1 00:00:00,040 --> 00:00:02,460 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,460 --> 00:00:03,870 Commons license. 3 00:00:03,870 --> 00:00:06,910 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue to 4 00:00:06,910 --> 00:00:10,550 offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,550 --> 00:00:13,460 To make a donation or view additional materials from 6 00:00:13,460 --> 00:00:17,390 hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare at 7 00:00:17,390 --> 00:00:18,640 ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:23,170 --> 00:00:26,510 PROFESSOR: We began our discussion by talking about 9 00:00:26,510 --> 00:00:29,550 how society would choose across different income 10 00:00:29,550 --> 00:00:36,180 distributions, which involve the trade-off between 11 00:00:36,180 --> 00:00:39,750 preferences for more equal distribution of income and the 12 00:00:39,750 --> 00:00:41,340 efficiency cost of transferring income through 13 00:00:41,340 --> 00:00:45,300 both taxation and welfare programs. We then moved on to 14 00:00:45,300 --> 00:00:47,680 talk about what the government does in practice in terms of 15 00:00:47,680 --> 00:00:52,020 taxation and income redistribution. 16 00:00:52,020 --> 00:00:54,390 What we're going to do today is actually recognize that, in 17 00:00:54,390 --> 00:00:59,780 fact, most of government spending, most of what we 18 00:00:59,780 --> 00:01:02,160 raise taxes for is not pure income redistribution. 19 00:01:02,160 --> 00:01:04,780 We talked about things like the TANF program, which gives 20 00:01:04,780 --> 00:01:07,180 money to single mothers, or the SSI program, which gives 21 00:01:07,180 --> 00:01:08,850 money to disabled people. 22 00:01:08,850 --> 00:01:12,980 That's not most of what the government raises money for. 23 00:01:12,980 --> 00:01:17,830 In fact, 95% of the transfers that the government makes are 24 00:01:17,830 --> 00:01:19,155 not income based transfers. 25 00:01:19,155 --> 00:01:23,630 They're transfers of what we call social insurance. 26 00:01:27,910 --> 00:01:31,166 So most of what the government does today is not take from 27 00:01:31,166 --> 00:01:32,620 the rich and give to the poor. 28 00:01:32,620 --> 00:01:34,670 Most of what the government does today is take from 29 00:01:34,670 --> 00:01:39,160 everyone to provide insurance for everyone. 30 00:01:39,160 --> 00:01:44,990 Now basically, we talked in the uncertainty lecture about 31 00:01:44,990 --> 00:01:47,960 why people would value insurance. 32 00:01:47,960 --> 00:01:50,170 So essentially we think about people choosing across states 33 00:01:50,170 --> 00:01:53,780 of nature like they're choosing across goods. 34 00:01:53,780 --> 00:01:58,770 Then they will want to optimize across those states, 35 00:01:58,770 --> 00:02:01,870 hit by a car versus not hit by a car, the way they optimize 36 00:02:01,870 --> 00:02:04,200 across goods like CDs and movies. 37 00:02:04,200 --> 00:02:06,430 And we said the way they optimize across states is by 38 00:02:06,430 --> 00:02:07,340 buying insurance. 39 00:02:07,340 --> 00:02:09,750 That's the way you essentially transfer resources from the 40 00:02:09,750 --> 00:02:11,230 state where something goes bad to the state 41 00:02:11,230 --> 00:02:11,880 where something goes-- 42 00:02:11,880 --> 00:02:14,300 I'm sorry, from the state where something goes good to 43 00:02:14,300 --> 00:02:15,260 the state where it goes bad. 44 00:02:15,260 --> 00:02:17,740 The way you effect that transfer, effectively, is by 45 00:02:17,740 --> 00:02:20,660 paying insurers when things go good and getting from insurers 46 00:02:20,660 --> 00:02:21,960 when things go bad. 47 00:02:21,960 --> 00:02:25,340 That's insurance, and insurance is an enormous share 48 00:02:25,340 --> 00:02:26,230 of the US economy. 49 00:02:26,230 --> 00:02:30,200 Currently, US as a whole spends about $2 trillion a 50 00:02:30,200 --> 00:02:33,050 year on insuring ourselves against adverse risks of 51 00:02:33,050 --> 00:02:34,250 various types. 52 00:02:34,250 --> 00:02:38,340 There's health insurance, which is money we pay up front 53 00:02:38,340 --> 00:02:41,280 to insurers, and they cover our medical costs should we 54 00:02:41,280 --> 00:02:43,290 get sick or become injured. 55 00:02:43,290 --> 00:02:48,160 There's disability insurance, which is money that you pay in 56 00:02:48,160 --> 00:02:51,570 the form of taxation, and the government uses that money to 57 00:02:51,570 --> 00:02:54,660 give you a benefit should you become disabled. 58 00:02:54,660 --> 00:02:56,420 There's unemployment insurance. 59 00:02:56,420 --> 00:02:57,180 We know about that. 60 00:02:57,180 --> 00:03:00,990 Unemployment insurance is money that your employer pays 61 00:03:00,990 --> 00:03:04,230 in taxes, and in return, should you lose your job due 62 00:03:04,230 --> 00:03:08,430 to a layoff you receive income when you're laid off. 63 00:03:08,430 --> 00:03:10,370 That's certainly a topic of much conversation 64 00:03:10,370 --> 00:03:12,540 these days, et cetera. 65 00:03:12,540 --> 00:03:15,340 So there are a number of social insurance programs that 66 00:03:15,340 --> 00:03:18,990 are out there to help individuals with the adverse 67 00:03:18,990 --> 00:03:20,510 risks they face. 68 00:03:20,510 --> 00:03:23,080 The big question we have to ask in starting this lecture 69 00:03:23,080 --> 00:03:27,090 is, well, why does social insurance exist? 70 00:03:27,090 --> 00:03:30,070 After all, there's actually an enormous robust private 71 00:03:30,070 --> 00:03:30,890 insurance market. 72 00:03:30,890 --> 00:03:34,320 There's health insurance, there's life insurance, 73 00:03:34,320 --> 00:03:38,170 there's casualty insurance. 74 00:03:38,170 --> 00:03:41,600 The private market insures us for lots of risks. 75 00:03:41,600 --> 00:03:44,750 The question is why does the government come in and also 76 00:03:44,750 --> 00:03:46,700 provide us this social insurance? 77 00:03:46,700 --> 00:03:51,855 So we individuals will demand insurance for risk. 78 00:03:51,855 --> 00:03:55,120 We know private insurance exists for things like health 79 00:03:55,120 --> 00:03:57,070 insurance, life insurance, fire 80 00:03:57,070 --> 00:03:58,560 insurance, auto insurance. 81 00:03:58,560 --> 00:04:02,680 We know it exists, and that adds up to about $2 trillion 82 00:04:02,680 --> 00:04:04,470 of private spending. 83 00:04:04,470 --> 00:04:07,540 Yet at the same time the government also provides on 84 00:04:07,540 --> 00:04:10,380 the order of another trillion dollars of social insurance 85 00:04:10,380 --> 00:04:13,250 spending every year for things like health insurance, and 86 00:04:13,250 --> 00:04:15,120 disability, and other things. 87 00:04:15,120 --> 00:04:17,820 So the issue is why does the government need to do that? 88 00:04:17,820 --> 00:04:19,430 Why does the government need to roll 89 00:04:19,430 --> 00:04:20,769 in and provide insurance? 90 00:04:20,769 --> 00:04:22,280 We know individuals want it. 91 00:04:22,280 --> 00:04:25,230 We know a private market exists that provides it. 92 00:04:25,230 --> 00:04:28,360 What's the market failure that justifies a 93 00:04:28,360 --> 00:04:31,620 government role here? 94 00:04:31,620 --> 00:04:33,300 Think about the role of the government in the economy-- 95 00:04:33,300 --> 00:04:35,810 and this is a very small part of this course-- 96 00:04:35,810 --> 00:04:39,000 but the focus of the other course I teach, 14.41. 97 00:04:39,000 --> 00:04:43,010 The basic question is in this course we've largely learned 98 00:04:43,010 --> 00:04:45,640 the governments serves to screw up the market if the 99 00:04:45,640 --> 00:04:47,090 market's working well. 100 00:04:47,090 --> 00:04:49,340 The only time the government can help is if there's a 101 00:04:49,340 --> 00:04:51,350 market failure, if there's something 102 00:04:51,350 --> 00:04:52,530 wrong with the market. 103 00:04:52,530 --> 00:04:56,090 Well in this case, what could the market failure be? 104 00:04:56,090 --> 00:04:59,030 And the market failure, in the context of insurance, is the 105 00:04:59,030 --> 00:05:00,660 problem of asymmetric information. 106 00:05:05,280 --> 00:05:10,070 Asymmetric information, information that is held 107 00:05:10,070 --> 00:05:12,250 differentially between parties on either side of a 108 00:05:12,250 --> 00:05:13,500 transaction. 109 00:05:15,260 --> 00:05:17,860 And that when there's asymmetric information, when 110 00:05:17,860 --> 00:05:19,910 different parties know different amounts about a 111 00:05:19,910 --> 00:05:26,080 transaction, that can lead to market failures. 112 00:05:26,080 --> 00:05:29,210 So the classic example of this comes from the Nobel Prize 113 00:05:29,210 --> 00:05:31,120 winning economist George Akerlof. 114 00:05:31,120 --> 00:05:33,990 It's called the lemons problem. 115 00:05:33,990 --> 00:05:38,330 The lemons problem is, basically, he did the example 116 00:05:38,330 --> 00:05:39,930 of the used car market. 117 00:05:39,930 --> 00:05:42,600 Imagine you've got a used car market, which is a set of 118 00:05:42,600 --> 00:05:45,670 individuals who want to sell their cars and a set of 119 00:05:45,670 --> 00:05:48,840 individuals who want to buy those cars. 120 00:05:48,840 --> 00:05:51,220 And let's start with the full information benchmark. 121 00:05:51,220 --> 00:05:54,490 Let's imagine there was perfect information about the 122 00:05:54,490 --> 00:05:56,360 exact quality of every car. 123 00:05:56,360 --> 00:05:58,640 Imagine there was some test you could do which would 124 00:05:58,640 --> 00:06:01,040 perfectly tell you exactly how long the car is going to last, 125 00:06:01,040 --> 00:06:03,110 how well it's going to run, et cetera. 126 00:06:03,110 --> 00:06:05,680 In that world there will be a set of transactions. 127 00:06:05,680 --> 00:06:07,530 Some individuals will want to sell their cars because they 128 00:06:07,530 --> 00:06:09,290 want to buy up, other individual will be happy to 129 00:06:09,290 --> 00:06:12,980 pay that price, there will be a set of transactions. 130 00:06:12,980 --> 00:06:16,340 Now imagine we go to the real world, especially a real world 131 00:06:16,340 --> 00:06:19,065 when Akerlof wrote his article in the '70s when, basically, 132 00:06:19,065 --> 00:06:21,210 if you went to buy a used car you had to look at it and 133 00:06:21,210 --> 00:06:23,470 decide does it look OK. 134 00:06:23,470 --> 00:06:25,420 There's clearly asymmetric information. 