1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,000 All right, let's get moving. Good morning. 2 00:00:05,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Let me take a quick poll. So, how many of you have 3 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:17,000 completed Lab 4. Completed Lab 4? 4 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:24,000 Wow, that's great. So, how many people have begun 5 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:30,000 Lab 4? OK, well that's good. 6 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:35,000 I won't ask the last question. OK so, well I hope you're 7 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:40,000 having fun with this lab. Lab 4 was designed to be almost 8 00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:44,000 like a mini-project. And, it sort of ties together a 9 00:00:44,000 --> 00:00:48,000 lot of the content of the entire course. 10 00:00:48,000 --> 00:00:54,000 And, it's not unlike the kind of systems that people design in 11 00:00:54,000 --> 00:00:59,000 industry, in systems that go into a variety of devices like, 12 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:03,000 say, for example, digital CD players and stuff 13 00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:10,000 like that. A lot of mixed signal stuff 14 00:01:10,000 --> 00:01:14,000 goes in. OK, so today, 15 00:01:14,000 --> 00:01:24,000 I'm going to continue with our discussion of energy and CMOS. 16 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:34,000 CMOS will be a new topic that I will introduce. 17 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:37,000 So, the last lecture, we spent a fair bit of time 18 00:01:37,000 --> 00:01:41,000 talking about energy, and how to compute the energy 19 00:01:41,000 --> 00:01:44,000 of our inverter. So, let me start from where I 20 00:01:44,000 --> 00:01:48,000 left off, and I've given you a couple of extra pages of notes 21 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:52,000 today just to sort of tie it to the previous lecture. 22 00:01:52,000 --> 00:01:57,000 Right now, I'm going to start off on page three. 23 00:01:57,000 --> 00:02:02,000 So, what we saw last time was an inverter of this sort, 24 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:07,000 Vs, VIN, and we said, let's study the situation where 25 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:11,000 this inverter was driving a load capacitor, C. 26 00:02:11,000 --> 00:02:15,000 Where did this load capacitor come from? 27 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:19,000 Well, this inverter could be driving one, or two, 28 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:23,000 or three, or four other larger gates, OK? 29 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:29,000 So, this C is lumped value of the gate capacitances of all of 30 00:02:29,000 --> 00:02:36,000 those inverters. This may also include some 31 00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:44,000 component due to wiring capacitance and stuff like that. 32 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:54,000 So, for an inverter like this, we showed in the last lecture 33 00:02:54,000 --> 00:03:02,000 that the formula for the average power was, 34 00:03:02,000 --> 00:03:07,000 so this was a static power independent of frequency, 35 00:03:07,000 --> 00:03:13,000 and this was called dynamic power, and it had some bearing, 36 00:03:13,000 --> 00:03:19,000 it's related to the frequency at which you clocked your 37 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:23,000 circuit. So, this was related to standby 38 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:30,000 power, and this to dynamic. So, what I also said is that I 39 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:38,000 gave you a bunch of numbers so you could compute the power 40 00:03:38,000 --> 00:03:44,000 consumption of a chip that included 10^8 gates, 41 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:50,000 100 million gates, and at a frequency of 1 GHz, 42 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:57,000 and a bunch of other numbers. C was given to be 0.1 43 00:03:57,000 --> 00:04:02,000 femtofarads. Femto is 10^-15. 44 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:08,000 So, F was 10^9. VS was 5V, and for these 45 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:16,000 numbers, if you plonk them down in something like this, 46 00:04:16,000 --> 00:04:25,000 for 10^8 gates on a chip, the average power would be 10^8 47 00:04:25,000 --> 00:04:32,000 times these two. So, this would be five squared, 48 00:04:32,000 --> 00:04:39,000 which is 25, divided by twice. 49 00:04:39,000 --> 00:04:45,000 RL was given to be 10 kilo-ohms, so, 50 00:04:45,000 --> 00:04:52,000 twice, 10^4. And here we had CVS^2. 51 00:04:52,000 --> 00:05:00,000 So, C was 10^-16, 0.1 femtofarads. 52 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:04,000 Vs^2 was 25, and F was 10^9. 53 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:11,000 So, if you commence through the numbers here, 54 00:05:11,000 --> 00:05:20,000 what you end up getting is something that looks like this, 55 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:29,000 10^8 times this guy here. This is 1.25mW plus this guy 56 00:05:29,000 --> 00:05:39,000 ends up being 2.5 microwatts. So, this should come as a bit 57 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:43,000 of a shocker. If I take 1.25mW, 58 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:51,000 and multiply that out by 10^8, this says that each gate 59 00:05:51,000 --> 00:05:57,000 suffers a standby power loss of 1.25mW. 60 00:05:57,000 --> 00:06:01,000 So times 10^8, I get 125kW, 61 00:06:01,000 --> 00:06:07,000 and this guy yields 250W. OK, the 250W is manageable. 