then I'll review it. 732 00:22:01,060 --> 00:22:02,270 So we review-- 733 00:22:02,270 --> 00:22:03,330 AUDIENCE: Should I submit it to Stellar though? 734 00:22:03,330 --> 00:22:03,680 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 735 00:22:03,680 --> 00:22:04,720 Submit it to Stellar. 736 00:22:04,720 --> 00:22:06,790 Submit it under the December 10 one. 737 00:22:06,790 --> 00:22:08,942 And then on December 10, if anything else changes, 738 00:22:08,942 --> 00:22:10,400 resubmit it on the December 10 one. 739 00:22:10,400 --> 00:22:13,590 That's the one we're going to use and judge the game by. 740 00:22:13,590 --> 00:22:16,660 The main thing I saw on the one you have now 741 00:22:16,660 --> 00:22:18,780 is that just the 30 seconds of gameplay 742 00:22:18,780 --> 00:22:20,070 is really, really vague. 743 00:22:20,070 --> 00:22:22,561 So if you changed that for this new one, then you did good. 744 00:22:22,561 --> 00:22:23,186 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 745 00:22:23,186 --> 00:22:23,320 OK. 746 00:22:23,320 --> 00:22:23,720 Yeah. 747 00:22:23,720 --> 00:22:25,210 We made it a lot more concrete, now 748 00:22:25,210 --> 00:22:26,770 that we have a more concrete-- 749 00:22:26,770 --> 00:22:27,040 RIK EBERHARDT: Great. 750 00:22:27,040 --> 00:22:27,540 Cool. 751 00:22:27,540 --> 00:22:29,170 That's exactly right. 752 00:22:29,170 --> 00:22:32,880 So the biggest thing that Phillip and I saw 753 00:22:32,880 --> 00:22:37,760 was about your-- basically about the representational art, 754 00:22:37,760 --> 00:22:39,700 the quality spent on the representational art 755 00:22:39,700 --> 00:22:41,530 compared to other feedback. 756 00:22:41,530 --> 00:22:42,280 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah. 757 00:22:42,280 --> 00:22:46,620 So right now, the graphics that you have in the game 758 00:22:46,620 --> 00:22:49,770 look really cute, and they're attractive. 759 00:22:49,770 --> 00:22:50,595 They're endearing. 760 00:22:50,595 --> 00:22:52,845 They make people want to people want to play the game. 761 00:22:52,845 --> 00:22:57,595 And then your UI isn't up to that, right? 762 00:22:57,595 --> 00:23:00,550 You have this issue-- and this happens in a lot of games-- 763 00:23:00,550 --> 00:23:03,660 where the quality of one asset or one kind of asset 764 00:23:03,660 --> 00:23:08,890 is showing how far back the rest of your assets are. 765 00:23:08,890 --> 00:23:12,280 And this obviously means that you 766 00:23:12,280 --> 00:23:14,960 might be inclined to make sure that the rest of the stuff 767 00:23:14,960 --> 00:23:17,557 looks as good as what you've got-- things 768 00:23:17,557 --> 00:23:19,580 like the background, for instance-- 769 00:23:19,580 --> 00:23:22,325 probably the most important part of the entire game 770 00:23:22,325 --> 00:23:23,422 is the background. 771 00:23:23,422 --> 00:23:25,380 But it also looks like the least visually thing 772 00:23:25,380 --> 00:23:28,020 that you've got on screen. 773 00:23:28,020 --> 00:23:29,505 AUDIENCE: That's true. 774 00:23:29,505 --> 00:23:30,880 PHILLIP TAN: And also things like 775 00:23:30,880 --> 00:23:33,906 when you want to instruct your characters to move around, 776 00:23:33,906 --> 00:23:35,718 for instance. 777 00:23:35,718 --> 00:23:37,990 Like you said, right now you have to explain it. 778 00:23:37,990 --> 00:23:40,860 But I expect to see some sort of visual feedback, UI feedback, 779 00:23:40,860 --> 00:23:44,830 when I have, say, instructed someone to move somewhere else. 780 00:23:44,830 --> 00:23:45,455 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 781 00:23:45,455 --> 00:23:46,437 That's what we're planning to do. 782 00:23:46,437 --> 00:23:48,154 We'll probably have the go to destination 783 00:23:48,154 --> 00:23:49,154 and the character goes-- 784 00:23:49,154 --> 00:23:50,850 PHILLIP TAN: And the danger right now 785 00:23:50,850 --> 00:23:54,165 is that your characters and your sandcastles and your clouds 786 00:23:54,165 --> 00:23:56,550 have set the standard of visual quality 787 00:23:56,550 --> 00:23:58,500 that the rest of your stuff now needs 788 00:23:58,500 --> 00:24:03,160 to meet, which is a pretty tall-- I mean, 789 00:24:03,160 --> 00:24:04,930 you clearly have the skills to do it. 790 00:24:04,930 --> 00:24:06,740 The question is whether you have the time to do it. 791 00:24:06,740 --> 00:24:07,370 And that's what I'm worried about. 792 00:24:07,370 --> 00:24:08,020 AUDIENCE: Sure. 793 00:24:08,020 --> 00:24:11,470 PHILLIP TAN: Because you don't just want people-- 794 00:24:11,470 --> 00:24:13,582 you want people to look at your characterize 795 00:24:13,582 --> 00:24:15,540 when they're trying to think about whether they 796 00:24:15,540 --> 00:24:16,802 want to play a game. 797 00:24:16,802 --> 00:24:18,260 When they're playing your game, you 798 00:24:18,260 --> 00:24:21,040 want them looking at that background, and where they're 799 00:24:21,040 --> 00:24:24,049 going, and the quality-- 800 00:24:24,049 --> 00:24:26,340 RIK EBERHARDT: So when it comes to a feature like-- OK, 801 00:24:26,340 --> 00:24:28,970 here's an arrow going from one place to another. 802 00:24:28,970 --> 00:24:30,397 Do you already have code in place 803 00:24:30,397 --> 00:24:32,480 to do that, but just you don't have the art asset? 804 00:24:32,480 --> 00:24:34,313 Do you have the art asset, but not the code? 805 00:24:34,313 --> 00:24:35,840 Or do you not have any of it? 806 00:24:35,840 --> 00:24:37,756 AUDIENCE: I think that was like our, actually, 807 00:24:37,756 --> 00:24:39,382 highest priority to implement highlight 808 00:24:39,382 --> 00:24:41,672 to implement by, like, the end of Thanksgiving weekend. 809 00:24:41,672 --> 00:24:43,500 So that would be, like, our number one-- 810 00:24:43,500 --> 00:24:45,140 RIK EBERHARDT: But you're starting from 0 and going-- 811 00:24:45,140 --> 00:24:45,916 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 812 00:24:45,916 --> 00:24:46,362 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 813 00:24:46,362 --> 00:24:46,861 Cool. 814 00:24:46,861 --> 00:24:49,040 AUDIENCE: Don't they have arrows showing where-- 815 00:24:49,040 --> 00:24:50,930 RIK EBERHARDT: They have arrows showing that they are moving, 816 00:24:50,930 --> 00:24:52,589 but not where they're moving to. 817 00:24:52,589 --> 00:24:53,130 AUDIENCE: Oh. 818 00:24:53,130 --> 00:24:55,630 ANDREW GRANT: And do you have to click twice on a character? 819 00:24:55,630 --> 00:24:56,580 Is that correct? 820 00:24:56,580 --> 00:24:57,250 AUDIENCE: No. 821 00:24:57,250 --> 00:24:57,475 ANDREW GRANT: No? 822 00:24:57,475 --> 00:24:57,550 OK. 823 00:24:57,550 --> 00:24:58,600 It's just a click and hold? 824 00:24:58,600 --> 00:24:58,960 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 825 00:24:58,960 --> 00:24:59,335 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 826 00:24:59,335 --> 00:25:00,080 But-- yeah. 827 00:25:00,080 --> 00:25:01,746 AUDIENCE: Yeah, it's a little difficult. 828 00:25:01,746 --> 00:25:03,640 ANDREW GRANT: The cancel is-- I mean, 829 00:25:03,640 --> 00:25:05,681 the cancel is intuitive to a computer programmer, 830 00:25:05,681 --> 00:25:06,410 but no one else. 831 00:25:06,410 --> 00:25:07,604 Is there sound? 832 00:25:07,604 --> 00:25:08,612 AUDIENCE: Uh, no sound. 833 00:25:08,612 --> 00:25:10,570 AUDIENCE: That's another one to be implemented. 834 00:25:10,570 --> 00:25:11,040 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 835 00:25:11,040 --> 00:25:12,248 And how far are you on sound? 836 00:25:12,248 --> 00:25:13,095 Is it a-- 837 00:25:13,095 --> 00:25:14,970 AUDIENCE: We have potential background music, 838 00:25:14,970 --> 00:25:16,294 but we're trying to figure out which one we actually 839 00:25:16,294 --> 00:25:16,976 want to put in. 840 00:25:16,976 --> 00:25:19,475 RIK EBERHARDT: Well, what about sound for I clicked a thing, 841 00:25:19,475 --> 00:25:20,050 and sound for-- 842 00:25:20,050 --> 00:25:20,759 AUDIENCE: I have worked on the sound, 843 00:25:20,759 --> 00:25:21,967 but we haven't put it in yet. 844 00:25:21,967 --> 00:25:22,826 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 845 00:25:22,826 --> 00:25:23,360 That's-- 846 00:25:23,360 --> 00:25:24,340 ANDREW GRANT: My recommendation on that 847 00:25:24,340 --> 00:25:26,430 stuff is don't worry about picking the right background 848 00:25:26,430 --> 00:25:26,860 music. 849 00:25:26,860 --> 00:25:27,693 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 850 00:25:27,693 --> 00:25:29,640 ANDREW GRANT: Put in stupid background music, 851 00:25:29,640 --> 00:25:31,130 and then you will hear it, and then 852 00:25:31,130 --> 00:25:32,180 you'll be motivated to change it. 853 00:25:32,180 --> 00:25:33,554 But most importantly, you'll have 854 00:25:33,554 --> 00:25:35,951 proven that your code can support background music 855 00:25:35,951 --> 00:25:38,200 and click simultaneously, et cetera, et cetera-- which 856 00:25:38,200 --> 00:25:39,890 it can, because it's not hard. 857 00:25:39,890 --> 00:25:42,570 But just be safe. 858 00:25:42,570 --> 00:25:44,665 Put in placeholder sounds, put in placeholder art 859 00:25:44,665 --> 00:25:45,826 for whatever. 860 00:25:45,826 --> 00:25:47,326 If it is, in fact, the case that you 861 00:25:47,326 --> 00:25:51,680 end up with your cool, cute toys being more visually 862 00:25:51,680 --> 00:25:55,230 exciting than your UI, there's another cheat you can do, 863 00:25:55,230 --> 00:25:57,525 which is lower the quality of your characters 864 00:25:57,525 --> 00:25:59,900 if you don't have time to improve the quality of your UI. 865 00:25:59,900 --> 00:26:01,471 PHILLIP TAN: Just pixelize them. 866 00:26:01,471 --> 00:26:03,720 ANDREW GRANT: [LAUGH] Obviously, improving the quality 867 00:26:03,720 --> 00:26:04,660 of your UI is better. 868 00:26:04,660 --> 00:26:07,750 But again, you can cope with that. 869 00:26:07,750 --> 00:26:08,320 But, yeah. 870 00:26:08,320 --> 00:26:11,840 You do want people to focus on the right things. 871 00:26:11,840 --> 00:26:15,226 RIK EBERHARDT: From a usability standpoint, 872 00:26:15,226 --> 00:26:19,480 we're going to be looking stronger at if I click a thing, 873 00:26:19,480 --> 00:26:21,612 it gives me an audio feedback that I 874 00:26:21,612 --> 00:26:23,630 clicked a thing, more than there's 875 00:26:23,630 --> 00:26:25,904 background music going on. 876 00:26:25,904 --> 00:26:26,700 ANDREW GRANT: Sure. 877 00:26:26,700 --> 00:26:31,000 RIK EBERHARDT: Background music's an aesthetic element 878 00:26:31,000 --> 00:26:32,440 that we're also going to look at, 879 00:26:32,440 --> 00:26:34,830 but when we're ranking our priorities, 880 00:26:34,830 --> 00:26:36,392 usability is higher than aesthetic. 881 00:26:36,392 --> 00:26:36,880 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 882 00:26:36,880 --> 00:26:38,254 Another thing is that, right now, 883 00:26:38,254 --> 00:26:39,940 for usability, there is no hint. 884 00:26:39,940 --> 00:26:42,440 So we're talking about hints about where is this going? 885 00:26:42,440 --> 00:26:44,310 The guy is moving, not moving, whatever. 886 00:26:44,310 --> 00:26:47,054 But currently, there's no clue that he's clickable, 887 00:26:47,054 --> 00:26:48,220 except for the instructions. 888 00:26:48,220 --> 00:26:48,845 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 889 00:26:48,845 --> 00:26:52,030 ANDREW GRANT: So you want him to react in some way. 890 00:26:52,030 --> 00:26:54,840 The easy, easy way is to make them bigger, 891 00:26:54,840 --> 00:26:55,800 and just scale them. 892 00:26:55,800 --> 00:26:58,321 So have them scale up, or something, when your mouse is 893 00:26:58,321 --> 00:26:59,320 over them, or something. 894 00:26:59,320 --> 00:27:01,957 Just give us some really simple clue. 895 00:27:01,957 --> 00:27:03,790 It doesn't have to be complicated code-wise, 896 00:27:03,790 --> 00:27:06,030 but you definitely need that clue. 897 00:27:06,030 --> 00:27:08,985 Also, the part where this guy, if he's-- this 898 00:27:08,985 --> 00:27:10,020 castle's perfectly safe. 899 00:27:10,020 --> 00:27:10,970 It's never in danger. 900 00:27:13,585 --> 00:27:15,460 I saw in your backlog we've got to figure out 901 00:27:15,460 --> 00:27:16,577 how to solve that problem. 902 00:27:16,577 --> 00:27:18,660 I would make that pretty high priority-- actually, 903 00:27:18,660 --> 00:27:21,120 higher priority than any polishing you're doing. 904 00:27:21,120 --> 00:27:24,750 Because your game, currently, has a pretty easy strategy 905 00:27:24,750 --> 00:27:27,021 of leave a guy there and click for 100 turns, right? 906 00:27:27,021 --> 00:27:28,464 AUDIENCE: Well, the only thing is 907 00:27:28,464 --> 00:27:29,910 you have to be at [INAUDIBLE]. 908 00:27:29,910 --> 00:27:30,701 ANDREW GRANT: Sure. 909 00:27:30,701 --> 00:27:34,920 You may never win, but it's easy to never lose, certainly. 910 00:27:34,920 --> 00:27:35,890 That's not interesting. 911 00:27:35,890 --> 00:27:37,710 Actually, no-- this guy, by himself, 912 00:27:37,710 --> 00:27:40,873 doing nothing but building, can win the game in 100 turns. 913 00:27:40,873 --> 00:27:41,800 Right? 914 00:27:41,800 --> 00:27:43,275 So-- 915 00:27:43,275 --> 00:27:44,900 AUDIENCE: Our proposed solution to that 916 00:27:44,900 --> 00:27:47,275 is after you lose two guys or one guy, you lose the game. 917 00:27:47,275 --> 00:27:48,024 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 918 00:27:48,024 --> 00:27:48,600 Cool. 919 00:27:48,600 --> 00:27:51,177 AUDIENCE: That's not [INAUDIBLE]. 920 00:27:51,177 --> 00:27:52,010 RIK EBERHARDT: Sure. 921 00:27:52,010 --> 00:27:52,510 All right. 