1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,750 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,750 --> 00:00:03,650 Commons license. 3 00:00:03,650 --> 00:00:06,600 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue to 4 00:00:06,600 --> 00:00:09,485 offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:09,485 --> 00:00:12,780 To make a donation or to view additional materials from 6 00:00:12,780 --> 00:00:16,990 hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare at 7 00:00:16,990 --> 00:00:18,240 ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:22,850 --> 00:00:25,110 PROFESSOR: I want to spend a little bit of time today 9 00:00:25,110 --> 00:00:29,860 finishing up what we were saying last time, about 10 00:00:29,860 --> 00:00:32,910 orthonormal expansions. 11 00:00:32,910 --> 00:00:39,600 Just, essentially, to get a better understanding of what 12 00:00:39,600 --> 00:00:41,740 it means to go from finite 13 00:00:41,740 --> 00:00:45,030 dimension to infinite dimension. 14 00:00:45,030 --> 00:00:48,280 For the most part, you can just ignore the question of 15 00:00:48,280 --> 00:00:52,780 being at an infinite dimensional space, and 16 00:00:52,780 --> 00:00:55,610 everything is pretty much the same as it is in finite 17 00:00:55,610 --> 00:00:56,780 dimensions. 18 00:00:56,780 --> 00:00:59,500 But there are a few things you have to be a 19 00:00:59,500 --> 00:01:01,700 little careful about. 20 00:01:01,700 --> 00:01:07,020 So, let's suppose that we have a set of orthonormal vectors. 21 00:01:07,020 --> 00:01:10,310 Like the sinc vectors for example, that we were using 22 00:01:10,310 --> 00:01:13,490 for the sinc functions that we were using, to talk about the 23 00:01:13,490 --> 00:01:16,040 Fourier series. 24 00:01:16,040 --> 00:01:26,830 And the thing that we said last time at the end of the 25 00:01:26,830 --> 00:01:32,710 hour, we quoted this theorem which was almost obvious, I 26 00:01:32,710 --> 00:01:36,410 think, in terms of the other things that we did. 27 00:01:36,410 --> 00:01:40,220 Which said that if you start out with some vector v, you 28 00:01:40,220 --> 00:01:47,010 can project it successively onto the set of orthonormal 29 00:01:47,010 --> 00:01:51,350 functions in such a way that you get closer and closer to 30 00:01:51,350 --> 00:01:53,560 the vector that you're looking for. 31 00:01:53,560 --> 00:01:58,530 And the theorem that we had was that the projection on the 32 00:01:58,530 --> 00:02:04,950 whole space, which we call u, in fact is the same as the 33 00:02:04,950 --> 00:02:10,510 limit of this sum of orthonormal functions as we 34 00:02:10,510 --> 00:02:15,780 take the limit adding more and more functions into this sum. 35 00:02:15,780 --> 00:02:18,790 So this was sort of the same kind of thing that we were 36 00:02:18,790 --> 00:02:21,900 doing when we were going -- 37 00:02:27,570 --> 00:02:30,230 it's the same sort of thing that we did when we were doing 38 00:02:30,230 --> 00:02:34,070 the projection theorem for finite dimensions. 39 00:02:34,070 --> 00:02:38,110 You remember the thing that we did there was to first project 40 00:02:38,110 --> 00:02:43,440 this function onto a single waveform. 41 00:02:43,440 --> 00:02:47,550 Then we found the part of the waveform that was orthogonal 42 00:02:47,550 --> 00:02:49,130 to the first waveform. 43 00:02:49,130 --> 00:02:52,150 That gave us our second waveform. 44 00:02:52,150 --> 00:02:57,820 And the thing that we're doing here, which is sort of 45 00:02:57,820 --> 00:03:02,000 different, is we're starting out with the orthogonal 46 00:03:02,000 --> 00:03:05,830 sequence to start with. 47 00:03:05,830 --> 00:03:09,720 Anyway, the thing that we showed was that the vector we 48 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:15,600 start with, minus this approximation, which is in the 49 00:03:15,600 --> 00:03:19,320 space generated by all of these p sub n's, that this 50 00:03:19,320 --> 00:03:22,600 difference has to be orthogonal to each p sub n. 51 00:03:22,600 --> 00:03:26,150 Because that was a way we constructed it. 52 00:03:26,150 --> 00:03:31,780 So this difference is -- well, the limit goes to zero, but 53 00:03:31,780 --> 00:03:34,770 also the difference is orthogonal to each phi sub x. 54 00:03:34,770 --> 00:03:38,880 This is the thing which is new, which we didn't get from 55 00:03:38,880 --> 00:03:41,130 looking at the Fourier series. 56 00:03:41,130 --> 00:03:44,030 We could have gotten it from looking at the Fourier series, 57 00:03:44,030 --> 00:03:48,640 but this is the thing which is general for every orthonormal 58 00:03:48,640 --> 00:03:50,770 expansion in the world. 59 00:03:50,770 --> 00:03:55,440 Not just a Fourier series, except all of them. 60 00:03:55,440 --> 00:03:59,600 And then we say that an inner product space has accountably 61 00:03:59,600 --> 00:04:02,230 infinite dimension. 62 00:04:02,230 --> 00:04:06,070 If accountably infinite set of orthonormal vectors exist, 63 00:04:06,070 --> 00:04:08,240 such that only the zero vectors are 64 00:04:08,240 --> 00:04:10,520 orthogonal to each other. 65 00:04:10,520 --> 00:04:14,530 This comes back to one of the issues that we faced when we 66 00:04:14,530 --> 00:04:16,380 were going through the Fourier series. 67 00:04:16,380 --> 00:04:23,850 Namely, we showed all this nice stuff, which was really 68 00:04:23,850 --> 00:04:28,660 about approximating a waveform by the Fourier series. 69 00:04:28,660 --> 00:04:31,630 The thing that we never showed, and the thing which is 70 00:04:31,630 --> 00:04:35,700 messy and difficult, is that if you take a time-limited 71 00:04:35,700 --> 00:04:39,590 function and expand it in a Fourier series, how do you 72 00:04:39,590 --> 00:04:42,450 know that when you get all done, you're actually going to 73 00:04:42,450 --> 00:04:45,220 get the function back again? 74 00:04:45,220 --> 00:04:48,610 This is the part of it which we never talked about. 75 00:04:48,610 --> 00:04:51,540 We talked about how you generate all of the Fourier 76 00:04:51,540 --> 00:04:55,180 coefficients, and all of that was fine. 77 00:04:55,180 --> 00:04:58,480 And we showed that when you were all done, this 78 00:04:58,480 --> 00:05:03,210 representation function that you had was in fact orthogonal 79 00:05:03,210 --> 00:05:04,770 the thing that was left over. 80 00:05:04,770 --> 00:05:06,790 But you never showed that the thing that was left 81 00:05:06,790 --> 00:05:09,680 over went to 0. 82 00:05:09,680 --> 00:05:12,820 And the thing this is saying is you don't have to worry 83 00:05:12,820 --> 00:05:14,220 about that too much. 84 00:05:14,220 --> 00:05:17,470 Because the thing which is left over has to be orthogonal 85 00:05:17,470 --> 00:05:19,560 to everything you started with. 86 00:05:19,560 --> 00:05:24,030 And this sum here has to go to some limit. 87 00:05:24,030 --> 00:05:27,230 What is this limit in the case of the Fourier series? 88 00:05:27,230 --> 00:05:31,030 Suppose we start out with an arbitrary L2 function. 89 00:05:31,030 --> 00:05:35,260 We now try to expand that arbitrary L2 function in a 90 00:05:35,260 --> 00:05:39,940 Fourier series from minus t over 2 to plus t over 2. 91 00:05:39,940 --> 00:05:42,430 And we can do that. 92 00:05:42,430 --> 00:05:48,380 When we're all done, this series here is in fact going 93 00:05:48,380 --> 00:05:52,080 to be the part of the function which lies between minus t 94 00:05:52,080 --> 00:05:54,890 over 2 and plus t over 2. 95 00:05:54,890 --> 00:06:01,420 And this difference here -- well v minus u, the difference 96 00:06:01,420 --> 00:06:05,500 between the original vector and this representation vector 97 00:06:05,500 --> 00:06:08,220 is going to be this part of the function which lies 98 00:06:08,220 --> 00:06:11,550 outside of minus t over 2 to plus t over 2. 99 00:06:15,700 --> 00:06:18,580 So the next thing that we did then was to show that the 100 00:06:18,580 --> 00:06:23,080 truncated sinusoids and the sinc weighted sinusoids both 101 00:06:23,080 --> 00:06:25,250 in fact span L2. 102 00:06:25,250 --> 00:06:32,350 In other words, any function in L2, after you represent it 103 00:06:32,350 --> 00:06:36,450 in terms of that series, what you have left over has to be 104 00:06:36,450 --> 00:06:37,770 orthogonal. 105 00:06:37,770 --> 00:06:42,250 In other words, if you take this entire set of truncated 106 00:06:42,250 --> 00:06:48,060 sinusoids, every non-zero function is 107 00:06:48,060 --> 00:06:50,820 orthogonal to all of that. 108 00:06:50,820 --> 00:06:56,130 Every non-zero function in this L2 equivalent sense. 109 00:06:56,130 --> 00:07:01,580 So in fact, the thing you get out of this is this part of 110 00:07:01,580 --> 00:07:05,460 looking at functions which we always ignored. 111 00:07:05,460 --> 00:07:07,890 There's another issue that we ignored, when we were looking 112 00:07:07,890 --> 00:07:12,100 at functions, which comes out of this. 113 00:07:12,100 --> 00:07:17,020 Since v, by assumption is an L2 vector. 114 00:07:17,020 --> 00:07:20,450 In other words, it's an L2 function aside from this L2 115 00:07:20,450 --> 00:07:25,940 equivalent stuff, and phi sub m is an L2 vector also, this 116 00:07:25,940 --> 00:07:28,980 inner product has to be finite, by the Schwarz 117 00:07:28,980 --> 00:07:31,280 inequality. 118 00:07:31,280 --> 00:07:33,440 How did we get around this when we were dealing with the 119 00:07:33,440 --> 00:07:34,195 Fourier series? 120 00:07:34,195 --> 00:07:36,080 Does anybody remember? 121 00:07:36,080 --> 00:07:37,400 Of course you don't remember. 122 00:07:37,400 --> 00:07:40,120 I hardly remembered that. 123 00:07:40,120 --> 00:07:45,500 The way we got around it was by saying that this 124 00:07:45,500 --> 00:07:50,230 orthonormal function which was in a truncated sinusoid. 125 00:07:50,230 --> 00:07:54,590 It was truncated to minus t over 2 and plus t over 2, and 126 00:07:54,590 --> 00:07:59,810 the waveform was just e to the i 2 pi f t. 127 00:07:59,810 --> 00:08:02,405 The magnitude of that function was always less 128 00:08:02,405 --> 00:08:03,655 than or equal to 1. 129 00:08:06,470 --> 00:08:09,330 And because the magnitude was always less than or equal to 130 00:08:09,330 --> 00:08:14,130 1, you could just take the integral of v of t times phi 131 00:08:14,130 --> 00:08:17,750 sub n of t, and you could show directly that that integral 132 00:08:17,750 --> 00:08:19,400 always existed. 133 00:08:19,400 --> 00:08:22,660 Because of the special property of the sinusoids. 134 00:08:22,660 --> 00:08:25,160 Here what we're saying is, you don't have to worry 135 00:08:25,160 --> 00:08:27,160 about that any more. 136 00:08:27,160 --> 00:08:32,110 You can use arbitrary L2 functions as the components of 137 00:08:32,110 --> 00:08:36,350 an L2 orthonormal expansion. 138 00:08:36,350 --> 00:08:37,960 And it still works. 139 00:08:37,960 --> 00:08:41,480 So every one of these things has to be finite also. 140 00:08:41,480 --> 00:08:44,040 So, in fact we're buying something out of this. 141 00:08:44,040 --> 00:08:48,690 At the end of the notes on Lectures Eight to Ten, you 142 00:08:48,690 --> 00:08:52,140 will notice something that I'm certainly not going to hold 143 00:08:52,140 --> 00:08:55,140 you responsible for. 144 00:08:55,140 --> 00:08:59,350 Something called the prolate spiroidal expansion. 145 00:08:59,350 --> 00:09:02,940 And it's just given there primarily as one more example 146 00:09:02,940 --> 00:09:05,600 of an orthonormal expansion. 147 00:09:05,600 --> 00:09:08,950 It's a very interesting orthonormal expansion because 148 00:09:08,950 --> 00:09:15,760 it has the property that if you start out asking how much 149 00:09:15,760 --> 00:09:20,170 energy can I concentrate within a fixed time interval, 150 00:09:20,170 --> 00:09:22,540 and a fixed bandwidth interval. 151 00:09:22,540 --> 00:09:25,610 Which is one of the things which make this whole subject 152 00:09:25,610 --> 00:09:29,880 a little bit fishy in a whole and 153 00:09:29,880 --> 00:09:31,530 certainly very, very messy. 154 00:09:31,530 --> 00:09:34,790 If I start out with a time limited function and go 155 00:09:34,790 --> 00:09:38,970 through the Fourier series, these truncated sinusoids 156 00:09:38,970 --> 00:09:44,050 spill their energy out of the band enormously. 157 00:09:44,050 --> 00:09:47,840 In fact, one of the problems at the end of Lectures Eight 158 00:09:47,840 --> 00:09:52,500 to Ten carries you through the process of just how much 159 00:09:52,500 --> 00:09:55,990 energy you can have outside of band by using 160 00:09:55,990 --> 00:09:57,780 these truncated sinusoids. 161 00:09:57,780 --> 00:10:02,260 Because truncated sinusoids, when you look at them in a 162 00:10:02,260 --> 00:10:05,160 Fourier series, have a lot of energy outside of 163 00:10:05,160 --> 00:10:07,910 where it should be. 164 00:10:07,910 --> 00:10:14,300 So that this particular set of prolate spiroidal functions 165 00:10:14,300 --> 00:10:18,010 gives you the answer to the following question. 166 00:10:18,010 --> 00:10:22,540 I would like to find that function, which is limited to 167 00:10:22,540 --> 00:10:27,410 minus t over 2 plus t over 2, which has the largest amount 168 00:10:27,410 --> 00:10:31,220 of energy, largest fraction of its energy, within the band 169 00:10:31,220 --> 00:10:33,870 minus w to plus w. 170 00:10:33,870 --> 00:10:35,530 What is that function? 