1 00:00:03,220 --> 00:00:05,520 PROFESSOR: Alright, lecture 12 is about tensegrities, 2 00:00:05,520 --> 00:00:07,810 like this one which you saw. 3 00:00:07,810 --> 00:00:11,360 And when they're rigid-- infinitesimal rigidity, 4 00:00:11,360 --> 00:00:16,560 and carpenter's rule theorem, all in one quick lecture. 5 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:19,610 So, just a couple questions about tensegrities. 6 00:00:19,610 --> 00:00:21,530 Well first is about infinitesimal rigidity 7 00:00:21,530 --> 00:00:23,630 in general. 8 00:00:23,630 --> 00:00:27,380 This is sort of extra, bonus. 9 00:00:27,380 --> 00:00:31,340 I talked about one reason why this dot product condition 10 00:00:31,340 --> 00:00:35,060 is the right thing, which is based on projection. 11 00:00:35,060 --> 00:00:38,340 But there are other ways to think about it. 12 00:00:38,340 --> 00:00:44,520 So let's say we have an edge, vw-- 13 00:00:44,520 --> 00:00:46,775 actually I think I'll draw it w on the left. 14 00:00:49,980 --> 00:00:52,362 So here's vw. 15 00:00:52,362 --> 00:00:54,550 We would think of this point is being 16 00:00:54,550 --> 00:00:56,400 c of w, that's your configuration. 17 00:00:56,400 --> 00:01:00,220 This point is c of e. 18 00:01:00,220 --> 00:01:04,090 Then we were talking about when, if you have a velocity 19 00:01:04,090 --> 00:01:07,620 vector, d of w, and a velocity vector-- 20 00:01:14,560 --> 00:01:18,470 Say something like this, d of v, when 21 00:01:18,470 --> 00:01:23,790 it preserves the length of this bar to the first order. 22 00:01:23,790 --> 00:01:30,650 And the condition we had was c of v minus c of w dot product 23 00:01:30,650 --> 00:01:37,190 with d of v minus d of w equals 0. 24 00:01:40,380 --> 00:01:43,470 So the question-- so the way we said 25 00:01:43,470 --> 00:01:46,390 in class this works is if you look at the projected 26 00:01:46,390 --> 00:01:48,770 length of this vector onto the segment, 27 00:01:48,770 --> 00:01:50,720 that's essentially how much shorter, 28 00:01:50,720 --> 00:01:54,350 in this case it gets shorter, in this case 29 00:01:54,350 --> 00:01:56,610 this is how much longer the segment 30 00:01:56,610 --> 00:01:57,920 gets to the first order. 31 00:01:57,920 --> 00:02:02,450 And that corresponds to d of v dot product with this vector, 32 00:02:02,450 --> 00:02:05,020 because this vector, c of v minus c of w 33 00:02:05,020 --> 00:02:09,830 is this direction here. 34 00:02:09,830 --> 00:02:10,971 c of v minus c of w. 35 00:02:10,971 --> 00:02:12,970 So if you take the dot product with this vector, 36 00:02:12,970 --> 00:02:14,650 you get that projected length. 37 00:02:14,650 --> 00:02:17,090 You want those two dot products to be equal. 38 00:02:17,090 --> 00:02:19,310 And so you want the difference to be 0. 39 00:02:19,310 --> 00:02:21,870 That's one way to think about it. 40 00:02:21,870 --> 00:02:26,450 But, in fact, this quantity also has an intuitive notion, 41 00:02:26,450 --> 00:02:30,230 if you've done some basic mechanics. 42 00:02:30,230 --> 00:02:34,980 This is the relative motion of v with respect to w. 43 00:02:34,980 --> 00:02:41,040 So it's like-- well imagine w is not moving. 44 00:02:41,040 --> 00:02:44,290 To do that you just subtract d of w from all motions. 45 00:02:44,290 --> 00:02:47,180 Then w will remain stationary to the first order, 46 00:02:47,180 --> 00:02:49,310 so all first order motions. 47 00:02:49,310 --> 00:02:50,680 So then what's the motion of v? 48 00:02:50,680 --> 00:02:54,542 Well, it's going to be d of v minus d of w, 49 00:02:54,542 --> 00:02:57,130 because everything get's subtracted by d of w. 50 00:02:57,130 --> 00:03:04,320 So that it is-- minus d of w corresponds to drawing 51 00:03:04,320 --> 00:03:06,690 that vector in the other direction, 52 00:03:06,690 --> 00:03:09,680 and then adding that to d of w corresponds 53 00:03:09,680 --> 00:03:11,890 to this kind of picture. 