1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,080 2 00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:00,880 Hi. 3 00:00:00,880 --> 00:00:03,340 In this problem, we'll be going over practice with the 4 00:00:03,340 --> 00:00:06,140 calculation of conditional probabilities. 5 00:00:06,140 --> 00:00:09,580 We'll start with a game where our friend Alice will be 6 00:00:09,580 --> 00:00:13,500 tossing a coin with certain bias of having a head, and 7 00:00:13,500 --> 00:00:15,170 tosses this coin twice. 8 00:00:15,170 --> 00:00:16,520 And we're interested in knowing, what's the 9 00:00:16,520 --> 00:00:19,110 probability that both coin tosses will 10 00:00:19,110 --> 00:00:20,980 end up being a head? 11 00:00:20,980 --> 00:00:23,500 The first step we're going to do is to convert the problem 12 00:00:23,500 --> 00:00:25,940 into a mathematical form by defining two 13 00:00:25,940 --> 00:00:27,490 events as the following. 14 00:00:27,490 --> 00:00:31,430 Event A is where the first coin toss is a head. 15 00:00:31,430 --> 00:00:35,200 And similarly, event B will be having the second coin toss 16 00:00:35,200 --> 00:00:37,050 also being a head. 17 00:00:37,050 --> 00:00:40,910 Having these two events will allow us to say, well, the 18 00:00:40,910 --> 00:00:44,280 event that A intersection B will be the event that both 19 00:00:44,280 --> 00:00:45,640 coin tosses are a head. 20 00:00:45,640 --> 00:00:50,640 And we'd like to know the probability of such an event. 21 00:00:50,640 --> 00:00:54,310 In particular, the probability of A and B will be calculated 22 00:00:54,310 --> 00:00:57,040 under two types of information. 23 00:00:57,040 --> 00:01:01,480 In the first case, we'll be conditioning on that we know 24 00:01:01,480 --> 00:01:04,879 the first coin toss is a head. 25 00:01:04,879 --> 00:01:07,670 I'd like to know what the probability of A and B is. 26 00:01:07,670 --> 00:01:12,160 In the second case, we know that at least one of the two 27 00:01:12,160 --> 00:01:16,260 coin tosses is a head expressed in the form A union 28 00:01:16,260 --> 00:01:17,310 B. 29 00:01:17,310 --> 00:01:22,560 And under this conditioning, what is the probability of A 30 00:01:22,560 --> 00:01:25,180 and B, A intersection B? 31 00:01:25,180 --> 00:01:28,790 So Alice, in this problem, says-- well, her guess will be 32 00:01:28,790 --> 00:01:31,980 that the first quantity is no smaller 33 00:01:31,980 --> 00:01:33,630 than the second quantity. 34 00:01:33,630 --> 00:01:38,900 Namely, knowing that the first coin toss is a head somehow 35 00:01:38,900 --> 00:01:41,800 more strongly implies that both coin tosses will be a 36 00:01:41,800 --> 00:01:44,650 head, compared to the case that we only know at least one 37 00:01:44,650 --> 00:01:46,610 of the two coin tosses is a head. 38 00:01:46,610 --> 00:01:49,190 And we'd like to verify if this 39 00:01:49,190 --> 00:01:51,440 inequality is indeed true. 40 00:01:51,440 --> 00:01:54,970 To do so, let's just use the basic calculation of 41 00:01:54,970 --> 00:01:56,780 conditional probability. 42 00:01:56,780 --> 00:01:59,110 Now, from the lectures, you've already learned that to 43 00:01:59,110 --> 00:02:02,880 calculate this quantity, we'll write out a fraction where the 44 00:02:02,880 --> 00:02:07,240 numerator is the probability of the intersection of these 45 00:02:07,240 --> 00:02:08,550 two events. 