1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000 -- will try it again at the end of this lecture and you show you 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:09,000 that stuff hopefully next time. For today we are going to start 3 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:13,000 with nonlinear analysis. Before we do that I wanted to 4 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:16,000 do a little bit of review. 5 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:34,000 I wanted to give you the past three weeks in perspective and 6 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:39,000 show you how all of these things fit into the grand scheme of 7 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:43,000 things. We began by building a great 8 00:00:43,000 --> 00:00:47,000 little playground, and within that playground we 9 00:00:47,000 --> 00:00:52,000 said that by enforcing upon ourselves the lumped matter 10 00:00:52,000 --> 00:00:58,000 discipline we created the lumped circuit abstraction. 11 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:03,000 So within that playfield we assumed that we had dq by dt and 12 00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:08,000 d phi by dt to be 0 so that gave us as the lumped circuit 13 00:01:08,000 --> 00:01:11,000 abstraction. And within that lumped circuit 14 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:16,000 abstraction, within this playground we looked at several 15 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:21,000 methods of analyzing circuits, including the KVL, 16 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:24,000 KCL method. We also learned the method 17 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:29,000 involving composing resistors, the voltage dividers and so on 18 00:01:29,000 --> 00:01:34,000 and solving circuits intuitively. 19 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:38,000 And we also looked at the node method, which is kind of the 20 00:01:38,000 --> 00:01:41,000 workhorse of the circuits industry. 21 00:01:41,000 --> 00:01:46,000 So when in doubt apply the node method and it will get you where 22 00:01:46,000 --> 00:01:50,000 you want to go. Now, we also said that this is 23 00:01:50,000 --> 00:01:53,000 good, here is our playground. We said hey, 24 00:01:53,000 --> 00:01:58,000 if we focus on those circuits that are linear we come to the 25 00:01:58,000 --> 00:02:04,000 left part of our playground. And we said that for linear 26 00:02:04,000 --> 00:02:08,000 circuits in this part of the playground we can further use a 27 00:02:08,000 --> 00:02:12,000 couple of techniques, a few techniques, 28 00:02:12,000 --> 00:02:15,000 superposition, Thevenin, Norton and so on. 29 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:19,000 So these techniques allow you to very quickly analyze 30 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:23,000 complicated circuits, especially when you're looking 31 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:28,000 to find a single current, or voltage or some parameter of 32 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:31,000 interest. Whenever you see, 33 00:02:31,000 --> 00:02:36,000 if you see a circuit containing multiple voltage sources or two 34 00:02:36,000 --> 00:02:40,000 or more voltage sources or current sources, 35 00:02:40,000 --> 00:02:43,000 as a first step think superposition. 36 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:48,000 And so these are very powerful techniques that let you analyze 37 00:02:48,000 --> 00:02:52,000 very complicated circuits very effectively. 38 00:02:52,000 --> 00:02:56,000 After we did this we said, oh, let me draw another 39 00:02:56,000 --> 00:03:01,000 playground here. This is another piece of our 40 00:03:01,000 --> 00:03:05,000 playground. And if these are linear circuit 41 00:03:05,000 --> 00:03:10,000 then this half of the playground is nonlinear circuits. 42 00:03:10,000 --> 00:03:16,000 And we said that if you further focus on discretized values, 43 00:03:16,000 --> 00:03:21,000 if you discretized values and focused only on circuits that 44 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:25,000 dealt with binary signals, highs and lows, 45 00:03:25,000 --> 00:03:32,000 then we came into this small regime of the playground. 46 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:36,000 And notice that digital circuits are, 47 00:03:36,000 --> 00:03:40,000 by their very nature, nonlinear. 48 00:03:40,000 --> 00:03:46,000 Remember the circuit, A, B, this was one of our NOR 49 00:03:46,000 --> 00:03:51,000 gate circuits? And if you look at transfer 50 00:03:51,000 --> 00:03:58,000 functions, that is if I plot, let's say for example, 51 00:03:58,000 --> 00:04:04,000 for some combination of input values. 52 00:04:04,000 --> 00:04:06,000 Let's say I plot v in verses v out. 53 00:04:06,000 --> 00:04:10,000 Let's say, for example, I turned this guy off by 54 00:04:10,000 --> 00:04:15,000 setting B to 0 and then I simply apply a low to high transition 55 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:19,000 at v in, then what I would see at the output is a transfer 56 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:24,000 function of the following sort where as v in changes the output 57 00:04:24,000 --> 00:04:29,000 switches at some point and then stays at a low value. 58 00:04:29,000 --> 00:04:33,000 So when v in is low v out is high and v in and high v out is 59 00:04:33,000 --> 00:04:36,000 low. So that's kind of the v out 60 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:41,000 versus v in when B is set at 0. So notice that this is a 61 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:44,000 nonlinear curve. This is not a straight line. 62 00:04:44,000 --> 00:04:49,000 It's a nonlinear curve. And so therefore in the digital 63 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:54,000 domain we see highly nonlinear functions that look like this 64 00:04:54,000 --> 00:04:57,000 and so on. However, take a look at this 65 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:01,000 circuit. Suppose I focus on the circuit 66 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:04,000 for a given set of switch settings. 