54 00:03:11,890 --> 00:03:13,930 This is minus d of w. 55 00:03:13,930 --> 00:03:23,160 And so this vector is d of v minus d of w. 56 00:03:23,160 --> 00:03:25,690 That's the sum of those two vectors. 57 00:03:25,690 --> 00:03:30,060 And the claim is what we want is for these two vectors 58 00:03:30,060 --> 00:03:32,400 to be perpendicular to each other. 59 00:03:32,400 --> 00:03:35,010 The edge and the motion. 60 00:03:35,010 --> 00:03:38,480 And this makes a lot of sense, because we're imagining w 61 00:03:38,480 --> 00:03:41,540 as not moving, so it's just v moving. 62 00:03:41,540 --> 00:03:46,000 And we want the motion of v to be perpendicular locally, 63 00:03:46,000 --> 00:03:49,960 to the segment, because that's going to preserve the length. 64 00:03:49,960 --> 00:03:53,030 So that's actually, I think, an even more intuitive way 65 00:03:53,030 --> 00:03:53,790 to see it. 66 00:03:53,790 --> 00:03:55,820 And since this video, this lecture video, 67 00:03:55,820 --> 00:03:58,220 has been online for two years, every year 68 00:03:58,220 --> 00:04:01,800 so I get an email saying hey, you asked what is d of w 69 00:04:01,800 --> 00:04:02,990 minus d of w mean? 70 00:04:02,990 --> 00:04:05,730 And, yes, I didn't realize it at the time, 71 00:04:05,730 --> 00:04:07,080 but it's just relative motion. 72 00:04:07,080 --> 00:04:09,100 And so, yeah. 73 00:04:09,100 --> 00:04:12,620 It's like if you're moving along this circle, 74 00:04:12,620 --> 00:04:15,720 centered at w, that's where you want to be, either straight up 75 00:04:15,720 --> 00:04:18,120 or straight down. 76 00:04:18,120 --> 00:04:20,110 Clear? 77 00:04:20,110 --> 00:04:21,079 Some bonus intuition. 78 00:04:21,079 --> 00:04:23,360 It's a little harder to see the other conditions 79 00:04:23,360 --> 00:04:26,270 from this perspective, at least I find it harder to see. 80 00:04:26,270 --> 00:04:30,110 But I guess I shouldn't claim that, or else I'm 81 00:04:30,110 --> 00:04:33,820 going to get more emails in the future. 82 00:04:33,820 --> 00:04:35,870 Let's see, if you want it to be-- 83 00:04:35,870 --> 00:04:38,476 what does the dot product being greater or equal to 0 mean? 84 00:04:38,476 --> 00:04:39,850 It probably means that this angle 85 00:04:39,850 --> 00:04:43,956 is obtuse, which means that the lengths getting longer. 86 00:04:43,956 --> 00:04:45,330 And less than or equal to 0 means 87 00:04:45,330 --> 00:04:47,440 that the angle is getting non-obtuse. 88 00:04:47,440 --> 00:04:50,387 And if the dot product rule of the cosine of the angle, 89 00:04:50,387 --> 00:04:51,970 you should be able to figure that out. 90 00:04:51,970 --> 00:04:56,420 But it's a little bit less memorized in my head. 91 00:04:56,420 --> 00:04:58,210 Whereas dot product equals 0, everyone 92 00:04:58,210 --> 00:05:01,190 remembers that's being perpendicular. 93 00:05:01,190 --> 00:05:04,075 So this was struts and cables. 94 00:05:10,650 --> 00:05:13,440 Next question was, a couple questions here. 95 00:05:13,440 --> 00:05:17,380 One is how can you say the tensegrity you showed is rigid? 96 00:05:17,380 --> 00:05:18,875 Because you can flex it. 97 00:05:18,875 --> 00:05:22,820 This doesn't look very rigid, this guy here. 98 00:05:22,820 --> 00:05:24,342 It looks quite flexible. 99 00:05:24,342 --> 00:05:26,550 And then there was another question, by someone else, 100 00:05:26,550 --> 00:05:29,550 saying why did you use springs to represent bars? 101 00:05:29,550 --> 00:05:32,350 And these are sort of the same question. 102 00:05:32,350 --> 00:05:36,320 This is flexible because the springs are flexible. 