from os import system import time import os import stat import string import operator import sys import math import cPickle import types import random # category 1 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # # Adding scheme-like capabilities to if expressions # ############################################################ def ifab(test, a, b): """x = ifab(test, a, b) WARNING: Both 'a' and 'b' are evaluated C equivalent: x = test?a:b; Scheme equiv: (set x (if test a b)) Python equiv: test and a or b None of the equivalents evaluates both arguments """ if test: return a else: return b def case(variable, case2value, default=None): if case2value.has_key(variable): return case2value[variable] else: if default==None: raise "Unexpected value", "%s not in dictionary %s"%( variable, case2value.keys()) else: return default def my_not(a): return not a def xor(a,b): return (a and not b) or (not a and b) def filter_not(func, list): newlist = [] for item in list: if not func(item): newlist.append(item) return newlist def modify_and_return(f, a): # useful when you need to call a function on a modifiable # object, and reuse the modified object in your next operation f(a) return a def wait_a_bit(how_long): list = reverse(range(0,how_long)) for i in range(0,len(list)): for j in range(0,len(list)): map(lambda x: x==3, list) # category 2 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### PRINTING ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # # Recursing and exploring any datastructure (except class) # ############################################################ def pp(d,level=-1,maxw=0,maxh=0,parsable=0): """ wrapper around pretty_print that prints to stdout""" if not parsable: pretty_print(sys.stdout, d, level, maxw, maxh, '', '', '') else: import pprint if maxw: pp2 = pprint.PrettyPrinter(width=maxw, indent=1)#, depth=level else: pp2 = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1)#, depth=level pp2.pprint(d) def test_pp(): pp({'one': ('two',3,[4,5,6]), 7: (lambda x: 8*9), 'ten': ['ele', {'ven': 12, (13,14): '15'}]}) def pretty_print(f, d, level=-1, maxw=0, maxh=0, gap="", first_gap='', last_gap=''): # depending on the type of expression, it recurses through its elements # and prints with appropriate indentation # f is the output file stream # d is the data structure # # level is the number of allowed recursive calls, the depth at which # the data structure is explored # default: -1 means never stop recursing early # maxw is the maximum width that will be printed from the last element # of the recursion (when no further recursion is possible, or # the maximal depth has been reached) # default: 0 means every line will be printed in its entirety, regardless # of how long it may be # maxh (max height) is the maximum number of elements that will be # printed from a list or a dictionary, at any level or recursion # default: 0 means every list or dictionary will have all its elements # printed, even if it contains thousands of elements # # gap is the gap to include before every element of a list/dic/tuple # first_gap is the opening gap before the opening bracket, parens or curly braces # first_gap is the closing gap before the closing bracket, parens or curly braces if level == 0: if type(d) != types.StringType: d = `d` if maxw and len(d) > maxw: final = ifab(maxw > 20, 10, maxw/2) f.write(first_gap+d[:maxw-final]+'...'+d[-final:]+' (%s chars)\n' % len(d)) else: f.write(first_gap+d+'\n') elif type(d) == types.ListType: if not d: f.write(first_gap+"[]\n") return # recurse on lists f.write(first_gap+"[\n") h = 0 for el in d: pretty_print(f, el, level-1, maxw, maxh, gap+' ', gap+' ->', gap+' ') if maxh: h = h+1 if h >= maxh and maxh ... (%s in list)\n'%len(d)) break f.write(last_gap+"]\n") elif type(d) == types.TupleType: if not d: f.write(first_gap+"()\n") return # recurse on tuples f.write(first_gap+"(\n") h = 0 for el in d: pretty_print(f, el, level = level-1, maxw = maxw, maxh = maxh, gap = gap+' ', first_gap = gap+' =>', last_gap = gap+' ') if maxh: h = h+1 if h >= maxh and maxh ... (%s in tuple)\n'%len(d)) break f.write(last_gap+")\n") elif type(d) == types.DictType: if not d: f.write(first_gap+"{}\n") return # recurse on dictionaries f.write(first_gap+"{\n") keys = d.keys() keys.sort() key_strings = map(lambda k: ifab(type(k)==types.StringType, k, `k`), keys) maxlen = max(map(len, key_strings)) h = 0 for k,key_string in map(None, keys, key_strings): key_string = sfill(key_string,maxlen,'.') blank_string = ' '*len(key_string) pretty_print(f, d[k], level = level-1, maxw = maxw, maxh = maxh, gap = gap+' %s'%blank_string, first_gap = gap+' %s: '%key_string, last_gap = gap+' %s'%blank_string) if maxh: h = h+1 if h >= maxh and maxh= maxh and maxhmaxw: final = ifab(maxw > 20, 10, maxw/2) f.write(first_gap+d[:maxw-final]+'..'+d[-final:]+' (%s)\n' % len(d)) else: f.write(first_gap+d+'\n') else: # string conversion of all other types if maxw and len(`d`)>maxw: final = ifab(maxw > 20, 10, maxw/2) f.write(first_gap+`d`[:maxw-final]+'..'+`d`[-final:]+' (%s)\n' % len(`d`)) else: f.write(first_gap+`d`+'\n') ############################################################ # # Functions for printing # ############################################################ def disp(x): # useful for using print as a function. # ex: map(disp, ['hello','there','how','are','you']) print x def display_list(list, join_char=', ', format='%s'): # joins all the elements of a string together # # bugs: it will bug if any list element is a tuple, # coz the format will complain of too few %s. return string.join(map(lambda el,format=format: format%el, list), join_char) def display_bignum(n,digits=1): # display a big number for which you don't really want to know # all the digits # n is the number # digits are the number of significant decimal places to which # the magnitude of the number is to be known, at the appropriate unit # ex: display_bignum(1300403) -> 1.3M # ex: display_bignum(13004) -> 130.0k # ex: display_bignum(134) -> 134.0 sign = ifab(n>=0,'','-') n = int(abs(n)) if n < 1000: return sign+`n` elif n < 1000000: k,units = 3,'k' elif n < 1000000000: k,units = 6,'M' elif n < float(1000000000000): k,units = 9,'G' elif n < float(1000000000000000): k,units = 12,'T' elif n < float(1000000000000000000): k,units = 15,'P' else: return sign+`n` main = `n`[:-k] if digits: try: decimal = `n`[-k:][:digits] except: decimal = `0` return sign+main+'.'+string.replace(decimal,'.','')+units else: return sign+main+units def dec(n): # adds commas between the different magnitudes of a number # 134 -> 134 # 13402 -> 13,402 # 134020 -> 134,020 # 134020.7 -> 134,020.7 maybe_dec = string.split(`n`,'.') if len(maybe_dec) == 2: n,decimal_part = int(maybe_dec[0]), '.'+maybe_dec[1] else: decimal_part = '' sign = ifab(n>=0,'','-') n = abs(n) if n < 1000: return sign+`n`+decimal_part elif n < 1000000: return sign+`n`[:-3]+','+`n`[-3:]+decimal_part elif n < 1000000000: return sign+`n`[:-6]+','+`n`[-6:-3]+','+`n`[-3:]+decimal_part else: return sign+`n`[:-9]+','+`n`[-9:-6]+','+`n`[-6:-3]+','+`n`[-3:]+decimal_part def safe_div(num, den, default): if den: return num/den else: return default def safe_float(num, den, format='%2.2f'): if num and not den: return 'Inf' if not num and not den: return '?' return format%(float(num)/float(den)) def safe_percentile(num, den, format='%2.1f%%'): if num and not den: return 'Inf' if not num and not den: return '?' return format%(100*float(num)/float(den)) def safe_min(list, default): if not list: return default return min(list) def safe_max(list, default): if not list: return default return max(list) def perc(num, den, format='%s/%s (%s)'): return format%(num,den,safe_percentile(num,den)) def display_within_range(i, increment, guessmax, format='%s-%s'): low, high = within_range(i, increment) low = string.zfill(low,len(`guessmax`)) high = string.zfill(high,len(`guessmax`)) return format%(low, high) def within_range(i, increment): # if i'm splitting directories every 100, and i'm on contig 53, # then i'm the range (0,99). # 153 -> (100,199) low = (i/increment)*increment high = low+increment-1 return low, high def display_fraction(num, den): # displays a franction in the nicest possible form # simplifies the fraction if possible. # uses .75, .5 and .25 instead of 9/4 and so on if den == 1: #print "case1" return `num` if num == 1: #print "case2" return '1/'+`den` if num == 0: #print "case3" return '0' if den % num == 0: #print "case4" return display_fraction(1, den/num) for n in range(2,den+1): #print "Trying case 5 for n=%d"%n if num % n == 0 and den % n == 0: #print "case5 for n=%d"%n return display_fraction(num/n, den/n) if den == 2: #print "case6" return ifab(num, `num/den`+'.5', '.5') if den == 4: #print "case7" if num%4 == 1: return ifab(num, `num/den`+'.25', '.25') if num%4 == 3: return ifab(num, `num/den`+'.75', '.75') #print "case8" return `num`+'/'+`den` def lower_bound_mod(i, k): # find the largest number x, which is smaller than i, # and still divisible by k return k*(i / k) def upper_bound_mod(i, k): # find the largest number x, which is smaller than i, # and still divisible by k return k*(i / k + 1) # category 3 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### TEXT ART - or drawing with TEXT ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # # Printing intervals based on x coordinates # ############################################################ def print_scale(scale = {},#'min':0,'max':100,'tick':10, 'width': 120,'print_scale':1}, items = [[(20,40,'Hello'), (60,80,'World!'), (90,94,':o)')], [(40,60,'Niiice'), (90,87,'(o:')], [(0,100,'A hundred')]]): write_scale(sys.stdout, scale, items) def write_scale(f, scale, items): if not items: print "Write_scale: Nothing to display" return if not scale.has_key('width'): scale['width'] = 120 if not scale.has_key('min'): scale['autoscale'] = 1 def add_range(line1, line2, start, end, text, char='=', scale=scale): def convert_coord(coord, scale): return int(float(float(coord-scale['min']) * scale['width']) / (scale['max']-scale['min'])) x1,x2 = convert_coord(start, scale), convert_coord(end, scale) #print "start=%s -> %s end=%s -> %s" % (start,x1,end,x2) if x1>x2: x1,x2,up=x2,x1,0 else: up=1 for i in range(x1,x2): try: line2[i] = char except IndexError: pass if up: start_char,end_char = '|','>' else: start_char,end_char = '<','|' try: line2[x2] = end_char except IndexError: pass try: line2[x1] = start_char except IndexError: pass for i in range(0, len(text)): try: line1[x1+1+i] = text[i] except IndexError: pass # autoscale if you have to if scale.has_key('autoscale') and scale['autoscale']: scale['min'] = min(map(lambda i: min(map(lambda a: min(a[0],a[1]),i)),items)) scale['max'] = max(map(lambda i: max(map(lambda a: max(a[0],a[1]),i)),items)) if scale.has_key('print_scale') and scale['print_scale'] and scale.has_key('autotick') and scale['autotick']: if scale.has_key('numticks'): num_ticks = scale['numticks'] else: num_ticks = 5 tick = (scale['max']-scale['min'])/num_ticks scale['tick'] = int(`tick`[0]+'0'*(len(`tick`)-1)) # Print a coordinate scale with ticks every tick if scale.has_key('print_scale') and scale['print_scale']: line1,line2 = [' '] * (scale['width']+scale['tick']), [' '] * (scale['width']+1) min_tick = (scale['min']/scale['tick']+1)*scale['tick'] if (min_tick - scale['min'])3: dot=item[3] else: dot = '=' add_range(line1, line2, item[0], item[1], item[2], dot) f.write(string.join(line1,'')+'\n') f.write(string.join(line2,'')+'\n') ############################################################ def make_annotation(seq, orfs, start_offset): gapless_length = len(seq)-string.count(seq,'-') print "Making annotation on sequence of length %s"%(len(seq)-string.count(seq,'-')) print "Start offset is %s and coords are %s"%( start_offset, map(lambda s,e: '%s-%s'%(s,e),cget(orfs,'start'),cget(orfs,'end'))) # takes a sequence, a names = map(lambda o: o['gene'] or o['name'], orfs) #starts = vector_scalar_sub(cget(orfs,'start'),start_offset) #ends = vector_scalar_sub(cget(orfs,'end'),start_offset) starts,ends = [],[] for orf in orfs: starts.append(orf['start']-start_offset) ends.append(orf['end']-start_offset+ifab(orf['up'],1,-1)) ups = cget(orfs,'up') for i in range(0,len(starts)): if starts[i] < 0: starts[i] = 0 if ends[i] > gapless_length: ends[i] = gapless_length coords = coords_seq2ali(seq,flatten([starts,ends])) starts,ends = coords[:len(coords)/2],coords[len(coords)/2:] annotation_list = [] for start,end,up,name in map(None,starts,ends,ups,names): if up: first,last = 'S->','E' else: first,last = 'E-','<-S' annotation_list.append((start,end,name,first,'=',last)) return make_annotation_string(' '*len(seq), annotation_list) def make_annotation_string(str, annotation_list): # anotation_list is [(name,start,end,'[','=',']'), # (name,start,end,...),...] str = map(None, str) for a in annotation_list: add_annotation_string(str,a) return string.join(str,'') def add_annotation_string(str, a): # a is (name,start,end,'[','=',']') start, end, name, first_char, middle_char, last_char = a annotation = sfill(first_char+name[:end-start], end-start, middle_char) if last_char: annotation = annotation[:-1]+last_char #print "Annotation is '%s'"%annotation sadd(str,annotation,start) ############################################################ # # 2D plots # ############################################################ def test_multi_plot(): x = range(0,100) y = map(lambda x: x*x, x) multi_plot([[x,y,20,40], [y,x,30,20], [x,x,20,30], [y,y,10,10]],'') def weird_plot(): x = range(0,100) y = map(lambda x: x*x, x) z = map(lambda x: math.sin(x/4.0), x) z = map(lambda x: math.cos(x/4.0), x) z2 = map(lambda x: math.cos(x/10.0), x) z3 = map(lambda x: math.sin(x/10.0), x) lines1 = quick_plot_lines(x,y,18,18) lines2 = quick_plot_lines(y,x,18,18) lines3 = quick_plot_lines(z2+z3,reverse_list(x+x),40,40) lines4 = quick_plot_lines(z3+z2,x+x,40,40) lines = multi_plot_combine_lines([lines3,flatten([lines1,lines2]),lines4], ' ') map(lambda l: sys.stdout.write(l+'\n'), lines) def quick_plot(xs,ys,width=60,height=30,logx=0,logy=0,minx=None,maxx=None,miny=None,maxy=None,f=sys.stdout): if minx!=None or maxx!=None or miny!=None or maxy!=None: xys = map(None,xs,ys) if minx!=None: xys = filter(lambda xy,minx=minx: xy[0]>=minx,xys) if maxx!=None: xys = filter(lambda xy,maxx=maxx: xy[0]<=maxx,xys) if miny!=None: xys = filter(lambda xy,miny=miny: xy[1]>=miny,xys) if maxy!=None: xys = filter(lambda xy,maxy=maxy: xy[1]<=maxy,xys) xs,ys = cget(xys,0),cget(xys,1) lines = quick_plot_lines(xs,ys,width,height,logx,logy) map(lambda l,f=f: f.write(l+'\n'), lines) def multi_plot(x_y_w_hs,separator=' || ',f=sys.stdout): lines = multi_plot_lines(x_y_w_hs,separator) map(lambda l,f=f: f.write(l+'\n'), lines) def multi_plot_lines(x_y_w_hs,separator): # first run quick_plot on each of the data sets all_lines = [] for xs,ys,w,h in x_y_w_hs: lines = quick_plot_lines(xs,ys,w,h) all_lines.append(lines) return multi_plot_combine_lines(all_lines, separator) def multi_plot_combine_lines(all_lines, separator): # calculate all the widths formats = [] for lines in all_lines: width = max(map(len,lines)) format = '%-'+`width`+'s' formats.append(format) # then put them all together packed_lines = [] for line_i in range(0,max(map(len,all_lines))): row = [] for data_set in all_lines: if len(data_set) <= line_i: row.append('') else: row.append(data_set[line_i]) packed_lines.append(row) # and now print them all out new_lines = [] for line_set in packed_lines: to_print = [] for col,format in map(None,line_set,formats): to_print.append(format%col) new_lines.append(string.join(to_print,separator)) return new_lines def quick_plot_lines(xs,ys,width,height,logx=0,logy=0): xs_orig, ys_orig = xs, ys if logx: xs = map(math.log, xs) if logy: ys = map(math.log, ys) # part I - constructing the empty bitmap rows = [] for row in range(0,height): rows.append([' ']*width) # part II - finding boundaries of data, and scaling factors minx, maxx = min(xs)-1, max(xs)+1 miny, maxy = min(ys)-1, max(ys)+1 scalex = (maxx-minx) / float(width-1) scaley = (maxy-miny) / float(height-1) # part III - filling in the appropriate pixels for x,y in map(None, xs, ys): # IIIa - converting (x,y) to (i,j) i = int((x-minx) / scalex) j = int((y-miny) / scaley) assert(i>=0 and j>=0) #print "(%s,%s) -> (%s,%s)"%(x,y,i,j) # IIIb - incrementing point count try: rows[j][i] = chint_inc(rows[j][i]) except: pass rows.reverse() # part IV - preparing the legend on the left legend = ['']*len(rows) legend[0]=`max(ys_orig)` legend[-1]=`min(ys_orig)` legend[len(legend)/2-1]='dy=' legend[len(legend)/2]=`max(ys_orig)-min(ys_orig)` legwidth = max(map(len,legend)) # part IV - displaying the filled in matrix lines = [] lines.append(' '*legwidth+'^') for i in range(0,len(rows)): lines.append(string.rjust(legend[i],legwidth)+'|'+string.join(rows[i],'')) lines.append(' '*legwidth+'+%s>'%('-'*width)) s = ' '*width s = sinsert(s,`minx`,0) s = sinsert(s,`max(xs_orig)`,width-len(`max(xs_orig)`)) sub = 'dx='+`max(xs_orig)-min(xs_orig)` s = sinsert(s,sub,width/2-len(sub)/2) lines.append(' '*legwidth+' '+s) return lines def int2chint(integer): # a chint is a character integer. Representing up to 61 in a single # character, after 0-9, we get a-z (10-35) and then A-Z (36-61) # # this proceduce converts integers to chints if integer < 0: #raise "Only positives between 0 and 61", integer return '.' if integer > 61: #raise "Only positives between 0 and 61", integer return '#' #if integer == 1: return 'o' if integer < 10: return `integer` if integer < 36: return chr(ord('a')+integer-10) return chr(ord('A')+integer-36) def chint2int(chint): # converting chints back to integers if chint==' ': return 0 #if chint=='o': return 1 if ord('A')<=ord(chint)<=ord('Z'): return 36+ord(chint)-ord('A') if ord('a')<=ord(chint)<=ord('z'): return 10+ord(chint)-ord('a') return int(chint) def chint_inc(chint): # increments a chint return int2chint(chint2int(chint)+1) def test_chint2int(): for i in range(0, 62): print '%2s = %s'%(i,int2chint(i)) assert(chint2int(int2chint(i)) == i) def roman2int(roman): chr_table = {'I': 1, 'II': 2, 'III': 3, 'IV': 4, 'V': 5, 'VI': 6, 'VII': 7, 'VIII': 8, 'IX': 9, 'X': 10, 'XI': 11, 'XII': 12, 'XIII': 13, 'XIV': 14, 'XV': 15, 'XVI': 16, 'Mito': 17} if roman in chr_table.keys(): return chr_table[roman] else: return roman def int2roman(int): chr_names = ['zero', 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX', 'X', 'XI', 'XII', 'XIII', 'XIV', 'XV', 'XVI'] if int < len(chr_names): return chr_names[int] else: return int def chr2int(chr): assert('A'<=chr<='Q') return ord(chr)-ord('A')+1 def int2chr(int): assert(1<=int<=16) return chr(ord('A')+int-1) ############################################################ # # HISTOGRAMS # ############################################################ def quick_histogram(values, num_bins = 20, width=80, height=20, logx=0,minv=None,maxv=None): on = '['+'o'*(width/num_bins-3)+']' def display_range(v1,v2,maxlen=len(on)): n = '%s-%s'%(v1,v2) if len(n) < maxlen: return n else: return '%s-%s'%(display_bignum(v1,0),display_bignum(v2,0)) binvalues, binnames = bin_values(values, num_bins=num_bins, display_range=display_range,logx=logx, minv=minv,maxv=maxv) binvalues = map(len, binvalues) print_histogram(binvalues,binnames, scale = {'height': height, 'on': on, 'space': ' ', 'display_bottom': 'name', 'display_top': 'value', 'autoscale': 1, 'front_gap': ''}) def bin_values(values, do_not_set=None, num_bins=None, increment=None, f=None, display_range=None, logx=0, logincrement=None, minv=None, maxv=None, name_tag='-'): # bins the values in n bins (n = num_bins) # # constructs the bin boundaries automatically, based on the min # and max values. Returns a list of lists and a list of strings. # # For bin i: # * binvalues[i] contains all the elements of values in that bin # * binnames[i] contains the boundaries of the bin, ex: '3.7-4.2' # that can be parsed with "[-]?\d+-[-]?\d+" if do_not_set: raise "Please explicitly name the arguments to bin_values" if (num_bins and (increment or logincrement)): raise "cannot specifiy both num_bins and increment",(num_bins,increment) elif (not num_bins and not increment and not logx): raise "Must specifiy either num_bins or increment",(num_bins,increment) elif (logx and not num_bins and not logincrement): raise "For LOG histogram, must specifiy either num_bins or logincrement",(num_bins,logincrement) if minv==None: if values: minv = min(values) else: minv=0 if maxv==None: if values: maxv = max(values) else: maxv=0 if f: objects = values values = map(f, objects) else: objects = None # if increment is not specified, recalculate it from the number of bins if logx: minlog = math.log(minv) maxlog = math.log(maxv) if num_bins: logincrement = float((maxlog - minlog)) / float(num_bins) #print "Calculating LOG increment = %s from (min,max)=(%s,%s) and num_bins=%s"%( # logincrement, minlog, maxlog, num_bins) logrange = float_range(minlog, maxlog, logincrement) bins = map(safe_exp, logrange) else: if num_bins: increment = float(maxv-minv) / float(num_bins) #print "Calculating increment = %s from (min,max)=(%s,%s) and num_bins=%s"%( # increment, minv, maxv, num_bins) bins = float_range(minv, maxv, increment) if bins and abs(bins[-1]-maxv)>.01: bins.append(maxv) if not bins: if display_range: names = [display_range(minv,maxv)] else: names = ['%s%s%s'%(min(values), name_tag, max(values))] return [values], names # first construct the names binnames = [] for low,high in map(None, bins[:-1], bins[1:]): if display_range: binnames.append(display_range(low,high)) else: binnames.append('%s%s%s'%(low,name_tag,high)) # then alter the last bin, to make up for all the datapoints # that are exactly the maximum bins[-1] = bins[-1]+.0101 # and construct the bins binvalues = [] for low,high in map(None, bins[:-1], bins[1:]): #low,high=int(bin),int(bin+increment) if objects: v_o = map(None, values, objects) v_o_in = filter(lambda v_o,low=low,high=high: low<=v_o[0] maxlen: n = display_bignum(v,0) names.append(n) return names if not scale.has_key('display_top') or string.lower(scale['display_top']) == 'none': names_top = ['']*len(values) elif scale['display_top'] == 'name': names_top = names[:] elif scale['display_top'] == 'value': names_top = values2names(values,len(scale['on']))#map(lambda v: `v`,values) else: raise "scale['display_top'] not one of name,value,none: ", scale['display_top'] if not scale.has_key('display_bottom') or string.lower(scale['display_bottom']) == 'none': names_bottom = ['']*len(values) elif scale['display_bottom'] == 'name': names_bottom = names[:] elif scale['display_bottom'] == 'value': names_bottom = values2names(values,len(scale['on']))#map(lambda v: `v`,values) else: raise "scale['display_bottom'] not one of name,value,none: ", scale['display_bottom'] # 1. first construct that matrix of characters rows = [] for h in range(0,scale['height']+2): row = [] for v in values: row.append(' '*len(scale['on'])) rows.append(row) if scale['autoscale']: scale['min'] = min(values)-1 scale['max'] = max(values) if scale['min'] > min(values): raise "Min specified too high",(values,scale['min']) if scale['max'] < max(values): raise "Max specified too low",(values,scale['max']) # 2. then insert all the bars of the histogram for j in range(0,len(values)): v = values[j] # do the appropriate rescaling bottom = 0 try: top = int((float(v-scale['min'])/float(scale['max']-scale['min']))*scale['height']) except ZeroDivisionError: top = scale['height'] #print "%s -> Top %s"%(v,top) for i in range(bottom, top): rows[i][j] = scale['on'] rows[top][j] = '_'*len(scale['on']) rows[top+1][j] =[j],len(scale['on']))[:len(scale['on'])] # 3. finally output the histogram rows.reverse() for row in rows: f.write(scale['front_gap']+string.join(row, scale['space'])+'\n') f.write(scale['front_gap']+string.join(map(lambda name_bottom,scale=scale:, len(scale['on']))[:len(scale['on'])], names_bottom), scale['space'])+'\n') def print_wrap_histogram(values, names, w, scale=None): display_wrap_histogram(sys.stdout, values, names, w, scale) def display_wrap_histogram(f, values, names, w, scale=None): if scale['autoscale']: scale['min'] = min(values) scale['max'] = max(values) scale['autoscale'] = 0 for i in range(0,len(values),w): display_histogram(f,values[i:i+w],names[i:i+w],scale) def test_histogram(): display_wrap_histogram(sys.stdout, [100,2,300,400,200,300,1000], 'abcdefg', 7, scale={'height': 10, 'on': '||', 'space': '', 'autoscale': 1, 'front_gap': '', 'display_top': 'none', 'display_bottom': 'name'}) ############################################################ # guess a distribution center and spread # # def guess_center(values, divisions = 20): # # bins = bin_values(values, num_bins=20) # i = 0 # while i=1: if fraction * len(bins[min_i-1]) >= len(bins[min_i]): # include one more bin to the left min_i = min_i - 1 if debug: print "Extending to the left. Now from %s/%s to %s/%s, there's %s items"%( min_i, len(bins), max_i, len(bins), sum(map(len, bins[min_i:max_i+1]))) else: break while max_i= len(bins[max_i]): # include one more bin to the right max_i = max_i + 1 if debug: print "Extending to the right. Now from %s/%s to %s/%s, there's %s items"%( min_i, len(bins), max_i, len(bins), sum(map(len, bins[min_i:max_i+1]))) else: break values_in = flatten(bins[min_i:max_i+1]) if debug: quick_histogram(values_in, num_bins=20) return avg(values_in) # category 4 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### FILES and SAVING ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def binsave(file, data): # binsave cPickle wrapper f = open(file, 'w') cPickle.dump(data, f, 1) f.close() def binload(file): # binload cPickle wrapper f = open(file, 'r') data = cPickle.load(f) f.close() return data ############################################################ # # file stuff # ############################################################ def quick_system(cmd, stdin): # make a temp file for the standard in import tempfile fn_in = tempfile.mktemp('.tmp') #print fn_in #fn_in = '/seq/manoli/yeast/tmp/stdin' open(fn_in,'w').write(stdin) stdout = os.popen('%s < %s'%(cmd,fn_in),'r').read() return stdout def decompose_filename(filename): # first find the directory if string.find(filename,'/')==-1: dir = '' fn = filename elif filename[-1] == '/': dir = filename fn = '' else: path = string.split(filename,'/') dir = string.join(path[:-1],'/')+'/' fn = path[-1] # then find the extension if string.find(fn,'.') == -1: root,extension = fn,'' else: path = string.split(fn,'.') root = path[0] extension = '.'