62 00:06:07,000 --> 00:06:11,000 It's still high, and just so you don't think 63 00:06:11,000 --> 00:06:14,000 that this is unreasonable, when the Pentium 4 first came 64 00:06:14,000 --> 00:06:17,000 out, it was consuming 170W of power. 65 00:06:17,000 --> 00:06:20,000 OK, you should see the heat sinks on there. 66 00:06:20,000 --> 00:06:24,000 There's actually a huge heat sink with a fan built into the 67 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:28,000 top of the heat sink. OK, today it's down to more 68 00:06:28,000 --> 00:06:32,000 reasonable numbers like 100W and so on, but when it came out it 69 00:06:32,000 --> 00:06:36,000 was in this range. So it's high but not 70 00:06:36,000 --> 00:06:39,000 unreasonable. But this, of course, 71 00:06:39,000 --> 00:06:42,000 is totally wacko. OK, imagine carrying a laptop 72 00:06:42,000 --> 00:06:45,000 around, and the sucker is blowing 125kW. 73 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:49,000 That'll be fun. So, clearly there's something 74 00:06:49,000 --> 00:06:52,000 wrong here. What this is saying is that 75 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:57,000 this gate here consumes 125kW, there are 10^8 of these on a 76 00:06:57,000 --> 00:07:00,000 single chip. OK, so we clearly have to do 77 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:04,000 something about this, otherwise the semiconductor 78 00:07:04,000 --> 00:07:10,000 industry would fail. So, anybody have any ideas? 79 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:14,000 What do you think you might do here? 80 00:07:14,000 --> 00:07:21,000 What do you think you might do to this inverter to make this 81 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:26,000 look better, to bring it down? What can I do? 82 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:28,000 Anybody? Any ideas? 83 00:07:28,000 --> 00:07:34,000 What do you think? Well, the problem is that if I 84 00:07:34,000 --> 00:07:38,000 look at this 125kW, well, there's a VS term here 85 00:07:38,000 --> 00:07:41,000 and an RL term here. So, I can increase RL. 86 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:46,000 OK, I can make RL four times or eight times as large. 87 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:49,000 That'll bring the power down somewhat. 88 00:07:49,000 --> 00:07:53,000 Can anybody think of any problem with increasing RL? 89 00:07:53,000 --> 00:07:55,000 If I make RL really, really large, 90 00:07:55,000 --> 00:08:00,000 will I run into other problems? Yes? 91 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:02,000 Exactly, the slowdown of the inverter. 92 00:08:02,000 --> 00:08:07,000 Remember, the rise time of the inverter depends on how quickly 93 00:08:07,000 --> 00:08:10,000 I can charge this capacitor through RL. 94 00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:14,000 So, if I make my RL really large, I will consume less 95 00:08:14,000 --> 00:08:19,000 standby power from hundreds of kilowatts to merely tens of 96 00:08:19,000 --> 00:08:22,000 kilowatts. But my gates will run as slow 97 00:08:22,000 --> 00:08:25,000 as molasses. So, clearly that's not a 98 00:08:25,000 --> 00:08:29,000 tradeoff I would like to make. So, I can reduce my voltage to 99 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:34,000 maybe a volt. But that just reduces it by a 100 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:37,000 factor of 25, VS squared. 101 00:08:37,000 --> 00:08:40,000 So clearly, this is not going to work. 102 00:08:40,000 --> 00:08:47,000 I have to somehow do something else, and that will be the topic 103 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:51,000 of today's lecture. Also, I will dwell for a moment 104 00:08:51,000 --> 00:08:55,000 on this term. So, if you look at the spec 105 00:08:55,000 --> 00:09:01,000 sheet for the IBM's ASIC processor that we handed out, 106 00:09:01,000 --> 00:09:04,000 if you recall, we talked about power 107 00:09:04,000 --> 00:09:11,000 dissipation of 0.006 microwatts per MHz per gate. 108 00:09:11,000 --> 00:09:14,000 OK, now you see where this is coming from. 109 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:17,000 Per MHz, that's because it's a multiple of f, 110 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:21,000 the power. Second is that it's per gate, 111 00:09:21,000 --> 00:09:25,000 so this is the power per gate. So, as I have more gates, 112 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:30,000 I just have that much more power dissipation. 113 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:34,000 It also says power supply voltage in the range of 0.7 to 114 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:36,000 1.3 right next to the power expression. 115 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:40,000 So, you can see why they tell you all of that, 116 00:09:40,000 --> 00:09:43,000 because both voltage, and the frequency, 117 00:09:43,000 --> 00:09:47,000 and the number of gates come into the power of equation. 118 00:09:47,000 --> 00:09:50,000 OK, this really simple expression here, 119 00:09:50,000 --> 00:09:54,000 it's amazing how close this is to what people use for the 120 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:59,000 dynamic power in chips. OK, so as the next step, 121 00:09:59,000 --> 00:10:04,000 what I'd like to do is, this guy, what do we do about 122 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:07,000 that? OK, so we've taught you to 123 00:10:07,000 --> 00:10:13,000 build gates in a particular matter, but it's a non-starter. 