171 00:10:35,530 --> 00:10:38,850 Well, that function happens to be the zero order prolate 172 00:10:38,850 --> 00:10:41,460 spheroidal function. 173 00:10:41,460 --> 00:10:42,970 It's the nice property that it has. 174 00:10:42,970 --> 00:10:46,330 And it's a nice function, which almost looks like a 175 00:10:46,330 --> 00:10:47,590 rectangular function. 176 00:10:47,590 --> 00:10:50,370 But it just trails off to 0. 177 00:10:50,370 --> 00:10:54,480 And I say, OK, if I want to construct an orthonormal 178 00:10:54,480 --> 00:10:59,920 expansion, and I want to find another function which is 179 00:10:59,920 --> 00:11:03,870 orthogonal to that function and has the next biggest 180 00:11:03,870 --> 00:11:08,880 amount fraction of its energy, inside of this -- strictly 181 00:11:08,880 --> 00:11:12,700 inside of this time limit, and as much of the energy within 182 00:11:12,700 --> 00:11:14,640 the frequency limit as possible, 183 00:11:14,640 --> 00:11:16,820 what's that next function? 184 00:11:16,820 --> 00:11:18,590 Well, you solve that problem. 185 00:11:18,590 --> 00:11:20,830 If you're very good at interval equations. 186 00:11:20,830 --> 00:11:23,010 And I certainly couldn't solve it. 187 00:11:23,010 --> 00:11:25,480 But, anyway, it has been solved. 188 00:11:25,480 --> 00:11:28,610 I mean, physicists for a long time have worried about that 189 00:11:28,610 --> 00:11:30,200 particular kind of question. 190 00:11:30,200 --> 00:11:32,610 Because it comes up in physics all the time. 191 00:11:32,610 --> 00:11:35,600 If you time-limit something and you take the Fourier 192 00:11:35,600 --> 00:11:39,390 integral, how can you also come as close to frequency 193 00:11:39,390 --> 00:11:41,140 limiting as possible? 194 00:11:41,140 --> 00:11:45,430 So this particular prolate spheroidal set of orthogonal 195 00:11:45,430 --> 00:11:50,190 functions, in fact, exactly solves the problem of how do 196 00:11:50,190 --> 00:11:53,390 you generate a set of orthonormal functions which in 197 00:11:53,390 --> 00:11:56,680 fact have as much energy as possible both 198 00:11:56,680 --> 00:11:59,900 frequency-limited and time-limited? 199 00:11:59,900 --> 00:12:04,930 And what you find when you do that is, when you take 2 w t 200 00:12:04,930 --> 00:12:11,310 of them, at that point the energy in these orthonormal 201 00:12:11,310 --> 00:12:14,670 functions, the part of it that's inside the band, really 202 00:12:14,670 --> 00:12:17,540 starts to cut off very, very sharply, 203 00:12:17,540 --> 00:12:19,940 when w and t are large. 204 00:12:19,940 --> 00:12:23,710 So that in fact you get 2 w t of these functions, which have 205 00:12:23,710 --> 00:12:26,890 almost all of their energy in this band. 206 00:12:26,890 --> 00:12:30,690 And everything else has almost no energy in the band. 207 00:12:30,690 --> 00:12:34,740 So if you ever get interested in the question of how many 208 00:12:34,740 --> 00:12:39,020 waveforms really are there, which are concentrated in time 209 00:12:39,020 --> 00:12:43,410 and frequency, that's the answer to the problem. 210 00:12:43,410 --> 00:12:46,380 And don't bother to read it now, but just remember that if 211 00:12:46,380 --> 00:12:48,860 you ever get interested in that problem, which I'm sure 212 00:12:48,860 --> 00:12:51,610 you will at some point or other, that's where the 213 00:12:51,610 --> 00:12:53,470 solution lies. 214 00:12:53,470 --> 00:12:55,430 And I hope I gave a reference to it there. 215 00:12:55,430 --> 00:12:56,680 I think I did. 216 00:13:00,260 --> 00:13:03,930 Anyway, we have these functions which span L2. 217 00:13:03,930 --> 00:13:05,940 And there's at least one other orthonormal 218 00:13:05,940 --> 00:13:08,560 expansion that we have. 219 00:13:08,560 --> 00:13:13,260 Which is both time- and frequency-limited. 220 00:13:13,260 --> 00:13:17,920 And either at the end of today or at the beginning of Monday, 221 00:13:17,920 --> 00:13:21,890 we're going to find another particularly important 222 00:13:21,890 --> 00:13:25,180 sequence of orthonormal functions. 223 00:13:25,180 --> 00:13:28,470 Which we actually use when we're transmitting data. 224 00:13:31,050 --> 00:13:33,560 So to give an example of what we were just talking about, 225 00:13:33,560 --> 00:13:37,430 the Fourier series functions span the space of functions 226 00:13:37,430 --> 00:13:40,480 over minus t over 2 to t over 2. 227 00:13:40,480 --> 00:13:44,560 And when normalized, these functions become 1 over the 228 00:13:44,560 --> 00:13:48,340 square root of t times what we started with before. 229 00:13:48,340 --> 00:13:51,410 Namely, a sinusoid truncated. 230 00:13:51,410 --> 00:13:54,530 Before we were dealing with the orthogonal functions 231 00:13:54,530 --> 00:13:57,210 without the 1 over square root of t in it. 232 00:13:57,210 --> 00:14:00,210 If you want to make them orthonormal, you get this 233 00:14:00,210 --> 00:14:03,430 square root of 1 over t, because when you take the 234 00:14:03,430 --> 00:14:07,120 energy in this function, you get t. 235 00:14:07,120 --> 00:14:11,030 If you don't believe me, set k equal to 0 and look at that. 236 00:14:11,030 --> 00:14:13,720 And even I can integrate that. 237 00:14:13,720 --> 00:14:16,830 And when you integrate 1 from minus t over 2 to t 238 00:14:16,830 --> 00:14:19,360 over 2, you get 1. 239 00:14:19,360 --> 00:14:22,670 So, then you have to multiply by the square 240 00:14:22,670 --> 00:14:24,010 root of 1 over t. 241 00:14:24,010 --> 00:14:29,930 When you view the Fourier series functions in this way, 242 00:14:29,930 --> 00:14:32,700 it's nice because they're orthonormal. 243 00:14:32,700 --> 00:14:35,790 It's not nice because the square root of 1 over t 244 00:14:35,790 --> 00:14:37,250 appears everyplace. 245 00:14:37,250 --> 00:14:40,930 But the nice thing about it is that then when you expand in 246 00:14:40,930 --> 00:14:44,800 the Fourier series, you don't find this t anywhere. 247 00:14:44,800 --> 00:14:50,900 Namely, v is equal to the limit of these approximations 248 00:14:50,900 --> 00:14:54,970 where the n'th approximation is just the sum from minus m 249 00:14:54,970 --> 00:15:00,440 to m of alpha sub k. phi sub k and alpha sub k is just this 250 00:15:00,440 --> 00:15:02,640 inner product. 251 00:15:02,640 --> 00:15:05,420 So, again, you got something nicer by looking at these 252 00:15:05,420 --> 00:15:09,840 things in terms of vectors You get nice statements about how 253 00:15:09,840 --> 00:15:14,740 these things converge, and you also get a very compact way of 254 00:15:14,740 --> 00:15:18,200 writing out what the expressions are. 255 00:15:18,200 --> 00:15:22,330 You also get something a little bit fishy, which a lot 256 00:15:22,330 --> 00:15:25,790 of people in the communication field, especially ones who do 257 00:15:25,790 --> 00:15:30,230 theoretical work, run into problems with. 258 00:15:30,230 --> 00:15:34,570 And the problem is the following: when you start 259 00:15:34,570 --> 00:15:37,890 dealing all the time with vectors, and you forget about 260 00:15:37,890 --> 00:15:42,620 the underlying functions and the underlying integrals, you 261 00:15:42,620 --> 00:15:45,760 start to think that the subject is simpler 262 00:15:45,760 --> 00:15:47,330 than it really is. 263 00:15:47,330 --> 00:15:50,180 Because you forget about all the limiting issues. 264 00:15:50,180 --> 00:15:53,260 And when you forget about all the limiting issues, it's fine 265 00:15:53,260 --> 00:15:55,680 almost all the time. 266 00:15:55,680 --> 00:15:58,070 But every once in a while, you get trapped. 267 00:15:58,070 --> 00:16:03,130 And when you get trapped, you then have to go back behind 268 00:16:03,130 --> 00:16:05,890 all of the vector stuff and you have to start looking at 269 00:16:05,890 --> 00:16:08,800 these integrals again and it gets rather frustrating. 270 00:16:08,800 --> 00:16:10,750 So you ought to keep both of these things in mind. 271 00:16:15,490 --> 00:16:22,440 Let's go on, let's get back from mathematics into worrying 272 00:16:22,440 --> 00:16:26,960 about the question of how do you send data over 273 00:16:26,960 --> 00:16:29,950 communication channels. 274 00:16:29,950 --> 00:16:34,020 And this is just a picture that we saw starting on Day 275 00:16:34,020 --> 00:16:40,830 One of this course, which says the usual way of doing this 276 00:16:40,830 --> 00:16:48,210 is, you start out with -- 277 00:16:48,210 --> 00:16:49,860 you start out with the source. 278 00:16:49,860 --> 00:16:54,050 You break the source down into binary data, and then you take 279 00:16:54,050 --> 00:16:57,340 the binary data and you transmit it over a channel. 280 00:16:57,340 --> 00:16:59,640 And this is the picture of what you get when you're 281 00:16:59,640 --> 00:17:03,550 trying to transmit binary data over a channel. 282 00:17:03,550 --> 00:17:08,060 And here, we've broken down the encoder, as we called it, 283 00:17:08,060 --> 00:17:09,410 into two pieces. 284 00:17:09,410 --> 00:17:13,080 One of which we call the discrete encoder and one of 285 00:17:13,080 --> 00:17:16,260 which we call modulation. 286 00:17:16,260 --> 00:17:18,860 Now, this is a little bit fishy also. 287 00:17:18,860 --> 00:17:22,810 Because there are a lot of people who now talk about 288 00:17:22,810 --> 00:17:27,240 coded modulation, where it turns out to be nice to 289 00:17:27,240 --> 00:17:32,620 combine this discrete encoder with the modulation function. 290 00:17:32,620 --> 00:17:38,160 And when you actually build modern-day full encoder, 291 00:17:38,160 --> 00:17:41,640 namely the whole thing from binary digits to what goes out 292 00:17:41,640 --> 00:17:44,990 on the channel, you very often combine these 293 00:17:44,990 --> 00:17:47,240 two functions together. 294 00:17:47,240 --> 00:17:50,320 What is it that allows people to do that? 295 00:17:50,320 --> 00:17:53,320 The fact that they first studied how to do it when they 296 00:17:53,320 --> 00:17:57,530 separate the problems into two separate problems. 297 00:17:57,530 --> 00:18:01,180 And when you separate the two problems, what we wind up with 298 00:18:01,180 --> 00:18:03,450 is binary digits coming in. 299 00:18:03,450 --> 00:18:08,940 You massage those binary digits strictly digitally. 300 00:18:08,940 --> 00:18:12,970 And what comes out is a sequence of symbols. 301 00:18:12,970 --> 00:18:16,430 And, usually, the sequence of symbols comes out at a slower 302 00:18:16,430 --> 00:18:18,690 rate, and the binary digits come in. 303 00:18:18,690 --> 00:18:22,590 For example, if you take two binary digits and you convert 304 00:18:22,590 --> 00:18:27,820 them into one symbol, from a symbol alphabet with force of 305 00:18:27,820 --> 00:18:33,670 size four, then for every two in you get one out. 306 00:18:33,670 --> 00:18:38,990 If you take three binary digits coming in, then you 307 00:18:38,990 --> 00:18:42,090 need a symbol alphabet of size eight here. 308 00:18:42,090 --> 00:18:50,220 If you move down in rate from four binary digits to one 309 00:18:50,220 --> 00:18:55,020 symbol, then of course you need an alphabet of size 16. 310 00:18:55,020 --> 00:18:58,340 So the size of the alphabet here is going up 311 00:18:58,340 --> 00:19:03,330 exponentially, as the great advantage that you get is 312 00:19:03,330 --> 00:19:05,190 going down. 313 00:19:05,190 --> 00:19:08,880 We will talk about that more as we move on. 314 00:19:08,880 --> 00:19:12,120 You should sort of keep in mind that there's a strange 315 00:19:12,120 --> 00:19:18,090 relationship between size of alphabet and the rate at which 316 00:19:18,090 --> 00:19:19,840 you can transmit. 317 00:19:19,840 --> 00:19:23,910 As you try to transmit at higher and higher rates here, 318 00:19:23,910 --> 00:19:27,660 the size of your alphabet goes up exponentially, with the 319 00:19:27,660 --> 00:19:31,000 rate gain that you get. 320 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:34,900 In fact, when you look at Shannon's famous formula of 321 00:19:34,900 --> 00:19:38,690 how fast you can communicate on a channel, you find a 322 00:19:38,690 --> 00:19:43,270 logarithm of a signal to noise ratio. 323 00:19:43,270 --> 00:19:46,110 Of 1 plus a signal to noise ratio. 324 00:19:46,110 --> 00:19:49,400 When you look at that signal to noise ratio and you look at 325 00:19:49,400 --> 00:19:53,070 this alphabet size in here, you can almost see just from 326 00:19:53,070 --> 00:19:56,360 that why in fact that logarithm in 327 00:19:56,360 --> 00:19:58,230 these capacity formulas. 328 00:19:58,230 --> 00:19:59,860 And we'll come back to talk about that 329 00:19:59,860 --> 00:20:02,110 again more later also. 330 00:20:02,110 --> 00:20:06,040 But, anyway, what we're going to do at this point is to 331 00:20:06,040 --> 00:20:10,660 separate this into the problem of discrete encoding and 332 00:20:10,660 --> 00:20:11,690 modulation. 333 00:20:11,690 --> 00:20:14,870 And in modulation, you start out with some arbitrary 334 00:20:14,870 --> 00:20:16,360 alphabet of symbols. 335 00:20:16,360 --> 00:20:21,450 You turn the symbols in that alphabet into waveforms. 336 00:20:21,450 --> 00:20:23,340 You transmit the waveforms. 337 00:20:23,340 --> 00:20:26,730 You then get the symbol back, and then you put it into a 338 00:20:26,730 --> 00:20:30,960 digital encoder, which gets the binary digits back. 339 00:20:30,960 --> 00:20:34,270 Now, what order are we going to study these in? 340 00:20:34,270 --> 00:20:38,140 Well, we're going to study the modulation first. 