1 00:00:01,160 --> 00:00:03,980 PROFESSOR: So now we start on a unit of about a half 2 00:00:03,980 --> 00:00:07,260 a dozen lectures on probability theory which most students have 3 00:00:07,260 --> 00:00:09,630 been exposed to, to some degree, in high school. 4 00:00:09,630 --> 00:00:14,130 We'll be taking a more thorough and theoretical look 5 00:00:14,130 --> 00:00:18,370 at the subject in our six lectures but, before we begin, 6 00:00:18,370 --> 00:00:20,760 let's give a little pitch for the significance of it. 7 00:00:20,760 --> 00:00:23,540 There's been extensive debate among the faculty 8 00:00:23,540 --> 00:00:27,190 that probability theory belongs right up there with physics 9 00:00:27,190 --> 00:00:29,560 and chemistry and math as something 10 00:00:29,560 --> 00:00:32,090 that should be a fundamental requirement for all students 11 00:00:32,090 --> 00:00:33,120 to know. 12 00:00:33,120 --> 00:00:35,820 It plays an absolutely fundamental role 13 00:00:35,820 --> 00:00:37,910 in the hard sciences, and the social sciences, 14 00:00:37,910 --> 00:00:42,250 and in engineering that pervades all those subjects. 15 00:00:42,250 --> 00:00:46,040 And it's hard to imagine somebody legitimately being 16 00:00:46,040 --> 00:00:48,840 called fully-educated if they don't understand the basics 17 00:00:48,840 --> 00:00:50,880 of probability theory. 18 00:00:50,880 --> 00:00:53,320 Historically, probability theory starts off 19 00:00:53,320 --> 00:00:59,580 in a somewhat disreputable way in the 17th and early 18th 20 00:00:59,580 --> 00:01:03,790 centuries with the analysis of gambling, 21 00:01:03,790 --> 00:01:07,480 but then it goes on to be the basis for the insurance 22 00:01:07,480 --> 00:01:11,130 industry and underwriting, predicting life expectancies, 23 00:01:11,130 --> 00:01:13,310 so that you could understand what kind of premiums 24 00:01:13,310 --> 00:01:14,310 to charge. 25 00:01:14,310 --> 00:01:19,310 And then it goes on to allow the interpretation of noisy data 26 00:01:19,310 --> 00:01:21,700 with errors in it and the degree to which it 27 00:01:21,700 --> 00:01:26,630 confirms scientific and social science hypotheses. 28 00:01:26,630 --> 00:01:28,990 But true to the historical basis, 29 00:01:28,990 --> 00:01:33,460 let's begin with an example from gambling 30 00:01:33,460 --> 00:01:35,639 that illustrates the first idea of probability 31 00:01:35,639 --> 00:01:37,180 and then we're going to be working up 32 00:01:37,180 --> 00:01:40,500 to a methodology for inventing probability models, called 33 00:01:40,500 --> 00:01:42,230 the tree model. 34 00:01:42,230 --> 00:01:45,760 So let's begin with an example from poker 35 00:01:45,760 --> 00:01:47,480 and I'd like to ask a question. 36 00:01:47,480 --> 00:01:50,580 If I deal a hand of five cards in poker, 37 00:01:50,580 --> 00:01:54,310 what's the probability of getting exactly two jacks? 38 00:01:54,310 --> 00:01:57,140 So there are 13 ranks and there are four kinds 39 00:01:57,140 --> 00:01:59,010 of jacks-- space, hearts, diamonds, 40 00:01:59,010 --> 00:02:01,920 clubs-- what's the probability that, among my five cards, 41 00:02:01,920 --> 00:02:03,560 I'm going to get two of them? 42 00:02:03,560 --> 00:02:05,630 Well, that's really a counting problem 43 00:02:05,630 --> 00:02:08,229 because I'm going to ask, first of all, how 44 00:02:08,229 --> 00:02:10,690 many possible five-card hands are there? 45 00:02:10,690 --> 00:02:13,680 We can think of these as the outcomes of a random experiment 46 00:02:13,680 --> 00:02:15,510 of just picking five cards. 47 00:02:15,510 --> 00:02:18,270 And there are 52 choose 5 five-card hands 48 00:02:18,270 --> 00:02:20,650 in a 52-card deck. 49 00:02:20,650 --> 00:02:24,300 Then, there are 4 choose 2 ways of picking 50 00:02:24,300 --> 00:02:27,910 the suits for the two jacks that we have 51 00:02:27,910 --> 00:02:32,130 and so the total number of hands that have two jacks is simply 4 52 00:02:32,130 --> 00:02:37,320 choose 2 times 52 minus 4, the remaining 48 cards, 53 00:02:37,320 --> 00:02:41,680 choose the remaining 3 cards in the five-card hand. 54 00:02:41,680 --> 00:02:44,490 And then what we would say is that the probability 55 00:02:44,490 --> 00:02:47,130 of two jacks is basically the number 56 00:02:47,130 --> 00:02:51,390 of hands with two jacks divided by the total number of hands. 57 00:02:51,390 --> 00:02:56,220 Turns out to be about 0.04 and, under this interpretation, 58 00:02:56,220 --> 00:02:58,720 basically, what we're thinking of probability 59 00:02:58,720 --> 00:03:02,510 as telling us is, what fraction of the time 60 00:03:02,510 --> 00:03:04,290 do I get what I want? 61 00:03:04,290 --> 00:03:06,590 What's the fraction of the time that I quote, "win" , 62 00:03:06,590 --> 00:03:10,950 if winning consists of getting a pair of jacks and, by symmetry 63 00:03:10,950 --> 00:03:15,040 and the fact that we think of one hand is as likely to come 64 00:03:15,040 --> 00:03:20,050 up as another, this fraction of hands that equal two jacks, 65 00:03:20,050 --> 00:03:23,250 it makes sense to think of that as that's the probability that 66 00:03:23,250 --> 00:03:24,180 we'll get that hand. 67 00:03:24,180 --> 00:03:26,920 If we think of all the hands as being equally likely, 68 00:03:26,920 --> 00:03:29,960 we yank 1 out of the deck, the fraction of time 69 00:03:29,960 --> 00:03:32,720 that we would expect to get two jacks is this number. 