67 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:08,000 Let's say, for example, I focus on the circuit when A 68 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:12,000 and B are both 1s. For a given set of switch 69 00:05:12,000 --> 00:05:17,000 settings, notice that I'm going to be either in this region or 70 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:21,000 in this region. Notice that this region is a 71 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:24,000 straight line. So if I focus on let's say both 72 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:30,000 A and B at once then I get something like this. 73 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:39,000 And in this situation, for a given set of switch 74 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:45,000 settings, notice that my digital circuit now can be analyzed 75 00:05:45,000 --> 00:05:50,000 using linear techniques. So therefore my digital gets 76 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:57,000 moved into the linear domain for a given set of switch settings. 77 00:06:02,000 --> 00:06:06,000 So if I fix my switch settings and look at the circuit then 78 00:06:06,000 --> 00:06:08,000 each circuit, for a given set of switch 79 00:06:08,000 --> 00:06:12,000 settings, is comprised of voltage sources and some 80 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:14,000 resistors and it's a linear circuit. 81 00:06:14,000 --> 00:06:19,000 Again, I can go back and apply all my linear techniques to 82 00:06:19,000 --> 00:06:22,000 virtually all the digital circuits that you will be 83 00:06:22,000 --> 00:06:26,000 dealing with in 6.002. Again, remember if I fix my 84 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:29,000 switch settings, if I fix the inputs then the 85 00:06:29,000 --> 00:06:34,000 output can be determined using linear techniques. 86 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:37,000 Because the digital circuits we're showing you in 6.002 87 00:06:37,000 --> 00:06:41,000 simply comprise linear elements like voltage sources and 88 00:06:41,000 --> 00:06:44,000 resistors and so on. You'll see some more later. 89 00:06:44,000 --> 00:06:48,000 But you can apply your linear techniques and analyze them. 90 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:51,000 The cool thing here is that with just two weeks of stuff 91 00:06:51,000 --> 00:06:55,000 that you've learned in 6.002, you are well on our way to 92 00:06:55,000 --> 00:06:59,000 being able to analyze certain classes of digital circuits for 93 00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:02,000 a given set of switch settings and many, many, 94 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:08,000 many linear circuits. What we will do today is focus 95 00:07:08,000 --> 00:07:13,000 on nonlinear circuits. So we look at this space. 96 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:19,000 Notice again that up until now we've dealt with these three 97 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:25,000 methods, which apply to all circuits within this playground, 98 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:31,000 the lumped circuit playground. And the subset of that is the 99 00:07:31,000 --> 00:07:34,000 linear domain. And we can analyze linear 100 00:07:34,000 --> 00:07:37,000 circuits in this way. And digital circuits, 101 00:07:37,000 --> 00:07:42,000 for a given set of switch settings, also fall within this 102 00:07:42,000 --> 00:07:45,000 category. So notice that you can go ahead 103 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:50,000 and analyze the digital circuits using superposition or other 104 00:07:50,000 --> 00:07:54,000 techniques like that. The next big step for us is to 105 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:59,000 begin our analysis of nonlinear circuits today. 106 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:03,000 The important thing to remember is that nonlinear circuits are 107 00:08:03,000 --> 00:08:07,000 also within this big playground in which we are going under the 108 00:08:07,000 --> 00:08:11,000 lumped matter discipline. So nonlinear circuits are also 109 00:08:11,000 --> 00:08:15,000 lumped circuits. And therefore because we are in 110 00:08:15,000 --> 00:08:19,000 that playground we can use any one of our techniques, 111 00:08:19,000 --> 00:08:23,000 KVL, KCL or the node method to analyze nonlinear circuits. 112 00:08:23,000 --> 00:08:28,000 So if you see a nonlinear circuit, don't get daunted. 113 00:08:28,000 --> 00:08:31,000 Just remember this is meant to be simple stuff. 114 00:08:31,000 --> 00:08:37,000 So let me simply write down the node equation and analyze it. 115 00:08:37,000 --> 00:08:41,000 There is really nothing new in today's lecture. 116 00:08:41,000 --> 00:08:46,000 I'm just going to show you a nonlinear circuit and analyzing 117 00:08:46,000 --> 00:08:49,000 using techniques that you already know. 118 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:54,000 Today nonlinear circuits. And we look at several methods 119 00:08:54,000 --> 00:09:01,000 of analyzing nonlinear circuits. We look at the "Analytic 120 00:09:01,000 --> 00:09:05,000 Method". We look at a "Graphical 121 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:11,000 Method". You will look at a "Piecewise 122 00:09:11,000 --> 00:09:16,000 Linear Method" in the book. 123 00:09:27,000 --> 00:09:29,000 I won't be covering this in lecture. 124 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:33,000 You can read Section 4.4 for the piecewise linear method. 125 00:09:33,000 --> 00:09:38,000 In this method you take your curves and you approximate them 126 00:09:38,000 --> 00:09:44,000 with a bunch of straight line segments, kind of like the v 127 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:49,000 out, v in curve I've shown you there, and analyze the circuit 128 00:09:49,000 --> 00:09:55,000 using linear techniques within any given straight line segment. 129 00:09:55,000 --> 00:09:59,000 We will also do incremental analysis. 130 00:09:59,000 --> 00:10:04,000 This is also called small signal analysis. 131 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:08,000 So I will cover these two today, I will introduce this one 132 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:13,000 today, and wrap that up during the next lecture. 133 00:10:25,000 --> 00:10:27,000 Let's start with a simple example. 134 00:10:36,000 --> 00:10:40,000 So I have some voltage, V, some voltage source V. 135 00:10:40,000 --> 00:10:43,000 And I have some resistor, R. 136 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:49,000 And I have a fictitious device here that I labeled D. 137 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:54,000 Let's call this fictitious device the "Expo Dweeb". 