341 00:20:38,140 --> 00:20:41,710 And we're not going to study this at all, essentially, 342 00:20:41,710 --> 00:20:45,260 except for a few very, very simple-minded examples. 343 00:20:45,260 --> 00:20:50,220 6.451, which is the course that follows after this, which 344 00:20:50,220 --> 00:20:54,480 might or might not be taught in the Spring term, and 345 00:20:54,480 --> 00:20:57,150 incidentally those of you who want it to be taught should 346 00:20:57,150 --> 00:21:01,100 send me an email saying you really need to take this next 347 00:21:01,100 --> 00:21:04,110 term for some reason or other. 348 00:21:04,110 --> 00:21:08,160 Because otherwise it will be given in Spring of the 349 00:21:08,160 --> 00:21:11,640 following year instead of Spring of this year. 350 00:21:11,640 --> 00:21:15,070 There's another side to that issue, which is a wireless 351 00:21:15,070 --> 00:21:19,580 course is going to be given in the Spring of this year. 352 00:21:19,580 --> 00:21:23,140 And if you want to take a wireless course and postpone 353 00:21:23,140 --> 00:21:26,770 taking the coding course until the following year, then in 354 00:21:26,770 --> 00:21:31,140 fact it might be better to do the postponing job. 355 00:21:31,140 --> 00:21:34,290 I would recommend that those of you who are interested in 356 00:21:34,290 --> 00:21:35,890 wireless take the course now. 357 00:21:35,890 --> 00:21:39,220 Because if you're looking for research problems in a 358 00:21:39,220 --> 00:21:44,040 communication area, wireless is probably the hottest area 359 00:21:44,040 --> 00:21:45,900 around, and the area where the most 360 00:21:45,900 --> 00:21:47,780 interesting problems occur. 361 00:21:47,780 --> 00:21:49,710 So, you have to make that tradeoff. 362 00:21:49,710 --> 00:21:51,470 If you want to take both of the courses, great. 363 00:21:51,470 --> 00:21:53,690 Send me an email and say you want to 364 00:21:53,690 --> 00:21:54,850 take the coding course. 365 00:21:54,850 --> 00:21:57,830 But anyway, there'll be very little coding in this course, 366 00:21:57,830 --> 00:22:00,540 very little discrete coding. 367 00:22:00,540 --> 00:22:03,400 And mostly we're going to look at simple ways of taking 368 00:22:03,400 --> 00:22:07,870 simple symbol sequences, turning them into waveforms 369 00:22:07,870 --> 00:22:12,416 and then transmitting them on channels. 370 00:22:12,416 --> 00:22:16,211 AUDIENCE: So, basically, when you do the source coding, you 371 00:22:16,211 --> 00:22:19,910 have to [UNINTELLIGIBLE] 372 00:22:19,910 --> 00:22:24,240 binary -- 373 00:22:27,390 --> 00:22:30,990 PROFESSOR: Binary to symbol to waveform. 374 00:22:30,990 --> 00:22:32,240 Yes. 375 00:22:33,938 --> 00:22:34,970 AUDIENCE: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] 376 00:22:34,970 --> 00:22:37,280 PROFESSOR: OK, why don't I go from waveforms directly to 377 00:22:37,280 --> 00:22:40,750 waveforms instead of going from waveforms to symbols to 378 00:22:40,750 --> 00:22:44,950 binary digits, and then I just have to go back up again. 379 00:22:44,950 --> 00:22:47,080 A bunch of reasons. 380 00:22:47,080 --> 00:22:49,400 One of the reasons is that some of the stuff that you 381 00:22:49,400 --> 00:22:53,940 transmit is already digital to start with. 382 00:22:53,940 --> 00:22:56,530 When you look at what goes over a network today, for 383 00:22:56,530 --> 00:22:59,500 example, it's carrying digital data, it's 384 00:22:59,500 --> 00:23:01,130 carrying analog data. 385 00:23:01,130 --> 00:23:02,790 It's carrying images. 386 00:23:02,790 --> 00:23:05,800 It's carrying everything you can imagine. 387 00:23:05,800 --> 00:23:11,670 If you want to design a modulation system which goes 388 00:23:11,670 --> 00:23:16,800 directly from analog data to channel data, and you have a 389 00:23:16,800 --> 00:23:21,280 hundred different kinds of analog source data, and you 390 00:23:21,280 --> 00:23:25,500 have a hundred different kinds of channels, then you're going 391 00:23:25,500 --> 00:23:32,070 to have to build one encoder for every combination of 392 00:23:32,070 --> 00:23:33,740 source and channel. 393 00:23:33,740 --> 00:23:37,220 In other words, you've got to built ten thousand devices. 394 00:23:37,220 --> 00:23:42,470 If your interest is in keeping engineers employed, which I 395 00:23:42,470 --> 00:23:46,620 think is a very good interest, that's a very good 396 00:23:46,620 --> 00:23:48,300 philosophy to take. 397 00:23:48,300 --> 00:23:51,910 But, unfortunately, most people who build communication 398 00:23:51,910 --> 00:23:56,270 equipment say, we would really rather have just a hundred -- 399 00:23:56,270 --> 00:23:58,640 well, two hundred different devices. 400 00:23:58,640 --> 00:24:02,430 One hundred devices which turn all these different sources 401 00:24:02,430 --> 00:24:06,190 into binary digits, and another hundred devices which 402 00:24:06,190 --> 00:24:09,420 turn the binary digits into something that can be 403 00:24:09,420 --> 00:24:12,620 transmitted over any channel you want to. 404 00:24:12,620 --> 00:24:14,530 I mean, this is just a general example of 405 00:24:14,530 --> 00:24:16,430 what people call layering. 406 00:24:16,430 --> 00:24:20,810 You want to turn systems into systems with a bunch of layers 407 00:24:20,810 --> 00:24:24,840 in them, where each layer is standardized in some way. 408 00:24:24,840 --> 00:24:29,310 And only has to take care of a few particular functions. 409 00:24:29,310 --> 00:24:31,530 And, in fact, that's what we're doing here also. 410 00:24:31,530 --> 00:24:35,990 Because we're dealing with one layer, which is 411 00:24:35,990 --> 00:24:38,530 doing discrete encoding. 412 00:24:38,530 --> 00:24:42,190 Which in fact is sort of generating, for the most part, 413 00:24:42,190 --> 00:24:45,680 binary digits out of the discrete encoder. 414 00:24:45,680 --> 00:24:49,220 Where, as you go through all of this stuff and you come out 415 00:24:49,220 --> 00:24:52,540 with binary digits, some of which are wrong, you can do 416 00:24:52,540 --> 00:24:56,150 the decoding and get the correct binary digits out. 417 00:24:56,150 --> 00:24:59,880 If you look at an awful lot of coding theory, you'll find out 418 00:24:59,880 --> 00:25:02,890 it doesn't pay any attention at all to what's going on in 419 00:25:02,890 --> 00:25:05,160 the channel. 420 00:25:05,160 --> 00:25:07,880 Lots of people who've studied coding all of their lives, and 421 00:25:07,880 --> 00:25:11,030 decoding all of their lives, live in this mathematical 422 00:25:11,030 --> 00:25:13,190 theory of abstract algebra. 423 00:25:13,190 --> 00:25:16,170 And they have no idea of what channels are. 424 00:25:16,170 --> 00:25:20,010 And they survive because of this layering principle. 425 00:25:20,010 --> 00:25:22,260 So if you want to employ engineers, it's nice to have 426 00:25:22,260 --> 00:25:24,310 layering also. 427 00:25:24,310 --> 00:25:27,650 Because engineers don't have to know as much then. 428 00:25:27,650 --> 00:25:29,550 Of course, you people should know it all. 429 00:25:29,550 --> 00:25:32,540 So because, then you can do anything. 430 00:25:32,540 --> 00:25:36,510 And you can be part of those very rare people who can put 431 00:25:36,510 --> 00:25:38,640 it all together. 432 00:25:38,640 --> 00:25:42,350 I was just at the 70th birthday party of Irwin Jacobs 433 00:25:42,350 --> 00:25:44,550 this past week. 434 00:25:44,550 --> 00:25:50,360 And Irwin Jacobs is the CEO of Qualcomm, which is the company 435 00:25:50,360 --> 00:25:56,590 that started to build CDMA wireless systems. 436 00:25:56,590 --> 00:26:02,690 For a long time, the CDMA systems were thought of as 437 00:26:02,690 --> 00:26:09,500 probably better than TDMA and FDMA, but much more expensive. 438 00:26:09,500 --> 00:26:13,380 And eventually, we're in the situation where all the new 439 00:26:13,380 --> 00:26:16,790 systems being designed are all using CMDA. 440 00:26:16,790 --> 00:26:19,350 As a result of this, Irwin Jacobs is a 441 00:26:19,350 --> 00:26:21,320 very wealthy person. 442 00:26:21,320 --> 00:26:26,540 We went to a symphony Friday night, out in San Diego, which 443 00:26:26,540 --> 00:26:28,730 was given specifically for him. 444 00:26:28,730 --> 00:26:31,690 Partly because he'd just given $110 million to 445 00:26:31,690 --> 00:26:32,940 the San Diego Symphony. 446 00:26:35,400 --> 00:26:38,370 So you can figure from that that he's fairly wealthy. 447 00:26:38,370 --> 00:26:40,750 Well the point of all of that is, he started out as a 448 00:26:40,750 --> 00:26:43,220 faculty member here. 449 00:26:43,220 --> 00:26:48,390 He was one of the authors of Rosencraft and Jacobs, which 450 00:26:48,390 --> 00:26:53,700 is sort of the Bible of digital communications systems 451 00:26:53,700 --> 00:26:54,800 from the `60s. 452 00:26:54,800 --> 00:26:58,050 And people still use it, it's still an excellent book. 453 00:26:58,050 --> 00:27:00,970 And in doing that, he really learned the communication 454 00:27:00,970 --> 00:27:05,960 trade from soup to -- 455 00:27:05,960 --> 00:27:09,800 I guess, soup to nuts is the way we put it now. 456 00:27:09,800 --> 00:27:11,630 And he could do the whole thing. 457 00:27:11,630 --> 00:27:13,730 And because he could do the whole thing, because he 458 00:27:13,730 --> 00:27:17,460 understood coding, because he understood modulation, because 459 00:27:17,460 --> 00:27:21,000 he understood channels, this is why he could design systems 460 00:27:21,000 --> 00:27:23,400 that really work. 461 00:27:23,400 --> 00:27:27,320 I was talking to the Chief Technology Officer out there, 462 00:27:27,320 --> 00:27:29,690 and the Chief Technology Officer said his job was 463 00:27:29,690 --> 00:27:34,330 really very easy because Irwin did all of that himself. 464 00:27:34,330 --> 00:27:36,730 And he still does it. 465 00:27:36,730 --> 00:27:39,580 So it really makes sense to know something about all of 466 00:27:39,580 --> 00:27:41,040 these pieces. 467 00:27:41,040 --> 00:27:42,970 If you want to become a billionaire. 468 00:27:42,970 --> 00:27:47,510 And if you want to become a billionaire without cheating. 469 00:27:47,510 --> 00:27:50,780 Now, many people become billionaires by cheating, and 470 00:27:50,780 --> 00:27:53,160 you've heard of many of them but. 471 00:27:53,160 --> 00:27:54,170 Well, anyway. 472 00:27:54,170 --> 00:27:55,860 Enough of that. 473 00:27:55,860 --> 00:27:59,780 I mean, none of us really want to be billionaires anyway, -- 474 00:27:59,780 --> 00:28:01,750 I mean, there's nothing you can do with more than a 475 00:28:01,750 --> 00:28:04,240 billion dollars, right? 476 00:28:04,240 --> 00:28:05,490 It's all wasted. 477 00:28:09,600 --> 00:28:11,960 Let's move on. 478 00:28:11,960 --> 00:28:14,740 We've gotten rid of digital coding, saying we're not going 479 00:28:14,740 --> 00:28:15,990 to deal with that here. 480 00:28:19,460 --> 00:28:22,110 Let me take the PAM out of here because I don't want to 481 00:28:22,110 --> 00:28:23,400 even say what it is yet. 482 00:28:26,950 --> 00:28:30,840 If we take this box I called modulation before, which was 483 00:28:30,840 --> 00:28:37,280 one of the two main pieces of a channel encoder, we can 484 00:28:37,280 --> 00:28:40,080 break it down into two pieces. 485 00:28:40,080 --> 00:28:43,120 Namely, mainly we're going to be layering things again. 486 00:28:43,120 --> 00:28:46,090 We start out with this symbol sequence, which is what comes 487 00:28:46,090 --> 00:28:50,500 out of the encoder, which is usually just a short sequence 488 00:28:50,500 --> 00:28:52,590 of binary digits. 489 00:28:52,590 --> 00:28:57,850 So the symbols can be thought of as two binary digits in a 490 00:28:57,850 --> 00:29:01,260 sequence, or four binary digits, or six tuples of 491 00:29:01,260 --> 00:29:03,690 binary digits, or what have you. 492 00:29:03,690 --> 00:29:06,420 And all of those are common. 493 00:29:06,420 --> 00:29:09,920 There's then a signal consolation that turns symbols 494 00:29:09,920 --> 00:29:11,390 into signals. 495 00:29:11,390 --> 00:29:17,770 Now, notation in the field is totally non-uniform, because 496 00:29:17,770 --> 00:29:24,290 most people use symbols and sequences and waveforms and 497 00:29:24,290 --> 00:29:29,810 binary n-tuples, all totally synonymously. 498 00:29:29,810 --> 00:29:33,930 And the distinction we'll try to make here is that symbols 499 00:29:33,930 --> 00:29:39,790 are things like binary digits, that don't have any numerical 500 00:29:39,790 --> 00:29:41,190 meaning to them. 501 00:29:41,190 --> 00:29:45,480 I mean, a 1 and a 0, the only thing important there is that 502 00:29:45,480 --> 00:29:48,150 1 and 0 are different from each other. 503 00:29:48,150 --> 00:29:54,030 All computer scientists call 1 and 0's Alices and Bobs. 504 00:29:54,030 --> 00:29:56,130 Lots of other people call them plus-1's. 505 00:29:56,130 --> 00:29:57,310 and minus 1's. 506 00:29:57,310 --> 00:29:59,640 Doesn't make any difference what you'd call them, it's 507 00:29:59,640 --> 00:30:03,830 just an alphabet with two values in it. 508 00:30:03,830 --> 00:30:06,130 When we talk about signals, we're talking 509 00:30:06,130 --> 00:30:08,650 about numerical values. 