70 00:03:32,720 --> 00:03:36,110 About 0.04. 71 00:03:36,110 --> 00:03:38,560 So, the general setup of probability, 72 00:03:38,560 --> 00:03:40,850 the first idea based on this illustration 73 00:03:40,850 --> 00:03:43,940 with a pair of jacks, is that, abstractly, we 74 00:03:43,940 --> 00:03:45,830 have some random experiment that's 75 00:03:45,830 --> 00:03:48,260 capable of producing outcomes. 76 00:03:48,260 --> 00:03:52,310 These are mathematical black boxes called outcomes. 77 00:03:52,310 --> 00:03:54,110 Now, a certain set of the outcomes, 78 00:03:54,110 --> 00:03:56,637 we will think of as an event that we're interested in 79 00:03:56,637 --> 00:03:57,720 whether or not it happens. 80 00:03:57,720 --> 00:03:59,280 We could think of it as the event 81 00:03:59,280 --> 00:04:03,820 of getting two jacks or the event of winning some game. 82 00:04:03,820 --> 00:04:06,550 Then we define the probability of an event 83 00:04:06,550 --> 00:04:10,020 as simply the fraction of the outcomes 84 00:04:10,020 --> 00:04:13,790 in the event divided by the total number of outcomes. 85 00:04:13,790 --> 00:04:17,042 Among all the outcomes, what fraction of outcomes 86 00:04:17,042 --> 00:04:17,750 are in the event? 87 00:04:17,750 --> 00:04:20,980 And we define that to be the probability of the event. 88 00:04:20,980 --> 00:04:24,620 That's the first naive idea about probability theory 89 00:04:24,620 --> 00:04:27,730 and it applies to a lot of cases, but not always. 90 00:04:27,730 --> 00:04:30,120 So now, let's begin with an example which 91 00:04:30,120 --> 00:04:33,480 illustrates why this first idea needs to be refined 92 00:04:33,480 --> 00:04:36,000 and it doesn't really give us the kind of theory 93 00:04:36,000 --> 00:04:37,630 of probability that we'd like. 94 00:04:37,630 --> 00:04:41,795 So let's turn to a game that was really famous in the 1970s. 95 00:04:41,795 --> 00:04:44,620 An enormously popular TV game hosted 96 00:04:44,620 --> 00:04:46,610 by a man named Monty Hall. 97 00:04:46,610 --> 00:04:51,310 The actual name of the TV show was called Let's Make a Deal, 98 00:04:51,310 --> 00:04:54,190 but we'll refer to it as the Monty Hall game, 99 00:04:54,190 --> 00:04:56,460 and the way that this Let's Make A Deal show 100 00:04:56,460 --> 00:05:00,180 worked was, roughly, that there were three doors. 101 00:05:00,180 --> 00:05:02,940 This is an actual picture of the stage set. 102 00:05:02,940 --> 00:05:05,480 Door 1, door 2, door 3. 103 00:05:05,480 --> 00:05:10,470 And by the way, this game show still has a fan base. 104 00:05:10,470 --> 00:05:13,420 There's a website for it that you can look at. 105 00:05:13,420 --> 00:05:16,240 Even 40 years later, people are still caught up 106 00:05:16,240 --> 00:05:18,250 in the dynamics of the game. 107 00:05:18,250 --> 00:05:20,610 So there are these three doors and the idea 108 00:05:20,610 --> 00:05:22,470 is that behind the doors, they're 109 00:05:22,470 --> 00:05:25,340 going to have a prize behind one of them 110 00:05:25,340 --> 00:05:28,320 and some kind of booby prize, often a goat held 111 00:05:28,320 --> 00:05:30,510 by a beautiful woman holding a goat on a leash 112 00:05:30,510 --> 00:05:32,750 just to keep things visually interesting, 113 00:05:32,750 --> 00:05:35,070 and that's what you got if you lost. 114 00:05:35,070 --> 00:05:37,450 And contestants were going to somehow or other pick 115 00:05:37,450 --> 00:05:41,120 a door and hope that the prize was behind it. 116 00:05:41,120 --> 00:05:42,470 There's a picture of the staff. 117 00:05:42,470 --> 00:05:45,310 There's Monty Hall and the woman who was 118 00:05:45,310 --> 00:05:46,700 his assistant, Carol Merrill. 119 00:05:46,700 --> 00:05:50,020 Her job was to pick doors to open and show them 120 00:05:50,020 --> 00:05:53,320 to contestants to see what was behind them. 121 00:05:53,320 --> 00:05:53,930 OK. 122 00:05:53,930 --> 00:05:56,010 So here are the rules for the Monty Hall game. 123 00:05:56,010 --> 00:05:58,610 The actual quiz show had more flexible rules 124 00:05:58,610 --> 00:06:02,760 but, for simplicity, we're going to define a simple, precise, 125 00:06:02,760 --> 00:06:04,790 and fixed set of rules. 126 00:06:04,790 --> 00:06:08,070 The rules are that, behind the three doors, two of the doors 127 00:06:08,070 --> 00:06:10,452 are going to have goats and one of the doors 128 00:06:10,452 --> 00:06:11,910 is going to have a prize behind it. 129 00:06:11,910 --> 00:06:14,150 Often the prize is something like an automobile. 