138 00:10:54,000 --> 00:11:00,000 I purposely chose a funky name because this is a fictitious 139 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:04,000 device. Let's call it the Expo Dweeb. 140 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:09,000 And let me write down the associated variables for this 141 00:11:09,000 --> 00:11:13,000 device as follows. iD is the current flowing into 142 00:11:13,000 --> 00:11:17,000 this terminal and vD is the voltage across this device. 143 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:21,000 So this is a nonlinear device. 144 00:11:29,000 --> 00:11:33,000 And this device is characterized by the following 145 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:35,000 equation. Much like resistors were 146 00:11:35,000 --> 00:11:40,000 characterized by an iV relation, V is equal to iR, 147 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:43,000 or i is equal to V/R. This device is also 148 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:47,000 characterized by the following element relationship. 149 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:52,000 It's a e raised to bvD. So there is an exponentiation 150 00:11:52,000 --> 00:11:55,000 here. Again, this is a fictitious 151 00:11:55,000 --> 00:11:58,000 device. And I'll show some funky things 152 00:11:58,000 --> 00:12:05,000 that it does in a second. It's a very simple relation. 153 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:13,000 It's an exponential relation where the current relates to the 154 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:21,000 exponentiated value of the voltage vD across the element. 155 00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:29,000 So I can plot iD versus vD for this element as follows. 156 00:12:29,000 --> 00:12:34,000 Notice that when vD is 0 iD is a, so I have a here, 157 00:12:34,000 --> 00:12:39,000 and it looks like this. It's a funny device, 158 00:12:39,000 --> 00:12:42,000 a fictitious device. So when vD is 0, 159 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:49,000 I have some current flowing the device, and as vD increases I 160 00:12:49,000 --> 00:12:57,000 get an exponential increase in the current through that device. 161 00:12:57,000 --> 00:13:00,000 This device is funny in the sense that it is not a passive 162 00:13:00,000 --> 00:13:04,000 device in that notice that when vD and iD are positive the 163 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:06,000 product is positive, which is fine, 164 00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:08,000 which says that it is consuming power. 165 00:13:08,000 --> 00:13:11,000 On the other hand, on the left-hand side notice 166 00:13:11,000 --> 00:13:15,000 that the vI relation is negative, which means that when 167 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:19,000 I put a negative voltage on it, it can still sustain a positive 168 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:21,000 current. This must imply that the device 169 00:13:21,000 --> 00:13:24,000 is producing power. But for the purpose of a 170 00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:29,000 nonlinear analysis we don't have to worry about that. 171 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:33,000 Let's just do it mathematically and find out what it looks like. 172 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:36,000 So back to this again. I have a voltage source, 173 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:40,000 a resistor and my Expo Dweeb connected in that manner. 174 00:13:40,000 --> 00:13:43,000 Now, again, reflect on this pattern. 175 00:13:43,000 --> 00:13:47,000 A voltage source or a current source, a resistor and some 176 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:50,000 device. This is a very standard pattern 177 00:13:50,000 --> 00:13:52,000 you will see again and again and again. 178 00:13:52,000 --> 00:13:55,000 In particular, if you look at this device, 179 00:13:55,000 --> 00:14:01,000 it's a nonlinear device here. And facing the nonlinear device 180 00:14:01,000 --> 00:14:05,000 is a voltage source in series with a resistor. 181 00:14:05,000 --> 00:14:09,000 And the reason I say that this is an incredibly important 182 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:14,000 pairing is the following. Notice that if on the left-hand 183 00:14:14,000 --> 00:14:19,000 side I had any linear circuit and I had a single nonlinear 184 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:23,000 element in that circuit. Notice that by a Thevenin 185 00:14:23,000 --> 00:14:29,000 reduction that you've learned you can take this entire mess. 186 00:14:29,000 --> 00:14:32,000 If all you care about is the behavior of the nonlinear 187 00:14:32,000 --> 00:14:36,000 device, for the purpose of analyzing this nonlinear device, 188 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:39,000 you can take this entire linear circuit, no matter how 189 00:14:39,000 --> 00:14:41,000 complicated it is, voltage sources, 190 00:14:41,000 --> 00:14:44,000 current sources, resistors and a bunch of other 191 00:14:44,000 --> 00:14:47,000 funky stuff, you can boil all of that down to a Thevenin 192 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:50,000 equivalent, a voltage and a resistor in series. 193 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:54,000 So we can trick you. We can give you a complicated 194 00:14:54,000 --> 00:14:57,000 circuit and say ah-ha, tell me what the current is 195 00:14:57,000 --> 00:14:59,000 through this device if I apply some voltage, 196 00:14:59,000 --> 00:15:03,000 3 volts there. What you can do is you can say 197 00:15:03,000 --> 00:15:07,000 ah-ha, I don't care what happens here so I'm just going to 198 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:09,000 replace the whole thing with a Thevenin equivalent. 199 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:13,000 And you've done your homework now and you can calculate 200 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:15,000 Thevenin equivalents for circuits. 201 00:15:15,000 --> 00:15:18,000 And simply replace this and then go ahead and solve the 202 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:19,000 circuit. Again, remember we are 203 00:15:19,000 --> 00:15:22,000 engineers. We are looking for answers. 204 00:15:22,000 --> 00:15:24,000 We are looking to build interesting systems. 