510 00:30:08,650 --> 00:30:12,780 So in fact, you could have a signal constellation with two 511 00:30:12,780 --> 00:30:16,320 elements in it, where what you're doing is mapping 1 and 512 00:30:16,320 --> 00:30:19,490 0 into plus 1 and minus 1. 513 00:30:19,490 --> 00:30:22,850 Now, that's a pretty silly kind of situation, but it 514 00:30:22,850 --> 00:30:27,320 still has the value of saying, you're turning things where 515 00:30:27,320 --> 00:30:32,000 there's just an alphabeticized 2 into something where you're 516 00:30:32,000 --> 00:30:34,820 saying, these are numerical values and you're interested 517 00:30:34,820 --> 00:30:37,280 in the difference between the numerical values. 518 00:30:37,280 --> 00:30:41,630 And the difference is measured in the ordinary way of 519 00:30:41,630 --> 00:30:45,310 measuring difference for numerical values. 520 00:30:45,310 --> 00:30:48,650 Or, these can be vectors also. 521 00:30:48,650 --> 00:30:51,300 But vectors in an inner product space where, again, 522 00:30:51,300 --> 00:30:52,650 you have length. 523 00:30:52,650 --> 00:30:53,530 And you have distance. 524 00:30:53,530 --> 00:30:55,520 So you have numerical values here. 525 00:30:55,520 --> 00:30:57,890 You don't have numerical values here. 526 00:30:57,890 --> 00:31:00,830 So we're going to talk about how you do this. 527 00:31:00,830 --> 00:31:04,710 And then, for the most part, we're going to define 528 00:31:04,710 --> 00:31:08,200 modulation as what happens when you go from the signal 529 00:31:08,200 --> 00:31:11,790 sequence to the waveform. 530 00:31:11,790 --> 00:31:16,100 You might realize that our notation is lousy here. 531 00:31:16,100 --> 00:31:19,070 Because I'm calling modulation this whole thing. 532 00:31:19,070 --> 00:31:23,050 And I'm also calling modulation just this thing. 533 00:31:23,050 --> 00:31:26,250 And I'm doing that because there doesn't seem to be any 534 00:31:26,250 --> 00:31:29,810 other reasonable word for either one of these things. 535 00:31:29,810 --> 00:31:32,120 So, and I'm going to later split this 536 00:31:32,120 --> 00:31:34,430 into two pieces also. 537 00:31:34,430 --> 00:31:35,730 But that will come later. 538 00:31:35,730 --> 00:31:37,870 So, anyway, we're going from symbols 539 00:31:37,870 --> 00:31:41,080 to signals to waveforms. 540 00:31:41,080 --> 00:31:44,090 Which might look remarkably similar to 541 00:31:44,090 --> 00:31:45,590 what we did with sources. 542 00:31:45,590 --> 00:31:47,420 But we just did it backwards with sources. 543 00:31:47,420 --> 00:31:52,580 We went from waveforms to signals to symbols there. 544 00:31:52,580 --> 00:31:56,030 And here we're doing the same thing. 545 00:31:56,030 --> 00:32:01,120 The modulator often converts a signal sequence to a baseband 546 00:32:01,120 --> 00:32:05,000 waveform, and then converts the baseband waveform to a 547 00:32:05,000 --> 00:32:07,110 passband waveform. 548 00:32:07,110 --> 00:32:12,220 And, just historically, people used to think of modulation as 549 00:32:12,220 --> 00:32:16,060 the process of taking something at baseband and 550 00:32:16,060 --> 00:32:19,820 converting it up to some passband. 551 00:32:19,820 --> 00:32:23,670 Now it's recognized that the interesting problem is not, 552 00:32:23,670 --> 00:32:26,120 how do you go from baseband to passband. 553 00:32:26,120 --> 00:32:29,610 Which is just multiplying by cosine wave, not much more to 554 00:32:29,610 --> 00:32:32,270 it than that. 555 00:32:32,270 --> 00:32:36,320 Well, it's a little more to it, but not much. 556 00:32:36,320 --> 00:32:42,320 And the interesting problem is, how do you convert signals 557 00:32:42,320 --> 00:32:44,180 into waveforms. 558 00:32:44,180 --> 00:32:46,930 Which is why we went, one of the reasons we went through 559 00:32:46,930 --> 00:32:52,040 all of this stuff about L2 waveforms and orthonormal 560 00:32:52,040 --> 00:32:55,810 expansions and all of this stuff. 561 00:32:55,810 --> 00:32:59,360 So, for the time being, we're going to look at modulation 562 00:32:59,360 --> 00:33:03,400 and demodulation, without worrying about what bandwidth 563 00:33:03,400 --> 00:33:04,720 any of this occurs at. 564 00:33:04,720 --> 00:33:06,750 So we'll just look at it at baseband. 565 00:33:13,140 --> 00:33:16,520 So the simplest example of all of this, so simple that it 566 00:33:16,520 --> 00:33:21,460 almost looks like it's silly, is to map a sequence of binary 567 00:33:21,460 --> 00:33:26,260 digits into a sequence of signals from the constellation 568 00:33:26,260 --> 00:33:28,480 1 and minus 1. 569 00:33:28,480 --> 00:33:35,000 So all you're doing there is mapping 0 into 1 and mapping 1 570 00:33:35,000 --> 00:33:35,960 into minus 1. 571 00:33:35,960 --> 00:33:39,290 In other words, the 0 and 1 binary digits are mapped into 572 00:33:39,290 --> 00:33:40,480 1 and minus 1. 573 00:33:40,480 --> 00:33:43,580 Why do you do it this way, which is a little confusing, 574 00:33:43,580 --> 00:33:47,600 mapping 0 into 1 instead of mapping 1 into 1? 575 00:33:47,600 --> 00:33:51,750 Well, primarily, so you can look at multiplication of 576 00:33:51,750 --> 00:33:56,830 signals in the same way as you look at modular to addition of 577 00:33:56,830 --> 00:33:58,400 binary digits. 578 00:33:58,400 --> 00:34:00,030 It just turns out to be a little more 579 00:34:00,030 --> 00:34:01,990 convenient that way. 580 00:34:01,990 --> 00:34:03,870 And it doesn't make a whole lot of difference. 581 00:34:03,870 --> 00:34:08,800 The point is, we're going from 0 1's to signals which are 1 582 00:34:08,800 --> 00:34:10,650 and minus 1. 583 00:34:10,650 --> 00:34:15,630 Then this sequence of signals is mapped into a waveform 584 00:34:15,630 --> 00:34:19,820 which is the sum of u of k times the sinc function t over 585 00:34:19,820 --> 00:34:22,300 capital T minus k. 586 00:34:22,300 --> 00:34:25,040 In other words, you're thinking of each one of these 587 00:34:25,040 --> 00:34:31,780 signals, now, think of it as being a sum of impulses, 588 00:34:31,780 --> 00:34:33,220 delayed impulses. 589 00:34:33,220 --> 00:34:37,600 And then think of taking a little sinc, sinc t over t and 590 00:34:37,600 --> 00:34:39,710 putting it around each one of those impulses. 591 00:34:39,710 --> 00:34:42,060 In other words, think of passing each of those 592 00:34:42,060 --> 00:34:46,900 impulses, which is weighted by one of these values, u sub k, 593 00:34:46,900 --> 00:34:55,150 into a linear filter whose response is sine of x over x. 594 00:34:55,150 --> 00:34:55,550 Anybody 595 00:34:55,550 --> 00:34:57,520 see anything a little bit fishy about that? 596 00:35:01,510 --> 00:35:03,520 Have you ever built a filter whose response 597 00:35:03,520 --> 00:35:05,978 was sine x over x? 598 00:35:05,978 --> 00:35:08,400 AUDIENCE: It's hard to. 599 00:35:08,400 --> 00:35:10,890 PROFESSOR: It's hard to, why? 600 00:35:10,890 --> 00:35:13,850 AUDIENCE: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] 601 00:35:13,850 --> 00:35:16,170 PROFESSOR: Because it's not causal, yes. 602 00:35:16,170 --> 00:35:18,830 We're going to talk about that more later today. 603 00:35:18,830 --> 00:35:24,340 Communication engineers hardly ever talk about causality. 604 00:35:24,340 --> 00:35:26,045 They hardly ever talk about whether something 605 00:35:26,045 --> 00:35:28,940 is realized or not. 606 00:35:28,940 --> 00:35:33,600 And the reason I want to say this a number of times is that 607 00:35:33,600 --> 00:35:36,170 one of the parts of any receiver is a 608 00:35:36,170 --> 00:35:38,370 timing recovery circuit. 609 00:35:38,370 --> 00:35:42,140 And what the timing recovery circuit does is, it tries to 610 00:35:42,140 --> 00:35:45,070 figure out what the transmitter timing is, in 611 00:35:45,070 --> 00:35:47,640 terms of what it's receiving. 612 00:35:47,640 --> 00:35:50,160 And when you're figuring out what the transmitter timing is 613 00:35:50,160 --> 00:35:53,910 in terms of what you're receiving, the most convenient 614 00:35:53,910 --> 00:35:57,740 way of doing that, if you're sending a pulse or something, 615 00:35:57,740 --> 00:36:02,140 you would like the receiver timing to peak up at the same 616 00:36:02,140 --> 00:36:05,310 time that the transmitter timing is peaking up, in terms 617 00:36:05,310 --> 00:36:05,960 of the pulse. 618 00:36:05,960 --> 00:36:08,650 In other words, you want to get rid of the propagation 619 00:36:08,650 --> 00:36:11,240 delay and just ignore that. 620 00:36:11,240 --> 00:36:14,430 The receiver timing is going to be delayed from the 621 00:36:14,430 --> 00:36:19,970 transmitter timing exactly by the propagation delay. 622 00:36:19,970 --> 00:36:23,970 Now, if we always do that, causality becomes totally 623 00:36:23,970 --> 00:36:25,220 unimportant. 624 00:36:27,720 --> 00:36:31,070 Now, one of the problems with a sinc function is, it starts 625 00:36:31,070 --> 00:36:33,830 at time minus infinity. 626 00:36:33,830 --> 00:36:37,770 And even if you delay the receiver timing by an infinite 627 00:36:37,770 --> 00:36:41,440 amount of time you can never use the communications system 628 00:36:41,440 --> 00:36:45,910 until it's time to tear it down and bring in a new one. 629 00:36:45,910 --> 00:36:47,880 Which, unfortunately, is what happened to the third 630 00:36:47,880 --> 00:36:49,590 generation wireless systems. 631 00:36:49,590 --> 00:36:52,870 By the time, people figured out how to build them, 632 00:36:52,870 --> 00:36:56,940 everybody was saying, ah, old-fashioned stuff, we're 633 00:36:56,940 --> 00:36:59,580 going to go directly onto to fourth generation. 634 00:36:59,580 --> 00:37:02,430 And they might go directly from fourth generation to 635 00:37:02,430 --> 00:37:03,300 fifth generation. 636 00:37:03,300 --> 00:37:04,650 Who knows. 637 00:37:04,650 --> 00:37:09,900 Anyway, you can't implement these even with the receiver 638 00:37:09,900 --> 00:37:13,360 timing different than the transmitter timing. 639 00:37:13,360 --> 00:37:17,430 But you can always approximate things with enough delay 640 00:37:17,430 --> 00:37:19,610 between transmitter and receiver. 641 00:37:19,610 --> 00:37:22,840 So that you can approximate any filter you want to, 642 00:37:22,840 --> 00:37:26,580 without worrying about causality at all. 643 00:37:26,580 --> 00:37:29,520 And it's hard enough designing good filters without worrying 644 00:37:29,520 --> 00:37:33,530 about casuality that you don't want to bring that into your 645 00:37:33,530 --> 00:37:36,420 picture at the beginning. 646 00:37:36,420 --> 00:37:41,030 So communication engineers usually say that those timing 647 00:37:41,030 --> 00:37:43,850 issues are not important. 648 00:37:43,850 --> 00:37:48,060 And a little bit of delay is not going to hurt anything. 649 00:37:48,060 --> 00:37:53,250 All of Shannon's theory was as successful as it has been, and 650 00:37:53,250 --> 00:37:56,530 transformed the whole communication industry, 651 00:37:56,530 --> 00:38:00,020 because he never talked about delay at all. 652 00:38:00,020 --> 00:38:02,190 He just ignored the question of delay from 653 00:38:02,190 --> 00:38:04,840 beginning to end. 654 00:38:04,840 --> 00:38:09,000 And when you look at his capacity formulas, they are 655 00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:12,300 assuming that you have as much delay as you need between 656 00:38:12,300 --> 00:38:14,050 transmitter and receiver. 657 00:38:14,050 --> 00:38:17,210 And, assuming that that isn't important, and in terms of the 658 00:38:17,210 --> 00:38:22,330 propagation delays, and the filtering delays in most 659 00:38:22,330 --> 00:38:25,090 modern communication systems, those delays 660 00:38:25,090 --> 00:38:26,500 are not really important. 661 00:38:26,500 --> 00:38:29,300 The propagation delays you can't avoid. 662 00:38:29,300 --> 00:38:31,130 So you might as well ignore them. 663 00:38:31,130 --> 00:38:34,650 Which is why you build timing recovery circuits. 664 00:38:34,650 --> 00:38:38,840 And the filtering delays are usually unimportant. 665 00:38:38,840 --> 00:38:40,880 Relative to all of the other delays that 666 00:38:40,880 --> 00:38:42,700 come into these system. 667 00:38:42,700 --> 00:38:44,840 So for the most part, we're just going to 668 00:38:44,840 --> 00:38:47,240 ignore those questions. 669 00:38:47,240 --> 00:38:52,130 If you have no noise, no delay, and no attenuation, the 670 00:38:52,130 --> 00:38:55,180 received waveform is going to be the same as 671 00:38:55,180 --> 00:38:57,390 the transmitted waveform. 672 00:38:57,390 --> 00:39:00,300 And then what you would like to do is to sample that and 673 00:39:00,300 --> 00:39:02,370 convert it back to binary. 674 00:39:02,370 --> 00:39:04,430 So, that's what the receiving side of this 675 00:39:04,430 --> 00:39:07,140 trivial system is doing. 676 00:39:07,140 --> 00:39:09,060 Now, why can you ignore attenuation? 677 00:39:11,700 --> 00:39:14,260 Anybody have any idea why we might want to ignore 678 00:39:14,260 --> 00:39:15,510 attenuation? 679 00:39:20,380 --> 00:39:23,020 Well, it's like all of these other things. 