130 00:06:14,150 --> 00:06:16,220 Something really desirable. 131 00:06:16,220 --> 00:06:22,220 So we can assume that the staff, on purpose, will 132 00:06:22,220 --> 00:06:24,710 place the price at random behind the three doors 133 00:06:24,710 --> 00:06:26,590 because they don't want anybody to have 134 00:06:26,590 --> 00:06:29,350 a guess that some doors are more likely than others 135 00:06:29,350 --> 00:06:32,230 to have the prize and they're not allowed to cheat. 136 00:06:32,230 --> 00:06:34,219 That is, once they've decided which 137 00:06:34,219 --> 00:06:35,760 door is going to have the price, it's 138 00:06:35,760 --> 00:06:37,551 supposed to stay there throughout the game. 139 00:06:37,551 --> 00:06:40,840 They can't move it in response to which door 140 00:06:40,840 --> 00:06:42,010 that the contestants pick. 141 00:06:42,010 --> 00:06:43,040 That would be cheating. 142 00:06:43,040 --> 00:06:44,500 OK. 143 00:06:44,500 --> 00:06:47,260 Next, the contestant is given an opportunity 144 00:06:47,260 --> 00:06:49,624 to pick one of the doors. 145 00:06:49,624 --> 00:06:51,540 They're all closed and it's hard to understand 146 00:06:51,540 --> 00:06:53,950 how the contestant would make a choice, 147 00:06:53,950 --> 00:06:58,330 but if the contestant was worried about the staff trying 148 00:06:58,330 --> 00:07:00,560 to outguess him on where to put the goat 149 00:07:00,560 --> 00:07:02,650 and where to put the prize, the contestant 150 00:07:02,650 --> 00:07:05,830 should just pick all the doors with equally likelihood. 151 00:07:05,830 --> 00:07:08,300 Then he can't be beaten by their trying to outguess him. 152 00:07:08,300 --> 00:07:10,760 He can only be beaten by if they cheated him 153 00:07:10,760 --> 00:07:12,420 by moving the goat after he picked 154 00:07:12,420 --> 00:07:16,670 or moving the prize after he picked. 155 00:07:16,670 --> 00:07:18,710 At this point, once the contestant 156 00:07:18,710 --> 00:07:21,810 has picked a door-- let's say he picks door 2-- 157 00:07:21,810 --> 00:07:26,020 then Monty instructs Carol to open a door 158 00:07:26,020 --> 00:07:27,570 with a goat behind it. 159 00:07:27,570 --> 00:07:30,330 So he's going to choose an unpicked door. 160 00:07:30,330 --> 00:07:32,990 If the contestant has picked door 2, 161 00:07:32,990 --> 00:07:37,040 that means that door 1 and door 3 are unpicked doors, 162 00:07:37,040 --> 00:07:40,710 and Monty tells Carol, open either door 1 163 00:07:40,710 --> 00:07:45,700 or door 3, whichever one-- or perhaps both-- 164 00:07:45,700 --> 00:07:47,420 have a goat behind them. 165 00:07:47,420 --> 00:07:50,500 And so Carol is going to open one of those doors 166 00:07:50,500 --> 00:07:52,212 and show a goat and everybody knows 167 00:07:52,212 --> 00:07:54,170 that they're going to see a goat because that's 168 00:07:54,170 --> 00:07:55,600 the way the game works. 169 00:07:55,600 --> 00:07:57,680 And then at this point, when the contestant 170 00:07:57,680 --> 00:08:01,150 has seen that there's a door that has a goat behind it 171 00:08:01,150 --> 00:08:03,400 and they're sitting on a picked door 172 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:08,410 and there's another unopened door that hasn't been picked, 173 00:08:08,410 --> 00:08:10,780 the contestant's job is to decide 174 00:08:10,780 --> 00:08:14,260 whether to stick with the door that they originally picked 175 00:08:14,260 --> 00:08:16,860 or switch to the other unopened door. 176 00:08:16,860 --> 00:08:20,210 So if they picked door 2 and Carol opened door 3, 177 00:08:20,210 --> 00:08:22,000 they could stick with door 2 or they 178 00:08:22,000 --> 00:08:24,450 could switch to the closed door 1 179 00:08:24,450 --> 00:08:27,810 and hope that maybe 1 has the price behind it. 180 00:08:27,810 --> 00:08:29,710 Those are the rules of the game. 181 00:08:29,710 --> 00:08:32,500 Now, the game got a lot of prominence 182 00:08:32,500 --> 00:08:36,890 in a magazine column written by a woman named Marilyn Vos 183 00:08:36,890 --> 00:08:37,679 Savant. 184 00:08:37,679 --> 00:08:41,549 The name of the magazine column was called Ask Marilyn 185 00:08:41,549 --> 00:08:45,430 and she advertises herself as having the highest recorded 186 00:08:45,430 --> 00:08:51,210 IQ of all time, some IQ of 200, and so she 187 00:08:51,210 --> 00:08:55,630 runs a popular science and math column 188 00:08:55,630 --> 00:08:57,050 with various kinds of puzzles. 189 00:08:57,050 --> 00:09:01,150 And she took up the analysis of the Monty Hall statistics 190 00:09:01,150 --> 00:09:03,930 and came to a conclusion and the conclusion 191 00:09:03,930 --> 00:09:06,020 caused a firestorm of response. 192 00:09:06,020 --> 00:09:07,700 Letters from all sorts of readers, 193 00:09:07,700 --> 00:09:12,510 even quite sophisticated PhD Mathematicians who 194 00:09:12,510 --> 00:09:16,380 were arguing with her conclusion about the way the game worked 195 00:09:16,380 --> 00:09:18,920 and the probability of winning according 196 00:09:18,920 --> 00:09:20,910 to how the contested behaved. 