+string.join(path[1:],'.') return dir, root, extension def common_subdir(filenames): if not filenames: return '', filenames # make sure no filenames contain consecutive // for filename in filenames: assert(string.find(filename,'//')==-1) # make sure all the paths are absolute assert(all_same(['/']+cget(filenames,0))) common = '/' for subdir in filter(None,string.split(filenames[0],'/')): newcommon = common+subdir+'/' #print "Trying %s"%newcommon all_common = 1 for filename in filenames: if string.find(filename,newcommon)==0: continue else: all_common=0 break if all_common: common = newcommon else: break #print "Longest common directory: %s"%common short_filenames = [] for filename in filenames: assert(string.find(filename, common)==0) short_filenames.append(filename[len(common):]) return common, short_filenames def change_extension(filename, new_extension): #if new_extension[0] == '.': new_extension = new_extension[1:] extension = string.split(filename,'.')[-1] if not '/' in extension: filename = filename[:-1-len(extension)] return filename+new_extension def opens(filename, mode='r'): # open superuser # if for reading, acts like open # if for writing, it will create every subdirectory # to the file, and then open it for writine if mode == 'r': return open(filename, mode) try: f = open(filename, mode) except IOError: mkdirs(string.join(string.split(filename,'/')[:-1],'/')) f = open(filename, mode) return f def mkdirs(filename, num_tries=2): # make directory superuser # will make every directory on the way to the # given filename subdirs = string.split(filename,'/') for i in range(2,len(subdirs)+1): partial = string.join(subdirs[:i],'/') if not os.path.exists(partial): try: os.mkdir(partial) except OSError: if os.path.exists(partial): continue else: raise if not os.path.exists(filename): mkdirs(filename, num_tries-1) def is_directory(filename): return stat.S_ISDIR(os.lstat(filename)[stat.ST_MODE]) def filesize(filename): return os.lstat(filename)[stat.ST_SIZE] def cdate(filename): return time.ctime(os.lstat(filename)[stat.ST_CTIME]) def non_empty(filename): return os.path.exists(filename) and filesize(filename)!=0 #def file_exists(filename): # return os.path.exists(filename) and filesize(filename)!=0 file_exists = non_empty def touch(filename): open(filename,'w').close() #def rm(filename): # os.remove(filename) def empty_file(filename): if not os.path.exists(filename): return 1 else: return filesize(filename)==0 def exists_but_empty(filename): return os.path.exists(filename) and filesize(filename)==0 def quote_filename(filename): return mreplace(filename,['(',')',' '],['\(','\(','\ ']) ############################################################ def space_usage(file): # takes a file generated by a space usage command # and then sorts it by size lines = open(file,'r').readlines() for i in range(0, len(lines)): lines[i] = filter(None, string.split(lines[i])) lines[i][0] = int(lines[i][0]) lines.sort(lambda l1,l2: l2[0] - l1[0]) return lines def display_usage(lines): for line in lines: if string.count(line[1], '/') > 1: continue print '%14s %s'%(dec(line[0]), line[1]) ############################################################ def split_command_file(filename, increment): # # Input: a file containing a number of one line commands # that are independent of each other (i.e. execution # order doesn't matter # Action: creates a number of files, all with the same # filename_i, and a source file: filename_sourcem # which when sourced will send every subfile to lsf # Use: when you don't feel like submitting 30000 commands to # LSF, but also, you don't feel like waiting for them # to be executed one after the other. # the commands to run commands = filter(lambda cmd: cmd[0]!='#', open(filename,'r').readlines()) print "Splitting %s. %s commands in increments of %s. %s simultaneous_files."%( filename, len(commands), increment, len(commands)/increment) # open the masterfile file_master = open(filename+'_sourcem','w') i = 0 for command_subset in range(0,len(commands),increment): i = i + 1 file_i = open(filename+'_'+`i`,'w') for command in commands[command_subset:][:increment]: file_i.write(command) file_i.close() os.chmod(, 0777) file_master.write('bsub %s_%s &\n' % (filename, i)) file_master.close() os.chmod(, 0777) print "Done splitting. Now source: %s_sourcem"%filename return filename ############################################################ # # HTML files # ############################################################ def html_eliminate_tags(s): # eliminates all matching HTML tags from a string out = [] first_last = html_find_tags(s) if not first_last: return s last_first = list2pairs(first_last, lambda a,b: (a[1],b[0])) last_first.insert(0,(0,first_last[0][0])) last_first.append((first_last[-1][1],len(s))) for first,last in last_first: out.append(s[first:last]) return string.join(out,'') def html_find_tags(s): # returns the start and end of every HTML tag tags = [] last = 0 while 1: first = string.find(s,'<',last) if first==-1: break last = string.find(s,'>',first) if last==-1: break # make sure you're not erasing everything # between inequality signs ok=0 if s[first:first+2] == '\n\nDirectory Listing of %s\n\n\n'%dir) f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('') lastdir = '' for file in files: path = string.split(file,'/') thisdir = string.join(path[:-1], '/') if thisdir!=lastdir: f.write(''%thisdir) lastdir=thisdir else: f.write('') #f.write('') typed = string.split(path[-1],'.') if is_directory(common+file): filename,type = path[-1],'dir' sizeinfo = '%s files'%len(glob.glob(common+file+'/*')) else: if len(typed)>1: filename,type = string.join(typed[:-1],'.'), typed[-1] # if len(filename) < len(type) and len(type)>5: filename,type = filename+'.'+type, '' else: filename,type = path[-1],'' sizeinfo = '%s kb'%dec(filesize(common+file)/1000) f.write(''%( file,filename,type,sizeinfo)) f.write('\n') f.write('
') f.write('\n\n') # category 5 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### FASTA FILES AND FILE POINTERS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # # Reading a portion of a file, until a separator is met # ############################################################ def parse_tab(fn,debug=0): f = open(fn,'r') lines = filter(None,string.split(string.replace(,'\015',''),'\n')) f.close() lines = filter_diclist_not(lines,0,'#') return parse_tab_lines(lines,debug=debug) def parse_tab_lines(lines,debug=0): titles = string.split(lines[0],'\t') parsed = [] for line in lines[1:]: lined = {} mset(lined,titles,string.split(line,'\t')) parsed.append(lined) if debug: f = sys.stdout maxlens = {} for key in titles: maxlens[key] = max([len('%s'%key)]+map(len,cget(parsed,key))) for title in titles: f.write(('%-'+`maxlens[title]`+'s|')%title) f.write('\n') for title in titles: f.write('-'*maxlens[title]+"|") f.write('\n') for line in parsed: for key in titles: f.write(('%-'+`maxlens[key]`+'s|')%line[key]) f.write('\n') return parsed def output_tab(diclist, order=None, f=sys.stdout, separator='\t', default='', exclude=[], only_specified=0): keys = my_sort(unique(flatten(map(lambda d: d.keys(), diclist)))) if only_specified: exclude = set_subtract(keys, order) if not order: order = keys else: order = set_intersect(order,keys) + set_subtract(keys,order) # make sure the separator does not appear as a key for key in order: assert(string.find(key,separator)==-1) assert(string.find(default,separator)==-1) order = set_subtract(order,exclude) f.write(string.join(order,separator)+'\n') for dic in diclist: fields = [] for key in order: if dic.has_key(key): fields.append('%s'%dic[key]) else: fields.append(default) f.write(string.join(fields,separator)+'\n') def read_until(f, separator, increment=500): # # Reads from file f until separator is reached # at every call, it returns the string between separators. # when the end of file is reached, it returns -1 # # increment characters are read iteratively from the file, # until separator is found # # Ex: if the file is: BABOON BAD BABAK and separator is 'BA' # consecutive calls will return '', 'BOON ', 'D ', '', 'K', -1 # so that you only have to look back once if increment < len(separator): #print "Increasing increment size to match separator" increment = len(separator) # when the file is done, it returns -1 # it can return an empty string if separator appears twice current = [] while 1: #print f.tell() last_read = #print "Reading %s" % last_read # done reading file, return last portion if not last_read: if len(string.join(current,'')) > 0: break else: return -1 #print "Read: %s"%last_read #pp(current) # append last increment to currently read portion current.append(last_read) # search for motif in this portion found = string.find(current[-1], separator) # if found in this portion if found > -1: # restore f to the position before the increment[-1])+found+len(separator),1) # chop off the portion after your marker current[-1] = current[-1][:found] break else: # now check if it falls on the boundary between two read iterations if len(current) == 1: # if it's not found in the last_read and current only contains one read iteration, # then it's just simply not there continue else: span_gap = current[-2][-len(separator):]+current[-1][:len(separator)] attempt2 = string.find(span_gap, separator) if attempt2 > -1: # measure how many to chop from previous last_read to_chop = len(separator)-attempt2 current[-2] = current[-2][:-to_chop] del(current[-1]) # set the file pointer back accordingly,1) break # return all you've gathered so far return string.join(current,'') def test_read_until(separator = '|||'): f = open('/seq/manoli/yeast/tmp/separator.txt','r') while 1: txt = read_until(f, separator, 6) if txt !=-1: print `txt` else: break f.close() ############################################################ # # How to read into a file, without loading it all in memory # ############################################################ def get_separator_positions(filename, separator, increment=500): # get all the start positions of the separator # to be used with, f = open(filename, 'r') # make sure we'll find separator in increment some day if len(separator) > increment: increment = len(separator) where = [] while 1: # read a line line = #print "Line is %s"%line # check end of file if len(line) < len(separator): break # see if you hit the separator found = string.find(line, separator) # if found, where was it found if found > -1: # the absolute start and end of the separator start = f.tell() - len(line) + found end = start + len(separator) #print "Found it at %s - %s"%(start, end) where.append((start,end)) # now, restart at the end of the separator, 0) else: # backtrack a bit to see if we just missed the separator, 1) # post process all the starts and ends if where:,2) between = [(0,where[0][0])] for i in range(1,len(where)): between.append((where[i-1][1], where[i][0])) between.append((where[-1][1], f.tell())) else: between = [(0,f.tell())] f.close() return between def use_separator_positions(filename, offsets): f = open(filename, 'r') for start,end in offsets:, 0) line = print line f.close() def test_separator_positions(filename = '/seq/manoli/yeast/tmp/separator.txt', separator = '||||'): pos = get_separator_positions(filename, separator) pp(pos) use_separator_positions(filename, pos) ############################################################ # # The above, more precisely for FASTA files # ############################################################ def make_random_fasta(filename, num_seqs, min_length, max_length, wrap=60): import blast, random, simulation f = open(filename,'w') for i in range(0,num_seqs): length = random.choice(range(min_length, max_length+1)) blast.append_fasta(f, 'seq%s(%sbp)'%(i,length), simulation.random_seq(length)) f.close() def make_test_fasta(filename, num_iterations, before, after, wrap=60): import blast, simulation f = open(filename,'w') for full_lines in range(1,num_iterations): base_len = 60*full_lines for i in range(-before,after): blast.append_fasta(f, 'seq%s_%s'%(full_lines,i), simulation.random_seq(base_len+i)) f.close() def test_fasta_dictionary(filename): make_test_fasta(filename,3,1,1,10) #make_random_fasta(filename, 5, 80, 180, 60) #print open(filename,'r').read() f = open(filename,'r') dic = fasta_dictionary( #print "FASTA dictionary" #pp(dic,1) names,seqs = multiparse_fasta( seq_dic,len_dic = {},{} for name,seq in map(None, names, seqs): name = string.strip(name) seq_dic[name] = seq len_dic[name] = len(seq) #print "'%s'"%seq #print "Names, seqs: " #pp(seq_dic) #pp(len_dic) assert(my_sort(names) == my_sort(set_subtract(dic.keys(),['>width','>fn','>f']))) #print "%15s:%s, %s"%('name','true','fdic') for name in names: #print "%s: %3s, %3s%s"%( # sfill(name,15),len_dic[name],dic[name][1], # ifab(dic[name][1] == len_dic[name],'',' <- different')) assert(dic[name][1] == len_dic[name]) #pp(len_dic) #pp(dic,1) for key in dic.keys(): if key[0]=='>': #print "Skipping %s == %s"%(key,dic[key]) continue start,length = dic[key] #print ">%s"%key for low in range(-10,length): #range(-10,length): for high in range(low-10, length+3): #range(low-10,length+3): seq1 = get_sequence(f,dic,key,low,high,up=1) seq2 = seq_dic[key][low:high] if seq1!=seq2: print 'Get sequence (%s, %s, %s)'%( key, low, high) print ' '*low+seq1+ifab(seq1==seq2, ' <- correct', ' <- OOPS '+seq2) def fasta_dictionary(filename): debug = 1 # first get all the starts of fasta entries positions = get_fasta_positions(filename) # now construct a dictionary which maps sequence names to positions dic = {} # reopen the file f = open(filename, 'r') # find the width of the file w = verify_fasta_width(f) for start,end in positions: # go to the start and read the title, 0) title = string.strip(read_until(f,'\n',60)) #title = string.strip(f.readline()) # make sure all entries are unique if dic.has_key(title): raise "Duplicate fasta title", title # now add an entry to the dictionary for the sequence start seq_start = f.tell() #if debug: # print "Now i'm at: %s" #,0) # calculate the length of the sequence seq_length = end - seq_start - num_wraps_forward(end-seq_start, w) #if debug: # n = num_wraps_forward(end-seq_start, w) # print "%s: total chars: %s, num wraps: %s, length: %s"%( # title,end-seq_start,n,seq_length) # map the title to the start and end of the sequence dic[title] = (seq_start, seq_length) dic['>width'] = w dic['>fn'] = filename dic['>f'] = None return dic def num_wraps_old(length, w): # count how many wraps will be, in a sequence of length length, # wrapped every width w if length <= 0: return 0 return (length-1) / w def num_wraps_forward(length, w): # count how many wraps there have been, # in a sequence of total length length (including wraps), # wrapped every width w # and what is the length of the sequence before inclusion of wraps if length <= 0: return 0 return length / (w+1) def num_wraps_reverse(length, w): # count how many wraps will be, in a sequence of length length, # wrapped every width w if length <= 0: return 0 return (length-1) / w def smart_wraps(start, end, w): # in a sequence wrapped every w characters, # it gives the number of wraps between start and end return num_wraps_reverse(end,w)-num_wraps_reverse(start,w) def get_fasta_positions(filename): f = open(filename,'r') if != '>': raise "Not a fasta file", filename pos = get_separator_positions(filename, '\n>', 500) # adjust for the fact that the first entry does not have a carriage return before the > pos[0] = (1, pos[0][1]) fix_fasta_positions(f,pos) return pos def fix_fasta_positions(f, positions): # makes sure that all the starts are pointing to ">title" # and all the ends are pointing to non-whitespace characters for i in range(0,len(positions)): start,end = positions[i],0) assert('>') repeat = 1 while repeat:,0) if in ' \n': end = end-1 #print "Fixed end!" else: repeat = 0 positions[i] = (start,end) def test_get_fasta_positions(filename): positions = get_fasta_positions(filename) f = open(filename,'r') fix_fasta_positions(f,positions) for start, end in positions: print "(%s,%s)"%(start,end),0) print "Reading %s (end-start): '%s'"%(end-start, def guess_fasta_width(f): where = f.tell(),0) ####### # Look for the first two consecutive non-title lines first_line = f.readline()[:-1] while 1: second_line = f.readline()[:-1] if second_line[0] != '>' and first_line[0] != '>': w = len(first_line) break else: first_line = second_line,where) return w def verify_fasta_width(f): w = guess_fasta_width(f) # assumes that every title only takes a single line w/o line breaks,0) # make sure every sequence line is w or less right before a title next_must_be_title = 1 i = 0 while 1: i = i+1 line = f.readline()[:-1] if not line: break if next_must_be_title and line[0] != '>': # i'm expecting a title, but i don't get one raise "Line %i should be a title"%i elif len(line) == w or line[0] == '>': # i've gotten a sequence of length exactly w # or i've gotten a title, expecting it or not next_must_be_title = 0 else: if len(line) > w: raise "Line %i is too long"%i if len(line) < w: next_must_be_title = 1,0) return w def fix_fasta_width(filename_in, filename_out=None, newwidth=None): # choose a filename_out that doesn't already exist if not filename_out: replace = 1 i = 0 while 1: i = i+1 filename_out = filename_in+`i` if os.path.exists(filename_out): continue else: break else: replace = 0 f1 = open(filename_in,'r') f2 = open(filename_out,'w') # if the newwidth is not specified, then simply guess it if not newwidth: newwidth = guess_fasta_width(f1) import blast while 1: name,seq = incremental_fasta(f1) if (name and seq): blast.append_fasta(f2,name,seq,newwidth) else: break f1.close(), f2.close() if replace: os.rename(filename_out, filename_in) def get_sequence(f, dic, title, start, end, up=1, safe=0): # f is an open file # dic is the fasta positions dictionary returned by fasta_dictionary( # title is the FASTA title of the sequence you're interested in (say, chromosome name) # start, end are the subsequence coordinates (say within a chromosome) # up is the strand #print "Reading file %s entry %s coords %s - %s"%( #, title, start, end) title = string.strip(title) if not dic.has_key(title): raise "Title not present in fasta_dictionary for %s", title # read the dictionary for positional information seq_start, seq_length = dic[title] # check that you're not reading more than allowed by the sequence boundaries if start < 0: start = seq_length + start if end < 0: end = seq_length + end if start > seq_length: return '' if start > end: return '' if end > seq_length: end = seq_length ####### # method 1: only read that portion of the file # # will not work because of line feeds -> must assume consistent line feeds # one could check consistency before generating fasta_dictionary # + start - 1) #seq = ###### # method 2: read all, and only return interesting portion w = dic['>width'],w)) seq =,end,w)) try: seq = string.replace(seq,'\n','') except MemoryError: seq = '' # reverse complement if not up: seq = revcom(seq) if safe: assert(sum(map(lambda char: string.count(seq,char),'ACGTNacgtn'))==len(seq)) return seq def fasta_dic_pos2seq(filename, dic): f = open(filename,'r') seq_dic = {} for key,(start,end) in dic.items(): seq_dic[key] = string.strip(get_seq(f, start, end)) return seq_dic def get_seq(f, start, end): return ############################################################ # # An older version of this # ############################################################ def get_fasta_entry(f, title, reset=1): # if reset is true, the pointer is reset and file searched # from the beginning if reset:,0) else: #print 'WARNING! only searching from position %s on'%f.tell() pass while 1: seq = read_until(f, '\n>', 500) if seq == -1: break if seq[:len(title)] == title: #print "Found! "+seq return string.join(string.split(seq,'\n')[1:],'') return -1 def get_fasta_entries(filename, titles, reset=0): "Assumes: filename contains all titles, in order" f = open(filename,'r') entries = [] for title in titles: entries.append(get_fasta_entry(f, title, reset)) f.close() return entries ############################################################ # # Parsing FASTA files # ############################################################ def singleparse_fasta(name): # returns only the sequence of a fasta file # assumes the file contains a single sequence return string.join(string.split(string.replace(open(name).read(), '\015',''), '\n')[1:], '') def multiparse_fasta(file): # returns the titles and sequences of a fasta file # file can contain multiple sequences f = string.replace(open(file).read(),'\015','') groups = string.split(f, '>')[1:] titles = [] seqs = [] for group in groups: lines = string.split(group, '\n') titles.append(lines[0]) seqs.append(string.join(lines[1:],'')) return titles, seqs def multiparse_qual(file): # file can contain multiple sequences f = string.replace(open(file).read(),'\015','') groups = string.split(f, '>')[1:] titles = [] quals = [] for group in groups: lines = string.split(group, '\n') titles.append(lines[0]) qual = [] for line in lines[1:]: qual.extend(map(int,string.split(line))) quals.append(qual) return titles, quals def incremental_fasta(f): """ every time it's called, this function reads one sequence from a fasta file and positions the cursor to the beginning of the new sequence. End of file: return None Assumes: positioned at the beginning of the next fasta seq """ # first parse the title #print "Starting at %s"%f.tell() line = f.readline() #print "Read title: Now at %s"%f.tell() if not line: return '','' if line[0]!='>': raise "First line is not a valid FASTA title", line else: name = string.strip(line[1:-1]) # then parse the sequence seq = [] while 1: line = f.readline() #print "Read sequence: now at %s"%f.tell() if not line: # done reading, end of file break if line[0] == '>': # done reading, next title # backtrack,1) #print "Backtracking: now at %s"%f.tell() break seq.append(string.strip(line)) return name, string.join(seq, '') def incremental_qual(f): """ reads one sequence from a fasta file and positions the cursor to the beginning of the new sequence. End of file: return None Assumes: positioned at the beginning of the next fasta seq """ line = f.readline() if not line: return '',[] if line[0]!