124 00:10:13,000 --> 00:10:16,000 So, how do we get rid of static power? 125 00:10:16,000 --> 00:10:19,000 How do we get rid of static power? 126 00:10:19,000 --> 00:10:24,000 OK, to do so, let's build up a little bit of 127 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:27,000 intuition. OK, so the intuition goes as 128 00:10:27,000 --> 00:10:31,000 follows. So let's say I take my 129 00:10:31,000 --> 00:10:33,000 inverter. Let me draw the circuit both on 130 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:36,000 the on state and in the off state. 131 00:10:50,000 --> 00:10:55,000 So, when VIN is high, when VIN is high, 132 00:10:55,000 --> 00:11:02,000 I get the MOSFET turning on and has a resistance, 133 00:11:02,000 --> 00:11:07,000 RON, and Vo is the output voltage. 134 00:11:07,000 --> 00:11:14,000 Similarly, when VIN is low, so when VIN was high, 135 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:20,000 Vo was low because RON is much less than RL. 136 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:27,000 So, this voltage was low, while here, when VIN is low, 137 00:11:27,000 --> 00:11:34,000 the MOSFET is off, and so I have an open circuit 138 00:11:34,000 --> 00:11:39,000 out here. And because of that open 139 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:43,000 circuit, the voltage here was going to be high because VS 140 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:47,000 would simply appear there. So let's tailor this and see if 141 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:50,000 we can build up some intuition as to what to do. 142 00:11:50,000 --> 00:11:53,000 So, when VIN is low, I don't have any static power 143 00:11:53,000 --> 00:11:57,000 being dissipated because I don't have a connection from VS to 144 00:11:57,000 --> 00:11:59,000 ground. OK, the current, 145 00:11:59,000 --> 00:12:03,000 i, is zero. And, VS simply appears at the 146 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:07,000 output. The reason this is so is have a 147 00:12:07,000 --> 00:12:09,000 switch here. So when this is low, 148 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:15,000 the switch opens up and cuts the path from power to ground. 149 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:19,000 This is a nice situation. Here, when VIN was high, 150 00:12:19,000 --> 00:12:22,000 there was no switch that turns off. 151 00:12:22,000 --> 00:12:26,000 Rather, I get a connection from VS to ground. 152 00:12:26,000 --> 00:12:30,000 OK, so think about this situation here. 153 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:34,000 The insight here is, just imagine if I could do the 154 00:12:34,000 --> 00:12:38,000 following. Imagine if I could somehow 155 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:42,000 magically elevate RL to be a very, very, very large number, 156 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:46,000 if I could make this so high as to make the power really low 157 00:12:46,000 --> 00:12:50,000 only in the situation when the input was high, 158 00:12:50,000 --> 00:12:51,000 OK? So, imagine if I could do 159 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:57,000 something like this. Imagine I could open circuit 160 00:12:57,000 --> 00:13:00,000 this guy, RON, so when VIN was high, 161 00:13:00,000 --> 00:13:07,000 if I could, instead of having an RL here, what if somehow I 162 00:13:07,000 --> 00:13:11,000 could make this RL become infinity? 163 00:13:11,000 --> 00:13:15,000 OK, so in this case, output VO would be low. 164 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:19,000 OK, I get many benefits by doing this. 165 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:25,000 One benefit is that, look, I have opened this switch 166 00:13:25,000 --> 00:13:29,000 here so I don't have any standby current. 167 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:35,000 OK, the standby current is zero. 168 00:13:35,000 --> 00:13:39,000 The second benefit is that my output gets dragged down to 169 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:41,000 ground, OK? Out here, my output was VS 170 00:13:41,000 --> 00:13:45,000 multiplied by RON divided by the sum of these two. 171 00:13:45,000 --> 00:13:48,000 Out here, I have a direct connection to ground, 172 00:13:48,000 --> 00:13:52,000 and nothing to the power supply, VS, and so therefore I 173 00:13:52,000 --> 00:13:56,000 have a nice, solid low. So the question is that, 174 00:13:56,000 --> 00:14:01,000 can I get this situation? OK, that is a key insight. 175 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:04,000 So, imagine that somehow, when this was high, 176 00:14:04,000 --> 00:14:08,000 I could get this to open up, much like when this was low, 177 00:14:08,000 --> 00:14:11,000 I got this to open up. OK, so think about it. 178 00:14:11,000 --> 00:14:15,000 So, the intuition is that what I need instead of a resistor 179 00:14:15,000 --> 00:14:19,000 here, what if I have something like the MOSFET that I have 180 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:22,000 here? So, I have a MOSFET here that 181 00:14:22,000 --> 00:14:25,000 turned off when VIN was low. OK, what if I did the 182 00:14:25,000 --> 00:14:30,000 complementary thing? What if I put in some kind of 183 00:14:30,000 --> 00:14:35,000 MOSFET here that would turn off when VIN was high? 184 00:14:35,000 --> 00:14:41,000 OK, so, much like the MOSFET turned off when VIN was low down 185 00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:47,000 here, imagine if I could find a device that could turn off when 186 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:51,000 VIN was high? OK, this would be on, 187 00:14:51,000 --> 00:14:56,000 but this would be off. So the behavior of this device 188 00:14:56,000 --> 00:15:02,000 would have to be complementary to this device. 