197 00:09:20,910 --> 00:09:24,120 The debate basically came down to these two positions. 198 00:09:24,120 --> 00:09:26,710 Position 1 said that sticking and switching 199 00:09:26,710 --> 00:09:27,480 were equally good. 200 00:09:27,480 --> 00:09:30,982 It really didn't matter what the contestant did, 201 00:09:30,982 --> 00:09:33,190 whether they stuck with the door that they originally 202 00:09:33,190 --> 00:09:35,480 picked or switched to the unpicked door 203 00:09:35,480 --> 00:09:37,860 after the third door had been opened 204 00:09:37,860 --> 00:09:41,900 and that their likelihood of finding the prize was the same. 205 00:09:41,900 --> 00:09:44,370 And the other argument, very emphatically, 206 00:09:44,370 --> 00:09:46,920 said switching is much better. 207 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:50,290 You should really switch no matter what. 208 00:09:50,290 --> 00:09:54,180 And how can we resolve this question? 209 00:09:54,180 --> 00:09:56,390 Well, the general method that we're 210 00:09:56,390 --> 00:09:58,667 proposing for dealing with problems 211 00:09:58,667 --> 00:10:00,750 like this where we're really trying to figure out, 212 00:10:00,750 --> 00:10:03,810 what is the probability model? 213 00:10:03,810 --> 00:10:09,490 Is to draw a tree that shows, step-by-step, the progress 214 00:10:09,490 --> 00:10:11,930 of the process or experiment that's 215 00:10:11,930 --> 00:10:17,290 going to yield a random output and try to assign probabilities 216 00:10:17,290 --> 00:10:18,870 to each of the branches of the tree 217 00:10:18,870 --> 00:10:21,290 as you go and use that as a guide 218 00:10:21,290 --> 00:10:24,210 for how to assign probabilities to outcomes. 219 00:10:24,210 --> 00:10:26,220 So let's begin, first of all, by finding out 220 00:10:26,220 --> 00:10:30,180 what the outcomes are, and we're going 221 00:10:30,180 --> 00:10:33,990 to be analyzing the switch strategy. 222 00:10:33,990 --> 00:10:36,000 So, just for definiteness, let's suppose 223 00:10:36,000 --> 00:10:41,520 that the contestant adopts the strategy that they pick a door, 224 00:10:41,520 --> 00:10:43,860 Carol opens a door that shows a goat, 225 00:10:43,860 --> 00:10:47,390 and they're going to switch to the non-goat closed door 226 00:10:47,390 --> 00:10:49,000 that they did not originally pick. 227 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:51,230 They're going to switch to the other door 228 00:10:51,230 --> 00:10:53,510 that they can switch to and we're 229 00:10:53,510 --> 00:10:55,420 going to ask about, what are the outcomes 230 00:10:55,420 --> 00:10:57,170 and consequences of winning or losing 231 00:10:57,170 --> 00:11:00,530 if you adopt that strategy? 232 00:11:00,530 --> 00:11:03,680 Well, the tree of possibilities goes like this. 233 00:11:03,680 --> 00:11:05,920 The first step in this process that we've described 234 00:11:05,920 --> 00:11:09,090 is that the staff picks a prize location, a door 235 00:11:09,090 --> 00:11:12,720 to put the prize behind, and so there are three possibilities. 236 00:11:12,720 --> 00:11:17,020 They could put the prize behind door 1, door 2, and door 3. 237 00:11:17,020 --> 00:11:20,110 OK Well, let's examine the possibility that they 238 00:11:20,110 --> 00:11:21,940 put the prize behind door 1. 239 00:11:21,940 --> 00:11:24,720 So the next stage is they pick a door 240 00:11:24,720 --> 00:11:30,480 and if the prize is behind one and they pick a door, 241 00:11:30,480 --> 00:11:33,080 again, there are three possible doors 242 00:11:33,080 --> 00:11:35,545 that the contestant might pick. 243 00:11:35,545 --> 00:11:38,380 The contestant has no idea where the price is 244 00:11:38,380 --> 00:11:42,160 and so the contestant can choose either door 1 or door 2 or door 245 00:11:42,160 --> 00:11:43,770 3. 246 00:11:43,770 --> 00:11:48,190 At that point, the third event in this random process, 247 00:11:48,190 --> 00:11:53,110 or experiment, is that Carol opens a door that 248 00:11:53,110 --> 00:11:55,160 has a goat behind it. 249 00:11:55,160 --> 00:11:58,710 So let's examine those possibilities. 250 00:11:58,710 --> 00:12:01,390 So, one possibility is that the prize 251 00:12:01,390 --> 00:12:06,680 is behind one and the contestant picks door one, initially. 252 00:12:06,680 --> 00:12:11,970 Well that means that Carol can open either door 2 or door 3 253 00:12:11,970 --> 00:12:15,120 in that circumstance because both of them 254 00:12:15,120 --> 00:12:16,410 have goats behind them. 255 00:12:16,410 --> 00:12:18,480 On the other hand, if the prize is at 1 256 00:12:18,480 --> 00:12:24,080 and the contestant picks door 2, the two closed doors 257 00:12:24,080 --> 00:12:25,860 have-- one has the prize, 1, and the other 258 00:12:25,860 --> 00:12:27,330 doesn't have the prize, 3. 