='>': raise "First line is not a valid FASTA title", line else: name = string.strip(line[1:-1]) # then parse the quality scores seq = [] while 1: line = f.readline() if not line: break if line[0] == '>':,1) break seq.append(string.strip(line)) return name, map(int, string.split(string.join(seq, ' '))) def get_fasta_lengths(file): titles, seq = multiparse_fasta(file) lengths = {} mset(lengths,titles,map(len, seq)) return lengths ############################################################ # # Comparing FASTA files # ############################################################ def compare_with_screen(species): #filename = '/seq/manoli/yeast/yeastSeqs/%sPhrapData'%species filename = '/seq/comparative02/%s/sequal_dir/%sPHRP'%(species,species) return compare_fasta([filename,filename+'.screen']) def compare_fasta(files): """ Input: two or more fasta files that all have the same order in their reads, possibly masked with different masking programs (ex: vector, repeat) Output: the list of fasta entries that mismatch, and the number of characters that differed in each case. """ fs = map(open, files) inconsistencies = [] i = 0 while 1: i = i+1 name_seq_list = map(incremental_fasta, fs) names = map(lambda ns: ns[0],name_seq_list) seqs = map(lambda ns: string.upper(ns[1]),name_seq_list) if not names[0]: break for name in names: if name != names[0]: print "%s fasta entries considered"%i raise "Files out of sync", (name, names[0]) for seq in seqs: if seq != seqs[0]: # count the number of bases that are different num_mismatches = 0 for chars in unpack(seqs): if not all_same(chars): num_mismatches = num_mismatches + 1 # display mismatching message print "%19s: %3s / %3s mismatches (%2s%%)"%(names[0], num_mismatches, len(seqs[0]), 100*num_mismatches/len(seqs[0])) #print_wrap(seqs, 120, names) # append inconsistencies.append((names[0], num_mismatches)) break map(lambda f: f.close(), fs) if inconsistencies: print "%s fasta entries were different among %s"%(len(inconsistencies), string.join(files, ', ')) else: print "Files are identical" return inconsistencies # category 6 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### STRING OPERATIONS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def sfill(s, length, fill_char = '.'): # Appends fill_char to the string s until it reaches length length # ex: sfill('hello',18,'.') -> hello............... # <--- 18 chars ---> # useful for printing dictionaries in a cute way # one......: 1 # five.....: 5 # seventeen: 17 #list = map(None, s) #list.extend(map(None, fill_char*(length - len(list)))) #return string.join(list, '') return s + fill_char*(length-len(s)) def sinsert(s, sub, start): # inserts substring 'sub' into string 's' from i on # ex: sinsert('ATGCGGATATAT','*->',3) -> ATG*->ATATAT # useful for adding annotations s = map(None, s) sadd(s,sub,start) return string.join(s, '') def sadd(s,sub,start): for i in range(0, min(len(sub),len(s)-start)): s[i+start] = sub[i] def mcount(s, chars): # sums the counts of appearances of each char in chars count = 0 for char in chars: count = count+string.count(s,char) return count def mreplace(s, chars, targets): # the advantage of mreplace over translate_chars (see below) # is that both chars and targets can be strings, not just chars # ex: mreplace('mississipi',['ssi','mi','pi'],['ze','mme','']) -> mmezizi # note: the output depends on the order the chars are specified in # moreover, the output of one translation can be changed by # the next translation # useful for: mreplace('ACG|-.AAGCG','-.|',['','','']) -> 'ACGAAGCG' assert(len(chars)==len(targets)) if sum(map(lambda char,s=s: string.count(s,char), chars)) == len(s): return '' for char,target in map(None, chars, targets): s = string.replace(s,char,target) return s def safe_replace(s,old,new): if not s: return s if not new and string.count(s,old)*len(old)==len(s): return '' return string.replace(s,old,new) def msplit(seq, separators): # identical to string.split(seq,gap), # only it chops at any of the characters # turn the separator list into a dictionary for # constant lookup time separator_d = {} mset(separator_d,separators,[None]*len(separators)) starts, ends = [0], [] inside = 1 for i in range(0,len(seq)): # if i'm inside a good stretch, and i find a separator if inside and separator_d.has_key(seq[i]): inside = 0 ends.append(i) # if i'm outside a good stretch, and i find a non-separator if not inside and not separator_d.has_key(seq[i]): inside = 1 starts.append(i) if not inside: starts.append(len(seq)) ends.append(len(seq)) subseqs = [] for start, end in map(None, starts, ends): subseqs.append(seq[start:end]) return subseqs def substrings_including(seq, chars): # returns the list of substrings of seq that contain characters in chars char_d = {} mset(char_d,chars,[None]*len(chars)) binaries = map(char_d.has_key, seq) islands = count_islands(binaries) if not islands.has_key(1): return [] else: islands = islands[1] subseqs = [] for start,end in islands: subseqs.append(seq[start-1:end]) return subseqs def substrings_excluding(seq, chars): # returns the list of substrings of seq that do not contain characters in chars char_d = {} mset(char_d,chars,[None]*len(chars)) binaries = map(char_d.has_key, seq) islands = count_islands(binaries) if not islands.has_key(0): return [] else: islands = islands[0] subseqs = [] for start,end in islands: subseqs.append(seq[start-1:end]) return subseqs def translate_chars(s,chars,targets): # make a dictionary and use it # ex: translate_chars('mississipi',['i','s'],['e','t']) -> mettettepe # ex: translate_chars('mississipi','is','et') -> mettettepe # note only char->char substitutions are possible. For multiple # substring -> substring substitutions, one can use mreplace return string.translate(s,string.maketrans(chars,targets)) def multi_find(seq, list_of_queries,i=0): best = -1 for q in list_of_queries: index = string.find(seq, q,i) if index > -1: if best == -1: best = index if index < best: best = index return best def multi_rfind(seq, list_of_queries): best = -1 for q in list_of_queries: index = string.rfind(seq, q) if index > best: best = index return best def find_all(seq, sub): #print "Looking for %s in %s"%(sub,seq) found = [] next = string.find(seq,sub) while next != -1: found.append(next) next = string.find(seq,sub,next+1) return found def find_all_list(list, element): result = [] for i in range(0,len(list)): if list[i] == element: result.append(i) return result def find_ignoring_gaps(sequence, sub, gaps='-'): # The call # # start,end = find_ignoring_gaps(seq, sub, gaps) # # returns start,end such that: # # string.replace(seq[start-1:end],gaps,'')==sub # # useful for finding 'CG' in 'A--C---GA' # # Note: the non one-to-one nature of the definition # of this function is resolved by returning all gaps # possible on the left, but no gaps on the right. # i.e. CG -> '--C---G' and not 'C---G' # AC -> 'A--C' and not 'A--C---' #print "Looking for %s in %s"%(sub, sequence) no_gaps = string.replace(sequence, gaps, '') locs = find_all(no_gaps, sub) if len(locs) == 0: raise "NotFound", sub elif len(locs) != 1: #print string.join(map(lambda i: '%s'%i, locs)) raise "MultipleInstances", sub else: # we know sub only appears once in the ungapped sequence uninterrupted = string.find(sequence, sub) if uninterrupted != -1: # optimization, check if you can find it uninterrupted. # will run much faster, and called for most sequences start, end = uninterrupted+1, uninterrupted+len(sub) else: # well, it wasn't that easy, the sequence is actually interrupted # by at least one gap -> search the hard way pre_length = locs[0]+1 # now i know that the subsequence starts after pre_length, # non-gap characters, so count how many total chars i does it # take before we see pre_length chars num_chars,i = 0,0 while 1: if sequence[i] != gaps: num_chars = num_chars+1 if num_chars == pre_length: break i = i+1 start = i+1 # now, from that point, count how many i does it take, # so that the number of non-gap chars found (num_chars) # is the length of the sought string sub # note i is the i from above num_chars = 0 while 1: if sequence[i] != gaps: num_chars = num_chars+1 if num_chars == len(sub): i = i+1 break i = i+1 end = i #print "Looking for %s in %s -> (%s %s) == %s"%( # sub, sequence, start, end, sequence[start-1:end]) # verify that it's correct assert(string.replace(sequence[start-1:end],'-','')==sub) return start, end def gap_translate_start_end(seq, start, end): # return gap_free_start, gap_free_end such that: # string.replace(seq,'-','')[start-1:end] == string.replace(seq[start-1:end]) assert(string.count(seq[:start],'-') < start) # must start with at least one non-gap character gaps_before_start = string.count(seq[:start],'-') gaps_in_the_middle = string.count(seq[start-1:end],'-') #print "Gaps_before_Start = %s\nGaps_in_the_middle = %s\n"%( # gaps_before_start,gaps_in_the_middle) new_start = start - gaps_before_start new_end = end - (gaps_before_start + gaps_in_the_middle) before = string.replace(seq,'-','')[new_start-1:new_end] try: after = string.replace(seq[start-1:end],'-','') except MemoryError: print "Before was: %s but after failed: %s"%(before, seq[start-1:end]) print "Start, end = (%s,%s)"%(start, end) after = '' #print "Before: %s\nAfter: %s"%(before,after) assert(before == after) return new_start, new_end def gap_untranslate_start_end(seq, gap_free_start, gap_free_end, safe=1): binary = map(lambda char: char!='-', seq) offsets = cumulative_sum(binary) start, end = offsets.index(gap_free_start)+1, offsets.index(gap_free_end)+1 if safe: after = string.replace(seq,'-','')[gap_free_start-1:gap_free_end] before = string.replace(seq[start-1:end],'-','') if before != after: print_wrap([before, after], 100, ['before', 'after']) assert(after == before) return start, end #def gap_translate_coords(seq, coords, safe=1): def coords_seq2ali(seq, coords, offsets=None): if not offsets: offsets = gap_translation_offsets(seq) # one version: if len(coords) < 10: #print "Old method: %s .index operations on list of %s"%(len(coords), len(offsets)) new_coords = map(offsets.index, coords) else: # another version: #print "Reversing %s offsets"%len(offsets) reversed_offsets = reverse_map_list(offsets,0) #print "Looking up %s coordinates"%len(coords) new_coords = mget(reversed_offsets, coords) #print "Done" return new_coords def coords_starts_ends_seq2ali(starts, ends, seq): new = coords_seq2ali(seq, starts+ends) starts = new[:len(new)/2] ends = new[len(new)/2:] return starts, ends def interval_coords_seq2ali(intervals, seq): starts = cget(intervals, 'start') ends = cget(intervals, 'end') new = coords_seq2ali(seq, starts+ends) starts = new[:len(new)/2] ends = new[len(new)/2:] cset(intervals,'start',starts) cset(intervals,'end',ends) def interval_coords_ali2seq(intervals, seq): starts = cget(intervals, 'start') ends = cget(intervals, 'end') new = coords_ali2seq(seq, starts+ends) starts = new[:len(new)/2] ends = new[len(new)/2:] cset(intervals,'start',starts) cset(intervals,'end',ends) #def gap_untranslate_coords(seq, coords, safe=1): def coords_ali2seq(seq, coords, offsets=None): if not offsets: offsets = gap_translation_offsets(seq) new_coords = mget(offsets,coords) return new_coords def coords_ali2allseqs(seqs, coords, all_offsets=None): if not all_offsets: all_offsets = map(gap_translation_offsets,seqs) packed_newcoords = [] for seq,offsets in map(None,seqs,all_offsets): packed_newcoords.append(coords_ali2seq(seq,coords,offsets)) newcoords = unpack(packed_newcoords) return newcoords def gap_translation_offsets(seq): #print "Calculating gap translation offsets for a sequence of %s bp"%len(seq) binary = [1]*len(seq) zeros = find_all(seq,'-') mset(binary,zeros,[0]*len(zeros)) # above and this line are equivalent #binary = map(lambda char: char!='-', seq) #if not binary==binary2: # print binary # print binary2 offsets = cumulative_sum(binary) offsets.insert(0,0) offsets.append(offsets[-1]+1) return offsets def test_gap_translate(): import simulation seq = simulation.random_seq(500,'ACGT-') #seq = '----GGATATAG---GGAGGA--' #seq = 'G--GA-T-ATAG---GGAGGA' gap_free = string.replace(seq,'-','') indices = range(0,len(gap_free)) print "Testing gap translation on: \n%s and \n%s"%(seq,gap_free) for index in indices: i2 = coords_seq2ali(seq,[index])[0] #print "%s%s%s Char %s of sequence is found at position %s in the alignment"%( # gap_free[index],ifab(gap_free[index]==seq[i2], '==', '!='),seq[i2],index,i2) i3 = coords_ali2seq(seq,[i2])[0] #print "Position %s of alignment contains char %s of sequence\n"%(i2,i3) #print "%s -> %s -> %s"%(index, i2, i3) assert(index==i3) if index != i3: print "\n\nOOPs\n\n" print "Testing gap reverse translation on: \n%s and \n%s"%(seq,gap_free) for i2 in range(0,len(seq)): #print "Position %s of alignment"%i2 i3 = coords_ali2seq(seq,[i2])[0] #print "Position %s of alignment contains char %s of sequence"%(i2,i3) i4 = coords_seq2ali(seq,[i3])[0] #print '%s -> %s -> %s'%(i2,i3,i4) #print "%s%s%s Char %s of sequence is found at position %s in the alignment\n"%( # gap_free[i4],ifab(gap_free[i2]==seq[i4], '==', '!='),seq[i4], i2,i4) ############################################################ # # Flipping the case of aligned sequences (to mark exons, for example) # ############################################################ def upcase_alignment(seqs_aligned, seqs_upcased): # uses the up/down case information from seqs_upcased # and thealignment informatino from seqs_aligned, # to generate a sequence that preservs the best # alignment, while at the same time displaying extra # information based on the casing (example: gene/intergenic) # tools.upcase_alignment(['--M---A-NO---L-IS--'],['mAnOlIs']) -> ['--m---A-nO---l-Is--'] newseqs = [] for seq_aligned, seq_upcased in map(None, seqs_aligned, seqs_upcased): newseqs.append(upcase_ali(seq_aligned, seq_upcased)) return newseqs def upcase_ali(seq_aligned, seq_upcased): gapless_seq = gapless(seq_aligned,'-.') if not string.upper(seq_upcased)==gapless_seq: pp({'gapless': gapless_seq, 'upcase': seq_upcased},2,60) pw(['upcased','gapless','consensus'], [seq_upcased,gapless_seq,compute_clustal_consensus([string.upper(seq_upcased),gapless_seq])]) assert(string.upper(seq_upcased)==gapless_seq) # a sequence that's both aligned and upcased seq_both = [] i = 0 for char in seq_aligned: if char=='-': seq_both.append('-') elif char=='.': seq_both.append('.') else: seq_both.append(seq_upcased[i]) i = i+1 return string.join(seq_both,'') def upcase_only(seq): upseq = string.upper(seq) non_down = [] for i in range(0,len(seq)): if seq[i] == upseq[i]: non_down.append(seq[i]) return string.join(non_down,'') def seqs_upcase_only(seqs): assert(all_same(map(len,seqs))) maxstart,minend = 0,len(seqs[0]) for seq in seqs: if '*' in seq: continue thisstart = min(string.find(seq,'A'),string.find(seq,'C'),string.find(seq,'G'),string.find(seq,'T')) maxstart = max(thisstart,maxstart) thisend = max(string.rfind(seq,'A'),string.rfind(seq,'C'),string.rfind(seq,'G'),string.rfind(seq,'T')) minend = min(thisend,minend) return get_subseqs(seqs,maxstart,minend) def first_upcase(seq): starts = string.find(seq,'A'),string.find(seq,'C'),string.find(seq,'G'),string.find(seq,'T') if max(starts)==-1: return -1 else: return min(gte(starts,0)) def last_upcase(seq): return max(string.rfind(seq,'A'),string.rfind(seq,'C'),string.rfind(seq,'G'),string.rfind(seq,'T')) def first_lowcase(seq): starts = [string.find(seq,'a'),string.find(seq,'c'),string.find(seq,'g'),string.find(seq,'t')] if max(starts)==-1: return -1 else: return min(gte(starts,0)) def last_lowcase(seq): return max(string.rfind(seq,'a'),string.rfind(seq,'c'),string.rfind(seq,'g'),string.rfind(seq,'t')) def upcase_this(this, case_teller): assert(len(this)==len(case_teller)) that = [] for i in range(0,len(this)): if string.upper(case_teller[i])==case_teller[i]: that.append(string.upper(this[i])) elif string.lower(case_teller[i])==case_teller[i]: that.append(string.lower(this[i])) else: that.append(this[i]) return string.join(that,'') #def upcase_portion(gapseq,upseq): # # find the best match of upseq in seq in upcase it # seq = string. # # # # searching the entire sequence # complete = string.find_all(upseq) # if len(complete)==1: # start,end = complete[0],complete[0]+len(upseq) # else: # # first find the beginning # length_to_search = len(upseq)/2 # while 1: # starts = find_all(upseq) # # # else: # # # # # alistart,ali = coords_seq2ali(gapseq,[start,end]) ############################################################ # # Kinda like find only with sw as the search method # ############################################################ def sw_find(seq, subsequence): import sw homologs = sw.quick_sw(subsequence, seq) if homologs: return homologs[0]['start']-1 else: return -1 # category 7 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### LIST OPERATIONS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def multimap(functions, list): for function in functions: list = map(function, list) return list def flatten(list_of_lists): flat_list = [] map(flat_list.extend, list_of_lists) return flat_list def reverse_list(list): l2 = list[:] l2.reverse() return l2 def lappend(list, element): # same as: flatten([list, [element]]) list2 = list[:] list2.append(element) return list2 def all_same(list, compfunc=None): # returns 1 if all the elements of the list are identical # if compfunc is specified then returns 1 if all the elements x # of the list satisfy 1==compfunc(x,first) where first is the first element if not list: return 1 if len(list)==1: return 1 first = list[0] if compfunc: for element in list: if compfunc(element,first): continue else: return 0 else: for element in list: if element==first: continue else: return 0 return 1 def all_diff(list): return unique_len(list)==len(list) def all_same_key(diclist, key): # returns 1 if the value indexed by key # is identical for every dic in diclist if not diclist: return 1 if len(diclist)==1: return 1 first = diclist[0][key] for element in diclist: if element[key] != first: return 0 return 1 def unique(list, comp=None): if comp: return unique_slow(list, comp) else: return unique_fast(list) def unique_len(list): return len(unique(list)) def unique_fast(list): new_list = [] seen_dic = {} for element in list: # check if already seen, skip if seen_dic.has_key(element): continue # add it to seen list seen_dic[element] = None # add it to unique list new_list.append(element) return new_list def unique_slow(list, comp = (lambda x,y: x==y)): list = list[:] if not list: return list uniquelist = [] for nextelement in list: novel = 1 for seenelement in uniquelist: if comp(nextelement,seenelement): novel = 0 break if novel: uniquelist.append(nextelement) return uniquelist def unique_hash(list, el2hash=lambda el: el, strict=0): # takes a function that returns a hashable key # for every element new_list = [] seen = {} for element in list: key = el2hash(element) if seen.has_key(key): if strict: assert(seen[key]==element) else: seen[key] = element new_list.append(element) return new_list def diclist_unique(diclist, key): return unique_hash(diclist,lambda x,key=key: x[key]) def eliminate_duplicates(list): # assumes the elements are sorted and eliminates duplicates if len(list)<=1: return list[:] newlist = [list[0]] for i in range(1,len(list)): if newlist[-1]!=list[i]: newlist.append(list[i]) return newlist def list_find_all(list, element): indices = [] for i in range(0,len(list)): if list[i] == element: indices.append(i) return indices def merge_sorted(list1,list2): # assumes the two lists are sorted, and # that elements within them are unique # then merges them, keeping one copy of each element merged,i,j, = [],0,0 while i list2[j]: merged.append(list2[j]) j = j+1 else: merged.append(list1[i]) i = i+1 j = j+1 if i list.index(element) #def join(list, element): # # modifies list, by appending element # # returns the list # # equivalent to flatten([x,[y]]) # list.append(element) # return list #def append_unique(list, item): # # appends item to list only if it doesn't yet contain it # # note: O(n) has to search the entire list for item first # if not item in list: # list.append(list) def split_list(list, is_separator): # input: list: a list of items # is_separator: a function s.t. is_separator(list[i]) == 1 only if element i is a separator # action: separates the list at every separator # output: the sublists, and the separators found # example: 3,3,3,'a','b',3,'c','d',3 # -> [],[],[],['a','b'],['c','d'],[] # -> 3 3 3 3 3 # note: always one more group than separator # note: groups can be empty if between consecutive separator elements groups = [] separators = [-1]+list_find_all(map(is_separator, list),1)+[len(list)+1] for i,j in map(None, separators[:-1], separators[1:]): groups.append(list[i+1:j]) return groups, mget(list, separators[1:-1]) ############################################################ # # Sorting lists and dictionaries # ############################################################ def my_sort(list,func=None): if func: return sort_transform(list,func) else: return sort_copy(list) def my_sort_rev(list,func=None): if func: return my_reverse(sort_transform(list,func)) else: return my_reverse(sort_copy(list)) def my_reverse(list): newlist = list[:] newlist.reverse() return newlist def sort_copy(list): # useful for sorting on the fly without new_list = map(None, list) new_list.sort() return new_list def sort_transform(list, function = lambda a: a): augmented = map(None, map(function,list), list) augmented.sort() return cget(augmented,1) def sort_diclist(diclist, key): # faster: no lambdas augmented = map(None, cget(diclist,key), diclist) augmented.sort() return cget(augmented,1) def sort_diclist_rev(diclist, key): # faster: no lambdas augmented = map(None, cget(diclist,key), diclist) augmented.sort() augmented.reverse() return cget(augmented,1) def sort_diclist_multiple(diclist, keys): # faster: no lambdas augmented = map(None, cget_multiple(diclist,keys), diclist) augmented.sort() return cget(augmented,1) def sort_diclist_multiple_rev(diclist, keys): # faster: no lambdas augmented = map(None, cget_multiple(diclist,keys), diclist) augmented.sort() augmented.reverse() return cget(augmented,1) def diclist_unique(diclist, key): seen = {} newlist = [] for dic in diclist: if seen.has_key(dic[key]): continue seen[dic[key]] = None newlist.append(dic) return newlist def shuffle(list): list = list[:] for i in range(0,len(list)): j = random.randrange(0,len(list)) list[i],list[j] = list[j],list[i] #print "Flipping %s and %s. %s"%(i,j,list) return list #def shuffle2(list): # NOTE: Not a correct algorithm. # return my_sort(list, lambda x,random=random: random.uniform(-.5,.5)) def test_shuffle(length=100, iters=20): sums = [0]*length for iter in range(0,iters): list = range(1,length+1) list = shuffle(list) for i in range(0,length): sums[i] = sums[i] + list[i] for i in range(0,length): sums[i] = sums[i] / float(iters) print "The average for each bin after %s iterations should be approximately %s"%(iters,length/2) print map(int,map(round,sums)) quick_histogram(sums) def reorder_names_seqs(names, seqs, ordered): ordered = ordered + set_subtract(names, ordered) order = map(names.index, filter(names.count, ordered)) return mget(names, order), mget(seqs, order) def common_names_seqs(names_seqs_list): # input: [(names1,seqs1), (names2,pseqs2), (names3,tseqs3)] # output: [names, seqs, pseqs, tseqs] dics = [] for names, seqs in names_seqs_list: dic = {} mset(dic,names,seqs) dics.append(dic) common_names = set_intersect_all(cget(names_seqs_list,0)) result = [common_names] for dic in dics: result.append(mget(dic,common_names)) return result def missing_data_consensus(names, seqs, pieces): # in a multiple alignment (names, seqs) # pieces of one of the sequences are aligned # with the entire length of the other sequences # construct a consensus for the pieces name2i = {} for name_i in range(0,len(names)): name2i[names[name_i]] = name_i seqs = clustal_endgaps2dots(seqs) consensus = [] for char_i in range(0,len(seqs[0])): chars = [] for seq_i in mget(name2i, pieces): chars.append(seqs[seq_i][char_i]) # Gaps at the end are treated as if # we never saw any sequence for it. chars = set_subtract(chars, '.') others = [] for seq_i in range(0,len(seqs)): if name2i.has_key(names[seq_i]): pass else: others.append(seqs[seq_i][char_i]) if len(chars) == 0: # none of the sequence covered that part consensus.append('.') elif len(chars) == 1: consensus.append(chars[0]) elif all_same(chars) and all_same(others) and (not others or others[0]==chars[0]): # all the sequence pieces covering that base # agree (either a char or a gap. Append it) consensus.append(chars[0]) else: # well now, we can use the other sequences in the # alignment to do some sort of a majority vote # on this particular base, but then we'd be # reasoning circularly. So we just include an N. # others would argue i should put a ".", but it's # not really missing. we know there's a base there. # consensus.append(generate_profile(chars)) # consensus.append(string.lower(generate_profile(chars))) #if all_same(others) and others[0] in chars: # consensus.append(others[0]) #else: consensus.append('N') return string.join(consensus,'') ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def my_filter(x, test): #print 'x = %s'%(`x`[:40]) #print 'test = %s'%(`test`[:40]) #if not set_subtract(unique(test), [0,1]): # print "unique(test)=%s"%(unique(test)) assert(set_subtract(unique(test),[0,1])==[]) x_test = map(None, x, test) x_test_true = filter(lambda x_test: x_test[1], x_test) x_true = cget(x_test_true, 0) return x_true def lt(list, cutoff): # return the elements of the list that are strictly less than the cutoff return filter(lambda el,cutoff=cutoff: elcutoff, list) def lte(list, cutoff): # return the elements of the list that are less than or equal to the cutoff return filter(lambda el,cutoff=cutoff: el<=cutoff, list) def gte(list, cutoff): # return the elements of the list that are greater than or equal to the cutoff return filter(lambda el,cutoff=cutoff: el>=cutoff, list) def within(list, left, right): # return elements that are greater than or equal to left and strictly less than right return filter(lambda el,left=left,right=right: left<=elcutoff: return 0 return 1 def all_gte(list,cutoff): for el in list: if not el>=cutoff: return 0 return 1 def all_lt(list,cutoff): for el in list: if not elcutoff: count = count+1 return count def count_lte(list, cutoff): # return the elements of the list that are strictly less than the cutoff count = 0 for el in list: if el<=cutoff: count = count+1 return count def count_gte(list, cutoff): # return the elements of the list that are strictly less than the cutoff count = 0 for el in list: if el>=cutoff: count = count+1 return count def count_within(list, left, right): # return elements that are greater than or equal to left and strictly less than right count = 0 for el in list: if left<=el=15: 3 if xlist[i-1]: return 0 return 1 def longest_colinear(list): longest = [] for sublist in superset(list): if len(sublist) > len(longest) and (is_increasing(sublist) or is_decreasing(sublist)): longest=sublist return longest def diclist_longest_colinear(diclist,key): longest = [] for sublist in superset(diclist): if len(sublist) > len(longest) and (is_increasing(cget(sublist,key)) or is_decreasing(cget(sublist,key))): longest=sublist return longest def is_positive(x): return x>0 def sign(x): if x>0: return +1 elif x<0: return -1 else: return 0 def sum(l): if not l: return 0 return reduce(operator.add,l,0) def min_max(l): return "Min: %s, Median: %s, Avg: %s, N50: %s, Max: %s"%( display_bignum(min(l)), display_bignum(median(l)), display_bignum(avg(l)), display_bignum(n50(l)), display_bignum(max(l))) def n50(l,fifty=50): l = my_sort(l) l.reverse() middle = sum(l)*fifty/100.0 tot = 0 for i in range(0,len(l)): tot = tot+l[i] if tot>=middle: break return l[i] def n50s(l,fiftys=[50,60,70,80,85,90,95],show_n=1): res = [] for fifty in fiftys: n50_length = n50(l,fifty) this_res = 'n%s=%s'%(fifty,display_bignum(n50_length,0)) if show_n: # how many supercontigs are at that length or greater count = len(filter(lambda i,length=n50_length: i>=length, l)) this_res = this_res + ' in %s'%count res.append(this_res) return string.join(res,', ') def percentiles(l, ps=[25,50,75]): l = tools.my_sort(l) result = [] for p in ps: result.append(l.index(int(len(l)*p/100.0))) return result def log_avg(l,strict=1): if strict: return math.exp(avg(map(math.log,l))) else: return math.exp(avg(map(math.log,filter(None,l)))) def log_variance(l): return math.exp(variance(map(math.log,l))) def avg(l,precise=0): if not l: return 0 if precise: return reduce(operator.add,l,0)/float(len(l)) else: return reduce(operator.add,l,0)/len(l) def weighted_avg(l,weights,precise=0,safe=None): if not l: return 0 assert(len(l)==len(weights)) tot,div = 0,0 for x,w in map(None,l,weights): tot = tot+x*w div = div+w if safe!=None and not div: return safe if precise: return tot/float(div) else: return tot/div def safe_weighted_avg(l,weights,default,precise=0): if not l: return 0 assert(len(l)==len(weights)) tot,div = 0,0 for x,w in map(None,l,weights): tot = tot+x*w div = div+w if not div: return default if precise: return tot/float(div) else: return tot/div #def weighted_avg(l,weights,precise=0): # if not l: return 0 # if sum(weights)==0: # print "tools.weighted_avg: All weights are zero!! Making them all 1" # weights = [1]*len(l) # if precise: # return sum(vector_vector_mul(l,weights))/float(sum(weights)) # else: # return sum(vector_vector_mul(l,weights))/sum(weights) def median(l): if not l: return None l = my_sort(l) if len(l)%2: return my_sort(l)[len(l)/2] else: return (l[len(l)/2]+l[len(l)/2-1])/2.0 def majority(l): if not l: return None #return my_sort(count_same(l).items(),lambda i: -i[1])[0][0] counts = count_same(l) all_max = filter_diclist(counts.items(),1,max(counts.values())) if len(all_max)==1: return all_max[0][0] else: return my_sort(cget(all_max,0))[len(all_max)/2] def argmax(list): # def max_i max_i, max_value = 0, list[0] for i in range(1,len(list)): if list[i] > max_value: max_value = list[i] max_i = i return max_i def argmin(list): min_i, min_value = 0, list[0] for i in range(1,len(list)): if list[i] < min_value: min_value = list[i] min_i = i return min_i def my_max(list, f=lambda x: x): # returns the element that yields the largest f(x) i = argmax(map(f,list)) return list[i] def my_min(list, f=lambda x: x): # returns the element that yields the largest f(x) i = argmin(map(f,list)) return list[i] def stdev(l, failfast=1): return math.sqrt(variance(l,failfast=failfast)) def variance(l,failfast=1): if (not l) or len(l)==1: if failfast: raise "tools.variance: Not enough samples. Need >= 2, got %s"%len(l) else: return 0#'N/A' m = avg(l,1) s = 0 for i in l: s = s + (i-m)*(i-m) return s / (len(l)-1) def normalize_mean_shift(list, desired_mean): return vector_scalar_sub(list, avg(list)-desired_mean) def normalize_sum_scale(list, desired_sum): return vector_scalar_mul(list, desired_sum/float(sum(list))) def normalize_max_scale(list, desired_max): return vector_scalar_mul(list, desired_max/float(max(list))) def normalize_max_min(list, desired_max, desired_min): return vector_scalar_mul(list, desired_max/float(max(list))) def normalize_mean_scale(list, desired_mean): return vector_scalar_mul(list, desired_mean/float(avg(list,1))) def normalize_mean_stdev(list, desired_mean): return vector_scalar_sub(list, avg(list)-desired_mean) def normalize_sum_to(list,new_total): newlist = list[:] current_total = sum(list) mul = new_total / float(current_total) for i in range(0,len(list)): newlist[i] = mul*newlist[i] return newlist def covariance(x,y): assert(len(x)==len(y)) meanx = avg(x,1) meany = avg(y,1) #print "mean x: %s, mean y: %s"%(meanx, meany) # method 1: E((X-EX)(Y-EY)) #cov = 0 #for i in range(0,len(x)): # cov = cov + (x[i]-meanx)*(y[i]-meany) #cov = cov/(len(x)-1) # method 1: E(XY)-EXEY cov2 = 0 for i in range(0,len(x)): cov2 = cov2 + x[i]*y[i] cov2 = float(cov2)/len(x) - (meanx * meany) cov2 = len(x)/float(len(x)-1)*cov2 #print "Method 1: %s Method 2: %s"%(cov,cov2) return cov2 def correlation(x,y): # the correlation between (x[i],y[i]) return covariance(x,y)/(stdev(x)*stdev(y)) def fit_line(x,y): # fit an Maximum likelihood y-on-x regression line on (x[i],y[i]) # it then calculates the standard deviation of the noise in the fit varx = variance(x) if not varx: raise "tools.fit_line: y-on-x regression impossible when variance(x) is zero." slope = covariance(x,y) / varx offset = avg(y) - slope * avg(x) noise = vector_vector_sub(y, ax_plus_b(x,slope,offset)) return slope, offset, stdev(noise) def ax_plus_b(x,a,b): return map(lambda x,a=a,b=b: a*x+b, x) def ax_plus_b_noise(x,a,b,s): return map(lambda x,a=a,b=b,s=s,random=random: a*x+b+random.gauss(0,s), x) def test_fit_line(): # plot a lot of numbers x = map(lambda x,random=random: 100*random.random(), range(0,10000)) a,b=2,-300 y = ax_plus_b_noise(x,a,b,20) quick_plot(x,y) a1,b1,sigma = fit_line(x,y) y2 = ax_plus_b(x,a1,b1) deviations = vector_vector_sub(y,y2) quick_histogram(deviations) print 'a,b=(%s,%s) guess=(%s,%s) with SigmaNoise=%s'%(a,b,a1,b1,sigma) def find_outliers(samples): samples = samples[:] # make a copy samples.sort() # sort it mean,std = avg(samples),stdev(samples) print "Less than %s: %s"%(mean-3*std, len(filter(lambda s,mean=mean,std=std: s0) values = [] current = minv while current < maxv: values.append(current) current = current + increment #values.append(maxv) return values def float_range_rev(minv, maxv, increment): assert(increment<0) values = [] current = minv while current > maxv: values.append(current) current = current + increment #values.append(maxv) return values ############################################################ # all_pairs def cumulative_sum(quality): if not quality: return quality sum_q = quality[:] for i in range(1,len(quality)): sum_q[i] = sum_q[i-1]+quality[i] return sum_q def cumulative_avg(quality): if not quality: return quality sum_q = quality[:] avg_q = quality[:] for i in range(1,len(quality)): sum_q[i] = sum_q[i-1]+quality[i] avg_q[i] = sum_q[i]/float(i) return avg_q def list2pairs(list,dist=lambda a,b: (a,b)): # input: an ordered list of n positions # output: the distances between consecut dists = [] for a,b in map(None, list[:-1], list[1:]): dists.append(dist(a,b)) return dists def list2pairs_all(list, dist=lambda a,b: (a,b), cutoff = None): pairs = [] for i in range(0,len(list)): if i%100==0: print 'i=%s/%s'%(i,len(list)) for j in range(i+1, len(list)): a,b = list[i],list[j] if not cutoff or cutoff(a,b,i,j): pairs.append(dist(a,b)) if len(pairs) % 10000==0: print "pairs=%s"%len(pairs) return pairs def all_pairs_in_range(min,max): pairs = [] for i in range(min,max): for j in range(i+1,max): pairs.append((i,j)) return pairs def all_pairs(list): pairs = [] for i in range(0,len(list)): for j in range(i+1,len(list)): pairs.append((list[i],list[j])) return pairs ############################################################ # # Window-based computations # ############################################################ def sum_n_continuous(a, n): # a=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] n=3 sum_n_continuous(a,n)=[6,9,12,15,18,0,0] # if i in 0 6 # =====, -> 9 # =====, -> 12 # =====, -> 15 # =====, -> 18 # =====, -> 0 # =====, -> 0 s = [0] * len(a) for i in range(0, len(a)-n+1): sum = 0 for j in range(i, i+n): sum = sum + a[j] s[i] = sum return s def sum_window(quality, n): cum = cumulative_sum(quality) cum.insert(0,0) diff = map(operator.sub, cum[n:], cum[0:-n]) return diff def best_n_continuous(quality, n): # trim to a length of 500, maximizing total quality diff = sum_window(quality, n) if not diff: return 0,len(quality)-1 qual_sum = max(diff) best = diff.index(qual_sum) return best,best+n-1 ############################################################ # # Multiple synchronized lists # ############################################################ def unpack(el): if not el: return [] indices = range(0,len(el[0])) return map(lambda index,el=el: map(lambda elements,index=index:elements[index], el), indices) def intercalate(lists): # shuffle # intercalate, insert as layers # pick one element from each list # shuffle([[1,2,3],['a','b','c']]) -> [1,'a',2,'b',3,'c'] assert(all_same(map(len,lists))) merged = [] for i in range(0,len(lists[0])): merged.extend(cget(lists,i)) return merged #example of unpack # list_of_elements = map(None, ['do','re','mi'], [1,2,3], ['one','two','three'], ['a','b','c']) # notes, nums, numbers, chars = unpack(list_of_elements)" # unpack(([1,2,3], ['a','b','c'], ['do','re','mi'])) -> [[1, 'a', 'do'], [2, 'b', 're'], [3, 'c', 'mi']] # unpack(([1, 'a', 'do'], [2, 'b', 're'], [3, 'c', 'mi'])) -> [[1,2,3], ['a','b','c'], ['do','re','mi']] def sort_synchronized(tuple_of_lists, i, comp_operation = cmp): list_of_tuples = unpack(tuple_of_lists) list_of_tuples.sort(lambda a,b,op=comp_operation,i=i: op(a[i],b[i])) return unpack(list_of_tuples) # to sort on the third item (index 2) use: #a,b,c,d,e = sort_synchronized((a,b,c,d,e),2,cmp) def filter_synchronized(tuple_of_lists, i, filter_operation = None): list_of_tuples = unpack(tuple_of_lists) if filter_operation: list_of_tuples = filter(lambda x,op=filter_operation,i=i: op(x[i]), list_of_tuples) else: list_of_tuples = filter(lambda x,i=i: x[i], list_of_tuples) if list_of_tuples: return unpack(list_of_tuples) else: return map(lambda x: [], tuple_of_lists) ############################################################ # # PACK And UNPACK for DICTIONARIES # ############################################################ def dict_pack(dict, keys, newkeys): """ example: pack(d, ['num_list','notes_list','letter_list'], ['num','note','letter']) takes d={'num_list': [1,2,3], 'notes_list': ['do','re','mi'], 'letter_list': ['a','b','c']} and returns: [{'p':1, 'b': 'do', 'sw': 'a'}, {'p':2, 'b': 're', 'sw': 'b'}, {'p':3, 'b': 'mi', 'sw': 'c'}] """ if not len(keys) == len(newkeys): print "ALERT! unmatched lengths of keys="+`keys`+" and newkeys="+`newkeys` tuple_of_lists = mget(dict, keys) list_of_tuples = unpack(tuple_of_lists) list_of_dicts = map(lambda tuple,newkeys=newkeys: items2dic(map(None, newkeys, tuple)), list_of_tuples) return list_of_dicts def dict_unpack(list_of_dicts, keys, newkeys): list_of_tuples = map(lambda dict,newkeys=newkeys: mget(dict, newkeys), list_of_dicts) tuple_of_lists = unpack(list_of_tuples) dict_of_lists = items2dic(map(None, keys, tuple_of_lists)) return dict_of_lists # category 8 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### DICTIONARY OPERATIONS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # # Creating and copying dictionaries # ############################################################ def empty_dics(n): # returns a list of n empty dictionaries # equivalent to [{}]*n only no pointer mess list = [] for i in range(0,n): list.append({}) return list def empty_lists(n): # returns a list of n empty lists # equivalent to [[]]*n only no pointer mess list = [] for i in range(0,n): list.append([]) return list def items2dic(items): # create a dictionary from an items list # items2dic(d.items()) returns a copy of d dic = {} for key,value in items: dic[key] = value return dic #def dic_subset(dic, keys): # keys = set_intersect(keys,dic.keys()) # newdic = items2dic(map(None,keys,tools.mget(dic,keys))) # return newdic def copy_dic(dic): # returns a copy of a dictionary # same as a[:] for a list return items2dic(dic.items()) def map_on_dic(dic, func): return items2dic(map(None, dic.keys(), map(func,dic.values()))) def set_key(dictionary, key, value): # functional implementation of dictionary assignment # useful for using in map dictionary[key] = value def reverse_dictionary(dic, strict=0): # reverses the mapping from values to keys rdic = {} for key, value in dic.items(): if strict: assert(not rdic.has_key(value)) rdic[value] = key return rdic ############################################################ # # Getting and setting key(s) in dictionary(ies) # ############################################################ def mget(list,keys,strict=1): results = [] if strict: for key in keys: results.append(list[key]) else: for key in keys: if list.has_key(key): results.append(list[key]) return results def mget_l(list, indices, strict=1): results = [] for index in indices: if strict: results.append(list[index]) elif 0 <= abs(index) < len(list): results.append(list[index]) return results def mget_d(dict, keys): return map(dict.get, keys) def mset(dict, keys, values): for key,value in map(None,keys,values): #print "Setting "+`key`+" to "+`value` dict[key] = value def cget(diclist, key, strict=1): # cross_get was: gather(diclist,key) # gathers the same key from a list of dictionaries # can also be used in lists # input: a list of dictionaries all of which contains key # output: a list of elements d[key] for each d in diclist if strict: # return map(lambda d,key=key: d[key], diclist) result = [None]*len(diclist) for i in range(0,len(diclist)): result[i] = diclist[i][key] return result else: results = [] for dic in diclist: if dic and generic_has_key(dic,key): results.append(dic[key]) return results def my_has_key(dic, key, generic=0): if generic: return generic_has_key(dic, key) else: return dic.has_key(key) def generic_has_key(dic_or_list, key): which_type = type(dic_or_list) if which_type==types.ListType or which_type==types.TupleType or which_type==types.StringType: if key>=0: return len(dic_or_list) > key else: return len(dic_or_list) >= -key elif which_type==types.DictType: return dic_or_list.has_key(key) else: raise "Unexpected type (not Dict or List)", which_type def cget_l(lists, index, strict=1): results = [] if strict: for list in lists: results.append(list[index]) else: if index >= 0: for list in lists: if len(list)>=index+1: results.append(list[index]) else: for list in lists: if len(list)>=abs(index)+1: results.append(list[index]) return results def cset(diclist, key, valuelist): for dic,value in map(None, diclist, valuelist): dic[key] = value def cget_multiple(diclist, keys, strict=0): valuelist = [] for dic in diclist: valuelist.append(mget(dic,keys,strict)) return valuelist def cget_deep(diclist, key_series, strict=0): values = diclist for key in key_series: values = cget(values, key, strict) return values def dic_subset(dic, keys, strict=1): # def dicsel(dic, keys): -> renamed dic_subset # gets the subset of keys that dic contains # creates a new dictionary from it and returns it # if strict, it requires that dic has every key new_dic = {} for key in keys: if not strict and not dic.has_key(key): continue new_dic[key] = dic[key] return new_dic def diclist_subset(diclist, keys, strict=1): # calls dicsel on diclist newdiclist = [] for dic in diclist: newdiclist.append(dic_subset(dic,keys,strict)) return newdiclist def rename_key(diclist, oldkey, newkey): cset(diclist,newkey,cget(diclist,oldkey)) cdel(diclist,oldkey) def rename_keys(diclist, oldkeys, newkeys): for oldkey, newkey in map(None, oldkeys, newkeys): rename_key(diclist, oldkey, newkey) def apply_to_key(diclist, key, function): cset(diclist,key,map(function,cget(diclist,key))) def apply_to_keys(diclist, keys, function): for key in keys: apply_to_key(diclist,key,function) def cdel(diclist, key): n_del = 0 for dic in diclist: if dic.has_key(key): n_del = n_del + 1 del(dic[key]) return n_del def cdel_multiple(diclist, keys): return map(lambda key,diclist=diclist: cdel(diclist,key),keys) def mdel(dic, keys): n_del = 0 for key in keys: if dic.has_key(key): n_del = n_del + 1 del(dic[key]) return n_del def mdel_list(list, indices): n_del = 0 indices.sort() indices.reverse() for index in indices: if len(list) > index: n_del = n_del + 1 del(list[index]) return n_del def get_all_but(list, i): result = [] for j in range(0,len(list)): if j!=i: result.append(list[j]) return result ############################################################ # # Counting dictionary keys # ############################################################ def describe_elements(list,sorter=lambda x:x): result = [] for item,count in my_sort(count_same(list).items(),lambda f,sorter=sorter: sorter(f[0])): if count==1: result.append('%s'%item) else: result.append('%s(x%s)'%(item,count)) return string.join(result,',') def count_same(list): # from a list of names, constructs a dictionary with the counts of all unique names # input: a list # output: a dictionary, where the keys are the unique items of the input list, # and the values are the number of times each item appears d = {} for el in list: if d.has_key(el): d[el] = d[el] + 1 else: d[el] = 1 return d def countdic2percdic(dic, total=None): if total==None: total = sum(dic.values()) percdic = {} for key in dic.keys(): percdic[key] = perc(dic[key],total) return percdic def countdic2ratiodic(dic): total = float(sum(dic.values())) ratiodic = {} for key in dic.keys(): ratiodic[key] = dic[key]/total return ratiodic def countdic_sum(countdic1, countdic2, strict=0): sumdic = {} if strict: for key in unique(countdic1.keys()+countdic2.keys()): sumdic[key] = countdic1[key] + countdic2[key] else: for key in unique(countdic1.keys()+countdic2.keys()): sumdic[key] = sum([0]+cget([countdic1,countdic2],key,0)) return sumdic def count_key_instances(dictionary_list): # input: a list of dictionaries # output: a dictionary of key counts # from a list of dictionaries, count how many keys are used # Ex: from 15 dictionaries, 13 had 'name', 12 had 'length' etc list_of_all_keys = [] for dictionary in dictionary_list: list_of_all_keys.extend(dictionary.keys()) return count_same(list_of_all_keys) def sum_counts(counts): # sum the counts returned by the above function ks = [] for c in counts: ks.extend(c.keys()) totals = {} for k in ks: total = 0 for c in counts: if c.has_key(k): total = total + c[k] totals[k] = total return totals def mul_counts(countdic1, countdic2): # multiply the counts of common keys products = {} for key in countdic1.keys(): if countdic2.has_key(key): products[key] = countdic1[key] * countdic2[key] return products ############################################################ # # Grouping Into Dictionaries # ############################################################ def list2map(list): # returns a map from value to the indices that contain # that value value2id = {} for i in range(0,len(list)): value = list[i] if not value2id.has_key(value): value2id[value] = [] value2id[value].append(i) return value2id def diclist2map(diclist, key): # returns a map that gives the index of every element # of the diclist that has a particular key. return list2map(cget(diclist,key)) def reverse_map_dic(dic,strict=1): reverse = {} for key,value in dic.items(): if not reverse.has_key(value): reverse[value]=key elif strict: raise "Not one-to-one mapping. Two keys map to same value %s"%value, (key, reverse[value]) else: pass#print "Two keys map to same value %s"%value, (key, reverse[value]) return reverse def reverse_map_list(list,strict=1): reverse = {} for key,value in map(None, range(0,len(list)), list): if not reverse.has_key(value): reverse[value]=key elif strict: raise "Not one-to-one mapping. Two indices contain same value %s"%value, (key, reverse[value]) else: pass#print "Two indices contain same value %s"%value, (key, reverse[value]) return reverse def group_diclist(diclist, key): # groups the dictionaries in diclist if they share common values for key key # the elements in the subsists accessed by grouped[key] are in the same order # as the elements in diclist before the grouping grouped = {} for dic in diclist: value = dic[key] if not grouped.has_key(value): grouped[value] = [] grouped[value].append(dic) return grouped def group_single(list, elmt2key = lambda name: name, elmt2value = lambda name: name): # groups a list based on the output of the elmt2key function # # input: list: a list of elements # elmt2key a function that can be applied to every element # output: a dictionary indexed by the outputs of the function elmt2key # where each value contains a list of all the elements that had # the same output # dic[key] = list of all elements of list for which elmt2key(elmt)=key dic = {} for name in list: key = elmt2key(name) if not dic.has_key(key): dic[key] = [] dic[key].append(elmt2value(name)) return dic def group_bipartite(links, edge2point1=lambda link: link[0], edge2point2=lambda link: link[1]): # joins a list of links in a biparatite graph into equivalence classes # where the criterion for joining two edges is that they share