1 00:00:00,167 --> 00:00:02,000 PROFESSOR: So some of the standard questions 2 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,250 that we've examined already about random graphs 3 00:00:04,250 --> 00:00:07,320 are the probability of getting from one place to another, 4 00:00:07,320 --> 00:00:10,339 or the expected time to get from one place to another. 5 00:00:10,339 --> 00:00:11,880 But a different kind of question that 6 00:00:11,880 --> 00:00:14,570 comes up in a fundamental way is the probability 7 00:00:14,570 --> 00:00:16,440 of being someplace. 8 00:00:16,440 --> 00:00:18,650 So let's examine that. 9 00:00:18,650 --> 00:00:23,950 Here is the graph with states blue, orange, and green 10 00:00:23,950 --> 00:00:25,550 that we've seen before. 11 00:00:25,550 --> 00:00:28,810 And suppose that I start at state B. 12 00:00:28,810 --> 00:00:34,030 And I ask, what's the probability of being at each 13 00:00:34,030 --> 00:00:37,090 of these states after one step? 14 00:00:37,090 --> 00:00:40,540 So to start with, I'm interested in p B, p O, 15 00:00:40,540 --> 00:00:43,430 and p G-- which is the probability of being at state 16 00:00:43,430 --> 00:00:45,460 B, the probability of being at state O, 17 00:00:45,460 --> 00:00:47,070 and the probability of being at state 18 00:00:47,070 --> 00:00:50,850 G. The sum of the probabilities is going to be 1. 19 00:00:50,850 --> 00:00:53,220 And initially when I tell you that I'm at state B, 20 00:00:53,220 --> 00:00:55,340 it means the probability of being at B is 1, 21 00:00:55,340 --> 00:00:57,240 and the other two is 0. 22 00:00:57,240 --> 00:01:00,380 And I'm interested in the way that these probabilities 23 00:01:00,380 --> 00:01:02,160 update after one step. 24 00:01:02,160 --> 00:01:07,270 If p prime B is the probability of being in state B 25 00:01:07,270 --> 00:01:10,814 after one step, and p prime O is the probability 26 00:01:10,814 --> 00:01:13,230 of being in the orange state one step later-- and likewise 27 00:01:13,230 --> 00:01:15,720 for green-- what are these probabilities? 28 00:01:15,720 --> 00:01:18,580 Well it's easy to see just reading off this graph 29 00:01:18,580 --> 00:01:22,500 that the only place you're at is B. So the only way 30 00:01:22,500 --> 00:01:24,110 to get probability of being somewhere 31 00:01:24,110 --> 00:01:26,660 is by following an edge out of B. 32 00:01:26,660 --> 00:01:30,610 So the probability of being at one step at the orange vertex 33 00:01:30,610 --> 00:01:31,570 is 1/4. 34 00:01:31,570 --> 00:01:35,030 And it's likewise 1/4 for being at the green state. 35 00:01:35,030 --> 00:01:37,930 And it's 1/2 for staying at the blue state. 36 00:01:37,930 --> 00:01:41,850 So what we can say is that the updated probabilities 37 00:01:41,850 --> 00:01:43,450 of being at these different states 38 00:01:43,450 --> 00:01:48,931 is 1/2, 1/4, and 1/4, as we've just reasoned. 39 00:01:48,931 --> 00:01:49,430 OK. 40 00:01:49,430 --> 00:01:51,150 Let's keep going. 41 00:01:51,150 --> 00:01:54,450 Given that the probability that I'm at the states blue, 42 00:01:54,450 --> 00:01:59,980 orange, and green are given by this vector of probabilities, 43 00:01:59,980 --> 00:02:02,480 what's the distribution after two steps? 44 00:02:02,480 --> 00:02:07,380 So let p double-prime B be the probability of being at state B 45 00:02:07,380 --> 00:02:10,930 after two steps, starting from B. Well, 46 00:02:10,930 --> 00:02:13,780 the way we can figure that out is 47 00:02:13,780 --> 00:02:16,390 by using conditional probabilities. 