189 00:15:02,000 --> 00:15:07,000 So, we need some sort of a switch to introduce this new, 190 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:12,000 little MOSFET device with slightly different properties, 191 00:15:12,000 --> 00:15:18,000 let me quickly review for you the properties of the MOSFET 192 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:22,000 that we know about, so our N channel MOSFET, 193 00:15:22,000 --> 00:15:27,000 also called the NFET, this is what we've been seeing 194 00:15:27,000 --> 00:15:31,000 all this while, is drawn like this. 195 00:15:31,000 --> 00:15:34,000 I have a gate; I have a drain; 196 00:15:34,000 --> 00:15:42,000 I have a source. And this guy is on when VGS is 197 00:15:42,000 --> 00:15:52,000 greater than or equal to VT, OK, and off when VGS is less 198 00:15:52,000 --> 00:15:57,000 than VT. You saw this before, 199 00:15:57,000 --> 00:16:04,000 OK, nothing new here. So, what I need is a device 200 00:16:04,000 --> 00:16:09,000 that behaves in a complementary manner. 201 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:13,000 OK, so the device is a P channel MOSFET. 202 00:16:13,000 --> 00:16:19,000 By the way, I must point out, till about 1983-84 until the 203 00:16:19,000 --> 00:16:24,000 early '80s, that's exactly pretty much how chips were 204 00:16:24,000 --> 00:16:29,000 designed, OK, using an NFET for the switch 205 00:16:29,000 --> 00:16:34,000 looking down here, and a variety of different 206 00:16:34,000 --> 00:16:40,000 kinds of devices to be used as resistors. 207 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:44,000 OK, that's when technology began moving towards this new 208 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:48,000 kind of technology I'm going to talk about, and that 209 00:16:48,000 --> 00:16:51,000 dramatically reducing the power consumed. 210 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:55,000 And, the P channel MOSFET was created, and this guy's called 211 00:16:55,000 --> 00:16:58,000 the PFET. It's a complementary device 212 00:16:58,000 --> 00:17:03,000 that looks as follows. OK, the difference here is 213 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:06,000 that, to show this is complementary, 214 00:17:06,000 --> 00:17:09,000 I'll put a little circle here. It has a gate. 215 00:17:09,000 --> 00:17:14,000 Just to make things a little clearer, flip the drain and 216 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:17,000 source terminals, and this guy is on at a 217 00:17:17,000 --> 00:17:22,000 distinguished threshold voltage of this with the NFET device, 218 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:27,000 let me put an N here to say that this is the VT for the N 219 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:31,000 channel device. And for this guy, 220 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:36,000 this guy came on when VGS was greater than some voltage. 221 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:38,000 So, VTN could be, for example, 222 00:17:38,000 --> 00:17:42,000 one volt. So, VGS was more than one. 223 00:17:42,000 --> 00:17:44,000 This turned on. In this case, 224 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:49,000 I wanted this to turn on when VGS is some value which is lower 225 00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:53,000 than, or much lower than, the source voltage. 226 00:17:53,000 --> 00:18:00,000 OK, so this guy turns on when the gate voltage is higher. 227 00:18:00,000 --> 00:18:03,000 This guy should turn on when the gate voltage is 228 00:18:03,000 --> 00:18:07,000 significantly lower than the source voltage, 229 00:18:07,000 --> 00:18:10,000 just the complementary behavior. 230 00:18:10,000 --> 00:18:13,000 OK, so when VGS is less than or equal to VTP. 231 00:18:13,000 --> 00:18:17,000 And in this case, the threshold voltage for the 232 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:20,000 PMOS device, say, just as an example, 233 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:23,000 maybe -1V. So this means that if the 234 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,000 source is at, say, 5V, OK, 235 00:18:25,000 --> 00:18:30,000 then this device would turn on if the gate, for example, 236 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:35,000 using that example was less than 4V. 237 00:18:35,000 --> 00:18:39,000 So, this is five. If the gate fell below 4V, 238 00:18:39,000 --> 00:18:43,000 this guy would turn on. In this situation, 239 00:18:43,000 --> 00:18:49,000 remember, if this was at zero, the gate would have to be 240 00:18:49,000 --> 00:18:53,000 greater than 1V to turn on. In this situation, 241 00:18:53,000 --> 00:18:59,000 the gate has to be less than 4V if the source was at five to 242 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:03,000 turn on. And, it's off. 243 00:19:03,000 --> 00:19:06,000 OK, so this is a complementary device that I postulate that 244 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:08,000 behaves in a complementary manner. 245 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:11,000 So, the gate voltage rises, this guy turns on, 246 00:19:11,000 --> 00:19:14,000 and in this situation, when the gate voltage drops 247 00:19:14,000 --> 00:19:17,000 below the source voltage, this guy turns on. 248 00:19:17,000 --> 00:19:20,000 OK, so when there's a rising guy that turns on in this 249 00:19:20,000 --> 00:19:24,000 particular situation when it falls, the gate turns on and 250 00:19:24,000 --> 00:19:26,000 shows some resistance. In this case, 251 00:19:26,000 --> 00:19:29,000 the resistance would be RON. And to show that it's N 252 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:34,000 channel, let me say N. And in this case, 253 00:19:34,000 --> 00:19:39,000 the resistance, when it turns on, 254 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:44,000 would be RONp to represent P channel. 