135 00:06:25,420 --> 00:06:28,860 Clearly the seller of the car knows much more about its 136 00:06:28,860 --> 00:06:31,990 underlying qualities than the buyer of the car. 137 00:06:31,990 --> 00:06:34,050 And in particular, the buyer should be suspicious saying, 138 00:06:34,050 --> 00:06:36,820 wait a second, why are you selling this car? 139 00:06:36,820 --> 00:06:40,250 If it's such a good car why are you selling it? 140 00:06:40,250 --> 00:06:42,570 And the very fact that I see you selling it makes me 141 00:06:42,570 --> 00:06:45,340 suspicious that something's wrong with it. 142 00:06:45,340 --> 00:06:48,110 Given that I'm suspicious something's wrong with it I'm 143 00:06:48,110 --> 00:06:50,930 going to be willing to pay less for it than I would if I 144 00:06:50,930 --> 00:06:53,950 knew for sure it was OK. 145 00:06:53,950 --> 00:06:57,070 The fact that I don't have full information as a buyer 146 00:06:57,070 --> 00:07:00,210 means that I'm going to pay less for it than I would if I 147 00:07:00,210 --> 00:07:02,480 had full information. 148 00:07:02,480 --> 00:07:05,360 Well if I'm going to pay less for it but the seller has a 149 00:07:05,360 --> 00:07:07,266 certain amount he's willing to sell it at, the seller will 150 00:07:07,266 --> 00:07:08,680 say, well, I'm not going to sell it to you for less. 151 00:07:08,680 --> 00:07:10,975 I have a certain supply curve at which I want to sell. 152 00:07:14,520 --> 00:07:16,940 If I can get x for the car I'll sell it, but if you're 153 00:07:16,940 --> 00:07:19,150 not going to pay me x I'm not going to sell it. 154 00:07:19,150 --> 00:07:21,520 So the sale doesn't happen. 155 00:07:21,520 --> 00:07:24,240 So what you have is a car where in a full information 156 00:07:24,240 --> 00:07:27,050 world a sale would happen, both parties would be happy 157 00:07:27,050 --> 00:07:27,990 with that sale. 158 00:07:27,990 --> 00:07:29,830 But in an asymmetric information world, since the 159 00:07:29,830 --> 00:07:33,640 first party, since the buyer's suspicious of the quality and 160 00:07:33,640 --> 00:07:36,180 is therefore willing to pay less, and the seller won't 161 00:07:36,180 --> 00:07:38,420 accept less the sale doesn't happen. 162 00:07:38,420 --> 00:07:40,820 And that's a market failure. 163 00:07:40,820 --> 00:07:43,790 Relative to the 14.01 world we started with, where everybody 164 00:07:43,790 --> 00:07:46,070 knows everything, where there's full information, the 165 00:07:46,070 --> 00:07:48,330 market has failed because sales which would make both 166 00:07:48,330 --> 00:07:51,230 parties better off do not occur due to asymmetric 167 00:07:51,230 --> 00:07:52,480 information. 168 00:07:54,110 --> 00:07:57,690 So that is an example of the market failure caused by 169 00:07:57,690 --> 00:08:00,640 asymmetric information. 170 00:08:00,640 --> 00:08:04,840 Now let's flip this around and talk about insurance. 171 00:08:04,840 --> 00:08:07,760 In insurance it's the opposite case. 172 00:08:07,760 --> 00:08:11,770 In insurance, I, the person demanding the insurance, know 173 00:08:11,770 --> 00:08:14,255 more about me than the insurers 174 00:08:14,255 --> 00:08:16,330 who's selling me insurance. 175 00:08:16,330 --> 00:08:20,430 I know whether I'm someone who gets sick a lot, whether I 176 00:08:20,430 --> 00:08:22,980 like skydiving, whether I engage in other risky 177 00:08:22,980 --> 00:08:27,480 behaviors that may have health problems for me, whether I am 178 00:08:27,480 --> 00:08:29,790 someone who smokes in bed so I'm likely to catch my house 179 00:08:29,790 --> 00:08:32,890 on fire so that I really want house insurance because I'm 180 00:08:32,890 --> 00:08:34,289 going to catch my house on fire, et cetera. 181 00:08:34,289 --> 00:08:37,770 I know all that stuff about me, the insurer doesn't. 182 00:08:37,770 --> 00:08:41,630 So the insurer, as a result, might be unwilling to sell me 183 00:08:41,630 --> 00:08:44,650 insurance at a fair price. 184 00:08:44,650 --> 00:08:48,860 So to put this in numbers, let's consider an example. 185 00:08:52,060 --> 00:08:57,370 Imagine that you are starting up a health insurance program 186 00:08:57,370 --> 00:08:59,460 for MIT graduates. 187 00:08:59,460 --> 00:09:01,600 You want to say look, MIT graduates are a pretty healthy 188 00:09:01,600 --> 00:09:05,520 lot, and so I'm going to start up a health insurance program 189 00:09:05,520 --> 00:09:06,010 for MIT graduates. 190 00:09:06,010 --> 00:09:07,380 I'm going to make money since they're basically pretty 191 00:09:07,380 --> 00:09:09,363 healthy, but they're risk averse so they 192 00:09:09,363 --> 00:09:10,730 will buy the insurance. 193 00:09:10,730 --> 00:09:12,670 So imagine the facts are the following. 194 00:09:12,670 --> 00:09:17,970 Imagine that for every for every 100 MIT graduates, over 195 00:09:17,970 --> 00:09:25,750 the next year, 90 of them will spend nothing on medical care, 196 00:09:25,750 --> 00:09:31,140 and 10 of them will spend $1,000. 197 00:09:31,140 --> 00:09:33,030 But we don't know which ones, there's uncertainty. 198 00:09:33,030 --> 00:09:35,860 So I'm left with this 90% chance of zero, 199 00:09:35,860 --> 00:09:37,680 10% chance of $1,000. 200 00:09:37,680 --> 00:09:40,900 So everybody graduating, since we're a pretty healthy crop, 201 00:09:40,900 --> 00:09:45,120 90% of you will spend nothing but 10% of you will spend 202 00:09:45,120 --> 00:09:47,450 $1,000, and you don't know which. 203 00:09:52,770 --> 00:09:53,920 And you're going to start an insurance. 204 00:09:53,920 --> 00:09:55,820 You could say look, I'm going to start an insurance. 205 00:09:55,820 --> 00:09:57,420 What I'm going to do is I'm going to say is what's the 206 00:09:57,420 --> 00:10:01,210 expected payout that I'm going to have as an insurer 207 00:10:01,210 --> 00:10:02,790 over the next year? 208 00:10:02,790 --> 00:10:07,440 Well, the expected payout over the next year is $10,000 209 00:10:07,440 --> 00:10:08,970 total, right? 210 00:10:08,970 --> 00:10:10,780 And let's say there's 100 students you are 211 00:10:10,780 --> 00:10:12,030 going to sell to. 212 00:10:14,350 --> 00:10:18,690 The expected payout the next year is $10,000 total. 213 00:10:18,690 --> 00:10:20,770 10 students will cost you $1,000 nine students will cost 214 00:10:20,770 --> 00:10:21,640 you nothing. 215 00:10:21,640 --> 00:10:25,800 Expected payout next year is $10,000, or per student you're 216 00:10:25,800 --> 00:10:32,480 selling to the expected payout is $100. 217 00:10:32,480 --> 00:10:32,740 Right? 218 00:10:32,740 --> 00:10:33,350 Have I got that right? 219 00:10:33,350 --> 00:10:33,830 Yeah. 220 00:10:33,830 --> 00:10:37,810 $100 per student you're selling to. 221 00:10:37,810 --> 00:10:44,750 So if you sell to 100 students at $100 you will break even. 222 00:10:44,750 --> 00:10:47,490 You will collect $10,000 at an expectation 223 00:10:47,490 --> 00:10:50,520 you'll pay out $10,000. 224 00:10:50,520 --> 00:10:58,080 So if you roll in and offer insurance for $100 and you 225 00:10:58,080 --> 00:11:02,220 sell to all these students then you'll break even. 226 00:11:02,220 --> 00:11:03,630 Let's say you then said fine, I'm going to 227 00:11:03,630 --> 00:11:07,620 offer it for $110. 228 00:11:07,620 --> 00:11:12,320 Well, as long as people are somewhat risk averse, in our 229 00:11:12,320 --> 00:11:16,690 standard model they'd still like insurance for $110. 230 00:11:16,690 --> 00:11:19,160 They'd still be willing to pay a little risk premium-- 231 00:11:19,160 --> 00:11:21,600 remember about risk premiums to get health insurance. 232 00:11:21,600 --> 00:11:25,515 So you still sell it, let's say, and you make $1,000. 233 00:11:25,515 --> 00:11:27,500 Then you're going to sell to 100 students at 10 extra 234 00:11:27,500 --> 00:11:29,290 dollars to make $1,000 profit. 235 00:11:29,290 --> 00:11:30,860 So this is a pretty good product. 236 00:11:30,860 --> 00:11:34,900 I'll make a $1,000 profit on this. 237 00:11:34,900 --> 00:11:39,390 Now, what's in fact the problem with this analysis? 238 00:11:39,390 --> 00:11:42,340 The problem is that what if some of the 239 00:11:42,340 --> 00:11:44,440 healthy guys say, look-- 240 00:11:44,440 --> 00:11:47,860 what if people know whether they're healthy or sick? 241 00:11:47,860 --> 00:11:49,120 What if it's not uncertain? 242 00:11:49,120 --> 00:11:51,450 Or what if people have a good inkling? 243 00:11:51,450 --> 00:11:56,750 What if, in fact, half of the 90 people who will spend zero, 244 00:11:56,750 --> 00:11:59,650 what if 50 of them actually know they're 245 00:11:59,650 --> 00:12:00,690 going to spend zero? 246 00:12:00,690 --> 00:12:01,700 What if, in fact, the story is different? 247 00:12:01,700 --> 00:12:04,400 It's not totally uncertain, but 50 people know they're 248 00:12:04,400 --> 00:12:04,810 going to spend zero. 249 00:12:04,810 --> 00:12:07,190 They're really healthy and they don't like the doctor, 250 00:12:07,190 --> 00:12:09,210 they know they're going to spend zero. 251 00:12:09,210 --> 00:12:12,550 Whereas the other 50, well, 40 of them might spend zero and 252 00:12:12,550 --> 00:12:14,210 10 might spend $1,000. 253 00:12:14,210 --> 00:12:16,445 Well in that case, the 50 that knows they're going to spend 254 00:12:16,445 --> 00:12:18,410 zero won't buy the health insurance. 255 00:12:18,410 --> 00:12:20,220 They'll be like why should I buy it? 256 00:12:20,220 --> 00:12:22,235 I know I'm going to spend zero, why should I pay $100 or 257 00:12:22,235 --> 00:12:26,230 $110 dollars for health insurance? 258 00:12:26,230 --> 00:12:28,920 So then, how much will you sell? 259 00:12:28,920 --> 00:12:33,010 And let's say you charge $110 to make a profit. 260 00:12:33,010 --> 00:12:36,280 You'll sell to 40 guys, 40 healthy 261 00:12:36,280 --> 00:12:38,770 guys, and 10 sick guys. 262 00:12:38,770 --> 00:12:47,640 So 50 guys times $110, so you'll make $5,500. 263 00:12:47,640 --> 00:12:49,010 What will you pay out? 264 00:12:49,010 --> 00:12:56,260 You'll pay out $10,000 because the 10 sick guys are 265 00:12:56,260 --> 00:12:58,440 definitely buying, right? 266 00:12:58,440 --> 00:13:00,310 The 10 guys who'll end up getting sick are definitely 267 00:13:00,310 --> 00:13:02,540 buying along with 40 healthy guys. 268 00:13:02,540 --> 00:13:05,710 So you will collect $5,500 but you'll pay out $10,000. 269 00:13:05,710 --> 00:13:08,320 You'll lose money. 270 00:13:08,320 --> 00:13:09,710 Why will you lose money? 271 00:13:09,710 --> 00:13:15,930 You'll lose money because you'll be collecting as if 272 00:13:15,930 --> 00:13:18,600 you're dealing with a full probability distribution but 273 00:13:18,600 --> 00:13:20,360 you're only going to see a truncated probability 274 00:13:20,360 --> 00:13:21,540 distribution. 