one of # their two vertices # the trick is to use two different name spaces, # by appending 'x' to one set of edge names # and appending 'y' to another one of these sets # then one can use the group_anyof function return group_anyof(links, lambda link,f1=edge2point1,f2=edge2point2: ['x%s'%f1(link),'y%s'%f2(link)]) def group_anyof(list, elmt2keys = lambda elmt: elmt, debug=0): # groups a list based on the output of the call # elmt2keys(list) which returns all the keys by # which a particular element can be indexed. # # if two elements in the list share an index, # they belong to the same group # # maintains a two-level hash table # key -> element -> group # # every time a new element comes in, we have a new set of keys # we find all the elements that were indexed by those keys # using the first mapping key->element # then we find all the groups to which these elements belong # using the second mapping element->group # # now if there's no groups, we start a new group # if there's only one group, we simply extend this group # to include the new element seen # if there's more than one group, we have to merge them # together and update all the element->group mappings # # we also add an entry for element->group that points to # the appropriate group # # finally, we update the key->element so that all the keys # point to this new element. We don't care about overriding # the mappings for previously indexed elements, since the # second level of the hash table will still point to the same # group, regardless of which element we go through. key2elmt = {} # maps from every key to some element that is indexed by it elmt2group = [] # maps from an element to the group that contains it groups = [] # the list of groups # only call the function once i2keys = map(elmt2keys, list) for i in range(0,len(list)): # the keys by which that element is indexed keys = i2keys[i] # other elements that contain such keys # note: strict=0, since keys may be unseen before other_elmts = mget(key2elmt, keys, strict=0) # their groups # note: It's strict, coz every element should have a group groups_merged = unique(mget(elmt2group, other_elmts,strict=1)) if debug: print "Element %s (%s) has %s keys: %s, that join it with %s elements in %s groups"%( i, list[i], len(keys), keys, len(other_elmts), len(groups_merged)) if len(groups_merged) == 0: # no elements contained any of the keys (hence no groups) # hence i'm starting a new group groups.append([i]) # i can only append, so that i don't change any names dad_i = len(groups)-1 # the index of the group is the length-1, since it's the last one elif len(groups_merged)==1: # only one group contained elements with common keys dad_i = groups_merged[0] # which group am i appending to groups[dad_i].append(i) else: # more than one group contained elements with common keys. # i must merge them dad_i = groups_merged[0] # pick one as the daddy, that will include all others dad = groups[dad_i] for group_index in groups_merged[1:]: # i'm erasing every sibbling, and giving all the elements to daddy group = groups[group_index] # 1. first of all, the elmt2group will now point to daddy directly mset(elmt2group, group, [dad_i]*len(group)) # 2. then extend daddy with all the elements of each other group in the set to be merged dad.extend(group) # 3. finally empty each of the other groups groups[group_index] = None # better None then empty list, to fail fast, if i try to append there # 4. and then add our latest element into the group merge dad.append(i) # now, reset all the keys that index the current element to point to the current element # mset(key2elmt, keys, [i]*len(keys)) # note: i could also only reset the new keys for key in keys: if not key2elmt.has_key(key): key2elmt[key] = i # finally add another entry in our elmt2group table, that points to daddy elmt2group.append(dad_i) # this cannot be insert, since i'm indexing with i if debug: pp(map(lambda g,list=list: mget(list,g), filter(None,groups)),1) # throw away all the deleted groups, and sort the remaining ones by length groups = filter(None, groups) groups = my_sort(groups, lambda g: -len(g)) # instead of lists of indices, now turn the groups into actual sets of # elements of the original list groups = map(lambda g,list=list: mget(list,g), groups) assert(sum(map(len,groups))==len(list)) return groups #def group_single(lst, name2key = lambda name: name): # distinct_names = [] # for elmt in lst: # name = name2key(elmt) # if not name in distinct_names: # distinct_names.append(name) # # construct the empty groups # groups = {} # for name in distinct_names: # groups[name] = [] # # for elmt in lst: # groups[name2key(elmt)].append(elmt) # return groups def group_pairs(pairs, name2group = lambda name: name): """Input: a list of pairs: (x1, x2, value) a mapping: x1 -> group(x1) Output: a dictionary: d[group1][group2] = list of all values for which a pair existed such that map(x1) = group1 and map(x2) = group2""" # gather all the distinct group names distinct_names = [] for pair in pairs: name1,name2 = map(name2group, pair[:2]) if not name1 in distinct_names: distinct_names.append(name1) if not name2 in distinct_names: distinct_names.append(name2) n = len(distinct_names) distinct_names.sort() # construct the empty groups groups = {} for i in range(0,n): groups[distinct_names[i]] = {} for j in range(i,n): groups[distinct_names[i]][distinct_names[j]] = [] # append the values in each group for pair in pairs: name1,name2 = map(name2group, pair[:2]) value = pair[2] groups[min(name1,name2)][max(name1,name2)].append(value) return groups ############################################################ # # PRINTING dictionaries # ############################################################ def print_dictionary(dic, keys, lengths, separators, options): write_dictionary(sys.stdout, dic, keys, lengths, separators, options) def write_dictionary(f, dic, keys, lengths, separators, functions = {}): """ ex: display_dictionary({'a': 7, 'b': 3}, ['a','b'], [3,-7], {'a': display_bignum})""" for key,length,separator in map(None, keys, lengths, separators): format_str = '%'+`length`+'s' if dic.has_key(key): content = dic[key] if functions.has_key(key): content = apply(functions[key], [content]) else: if abs(length) >=3: content = ''#'N/A' else: content = ''#'-' f.write(format_str % content) f.write(separator) def print_dictionary_title(titles, lengths, separators): write_dictionary_title(sys.stdout, titles, lengths, separators) def write_dictionary_title(f, titles, lengths, separators): line2 = '' for title,length,separator in map(None, titles, lengths, separators): format_str = '%'+`length`+'s' line2 = line2 + (format_str % title) + separator line1 = string.join(map(lambda x: ifab(x=='|','+','-'),line2[:-1]),'')+'\n' map(f.write, [line1, line2, line1]) # category 9 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### DICTIONARIES AND LISTS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # switching between lists and dictionaries def list2dic(list, func, rep_ok=None, check_unambiguous=0): # # Transform a list of elements into a dictionary, indexed by the # value returned by func, when called on the elements of the list # dic,rejected,ambiguous = {},[],{} keys_elmts = map(lambda elmt,f=func: (f(elmt),elmt), list) for key,elmt in keys_elmts: # check if the key already exists if not dic.has_key(key): # it's a new key, never seen before if check_unambiguous: # i have to check rep_ok either way if not rep_ok: raise "Unspecified function rep_ok(key,elmt)" if rep_ok(key, elmt): # does it pass the rep_ok dic[key] = elmt # then set the dictionary else: rejected.append((key,elmt)) # skip it else: if not ambiguous.has_key(key): dic[key] = elmt # always set an unambiguous key else: # had previously tried a few keys, none of which passed test if rep_ok(key, elmt): # this one passes the rep_ok test dic[key] = elmt del(ambiguous[key]) # the key is no longer ambiguous else: # the key already exists if not rep_ok: # no discriminating function exists raise "Two entries share a key",key else: old_good = rep_ok(key, dic[key]) new_good = rep_ok(key, elmt) if old_good and not new_good: rejected.append((key,elmt)) elif new_good and not old_good: rejected.append((key,dic[key])) dic[key] = elmt elif not old_good and not new_good: # not only reject current, but also notice that # you had accepted an ambiguous one rejected.append((key,elmt)) rejected.append((key,dic[key])) del(dic[key]) ambiguous[key] = None # mark key as one to check always else: # both are good raise "rep_ok passes for both %s and %s for %s. No discrimination possible."%( dic[key], elmt, key), rep_ok # print how many ambiguous if rejected: print '%s keys were rejected'%len(rejected) rejected.sort() print string.join(map(lambda r: '%s'%r[0],rejected),', ') if ambiguous: print '%s ambiguous'%len(ambiguous) print string.join(map(lambda a: '%s'%a,my_sort(ambiguous.keys())),', ') return dic def diclist2dicdic(diclist, key, rep_ok=None, check_unambiguous=0): # Transform a list of dictionaries into a dictionary of dictionaries, as indexed # by key return list2dic(diclist, lambda dic,key=key: dic[key], rep_ok, check_unambiguous) def list2dic_i(list): # transforms a list x into a dictionary d # where d[i] = x[i] for all i in range(0,len(list)) # # applications: when you want to erase list elements # without ever reusing them, or when you don't want # all your elements to be reindexed when you're deleting one dic = {} for i in range(0,len(list)): dic[i] = list[i] return dic def dic2list_i(dic): # transforms a dictionary d into a list x where x[i] = d[ith key] # where the keys are sorted alphabetically keys = dic.keys() keys.sort() list = [] for key in keys: list.append(dic[key]) return list def mergedics(diclist): # combinding say ORFs and INTERs in a single dictionary # since they have similar representations, but different # key namespaces superdic = {} for dic in diclist: for key,value in dic.items(): if superdic.has_key(key): raise "Two dictionaries share a key", key superdic[key] = value return superdic def filter_diclist(diclist, key, value): res = [] for dic in diclist: if dic[key]==value: res.append(dic) return res def filter_diclist_func(diclist, key, func): res = [] for dic in diclist: if func(dic[key]): res.append(dic) return res def filter_diclist_not(diclist, key, value): res = [] for dic in diclist: if dic[key]!=value: res.append(dic) return res def filter_diclist_gt(diclist, key, value): res = [] for dic in diclist: if dic[key]>value: res.append(dic) return res def filter_diclist_gte(diclist, key, value): res = [] for dic in diclist: if dic[key]>=value: res.append(dic) return res def filter_diclist_lt(diclist, key, value): res = [] for dic in diclist: if dic[key]b[end]+offset or b[start]>a[end]+offset) def items2intervals(items): intervals = [] for item in items: intervals.append({'start': item[0], 'end': item[1], 'label': item[2]}) return intervals def join_intervals(intervals,start='start',end='end'): # intervals is a list of # [{'start': 1, 'end': 2}, # {'start': 3, 'end': 5}, # {'start': 4, 'end': 7}] if not intervals: return intervals intervals.sort(lambda a,b,start=start,end=end: a[start]-b[start]) non_overlapping = [] current = {start: intervals[0][start], end: intervals[0][end]} for next in intervals[1:]: # if you're overlapping the last one, increase current_end if intervals_intersect(current, next, start=start, end=end): current[end] = max(current[end], next[end]) else: non_overlapping.append(current) current = {start: next[start], end: next[end]} non_overlapping.append(current) rep_type = type(intervals[0]) if rep_type == types.TupleType: assert(start==0 and end==1) non_overlapping = map(lambda interval,start=start,end=end: (interval[start],interval[end]), non_overlapping) elif rep_type == types.ListType: assert(start==0 and end==1) non_overlapping = map(lambda interval,start=start,end=end: [interval[start],interval[end]], non_overlapping) elif rep_type == types.DictType: pass return non_overlapping def group_overlapping(intervals, start='start', end='end', offset=0): if not intervals: return [] intervals.sort(lambda a,b,start=start: a[start]-b[start]) non_overlapping = [] current = {start: intervals[0][start], end: intervals[0][end], 'intervals': [intervals[0]]} for next in intervals[1:]: # if you're overlapping the last one, increase current_end if intervals_intersect(current, next, start, end, offset): current[end] = max(current[end], next[end]) current['intervals'].append(next) else: non_overlapping.append(current) current = {start: next[start], end: next[end], 'intervals': [next]} non_overlapping.append(current) return cget(non_overlapping,'intervals') #def interval_union(as,bs): # "a,b are lists of intervals containing {'start','end'}" # news = [] # all = as[:] # all.extend(bs) # all.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x['start'],y['start'])) # i = 0 # junctions_made = 1 # while junctions_made: # junctions_made = 0 # while i in range(0,len(all)-1): # print_intervals([all]) # s = all[i] # t = all[i+1] # if s['end'] <= t['start']: # new = {'start': s['start'], 'end': max(t['end'],s['end'])} # del(all[i]) # del(all[i+1]) # all.insert(i,new) # junctions_made = 1 # else: # i = i+1 # return all # #def test_interval_union(): # a = [{'start': 2, 'end': 4}, # {'start': 5, 'end': 6}] # b = [{'start': 1.5, 'end': 2.5}, # {'start': 3, 'end': 3.5}, # {'start': 4.5, 'end': 7}] # print_intervals([a,b]) # print interval_union(a,b) def interval_union(interval_list): intervals = map(lambda x: (x['start'],+1), interval_list) map(intervals.append, map(lambda x: (x['end'],-1), interval_list)) intervals.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[0],y[0])) tot,openings,closings = 0,[],[] for i in range(len(intervals)): if tot == 0: openings.append(intervals[i][0]) tot = intervals[i][1] + tot if tot == 0: closings.append(intervals[i][0]) return map(lambda start,end:{'start':start,'end':end}, openings, closings) def test_interval_cut(): interval_dic = {'a': [{'start': 20, 'end': 40}, {'start': 50, 'end': 60}], 'b': [{'start': 15, 'end': 25}, {'start': 30, 'end': 35}, {'start': 45, 'end': 80}]} #pp(interval_dic.values()) print_intervals(interval_dic.values(),'start','end') cut = interval_cut(interval_dic,'start','end','set') #pp(cut,2) print_intervals([cut],'start','end') #print_intervals([filter(lambda c: len(c['set'])==2, cut)],'start','end') print string.join(map(lambda i: string.join(i['set'],'+'), cut),'\t') boom def interval_subtract(intervals1, intervals2, start='start', end='end'): all_sets = interval_cut({'keep': intervals1,'skip': intervals2}, start=start, end=end) result = filter(lambda set: 'keep' in set['set'] and 'skip' not in set['set'], all_sets) for res in result: assert(res['set']==['keep']) cdel(result,'set') return filter(lambda r,start=start,end=end: r[end]-r[start]+1 != 0, result) def interval_cut(interval_dic,start='start',end='end',set='set'): # For the structure of interval_dic, you can see test_interval_cut # the keys of the dictionary are meaningful, they are used in the # labels for the interval_list # output is a flat list of intervals, each of which has a start, # end and a set, where set is an unordered list of the different # labels, coming from the keys of the input dictionary. # Part 1. Constructing the interval list transform the directory # structure into a flat list of start,end coordinates, each with a # label of which dictionary entry it came from interval_list = [] for key,intervals in interval_dic.items(): for interval in intervals: interval_list.append({start: interval[start], end: interval[end], 'label': key}) #pp(interval_list) # 2b. determine if the coordinates are all integers, in which case # the end of one interval is one less than the beginning of the # next. coords = flatten(map(lambda i,start=start,end=end: [i[start],i[end]], interval_list)) if map(int, coords) == coords: adjustment = 1 else: adjustment = 0 # Part 2. Transforming the start,end coordinates, into a list of # operations to perform at each coordinate position. You either # add of subtract a label from the current set of active intervals intervals = map(lambda x,start=start: (x[start],'add',x['label']), interval_list) intervals.extend(map(lambda x,a=adjustment,end=end: (x[end]+a,'sub',x['label']), interval_list)) intervals.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[0],y[0])) #pp(intervals) # Part 3. Actually perform those add or subtract operations, # keeping track of the current open intervals. Construct a list # of every region, and all the open intervals there. current_set, all_sets = [], [] for interval in intervals: set_operation = case(interval[1], {'add': set_union, 'sub': set_subtract}) current_set = set_operation(current_set, [interval[2]]) all_sets.append({start: interval[0], set: current_set}) #pp(all_sets,1) if not current_set==[]: print "VERY VERY BAD!! current_set = %s"%current_set #assert(current_set == []) # Part 4. Fix each interval in your list, by also appending # an end position # 4b. go for it for i in range(0,len(all_sets)-1): all_sets[i][end] = all_sets[i+1][start]-adjustment #all_sets[-1]['end'] = intervals[-1][0] if not all_sets: return [] # the last set was only needed to find the end of the 2nd-to-last del(all_sets[-1])#['end'] = intervals[-1][0] #pp(all_sets,1) return all_sets def test_interval_union(): a = [{'start': 2, 'end': 4}, {'start': 5, 'end': 6}] b = [{'start': 1.5, 'end': 2.5}, {'start': 3, 'end': 3.5}, {'start': 4.5, 'end': 7}] all = a[:] all.extend(b) print_intervals([a,b,interval_union(all)]) def print_intervals(intervals,start='start',end='end'): print_scale({'min': min(map(lambda interval,start=start: min(map(lambda x,start=start: x[start], interval)),intervals)), 'max': max(map(lambda interval,end=end: max(map(lambda x,end=end: x[end], interval)),intervals)), 'tick': 10, 'width': 120, 'print_scale': 1}, map(lambda interval,start=start,end=end: map(lambda x,start=start,end=end: (x[start],x[end],`(x[start],x[end])`), interval), intervals)) def common_intervals(intervals_list,start='start',end='end'): if not intervals_list: return [] # returns the extended intervals that are common to all common_intervals = intervals_list[0] for intervals in intervals_list[1:]: intersection = [] keep_i, keep_j = [], [] for i in range(0,len(common_intervals)): for j in range(0,len(intervals)): if intervals_intersect(common_intervals[i],intervals[j],start=start,end=end): keep_i.append(i) keep_j.append(j) keep_i = unique(keep_i) keep_j = unique(keep_j) common_intervals = mget(common_intervals,keep_i)+mget(intervals,keep_j) return join_intervals(common_intervals,start=start,end=end) # category 12 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### ISLAND OPERATIONS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def count_islands(list): # takes a list, or a string, and gather islands of identical elements. # it returns a dictionary counting where # counting = {element: [(start,end), (start,end), ...], # element: [(start,end), (start,end), ...], # ...} # counting.keys() is the list of unique elements of the input list # counting[element] is the list of all islands of occurence of element # counting[element][i] = (start,end) # is such that list[start-1:end] only contains element if not list: return {} counting = {} i,current_char, current_start = 0,list[0], 0 while i < len(list): if current_char == list[i]: i = i+1 else: if not counting.has_key(current_char): counting[current_char] = [] counting[current_char].append((current_start+1, i)) current_char = list[i] current_start = i if not counting.has_key(current_char): counting[current_char] = [] counting[current_char].append((current_start+1, i)) return counting # category 13 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### SET OPERATIONS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def set_compare(set1, set2): set1 = unique(set1) set2 = unique(set2) union = set_union(set1, set2) inter = set_intersect(set1, set2) set1_only = set_subtract(set1, set2) set2_only = set_subtract(set2, set1) return {'Set1': (len(set1), set1), 'Set2': (len(set2), set2), 'Inter': (len(inter), inter), 'Union': (len(union), union), 'set1_only': (len(set1_only), set1_only), 'set2_only': (len(set2_only), set2_only)} def set_union(set1, set2): new_set = set1[:] # add all the elements of set2 that weren't in set 1 new_set.extend(set_subtract(set2, set1)) return new_set def set_union_all(sets): return unique(flatten(sets)) def set_intersect_all(sets): if not sets: return [] intersection = sets[0] for set in sets[1:]: intersection = set_intersect(set, intersection) return intersection def venn_diagram(sets): sets = map(unique,sets) all = range(0,len(sets)) results = [] for subset in superset(all): complement = set_subtract(all,subset) within = set_intersect_all(mget(sets,subset)) outside = set_union_all(mget(sets,complement)) exactly_in = set_subtract(within, outside) #print "In %s: %s"%(subset, len(exactly_in)) #print display_list(exactly_in) if subset: #exactly_in: results.append((subset,exactly_in)) return results def fast_set_intersect(set1,set2): dic1 = {} for elmt in set1: dic1[elmt] = None return filter(dic1.has_key, set2) def smart_set_intersect(set1,set2): dic1 = {} for elmt in set1: if dic1.has_key(elmt): dic1[elmt] = dic1[elmt]+1 else: dic1[elmt] = 1 common = [] for elmt in set2: if not dic1.has_key(elmt): continue common.append(elmt) if dic1[elmt] == 1: del(dic1[elmt]) else: dic1[elmt] = dic1[elmt] - 1 return common def set_intersect(set1, set2, el2hash=lambda x: x): if not set1: return [] if not set2: return [] new_set = [] set2_dic = {} #print "Hashes are: " #pp(map(el2hash,set1)) #pp(map(el2hash,set2)) for elmt in set2: set2_dic[el2hash(elmt)] = '' for elmt in set1: #if elmt in set2: if set2_dic.has_key(el2hash(elmt)): new_set.append(elmt) return new_set def set_equal(set1, set2): if len(set1) != len(set2): return 0 return my_sort(set1) == my_sort(set2) def set_subtract(set, subset, el2hash=lambda x: x): new_set = [] subset_dic = {} for elmt in subset: subset_dic[el2hash(elmt)] = '' for elmt in set: if not subset_dic.has_key(el2hash(elmt)): new_set.append(elmt) return new_set def set_included(set, superset): return len(set_subtract(set, superset))==0 def permutations(set): # [1,2,3] # -> [[1,2,3],[1,3,2], # [2,1,3],[2,3,1], # [3,1,2],[3,2,1]] if len(set)==0: return [[]] else: this = set[0] others = set[1:] rests = permutations(others) perms = [] for i in range(0,len(others)+1): for rest in rests: perm = [] perm.extend(rest[:i]) perm.append(this) perm.extend(rest[i:]) perms.append(perm) return perms def superset_sorted(set): # this is just for the paranoid ones that want their elements in the order indices_super = superset(range(0,len(set))) indices_super = my_sort(indices_super, lambda c: (len(c),c)) super = [] for indices in indices_super: super.append(mget(set,indices)) return super def superset(set): # calculate the superset of the input set. # ex: [1,2,3] -> [[],[1],[2],[3],[12],[13],[23],[123]] if len(set) == 0: return [set] else: subsuper = superset(set[:-1]) lastel = set[-1:] super = [] i,j = 0,0 next1 = subsuper[i] next2 = subsuper[j]+lastel maxlen = max(map(len,subsuper)) while 1: if len(next1) <= len(next2) and next1 <= next2: super.append(next1) i = i+1 if i == len(subsuper): break next1 = subsuper[i] else: super.append(next2) j = j+1 if j == len(subsuper): break next2 = subsuper[j]+lastel assert(i == len(subsuper)) for j in range(j,len(subsuper)): super.append(subsuper[j]+lastel) #print 'Super has %s elements'%len(super) return super def all_combinations(sets_list): if len(sets_list) == 0: return [[]] else: results = [] subres = all_combinations(sets_list[1:]) for element in sets_list[0]: for sub in subres: results.append([element]+sub) return results def equivalence_classes(identity_pairs): # having a list of pairs such as (a,b), (a,c) which means a==b and a==c, # it returns a list of equivalence classes such as [(a,b,c)] # equivalence classes are the transitive closure of the join operation # of two sets, where you join two sets if they have an element in common # ex: ['ab','ac','ad','ef'] -> [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], ['e', 'f']] sets_of = {} # for each element x, the sets_of[x] are the sets that x belongs to sets = {} # all the unique sets ever created i = 0 for pair in identity_pairs: a,b = pair if not sets_of.has_key(a): sets_of[a] = [] if not sets_of.has_key(b): sets_of[b] = [] # create a new set with only elements a and b in it if a != b: sets[i] = [a,b] sets_of[a].append(i) sets_of[b].append(i) else: sets[i] = [a] sets_of[a].append(i) i = i + 1 # increment i, coz a set id never reappears #pp({'sets_of': sets_of, 'sets': sets},2) some_junction_was_made = 1 while some_junction_was_made: some_junction_was_made = 0 for a in sets_of.keys(): # if a belongs to more than one set, join them if len(sets_of[a]) > 1: some_junction_was_made = 1 # print "\nElement %s belongs to more than one set %s" % (a, sets_of[a]) # create a new set # print " Creating a new set %s for the junction of %s" % (i, sets_of[a]) sets[i] = [] # remove 'a' from every set it belongs to # print " Removing %s from every set it belongs to" % a for old_set in sets_of[a]: sets[old_set].remove(a) # print " Adding %s to the new set %s" % (a, i) sets[i].append(a) # for every set that 'a' belongs to for old_set in sets_of[a]: # first removing a from every set it belonged to # print " Considering old set %s" % (old_set) # destroy the old set for element in sets[old_set]: # element doesn't belong it old set anymore # print " Removing %s from old set %s" % (element, old_set) sets_of[element].remove(old_set) # actually add the element to the new set if not element in sets[i]: # print " Adding %s to new set %s" % (element, i) sets_of[element].append(i) sets[i].append(element) else: # print " Element %s already belonged to set %s" % (element, i) pass # print " Deleting old set %s" % old_set del(sets[old_set]) sets_of[a] = [i] sets[i].sort() i = i+1 # print "Done with element %s" % a #if some_junction_was_made: print "some junction was made, please continue" else: #print "\nNo more junctions are possible. I'm done" pass #pp({'sets_of': sets_of, 'sets': sets},2) equivalence_classes = sets.values() equivalence_classes.sort() return equivalence_classes def group_into_equivalence_classes(list, are_same = lambda a,b: 0, debug=0): # groups a list into equivalence classes, where two items # are equivalent # if are_same(a,b) or are_same(a,c) # if c is equivalent to a or b if debug: print "Testing %s possible pairings"%(len(list)*len(list)) used = {} pairs = [] for i in range(0,len(list)): for j in range(i+1,len(list)): if are_same(list[i], list[j]): pairs.append((i,j)) if not used.has_key(i): used[i] = None if not used.has_key(j): used[j] = None if debug: print "Reducing %s actual pairs to equivalence classes"%len(pairs) #print "Identities found between elements: %s"%pairs classes = equivalence_classes(pairs) if debug: print "Found %s equivalence classes"%len(classes) result = [] for each_class in classes: result.append(mget(list,each_class)) #print "Result is........................: %s"%result for i in range(0, len(list)): if not used.has_key(i): result.append([list[i]]) if debug: print "And %s signletons"%(len(result)-len(classes)) #print "After adding singletons..........: %s"%result return result def group_into_equivalence_classes2(list, are_same = lambda a,b: 0, debug=0): print "I must group a total of %s elements"%len(list) groups = [] n = 0 # the number of comparisons for element1 in list: groups_merged = [] for i in range(0,len(groups)): for element2 in groups[i]: n = n+1 if are_same(element1,element2): groups_merged.append(i) break if len(groups_merged) == 0: # create a new group #groups.insert(0,[element1])# instead of append, prepend groups.append([element1])# instead of append, prepend elif len(groups_merged) == 1: # append an element to an existing group i = groups_merged[0] #groups[i].insert(0,element1) #instead of append, prepend groups[i].append(element1) #instead of append, prepend else: print "Merging groups %s"%groups_merged dad = groups[groups_merged[0]] for i in groups_merged[1:]: dad.extend(groups[i]) groups[i] = [] groups = my_sort(filter(None, groups),lambda g: -len(g)) if len(groups)%100 == 0: print "After %s comparisons, %s groups contain %s elements"%( n, len(groups), sum(map(len,groups))) print "%s comparisons"%n return groups def group_into_equivalence_classes_hash(list, element2classes = lambda a: [a]): # element2classes returns the list of hash keys under which element a will be indexed # note: if a is not hashable, then you lose key2group = {} elements2groups = {} groups = [] for i in range(0,len(list)): element = list[i] # all the keys by which element can be indexed keys = element2classes(element) # all the groups that already contain such elements groups_merged = mget(key2element, keys, 0) def bipartite2tree(connections, edge2point1=lambda a: a[0], edge2point2=lambda a: a[1]): # first group according to the first point groups = group_single(connections, edge2point1) groups2 = group_single(connections) # category 14 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### SIGNIFICANCE TESTS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def sample_variance(samples): mean = avg(samples) return sum(map(lambda s,mean=mean: (s-mean)**2), samples)/(len(samples)-1) def t_test(samples1, samples2): n1 = len(samples1) n2 = len(samples2) mean1 = avg(samples1) mean2 = avg(samples2) var1 = sample_variance(samples1) var2 = sample_variance(samples2) return t_test_only(n1,mean1,var1,n2,mean2,var2) def t_test_only(n1,mean1,var1,n2,mean2,var2): var = ((n1-1)*var1 + (n2-1)*var2) / (n1+n2-2) print "s^2 = %s"%var t = (mean1-mean2) / math.sqrt(var/n1 + var/n2) dof = n1+n2-2 return t,dof # category 15 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### MATH PRIMITIVES ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def gaussian(x, mu, sigma): """ Evaluate N(mu,sigma) at x. where N(mu,sigma) is a gaussian of mean mu and stddev sigma """ return ( (1.0/math.sqrt(2*math.pi*sigma)) * (math.e**(-((x-mu)**2)/(2*sigma**2)))) def make_gaussian(mu, sigma): """ usage: N2_3 = make_gaussian(2,3) N2_3(4) -> guassianN(2,3) evaluated at 4 """ return lambda x,mu=mu,sigma=sigma: ( (1.0/math.sqrt(2*math.pi*sigma)) * (math.e**(-((x-mu)**2)/(2*sigma**2)))) def make_adder(n): """ usage: Add2 = make_adder(2) Add2(3) -> 5 """ return lambda x,n=n: x+n def prob2score(prob): # 1/100 -> 20 try: return -10*float(math.log10(float(prob))) except: return -1 def prob2stdevs(prob): pass #log10_2 = math.log10(2) loge_2 = math.log(2) def log2(x): # converting bases: log_a(b) = log_c(b)/log_c(a) # i.e. log_2(x) = log_e(2)/log_e(x) = log_10(2)/log_10(x) return math.log(x)/loge_2 #def log_k(x,k): # # take the k-th base log # log def p2bits(p): # return -log2(p) return -math.log(p)/loge_2 def profile2bits(profile): p = 1.0 for char in profile: p = p*.25*len(IUB_expansion[char]) return -math.log(p)/loge_2 def binomial_likelihood_ratio(ps,k,n): # p[0] is the null hypothesis # p[1] is the hypothesis being tested assert(len(ps)==2) likelihoods = [] for p in ps: likelihoods.append(binomial(p,k,n)) #i = argmax(likelihoods) #p = likelihoods[i] / sum(likelihoods) #return p if likelihoods[0]: return log(likelihoods[1]) / likelihoods[0] else: print "Warning: likelihood ratio set to sys.maxint. p(H1)=%s, p(H0)=0"%(p[1]) return sys.maxint def binomial_log_likelihood_ratio(ps,k,n): return log_binomial(ps[1],k,n) - log_binomial(ps[0],k,n) def poisson_expected(rate): for x in range(1,50,1): p = poisson(rate,x) print "%s\t%s\t%s"%(x,p,12000000*p) def poisson(rate, x): return math.exp(-rate)*(rate**x)/factorial(x) ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def smart_binomial_sigmas(ps,ks,ns): assert(len(ps)==len(ks)==len(ns)) signs = [] for i in range(0,len(ks)): p,k,n = ps[i],ks[i],ns[i] if p==0: p=ps[i]=0.5/n #print "Fixing i=%s p,k,n=%s,%s,%s to p=%s"%( # i,p,k,n,.000000001) elif p==1: p=ps[i]=(n-0.5)/n #print "Fixing i=%s p,k,n=%s,%s,%s to p=%s"%( # i,p,k,n,0.999999999) #p=ps[i]=0.999999999 assert(k<=n) # do i see more k's than i'd expect if n==0: signs.append('-') else: signs.append(ifab(p <= float(k)/float(n),'+','-')) # now compute the appropriate tail area (right or left, depending on sign) tails = binomial_tails(ps,ks,ns,signs) # and transform them into sigmas sigmas = ps2sigmas(tails) # then flip the sigmas depending on the sign for i in range(0,len(sigmas)): if signs[i]=='-': sigmas[i] = -sigmas[i] return sigmas def binomial_tails(ps,ks,ns,signs=None): assert(len(ps)==len(ks)==len(ns)) if not signs: signs = ['+']*len(ps) assert(0<=min(ps)<=max(ps)<=1) for i in range(0,len(ks)): assert(ks[i]<=ns[i]) inlines = map(lambda p,k,n,sign: '%s %s %s %s'%(n,k,p,sign), ps,ks,ns,signs) outlines = map(string.strip,string.split(quick_system('/home/franklin/nickp/bin/calctail', string.join(inlines,'\n')),'\n'))[:-1] assert(len(inlines)==len(outlines)) #print "%s -> %s"%(len(inlines),len(outlines)) #pp(map(lambda a,b: '%s -> %s'%(a,b),inlines,outlines),1) return map(float,outlines) def ps2sigmas(probabilities): inlines = string.join(map(lambda s: '%s'%s, probabilities),'\n') outlines = string.split(quick_system('/home/franklin/nickp/bin/calcz',inlines),'\n')[:-1] sigmas = map(float,map(string.strip,outlines)) assert(len(sigmas)==len(probabilities)) return sigmas ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ def binomial_tail(p,k,n,cache=None,debug=0): # the log probability of seeing k or more successes in n trials # given the probability of success is p if cache == None: sum = 0 for k_iter in range(k,n+1): sum = sum+safe_exp(log_binomial(p,k_iter,n)) return sum sum = 0 lookups,total = 0,0 for k_iter in range(k,n+1): if debug: total = total+1 if cache.has_key((k_iter,n)): add = cache[(k_iter,n)] lookups = lookups+1 else: add = safe_exp(log_binomial(p,k_iter,n)) cache[(k_iter,n)] = add sum = sum+add if debug and cache: print "p=%s k=%s n=%s %s / %s binomials were lookups. Cache now has %s items"%( p,k,n,lookups,total,len(cache)) return sum def binomial_tail(p,k,n): # the log probability of seeing k or more successes in n trials # given the probability of success is p if k < n/2: sum = 0 for k_iter in range(k,n+1): sum = sum+safe_exp(log_binomial(p,k_iter,n)) #print sum else: sum = 1.0 for k_iter in range(0,k): sum = sum-safe_exp(log_binomial(p,k_iter,n)) #print sum return sum def safe_log(n): try: return math.log(n) except OverflowError: if n==0: return -1e400 else: return 1e400 def safe_exp(n): try: return math.exp(n) except OverflowError: #sys.stdout.write("x") #sys.stdout.flush() if n<0: return 0.0 else: return 1e400 def log_binomial(p,k,n): # the log probability of seeing exactly k successes in n trials # given the probability of success is p return log_n_choose_k(n,k)+math.log(p)*k+math.log(1-p)*(n-k) def binomial(p,k,n): # probability of seeing exactly k successes in n trials, given # the probability of success is p #return n_choose_k(n,k)*(p**k)*((1-p)**(n-k)) return n_choose_k(n,k)*(p**k)*((1-p)**(n-k)) def n_choose_k(n,k): # (n k) = n! / (k! (n-k)!) # # n*(n-1)*(n-2)*....*(n-k+1) # = -------------------------- # k*(k-1)*...*1 assert(k<=n) k = min(k, n-k) nominator = range(n,n-k,-1) denominator = range(k,0,-1) result = 1.0 for nom, den in map(None, nominator, denominator): result = (result * nom) / den #result = result*nom #print result #result = result/den #print result return result def log_n_choose_k(n,k): # (n k) = n! / (k! (n-k)!) # # n*(n-1)*(n-2)*....*(n-k+1) # = -------------------------- # k*(k-1)*...*1 assert(k<=n) k = min(k, n-k) nominator = range(n,n-k,-1) denominator = range(k,0,-1) result = 0 for nom, den in map(None, nominator, denominator): result = (result + math.log(nom)) - math.log(den) return result def factorial(n): result = 1 for i in range(n,0,-1): #print i result = result * i return result def factorial_partial(n,k): # carries out the multiplication up to and including k # n*(n-1)*(n-2)*...*k assert(k<=n+1) result = 1 for i in range(n,k-1,-1): #print i result = result*i return result def test_chi_square(): chi_square([[45,448],[57,157]]) def make_expected(rows): rowtotals = map(sum, rows) coltotals = map(sum, unpack(rows)) grandtotal = float(sum(rowtotals)) expected = [] for row,rowtotal in map(None, rows,rowtotals): expected_row = [] for obs, coltotal in map(None, row, coltotals): exp = rowtotal * coltotal / grandtotal expected_row.append(exp) expected.append(expected_row) return expected def chi_square(rows, expected=None): # ex: rows = [[1,2,3],[1,4,5]] assert(all_same(map(len,rows))) #print "row totals: %s"%rowtotals #print "col totals: %s"%coltotals if 0 in map(sum,rows): return 0,1.0 cols = map(lambda i,rows=rows: cget(rows,i), range(0,len(rows[0]))) if 0 in map(sum,cols): return 0,1.0 if not expected: expected = make_expected(rows) chisq = 0 for obss,exps in map(None,rows,expected): for obs, exp in map(None, obss, exps): chisq = chisq + ((obs-exp)**2)/exp df = (len(rows)-1)*(len(rows[0])-1) p = chi_square_lookup(chisq,df) #print "Chi square(df=%s,P<=%s) ~ %s"%(df,p,chisq) return chisq,p chi_square_table = { 1: [1.64, 2.71, 3.84, 5.02, 6.64, 10.83], 2: [3.22, 4.61, 5.99, 7.38, 9.21, 13.82], 3: [4.64, 6.25, 7.82, 9.35, 11.34, 16.27], 4: [5.99, 7.78, 9.49, 11.14, 13.28, 18.47], 5: [7.29, 9.24, 11.07, 12.83, 15.09, 20.52], 6: [8.56, 10.64, 12.59, 14.45, 16.81, 22.46], 7: [9.80, 12.02, 14.07, 16.01, 18.48, 24.32], 8: [11.03, 13.36, 15.51, 17.53, 20.09, 26.12], 9: [12.24, 14.68, 16.92, 19.02, 21.67, 27.88], 10: [13.44, 15.99, 18.31, 20.48, 23.21, 29.59], 11: [14.63, 17.28, 19.68, 21.92, 24.72, 31.26], 12: [15.81, 18.55, 21.03, 23.34, 26.22, 32.91], 13: [16.98, 19.81, 22.36, 24.74, 27.69, 34.53], 14: [18.15, 21.06, 23.68, 26.12, 29.14, 36.12], 15: [19.31, 22.31, 25.00, 27.49, 30.58, 37.70], 16: [20.47, 23.54, 26.30, 28.85, 32.00, 39.25], 17: [21.61, 24.77, 27.59, 30.19, 33.41, 40.79], 18: [22.76, 25.99, 28.87, 31.53, 34.81, 42.31], 19: [23.90, 27.20, 30.14, 32.85, 36.19, 43.82], 20: [25.04, 28.41, 31.41, 34.17, 37.57, 45.31], 21: [26.17, 29.62, 32.67, 35.48, 38.93, 46.80], 22: [27.30, 30.81, 33.92, 36.78, 40.29, 48.27], 23: [28.43, 32.01, 35.17, 38.08, 41.64, 49.73], 24: [29.55, 33.20, 36.42, 39.36, 42.98, 51.18], 25: [30.68, 34.38, 37.65, 40.65, 44.31, 52.62], 26: [31.79, 35.56, 38.89, 41.92, 45.64, 54.05], 27: [32.91, 36.74, 40.11, 43.19, 46.96, 55.48], 28: [34.03, 37.92, 41.34, 44.46, 48.28, 56.89], 29: [35.14, 39.09, 42.56, 45.72, 49.59, 58.30], 30: [36.25, 40.26, 43.77, 46.98, 50.89, 59.70]} def chi_square_lookup(value, df): ps = [0.20, 0.10, 0.05, 0.025, 0.01, 0.001] row = chi_square_table[df] for i in range(0,len(row)): if row[i] >= value: i = i-1 break #print "Table[%s] -> %s"%(row[i],ps[i]) #print "Table[%s] -> ?"%value #if i %s"%(row[i+1],ps[i+1]) #print "Chi sq with df=%s and value %s has P<%s"%(df,value,p) if i == -1: return 1 else: return ps[i] # category 16 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### SEQUENCE OPERATIONS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # # Sequence primitives # ############################################################ def reverse(something): type_something = type(something) if type_something==types.StringType: return reverse_str(something) elif type_something==types.ListType: return reverse_list(something) else: raise "Unexpected type for reversal", type_something def reverse_str(str): lst = map(None, str) lst.reverse() return string.join(lst, '') comp_trans = string.maketrans('ACGTKMYRSWBVDHNacgtkmyrswbvdhn', 'TGCAMKRYSWVBHDNtgcamkryswvbhdn') # reverse complement mapping # A -> T # C -> G # G -> C # T -> A # # K -> M # keto (GT) -> amine (CA) # M -> K # amine (AC) -> keto (TG) # # Y -> R # pyrimidine (CT) -> purine (GA) # R -> Y # purine (AG) -> pyrimidine (TC) # # S -> S # strong (GC) -> strong (CG) # W -> W # weak (AT) -> weak (TA) # # B -> V # not A -> not T # V -> B # not T -> not A # D -> H # not C -> not G # H -> D # not G -> not C # # N -> N # any -> any # # # and the procedure which helped us find the above :o) # def make_full_translation(): # for char,expansion in sort(IUB_expansion.items()): # # print '(%s->%s)'%(char,expansion) # # if char == '-': continue # target = IUB_code[string.join(my_sort(complement(expansion)),'')] # print '%s -> %s'%(char, target) def complement(str): return string.translate(str, comp_trans) def revcom(str): lst = map(None, str) lst.reverse() return string.translate(string.join(lst, ''), comp_trans) def sequence_type(seq): chars = unique(map(None, seq)) non_nucleotide = set_subtract(chars, IUB_code.values()) non_amino_acid = set_subtract(chars, protein.aminoacids) def add_gaps_to_gapless(ali,seq,gap='-'): # gaps are given by ali, added to seq assert(gapless_len(ali)==len(seq)) seq = map(None,seq) for i in reverse(find_all(ali,gap)): #print i seq.insert(i,gap) return string.join(seq,'') def gapless(seq,gaps=['-']): if gapless_len(seq,gaps)==0: return '' for gap in gaps: seq = string.replace(seq,gap,'') return seq def gapless_portions(seqs,gaps=['-'],maxwidth=0): # returns the gapless portions of an alignment gapped_positions = [] for seq in seqs: for gap in gaps: gapped_positions.extend(find_all(seq,gap)) gapped_positions = my_sort(unique(gapped_positions)) portions = [] for start,end in list2pairs([-1]+gapped_positions+[len(seqs[0])]): if start>=end-1: continue if maxwidth: portions.extend(seqs2windows(get_subseqs(seqs,start+1,end),maxwidth)) else: portions.append(get_subseqs(seqs,start+1,end)) return portions def gapless_in_species(seqs,gaps=['-'],which_species=0): # returns the subset of columns in the alignment that don't have a gap in seqs[which_species] gapped_positions = [] for gap in gaps: gapped_positions.extend(find_all(seqs[which_species],gap)) portions = [] for start,end in list2pairs([-1]+gapped_positions+[len(seqs[0])]): if start>=end-1: continue portions.append(get_subseqs(seqs,start+1,end)) newseqs = [] for i in range(0,len(seqs)): newseqs.append(string.join(cget(portions,i),'')) return newseqs def gapless_len(seq,gaps=['-']): totlen = len(seq) for gap in gaps: totlen = totlen - string.count(seq,gap) return totlen def append_gaps(seqs): seqs = seqs[:] maxlen = max(map(len,seqs)) for i in range(0,len(seqs)): if len(seqs[i])!=maxlen: seqs[i] = seqs[i]+'-'*(maxlen-len(seqs[i])) return seqs def join_subseqs(subseqs_list): assert(all_same(map(len,subseqs_list))) seqs = [] for i in range(0,len(subseqs_list[0])): seqs.append(string.join(cget(subseqs_list,i),'')) return seqs def get_subseqs(seqs, start, end=None): subseqs = [] for seq in seqs: if end==None: subseqs.append(seq[start:]) else: subseqs.append(seq[start:end]) return subseqs def get_subseqs_with_context(seqs, start, end=None, context=5): pre = get_subseqs(seqs, max(start-context,0), start) middle = get_subseqs(seqs,start,end) if end+context > len(seqs): post = get_subseqs(seqs, end, end+context) else: post = get_subseqs(seqs, end, min(end+context,len(seqs))) subseqs = [] for i in range(0,len(seqs)): subseqs.append('%s|%s|%s'%(string.lower(pre[i]), middle[i], string.lower(post[i]))) return subseqs def get_multisubseqs(seqs, start_ends): all_subseqs = [] for start,end in start_ends: all_subseqs.append(get_subseqs(seqs,start,end)) subseqs = [] for i in range(0,len(seqs)): subseqs.append(string.join(cget(all_subseqs,i),'')) return subseqs def smart_getsubseqs(seqs, start, end): subseqs = [] for seq in seqs: subseqs.append(smart_getsubseq(seq,start,end)) return subseqs def smart_getsubseq(seq, start, end): length = end-start subseq = seq[start:end] if '-' in subseq: if subseq[0]!='-': subseq = gapless(seq[start:end+20])[:length] print "Dealt with gaps %s -> %s"%(seq[start:end], subseq) elif subseq[-1]!='-': subseq = gapless(seq[start-20:end])[-length:] print "Dealt with gaps %s -> %s"%(seq[start:end], subseq) else: print "Gaps everywhere! Don't know what to do! %s"%seq[start-(2*length):end+(2*length)] return subseq def get_inside(seqs, coords): # seqs is a multiple alignment of sequences # coords is a list of the form [{'start': 40, 'end': 100}, {'start': 150,'end': 200}, ...] # start and end are inclusive # returns all the sequences that fall inside the coords inside = [] for coord in coords: inside.append(get_subseqs(seqs, coord['start']-1,coord['end'])) return inside def coords_in2out(coords, maxlen): newcoords = list2pairs(coords, lambda c1,c2: {'start': c1['end']+1, 'end': c2['start']-1}) newcoords.insert(0,{'start': 1, 'end': coords[0]['start']-1}) newcoords.append({'start': coords[-1]['end']+1, 'end': maxlen}) return newcoords def get_outside(seqs, coords): # seqs is a multiple alignment of sequences # coords is a list of the form [{'start': 40, 'end': 100}, {'start': 150,'end': 200}, ...] # start and end are inclusive # returns all the sequences that fall inside the coords outside = [] newcoords = coords_in2out(coords, len(seqs[0])) return get_inside(seqs,newcoords) def flatten_seqslist(seqs_list): seqs = [None]*len(seqs_list[0]) for i in range(0,len(seqs_list[0])): seqs[i] = string.join(cget(seqs_list,i),'') return seqs ############################################################ # # Printing aligned sequences that span multiple lines # ############################################################ def write_wrap_label2str(label, max_label_len): return sfill(label,max_label_len)+': ' def clustal_wrap_label2str(label, max_label_len): return ('%%-%ss'%max(max_label_len+1,16))%label def print_wrap(sequences, indentation, labels=[], ignore_lines=None): write_wrap(sys.stdout, sequences, indentation, labels, ignore_lines, write_nums=1) def write_wrap(f, sequences, indentation, labels=[], ignore_lines=None, write_nums=1,label2str = write_wrap_label2str, offset=0): if not labels: labels = map(lambda s: '', sequences) if len(sequences)!=len(labels): diff = len(sequences) - len(labels) print "Len(seqs)=%s, Len(labels)=%s. %s extra labels"%(len(sequences), len(labels), ifab(diff>0,'Adding','Ignoring')) if diff>0: labels = labels+['']*diff else: labels = labels[:len(sequences)] max_label_len = max(map(lambda label: len(label), labels)) max_length = max(map(len, sequences)) iterations = range(0, max_length, indentation) if not iterations: iterations = [0] for i in iterations: if write_nums: upper_bound = i+indentation if upper_bound > len(sequences[0]): upper_bound = len(sequences[0]) f.write('%d~%d:\n' % (i+offset, upper_bound+offset)) else: f.write('\n') for seq,label in map(None,sequences,labels): subseq = seq[i:i+indentation] if ignore_lines and sum(map(lambda ignore,subseq=subseq: string.count(subseq,ignore),ignore_lines))==len(subseq): continue if max_label_len: f.write(label2str(label,max_label_len)) f.write(subseq+'\n') def pw(names, seqs, indent=90, offset=0,strict=1): if not strict: if len(names)!=len(seqs): print "BEWARE!! %s seqs vs. %s names. IGNORING EXTRA"%( len(seqs),len(names)) if len(names) < len(seqs): names = names+['']*(len(seqs)-len(names)) if len(names) > len(seqs): seqs = seqs+['']*(len(names)-len(seqs)) seqs = map(lambda s: '%s'%s,seqs) if not all_same(map(len,seqs)): maxlen = max(map(len,seqs)) print "BEWARE!! seqs are not all the same length" seqs = map(lambda s,maxlen=maxlen: s+' '*(maxlen-len(s)), seqs) write_wrap(sys.stdout, seqs, indent, names, write_nums=1, label2str=write_wrap_label2str, offset=offset) def ww(f, names, seqs, indent=80): write_wrap(f, seqs, indent, names, write_nums=1, label2str=write_wrap_label2str) def write_clustal(f, names, seqs): if names[-1]=='' or names[-1]=='consensus': names = names[:-1]+[''] else: names = names+[''] seqs = seqs+[compute_clustal_consensus(seqs)] write_wrap(f, seqs, 60, map(lambda n: safe_replace(n,' ','_'), names), write_nums=0, label2str=clustal_wrap_label2str) ############################################################ # # Calculate consensus from two sequences # ############################################################ def idperc(q,s,countgaps=0): assert(countgaps in [0,1]) same,tot = 0,0 for char1,char2 in map(None,q,s): if is_gap(char1) or is_gap(char2): tot=tot+countgaps continue if char1==char2: same = same+1 tot = tot+1 if not tot: return 0 return 100.0*same/tot def q_and_s(q0,s0): if q0==s0 and q0!='-' and q0!='X': return q0 else: return ' ' def sequence_identities(q, s): return string.join(map(q_and_s,q,s),'') def bar_q_and_s(q0,s0): if q0==s0 and q0!='-' and q0!='X': return '|' else: return ' ' def bar_sequence_identities(q, s): return string.join(map(bar_q_and_s,string.upper(q),string.upper(s)),'') def star_q_and_s(q0,s0): if q0==s0 and q0!='-' and q0!