255 00:19:44,000 --> 00:19:51,000 OK, so now consider the following circuit for the 256 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:56,000 inverter. So, instead of my resistor, 257 00:19:56,000 --> 00:20:05,000 I put a complementary device, OK, and that's it. 258 00:20:05,000 --> 00:20:09,000 So all I've done here is replace my resistor with a 259 00:20:09,000 --> 00:20:14,000 MOSFET that behaves complementary to the N channel 260 00:20:14,000 --> 00:20:16,000 MOSFET. So this is my gate, 261 00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:19,000 my drain. This is my source, 262 00:20:19,000 --> 00:20:22,000 my gate, my source, and my drain. 263 00:20:22,000 --> 00:20:27,000 OK, and this guy is called a pull up, and this guy is called 264 00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:33,000 a pull down. OK, and the reason is that this 265 00:20:33,000 --> 00:20:37,000 guy pulls the output to ground when it's turned on, 266 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:41,000 while this guy, when switched on, 267 00:20:41,000 --> 00:20:46,000 will pull this node up to VS. So, I pull it down or pull it 268 00:20:46,000 --> 00:20:50,000 up based on when the VIN is high or low. 269 00:20:50,000 --> 00:20:54,000 So, let's look at the two situations. 270 00:20:54,000 --> 00:20:57,000 So, let's say, as an example, 271 00:20:57,000 --> 00:21:00,000 my VS is 5V, and let's say VIN in one 272 00:21:00,000 --> 00:21:05,000 situation being 5V, and another situation being 273 00:21:05,000 --> 00:21:11,000 equal to 0V. Let's draw the equivalent 274 00:21:11,000 --> 00:21:17,000 circuit in both these cases. So, when VIN is high, 275 00:21:17,000 --> 00:21:22,000 I have my usual circuit. When VIN is high, 276 00:21:22,000 --> 00:21:27,000 this MOSFET, as before, when VIN is 5V, 277 00:21:27,000 --> 00:21:35,000 the N channel MOSFET below is turned on, and so I have an RON 278 00:21:35,000 --> 00:21:40,000 resistance here. But remember, 279 00:21:40,000 --> 00:21:45,000 VIN is 5, and VS is 5V, then the voltage across the 280 00:21:45,000 --> 00:21:51,000 source and the gate of this P channel FET is now equal, 281 00:21:51,000 --> 00:21:55,000 five and five. OK, so this one would turn off. 282 00:21:55,000 --> 00:22:00,000 And that's the circuit that I get. 283 00:22:00,000 --> 00:22:05,000 The output is suitably low. In this situation, 284 00:22:05,000 --> 00:22:10,000 if VIN is zero, what happens in this situation? 285 00:22:10,000 --> 00:22:13,000 Here's my output. If VIN is 0V, 286 00:22:13,000 --> 00:22:17,000 the lower device turns off. This is zero. 287 00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:21,000 This is zero. This guy turns off, 288 00:22:21,000 --> 00:22:26,000 and that's the situation for the N channel MOSFET. 289 00:22:26,000 --> 00:22:33,000 How about this guy here? What happens here? 290 00:22:33,000 --> 00:22:37,000 This is at 5. So let me just, 291 00:22:37,000 --> 00:22:41,000 this is at 5V. OK, and VIN is at 0V. 292 00:22:41,000 --> 00:22:47,000 OK, so therefore, the GS of this is -5V. 293 00:22:47,000 --> 00:22:52,000 If this is zero and this is five, G, source, 294 00:22:52,000 --> 00:22:59,000 and drain, GS is -5V, and -5V is significantly less 295 00:22:59,000 --> 00:23:06,000 than the threshold -1V in our example. 296 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:12,000 So, this one will switch on. And if this one switches on, 297 00:23:12,000 --> 00:23:17,000 what I end up getting is RONp out there. 298 00:23:17,000 --> 00:23:24,000 So, when this one kicks in, it pulls the output high and VO 299 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:28,000 goes high. So, all I've done is replaced 300 00:23:28,000 --> 00:23:36,000 my resistor with a complementary device, which switches off when 301 00:23:36,000 --> 00:23:41,000 the input is high, and switches on when the input 302 00:23:41,000 --> 00:23:46,000 is low. And the beauty of this is that 303 00:23:46,000 --> 00:23:50,000 at no point, assuming all the devices are ideal here, 304 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:55,000 at no point do I have a short circuit between the output, 305 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:59,000 do I have a current path from the output to the ground from 306 00:23:59,000 --> 00:24:03,000 the supply to ground, OK, I have this turned off or 307 00:24:03,000 --> 00:24:09,000 this turned off. So, this type of logic 308 00:24:09,000 --> 00:24:18,000 involving a PMOS transistor here, and the N channel 309 00:24:18,000 --> 00:24:25,000 transistor here is called CMOS logic for, OK, 310 00:24:25,000 --> 00:24:31,000 it's called complementary MOS logic. 311 00:24:31,000 --> 00:24:39,000 That's what CMOS comes from. OK, so I'm sure you've read in 312 00:24:39,000 --> 00:24:43,000 a number of places that most digital chips today use CMOS 313 00:24:43,000 --> 00:24:46,000 technology. It comes from complementary 314 00:24:46,000 --> 00:24:51,000 MOS, and complementary comes from the use of complementary 315 00:24:51,000 --> 00:24:55,000 transistors: N channel, P channel, turns on when high, 316 00:24:55,000 --> 00:24:58,000 turns off when high, turns off when low, 317 00:24:58,000 --> 00:25:01,000 turns on when low. OK, that's exactly 318 00:25:01,000 --> 00:25:07,000 complementary to each other. OK, so what you've seen here 319 00:25:07,000 --> 00:25:13,000 has been the workhorse of the digital industry for the past 320 00:25:13,000 --> 00:25:16,000 two decades, 20 years, CMOS logic. 