1 00:00:03,707 --> 00:00:05,540 PROFESSOR: I'm excited about today's lecture 2 00:00:05,540 --> 00:00:07,050 because there's so many fun topics. 3 00:00:07,050 --> 00:00:12,790 This is like many fun things all in one lecture. 4 00:00:12,790 --> 00:00:17,790 We're going to start with a cool little problem, which 5 00:00:17,790 --> 00:00:20,480 is about unfolding and re-folding. 6 00:00:25,656 --> 00:00:27,030 You could think of them-- they're 7 00:00:27,030 --> 00:00:29,900 kind of like hinged dissections although they're 8 00:00:29,900 --> 00:00:34,480 from between surfaces of polyhedra. 9 00:00:34,480 --> 00:00:36,980 You can also think of them as common unfoldings. 10 00:00:42,610 --> 00:00:48,841 So general idea is, you have over here 11 00:00:48,841 --> 00:00:56,090 in the left team you have unfoldings-- polygons, 12 00:00:56,090 --> 00:00:57,640 let's say. 13 00:00:57,640 --> 00:01:02,572 Possible things that could fold into polyhedra. 14 00:01:02,572 --> 00:01:04,934 And we'll think convex again. 15 00:01:08,026 --> 00:01:09,775 And when we were thinking about unfolding, 16 00:01:09,775 --> 00:01:11,650 we we're thinking about going this direction. 17 00:01:11,650 --> 00:01:13,230 When we were thinking about folding, 18 00:01:13,230 --> 00:01:14,850 we were thinking about this direction. 19 00:01:14,850 --> 00:01:17,720 But what if we do both repeatedly? 20 00:01:17,720 --> 00:01:20,290 So I start, say, with a cube. 21 00:01:20,290 --> 00:01:23,069 And then I unfold it and then I re-fold it. 22 00:01:23,069 --> 00:01:25,110 That's sort of what the metamorphosis of the cube 23 00:01:25,110 --> 00:01:27,060 was about. 24 00:01:27,060 --> 00:01:29,143 And then I unfold that and I re-fold it, 25 00:01:29,143 --> 00:01:31,860 and I unfold and I re-fold and I unfold and re-fold. 26 00:01:31,860 --> 00:01:34,520 This is a fun tour to take. 27 00:01:34,520 --> 00:01:36,190 Is this space connected? 28 00:01:36,190 --> 00:01:38,530 Can I get from any polyhedral surface 29 00:01:38,530 --> 00:01:41,580 to any other-- say, convex-- by unfolding and re-folding? 30 00:01:41,580 --> 00:01:43,820 We have no idea. 31 00:01:43,820 --> 00:01:45,460 So while each of these operations 32 00:01:45,460 --> 00:01:48,430 we know a fair amount about-- we know how to generally unfold 33 00:01:48,430 --> 00:01:51,640 convex polyhedra, we know how to find 34 00:01:51,640 --> 00:01:55,790 all of the gluings of a polygon into a polyhedron-- repeating 35 00:01:55,790 --> 00:01:58,050 those processes, we could explore 36 00:01:58,050 --> 00:02:02,120 but actually no ones' every tried that algorithmically. 37 00:02:02,120 --> 00:02:05,830 It'd be fun to see what crazy things you get. 38 00:02:05,830 --> 00:02:09,870 But we have lots of examples and partial progress 39 00:02:09,870 --> 00:02:12,360 towards this question. 40 00:02:12,360 --> 00:02:13,660 So here's the first example. 41 00:02:13,660 --> 00:02:15,540 This appears in the book. 42 00:02:15,540 --> 00:02:17,660 It's by Hirata from 2000. 43 00:02:17,660 --> 00:02:21,710 He was one of the guys who implemented a gluing algorithm. 44 00:02:21,710 --> 00:02:26,630 And this is an unfolding-- a common unfolding-- 45 00:02:26,630 --> 00:02:32,120 of a cube-- ah, not quite-- and a regular tetrahedron. 46 00:02:32,120 --> 00:02:34,520 So it's actually a box not a cube. 47 00:02:34,520 --> 00:02:36,470 One of the big open questions in this area 48 00:02:36,470 --> 00:02:39,420 is, can you find a common unfolding 49 00:02:39,420 --> 00:02:45,506 of a perfect cube and a regular tetrahedron that's open? 50 00:02:45,506 --> 00:02:46,880 Marty posed that question I think 51 00:02:46,880 --> 00:02:52,270 in 1998, in the good old days of the beginning of folding stuff. 52 00:02:52,270 --> 00:02:56,040 And this is almost an answer but it's not quite a cube, 53 00:02:56,040 --> 00:02:56,750 as a result. 54 00:02:56,750 --> 00:02:58,708 You could see-- I think it's pretty easy to see 55 00:02:58,708 --> 00:03:03,230 how to fold it into a box just with extending all the lines. 56 00:03:03,230 --> 00:03:04,990 And the dotted lines show how to fold 57 00:03:04,990 --> 00:03:06,185 into a regular tetrahedron. 58 00:03:08,720 --> 00:03:10,880 That's one example. 59 00:03:10,880 --> 00:03:16,930 You can also fold-- this thing makes both a regular octahedron 60 00:03:16,930 --> 00:03:22,280 instead of a regular tetrahedron and some kind of tetrahedra. 61 00:03:22,280 --> 00:03:23,200 It's not regular. 62 00:03:23,200 --> 00:03:26,290 We call it a tetramonohedron, meaning each of the sides 63 00:03:26,290 --> 00:03:27,930 are the same. 64 00:03:27,930 --> 00:03:31,380 So it's just one type of side, but there's four of them. 65 00:03:31,380 --> 00:03:34,670 And I guess the red lines are folding into that, 66 00:03:34,670 --> 00:03:37,210 the green lines fold into a regular tetrahedron. 67 00:03:40,350 --> 00:03:41,910 I feel like I'm getting forgetful. 68 00:03:41,910 --> 00:03:43,830 I don't even remember where this example comes from. 69 00:03:43,830 --> 00:03:45,955 But it's in the book, it's not attributed to anyone 70 00:03:45,955 --> 00:03:49,310 so I assume Joe invented it. 71 00:03:49,310 --> 00:03:51,810 But recently, like just this year, 72 00:03:51,810 --> 00:03:54,880 inspired a whole bunch of examples by these guys. 73 00:03:54,880 --> 00:03:57,370 I just saw the talk last week in China-- 74 00:03:57,370 --> 00:04:00,180 that's where I was traveling, it was a geometry conference. 75 00:04:00,180 --> 00:04:03,710 And Horiyama and Uehara talked about a bunch 76 00:04:03,710 --> 00:04:06,030 of different common unfoldings. 77 00:04:06,030 --> 00:04:07,780 This is, again, of a regular octahedron 78 00:04:07,780 --> 00:04:09,230 and a tetramonohedron. 79 00:04:09,230 --> 00:04:11,030 But a different example. 80 00:04:11,030 --> 00:04:12,040 But they kept going. 81 00:04:12,040 --> 00:04:14,210 Said all right, let's do all the platonic solids. 82 00:04:14,210 --> 00:04:17,990 So this is a common unfolding of a cube and a tetramonohedron. 83 00:04:17,990 --> 00:04:19,800 Cube-- actually two of them. 84 00:04:19,800 --> 00:04:21,480 You can see how it makes a cube. 85 00:04:21,480 --> 00:04:22,740 That's obvious. 86 00:04:22,740 --> 00:04:26,180 But the tetramonohedron are the blue lines. 87 00:04:26,180 --> 00:04:30,590 Then I have the octahedron, we have the icosahedron. 88 00:04:30,590 --> 00:04:32,440 I don't think they have a dodecahedron yet 89 00:04:32,440 --> 00:04:35,530 because all of these approaches are actually 90 00:04:35,530 --> 00:04:37,530 based on dissection techniques where 91 00:04:37,530 --> 00:04:42,330 you take a tiling of-- here are equilateral triangles 92 00:04:42,330 --> 00:04:43,990 for the icosahedron, and you take 93 00:04:43,990 --> 00:04:47,610 a tiling of some triangle that's going 94 00:04:47,610 --> 00:04:50,395 to make the tetramonohedron, and you align them 95 00:04:50,395 --> 00:04:53,010 so that things work out nicely. 96 00:04:53,010 --> 00:04:54,480 And that's not always well defined, 97 00:04:54,480 --> 00:04:56,120 but it often leads to good dissections, 98 00:04:56,120 --> 00:04:57,942 often hinged dissections. 99 00:04:57,942 --> 00:04:59,400 It's the way, for example, you show 100 00:04:59,400 --> 00:05:00,940 you can hinge dissect a rectangle 101 00:05:00,940 --> 00:05:02,100 into any other rectangle. 102 00:05:02,100 --> 00:05:03,880 You take tilings of different rectangles 103 00:05:03,880 --> 00:05:06,120 and overlay them appropriately. 104 00:05:06,120 --> 00:05:09,190 Here, same approach, but with a dodecahedron, 105 00:05:09,190 --> 00:05:10,900 regular pentagons don't tile so it's 106 00:05:10,900 --> 00:05:13,110 very hard to use that approach. 107 00:05:13,110 --> 00:05:15,329 So this is as far as they've gotten. 108 00:05:15,329 --> 00:05:16,870 Here they've measured the proportions 109 00:05:16,870 --> 00:05:18,780 of the tetramonohedron to give you an idea. 110 00:05:18,780 --> 00:05:20,320 It's close to regular. 111 00:05:20,320 --> 00:05:22,900 But again, open question, can any two platonic solids-- 112 00:05:22,900 --> 00:05:26,100 do any two have a common unfolding? 113 00:05:26,100 --> 00:05:29,680 They proved in this paper, if you restrict one of them 114 00:05:29,680 --> 00:05:32,870 to be an edge unfolding and the other one 115 00:05:32,870 --> 00:05:35,170 can be a general unfolding then it's not possible. 116 00:05:35,170 --> 00:05:37,880 But if they're both general unfoldings, who knows. 117 00:05:37,880 --> 00:05:42,170 Here you see it's edge unfolding for the icosahedron, 118 00:05:42,170 --> 00:05:44,190 but general unfolding for the other. 119 00:05:46,575 --> 00:05:47,075 Cool. 120 00:05:49,920 --> 00:05:51,540 But very recently, this is, like, 121 00:05:51,540 --> 00:05:52,990 hasn't even been released yet. 122 00:05:52,990 --> 00:05:57,840 This is the premier of the following, 123 00:05:57,840 --> 00:05:59,190 I'll call it conjecture. 124 00:05:59,190 --> 00:06:02,930 I think it's not yet approved or explicitly-- it's 125 00:06:02,930 --> 00:06:04,180 not certain that it's correct. 126 00:06:04,180 --> 00:06:08,204 But the claim is this gray shape, taken to the limit-- 127 00:06:08,204 --> 00:06:10,120 so this is the first iteration of the fractal, 128 00:06:10,120 --> 00:06:13,510 this is the second iteration of the fractal-- in the limit, 129 00:06:13,510 --> 00:06:19,040 will fold both to a regular tetrahedron and a cube. 130 00:06:19,040 --> 00:06:21,750 This would be an amazing breakthrough. 131 00:06:21,750 --> 00:06:23,830 Still, the conjecture is that it is not 132 00:06:23,830 --> 00:06:25,570 possible to go from a regular tetrahedron 133 00:06:25,570 --> 00:06:28,335 to a cube with a regular-- like a normal polygon 134 00:06:28,335 --> 00:06:30,100 with a finite number of sides. 135 00:06:30,100 --> 00:06:33,530 But with an infinite number of sides, it seems to be possible. 136 00:06:33,530 --> 00:06:35,500 Which is awesome. 137 00:06:35,500 --> 00:06:38,320 This is-- I haven't met this guy yet. 138 00:06:38,320 --> 00:06:41,940 He's a professional puzzler in Japan, Toshihiro Shirakawa. 139 00:06:44,650 --> 00:06:52,480 So stay tuned for maybe a proof of that theorem, that claim. 140 00:06:52,480 --> 00:06:54,730 The next topic-- this started back 141 00:06:54,730 --> 00:06:57,700 in '99, inspired by this question. 