275 00:13:21,540 --> 00:13:23,830 You're only going to see the distribution for the people 276 00:13:23,830 --> 00:13:25,170 who have some chance of getting sick. 277 00:13:25,170 --> 00:13:27,110 The very healthy people drop out. 278 00:13:27,110 --> 00:13:30,790 As a result you lose money. 279 00:13:30,790 --> 00:13:32,680 This is the insurer problem. 280 00:13:32,680 --> 00:13:36,300 If the healthiest people don't buy insurance then they can't 281 00:13:36,300 --> 00:13:38,350 price it fairly. 282 00:13:38,350 --> 00:13:39,430 How would you overcome this? 283 00:13:39,430 --> 00:13:43,010 Well, you would have to raise your price a lot, right? 284 00:13:43,010 --> 00:13:45,170 So let's say you say fine, I'm going to overcome this. 285 00:13:45,170 --> 00:13:50,850 If I raise my price to $200 or to $210 then 286 00:13:50,850 --> 00:13:52,410 I'd make money again. 287 00:13:52,410 --> 00:13:55,140 If I raise my price $210 that's 50 288 00:13:55,140 --> 00:13:56,560 people buying at $210. 289 00:13:56,560 --> 00:14:00,740 Then I get $11,000 in premiums and I don't have to spend 290 00:14:00,740 --> 00:14:04,730 $10,000, and I make money again. 291 00:14:04,730 --> 00:14:06,690 What's the problem with that solution? 292 00:14:06,690 --> 00:14:07,050 Yeah? 293 00:14:07,050 --> 00:14:08,916 AUDIENCE: People will probably be dropping 294 00:14:08,916 --> 00:14:09,950 out because you just-- 295 00:14:09,950 --> 00:14:11,650 PROFESSOR: Some of these 40 will say, well, I was happy to 296 00:14:11,650 --> 00:14:13,670 pay $100 but I'm not happy to pay $200. 297 00:14:13,670 --> 00:14:15,720 The chances are really low I'm going to get sick. 298 00:14:15,720 --> 00:14:16,750 So this goes down. 299 00:14:16,750 --> 00:14:18,430 So you collect less money but you still pay 300 00:14:18,430 --> 00:14:19,590 out to the sick people. 301 00:14:19,590 --> 00:14:21,780 And you never win. 302 00:14:21,780 --> 00:14:22,470 You can never win. 303 00:14:22,470 --> 00:14:24,550 As you raise the price the healthier and healthier people 304 00:14:24,550 --> 00:14:28,070 drop out until you just simply can't make money. 305 00:14:28,070 --> 00:14:28,425 Yeah? 306 00:14:28,425 --> 00:14:31,425 AUDIENCE: Is there any situation where if you have a 307 00:14:31,425 --> 00:14:34,360 large enough number of people that you're supplying to you 308 00:14:34,360 --> 00:14:37,212 can set the price at a certain level such that you're 309 00:14:37,212 --> 00:14:41,646 guaranteed that there are at least going to be a large 310 00:14:41,646 --> 00:14:45,139 number of people left after dropping out so that you won't 311 00:14:45,139 --> 00:14:47,070 lose money? 312 00:14:47,070 --> 00:14:48,610 PROFESSOR: Yes, and what's that going to depend on? 313 00:14:48,610 --> 00:14:52,985 So one extreme example is what I've described here, where as 314 00:14:52,985 --> 00:14:55,113 you raise the price more healthy drop out and so you 315 00:14:55,113 --> 00:14:56,550 can never make money. 316 00:14:56,550 --> 00:15:00,060 Under what conditions will that be a particular problem 317 00:15:00,060 --> 00:15:02,440 or not be a problem? 318 00:15:02,440 --> 00:15:04,920 Well there's two key factors. 319 00:15:04,920 --> 00:15:06,605 First of all, it's going to be how imperfect 320 00:15:06,605 --> 00:15:08,450 the information is. 321 00:15:08,450 --> 00:15:11,880 For example, if people know for sure whether they're going 322 00:15:11,880 --> 00:15:14,990 to be in the zero bucket or the $1,000 bucket then by 323 00:15:14,990 --> 00:15:17,190 definition you can't make money. 324 00:15:17,190 --> 00:15:19,960 If you know for sure, with 100% certainty, then why would 325 00:15:19,960 --> 00:15:21,500 you ever buy insurance unless you're going to be in the 326 00:15:21,500 --> 00:15:23,080 $1,000 bucket? 327 00:15:23,080 --> 00:15:26,100 And why would you ever pay more than $1,000 for it? 328 00:15:26,100 --> 00:15:28,650 So there's no way to make money if people know for sure. 329 00:15:28,650 --> 00:15:33,450 So the first thing is where nobody has any idea at all. 330 00:15:33,450 --> 00:15:35,830 Then this is going to be less of a problem because healthy 331 00:15:35,830 --> 00:15:38,210 people won't drop out because nobody knows who's healthy. 332 00:15:38,210 --> 00:15:40,110 So the first issue is going to be the asymmetry of your 333 00:15:40,110 --> 00:15:41,490 information. 334 00:15:41,490 --> 00:15:44,260 The second factors is going to be what? 335 00:15:44,260 --> 00:15:47,590 The level of risk aversion, because if people are very 336 00:15:47,590 --> 00:15:50,980 risk averse then they may be willing to pay a lot for 337 00:15:50,980 --> 00:15:54,660 insurance even if the odds are low it's going to hurt them. 338 00:15:54,660 --> 00:15:57,310 So in this case, once again if people know for sure, risk 339 00:15:57,310 --> 00:15:58,390 aversion doesn't matter. 340 00:15:58,390 --> 00:16:00,610 But if people don't know for sure, if there's some 341 00:16:00,610 --> 00:16:03,520 uncertainty, then you may get healthy people buying health 342 00:16:03,520 --> 00:16:06,960 insurance because they're risk averse. 343 00:16:06,960 --> 00:16:08,820 They may buy it anyway, and so then you may not 344 00:16:08,820 --> 00:16:10,220 have a market failure. 345 00:16:10,220 --> 00:16:13,010 So basically, the more asymmetry of information there 346 00:16:13,010 --> 00:16:15,580 is the more likely you're going to lose money? 347 00:16:15,580 --> 00:16:17,060 What happens if you're going to lose money? 348 00:16:17,060 --> 00:16:18,955 You're not going to start your insurance company and MIT 349 00:16:18,955 --> 00:16:20,800 students will end up uninsured. 350 00:16:20,800 --> 00:16:22,640 That's a market failure. 351 00:16:22,640 --> 00:16:26,130 The market for insurance will fail, the market for insurance 352 00:16:26,130 --> 00:16:29,840 will fail because you will end up not being 353 00:16:29,840 --> 00:16:31,680 able to make money. 354 00:16:31,680 --> 00:16:35,290 You're not going to be able to make money because only the 355 00:16:35,290 --> 00:16:38,710 sickest people will buy, and you lose by definition. 356 00:16:38,710 --> 00:16:42,070 That's the problem that we have with private insurance. 357 00:16:42,070 --> 00:16:44,800 If the healthiest people stay out, then the insurer can't 358 00:16:44,800 --> 00:16:46,220 make money. 359 00:16:46,220 --> 00:16:48,210 The insurers need a distribution of healthy and 360 00:16:48,210 --> 00:16:50,290 sick to make money, they can't make money if the 361 00:16:50,290 --> 00:16:51,540 healthy stay out. 362 00:16:54,100 --> 00:16:58,430 So what can we do about this? 363 00:16:58,430 --> 00:16:59,110 What can we do about this? 364 00:16:59,110 --> 00:17:02,800 Well there's two classes of solutions we can have. The 365 00:17:02,800 --> 00:17:04,854 first is we can subsidize. 366 00:17:09,369 --> 00:17:16,540 Imagine if we said, we MIT, will roll in and provide the 367 00:17:16,540 --> 00:17:18,040 insurance for free to everyone. 368 00:17:20,660 --> 00:17:23,099 And then we'll pay the insurer what they want. 369 00:17:23,099 --> 00:17:26,245 So MIT will come in, they'll absorb the cost of the insurer 370 00:17:26,245 --> 00:17:28,270 and give it to MIT students for free. 371 00:17:28,270 --> 00:17:31,135 Well, in that case all the MIT students would take it, it 372 00:17:31,135 --> 00:17:35,430 would be free, and the insurer could charge $100 or $110 373 00:17:35,430 --> 00:17:37,390 based on the negotiation with MIT. 374 00:17:37,390 --> 00:17:39,625 And the insurer will provide the insurance because everyone 375 00:17:39,625 --> 00:17:40,310 would take it. 376 00:17:40,310 --> 00:17:42,420 And MIT would just pay the cost. 377 00:17:42,420 --> 00:17:44,670 So the market failure would be solved, but of course at a 378 00:17:44,670 --> 00:17:47,720 cost of MIT having to pay $10,000 or $11,000, or 379 00:17:47,720 --> 00:17:49,930 whatever it's going to be. 380 00:17:49,930 --> 00:17:54,250 So the market failure would be solved by subsidizing the 381 00:17:54,250 --> 00:17:55,610 healthy people to come in. 382 00:17:55,610 --> 00:17:57,830 So essentially, if you pay off the best risks to come in the 383 00:17:57,830 --> 00:18:00,010 market you solve the market failure because then the 384 00:18:00,010 --> 00:18:03,620 insurer knows they're getting a good distribution of risks. 385 00:18:03,620 --> 00:18:06,270 What's the other thing you can do? 386 00:18:06,270 --> 00:18:07,920 Well the other thing you can do is the centerpiece of the 387 00:18:07,920 --> 00:18:09,760 current health care reform bill, which I'll talk about 388 00:18:09,760 --> 00:18:12,920 next time, which is you can mandate that everyone buy 389 00:18:12,920 --> 00:18:14,570 health insurance. 390 00:18:14,570 --> 00:18:18,390 If there was a law that every MIT student had to have health 391 00:18:18,390 --> 00:18:21,950 insurance when they graduate then, once again, the insurer 392 00:18:21,950 --> 00:18:25,140 would know what the distribution of risks are and 393 00:18:25,140 --> 00:18:27,780 they could sell insurance at a fair price. 394 00:18:27,780 --> 00:18:28,832 They wouldn't have to worry if the healthy drop out because 395 00:18:28,832 --> 00:18:30,082 the healthy couldn't, it would be illegal. 396 00:18:33,570 --> 00:18:35,060 Now, these two solutions-- 397 00:18:35,060 --> 00:18:37,540 so you can subsidize or you can mandate. 398 00:18:40,860 --> 00:18:41,610 Now these solutions-- 399 00:18:41,610 --> 00:18:42,303 Yeah? 400 00:18:42,303 --> 00:18:46,247 AUDIENCE: Weren't a lot of health insurance companies 401 00:18:46,247 --> 00:18:50,191 also looking at medical records of 402 00:18:50,191 --> 00:18:52,163 people before deciding-- 403 00:18:52,163 --> 00:18:55,121 were they unequally pricing health care based 404 00:18:55,121 --> 00:18:57,093 on someone's history? 405 00:18:57,093 --> 00:19:00,051 And I know that caused a lot of controversy say over 406 00:19:00,051 --> 00:19:01,037 pre-existing conditions. 407 00:19:01,037 --> 00:19:02,023 PROFESSOR: Yeah. 408 00:19:02,023 --> 00:19:03,400 Let me talk about that next time. 409 00:19:03,400 --> 00:19:06,450 What you're asking is isn't it in fact possible asymmetric 410 00:19:06,450 --> 00:19:08,170 information could flip? 411 00:19:08,170 --> 00:19:10,210 Isn't it possible insurers could now know so much about 412 00:19:10,210 --> 00:19:12,030 us from public records that they could start to have more 413 00:19:12,030 --> 00:19:14,490 information about us than we even have about ourselves? 414 00:19:14,490 --> 00:19:16,800 And then they could decide to get rid of us because they 415 00:19:16,800 --> 00:19:18,930 know we're a bad risk even if we don't know. 416 00:19:18,930 --> 00:19:22,930 So could we be soon living in a world of reverse asymmetric 417 00:19:22,930 --> 00:19:23,850 information? 