321 00:25:16,000 --> 00:25:21,000 OK, and even the most advanced chip from Intel has an inverter 322 00:25:21,000 --> 00:25:26,000 that looks exactly like that. OK, if you count all the 323 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:32,000 inverters in the universe today, I would say a significant 324 00:25:32,000 --> 00:25:37,000 fraction of those look exactly like that, no difference, 325 00:25:37,000 --> 00:25:42,000 just so simple. So, the key with something like 326 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:47,000 that is there is no path from the power supply to the ground, 327 00:25:47,000 --> 00:25:51,000 and so by that model, I did not consume any standby 328 00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:54,000 power. OK, my standby power in that 329 00:25:54,000 --> 00:25:58,000 idealized model is zero. So, let's compute P. 330 00:25:58,000 --> 00:26:04,000 So, what is P dynamic? Let's use the method that we 331 00:26:04,000 --> 00:26:11,000 adopted in the last lecture, and draw the equivalent 332 00:26:11,000 --> 00:26:18,000 circuit, and compute the power. OK, so I'm going to model the 333 00:26:18,000 --> 00:26:24,000 following situation, and assume that I drive a 334 00:26:24,000 --> 00:26:26,000 capacitive load, C. 335 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:32,000 OK, and as an input, as I did the last time, 336 00:26:32,000 --> 00:26:38,000 I'm going to assume I have some input voltage, 337 00:26:38,000 --> 00:26:45,000 VIN, that looks like this. The cycle time, 338 00:26:45,000 --> 00:26:53,000 T, and the frequency is 1/t, and let me assume that this is 339 00:26:53,000 --> 00:26:59,000 T1, and this is T2. OK, and I'm assuming that T1 340 00:26:59,000 --> 00:27:09,000 and T2 are both much larger than the respective time constants. 341 00:27:09,000 --> 00:27:13,000 OK, the time constants when, for discharging here, 342 00:27:13,000 --> 00:27:18,000 is C RONn, and here the relevant resistance is RONp. 343 00:27:18,000 --> 00:27:23,000 The charging time constant is RONp times C. 344 00:27:23,000 --> 00:27:30,000 OK, so T1 and T2 are assumed to be much greater than these two. 345 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:34,000 So when you look at this, there's one other benefit 346 00:27:34,000 --> 00:27:38,000 besides the power benefit, OK, of using CMOS logic 347 00:27:38,000 --> 00:27:43,000 compared to using NMOS. OK, it not only cuts out my 348 00:27:43,000 --> 00:27:46,000 standby power, but there is another 349 00:27:46,000 --> 00:27:51,000 significant advantage which is almost equal to the power 350 00:27:51,000 --> 00:27:54,000 advantage of this kind of CMOS technology. 351 00:27:54,000 --> 00:28:00,000 Anybody have any ideas? What's the advantage? 352 00:28:00,000 --> 00:28:05,000 What does intuition tell you? Is CMOS going to be faster or 353 00:28:05,000 --> 00:28:07,000 slower than NMOS? Why? 354 00:28:07,000 --> 00:28:11,000 That's right. The key here is that the NMOS 355 00:28:11,000 --> 00:28:16,000 design I showed you earlier was relatively slow because it took 356 00:28:16,000 --> 00:28:21,000 me a while to charge up the load capacitor from RL. 357 00:28:21,000 --> 00:28:24,000 In this situation, RL will become really, 358 00:28:24,000 --> 00:28:27,000 really small; it's RONp. 359 00:28:27,000 --> 00:28:32,000 It's roughly the same magnitude as RONm. 360 00:28:32,000 --> 00:28:35,000 OK, if so both of these on resistances are more or less 361 00:28:35,000 --> 00:28:39,000 equal and small, then the rise time will be of 362 00:28:39,000 --> 00:28:42,000 the same order of magnitude as the fall time, 363 00:28:42,000 --> 00:28:45,000 which makes this much faster than the NMOS. 364 00:28:45,000 --> 00:28:49,000 In NMOS, my time constant was RLC, and RL was pretty large. 365 00:28:49,000 --> 00:28:53,000 In this case it's RONp C, and RONp can be made to be very 366 00:28:53,000 --> 00:28:58,000 small because when it's switched off, the resistance here is 367 00:28:58,000 --> 00:29:02,000 infinity. So, in this situation, 368 00:29:02,000 --> 00:29:07,000 if I assume T1 and T2 are much larger than the respective time 369 00:29:07,000 --> 00:29:12,000 constants, I can go ahead and draw my equivalent circuit. 370 00:29:12,000 --> 00:29:16,000 So, here's VS. So, for charging up, 371 00:29:16,000 --> 00:29:20,000 let's say this one is going to a one, or to a high. 372 00:29:20,000 --> 00:29:24,000 So, I have VS going through a resistor, RONp, 373 00:29:24,000 --> 00:29:30,000 to a capacitor, and this thing is a switch. 374 00:29:30,000 --> 00:29:34,000 So I have RONp, an ideal switch, 375 00:29:34,000 --> 00:29:40,000 going to a capacitor, C, this is my V out node, 376 00:29:40,000 --> 00:29:46,000 OK, so it's VS going through a resistance, RONp, 377 00:29:46,000 --> 00:29:50,000 an ideal switch, to a capacitor, 378 00:29:50,000 --> 00:29:54,000 C. That's a charging circuit. 379 00:29:54,000 --> 00:30:00,000 For discharging, I have C, discharging through 380 00:30:00,000 --> 00:30:06,000 an ideal switch with RONn. So, this situation, 381 00:30:06,000 --> 00:30:12,000 I have an ideal switch, RONn. 382 00:30:12,000 --> 00:30:20,000 OK, so that's the equivalent circuit for something like this. 383 00:30:20,000 --> 00:30:27,000 So, in this circuit, during T1, this guy's off, 384 00:30:27,000 --> 00:30:31,000 and this guy's on, on during T1, 385 00:30:31,000 --> 00:30:37,000 and off otherwise. This guy is on during T2, 386 00:30:37,000 --> 00:30:41,000 and off otherwise. OK, so just imagine, 387 00:30:41,000 --> 00:30:45,000 this guy switches on, this guy switches off, 388 00:30:45,000 --> 00:30:49,000 this guy switches on, this guy switches off, 389 00:30:49,000 --> 00:30:50,000 OK? And remember, 390 00:30:50,000 --> 00:30:56,000 this is exactly the circuit I had analyzed last time in the 391 00:30:56,000 --> 00:30:59,000 last lecture, and the result given by v 392 00:30:59,000 --> 00:31:03,000 double asterisk. And that result was simply 393 00:31:03,000 --> 00:31:10,000 average power being CVS^2f. That's the exact circuit we 394 00:31:10,000 --> 00:31:13,000 used to compute the dynamic power, CVS^2f. 395 00:31:13,000 --> 00:31:17,000 OK, so we're done. And how did this come about? 