103 00:05:36,320 --> 00:05:38,590 The idea with the springs, I mean 104 00:05:38,590 --> 00:05:41,520 I'm just guessing why this model is made this way, 105 00:05:41,520 --> 00:05:44,320 springs are nice because they do have a natural resting length. 106 00:05:44,320 --> 00:05:46,840 So in that sense, they want to be a given length. 107 00:05:46,840 --> 00:05:50,260 And if you pull on them they try to restore the original length. 108 00:05:50,260 --> 00:05:52,160 Also if you push on them, you can do it, 109 00:05:52,160 --> 00:05:54,810 but they try to restore to there resting length. 110 00:05:54,810 --> 00:05:57,240 And right now these guys are all on their resting length. 111 00:05:57,240 --> 00:05:58,614 And what's cool about this is you 112 00:05:58,614 --> 00:06:00,340 could kind of feel the resistance. 113 00:06:00,340 --> 00:06:03,230 I mean this is what happens in any material, you pull on it, 114 00:06:03,230 --> 00:06:05,900 it can maybe pull a little bit, but it 115 00:06:05,900 --> 00:06:10,580 gives a lot of force going back to its original state. 116 00:06:10,580 --> 00:06:13,780 These-- I don't know, these cables, probably you 117 00:06:13,780 --> 00:06:16,430 could stretch that material and very tiny amount. 118 00:06:16,430 --> 00:06:18,680 I could feel the force, it's a little less visible. 119 00:06:18,680 --> 00:06:20,250 Here you can actually see the force 120 00:06:20,250 --> 00:06:23,520 and, because it's so much smaller, 121 00:06:23,520 --> 00:06:25,540 it's easier to feel what's going on in here. 122 00:06:25,540 --> 00:06:27,010 I think that's the intuition. 123 00:06:27,010 --> 00:06:30,960 You could, of course, construct these with steel bars. 124 00:06:30,960 --> 00:06:32,473 It's just then it wouldn't move, it 125 00:06:32,473 --> 00:06:33,806 would be a little less exciting. 126 00:06:33,806 --> 00:06:35,840 So it's up to you, of course. 127 00:06:35,840 --> 00:06:39,810 But this is just one way to build models of tensegrities. 128 00:06:39,810 --> 00:06:41,460 But it's also why it's so flexible, 129 00:06:41,460 --> 00:06:45,640 because these bars are not super strong. 130 00:06:45,640 --> 00:06:48,750 But what's kind of fun is you feel the equilibrium stress 131 00:06:48,750 --> 00:06:53,091 here, that things go back to where they were originally. 132 00:06:53,091 --> 00:06:54,590 They kind of hold in position there, 133 00:06:54,590 --> 00:06:57,460 because all the stresses here balance out. 134 00:07:02,400 --> 00:07:09,760 And one more kind of question is about-- sculpture-- tensegrity 135 00:07:09,760 --> 00:07:12,600 sculptures are cool so I thought I'd show you a few more 136 00:07:12,600 --> 00:07:14,360 examples. 137 00:07:14,360 --> 00:07:17,110 The sort of-- the master here is Kenneth Snelson. 138 00:07:17,110 --> 00:07:20,410 I think he possibly invented tensegrities. 139 00:07:20,410 --> 00:07:25,150 And I showed one example in lecture, 140 00:07:25,150 --> 00:07:26,660 but these are many more. 141 00:07:26,660 --> 00:07:29,320 He's been doing it since the '60s. 142 00:07:29,320 --> 00:07:33,740 Some of them are very big, I have some measurements here. 143 00:07:33,740 --> 00:07:38,974 This guy is 85 feet long and rests on these three posts. 144 00:07:38,974 --> 00:07:40,890 And it's a little hard to see the cables here, 145 00:07:40,890 --> 00:07:43,730 but it's all struts and cables. 146 00:07:43,730 --> 00:07:48,540 So using these bars to be-- actually 147 00:07:48,540 --> 00:07:50,890 they might be bars in this picture. 148 00:07:50,890 --> 00:07:53,200 I think they might be rigid even when they're struts. 149 00:07:56,130 --> 00:07:58,080 And some more. 150 00:07:58,080 --> 00:08:00,620 This is one of the longest, at 72 feet. 151 00:08:00,620 --> 00:08:03,920 And this is the tallest, at 90 feet. 152 00:08:03,920 --> 00:08:04,820 Pretty impressive. 