922 00:27:52,510 --> 00:27:53,710 Cool. 923 00:27:53,710 --> 00:27:55,270 But I would try to make that sooner, 924 00:27:55,270 --> 00:27:58,765 because your game is not-- make sure anything that your game 925 00:27:58,765 --> 00:28:00,840 has not done-- like, I feel like that is not 926 00:28:00,840 --> 00:28:03,780 done with that flaw. 927 00:28:03,780 --> 00:28:06,220 And, as you actually mentioned in your backlog, 928 00:28:06,220 --> 00:28:10,340 this may add new tasks and bugs, because it will. 929 00:28:10,340 --> 00:28:12,380 So make sure that's relatively high priority. 930 00:28:12,380 --> 00:28:13,500 AUDIENCE: OK. 931 00:28:13,500 --> 00:28:15,000 ANDREW GRANT: I would say-- 932 00:28:15,000 --> 00:28:16,416 PHILLIP TAN: Because then you have 933 00:28:16,416 --> 00:28:17,760 to test all of that on people. 934 00:28:17,760 --> 00:28:18,220 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 935 00:28:18,220 --> 00:28:20,105 PHILLIP TAN: Because you are going to have 936 00:28:20,105 --> 00:28:21,450 a different kind of bar graph. 937 00:28:21,450 --> 00:28:23,750 That's what I'm getting from what you're describing. 938 00:28:23,750 --> 00:28:25,660 You're going to maybe rearrange the way 939 00:28:25,660 --> 00:28:29,500 how your fonts and your progress bars and stuff, and all of that 940 00:28:29,500 --> 00:28:32,710 is going to be understood differently by people who've 941 00:28:32,710 --> 00:28:34,150 never seen your game. 942 00:28:34,150 --> 00:28:37,910 And you need to get that information pretty soon. 943 00:28:37,910 --> 00:28:39,570 ANDREW GRANT: Oddly, in some sense, 944 00:28:39,570 --> 00:28:41,800 the poor bar graph tells me is that, right now, I 945 00:28:41,800 --> 00:28:43,070 know this is a bar graph. 946 00:28:43,070 --> 00:28:44,230 It's probably giving me information. 947 00:28:44,230 --> 00:28:46,320 So I should figure out what that information is. 948 00:28:46,320 --> 00:28:47,945 As soon as you turn this into something 949 00:28:47,945 --> 00:28:49,980 that looks like a cloud or something, 950 00:28:49,980 --> 00:28:52,462 I might stop knowing that it's information. 951 00:28:52,462 --> 00:28:53,246 AUDIENCE: Oh. 952 00:28:53,246 --> 00:28:53,640 That's interesting. 953 00:28:53,640 --> 00:28:53,870 ANDREW GRANT: Right. 954 00:28:53,870 --> 00:28:55,745 So right now, I see it and I think to myself, 955 00:28:55,745 --> 00:28:56,427 what does it do? 956 00:28:56,427 --> 00:28:58,927 RIK EBERHARDT: That's something you can really quickly paper 957 00:28:58,927 --> 00:29:00,205 prototype and get in front of people who have never 958 00:29:00,205 --> 00:29:00,670 seen this before. 959 00:29:00,670 --> 00:29:01,110 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 960 00:29:01,110 --> 00:29:01,310 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 961 00:29:01,310 --> 00:29:02,870 In fact, you could take a screenshot of this. 962 00:29:02,870 --> 00:29:04,244 And just stick it into Photoshop. 963 00:29:04,244 --> 00:29:05,360 Put your thing on there. 964 00:29:05,360 --> 00:29:06,070 PHILLIP TAN: Mock it up. 965 00:29:06,070 --> 00:29:06,990 ANDREW GRANT: What does this mean, 966 00:29:06,990 --> 00:29:08,210 random person on the street I've never met before? 967 00:29:08,210 --> 00:29:09,114 [LAUGH] 968 00:29:09,114 --> 00:29:11,030 PHILLIP TAN: Family member that you might see. 969 00:29:11,030 --> 00:29:13,980 ANDREW GRANT: Over Thanksgiving, for example. 970 00:29:13,980 --> 00:29:14,540 But, yeah. 971 00:29:14,540 --> 00:29:16,880 You don't need to put it in the game to test it, so. 972 00:29:16,880 --> 00:29:17,570 AUDIENCE: OK. 973 00:29:17,570 --> 00:29:18,320 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah. 974 00:29:18,320 --> 00:29:20,350 There's a lot of different ways you can get that bar graph 975 00:29:20,350 --> 00:29:22,540 to look like it's part of the scene while making it 976 00:29:22,540 --> 00:29:23,490 look like a bar graph. 977 00:29:23,490 --> 00:29:25,410 It doesn't necessarily need to be made out of clouds. 978 00:29:25,410 --> 00:29:26,370 It could be in a cloud. 979 00:29:26,370 --> 00:29:26,630 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 980 00:29:26,630 --> 00:29:28,546 PHILLIP TAN: It could be projected on a cloud. 981 00:29:28,546 --> 00:29:30,519 It could be-- 982 00:29:30,519 --> 00:29:31,310 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 983 00:29:31,310 --> 00:29:31,805 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 984 00:29:31,805 --> 00:29:32,170 OK. 985 00:29:32,170 --> 00:29:33,169 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 986 00:29:33,169 --> 00:29:34,860 RIK EBERHARDT: Moving on. 987 00:29:34,860 --> 00:29:37,160 First things first. 988 00:29:37,160 --> 00:29:41,527 On Monday, I mentioned try to do an updated vision statement. 989 00:29:41,527 --> 00:29:42,110 AUDIENCE: Yes. 990 00:29:42,110 --> 00:29:43,760 RIK EBERHARDT: It's due December 10. 991 00:29:43,760 --> 00:29:47,070 If you have one now and it's in Stellar now, awesome. 992 00:29:47,070 --> 00:29:48,028 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 993 00:29:48,028 --> 00:29:48,903 We did not submit it. 994 00:29:48,903 --> 00:29:49,286 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 995 00:29:49,286 --> 00:29:50,480 AUDIENCE: We haven't submitted it, but we did just rewrite it. 996 00:29:50,480 --> 00:29:50,680 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 997 00:29:50,680 --> 00:29:51,180 Cool. 998 00:29:51,180 --> 00:29:53,925 Then submit that to Stellar under the December 10 999 00:29:53,925 --> 00:29:54,425 final one. 1000 00:29:54,425 --> 00:29:54,750 AUDIENCE: Final-- OK. 1001 00:29:54,750 --> 00:29:56,670 RIK EBERHARDT: And then resubmit it again with changes. 1002 00:29:56,670 --> 00:29:57,870 AUDIENCE: Resubmit it again for changes? 1003 00:29:57,870 --> 00:29:58,110 Sure. 1004 00:29:58,110 --> 00:29:58,185 RIK EBERHARDT: OK? 1005 00:29:58,185 --> 00:29:59,140 The big thing we see-- 1006 00:29:59,140 --> 00:30:00,870 AUDIENCE: What do you want risks to have? 1007 00:30:00,870 --> 00:30:02,244 Because it seems like by the end, 1008 00:30:02,244 --> 00:30:03,760 their risks are kind of meaningless. 1009 00:30:03,760 --> 00:30:05,730 ANDREW GRANT: By December 10, risks are too late. 1010 00:30:05,730 --> 00:30:05,950 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1011 00:30:05,950 --> 00:30:08,220 So just keep the risks you originally had. 1012 00:30:08,220 --> 00:30:09,205 AUDIENCE: OK. 1013 00:30:09,205 --> 00:30:09,550 RIK EBERHARDT: If you want to have 1014 00:30:09,550 --> 00:30:10,640 AUDIENCE: So we updated the risks right now, 1015 00:30:10,640 --> 00:30:13,551 because pretty much ever risk we had before didn't make sense. 1016 00:30:13,551 --> 00:30:14,800 RIK EBERHARDT: That's perfect. 1017 00:30:14,800 --> 00:30:17,800 The thing I'm really looking at is 30 seconds of game play. 1018 00:30:17,800 --> 00:30:18,670 AUDIENCE: That completely changed. 1019 00:30:18,670 --> 00:30:18,902 RIK EBERHARDT: That's cool. 1020 00:30:18,902 --> 00:30:20,620 Because that's the thing we're judging your game one. 1021 00:30:20,620 --> 00:30:22,980 If your game does not look like the 30-second game play, 1022 00:30:22,980 --> 00:30:24,146 it's a huge red flag for us. 1023 00:30:24,146 --> 00:30:25,009 AUDIENCE: Yes. 1024 00:30:25,009 --> 00:30:26,550 PHILLIP TAN: Actually, there probably 1025 00:30:26,550 --> 00:30:28,210 are still risks on December 10. 1026 00:30:28,210 --> 00:30:29,710 There won't be implementation risks. 1027 00:30:29,710 --> 00:30:31,160 It won't be like, can we implement something? 1028 00:30:31,160 --> 00:30:33,493 It will be more of the what happens when real people try 1029 00:30:33,493 --> 00:30:34,290 to use this thing? 1030 00:30:34,290 --> 00:30:34,630 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1031 00:30:34,630 --> 00:30:34,970 PHILLIP TAN: Right? 1032 00:30:34,970 --> 00:30:36,120 So you can write those up. 1033 00:30:36,120 --> 00:30:39,260 AUDIENCE: Well, I think that risk is December 8. 1034 00:30:39,260 --> 00:30:40,670 PHILLIP TAN: Possibly. 1035 00:30:40,670 --> 00:30:41,610 AUDIENCE: So-- 1036 00:30:41,610 --> 00:30:42,790 PHILLIP TAN: Well, I mean-- 1037 00:30:42,790 --> 00:30:44,350 AUDIENCE: Because we're testing with 100 players. 1038 00:30:44,350 --> 00:30:44,930 PHILLIP TAN: Yeah. 1039 00:30:44,930 --> 00:30:47,290 But what happens when the next 100 players come along? 1040 00:30:47,290 --> 00:30:48,490 AUDIENCE: Sure, sure. 1041 00:30:48,490 --> 00:30:49,440 PHILLIP TAN: What happens long-term? 1042 00:30:49,440 --> 00:30:49,820 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1043 00:30:49,820 --> 00:30:50,820 There's real-- there's real deployment. 1044 00:30:50,820 --> 00:30:51,580 PHILLIP TAN: You can change it then. 1045 00:30:51,580 --> 00:30:52,405 AUDIENCE: Charlie. 1046 00:30:52,405 --> 00:30:54,980 RIK EBERHARDT: For your product backlog and task list, 1047 00:30:54,980 --> 00:30:58,120 are these prioritized when you look at them? 1048 00:30:58,120 --> 00:30:59,705 Like, you're using Asana, right? 1049 00:30:59,705 --> 00:31:00,330 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1050 00:31:00,330 --> 00:31:02,625 RIK EBERHARDT: Do you use priority? 1051 00:31:02,625 --> 00:31:04,250 AUDIENCE: We did not do a good job of-- 1052 00:31:04,250 --> 00:31:06,020 AUDIENCE: We sort of do soft priority-- 1053 00:31:06,020 --> 00:31:08,149 small, medium, large-- on some tasks. 1054 00:31:08,149 --> 00:31:08,774 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1055 00:31:08,774 --> 00:31:09,890 We have different-- 1056 00:31:09,890 --> 00:31:10,220 RIK EBERHARDT: No. 1057 00:31:10,220 --> 00:31:10,800 That size. 1058 00:31:10,800 --> 00:31:11,730 PHILLIP TAN: No-- 1059 00:31:11,730 --> 00:31:11,840 ANDREW GRANT: That size. 1060 00:31:11,840 --> 00:31:13,173 But you don't necessarily have-- 1061 00:31:13,173 --> 00:31:14,835 AUDIENCE: So I think theoretically, 1062 00:31:14,835 --> 00:31:16,293 they should be ordered by priority. 1063 00:31:16,293 --> 00:31:16,716 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1064 00:31:16,716 --> 00:31:17,140 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1065 00:31:17,140 --> 00:31:17,320 That would be-- 1066 00:31:17,320 --> 00:31:17,600 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1067 00:31:17,600 --> 00:31:19,099 Because it doesn't look like they're 1068 00:31:19,099 --> 00:31:21,874 ordered by name and something else. 1069 00:31:21,874 --> 00:31:22,415 I don't know. 1070 00:31:22,415 --> 00:31:24,289 We couldn't tell how you were authorizing it, 1071 00:31:24,289 --> 00:31:26,947 so hopefully you are thinking about that 1072 00:31:26,947 --> 00:31:29,000 as you are moving towards the deadline. 1073 00:31:29,000 --> 00:31:30,730 You're going to have to choose-- I'm going to work on this right 1074 00:31:30,730 --> 00:31:31,200 now. 1075 00:31:31,200 --> 00:31:32,000 Make sure it's organized. 1076 00:31:32,000 --> 00:31:32,625 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1077 00:31:32,625 --> 00:31:34,302 I think now that will be more important. 1078 00:31:34,302 --> 00:31:36,260 RIK EBERHARDT: How are you-- are you doing work 1079 00:31:36,260 --> 00:31:39,050 over the weekend, over the break? 1080 00:31:39,050 --> 00:31:39,758 AUDIENCE: I will. 1081 00:31:39,758 --> 00:31:42,671 AUDIENCE: I probably will do a little bit, but mostly other 1082 00:31:42,671 --> 00:31:43,170 work. 1083 00:31:43,170 --> 00:31:43,930 RIK EBERHARDT: Oh. 1084 00:31:43,930 --> 00:31:44,330 No. 1085 00:31:44,330 --> 00:31:44,930 We tell you don't. 1086 00:31:44,930 --> 00:31:46,740 Like, don't plan on having, like-- that's 1087 00:31:46,740 --> 00:31:47,762 bonus work, right? 1088 00:31:47,762 --> 00:31:49,725 But if you are working individually elsewhere 1089 00:31:49,725 --> 00:31:51,735 and you're not able to talk to each other, 1090 00:31:51,735 --> 00:31:53,650 how do you know what you're working on? 1091 00:31:53,650 --> 00:31:58,150 That's the big thing for that. 1092 00:31:58,150 --> 00:32:00,420 PHILLIP TAN: One of the big things 1093 00:32:00,420 --> 00:32:02,960 that we're noticing on your list of things-- a lot of them 1094 00:32:02,960 --> 00:32:06,932 are both the server and game-system based. 1095 00:32:06,932 --> 00:32:09,390 Probably also because you've been getting a lot of feedback 1096 00:32:09,390 --> 00:32:12,744 from Pablo and people how have been running this game in front 1097 00:32:12,744 --> 00:32:15,160 of the audience, we're not getting a whole lot of feedback 1098 00:32:15,160 --> 00:32:18,437 from the people who are actually playing it on the playing site. 1099 00:32:18,437 --> 00:32:19,020 AUDIENCE: Yes. 1100 00:32:19,020 --> 00:32:19,540 That's true. 1101 00:32:19,540 --> 00:32:22,190 PHILLIP TAN: So the thing that I'm really, really worried 1102 00:32:22,190 --> 00:32:23,615 about is that the client-side user 1103 00:32:23,615 --> 00:32:27,470 interface doesn't look like it's actually changed all that much. 1104 00:32:27,470 --> 00:32:31,280 I'm sure the technology has, but the actual user experience 1105 00:32:31,280 --> 00:32:31,875 hasn't. 1106 00:32:31,875 --> 00:32:32,500 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1107 00:32:32,500 --> 00:32:39,680 PHILLIP TAN: So I am worried that you're not actually 1108 00:32:39,680 --> 00:32:42,880 getting in useful usability information 1109 00:32:42,880 --> 00:32:44,730 and that iterative playing experience. 1110 00:32:44,730 --> 00:32:46,949 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1111 00:32:46,949 --> 00:32:49,240 RIK EBERHARDT: And so you mentioned in the presentation 1112 00:32:49,240 --> 00:32:50,470 you were dropping Phaser. 1113 00:32:50,470 --> 00:32:52,810 are you in the process of dropping Phaser, or started? 