396 00:31:17,000 --> 00:31:21,000 This came about because the intuition here is that I'm 397 00:31:21,000 --> 00:31:26,000 charging up the capacitor fully, and then I'm discharging the 398 00:31:26,000 --> 00:31:30,000 capacitor through this other side, OK, and I'm consuming 399 00:31:30,000 --> 00:31:35,000 power, dissipating power, in these two resistances during 400 00:31:35,000 --> 00:31:39,000 charge up and during the discharge. 401 00:31:39,000 --> 00:31:43,000 Half the power gets consumed during charge up, 402 00:31:43,000 --> 00:31:49,000 and half during the discharge. So, I'd like to go back to 403 00:31:49,000 --> 00:31:54,000 doing a few numbers here, and taking a look at how, 404 00:31:54,000 --> 00:31:59,000 even with this expression, life can get pretty thorny as 405 00:31:59,000 --> 00:32:04,000 we go ahead into the next decade. 406 00:32:04,000 --> 00:32:15,000 OK, so for our previous example, we assumed that 10^8 407 00:32:15,000 --> 00:32:22,000 gates, F=1 GHz, C=0.1 femtofarads, 408 00:32:22,000 --> 00:32:32,000 VS was 5V, and I don't need RL anymore. 409 00:32:32,000 --> 00:32:36,000 OK, why is it that I don't have any resistance component here? 410 00:32:36,000 --> 00:32:40,000 I don't have it here because the power consumed by this 411 00:32:40,000 --> 00:32:44,000 circuit is independent of those resistances, provided T1 and T2 412 00:32:44,000 --> 00:32:48,000 are long enough, are much longer than the two 413 00:32:48,000 --> 00:32:50,000 time constants, RONp C, and RONn C. 414 00:32:50,000 --> 00:32:53,000 OK, so I don't have RL in my equation anymore. 415 00:32:53,000 --> 00:33:00,000 I don't have any standby power. So, based on this calculation, 416 00:33:00,000 --> 00:33:08,000 the calculation I did up there showed that I had 2.5 microwatts 417 00:33:08,000 --> 00:33:16,000 per gate, and for 10^8 gates I had 250W for a chip with 10^8 418 00:33:16,000 --> 00:33:21,000 gates. So, I'd like to dwell on this, 419 00:33:21,000 --> 00:33:27,000 if you can move over to page eight in your notes, 420 00:33:27,000 --> 00:33:31,000 here. Let me dwell on this for some 421 00:33:31,000 --> 00:33:38,000 time, and pontificate on a few things. 422 00:33:38,000 --> 00:33:40,000 First of all, this number, 423 00:33:40,000 --> 00:33:43,000 as I said before, is high, but not a disaster. 424 00:33:43,000 --> 00:33:48,000 OK, so you can't use this in laptops, but it's quite OK for a 425 00:33:48,000 --> 00:33:51,000 desktop or a server, and so on. 426 00:33:51,000 --> 00:33:55,000 If you just go and put your ear to a pedestal computer, 427 00:33:55,000 --> 00:34:00,000 you'll always hear it making a sound, and that sound is because 428 00:34:00,000 --> 00:34:07,000 of a big fan that's inside it. And, if you have a big enough 429 00:34:07,000 --> 00:34:10,000 fan, 250W is not such a big deal. 430 00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:17,000 But, this is certainly a real problem for mobile devices. 431 00:34:17,000 --> 00:34:20,000 For a laptop, this is unthinkable. 432 00:34:20,000 --> 00:34:24,000 OK, so we have to deal with this. 433 00:34:24,000 --> 00:34:30,000 The second issue is the following, that it's 250W for 434 00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:34,000 1GHz. Now, the fastest Pentium 4s 435 00:34:34,000 --> 00:34:39,000 that money can by today are, what, how many GHz? 436 00:34:39,000 --> 00:34:44,000 What's the fastest Pentium 4 you can buy today? 437 00:34:44,000 --> 00:34:47,000 What's that? Does anybody have a 4GHz 438 00:34:47,000 --> 00:34:51,000 Pentium 4 here? Oh, darn, you beat me. 439 00:34:51,000 --> 00:34:53,000 Anybody have a 3? 3GHz? 440 00:34:53,000 --> 00:34:57,000 A couple. So, I have a couple of 3GHz 441 00:34:57,000 --> 00:35:03,000 machines, and our lab has a whole ton of them. 442 00:35:03,000 --> 00:35:06,000 So, if Intel comes out with 4GHz machines today, 443 00:35:06,000 --> 00:35:11,000 they've been going up by about 1GHz roughly every year for the 444 00:35:11,000 --> 00:35:14,000 past couple of years. And, within three or four 445 00:35:14,000 --> 00:35:19,000 years, you're going to see chips, microprocessors that are 446 00:35:19,000 --> 00:35:22,000 in the 5-10GHz range, OK, assuming that all other 447 00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:26,000 things stay equal, which of course they're not, 448 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:29,000 but just to give you some insight here, 449 00:35:29,000 --> 00:35:33,000 if I clock these guys and build circuits that are ten times 450 00:35:33,000 --> 00:35:37,000 faster, I very soon go up to 2.5kW, again as I said, 451 00:35:37,000 --> 00:35:42,000 all things being equal which they're not. 452 00:35:42,000 --> 00:35:46,000 But just to give you a sense, as I increase my frequency, 453 00:35:46,000 --> 00:35:49,000 so does the power consumed by the chip, OK? 454 00:35:49,000 --> 00:35:52,000 So, I really have to do something here. 455 00:35:52,000 --> 00:35:55,000 So, if I stare at this equation, CVS^2f, 456 00:35:55,000 --> 00:35:59,000 I want to increase f because people will buy computers if I 457 00:35:59,000 --> 00:36:03,000 have higher frequencies. And, Intel has managed to use 458 00:36:03,000 --> 00:36:07,000 its marketing campaigns to pretty much convince consumers 459 00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:12,000 that high frequencies are a good thing. 