153 00:08:04,820 --> 00:08:08,580 This is a taller version of the one that I showed last time, 154 00:08:08,580 --> 00:08:11,120 or in lecture. 155 00:08:11,120 --> 00:08:16,010 So I'm not sure how he designs them, he's an artist by trade. 156 00:08:16,010 --> 00:08:18,370 Whether he uses computational tools, or gadgets, 157 00:08:18,370 --> 00:08:22,620 or I'm not sure, it would be interesting to talk 158 00:08:22,620 --> 00:08:23,665 to him, actually. 159 00:08:23,665 --> 00:08:26,630 But if you want to see more examples of this sculpture, 160 00:08:26,630 --> 00:08:29,420 this is just a piece of it, go to his website. 161 00:08:32,120 --> 00:08:35,350 On the design side, our good friend, Tomohio Tachi, 162 00:08:35,350 --> 00:08:38,380 who do the origami Origamizer Bunny, 163 00:08:38,380 --> 00:08:40,370 has also done a tensegrity bunny. 164 00:08:40,370 --> 00:08:43,059 And he didn't design this by hand, as you might imagine. 165 00:08:43,059 --> 00:08:45,940 He designed it with a new piece of software that hasn't yet 166 00:08:45,940 --> 00:08:48,280 been released, called Freeform Tensegrity. 167 00:08:48,280 --> 00:08:50,220 You start with a polyhedron, and there's 168 00:08:50,220 --> 00:08:54,540 a few different initial constructions that kind of 169 00:08:54,540 --> 00:08:57,600 set that thing up as a kind of tensegrity. 170 00:08:57,600 --> 00:09:01,600 And then it solves to make it balance, 171 00:09:01,600 --> 00:09:03,110 to have an equilibrium stress. 172 00:09:03,110 --> 00:09:05,340 And on the right is the stress. 173 00:09:05,340 --> 00:09:07,200 These are what a structural engineer 174 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:09,040 would call force polygons. 175 00:09:09,040 --> 00:09:12,882 It's essentially the-- it's like if you take this graph 176 00:09:12,882 --> 00:09:15,340 and you rotate-- this is all in 3D, by the way, so a little 177 00:09:15,340 --> 00:09:16,330 tricky. 178 00:09:16,330 --> 00:09:17,450 That's rotating. 179 00:09:17,450 --> 00:09:19,390 In this case he's pulling on things, 180 00:09:19,390 --> 00:09:21,530 trying to force vertices to come together. 181 00:09:21,530 --> 00:09:23,150 And the whole thing is updating. 182 00:09:23,150 --> 00:09:25,460 And as long as this number down here is close to 0, 183 00:09:25,460 --> 00:09:27,510 here it's 10 to the minus 20, it's 184 00:09:27,510 --> 00:09:29,950 a pretty good approximation of 0, 185 00:09:29,950 --> 00:09:33,340 then this thing is in equilibrium. 186 00:09:33,340 --> 00:09:35,250 It's again, solving all those constraints 187 00:09:35,250 --> 00:09:36,240 like we have before. 188 00:09:41,870 --> 00:09:42,780 So force polygons. 189 00:09:42,780 --> 00:09:45,460 You take every edge, you rotate it 90 degrees, 190 00:09:45,460 --> 00:09:48,120 and then sort of con-- imagine constructing a little polygon 191 00:09:48,120 --> 00:09:50,495 around each face. 192 00:09:50,495 --> 00:09:53,880 So you scale the edge by the stress in there, 193 00:09:53,880 --> 00:09:58,250 and those polygons should close up to be 0, if, at the vertex, 194 00:09:58,250 --> 00:09:59,830 you satisfy equilibrium. 195 00:09:59,830 --> 00:10:01,520 And you can draw all those polygons. 196 00:10:01,520 --> 00:10:03,880 Those polygons can be joined together 197 00:10:03,880 --> 00:10:06,130 to make one kind of graph. 198 00:10:06,130 --> 00:10:08,230 And if that graph closes up, then you 199 00:10:08,230 --> 00:10:09,680 have an equilibrium stress. 200 00:10:09,680 --> 00:10:11,840 So it's kind of a neat way to visualize 201 00:10:11,840 --> 00:10:15,410 that the thing is rigid. 