142 00:06:57,700 --> 00:07:01,240 We thought well, what about boxes? 143 00:07:01,240 --> 00:07:06,067 And this is a common unfolding of two different size boxes 144 00:07:06,067 --> 00:07:06,650 which is cool. 145 00:07:06,650 --> 00:07:09,040 And it's generated in a fairly intuitive way. 146 00:07:09,040 --> 00:07:10,690 You start with an unfolding of a box. 147 00:07:10,690 --> 00:07:13,632 This makes a one by one by three box 148 00:07:13,632 --> 00:07:15,340 if you think about it for a little while. 149 00:07:15,340 --> 00:07:18,400 Just wrap around-- this is like one top side, 1 150 00:07:18,400 --> 00:07:21,380 by 3 rectangle and wrap around. 151 00:07:21,380 --> 00:07:24,240 And then you-- you draw the gluing-- here 152 00:07:24,240 --> 00:07:26,690 I've labeled which edges glue to which edges. 153 00:07:26,690 --> 00:07:29,010 And for every letter, like the two Gs 154 00:07:29,010 --> 00:07:32,250 here, I could imagine adding a triangle here and removing it 155 00:07:32,250 --> 00:07:33,450 from here. 156 00:07:33,450 --> 00:07:36,400 That will still fold to the same thing, right? 157 00:07:36,400 --> 00:07:39,790 So I get to choose for each letter which 158 00:07:39,790 --> 00:07:42,370 guy goes in, which guy goes out. 159 00:07:42,370 --> 00:07:46,080 Then I get this shape as a result of that process. 160 00:07:46,080 --> 00:07:50,210 And if I do it right, when I rotate 45 degrees, 161 00:07:50,210 --> 00:07:53,475 I get a different orthogonal unfolding of some other box. 162 00:07:53,475 --> 00:07:55,350 So here, if I started with a root 2 by root 2 163 00:07:55,350 --> 00:07:59,530 by three root 2 box, I get a 1 by 2 by 4 box. 164 00:07:59,530 --> 00:08:02,450 So this is a common unfolding of both. 165 00:08:02,450 --> 00:08:05,680 I guess here is like the center core of the 1 by 2 by 4 166 00:08:05,680 --> 00:08:07,570 and you wrap around again. 167 00:08:07,570 --> 00:08:10,994 Or this is probably center core. 168 00:08:10,994 --> 00:08:11,910 So that's pretty cool. 169 00:08:11,910 --> 00:08:13,810 This is an idea by Timothy Chan. 170 00:08:13,810 --> 00:08:15,330 Of course, natural question is, do I 171 00:08:15,330 --> 00:08:19,420 need to do this rotation trick or could I get away without it? 172 00:08:19,420 --> 00:08:21,060 And you can get away without it. 173 00:08:21,060 --> 00:08:23,250 This is an idea of Therese Biedl. 174 00:08:23,250 --> 00:08:25,390 This is my Waterloo days. 175 00:08:25,390 --> 00:08:28,250 We had an open problem session, kind of like the one 176 00:08:28,250 --> 00:08:29,740 we have in this class. 177 00:08:29,740 --> 00:08:32,070 It was the very first one that I ran. 178 00:08:32,070 --> 00:08:33,370 I ran it with Therese. 179 00:08:33,370 --> 00:08:36,270 And she came up with this idea. 180 00:08:36,270 --> 00:08:39,159 This is a-- it's not obvious exactly how this works 181 00:08:39,159 --> 00:08:40,831 or where she came up with this. 182 00:08:40,831 --> 00:08:41,789 It was kind of magical. 183 00:08:41,789 --> 00:08:44,790 But this the same polygon, different creases, you 184 00:08:44,790 --> 00:08:46,260 make two different size boxes. 185 00:08:46,260 --> 00:08:48,890 Now they're going to be integers because they're orthogonal 186 00:08:48,890 --> 00:08:51,910 aligned on the grid. 187 00:08:51,910 --> 00:08:52,670 Pretty cool. 188 00:08:52,670 --> 00:08:55,050 And for a long time, this was the only example of this 189 00:08:55,050 --> 00:08:56,860 that we had. 190 00:08:56,860 --> 00:09:00,660 There's still an open question which I give you A by C by-- A 191 00:09:00,660 --> 00:09:05,100 by B by C box and a D by E by F box, is this possible? 192 00:09:05,100 --> 00:09:07,140 When is this possible? 193 00:09:07,140 --> 00:09:10,470 But at least now-- oh, here's, sorry. 194 00:09:10,470 --> 00:09:12,950 There are two examples. 195 00:09:12,950 --> 00:09:15,950 Of course, the surface areas have to match. 196 00:09:15,950 --> 00:09:19,450 So the sum of A plus B plus C equals D plus E plus F. 197 00:09:19,450 --> 00:09:20,465 I think that's right. 198 00:09:20,465 --> 00:09:21,194 Or no. 199 00:09:21,194 --> 00:09:22,110 It's more complicated. 200 00:09:22,110 --> 00:09:26,010 It's like A times B plus-- and so on. 201 00:09:26,010 --> 00:09:27,382 Pairwise products. 202 00:09:27,382 --> 00:09:28,840 Now we know that there are actually 203 00:09:28,840 --> 00:09:30,130 infinitely many examples. 204 00:09:30,130 --> 00:09:35,020 This is another fairly new result by Uehara, 205 00:09:35,020 --> 00:09:37,200 again in 2008. 206 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:40,030 This is-- Uehara translated our textbook to Japanese, 207 00:09:40,030 --> 00:09:41,100 by the way. 208 00:09:41,100 --> 00:09:42,340 Another connection. 209 00:09:42,340 --> 00:09:44,340 He does a lot of fun folding stuff. 210 00:09:44,340 --> 00:09:46,480 Just saw him last week. 211 00:09:46,480 --> 00:09:48,650 So this is an example of taking a 1 212 00:09:48,650 --> 00:09:53,020 by 5 by 2k box and a common unfolding of that with a 1 213 00:09:53,020 --> 00:09:55,275 by 1 by 6k plus 2 box. 214 00:09:55,275 --> 00:09:58,740 Which has a very regular pattern. 215 00:09:58,740 --> 00:10:01,820 And this one, little more complicated to copy and paste 216 00:10:01,820 --> 00:10:05,990 but it makes 1 by 1 by 8k plus 11 box and a 1 by 3 217 00:10:05,990 --> 00:10:08,040 by 4k plus 5 box. 218 00:10:08,040 --> 00:10:09,814 Which is pretty cool. 219 00:10:09,814 --> 00:10:11,230 I haven't studied these carefully, 220 00:10:11,230 --> 00:10:15,602 but there's two different ways to fold each. 221 00:10:15,602 --> 00:10:17,060 So now we know there are infinitely 222 00:10:17,060 --> 00:10:18,350 many of these examples. 223 00:10:18,350 --> 00:10:20,320 It's still not known when it's possible, 224 00:10:20,320 --> 00:10:24,330 but also in this paper Uehara came up 225 00:10:24,330 --> 00:10:26,911 with a sort of random generation algorithm 226 00:10:26,911 --> 00:10:28,660 where he would take a box, randomly unfold 227 00:10:28,660 --> 00:10:30,530 it, try to fold it into other boxes. 228 00:10:30,530 --> 00:10:37,320 And he has now over 250,000 examples of this process. 229 00:10:37,320 --> 00:10:41,530 And I think these are maybe inspired by his random search. 230 00:10:41,530 --> 00:10:44,330 I'm not sure, but this is theory obviously. 231 00:10:44,330 --> 00:10:46,030 One particularly fun example, this one 232 00:10:46,030 --> 00:10:47,492 actually tiles the plane. 233 00:10:47,492 --> 00:10:49,200 So it'd be efficient if you're cutting it 234 00:10:49,200 --> 00:10:51,400 out of sheet material. 235 00:10:51,400 --> 00:10:54,320 You can make a common unfolding of 1 by 2 by 5 box and a 1 236 00:10:54,320 --> 00:10:55,810 by 1 by 8 box. 237 00:10:55,810 --> 00:10:59,750 I think this one he made into a puzzle 238 00:10:59,750 --> 00:11:02,526 with a paper manufacturer. 239 00:11:02,526 --> 00:11:03,890 I'm getting ahead of myself. 240 00:11:03,890 --> 00:11:06,890 Big open question here that he asked is, 241 00:11:06,890 --> 00:11:11,790 are there-- is there a common unfolding of three boxes? 242 00:11:11,790 --> 00:11:12,770 That remains open. 243 00:11:12,770 --> 00:11:14,830 And he feels like he's very close to finding one 244 00:11:14,830 --> 00:11:17,570 with his random search but hasn't yet found one. 245 00:11:17,570 --> 00:11:20,740 It's like it almost folds into the third box. 246 00:11:20,740 --> 00:11:22,990 But it's strange how hard it is to find them. 247 00:11:22,990 --> 00:11:23,950 Maybe they don't exist. 248 00:11:23,950 --> 00:11:27,310 That would be surprising. 249 00:11:27,310 --> 00:11:29,430 All right. 250 00:11:29,430 --> 00:11:35,570 Next example on this theme, common unfoldings, is this toy. 251 00:11:35,570 --> 00:11:40,950 So this is a 1 by 1 by 4 box, also known as the-- as a tetra 252 00:11:40,950 --> 00:11:43,980 cubes, four cubes joined edge to edge. 253 00:11:43,980 --> 00:11:48,480 And-- oh, I should have practiced. 254 00:11:48,480 --> 00:11:51,160 You can unfold it. 255 00:11:51,160 --> 00:11:53,340 This is a commercially produced toy. 256 00:11:53,340 --> 00:11:55,930 It's called Cubigami. 257 00:11:55,930 --> 00:12:00,210 And it's one net, one unfolding. 258 00:12:00,210 --> 00:12:03,100 But it can fold into all tetra cubes. 259 00:12:03,100 --> 00:12:08,560 So that was the tube and, let's see, what else can I make here? 260 00:12:13,870 --> 00:12:14,875 I should have practiced. 261 00:12:20,070 --> 00:12:22,840 Interesting. 262 00:12:22,840 --> 00:12:23,840 It's fun. 263 00:12:23,840 --> 00:12:25,550 You can play with it later. 264 00:12:25,550 --> 00:12:28,200 Oh, that looks interesting. 265 00:12:28,200 --> 00:12:28,700 Almost. 266 00:12:31,280 --> 00:12:31,870 Not quite. 267 00:12:31,870 --> 00:12:34,900 It's almost-- it looks like a Tetris piece, right? 268 00:12:34,900 --> 00:12:39,140 Except I didn't quite cover it right at the end. 269 00:12:39,140 --> 00:12:41,220 It's a good puzzle. 270 00:12:41,220 --> 00:12:42,930 Obviously. 271 00:12:42,930 --> 00:12:46,830 Maybe if I do it like-- that doesn't work. 272 00:12:46,830 --> 00:12:47,540 Wow. 273 00:12:47,540 --> 00:12:48,040 All right. 274 00:12:48,040 --> 00:12:50,310 You're going to have to play with it yourself. 275 00:12:50,310 --> 00:12:51,980 I lose. 276 00:12:51,980 --> 00:12:56,970 But you can make all of the four cube joinings 277 00:12:56,970 --> 00:13:06,595 except-- except for this one. 278 00:13:09,344 --> 00:13:10,760 See, the problem with this example 279 00:13:10,760 --> 00:13:13,430 is it doesn't have the same surface areas the rest. 280 00:13:13,430 --> 00:13:15,710 And you have to conserve surface area. 281 00:13:15,710 --> 00:13:17,570 But if you think about all the other four 282 00:13:17,570 --> 00:13:24,240 cubes-- like I was trying to make this guy or this guy-- 283 00:13:24,240 --> 00:13:31,580 it's like Tetris pieces-- but also things 284 00:13:31,580 --> 00:13:34,484 like-- I can draw better than I can 285 00:13:34,484 --> 00:13:35,650 solve the puzzle apparently. 286 00:13:38,330 --> 00:13:39,000 Like this. 287 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:41,240 This is the one non-planar one. 288 00:13:45,713 --> 00:13:47,710 All right? 289 00:13:47,710 --> 00:13:50,045 So you've got all the Tetris pieces except this guy. 290 00:13:50,045 --> 00:13:51,320 It's the wrong surface area. 291 00:13:51,320 --> 00:13:53,660 So, in general, it's all the tree shape ones. 292 00:13:53,660 --> 00:13:55,445 No cycles. 