460 00:36:12,000 --> 00:36:15,000 OK, and whether they really mean anything or not, 461 00:36:15,000 --> 00:36:19,000 that's a different issue. So, we've got this huge power 462 00:36:19,000 --> 00:36:22,000 for assuming 5V, OK, so it turns out that 463 00:36:22,000 --> 00:36:25,000 microprocessors, as they come out, 464 00:36:25,000 --> 00:36:29,000 newer and newer versions run at lower and lower voltages. 465 00:36:29,000 --> 00:36:33,000 OK, they invent technologies that use lower and lower 466 00:36:33,000 --> 00:36:38,000 voltages, and go from VS 5V to, today, VS on the order of 1.5 467 00:36:38,000 --> 00:36:44,000 to 1V, somewhere in that range. So the moment you do that, 468 00:36:44,000 --> 00:36:47,000 you get a 25x reduction in power. 469 00:36:47,000 --> 00:36:51,000 OK, so in going from 2.5kW, you would now come down to 470 00:36:51,000 --> 00:36:56,000 something on the order of 100W, which is, again, 471 00:36:56,000 --> 00:37:00,000 much more reasonable, again, all other things being 472 00:37:00,000 --> 00:37:03,000 equal. It turns out that the 473 00:37:03,000 --> 00:37:07,000 capacitance of devices also changes as you go to smaller and 474 00:37:07,000 --> 00:37:10,000 smaller devices. And, 100W is also pretty high, 475 00:37:10,000 --> 00:37:13,000 and still not good enough for mobile computers. 476 00:37:13,000 --> 00:37:16,000 So, there are many, many other tricks that people 477 00:37:16,000 --> 00:37:20,000 use to get even lower powers. One trick is to play games with 478 00:37:20,000 --> 00:37:22,000 the clock. OK, what you do is, 479 00:37:22,000 --> 00:37:26,000 let's say for example in some computation you are not going to 480 00:37:26,000 --> 00:37:30,000 be using your floating point unit. 481 00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:33,000 Or let's say I'm going to be using your integer adder unit. 482 00:37:33,000 --> 00:37:37,000 OK, so what you can do is you can turn off the clock to those 483 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:41,000 devices so that those devices do not even switch when they're not 484 00:37:41,000 --> 00:37:43,000 working. OK, if I turn off the clock to 485 00:37:43,000 --> 00:37:46,000 a device, the device isn't even going to switch, 486 00:37:46,000 --> 00:37:50,000 it's just going to sit there in limbo without consuming any 487 00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:52,000 power. It's equivalent to turning off 488 00:37:52,000 --> 00:37:55,000 both transistors. If you turn off both the PMOS 489 00:37:55,000 --> 00:37:58,000 and NMOS somehow, OK, it's not consuming any 490 00:37:58,000 --> 00:38:01,000 power. And by doing that, 491 00:38:01,000 --> 00:38:03,000 you can further cut down the power. 492 00:38:03,000 --> 00:38:06,000 So, if you can idle some of your function units, 493 00:38:06,000 --> 00:38:10,000 it's called idling a function unit, idle a function unit for, 494 00:38:10,000 --> 00:38:14,000 let's say, half the time. OK, you would cut down power by 495 00:38:14,000 --> 00:38:17,000 another factor of two. We can idle, 496 00:38:17,000 --> 00:38:19,000 then, 75% of the time, come down to 25W. 497 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:23,000 So, those are the classes of tricks that people play. 498 00:38:23,000 --> 00:38:26,000 I'm going to stop here and allow the underground guide 499 00:38:26,000 --> 00:38:30,000 folks to do the survey. But, suffice it to say that the 500 00:38:30,000 --> 00:38:34,000 power discussion that I've gone through with you is a very high 501 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:39,000 level discussion as to the real thing. 502 00:38:39,000 --> 00:38:41,000 In real life, what actually happens is that 503 00:38:41,000 --> 00:38:44,000 there is a fair amount of standby power even for CMOS 504 00:38:44,000 --> 00:38:46,000 logic. It turns out that although I 505 00:38:46,000 --> 00:38:50,000 don't have a path from VS to ground for my two transistors, 506 00:38:50,000 --> 00:38:53,000 it turns out that there are many leakage currents. 507 00:38:53,000 --> 00:38:57,000 OK, currents leak through all kinds of places through the 508 00:38:57,000 --> 00:38:59,000 drain of the inverter, and so on and so forth. 509 00:38:59,000 --> 00:39:03,000 And so, there is some standby power. 510 00:39:03,000 --> 00:39:06,000 So, let me show you a quick demo while, I guess, 511 00:39:06,000 --> 00:39:09,000 the review handouts are going around. 512 00:39:09,000 --> 00:39:13,000 And this shows the temperature of my CMOS inverter, 513 00:39:13,000 --> 00:39:17,000 and as I increase the frequency, you can just watch 514 00:39:17,000 --> 00:39:21,000 the temperature go up, and hopefully we'll blow this 515 00:39:21,000 --> 00:39:24,000 transistor. So, I'm increasing the 516 00:39:24,000 --> 00:39:29,000 frequency as you can see on the side here, and higher frequency 517 00:39:29,000 --> 00:39:33,000 implies more power consumption, more temperature, 518 00:39:33,000 --> 00:39:37,000 OK, and hopefully you will see some smoke coming out of, 519 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:42,000 OK, I think I blew the inverter. 520 00:39:42,000 --> 00:39:46,000 So, the output is gone. So, it's at 110 degrees there, 521 00:39:46,000 --> 00:39:49,000 and that blew it. Sometimes we see smoke come 522 00:39:49,000 --> 00:39:54,000 out, but I guess today is not one of our lucky days. 523 00:39:54,000 --> 00:39:58,000 OK, so let me stop here and have the underground guide folks 524 00:39:58,000 --> 00:40:01,000 go through the reviews.