48 00:02:16,390 --> 00:02:19,090 Let's look at the example of calculating 49 00:02:19,090 --> 00:02:22,740 the probability of being in the orange state two 50 00:02:22,740 --> 00:02:25,690 steps after you've started at the blue state. 51 00:02:25,690 --> 00:02:28,600 So here was the probabilities of being at the different states 52 00:02:28,600 --> 00:02:29,770 after one step. 53 00:02:29,770 --> 00:02:31,970 How do I get to the orange state? 54 00:02:31,970 --> 00:02:36,390 Well I can get to the orange state from the blue state. 55 00:02:36,390 --> 00:02:39,370 And so the probability of being in the orange state 56 00:02:39,370 --> 00:02:42,680 after two steps is the probability 57 00:02:42,680 --> 00:02:48,020 of being at the blue state after one step times the probability 58 00:02:48,020 --> 00:02:52,600 that I take this edge to the orange state. 59 00:02:52,600 --> 00:02:57,500 That is, it's the probability of going from B to O-- given 60 00:02:57,500 --> 00:03:01,740 that I'm at B-- times the probability of being 61 00:03:01,740 --> 00:03:03,230 in B after one step. 62 00:03:03,230 --> 00:03:06,280 This then is the probability of being in O after two steps. 63 00:03:06,280 --> 00:03:12,560 And likewise, another component of the probability 64 00:03:12,560 --> 00:03:15,980 of being at O is that if you're at O, and what's 65 00:03:15,980 --> 00:03:19,220 the probability of going from O to O? 66 00:03:19,220 --> 00:03:22,660 And that is this 1/3 times the probability 67 00:03:22,660 --> 00:03:24,740 of being at O at all, which is 1/4. 68 00:03:24,740 --> 00:03:29,660 And the final case, using again the law of total probability, 69 00:03:29,660 --> 00:03:32,500 breaking it up into cases, the third way that I 70 00:03:32,500 --> 00:03:34,990 can get to the orange state on step two 71 00:03:34,990 --> 00:03:38,590 is by being at the green state on step one following 72 00:03:38,590 --> 00:03:43,556 the green to O edge-- of which there isn't any, 73 00:03:43,556 --> 00:03:44,930 so that's going to be probability 74 00:03:44,930 --> 00:03:48,140 0-- times the probability of being at the green state, which 75 00:03:48,140 --> 00:03:49,770 is 1/4, but it won't matter. 76 00:03:49,770 --> 00:03:52,160 So let's just fill in these amounts 77 00:03:52,160 --> 00:03:53,670 looking at the first term. 78 00:03:53,670 --> 00:03:57,580 The probability of going from B to O when you're at B 79 00:03:57,580 --> 00:04:01,530 is simply the probability of this edge. 80 00:04:01,530 --> 00:04:04,000 It's 1/4. 81 00:04:04,000 --> 00:04:07,375 And likewise, the probability of going from O 82 00:04:07,375 --> 00:04:10,890 to O given that you're at O is the probability 83 00:04:10,890 --> 00:04:13,720 of this edge-- namely 1/3. 84 00:04:13,720 --> 00:04:14,920 So we can fill that term in. 85 00:04:14,920 --> 00:04:19,000 And finally the probability of going from G to O 86 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:21,769 is 0, given that you're at G, because there 87 00:04:21,769 --> 00:04:23,950 isn't any vertex there. 88 00:04:23,950 --> 00:04:26,170 And then you fill in those probabilities 89 00:04:26,170 --> 00:04:27,650 and do the arithmetic. 90 00:04:27,650 --> 00:04:31,380 You come out with 5/24 probability 91 00:04:31,380 --> 00:04:34,770 of being in the orange state after two steps. 92 00:04:34,770 --> 00:04:36,820 Well the same calculation, you can figure out 93 00:04:36,820 --> 00:04:39,240 what's the probability of being at the blue state 94 00:04:39,240 --> 00:04:41,030 or the green step after two steps. 