259 00:12:27,330 --> 00:12:29,390 Carol has to open door three. 260 00:12:29,390 --> 00:12:31,490 Likewise, if the contestant picks 261 00:12:31,490 --> 00:12:33,640 door 3 when the prize is behind door 1, 262 00:12:33,640 --> 00:12:38,050 Carol has to open door 2. 263 00:12:38,050 --> 00:12:40,100 Here she's got a two-way branch. 264 00:12:40,100 --> 00:12:44,270 She can choose to open either of the two goat doors, 2 or 3. 265 00:12:44,270 --> 00:12:46,730 Here there's only one unopened door with a goat, 266 00:12:46,730 --> 00:12:48,830 she's got to open 3 there, too. 267 00:12:48,830 --> 00:12:49,370 OK. 268 00:12:49,370 --> 00:12:51,880 And that describes the outcomes of the experiment. 269 00:12:51,880 --> 00:12:53,580 That's the process of the experiment 270 00:12:53,580 --> 00:12:56,920 and these nodes at the end, these leaves of the tree, 271 00:12:56,920 --> 00:13:00,930 describe the final outcomes on this branch. 272 00:13:00,930 --> 00:13:03,400 Now, if you look at the classification 273 00:13:03,400 --> 00:13:05,900 of these outcomes according to winning and losing, 274 00:13:05,900 --> 00:13:08,440 well, we're looking at the switch strategy. 275 00:13:08,440 --> 00:13:12,800 So if the price was behind 1 and the contestant picked door 1 276 00:13:12,800 --> 00:13:16,480 initially, then their strategy is to switch 277 00:13:16,480 --> 00:13:20,490 and they're going to switch away from the prize door. 278 00:13:20,490 --> 00:13:25,390 So whichever door Carol opened to reveal the goat, 2 or 3, 279 00:13:25,390 --> 00:13:27,540 the contestant is going to switch to the other one 280 00:13:27,540 --> 00:13:28,770 and they're going to lose. 281 00:13:28,770 --> 00:13:33,180 So both of these outcomes count as losses for the contestant. 282 00:13:33,180 --> 00:13:37,400 On the other hand, if the prize was behind door 1 283 00:13:37,400 --> 00:13:39,760 and the contestant picked door 2, 284 00:13:39,760 --> 00:13:43,460 then Carol opens the non-prize door, 3, 285 00:13:43,460 --> 00:13:45,860 and the contestant switches from 2. 286 00:13:45,860 --> 00:13:49,120 The only choice they have is to switch to 1, the prize door. 287 00:13:49,120 --> 00:13:50,390 They win. 288 00:13:50,390 --> 00:13:52,610 And this other case is symmetric. 289 00:13:52,610 --> 00:13:54,910 And that summarizes the wins and losses 290 00:13:54,910 --> 00:13:56,160 in this branch of the tree. 291 00:13:56,160 --> 00:13:57,660 Now, of course, the rest of the tree 292 00:13:57,660 --> 00:14:00,710 is symmetric so we don't need to talk it through again. 293 00:14:00,710 --> 00:14:03,430 This is just simply the case where the prize is behind 2. 294 00:14:03,430 --> 00:14:04,980 The contestant has the same choices 295 00:14:04,980 --> 00:14:07,070 and [? Marilyn ?] has the same choices 296 00:14:07,070 --> 00:14:10,530 of which unopened door to choose and likewise 297 00:14:10,530 --> 00:14:12,440 if the prize is behind 3. 298 00:14:12,440 --> 00:14:15,020 So if we look at this tree, the tree 299 00:14:15,020 --> 00:14:17,360 is telling us that this is an experiment which 300 00:14:17,360 --> 00:14:21,990 we think of as having twelve outcomes, four in each 301 00:14:21,990 --> 00:14:23,340 of these major branches. 302 00:14:23,340 --> 00:14:27,090 So there are twelve outcomes of this random experiment, 303 00:14:27,090 --> 00:14:34,590 of which, six are losses and six are wins for the contestant 304 00:14:34,590 --> 00:14:38,450 and so we discover that there's six wins and six losses. 305 00:14:38,450 --> 00:14:40,720 Now, the way that this game works, 306 00:14:40,720 --> 00:14:46,670 if you think about it-- if the switching strategy wins, 307 00:14:46,670 --> 00:14:49,460 that means that the sticking strategy 308 00:14:49,460 --> 00:14:52,790 would have lost because if switching wins, 309 00:14:52,790 --> 00:14:56,590 it meant that you switched to the door that had the prize 310 00:14:56,590 --> 00:14:59,310 and so if you hadn't switched, you 311 00:14:59,310 --> 00:15:01,580 must have been at a door that didn't have the prize 312 00:15:01,580 --> 00:15:02,740 and likewise. 313 00:15:02,740 --> 00:15:07,780 If switching loses, then you must have switched 314 00:15:07,780 --> 00:15:10,390 from the door with the prize to a door that didn't have 315 00:15:10,390 --> 00:15:12,910 the prize-- switching-- and that means if you'd stuck, 316 00:15:12,910 --> 00:15:14,150 you would have won. 317 00:15:14,150 --> 00:15:16,550 So what we can say is that really analyzing the switch 318 00:15:16,550 --> 00:15:18,990 strategy enables us to analyze the stick 319 00:15:18,990 --> 00:15:21,890 strategy simultaneously because you win by sticking if 320 00:15:21,890 --> 00:15:23,810 and only if you lose by switching. 321 00:15:23,810 --> 00:15:25,430 Now this simplification doesn't hold 322 00:15:25,430 --> 00:15:27,220 when there's more than three doors, 323 00:15:27,220 --> 00:15:30,090 and that's another exercise, but for now, it's 324 00:15:30,090 --> 00:15:33,140 telling us that if we analyze the switch strategy, 325 00:15:33,140 --> 00:15:35,610 we also understand the stick strategy. 