1114 00:32:52,810 --> 00:32:54,060 AUDIENCE: We are done with with that. 1115 00:32:54,060 --> 00:32:54,940 RIK EBERHARDT: You're done with that. 1116 00:32:54,940 --> 00:32:56,260 So you're no longer in Phaser. 1117 00:32:56,260 --> 00:32:56,870 You've got something else? 1118 00:32:56,870 --> 00:32:57,135 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1119 00:32:57,135 --> 00:32:57,400 RIK EBERHARDT: It's buggy, but you've got something else. 1120 00:32:58,140 --> 00:32:58,410 AUDIENCE: It's a little bit buggy, 1121 00:32:58,410 --> 00:33:00,350 but it's almost as good as we had before. 1122 00:33:00,350 --> 00:33:00,611 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1123 00:33:00,611 --> 00:33:01,111 Cool. 1124 00:33:01,111 --> 00:33:03,989 Because we were going to ask do you really need to drop Phaser? 1125 00:33:03,989 --> 00:33:06,030 And so you're already done, so why bother asking? 1126 00:33:06,030 --> 00:33:08,449 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1127 00:33:08,449 --> 00:33:09,490 RIK EBERHARDT: What else? 1128 00:33:09,490 --> 00:33:09,989 Oh. 1129 00:33:09,989 --> 00:33:13,430 And give some time looking at your scoring mechanism. 1130 00:33:13,430 --> 00:33:15,580 While you kind of hand-waved through it 1131 00:33:15,580 --> 00:33:17,690 during the presentation-- as we've got, 1132 00:33:17,690 --> 00:33:19,880 here's a couple of different ways we can do scoring. 1133 00:33:19,880 --> 00:33:22,558 Are you thinking about scoring as a team? 1134 00:33:22,558 --> 00:33:26,830 Or are you relying on the client to come up with that? 1135 00:33:26,830 --> 00:33:29,170 AUDIENCE: So I'm actually not sure why 1136 00:33:29,170 --> 00:33:30,949 our scoring works the way it does, 1137 00:33:30,949 --> 00:33:32,365 because it's harder to implement-- 1138 00:33:32,365 --> 00:33:32,660 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1139 00:33:32,660 --> 00:33:33,780 It's also not very intuitive. 1140 00:33:33,780 --> 00:33:34,420 AUDIENCE: It doesn't make sense. 1141 00:33:34,420 --> 00:33:35,192 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1142 00:33:35,192 --> 00:33:36,983 AUDIENCE: Like, there's a specific function 1143 00:33:36,983 --> 00:33:39,955 that makes sure that you only get one point when you might as 1144 00:33:39,955 --> 00:33:41,950 well get more than one point. 1145 00:33:41,950 --> 00:33:44,906 I think that's just something that has been low-priority, 1146 00:33:44,906 --> 00:33:47,690 and hasn't been fixed-- especially 1147 00:33:47,690 --> 00:33:49,210 because nobody actually understands 1148 00:33:49,210 --> 00:33:51,026 how their getting points. 1149 00:33:51,026 --> 00:33:53,359 And they only ask at the end of the game, wait a minute. 1150 00:33:53,359 --> 00:33:54,290 How did I get points? 1151 00:33:54,290 --> 00:33:56,044 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1152 00:33:56,044 --> 00:33:57,460 PHILLIP TAN: Two ways that you can 1153 00:33:57,460 --> 00:33:59,500 resolve that-- one is you play test it, 1154 00:33:59,500 --> 00:34:00,994 and then you ask people how they think that they 1155 00:34:00,994 --> 00:34:02,035 should be getting points. 1156 00:34:02,035 --> 00:34:02,762 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1157 00:34:02,762 --> 00:34:04,970 PHILLIP TAN: And the other way is you just ask Paolo. 1158 00:34:04,970 --> 00:34:05,230 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1159 00:34:05,230 --> 00:34:06,210 PHILLIP TAN: And let him make a decision for you. 1160 00:34:06,210 --> 00:34:09,620 RIK EBERHARDT: The third way-- if you're with family members, 1161 00:34:09,620 --> 00:34:12,488 you can play the regular, the analog game. 1162 00:34:12,488 --> 00:34:14,989 Come up with a scoring mechanism-- like, just do it. 1163 00:34:14,989 --> 00:34:16,739 You don't need to be programming to do it. 1164 00:34:16,739 --> 00:34:18,836 You can probably do it really quickly. 1165 00:34:18,836 --> 00:34:21,460 PHILLIP TAN: My guess is that a accumulated scoring system will 1166 00:34:21,460 --> 00:34:23,960 give you more differentiation between players, 1167 00:34:23,960 --> 00:34:28,624 whereas the one point for everybody kind of situation 1168 00:34:28,624 --> 00:34:31,249 means a lot of people get the same score. 1169 00:34:31,249 --> 00:34:32,169 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1170 00:34:32,169 --> 00:34:34,480 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1171 00:34:34,480 --> 00:34:37,070 ANDREW GRANT: Are these-- it looks like you have, actually, 1172 00:34:37,070 --> 00:34:38,190 three backlogs. 1173 00:34:38,190 --> 00:34:38,790 Is that true? 1174 00:34:38,790 --> 00:34:40,719 RIK EBERHARDT: This is backlog, and these are tasks lists. 1175 00:34:40,719 --> 00:34:41,389 ANDREW GRANT: Oh, I see. 1176 00:34:41,389 --> 00:34:41,889 I see. 1177 00:34:41,889 --> 00:34:42,150 I see. 1178 00:34:42,150 --> 00:34:42,810 RIK EBERHARDT: That's on the-- 1179 00:34:42,810 --> 00:34:43,643 ANDREW GRANT: I see. 1180 00:34:43,643 --> 00:34:45,035 RIK EBERHARDT: Same system, yeah. 1181 00:34:45,035 --> 00:34:45,909 ANDREW GRANT: Oh, OK. 1182 00:34:45,909 --> 00:34:47,242 So does that mean it's repeated? 1183 00:34:47,242 --> 00:34:49,889 This is the backlog and these are task lists, 1184 00:34:49,889 --> 00:34:51,790 are the same thing? 1185 00:34:51,790 --> 00:34:54,079 I think they're repeated in both places. 1186 00:34:54,079 --> 00:34:55,149 Do you have one list-- 1187 00:34:55,149 --> 00:34:55,690 AUDIENCE: No. 1188 00:34:55,690 --> 00:34:56,523 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1189 00:34:56,523 --> 00:34:58,500 ANDREW GRANT: So you have somewhere one list 1190 00:34:58,500 --> 00:35:01,789 that lists everything you need to do, prioritized. 1191 00:35:01,789 --> 00:35:02,830 So that way, one of you-- 1192 00:35:02,830 --> 00:35:03,082 AUDIENCE: OK. 1193 00:35:03,082 --> 00:35:04,660 We don't have something exactly like that. 1194 00:35:04,660 --> 00:35:06,576 ANDREW GRANT: And the reason why you want that 1195 00:35:06,576 --> 00:35:08,330 is so that if I'm working on the back end 1196 00:35:08,330 --> 00:35:12,020 and I have gotten all of my priority two stuff done. 1197 00:35:12,020 --> 00:35:13,720 I'm working the priority three stuff. 1198 00:35:13,720 --> 00:35:15,530 But on the front end, there's a whole bunch 1199 00:35:15,530 --> 00:35:16,790 of priority one bugs. 1200 00:35:16,790 --> 00:35:19,154 I need to switch to the front end. 1201 00:35:19,154 --> 00:35:19,990 AUDIENCE: I see. 1202 00:35:19,990 --> 00:35:20,240 ANDREW GRANT: Right? 1203 00:35:20,240 --> 00:35:21,823 AUDIENCE: So far I don't think anybody 1204 00:35:21,823 --> 00:35:23,594 has-- initial on the switch. 1205 00:35:23,594 --> 00:35:24,760 It was permanently switched. 1206 00:35:24,760 --> 00:35:24,800 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1207 00:35:24,800 --> 00:35:26,030 ANDREW GRANT: Now, part of that, there's a learning curve 1208 00:35:26,030 --> 00:35:27,760 problem for doing that. 1209 00:35:27,760 --> 00:35:30,540 But if you get that far out of whack, 1210 00:35:30,540 --> 00:35:33,690 you really need to be ready, or to be aware of the fact 1211 00:35:33,690 --> 00:35:34,755 that that might happen. 1212 00:35:34,755 --> 00:35:35,421 AUDIENCE: I see. 1213 00:35:35,421 --> 00:35:35,910 Yeah. 1214 00:35:35,910 --> 00:35:36,700 ANDREW GRANT: So it also does you 1215 00:35:36,700 --> 00:35:38,235 no good job to implement a feature on the back end that's 1216 00:35:38,235 --> 00:35:39,610 not implemented on the front end, 1217 00:35:39,610 --> 00:35:42,380 and vice versa, really-- for the features that pair, at least, 1218 00:35:42,380 --> 00:35:42,880 right? 1219 00:35:42,880 --> 00:35:45,480 So there's got to be really close communication. 1220 00:35:45,480 --> 00:35:48,630 And one way to handle that is to have a unified list-- 1221 00:35:48,630 --> 00:35:51,394 bugs and features intermingled sometimes. 1222 00:35:51,394 --> 00:35:52,060 AUDIENCE: Right. 1223 00:35:52,060 --> 00:35:54,120 ANDREW GRANT: What's the most important thing to do next? 1224 00:35:54,120 --> 00:35:55,610 But I would be a little bit worried 1225 00:35:55,610 --> 00:35:57,068 if this is your entire organization 1226 00:35:57,068 --> 00:35:59,180 system, about stuff falling through the cracks 1227 00:35:59,180 --> 00:36:01,680 pretty easily, especially since you're dividing your team up 1228 00:36:01,680 --> 00:36:04,345 into subgroups to sort of handle front end, back end problems. 1229 00:36:04,345 --> 00:36:04,970 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1230 00:36:04,970 --> 00:36:05,360 ANDREW GRANT: That means that there's 1231 00:36:05,360 --> 00:36:07,610 a-- it's not a communication barrier, 1232 00:36:07,610 --> 00:36:10,980 but there's no highway of communication. 1233 00:36:10,980 --> 00:36:13,860 Since you are separated out, you will 1234 00:36:13,860 --> 00:36:17,156 tend to forget to inform the other side of what's going on. 1235 00:36:17,156 --> 00:36:17,780 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1236 00:36:17,780 --> 00:36:21,127 ANDREW GRANT: So, and the one list also helps with that. 1237 00:36:21,127 --> 00:36:21,960 And also, let's see. 1238 00:36:21,960 --> 00:36:24,605 Did I see here that you're already adding word lists 1239 00:36:24,605 --> 00:36:26,580 or did I make that up? 1240 00:36:26,580 --> 00:36:28,674 No, I just saw cloud, words, and export. 1241 00:36:28,674 --> 00:36:31,090 RIK EBERHARDT: They have a word cloud on the back end now. 1242 00:36:31,090 --> 00:36:31,360 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1243 00:36:31,360 --> 00:36:31,920 Not for players-- 1244 00:36:31,920 --> 00:36:32,410 ANDREW GRANT: I see. 1245 00:36:32,410 --> 00:36:33,600 AUDIENCE: --for the back end. 1246 00:36:33,600 --> 00:36:34,330 That's been around. 1247 00:36:34,330 --> 00:36:34,560 ANDREW GRANT: Got it. 1248 00:36:34,560 --> 00:36:35,200 So the back end-- I see. 1249 00:36:35,200 --> 00:36:35,440 I see. 1250 00:36:35,440 --> 00:36:35,840 I see. 1251 00:36:35,840 --> 00:36:36,360 OK. 1252 00:36:36,360 --> 00:36:41,410 So are you, for example, not bothering 1253 00:36:41,410 --> 00:36:46,069 to have a feature for collusion or cheating? 1254 00:36:46,069 --> 00:36:46,610 AUDIENCE: No. 1255 00:36:46,610 --> 00:36:47,105 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 1256 00:36:47,105 --> 00:36:47,490 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1257 00:36:47,490 --> 00:36:47,989 Cool. 1258 00:36:47,989 --> 00:36:50,575 AUDIENCE: I think we have no anti-cheating tasks. 1259 00:36:50,575 --> 00:36:50,899 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 1260 00:36:50,899 --> 00:36:51,399 Cool. 1261 00:36:51,399 --> 00:36:54,050 You probably should mention that explicitly somewhere. 1262 00:36:54,050 --> 00:36:55,960 I'm not sure where that goes, though. 1263 00:36:55,960 --> 00:36:57,100 PHILLIP TAN: Maybe interpretation document. 1264 00:36:57,100 --> 00:36:57,310 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 1265 00:36:57,310 --> 00:36:57,710 It's an anti-task, certainly. 1266 00:36:57,710 --> 00:36:58,510 AUDIENCE: That's actually-- 1267 00:36:58,510 --> 00:37:00,385 ANDREW GRANT: And to the client, for example, 1268 00:37:00,385 --> 00:37:02,840 you'd want to make sure the client knows this 1269 00:37:02,840 --> 00:37:04,201 is the thing we're not doing. 1270 00:37:04,201 --> 00:37:06,450 And you probably don't care, because of your use case. 1271 00:37:06,450 --> 00:37:08,158 But we should mention in case you go, no. 1272 00:37:08,158 --> 00:37:10,044 Wait a minute. 1273 00:37:10,044 --> 00:37:11,710 RIK EBERHARDT: Your final presentation's 1274 00:37:11,710 --> 00:37:13,770 a great place for that, as a here's something 1275 00:37:13,770 --> 00:37:16,089 we thought about and didn't do because of that. 1276 00:37:16,089 --> 00:37:16,880 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 1277 00:37:16,880 --> 00:37:17,080 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1278 00:37:17,080 --> 00:37:19,900 ANDREW GRANT: Although if you do have any conversation 1279 00:37:19,900 --> 00:37:21,830 with the client, mention that. 1280 00:37:21,830 --> 00:37:27,520 Because if they're like, that's crazy, 1281 00:37:27,520 --> 00:37:30,352 you want to know that before the final presentation-- 1282 00:37:30,352 --> 00:37:32,810 you might not be able to do anything about it with the time 1283 00:37:32,810 --> 00:37:35,429 you've got, but it'd be good to be aware if maybe there is 1284 00:37:35,429 --> 00:37:37,970 an easy solution the client come up with or whatever that you 1285 00:37:37,970 --> 00:37:41,640 haven't-- because maybe full cheating stopping is not 1286 00:37:41,640 --> 00:37:45,098 necessary, but some minor things are. 1287 00:37:45,098 --> 00:37:46,472 AUDIENCE: I mean, I think the way 1288 00:37:46,472 --> 00:37:48,420 they run it-- if you cheated it would be obvious, first of all. 1289 00:37:48,420 --> 00:37:48,930 Like, they're going to show you did it. 1290 00:37:48,930 --> 00:37:50,355 ANDREW GRANT: Oh, because the cloud. 1291 00:37:50,355 --> 00:37:50,730 AUDIENCE: So, like-- 1292 00:37:50,730 --> 00:37:51,510 ANDREW GRANT: OK, yeah. 1293 00:37:51,510 --> 00:37:52,100 AUDIENCE: What you did-- 1294 00:37:52,100 --> 00:37:53,000 ANDREW GRANT: Who put cat and dog in here? 1295 00:37:53,000 --> 00:37:53,450 That's ridiculous. 1296 00:37:53,450 --> 00:37:53,760 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1297 00:37:53,760 --> 00:37:53,976 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 1298 00:37:53,976 --> 00:37:54,340 Sure. 1299 00:37:54,340 --> 00:37:54,735 All right. 1300 00:37:54,735 --> 00:37:55,130 Cool. 1301 00:37:55,130 --> 00:37:56,630 That may well be enough right there. 1302 00:37:59,330 --> 00:38:01,265 AUDIENCE: And also, they wants us 1303 00:38:01,265 --> 00:38:03,059 to focus on pretty serious players, right? 