95 00:04:41,030 --> 00:04:42,110 And there's the answer. 96 00:04:42,110 --> 00:04:44,420 There's a 50/50 chance of being at the blue state 97 00:04:44,420 --> 00:04:48,170 after two steps, 5/24 as we saw at the orange state, 98 00:04:48,170 --> 00:04:52,540 and the rest of it is 7/24 is the probability 99 00:04:52,540 --> 00:04:55,900 of being at the green state. 100 00:04:55,900 --> 00:04:56,400 OK. 101 00:04:56,400 --> 00:04:58,630 So what's going on in general? 102 00:04:58,630 --> 00:05:02,900 And we can explain how to do these calculations by using 103 00:05:02,900 --> 00:05:04,760 a little bit of linear algebra. 104 00:05:04,760 --> 00:05:06,990 So let's define the edge probability 105 00:05:06,990 --> 00:05:09,970 matrix of a random walk graph is just 106 00:05:09,970 --> 00:05:13,340 the adjacency matrix of the graph, 107 00:05:13,340 --> 00:05:16,050 except that instead of using 0's and 1's to indicate 108 00:05:16,050 --> 00:05:19,080 whether an edge is not present or present, 109 00:05:19,080 --> 00:05:23,600 I'll use in the I, J position of the matrix-- 110 00:05:23,600 --> 00:05:27,190 the probability of the edge that goes from I to J-- 111 00:05:27,190 --> 00:05:31,510 if there is an edge-- and 0 if there isn't any edge. 112 00:05:31,510 --> 00:05:32,640 Let's look at an example. 113 00:05:32,640 --> 00:05:34,790 So here is the way we'd fill it in abstractly 114 00:05:34,790 --> 00:05:37,330 for our three-state graph. 115 00:05:37,330 --> 00:05:40,290 It'll be a 3 by 3 matrix with the probabilities 116 00:05:40,290 --> 00:05:44,700 of the successive edges in the corresponding position. 117 00:05:44,700 --> 00:05:47,832 So this is the position in the B, 118 00:05:47,832 --> 00:05:52,580 B coordinate is the probability of the edge from B to B. The O, 119 00:05:52,580 --> 00:05:55,880 B coordinate, if you think of the columns 120 00:05:55,880 --> 00:06:00,550 as labeled blue, orange, green; and the rows as labeled 121 00:06:00,550 --> 00:06:01,790 blue, orange, green. 122 00:06:01,790 --> 00:06:04,195 And this is the orange, blue coordinate. 123 00:06:04,195 --> 00:06:08,580 And it's the probability of the edge from 0 to B. 124 00:06:08,580 --> 00:06:12,080 Let's fill in the first row, which was-- this 125 00:06:12,080 --> 00:06:14,390 is just read directly off the graph. 126 00:06:14,390 --> 00:06:18,210 It was the edges out of B that went from B to B, 127 00:06:18,210 --> 00:06:20,720 from B to O, and from B to green-- G. 128 00:06:20,720 --> 00:06:22,220 And it had those weights. 129 00:06:22,220 --> 00:06:24,190 And if I fill in the rest of it, I 130 00:06:24,190 --> 00:06:27,350 get the edge probability matrix for 131 00:06:27,350 --> 00:06:30,890 our simple three-state graph. 132 00:06:30,890 --> 00:06:31,660 And there it is. 133 00:06:31,660 --> 00:06:36,070 So this last one shows the fact that there is a certain edge 134 00:06:36,070 --> 00:06:38,380 from green to blue. 135 00:06:38,380 --> 00:06:40,530 The only place you can go from green is to blue, 136 00:06:40,530 --> 00:06:45,490 and you can't go to either orange or green in one step. 137 00:06:45,490 --> 00:06:46,110 OK. 138 00:06:46,110 --> 00:06:49,000 So why are we bringing up the matrix? 139 00:06:49,000 --> 00:06:51,900 Well if you looked at the way we updated the state 140 00:06:51,900 --> 00:06:55,660 to go from the one-step distribution 141 00:06:55,660 --> 00:06:58,910 to the two-step distribution, it was really a matrix multiply. 