205 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:27,000 And, in general, we like to take the simplest 206 00:15:27,000 --> 00:15:31,000 path possible to the solution. So simplify your lives and 207 00:15:31,000 --> 00:15:35,000 create a simple Thevenin coupled to a nonlinear device and then 208 00:15:35,000 --> 00:15:39,000 you will be rolling. When we talk about a variety of 209 00:15:39,000 --> 00:15:41,000 other circuits, nonlinear circuits, 210 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:45,000 time-varying circuits and so on in the rest of this course, 211 00:15:45,000 --> 00:15:48,000 we will look at this pattern again and again and again and 212 00:15:48,000 --> 00:15:52,000 again until we are blue in the face. 213 00:15:52,000 --> 00:15:56,000 And, just remember, the reason we keep looking at 214 00:15:56,000 --> 00:16:01,000 this pattern is that whenever you have some big linear mess 215 00:16:01,000 --> 00:16:06,000 connected to some interesting device what you can do is if all 216 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:11,000 you care about is analyzing the behavior of that device, 217 00:16:11,000 --> 00:16:16,000 you can take this linear mess and simply figure out the 218 00:16:16,000 --> 00:16:21,000 Thevenin equivalent, or the Norton equivalent if you 219 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:26,000 like and replace this whole thing with its equivalent and 220 00:16:26,000 --> 00:16:32,000 then go ahead and analyze it. So boil an arbitrarily circuit 221 00:16:32,000 --> 00:16:35,000 down to a very simple pattern of this sort. 222 00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:38,000 What this means is because of this brilliant Thevenin 223 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:41,000 simplification, going forward through the rest 224 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:45,000 of this course we will mostly deal with very simple circuits 225 00:16:45,000 --> 00:16:49,000 like this, voltage source, resistor and the device. 226 00:16:49,000 --> 00:16:52,000 That's it. Very, very, very rarely will 227 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:56,000 you see multiple sources and lots of resistors in a circuit. 228 00:16:56,000 --> 00:17:00,000 It's usually going to be simple stuff. 229 00:17:00,000 --> 00:17:03,000 And remember how we got here, by making a Thevenin 230 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:07,000 simplification of a linear mess. All right. 231 00:17:07,000 --> 00:17:10,000 If in homeworks or quizzes or in real life, 232 00:17:10,000 --> 00:17:15,000 or in many examples of real life, if you find that you have 233 00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:19,000 to deal with a lot of grunge and a lot of mess, 234 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:21,000 step back and think a little bit. 235 00:17:21,000 --> 00:17:26,000 Try to use intuition and see if you can simplify things using 236 00:17:26,000 --> 00:17:32,000 some clever trick or method. Method 1 of analysis. 237 00:17:32,000 --> 00:17:36,000 Let's go ahead and analyze this pattern here, 238 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:40,000 this template circuit, if you will, 239 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:46,000 a voltage source a resistor and a nonlinear device. 240 00:17:46,000 --> 00:17:52,000 This is the analytical method. And remember the node method 241 00:17:52,000 --> 00:17:59,000 applies, so let me go ahead and apply the node method. 242 00:17:59,000 --> 00:18:01,000 To apply the node method, what do I do? 243 00:18:01,000 --> 00:18:03,000 I first have to select a ground node. 244 00:18:03,000 --> 00:18:06,000 Let me insulate this as my ground node. 245 00:18:06,000 --> 00:18:09,000 Let me label all the nodes with their voltages. 246 00:18:09,000 --> 00:18:13,000 So this node has voltage V and this node has label the capital 247 00:18:13,000 --> 00:18:15,000 D. So let me go ahead and analyze 248 00:18:15,000 --> 00:18:19,000 this using the node method. So the node method says for 249 00:18:19,000 --> 00:18:23,000 each of the nodes in the circuit whose voltage is not known go 250 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:27,000 ahead and write down KCL implicitly applying the element 251 00:18:27,000 --> 00:18:31,000 relationships to replace the current values with the voltage 252 00:18:31,000 --> 00:18:35,000 values. Let's start with the current 253 00:18:35,000 --> 00:18:40,000 going in that direction. Current going from the vD node 254 00:18:40,000 --> 00:18:44,000 through resistor R, which looks as follows, 255 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:48,000 vD - V divided by R. That's a current going that 256 00:18:48,000 --> 00:18:51,000 way. And the current going down is 257 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:54,000 iD. In general, when I apply the 258 00:18:54,000 --> 00:18:59,000 node method, I don't write iD here but I go ahead and write 259 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:04,000 the element relation ae to the bvD here. 260 00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:08,000 Then I get an equation in vD and I just solve the mode 261 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:12,000 voltage. However, just to make a couple 262 00:19:12,000 --> 00:19:16,000 of extra points later, let me go ahead and do that in 263 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:22,000 two steps, write down this and then go ahead and write down iD 264 00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:25,000 separately as ae to the bvD. Again, remember, 265 00:19:25,000 --> 00:19:30,000 don't get confused here. In a node method, 266 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:32,000 I don't write down a second step. 267 00:19:32,000 --> 00:19:35,000 I directly write down ae to bvD in place of iD. 268 00:19:35,000 --> 00:19:38,000 I get one equation in vD, I go solve it. 269 00:19:38,000 --> 00:19:41,000 Just for fun today, I'm taking two steps here, 270 00:19:41,000 --> 00:19:45,000 writing iD and explicitly putting down iD as ae to the 271 00:19:45,000 --> 00:19:46,000 bvD. Now, that's it. 272 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:48,000 I mean this is all there is to it. 273 00:19:48,000 --> 00:19:52,000 You guys can now go ahead and analyze nonlinear circuits. 