202 00:10:15,410 --> 00:10:18,349 Or rather that it would hold all of these edges at fixed length, 203 00:10:18,349 --> 00:10:20,640 and you have to verify that the bar structure is rigid, 204 00:10:20,640 --> 00:10:22,056 but this is presumably constructed 205 00:10:22,056 --> 00:10:24,020 to have that property. 206 00:10:24,020 --> 00:10:26,650 So hopefully this software will be released at some point. 207 00:10:26,650 --> 00:10:28,108 It definitely looks like a cool way 208 00:10:28,108 --> 00:10:30,780 to play around with tensegrities and design things. 209 00:10:30,780 --> 00:10:31,714 Question? 210 00:10:31,714 --> 00:10:33,089 AUDIENCE: Is there any way to see 211 00:10:33,089 --> 00:10:37,530 what happens to the equilibrium stresses [INAUDIBLE]? 212 00:10:37,530 --> 00:10:38,630 Uh. 213 00:10:38,630 --> 00:10:39,312 I see, yeah. 214 00:10:39,312 --> 00:10:40,270 That's a good question. 215 00:10:43,080 --> 00:10:45,810 So can you see what happens if I-- like when that one, when 216 00:10:45,810 --> 00:10:47,890 I tweak it and then wobbles. 217 00:10:47,890 --> 00:10:48,390 Yeah. 218 00:10:48,390 --> 00:10:52,080 It would be nice to see that in simulation, definitely. 219 00:10:52,080 --> 00:10:55,180 This software is based on free form origami designer, 220 00:10:55,180 --> 00:10:56,812 and that has the two modes, right? 221 00:10:56,812 --> 00:10:58,645 One where you can change the crease pattern, 222 00:10:58,645 --> 00:11:01,212 and one where it tries to stay, keep it fixed. 223 00:11:01,212 --> 00:11:03,420 So I'm not sure whether the software has the same two 224 00:11:03,420 --> 00:11:07,230 modes, but it certainly could, that's definitely computable. 225 00:11:07,230 --> 00:11:09,740 You could basically ignore the concerns for awhile, 226 00:11:09,740 --> 00:11:12,470 pull on something, then let go, let it restore the constraints 227 00:11:12,470 --> 00:11:13,930 without it changing the tensegrity, 228 00:11:13,930 --> 00:11:15,120 like it's doing here. 229 00:11:15,120 --> 00:11:16,620 And you should see it wobble. 230 00:11:16,620 --> 00:11:18,120 In fact, in that case you'd probably 231 00:11:18,120 --> 00:11:20,770 want to use a less good numerical method. 232 00:11:20,770 --> 00:11:22,890 Because you don't want it to stabilize as quickly, 233 00:11:22,890 --> 00:11:25,620 you'd like to see it jiggle for a while. 234 00:11:25,620 --> 00:11:26,920 So it should be doable. 235 00:11:26,920 --> 00:11:29,350 Could be an interesting project to extend the software, 236 00:11:29,350 --> 00:11:32,000 if it hasn't been implemented yet. 237 00:11:32,000 --> 00:11:33,940 I could ask him. 238 00:11:33,940 --> 00:11:36,770 I asked him last night, he say that the plan is to release it 239 00:11:36,770 --> 00:11:41,930 at some point, but not quite ready for prime time yet. 240 00:11:41,930 --> 00:11:45,790 Other questions about this? 241 00:11:45,790 --> 00:11:49,120 So I think this would be fun to play with. 242 00:11:49,120 --> 00:11:51,170 If you want to build some tensegrities 243 00:11:51,170 --> 00:11:55,900 there's a couple descriptions of how to do this out 244 00:11:55,900 --> 00:12:02,080 of various, easy to find, household objects like straws, 245 00:12:02,080 --> 00:12:08,400 or with these wove rubber bands, things like that. 246 00:12:08,400 --> 00:12:10,110 So you can check out-- George Hart 247 00:12:10,110 --> 00:12:15,420 has two construction web pages about them. 248 00:12:15,420 --> 00:12:20,200 They're linked from this slide, if you go to the lecture. 249 00:12:20,200 --> 00:12:22,130 That was all I had for questions. 250 00:12:22,130 --> 00:12:23,820 Any more questions about this lecture? 251 00:12:26,830 --> 00:12:28,580 All perfectly clear? 252 00:12:28,580 --> 00:12:31,182 We'll be seeing a lot more stuff about locked linkages, 253 00:12:31,182 --> 00:12:32,640 the carpenter's rule part, which is 254 00:12:32,640 --> 00:12:35,920 at the end of class in the next two-three lectures. 