680 00:39:23,020 --> 00:39:27,340 You don't ignore it, but the question you ask is, can I 681 00:39:27,340 --> 00:39:30,500 separate the issue of attentuation from the other 682 00:39:30,500 --> 00:39:32,570 issues that I want to look at now. 683 00:39:32,570 --> 00:39:36,220 In other words, can I layer this problem in such a way 684 00:39:36,220 --> 00:39:39,830 that we can deal with our problems one by one. 685 00:39:39,830 --> 00:39:42,570 And the problem of attentuation is something that 686 00:39:42,570 --> 00:39:47,590 communication engineers have had to deal with from day one. 687 00:39:47,590 --> 00:39:51,690 In dealing with it from day one, they have dealt with all 688 00:39:51,690 --> 00:39:56,060 of the different ways of losing power that you have. 689 00:39:56,060 --> 00:40:01,370 Which includes attenuation in the actual medium between 690 00:40:01,370 --> 00:40:03,180 transmitter and receiver. 691 00:40:03,180 --> 00:40:06,840 It deals with the attenuation you get in the receiver by 692 00:40:06,840 --> 00:40:10,400 building filters and by all the other things you do there. 693 00:40:10,400 --> 00:40:13,760 When you get all done with that, there's only one thing 694 00:40:13,760 --> 00:40:15,010 that's important. 695 00:40:18,430 --> 00:40:23,620 Because you can deal digitally with very, very small signals. 696 00:40:23,620 --> 00:40:25,960 And the only thing that's important is what 697 00:40:25,960 --> 00:40:27,050 happens to the noise. 698 00:40:27,050 --> 00:40:29,600 You get noise in the communication medium. 699 00:40:29,600 --> 00:40:32,520 That comes into the receiver. 700 00:40:32,520 --> 00:40:36,410 And now, any time you amplify what you receive, they're 701 00:40:36,410 --> 00:40:39,730 going to be amplifying the noise as well as amplifying 702 00:40:39,730 --> 00:40:41,490 the signal. 703 00:40:41,490 --> 00:40:45,130 An easy way to deal with that is to assume that there isn't 704 00:40:45,130 --> 00:40:48,410 any attentuation in what you're calling the signal, 705 00:40:48,410 --> 00:40:50,830 because you're going to amplify that to a reasonable 706 00:40:50,830 --> 00:40:54,040 value to operate on it anyway. 707 00:40:54,040 --> 00:40:57,350 So in fact you're amplifying the noise. 708 00:40:57,350 --> 00:41:00,380 So the only thing you're interested in is, what's the 709 00:41:00,380 --> 00:41:04,580 ratio between the signal power and the noise power. 710 00:41:07,490 --> 00:41:10,980 So, those issues, we can deal with completely separately 711 00:41:10,980 --> 00:41:12,920 from these issues of what kind of waveforms 712 00:41:12,920 --> 00:41:14,460 do we want to choose. 713 00:41:14,460 --> 00:41:19,390 What should we choose in place of this sinc function, which 714 00:41:19,390 --> 00:41:24,500 is impractical because it causes too much delay and it's 715 00:41:24,500 --> 00:41:27,770 also hard to build the filters. 716 00:41:27,770 --> 00:41:30,530 So we'd like to deal with that question separately from the 717 00:41:30,530 --> 00:41:32,010 question of attenuation. 718 00:41:32,010 --> 00:41:34,350 There's a short section in the notes, which I'm not going to 719 00:41:34,350 --> 00:41:38,150 go into, because you can read it just as easily as I can 720 00:41:38,150 --> 00:41:41,950 talk about it, about dB. 721 00:41:41,950 --> 00:41:47,550 And why people use dB to talk about all of these questions 722 00:41:47,550 --> 00:41:49,750 of energy losses. 723 00:41:49,750 --> 00:41:53,120 And why, in fact, there's a whole set of engineers whose 724 00:41:53,120 --> 00:41:56,030 function is to deal with link budgets. 725 00:41:56,030 --> 00:41:58,810 In other words, when you build a communications system, 726 00:41:58,810 --> 00:42:02,710 you're losing power everywhere along the way. 727 00:42:02,710 --> 00:42:04,570 You're losing it in the median. 728 00:42:04,570 --> 00:42:07,710 You're losing it by the way you build the antennas. 729 00:42:07,710 --> 00:42:11,320 You're losing some here, you're losing some there. 730 00:42:11,320 --> 00:42:14,920 And what these people do is, they look at all of these 731 00:42:14,920 --> 00:42:16,550 attenuations together. 732 00:42:16,550 --> 00:42:18,530 And they multiply together. 733 00:42:18,530 --> 00:42:22,270 So, in fact, it's easier to take the logarithm of all of 734 00:42:22,270 --> 00:42:23,520 these terms. 735 00:42:23,520 --> 00:42:26,590 And when you take the logarithm, that's where you 736 00:42:26,590 --> 00:42:28,570 get decibels from. 737 00:42:28,570 --> 00:42:31,830 Because these people, instead of taking natural logs, which 738 00:42:31,830 --> 00:42:35,820 would seem like a much more reasonable thing, always take 739 00:42:35,820 --> 00:42:40,610 the logarithm to the base 10 and then divide by 10. 740 00:42:40,610 --> 00:42:45,420 And what the section in the notes says is that that's a 741 00:42:45,420 --> 00:42:50,520 practice which has grown up because it's very easy to do 742 00:42:50,520 --> 00:42:52,920 mental arithmetic with that. 743 00:42:52,920 --> 00:42:59,380 The logarithm to the base 10 of the number 2 which is one 744 00:42:59,380 --> 00:43:02,400 of the biggest numbers that ever appears. 745 00:43:02,400 --> 00:43:06,050 2's are more important than thousands, OK? 746 00:43:06,050 --> 00:43:16,930 And the logarithm to the base 2 of 10 is 0.3. 747 00:43:16,930 --> 00:43:20,450 And when you divide it by 10 you get 3 dB. 748 00:43:20,450 --> 00:43:23,720 So a factor of 2 is called 3 dB. 749 00:43:23,720 --> 00:43:28,160 This means that a factor of 4, which is 2 squared, is 6 dB. 750 00:43:28,160 --> 00:43:32,200 Factor of 8 is 9 dB, and so forth. 751 00:43:32,200 --> 00:43:36,010 And this gives this table of all these numbers which all 752 00:43:36,010 --> 00:43:38,990 communication engineers memorize. 753 00:43:38,990 --> 00:43:42,180 The other reason for it is that if you're talking to a 754 00:43:42,180 --> 00:43:45,570 communication engineer, he will recognize you as a member 755 00:43:45,570 --> 00:43:48,790 of his fraternity if you let the word dB 756 00:43:48,790 --> 00:43:51,290 slip several times. 757 00:43:51,290 --> 00:43:52,520 Don't even have to know what it means. 758 00:43:52,520 --> 00:43:54,980 You just talk about dB. 759 00:43:54,980 --> 00:43:59,800 And you say, my income is 3 dB lower than your income. 760 00:43:59,800 --> 00:44:01,050 And that makes him very happy. 761 00:44:03,910 --> 00:44:04,580 So. 762 00:44:04,580 --> 00:44:07,360 Anyway. 763 00:44:07,360 --> 00:44:10,230 That's all we need for this simple example. 764 00:44:10,230 --> 00:44:16,050 We now want to go into more complicated things. 765 00:44:16,050 --> 00:44:19,570 OK pulse amplitude and modulation. 766 00:44:19,570 --> 00:44:26,110 This is one of the major ways of turning bits into signals, 767 00:44:26,110 --> 00:44:30,170 and then turning the signals into waveforms again. 768 00:44:30,170 --> 00:44:33,430 Again, I'm doing this first not because it's the most 769 00:44:33,430 --> 00:44:36,460 important scheme to talk about, but because we want to 770 00:44:36,460 --> 00:44:39,630 understand these things one by one. 771 00:44:39,630 --> 00:44:43,330 And when we understand PAM, we'll then talk about QAM. 772 00:44:43,330 --> 00:44:44,800 And you'll understand that. 773 00:44:44,800 --> 00:44:48,050 And then we can go on to look at other 774 00:44:48,050 --> 00:44:50,040 variations of these things. 775 00:44:50,040 --> 00:44:54,030 So the signals in PAM are one dimensional. 776 00:44:54,030 --> 00:44:57,470 The constellation, the only thing it can be, since it's 777 00:44:57,470 --> 00:45:00,700 one dimensional, one real dimension, is 778 00:45:00,700 --> 00:45:03,570 a set of real numbers. 779 00:45:03,570 --> 00:45:09,600 So you're going to modulate these real numbers. 780 00:45:09,600 --> 00:45:11,230 And that, we're going to talk about later. 781 00:45:11,230 --> 00:45:13,120 How do you find this function here? 782 00:45:13,120 --> 00:45:15,580 We're just going to take these real numbers, which are coming 783 00:45:15,580 --> 00:45:18,030 into the transmitter one by one out 784 00:45:18,030 --> 00:45:19,790 of the digital encoder. 785 00:45:19,790 --> 00:45:21,030 You're going to take these numbers. 786 00:45:21,030 --> 00:45:24,130 You're going to view them as being multiplied by delayed 787 00:45:24,130 --> 00:45:27,560 impulses, and then pass through a filter. 788 00:45:27,560 --> 00:45:31,290 And the filter's response is just, impulse response is 789 00:45:31,290 --> 00:45:32,400 just, p of t. 790 00:45:32,400 --> 00:45:35,060 In other words, what we're doing is saying, we don't like 791 00:45:35,060 --> 00:45:37,430 the sinc function. 792 00:45:37,430 --> 00:45:40,640 Therefore, simplest thing to do is replace the sinc 793 00:45:40,640 --> 00:45:43,130 function by something we do like. 794 00:45:43,130 --> 00:45:46,380 So we're going to replace the sinc function by some filter 795 00:45:46,380 --> 00:45:49,440 characteristic, which we like. 796 00:45:49,440 --> 00:45:54,230 And that's the way to modify this previous example into 797 00:45:54,230 --> 00:45:56,160 something that makes better sense. 798 00:45:56,160 --> 00:45:59,240 So we're doing two things here when we're talking about PAM. 799 00:45:59,240 --> 00:46:03,020 One, we're talking about generalizing this binary 800 00:46:03,020 --> 00:46:04,540 signal set. 801 00:46:04,540 --> 00:46:08,510 And, two, we're talking about generalizing the sinc function 802 00:46:08,510 --> 00:46:12,920 into some arbitrary impulse response. 803 00:46:12,920 --> 00:46:18,640 So a standard PAM signal set uses equispaced signals 804 00:46:18,640 --> 00:46:22,260 symmetric around 0. 805 00:46:22,260 --> 00:46:24,250 And if you look at the picture, it makes it clear 806 00:46:24,250 --> 00:46:26,070 what this means. 807 00:46:26,070 --> 00:46:28,840 It's the same thing that we were using all along when we 808 00:46:28,840 --> 00:46:31,450 were talking about quantization. 809 00:46:31,450 --> 00:46:34,750 If you're looking at one dimensional quantization, 810 00:46:34,750 --> 00:46:37,510 that's a very natural way to choose the 811 00:46:37,510 --> 00:46:39,560 representation points. 812 00:46:39,560 --> 00:46:42,450 Here, we're doing everything in the opposite way. 813 00:46:42,450 --> 00:46:46,370 So we're starting out with these points. 814 00:46:46,370 --> 00:46:50,130 Well, we're starting out with eight symbols and turning them 815 00:46:50,130 --> 00:46:51,980 into eight signals. 816 00:46:51,980 --> 00:46:54,620 And when you take eight symbols and turn them into 817 00:46:54,620 --> 00:46:59,660 eight signals, perfectly natural thing to do is to make 818 00:46:59,660 --> 00:47:03,480 each of these signals equispaced from each other, 819 00:47:03,480 --> 00:47:05,130 and center them on the origin. 820 00:47:09,100 --> 00:47:12,450 This is not something we have to see later. 821 00:47:12,450 --> 00:47:17,340 I think you can see that if these symbols all are used 822 00:47:17,340 --> 00:47:22,750 with equal probability, and you're trying to reduce the 823 00:47:22,750 --> 00:47:28,680 amount of energy that the signals use, which will then 824 00:47:28,680 --> 00:47:31,970 go through into reducing the amount of energy in the 825 00:47:31,970 --> 00:47:37,470 waveforms that we're transmitting, it's nice to 826 00:47:37,470 --> 00:47:39,760 have them centered around 0. 827 00:47:39,760 --> 00:47:42,460 Because if they have a mean, that mean is just going to 828 00:47:42,460 --> 00:47:47,850 contribute directly to the expected mean square value of 829 00:47:47,850 --> 00:47:49,790 the signal that you're using. 830 00:47:49,790 --> 00:47:51,870 So why not center it around 0. 831 00:47:54,730 --> 00:47:56,800 Later on we'll see many reasons for not 832 00:47:56,800 --> 00:47:58,260 centering it around 0. 833 00:47:58,260 --> 00:48:01,350 But for now we're not going to worry about any of those, and 834 00:48:01,350 --> 00:48:03,780 we're going to center it around 0. 835 00:48:03,780 --> 00:48:05,700 And the other thing is, why do you want them 836 00:48:05,700 --> 00:48:07,270 to be equally spaced? 837 00:48:07,270 --> 00:48:09,320 Well, I'll talk about that in just a second. 838 00:48:13,730 --> 00:48:19,520 Anyway, the signal energy in these equally spaced signals, 839 00:48:19,520 --> 00:48:23,280 you can calculate it to be d squared times m squared minus 840 00:48:23,280 --> 00:48:26,100 1 divided by 12. 841 00:48:26,100 --> 00:48:28,630 I think we sort of did this when we were worrying about 842 00:48:28,630 --> 00:48:30,600 quantization. 843 00:48:30,600 --> 00:48:38,870 There's a problem at the end of lectures 11 and 12 which 844 00:48:38,870 --> 00:48:42,800 guides you by the hand in how to calculate this. 845 00:48:42,800 --> 00:48:45,710 Or you can sit down and just calculate it by hand, it's not 846 00:48:45,710 --> 00:48:46,620 hard to do. 847 00:48:46,620 --> 00:48:55,620 But, anyway, that's the mean square value of these signals. 848 00:48:55,620 --> 00:48:58,760 If you assume that they're equiprobable. 849 00:48:58,760 --> 00:49:06,090 Now, if you take m to be 2 to the b, now what's b? b is the 850 00:49:06,090 --> 00:49:13,360 number of binary digits which come into this signal former 851 00:49:13,360 --> 00:49:18,450 when you produce one signal out. 852 00:49:18,450 --> 00:49:23,660 Namely, if you bring in b binary digits, you need an 853 00:49:23,660 --> 00:49:27,730 alphabet of size 2 to the b. 854 00:49:27,730 --> 00:49:30,745 If you have an alphabet of size 2 to b, then you're going 855 00:49:30,745 --> 00:49:33,850 to need m equals 2 to the b different signals. 856 00:49:33,850 --> 00:49:40,340 So, usually when you have a standard PAM system, that 857 00:49:40,340 --> 00:49:46,360 number there, 8 PAM, means 8 signals. 