274 00:19:52,000 --> 00:19:56,000 You get a bunch of equations, a bunch of unknowns, 275 00:19:56,000 --> 00:20:00,000 go solve. I have two equations here. 276 00:20:00,000 --> 00:20:04,000 vD and iD are my unknowns and I can just go ahead and solve for 277 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:06,000 them. Now, in general with nonlinear 278 00:20:06,000 --> 00:20:10,000 circuits, often times it's hard to get a closed form solution so 279 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:12,000 you may have to use a bunch of methods. 280 00:20:12,000 --> 00:20:16,000 You can try a closed form solution or you can try 281 00:20:16,000 --> 00:20:19,000 numerical solutions or you can do trial and error. 282 00:20:19,000 --> 00:20:21,000 In this case, I'll just go ahead and tell 283 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:27,000 you. Suppose I choose V as 1 volt, 284 00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:36,000 R is 1 ohm and b is 1 over volt and a is ยบ amps for those 285 00:20:36,000 --> 00:20:45,000 values, approximately vD is roughly 0.5 volts and iD is 286 00:20:45,000 --> 00:20:53,000 roughly 0.4 volts. You can do this by using trial 287 00:20:53,000 --> 00:21:00,000 and error or other methods. In 6.002 we don't dwell on 288 00:21:00,000 --> 00:21:03,000 working too hard to solve equations of this sort. 289 00:21:03,000 --> 00:21:06,000 If you cannot substitute this in here and solve it directly, 290 00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:10,000 we don't ask you to go and learn numerical method and the 291 00:21:10,000 --> 00:21:12,000 techniques and so on to solve it. 292 00:21:12,000 --> 00:21:15,000 But just remember that you can use trial and error or you can 293 00:21:15,000 --> 00:21:19,000 use back substitution and other techniques that you will learn 294 00:21:19,000 --> 00:21:22,000 in future numerical methods classes and apply it here. 295 00:21:22,000 --> 00:21:25,000 But suffice it to say that, for here we can stick with 296 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:30,000 trial and error if you like. And for these values, 297 00:21:30,000 --> 00:21:33,000 vD and iD are 0.5 and approximately 0.4. 298 00:21:33,000 --> 00:21:37,000 You're done. It's really that simple. 299 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:39,000 Yes. Oh, I'm sorry. 300 00:21:39,000 --> 00:21:42,000 Good catch. I know there is one person 301 00:21:42,000 --> 00:21:45,000 that's not sleeping here. Good. 302 00:21:45,000 --> 00:21:49,000 So, as I said, there's not a whole lot to it. 303 00:21:49,000 --> 00:21:55,000 Whether it's a nonlinear circuit or a linear circuit and 304 00:21:55,000 --> 00:22:00,000 as long as I am inside this playground here where the lumped 305 00:22:00,000 --> 00:22:06,000 circuit abstraction holds, I can apply my node equations 306 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:11,000 and then go ahead and solve it. 307 00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:23,000 Let me show you a few more methods so we can articulate 308 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:30,000 your repertoire of tools for nonlinear circuits. 309 00:22:30,000 --> 00:22:33,000 And I'd like to show you a graphical technique. 310 00:22:33,000 --> 00:22:37,000 I personally rarely use a graphical technique to solve 311 00:22:37,000 --> 00:22:40,000 circuits. And why am I sharing this with 312 00:22:40,000 --> 00:22:42,000 you? It turns out that often times 313 00:22:42,000 --> 00:22:47,000 by looking at things graphically you can get some better insights 314 00:22:47,000 --> 00:22:51,000 into circuit behavior. You can also show cool demos 315 00:22:51,000 --> 00:22:55,000 when you show graphs of responses kind of playing with 316 00:22:55,000 --> 00:23:00,000 each other and so on. So this is fun for getting 317 00:23:00,000 --> 00:23:06,000 intuition and things like that. Graphically all I'm really 318 00:23:06,000 --> 00:23:11,000 going to do is solve those two equations graphically. 319 00:23:11,000 --> 00:23:15,000 So I'm going to plot equation one. 320 00:23:15,000 --> 00:23:19,000 Let me rewrite equation one as follows. 321 00:23:19,000 --> 00:23:21,000 iD is -- 322 00:23:26,000 --> 00:23:30,000 I'm just rewriting equation one as follows. 323 00:23:30,000 --> 00:23:40,000 V/R - vD/R. And I can also draw the second 324 00:23:40,000 --> 00:23:42,000 guy -- 325 00:23:51,000 --> 00:24:04,000 OK, I can do this as well. I can do an iD versus vD plot. 326 00:24:04,000 --> 00:24:09,000 And in this particular situation, you've seen this 327 00:24:09,000 --> 00:24:14,000 already, that's my iD versus vD curve right there. 328 00:24:14,000 --> 00:24:19,000 And I can do the same for this one here. 329 00:24:19,000 --> 00:24:25,000 So this equation establishes the following straight line 330 00:24:25,000 --> 00:24:29,000 relationship. It says that when vD is 0, 331 00:24:29,000 --> 00:24:33,000 iD is V/R. So that's here. 332 00:24:33,000 --> 00:24:38,000 And similarly when iD is 0 then vD is equal to V so I get 333 00:24:38,000 --> 00:24:41,000 something here. So that's my straight line 334 00:24:41,000 --> 00:24:46,000 relationship corresponding to this equation here. 335 00:24:46,000 --> 00:24:50,000 So what I can do is I can simply solve these by 336 00:24:50,000 --> 00:24:55,000 superimposing the two curves on the same vD, iD template here 337 00:24:55,000 --> 00:25:00,000 and finding the intersection of the curves. 338 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:06,000 So I can take this curve corresponding to two and I can 339 00:25:06,000 --> 00:25:14,000 take this curve corresponding to one, and this is V/R and this is 340 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:19,000 V, 0, and I can find the intersection point. 341 00:25:19,000 --> 00:25:24,000 This curve here, for reasons that will be 342 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:33,000 obvious about three weeks from now, is called the load line. 343 00:25:33,000 --> 00:25:37,000 It's called the load line. You will understand why that is 344 00:25:37,000 --> 00:25:42,000 so in a later lecture. So I've given you a template on 345 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:46,000 Page 6 to boil these two down into one equation. 346 00:25:46,000 --> 00:25:49,000 So there, again, you can substitute the values 347 00:25:49,000 --> 00:25:54,000 for V is 1 volt and R is 1 and so on and so forth and get the 348 00:25:54,000 --> 00:25:59,000 same kind of result as you did previously. 349 00:26:05,000 --> 00:26:07,000 So there is really nothing new here. 350 00:26:07,000 --> 00:26:10,000 All I've done in the second method is combined the two 351 00:26:10,000 --> 00:26:14,000 equations graphically and found the solution by looking at where 352 00:26:14,000 --> 00:26:17,000 the two curves intersect. 