326 00:15:35,610 --> 00:15:40,630 And of course, that means that if you use the stick strategy 327 00:15:40,630 --> 00:15:45,550 then the six wins become losses and the six losses become wins 328 00:15:45,550 --> 00:15:49,900 and, again, there are six ways to lose and six ways to win. 329 00:15:49,900 --> 00:15:52,960 So the first false conclusion from this 330 00:15:52,960 --> 00:15:55,450 is by reasoning about it as though they were poker hands, 331 00:15:55,450 --> 00:15:57,360 and the false conclusion says, look, 332 00:15:57,360 --> 00:16:01,730 sticking and switching win with the same number of outcomes 333 00:16:01,730 --> 00:16:04,085 and lose with the same number of outcomes. 334 00:16:04,085 --> 00:16:05,960 So it really doesn't matter whether you stick 335 00:16:05,960 --> 00:16:08,450 or switch because the probability of winning, 336 00:16:08,450 --> 00:16:11,120 in both cases, is half the outcome. 337 00:16:11,120 --> 00:16:12,530 6 out of 12. 338 00:16:12,530 --> 00:16:14,570 The probability doesn't matter. 339 00:16:14,570 --> 00:16:16,740 It makes no difference whether you stick or switch. 340 00:16:16,740 --> 00:16:26,210 And that's wrong, and we will see why soon. 341 00:16:26,210 --> 00:16:30,200 The other false argument is that we 342 00:16:30,200 --> 00:16:35,440 think about what happens after Carol has opened a door. 343 00:16:35,440 --> 00:16:36,230 So, where are we? 344 00:16:36,230 --> 00:16:39,280 The contestant has picked a door, has no idea 345 00:16:39,280 --> 00:16:41,680 where the goat or the prize is. 346 00:16:41,680 --> 00:16:45,430 Carol opens the door and shows the contestant a goat. 347 00:16:45,430 --> 00:16:46,640 What's left? 348 00:16:46,640 --> 00:16:48,940 Well, there's two closed doors left. 349 00:16:48,940 --> 00:16:51,830 One is the door with the prize and the other 350 00:16:51,830 --> 00:16:54,610 is the door without the price that has a goat behind it 351 00:16:54,610 --> 00:16:58,960 and, by symmetry of the doors, the contestant 352 00:16:58,960 --> 00:17:02,040 has no idea what's behind the door that he picked 353 00:17:02,040 --> 00:17:04,020 or the remaining unopened door. 354 00:17:04,020 --> 00:17:06,650 They're equally likely to contain the prize 355 00:17:06,650 --> 00:17:10,680 and so the argument is, again, that whether you stick 356 00:17:10,680 --> 00:17:14,339 or switch between those two doors that haven't yet 357 00:17:14,339 --> 00:17:16,300 been opened, it doesn't really matter and so, 358 00:17:16,300 --> 00:17:19,970 again, the stick strategy and the switch strategy each 359 00:17:19,970 --> 00:17:22,849 win with the same 50-50 probability. 360 00:17:22,849 --> 00:17:25,859 And that's wrong, too. 361 00:17:25,859 --> 00:17:26,670 What's wrong? 362 00:17:26,670 --> 00:17:29,970 Well, let's go back and look at this tree a little bit more 363 00:17:29,970 --> 00:17:32,820 carefully to understand what's going on. 364 00:17:32,820 --> 00:17:34,960 And the first thing to notice about the tree 365 00:17:34,960 --> 00:17:40,730 is that the structure of the tree leading to the leaves 366 00:17:40,730 --> 00:17:41,720 is not the same. 367 00:17:45,350 --> 00:17:48,500 Here's a leaf that has degree [? 2. ?] 368 00:17:48,500 --> 00:17:50,510 One way to get in and only one way out 369 00:17:50,510 --> 00:17:52,570 and here's a leaf that has degree 3. 370 00:17:52,570 --> 00:17:56,030 One way in and two ways out, if we think of going from the root 371 00:17:56,030 --> 00:17:57,090 to the leaf. 372 00:17:57,090 --> 00:18:00,510 And so it's not clear that these branches, these leaves, 373 00:18:00,510 --> 00:18:02,200 should be treated the same way. 374 00:18:02,200 --> 00:18:04,830 Well let's think about it more carefully, about-- how are we 375 00:18:04,830 --> 00:18:08,410 going to assign probabilities to the various steps 376 00:18:08,410 --> 00:18:09,660 of the experiment? 377 00:18:09,660 --> 00:18:12,480 Well, what we're going to assume, for simplicity, 378 00:18:12,480 --> 00:18:18,450 is that the staff chooses a door at random to place the prize. 379 00:18:18,450 --> 00:18:21,000 So that means that each of these branches 380 00:18:21,000 --> 00:18:22,790 occurs with probability 1/3. 381 00:18:22,790 --> 00:18:25,840 1/3 of the time, they put the prize behind door 1, 1/3 382 00:18:25,840 --> 00:18:28,850 behind door 2, and 1/3 behind door 3. 383 00:18:28,850 --> 00:18:29,590 OK. 384 00:18:29,590 --> 00:18:31,620 Let's continue exploring the branch where they 385 00:18:31,620 --> 00:18:33,850 put the prize behind door 1. 386 00:18:33,850 --> 00:18:36,920 At that point, the contestant is going to pick a door 387 00:18:36,920 --> 00:18:39,470 and they can pick either door 1, 2, or 3 388 00:18:39,470 --> 00:18:43,500 and, absent any knowledge and also 389 00:18:43,500 --> 00:18:45,200 to be sure that they can't be outguessed 390 00:18:45,200 --> 00:18:49,837 by the staff realizing that they mostly prefer door 1. 