418 00:19:23,850 --> 00:19:26,020 And that's possible, and I'll talk about that next time. 419 00:19:26,020 --> 00:19:28,035 But for now let's assume we live in a world where you know 420 00:19:28,035 --> 00:19:30,450 more than the insurer. 421 00:19:30,450 --> 00:19:32,220 So you can subsidize the guys, you can mandate it. 422 00:19:32,220 --> 00:19:34,030 Now each of these have pros and cons. 423 00:19:34,030 --> 00:19:38,310 If you subsidize them then the MIT students are happy. 424 00:19:38,310 --> 00:19:40,880 They get insurance for free, but MIT is out $10,000. 425 00:19:40,880 --> 00:19:42,070 Or if it's the government, the government's 426 00:19:42,070 --> 00:19:43,320 out a lot of money. 427 00:19:43,320 --> 00:19:44,800 How does the government raise that money? 428 00:19:44,800 --> 00:19:48,040 It taxes people, and that has efficiency costs. 429 00:19:48,040 --> 00:19:48,970 So one thing we could do is make health 430 00:19:48,970 --> 00:19:49,880 insurance free for everyone. 431 00:19:49,880 --> 00:19:51,900 That's what Canada does. 432 00:19:51,900 --> 00:19:54,610 Health insurance is free for everyone. 433 00:19:54,610 --> 00:19:57,930 And the problem is to do that in the US would cost something 434 00:19:57,930 --> 00:20:03,820 like a couple of trillion dollars. 435 00:20:03,820 --> 00:20:07,530 That's a lot of money to raise in taxes. 436 00:20:07,530 --> 00:20:10,090 And that would cause inefficiency from raising that 437 00:20:10,090 --> 00:20:11,220 money in taxes. 438 00:20:11,220 --> 00:20:12,660 On the other hand the mandate doesn't cost 439 00:20:12,660 --> 00:20:14,460 the government anything. 440 00:20:14,460 --> 00:20:18,560 But it makes healthy people very upset because suddenly 441 00:20:18,560 --> 00:20:21,900 you're an MIT student, you know for sure you're not going 442 00:20:21,900 --> 00:20:24,320 to spend zero but the government mandates you have 443 00:20:24,320 --> 00:20:26,370 to pay that $100 premium. 444 00:20:26,370 --> 00:20:28,120 Well now you're upset. 445 00:20:28,120 --> 00:20:30,160 So basically there's no good answer here to solve this 446 00:20:30,160 --> 00:20:31,920 asymmetric information problem. 447 00:20:31,920 --> 00:20:34,120 Either we have to spend a lot of money and then people 448 00:20:34,120 --> 00:20:35,600 aren't upset but taxpayers are. 449 00:20:35,600 --> 00:20:36,950 Insurers aren't but taxpayers are. 450 00:20:36,950 --> 00:20:38,690 Or we have to mandate people to buy, in which case the 451 00:20:38,690 --> 00:20:41,270 healthy will be upset they're being forced to buy something 452 00:20:41,270 --> 00:20:43,120 they don't want. 453 00:20:43,120 --> 00:20:45,200 And that's the difficult position we face ourselves in 454 00:20:45,200 --> 00:20:46,980 with social insurance programs. 455 00:20:46,980 --> 00:20:50,520 But the bottom line is what we have is this failure of 456 00:20:50,520 --> 00:20:53,310 private insurance markets due to asymmetric information and 457 00:20:53,310 --> 00:20:56,560 the need for the government to come in and take one or both 458 00:20:56,560 --> 00:21:00,460 of these routes to fix the problem. 459 00:21:00,460 --> 00:21:03,750 If the government doesn't then you don't get people getting 460 00:21:03,750 --> 00:21:05,020 insurance that they'd like to have. You 461 00:21:05,020 --> 00:21:07,246 get a market failure. 462 00:21:07,246 --> 00:21:09,850 You get a market failure in people not having insurance 463 00:21:09,850 --> 00:21:11,980 that they would value. 464 00:21:11,980 --> 00:21:15,360 And that's why we have governments come in and 465 00:21:15,360 --> 00:21:18,620 provide social insurance. 466 00:21:18,620 --> 00:21:20,815 Now, as I said, the government comes in and provide many 467 00:21:20,815 --> 00:21:22,320 types of social insurance of many types. 468 00:21:22,320 --> 00:21:24,870 There's medical social insurance, and here the 469 00:21:24,870 --> 00:21:27,240 government does that through the form of what we call two 470 00:21:27,240 --> 00:21:33,500 programs, Medicare and Medicaid. 471 00:21:33,500 --> 00:21:38,700 Medicare is universal, heavily subsidized health insurance 472 00:21:38,700 --> 00:21:41,230 for the elderly. 473 00:21:41,230 --> 00:21:44,800 Medicaid is like a welfare program. 474 00:21:44,800 --> 00:21:47,710 It's means tested, categorical, free health 475 00:21:47,710 --> 00:21:49,010 insurance for the poor. 476 00:21:49,010 --> 00:21:52,780 So Medicare's for the elderly, Medicaid's for the poor. 477 00:21:52,780 --> 00:21:55,540 In neither case is there a mandate, in both cases the 478 00:21:55,540 --> 00:21:57,420 government, essentially, is making it free. 479 00:21:57,420 --> 00:22:00,530 Essentially it's gone the subsidy route, as a result at 480 00:22:00,530 --> 00:22:03,370 an enormous cost to the US taxpayer. 481 00:22:03,370 --> 00:22:07,740 Medicare is now about a $500 billion a year program. 482 00:22:07,740 --> 00:22:11,170 Medicaid is approaching a $400 billion a year program. 483 00:22:11,170 --> 00:22:14,060 It's almost a trillion dollars US taxpayers are paying to get 484 00:22:14,060 --> 00:22:15,510 people to buy health insurance. 485 00:22:15,510 --> 00:22:18,510 So by solving it with this route these are incredibly, 486 00:22:18,510 --> 00:22:20,610 especially Medicare is an incredibly politically popular 487 00:22:20,610 --> 00:22:22,080 program because why not? 488 00:22:22,080 --> 00:22:23,380 People are getting it for free. 489 00:22:23,380 --> 00:22:26,280 But the cost is an enormous budgetary pressure on the US 490 00:22:26,280 --> 00:22:27,620 government. 491 00:22:27,620 --> 00:22:30,760 That's for health. 492 00:22:30,760 --> 00:22:34,910 We also have disability insurance, DI. 493 00:22:34,910 --> 00:22:37,880 That's for people who have a career-ending injury. 494 00:22:37,880 --> 00:22:40,095 If you fall off your motorcycle and get paralyzed 495 00:22:40,095 --> 00:22:43,360 and can't work anymore you can get disability insurance, 496 00:22:43,360 --> 00:22:45,400 which is money which compensates you for being 497 00:22:45,400 --> 00:22:47,035 unable to work having a career-ending injury. 498 00:22:55,180 --> 00:22:57,750 So this is another form of social insurance. 499 00:22:57,750 --> 00:23:02,430 We have workers' compensation, which is insurance that you 500 00:23:02,430 --> 00:23:08,140 have to insure yourself against injuries on the job. 501 00:23:08,140 --> 00:23:10,260 So if you slip and fall on the job and have to miss a couple 502 00:23:10,260 --> 00:23:12,690 weeks of work this covers your medical costs 503 00:23:12,690 --> 00:23:13,940 and your lost wages. 504 00:23:16,220 --> 00:23:18,720 And we have unemployment insurance, which as I 505 00:23:18,720 --> 00:23:21,810 mentioned, is insurance for people who lose their jobs due 506 00:23:21,810 --> 00:23:23,170 to economic circumstances. 507 00:23:23,170 --> 00:23:25,320 Unemployment insurance is not for people who get fired 508 00:23:25,320 --> 00:23:26,295 because they're crappy workers. 509 00:23:26,295 --> 00:23:28,570 It's for people who lose their job because they're laid off 510 00:23:28,570 --> 00:23:29,990 for economic circumstances. 511 00:23:29,990 --> 00:23:34,700 They get some replacement of wages under that unemployment 512 00:23:34,700 --> 00:23:35,450 insurance programs. 513 00:23:35,450 --> 00:23:37,260 These are the kind of social insurance programs that we 514 00:23:37,260 --> 00:23:39,660 have in the US. 515 00:23:39,660 --> 00:23:42,960 And the arguments for them is basically more complicated 516 00:23:42,960 --> 00:23:44,690 version of the arguments I just made over there. 517 00:23:44,690 --> 00:23:46,780 The argument for all these programs is that private 518 00:23:46,780 --> 00:23:49,680 insurance markets for things like unemployment or injury 519 00:23:49,680 --> 00:23:52,590 will not function well due to asymmetric information so the 520 00:23:52,590 --> 00:23:56,890 government needs to come in and provide that insurance. 521 00:23:56,890 --> 00:24:00,220 But at the same time all of these insurance programs have 522 00:24:00,220 --> 00:24:06,320 a cost. Not just the cost of raising the money but the cost 523 00:24:06,320 --> 00:24:14,000 of what we call moral hazard, which is that when you insure 524 00:24:14,000 --> 00:24:17,200 people against adverse risk you 525 00:24:17,200 --> 00:24:18,805 encourage adverse behavior. 526 00:24:21,910 --> 00:24:24,890 When you insure people against adverse risk you encourage 527 00:24:24,890 --> 00:24:27,460 adverse behavior. 528 00:24:27,460 --> 00:24:30,410 And the problem here is another form of asymmetric 529 00:24:30,410 --> 00:24:31,800 information. 530 00:24:31,800 --> 00:24:35,640 So one problem of asymmetric information is since insurers 531 00:24:35,640 --> 00:24:37,790 don't know enough about you they'll under insure you. 532 00:24:37,790 --> 00:24:39,540 So it's a market failure. 533 00:24:39,540 --> 00:24:42,500 This is a flip side market failure, which is since 534 00:24:42,500 --> 00:24:45,790 insurers can't perfectly be sure about what's wrong with 535 00:24:45,790 --> 00:24:50,510 you, you will be encouraged to misrepresent your state in 536 00:24:50,510 --> 00:24:53,540 order to collect money. 537 00:24:53,540 --> 00:24:56,270 So a classic example here is workers' 538 00:24:56,270 --> 00:24:58,950 compensation insurance. 539 00:24:58,950 --> 00:25:01,000 Workers' compensation insurance is about a $50 540 00:25:01,000 --> 00:25:03,866 billion a year program that provides money to people who 541 00:25:03,866 --> 00:25:06,140 are injured on the job. 542 00:25:06,140 --> 00:25:10,850 The problem is injured on the job is very hard to verify. 543 00:25:10,850 --> 00:25:13,770 Most of the injuries are not losing an arm. 544 00:25:13,770 --> 00:25:16,090 Most of the injuries are straining your back. 545 00:25:16,090 --> 00:25:18,350 As anyone with back problems knows it's pretty darn hard to 546 00:25:18,350 --> 00:25:21,230 verify if your back's hurt or not. 547 00:25:21,230 --> 00:25:23,940 My first job in my first summer after MIT was I was a 548 00:25:23,940 --> 00:25:26,820 filing clerk at a doctor's office. 549 00:25:26,820 --> 00:25:28,830 The doctor did workers' comp-- this is a real story. 550 00:25:28,830 --> 00:25:32,630 Doctors do workers' comp claims. It was one doctor with 551 00:25:32,630 --> 00:25:35,820 a staff of five secretaries and an enormous filing staff. 