1304 00:38:03,059 --> 00:38:05,100 ANDREW GRANT: So who aren't going to be cheating? 1305 00:38:05,100 --> 00:38:06,060 AUDIENCE: They're not going to cheat. 1306 00:38:06,060 --> 00:38:06,364 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 1307 00:38:06,364 --> 00:38:06,440 Cool. 1308 00:38:06,440 --> 00:38:06,860 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 1309 00:38:06,860 --> 00:38:08,443 ANDREW GRANT: That's a nice advantage. 1310 00:38:08,443 --> 00:38:10,160 And that's a thing to include in your-- 1311 00:38:10,160 --> 00:38:12,564 if you mention your target audience is, in fact, people 1312 00:38:12,564 --> 00:38:13,980 who've already drunk the Kool-Aid. 1313 00:38:13,980 --> 00:38:16,090 They're already on your team. 1314 00:38:16,090 --> 00:38:18,370 They're not trying to-- it's not whack people 1315 00:38:18,370 --> 00:38:20,117 on the internet who are going to do whatever they want. 1316 00:38:20,117 --> 00:38:20,410 That's an important-- 1317 00:38:20,410 --> 00:38:21,035 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1318 00:38:21,035 --> 00:38:22,359 It's almost like not players. 1319 00:38:22,359 --> 00:38:23,150 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 1320 00:38:23,150 --> 00:38:23,920 AUDIENCE: It's not a typical player. 1321 00:38:23,920 --> 00:38:24,780 ANDREW GRANT: That's an important thing 1322 00:38:24,780 --> 00:38:26,280 to mention in your vision statement, 1323 00:38:26,280 --> 00:38:29,500 actually, if it's not in there already-- 1324 00:38:29,500 --> 00:38:30,870 I'm behind on that, but. 1325 00:38:30,870 --> 00:38:32,184 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1326 00:38:32,184 --> 00:38:33,725 PHILLIP TAN: One other thing is given 1327 00:38:33,725 --> 00:38:35,175 that your game is designed to work 1328 00:38:35,175 --> 00:38:39,270 both on phone and on laptop, on PC, 1329 00:38:39,270 --> 00:38:41,970 you do want to set up multiple test sessions 1330 00:38:41,970 --> 00:38:45,945 so that you can test your user interface on both clients. 1331 00:38:45,945 --> 00:38:48,180 Maybe you're testing them simultaneously, 1332 00:38:48,180 --> 00:38:49,700 but then you have to make sure that when you're getting 1333 00:38:49,700 --> 00:38:51,991 your usability feedback, you are getting some usability 1334 00:38:51,991 --> 00:38:54,410 feedback on the phone users, and some-- 1335 00:38:54,410 --> 00:38:57,630 because it's very different on the different device. 1336 00:38:57,630 --> 00:39:00,700 AUDIENCE: So I think that's sort of a weird feature where, 1337 00:39:00,700 --> 00:39:02,125 as far as the class is concerned, 1338 00:39:02,125 --> 00:39:03,170 I don't think we care about the mobile interface. 1339 00:39:03,170 --> 00:39:03,370 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1340 00:39:03,370 --> 00:39:03,785 All right. 1341 00:39:03,785 --> 00:39:04,930 AUDIENCE: Like, that's not something 1342 00:39:04,930 --> 00:39:07,090 that we're promising in terms of the course. 1343 00:39:07,090 --> 00:39:07,450 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1344 00:39:07,450 --> 00:39:07,720 Oh, good. 1345 00:39:07,720 --> 00:39:07,980 Good. 1346 00:39:07,980 --> 00:39:09,905 PHILLIP TAN: That wasn't clear on the priority list, too. 1347 00:39:09,905 --> 00:39:12,090 AUDIENCE: On the other hand, it seems easy enough, 1348 00:39:12,090 --> 00:39:14,070 and the client really wants it. 1349 00:39:14,070 --> 00:39:15,340 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1350 00:39:15,340 --> 00:39:17,290 PHILLIP TAN: You might want to do 1351 00:39:17,290 --> 00:39:20,527 we'll guarantee that the PC site will work, 1352 00:39:20,527 --> 00:39:23,340 and if you wanted us to do the mobile site, maybe pay us. 1353 00:39:26,290 --> 00:39:28,000 RIK EBERHARDT: Here's 0.9B. 1354 00:39:28,000 --> 00:39:31,340 You get 1.0 with the dot. 1355 00:39:31,340 --> 00:39:32,840 PHILLIP TAN: I mean, seriously, this 1356 00:39:32,840 --> 00:39:36,850 is real work that you're doing that real people get 1357 00:39:36,850 --> 00:39:38,110 paid to do. 1358 00:39:38,110 --> 00:39:40,435 And for the sake of this class, we 1359 00:39:40,435 --> 00:39:42,660 want you to turn in a polished product, 1360 00:39:42,660 --> 00:39:44,780 and we never ask you to target two platforms. 1361 00:39:44,780 --> 00:39:46,049 The client does, obviously. 1362 00:39:46,049 --> 00:39:48,090 But then it's also reasonable to tell the client, 1363 00:39:48,090 --> 00:39:49,214 first priority is get one-- 1364 00:39:49,214 --> 00:39:51,437 RIK EBERHARDT: Beyond the scope of the class. 1365 00:39:51,437 --> 00:39:53,770 AUDIENCE: Well, I think he's-- he's been very good about 1366 00:39:53,770 --> 00:39:56,303 mentioning that every time, that he wants us to do well 1367 00:39:56,303 --> 00:39:58,100 in the class, not make him happy. 1368 00:39:58,100 --> 00:39:58,280 ANDREW GRANT: Sure. 1369 00:39:58,280 --> 00:39:58,780 Sure. 1370 00:39:58,780 --> 00:40:01,320 Well, and that's another place where your prioritization can 1371 00:40:01,320 --> 00:40:02,340 help a lot, right? 1372 00:40:02,340 --> 00:40:04,540 You want to make sure that the web 1373 00:40:04,540 --> 00:40:07,730 interface on a thing with a keyboard 1374 00:40:07,730 --> 00:40:09,737 is the one that's the highest priority. 1375 00:40:09,737 --> 00:40:12,070 And if you have time, then you make the mobile one work. 1376 00:40:12,070 --> 00:40:14,126 And you're already going to have problems for you 1377 00:40:14,126 --> 00:40:15,751 poor mobile people on their phones, who 1378 00:40:15,751 --> 00:40:17,140 are typing really slowly compared 1379 00:40:17,140 --> 00:40:18,470 to the people on their computers. 1380 00:40:18,470 --> 00:40:18,730 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1381 00:40:18,730 --> 00:40:20,150 This is something we talked about, 1382 00:40:20,150 --> 00:40:21,946 in fairness, that sort of got dropped 1383 00:40:21,946 --> 00:40:22,890 because it's very hard to do. 1384 00:40:22,890 --> 00:40:23,140 RIK EBERHARDT: Oh, yeah. 1385 00:40:23,140 --> 00:40:25,060 You can't compensate for the fairness, 1386 00:40:25,060 --> 00:40:27,380 but it's a thing to be aware of, obviously. 1387 00:40:27,380 --> 00:40:28,055 All right. 1388 00:40:28,055 --> 00:40:28,680 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1389 00:40:28,680 --> 00:40:30,346 So I have one question about deployment. 1390 00:40:30,346 --> 00:40:34,340 How long after the course will the game have to be up? 1391 00:40:34,340 --> 00:40:38,270 RIK EBERHARDT: At least through January. 1392 00:40:38,270 --> 00:40:40,570 PHILLIP TAN: Or through the whole of January. 1393 00:40:40,570 --> 00:40:40,890 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1394 00:40:40,890 --> 00:40:41,405 Through the whole of January, if possible. 1395 00:40:41,405 --> 00:40:42,988 And if you can't do that, let us know. 1396 00:40:42,988 --> 00:40:45,980 And we'll come up with a different solution. 1397 00:40:45,980 --> 00:40:47,402 Grading is really soon. 1398 00:40:47,402 --> 00:40:48,485 We're going to do grading. 1399 00:40:48,485 --> 00:40:49,010 Yeah. 1400 00:40:49,010 --> 00:40:50,190 ANDREW GRANT: Grading will be before then-- way before then, 1401 00:40:50,190 --> 00:40:50,690 obviously. 1402 00:40:50,690 --> 00:40:54,717 RIK EBERHARDT: If you have a way to deploy it 1403 00:40:54,717 --> 00:40:56,550 to a different platform, a different server, 1404 00:40:56,550 --> 00:40:59,850 if that is what is necessary, then we'll think about that. 1405 00:40:59,850 --> 00:41:01,106 But that's the other thing. 1406 00:41:01,106 --> 00:41:02,980 We're going to have a conversation with Pablo 1407 00:41:02,980 --> 00:41:04,820 at the end of the class to figure out 1408 00:41:04,820 --> 00:41:05,390 how it's going to be used. 1409 00:41:05,390 --> 00:41:06,520 PHILLIP TAN: And OCW would like to figure out, also. 1410 00:41:06,520 --> 00:41:07,353 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1411 00:41:07,353 --> 00:41:09,436 OCW wants to actually-- that's right. 1412 00:41:09,436 --> 00:41:10,690 Forever. 1413 00:41:10,690 --> 00:41:12,270 ANDREW GRANT: [LAUGH] 1414 00:41:12,790 --> 00:41:13,960 AUDIENCE: So ours is a little bit more tricky. 1415 00:41:13,960 --> 00:41:15,220 RIK EBERHARDT: Yours is more tricky. 1416 00:41:15,220 --> 00:41:17,011 PHILLIP TAN: I'll find a solution for that. 1417 00:41:18,430 --> 00:41:20,805 RIK EBERHARDT: Something we could talk about after class, 1418 00:41:20,805 --> 00:41:23,550 because I don't think we can talk about it during class. 1419 00:41:23,550 --> 00:41:27,170 That after January 1, it's not going to be part of the grade. 1420 00:41:27,170 --> 00:41:30,066 Because the grade's already done by December 15. 1421 00:41:30,066 --> 00:41:30,690 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1422 00:41:30,690 --> 00:41:32,150 RIK EBERHARDT: But for OCW capture, 1423 00:41:32,150 --> 00:41:34,407 we'd like to have something there. 1424 00:41:34,407 --> 00:41:35,990 ANDREW GRANT: What does it run on now? 1425 00:41:35,990 --> 00:41:36,585 AUDIENCE: It's a node server. 1426 00:41:36,585 --> 00:41:37,250 ANDREW GRANT: It's a node server. 1427 00:41:37,250 --> 00:41:37,970 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 1428 00:41:37,970 --> 00:41:40,410 AUDIENCE: Actually, it's two node servers, unfortunately. 1429 00:41:40,410 --> 00:41:43,340 One for the back end and then one that runs the front. 1430 00:41:43,340 --> 00:41:44,100 AUDIENCE: The front end is just static files. 1431 00:41:44,100 --> 00:41:45,750 AUDIENCE: Actually, the front end is HTML now. 1432 00:41:45,750 --> 00:41:45,980 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1433 00:41:45,980 --> 00:41:47,438 RIK EBERHARDT: So maybe we can talk 1434 00:41:47,438 --> 00:41:50,156 to [INAUDIBLE] about finding money to pay for the servers, 1435 00:41:50,156 --> 00:41:51,022 basically. 1436 00:41:51,022 --> 00:41:51,879 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1437 00:41:51,879 --> 00:41:53,920 PHILLIP TAN: And maybe even money for one of your 1438 00:41:53,920 --> 00:41:55,290 [INAUDIBLE]. 1439 00:41:55,290 --> 00:41:56,770 ANDREW GRANT: Exactly. 1440 00:41:56,770 --> 00:41:58,186 RIK EBERHARDT: So that's something 1441 00:41:58,186 --> 00:42:00,750 to put in your vision statement too-- or as a release 1442 00:42:00,750 --> 00:42:02,470 note or something, somewhere. 1443 00:42:02,470 --> 00:42:05,570 ANDREW GRANT: Is there any place the caveats go for the risks-- 1444 00:42:05,570 --> 00:42:06,310 AUDIENCE: The risks section might be OK. 1445 00:42:06,310 --> 00:42:07,210 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah, actually risks is a good place. 1446 00:42:07,210 --> 00:42:09,300 That's as close as we've got for that. 1447 00:42:09,300 --> 00:42:12,160 Risks, cheating, risks, server goes down. 1448 00:42:12,160 --> 00:42:12,699 [LAUGH] 1449 00:42:12,699 --> 00:42:13,740 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 1450 00:42:13,740 --> 00:42:14,850 We've taken too much of your time. 1451 00:42:14,850 --> 00:42:15,270 Thank you. 1452 00:42:15,270 --> 00:42:15,970 Have a good holiday. 1453 00:42:15,970 --> 00:42:17,386 ANDREW GRANT: Thank you very much. 1454 00:42:17,386 --> 00:42:20,020 RIK EBERHARDT: So looking at your project, 1455 00:42:20,020 --> 00:42:24,254 the biggest thing we found was can you cut 1456 00:42:24,254 --> 00:42:25,420 one of your main characters? 1457 00:42:25,420 --> 00:42:26,529 Is that even possible? 1458 00:42:26,529 --> 00:42:27,320 AUDIENCE: So, yeah. 1459 00:42:27,320 --> 00:42:28,745 We already cut one of our games. 1460 00:42:28,745 --> 00:42:29,990 And we're at three. 1461 00:42:29,990 --> 00:42:31,656 RIK EBERHARDT: So how-- you're at three? 1462 00:42:31,656 --> 00:42:32,980 So you cut one down to three. 1463 00:42:32,980 --> 00:42:33,940 Do you need three? 1464 00:42:33,940 --> 00:42:37,520 Is three the magic number that just says, everything's 1465 00:42:37,520 --> 00:42:38,420 wrapped up together? 1466 00:42:38,420 --> 00:42:41,087 Or if one of those fell away and we polished two, 1467 00:42:41,087 --> 00:42:41,920 is that good enough? 1468 00:42:41,920 --> 00:42:44,700 AUDIENCE: I think two would significantly change how 1469 00:42:44,700 --> 00:42:48,240 the game fundamentals. 1470 00:42:48,240 --> 00:42:50,050 It's kind of a puzzle. 1471 00:42:50,050 --> 00:42:52,830 So it's like if you only had two clues, which is three clues, so 1472 00:42:52,830 --> 00:42:54,760 more of a puzzle element. 1473 00:42:54,760 --> 00:42:58,400 AUDIENCE: Also the fact that each game covers-- 1474 00:42:58,400 --> 00:43:00,565 we cut down one game and combined 1475 00:43:00,565 --> 00:43:03,845 it to minimize-- to still try to cover everything 1476 00:43:03,845 --> 00:43:05,085 we want to teach. 1477 00:43:05,085 --> 00:43:05,710 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1478 00:43:05,710 --> 00:43:07,435 We'd have to find to teach the-- what 1479 00:43:07,435 --> 00:43:11,000 was in the game we cut in other game dialog or something. 1480 00:43:11,000 --> 00:43:12,501 ANDREW GRANT: Absolutely. 1481 00:43:12,501 --> 00:43:13,000 Cool. 1482 00:43:13,000 --> 00:43:14,245 RIK EBERHARDT: So cutting them in the game 1483 00:43:14,245 --> 00:43:15,895 would, in fact, mean a lot of work. 1484 00:43:15,895 --> 00:43:16,520 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1485 00:43:16,520 --> 00:43:17,780 ANDREW GRANT: Great. 1486 00:43:17,780 --> 00:43:20,620 That's the perfect, excellent answer. 1487 00:43:20,620 --> 00:43:23,120 RIK EBERHARDT: Otherwise, we're looking through your product 1488 00:43:23,120 --> 00:43:23,820 backlog. 1489 00:43:23,820 --> 00:43:26,550 Your prioritization looked really good to me and Phillip. 1490 00:43:26,550 --> 00:43:27,217 AUDIENCE: Great. 