293 00:13:55,445 --> 00:13:56,320 Can make all of them. 294 00:13:56,320 --> 00:14:01,870 This is an example found by Donald Knuth, famous computer 295 00:14:01,870 --> 00:14:03,120 scientist. 296 00:14:03,120 --> 00:14:07,310 He sort of accidentally at a cocktail party heard 297 00:14:07,310 --> 00:14:10,770 about this problem from George Miller who's a toy designer-- 298 00:14:10,770 --> 00:14:13,800 or puzzle designer. 299 00:14:13,800 --> 00:14:16,020 And so then Knuth went back and he 300 00:14:16,020 --> 00:14:19,010 wrote a program to numerate all unfoldings of these things 301 00:14:19,010 --> 00:14:21,410 and found there are a whole bunch of common unfoldings. 302 00:14:21,410 --> 00:14:23,350 But it's found by exhaustive search. 303 00:14:23,350 --> 00:14:26,750 This was the one that sort of had the smallest bounding box, 304 00:14:26,750 --> 00:14:28,740 I believe, in terms of area. 305 00:14:28,740 --> 00:14:30,809 And so it's a nice compact thing. 306 00:14:30,809 --> 00:14:32,850 And then there are various manufacturing's of it. 307 00:14:32,850 --> 00:14:35,640 This is the latest one that's sort of relatively easy 308 00:14:35,640 --> 00:14:36,760 to build I guess. 309 00:14:36,760 --> 00:14:40,660 So, play with that later. 310 00:14:40,660 --> 00:14:42,090 That's four cubes. 311 00:14:42,090 --> 00:14:45,050 What about five cubes? 312 00:14:45,050 --> 00:14:48,920 Well, that was the subject of a paper also presented 313 00:14:48,920 --> 00:14:51,340 last week in China. 314 00:14:51,340 --> 00:14:54,620 And it turns out, there is no common unfolding 315 00:14:54,620 --> 00:14:57,770 of all 24 pentacubes. 316 00:14:57,770 --> 00:14:59,540 That's five cubes joined together. 317 00:14:59,540 --> 00:15:05,280 But there is a common unfolding of 23 out of 24 of them. 318 00:15:05,280 --> 00:15:06,220 So this is the paper. 319 00:15:06,220 --> 00:15:07,810 There was a bunch of authors. 320 00:15:07,810 --> 00:15:11,030 There were basically three teams that 321 00:15:11,030 --> 00:15:14,180 worked on this, two of which were writing code. 322 00:15:14,180 --> 00:15:15,819 I was on one of the coding teams. 323 00:15:15,819 --> 00:15:17,360 And the third one was trying to think 324 00:15:17,360 --> 00:15:20,370 about the problem using mathematics. 325 00:15:20,370 --> 00:15:22,805 And for a long time, the thinkers were leading. 326 00:15:22,805 --> 00:15:24,680 But then, of course, eventually the computers 327 00:15:24,680 --> 00:15:29,100 win because after a couple days of just solid computation on I 328 00:15:29,100 --> 00:15:32,000 don't know now how many cores with each of the groups, 329 00:15:32,000 --> 00:15:34,170 we numerated all these unfoldings. 330 00:15:34,170 --> 00:15:40,570 And so now there's, I think, over one trillion unfoldings 331 00:15:40,570 --> 00:15:43,320 of the 1 by 1 by 5 tube. 332 00:15:43,320 --> 00:15:45,960 But one trillions not that bad. 333 00:15:45,960 --> 00:15:48,542 Now, we could not do this for six. 334 00:15:48,542 --> 00:15:52,070 But for five it wasn't so bad. 335 00:15:52,070 --> 00:15:55,410 And this is-- there's a bunch of unfoldings of 23 out of 24. 336 00:15:55,410 --> 00:15:57,150 But that's the max you can get. 337 00:15:57,150 --> 00:15:58,220 Little disappointing. 338 00:15:58,220 --> 00:16:00,115 AUDIENCE: Which pentacube lost? 339 00:16:00,115 --> 00:16:01,990 PROFESSOR: I don't know which pentacube lost. 340 00:16:01,990 --> 00:16:03,090 I should find out. 341 00:16:03,090 --> 00:16:05,580 That's a good question. 342 00:16:05,580 --> 00:16:07,260 But I do have some other answers. 343 00:16:07,260 --> 00:16:09,550 So in some sense, the hard ones I think 344 00:16:09,550 --> 00:16:11,180 are the non-planar guys. 345 00:16:11,180 --> 00:16:12,950 Like this guy. 346 00:16:12,950 --> 00:16:15,180 So they're planar if all the cubes 347 00:16:15,180 --> 00:16:18,900 lie in a thickened plane, thickened by one. 348 00:16:18,900 --> 00:16:22,180 This guy will fold into all the non-planar cubes 349 00:16:22,180 --> 00:16:25,670 and also fold into most of the pentacubes. 350 00:16:25,670 --> 00:16:28,110 There are only 24 total so it's only missing two. 351 00:16:28,110 --> 00:16:30,310 And this'll fold into all the non-planar guys. 352 00:16:30,310 --> 00:16:32,330 And what's cool is this one is unique. 353 00:16:32,330 --> 00:16:36,210 There's only one common unfolding of those guys. 354 00:16:36,210 --> 00:16:38,022 AUDIENCE: How many non-planar [INAUDIBLE]? 355 00:16:38,022 --> 00:16:39,730 PROFESSOR: How many non-planar are there? 356 00:16:39,730 --> 00:16:41,700 I don't remember. 357 00:16:41,700 --> 00:16:43,940 Maybe 10. 358 00:16:43,940 --> 00:16:46,680 I think it's a minority. 359 00:16:46,680 --> 00:16:48,180 But there are still a bunch of them. 360 00:16:48,180 --> 00:16:49,929 And I think this would make a good puzzle. 361 00:16:49,929 --> 00:16:52,075 If you're going to manufacture-- if you guys want 362 00:16:52,075 --> 00:16:54,670 to do a start up, here you go. 363 00:16:54,670 --> 00:16:57,820 Freely available. 364 00:16:57,820 --> 00:16:59,800 If you want to do the planar pentacubes 365 00:16:59,800 --> 00:17:02,430 there are a lot of common unfoldings of them. 366 00:17:02,430 --> 00:17:04,780 This is one of the fairly compact ones. 367 00:17:04,780 --> 00:17:07,186 And this one, I have an animation of. 368 00:17:07,186 --> 00:17:08,560 Or, actually, not this particular 369 00:17:08,560 --> 00:17:11,130 unfolding, but this concept. 370 00:17:11,130 --> 00:17:12,359 And that is here. 371 00:17:14,946 --> 00:17:16,839 Yes, I trust myself. 372 00:17:16,839 --> 00:17:20,270 So here is unfolding and re-folding 373 00:17:20,270 --> 00:17:21,859 of that particular shape. 374 00:17:21,859 --> 00:17:23,849 And then I hit Space bar and it's 375 00:17:23,849 --> 00:17:28,260 the same unfolding but a different polycube. 376 00:17:28,260 --> 00:17:32,470 And this is going to go through all of the flat ones. 377 00:17:32,470 --> 00:17:34,930 And that animation is done heuristically. 378 00:17:34,930 --> 00:17:38,520 I don't have any theory that that's always possible. 379 00:17:38,520 --> 00:17:40,630 But always keeping the same unfolding, 380 00:17:40,630 --> 00:17:42,986 just changing where the creases are. 381 00:17:42,986 --> 00:17:43,610 That's so cool. 382 00:17:47,416 --> 00:17:48,290 It's funny, actually. 383 00:17:48,290 --> 00:17:51,850 The person who implemented this was the guy who was thinking, 384 00:17:51,850 --> 00:17:54,340 not the coder-- coder teams. 385 00:17:54,340 --> 00:17:55,510 I guess he had free time. 386 00:17:58,732 --> 00:18:00,190 This is by [? Karim ?] [INAUDIBLE]. 387 00:18:03,380 --> 00:18:06,357 I guess you can count them and then subtract from 24 388 00:18:06,357 --> 00:18:08,440 and you'll get how many non-planar ones there are. 389 00:18:08,440 --> 00:18:12,150 But I've lost track of where we are. 390 00:18:12,150 --> 00:18:13,580 Always same unfolding. 391 00:18:13,580 --> 00:18:15,494 This is a fairly nice, simple unfolding. 392 00:18:15,494 --> 00:18:16,660 It's mostly one dimensional. 393 00:18:20,270 --> 00:18:20,840 All right. 394 00:18:20,840 --> 00:18:23,500 You get the idea, right? 395 00:18:23,500 --> 00:18:25,830 Pretty fun. 396 00:18:25,830 --> 00:18:27,840 All right. 397 00:18:27,840 --> 00:18:31,990 So, right. 398 00:18:31,990 --> 00:18:33,110 Do I have anymore? 399 00:18:33,110 --> 00:18:35,450 I think that was the end of my slides. 400 00:18:35,450 --> 00:18:38,510 I do have one more example in the notes which is, if you just 401 00:18:38,510 --> 00:18:43,200 want to make the flat guys-- so just the two 402 00:18:43,200 --> 00:18:47,030 dimensional examples-- so we know 403 00:18:47,030 --> 00:18:52,040 we could do that with five, but you can also do with six. 404 00:18:52,040 --> 00:18:55,440 We wrote another program that looks 405 00:18:55,440 --> 00:18:58,150 at a very special kind of unfolding. 406 00:18:58,150 --> 00:19:01,690 And in that special class, it's possible to fold 407 00:19:01,690 --> 00:19:05,060 all planar six cubes-- hexacubes. 408 00:19:05,060 --> 00:19:11,700 But that class does not work for septacubes-- seven cubes. 409 00:19:11,700 --> 00:19:13,730 Open question, is there a common unfolding 410 00:19:13,730 --> 00:19:17,030 of all planar seven cubes or all non-planar seven cubes? 411 00:19:17,030 --> 00:19:18,440 Or how many can you make? 412 00:19:18,440 --> 00:19:23,475 There it was beyond exhaustion, and we have to actually think. 413 00:19:23,475 --> 00:19:25,350 Unless you come up with a good class and then 414 00:19:25,350 --> 00:19:27,870 you can exhaust it in that class. 415 00:19:27,870 --> 00:19:31,740 One nice open question here is, if you go to large N, 416 00:19:31,740 --> 00:19:35,600 are there some two polycubes that have no common unfolding? 417 00:19:35,600 --> 00:19:37,180 At the moment, it could be every pair 418 00:19:37,180 --> 00:19:39,170 of polycubes has a common unfolding. 419 00:19:39,170 --> 00:19:40,870 Certainly there are-- for example, 420 00:19:40,870 --> 00:19:43,020 in this class there are four polycubes that 421 00:19:43,020 --> 00:19:45,260 do not have a common unfolding. 422 00:19:45,260 --> 00:19:48,370 I think we're not sure about three. 423 00:19:48,370 --> 00:19:50,475 For size five. 424 00:19:50,475 --> 00:19:52,350 Of course, we don't even know whether there's 425 00:19:52,350 --> 00:19:55,634 any polycube that has no unfolding. 426 00:19:55,634 --> 00:19:56,800 I think there should be one. 427 00:19:56,800 --> 00:19:58,870 But at the moment, it could be every polycube 428 00:19:58,870 --> 00:20:00,040 has an unfolding. 429 00:20:00,040 --> 00:20:02,470 But to make it a little harder, what about two polycubes 430 00:20:02,470 --> 00:20:04,382 at once you want a common unfolding? 431 00:20:04,382 --> 00:20:05,590 All these questions are open. 432 00:20:08,410 --> 00:20:09,810 All right. 433 00:20:09,810 --> 00:20:11,510 This is common unfolding. 434 00:20:11,510 --> 00:20:15,840 We're going to stick with unfolding stuff 435 00:20:15,840 --> 00:20:18,550 but change around the problem a little bit. 436 00:20:18,550 --> 00:20:21,790 So let me ask you a question. 437 00:20:21,790 --> 00:20:25,540 Can have a vote for those who haven't read the notes already 438 00:20:25,540 --> 00:20:28,700 and know the answer. 