142 00:06:58,910 --> 00:07:01,170 And in general, to do an update, you're 143 00:07:01,170 --> 00:07:04,330 just going to do a vector matrix multiplication. 144 00:07:04,330 --> 00:07:08,410 If you have the probabilities of being in the successive states 145 00:07:08,410 --> 00:07:13,780 B, O, and G, and you do a vector matrix multiplication using 146 00:07:13,780 --> 00:07:18,080 the probability matrix of the graph, 147 00:07:18,080 --> 00:07:22,110 you get the updated vector of distributions. 148 00:07:22,110 --> 00:07:24,480 And that's easy to check just from the definitions, 149 00:07:24,480 --> 00:07:27,030 and from the definition of vector times matrix, 150 00:07:27,030 --> 00:07:30,100 which I assume you're familiar with. 151 00:07:30,100 --> 00:07:34,320 So now we can ask what's the distribution after t steps, 152 00:07:34,320 --> 00:07:38,290 starting from some particular given distribution-- say, 153 00:07:38,290 --> 00:07:42,000 starting at state B, or starting at any possible distribution 154 00:07:42,000 --> 00:07:45,090 of probabilities to the different states. 155 00:07:45,090 --> 00:07:47,517 And the way that we can figure that out-- so I'm 156 00:07:47,517 --> 00:07:49,350 interested in other words is the probability 157 00:07:49,350 --> 00:07:53,340 of being in O after t steps G after t steps in B 158 00:07:53,340 --> 00:07:56,770 after t steps, say, starting from state B. 159 00:07:56,770 --> 00:07:59,935 And what happens also as t approaches infinity? 160 00:07:59,935 --> 00:08:01,920 And these are sort of two basic questions 161 00:08:01,920 --> 00:08:03,310 that we're going to be asking. 162 00:08:03,310 --> 00:08:05,240 So first of all, how do you calculate 163 00:08:05,240 --> 00:08:07,507 starting at a given distribution p 164 00:08:07,507 --> 00:08:10,970 B, p O, p G where you're going to be after t steps? 165 00:08:10,970 --> 00:08:14,570 Well, you're just continually updating, which 166 00:08:14,570 --> 00:08:19,330 means multiplying by M t times. 167 00:08:19,330 --> 00:08:21,700 So the distribution after t steps 168 00:08:21,700 --> 00:08:24,540 is gotten by taking the initial distribution times 169 00:08:24,540 --> 00:08:26,200 the t-th power of M. 170 00:08:26,200 --> 00:08:28,490 Now this is actually already useful computationally, 171 00:08:28,490 --> 00:08:31,770 because it means that since you can compute a matrix 172 00:08:31,770 --> 00:08:35,470 power by successive squarings, you actually 173 00:08:35,470 --> 00:08:39,710 only need about log of t matrix multiplications 174 00:08:39,710 --> 00:08:41,720 in order to be able to figure out 175 00:08:41,720 --> 00:08:46,000 what's the distribution of probabilities 176 00:08:46,000 --> 00:08:52,200 after t steps of the graph. 177 00:08:52,200 --> 00:08:55,662 Then the crucial concept that we want to examine-- 178 00:08:55,662 --> 00:08:57,870 and we'll make a lot of use of in the next video when 179 00:08:57,870 --> 00:09:00,810 we talk about a page rank-- is the idea 180 00:09:00,810 --> 00:09:02,680 of a stationary distribution. 181 00:09:02,680 --> 00:09:05,000 So a stationary distribution means 182 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:09,790 that once you're in the stationary distribution, 183 00:09:09,790 --> 00:09:10,720 it's stable. 184 00:09:10,720 --> 00:09:13,220 You're going to stay in that distribution. 185 00:09:13,220 --> 00:09:16,620 You're not going to be in any particular state, 186 00:09:16,620 --> 00:09:20,170 but you'll have a vector of probabilities of being 187 00:09:20,170 --> 00:09:21,170 in the different states. 