1491 00:43:27,217 --> 00:43:29,341 RIK EBERHARDT: So I think you're-- do you feel like 1492 00:43:29,341 --> 00:43:31,980 you're in control of the information that you have right 1493 00:43:31,980 --> 00:43:34,385 now, of where you are on your team, 1494 00:43:34,385 --> 00:43:35,980 where you are on your project? 1495 00:43:35,980 --> 00:43:36,140 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1496 00:43:36,140 --> 00:43:38,181 I think our team, since the way we structured it, 1497 00:43:38,181 --> 00:43:40,569 it's like everything has to come together. 1498 00:43:40,569 --> 00:43:42,110 But putting it together will not take 1499 00:43:42,110 --> 00:43:44,920 as long as it would originally. 1500 00:43:44,920 --> 00:43:46,995 Because we kind of all divided up tasks. 1501 00:43:46,995 --> 00:43:48,870 Everyone's working on the same kind of tasks, 1502 00:43:48,870 --> 00:43:50,839 like for the same thing, but we just 1503 00:43:50,839 --> 00:43:52,880 have to put it all together, if that makes sense. 1504 00:43:52,880 --> 00:43:53,654 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1505 00:43:53,654 --> 00:43:56,890 So it's very modular, since we have three mini games. 1506 00:43:56,890 --> 00:43:59,750 Then we have somebody to work on the main scene. 1507 00:43:59,750 --> 00:44:01,747 And then we have end scenes. 1508 00:44:01,747 --> 00:44:03,622 So you just have to put some pieces together. 1509 00:44:03,622 --> 00:44:04,106 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1510 00:44:04,106 --> 00:44:04,590 Cool. 1511 00:44:04,590 --> 00:44:06,650 Can you pull up the vision statement really quick? 1512 00:44:06,650 --> 00:44:07,441 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 1513 00:44:07,441 --> 00:44:09,410 RIK EBERHARDT: So on Monday I mentioned talk 1514 00:44:09,410 --> 00:44:10,730 about vision statement. 1515 00:44:10,730 --> 00:44:12,190 Change it if you need to. 1516 00:44:12,190 --> 00:44:17,790 On yours, it looked pretty good. 1517 00:44:17,790 --> 00:44:19,339 I really like the narrative aspect 1518 00:44:19,339 --> 00:44:20,630 of the 30 seconds of game play. 1519 00:44:20,630 --> 00:44:23,080 Does your game still feel like there's a narrative to it, 1520 00:44:23,080 --> 00:44:23,660 though? 1521 00:44:23,660 --> 00:44:26,264 Like, is it as strong in that game? 1522 00:44:26,264 --> 00:44:29,305 AUDIENCE: So I think it's probably not as strong 1523 00:44:29,305 --> 00:44:30,929 as we want it to be now but, that's 1524 00:44:30,929 --> 00:44:32,470 only because the dialog hasn't been-- 1525 00:44:32,470 --> 00:44:32,915 AUDIENCE: --really written. 1526 00:44:32,915 --> 00:44:33,851 I mean, been drafted. 1527 00:44:33,851 --> 00:44:34,476 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1528 00:44:34,476 --> 00:44:34,590 Exactly. 1529 00:44:34,590 --> 00:44:35,215 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1530 00:44:35,215 --> 00:44:37,140 We're going to that [INAUDIBLE]. 1531 00:44:37,140 --> 00:44:38,020 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1532 00:44:38,020 --> 00:44:38,650 Cool. 1533 00:44:38,650 --> 00:44:40,840 It's not due until December 10, for reals. 1534 00:44:40,840 --> 00:44:44,300 So that was an exercise just to make sure that you do it now 1535 00:44:44,300 --> 00:44:46,050 rather than waiting until the last minute. 1536 00:44:46,050 --> 00:44:47,960 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1537 00:44:47,960 --> 00:44:51,950 RIK EBERHARDT: So once you have a finished version in, 1538 00:44:51,950 --> 00:44:57,040 turn it in on Stellar under the December 10 deadline. 1539 00:44:57,040 --> 00:44:57,760 And, yeah. 1540 00:44:57,760 --> 00:45:00,240 Really make sure that the 30 seconds of game play 1541 00:45:00,240 --> 00:45:03,437 are more representative of what the game really is. 1542 00:45:03,437 --> 00:45:04,160 AUDIENCE: OK. 1543 00:45:04,160 --> 00:45:06,410 RIK EBERHARDT: Are you having problems with the title? 1544 00:45:06,410 --> 00:45:07,290 AUDIENCE: Hmm? 1545 00:45:07,290 --> 00:45:08,510 RIK EBERHARDT: Are you having problems with the title? 1546 00:45:08,510 --> 00:45:09,390 AUDIENCE: I would say so. 1547 00:45:09,390 --> 00:45:10,015 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1548 00:45:10,015 --> 00:45:10,765 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1549 00:45:10,765 --> 00:45:13,140 RIK EBERHARDT: Is the problem too many ideas, or too few? 1550 00:45:13,140 --> 00:45:13,592 AUDIENCE: Too few. 1551 00:45:13,592 --> 00:45:14,496 AUDIENCE: Too few. 1552 00:45:14,496 --> 00:45:15,246 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1553 00:45:15,246 --> 00:45:17,480 That's actually the easier one to deal with, I think. 1554 00:45:17,480 --> 00:45:19,385 Because when you resolve it, no one's mad. 1555 00:45:19,385 --> 00:45:20,010 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1556 00:45:20,010 --> 00:45:21,900 [LAUGHTER] 1557 00:45:21,900 --> 00:45:24,324 RIK EBERHARDT: What are your strategies for that? 1558 00:45:24,324 --> 00:45:26,240 AUDIENCE: We haven't-- we've been ignoring it. 1559 00:45:26,240 --> 00:45:26,750 ANDREW GRANT: You've been ignoring it. 1560 00:45:26,750 --> 00:45:27,291 AUDIENCE: OK. 1561 00:45:27,291 --> 00:45:29,125 That's-- that's actually a fine place to be. 1562 00:45:29,125 --> 00:45:30,832 Because it's relatively to brainstorm it. 1563 00:45:30,832 --> 00:45:32,708 But if you tried that and it didn't work, eh. 1564 00:45:32,708 --> 00:45:33,873 ANDREW GRANT: Because, yeah. 1565 00:45:33,873 --> 00:45:36,320 A title does-- even if it happens last minute-- it's 1566 00:45:36,320 --> 00:45:37,980 another art asset to create. 1567 00:45:37,980 --> 00:45:38,510 Another thing to integrate. 1568 00:45:38,510 --> 00:45:38,830 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1569 00:45:38,830 --> 00:45:39,961 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1570 00:45:39,961 --> 00:45:41,710 We've been thinking like, as we do it, 1571 00:45:41,710 --> 00:45:43,630 we'll just get a name for the village, 1572 00:45:43,630 --> 00:45:45,300 and we'll be like, Saving Village Name. 1573 00:45:45,300 --> 00:45:45,540 RIK EBERHARDT: Village name? 1574 00:45:45,540 --> 00:45:46,000 ANDREW GRANT: Beautiful. 1575 00:45:46,000 --> 00:45:46,620 RIK EBERHARDT: Sure. 1576 00:45:46,620 --> 00:45:47,280 That sounds easy. 1577 00:45:47,280 --> 00:45:47,780 That's fine. 1578 00:45:50,120 --> 00:45:53,680 Have you been brainstorming water themes, like water names? 1579 00:45:53,680 --> 00:45:55,030 AUDIENCE: Water names? 1580 00:45:55,030 --> 00:45:58,000 RIK EBERHARDT: Maybe like the Ghanaian word for water? 1581 00:45:58,000 --> 00:46:00,050 AUDIENCE: We looked through like Ghana stuff, 1582 00:46:00,050 --> 00:46:02,330 like Ghana city names. 1583 00:46:02,330 --> 00:46:04,450 And then we haven't actually, like, 1584 00:46:04,450 --> 00:46:07,712 looked through specifically-- we have to work on that. 1585 00:46:07,712 --> 00:46:08,420 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 1586 00:46:08,420 --> 00:46:09,220 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 1587 00:46:09,220 --> 00:46:10,456 Is that on your backlog? 1588 00:46:10,456 --> 00:46:11,190 AUDIENCE: It is. 1589 00:46:11,190 --> 00:46:11,640 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 1590 00:46:11,640 --> 00:46:12,180 Score. 1591 00:46:12,180 --> 00:46:12,890 AUDIENCE: It's at the-- 1592 00:46:12,890 --> 00:46:14,389 ANDREW GRANT: The very, very bottom. 1593 00:46:14,389 --> 00:46:14,905 Yeah, yeah. 1594 00:46:14,905 --> 00:46:15,540 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 1595 00:46:15,540 --> 00:46:16,380 Cool. 1596 00:46:16,380 --> 00:46:17,760 AUDIENCE: Find a name that isn't offensive. 1597 00:46:17,760 --> 00:46:18,710 ANDREW GRANT: [LAUGH] Yeah. 1598 00:46:18,710 --> 00:46:19,450 That's important. 1599 00:46:19,450 --> 00:46:21,866 RIK EBERHARDT: How has that been going along since we last 1600 00:46:21,866 --> 00:46:24,899 talked to you, about the-- 1601 00:46:24,899 --> 00:46:25,690 AUDIENCE: Research? 1602 00:46:25,690 --> 00:46:26,410 RIK EBERHARDT: Research and stuff? 1603 00:46:26,410 --> 00:46:27,826 Are you done with that, or are you 1604 00:46:27,826 --> 00:46:29,207 still on-progress with that? 1605 00:46:29,207 --> 00:46:31,540 AUDIENCE: Well, we got together and did a mega research, 1606 00:46:31,540 --> 00:46:35,470 like-- find all of the things and get inspiration from it, 1607 00:46:35,470 --> 00:46:37,314 mainly for the artists, so that we can 1608 00:46:37,314 --> 00:46:40,095 get a cohesive theme together. 1609 00:46:40,095 --> 00:46:42,230 And I think that also helps inform 1610 00:46:42,230 --> 00:46:47,603 the decision, the design behind water filtration, for example. 1611 00:46:47,603 --> 00:46:48,585 So, yeah. 1612 00:46:48,585 --> 00:46:52,100 I mean, I think still if the artists ever 1613 00:46:52,100 --> 00:46:55,220 need to make something new, we still 1614 00:46:55,220 --> 00:46:57,279 look up and see if we can find references. 1615 00:46:57,279 --> 00:46:58,112 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1616 00:46:58,112 --> 00:46:58,612 OK. 1617 00:46:58,612 --> 00:46:59,558 That's good. 1618 00:46:59,558 --> 00:47:00,449 AUDIENCE: But-- 1619 00:47:00,449 --> 00:47:01,490 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 1620 00:47:01,490 --> 00:47:03,031 ANDREW GRANT: So I don't think that I 1621 00:47:03,031 --> 00:47:05,000 have played this game, because mini game sounds 1622 00:47:05,000 --> 00:47:07,320 like a new thing to me. 1623 00:47:07,320 --> 00:47:08,850 Saving All the Village. 1624 00:47:08,850 --> 00:47:10,790 Give me a quick five-second play-through. 1625 00:47:10,790 --> 00:47:12,530 I hit that, I'm sure. 1626 00:47:12,530 --> 00:47:13,820 Mini Game 1. 1627 00:47:13,820 --> 00:47:15,880 Yes. 1628 00:47:15,880 --> 00:47:17,740 Purified water conversation goes here. 1629 00:47:17,740 --> 00:47:18,950 I will purify. 1630 00:47:18,950 --> 00:47:21,360 Yay! 1631 00:47:21,360 --> 00:47:23,457 This is the mini game? 1632 00:47:23,457 --> 00:47:24,930 Hmm. 1633 00:47:24,930 --> 00:47:25,430 Hmm. 1634 00:47:25,430 --> 00:47:27,440 AUDIENCE: The down button should be a Next button. 1635 00:47:27,440 --> 00:47:28,210 ANDREW GRANT: Oh, excellent. 1636 00:47:28,210 --> 00:47:28,900 Oh, excellent. 1637 00:47:28,900 --> 00:47:30,750 And now I play the game where I'm doing essential sorting, 1638 00:47:30,750 --> 00:47:31,930 and this is an actual game. 1639 00:47:31,930 --> 00:47:32,776 All right, cool. 1640 00:47:32,776 --> 00:47:34,900 I am going to assume that I do something like this. 1641 00:47:34,900 --> 00:47:36,710 All right, cool. 1642 00:47:36,710 --> 00:47:42,890 The main thing I-- so when I am putting on my feasibility hat 1643 00:47:42,890 --> 00:47:46,680 and I hear the word mini game, I always think [GASP]. 1644 00:47:46,680 --> 00:47:48,680 But it seems like you actually have a mini game. 1645 00:47:48,680 --> 00:47:50,214 Good job-- a mini game. 1646 00:47:50,214 --> 00:47:50,922 AUDIENCE: [LAUGH] 1647 00:47:50,922 --> 00:47:52,310 RIK EBERHARDT: Mini games tend to just be-- 1648 00:47:52,310 --> 00:47:53,485 AUDIENCE: Game games? 1649 00:47:53,485 --> 00:47:54,952 RIK EBERHARDT: --many games. 1650 00:47:54,952 --> 00:47:56,160 AUDIENCE: Many games. [LAUGH] 1651 00:47:56,160 --> 00:47:56,480 RIK EBERHARDT: M-A-N-Y. 1652 00:47:56,480 --> 00:47:56,820 ANDREW GRANT: Yes. 1653 00:47:56,820 --> 00:47:58,153 Many games is not what you want. 1654 00:47:58,153 --> 00:47:59,755 What you actually want is mini game. 1655 00:47:59,755 --> 00:48:00,929 RIK EBERHARDT: [LAUGH] 1656 00:48:00,929 --> 00:48:01,970 ANDREW GRANT: Oh my gosh. 1657 00:48:01,970 --> 00:48:03,280 RIK EBERHARDT: This is [INAUDIBLE]. [LAUGH] 1658 00:48:03,280 --> 00:48:04,280 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 1659 00:48:04,280 --> 00:48:07,236 You've got a lot of-- you've got a lot of features, here. 1660 00:48:07,236 --> 00:48:08,979 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1661 00:48:08,979 --> 00:48:10,270 ANDREW GRANT: And that is cool. 1662 00:48:10,270 --> 00:48:12,020 RIK EBERHARDT: Is this a mini game, or is this-- 1663 00:48:12,020 --> 00:48:13,353 AUDIENCE: This is the mini game. 1664 00:48:13,353 --> 00:48:14,860 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 1665 00:48:14,860 --> 00:48:15,860 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 1666 00:48:18,050 --> 00:48:18,550 All right. 1667 00:48:18,550 --> 00:48:19,049 I see here. 1668 00:48:19,049 --> 00:48:19,720 OK. 1669 00:48:19,720 --> 00:48:20,220 Cool. 1670 00:48:20,220 --> 00:48:23,590 And so how much more do you think 1671 00:48:23,590 --> 00:48:25,601 is going into these mini games? 1672 00:48:25,601 --> 00:48:28,898 AUDIENCE: So we just-- for two of them, 1673 00:48:28,898 --> 00:48:31,295 I haven't actually had an update on the symptoms one. 1674 00:48:31,295 --> 00:48:32,670 RIK EBERHARDT: On the second one. 1675 00:48:32,670 --> 00:48:33,460 AUDIENCE: But the symptoms one should probably just 1676 00:48:33,460 --> 00:48:35,820 be dialog and the pictures. 1677 00:48:35,820 --> 00:48:36,560 That's it. 1678 00:48:36,560 --> 00:48:37,450 ANDREW GRANT: Got it. 1679 00:48:37,450 --> 00:48:39,515 AUDIENCE: The water filtration should 1680 00:48:39,515 --> 00:48:42,509 be instruction page, or interactive tutorial beginning, 1681 00:48:42,509 --> 00:48:44,592 so you just don't like dive into it and it's like, 1682 00:48:44,592 --> 00:48:46,500 what's happening? 1683 00:48:46,500 --> 00:48:48,815 And I think just clearer instructions 1684 00:48:48,815 --> 00:48:52,358 with the water placement. 