439 00:20:28,700 --> 00:20:33,510 So let's say, orthogonal polyhedron. 440 00:20:33,510 --> 00:20:36,270 We talk a lot about orthogonal polyhedra. 441 00:20:36,270 --> 00:20:41,790 See all this polycube stuff is in that genre. 442 00:20:41,790 --> 00:20:44,480 And so way back when we talked about grid unfolding 443 00:20:44,480 --> 00:20:46,820 of orthogonal polyhedra. 444 00:20:46,820 --> 00:20:48,502 It's not known whether that's possible, 445 00:20:48,502 --> 00:20:49,960 but we have epsilon unfolding where 446 00:20:49,960 --> 00:20:52,580 you cut exponentially many times and so on. 447 00:20:52,580 --> 00:20:56,100 But how do you define orthogonal polyhedra? 448 00:20:56,100 --> 00:20:58,520 There are two natural definitions. 449 00:20:58,520 --> 00:21:01,820 One is that the angles are right. 450 00:21:05,410 --> 00:21:08,615 Right angles, let's say, in the faces. 451 00:21:11,550 --> 00:21:15,560 The other natural definition is that you look at two faces 452 00:21:15,560 --> 00:21:18,320 and the angles between those should be right. 453 00:21:23,845 --> 00:21:25,220 So I guess right dihedral angles. 454 00:21:30,080 --> 00:21:31,985 Right face angles or right dihedral angles. 455 00:21:31,985 --> 00:21:36,830 The question is, are these the same thing? 456 00:21:36,830 --> 00:21:39,830 Who thinks yes? 457 00:21:39,830 --> 00:21:41,431 Who thinks no? 458 00:21:41,431 --> 00:21:41,930 Yeah. 459 00:21:41,930 --> 00:21:42,950 I kind of set it up. 460 00:21:42,950 --> 00:21:45,935 Everyone thinks no. 461 00:21:45,935 --> 00:21:46,810 They're not the same. 462 00:21:49,480 --> 00:21:53,720 But for genus zero polyhedra, they are the same. 463 00:21:53,720 --> 00:21:55,990 That's maybe the surprising thing. 464 00:21:55,990 --> 00:22:01,180 This is a genus eight polyhedron. 465 00:22:01,180 --> 00:22:02,450 No, seven. 466 00:22:02,450 --> 00:22:05,950 It's always a little tricky to measure genus. 467 00:22:05,950 --> 00:22:09,950 If it just had one triangular face that would be-- well, 468 00:22:09,950 --> 00:22:12,410 anyway, that's genus seven. 469 00:22:12,410 --> 00:22:14,704 I'm not going to try to convince you. 470 00:22:14,704 --> 00:22:16,120 This is an unfolding of the thing. 471 00:22:16,120 --> 00:22:17,647 So you can see, in the unfolding, 472 00:22:17,647 --> 00:22:19,480 it looks like it's an orthogonal polyhedron. 473 00:22:19,480 --> 00:22:20,580 All the angles are right. 474 00:22:20,580 --> 00:22:21,550 It looks perfect. 475 00:22:21,550 --> 00:22:24,000 And yet, it folds into this non-orthogonal thing. 476 00:22:24,000 --> 00:22:27,740 Kind of a thickened octahedron. 477 00:22:27,740 --> 00:22:32,960 It's kind of critical that it has a genus more than zero. 478 00:22:32,960 --> 00:22:34,940 In this paper-- this is the original paper 479 00:22:34,940 --> 00:22:42,210 that considered this problem-- there's a lower bound of one. 480 00:22:42,210 --> 00:22:45,110 The genus 0 is not enough. 481 00:22:45,110 --> 00:22:50,730 Then we came along-- I don't have the author list here. 482 00:22:50,730 --> 00:22:56,370 It's with the Waterloo gang, it was Therese Biedl and others. 483 00:22:56,370 --> 00:23:03,050 And this is a smaller genus, a genus six polyhedron. 484 00:23:03,050 --> 00:23:03,760 This guy. 485 00:23:03,760 --> 00:23:06,540 So it's almost the same example turned inside out. 486 00:23:06,540 --> 00:23:09,210 So this like to half octahedra and then joined 487 00:23:09,210 --> 00:23:11,230 in this cubicle frame and then you put caps 488 00:23:11,230 --> 00:23:14,990 on the cubicle frame to make there not be holes out there. 489 00:23:14,990 --> 00:23:17,120 And then you have slightly smaller genus 490 00:23:17,120 --> 00:23:20,610 because you can go around the backside. 491 00:23:20,610 --> 00:23:22,830 So that's the best known, is a genus six example. 492 00:23:22,830 --> 00:23:25,770 We proved that you need genus at least three 493 00:23:25,770 --> 00:23:28,031 in order for such an example to exist. 494 00:23:28,031 --> 00:23:30,030 I have a little sketch of the proof in the notes 495 00:23:30,030 --> 00:23:31,650 if you want to read it. 496 00:23:31,650 --> 00:23:34,610 It's a fun little boot strapping argument but I would-- 497 00:23:34,610 --> 00:23:36,740 I'm going to go on to other fun topics 498 00:23:36,740 --> 00:23:39,810 here rather than prove this. 499 00:23:39,810 --> 00:23:41,589 Is that a good plan? 500 00:23:41,589 --> 00:23:42,630 I think that's good plan. 501 00:23:45,830 --> 00:23:46,330 OK. 502 00:23:46,330 --> 00:23:48,060 So this is a fun kind of-- unfoldings 503 00:23:48,060 --> 00:23:51,430 can be orthogonal while the three dimensional versions are 504 00:23:51,430 --> 00:23:52,055 not orthogonal. 505 00:23:55,300 --> 00:23:56,550 All right. 506 00:23:56,550 --> 00:23:57,135 Next topic. 507 00:24:01,870 --> 00:24:05,260 I'm going to go back to Alexandrov's theorem. 508 00:24:05,260 --> 00:24:08,620 Turns out there is a smooth version of that. 509 00:24:08,620 --> 00:24:11,310 So now we're going to segue a little bit 510 00:24:11,310 --> 00:24:14,215 into smooth foldings and smooth unfoldings. 511 00:24:16,730 --> 00:24:20,140 So instead of thinking of polyhedron objects-- polygons 512 00:24:20,140 --> 00:24:25,180 and convex polyhedra-- I want to think about smooth bodies. 513 00:24:25,180 --> 00:24:33,760 So, for example, suppose I take a smooth convex 514 00:24:33,760 --> 00:24:36,820 shape like an ellipse or something 515 00:24:36,820 --> 00:24:39,950 and I picked two perimeter antipodes 516 00:24:39,950 --> 00:24:49,191 and I do perimeter having gluing where this is defines-- 517 00:24:49,191 --> 00:24:51,190 as I walk along the perimeter in both directions 518 00:24:51,190 --> 00:24:53,460 it-- I obviously didn't do it perfectly, 519 00:24:53,460 --> 00:24:56,474 they should meet at exactly the same time. 520 00:24:56,474 --> 00:24:57,390 This defines a gluing. 521 00:24:57,390 --> 00:24:59,100 For every point there is a corresponding point 522 00:24:59,100 --> 00:24:59,900 it gets glued to. 523 00:24:59,900 --> 00:25:04,780 This is a way to make what is locally like a convex surface 524 00:25:04,780 --> 00:25:08,200 because at any point, at most 360 degrees of material 525 00:25:08,200 --> 00:25:10,260 is glued there because this thing was convex. 526 00:25:10,260 --> 00:25:13,020 And the same way as for convex polygons, 527 00:25:13,020 --> 00:25:15,474 does this make a convex something in three dimensions? 528 00:25:15,474 --> 00:25:17,390 It's not going to make a polyhedron because it 529 00:25:17,390 --> 00:25:20,180 has this curve, but indeed it does 530 00:25:20,180 --> 00:25:22,700 make a convex smooth surface. 531 00:25:22,700 --> 00:25:40,660 So every convex metric that's topologically a sphere 532 00:25:40,660 --> 00:25:46,225 is realized by a unique convex surface. 533 00:25:54,210 --> 00:25:56,860 So Alexandrov's theorem was identical to this statement 534 00:25:56,860 --> 00:25:59,430 except it also had polyhedral up here, 535 00:25:59,430 --> 00:26:02,740 that there were finite number of points of nonzero curvature. 536 00:26:02,740 --> 00:26:04,890 Now we have infinitely many points 537 00:26:04,890 --> 00:26:07,550 of slightly positive curvature because, again, this 538 00:26:07,550 --> 00:26:08,950 is supposed to sum to 4 pi. 539 00:26:08,950 --> 00:26:10,230 That's still true. 540 00:26:10,230 --> 00:26:13,067 But it's now an integral instead of a sum. 541 00:26:13,067 --> 00:26:15,650 So each of these things sort of has an infinitesimal curvature 542 00:26:15,650 --> 00:26:19,250 and if you integrate them it adds up to 4 pi. 543 00:26:19,250 --> 00:26:22,190 You can check that. 544 00:26:22,190 --> 00:26:24,670 So this will make something. 545 00:26:24,670 --> 00:26:26,754 I encourage you to try this out, again, with tape. 546 00:26:26,754 --> 00:26:28,545 You're going to approximate it because tape 547 00:26:28,545 --> 00:26:29,830 is going to be polygonal. 548 00:26:29,830 --> 00:26:31,520 But it works. 549 00:26:31,520 --> 00:26:33,140 It will make something. 550 00:26:33,140 --> 00:26:36,620 I particularly-- I should mention the idea of this proof 551 00:26:36,620 --> 00:26:39,110 is just to take limits of regular Alexandrov. 552 00:26:39,110 --> 00:26:41,599 Take closer and closer polyhedral approximations. 553 00:26:41,599 --> 00:26:43,640 In the polyhedral world we can use that induction 554 00:26:43,640 --> 00:26:45,170 that we talked about. 555 00:26:45,170 --> 00:26:47,720 In the smooth case, you can't, but the smooth case 556 00:26:47,720 --> 00:26:51,180 is the limit of the polyhedral case so it works out. 557 00:26:51,180 --> 00:26:55,580 This is proved by a student of Alexandrov Pogorelov 558 00:26:55,580 --> 00:26:59,860 in the '70s, whereas he proved his theorem in the '40s 559 00:26:59,860 --> 00:27:01,558 or '50s. 560 00:27:01,558 --> 00:27:03,730 One really fun thing you could do with this theorem 561 00:27:03,730 --> 00:27:07,550 is, instead of using just one convex shape, 562 00:27:07,550 --> 00:27:12,389 you could use two convex shapes and zip them to each other. 563 00:27:12,389 --> 00:27:13,555 And this is called a D-form. 564 00:27:13,555 --> 00:27:16,820 It was invented by an artist, Tony Wills. 565 00:27:16,820 --> 00:27:18,572 So here I've taken two-- in this case, 566 00:27:18,572 --> 00:27:20,030 two identical convect shapes-- they 567 00:27:20,030 --> 00:27:23,240 don't have to be identical-- picked two points to glue them 568 00:27:23,240 --> 00:27:26,626 to each other and then you just zip around the perimeter. 569 00:27:26,626 --> 00:27:29,250 And again, because you're always gluing convex angles to convex 570 00:27:29,250 --> 00:27:31,060 angles-- the smooth convex angles-- 571 00:27:31,060 --> 00:27:34,840 but they're still less than 180, so you glue them together, 572 00:27:34,840 --> 00:27:36,760 it's less than 360. 573 00:27:36,760 --> 00:27:39,360 And in this case, it's-- we could actually figure out 574 00:27:39,360 --> 00:27:42,230 and think about what 3D shape you get so we could build that 575 00:27:42,230 --> 00:27:43,620 in Mathematica. 576 00:27:43,620 --> 00:27:47,060 But in general, you get some weird convex shape. 