552 00:25:35,820 --> 00:25:38,540 And the reason was the doctor saw a patient every three 553 00:25:38,540 --> 00:25:40,270 minutes all day. 554 00:25:40,270 --> 00:25:42,060 They'd come in, he'd say, yeah, you're hurt, here's your 555 00:25:42,060 --> 00:25:45,310 chit for workers' comp, off you go. 556 00:25:45,310 --> 00:25:47,880 All day. 557 00:25:47,880 --> 00:25:50,460 So basically, because it's incredibly hard to verify, 558 00:25:50,460 --> 00:25:52,260 this doctor was just-- basically his role was saying 559 00:25:52,260 --> 00:25:55,700 yes to people so they could get out of work. 560 00:25:55,700 --> 00:25:58,850 This is the problem we have with a system-- 561 00:25:58,850 --> 00:26:03,400 this is another information asymmetry, which is now you, 562 00:26:03,400 --> 00:26:06,470 the insured, know more about what's wrong with you than the 563 00:26:06,470 --> 00:26:08,670 insurer does. 564 00:26:08,670 --> 00:26:10,760 But it's a different form of information asymmetry. 565 00:26:10,760 --> 00:26:14,670 Now it's that you may actually not be as injured as you claim 566 00:26:14,670 --> 00:26:15,720 or need insurance as you claim. 567 00:26:15,720 --> 00:26:17,920 As a result you over claim insurance, and that costs the 568 00:26:17,920 --> 00:26:20,710 insurance industry money. 569 00:26:20,710 --> 00:26:24,880 Now, moral hazard, theoretically, is unambiguous. 570 00:26:24,880 --> 00:26:27,310 But obviously it's going to vary across situations. 571 00:26:27,310 --> 00:26:29,440 There's not going to be a whole lot of moral hazard in 572 00:26:29,440 --> 00:26:31,170 programs that insure you against blindness. 573 00:26:35,570 --> 00:26:37,770 And in that case that's because it's pretty easy to 574 00:26:37,770 --> 00:26:39,230 observe if someone's really blind. 575 00:26:39,230 --> 00:26:41,530 There's not a whole lot of information asymmetry. 576 00:26:41,530 --> 00:26:43,520 There's going to be a lot of moral hazard in programs that 577 00:26:43,520 --> 00:26:47,230 insure you against having a bad back because that's harder 578 00:26:47,230 --> 00:26:48,790 to observe. 579 00:26:48,790 --> 00:26:52,250 And in fact we have lots of evidence that moral hazard's a 580 00:26:52,250 --> 00:26:55,640 big problem with social insurance programs. So one 581 00:26:55,640 --> 00:26:58,560 type of evidence is sort of fun stories. 582 00:26:58,560 --> 00:27:01,010 So there's stories about, for example, the Massachusetts 583 00:27:01,010 --> 00:27:04,870 prison guard who got about $25,000 in workers' comp 584 00:27:04,870 --> 00:27:07,890 claims because he claimed he hurt his back at work until 585 00:27:07,890 --> 00:27:09,650 people went online in order to see that the same guy was 586 00:27:09,650 --> 00:27:10,570 running a karate school. 587 00:27:10,570 --> 00:27:13,130 And there was videos of him doing karate moves and stuff 588 00:27:13,130 --> 00:27:16,000 online running his karate school. 589 00:27:16,000 --> 00:27:17,690 Or the other guy, who unfortunately had good 590 00:27:17,690 --> 00:27:20,980 instincts, he was on workers' comp because he was injured. 591 00:27:20,980 --> 00:27:23,250 But then there was footage of him at 9/11 flying down and 592 00:27:23,250 --> 00:27:24,970 carrying buckets back and forth and helping put out the 593 00:27:24,970 --> 00:27:27,110 fire, which was a nice thing for him to do, but clearly 594 00:27:27,110 --> 00:27:28,940 illustrated that he was not too injured to be able to 595 00:27:28,940 --> 00:27:30,500 carry out his job. 596 00:27:30,500 --> 00:27:33,880 So basically, there's lots of observational evidence. 597 00:27:33,880 --> 00:27:38,870 But there's also very clear statistical evidence, which is 598 00:27:38,870 --> 00:27:43,420 if moral hazard doesn't exist then when the program gets 599 00:27:43,420 --> 00:27:46,420 more generous I shouldn't be more injured, right? 600 00:27:46,420 --> 00:27:47,430 My injury should be something that 601 00:27:47,430 --> 00:27:49,160 happens or doesn't happen. 602 00:27:49,160 --> 00:27:52,480 But if more generous programs lead to more injuries, or 603 00:27:52,480 --> 00:27:55,580 people staying out of work longer, or people using more 604 00:27:55,580 --> 00:28:00,120 health care then that suggests moral hazard. 605 00:28:00,120 --> 00:28:02,460 The generosity, whether you're sick or not, shouldn't be 606 00:28:02,460 --> 00:28:04,610 affected by the generosity of health insurance. 607 00:28:04,610 --> 00:28:06,320 But if you suddenly see more generous health insurance 608 00:28:06,320 --> 00:28:07,890 leads to more people being sick that 609 00:28:07,890 --> 00:28:09,240 suggests moral hazard. 610 00:28:09,240 --> 00:28:12,510 And there's hundreds of studies of this type showing, 611 00:28:12,510 --> 00:28:15,880 in all these realms, enormous moral hazard. 612 00:28:15,880 --> 00:28:18,950 Showing, for example, for workers' comp, that when you 613 00:28:18,950 --> 00:28:21,890 make workers' comp more generous people report more 614 00:28:21,890 --> 00:28:24,570 injuries on the job. 615 00:28:24,570 --> 00:28:27,160 Here's my favorite fact about that. 616 00:28:27,160 --> 00:28:31,980 Someone did a study of type of injury reported to workers' 617 00:28:31,980 --> 00:28:35,170 comp by day of the week. 618 00:28:35,170 --> 00:28:39,570 And what they found was on Mondays compared to other days 619 00:28:39,570 --> 00:28:42,730 of the week there was a very high share of sprains and 620 00:28:42,730 --> 00:28:47,290 strains and a low share of lacerations, of cuts. 621 00:28:47,290 --> 00:28:51,340 So every other day of the week, say it was 50% cuts and 622 00:28:51,340 --> 00:28:52,570 50% strains. 623 00:28:52,570 --> 00:28:56,140 On Monday it was 75% strains and 25% cuts. 624 00:28:56,140 --> 00:28:57,365 Why is that? 625 00:28:57,365 --> 00:28:59,590 Well, that's because guys got hurt over the weekend playing 626 00:28:59,590 --> 00:29:02,390 softball and they came in on Monday and they said they got 627 00:29:02,390 --> 00:29:03,000 hurt on the job. 628 00:29:03,000 --> 00:29:04,700 Now you can't do that if you cut yourself on the weekend in 629 00:29:04,700 --> 00:29:07,630 your shop because it's scabbed over by Monday. 630 00:29:07,630 --> 00:29:09,450 But if you hurt your back on the weekend you can drag 631 00:29:09,450 --> 00:29:11,920 yourself over and say, ooh, I hurt my back at work. 632 00:29:11,920 --> 00:29:13,610 So that's exactly the kind of evidence that's consistent 633 00:29:13,610 --> 00:29:14,900 with moral hazard. 634 00:29:14,900 --> 00:29:16,500 And we see that everywhere. 635 00:29:16,500 --> 00:29:18,170 There's huge amounts of moral hazard. 636 00:29:18,170 --> 00:29:20,230 Moral hazard, for example, in health insurance the best 637 00:29:20,230 --> 00:29:23,920 estimates are that the amount of extra money that we spend 638 00:29:23,920 --> 00:29:26,500 on society on health care because of moral hazard on the 639 00:29:26,500 --> 00:29:29,580 order of $500 billion a year in terms of extra care that's 640 00:29:29,580 --> 00:29:31,360 used because people are insured. 641 00:29:31,360 --> 00:29:33,160 That does nothing to improve their health, they just use it 642 00:29:33,160 --> 00:29:34,020 because they're insured. 643 00:29:34,020 --> 00:29:37,540 It's on the order of $500 billion a year. 644 00:29:37,540 --> 00:29:39,440 This is an enormous problem. 645 00:29:39,440 --> 00:29:42,700 So here we have what we call the classic social 646 00:29:42,700 --> 00:29:44,760 insurance trade off. 647 00:29:44,760 --> 00:29:47,840 On the one hand, people value insurance. 648 00:29:47,840 --> 00:29:52,880 Insurance is very valuable to help you in the state when you 649 00:29:52,880 --> 00:29:58,270 get in an accident or are injured in some way. 650 00:29:58,270 --> 00:30:01,360 On the other hand, giving people insurance against those 651 00:30:01,360 --> 00:30:06,010 bad outcomes will encourage bad behavior. 652 00:30:06,010 --> 00:30:10,070 And that bad behavior has two forms of costs. 653 00:30:10,070 --> 00:30:13,080 There's two costs to that bad behavior. 654 00:30:13,080 --> 00:30:18,700 The first cost is the tax costs and the deadweight loss 655 00:30:18,700 --> 00:30:22,270 of taxation, which is if there's $500 billion extra in 656 00:30:22,270 --> 00:30:27,040 medical care used because people are insured then that 657 00:30:27,040 --> 00:30:31,170 means that's $500 billion of taxes we have to raise, or 658 00:30:31,170 --> 00:30:33,193 $500 billion in resource costs to society. 659 00:30:33,193 --> 00:30:34,230 Well, not all that's government. 660 00:30:34,230 --> 00:30:36,420 But a couple hundred billion in taxes we have to raise, 661 00:30:36,420 --> 00:30:38,610 that causes deadweight loss. 662 00:30:38,610 --> 00:30:42,070 The more important cost is really the overall efficiency 663 00:30:42,070 --> 00:30:48,110 loss from people using resources inefficiently, from 664 00:30:48,110 --> 00:30:51,430 people not behaving optimally because of the incentives of 665 00:30:51,430 --> 00:30:54,270 social insurance. 666 00:30:54,270 --> 00:30:56,290 So let's go back and think about the case of workers' 667 00:30:56,290 --> 00:31:00,780 comp, and let's think about our standard leisure 668 00:31:00,780 --> 00:31:03,320 consumption trade off. 669 00:31:03,320 --> 00:31:07,090 We have our standard leisure consumption trade off where 670 00:31:07,090 --> 00:31:10,370 you have leisure on this axis, consumption on this axis, some 671 00:31:10,370 --> 00:31:12,773 budget constraint, and people choose how much leisure to 672 00:31:12,773 --> 00:31:15,540 take and how much consumption to take. 673 00:31:15,540 --> 00:31:21,460 Now the slope of this budget constraint is minus your wage. 674 00:31:21,460 --> 00:31:24,110 That's the price of leisure. 675 00:31:24,110 --> 00:31:27,670 So the price of sitting at home is the wage you could 676 00:31:27,670 --> 00:31:30,390 have earned out in the market. 677 00:31:30,390 --> 00:31:36,220 What this means is you will sit at home until the value 678 00:31:36,220 --> 00:31:39,630 you get from sitting at home falls below the value you get 679 00:31:39,630 --> 00:31:40,710 out in the market. 680 00:31:40,710 --> 00:31:43,220 So in other words, you wouldn't work 24 hours a day 681 00:31:43,220 --> 00:31:46,680 because that 24th hour, the sleep would be so valuable 682 00:31:46,680 --> 00:31:50,920 that it would clearly exceed the wage you could earn. 683 00:31:50,920 --> 00:31:52,820 So when you decide how hard to work, when an individual 684 00:31:52,820 --> 00:31:53,310 decides how-- 685 00:31:53,310 --> 00:31:56,090 presuming we can freely choose our hours-- 686 00:31:56,090 --> 00:32:01,730 we decide how hard to work, we basically trade off how much 687 00:32:01,730 --> 00:32:05,170 we value not working versus how much we'd 688 00:32:05,170 --> 00:32:05,970 earn if we do work. 689 00:32:05,970 --> 00:32:08,670 If you're in a high wage you might work more hours, if 690 00:32:08,670 --> 00:32:10,583 you're in a low wage you'll earn less because if you're in 691 00:32:10,583 --> 00:32:14,320 a low wage you might as well sit at home and watch Oprah. 