391 00:18:49,837 --> 00:18:51,420 So if they're going to switch, they'll 392 00:18:51,420 --> 00:18:54,260 put the prize behind door 1 to fool the contestant. 393 00:18:54,260 --> 00:18:59,550 The contestant's protection is, pick a door at random. 394 00:18:59,550 --> 00:19:03,650 Choose door 1 1/3 of the time, and door 2 1/3 of the time, 395 00:19:03,650 --> 00:19:07,390 and door 3 1/3 of the time in a completely unpredictable way. 396 00:19:07,390 --> 00:19:10,010 And so the contestants is going to choose 397 00:19:10,010 --> 00:19:13,550 each of those possible doors as their first choice 398 00:19:13,550 --> 00:19:16,110 with probability 1/3. 399 00:19:16,110 --> 00:19:17,890 Now what happens next? 400 00:19:17,890 --> 00:19:19,300 Well, the next thing that happens 401 00:19:19,300 --> 00:19:20,720 is that Carol opens a door. 402 00:19:20,720 --> 00:19:23,040 Now this is the case where Carol has a choice. 403 00:19:23,040 --> 00:19:25,450 The prize is behind one and the contestant 404 00:19:25,450 --> 00:19:26,910 happened to pick door 1. 405 00:19:26,910 --> 00:19:29,530 That means doors 2 and 3 both have goats 406 00:19:29,530 --> 00:19:31,450 and, again, for simplicity, let's 407 00:19:31,450 --> 00:19:34,750 assume the Carol, when she has a choice-- she can open 408 00:19:34,750 --> 00:19:37,150 either door 2 or door 3, here-- does them 409 00:19:37,150 --> 00:19:38,490 with equal probability. 410 00:19:38,490 --> 00:19:40,880 So we're going to assign probability 1/2 to her opening 411 00:19:40,880 --> 00:19:44,700 door 2 when she has the choice between 2 or 3 412 00:19:44,700 --> 00:19:48,840 and probability 1/2 that she'll open door 3 and, by the way, 413 00:19:48,840 --> 00:19:52,400 we saw that those were losing outcomes for the contestant. 414 00:19:52,400 --> 00:19:54,150 But here, things are a little different. 415 00:19:54,150 --> 00:19:59,120 If the prize is behind door 1 and the contestant 416 00:19:59,120 --> 00:20:03,230 has chosen door 2, Carol has no choice 417 00:20:03,230 --> 00:20:06,080 but to open the only other unchosen 418 00:20:06,080 --> 00:20:09,370 door with the goat behind, namely, door 3. 419 00:20:09,370 --> 00:20:11,940 So we could say that this choice, really, 420 00:20:11,940 --> 00:20:20,380 is probability 1 and I got a little bit ahead of myself here 421 00:20:20,380 --> 00:20:22,440 but, having filled in the probabilities 422 00:20:22,440 --> 00:20:24,110 on these edges, what we figured out 423 00:20:24,110 --> 00:20:28,200 is that the probability of this topmost branch of losing 424 00:20:28,200 --> 00:20:30,550 is we said, well, 1/3 of the time you go here 425 00:20:30,550 --> 00:20:37,030 and 1/3 of that third you go here and 1/2 of that time 426 00:20:37,030 --> 00:20:39,100 you go to this vertex. 427 00:20:39,100 --> 00:20:44,110 So it's 1/3 of 1/3 and 1/2 of that, or a weight of 1/18 428 00:20:44,110 --> 00:20:46,740 and, by symmetry, this gets weight 1/18. 429 00:20:46,740 --> 00:20:49,740 But this way, 1/3 of the time, the prize is behind door 1. 430 00:20:49,740 --> 00:20:54,900 1/3 of the time, the contestant picks door 2 and after that, 431 00:20:54,900 --> 00:20:57,360 Carol is was forced to open door 3. 432 00:20:57,360 --> 00:20:59,690 So this branch occurs with certainty, as 433 00:20:59,690 --> 00:21:02,430 with probability 1, which means that we wind up 434 00:21:02,430 --> 00:21:07,910 at this leaf 1/3 of 1/3 of the time for sure, 435 00:21:07,910 --> 00:21:11,540 and its weight is 1/9. 436 00:21:11,540 --> 00:21:14,220 And of course, by symmetry, the similar weights 437 00:21:14,220 --> 00:21:16,950 get assigned to the winning and the losing. 438 00:21:16,950 --> 00:21:21,280 So what we've concluded is that, although there are six wins, 439 00:21:21,280 --> 00:21:25,140 the weight of the wins is 6/9 because they're 440 00:21:25,140 --> 00:21:29,655 each worth 1/9 of the time and that winning 441 00:21:29,655 --> 00:21:31,400 will occur 2/3 of the time. 442 00:21:31,400 --> 00:21:34,240 Likewise, there are six losses but they each 443 00:21:34,240 --> 00:21:39,740 only occur 1/18 of the time and so we lose 1/3 third 444 00:21:39,740 --> 00:21:42,990 of the time by the switch strategy. 445 00:21:42,990 --> 00:21:46,260 The summary, then, is that the probability 446 00:21:46,260 --> 00:21:51,150 of winning if you switch is 2/3 and, by the remark 447 00:21:51,150 --> 00:21:54,270 that you win with switching if and only 448 00:21:54,270 --> 00:21:57,470 if you lose with sticking, it follows that you lose 449 00:21:57,470 --> 00:22:00,320 by sticking 2/3 of the time. 450 00:22:00,320 --> 00:22:03,790 And so sticking is really a bad strategy and switching 451 00:22:03,790 --> 00:22:06,320 is the dominant way to go. 452 00:22:06,320 --> 00:22:10,220 Now, in class, we back up this theoretical analysis. 