1685 00:48:52,358 --> 00:48:53,354 ANDREW GRANT: I see. 1686 00:48:53,354 --> 00:48:54,350 OK. 1687 00:48:54,350 --> 00:48:56,840 AUDIENCE: The main thing that we have to do right now 1688 00:48:56,840 --> 00:49:00,824 is just the end game-- making sure 1689 00:49:00,824 --> 00:49:04,808 that once you finish all the mini games, 1690 00:49:04,808 --> 00:49:07,298 you have the clues you need to take it from there. 1691 00:49:07,298 --> 00:49:09,040 Then you can have that conversation. 1692 00:49:09,040 --> 00:49:09,790 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1693 00:49:09,790 --> 00:49:10,290 OK. 1694 00:49:10,290 --> 00:49:11,245 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 1695 00:49:11,245 --> 00:49:13,912 AUDIENCE: And also art assets. 1696 00:49:13,912 --> 00:49:15,768 RIK EBERHARDT: Cool. 1697 00:49:15,768 --> 00:49:16,700 ANDREW GRANT: Cool. 1698 00:49:16,700 --> 00:49:17,830 I win. 1699 00:49:17,830 --> 00:49:18,586 Yay. 1700 00:49:18,586 --> 00:49:19,340 All right. 1701 00:49:19,340 --> 00:49:20,500 Cool. 1702 00:49:20,500 --> 00:49:21,030 All right. 1703 00:49:21,030 --> 00:49:24,240 So you have three mini games, and they're, like, doing stuff. 1704 00:49:24,240 --> 00:49:24,755 That's good. 1705 00:49:28,690 --> 00:49:29,190 All right. 1706 00:49:29,190 --> 00:49:31,090 RIK EBERHARDT: Those are the symptoms. 1707 00:49:31,090 --> 00:49:32,200 ANDREW GRANT: Do you have any-- because it 1708 00:49:32,200 --> 00:49:33,920 seems like, for the most part, these mini games are relatively 1709 00:49:33,920 --> 00:49:34,420 simple. 1710 00:49:34,420 --> 00:49:36,189 The code is actually not-- 1711 00:49:36,189 --> 00:49:37,480 RIK EBERHARDT: You're raising-- 1712 00:49:37,480 --> 00:49:38,210 ANDREW GRANT: Click the right thing. 1713 00:49:38,210 --> 00:49:39,540 You're using assets because of that. 1714 00:49:39,540 --> 00:49:40,165 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1715 00:49:40,165 --> 00:49:42,820 ANDREW GRANT: Do you have any unknown sort of tech-wise 1716 00:49:42,820 --> 00:49:43,490 at this point? 1717 00:49:43,490 --> 00:49:45,240 You sort of know everything, or is there-- 1718 00:49:45,240 --> 00:49:47,040 we're not sure how that works. 1719 00:49:47,040 --> 00:49:47,540 that left? 1720 00:49:47,540 --> 00:49:50,977 AUDIENCE: So I don't know how-- I 1721 00:49:50,977 --> 00:49:54,952 think something that has been buggy consistently-- maybe 1722 00:49:54,952 --> 00:49:55,955 it's changed now. 1723 00:49:55,955 --> 00:49:57,770 I'm not updated on it. 1724 00:49:57,770 --> 00:49:58,762 Is the conversation UI? 1725 00:49:58,762 --> 00:49:59,595 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1726 00:49:59,595 --> 00:50:01,260 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1727 00:50:01,260 --> 00:50:05,200 We need to iron out a few bugs with the conversation UI 1728 00:50:05,200 --> 00:50:10,800 and make the visual aspect of it more appropriate with the theme 1729 00:50:10,800 --> 00:50:12,840 that we're going with the assets. 1730 00:50:12,840 --> 00:50:14,720 But other than that, code-wise, there's 1731 00:50:14,720 --> 00:50:16,595 just a couple bugs that won't be hard to fix. 1732 00:50:16,595 --> 00:50:17,303 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 1733 00:50:17,303 --> 00:50:17,900 All right. 1734 00:50:17,900 --> 00:50:18,823 Cool. 1735 00:50:18,823 --> 00:50:19,610 AUDIENCE: Yep. 1736 00:50:19,610 --> 00:50:23,710 RIK EBERHARDT: So do a glance-- I'm sure you already have. 1737 00:50:23,710 --> 00:50:27,890 But make sure that anything that has any question marks at all 1738 00:50:27,890 --> 00:50:29,747 with it gets higher priority. 1739 00:50:29,747 --> 00:50:30,330 AUDIENCE: Yep. 1740 00:50:30,330 --> 00:50:32,970 ANDREW GRANT: Many not even finishing it-- right? 1741 00:50:32,970 --> 00:50:35,170 Like if it's the case that you go over the tasks 1742 00:50:35,170 --> 00:50:36,003 and you're like, OK. 1743 00:50:36,003 --> 00:50:38,219 Now the question marks are gone, and I'm 1744 00:50:38,219 --> 00:50:40,760 comfortable moving it down in priority, feel free to do that. 1745 00:50:40,760 --> 00:50:42,390 But make sure that those question marks 1746 00:50:42,390 --> 00:50:43,970 are done sooner than later. 1747 00:50:43,970 --> 00:50:45,810 Because anything that has a question mark, 1748 00:50:45,810 --> 00:50:47,130 it might become five question marks. 1749 00:50:47,130 --> 00:50:48,255 And then you're in trouble. 1750 00:50:48,255 --> 00:50:51,590 So just make sure you look at it seriously 1751 00:50:51,590 --> 00:50:52,835 as a high-priority item. 1752 00:50:52,835 --> 00:50:54,418 RIK EBERHARDT: When is sound going in? 1753 00:50:54,418 --> 00:50:59,676 AUDIENCE: So we have sound files in a folder, but, yeah. 1754 00:50:59,676 --> 00:51:01,020 They should probably go in. 1755 00:51:01,020 --> 00:51:01,515 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1756 00:51:01,515 --> 00:51:02,576 AUDIENCE: We ended up-- they were 1757 00:51:02,576 --> 00:51:03,880 taking a long time to push. 1758 00:51:03,880 --> 00:51:05,240 According to Rachel, they were taking a long time 1759 00:51:05,240 --> 00:51:06,160 to push to our test server. 1760 00:51:06,160 --> 00:51:06,470 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1761 00:51:06,470 --> 00:51:07,990 AUDIENCE: So we just removed the assets 1762 00:51:07,990 --> 00:51:09,460 and just pushed it without the sound. 1763 00:51:09,460 --> 00:51:09,760 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1764 00:51:09,760 --> 00:51:11,280 AUDIENCE: We do have some sound. 1765 00:51:11,280 --> 00:51:12,321 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 1766 00:51:12,321 --> 00:51:13,120 Cool. 1767 00:51:13,120 --> 00:51:16,650 ANDREW GRANT: And generally speaking, sound, much like art, 1768 00:51:16,650 --> 00:51:22,810 if the file is the problem, use a stupid file. 1769 00:51:22,810 --> 00:51:24,500 At this stage of development, it's 1770 00:51:24,500 --> 00:51:25,970 more important that it makes sounds 1771 00:51:25,970 --> 00:51:28,960 than it make the right sound. 1772 00:51:28,960 --> 00:51:31,364 And so-- again, you might discover that, oh. 1773 00:51:31,364 --> 00:51:33,780 It turns out playing that sound is harder than we thought, 1774 00:51:33,780 --> 00:51:35,520 because we can't use an Ogg file. 1775 00:51:35,520 --> 00:51:37,270 That's the kind of thing you want to know. 1776 00:51:37,270 --> 00:51:38,160 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1777 00:51:38,160 --> 00:51:39,368 ANDREW GRANT: But, all right. 1778 00:51:39,368 --> 00:51:40,100 Cool. 1779 00:51:40,100 --> 00:51:40,690 RIK EBERHARDT: Great. 1780 00:51:40,690 --> 00:51:41,020 AUDIENCE: Thanks. 1781 00:51:41,020 --> 00:51:41,610 RIK EBERHARDT: Thank you. 1782 00:51:41,610 --> 00:51:42,230 Have a good holiday. 1783 00:51:42,230 --> 00:51:43,271 AUDIENCE: Thank you guys. 1784 00:51:43,271 --> 00:51:44,295 You too. 1785 00:51:44,295 --> 00:51:46,670 ANDREW GRANT: I think I've only played the paper version. 1786 00:51:46,670 --> 00:51:48,440 AUDIENCE: No, you played the computer version. 1787 00:51:48,440 --> 00:51:49,790 ANDREW GRANT: No, I did-- way back when. 1788 00:51:49,790 --> 00:51:51,140 Way back when, yes I did. 1789 00:51:51,140 --> 00:51:51,490 AUDIENCE: You were our first tester. 1790 00:51:51,490 --> 00:51:52,330 ANDREW GRANT: You are so right. 1791 00:51:52,330 --> 00:51:54,150 AUDIENCE: Because we have a new version that we're building up, 1792 00:51:54,150 --> 00:51:55,920 and it's still very broken-- the new one. 1793 00:51:55,920 --> 00:51:56,670 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1794 00:51:56,670 --> 00:51:59,550 ANDREW GRANT: So nothing more playable than that. 1795 00:51:59,550 --> 00:52:00,300 AUDIENCE: Correct. 1796 00:52:00,300 --> 00:52:00,880 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 1797 00:52:00,880 --> 00:52:01,880 AUDIENCE: Unfortunately. 1798 00:52:01,880 --> 00:52:05,700 AUDIENCE: And the minute we kind of rehauled the system, 1799 00:52:05,700 --> 00:52:07,620 the game play's focus is a lot different. 1800 00:52:07,620 --> 00:52:09,540 We cut out a lot of stuff, and we're focusing more on, 1801 00:52:09,540 --> 00:52:10,706 washing your hands is great. 1802 00:52:10,706 --> 00:52:12,246 And cholera travels through water. 1803 00:52:12,246 --> 00:52:13,080 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1804 00:52:13,080 --> 00:52:13,410 ANDREW GRANT: Good. 1805 00:52:13,410 --> 00:52:14,360 RIK EBERHARDT: Is that based on feedback from Monday, 1806 00:52:14,360 --> 00:52:15,270 or this previous lecture? 1807 00:52:15,270 --> 00:52:15,746 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1808 00:52:15,746 --> 00:52:16,222 That's correct. 1809 00:52:16,222 --> 00:52:17,174 We got some very good feedback. 1810 00:52:17,174 --> 00:52:18,007 RIK EBERHARDT: Good. 1811 00:52:18,007 --> 00:52:18,602 Good, good. 1812 00:52:18,602 --> 00:52:19,910 AUDIENCE: It was interesting. 1813 00:52:19,910 --> 00:52:22,250 So one of the crucial things we were wondering about 1814 00:52:22,250 --> 00:52:25,440 is we were sort of designing our game to have 1815 00:52:25,440 --> 00:52:27,462 a huge variety of options. 1816 00:52:27,462 --> 00:52:30,045 But we recently switched to this new thing that we really like 1817 00:52:30,045 --> 00:52:34,804 a lot, which is that basically we roll out the mechanics one 1818 00:52:34,804 --> 00:52:36,580 by one, so we start with one build, 1819 00:52:36,580 --> 00:52:38,788 using like two or three [INAUDIBLE]-- maybe only two. 1820 00:52:38,788 --> 00:52:41,497 And it actually just is the case that one of them 1821 00:52:41,497 --> 00:52:42,830 is better than the other, right? 1822 00:52:42,830 --> 00:52:45,770 Because if the point of the game is to teach you something, 1823 00:52:45,770 --> 00:52:47,982 it's OK if just washing your hands is [INAUDIBLE] 1824 00:52:47,982 --> 00:52:49,440 and something else is not so great. 1825 00:52:49,440 --> 00:52:49,850 Right? 1826 00:52:49,850 --> 00:52:50,265 RIK EBERHARDT: Uh huh. 1827 00:52:50,265 --> 00:52:50,680 Mhm. 1828 00:52:50,680 --> 00:52:52,563 AUDIENCE: And then it actually slowly becomes 1829 00:52:52,563 --> 00:52:55,520 more and more of a game, where we roll out another village. 1830 00:52:55,520 --> 00:52:58,790 And then you have to trade off balancing your resources. 1831 00:52:58,790 --> 00:53:01,960 But then another village appears upstream of both of them. 1832 00:53:01,960 --> 00:53:05,540 And suddenly, the trade-offs become not so clear. 1833 00:53:05,540 --> 00:53:06,957 Where before it was just one thing 1834 00:53:06,957 --> 00:53:08,539 was more price-effective than another. 1835 00:53:08,539 --> 00:53:10,428 Suddenly you actually have to care 1836 00:53:10,428 --> 00:53:11,933 about how infected they are. 1837 00:53:11,933 --> 00:53:13,516 Because boiling your water will reduce 1838 00:53:13,516 --> 00:53:16,950 the extent to which you're infected by upstream water. 1839 00:53:16,950 --> 00:53:19,830 And he really liked that as a-- 1840 00:53:19,830 --> 00:53:22,120 RIK EBERHARDT: So that's sounds awesome. 1841 00:53:22,120 --> 00:53:25,965 How does that get affected by that change based on the UI 1842 00:53:25,965 --> 00:53:27,480 that we saw? 1843 00:53:27,480 --> 00:53:28,825 Is it using the same-- 1844 00:53:28,825 --> 00:53:30,200 AUDIENCE: It's going to end up up 1845 00:53:30,200 --> 00:53:32,072 being the same sort of system. 1846 00:53:32,072 --> 00:53:34,030 It's only that the pop-up screen now eliminates 1847 00:53:34,030 --> 00:53:36,280 a bunch of options, because they aren't necessary anymore. 1848 00:53:36,280 --> 00:53:36,390 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1849 00:53:36,390 --> 00:53:38,280 So these are you removed a ton of options, 1850 00:53:38,280 --> 00:53:39,020 you weren't creating new options. 1851 00:53:39,020 --> 00:53:39,380 AUDIENCE: Correct. 1852 00:53:39,380 --> 00:53:40,366 RIK EBERHARDT: That's what I'm hearing, right? 1853 00:53:40,366 --> 00:53:41,352 AUDIENCE: We're basically-- 1854 00:53:41,352 --> 00:53:43,070 AUDIENCE: We basically gutted a whole bunch 1855 00:53:43,070 --> 00:53:44,630 of the options that seemed redundant 1856 00:53:44,630 --> 00:53:47,370 and apparently weren't helpful to people on a local scale. 1857 00:53:47,370 --> 00:53:48,830 And then we changed those options 1858 00:53:48,830 --> 00:53:50,080 so that they're more distinct. 1859 00:53:50,080 --> 00:53:53,290 So while before it was just, like, the higher magnitude 1860 00:53:53,290 --> 00:53:55,757 to price ratio of affect, now it's 1861 00:53:55,757 --> 00:53:57,840 like some things only really touch infection rate. 1862 00:53:57,840 --> 00:54:00,055 Some things just cure people [INAUDIBLE] infection rate. 1863 00:54:00,055 --> 00:54:00,390 RIK EBERHARDT: Cool. 1864 00:54:00,390 --> 00:54:01,830 AUDIENCE: And now you have things 1865 00:54:01,830 --> 00:54:04,395 that have that upstream, downstream play affecting it. 1866 00:54:04,395 --> 00:54:05,311 ANDREW GRANT: Exactly. 1867 00:54:05,311 --> 00:54:05,742 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1868 00:54:05,742 --> 00:54:06,604 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1869 00:54:06,604 --> 00:54:08,573 AUDIENCE: So the other crucial thing 1870 00:54:08,573 --> 00:54:09,947 we were struggling with before is 1871 00:54:09,947 --> 00:54:13,720 how to make legitimate, actually meaningful gameplay choices. 1872 00:54:13,720 --> 00:54:15,500 When, if you just have a bunch of options, 1873 00:54:15,500 --> 00:54:18,672 there's going to be some static build-- just the correct one, 1874 00:54:18,672 --> 00:54:20,330 right? 1875 00:54:20,330 --> 00:54:23,490 So we need to make it so that it was more situation-dependent. 1876 00:54:23,490 --> 00:54:26,206 And [INAUDIBLE] had a great idea, which 1877 00:54:26,206 --> 00:54:29,925 was to be highly effective. 