='X': return '*' else: return ' ' def star_sequence_identities(q, s): return string.join(map(star_q_and_s,string.upper(q),string.upper(s)),'') #def sequence_identities_new_but_slower(q, s): # result_list = map(None, q) # for i,q0,s0 in map(None, range(0,len(result_list)),q,s): # if q0!=s0: result_list[i] = ' ' # return string.join(result_list,'') def q_pos_s(q0,s0): common = [] s_all = IUB_expansion[s0] for c in IUB_expansion[q0]: if c in s_all: common.append(c) if common: return get_IUB_code(string.join(common,'')) else: return ' ' def sequence_positives(q, s): # incorporates IUB codes in comparing profiles return string.join(map(q_pos_s, string.upper(q), string.upper(s)),'') def bar_q_pos_s(q0,s0): if q0==s0: return '|' s_all = IUB_expansion[s0] for c in IUB_expansion[q0]: if c in s_all: return '+' return ' ' def bar_sequence_positives(q, s): # incorporates IUB codes in comparing profiles return string.join(map(bar_q_pos_s, string.upper(q), string.upper(s)),'') ############################################################ # # Clustal stuff # ############################################################ clustal_NN2star = string.maketrans('ACGTacgt','********') clustal_AA2star = string.maketrans('*ABCDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ+ ','************************: ') # def compute_clustal_consensus(list_of_seqs): # sum = list_of_seqs[0] # for seq in list_of_seqs[1:]: # #print sum # sum = sequence_identities(sum, seq) # return string.translate(sum, clustal_NN2star) def test_missing2pieces(): names = ['seq1','seq2','seq3'] seqs = ['ATTTAGATACGAGT', 'ATTAAG...CGACT', 'AT..AG.TACGACT'] # -> AT TT AG A TA CGAGT # -> AT TA AG . .. CGACT # -> AT .. AG . TA CGACT pw(names, seqs) pieces = missing2pieces(names,seqs) for subnames,subseqs in pieces: print "\nNext piece" pw(subnames,subseqs) def missing2pieces(allnames, allseqs): # see test_missing2pieces above for example alldots = map(lambda seq: map(lambda char: char=='.', seq), allseqs) names, seqs, dots = [], [], [] for name,seq,dot in map(None,allnames,allseqs,alldots): if 0 in dot: names.append(name) seqs.append(seq) dots.append(dot) if not names: return [(allnames, allseqs)] islands_list = map(count_islands,dots) #pp(islands_list,1) intervals = map(lambda islands: map(lambda ab: {'start': ab[0], 'end': ab[1]}, islands[0]), islands_list) intervald = {} mset(intervald, names, intervals) cut = interval_cut(intervald) #pp(cut,1) pieces = [] for region in cut: if not region['end'] >= region['start']: continue #print "Piece1: %(start)s-%(end)s"%region pieces.append((allnames, get_subseqs(allseqs,region['start']-1,region['end']))) return pieces def char_perfect_or_gap(c): if c in 'ACGT': return '*' if c in 'acgt': return '*' else: return ' ' def consensus2idperc(consensus): if not consensus: return 0 return 100*string.count(consensus,'*')/len(consensus) def consensus2idperc_float(consensus): if not consensus: return 0 return 100.0*string.count(consensus,'*')/len(consensus) def describe_idperc(consensus): return perc(count_stars(consensus),len(consensus)) def count_stars(consensus): return string.count(consensus,'*') def compute_clustal_consensus_ignoring_gaps(seqs): return compute_clustal_consensus(seqs,'-.') def compute_clustal_consensus_ignoring_endgaps(seqs,chars_to_ignore='.'): return compute_clustal_consensus(clustal_endgaps2dots(seqs),chars_to_ignore='.'+chars_to_ignore) #def compute_clustal_consensus(seqs): # numseqs = len(seqs) # length = len(seqs[0]) # # first = seqs[0] # others = seqs[1:] # # consensus = [' ']*length # for i in range(0,length): # char = first[i] # for seq in others: # if char == seq[i]: continue # else: break # else: # consensus[i] = '*' # return string.join(consensus,'') def compute_clustal_consensus(seqs,chars_to_ignore='.',result=None): # see also def generate_profile() # put the chars to ignore in a dictionary, to decrease lookup time ignoreit = {} mset(ignoreit,chars_to_ignore,[None]*len(chars_to_ignore)) # allocate the necessary memory for the result in one shot if not result: result = ['']*len(seqs[0]) assert(all_same(map(len,seqs+[result]))) for i in range(0,len(seqs[0])): # a dictionary for how many chars we've seen seen = {} for seq in seqs: if ignoreit.has_key(seq[i]): continue seen[seq[i]] = None # if they're all the same, don't even wonder, match if len(seen)==0: result[i] = ' ' elif len(seen) == 1: if seen == '-': result[i]==' ' else: result[i] = '*' # if there's more than two, forget it, no match elif len(seen) > 2: result[i] = ' ' # if they're exactly two though, upcase'em else: one,two = seen.keys() if len(unique(string.upper(one+two)))==1: result[i] = '*' else: result[i] = ' ' return string.join(result,'') def quick_clustal_consensus(seqs): # this is a function that runs faster and computes a case-insensitive consensus seqs = map(string.upper,seqs) assert(all_same(map(len,seqs))) consensus = [' ']*len(seqs[0]) for i in range(0,len(seqs[0])): char = seqs[0][i] if char == '-': continue for j in range(1,len(seqs)): if seqs[j][i] == '-': break if seqs[j][i]!=char: break else: consensus[i]='*' return string.join(consensus,'') def compute_soft_consensus(seqs): assert(all_same(map(len,seqs))) # LOWERCASE MEANS GAP TO IUB CODES!! FIX THIS seqs = map(string.upper, seqs) result = [] for i in range(0,len(seqs[0])): IUBs = map(expand_IUB, cget(seqs,i)) common_bits = len(set_intersect_all(IUBs)) any_bits = len(set_union_all(IUBs)) ratio = 100.0 * common_bits / any_bits if common_bits==any_bits==4: result.append('_') elif ratio==0: result.append(' ') elif ratio<50: result.append('.') elif ratio<100: result.append(':') elif ratio==100: result.append('*') else: raise "OOPS!" return string.join(result,'') #def compute_clustal_consensus_ignoring_chrs(list_of_seqs,chars_to_ignore=['.'],result=''): # # computes the consensus of a list of sequences, where '.' or other specified characters # # mean that information is just not available # # # result is a list of characters that will be used in evaluating # # assert(all_same(map(len, list_of_seqs))) # if not result: result = map(None, '*'*len(list_of_seqs[0])) # else: result = map(None, result) # assert(not ' ' in result) # cols_of_chars = unpack(list_of_seqs) # for i in range(0,len(cols_of_chars)): # if not len(set_subtract(unique(cols_of_chars[i]), chars_to_ignore)) == 1: # result[i] = ' ' # try: result = string.join(result,'') # except TypeError: pass # this means it was already a string # # return result def compute_evidence(seqs, chars_to_ignore=['.']): assert(all_same(map(len, seqs))) cols_of_chars = unpack(seqs) result = [] for i in range(0,len(cols_of_chars)): result.append(len(filter(lambda c,ignores=chars_to_ignore: not c in ignores, cols_of_chars[i]))) return result def clustal_endgaps2dots(seqs): # takes a multiple alignment of sequences, and replaces the end gaps # by dots, to allow computation of a consensus despite missing data return map(endgaps2dots, seqs) def endgaps2dots(seq,gaps='-',dots='.'): if string.count(seq,gaps)==len(seq): return dots*len(seq) is_gap = map(lambda char,gaps=gaps: char==gaps, seq) first_non_gap = is_gap.index(0) last_non_gap = reverse_list(is_gap).index(0) if last_non_gap!=0: middle = seq[first_non_gap:-last_non_gap] else: middle = seq[first_non_gap:] return dots*first_non_gap+middle+dots*last_non_gap def mstrip(seq,gaps): if mcount(seq,gaps)==len(seq): return '' is_gap = map(lambda char,gaps=gaps: char in gaps, seq) first_non_gap = is_gap.index(0) last_non_gap = reverse_list(is_gap).index(0) if last_non_gap!=0: middle = seq[first_non_gap:-last_non_gap] else: middle = seq[first_non_gap:] return middle # def endgaps2dots(seq,gaps='-',dots='.'): # assert(len(gaps)==len(dots)==1) # unique_char = ' ' # # assert(string.count(seq,unique_char)==0) # # #print seq # # seq = string.replace(seq,gaps,unique_char) # #print seq # # # strip left # right_portion = string.lstrip(seq) # seq = dots*(len(seq) - len(right_portion)) + right_portion # #print seq # # # strip right # left_portion = string.rstrip(seq) # seq = left_portion + dots*(len(seq) - len(left_portion)) # #print seq # # # put gaps back in the middle # seq = string.replace(seq,unique_char,gaps) # #print seq # # return seq def compute_conserved_genome(seqs,nomatch='_'): # generates a list of all assert(all_same(map(len,seqs))) upseqs = map(string.upper,seqs) newseq = [nomatch]*len(seqs[0]) for i in range(0,len(seqs[0])): upchars = cget(upseqs,i) if all_same(upchars): chars = cget(seqs,i) newseq[i] = majority(chars) return string.join(newseq,'') ############################################################ # # Sliding windows and computing scores # ############################################################ def score_seqs(seqs, method, increment=50, length=25): # a wrapper that scores sequences, depending on # different scoring schemes if method=='mutations': tree = build_tree(seqs) mutations = number_of_mutations(seqs,tree)['mut'] return score_mutations(mutations, increment, length) elif method=='consensus': consensus = compute_clustal_consensus(seqs) return score_consensus(consensus, increment, length) elif method=='profile': profile = generate_profile(seqs) return score_profile(profile, increment, length) else: raise "Unknown method: ", method # scoring profiles, consensuses def score_profile(profile, increment=25,length=50): # for every window of length 50 at increments of 25 # compute a score for the particular profile score = [] for i in range(0,len(profile),increment): subseq = profile[i:][:length] score.append(string.count(subseq,'*'), len(subseq)) return score def score_consensus(consensus, increment=25,length=50,floats=0): # for every window of length 50 at increments of 25 # compute a score for the particular consensus sequence score = [] for i in range(0,len(consensus),increment): subseq = consensus[i:][:length] if floats: score.append(100.0*float(string.count(subseq,'*'))/float(len(subseq))) else: score.append(100*string.count(subseq,'*')/len(subseq)) return score def score_mutations(mutations, increment=25,length=50): # for every window of length 50 at increments of 25 # compute a score for the number of mutations occuring at # that point score = [] for i in range(0,len(mutations),increment): score.append(avg(mutations[i:][:length])) # now reverse the mutations to obtain a score-like metric raise 'unimplemented' return score ############################################################ # # PROFILES and IUB # ############################################################ def is_gap(char): return char=='-' or char=='.' IUB_code = {'A':'A', 'C':'C', 'G':'G', 'T':'T', 'AC':'M', 'AG':'R', 'AT':'W', 'CG':'S', 'CT':'Y', 'GT':'K', 'ACG':'V','ACT':'H','AGT':'D','CGT':'B', 'ACGT':'N','-': '-'} IUB_expansion = {'A':'A', 'C':'C', 'G':'G', 'T':'T', 'M':'AC', 'R':'AG', 'W':'AT', 'S':'CG', 'Y':'CT', 'K':'GT', 'V':'ACG','H':'ACT','D':'AGT','B':'CGT', 'N':'ACGT', ' ':'ACGT', '-': '-', 'a':'A-', 'c':'C-', 'g':'G-', 't':'T-', 'm':'AC-', 'r':'AG-', 'w':'AT-', 's':'CG-', 'y':'CT-', 'k':'GT-', 'v':'ACG-','h':'ACT-','d':'AGT-','b':'CGT-', 'n':'ACGT-', '.': 'ACGT-'} #def IUB_matches(char,char): # # IUB_includes['Y']['C'] = 1 all of C in CT # # IUB_includes['V']['Y'] = 0 not all of CT in ACG # # IUB_includes['H']['Y'] = 1 all of # # { # # } def IUB_superset(IUB_char): set = IUB_expansion[IUB_char] all_subsets = filter(None,map(lambda s: string.join(my_sort(s),''),superset(map(None,set)))) return mget(IUB_code,all_subsets) def expand_IUB(chars): return map(None, string.join(map(lambda c: IUB_expansion[c], chars),'')) def get_IUB_code(str): # ignore gaps (otherwise, generate a 2nd order model) if '-' in str: has_gap = 1 else: has_gap = 0 if str == '-': return str str = string.replace(str,'-','') # if any of the chars is "N", then IUB will be N if 'N' in str: result = 'N' else: result = IUB_code[str] if has_gap: return string.lower(result) else: return result def generate_profile(list_of_seqs): """Assert: list_of_seqs contains seqs that are all same size """ return string.join(map(lambda chars: get_IUB_code(string.join(my_sort(unique(expand_IUB(chars))),'')), unpack(list_of_seqs)),'') def IUPAC_from_chardic(char): # char is of the form: {'A': 3, 'G': 2, 'C': 1, 'T': 0} # from transfac: # A single nucleotide is shown if its frequency is greater than # 50% and at least twice as high as the second most frequent # nucleotide. A double-degenerate code indicates that the # corresponding two nucleotides occur in more than 75% of the # underlying sequences, but each of them is present in less than # 50%. Usage of triple-degenerate codes is restricted to those # positions where one of the nucleotides did not show up at all in # the sequence set and none of the afore-mentioned rules applies. # All other frequency distributions are represented by the letter # "N". # first count total number of chars total = sum(char.values()) items = my_sort(char.items(), lambda c_n: -c_n[1]) assert(len(items) == 4) if (2*items[0][1] >= total and # top char is at least 50% of time 2*items[1][1] <= items[0][1]): # and more than twice that of second most frequent return items[0][0] if 4*(items[0][1] + items[1][1]) >= 3*total: return IUB_code[string.join(my_sort(cget(items[:2],0)),'')] if items[-1][1] == 0: return IUB_code[string.join(my_sort(cget(items[:3],0)),'')] return 'N' ambiguity_explanation = {'M':'[ac]','R':'[ag]','W':'[at]','S':'[cg]','Y':'[ct]','K':'[gt]', 'm':'[ac]','r':'[ag]','w':'[at]','s':'[cg]','y':'[ct]','k':'[gt]', 'V':'[acg]','H':'[act]','D':'[agt]','B':'[cgt]','N':'[acgt]', 'v':'[acg]','h':'[act]','d':'[agt]','b':'[cgt]','n':'[acgt]'} def explain_profile(seq): # progressively replace each of the ambiguous characters that may be present in # the sequence by the mappings above for key,val in ambiguity_explanation.items(): seq = string.replace(seq, key, val) return seq ############################################################ # # Sequence Motifs # ############################################################ profile_ambiguities = {'A': 'A', 'C': 'C', 'G':'G', 'T':'T', 'S':'CG','W':'AT','R':'AG','Y':'CT','M':'AC','K':'TG', 'B':'TCG','D':'ATG','H':'ATC','V':'ACG','N':'ATCG'} def profile2seqs(profile): # creates all the instances of a motif that are possible, # expanding Y into CT etc list = [] if not profile: return [''] for rest in profile2seqs(profile[:-1]): for first in map(None, profile_ambiguities[profile[-1]]): list.append(rest+first) return list def find_profile_in_genome(profile,all_chrs): for instance in profile2seqs(profile): print "Looking for %s"%instance for chr in all_chrs: print find_all(chr,instance) def star_patterns(length): patterns = [] for which_ones_on in superset(range(0,length)): new = [' ']*length for i in which_ones_on: new[i] = '*' patterns.append(string.join(new,'')) return patterns def find_profile(seq, profile): all_positions = [] for instance in profile2seqs(profile): instance_positions = find_all(seq, instance) #if instance_positions: print "Looking for %s -> %s"%(instance, instance_positions) all_positions.append(instance_positions) return my_sort(flatten(all_positions)) def find_multimer(genome, multimer): # multimer is: {'seqs': ['CGG','CCG'], # 'gaps': [(11,11)]} # which means: # 1. 'CGG' # 2. a gap between 11 and 11 bases # 3. 'CCG' seqs = multimer['seqs'] mingaps = cget(multimer['gaps'],0) maxgaps = cget(multimer['gaps'],0) oldlist = find_profile(genome, seqs[0]) for prev, next, mingap, maxgap in map(None, seqs[:-1], seqs[1:], mingaps, maxgaps): newlist = find_profile(genome, next) oldlist = join_lists(oldlist, newlist, len(prev)+mingap, len(prev)+maxgap) return oldlist def join_lists(list1, list2, mindist, maxdist): # returns all the elements of list1 that also satisfy the # constraint that at least one element of list2 is within # some distance mindist maxdist: i = i+1 else: newlist.append(list1[i]) i = i+1 return newlist def trim_lists_nearby(list1, list2, mindist): # returns the list of elements of list1 that are # within mindist of some element in list2 and # vice-versa newlist1,newlist2 = [],[] i = j = 0 while i0: i = i+1 else: j = j+1 return (eliminate_duplicates(newlist1), eliminate_duplicates(newlist2)) def trim_lists_nearby(list1, list2, mindist): # returns the list of elements of list1 that are # within mindist of some element in list2 and # vice-versa pairs = [] newlist1,newlist2 = [],[] i = j = 0 while i0: i = i+1 else: j = j+1 return (eliminate_duplicates(newlist1), eliminate_duplicates(newlist2), pairs) ############################################################ # # Statistical significance of a match to a profile... # ############################################################ def random_posperc(seq): # if a sequence is actually a profile, made of # many possibilities for each character, what # posperc identity rate would you expect with # a random uniform (.25) sequence ? score = 0 for base in seq: possibilities = IUB_expansion[base] score = score + .25 * len(possibilities) return int(100*score/len(seq)) def GCaware_posperc(seq, base_occurences={'A': 1, 'C': 1, 'G': 1, 'T': 1}): # same as random_posperc # if a sequence is actually a profile, made of # many possibilities for each character, what # posperc identity rate would you expect with # a random sequence of known GC content ? total = sum(base_occurences.values()) base_freq = {} for base in base_occurences.keys(): base_freq[base] = float(base_occurences[base])/float(total) score = 0 for base in seq: possibilities = IUB_expansion[base] for possibility in possibilities: if base_freq.has_key(possibility): score = score + base_freq[possibility] return int(100*score/len(seq)) ############################################################ # # Sequence Analysis # ############################################################ def acgt_distribution(list_of_chars): acgt = {'A': 0, 'C': 0, 'G': 0, 'T': 0, '-': 0} for char in list_of_chars: if char in 'ACGT-': acgt[char] = acgt[char] + 1 return acgt def gc_content(seq): gc = mcount(seq, 'GCgc') at = mcount(seq, 'ATat') return 100*gc/(gc+at) def gc_content_profile(profile): exp = mget(IUB_expansion, string.replace(profile,'N','')) expgc = map(gc_content,exp) return avg(expgc) def is_cpg(seq): binary = map(lambda s: s in 'GCgc', seq) sums = sum_window(binary, 50) if not sums: return 0 if max(sums) >= 25: return 1 else: return 0 def prob_seq(seq, pGC=.5): # given a GC content, what is the probability # of getting the particular sequence assert(0<=pGC<=1) # the probability of obtaining sequence seq # given a background gc probability of .5 ps = [] for char in seq: if char in 'CG': ps.append(pGC/2) elif char in 'AT': ps.append((1-pGC)/2) else: raise "Unexpected char: ",char return reduce(operator.mul, ps, 1) def prob_profile(profile,pGC): # given a GC content, what is the probability # of getting the particular profile assert(0<=pGC<=1) ps = [] for IUB_char in string.upper(profile): p = [] for char in IUB_expansion[IUB_char]: if char in 'CG': p.append(pGC/2) elif char in 'AT': p.append((1-pGC)/2) else: raise "Unexpected char: ",char ps.append(avg(p)) return reduce(operator.mul, ps, 1) def prob_match(seq1, seq2, pGC, debug=0): # given the particular GC content, # what is the likelihood of seeing the match # of seq1 to seq2 we observe, simply due # to the background GC content # the way i calculate this is by saying # P(match | GC content) = # P(match | G) # prob of seeing the GC content of sequence1, # given the background probability of any GC p1 = prob_profile(seq1,pGC) p2 = prob_profile(seq2,pGC) #print "P(%s | pGC=%s)=%s"%(seq1,pGC,p1) #print "P(%s | pGC=%s)=%s"%(seq2,pGC,p2) # prob of finding a match given the two sequences # are what they are. Shuffling seq1p = prob_each_char(seq1) seq2p = prob_each_char(seq2) p_same = 0 for char, ratio1 in seq1p.items(): ratio2 = seq2p[char] p_same = p_same + ratio1*ratio2 #print "P(%s1)*P(%s2)=%s"%(char,char,ratio1*ratio2) #print "P(same)=%s"%p_same p = p_same*p1*p2 if 1: null0 = (.25)*(.25**len(seq1))*(.25**len(seq2)) if debug: print "P(same|seq1=%s seq2=%s GC=%s)/P(same|GC=.5)=%s"%( seq1,seq2,pGC,p/null0) return p def prob_each_char(profile): # the probability that the profile generates a char # in any of the positions (also the percent char # of the overall profile) counts = {'A': 0, 'C': 0, 'G': 0, 'T': 0} for IUB_char in profile: all = IUB_expansion[IUB_char] ratio = 1.0/len(all) for char in all: counts[char] = counts[char]+ratio total = float(sum(counts.values())) #if not total: return counts ratios = {} for char,value in counts.items(): ratios[char] = value/total return ratios ############################################################ def cluster_significance_unsafe(pickedpos, picked, totpos, tot): # i picked pickedpos + pickedneg objects. # pickedpos fell in class, pickedneg fell negside class. # knowing that the class contains totpos objects from # a total of totpos+totneg objects, then what is the # probability that i would have picked pickedpos or # higher objects inside my class by chance alone? pickedneg = picked-pickedpos totneg = tot - totpos denominator = n_choose_k(tot,picked) sum = 0 for pickedpos_iter in range(pickedpos, min(picked+1,totpos+1)): pickedneg_iter = picked-pickedpos_iter sum = sum + (n_choose_k(totpos, pickedpos_iter) * n_choose_k(totneg, pickedneg_iter)) # how many ways to choose k objects from tot return sum/denominator def test_cluster_significance(num_trials = 20000): totpos,tot = 300,6000 picked = 80 list = shuffle(['A']*totpos+['B']*(tot-totpos)) picked_counts = {} res = [] for i in range(0,num_trials): random_points = pick_n(list,picked) pickedpos = random_points.count('A') if not picked_counts.has_key(pickedpos): picked_counts[pickedpos] = 0 picked_counts[pickedpos] = picked_counts[pickedpos] + 1 if i%1000==999: print "%s tested %s to go, %s hypers computed"%(i+1,num_trials-i-1,len(res)) pp(picked_counts) cumulative = 0 print "Tested\tValue\tCount\tHyper\t\tCumul\tCluster\t\tTails\tBinom" for pickedpos,count in my_sort_rev(picked_counts.items()): cumulative = cumulative + count clust = cluster_significance(pickedpos, picked, totpos, tot) hyper = hypergeometric(pickedpos, picked, totpos, tot) binom = binomial_tail(picked/float(tot),pickedpos,totpos) if pickedpos/float(picked) >= totpos/float(tot): symbol='>=' tail = cumulative else: symbol='<=' tail = i+1-cumulative+count print "%s\t%s%s\t%s\t%0.1f\t%s\t%s\t%0.1f\t%s\t%s\t%0.1f\t%s"%( i+1, symbol,pickedpos, count, hyper*(i+1), ifab(count>10,'%0.0f%%'%(100.0*count/(hyper*(i+1))),'-'), tail, clust*(i+1), ifab(count>10,'%0.0f%%'%(100.0*tail/(clust*(i+1))),'-'), cumulative, binom*(i+1), ifab(count>10,'%0.0f%%'%(100.0*cumulative/(binom*(i+1))),'-')) #ifab(observed > 10, '='*int(40.0*observed/expected),' Too few to judge')) def minuslog_hypergeometric(pickedpos, picked, totpos, tot): pickedneg,totneg = picked-pickedpos, tot-totpos logP = log_n_choose_k(totpos, pickedpos) + \ log_n_choose_k(totneg, pickedneg) - \ log_n_choose_k(tot, picked) return -logP def hypergeometric(pickedpos, picked, totpos, tot): return math.exp(-minuslog_hypergeometric(pickedpos, picked, totpos, tot)) def cluster_significance(pickedpos, picked, totpos, tot): ## >I also have a scientific question. Could you give me the formula for the ## >hypergeometric distribution? (I would like to use it instead of the ## >chi-squared test.) ## ## n_k(picked_in, total_in)*n_k(picked_out, total_out) ## P(x=k) = --------------------------------------------------- ## n_k(picked_total, total) ## ## If i pick 400 genes at random (picked_total), ## and 300 are in my category (picked_in), ## then picked_out = picked_total - picked_in = 100. ## ## The category now contained a total of 600 genes (total_in), ## out of say 6000 genes in yeast (total). This makes ## total_out = total - total_in = 5400 genes outside the ## category. ## ## This gives us the probability of picking exactly 300 genes ## in and 100 genes out when i pick 400 genes at random, ## given that the category has 600 genes out of 6000 possible. ## ## However, you need the probability of picking at least 300 ## genes. So you need the sum of the above for k=300,301,302... ## all the way to min(picked_total, in_total). # i picked pickedpos + pickedneg objects. # pickedpos fell in class, pickedneg fell negside class. # knowing that the class contains totpos objects from # a total of totpos+totneg objects, then what is the # probability that i would have picked pickedpos or # higher objects inside my class by chance alone? pickedneg = picked-pickedpos totneg = tot - totpos