46 00:02:08,550 --> 00:02:16,820 So we have A intersect B intersection A divided by the 47 00:02:16,820 --> 00:02:19,410 probability of the event that we're conditioning on, which 48 00:02:19,410 --> 00:02:23,000 is A. 49 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:28,140 Now, the top quantity, since we know that A and B is a 50 00:02:28,140 --> 00:02:32,110 subset of event A, then taking the intersection of these two 51 00:02:32,110 --> 00:02:35,190 quantities will just give us the first event. 52 00:02:35,190 --> 00:02:41,060 So we have A and B. And the bottom is still probability of 53 00:02:41,060 --> 00:02:42,560 A. 54 00:02:42,560 --> 00:02:45,780 Let's do the same thing for the second quantity here. 55 00:02:45,780 --> 00:02:54,480 We have the top probability of A and B intersection the event 56 00:02:54,480 --> 00:03:02,430 A union B, and on the bottom, probability of the event A and 57 00:03:02,430 --> 00:03:08,930 B. Again, we see the event A and B is a subset of the event 58 00:03:08,930 --> 00:03:16,050 A union B. So the top will be A and B. And the bottom-- 59 00:03:16,050 --> 00:03:19,990 A union B. 60 00:03:19,990 --> 00:03:23,070 OK, now let's stop for a little bit. 61 00:03:23,070 --> 00:03:28,230 We've computed the probability for each expression in the 62 00:03:28,230 --> 00:03:30,280 following fractional form. 63 00:03:30,280 --> 00:03:32,610 And we observed that for both fractions, the 64 00:03:32,610 --> 00:03:33,920 numerator is the same. 65 00:03:33,920 --> 00:03:37,530 So the numerator is a probability of A and B. And 66 00:03:37,530 --> 00:03:41,590 the denominator in the first case is probably of A, and the 67 00:03:41,590 --> 00:03:44,490 second case, probably of A union B. 68 00:03:44,490 --> 00:03:49,370 Since we know that A is a subset of the event A union B, 69 00:03:49,370 --> 00:03:53,120 and by the monotonicity of probabilities, we know that 70 00:03:53,120 --> 00:03:57,230 the probability of A is hence no greater than a probability 71 00:03:57,230 --> 00:04:02,080 of A union B. Substituting this back into these 72 00:04:02,080 --> 00:04:07,330 expressions, we know that because they lie in the 73 00:04:07,330 --> 00:04:11,500 denominators, the first expression is indeed no 74 00:04:11,500 --> 00:04:13,430 smaller than the second expression. 75 00:04:13,430 --> 00:04:16,690 So our friend Alice was correct. 76 00:04:16,690 --> 00:04:20,269 So throughout this problem, we never used the fact that the 77 00:04:20,269 --> 00:04:25,160 probability of a particular coin toss results, let's say, 78 00:04:25,160 --> 00:04:27,270 in a head is a certain number. 79 00:04:27,270 --> 00:04:30,430 Actually, this bias for the coin is irrelevant. 80 00:04:30,430 --> 00:04:33,260 Whether the coin is fair or unfair, this 81 00:04:33,260 --> 00:04:35,170 fact is always true. 82 00:04:35,170 --> 00:04:36,750 So indeed, it does not depend on the 83 00:04:36,750 --> 00:04:38,660 probability of the coin. 84 00:04:38,660 --> 00:04:43,440 But if you're really curious what happens when the coin is 85 00:04:43,440 --> 00:04:45,820 fair, we can plug in the numbers. 86 00:04:45,820 --> 00:04:52,320 And here, we're assuming the coin is fair, which means 87 00:04:52,320 --> 00:04:57,790 probability of having a head is 1/2. 88 00:04:57,790 --> 00:05:01,130 Then, we'll see after going through the calculations that 89 00:05:01,130 --> 00:05:05,610 the first probability is 1/2, whereas the second probability 90 00:05:05,610 --> 00:05:11,660 is 1/3, which means, in this case, the [? dominance ?] 91 00:05:11,660 --> 00:05:12,640 actually is strict. 92 00:05:12,640 --> 00:05:14,550 So the first one is strictly greater than 93 00:05:14,550 --> 00:05:16,110 the second one, OK? 94 00:05:16,110 --> 00:05:18,480 So this completes the first part of the problem. 