692 00:32:14,320 --> 00:32:15,920 If you earn a high wage you're not going to watch Oprah 693 00:32:15,920 --> 00:32:17,560 you're going to go earn the money. 694 00:32:17,560 --> 00:32:19,410 And that's how we make our labor supply decisions. 695 00:32:19,410 --> 00:32:25,340 We set the wage equal to the marginal value of leisure. 696 00:32:25,340 --> 00:32:29,650 That's how we make our labor decisions, is we say if the 697 00:32:29,650 --> 00:32:32,190 marginal value of the next hour of leisure exceeds my 698 00:32:32,190 --> 00:32:35,400 wage I'll stay home. 699 00:32:35,400 --> 00:32:37,970 If the marginal value of the next hour of leisure is below 700 00:32:37,970 --> 00:32:39,220 my wage I'll going to work. 701 00:32:41,530 --> 00:32:43,620 And that's how we make our labor supply decisions. 702 00:32:43,620 --> 00:32:46,900 What does workers' comp do to this, or UI or other 703 00:32:46,900 --> 00:32:48,310 programs like that? 704 00:32:48,310 --> 00:32:51,690 What that says is wait a second, now if I sit at home I 705 00:32:51,690 --> 00:32:54,760 don't just get the marginal value of my leisure, I also 706 00:32:54,760 --> 00:32:56,780 get a check from the government. 707 00:32:56,780 --> 00:32:59,830 So now if I sit at home I get the marginal value of my 708 00:32:59,830 --> 00:33:02,790 leisure plus a workers' comp check. 709 00:33:02,790 --> 00:33:05,930 Whereas if I work I still just get my wage. 710 00:33:05,930 --> 00:33:07,470 So what's that going to do to the amount of hours I'm going 711 00:33:07,470 --> 00:33:10,110 to want to work? 712 00:33:10,110 --> 00:33:13,610 It's going to reduce them because now it's makes sitting 713 00:33:13,610 --> 00:33:16,570 at home more attractive because now I'm going to work 714 00:33:16,570 --> 00:33:19,370 only until my wage exceeds my marginal value of leisure plus 715 00:33:19,370 --> 00:33:21,580 workers' comp. 716 00:33:21,580 --> 00:33:23,570 So if workers' comp is big enough and my wage isn't that 717 00:33:23,570 --> 00:33:27,530 high, in the limit, if workers comp replaced all my wages I 718 00:33:27,530 --> 00:33:29,180 would never work. 719 00:33:29,180 --> 00:33:38,710 If workers' comp had what we call a 100% replacement rate, 720 00:33:38,710 --> 00:33:42,260 replacement rate, if it replaced 100% of my wages I 721 00:33:42,260 --> 00:33:43,040 would never work. 722 00:33:43,040 --> 00:33:43,430 Why? 723 00:33:43,430 --> 00:33:45,760 Because by definition this side would always be less than 724 00:33:45,760 --> 00:33:50,300 this side, so I'd never work. 725 00:33:50,300 --> 00:33:52,620 And that's the efficiency loss of these social insurance 726 00:33:52,620 --> 00:33:55,550 programs. That people are not engaging in productive trades. 727 00:33:55,550 --> 00:33:57,930 Society just cares about this part. 728 00:33:57,930 --> 00:34:00,700 Society just cares about your wage versus your marginal 729 00:34:00,700 --> 00:34:01,190 value of leisure. 730 00:34:01,190 --> 00:34:03,790 So if you work less than that because of this part then 731 00:34:03,790 --> 00:34:06,550 that's a distortion, that's an efficiency cost to society. 732 00:34:06,550 --> 00:34:08,810 You are sitting at home when you should be making a 733 00:34:08,810 --> 00:34:13,280 productive trade of your labor for output goods. 734 00:34:13,280 --> 00:34:15,320 And that's the efficiency cost of social insurance. 735 00:34:17,989 --> 00:34:19,739 So what do we do? 736 00:34:19,739 --> 00:34:22,420 We want social insurance, on the one hand, because private 737 00:34:22,420 --> 00:34:25,070 insurance markets fail. 738 00:34:25,070 --> 00:34:27,380 We don't want social insurance, on the other hand, 739 00:34:27,380 --> 00:34:29,440 because people are going to sit at home. 740 00:34:29,440 --> 00:34:30,110 What do we do? 741 00:34:30,110 --> 00:34:32,800 Well the answer is we compromise. 742 00:34:32,800 --> 00:34:36,489 We have social insurance but don't make it that generous. 743 00:34:36,489 --> 00:34:38,980 So for example, the unemployment insurance 744 00:34:38,980 --> 00:34:44,060 program, that's insurance that is valuable because there's no 745 00:34:44,060 --> 00:34:45,840 way to get private insurance against losing your job. 746 00:34:45,840 --> 00:34:47,420 I'd never want to sell that product. 747 00:34:47,420 --> 00:34:49,380 We know who'd take that, right? 748 00:34:49,380 --> 00:34:50,989 On the other hand, we know there's moral hazard. 749 00:34:50,989 --> 00:34:53,610 We know that people sit at home longer rather looking for 750 00:34:53,610 --> 00:34:55,830 a job because they get UI checks. 751 00:34:55,830 --> 00:34:56,850 There's great evidence of that. 752 00:34:56,850 --> 00:34:59,710 For example, if you look at how long people sit at home, 753 00:34:59,710 --> 00:35:01,920 everyone sits at home and then suddenly gets a job the week 754 00:35:01,920 --> 00:35:03,710 UI runs out. 755 00:35:03,710 --> 00:35:06,020 That's an exaggeration, but roughly speaking, there's a 756 00:35:06,020 --> 00:35:07,680 huge amount of people sitting at home 757 00:35:07,680 --> 00:35:09,090 collecting the UI checks. 758 00:35:09,090 --> 00:35:10,150 What do we do? 759 00:35:10,150 --> 00:35:13,660 Well the UI replacement rate is around 50%. 760 00:35:13,660 --> 00:35:15,230 We say, look, we know you're going to want to sit home so 761 00:35:15,230 --> 00:35:16,540 we're going to make your life uncomfortable. 762 00:35:16,540 --> 00:35:20,310 We'll only give you half of what you'd earn at work, but 763 00:35:20,310 --> 00:35:21,780 we don't want you to starve so we'll give you half of what 764 00:35:21,780 --> 00:35:23,280 you earn at work. 765 00:35:23,280 --> 00:35:26,290 And so the replacement rate is chosen to trade off the 766 00:35:26,290 --> 00:35:29,800 benefits of insuring people against these bad events 767 00:35:29,800 --> 00:35:31,880 against the costs of distorting their behavior 768 00:35:31,880 --> 00:35:33,010 through moral hazard. 769 00:35:33,010 --> 00:35:34,360 And that's the social insurance trade off. 770 00:35:34,360 --> 00:35:37,150 That's how we set up these social insurance programs. 771 00:35:37,150 --> 00:35:40,710 They sort of embody that trade off. 772 00:35:40,710 --> 00:35:41,960 Questions about that? 773 00:35:44,090 --> 00:35:47,100 Now, so what I want to do in the remaining time is I want 774 00:35:47,100 --> 00:35:49,830 to talk about the nation's largest single social 775 00:35:49,830 --> 00:35:53,130 insurance program, one you've heard about a lot, which is 776 00:35:53,130 --> 00:35:53,685 Social Security. 777 00:35:53,685 --> 00:35:55,840 We're going to talk about Social Security. 778 00:35:55,840 --> 00:35:59,650 I'm going to come back next lecture and we'll go over a 779 00:35:59,650 --> 00:36:01,850 bit what's going to be on the final in the last 15 780 00:36:01,850 --> 00:36:02,520 minutes next time. 781 00:36:02,520 --> 00:36:04,550 But the first part of the lecture I want to talk about 782 00:36:04,550 --> 00:36:07,030 health insurance, which is our single largest government 783 00:36:07,030 --> 00:36:08,320 expenditure. 784 00:36:08,320 --> 00:36:10,980 But the single biggest government program right now, 785 00:36:10,980 --> 00:36:13,890 social insurance program, it remains Social Security. 786 00:36:13,890 --> 00:36:16,600 Medicare is going to pass it in about two years, but for 787 00:36:16,600 --> 00:36:17,890 now it's still Social Security. 788 00:36:20,750 --> 00:36:22,025 What is Social Security? 789 00:36:22,025 --> 00:36:27,430 Social Security is insurance against the income loss from 790 00:36:27,430 --> 00:36:30,220 retirement. 791 00:36:30,220 --> 00:36:33,930 We know that when you have to retire you're going to suffer 792 00:36:33,930 --> 00:36:36,180 a big income loss. 793 00:36:36,180 --> 00:36:39,000 What the government does is insures you against that 794 00:36:39,000 --> 00:36:42,270 income loss by providing you Social Security. 795 00:36:42,270 --> 00:36:44,170 And here's how it works. 796 00:36:44,170 --> 00:36:46,870 How many of you have seen a pay stub and you've seen the 797 00:36:46,870 --> 00:36:48,950 word FICA on it, and then there's a charge that's coming 798 00:36:48,950 --> 00:36:50,320 out of your pay? 799 00:36:50,320 --> 00:36:53,180 FICA is the Federal Insurance Contribution Amount. 800 00:36:53,180 --> 00:36:56,610 That's the money you're paying in to support the social 801 00:36:56,610 --> 00:36:59,210 insurance program. 802 00:36:59,210 --> 00:37:02,210 You pay that in, and that's currently 12.4% of wages, well 803 00:37:02,210 --> 00:37:05,325 6.2% on you and 6.2% on your employer. 804 00:37:05,325 --> 00:37:08,950 You each pay 6.2% of your wages. 805 00:37:08,950 --> 00:37:12,820 That goes into a trust fund and that money then gets paid 806 00:37:12,820 --> 00:37:15,000 out to retirees, and hopefully paid out to 807 00:37:15,000 --> 00:37:16,250 you when you retire. 808 00:37:18,130 --> 00:37:22,160 So the way Social Security works is you pay in money when 809 00:37:22,160 --> 00:37:25,470 you're young, that money gets paid out to 810 00:37:25,470 --> 00:37:28,470 you when you retire. 811 00:37:28,470 --> 00:37:30,550 Not that same money because your money going in now is 812 00:37:30,550 --> 00:37:31,820 going to today's retirees. 813 00:37:31,820 --> 00:37:34,820 Future workers will pay in and that money will go to you. 814 00:37:34,820 --> 00:37:35,970 And the Social Security replacement 815 00:37:35,970 --> 00:37:38,630 rate is around 50%. 816 00:37:38,630 --> 00:37:40,280 So to try to deal with this problem the Social Security 817 00:37:40,280 --> 00:37:46,880 replacement rate's around 50%. 818 00:37:46,880 --> 00:37:48,320 So what's the benefit of Social Security? 819 00:37:48,320 --> 00:37:50,730 Well, clearly the benefit is people don't want to starve 820 00:37:50,730 --> 00:37:52,130 when they retire. 821 00:37:52,130 --> 00:37:53,610 We'd like insurance against the income 822 00:37:53,610 --> 00:37:56,200 loss of when we retire. 823 00:37:56,200 --> 00:37:58,940 Now, our own savings can do that to some extent but it's 824 00:37:58,940 --> 00:38:01,160 not perfect because you don't know exactly how much to save, 825 00:38:01,160 --> 00:38:02,340 you don't know when you retire, you don't know how 826 00:38:02,340 --> 00:38:03,580 long you'll live. 827 00:38:03,580 --> 00:38:04,800 So the government social insurance 828 00:38:04,800 --> 00:38:06,500 program helps with that. 829 00:38:06,500 --> 00:38:10,320 But there's also a moral hazard cost, which is if you 830 00:38:10,320 --> 00:38:13,180 insure people against retirement you encourage 831 00:38:13,180 --> 00:38:17,970 retirement, because now we're saying is if you work you get 832 00:38:17,970 --> 00:38:21,530 your wage but if you retire you get your Social Security. 