1878 00:54:29,925 --> 00:54:33,562 Basically we have a thing that's the best for reducing 1879 00:54:33,562 --> 00:54:35,260 the infection rate both ways, and then 1880 00:54:35,260 --> 00:54:37,374 a thing that's the best for reducing 1881 00:54:37,374 --> 00:54:39,540 the symptom which could spread infection downstream. 1882 00:54:39,540 --> 00:54:42,040 And I think that's the best at protecting you from infection. 1883 00:54:42,040 --> 00:54:43,373 RIK EBERHARDT: Oh, that's great. 1884 00:54:43,373 --> 00:54:47,540 AUDIENCE: And then suddenly-- that can be made incredibly 1885 00:54:47,540 --> 00:54:49,040 clear to the player, right? 1886 00:54:49,040 --> 00:54:50,330 We're not hiding what the best build is. 1887 00:54:50,330 --> 00:54:50,530 ANDREW GRANT: No. 1888 00:54:50,530 --> 00:54:51,030 You're playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, 1889 00:54:51,030 --> 00:54:51,890 is what it sounds like. 1890 00:54:51,890 --> 00:54:52,210 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1891 00:54:52,210 --> 00:54:52,902 Exactly. 1892 00:54:52,902 --> 00:54:53,652 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1893 00:54:53,652 --> 00:54:54,310 Awesome. 1894 00:54:54,310 --> 00:54:54,935 AUDIENCE: And-- 1895 00:54:57,600 --> 00:55:00,709 ANDREW GRANT: But-- so it sounds like UI-wise, 1896 00:55:00,709 --> 00:55:02,500 obviously this is a huge, huge improvement, 1897 00:55:02,500 --> 00:55:05,779 just removing the options, et cetera, et cetera. 1898 00:55:05,779 --> 00:55:07,570 But when you start having a little bit of-- 1899 00:55:07,570 --> 00:55:09,420 do you already have cross-talk in your game 1900 00:55:09,420 --> 00:55:11,313 code between villages going on? 1901 00:55:11,313 --> 00:55:11,896 AUDIENCE: Yes. 1902 00:55:11,896 --> 00:55:12,990 We had that previously. 1903 00:55:12,990 --> 00:55:13,990 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 1904 00:55:13,990 --> 00:55:16,784 So again, it really is you're actually mostly cutting rather 1905 00:55:16,784 --> 00:55:17,950 than adding, it sounds like. 1906 00:55:17,950 --> 00:55:18,320 AUDIENCE: Pretty much. 1907 00:55:18,320 --> 00:55:18,584 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 1908 00:55:18,584 --> 00:55:18,650 Cool. 1909 00:55:18,650 --> 00:55:20,635 RIK EBERHARDT: But you are still adding the new UI-- 1910 00:55:20,635 --> 00:55:21,440 AUDIENCE: Correct. 1911 00:55:21,440 --> 00:55:21,940 Which 1912 00:55:21,940 --> 00:55:24,560 RIK EBERHARDT: --which I imagine we would see. 1913 00:55:24,560 --> 00:55:28,370 If we're looking at your backlog now or soon, a lot of that 1914 00:55:28,370 --> 00:55:29,760 would be in the backlog. 1915 00:55:29,760 --> 00:55:29,860 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1916 00:55:29,860 --> 00:55:31,526 RIK EBERHARDT: Because I think right now 1917 00:55:31,526 --> 00:55:34,170 you've got some very-- actually, go to the task list. 1918 00:55:34,170 --> 00:55:35,400 I think this might have been the vague one. 1919 00:55:35,400 --> 00:55:35,710 AUDIENCE: OH, yeah. 1920 00:55:35,710 --> 00:55:36,650 The sprint tasklist? 1921 00:55:36,650 --> 00:55:36,980 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1922 00:55:36,980 --> 00:55:37,090 Yeah. 1923 00:55:37,090 --> 00:55:38,120 That's, like, wicked vague. 1924 00:55:38,120 --> 00:55:39,250 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] tomorrow, but this 1925 00:55:39,250 --> 00:55:40,420 needs to be submitted today. 1926 00:55:40,420 --> 00:55:42,137 So you get this really vague description. 1927 00:55:42,137 --> 00:55:42,970 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 1928 00:55:42,970 --> 00:55:43,305 We figured that. 1929 00:55:43,305 --> 00:55:43,640 AUDIENCE: Sorry. 1930 00:55:43,640 --> 00:55:44,765 RIK EBERHARDT: No, that's-- 1931 00:55:44,765 --> 00:55:47,219 AUDIENCE: It'll probably be in sprint tasklist five. 1932 00:55:47,219 --> 00:55:49,010 I'll outline the stuff that we're assigned. 1933 00:55:49,010 --> 00:55:51,880 RIK EBERHARDT: I don't care what's in this. 1934 00:55:51,880 --> 00:55:55,030 I use what's in this to know what you're doing. 1935 00:55:55,030 --> 00:55:57,031 So I knew exactly what was going on. 1936 00:55:57,031 --> 00:55:58,072 AUDIENCE: So that's fine. 1937 00:55:58,072 --> 00:55:58,545 RIK EBERHARDT: That's OK. 1938 00:55:58,545 --> 00:55:59,710 AUDIENCE: All right, good. 1939 00:55:59,710 --> 00:56:01,710 RIK EBERHARDT: And if you didn't me in anything, 1940 00:56:01,710 --> 00:56:02,500 that's like, OK. 1941 00:56:02,500 --> 00:56:03,823 You're really on fire. 1942 00:56:03,823 --> 00:56:04,750 ANDREW GRANT: [LAUGH] 1943 00:56:04,750 --> 00:56:05,130 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 1944 00:56:05,130 --> 00:56:05,890 Cool. 1945 00:56:05,890 --> 00:56:08,280 So Phillip and I were talking about the UI 1946 00:56:08,280 --> 00:56:09,650 that you were doing. 1947 00:56:09,650 --> 00:56:13,040 You had mentioned, in the presentation, civilization. 1948 00:56:13,040 --> 00:56:15,780 But Phillip and I-- Phillip actually remembered this. 1949 00:56:15,780 --> 00:56:20,890 If you go to Molleindustria-- Paolo Pedercini 1950 00:56:20,890 --> 00:56:23,020 is a serious game designer. 1951 00:56:23,020 --> 00:56:25,540 He might hate the term "serious." 1952 00:56:25,540 --> 00:56:27,222 But he made a game called-- I think it 1953 00:56:27,222 --> 00:56:28,053 was called the McDonald's Game? 1954 00:56:28,053 --> 00:56:29,412 ANDREW GRANT: I don't know. 1955 00:56:29,412 --> 00:56:31,785 RIK EBERHARDT: I think it's called the McDonald's Game-- 1956 00:56:31,785 --> 00:56:35,690 again, this is Phillip's idea. 1957 00:56:35,690 --> 00:56:38,650 Basically, there's a lot of different screens going on 1958 00:56:38,650 --> 00:56:39,272 in that game. 1959 00:56:39,272 --> 00:56:40,730 But if you were to make your game-- 1960 00:56:40,730 --> 00:56:41,660 AUDIENCE: Oh, is it the cutesy one? 1961 00:56:41,660 --> 00:56:41,950 RIK EBERHARDT: It might be, yeah. 1962 00:56:41,950 --> 00:56:42,340 PHILLIP TAN: OK. 1963 00:56:42,340 --> 00:56:43,120 I know exactly which one that is. 1964 00:56:43,120 --> 00:56:44,920 RIK EBERHARDT: If your game had as much 1965 00:56:44,920 --> 00:56:47,706 UI as one of those working screens, then you'd be golden. 1966 00:56:47,706 --> 00:56:50,848 So that's kind of like a bar to set yourself towards, 1967 00:56:50,848 --> 00:56:53,278 that I think you could probably match, 1968 00:56:53,278 --> 00:56:54,250 especially now that you've cut a bunch of this stuff. 1969 00:56:54,250 --> 00:56:54,740 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1970 00:56:54,740 --> 00:56:54,940 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 1971 00:56:54,940 --> 00:56:56,565 RIK EBERHARDT: But you can look at that 1972 00:56:56,565 --> 00:56:59,030 as yet another way of seeing how he's putting together 1973 00:56:59,030 --> 00:57:00,918 all of these UI elements, or doing 1974 00:57:00,918 --> 00:57:04,110 all of these systemic changes in this very simple interface. 1975 00:57:04,110 --> 00:57:07,360 So take a look at that. 1976 00:57:07,360 --> 00:57:09,300 Otherwise, can you go to the vision statement? 1977 00:57:09,300 --> 00:57:09,780 ANDREW GRANT: Yep. 1978 00:57:09,780 --> 00:57:11,738 RIK EBERHARDT: So vision statement-- on Monday, 1979 00:57:11,738 --> 00:57:13,150 I asked for you to revise it. 1980 00:57:13,150 --> 00:57:13,990 AUDIENCE: Yep. 1981 00:57:13,990 --> 00:57:14,740 I have it revised. 1982 00:57:14,740 --> 00:57:15,596 I haven't submitted it yet. 1983 00:57:15,596 --> 00:57:15,848 RIK EBERHARDT: OK. 1984 00:57:15,848 --> 00:57:15,932 Cool. 1985 00:57:15,932 --> 00:57:17,410 AUDIENCE: It's right here on my computer. 1986 00:57:17,410 --> 00:57:17,870 RIK EBERHARDT: Great. 1987 00:57:17,870 --> 00:57:18,810 Submit it under the December 10 deadline. 1988 00:57:18,810 --> 00:57:19,480 AUDIENCE: OK. 1989 00:57:19,480 --> 00:57:22,021 RIK EBERHARDT: And then if you have a new version afterwards, 1990 00:57:22,021 --> 00:57:24,050 submit it there. 1991 00:57:24,050 --> 00:57:26,450 And again, the big thing that I was really looking for 1992 00:57:26,450 --> 00:57:28,713 is that 30 seconds of game play actually reflecting 1993 00:57:28,713 --> 00:57:29,712 what the game really is. 1994 00:57:29,712 --> 00:57:30,100 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 1995 00:57:30,100 --> 00:57:30,410 AUDIENCE: OK. 1996 00:57:30,410 --> 00:57:31,560 RIK EBERHARDT: Did you do the-- 1997 00:57:31,560 --> 00:57:33,393 AUDIENCE: If you want to read it real quick, 1998 00:57:33,393 --> 00:57:36,375 this is what I have now for the 30 seconds of game play, 1999 00:57:36,375 --> 00:57:37,830 if that's better. 2000 00:57:40,626 --> 00:57:41,250 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 2001 00:57:41,250 --> 00:57:42,170 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 2002 00:57:42,170 --> 00:57:44,169 RIK EBERHARDT: That sounds like-- well, kind of. 2003 00:57:44,169 --> 00:57:48,594 That looks to me like an overview of a lot of game play. 2004 00:57:48,594 --> 00:57:50,052 ANDREW GRANT: More than 30 seconds. 2005 00:57:50,052 --> 00:57:52,422 AUDIENCE: The thing is it was hard to cut it into 30 seconds, 2006 00:57:52,422 --> 00:57:54,588 because if you don't know the beginning of the game, 2007 00:57:54,588 --> 00:57:56,972 then doing 30 seconds in the middle doesn't make sense, 2008 00:57:56,972 --> 00:57:58,630 and doing 30 seconds in the beginning 2009 00:57:58,630 --> 00:57:59,720 doesn't make sense either. 2010 00:57:59,720 --> 00:58:00,970 So that's why I kind of like-- 2011 00:58:00,970 --> 00:58:03,670 ANDREW GRANT: Well, I might question that. 2012 00:58:03,670 --> 00:58:06,170 What is it that you are doing in 30 seconds in the game-- is 2013 00:58:06,170 --> 00:58:08,253 you're probably looking at one village and saying, 2014 00:58:08,253 --> 00:58:10,790 what's the right intervention for me to do right now? 2015 00:58:10,790 --> 00:58:13,964 Can you describe that experience in a way at all? 2016 00:58:13,964 --> 00:58:14,505 AUDIENCE: OK. 2017 00:58:14,505 --> 00:58:18,300 ANDREW GRANT: Like I decide that because there's 2018 00:58:18,300 --> 00:58:20,740 nobody downstream, I don't need to worry about this thing. 2019 00:58:20,740 --> 00:58:23,260 So I'm going to just direct everyone to boil their water. 2020 00:58:23,260 --> 00:58:24,039 Like-- 2021 00:58:24,039 --> 00:58:24,580 AUDIENCE: OK. 2022 00:58:24,580 --> 00:58:25,400 I-- 2023 00:58:25,400 --> 00:58:26,100 ANDREW GRANT: Describe the thought process. 2024 00:58:26,100 --> 00:58:26,380 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 2025 00:58:26,380 --> 00:58:28,630 So that might be more like the major game play concept, 2026 00:58:28,630 --> 00:58:29,310 or the vision itself. 2027 00:58:29,310 --> 00:58:29,880 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 2028 00:58:29,880 --> 00:58:30,030 RIK EBERHARDT: [INAUDIBLE]. 2029 00:58:30,030 --> 00:58:31,160 ANDREW GRANT: That's what you're doing for the whole game, 2030 00:58:31,160 --> 00:58:31,590 absolutely. 2031 00:58:31,590 --> 00:58:32,450 You're doing all of that stuff. 2032 00:58:32,450 --> 00:58:33,360 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 2033 00:58:33,360 --> 00:58:35,234 ANDREW GRANT: But the 30 seconds of game play 2034 00:58:35,234 --> 00:58:38,780 is really about what does the game feel like in the moment? 2035 00:58:38,780 --> 00:58:40,197 And it's a planning game, so it's 2036 00:58:40,197 --> 00:58:42,530 hard to do in 30 seconds of game play that's meaningful. 2037 00:58:42,530 --> 00:58:42,835 But-- 2038 00:58:42,835 --> 00:58:45,130 RIK EBERHARDT: So if Rock, Paper, Scissors is a way 2039 00:58:45,130 --> 00:58:49,010 to synthesize that, or I'm making choice A versus Choice B 2040 00:58:49,010 --> 00:58:49,690 now. 2041 00:58:49,690 --> 00:58:50,030 AUDIENCE: Right. 2042 00:58:50,030 --> 00:58:50,530 ANDREW GRANT: Because your game is 2043 00:58:50,530 --> 00:58:52,575 about weighing choices and making a good one. 2044 00:58:52,575 --> 00:58:53,200 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 2045 00:58:53,200 --> 00:58:55,480 ANDREW GRANT: So 30 seconds of game play 2046 00:58:55,480 --> 00:58:58,714 should be about making a choice. 2047 00:58:58,714 --> 00:59:01,150 AUDIENCE: OK. 2048 00:59:01,150 --> 00:59:04,820 ANDREW GRANT: So if what you have that runs now 2049 00:59:04,820 --> 00:59:08,125 is very similar to what I saw a while ago at this point, 2050 00:59:08,125 --> 00:59:11,662 is this backlog up to date, out of curiosity? 2051 00:59:11,662 --> 00:59:14,614 AUDIENCE: So not really. 2052 00:59:14,614 --> 00:59:16,090 It still needs to be fixed. 2053 00:59:16,090 --> 00:59:17,090 ANDREW GRANT: All right. 2054 00:59:17,090 --> 00:59:19,760 AUDIENCE: A lot of this stuff is like-- [INAUDIBLE]. 2055 00:59:19,760 --> 00:59:20,540 It's difficult. 2056 00:59:20,540 --> 00:59:20,830 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 2057 00:59:20,830 --> 00:59:21,280 So-- 2058 00:59:21,280 --> 00:59:22,738 AUDIENCE: Tasks have been split up, 2059 00:59:22,738 --> 00:59:25,980 and, like, I'm somewhat removed from the coding. 2060 00:59:25,980 --> 00:59:28,040 So I don't actually know what's being done. 2061 00:59:28,040 --> 00:59:30,175 So, for me, it's hard to edit it. 2062 00:59:30,175 --> 00:59:32,200 And so I exactly sure what-- 2063 00:59:32,200 --> 00:59:32,410 RIK EBERHARDT: Do you have a-- 2064 00:59:32,410 --> 00:59:34,670 ANDREW GRANT: So I would claim that not over the holiday. 