95 00:05:18,480 --> 00:05:22,590 How do we generalize this into more general settings? 96 00:05:22,590 --> 00:05:24,300 There are multiple ways, but we'll go over 97 00:05:24,300 --> 00:05:27,630 one particular form. 98 00:05:27,630 --> 00:05:35,880 And to do so, we'll be defining three events somewhat 99 00:05:35,880 --> 00:05:37,030 more abstractly. 100 00:05:37,030 --> 00:05:38,420 Let's say we have three events-- 101 00:05:38,420 --> 00:05:44,530 C, D, and E. Imagine any event, but all three events 102 00:05:44,530 --> 00:05:47,000 have to satisfy the following condition. 103 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:54,620 First, event D will be a subset of E. And second, the 104 00:05:54,620 --> 00:05:57,950 intersection of C and D is equal to the 105 00:05:57,950 --> 00:06:01,340 intersection of C and E, OK? 106 00:06:01,340 --> 00:06:03,570 So this will be our choice events. 107 00:06:03,570 --> 00:06:07,700 And let's see a particular example. 108 00:06:07,700 --> 00:06:12,990 Let's say you have a sample space here and some event E. 109 00:06:12,990 --> 00:06:17,570 Now, by the first condition, D will have to lie somewhere in 110 00:06:17,570 --> 00:06:21,990 E. For the second condition, we'll pick some event C such 111 00:06:21,990 --> 00:06:23,500 that this is true. 112 00:06:23,500 --> 00:06:27,780 And one way to do so is simply picking C that lies within 113 00:06:27,780 --> 00:06:32,630 both D and E. And you can see C intersection D will be C. 114 00:06:32,630 --> 00:06:37,910 And C intersection E will still be C. Hence, the second 115 00:06:37,910 --> 00:06:39,760 equality is true. 116 00:06:39,760 --> 00:06:42,720 So if both equalities are true, we have the following 117 00:06:42,720 --> 00:06:46,170 relationship, that the probability of C conditional 118 00:06:46,170 --> 00:06:51,940 on D will be no smaller than the probability of C 119 00:06:51,940 --> 00:06:57,150 conditional on event E. And this will be the more general 120 00:06:57,150 --> 00:06:59,265 form of the inequality that we saw before. 121 00:06:59,265 --> 00:07:01,940 122 00:07:01,940 --> 00:07:03,430 So first of all, the way to prove this 123 00:07:03,430 --> 00:07:04,590 is in fact the same. 124 00:07:04,590 --> 00:07:07,920 We simply write out the value of this using 125 00:07:07,920 --> 00:07:09,410 the fractional form. 126 00:07:09,410 --> 00:07:12,180 And based on these two facts, we can arrive at this 127 00:07:12,180 --> 00:07:15,000 equation, which I shall now go over. 128 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:18,380 But just to see why this form is more general, in fact, if 129 00:07:18,380 --> 00:07:25,950 we-- say we let C be the event A intersection B, D be the 130 00:07:25,950 --> 00:07:36,070 event A, and E be the event A and B where A and B are the 131 00:07:36,070 --> 00:07:37,990 events that we defined earlier. 132 00:07:37,990 --> 00:07:41,260 We can verify that, indeed, these conditions are true, 133 00:07:41,260 --> 00:07:45,170 namely D is a subset of E. Because A is a subset of A 134 00:07:45,170 --> 00:07:50,870 union B, and C is a subset of both D and E. And hence, 135 00:07:50,870 --> 00:07:53,030 condition two is also true. 136 00:07:53,030 --> 00:07:56,330 And if that's the case, we will actually recover the 137 00:07:56,330 --> 00:08:00,440 result we got earlier for events A and B. And hence, 138 00:08:00,440 --> 00:08:03,710 this equation here is a more general form. 139 00:08:03,710 --> 00:08:04,870 So that's the end of the problem. 140 00:08:04,870 --> 00:08:06,120 See you next time. 141 00:08:06,120 --> 00:08:09,834