858 00:49:46,360 --> 00:49:51,570 8 is usually going to be replaced by 4, or 16, or 32, 859 00:49:51,570 --> 00:49:54,360 or 64, or what have you. 860 00:49:54,360 --> 00:49:56,140 And, usually, not anything else. 861 00:49:56,140 --> 00:49:58,810 Because you're usually going to deal with something which 862 00:49:58,810 --> 00:50:00,180 is a power of 2. 863 00:50:00,180 --> 00:50:04,710 Because the logarithm of this to the base 2 is the number of 864 00:50:04,710 --> 00:50:08,730 bits which are coming into the signal former for each signal 865 00:50:08,730 --> 00:50:09,980 that comes out. 866 00:50:16,830 --> 00:50:22,520 This goes up very rapidly as m squared goes up. 867 00:50:22,520 --> 00:50:26,790 In other words, you try to transmit data faster by 868 00:50:26,790 --> 00:50:32,280 bringing more and more bits in per signal that you transmit, 869 00:50:32,280 --> 00:50:35,870 it's a losing proposition very, very quickly. 870 00:50:35,870 --> 00:50:38,350 It's this business of a logarithm which comes into 871 00:50:38,350 --> 00:50:41,300 everything here. 872 00:50:41,300 --> 00:50:43,010 We're going to talk about noise later. 873 00:50:43,010 --> 00:50:45,540 We're not going to talk about it now. 874 00:50:45,540 --> 00:50:50,230 But, we have to recognize the existence of noise enough to 875 00:50:50,230 --> 00:50:54,730 realize that when you look at this diagram here, when you 876 00:50:54,730 --> 00:50:58,960 look at generating a waveform around this, or a waveform 877 00:50:58,960 --> 00:51:03,790 around this, however you receive these things, noise is 878 00:51:03,790 --> 00:51:07,940 going to corrupt what you receive here by a little bit. 879 00:51:07,940 --> 00:51:10,440 Usually it's Gaussian, which means it tails 880 00:51:10,440 --> 00:51:12,920 off very, very quickly. 881 00:51:12,920 --> 00:51:14,750 With larger amplitudes. 882 00:51:14,750 --> 00:51:20,350 And what that means is, when you send a three, the most 883 00:51:20,350 --> 00:51:24,490 likely thing to happen is that you're going to 884 00:51:24,490 --> 00:51:26,770 detect a three again. 885 00:51:26,770 --> 00:51:28,950 The next most likely thing is you'll detect 886 00:51:28,950 --> 00:51:31,440 either a four or a two. 887 00:51:31,440 --> 00:51:33,670 In other words, what's important here is this 888 00:51:33,670 --> 00:51:34,550 distance here. 889 00:51:34,550 --> 00:51:36,260 And hardly anything else. 890 00:51:36,260 --> 00:51:40,690 If you send these signals with equal probability, and the 891 00:51:40,690 --> 00:51:44,000 noise is additive, the noise does the same thing no matter 892 00:51:44,000 --> 00:51:46,710 where you are along here. 893 00:51:46,710 --> 00:51:51,100 Which says that this standard PAM set is almost the only 894 00:51:51,100 --> 00:51:53,170 thing you want to look at. 895 00:51:53,170 --> 00:51:56,180 So long as you assume that the noise is going to be additive. 896 00:51:56,180 --> 00:51:58,950 And the noise is going to affect everything along this 897 00:51:58,950 --> 00:52:00,490 line equally. 898 00:52:00,490 --> 00:52:03,950 It says that you just want to make the spacing between 899 00:52:03,950 --> 00:52:09,110 points big enough that it will pretty much avoid the noise. 900 00:52:09,110 --> 00:52:12,830 So, the point of all of that is that d is 901 00:52:12,830 --> 00:52:14,910 fixed, ahead of time. 902 00:52:14,910 --> 00:52:16,420 You can't play with that. 903 00:52:16,420 --> 00:52:17,710 You can play with m. 904 00:52:17,710 --> 00:52:19,840 When you play with m, you're playing a 905 00:52:19,840 --> 00:52:22,510 losing game with energy. 906 00:52:22,510 --> 00:52:25,590 So that's why standard PAM is the thing which 907 00:52:25,590 --> 00:52:28,020 is used with PAM. 908 00:52:28,020 --> 00:52:29,530 Not much you can do about it. 909 00:52:32,330 --> 00:52:38,380 And say here that the noise is independent of the signal. 910 00:52:38,380 --> 00:52:40,020 We will talk about this later. 911 00:52:40,020 --> 00:52:42,150 The noise being additive. 912 00:52:42,150 --> 00:52:45,770 The noise being independent of the signal are both saying 913 00:52:45,770 --> 00:52:47,300 almost the same thing. 914 00:52:47,300 --> 00:52:50,410 Which will be obvious to you in a little while. 915 00:52:50,410 --> 00:52:52,540 But not until we start talking about noise. 916 00:52:52,540 --> 00:52:55,250 We don't want to start talking about noise now. 917 00:52:55,250 --> 00:52:58,260 So, for now, we deal with the noise just by saying that 918 00:52:58,260 --> 00:53:01,600 every signal must be separated by some minimum amount. 919 00:53:09,280 --> 00:53:11,740 Again, what we said about delay and attenuation. 920 00:53:11,740 --> 00:53:14,940 Let me say it again, because it's important enough that you 921 00:53:14,940 --> 00:53:16,270 have to understand it. 922 00:53:19,300 --> 00:53:22,960 After you go through two or three problem sets, you will 923 00:53:22,960 --> 00:53:24,320 not understand it again. 924 00:53:24,320 --> 00:53:28,360 Because you'll get so used to dealing the receive signal as 925 00:53:28,360 --> 00:53:32,020 the same as the transmitted signal that you'll forget the 926 00:53:32,020 --> 00:53:34,670 weirdness in that. 927 00:53:34,670 --> 00:53:37,150 I mean, people become accustomed to extraordinarily 928 00:53:37,150 --> 00:53:40,180 weird things very, very easily. 929 00:53:40,180 --> 00:53:42,300 And especially when you're taking a course and trying to 930 00:53:42,300 --> 00:53:45,090 get the problems done, you just take things which are 931 00:53:45,090 --> 00:53:48,270 totally ridiculous and accept them if it lets you get 932 00:53:48,270 --> 00:53:49,320 through the problem set. 933 00:53:49,320 --> 00:53:53,420 So I want to tell you right up front that there is some 934 00:53:53,420 --> 00:53:55,180 weirdness associated here. 935 00:53:55,180 --> 00:53:57,450 It is something you have to think about. 936 00:53:57,450 --> 00:54:00,820 After you think about it once, you then accept this is a 937 00:54:00,820 --> 00:54:02,140 layering decision. 938 00:54:02,140 --> 00:54:05,330 You ignore delay, since the timing recovery locks the 939 00:54:05,330 --> 00:54:08,210 receiver clock to the transmitter clock plus the 940 00:54:08,210 --> 00:54:09,730 propagation delay. 941 00:54:09,730 --> 00:54:12,510 And in fact, it can lock the receive clock to any place 942 00:54:12,510 --> 00:54:15,300 that wants to lock it to. 943 00:54:15,300 --> 00:54:18,070 So we're going to lock it in such a way that the receive 944 00:54:18,070 --> 00:54:21,950 signal looks like the transmitted signal. 945 00:54:21,950 --> 00:54:26,090 And the attenuation is really part of the link budget. 946 00:54:26,090 --> 00:54:30,470 We can separate that from all the things we're going to do. 947 00:54:30,470 --> 00:54:33,500 I mean, if we don't separate that, you have to go into 948 00:54:33,500 --> 00:54:35,380 antenna design. 949 00:54:35,380 --> 00:54:36,550 And all this other stuff. 950 00:54:36,550 --> 00:54:39,060 And who wants to do that? 951 00:54:39,060 --> 00:54:41,660 I mean, we have enough to do in this course. 952 00:54:41,660 --> 00:54:44,990 It's pretty full anyway. 953 00:54:44,990 --> 00:54:48,970 So we're just going to scale the signal and noise together. 954 00:54:48,970 --> 00:54:51,030 And that's a separate issue. 955 00:54:54,370 --> 00:54:57,170 So now we want to look at the thing which is called PAM 956 00:54:57,170 --> 00:54:58,010 modulation. 957 00:54:58,010 --> 00:55:00,840 In other words, in this one slide we separated the 958 00:55:00,840 --> 00:55:07,040 question of choosing the signal constellation, which 959 00:55:07,040 --> 00:55:10,000 we've now solved by saying, we want to use signals that are 960 00:55:10,000 --> 00:55:12,160 equally spaced. 961 00:55:12,160 --> 00:55:13,450 So that's an easy one. 962 00:55:13,450 --> 00:55:17,160 From the question of, how do you choose the filter. 963 00:55:17,160 --> 00:55:21,640 So the PAM modulation is going to go by taking a sequence of 964 00:55:21,640 --> 00:55:26,800 signals, mapping it into a waveform, which is this 965 00:55:26,800 --> 00:55:27,970 expansion here. 966 00:55:27,970 --> 00:55:31,420 We're not assuming that these functions are orthogonal to 967 00:55:31,420 --> 00:55:33,500 each other. 968 00:55:33,500 --> 00:55:38,030 Although later, we will find out that they should be. 969 00:55:38,030 --> 00:55:43,810 But for now, p of t is just some arbitrary waveform. 970 00:55:43,810 --> 00:55:49,520 And we will try to figure out how to choose this waveform in 971 00:55:49,520 --> 00:55:54,350 such a way as to replace the sinc waveform with something 972 00:55:54,350 --> 00:55:58,770 which is better in terms of delay and almost as good in 973 00:55:58,770 --> 00:56:00,620 all other ways. 974 00:56:00,620 --> 00:56:05,080 We're not going to worry about the fact that p of t has to be 975 00:56:05,080 --> 00:56:05,930 realizable. 976 00:56:05,930 --> 00:56:08,630 Because with our arbitrary time reference at the 977 00:56:08,630 --> 00:56:10,930 receiver, it doesn't have to be realizable. 978 00:56:10,930 --> 00:56:12,630 It doesn't have to be causal. 979 00:56:15,150 --> 00:56:19,220 So, p of t could be sinc of t over t. 980 00:56:19,220 --> 00:56:23,160 Which would give us a nice baseband limited function. 981 00:56:23,160 --> 00:56:24,680 But it could be anything else at all. 982 00:56:28,080 --> 00:56:31,260 As we said before, sinc t over t a dies out 983 00:56:31,260 --> 00:56:33,960 impractically slowly. 984 00:56:33,960 --> 00:56:38,830 And it requires infinite delay at the transmitter. 985 00:56:38,830 --> 00:56:42,740 You can't even send these signals with a 986 00:56:42,740 --> 00:56:46,040 sinc t over t signal. 987 00:56:46,040 --> 00:56:50,040 Because to send them, you have to start out at the beginning 988 00:56:50,040 --> 00:56:52,360 of this little bit of wiggling. 989 00:56:52,360 --> 00:56:54,950 Now, you say, OK I'm going to truncate that 990 00:56:54,950 --> 00:56:56,430 when it's very small. 991 00:56:56,430 --> 00:56:58,620 And I don't worry about that. 992 00:56:58,620 --> 00:57:01,740 The point of what we're starting to look at now, 993 00:57:01,740 --> 00:57:04,210 though, is we're saying, OK, you truncate it, you do all 994 00:57:04,210 --> 00:57:05,660 these practical things. 995 00:57:05,660 --> 00:57:09,170 But it turns out that this problem of choosing this 996 00:57:09,170 --> 00:57:12,240 filter response has a very elegant 997 00:57:12,240 --> 00:57:14,240 and a very nice solution. 998 00:57:14,240 --> 00:57:18,220 And when we put noise in, it fits in perfectly with the 999 00:57:18,220 --> 00:57:24,270 idea of also choosing this filter in a particular way. 1000 00:57:24,270 --> 00:57:26,620 Now, we've talked about many problems here which were 1001 00:57:26,620 --> 00:57:30,630 solved almost immediately after Shannon came out with 1002 00:57:30,630 --> 00:57:34,880 his way of looking at communication in 1948. 1003 00:57:34,880 --> 00:57:38,280 Guess when this problem was solved? 1004 00:57:38,280 --> 00:57:41,960 It was solved 20 years earlier than that by a guy by the name 1005 00:57:41,960 --> 00:57:44,340 of Nyquist, who was at Bell Labs back when 1006 00:57:44,340 --> 00:57:46,610 Bell Labs meant something. 1007 00:57:49,150 --> 00:57:51,000 I mean, in `28 it was a great place. 1008 00:57:51,000 --> 00:57:56,150 It was a great place until seven or eight years ago. 1009 00:57:56,150 --> 00:57:59,630 Nyquist is important in feedback theory. 1010 00:57:59,630 --> 00:58:02,880 He's done some of the most important things there. 1011 00:58:02,880 --> 00:58:06,360 His Nyquist criterion in dealing with how do you choose 1012 00:58:06,360 --> 00:58:10,450 these filters to avoid intersymbol interference is 1013 00:58:10,450 --> 00:58:11,640 fairly simple. 1014 00:58:11,640 --> 00:58:14,700 But it's a very, very nice result. 1015 00:58:14,700 --> 00:58:17,000 So we're going to talk about it. 1016 00:58:17,000 --> 00:58:20,070 And then we will use that to say, ok, we don't have to 1017 00:58:20,070 --> 00:58:23,230 worry about intersymbol interference any more, so all 1018 00:58:23,230 --> 00:58:24,620 we have to worry about is noise. 1019 00:58:24,620 --> 00:58:27,430 So we're getting rid of these problems one by one. 1020 00:58:31,280 --> 00:58:34,820 Our main problem is to choose this filter, so that we get 1021 00:58:34,820 --> 00:58:38,070 some kind of reasonable compromise between time delay 1022 00:58:38,070 --> 00:58:39,830 and bandwidth. 1023 00:58:39,830 --> 00:58:44,990 That's -- that's basically the problem that we're facing. 1024 00:58:44,990 --> 00:58:47,610 And Nyquist's solution to this was to say, 1025 00:58:47,610 --> 00:58:49,330 forget about that also. 1026 00:58:49,330 --> 00:58:53,270 Let's look at what set of filters work, and what set of 1027 00:58:53,270 --> 00:58:55,320 filters don't work. 1028 00:58:55,320 --> 00:58:57,510 And then you can take your choice among this set of 1029 00:58:57,510 --> 00:58:58,760 folders that work. 1030 00:59:05,900 --> 00:59:14,630 So our problem is, how do you take the waveform u of t, 1031 00:59:14,630 --> 00:59:21,330 which you receive, and find these samples out of it? 1032 00:59:21,330 --> 00:59:24,600 Now, we already know that if you use sinc functions, all 1033 00:59:24,600 --> 00:59:27,920 you have to do is sample this and you get these u sub k's 1034 00:59:27,920 --> 00:59:29,040 back again. 