188 00:09:21,170 --> 00:09:24,300 And one step later, that vector's not going to change. 189 00:09:24,300 --> 00:09:27,310 So what it means is that the next-step distribution 190 00:09:27,310 --> 00:09:30,630 is the same as the current distribution. 191 00:09:30,630 --> 00:09:33,054 What's the stationary distribution here? 192 00:09:33,054 --> 00:09:34,970 Well, the way we're going to have to calculate 193 00:09:34,970 --> 00:09:36,630 that is here's how you update. 194 00:09:36,630 --> 00:09:41,200 This is the result of the vector matrix multiplication. 195 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:42,890 But let's just spell it out in terms 196 00:09:42,890 --> 00:09:44,560 of the conditional probabilities. 197 00:09:44,560 --> 00:09:47,030 After one step, if the original distribution 198 00:09:47,030 --> 00:09:52,150 is p B, p O, p G, then the new probability 199 00:09:52,150 --> 00:09:53,660 of being in state B, the only way 200 00:09:53,660 --> 00:09:58,125 you can get there is by following the edge from B 201 00:09:58,125 --> 00:09:59,710 to B with probability 1/2. 202 00:09:59,710 --> 00:10:02,790 And that's times the probability of being at B. 203 00:10:02,790 --> 00:10:06,030 And the other way you can get to B 204 00:10:06,030 --> 00:10:09,000 is by being at the green state. 205 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:11,620 And then one step later you're certain to be at B. So 206 00:10:11,620 --> 00:10:13,730 that adds a contribution of 1 times p G. 207 00:10:13,730 --> 00:10:17,784 And likewise for p-- the updated probability of being 208 00:10:17,784 --> 00:10:19,450 at the orange state and the green state. 209 00:10:19,450 --> 00:10:24,510 And what we want is that these updated probabilities 210 00:10:24,510 --> 00:10:26,860 are the same as the ones that I'm starting with. 211 00:10:26,860 --> 00:10:28,700 That's the definition of stability. 212 00:10:28,700 --> 00:10:31,670 You update the vector p B, p O, p G, 213 00:10:31,670 --> 00:10:33,740 and you get the same vector. 214 00:10:33,740 --> 00:10:35,520 That's what makes it stable. 215 00:10:35,520 --> 00:10:37,300 And of course, a side constraint. 216 00:10:37,300 --> 00:10:39,960 Since you can always solve a system of equations like this 217 00:10:39,960 --> 00:10:42,810 by letting all the p's be 0, which is degenerate, 218 00:10:42,810 --> 00:10:44,720 we add the constraint that the sum 219 00:10:44,720 --> 00:10:48,880 of the probabilities of being in the states has to be 1. 220 00:10:48,880 --> 00:10:53,900 Well if we solve that simple 3 by 3 system of equations, 221 00:10:53,900 --> 00:10:56,840 then it turns out that the stable distribution is there's 222 00:10:56,840 --> 00:10:59,420 an 8/15 chance of being in state B, 223 00:10:59,420 --> 00:11:02,210 a 3/15 chance of being in state orange, 224 00:11:02,210 --> 00:11:06,070 and a 4/15 chance of being in state green. 225 00:11:06,070 --> 00:11:07,760 And you should check that yourself 226 00:11:07,760 --> 00:11:13,940 by asking what's the probability of being in p B after one step 227 00:11:13,940 --> 00:11:15,399 given these probabilities? 228 00:11:15,399 --> 00:11:17,190 And I'm not going to talk you through that. 229 00:11:17,190 --> 00:11:21,020 But just to verify and imprint the idea of stability, 230 00:11:21,020 --> 00:11:23,350 that's one that's worth stopping the video for a moment 231 00:11:23,350 --> 00:11:26,650 to check and do a little arithmetic with a pencil 232 00:11:26,650 --> 00:11:28,370 and paper. 