453 00:22:10,220 --> 00:22:13,320 It's very logical but the question is, is it true? 454 00:22:13,320 --> 00:22:16,120 And you can do statistical experiments 455 00:22:16,120 --> 00:22:19,120 and have students pick doors and goats and prizes 456 00:22:19,120 --> 00:22:23,140 and, sure enough, it turns out that roughly 2/3 of the time, 457 00:22:23,140 --> 00:22:26,920 and closer and closer to 2/3 the more times you play the game, 458 00:22:26,920 --> 00:22:31,890 the switching strategy wins 2/3 of the time. 459 00:22:31,890 --> 00:22:35,290 So, the second key idea in probability theory 460 00:22:35,290 --> 00:22:38,550 is that the outcomes may have different probabilities. 461 00:22:38,550 --> 00:22:40,180 They may have different weights. 462 00:22:40,180 --> 00:22:43,820 Unlike the poker hand case, when we look more closely 463 00:22:43,820 --> 00:22:46,880 at a random experiment with different outcomes, 464 00:22:46,880 --> 00:22:50,940 we will agree that, for various kinds of reasons of symmetry 465 00:22:50,940 --> 00:22:52,960 or logic and so on, that it make sense 466 00:22:52,960 --> 00:22:55,200 to assign different probability weights 467 00:22:55,200 --> 00:22:56,530 to the different outcomes. 468 00:22:56,530 --> 00:22:58,390 It's not the case that the outcomes 469 00:22:58,390 --> 00:23:01,760 have uniform probability, that they're all equally likely. 470 00:23:04,310 --> 00:23:09,960 So, to summarize, what happens, especially-- this example 471 00:23:09,960 --> 00:23:12,550 illustrates the confusion about of probability theory 472 00:23:12,550 --> 00:23:15,240 that was engendered to even some serious experts-- 473 00:23:15,240 --> 00:23:18,000 but, in general, intuition is very important, 474 00:23:18,000 --> 00:23:21,781 as in any subject, but it's also dangerous in probability 475 00:23:21,781 --> 00:23:22,280 theory. 476 00:23:22,280 --> 00:23:26,870 Particularly, for beginners who aren't experienced about some 477 00:23:26,870 --> 00:23:28,800 of these traps that you can fall into 478 00:23:28,800 --> 00:23:31,520 and so our proposal is that you be very 479 00:23:31,520 --> 00:23:33,120 wary of intuitive arguments. 480 00:23:33,120 --> 00:23:35,680 They're valuable but you need another disciplined way 481 00:23:35,680 --> 00:23:38,100 to check them, and we propose that you 482 00:23:38,100 --> 00:23:41,600 stick with what we call the four-part method when you're 483 00:23:41,600 --> 00:23:44,610 trying to devise a probability model 484 00:23:44,610 --> 00:23:46,400 for some random experiment. 485 00:23:46,400 --> 00:23:50,330 So, the steps are, first, that you 486 00:23:50,330 --> 00:23:53,830 try to identify the outcomes of the random experiment 487 00:23:53,830 --> 00:23:56,410 and this is where the tree structure comes up. 488 00:23:56,410 --> 00:23:58,910 If you try to model, step-by-step 489 00:23:58,910 --> 00:24:02,420 at each stage of the tree, what the possible sub-steps are 490 00:24:02,420 --> 00:24:06,140 in the overall process that yields the random outcome, 491 00:24:06,140 --> 00:24:07,720 that's where the tree comes in as we 492 00:24:07,720 --> 00:24:10,110 illustrated with Monty Hall. 493 00:24:10,110 --> 00:24:12,790 The next thing to do is, among the outcomes, 494 00:24:12,790 --> 00:24:15,010 identify the ones that you consider 495 00:24:15,010 --> 00:24:18,290 to be of the winning events or the winning outcomes 496 00:24:18,290 --> 00:24:23,290 or the outcomes in the event that you are concerned about 497 00:24:23,290 --> 00:24:24,650 whether or not it happens. 498 00:24:24,650 --> 00:24:28,650 Getting two jacks, picking the door with the prize. 499 00:24:28,650 --> 00:24:32,590 So you need to identify the target event whose probability 500 00:24:32,590 --> 00:24:33,560 you're interested in. 501 00:24:33,560 --> 00:24:35,685 We could call it the winning event, the probability 502 00:24:35,685 --> 00:24:36,570 of winning. 503 00:24:36,570 --> 00:24:40,470 The third key step is to try to use the tree and logic of it 504 00:24:40,470 --> 00:24:43,790 to assign probabilities to the outcomes 505 00:24:43,790 --> 00:24:45,430 and the fourth step, then, is, simply, 506 00:24:45,430 --> 00:24:47,740 to compute the probability of the event which 507 00:24:47,740 --> 00:24:49,410 you do in a very straightforward way 508 00:24:49,410 --> 00:24:52,750 by basically adding up the probabilities of each 509 00:24:52,750 --> 00:24:54,490 of the outcomes in the event. 510 00:24:54,490 --> 00:24:57,590 That is the four-step method. 511 00:24:57,590 --> 00:25:01,420 Now, this Monty Hall tree that we came up with 512 00:25:01,420 --> 00:25:08,010 was very literal and wildly, unnecessarily complicated. 513 00:25:08,010 --> 00:25:11,050 So let's take another look at that and a simpler argument 514 00:25:11,050 --> 00:25:13,920 that will lead us to the same conclusion about how 515 00:25:13,920 --> 00:25:15,550 the Monty Hall game works, and we'll 516 00:25:15,550 --> 00:25:17,950 do that in the next video.