2065 00:59:34,670 --> 00:59:36,310 But, you know, the priority on Monday 2066 00:59:36,310 --> 00:59:38,136 would be to make sure it is up to date 2067 00:59:38,136 --> 00:59:39,510 so you guys know what's going on. 2068 00:59:39,510 --> 00:59:41,260 Because for me looking at it, hearing 2069 00:59:41,260 --> 00:59:43,176 that I can't play a newer version of the one I 2070 00:59:43,176 --> 00:59:46,315 played a while back and seeing this backlog, I think, uh oh. 2071 00:59:46,315 --> 00:59:49,520 So it may be that you're much better off than that. 2072 00:59:49,520 --> 00:59:52,550 But I think your highest priority task 2073 00:59:52,550 --> 00:59:55,591 on, say, Monday is find out if you're in trouble or not. 2074 00:59:55,591 --> 00:59:56,215 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 2075 00:59:56,215 --> 00:59:57,220 ANDREW GRANT: And if the answer's we 2076 00:59:57,220 --> 00:59:58,440 know we're in trouble, then, OK. 2077 00:59:58,440 --> 01:00:00,856 You still need to do it so you know what trouble you're in 2078 01:00:00,856 --> 01:00:02,877 and how to adapt. 2079 01:00:02,877 --> 01:00:04,460 Because I don't have much information, 2080 01:00:04,460 --> 01:00:06,520 but I'm a little bit nervous right now. 2081 01:00:06,520 --> 01:00:09,035 But I suspect you're better off than it looks on that page. 2082 01:00:09,035 --> 01:00:10,220 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 2083 01:00:10,220 --> 01:00:12,345 RIK EBERHARDT: So you have a one, two, three, four, 2084 01:00:12,345 --> 01:00:13,410 five-person coding team? 2085 01:00:13,410 --> 01:00:13,993 AUDIENCE: Mhm. 2086 01:00:13,993 --> 01:00:17,449 RIK EBERHARDT: Would you say one person on that team fits lead? 2087 01:00:17,449 --> 01:00:18,740 Like, do you have a lead coder? 2088 01:00:18,740 --> 01:00:20,860 AUDIENCE: Uh, Harry, probably. 2089 01:00:20,860 --> 01:00:21,664 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 2090 01:00:21,664 --> 01:00:22,740 RIK EBERHARDT: Does he know he is lead-- 2091 01:00:22,740 --> 01:00:23,420 AUDIENCE: Harry is mostly the back end. 2092 01:00:23,420 --> 01:00:24,202 I think he does. 2093 01:00:24,202 --> 01:00:26,890 Because he mostly doles-- him and Derek 2094 01:00:26,890 --> 01:00:29,050 dole out the tasks, so I assume they 2095 01:00:29,050 --> 01:00:30,242 know that they're the leads. 2096 01:00:30,242 --> 01:00:30,350 But-- 2097 01:00:30,350 --> 01:00:30,670 ANDREW GRANT: OK. 2098 01:00:30,670 --> 01:00:30,900 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 2099 01:00:30,900 --> 01:00:33,774 Because that could just be you meeting with them to make it 2100 01:00:33,774 --> 01:00:35,440 easier rather than a full eight-person-- 2101 01:00:35,440 --> 01:00:36,970 ANDREW GRANT: You might not need the entire eight-person team 2102 01:00:36,970 --> 01:00:38,210 for that. 2103 01:00:38,210 --> 01:00:39,730 But again, also there's a difference 2104 01:00:39,730 --> 01:00:42,150 been the person who knows what the coders are doing 2105 01:00:42,150 --> 01:00:44,520 and the person who's doing the most code. 2106 01:00:44,520 --> 01:00:46,280 Those are two different things. 2107 01:00:46,280 --> 01:00:49,490 And so you want to figure out who's 2108 01:00:49,490 --> 01:00:53,284 really wearing what hat there. 2109 01:00:53,284 --> 01:00:54,736 Yeah. 2110 01:00:54,736 --> 01:00:55,497 Cool. 2111 01:00:55,497 --> 01:00:57,122 RIK EBERHARDT: Have we kept you longer? 2112 01:00:57,122 --> 01:00:57,621 Thank you. 2113 01:00:57,621 --> 01:00:58,480 ANDREW GRANT: Yes. 2114 01:00:58,480 --> 01:00:59,990 Thank you for your patience. 2115 01:00:59,990 --> 01:01:01,160 RIK EBERHARDT: And, yeah. 2116 01:01:01,160 --> 01:01:04,540 ANDREW GRANT: Do you have any specific sort of questions, 2117 01:01:04,540 --> 01:01:08,405 worries that we can try to talk about, or just get me out 2118 01:01:08,405 --> 01:01:08,905 of here. 2119 01:01:08,905 --> 01:01:09,700 It's Thanksgiving. 2120 01:01:09,700 --> 01:01:10,950 [LAUGH] 2121 01:01:10,950 --> 01:01:12,000 AUDIENCE: I don't know. 2122 01:01:12,000 --> 01:01:15,780 I think the big unknown for us right now is the new UI. 2123 01:01:15,780 --> 01:01:18,067 We have the mechanics that we want. 2124 01:01:18,067 --> 01:01:19,817 We've really been playing with the numbers 2125 01:01:19,817 --> 01:01:23,935 for a while for what infection rates and what efficacies 2126 01:01:23,935 --> 01:01:25,560 and treatments and what prices into a-- 2127 01:01:25,560 --> 01:01:26,000 RIK EBERHARDT: Got it. 2128 01:01:26,000 --> 01:01:27,925 AUDIENCE: --beatable game that's also not trivial. 2129 01:01:27,925 --> 01:01:28,169 RIK EBERHARDT: All right. 2130 01:01:28,169 --> 01:01:28,669 Cool. 2131 01:01:28,669 --> 01:01:30,050 AUDIENCE: So we have that. 2132 01:01:30,050 --> 01:01:32,860 The big question is the UI. 2133 01:01:32,860 --> 01:01:35,090 The old version of the UI has all sorts 2134 01:01:35,090 --> 01:01:40,665 of problems, where it'll constantly orphan UI elements, 2135 01:01:40,665 --> 01:01:42,540 and they'll sort of accumulate on the screen. 2136 01:01:42,540 --> 01:01:43,706 ANDREW GRANT: Got it Got it. 2137 01:01:43,706 --> 01:01:45,570 So it's buggy, among-- 2138 01:01:45,570 --> 01:01:46,540 AUDIENCE: It's buggy. 2139 01:01:46,540 --> 01:01:50,790 So I'm much more worried about having a functioning UI. 2140 01:01:50,790 --> 01:01:52,980 So one thing I'm thinking about is if we suddenly 2141 01:01:52,980 --> 01:01:55,080 find we don't have anything working 2142 01:01:55,080 --> 01:02:00,540 at some point, what sort of bare-bones UI would work? 2143 01:02:00,540 --> 01:02:03,480 Like, for example, you could concieve-- 2144 01:02:03,480 --> 01:02:04,950 and this is sort of unclear. 2145 01:02:04,950 --> 01:02:07,630 You can see that the UI can work entirely-- it 2146 01:02:07,630 --> 01:02:09,302 would be very, very simple. 2147 01:02:09,302 --> 01:02:12,765 It would take half an hour to write. 2148 01:02:12,765 --> 01:02:15,110 For absolutely every single action in the game, 2149 01:02:15,110 --> 01:02:17,450 it's like a keyboard thing. 2150 01:02:17,450 --> 01:02:20,235 The four villages are mapped to the columns Q through Z, W 2151 01:02:20,235 --> 01:02:20,735 through X. 2152 01:02:20,735 --> 01:02:21,568 ANDREW GRANT: Right. 2153 01:02:21,568 --> 01:02:23,469 AUDIENCE: And that grid of 12 buttons 2154 01:02:23,469 --> 01:02:24,510 does every single action. 2155 01:02:24,510 --> 01:02:24,977 ANDREW GRANT: Right. 2156 01:02:24,977 --> 01:02:26,845 AUDIENCE: So it could be reduced to that. 2157 01:02:26,845 --> 01:02:28,389 It would take a half hour to write. 2158 01:02:28,389 --> 01:02:29,180 ANDREW GRANT: Sure. 2159 01:02:29,180 --> 01:02:30,114 AUDIENCE: The question is-- 2160 01:02:30,114 --> 01:02:30,800 AUDIENCE: That would mean having to explain that, though. 2161 01:02:30,800 --> 01:02:31,070 ANDREW GRANT: Oh, yeah. 2162 01:02:31,070 --> 01:02:31,903 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 2163 01:02:31,903 --> 01:02:34,020 ANDREW GRANT: So you can't ship with that. 2164 01:02:34,020 --> 01:02:36,280 But it might be worth doing it, [INAUDIBLE] 2165 01:02:36,280 --> 01:02:40,450 half an hour, so you can test your game as it exists, 2166 01:02:40,450 --> 01:02:40,950 internally. 2167 01:02:40,950 --> 01:02:42,741 AUDIENCE: There's also concern whether we-- 2168 01:02:42,741 --> 01:02:45,560 we're still clear if we have to-- maybe other people aren't. 2169 01:02:45,560 --> 01:02:47,590 But I remember at one point hearing from you 2170 01:02:47,590 --> 01:02:48,532 tablets were what we-- 2171 01:02:48,532 --> 01:02:50,365 AUDIENCE: We don't need to worry about that. 2172 01:02:50,365 --> 01:02:50,960 RIK EBERHARDT: No, no. 2173 01:02:50,960 --> 01:02:51,210 No. 2174 01:02:51,210 --> 01:02:52,418 You've got a single platform. 2175 01:02:52,418 --> 01:02:53,929 It's what you've been developing on. 2176 01:02:53,929 --> 01:02:54,720 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 2177 01:02:54,720 --> 01:02:55,010 AUDIENCE: OK. 2178 01:02:55,010 --> 01:02:55,370 It's this. 2179 01:02:55,370 --> 01:02:55,635 RIK EBERHARDT: It's that. 2180 01:02:55,635 --> 01:02:57,620 If that's what you've been developing on. 2181 01:02:57,620 --> 01:02:59,536 ANDREW GRANT: At this point I would say, yeah. 2182 01:02:59,536 --> 01:03:03,067 Whatever's-- we actually want to grade it on a computer rather 2183 01:03:03,067 --> 01:03:03,650 than a tablet. 2184 01:03:03,650 --> 01:03:04,062 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 2185 01:03:04,062 --> 01:03:04,474 AUDIENCE: OK, good. 2186 01:03:04,474 --> 01:03:04,886 RIK EBERHARDT: That's exactly right. 2187 01:03:04,886 --> 01:03:05,298 Yeah. 2188 01:03:05,298 --> 01:03:05,710 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 2189 01:03:05,710 --> 01:03:07,605 RIK EBERHARDT: The tablet was if it was a challenge 2190 01:03:07,605 --> 01:03:08,779 that you wanted to take on. 2191 01:03:08,779 --> 01:03:09,570 AUDIENCE: OK, good. 2192 01:03:09,570 --> 01:03:12,126 RIK EBERHARDT: The client was like so, what's the-- 2193 01:03:12,126 --> 01:03:13,750 AUDIENCE: I totally misunderstood that. 2194 01:03:13,750 --> 01:03:15,735 RIK EBERHARDT: So the after class life 2195 01:03:15,735 --> 01:03:17,810 of this game and the other Cholera game 2196 01:03:17,810 --> 01:03:22,890 is they are being presented to UNICEF as a possible funder 2197 01:03:22,890 --> 01:03:24,759 for games of that nature. 2198 01:03:24,759 --> 01:03:25,300 AUDIENCE: OK. 2199 01:03:25,300 --> 01:03:26,841 RIK EBERHARDT: So it's like, you want 2200 01:03:26,841 --> 01:03:29,820 to make-- like UNICEF wants to make games about Cholera 2201 01:03:29,820 --> 01:03:31,660 for Ghana, and you're saying, here 2202 01:03:31,660 --> 01:03:33,780 are what those games might look like. 2203 01:03:33,780 --> 01:03:34,779 Here are prototypes. 2204 01:03:34,779 --> 01:03:35,320 AUDIENCE: OK. 2205 01:03:35,320 --> 01:03:36,180 RIK EBERHARDT: These are not the games 2206 01:03:36,180 --> 01:03:37,550 we're going to ship to you. 2207 01:03:37,550 --> 01:03:41,030 And if they were going to be the games-- so when we're setting 2208 01:03:41,030 --> 01:03:42,905 one of these games, we're going to be saying, 2209 01:03:42,905 --> 01:03:44,945 imagine this is a tablet-style game. 2210 01:03:44,945 --> 01:03:46,134 AUDIENCE: OK. 2211 01:03:46,134 --> 01:03:47,550 RIK EBERHARDT: And the other thing 2212 01:03:47,550 --> 01:03:51,752 is if you are graduating and wanted to work on this project, 2213 01:03:51,752 --> 01:03:54,530 and [INAUDIBLE] had funding for that project, 2214 01:03:54,530 --> 01:03:57,370 they might hire the students who worked on these games 2215 01:03:57,370 --> 01:03:58,380 to make that project. 2216 01:03:58,380 --> 01:03:58,790 ANDREW GRANT: Sure. 2217 01:03:58,790 --> 01:04:01,039 RIK EBERHARDT: That's very much a talk-in-January kind 2218 01:04:01,039 --> 01:04:02,345 of thing. 2219 01:04:02,345 --> 01:04:03,275 AUDIENCE: Right. 2220 01:04:03,275 --> 01:04:04,108 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 2221 01:04:04,108 --> 01:04:07,970 ANDREW GRANT: And so generally speaking, if that 2222 01:04:07,970 --> 01:04:11,100 takes a big worry of the UI off your shoulders, awesome. 2223 01:04:11,100 --> 01:04:13,520 But regardless, if you have an unknown like that-- like, 2224 01:04:13,520 --> 01:04:14,474 as the new UI. 2225 01:04:14,474 --> 01:04:15,640 Is that a big question mark? 2226 01:04:15,640 --> 01:04:18,220 I'd make sure you schedule it, prioritize it higher. 2227 01:04:18,220 --> 01:04:19,560 It sounds like you have your game play under control, 2228 01:04:19,560 --> 01:04:20,620 which is awesome. 2229 01:04:20,620 --> 01:04:22,880 But you want to make sure that whatever unknowns 2230 01:04:22,880 --> 01:04:25,700 you have are scheduled sooner so that if they go horribly awry, 2231 01:04:25,700 --> 01:04:28,677 you have time to adapt to that problem. 2232 01:04:28,677 --> 01:04:30,052 RIK EBERHARDT: And my last one is 2233 01:04:30,052 --> 01:04:31,635 going to be, you've already cut a lot. 2234 01:04:31,635 --> 01:04:34,350 Can you cut more? 2235 01:04:34,350 --> 01:04:38,096 When you meet on Monday and you say, are you in trouble? 2236 01:04:38,096 --> 01:04:39,610 Like, all right. 2237 01:04:39,610 --> 01:04:41,530 You've proved you can cut a bunch of stuff. 2238 01:04:41,530 --> 01:04:43,196 You could possibly cut a little bit more 2239 01:04:43,196 --> 01:04:45,890 out of it too-- assuming it's the kind of cutting 2240 01:04:45,890 --> 01:04:47,610 that doesn't create new work. 2241 01:04:47,610 --> 01:04:48,890 ANDREW GRANT: Right. 2242 01:04:48,890 --> 01:04:51,160 But I would start with that-- where the heck are we, 2243 01:04:51,160 --> 01:04:52,211 if you don't know. 2244 01:04:52,211 --> 01:04:53,044 RIK EBERHARDT: Yeah. 2245 01:04:53,044 --> 01:04:53,521 AUDIENCE: OK. 2246 01:04:53,521 --> 01:04:54,690 ANDREW GRANT: And probably all eight of you 2247 01:04:54,690 --> 01:04:56,573 don't know where you are, so it's worth getting all eight 2248 01:04:56,573 --> 01:04:58,260 of you to know where you are. 2249 01:04:58,260 --> 01:05:03,370 AUDIENCE: I can't even-- I see such-- I 2250 01:05:03,370 --> 01:05:06,570 see resulted-- I didn't even realize 2251 01:05:06,570 --> 01:05:09,818 [INAUDIBLE] until I forgot it. 2252 01:05:09,818 --> 01:05:11,602 ANDREW GRANT: [LAUGH] 2253 01:05:13,120 --> 01:05:17,790 And that's why the last project is so tough, actually. 2254 01:05:17,790 --> 01:05:20,300 RIK EBERHARDT: It doesn't fit the school year very well. 2255 01:05:20,300 --> 01:05:20,600 ANDREW GRANT: Yeah. 2256 01:05:20,600 --> 01:05:22,975 Unfortunately it's a shorter term than we'd like to have, 2257 01:05:22,975 --> 01:05:23,620 but, yeah. 2258 01:05:23,620 --> 01:05:26,802 Eight people's a lot to keep organized, even with full time. 2259 01:05:26,802 --> 01:05:28,010 AUDIENCE: We only have seven. 2260 01:05:28,010 --> 01:05:28,210 Don't worry. 2261 01:05:28,210 --> 01:05:29,010 There's no eighth person. 2262 01:05:29,010 --> 01:05:29,885 ANDREW GRANT: [LAUGH] 2263 01:05:29,885 --> 01:05:31,160 RIK EBERHARDT: OK, cool.