233 00:11:28,370 --> 00:11:29,210 OK. 234 00:11:29,210 --> 00:11:31,950 So in general, what we're going to do 235 00:11:31,950 --> 00:11:34,340 is we're trying to find the stationary distribution 236 00:11:34,340 --> 00:11:38,430 vector-- call it s bar, for vector. 237 00:11:38,430 --> 00:11:44,200 And we get this by solving the vector matrix equation-- 238 00:11:44,200 --> 00:11:49,050 that the distribution vector times the edge probability 239 00:11:49,050 --> 00:11:53,100 matrix is equal to that same distribution vector. 240 00:11:53,100 --> 00:11:55,870 We want to solve this system of equations. 241 00:11:55,870 --> 00:11:58,510 If there are n states, then this is 242 00:11:58,510 --> 00:12:01,760 an n by n system of equations, with an additional constraint 243 00:12:01,760 --> 00:12:05,850 that we want the norm of the stable vector to be 1, 244 00:12:05,850 --> 00:12:11,050 because that's to avoid the degenerate 0 solution. 245 00:12:11,050 --> 00:12:14,520 Well there are some problems with stationary distributions 246 00:12:14,520 --> 00:12:15,720 that we want to think about. 247 00:12:15,720 --> 00:12:19,881 First of all, what happens in this example where you have 248 00:12:19,881 --> 00:12:21,755 just two states, and the probability of being 249 00:12:21,755 --> 00:12:23,930 in the first state at 1 and the second state is 0? 250 00:12:23,930 --> 00:12:28,370 Well if you update that state, what happens 251 00:12:28,370 --> 00:12:31,750 is you just go to the second state with probability 1. 252 00:12:31,750 --> 00:12:33,150 And you can keep doing that. 253 00:12:33,150 --> 00:12:36,100 And there may be a stable distribution here, 254 00:12:36,100 --> 00:12:39,940 but this particular pattern doesn't converge to it. 255 00:12:39,940 --> 00:12:43,790 As you go through time, at every other step 256 00:12:43,790 --> 00:12:47,370 you're at state 1, and every other step you're at state 0. 257 00:12:47,370 --> 00:12:52,800 But you never get to a stable distribution 258 00:12:52,800 --> 00:12:57,240 where step after step you are at equal probability 259 00:12:57,240 --> 00:12:58,870 of being at these two places. 260 00:12:58,870 --> 00:13:01,067 I'm assuming here that this is a certain edge, 261 00:13:01,067 --> 00:13:02,150 and that's a certain edge. 262 00:13:02,150 --> 00:13:02,830 It has to be. 263 00:13:02,830 --> 00:13:04,440 There's only one edge out. 264 00:13:04,440 --> 00:13:06,940 So a stable distribution would be 1/2, 1/2. 265 00:13:06,940 --> 00:13:10,130 But this thing doesn't converge to it. 266 00:13:10,130 --> 00:13:10,890 OK. 267 00:13:10,890 --> 00:13:13,090 Here's a slightly more complicated example, 268 00:13:13,090 --> 00:13:17,250 where again assume that all the edges are equally likely. 269 00:13:17,250 --> 00:13:21,520 There's exactly two edges out of each of these vertices 270 00:13:21,520 --> 00:13:23,860 so that each edge has weight 1/2. 271 00:13:23,860 --> 00:13:26,810 And the problem with this graph is 272 00:13:26,810 --> 00:13:29,220 that when you ask what's the stable distribution 273 00:13:29,220 --> 00:13:33,570 and, well, if you look at it, if you assume 274 00:13:33,570 --> 00:13:36,260 that the probability of being in the middle is 0, 275 00:13:36,260 --> 00:13:39,460 and the two places that you get stuck at have probability p 276 00:13:39,460 --> 00:13:42,230 and 1 minus p, then that's stable, 277 00:13:42,230 --> 00:13:46,150 because once you're at this state with probability p 278 00:13:46,150 --> 00:13:50,050 you're following the one certain edge that goes back around 279 00:13:50,050 --> 00:13:51,260 to this vertex. 