577 00:27:47,060 --> 00:27:49,394 For a while there were some examples of this 578 00:27:49,394 --> 00:27:51,310 but no one knew exactly what they looked like. 579 00:27:51,310 --> 00:27:54,800 Then, I think it was a project in this class 580 00:27:54,800 --> 00:27:57,180 or it came out of the problem session in this class three 581 00:27:57,180 --> 00:27:59,900 years ago, Greg Price and I proved 582 00:27:59,900 --> 00:28:02,930 that these things are nice in the sense 583 00:28:02,930 --> 00:28:05,270 that the only place you get creases 584 00:28:05,270 --> 00:28:08,820 is along the seam, the pink stuff. 585 00:28:08,820 --> 00:28:11,310 Both for-- these are called D-forms, 586 00:28:11,310 --> 00:28:13,960 these have another-- I think these are pita-forms, 587 00:28:13,960 --> 00:28:17,390 if I recall, where you take one convex shape instead of two. 588 00:28:17,390 --> 00:28:20,060 Here you only get-- you can get the creases 589 00:28:20,060 --> 00:28:21,910 along the seam and one extra crease, 590 00:28:21,910 --> 00:28:23,752 if I recall correctly here. 591 00:28:23,752 --> 00:28:25,460 And here you don't get any extra creases. 592 00:28:25,460 --> 00:28:27,810 It's always smooth except at the seam. 593 00:28:27,810 --> 00:28:31,020 And also, if you just take the seam-- the pink part-- 594 00:28:31,020 --> 00:28:35,030 and take the convex hull of that thing, you get the same thing. 595 00:28:35,030 --> 00:28:37,050 So it doesn't go outside. 596 00:28:37,050 --> 00:28:40,240 It's really tightly wrapped around wherever 597 00:28:40,240 --> 00:28:41,810 the seam happens to go. 598 00:28:41,810 --> 00:28:44,930 Remember, this thing is unique by Pogorelov's theorem. 599 00:28:44,930 --> 00:28:48,060 So it's kind of nice to know that structurally these 600 00:28:48,060 --> 00:28:49,530 are pretty nice and smooth. 601 00:28:49,530 --> 00:28:52,880 If your original shapes are smooth convex bodies, 602 00:28:52,880 --> 00:28:55,340 you will get a nice, smooth shape 603 00:28:55,340 --> 00:28:59,680 at the end that only has creases at the seams. 604 00:28:59,680 --> 00:29:01,160 Cool. 605 00:29:01,160 --> 00:29:03,005 Again, please try to it at home. 606 00:29:03,005 --> 00:29:04,509 It's lots of fun. 607 00:29:04,509 --> 00:29:05,425 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 608 00:29:17,355 --> 00:29:18,230 PROFESSOR: Let's see. 609 00:29:18,230 --> 00:29:21,760 This point should glue to here. 610 00:29:21,760 --> 00:29:25,170 I mean, it's perfectly symmetric. 611 00:29:25,170 --> 00:29:27,570 AUDIENCE: I'm looking at the 3D form. 612 00:29:27,570 --> 00:29:28,690 PROFESSOR: The 3D form. 613 00:29:28,690 --> 00:29:33,200 So one of the two shapes is here and the other one 614 00:29:33,200 --> 00:29:37,170 is here and goes around the back to there. 615 00:29:37,170 --> 00:29:39,340 And it's, again, symmetric. 616 00:29:39,340 --> 00:29:42,630 This is a nice example because we have those parallel lines. 617 00:29:42,630 --> 00:29:45,330 Usually you wouldn't have that. 618 00:29:45,330 --> 00:29:49,126 And they're harder to draw, is the challenge. 619 00:29:49,126 --> 00:29:50,500 Here, obviously, we're doing sort 620 00:29:50,500 --> 00:29:51,710 of a polygonal approximation. 621 00:29:51,710 --> 00:29:54,330 You see all the lines. 622 00:29:54,330 --> 00:29:55,980 All right. 623 00:29:55,980 --> 00:30:00,230 This is a smooth version of folding-- a smooth version 624 00:30:00,230 --> 00:30:01,630 of Alexandrov's theorem. 625 00:30:01,630 --> 00:30:05,500 We can also think about smooth versions of unfolding. 626 00:30:05,500 --> 00:30:10,520 So here there is exactly one paper 627 00:30:10,520 --> 00:30:17,150 by Nadia Benbernou whose in the front row and Heather-- 628 00:30:17,150 --> 00:30:17,982 AUDIENCE: Patricia. 629 00:30:17,982 --> 00:30:21,880 PROFESSOR: Patricia Khan and Joe O'Rourke. 630 00:30:21,880 --> 00:30:25,720 So this is a prismatoid. 631 00:30:25,720 --> 00:30:27,440 It's a little hard to see the bottom face 632 00:30:27,440 --> 00:30:31,720 but there's a convex polygon on the bottom, a parallel convex 633 00:30:31,720 --> 00:30:32,890 polygon on the top. 634 00:30:32,890 --> 00:30:35,820 You take the convex hull-- sorry, they're not polygons. 635 00:30:35,820 --> 00:30:38,060 They're smooth convex bodies. 636 00:30:38,060 --> 00:30:40,640 So you've got one in the floor plane, one in a parallel plane 637 00:30:40,640 --> 00:30:41,440 up top. 638 00:30:41,440 --> 00:30:44,300 You take the convex hull, you get this nice smooth thing 639 00:30:44,300 --> 00:30:45,660 around the outside. 640 00:30:45,660 --> 00:30:48,570 Now, we have to generalize our notion of unfolding 641 00:30:48,570 --> 00:30:50,690 because normally with unfolding this would take 642 00:30:50,690 --> 00:30:53,410 an infinite number of cuts to-- we have to cut everywhere 643 00:30:53,410 --> 00:30:54,160 there's curvature. 644 00:30:54,160 --> 00:30:55,993 Which means we're going to have to cut along 645 00:30:55,993 --> 00:30:57,250 all those black lines. 646 00:30:57,250 --> 00:31:02,490 Which means we slice the thing into very infinitesimal pieces. 647 00:31:02,490 --> 00:31:06,530 But if you think of it as a limit 648 00:31:06,530 --> 00:31:11,630 of regular polyhedral things-- here I have a little example. 649 00:31:11,630 --> 00:31:16,370 Let's think about the limit in a simpler example to start with. 650 00:31:16,370 --> 00:31:19,000 So imagine you want to take a pyramid-- 651 00:31:19,000 --> 00:31:23,886 so the top poly-- the top convex shape is just a point. 652 00:31:23,886 --> 00:31:25,645 I guess it looks like a cone but down here 653 00:31:25,645 --> 00:31:32,180 it could be anything, could be an ellipse or any convex shape. 654 00:31:32,180 --> 00:31:35,480 Well, we can think of this as a polyhedral approximation. 655 00:31:35,480 --> 00:31:40,420 So, for example, we take a hexagon on the bottom, 656 00:31:40,420 --> 00:31:42,590 we want to unfold that. 657 00:31:42,590 --> 00:31:45,160 And in particular, we thought about these-- 658 00:31:45,160 --> 00:31:49,520 these are the pyramids-- and we-- 659 00:31:49,520 --> 00:31:53,830 one of the unfoldings of them is the volcano unfolding 660 00:31:53,830 --> 00:31:56,894 if you remember back to the unfolding lecture. 661 00:31:56,894 --> 00:31:57,560 Looks like that. 662 00:31:57,560 --> 00:32:01,210 All these triangles just fold out, get all those parts. 663 00:32:01,210 --> 00:32:03,660 That never overlaps, it's sort of trivial. 664 00:32:03,660 --> 00:32:06,430 You take the limit of that. 665 00:32:06,430 --> 00:32:09,510 In the limit, the floor becomes whatever the convex shape. 666 00:32:09,510 --> 00:32:14,240 Maybe-- let's think about the simple case where it's a disk. 667 00:32:14,240 --> 00:32:19,209 And in the limit you're getting lots of really tiny triangles. 668 00:32:19,209 --> 00:32:21,500 You take that all the way to limit, what you're getting 669 00:32:21,500 --> 00:32:26,950 is actually a concentric circle around there. 670 00:32:26,950 --> 00:32:30,100 So really, these become segments. 671 00:32:30,100 --> 00:32:33,970 Now, what's funny about this limit is, normally-- 672 00:32:33,970 --> 00:32:38,460 before you get to the end, you see there's these big gaps. 673 00:32:38,460 --> 00:32:40,174 A lot of the area's missing. 674 00:32:40,174 --> 00:32:42,090 These things are getting infinitesimally small 675 00:32:42,090 --> 00:32:44,570 and yet they have to spread over this big range. 676 00:32:44,570 --> 00:32:46,650 So most of this area is actually absent. 677 00:32:46,650 --> 00:32:49,066 When you take the limit you can't really see that anymore. 678 00:32:49,066 --> 00:32:50,250 It just becomes filled in. 679 00:32:50,250 --> 00:32:55,860 And so in this unfolding, the area of the green stuff, 680 00:32:55,860 --> 00:32:59,120 if you just took that area measured on the floor, 681 00:32:59,120 --> 00:33:02,600 it's going to be larger than the area in the pink. 682 00:33:02,600 --> 00:33:04,720 So this is not an area preserving unfolding 683 00:33:04,720 --> 00:33:06,420 which makes it a little weird. 684 00:33:06,420 --> 00:33:07,920 But it's still well defined. 685 00:33:07,920 --> 00:33:10,311 I mean, you wouldn't actually-- well, 686 00:33:10,311 --> 00:33:12,560 for example-- we're going to get to this in a moment-- 687 00:33:12,560 --> 00:33:15,850 if you actually took material like this out of, say, 688 00:33:15,850 --> 00:33:18,570 tin foil, something that can crinkle, 689 00:33:18,570 --> 00:33:22,290 then you should be able to crinkle it into this shape. 690 00:33:22,290 --> 00:33:25,020 I'll talk about how to prove that. 691 00:33:25,020 --> 00:33:27,020 That's actually most of the rest of the lecture, 692 00:33:27,020 --> 00:33:29,090 is about that kind of notion of folding. 693 00:33:29,090 --> 00:33:31,520 It's more like origami, though, than unfolding 694 00:33:31,520 --> 00:33:35,020 because you're sort of over covering stuff. 695 00:33:35,020 --> 00:33:37,030 And here-- actually, here the hard part 696 00:33:37,030 --> 00:33:40,110 is not so much to show these ribs don't intersect, 697 00:33:40,110 --> 00:33:42,110 although they don't and it's not totally obvious 698 00:33:42,110 --> 00:33:44,950 because here they're kind of going towards each other. 699 00:33:44,950 --> 00:33:48,849 But they won't actually intersect in the unfolding. 700 00:33:48,849 --> 00:33:51,390 One of the tricky parts is to show that the top face actually 701 00:33:51,390 --> 00:33:53,150 can fit somewhere, so you actually 702 00:33:53,150 --> 00:33:56,400 get an unfolding of this thing. 703 00:33:56,400 --> 00:34:01,220 And I forget, this is choosing some kind of extreme rib 704 00:34:01,220 --> 00:34:02,665 and putting it out there. 705 00:34:02,665 --> 00:34:06,240 It's a nice line of separation if I recall. 706 00:34:09,230 --> 00:34:14,000 This is funny because here we have a limit of some process. 707 00:34:14,000 --> 00:34:20,840 Now, for pyramids we know the volcano unfolding works. 708 00:34:20,840 --> 00:34:23,850 For prismatoids, regular prismatoids 709 00:34:23,850 --> 00:34:26,429 are when you take some convex polygon 710 00:34:26,429 --> 00:34:30,250 and some other parallel convex polygon, take the convex hull. 711 00:34:35,760 --> 00:34:38,620 We don't know whether these have edge unfoldings. 712 00:34:38,620 --> 00:34:40,969 Still an open problem. 713 00:34:40,969 --> 00:34:44,440 And yet, for the smooth case, we do. 714 00:34:44,440 --> 00:34:45,949 Kind of magical. 715 00:34:45,949 --> 00:34:47,219 I know why that's true. 716 00:34:47,219 --> 00:34:50,948 It's somehow the edge constraint is harder. 