255 00:12:35,920 --> 00:12:41,520 AUDIENCE: Can you explain how infinitesimal motions-- 256 00:12:41,520 --> 00:12:46,090 Well, in general, a linear program 257 00:12:46,090 --> 00:12:48,440 is something like-- you have a matrix 258 00:12:48,440 --> 00:12:50,803 and you multiply it by a vector. 259 00:12:50,803 --> 00:12:53,386 And then you have, let's say, in our case we have greater than 260 00:12:53,386 --> 00:12:54,880 or equal to 0. 261 00:12:54,880 --> 00:12:59,547 So when I say 0 I mean 0 0 0. 262 00:13:03,620 --> 00:13:05,570 The dual of a linear program is what 263 00:13:05,570 --> 00:13:07,760 you get by transposing the matrix, basically. 264 00:13:07,760 --> 00:13:14,190 So you get-- you rotate it 90 degrees, 265 00:13:14,190 --> 00:13:18,210 or actually flip around that diagonal, so all the columns 266 00:13:18,210 --> 00:13:20,620 become rows, rows become columns. 267 00:13:20,620 --> 00:13:23,200 So now you've got some other thing here, 268 00:13:23,200 --> 00:13:27,115 which is going to be this big. 269 00:13:27,115 --> 00:13:30,630 It's probably going to be less than or equal to something 270 00:13:30,630 --> 00:13:31,350 that big. 271 00:13:33,921 --> 00:13:37,650 So this is a transpose, this is y, 272 00:13:37,650 --> 00:13:40,140 and this is usually called c, this is, 273 00:13:40,140 --> 00:13:43,240 in general called little b. 274 00:13:43,240 --> 00:13:46,330 And they are relations between these two things, 275 00:13:46,330 --> 00:13:48,870 is the short version. 276 00:13:48,870 --> 00:13:51,704 But you can kind of see-- so in principle, 277 00:13:51,704 --> 00:13:53,120 if we take-- this is, in our case, 278 00:13:53,120 --> 00:13:55,550 this is basically the rigidity matrix. 279 00:13:55,550 --> 00:13:58,360 This is rigidity matrix prime, in the lecture. 280 00:13:58,360 --> 00:14:00,720 Because if we want to write greater than or equal to 0, 281 00:14:00,720 --> 00:14:02,030 struts are just fine. 282 00:14:02,030 --> 00:14:05,030 Cables we negate everything in the row. 283 00:14:05,030 --> 00:14:08,480 Bars, where we have equality, we need both the original version 284 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:10,995 and the negated version of that row. 285 00:14:10,995 --> 00:14:12,870 But if we just imagine struts for the moment, 286 00:14:12,870 --> 00:14:15,211 because I mean subsets everything-- well, 287 00:14:15,211 --> 00:14:17,460 can be simulated by struts and negative struts, struts 288 00:14:17,460 --> 00:14:19,640 and cables. 289 00:14:19,640 --> 00:14:21,450 Then we had the number of rows here, 290 00:14:21,450 --> 00:14:26,910 this was essentially the number of edges in our linkage. 291 00:14:26,910 --> 00:14:30,111 And the number of columns here was d times n, 292 00:14:30,111 --> 00:14:31,860 this was the number of degrees of freedom. 293 00:14:31,860 --> 00:14:34,770 These are the coordinates of all of our things. 294 00:14:34,770 --> 00:14:40,335 And then x here was actually our velocity vectors, and so on. 295 00:14:40,335 --> 00:14:42,210 Well, actually, I should probably write that. 296 00:14:42,210 --> 00:14:45,090 So this, what we're calling velocity vector's, d. 297 00:14:45,090 --> 00:14:47,537 This is our-- It's like conflict. 298 00:14:47,537 --> 00:14:48,370 This is different d. 299 00:14:48,370 --> 00:14:52,479 These are the d vectors, the derivatives. 300 00:14:52,479 --> 00:14:53,770 So, what would these things be? 301 00:14:53,770 --> 00:14:58,935 Well the columns here are going to be edges. 302 00:15:02,190 --> 00:15:05,460 And the rows are going to be coordinates. 