280 00:13:51,260 --> 00:13:52,720 And therefore there's probability 281 00:13:52,720 --> 00:13:54,450 of p of being there one step later, 282 00:13:54,450 --> 00:13:57,000 and likewise probability q of one step later. 283 00:13:57,000 --> 00:14:00,480 So the split between p and q is a stable distribution 284 00:14:00,480 --> 00:14:03,770 for this thing, with probability 0 and 0 there. 285 00:14:03,770 --> 00:14:07,490 And of course p and q can be any real numbers between 0 and 1. 286 00:14:07,490 --> 00:14:09,720 So there's actually an uncountable number 287 00:14:09,720 --> 00:14:12,870 of stable distributions for this graph. 288 00:14:12,870 --> 00:14:16,310 Problem here is it's not strongly connected. 289 00:14:16,310 --> 00:14:20,540 And that turns out to be a sufficient condition 290 00:14:20,540 --> 00:14:27,760 that it's got a single stable distribution whenever 291 00:14:27,760 --> 00:14:29,350 it's strongly connected. 292 00:14:29,350 --> 00:14:31,180 So in general we can ask the question, 293 00:14:31,180 --> 00:14:34,660 is there always a stationary distribution 294 00:14:34,660 --> 00:14:37,820 for any random graph? well, if the graph is finite, yes, 295 00:14:37,820 --> 00:14:42,230 there's guaranteed to be a stationary distribution. 296 00:14:42,230 --> 00:14:43,530 But is it unique? 297 00:14:43,530 --> 00:14:45,840 Well sometimes, sometimes not. 298 00:14:45,840 --> 00:14:48,660 If the graph is strongly connected, it will be unique. 299 00:14:48,660 --> 00:14:51,960 But we've seen examples in the previous slide 300 00:14:51,960 --> 00:14:53,070 where it's not unique. 301 00:14:53,070 --> 00:14:55,670 In fact, it could be uncountably many. 302 00:14:55,670 --> 00:14:59,550 And another crucial question is, does a random walk 303 00:14:59,550 --> 00:15:04,260 approach the stable distribution no matter how you start? 304 00:15:04,260 --> 00:15:06,130 And that first example was one where 305 00:15:06,130 --> 00:15:08,960 you went between the first state and the second state 306 00:15:08,960 --> 00:15:09,990 and oscillated. 307 00:15:09,990 --> 00:15:12,690 And it never converged on the stable distribution 308 00:15:12,690 --> 00:15:14,160 of 1/2 and 1/2. 309 00:15:14,160 --> 00:15:17,000 In general, it's nice when you can say that no matter 310 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:20,310 how you start, after a while things stabilize, 311 00:15:20,310 --> 00:15:23,580 and you wind up at the unique stable distribution. 312 00:15:23,580 --> 00:15:30,040 So sometimes it'll be the case that every initial distribution 313 00:15:30,040 --> 00:15:33,040 will eventually converge on the stable one 314 00:15:33,040 --> 00:15:34,420 or the stationary one. 315 00:15:34,420 --> 00:15:35,810 Sometimes not. 316 00:15:35,810 --> 00:15:37,470 And then another crucial question 317 00:15:37,470 --> 00:15:40,920 will be, how quickly does this convergence happen? 318 00:15:40,920 --> 00:15:44,780 If we start off at some arbitrary probability 319 00:15:44,780 --> 00:15:46,520 distribution, or some particular state, 320 00:15:46,520 --> 00:15:49,470 how long does it take before by and large 321 00:15:49,470 --> 00:15:52,130 the probabilities that were in the different states 322 00:15:52,130 --> 00:15:55,060 has become pretty stationary? 323 00:15:55,060 --> 00:15:57,620 And the rate at which that happens again 324 00:15:57,620 --> 00:16:01,080 varies depending on the graph.