833 00:38:21,530 --> 00:38:26,750 So now, you're eligible for Social Security at age 62. 834 00:38:26,750 --> 00:38:30,310 So at age 62 you're suddenly eligible for about half your 835 00:38:30,310 --> 00:38:31,980 wage in Social Security. 836 00:38:31,980 --> 00:38:35,250 So now your decision is, gee, do I work? 837 00:38:35,250 --> 00:38:37,250 Well that's contrasted against my marginal value of leisure 838 00:38:37,250 --> 00:38:39,690 plus half my wage. 839 00:38:39,690 --> 00:38:41,730 So unless the marginal value of leisure is less than half 840 00:38:41,730 --> 00:38:45,040 my wage I'm going to quit. 841 00:38:45,040 --> 00:38:49,230 So what Social Security is doing is distorting your 842 00:38:49,230 --> 00:38:51,450 decision and causing you to retire early. 843 00:38:51,450 --> 00:38:54,950 That's the moral hazard part. 844 00:38:54,950 --> 00:38:58,500 Now in the US we recognize this, and we do 845 00:38:58,500 --> 00:39:00,342 sort of a neat trick. 846 00:39:00,342 --> 00:39:04,640 What we do in US is we have something called an actuarial 847 00:39:04,640 --> 00:39:10,210 adjustment to your Social Security benefits. 848 00:39:10,210 --> 00:39:12,930 What that means is the following, you're 62 and you 849 00:39:12,930 --> 00:39:17,160 say, wait a second, I can retire now, and if I retire 850 00:39:17,160 --> 00:39:19,920 now I'm going to get half my wage. 851 00:39:19,920 --> 00:39:20,920 So why not retire now? 852 00:39:20,920 --> 00:39:22,910 We say, wait a second, we've got a deal for you. 853 00:39:22,910 --> 00:39:27,130 If you work one more year and retire next year then we'll 854 00:39:27,130 --> 00:39:30,170 give you 7% more every year for the rest of your life. 855 00:39:30,170 --> 00:39:33,040 Your check will be 7% higher for the rest your life. 856 00:39:33,040 --> 00:39:35,473 If you work two more years it will be 14% higher, 3 more 857 00:39:35,473 --> 00:39:38,180 years 21% higher, et cetera. 858 00:39:38,180 --> 00:39:41,290 We recognize the moral hazard, and we raise the check the 859 00:39:41,290 --> 00:39:45,260 longer you work to make up for it. 860 00:39:45,260 --> 00:39:47,960 So the US recognizes that, and as a result there's not a huge 861 00:39:47,960 --> 00:39:50,310 moral hazard from Social Security in the US. 862 00:39:50,310 --> 00:39:57,590 It's pretty modest. In Europe this is not the case. 863 00:39:57,590 --> 00:39:58,800 Let's take the country-- 864 00:39:58,800 --> 00:39:59,800 let me back up. 865 00:39:59,800 --> 00:40:01,980 So what the actuarial adjustment does is says we 866 00:40:01,980 --> 00:40:03,220 recognize that Social Security is 867 00:40:03,220 --> 00:40:05,310 essentially taxing your work. 868 00:40:05,310 --> 00:40:08,250 To offset that we're going to subsidize you to work more by 869 00:40:08,250 --> 00:40:12,520 raising your Social Security check the more you work. 870 00:40:12,520 --> 00:40:15,940 In Europe they're not as smart as us. 871 00:40:15,940 --> 00:40:18,170 They don't recognize this, or if they do they're not smart 872 00:40:18,170 --> 00:40:20,120 enough to reflect it. 873 00:40:20,120 --> 00:40:21,480 They don't have an actuarial adjustment. 874 00:40:21,480 --> 00:40:23,200 So here's how the Social Security system works in the 875 00:40:23,200 --> 00:40:24,690 Netherlands, for example. 876 00:40:24,690 --> 00:40:28,550 When you reach 55 in the Netherlands your choice is you 877 00:40:28,550 --> 00:40:31,660 can work or you can stop working and get a Social 878 00:40:31,660 --> 00:40:35,480 Security check which is 90% of your wage. 879 00:40:35,480 --> 00:40:38,210 So literally, your choice is work or sit at home and get 880 00:40:38,210 --> 00:40:41,960 90% of your wage with no actuarial adjustment. 881 00:40:41,960 --> 00:40:44,530 So unless the value of your leisure is less than 10% of 882 00:40:44,530 --> 00:40:46,640 your wage you can just sit at home. 883 00:40:46,640 --> 00:40:49,370 But wait, that's not all. 884 00:40:49,370 --> 00:40:51,510 This is a very generous program, right? 885 00:40:51,510 --> 00:40:52,880 How do they pay for that? 886 00:40:52,880 --> 00:40:55,500 They pay for it by taxing workers. 887 00:40:55,500 --> 00:40:59,290 So if you work you get your wage but then you pay a 40% 888 00:40:59,290 --> 00:41:01,280 payroll tax. 889 00:41:01,280 --> 00:41:05,320 So actually, you can work and get 60% of your wage or sit at 890 00:41:05,320 --> 00:41:07,970 home and get 90% of your wage. 891 00:41:07,970 --> 00:41:08,640 Guess what? 892 00:41:08,640 --> 00:41:13,140 No one works after age 55 in the Netherlands. 893 00:41:13,140 --> 00:41:15,660 Literally. 894 00:41:15,660 --> 00:41:17,060 Now people will do some underground 895 00:41:17,060 --> 00:41:17,970 work that's not taxed. 896 00:41:17,970 --> 00:41:20,360 They'll paint houses or things which they can do on the 897 00:41:20,360 --> 00:41:21,390 underground economy. 898 00:41:21,390 --> 00:41:25,030 But literally, nobody works after 55 in the Netherlands. 899 00:41:25,030 --> 00:41:26,035 Economics works. 900 00:41:26,035 --> 00:41:30,880 When you make the incentives that blatant economics works. 901 00:41:30,880 --> 00:41:32,120 And that's the moral hazard. 902 00:41:32,120 --> 00:41:35,830 That's an example of not respecting the social 903 00:41:35,830 --> 00:41:39,220 insurance trade off, erring on the side of insuring people 904 00:41:39,220 --> 00:41:42,340 over respecting the problems of moral hazard. 905 00:41:42,340 --> 00:41:45,720 And the answer is part of the major problem that they have 906 00:41:45,720 --> 00:41:49,120 in these countries, part of the major deficit, prolonged 907 00:41:49,120 --> 00:41:52,730 deficit problem they face is that older people don't work. 908 00:41:52,730 --> 00:41:56,530 Now these countries have started to recognize this, and 909 00:41:56,530 --> 00:41:57,580 they're starting to try to deal with this. 910 00:41:57,580 --> 00:41:59,950 In fact, the country of France, you may have noticed, 911 00:41:59,950 --> 00:42:01,530 recently tried to deal with this. 912 00:42:01,530 --> 00:42:04,520 They have proposed raising their retirement age, which is 913 00:42:04,520 --> 00:42:07,170 age 60, beyond which, essentially, no one works in 914 00:42:07,170 --> 00:42:11,180 France, to age 62. 915 00:42:11,180 --> 00:42:11,710 What happened? 916 00:42:11,710 --> 00:42:15,470 You may have heard, massive strikes, enormous political 917 00:42:15,470 --> 00:42:19,160 strife because people don't understand economics. 918 00:42:19,160 --> 00:42:22,912 People don't understand that, gee, yes that'll be a bummer 919 00:42:22,912 --> 00:42:25,160 if you work a couple years longer, but that's what's 920 00:42:25,160 --> 00:42:26,930 going to make our economy fiscally 921 00:42:26,930 --> 00:42:28,720 sound and more efficient. 922 00:42:28,720 --> 00:42:31,550 And in the long run we all benefit from that. 923 00:42:31,550 --> 00:42:33,410 So the government's, by the way, not proposing that 924 00:42:33,410 --> 00:42:36,300 today's retirees are hurt, saying starting in 20 years 925 00:42:36,300 --> 00:42:37,815 you have to work two years longer. 926 00:42:37,815 --> 00:42:41,100 So overall everyone's going to benefit, but the bottom line 927 00:42:41,100 --> 00:42:42,570 is people are too short-sighted to understand 928 00:42:42,570 --> 00:42:45,130 the economics, and that leads to the rioting and things we 929 00:42:45,130 --> 00:42:47,310 saw in France. 930 00:42:47,310 --> 00:42:50,240 This stuff is hard to a normal person. 931 00:42:50,240 --> 00:42:53,405 You guys are smart and you spent a semester learning it. 932 00:42:53,405 --> 00:42:55,360 If you take a regular person in the street they just don't 933 00:42:55,360 --> 00:42:58,890 understand this trade off, and that's the problem. 934 00:42:58,890 --> 00:43:00,980 That's the problem in trying to deal with these moral 935 00:43:00,980 --> 00:43:05,120 hazard issues by making social insurance less generous. 936 00:43:05,120 --> 00:43:07,420 Now, let me talk about one other issue with Social 937 00:43:07,420 --> 00:43:09,310 Security because it's been in the news and will be in the 938 00:43:09,310 --> 00:43:12,760 news, which is the fact that Social Security is 939 00:43:12,760 --> 00:43:14,870 running out of money. 940 00:43:14,870 --> 00:43:17,730 Now, Social Security is running out of money because 941 00:43:17,730 --> 00:43:19,090 here's a dirty secret about Social 942 00:43:19,090 --> 00:43:20,840 Security you may not know. 943 00:43:20,840 --> 00:43:23,550 How many of you have ever heard of a Ponzi scheme? 944 00:43:23,550 --> 00:43:24,515 Anyone watch Boardwalk Empire? 945 00:43:24,515 --> 00:43:26,810 They're doing that now, Boardwalk Empire. 946 00:43:26,810 --> 00:43:29,240 A Ponzi scheme was named after Charles Ponzi, a Boston 947 00:43:29,240 --> 00:43:32,770 investor, and here's how the Ponzi scheme worked. 948 00:43:32,770 --> 00:43:33,560 I teach two classes. 949 00:43:33,560 --> 00:43:37,460 I teach now and I teach again at 2:30. 950 00:43:37,460 --> 00:43:39,730 I teach 14.01 now, 14.41 at 2:30. 951 00:43:39,730 --> 00:43:42,810 Let's say I walked in here this morning and I said, tell 952 00:43:42,810 --> 00:43:47,390 you what guys, you each give me $1 and on Wednesday I'll 953 00:43:47,390 --> 00:43:49,390 give you $2. 954 00:43:49,390 --> 00:43:51,450 Now you're thinking, well, that's bullshit, but you know 955 00:43:51,450 --> 00:43:52,765 what, I want a good grade so I'll give him the dollar. 956 00:43:52,765 --> 00:43:54,790 So you give me the dollar. 957 00:43:54,790 --> 00:43:58,850 I then go to my 2:30 1441 class and say, hey guys, you 958 00:43:58,850 --> 00:44:06,040 each give me $3 and on Wednesday I'll give you $5. 959 00:44:06,040 --> 00:44:08,210 They are like same thing, whatever, but they're higher 960 00:44:08,210 --> 00:44:09,390 classmen than you, they have more money, 961 00:44:09,390 --> 00:44:11,340 they give me the money. 962 00:44:11,340 --> 00:44:14,560 I take their $3, I pocket $1. 963 00:44:14,560 --> 00:44:17,210 I come back on Wednesday and give you each $2. 964 00:44:17,210 --> 00:44:18,730 You're like, holy shit, that worked. 965 00:44:18,730 --> 00:44:20,710 I'm like, I've got a better deal for you. 966 00:44:20,710 --> 00:44:24,610 You guys give me $6 and next time I see you in class-- 967 00:44:24,610 --> 00:44:26,160 semester's ending, but you get the point-- 968 00:44:26,160 --> 00:44:27,900 I'll give you $10. 