303 00:15:10,540 --> 00:15:14,020 And remember equilibrium stress looks like this. 304 00:15:14,020 --> 00:15:18,060 Basically for every vertex we have 305 00:15:18,060 --> 00:15:21,650 sum over all other vertices, let's say 306 00:15:21,650 --> 00:15:34,610 v w is an edge of, what is it, stress of vw times 307 00:15:34,610 --> 00:15:41,020 c of-- I forget whether c of v minus c of w or the reverse, 308 00:15:41,020 --> 00:15:41,860 equals 0. 309 00:15:44,800 --> 00:15:49,510 So this should look good. 310 00:15:49,510 --> 00:15:52,810 The number of these constraints is-- well here 311 00:15:52,810 --> 00:15:54,590 it says it's the number of vertices. 312 00:15:54,590 --> 00:15:58,440 But in fact, when you say equals zero, this is a vector sum, 313 00:15:58,440 --> 00:15:59,790 so this has d coordinates. 314 00:15:59,790 --> 00:16:02,490 When you say that equals 0, that's d constraints. 315 00:16:02,490 --> 00:16:05,530 So they're d times n constraints. 316 00:16:05,530 --> 00:16:08,820 And how many things are involved in the constraints? 317 00:16:08,820 --> 00:16:13,400 Well essentially the edges, every edge has a term in here. 318 00:16:13,400 --> 00:16:16,954 So that's kind of why that looks right. 319 00:16:16,954 --> 00:16:18,370 You have to go through the algebra 320 00:16:18,370 --> 00:16:21,180 and exactly what's written here, to see that when you transpose 321 00:16:21,180 --> 00:16:23,940 it, you do exactly get this constraint. 322 00:16:23,940 --> 00:16:27,420 And there's the issue of equals 0, versus 323 00:16:27,420 --> 00:16:28,990 greater than or equal to 0. 324 00:16:28,990 --> 00:16:31,380 So that's a little bit more subtle. 325 00:16:35,200 --> 00:16:36,570 But that's the short version. 326 00:16:36,570 --> 00:16:40,400 And you also have to check that the-- when your strut or cable, 327 00:16:40,400 --> 00:16:43,450 you get just a sign constraint on this thing. 328 00:16:43,450 --> 00:16:44,990 That's maybe a little less obvious. 329 00:16:44,990 --> 00:16:47,560 But at least a high level, this looks right. 330 00:16:47,560 --> 00:16:50,420 And the relations about the primal 331 00:16:50,420 --> 00:16:52,760 and the dual linear program about-- 332 00:16:52,760 --> 00:16:55,140 So for example, this linear program, 333 00:16:55,140 --> 00:16:57,290 which is characterizing all infinitesimal motions, 334 00:16:57,290 --> 00:17:01,150 if you find an infinitesimal motion, twice that vector 335 00:17:01,150 --> 00:17:03,520 or the set of vectors is also an infinitesimal motion. 336 00:17:03,520 --> 00:17:05,990 So the solution space to this linear program 337 00:17:05,990 --> 00:17:10,050 is what's called a convex polyhedral cone. 338 00:17:10,050 --> 00:17:14,140 Meaning-- I mean this is sort of the beginning of a cone, 339 00:17:14,140 --> 00:17:15,390 but it goes off to infinity. 340 00:17:15,390 --> 00:17:17,240 You could take any motion you find 341 00:17:17,240 --> 00:17:18,520 and scale it off to infinity. 342 00:17:18,520 --> 00:17:21,099 You always include the origin 0, 0, 0. 343 00:17:21,099 --> 00:17:23,430 Because you can always do no motion. 344 00:17:23,430 --> 00:17:25,450 But any motion can be scaled up. 345 00:17:25,450 --> 00:17:29,200 So if this thing has a solution at all, other than the 0, 0, 0, 346 00:17:29,200 --> 00:17:34,370 motion, it's an unbounded lp, meaning you go off to infinity. 347 00:17:34,370 --> 00:17:37,010 And when the primal lp is unbounded 348 00:17:37,010 --> 00:17:42,210 you know things about the dual, which I forget. 349 00:17:42,210 --> 00:17:45,670 But you cannot have one being unbound and the other being 350 00:17:45,670 --> 00:17:46,440 something else. 351 00:17:46,440 --> 00:17:49,700 And so that guarantees that there's an equilibrium stress. 352 00:17:49,700 --> 00:17:52,900 That's roughly how it works. 353 00:17:52,900 --> 00:17:54,620 Are there questions?