717 00:34:50,948 --> 00:34:52,989 If you're not just worried about edge unfoldings, 718 00:34:52,989 --> 00:34:55,260 we do know how to unfold those obviously. 719 00:34:55,260 --> 00:34:58,310 You can do star unfolding, source unfolding. 720 00:34:58,310 --> 00:35:00,946 Here, edge unfolding-- well, we have 721 00:35:00,946 --> 00:35:02,820 to cut along all those infinitely many edges. 722 00:35:02,820 --> 00:35:04,610 That makes it easier, much smoother. 723 00:35:08,132 --> 00:35:10,090 But it's funny when the smooth case is actually 724 00:35:10,090 --> 00:35:12,160 easier than the discrete case. 725 00:35:12,160 --> 00:35:12,660 All right. 726 00:35:15,250 --> 00:35:18,872 The next problem I want to talk about is chocolate. 727 00:35:22,680 --> 00:35:26,100 I have here a bunch of spherical chocolates. 728 00:35:26,100 --> 00:35:29,650 The most-- apparently the only perfectly spherical chocolate, 729 00:35:29,650 --> 00:35:32,310 at least according to the advertisement, 730 00:35:32,310 --> 00:35:34,640 is this thing called the Mozart Kugel. 731 00:35:34,640 --> 00:35:38,230 Now, Mozart Kugel-- how many people have eaten them before. 732 00:35:38,230 --> 00:35:39,671 Just a couple. 733 00:35:39,671 --> 00:35:40,170 Good stuff. 734 00:35:40,170 --> 00:35:43,530 It's, I guess, more a European thing. 735 00:35:43,530 --> 00:35:44,790 It's from Austria. 736 00:35:44,790 --> 00:35:49,150 It's invented in early 1900s, I forget exactly when. 737 00:35:49,150 --> 00:35:51,677 It was a big thing at the time because making chocolate 738 00:35:51,677 --> 00:35:53,010 perfectly spherical is not easy. 739 00:35:53,010 --> 00:35:55,230 It's like, how do you hold it and not 740 00:35:55,230 --> 00:35:56,460 get little indentations? 741 00:35:56,460 --> 00:35:57,620 This thing is perfectly spherical. 742 00:35:57,620 --> 00:35:58,411 Here I'll show you. 743 00:36:00,870 --> 00:36:06,040 But, really, the question I wonder, because as an origamist 744 00:36:06,040 --> 00:36:08,270 you wonder, how do you wrap this thing? 745 00:36:08,270 --> 00:36:10,065 Oh, I ripped it. 746 00:36:10,065 --> 00:36:11,595 I'll try to do this more carefully. 747 00:36:15,820 --> 00:36:18,786 It's not how you usually eat chocolate, is it? 748 00:36:18,786 --> 00:36:21,520 Open very carefully. 749 00:36:21,520 --> 00:36:22,020 It's OK. 750 00:36:22,020 --> 00:36:24,840 I have more in case I fail. 751 00:36:24,840 --> 00:36:25,475 More chocolate. 752 00:36:29,000 --> 00:36:31,801 Not enough for you, I'm afraid. 753 00:36:31,801 --> 00:36:32,800 So ignore the chocolate. 754 00:36:36,410 --> 00:36:40,360 It's not the Droid you're looking for. 755 00:36:40,360 --> 00:36:41,330 It's not the chocolate. 756 00:36:41,330 --> 00:36:42,830 So it's a rectangle. 757 00:36:42,830 --> 00:36:44,455 I didn't do a perfect job. 758 00:36:44,455 --> 00:36:46,070 There's a few little tears there. 759 00:36:46,070 --> 00:36:48,320 But they fold-- Mirabell. 760 00:36:48,320 --> 00:36:52,737 Mirabell makes the most Mozart Kugel in the world. 761 00:36:52,737 --> 00:36:54,320 Mozart Kugel is very cool because it's 762 00:36:54,320 --> 00:36:56,900 built in-- built up in concentric spheres. 763 00:36:56,900 --> 00:37:01,400 You have the marzipan layer, then the milk chocolate layer, 764 00:37:01,400 --> 00:37:03,880 then the nougat layer, then the dark chocolate layer, 765 00:37:03,880 --> 00:37:05,210 if I recall. 766 00:37:05,210 --> 00:37:08,530 Each brand has a different recipe, 767 00:37:08,530 --> 00:37:11,324 but they're always spherical on the outside. 768 00:37:11,324 --> 00:37:12,990 It's kind of like glassblowing actually. 769 00:37:12,990 --> 00:37:15,430 It's kind of fun. 770 00:37:15,430 --> 00:37:19,340 And each company has a slightly different way-- well, 771 00:37:19,340 --> 00:37:21,190 I've studied only two main companies. 772 00:37:21,190 --> 00:37:25,320 Mirabell makes the most of them but they are not the original. 773 00:37:25,320 --> 00:37:29,694 They are called the echta which is-- 774 00:37:29,694 --> 00:37:30,490 AUDIENCE: The real. 775 00:37:30,490 --> 00:37:32,360 PROFESSOR: The real. 776 00:37:32,360 --> 00:37:34,160 The authentic. 777 00:37:34,160 --> 00:37:37,880 But-- now, these are hard to come by. 778 00:37:37,880 --> 00:37:41,470 These are brought to me by my student, [INAUDIBLE], 779 00:37:41,470 --> 00:37:42,540 some of you know. 780 00:37:42,540 --> 00:37:44,519 Architecture. 781 00:37:44,519 --> 00:37:46,060 This is the-- oh, it says in English. 782 00:37:46,060 --> 00:37:46,930 It's kind of easy. 783 00:37:46,930 --> 00:37:50,000 The original Salzburger Mozart Kugel. 784 00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:53,790 Mozart was-- lived in Salzburg, I guess. 785 00:37:53,790 --> 00:37:55,510 And so this is named after him. 786 00:37:55,510 --> 00:37:56,460 Oh, 1884. 787 00:37:56,460 --> 00:37:57,580 Wow. 788 00:37:57,580 --> 00:37:59,310 So that's when they started. 789 00:37:59,310 --> 00:38:05,026 Now, these guys-- I think I've only 790 00:38:05,026 --> 00:38:06,400 had like one of these in my life. 791 00:38:06,400 --> 00:38:07,420 I'm really excited. 792 00:38:07,420 --> 00:38:09,962 The Mirabell's are OK, but this stuff? 793 00:38:09,962 --> 00:38:10,462 Wow. 794 00:38:14,884 --> 00:38:16,300 Oh, it's so much easier to unfold. 795 00:38:16,300 --> 00:38:18,810 I like-- this is, I think, probably handmade. 796 00:38:18,810 --> 00:38:20,450 Much more handmade. 797 00:38:20,450 --> 00:38:23,980 In fact, you can kind of tell it's not perfectly spherical. 798 00:38:23,980 --> 00:38:25,730 It has a little nub at the top. 799 00:38:25,730 --> 00:38:28,626 So this is probably more how they were originally made. 800 00:38:28,626 --> 00:38:30,594 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 801 00:38:30,594 --> 00:38:32,260 PROFESSOR: What, are you getting hungry? 802 00:38:34,910 --> 00:38:36,880 Now, Furst-- Furst is the company 803 00:38:36,880 --> 00:38:41,911 who made the first Mozart Kugel-- they use squares. 804 00:38:41,911 --> 00:38:43,410 I claim they're a little bit better. 805 00:38:43,410 --> 00:38:48,840 But interesting question is, which uses more material? 806 00:38:48,840 --> 00:38:50,160 Something to think about. 807 00:38:50,160 --> 00:38:56,430 Meanwhile-- I won't torture you more by eating. 808 00:38:59,400 --> 00:39:01,000 All right. 809 00:39:01,000 --> 00:39:02,470 So this is a Mozart Kugel problem. 810 00:39:05,250 --> 00:39:12,660 This paper started when-- I think we are in New Orleans. 811 00:39:12,660 --> 00:39:15,200 Some part of the gang was in New Orleans 812 00:39:15,200 --> 00:39:17,620 and there was this deadline the next day 813 00:39:17,620 --> 00:39:20,536 and it was for this workshop on computational geometry-- 814 00:39:20,536 --> 00:39:22,160 the European workshop-- and it happened 815 00:39:22,160 --> 00:39:26,500 to be in Austria that year-- that coming year. 816 00:39:26,500 --> 00:39:28,330 We're like, what paper could we write? 817 00:39:28,330 --> 00:39:30,770 And we're sitting there in the little cafe eating 818 00:39:30,770 --> 00:39:33,040 these beignets of doughnuts and thinking, 819 00:39:33,040 --> 00:39:34,665 what could we write a paper about? 820 00:39:34,665 --> 00:39:36,620 It's like, how about food? 821 00:39:36,620 --> 00:39:39,350 And what does Austria have? 822 00:39:39,350 --> 00:39:42,950 Well, [SPEAKING GERMAN] Well, how about Mozart Kugel? 823 00:39:42,950 --> 00:39:46,440 So-- this is how research happens. 824 00:39:46,440 --> 00:39:48,690 But it's really cool. 825 00:39:48,690 --> 00:39:51,410 It's really cool because this is not your-- 826 00:39:51,410 --> 00:39:55,400 this is not the origami you grew up with in this class. 827 00:39:55,400 --> 00:39:58,430 Because you can't fold a sphere out of a square paper. 828 00:39:58,430 --> 00:40:01,970 And yet, this was a square folded into a sphere. 829 00:40:01,970 --> 00:40:06,650 Somehow that was done using a finite amount of effort. 830 00:40:06,650 --> 00:40:09,510 Whereas if you use regular paper to fold something 831 00:40:09,510 --> 00:40:11,650 that has positive curvature everywhere, 832 00:40:11,650 --> 00:40:13,760 you need infinitely many creases. 833 00:40:13,760 --> 00:40:15,500 And yet this is fairly practical to do. 834 00:40:15,500 --> 00:40:16,980 This is hand wrapped. 835 00:40:16,980 --> 00:40:18,910 In theory, I could re-wrap this. 836 00:40:18,910 --> 00:40:20,570 I've never actually tried. 837 00:40:20,570 --> 00:40:21,760 But something like this. 838 00:40:21,760 --> 00:40:23,215 It works pretty well. 839 00:40:23,215 --> 00:40:26,860 I even covered the tip. 840 00:40:26,860 --> 00:40:28,320 How did I do that in finite effort? 841 00:40:28,320 --> 00:40:30,840 Well, of course it's not a perfect sphere. 842 00:40:30,840 --> 00:40:33,490 But we need to model this mathematically. 843 00:40:33,490 --> 00:40:35,625 It's annoying to take approximations. 844 00:40:35,625 --> 00:40:37,500 I would like a model of folding that actually 845 00:40:37,500 --> 00:40:40,470 does make it possible to fold a sphere. 846 00:40:40,470 --> 00:40:44,490 So this is the idea of contractive folding. 847 00:40:50,990 --> 00:40:54,210 We haven't been super rigorous about defining origami, 848 00:40:54,210 --> 00:40:57,970 but I always say you take a piece of paper, 849 00:40:57,970 --> 00:41:00,890 you can't stretch the paper, you can't tear the paper, 850 00:41:00,890 --> 00:41:03,400 and you can't self-intersect. 851 00:41:03,400 --> 00:41:06,980 We're going to relax the you can't stretch the paper. 852 00:41:06,980 --> 00:41:08,770 You still can't stretch the paper, 853 00:41:08,770 --> 00:41:11,060 but now the paper can contract. 854 00:41:11,060 --> 00:41:13,110 So it can't get longer but it can get shorter. 855 00:41:13,110 --> 00:41:15,640 It's like cables from tensegrity theory. 856 00:41:15,640 --> 00:41:17,470 So you take any pair of points. 857 00:41:17,470 --> 00:41:20,300 There's some distance as measured on the piece of paper. 858 00:41:20,300 --> 00:41:24,540 When you fold this thing into your awesome sphere, 859 00:41:24,540 --> 00:41:26,750 you take the two points, you measure the distance 860 00:41:26,750 --> 00:41:29,890 along the surface of the piece of paper. 861 00:41:29,890 --> 00:41:31,910 Now, I'll-- normally with origami, 862 00:41:31,910 --> 00:41:34,850 these two distances should be equal. 