assert(pickedpos <= totpos) assert(pickedneg <= totneg) # if the number of positives picked is greater than the # number of negatives picked, simply reverse the labels pickedratio = float(pickedpos) / picked totratio = float(totpos) / tot if pickedratio < totratio: # what is the prob that *so few* get picked by chance the_range = range(max(picked-totneg,0), pickedpos+1) elif pickedratio >= totratio: # what is the prob that *that many* get picked by chance #the_range = range(pickedpos, min(picked+1,totpos+1), -1) the_range = range(min(picked,totpos), pickedpos-1, -1) #print "Picked_pos/picked: %s when total_pos/total %s"%( # perc(pickedpos,picked),perc(totpos,tot)) denominator = log_n_choose_k(tot,picked) sum = 0 for pickedpos_iter in the_range: #print "P(%s/%s | %s/%s)="%( # pickedpos_iter,picked,totpos,tot) pickedneg_iter = picked-pickedpos_iter inc_log = (log_n_choose_k(totpos, pickedpos_iter) + log_n_choose_k(totneg, pickedneg_iter) - denominator) inc = safe_exp(inc_log) #print "P(%s/%s | %s/%s)=%s"%( # pickedpos_iter,picked,totpos,tot,inc) sum = sum + inc # how many ways to choose k objects from tot return sum def birthday_paradox(total, chosen): assert(chosen < total) prob_not = 0 for i in range(1,chosen): prob_not = prob_not + math.log(total-i) - math.log(total) return 1-math.exp(prob_not) # category 17 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### PAIRWISE AND MULTIPLE ALIGNMENTS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # # Counting Substitutions # ############################################################ def nn_counts(seq): return {'A': string.count(seq,'A'), 'C': string.count(seq,'C'), 'G': string.count(seq,'G'), 'T': string.count(seq,'T'), '-': string.count(seq,'-')} def compare_sequences(seq1,seq2): print "Comparing two sequences" counts2 = nn_counts(string.replace(seq2,'-','')) len2 = sum(counts2.values()) def summarize_seq(seq): counts = nn_counts(seq) gapless_length = sum(mget(counts,'ACGT')) length = sum(counts.values()) return "Total %s bp; GC %s; A %s, T %s, C %s, G %s, - %s"%( dec(gapless_length), safe_percentile(counts['G']+counts['C'], gapless_length), safe_percentile(counts['A'], length), safe_percentile(counts['T'], length), safe_percentile(counts['C'], length), safe_percentile(counts['G'], length), safe_percentile(counts['-'], length)) def substitutions_pstg(seq1,seq2): # returns the probabilities that: # p: any nucleotide will remain as itself # s: the nucleotide will remain a purine or pyrimidine # t: the nucleotide will transition purine <-> pyrimidine print "Seq1: %s"%summarize_seq(seq1) print "Seq2: %s"%summarize_seq(seq2) counts = count_substitutions(seq1,seq2) #percs = substitution_counts2perc(counts) #symmcounts = substitution_counts2symm(counts) #pp(percs) #p,s,t = substitutions2transitions(counts) p,s,t,g = substitutions2probs(counts) return p,s,t,g def count_substitutions(seq1,seq2): # how many times is each nucleotide replaced by another # returns the counts in this form #{A: {'G': 89, 'T': 90, 'C': 101, 'A': 467} # C: {'G': 111, 'T': 117, 'C': 451, 'A': 102} # G: {'G': 422, 'T': 103, 'C': 118, 'A': 92} # T: {'G': 76, 'T': 467, 'C': 88, 'A': 106}} # which characters appear in your sequence chars = {} for char in seq1: if not chars.has_key(char): chars[char] = None for char in seq2: if not chars.has_key(char): chars[char] = None chars = my_sort(chars.keys()) # which substitutions happen between them assert(len(seq1)==len(seq2)) subst = {} for c1 in chars: subst[c1] = {} for c2 in chars: subst[c1][c2] = 0 for i in range(0,len(seq1)): c1,c2 = seq1[i],seq2[i] subst[c1][c2] = subst[c1][c2] + 1 return subst def substitution_counts2symm(counts): # input: counts returned by count_substitutions(seq1,seq2) # output: percentages chars = counts.keys() # make an empty symmetric matrix symm = {} for c1 in chars: symm[c1] = {} for c2 in chars: symm[c1][c2] = None # and fill it in by summing the diagonally symmetric elements for c1 in chars: for c2 in chars: if c1==c2: symm[c1][c2] = counts[c1][c2] continue symm[c1][c2] = counts[c1][c2]+counts[c2][c1] symm[c2][c1] = symm[c1][c2] #pp(symm) return symm def substitution_counts2perc(counts): # input: counts returned by count_substitutions(seq1,seq2) # output: percentages import copy percs = copy.deepcopy(counts) for source,targets in percs.items(): total = float(sum(mget(targets,'ACGT'))) for key,value in targets.items(): targets[key] = value / total return percs def substitutions2probs(counts): # the frequency of each base Na,Nc,Ng,Nt = map(lambda targets: sum(mget(targets, 'ACGT-')), mget(counts,'ACGT')) S = float(Na+Nc+Ng+Nt) Pa,Pc,Pg,Pt = Na/S,Nc/S,Ng/S,Nt/S percs = substitution_counts2perc(counts) pp(percs) # percs is the output of the above procedures Psame = Pa*percs['A']['A']+Pc*percs['C']['C']+Pg*percs['G']['G']+Pt*percs['T']['T'] Ptransition = Pa*percs['A']['G']+Pg*percs['G']['A']+Pt*percs['T']['C']+Pc*percs['C']['T'] Ptransversion = Pa*( percs['A']['C']+ percs['A']['T'])+\ Pc*(percs['C']['A']+ percs['C']['G'])+\ Pg*( percs['G']['C']+ percs['G']['T'])+\ Pt*(percs['T']['A']+ percs['T']['G']) # how many insertions per 100 base pairs? Pins * 100 # how many times was a gap transformed into one of ACGT = ins Pins = sum(mget(counts['-'], 'ACGT')) / S # how many times was one of ACGT transformed into a gap = del Pdel = sum(cget(mget(counts,'ACGT'),'-')) / S print "p=%2.2f%%, s=%2.2f%%, t=%2.2f%%, del=%2.2f%%, ins=%2.2f%%"%( 100*Psame,100*Ptransition,100*Ptransversion,100*Pins,100*Pdel) return Psame,Ptransition,Ptransversion,(Pins+Pdel)/2 ############################################################ # # Multiple Pairwise distances # ############################################################ def names_seqs_distances(names, seqs): # a wrapper using the below functions that # calculates all the pairwise distances between # a set of sequences, and prints a table. pairwise = pairwise_distances(seqs) square = squareform(pairwise) new_square = rename_square(names, square) print_square(new_square,rows=names,cols=names) #print_square(new_square,rows=['Scer','G46','G45','G127','G44'],cols=['Scer','G46','G45','G127','G44']) return new_square def rename_square(names, square): new_square = {} for key,value in square.items(): new_key = (names[key[0]], names[key[1]]) new_square[new_key] = value return new_square def pairwise_distances(seqs): # calculates all pairwise distances in a list of sequences # returns them in a list where the order of comparisons is: # (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) ... (2,3) (2,4) (2,5) # if you want to turn that into a square, use squareform pairwise = [] for i in range(0,len(seqs)): for j in range(i+1, len(seqs)): seq0,seq1 = seqs[i], seqs[j] seq0,seq1 = eliminate_common_gaps([seqs[i],seqs[j]]) # print_wrap([seq0,seq1],60,['seq0','seq1']) bars = bar_sequence_identities(seq0,seq1) total = len(seq0)-string.count(seq0+seq1,'.') if total: pairwise.append(100*string.count(bars,'|')/total) else: pairwise.append(0) return pairwise def span_pairs(ii, jj): # to make loops more easier to code: # # for i in range(0,10): # for j in 'ABCD': # body_of_loop # # can now be replaced by: # # for (i,j) in span_pairs(range(0,10),'ABCD'): # body_of_loop pairs = [] for i in ii: for j in jj: pairs.append((i,j)) return pairs def span_triplets(ii, jj, kk): triplets = [] for i in ii: for j in jj: for k in kk: triplets.append((i,j,k)) return triplets def squareform(pairwise,identity=None): # equivalent to the matlab function squareform, # which takes a list of distances of the form # (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,3), (2,4), (3,4) # and transforms it to a square indexable by (i,j) # see also: names_seqs_distances, pairwise_distances, print_square num_seqs = int((1 + math.sqrt(1+8*len(pairwise)))/2) if not identity: identity = [100]*num_seqs elif type(identity) == type(1): identity = [identity]*num_seqs assert(len(identity) == num_seqs) square = {} print "There are %s sequences"%num_seqs m = 0 for i in range(0,num_seqs): square[(i,i)] = identity[i] for j in range(i+1, num_seqs): square[(i,j)] = pairwise[m] square[(j,i)] = pairwise[m] m = m+1 return square def print_square(square, f=sys.stdout, disp=None, rows=None, cols=None): # from a list of pairs, generated by squareform or # any other form, such that all pairs (i,j) are present # if any pair (i,x) or (y,j) is present. # see also: names_seqs_distances, pairwise_distances, squareform #pp(square,3,60) if disp: square = copy_dic(square) for key,value in square.items(): square[key] = disp(value) if not rows: rows = my_sort(unique(map(lambda key: key[0], square.keys()))) if not cols: cols = my_sort(unique(map(lambda key: key[1], square.keys()))) width = max(map(lambda v: len('%s'%v),square.values())) width = max(width, max(map(lambda v: len('%s'%v),flatten([rows,cols])))) def separating_row(f, cols, width): # separating row f.write('-'*width) for j in cols: f.write('+'+'-'*width) f.write('\n') format = '%'+`width`+'s' # first row f.write(format%'') for j in cols: f.write('|'+format%j) f.write('\n') # the columns for i in rows: separating_row(f, cols, width) f.write(format%i) for j in cols: if square.has_key((i,j)): f.write('|'+format%square[(i,j)]) else: f.write('|'+format%'') f.write('\n') ############################################################ # # Transforming many pairwise aligments into a multiple alignment # ############################################################ def test_pairwise2multiple_simulations(): import simulation, clustal name1 = 'human' random_names = ['plant','bee','chicken','pig','rooster','bear','hen','fruit','banana'] names_seqs = [] seqlength = 40 human_seq = simulation.random_seq(seqlength) for i in range(0,10): names, seqs = [name1], [human_seq] for sp in range(0,random.choice(range(0,10))): name2 = random.choice(random_names) seq2 = simulation.random_seq(seqlength) names.append(name2) seqs.append(seq2) names,seqs = clustal.quick_clustal(names,seqs) names_seqs.append(names,seqs) pp(names_seqs) names,seqs = pairwise2multiple(names_seqs,'human') print_wrap(seqs, 120, names) def test_pairwise2multiple(): names1,seqs1 = ['human','mouse'], ['A-GGG-T','ACC-GTT'] names2,seqs2 = ['human','baboon'], ['AGG-GT','A-GGGT'] names3,seqs3 = ['human','rat'], ['--AG--GGT','AGATCAGG-'] names, seqs = pairwise2multiple([(names1,seqs1), (names2,seqs2), (names3,seqs3)], 'human') print_wrap(seqs, 120, names) def test_pairwise2multiple2(): names1,seqs1 = ['human','baboon'], ['AGG-GT','A-GGGT'] names2,seqs2 = ['human','mouse'], ['A-GGG-T','ACC-GTT'] names3,seqs3 = ['mouse','rat'], ['A--CC-GTT','AGATCAGG-'] names12, seqs12 = pairwise2multiple([(names1,seqs1), (names2,seqs2)], 'human') names, seqs = pairwise2multiple([(names12,seqs12), (names3,seqs3)], 'mouse') print_wrap(seqs, 120, names) def smart_pairwise2multiple(): pass def pairwise2multiple(names_seqs_list, common_key): #print "Making nsis" common_len = None nsis = [] for names, seqs in names_seqs_list: assert(names.count(common_key)==1) i = names.index(common_key) if not common_len: common_len = gapless_len(seqs[i]) else: assert(common_len == gapless_len(seqs[i])) nsis.append(names,seqs,i) #print "Adding common gaps" add_common_gaps(nsis) #print "Flattening nsis" names, seqs = flatten_nsis(nsis) return names,seqs def flatten_nsis(nsis): all_names, all_seqs = [],[] # find what the common name should be names,seqs,i = nsis[0] common_name, common_seq = names[i], seqs[i] all_names.append(common_name) all_seqs.append(common_seq) for names, seqs, i in nsis: assert(names[i] == common_name and seqs[i] == common_seq) #print "Transforming %s to %s"%(names[i],common_name) #print " %s\nto %s"%(seqs[i],common_seq) for j in range(0,len(names)): if j!=i: all_names.append(names[j]) all_seqs.append(seqs[j]) return all_names, all_seqs def add_common_gaps(nsis): # nsis = [(names, sequences, index), (names, sequences, index)...] # for every element nsi == (names, seqs, i) of nsis: # name[i] and seqs[i] are the sequences to reconcile #pp(nsis) #print len(nsis) for a in range(0,len(nsis)-1): #print 'a=%s'%a names,seqs,i = nsis[a] seqa = seqs[i] names2,seqs2,i2 = nsis[a+1] seqb = seqs2[i2] #print "Computing gap conversion between %s (%sbp) and %s(%sbp)"%( # names[i], len(seqs[i]), names2[i2], len(seqs2[i2])) a2b,b2a = compute_gap_conversion(seqa,seqb) # change the next one #print "Applying %s to %s"%(b2a,a+1) #print "Applying gap conversion to %s"%display_list(names2) nsis[a+1] = (names2, map(lambda seq, b2a=b2a: apply_gap_conversion(seq,b2a), seqs2), i2) # change all the previous ones for c in range(0,a+1): #print "Applying %s to %s"%(a2b,c) nc,sc,ic = nsis[c] #print "Applying gap conversion to %s"%display_list(nc) nsis[c] = (nc, map(lambda seq,a2b=a2b: apply_gap_conversion(seq,a2b), sc), ic) return nsis #def pairwise2multiple(nsis): # # nsis = [(names, sequences, index), (names, sequences, index)...] # # for every element nsi == (names, seqs, i) of nsis: # # name[i] and seqs[i] are the sequences to reconcile # # conversion = {} # # for a in range(0,len(nsis)): # # # names,seqs,i = nsis[a] # seqa = seqs[i] # # for b in range(0,len(nsis)): # if a>=b: continue # # names2,seqs2,i2 = nsis[b] # seqb = seqs2[i2] # # a2b,b2a = compute_gap_conversion(seqa,seqb) # # conversion[(a,b)] = a2b # conversion[(b,a)] = b2a # # #pp(conversion,1) # nsis2 = nsis[:] # # for a,b in conversion.keys(): # # a2b = conversion[(a,b)] # print 'Applying %s to %s'%(a2b,a) # # nsis2[a] = (nsis2[a][0], # map(lambda seq,a2b=a2b: apply_gap_conversion(seq,a2b), # nsis2[a][1]), # nsis2[a][2]) # # return nsis2 #def pairwise2multiple(nsis): # # nsis = [(names, sequences, index), (names, sequences, index)...] # # for every element nsi == (names, seqs, i) of nsis: # # name[i] and seqs[i] are the sequences to reconcile # # for a in range(0,len(nsis)): # # names,seqs,i = nsis[a] # seqa = seqs[i] # # for b in range(0,len(nsis)): # if a>=b: continue # # names2,seqs2,i2 = nsis[b] # seqb = seqs2[i2] # # a2b,b2a = compute_gap_conversion(seqa,seqb) # # nsis[a] = (names, # map(lambda seq,a2b=a2b: apply_gap_conversion(seq,a2b), # seqs), # i) # # nsis[b] = (names2, # map(lambda seq,b2a=b2a: apply_gap_conversion(seq,b2a), # seqs2), # i2) def compute_gap_conversion(seqa, seqb, gap='-'): # if seqa and seqb are the same sequence, differing simply in the # gap insertion sites, then there must be some sequence seqa2, # which can by obtained by adding the minimum number of gaps to # seqa, as well as by adding the minimum number of gaps to seqb, # such that gaps can only be added, never subtracted # useful for transforming pairwise alignments to multiple alignments if not string.replace(seqa,gap,'') == string.replace(seqb,gap,''): print "Inputs of length: %s and %s"%( len(seqa)-string.count(seqa,'-'), len(seqb)-string.count(seqb,'-')) assert(string.replace(seqa,gap,'') == string.replace(seqb,gap,'')) a2b,b2a = [],[] i, j = 0,0 while i= 0: continue features_coords.extend([start,end]) ali_features.extend(coords_seq2ali(seq, features_coords, gap_offset)) ali_features = unique(ali_features) ali_features.sort() # create the coordinate correspondence for each individual sequence # ali_indices = my_sort(flatten([default_ali_ticks, ali_features])) # ali_indices = unique(ali_indices) # seq_indices = coords_ali2allseqs(seqs, ali_indices, gap_offsets) print "ali2seq using offsets" seq_indices = coords_ali2allseqs(seqs, ali_features, gap_offsets) # plot lines spanning all sequences f.write('hold on;\n') # calculate the percent identities between every tick and feature print "creating all the subsets" idpercs = [] for start,end in map(None, ali_features[:-1], ali_features[1:]): #subseqs = map(lambda s,start=start,end=end: s[start:end], seqs) #consensus = compute_clustal_consensus_ignoring_gaps(subseqs) subconsensus = consensus[start:end] if not subconsensus: print "Zero length consensus for subseqs" idpercs.append(0) else: idpercs.append(100*string.count(subconsensus,'*')/len(subconsensus)) print "Idpercs: %s"%idpercs quick_histogram(idpercs) boundaries = [85,80,75,65,50]#[25,20,15,10,5] #[85,80,75,65,50], boundary_colors = 'rmbcg' # find which color to use for the particular range def idperc2color(idperc,boundaries=boundaries,boundary_colors=boundary_colors): for cutoff,color in map(None, boundaries, boundary_colors): if idperc > cutoff: return color if idperc == 0: return 'w' return 'y' print "Plotting" idperc_colors = [] # now plot lines crosscutting the sequences, using appropriate colors for i1,i2,idperc in map(None, seq_indices[:-1], seq_indices[1:],idpercs): idperc_color = idperc2color(idperc) idperc_colors.append(idperc_color) #print "%s -> %s"%(idperc,idperc_color) #h = matlab.text(f, '%s%%'%idperc, (i1[0]+i2[0])/2, y_offsets[0],'bottom', 'center') #h = matlab.text(f, '%s%%'%idperc, (i1[-1]+i2[-1])/2,y_offsets[-1],'top', 'center') #matlab.shrink_text(f, h) if 1: list1 = i1[:] list2 = reverse_list(i2) offsets1 = y_offsets[:] offsets2 = reverse_list(y_offsets) #groups = map(None, list1,list2,offsets1,offsets2) #groups = filter(lambda g: g[0]!=g[1],groups) #list1,list2,offsets1,offsets2=unpack(groups) f.write("h = fill(%s,%s,'%s-');\n"%( flatten([list1,list2]), flatten([offsets1,offsets2]), idperc_color )) f.write("set(h,'EdgeColor','%s');\n"%idperc_color) else: f.write("plot(%s,%s,'%s-');\n"%( map(avg,map(None,i1,i2)), y_offsets, idperc_color )) seq_features = coords_ali2allseqs(seqs,ali_features,gap_offsets) for features in seq_features: f.write("plot(%s,%s,'k-');\n"%( features, y_offsets )) # write the names of sequences and their lengths left and right for name,length,y_offset in map(None, names, lens, y_offsets): print name matlab.text(f, name, 0, y_offset, 'middle', 'right') f.write("plot([%s,%s],[%s,%s],'k-');\n"%( 0,length, y_offset,y_offset)) matlab.text(f, '%sbp'%length, length, y_offset, 'middle', 'left') # now write the alignment overview on the bottom right for boundary, boundary_color,y2 in map(None, boundaries, boundary_colors, range(0,len(boundaries))): ymin = y_offsets[-1]-(y2+1)*1000 ymax = ymin+500 xmin = 0 xmax = 1000 matlab.square(f, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, boundary_color, 'k', 1) matlab.text(f,'%s features at conservation > %s%%'%( idperc_colors.count(boundary_color), boundary), xmax+200,(ymin+ymax)/2,'middle','left',small=1) # and now plot the features, as originally designated. Notice, # we don't need to do any coordinate translation to print those arrow_width = abs(y_offsets[0]-y_offsets[-1])/20 for features, y_offset in map(None, ali_features, y_offsets): for start,end,name in features: matlab.arrow(f, start, end, y_offset, y_offset,arrow_width,400) h = matlab.text(f, name, (start+end)/2, y_offset+arrow_width, 'middle', 'left',rotation=90) matlab.shrink_text(f,h) matlab.axis_y(f, y_offsets[-1]-abs(y_offsets[0]-y_offsets[-1]), y_offsets[0]+abs(y_offsets[0]-y_offsets[-1])) f.write("axis('off'); axis('equal'); \n") # category 19 ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ####### ########### ####### ########### ####### PHYLOGENETIC TREES AND ANCESTORS ########### ####### ########### ####### ########### ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # # PHYLOGENETIC TREES # ############################################################ def compute_tree(seqs): pass def test_number_of_mutations(): seqs = {'HUMAN': 'AAAAACAAA', 'BABOON': 'AAATTAACC', 'MOUSE': 'AATTAACCG', 'RAT': 'ATTTTTTTT'} tree = [('HUMAN', 'BABOON'), ('MOUSE', 'RAT')] answer = {'seq': 'AAWTWAHCN', 'mut': '011122223'} print 'Answer: '+`answer` return number_of_mutations(seqs, tree) def number_of_mutations(seqs, tree): seq_tree = build_seq_tree(seqs, tree) #pp(seq_tree,2) return recurse_number_of_mutations(seq_tree) def build_seq_tree(seqs, tree): if type(tree) == type(''): return {'seq': seqs[tree], 'mut': [0]*len(seqs[tree])} seq_tree = [] for tree_branch in tree: seq_tree.append(build_seq_tree(seqs, tree_branch)) return seq_tree def recurse_number_of_mutations(tree): seqs = [] muts = [] for tree_branch in tree: # if the branch hasn't been followed, follow it if type(tree_branch) != type({}): tree_branch = recurse_number_of_mutations(tree_branch) # then add to the flat list both seq and # of mutations seqs.append(tree_branch['seq']) muts.append(tree_branch['mut']) # add up all the mutations that were needed to get here mutations = map(sum, unpack(muts)) # compute the ancestor (+ how many mutations needed for that ancestor) ancestor,new_mutations = find_ancestor(seqs) #print "New mutations: "+`new_mutations` total_mutations = map(sum, unpack([mutations, new_mutations])) return {'seq': ancestor, 'mut': total_mutations} def find_ancestor(seqs): seq,mut= unpack(map(find_ancestral_char, unpack(seqs))) return string.join(seq,''),mut def find_ancestral_char(chars): # if there is an intersection in the set, return it common_chars = IUB_expansion[chars[0]] for char in chars[1:]: common_chars = set_intersect(common_chars, IUB_expansion[char]) # otherwise, return union of possibilities, and 1 mutation if common_chars: return get_IUB_code(string.join(common_chars,'')),0 else: return generate_profile(chars),1 ############################################################ def species_divergence(names, seqs): # judges the usefulness of each species by how many times # it differs when all the others agree. Sort of the # out-groupness of a species, conditioned on the others. diff_types = [0]*6 for i in range(0,len(seqs[0])): chars = cget(seqs,i) if '-' in chars: type = 5 elif chars[0]==chars[1]==chars[2]: type = 0 elif chars[0]==chars[1]: type = 1 elif chars[0]==chars[2]: type = 2 elif chars[1]==chars[2]: type = 3 else: type = 4 diff_types[type] = diff_types[type] + 1 if i % 1000 == 0: print diff_types return diff_types def species_divergence(names, seqs): # judges the usefulness of each species by how many times # it differs when all the others agree. Sort of the # out-groupness of a species, conditioned on the others. diff_types = [0]*(len(names)+3) for position in range(0,len(seqs[0])): chars = cget(seqs,position) type = len(names)+1 if '-' in chars: type = -1 elif all_same(chars): type = 0 else: for sp in range(0,len(names)): the_rest = get_all_but(chars, sp) if all_same(the_rest): type = sp+1 break diff_types[type] = diff_types[type] + 1 if position % 1000 == 0: print diff_types print "All agree: %s"%diff_types[0] for sp in range(0,len(names)): print "%s disagrees: %s"%(names[sp],diff_types[sp+1]) print "Some gap: %s"%diff_types[-1] return diff_types def test_species_divergence(): names = ['human','baboon','mouse','rat'] seqs = ['AGAAAAAGGAAAAAA', 'AAATAAAAAAAAAAA', 'AAAAACAAACAAAAC', 'AAAA-AAAAAAAAAC', ] print_wrap(seqs, 120, names) species_divergence(names,seqs) def seq2windows(seq, k=1000): windows = [] for i in range(0,len(seq),k): windows.append(seq[i:i+k]) return windows def seqs2windows(seqs, k=1000): windows = [] for i in range(0,len(seqs[0]),k): windows.append(get_subseqs(seqs,i,i+k)) return windows def seqs2events(seqs): # transforms an alignment of sequences to an alignment of numbers # (1,2,3,4,5...) such that in each column of the alignment, the # most prevalent sequence appears as 1, the second most prevalent # appears as 2, and so on and so forth. Also, if two characters # appear at the same frequency, the one which appears first (from # top to bottom), will get the lowest index. assert(all_same(map(len,seqs))) if string.count(seqs,'*')>1: seqs,consensus = seqs[:-1],seqs[-1] else: consensus = compute_clustal_consensus(seqs) newcols = [] for col in unpack(seqs): # first count how many times each character occurs, and sort them appropriately counts = count_same(col) char2order = {} for char,i in map(None,col,range(0,len(col))): if char2order.has_key(char): continue char2order[char] = (-counts[char],i) # then order the characters based on where and how frequently they occur order = cget(sort_diclist(char2order.items(),1),0) # and construct a mapping from character space to instance space mapping = items2dic(map(None, order, map(str,range(1,len(order)+1)))) # then construct a mapping from the characters to their index, based on frequency newcols.append(mget(mapping,col)) newseqs = map(lambda s: string.join(s,''), unpack(newcols)) return newseqs ############################################################ #def dict2class(dictionary): # this = hello() # class hello: # for key, value in dictionary.items(): # eval('this.%s = %s'%(key,value))