353 00:26:26,000 --> 00:26:30,000 At the start of the lecture I also told you that you may want 354 00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:35,000 to go and check out the piecewise linear technique -- 355 00:26:42,000 --> 00:26:46,000 -- in Section 4.4 of the course notes. 356 00:26:53,000 --> 00:26:58,000 All right. For today let me do a third 357 00:26:58,000 --> 00:27:05,000 method called "Incremental Analysis". 358 00:27:13,000 --> 00:27:18,000 This technique is also called the small signal method. 359 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:33,000 I'm going to show you, before I go into the method, 360 00:27:33,000 --> 00:27:38,000 in today's lecture what I'll do is I'll give you a motivating 361 00:27:38,000 --> 00:27:42,000 example for why we need the small signal approach. 362 00:27:42,000 --> 00:27:47,000 I'll give you a motivating example and show you a little 363 00:27:47,000 --> 00:27:49,000 demo. And then I will close with 364 00:27:49,000 --> 00:27:53,000 showing you a problem with applying a standard approach, 365 00:27:53,000 --> 00:27:58,000 and I'll ask you to see if you can figure out a way to handle 366 00:27:58,000 --> 00:28:03,000 it in time for next lecture. So let me give you the 367 00:28:03,000 --> 00:28:04,000 motivation here. 368 00:28:10,000 --> 00:28:14,000 So here is what I want to do. Many of you have seen one of 369 00:28:14,000 --> 00:28:17,000 those electric eye garage door openers, right? 370 00:28:17,000 --> 00:28:22,000 You have a receiver at one end and you have some kind of a 371 00:28:22,000 --> 00:28:26,000 light beam at the other, and when you walk through it 372 00:28:26,000 --> 00:28:30,000 stops, or rather it cuts the circuit and stops the door from 373 00:28:30,000 --> 00:28:33,000 closing. And when no one is going 374 00:28:33,000 --> 00:28:37,000 through it maintains a connection and lets the door 375 00:28:37,000 --> 00:28:40,000 close. So what we did is we went to 376 00:28:40,000 --> 00:28:44,000 Home Depot, or one of those stores, and bought a very 377 00:28:44,000 --> 00:28:49,000 standard device that essentially produces some response when 378 00:28:49,000 --> 00:28:53,000 light impinges on it. And my goal will be to see if I 379 00:28:53,000 --> 00:28:57,000 can send music over the light beam using a simple garage door 380 00:28:57,000 --> 00:29:01,000 opener device. So here is the little circuit 381 00:29:01,000 --> 00:29:03,000 that I will do. We actually went there and 382 00:29:03,000 --> 00:29:05,000 built this. I will also show you a demo. 383 00:29:11,000 --> 00:29:15,000 Here is my time-varying voltage, vI(t), 384 00:29:15,000 --> 00:29:20,000 and this is some music signal. 385 00:29:28,000 --> 00:29:32,000 And get some music signal. And I want to connect this to 386 00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:38,000 this device, which is a device found in garage door openers. 387 00:29:38,000 --> 00:29:43,000 I am going to call it a LED. If you like, 388 00:29:43,000 --> 00:29:47,000 you can view it as, this is very similar to our 389 00:29:47,000 --> 00:29:51,000 Expo Dweeb. This is called a "Light 390 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:55,000 Emitting Expo Dweeb". That's why it is LED. 391 00:29:55,000 --> 00:30:00,000 So what the LED does is, as I apply this voltage across 392 00:30:00,000 --> 00:30:06,000 it, that same voltage appears across the Light Emitting Expo 393 00:30:06,000 --> 00:30:11,000 Dweeb. And there is some current that 394 00:30:11,000 --> 00:30:15,000 flows through the device. And for our analysis we will 395 00:30:15,000 --> 00:30:19,000 assume that this device virtually has an identical iD 396 00:30:19,000 --> 00:30:24,000 characteristic to the Expo Dweeb just that it emits light. 397 00:30:24,000 --> 00:30:29,000 So when I pass a current through it, it emits light. 398 00:30:29,000 --> 00:30:34,000 And the light intensity is proportional to the current that 399 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:38,000 flows through. So it emits light and light 400 00:30:38,000 --> 00:30:42,000 intensity, LD, is proportional to iD. 401 00:30:47,000 --> 00:30:49,000 Here is my little light emitting device, 402 00:30:49,000 --> 00:30:52,000 which when current flows through it, itproduces light 403 00:30:52,000 --> 00:30:56,000 because its intensity is proportional to the current. 404 00:30:56,000 --> 00:31:00,000 And what I will do is I will stick in the receiver here. 405 00:31:00,000 --> 00:31:05,000 Think of it as a photo resistor or some other device where I am 406 00:31:05,000 --> 00:31:08,000 going to connect that in a circuit. 407 00:31:08,000 --> 00:31:13,000 I am not going to spend too much time on this side. 408 00:31:13,000 --> 00:31:17,000 I'm going to focus on the left-hand side here. 409 00:31:17,000 --> 00:31:22,000 And let's say I have some kind of amplifier and speakers and so 410 00:31:22,000 --> 00:31:27,000 on and so forth. Suffice it to say that when the 411 00:31:27,000 --> 00:31:33,000 light falls on this device PR that iR that goes through here 412 00:31:33,000 --> 00:31:37,000 is proportional to the received light intensity. 413 00:31:37,000 --> 00:31:41,000 So if the current is proportional to the received 414 00:31:41,000 --> 00:31:47,000 light intensity then I amplify that signal in my amplifier and 415 00:31:47,000 --> 00:31:50,000 I get the music playing out here. 416 00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:55,000 And notice that the following chain of dependences apply. 417 00:31:55,000 --> 00:32:00,000 So I have an input music signal VI. 418 00:32:00,000 --> 00:32:06,000 That gets converted to some iD. These are all time-varying 419 00:32:06,000 --> 00:32:13,000 signals, so VI is a time-varying signal and so is iD. 420 00:32:13,000 --> 00:32:19,000 And iD gets converted to light of some intensity LD. 421 00:32:19,000 --> 00:32:26,000 This in turn gets attenuated somewhat and is received at the 422 00:32:26,000 --> 00:32:31,000 photo resistor. And I get some intensity LR 423 00:32:31,000 --> 00:32:36,000 impinging on that device there. And that in turn produces a 424 00:32:36,000 --> 00:32:40,000 current iR and then iR is amplified and goes through a 425 00:32:40,000 --> 00:32:43,000 speaker and so on and produces sound. 