863 00:41:34,850 --> 00:41:36,440 That's isometry. 864 00:41:36,440 --> 00:41:39,440 That's regular origami. 865 00:41:39,440 --> 00:41:45,190 But if I say that this one-- so write equal that way. 866 00:41:45,190 --> 00:41:51,490 If this one can be smaller, then this is contractive. 867 00:41:51,490 --> 00:41:55,920 And that is paper that can shrink but not stretch. 868 00:41:55,920 --> 00:42:06,364 So pairwise distances don't increase. 869 00:42:06,364 --> 00:42:07,530 So they could stay the same. 870 00:42:07,530 --> 00:42:09,710 We could still do regular origami. 871 00:42:09,710 --> 00:42:12,070 But we can also contract. 872 00:42:12,070 --> 00:42:15,140 And then it is possible to fold a sphere. 873 00:42:15,140 --> 00:42:17,690 Now, intuitively, what's going on 874 00:42:17,690 --> 00:42:21,380 is, when you fold out of tinfoil, you can crinkle. 875 00:42:21,380 --> 00:42:26,840 And that lets you not have to worry about-- I mean, 876 00:42:26,840 --> 00:42:28,790 this is pretty good approximation to a sphere 877 00:42:28,790 --> 00:42:31,040 especially when I have a good base underneath 878 00:42:31,040 --> 00:42:35,090 to approximate against. 879 00:42:35,090 --> 00:42:38,250 I'm doing lots of little tiny creases in order 880 00:42:38,250 --> 00:42:43,080 to approximate that contractive mapping, contractive folding. 881 00:42:43,080 --> 00:42:47,350 So, conveniently, there's a theorem 882 00:42:47,350 --> 00:42:49,590 that tells us this is always possible. 883 00:42:49,590 --> 00:42:51,340 I'll tell you the theorem. 884 00:42:51,340 --> 00:42:55,350 This is another theorem by Burago and Zalgallar 885 00:42:55,350 --> 00:42:59,560 who proved the other theorem that if you 886 00:42:59,560 --> 00:43:04,380 have any polyhedral metric you can turn it 887 00:43:04,380 --> 00:43:08,230 into some polyhedron, not necessarily convex. 888 00:43:08,230 --> 00:43:11,610 So they solved that problem plus they solved this problem. 889 00:43:11,610 --> 00:43:16,580 If you take a contractive-- they only solved the smooth case. 890 00:43:16,580 --> 00:43:19,650 I imagine this works for piecewise smooth. 891 00:43:19,650 --> 00:43:23,070 You take a contractive C2 immersion-- 892 00:43:23,070 --> 00:43:25,700 it's just some fancy word for folding, 893 00:43:25,700 --> 00:43:29,060 it has some extra constraints but let's not worry about it. 894 00:43:29,060 --> 00:43:31,490 So C2 means continuous up to the second derivative. 895 00:43:31,490 --> 00:43:32,440 So nice and smooth. 896 00:43:32,440 --> 00:43:35,450 Spheres are valid, for example. 897 00:43:35,450 --> 00:43:42,714 Then any one of those things has a C0-- 898 00:43:42,714 --> 00:43:44,505 I'll just call it polyhedral approximation. 899 00:43:48,570 --> 00:43:51,090 And this is approximation in the Hausdorff sense 900 00:43:51,090 --> 00:43:54,300 meaning you want to fold the sphere. 901 00:43:54,300 --> 00:43:57,200 If you just thicken that sphere by some epsilon, 902 00:43:57,200 --> 00:44:00,570 then you can sort of stay within that epsilon thickened sphere 903 00:44:00,570 --> 00:44:02,290 and do some kind of wiggling. 904 00:44:02,290 --> 00:44:04,120 You'll be polyhedral and you'll only 905 00:44:04,120 --> 00:44:06,390 have finitely many creases. 906 00:44:06,390 --> 00:44:10,180 So there-- if you have a nice, smooth contracted folded state, 907 00:44:10,180 --> 00:44:14,250 you could turn it into a regular origami isometry folded state 908 00:44:14,250 --> 00:44:16,610 that's arbitrarily close to the sphere. 909 00:44:16,610 --> 00:44:17,460 So for any epsilon. 910 00:44:21,090 --> 00:44:25,560 So that's a convenient theorem from 1996. 911 00:44:25,560 --> 00:44:26,730 So that's the model. 912 00:44:26,730 --> 00:44:30,870 Now we can think about, how do I optimally wrap a sphere? 913 00:44:30,870 --> 00:44:35,010 Now, there are many possible goals 914 00:44:35,010 --> 00:44:38,450 you might want to optimize in wrapping a sphere. 915 00:44:38,450 --> 00:44:40,630 Presumably, you want your shape to tile the plane. 916 00:44:40,630 --> 00:44:42,505 So you can cut out a whole bunch of these out 917 00:44:42,505 --> 00:44:44,780 of one sheet of tinfoil. 918 00:44:44,780 --> 00:44:47,000 Obviously Mirabell likes rectangles, 919 00:44:47,000 --> 00:44:49,590 Furst likes squares. 920 00:44:49,590 --> 00:44:51,430 Are those the right things to do? 921 00:44:51,430 --> 00:44:53,230 What about triangles? 922 00:44:53,230 --> 00:44:54,230 What about other shapes? 923 00:44:54,230 --> 00:44:56,104 These are the sorts of questions we consider. 924 00:44:56,104 --> 00:44:58,220 We don't have a complete answer to this question. 925 00:44:58,220 --> 00:45:01,642 But we have a lot of fun-- fun things to do. 926 00:45:01,642 --> 00:45:03,100 What should I tell you about first? 927 00:45:08,449 --> 00:45:09,240 I'm getting hungry. 928 00:45:11,070 --> 00:45:12,820 Maybe I'll have the rest of that Mirabell. 929 00:45:12,820 --> 00:45:14,210 It's just sitting there. 930 00:45:14,210 --> 00:45:17,410 Half a Mozart Kugel, can't have that. 931 00:45:17,410 --> 00:45:17,910 All right. 932 00:45:17,910 --> 00:45:19,165 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 933 00:45:19,165 --> 00:45:19,790 PROFESSOR: Yes. 934 00:45:19,790 --> 00:45:21,105 Question? 935 00:45:21,105 --> 00:45:22,230 AUDIENCE: I was wondering-- 936 00:45:22,230 --> 00:45:24,790 PROFESSOR: You can have any. 937 00:45:24,790 --> 00:45:26,622 AUDIENCE: Because of the fact that you've 938 00:45:26,622 --> 00:45:29,330 got this contracting that occurs, 939 00:45:29,330 --> 00:45:32,645 I was wondering-- it's obvious that because of contracting 940 00:45:32,645 --> 00:45:39,920 you need more than 4 pi r surface area of paper 941 00:45:39,920 --> 00:45:44,590 to wrap a sphere-- a one unit sphere. 942 00:45:44,590 --> 00:45:47,790 I'm wondering, do you know exactly how much 943 00:45:47,790 --> 00:45:50,041 paper do you require due to the fact that [INAUDIBLE]? 944 00:45:50,041 --> 00:45:51,081 PROFESSOR: Good question. 945 00:45:51,081 --> 00:45:52,360 How much paper do you require? 946 00:45:52,360 --> 00:45:53,950 Area is not being preserved here. 947 00:45:53,950 --> 00:45:57,170 Just like the continuous unfolding stuff, 948 00:45:57,170 --> 00:45:58,790 you don't preserve area. 949 00:45:58,790 --> 00:46:00,040 This is really the same thing. 950 00:46:00,040 --> 00:46:02,075 I think you can prove this is a contractive map. 951 00:46:02,075 --> 00:46:03,700 So if you had this as a piece of paper, 952 00:46:03,700 --> 00:46:08,510 you really could fold that smooth pyramid. 953 00:46:11,570 --> 00:46:14,790 But you lose material when you do a contractive mapping. 954 00:46:14,790 --> 00:46:17,880 And in the inverse, when you're unfolding, you gain material. 955 00:46:17,880 --> 00:46:21,395 How much material do I have to gain? 956 00:46:21,395 --> 00:46:22,020 Think about it. 957 00:46:22,020 --> 00:46:23,830 You should be able to answer that question. 958 00:46:23,830 --> 00:46:28,190 I'm going to tell you about some stuff while you think about it. 959 00:46:28,190 --> 00:46:31,140 That was the original question we started with. 960 00:46:31,140 --> 00:46:35,330 What's the minimum area wrapping of a unit sphere? 961 00:46:35,330 --> 00:46:38,847 The surface area of a sphere is 4 pi, FYI. 962 00:46:38,847 --> 00:46:39,930 How much more do you need? 963 00:46:42,570 --> 00:46:43,230 All right. 964 00:46:43,230 --> 00:46:46,960 To describe these unfoldings, I guess they are, or wrappings, 965 00:46:46,960 --> 00:46:49,434 whichever way you're thinking about going, 966 00:46:49,434 --> 00:46:51,100 it's useful to have some structure, kind 967 00:46:51,100 --> 00:46:52,590 of a backbone to the unfolding. 968 00:46:52,590 --> 00:46:55,400 So we came up with this idea of stretched path. 969 00:46:55,400 --> 00:46:57,770 And you can show that any kind of optimal wrapping 970 00:46:57,770 --> 00:47:00,260 will have at least one stretch path. 971 00:47:00,260 --> 00:47:02,820 And our idea is actually-- let me tell you 972 00:47:02,820 --> 00:47:04,670 what a stretch path is. 973 00:47:04,670 --> 00:47:10,830 This is a, let's say, a path between two vertices 974 00:47:10,830 --> 00:47:12,990 whose length does not decrease. 975 00:47:12,990 --> 00:47:19,850 So it actually is preserved in the folding. 976 00:47:29,190 --> 00:47:32,150 So I have my sphere, I have two points, 977 00:47:32,150 --> 00:47:33,960 take the shortest path between them. 978 00:47:33,960 --> 00:47:35,660 That shortest path is exactly what 979 00:47:35,660 --> 00:47:38,327 it is in the unfolding, exactly the same length. 980 00:47:38,327 --> 00:47:39,910 So that's what we call a stretch path. 981 00:47:39,910 --> 00:47:41,610 There's no crinkling along that path. 982 00:47:41,610 --> 00:47:44,150 There maybe crinkling on either side of the path, 983 00:47:44,150 --> 00:47:46,550 but not on it. 984 00:47:46,550 --> 00:47:50,500 Our idea is-- OK, that gives you some kind of structure. 985 00:47:50,500 --> 00:47:52,740 Our idea is to completely cover the surface 986 00:47:52,740 --> 00:47:55,777 of the sphere with stretched paths. 987 00:47:55,777 --> 00:47:57,360 There's a lot of ways you can do that. 988 00:47:57,360 --> 00:48:00,270 Some of them will be valid, some of them won't be. 989 00:48:00,270 --> 00:48:03,469 The simplest one is the source unfolding. 990 00:48:03,469 --> 00:48:05,510 Or I guess you could call it the source wrapping. 991 00:48:08,720 --> 00:48:12,090 Wrapping somehow means contractive I guess. 992 00:48:12,090 --> 00:48:15,550 Which is, you take your sphere, take some point x, 993 00:48:15,550 --> 00:48:17,992 you take all the shortest paths around x-- 994 00:48:17,992 --> 00:48:19,200 it's a little tricky to draw. 995 00:48:22,697 --> 00:48:24,780 In other words, the Voronoi diagram at that point. 996 00:48:24,780 --> 00:48:27,200 Just like we did with source unfolding. 997 00:48:27,200 --> 00:48:31,180 And you call all of these edges, all those straight lines-- 998 00:48:31,180 --> 00:48:36,020 geodesics, whatever-- they go to this opposite south pole here. 999 00:48:36,020 --> 00:48:40,130 All of those lines you call stretch paths. 1000 00:48:40,130 --> 00:48:42,210 That determines an unfolding. 1001 00:48:42,210 --> 00:48:44,720 And it happens to be contractive. 