1035 00:59:29,040 --> 00:59:32,810 But if this thing is some absolutely wild waveform, 1036 00:59:32,810 --> 00:59:35,090 maybe that's not what you get. 1037 00:59:35,090 --> 00:59:42,250 So we say, OK, how do we retrieve these signals from 1038 00:59:42,250 --> 00:59:45,650 the waveform that was transmitted and therefore from 1039 00:59:45,650 --> 00:59:47,610 the waveform that was received. 1040 00:59:47,610 --> 00:59:50,520 We're separating this from the noise question. 1041 00:59:50,520 --> 00:59:53,630 Even if there's no noise at all, we still have a question 1042 00:59:53,630 --> 00:59:56,490 and how do you find those input values 1043 00:59:56,490 --> 00:59:59,600 directly from the function. 1044 00:59:59,600 --> 01:00:01,940 What we're going to do is to assume that the receiver 1045 01:00:01,940 --> 01:00:06,200 filters u of t, with a linear time invariant filter, with 1046 01:00:06,200 --> 01:00:08,970 impulse response q of t. 1047 01:00:08,970 --> 01:00:11,530 Now, since we've said that p of t doesn't have to be 1048 01:00:11,530 --> 01:00:15,800 causal, we might as well say that q of t doesn't have to be 1049 01:00:15,800 --> 01:00:16,370 causal either. 1050 01:00:16,370 --> 01:00:21,150 Because we've already thrown these details of 1051 01:00:21,150 --> 01:00:24,080 delay to the winds. 1052 01:00:24,080 --> 01:00:27,310 So the filtered waveform, then is going to be r of t. 1053 01:00:27,310 --> 01:00:32,910 Will be the integral of what was transmitted, convolved 1054 01:00:32,910 --> 01:00:34,380 with q of t. 1055 01:00:34,380 --> 01:00:37,330 So this is what you receive. 1056 01:00:37,330 --> 01:00:40,300 And then what we're going to do is, we're going to sample 1057 01:00:40,300 --> 01:00:42,810 this waveform. 1058 01:00:42,810 --> 01:00:47,370 So Nyquist said, let's restrict ourselves to looking 1059 01:00:47,370 --> 01:00:51,570 at receivers which first filter by some filter we're 1060 01:00:51,570 --> 01:00:55,200 going to decide on, and then sample. 1061 01:00:55,200 --> 01:00:56,600 Why do you want to do that? 1062 01:00:56,600 --> 01:00:58,950 Well, an interesting question. 1063 01:00:58,950 --> 01:01:01,830 And Nyquist said, that's what we're going to do. 1064 01:01:01,830 --> 01:01:06,060 And since Nyquist was famous, that's what we're going to do. 1065 01:01:06,060 --> 01:01:11,500 One of the problems in the homework this week is to show 1066 01:01:11,500 --> 01:01:15,160 that if you relax this a little bit and you say, well, 1067 01:01:15,160 --> 01:01:18,710 I don't want to do what Nyquist said, what I want to 1068 01:01:18,710 --> 01:01:22,690 do is to look at an arbitrary linear receiver which takes 1069 01:01:22,690 --> 01:01:25,760 this received waveform, goes through any old linear 1070 01:01:25,760 --> 01:01:29,960 operations that I want to go through, and 1071 01:01:29,960 --> 01:01:31,600 solves for what -- 1072 01:01:34,170 --> 01:01:37,820 and from that, tries to pick out these coefficients. 1073 01:01:37,820 --> 01:01:41,560 And the question is, can you do anything more than what 1074 01:01:41,560 --> 01:01:42,880 Nyquist did. 1075 01:01:42,880 --> 01:01:45,250 And the answer is, no. 1076 01:01:45,250 --> 01:01:49,460 If you look at it in another way, you will find that in 1077 01:01:49,460 --> 01:01:53,980 fact, if you know what the signal constellation is, you 1078 01:01:53,980 --> 01:01:55,790 can look at non-linear receivers. 1079 01:01:55,790 --> 01:01:59,700 Which in the absence of noise will let you pick out these 1080 01:01:59,700 --> 01:02:03,270 coefficients in a much broader context than 1081 01:02:03,270 --> 01:02:05,170 what Nyquist said. 1082 01:02:05,170 --> 01:02:07,090 And why don't we do that? 1083 01:02:07,090 --> 01:02:10,660 Well, because when noise comes in, that doesn't work at all. 1084 01:02:10,660 --> 01:02:13,930 That's a lousy solution. 1085 01:02:13,930 --> 01:02:17,320 So what we're going to do is say, OK, Mr. Nyquist, we'll 1086 01:02:17,320 --> 01:02:19,400 play your silly game. 1087 01:02:19,400 --> 01:02:22,920 We will have this filter at the transmitter. 1088 01:02:22,920 --> 01:02:25,680 We'll have this filter at the receiver. 1089 01:02:25,680 --> 01:02:28,690 We'll have the sampler and we'll look at what conditions 1090 01:02:28,690 --> 01:02:32,360 we need in order to make the whole thing work. 1091 01:02:32,360 --> 01:02:34,980 And then we will fit it in with noise and everything. 1092 01:02:34,980 --> 01:02:37,070 It will fit in, in a very nice way. 1093 01:02:37,070 --> 01:02:40,500 So we have a nice layered solution when we do that. 1094 01:02:40,500 --> 01:02:42,910 And we will find -- 1095 01:02:42,910 --> 01:02:44,930 I mean, Nyquist had some of Shannon's 1096 01:02:44,930 --> 01:02:47,030 genes in him, I think. 1097 01:02:47,030 --> 01:02:50,640 Because what we find when we're all finished with this 1098 01:02:50,640 --> 01:02:54,600 is that by avoiding -- by being able to receive these 1099 01:02:54,600 --> 01:02:58,710 coefficients perfectly, which we'll refer to as avoiding 1100 01:02:58,710 --> 01:03:03,530 intersymbol interference, it doesn't hurt us at all as far 1101 01:03:03,530 --> 01:03:05,190 as taking care of the noise. 1102 01:03:05,190 --> 01:03:07,410 In other words, you can have your cake and you can eat it 1103 01:03:07,410 --> 01:03:10,080 too as far as intersymbol interference 1104 01:03:10,080 --> 01:03:11,330 and noise is concerned. 1105 01:03:18,790 --> 01:03:23,260 We wind up with a received waveform, which is the 1106 01:03:23,260 --> 01:03:27,290 integral of the transmitted waveform times some filter. 1107 01:03:27,290 --> 01:03:29,350 And we don't know how to choose this filter. 1108 01:03:29,350 --> 01:03:32,830 But let's just -- this is a filter. 1109 01:03:32,830 --> 01:03:37,340 This can be represented now in terms of u of t is equal to 1110 01:03:37,340 --> 01:03:41,630 this transmitted waveform in terms of this other filter 1111 01:03:41,630 --> 01:03:42,760 that we don't understand. 1112 01:03:42,760 --> 01:03:46,270 So we now have two filters that we don't understand. 1113 01:03:46,270 --> 01:03:49,000 And we have this integral here. 1114 01:03:49,000 --> 01:03:50,890 Well, we can take this sum. 1115 01:03:50,890 --> 01:03:54,380 We can bring this sum outside of the integral and have the 1116 01:03:54,380 --> 01:03:59,010 sum of u sub k times, just some composite filter g of t 1117 01:03:59,010 --> 01:04:01,840 where g of t is the convolution of p 1118 01:04:01,840 --> 01:04:03,510 of t and q of t. 1119 01:04:03,510 --> 01:04:06,860 Now, when you look at the notes, the notes are fairly 1120 01:04:06,860 --> 01:04:10,850 careful in dealing with all these questions of L2 and 1121 01:04:10,850 --> 01:04:12,860 convergence and all of this stuff that we've 1122 01:04:12,860 --> 01:04:14,860 been talking about. 1123 01:04:14,860 --> 01:04:18,780 Again, when you're trying to understand something for the 1124 01:04:18,780 --> 01:04:22,970 first time, ignore all those mathematical issues. 1125 01:04:22,970 --> 01:04:25,120 Try to find out what's going on. 1126 01:04:25,120 --> 01:04:28,170 When you get an intuitive sense of what's going on, go 1127 01:04:28,170 --> 01:04:30,150 back and look at the mathematics then. 1128 01:04:30,150 --> 01:04:34,230 But don't fuss about the mathematics at this point. 1129 01:04:34,230 --> 01:04:38,840 OK, so r of t, then, is just going to be the sum over k of 1130 01:04:38,840 --> 01:04:45,440 these sample values that are coming in, times this 1131 01:04:45,440 --> 01:04:50,040 composite filter, which is the convolution of the transmit 1132 01:04:50,040 --> 01:04:53,550 filter and the recieve filter. 1133 01:04:53,550 --> 01:04:55,770 Now, this shouldn't be surprising. 1134 01:04:55,770 --> 01:05:00,320 If you think of u of t as being formed by taking a 1135 01:05:00,320 --> 01:05:04,200 sequence of impulses, and then passing that sequence of 1136 01:05:04,200 --> 01:05:08,530 impulses through a filter p of t, and then passing the output 1137 01:05:08,530 --> 01:05:12,670 through a filter q of t, all you're doing is passing this 1138 01:05:12,670 --> 01:05:16,005 sequence of impulses through the convolution of p 1139 01:05:16,005 --> 01:05:19,130 of t and q of t. 1140 01:05:19,130 --> 01:05:22,780 In other words, in terms of this received waveform, it 1141 01:05:22,780 --> 01:05:25,750 couldn't care less what filtering you do at the 1142 01:05:25,750 --> 01:05:29,490 transmitter and what filtering you do at the receiver. 1143 01:05:29,490 --> 01:05:34,290 It's all one big filter as far as the receiver is concerned. 1144 01:05:34,290 --> 01:05:37,300 When we study noise, what happens with the transmitter 1145 01:05:37,300 --> 01:05:39,200 and what happens with the receiver will 1146 01:05:39,200 --> 01:05:40,870 become important again. 1147 01:05:40,870 --> 01:05:45,420 But, so far, none of this makes any difference. 1148 01:05:45,420 --> 01:05:50,070 And this is all we need to worry about. 1149 01:05:50,070 --> 01:05:55,040 Then, Nyquist said, a waveform g of t is ideal Nyquist. 1150 01:05:55,040 --> 01:05:56,430 He didn't call it ideal Nyquist, he 1151 01:05:56,430 --> 01:05:58,080 was very modest person. 1152 01:05:58,080 --> 01:06:01,850 But since then, people call it ideal Nyquist because he was 1153 01:06:01,850 --> 01:06:05,230 the guy that sorted it all out. 1154 01:06:05,230 --> 01:06:08,700 It's ideal Nyquist with period t, and I usually leave out the 1155 01:06:08,700 --> 01:06:12,880 period t because that's usually understood, if g of k 1156 01:06:12,880 --> 01:06:16,780 t is equal to delta of k. 1157 01:06:16,780 --> 01:06:25,380 In other words, if g of 0 is equal to 1 and g of k times t, 1158 01:06:25,380 --> 01:06:29,470 for every non-zero integer k is equal to 0. 1159 01:06:29,470 --> 01:06:32,880 In other words, if g has the same property that the sine 1160 01:06:32,880 --> 01:06:36,000 function has, sine function is 1. 1161 01:06:36,000 --> 01:06:37,020 It's 0. 1162 01:06:37,020 --> 01:06:41,770 And it's 0 at every integer point beyond that. 1163 01:06:41,770 --> 01:06:46,520 And Nyquist said, well, gee, all we need to do is make this 1164 01:06:46,520 --> 01:06:48,750 filter has a property. 1165 01:06:48,750 --> 01:06:52,010 And when you look at this, it's fairly obvious that that 1166 01:06:52,010 --> 01:06:55,200 works, right? 1167 01:06:55,200 --> 01:06:57,260 I mean, we want a sample RFT -- 1168 01:06:57,260 --> 01:07:03,150 say, at j times capital T. Or, if j times capital T, it's 1169 01:07:03,150 --> 01:07:15,760 going to be the sum here of u sub k times g of j t r of t. 1170 01:07:15,760 --> 01:07:29,150 r of j t is equal to sum over k of u k times g 1171 01:07:29,150 --> 01:07:33,860 of j t minus k t. 1172 01:07:40,200 --> 01:07:45,680 If the waveform is ideal Nyquist, then this quantity is 1173 01:07:45,680 --> 01:07:50,800 0 for all integer k except when k is equal to j. 1174 01:07:50,800 --> 01:07:57,090 So, this is just equal to u sub j. 1175 01:07:57,090 --> 01:08:02,570 And conversely, if this waveform is not ideal Nyquist, 1176 01:08:02,570 --> 01:08:08,430 you have the problem that you can pick two values. u sub k 1177 01:08:08,430 --> 01:08:10,890 and u sub j, in such a way that they 1178 01:08:10,890 --> 01:08:13,140 interfere with each other. 1179 01:08:13,140 --> 01:08:16,880 In other words, that they add up at some sample point to the 1180 01:08:16,880 --> 01:08:17,610 wrong value. 1181 01:08:17,610 --> 01:08:22,150 One of them is going to come in and clobber the other. 1182 01:08:22,150 --> 01:08:26,590 So, this is a necessary and sufficient condition for 1183 01:08:26,590 --> 01:08:29,540 avoiding intersymbol interference. 1184 01:08:29,540 --> 01:08:32,130 So long as you're not smart enough to look at what those 1185 01:08:32,130 --> 01:08:33,950 actual values are. 1186 01:08:33,950 --> 01:08:36,010 In other words, so long as you're only going to use a 1187 01:08:36,010 --> 01:08:40,620 linear receiver, which is what that amounts to. 1188 01:08:40,620 --> 01:08:44,560 While ignoring noise, r of t is determined by g of t, p of 1189 01:08:44,560 --> 01:08:47,050 t and q of t otherwise irrelevant. 1190 01:08:47,050 --> 01:08:49,320 That's what we said. 1191 01:08:49,320 --> 01:08:50,280 We said this. 1192 01:08:50,280 --> 01:08:54,600 If t of t is ideal Nyquist and r of k t equals u of k 1193 01:08:54,600 --> 01:08:55,540 for all k and z. 1194 01:08:55,540 --> 01:08:59,910 If f of t is not ideal Nyquist, and r f k t unequal 1195 01:08:59,910 --> 01:09:05,320 to u k for some k and some choice of the sequence. 1196 01:09:05,320 --> 01:09:07,740 Now, so far there's no big deal here. 1197 01:09:10,350 --> 01:09:12,070 This is pretty easy to figure out. 1198 01:09:12,070 --> 01:09:16,040 You don't need rocket science to say, once I pose the 1199 01:09:16,040 --> 01:09:18,990 problem this why, which is where part of 1200 01:09:18,990 --> 01:09:20,870 Nyquist's genius came from. 1201 01:09:20,870 --> 01:09:22,920 The hard thing is always to post the right problem. 1202 01:09:22,920 --> 01:09:25,160 It's not to solve it. 1203 01:09:25,160 --> 01:09:30,140 Those of you who want to do Ph.D theses, believe me, 80% 1204 01:09:30,140 --> 01:09:33,080 of the problem is finding the problem. 1205 01:09:33,080 --> 01:09:35,670 20% of the problem is doing it. 1206 01:09:35,670 --> 01:09:40,890 If you do a really outstanding thesis, 99% is finding the 1207 01:09:40,890 --> 01:09:45,430 problem and 1% of it is doing it. 1208 01:09:45,430 --> 01:09:46,620 And I believe that. 1209 01:09:46,620 --> 01:09:47,870 I'm not exaggerating. 