426 00:32:43,000 --> 00:32:48,000 Notice that using this chain I've taken a music signal here 427 00:32:48,000 --> 00:32:53,000 and I am playing it here. And just imagine that this is 428 00:32:53,000 --> 00:32:58,000 your garage door opener device here where the light emitted is 429 00:32:58,000 --> 00:33:03,000 being articulated by the voltage signal VI. 430 00:33:03,000 --> 00:33:06,000 And received here. So notice that if I cut this, 431 00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:09,000 if I stick something in here and block it then I get no 432 00:33:09,000 --> 00:33:12,000 response here, but if I take my hand away then 433 00:33:12,000 --> 00:33:15,000 I do get some response. But this is fine. 434 00:33:15,000 --> 00:33:18,000 This should work. You could try this at home if 435 00:33:18,000 --> 00:33:20,000 you'd like. If you have a garage door 436 00:33:20,000 --> 00:33:24,000 opener, just stick a little circuit like this and it should 437 00:33:24,000 --> 00:33:26,000 simply work. We have a problem, 438 00:33:26,000 --> 00:33:30,000 though. The problem is that, 439 00:33:30,000 --> 00:33:36,000 as I said, I'm using the Expo Dweeb here, the light emitting 440 00:33:36,000 --> 00:33:41,000 Expo Dweeb, and its characteristics are as follows. 441 00:33:41,000 --> 00:33:46,000 iD is exponentially related to the voltage vD, 442 00:33:46,000 --> 00:33:49,000 so this is nonlinear. 443 00:33:57,000 --> 00:34:02,000 And that's a real problem. Because this is nonlinear, 444 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:05,000 I am going to get a distorted output. 445 00:34:05,000 --> 00:34:10,000 Let me show you a little wave form, a little graph to show you 446 00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:14,000 how the distortion happens and then show you a little demo 447 00:34:14,000 --> 00:34:19,000 showing you the distortion. Let me graphically show you the 448 00:34:19,000 --> 00:34:23,000 kind of distortion that is happening here, 449 00:34:23,000 --> 00:34:28,000 and I will do it by drawing the following graph. 450 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:40,000 So this is the vD, iD curve for our device. 451 00:34:40,000 --> 00:34:46,000 And what I'm going to plot for you is if I have a time-varying 452 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:52,000 vD voltage, I just want to see what the time-varying iD current 453 00:34:52,000 --> 00:34:56,000 looks like. And a trick to plot that is to 454 00:34:56,000 --> 00:35:02,000 take your input voltage like so. And let's say I apply a 455 00:35:02,000 --> 00:35:04,000 sinusoid. So I am just taking a 456 00:35:04,000 --> 00:35:10,000 time-varying sinusoidal voltage and rotating the plot 90 degrees 457 00:35:10,000 --> 00:35:15,000 like so, so I can see where these points correspond to on 458 00:35:15,000 --> 00:35:19,000 that curve. So what this says is that at 459 00:35:19,000 --> 00:35:21,000 some point here, for example, 460 00:35:21,000 --> 00:35:25,000 where vI, at this point and time, vI is here. 461 00:35:25,000 --> 00:35:30,000 Notice vI and vD are the same thing because vI is applied 462 00:35:30,000 --> 00:35:35,000 across vD. vI directly applies across the 463 00:35:35,000 --> 00:35:39,000 device, and so vI equals vD at all time. 464 00:35:39,000 --> 00:35:43,000 So this voltage here corresponds to this voltage, 465 00:35:43,000 --> 00:35:49,000 it corresponds to this current and then I can find out what the 466 00:35:49,000 --> 00:35:54,000 current is for that voltage. By using the same artifice I 467 00:35:54,000 --> 00:35:59,000 can plot the output current iD like so. 468 00:35:59,000 --> 00:36:02,000 So for this value I get some current here. 469 00:36:02,000 --> 00:36:07,000 And so at time T0 I start here. And notice that as this signal 470 00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:09,000 moves up here, I can find out the 471 00:36:09,000 --> 00:36:14,000 corresponding values of iD by looking at where a straight line 472 00:36:14,000 --> 00:36:18,000 intersects here and plotting the values here. 473 00:36:18,000 --> 00:36:22,000 I have a nice little graphical animation to show you this. 474 00:36:22,000 --> 00:36:29,000 Hopefully, the laptop will work tomorrow and we can check that. 475 00:36:29,000 --> 00:36:33,000 I am doing nothing new here. Just showing you a trick to be 476 00:36:33,000 --> 00:36:37,000 able to plot vI versus v out relationships, 477 00:36:37,000 --> 00:36:41,000 or vI or versus other relationships based on some kind 478 00:36:41,000 --> 00:36:46,000 of a transfer function. So what you end up getting is 479 00:36:46,000 --> 00:36:49,000 something that looks like this. Why is that? 480 00:36:49,000 --> 00:36:54,000 Notice that this curve here corresponds to the signal. 481 00:36:54,000 --> 00:36:59,000 As this signal moves from here to here, this point moves from 482 00:36:59,000 --> 00:37:04,000 here to here and that corresponds to this iD. 483 00:37:04,000 --> 00:37:08,000 When this moves from here to here that corresponds to a point 484 00:37:08,000 --> 00:37:11,000 moving from this part of the curve to here, 485 00:37:11,000 --> 00:37:16,000 and that looks like so. And then for the whole negative 486 00:37:16,000 --> 00:37:20,000 incursion, notice that the whole negative incursion moves here, 487 00:37:20,000 --> 00:37:25,000 so for that entire negative incursion I get an output that 488 00:37:25,000 --> 00:37:28,000 looks like this. Notice that this device has 489 00:37:28,000 --> 00:37:34,000 completely cut off and hammered negative going signals. 490 00:37:34,000 --> 00:37:37,000 What it's done is that rather than giving me a nice little 491 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:41,000 negative spike incursion here, or excursion here, 492 00:37:41,000 --> 00:37:45,000 what this is doing is that it is taking this excursion and 493 00:37:45,000 --> 00:37:47,000 simply slamming it down to this value here. 494 00:37:47,000 --> 00:37:50,000 And then again, when I go back up, 495 00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:53,000 I get this peak here. So notice that what was a nice 496 00:37:53,000 --> 00:37:57,000 little sinusoid out there gets hammered and squished into this 497 00:37:57,000 --> 00:38:01,000 funny curve here. What this device is doing is 498 00:38:01,000 --> 00:38:06,000 for positive values it tends to produce exponentially greater 499 00:38:06,000 --> 00:38:09,000 current so I get boom, high-rising peaks corresponding 500 00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:12,000 to these two, and for negative going voltages 501 00:38:12,000 --> 00:38:16,000 it simply compresses them to a low positive value here. 502 00:38:16,000 --> 00:38:19,000 And that's what I see here corresponding to negative 503 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:22,000 excursion. So notice that what this will 504 00:38:22,000 --> 00:38:25,000 do, if I view sound, if I input sound here, 505 00:38:25,000 --> 00:38:28,000 and sound has negative going excursions it will simply 506 00:38:28,000 --> 00:38:32,000 scrunch them. But more or less let the 507 00:38:32,000 --> 00:38:36,000 positive things through. And that is going to give rise 508 00:38:36,000 --> 00:38:38,000 to a bunch of distortion in my signal. 