969 00:44:27,900 --> 00:44:29,790 You're like, great, this guy's trustworthy, we'll do that. 970 00:44:29,790 --> 00:44:30,880 You give me the $6. 971 00:44:30,880 --> 00:44:31,650 I pocket $1, 972 00:44:31,650 --> 00:44:35,080 I go back to my 14.41 and say here's the $5 I owe you. 973 00:44:35,080 --> 00:44:36,020 They say, wow, that's great. 974 00:44:36,020 --> 00:44:37,410 I say, so I've got a better deal for you. 975 00:44:37,410 --> 00:44:40,080 You give me $11, and so on and so on. 976 00:44:40,080 --> 00:44:43,230 And as long as you're both willing to play I can continue 977 00:44:43,230 --> 00:44:44,490 to pocket the money and make money. 978 00:44:44,490 --> 00:44:46,470 This is also called the pyramid scheme. 979 00:44:46,470 --> 00:44:49,440 You might have heard a guy named Bernie Madoff. 980 00:44:49,440 --> 00:44:52,850 Never invest your money with a guy who's last name is Madoff. 981 00:44:52,850 --> 00:44:57,230 Bernie Madoff, for 20 years ran this kind of Ponzi scheme. 982 00:44:57,230 --> 00:45:00,710 What he'd do is he'd find investors, he'd take money 983 00:45:00,710 --> 00:45:03,400 from them and promise them a return, he'd then find more 984 00:45:03,400 --> 00:45:05,410 investors, take the money from the new investors and pay off 985 00:45:05,410 --> 00:45:07,860 the old investors, and keep going. 986 00:45:07,860 --> 00:45:09,570 There was nothing real behind what he was doing. 987 00:45:09,570 --> 00:45:12,480 He made it work for 20 years until someone didn't want to 988 00:45:12,480 --> 00:45:13,770 play anymore. 989 00:45:13,770 --> 00:45:15,945 What if we did this, and it was the last class and you 990 00:45:15,945 --> 00:45:17,080 guys said, well, see you Professor Gruber. 991 00:45:17,080 --> 00:45:18,910 I'm like, wait a second, if you give me $20, and you're 992 00:45:18,910 --> 00:45:20,430 out the door. 993 00:45:20,430 --> 00:45:22,110 Now I got to go to my next class and I don't have any 994 00:45:22,110 --> 00:45:24,080 money for them. 995 00:45:24,080 --> 00:45:27,150 Then the whole thing collapses And it collapses because a 996 00:45:27,150 --> 00:45:30,200 Ponzi scheme is not a real investment. 997 00:45:30,200 --> 00:45:33,060 The asset behind a Ponzi scheme is not a bank account. 998 00:45:33,060 --> 00:45:36,920 The asset behind a Ponzi scheme is trust. And 999 00:45:36,920 --> 00:45:38,840 basically, as long as someone's no longer trusting 1000 00:45:38,840 --> 00:45:43,300 or can no longer pay in, it goes away. 1001 00:45:43,300 --> 00:45:45,260 Now, here's a little secret. 1002 00:45:45,260 --> 00:45:48,070 Our Social Security system is a Ponzi scheme. 1003 00:45:48,070 --> 00:45:49,255 The nation's largest social insurance 1004 00:45:49,255 --> 00:45:50,420 program is a Ponzi scheme. 1005 00:45:50,420 --> 00:45:51,560 How is that so? 1006 00:45:51,560 --> 00:45:54,400 Well because you guys are paying in now, and those 1007 00:45:54,400 --> 00:45:56,080 checks are going to today's elders. 1008 00:45:56,080 --> 00:45:59,540 There's no guarantee that 40 years from now kids will pay 1009 00:45:59,540 --> 00:46:00,910 in to support you. 1010 00:46:00,910 --> 00:46:01,900 No guarantee at all. 1011 00:46:01,900 --> 00:46:04,800 You can pay in your whole life, and then people could 1012 00:46:04,800 --> 00:46:06,310 vote out Social Security when you're 1013 00:46:06,310 --> 00:46:09,350 retired and you're screwed. 1014 00:46:09,350 --> 00:46:10,160 It's a Ponzi scheme. 1015 00:46:10,160 --> 00:46:14,760 There's nothing behind this except trust in the 1016 00:46:14,760 --> 00:46:16,450 government's programs. 1017 00:46:16,450 --> 00:46:18,630 The only asset behind this is the trust the government would 1018 00:46:18,630 --> 00:46:21,050 never screw the voter, the elderly voters, 1019 00:46:21,050 --> 00:46:22,830 by ending the program. 1020 00:46:22,830 --> 00:46:24,950 As long as the government is willing to force young people 1021 00:46:24,950 --> 00:46:27,050 to pay checks to support older people the 1022 00:46:27,050 --> 00:46:28,580 program can never end. 1023 00:46:28,580 --> 00:46:31,045 But if the government ever is unwilling to do that then a 1024 00:46:31,045 --> 00:46:33,540 whole generation is going to suffer from the Ponzi scheme. 1025 00:46:33,540 --> 00:46:36,260 Now that's pretty unlikely because elderly voters are 1026 00:46:36,260 --> 00:46:37,200 pretty powerful. 1027 00:46:37,200 --> 00:46:39,370 It seems unlikely that Ponzi scheme will ever collapse. 1028 00:46:39,370 --> 00:46:41,170 That's why we don't think of it in those terms. But it 1029 00:46:41,170 --> 00:46:42,120 really is just that. 1030 00:46:42,120 --> 00:46:44,510 It's just a Ponzi scheme, in this case supported by trust 1031 00:46:44,510 --> 00:46:45,930 in the government. 1032 00:46:45,930 --> 00:46:50,620 The problem is this Ponzi scheme works well so long as 1033 00:46:50,620 --> 00:46:53,620 more people are paying in than are collecting money. 1034 00:46:53,620 --> 00:46:59,940 So right now we have, in the US, we have about 10 workers 1035 00:46:59,940 --> 00:47:02,560 for every elderly person, or about eight workers for every 1036 00:47:02,560 --> 00:47:04,080 elderly person. 1037 00:47:04,080 --> 00:47:06,770 So we can collect a lot of money to pay off the elderly. 1038 00:47:06,770 --> 00:47:09,520 The problem is that number's diminishing rapidly because of 1039 00:47:09,520 --> 00:47:10,660 the aging of the baby boomers. 1040 00:47:10,660 --> 00:47:13,590 There's a huge bulge of individuals who are about to 1041 00:47:13,590 --> 00:47:15,530 become elderly and collect their Social Security. 1042 00:47:18,730 --> 00:47:24,090 By the year 2025 that 8:1 will ratio be more like 4:1, and 1043 00:47:24,090 --> 00:47:25,130 we're suddenly going to be short on money. 1044 00:47:25,130 --> 00:47:27,950 Here's the way I think about it most scarily. 1045 00:47:27,950 --> 00:47:30,530 How many of you guys have grandparents in Florida? 1046 00:47:30,530 --> 00:47:32,740 OK, you've got a few grandparents in Florida. 1047 00:47:32,740 --> 00:47:37,020 The US in 2025, the US as a whole, will be older than 1048 00:47:37,020 --> 00:47:37,950 Florida is today. 1049 00:47:37,950 --> 00:47:39,760 Because if you think of Florida as full of old people, 1050 00:47:39,760 --> 00:47:42,990 that's the US in 20 years, in 15 years. 1051 00:47:42,990 --> 00:47:45,690 We're moving to a very aging society, and that's going to 1052 00:47:45,690 --> 00:47:47,880 put enormous pressure on this Ponzi scheme. 1053 00:47:47,880 --> 00:47:50,600 And that's why, in about 30 years or in about 25 years, 1054 00:47:50,600 --> 00:47:53,500 Social Security goes bankrupt. 1055 00:47:53,500 --> 00:47:57,410 We actually run out of money unless we fix the program. 1056 00:47:57,410 --> 00:47:59,740 So currently we have a situation where we are 1057 00:47:59,740 --> 00:48:01,530 projected for that program to go bankrupt-- it's actually in 1058 00:48:01,530 --> 00:48:02,660 about 30 years-- 1059 00:48:02,660 --> 00:48:05,180 the program to go bankrupt because we have to pay out so 1060 00:48:05,180 --> 00:48:07,910 much to this large group of elderly. 1061 00:48:07,910 --> 00:48:09,390 And that's a problem the government needs to deal with. 1062 00:48:09,390 --> 00:48:12,280 And it's going to have to deal with it in one of two ways. 1063 00:48:12,280 --> 00:48:15,340 It's going to either have to raise taxes. 1064 00:48:15,340 --> 00:48:17,810 We currently pay about 12.4% in payroll. 1065 00:48:17,810 --> 00:48:20,080 To solve this problem forever that tax rate would have to go 1066 00:48:20,080 --> 00:48:22,530 up by about three and a half to 4%. 1067 00:48:22,530 --> 00:48:24,320 So we'd have to pay the three and a half to 4% more of our 1068 00:48:24,320 --> 00:48:26,570 wages to solve this problem. 1069 00:48:26,570 --> 00:48:29,490 Or we're going to have to cut benefits, do things like 1070 00:48:29,490 --> 00:48:31,460 saying to people they can't get their benefits at 62, that 1071 00:48:31,460 --> 00:48:33,220 goes up to 64. 1072 00:48:33,220 --> 00:48:35,180 And you can see US style rioting rather than French 1073 00:48:35,180 --> 00:48:37,630 style rioting. 1074 00:48:37,630 --> 00:48:39,800 That's the difficult problem the government faces going 1075 00:48:39,800 --> 00:48:42,170 forward is that something has to give. 1076 00:48:42,170 --> 00:48:45,490 We either have to raise taxes to support this program or we 1077 00:48:45,490 --> 00:48:47,910 have to cut the benefits that elderly people get. 1078 00:48:47,910 --> 00:48:49,260 Yeah? 1079 00:48:49,260 --> 00:48:52,427 AUDIENCE: This might just postpone the problem, but 1080 00:48:52,427 --> 00:48:54,784 would it be possible for the government to 1081 00:48:54,784 --> 00:48:56,748 taper off the benefits? 1082 00:48:56,748 --> 00:49:00,760 So for instance, at 62, when you're eligible, you could get 1083 00:49:00,760 --> 00:49:03,773 let's say 50% of what you'd normally would be getting, and 1084 00:49:03,773 --> 00:49:06,570 that amount would slowly increase as you get older. 1085 00:49:06,570 --> 00:49:09,850 So when you're making your labor decisions you would 1086 00:49:09,850 --> 00:49:13,562 work, but maybe only half or quarter time what you normally 1087 00:49:13,562 --> 00:49:14,954 would work and that might-- 1088 00:49:14,954 --> 00:49:17,420 PROFESSOR: Certainly there are compromises along the way but 1089 00:49:17,420 --> 00:49:19,130 that still goes in the category of benefit cuts. 1090 00:49:19,130 --> 00:49:20,220 You're just talking about a different way to 1091 00:49:20,220 --> 00:49:21,040 do a benefits cut. 1092 00:49:21,040 --> 00:49:23,390 There's lots of very subtle and interesting ways-- 1093 00:49:23,390 --> 00:49:25,280 and believe me, when the time comes I'm not just going to 1094 00:49:25,280 --> 00:49:27,190 say we're cutting everybody's benefit 10%. 1095 00:49:27,190 --> 00:49:28,920 It will be something much more subtle along the lines you're 1096 00:49:28,920 --> 00:49:31,050 describing, sufficiently complicated that people don't 1097 00:49:31,050 --> 00:49:34,400 understand it so that they can try and slip it by people. 1098 00:49:34,400 --> 00:49:35,510 If they're going to cut benefits it's going to be that 1099 00:49:35,510 --> 00:49:38,640 complicated, and that's the trade off we're going to face. 1100 00:49:38,640 --> 00:49:38,950 All right. 1101 00:49:38,950 --> 00:49:39,190 OK. 1102 00:49:39,190 --> 00:49:43,090 So next class we'll talk about health insurance and we'll do 1103 00:49:43,090 --> 00:49:44,340 a final session.