1210 01:09:52,890 --> 01:09:56,710 An ideal Nyquist g of t implies that no intersymbol 1211 01:09:56,710 --> 01:09:59,500 interference occurs at the above receiver. 1212 01:09:59,500 --> 01:10:03,400 In other words, you have a receiver that actually works. 1213 01:10:03,400 --> 01:10:05,850 We're going to see that choosing g of t to be ideal 1214 01:10:05,850 --> 01:10:09,440 Nyquist fits in nicely when looking at the real problem, 1215 01:10:09,440 --> 01:10:12,160 which is coping with both noise and intersymbol 1216 01:10:12,160 --> 01:10:13,880 interference. 1217 01:10:13,880 --> 01:10:18,180 And we've also seen that if g of t is sync of t over capital 1218 01:10:18,180 --> 01:10:19,770 T, that works. 1219 01:10:19,770 --> 01:10:22,390 It has no intersymbol interference because that's, 1220 01:10:22,390 --> 01:10:28,380 one, at t equals 0, and it's 0 at every other sample point. 1221 01:10:28,380 --> 01:10:32,150 We don't like that, because it has too much delay. 1222 01:10:32,150 --> 01:10:34,490 We want to make g of t strictly baseband 1223 01:10:34,490 --> 01:10:37,370 limited to 1 over 2t. 1224 01:10:37,370 --> 01:10:39,660 And this turns out to be the only solution. 1225 01:10:39,660 --> 01:10:42,390 And we'll see that in a little while. 1226 01:10:42,390 --> 01:10:45,860 In other words, if you want to do something which has better 1227 01:10:45,860 --> 01:10:50,190 delay characteristics than the sinc function, your only way 1228 01:10:50,190 --> 01:10:52,860 of doing it is spilling out into slightly higher 1229 01:10:52,860 --> 01:10:54,170 frequencies. 1230 01:10:54,170 --> 01:10:58,360 So, what Nyquist really wanted to find out, although you 1231 01:10:58,360 --> 01:11:01,480 won't find that out by reading his paper because it's all 1232 01:11:01,480 --> 01:11:05,300 this nice mathematical proof, is how much do you have to 1233 01:11:05,300 --> 01:11:11,130 expand the bandwidth in order to get nice delay things which 1234 01:11:11,130 --> 01:11:12,380 do the same thing. 1235 01:11:17,830 --> 01:11:20,150 Well, we think about it a little bit. 1236 01:11:20,150 --> 01:11:23,140 And we have an advantage that Nyquist didn't have. 1237 01:11:23,140 --> 01:11:26,460 Because we understand about aliasing. 1238 01:11:26,460 --> 01:11:28,340 Nyquist didn't understand about aliasing. 1239 01:11:28,340 --> 01:11:30,855 Aliasing hadn't been done at that time. 1240 01:11:30,855 --> 01:11:33,270 It was probably done as a result of 1241 01:11:33,270 --> 01:11:36,710 what Nyquist had done. 1242 01:11:36,710 --> 01:11:40,700 And if we look at the reconstruction from the 1243 01:11:40,700 --> 01:11:46,940 samples, g of k t of g, we get this function s of t, which is 1244 01:11:46,940 --> 01:11:51,180 the sum of all the samples times sinc of t 1245 01:11:51,180 --> 01:11:53,100 over t, minus k. 1246 01:11:53,100 --> 01:11:55,980 That's for an arbitrary filter. 1247 01:11:55,980 --> 01:12:00,500 This baseband reconstruction by definition, when we were 1248 01:12:00,500 --> 01:12:04,360 talking about alising, is just this function. 1249 01:12:04,360 --> 01:12:07,880 We've said that g of t is ideal Nyquist, if and only if 1250 01:12:07,880 --> 01:12:12,180 s of t is equal to sinc of t over capital t. 1251 01:12:12,180 --> 01:12:14,190 Why is that? 1252 01:12:14,190 --> 01:12:17,140 You look at this function here. 1253 01:12:17,140 --> 01:12:19,540 You look at s of 0. 1254 01:12:19,540 --> 01:12:21,970 And what do you get? 1255 01:12:21,970 --> 01:12:25,940 You get the sum of g of k t times sinc of t 1256 01:12:25,940 --> 01:12:28,500 over t minus k. 1257 01:12:28,500 --> 01:12:32,190 If we have an ideal Nyquist filter, then all of these 1258 01:12:32,190 --> 01:12:36,250 terms are 0 except when k is equal to 0. 1259 01:12:43,120 --> 01:12:48,830 s of t, in general, if you have a ideal Nyquist filter, 1260 01:12:48,830 --> 01:12:50,760 you only have one term in here. 1261 01:12:50,760 --> 01:12:54,720 So s of t is just equal to sinc of t over t. 1262 01:12:54,720 --> 01:12:58,390 Because all those other terms go away. 1263 01:12:58,390 --> 01:13:01,950 If we take the Fourier transform of s of t equals 1264 01:13:01,950 --> 01:13:06,820 sinc t over capital T, the Fourier transform is s s tilde 1265 01:13:06,820 --> 01:13:10,340 of f is equal to t times the rectangle 1266 01:13:10,340 --> 01:13:13,070 function of f times t. 1267 01:13:13,070 --> 01:13:19,070 A sinc function of a Fourier transform is a rectangle. 1268 01:13:19,070 --> 01:13:23,350 And the aliasing theorem then says that this Fourier 1269 01:13:23,350 --> 01:13:28,480 transform of this low pass representation has to be equal 1270 01:13:28,480 --> 01:13:32,330 to this sum of different frequency terms. 1271 01:13:32,330 --> 01:13:34,410 That's what aliasing says. 1272 01:13:34,410 --> 01:13:38,750 It says that this baseband representation is aliased into 1273 01:13:38,750 --> 01:13:41,030 by all of these other frequency bands. 1274 01:13:41,030 --> 01:13:44,340 And each of them come in and add to what you get in 1275 01:13:44,340 --> 01:13:45,480 frequency here. 1276 01:13:45,480 --> 01:13:48,740 Remember that diagram that we drew where we took this 1277 01:13:48,740 --> 01:13:55,080 arbitrary frequency function and we picked up what was in 1278 01:13:55,080 --> 01:13:58,240 each band, then we stuck it into the center band and then 1279 01:13:58,240 --> 01:14:01,010 we added all these things up? 1280 01:14:01,010 --> 01:14:03,630 That's what the aliasing thing says. 1281 01:14:03,630 --> 01:14:08,380 So it says that g of t is ideal Nyquist if and only if 1282 01:14:08,380 --> 01:14:12,210 this sum is equal to that. 1283 01:14:12,210 --> 01:14:15,220 And that's the Nyquist criteria. 1284 01:14:15,220 --> 01:14:16,470 That's what Nyquist did. 1285 01:14:21,340 --> 01:14:25,190 But he did it long before anybody had heard of aliasing. 1286 01:14:38,260 --> 01:14:43,390 There's a slightly easier way to look at aliasing criterion, 1287 01:14:43,390 --> 01:14:46,810 which now becomes the Nyquist criterion. 1288 01:14:46,810 --> 01:14:53,100 When what you're interested in is a waveform g of t, which is 1289 01:14:53,100 --> 01:14:56,580 almost band-limited but not quite. 1290 01:14:56,580 --> 01:14:59,870 So what we're going to assume is that it's limited to, at 1291 01:14:59,870 --> 01:15:05,940 most, twice this -- this w here is 1 over 2t, which is 1292 01:15:05,940 --> 01:15:08,900 called the Nyquist bandwidth. 1293 01:15:08,900 --> 01:15:12,860 Everything is called Nyquist here, so. 1294 01:15:12,860 --> 01:15:17,850 This value here is the minimum bandwidth you could be using. 1295 01:15:17,850 --> 01:15:19,810 It's 1 over capital 2t. 1296 01:15:19,810 --> 01:15:22,620 It's what you would get if you were using the sinc function. 1297 01:15:22,620 --> 01:15:25,830 If you were using the sinc function, what you would get 1298 01:15:25,830 --> 01:15:28,420 is something which is a rectangle here. 1299 01:15:28,420 --> 01:15:30,730 Cut off, right at this point. 1300 01:15:30,730 --> 01:15:34,260 And cut off right at this point. 1301 01:15:34,260 --> 01:15:41,440 Nyquist is saying, suppose it's limited to at most 2w. 1302 01:15:41,440 --> 01:15:44,650 In other words, suppose you have a slopover into other 1303 01:15:44,650 --> 01:15:50,280 frequencies but, at most into the next frequency band and no 1304 01:15:50,280 --> 01:15:51,870 more than that. 1305 01:15:51,870 --> 01:15:57,330 Then, if you look at this thing, which is spilling out, 1306 01:15:57,330 --> 01:16:00,740 and we take the same picture we were looking at before, we 1307 01:16:00,740 --> 01:16:02,230 take this quantity. 1308 01:16:02,230 --> 01:16:04,550 Bring it back down here. 1309 01:16:04,550 --> 01:16:07,630 We take this quantity, bring it up here. 1310 01:16:07,630 --> 01:16:09,630 And what do we get? 1311 01:16:09,630 --> 01:16:12,860 This, added into here. 1312 01:16:12,860 --> 01:16:17,140 This thing adds up right there. 1313 01:16:22,210 --> 01:16:27,110 In other words -- well, let's take this one here. 1314 01:16:30,740 --> 01:16:35,160 This thing here gets translated over to here. 1315 01:16:38,850 --> 01:16:42,150 And added to this. 1316 01:16:42,150 --> 01:16:53,840 This is assuming that g hat of f is real, and we're ignoring 1317 01:16:53,840 --> 01:16:55,260 the complex part of it. 1318 01:16:55,260 --> 01:16:57,830 So this gets added to this. 1319 01:16:57,830 --> 01:17:03,090 This is just enough to turn this into something, which 1320 01:17:03,090 --> 01:17:07,140 goes across here and down here. 1321 01:17:09,850 --> 01:17:10,520 Down here. 1322 01:17:10,520 --> 01:17:12,730 My finger is not perfect. 1323 01:17:12,730 --> 01:17:16,990 But, anyway, when you add this to this, you get this ideal 1324 01:17:16,990 --> 01:17:18,790 rectangular shape. 1325 01:17:18,790 --> 01:17:22,130 What this is saying, in terms of just this upper side band 1326 01:17:22,130 --> 01:17:26,320 here, this is going to be the same as this, from symmetry. 1327 01:17:26,320 --> 01:17:29,940 So it's saying, if you take what's on the positive side of 1328 01:17:29,940 --> 01:17:35,790 w, and you rotate it around this way, you rotate it around 1329 01:17:35,790 --> 01:17:40,340 up here, if it's just enough to fill that in, then you've 1330 01:17:40,340 --> 01:17:43,410 satisfied the Nyquist criteria. 1331 01:17:43,410 --> 01:17:46,250 In other words, you want band edge symmetry here. 1332 01:17:46,250 --> 01:17:50,340 You want this to be symmetrical to this. 1333 01:17:50,340 --> 01:17:54,030 In that rotated 180 degree sense. 1334 01:17:54,030 --> 01:17:56,820 So it says that anything which has this band edged symmetry 1335 01:17:56,820 --> 01:18:01,430 condition satisfies the property of no intersymbol 1336 01:18:01,430 --> 01:18:03,820 interference. 1337 01:18:03,820 --> 01:18:06,220 So this makes the problem easy for us. 1338 01:18:06,220 --> 01:18:09,020 It says, we would like to have a rectangular function. 1339 01:18:09,020 --> 01:18:11,960 That has too much delay, because in particular the 1340 01:18:11,960 --> 01:18:15,240 inverse Fourier transform of that, because we have a 1341 01:18:15,240 --> 01:18:20,080 discontinuity, can drop off, at most, as 1 over t. 1342 01:18:20,080 --> 01:18:22,890 Which is pretty slow. 1343 01:18:22,890 --> 01:18:26,710 We've gotten rid of the discontinuity. 1344 01:18:26,710 --> 01:18:29,980 We've also gotten rid of the slope discontinuity, the way I 1345 01:18:29,980 --> 01:18:31,910 drew the figure here. 1346 01:18:31,910 --> 01:18:34,510 And, therefore, we can wind up with a function which decays 1347 01:18:34,510 --> 01:18:36,970 as 1 over t cubed. 1348 01:18:36,970 --> 01:18:38,940 Which is a whole lot better than 1 over t. 1349 01:18:42,160 --> 01:18:47,930 And, excuse me for going a little over, but. 1350 01:18:51,710 --> 01:18:54,210 The things people build in practice usually have 1351 01:18:54,210 --> 01:18:57,500 something called a raised cosine filter. 1352 01:18:57,500 --> 01:19:00,920 Which is this messy expression here, for 1353 01:19:00,920 --> 01:19:02,690 the frequency response. 1354 01:19:02,690 --> 01:19:04,780 But it really isn't that bad. 1355 01:19:04,780 --> 01:19:08,120 In fact, it's just what this is. 1356 01:19:12,070 --> 01:19:18,090 This frequency response is t over most of the frequency 1357 01:19:18,090 --> 01:19:21,560 interval, up to 1 over 2t. 1358 01:19:21,560 --> 01:19:27,150 It's t times a raised cosine over this part of the 1359 01:19:27,150 --> 01:19:29,550 frequency band here. 1360 01:19:29,550 --> 01:19:33,420 t times cosine squared, and the cosine squared just raises 1361 01:19:33,420 --> 01:19:37,350 things up to be average out at 1/2, and it's 1362 01:19:37,350 --> 01:19:39,810 0 everywhere else. 1363 01:19:39,810 --> 01:19:45,370 So what you're doing here in that formula is simply making 1364 01:19:45,370 --> 01:19:47,340 things t up to here. 1365 01:19:50,080 --> 01:19:55,560 Making it a raised cosine here. 1366 01:19:55,560 --> 01:19:58,200 And making it 0 everywhere else. 1367 01:20:00,890 --> 01:20:06,410 And, depending on what do choose as alpha, that makes 1368 01:20:06,410 --> 01:20:08,830 this sharper or less sharp. 1369 01:20:08,830 --> 01:20:11,520 And people usually choose it to be about, alpha to be 1370 01:20:11,520 --> 01:20:14,080 about 15% or so. 1371 01:20:14,080 --> 01:20:18,000 Which means these filters chop off very, very rapidly. 1372 01:20:18,000 --> 01:20:19,960 Is that hard to build? 1373 01:20:19,960 --> 01:20:22,420 Doesn't make any difference. 1374 01:20:22,420 --> 01:20:25,370 I mean, these days, anything which you can figure out how 1375 01:20:25,370 --> 01:20:28,550 to compute, you can put it on a little chip and it costs 1376 01:20:28,550 --> 01:20:30,720 nothing if you make enough of them. 1377 01:20:30,720 --> 01:20:34,540 So you want to raise the cosine filter which cuts off 1378 01:20:34,540 --> 01:20:35,830 at 15%, fine. 1379 01:20:35,830 --> 01:20:37,950 Somebody spends a year designing it. 1380 01:20:37,950 --> 01:20:42,400 And then you cookie-cut it forever after. 1381 01:20:42,400 --> 01:20:45,240 So it doesn't cost anything. 1382 01:20:45,240 --> 01:20:51,340 And, well, g of t also has an inverse transform which we 1383 01:20:51,340 --> 01:20:52,590 won't worry about.