509 00:38:38,000 --> 00:38:41,000 So I would like to show you a little demo. 510 00:38:41,000 --> 00:38:45,000 Actually, we've gone ahead and built a little device like this. 511 00:38:45,000 --> 00:38:48,000 We have an honest to goodness little device costing, 512 00:38:48,000 --> 00:38:51,000 I don't know, 50 cents or $1 or something, 513 00:38:51,000 --> 00:38:54,000 which is a little voltage, it's a device that emits light 514 00:38:54,000 --> 00:38:59,000 proportional to the current flowing through it. 515 00:38:59,000 --> 00:39:01,000 I have a receiver. And I am going to play some 516 00:39:01,000 --> 00:39:04,000 music, and you will listen to the output here. 517 00:39:04,000 --> 00:39:07,000 And hopefully you should see a bunch of distortion because of 518 00:39:07,000 --> 00:39:10,000 that effect that I showed you. 519 00:39:16,000 --> 00:39:19,000 And what I will do is, before we do that, 520 00:39:19,000 --> 00:39:21,000 you will see two curves up there. 521 00:39:21,000 --> 00:39:25,000 The yellow, I believe is the vI, is the input, 522 00:39:25,000 --> 00:39:27,000 and the green, I believe, is a signal 523 00:39:27,000 --> 00:39:31,000 proportionate to -- The other way around. 524 00:39:31,000 --> 00:39:33,000 Oh, I see. So green is the input. 525 00:39:33,000 --> 00:39:37,000 So green, the lower one is the input and the upper one is the 526 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:40,000 distorted output. So we are going to play some 527 00:39:40,000 --> 00:39:43,000 sound through it, music through it and you can 528 00:39:43,000 --> 00:39:47,000 listen, through a little CD player. 529 00:40:25,000 --> 00:40:30,000 So a couple of things. The good news is that it works. 530 00:40:30,000 --> 00:40:33,000 However, I doubt that music artists will come to my studio 531 00:40:33,000 --> 00:40:37,000 to record if this is the quality of what I produce. 532 00:40:37,000 --> 00:40:41,000 Do notice that there are hardly any negative going excursions in 533 00:40:41,000 --> 00:40:43,000 that curve up there, right? 534 00:40:43,000 --> 00:40:47,000 All the negative ones have been like scrunched up down into a 535 00:40:47,000 --> 00:40:50,000 flat line there, and that's the reason I get 536 00:40:50,000 --> 00:40:54,000 this distortion. And just to prove to you that I 537 00:40:54,000 --> 00:40:58,000 am indeed using a garage door opener device and not faking it 538 00:40:58,000 --> 00:41:02,000 here, I am going to just shut the signal off by stopping the 539 00:41:02,000 --> 00:41:06,000 light using a piece of paper here. 540 00:41:06,000 --> 00:41:11,000 So notice that this device here is the little device that has a 541 00:41:11,000 --> 00:41:16,000 light beam going through the center, and I am going to take 542 00:41:16,000 --> 00:41:20,000 this piece of paper, can you turn it up? 543 00:41:34,000 --> 00:41:36,000 So let's have some fun with this. 544 00:41:36,000 --> 00:41:39,000 If I were to put this piece of paper halfway down, 545 00:41:39,000 --> 00:41:42,000 I should get half the intensity, right. 546 00:41:42,000 --> 00:41:46,000 So my sound should diminish in volume a little bit. 547 00:41:46,000 --> 00:41:49,000 Maybe that will work. Let's see if it works. 548 00:41:49,000 --> 00:41:52,000 Nothing to do with 002 but it's just fun. 549 00:41:52,000 --> 00:41:55,000 Louder. You can make it loud. 550 00:42:12,000 --> 00:42:15,000 Too much coffee. My hand is shaking. 551 00:42:15,000 --> 00:42:19,000 I guess you did see the lowering of volume, 552 00:42:19,000 --> 00:42:20,000 right? 553 00:42:30,000 --> 00:42:32,000 OK. Just way too much coffee, 554 00:42:32,000 --> 00:42:38,000 and so my hand was shaking too fast imposing its own sine wave 555 00:42:38,000 --> 00:42:41,000 on top of the signal. What did I show you? 556 00:42:41,000 --> 00:42:43,000 This was garbage, right? 557 00:42:43,000 --> 00:42:48,000 We had a nice little signal input, and the output was 558 00:42:48,000 --> 00:42:54,000 completely distorted because I was playing sound over this and 559 00:42:54,000 --> 00:42:59,000 this is what happened. Switch to Page 9. 560 00:42:59,000 --> 00:43:03,000 Now, this is what I would have liked to have happened. 561 00:43:03,000 --> 00:43:08,000 On Page 9 what I would have liked to see happen is this. 562 00:43:16,000 --> 00:43:22,000 Suppose I had a light emitting device that looked linear, 563 00:43:22,000 --> 00:43:29,000 a straight line where the current was linearly related to 564 00:43:29,000 --> 00:43:31,000 vD. Then what I would see, 565 00:43:31,000 --> 00:43:35,000 if I had a sinusoid here then I would get a sinusoid here. 566 00:43:35,000 --> 00:43:37,000 No distortion there, right? 567 00:43:37,000 --> 00:43:41,000 If only things were like I wanted them, if I had a linear 568 00:43:41,000 --> 00:43:44,000 device, but I don't have a linear device. 569 00:43:44,000 --> 00:43:48,000 I have an Expo Dweeb. Now you know why I call it a 570 00:43:48,000 --> 00:43:51,000 dweeb. Well, I'd like a linear device 571 00:43:51,000 --> 00:43:56,000 and it's exponential. But this is what I would like. 572 00:44:02,000 --> 00:44:05,000 And if I had this I wouldn't show it to you today. 573 00:44:05,000 --> 00:44:09,000 If I had this my music would go through without any distortion 574 00:44:09,000 --> 00:44:12,000 and I wouldn't have to run cables through my attic. 575 00:44:12,000 --> 00:44:16,000 I could just use my garage door opener to play signals from my 576 00:44:16,000 --> 00:44:18,000 bedroom and living room and so on, right? 577 00:44:18,000 --> 00:44:21,000 So the key thing here is how do I get this? 578 00:44:21,000 --> 00:44:25,000 And what I would like you to do is think about it yourselves. 579 00:44:25,000 --> 00:44:29,000 What I am given is something like this. 580 00:44:29,000 --> 00:44:32,000 This about it yourselves, you know, what would you do? 581 00:44:32,000 --> 00:44:35,000 See if you can come to me before lecture tomorrow or 582 00:44:35,000 --> 00:44:38,000 Thursday and tell me the answer, OK?