1002 00:48:44,720 --> 00:48:48,070 The unfolding will be a big disk because you'll 1003 00:48:48,070 --> 00:48:51,750 have the center-- call this x. 1004 00:48:51,750 --> 00:48:54,500 This is 3D, this is 2D, in case it wasn't clear. 1005 00:48:54,500 --> 00:48:56,250 They both look the same. 1006 00:48:56,250 --> 00:48:57,850 But now all those paths are straight. 1007 00:49:00,960 --> 00:49:03,260 And it's clear what the lengths of these paths are. 1008 00:49:03,260 --> 00:49:08,927 Each one of them is half the circumference. 1009 00:49:08,927 --> 00:49:09,510 Circumference? 1010 00:49:09,510 --> 00:49:10,551 Is that what you call it? 1011 00:49:10,551 --> 00:49:13,050 Half of an equator of the sphere. 1012 00:49:13,050 --> 00:49:16,350 Which for a unit sphere is pi. 1013 00:49:16,350 --> 00:49:24,020 So this is radius pi, which means the area of this thing 1014 00:49:24,020 --> 00:49:25,750 is pi r squared. 1015 00:49:25,750 --> 00:49:28,380 Sorry, the area is pi cubed. 1016 00:49:31,110 --> 00:49:32,610 Interesting. 1017 00:49:32,610 --> 00:49:38,910 But pi cubed, you can compute, is more than 4pi. 1018 00:49:38,910 --> 00:49:43,580 Pi squared is almost-- is over nine. 1019 00:49:43,580 --> 00:49:45,480 It's over nine times pi. 1020 00:49:45,480 --> 00:49:47,130 We want four times pi. 1021 00:49:47,130 --> 00:49:49,340 This is an example of not preserving area. 1022 00:49:49,340 --> 00:49:51,680 What's happening is there's lots of crinkling 1023 00:49:51,680 --> 00:49:52,604 between these lines. 1024 00:49:52,604 --> 00:49:54,520 Now, there are infinitely many of these lines. 1025 00:49:54,520 --> 00:49:58,340 Every point is covered by one of these stretched paths. 1026 00:49:58,340 --> 00:50:00,460 But again, when I unfold them, if I 1027 00:50:00,460 --> 00:50:03,760 did a limiting approximation, there'd be lots of holes here. 1028 00:50:03,760 --> 00:50:05,326 But in the limit there are no holes 1029 00:50:05,326 --> 00:50:06,700 and that's where I waste material 1030 00:50:06,700 --> 00:50:08,510 and that's where I get contraction. 1031 00:50:08,510 --> 00:50:09,495 Make sense? 1032 00:50:09,495 --> 00:50:13,022 I actually brought a sphere, a couple spheres. 1033 00:50:13,022 --> 00:50:15,230 I brought some chocolate spheres, but slightly bigger 1034 00:50:15,230 --> 00:50:18,120 sphere so we can think about this. 1035 00:50:18,120 --> 00:50:22,840 In this case, we're making stretch paths all around 1036 00:50:22,840 --> 00:50:25,145 from the north pole down to the south pole 1037 00:50:25,145 --> 00:50:27,320 and kind of cutting at the south pole. 1038 00:50:27,320 --> 00:50:29,812 And that's it. 1039 00:50:29,812 --> 00:50:30,788 All right. 1040 00:50:34,700 --> 00:50:39,680 Has anyone solved the problem of what the minimum area 1041 00:50:39,680 --> 00:50:42,480 wrapping of the sphere is? 1042 00:50:42,480 --> 00:50:42,980 Yeah? 1043 00:50:42,980 --> 00:50:43,720 You solved it? 1044 00:50:43,720 --> 00:50:44,570 Janine. 1045 00:50:44,570 --> 00:50:45,360 Or an idea. 1046 00:50:45,360 --> 00:50:47,320 AUDIENCE: I think it's 4pi plus epsilon. 1047 00:50:47,320 --> 00:50:49,219 PROFESSOR: 4pi plus epsilon is correct. 1048 00:50:49,219 --> 00:50:50,260 How do you want to do it? 1049 00:50:53,680 --> 00:50:54,380 Exactly. 1050 00:50:54,380 --> 00:50:56,810 AUDIENCE: An apple core-- or peeling. 1051 00:50:56,810 --> 00:50:59,480 PROFESSOR: Apple peeling, yes. 1052 00:50:59,480 --> 00:51:01,860 Or I prefer to think of it as lecturer-- 1053 00:51:01,860 --> 00:51:04,670 I don't know which one-- the one about strip folding. 1054 00:51:04,670 --> 00:51:06,630 AUDIENCE: Oh, yeah. 1055 00:51:06,630 --> 00:51:07,470 PROFESSOR: Yes. 1056 00:51:07,470 --> 00:51:09,260 Exactly. 1057 00:51:09,260 --> 00:51:11,700 So we had this result about strip folding 1058 00:51:11,700 --> 00:51:17,364 if you remember way back in the folding anything lecture. 1059 00:51:17,364 --> 00:51:19,030 We talked about this and then orgamizer. 1060 00:51:19,030 --> 00:51:20,450 This was the inefficient method. 1061 00:51:20,450 --> 00:51:24,580 But if you started with a very long rectangle of paper, 1062 00:51:24,580 --> 00:51:28,490 we could show that the area of that piece of paper 1063 00:51:28,490 --> 00:51:30,540 is arbitrary-- could be made arbitrarily 1064 00:51:30,540 --> 00:51:32,805 close to the area of your polyhedron. 1065 00:51:36,380 --> 00:51:38,036 So that area plus some epsilon. 1066 00:51:38,036 --> 00:51:39,410 And you can make epsilon as small 1067 00:51:39,410 --> 00:51:43,650 as you wanted just by making this polygon longer. 1068 00:51:43,650 --> 00:51:46,780 If you take a polyhedral approximation of a sphere 1069 00:51:46,780 --> 00:51:50,180 and apply this theorem, you'll get very close to the surface 1070 00:51:50,180 --> 00:51:52,770 area of that approximation which is very close to the surface 1071 00:51:52,770 --> 00:51:54,960 area of the sphere, which is 4pi. 1072 00:51:58,720 --> 00:52:01,170 And then, if you take an outer approximation, 1073 00:52:01,170 --> 00:52:04,430 then you can just sort of crinkle all those vertices down 1074 00:52:04,430 --> 00:52:05,920 against the sphere. 1075 00:52:05,920 --> 00:52:08,460 And you'll do-- it's maybe not totally obvious, 1076 00:52:08,460 --> 00:52:09,887 but it's not that hard. 1077 00:52:09,887 --> 00:52:12,470 You get a contractive map that actually wraps the sphere using 1078 00:52:12,470 --> 00:52:16,465 not much more surface area than what you had. 1079 00:52:16,465 --> 00:52:18,090 The same as what you had, which was not 1080 00:52:18,090 --> 00:52:19,280 much more than the sphere. 1081 00:52:19,280 --> 00:52:21,020 So you can get 4pi plus epsilon. 1082 00:52:21,020 --> 00:52:23,860 So it turns out, minimizing the area of your wrapping 1083 00:52:23,860 --> 00:52:26,272 is not that interesting a question by itself 1084 00:52:26,272 --> 00:52:28,230 because there's kind of this cheating solution. 1085 00:52:28,230 --> 00:52:30,146 Obviously, you don't want to manufacture that. 1086 00:52:30,146 --> 00:52:31,380 I don't think. 1087 00:52:31,380 --> 00:52:35,660 Maybe she built a robot, did the inverse orange peeling, 1088 00:52:35,660 --> 00:52:38,229 it would be pretty cool. 1089 00:52:38,229 --> 00:52:40,520 But if you're trying to sell this idea to confectioners 1090 00:52:40,520 --> 00:52:43,499 around the world, I wouldn't recommend 1091 00:52:43,499 --> 00:52:44,540 attempting strip folding. 1092 00:52:44,540 --> 00:52:46,030 So we would like something that's 1093 00:52:46,030 --> 00:52:51,410 reasonably nice but-- yeah. 1094 00:52:51,410 --> 00:52:52,250 OK. 1095 00:52:52,250 --> 00:52:54,695 AUDIENCE: So if you're trying sell 1096 00:52:54,695 --> 00:53:00,563 wrapper companies [INAUDIBLE] square or rectangular amounts 1097 00:53:00,563 --> 00:53:03,008 would these be 4pi squared? 1098 00:53:03,008 --> 00:53:05,453 Because you're basically producing something 1099 00:53:05,453 --> 00:53:09,320 that maybe would expand the circumference and-- 1100 00:53:09,320 --> 00:53:11,320 PROFESSOR: Well, OK, an interesting question is, 1101 00:53:11,320 --> 00:53:14,524 what is the surface area of these wrappings? 1102 00:53:14,524 --> 00:53:16,440 These actually have pretty special properties, 1103 00:53:16,440 --> 00:53:18,970 the rectangle and the-- I'm getting 1104 00:53:18,970 --> 00:53:20,440 hungry-- and the square. 1105 00:53:23,940 --> 00:53:28,236 Have you thought about which of these has more surface area? 1106 00:53:28,236 --> 00:53:30,030 The rectangle has more? 1107 00:53:30,030 --> 00:53:32,110 Who thinks the rectangle has more? 1108 00:53:32,110 --> 00:53:34,474 Who thinks the square has more? 1109 00:53:34,474 --> 00:53:35,640 Who thinks they're the same? 1110 00:53:39,140 --> 00:53:41,640 Seed you with that idea. 1111 00:53:41,640 --> 00:53:43,220 Well, they're actually the same. 1112 00:53:43,220 --> 00:53:46,199 I'll explain why in a little bit. 1113 00:53:46,199 --> 00:53:46,990 It's crazy, I know. 1114 00:53:51,580 --> 00:53:54,845 I prefer the square because it has less perimeter. 1115 00:54:00,010 --> 00:54:01,920 There are obviously many things you might not 1116 00:54:01,920 --> 00:54:03,750 like about this strip folding. 1117 00:54:03,750 --> 00:54:06,740 It has high aspect ratio, but in particular, 1118 00:54:06,740 --> 00:54:08,620 one way to characterize why this is nasty, 1119 00:54:08,620 --> 00:54:10,630 it says high perimeter. 1120 00:54:10,630 --> 00:54:14,915 Perimeter is annoying because-- for a few reasons. 1121 00:54:14,915 --> 00:54:16,706 Intuitively, if you started with the sphere 1122 00:54:16,706 --> 00:54:18,890 and you wanted to cut it open, then you 1123 00:54:18,890 --> 00:54:21,070 need a lot of cutting because the perimeter is 1124 00:54:21,070 --> 00:54:22,860 the amount that you cut. 1125 00:54:22,860 --> 00:54:25,150 Or it's twice that. 1126 00:54:25,150 --> 00:54:29,382 So conversely, when you're trying to wrap a surface, 1127 00:54:29,382 --> 00:54:30,840 if you have high perimeter, there's 1128 00:54:30,840 --> 00:54:34,200 a lot to worry about, lots of things that have to match up. 1129 00:54:34,200 --> 00:54:36,740 So you've got to be very careful in your crinkling. 1130 00:54:36,740 --> 00:54:38,698 Whereas I really didn't have to be very careful 1131 00:54:38,698 --> 00:54:42,140 wrapping with the square because it has low perimeter. 1132 00:54:42,140 --> 00:54:44,310 Another sense in which perimeter is annoying 1133 00:54:44,310 --> 00:54:46,870 is you're going to have some error. 1134 00:54:46,870 --> 00:54:51,400 So in fact, you can't just perfectly wrap a sphere. 1135 00:54:51,400 --> 00:54:53,740 Like, if I took a disk of exactly this size, 1136 00:54:53,740 --> 00:54:56,100 I probably couldn't wrap a sphere with it 1137 00:54:56,100 --> 00:54:58,762 because I'm going to lose just some epsilon 1138 00:54:58,762 --> 00:55:00,220 and then there'll be a little point 1139 00:55:00,220 --> 00:55:03,720 around the south pole that's missing. 1140 00:55:03,720 --> 00:55:06,030 If you're really going to build confectionery-- build 1141 00:55:06,030 --> 00:55:08,890 confectionery-- if you're really going to wrap confectionery, 1142 00:55:08,890 --> 00:55:10,860 you probably make this a little bit bigger. 1143 00:55:10,860 --> 00:55:14,510 How much area do you lose when you 1144 00:55:14,510 --> 00:55:16,010 make your thing a little bit bigger? 1145 00:55:16,010 --> 00:55:18,637 Well, it's roughly the perimeter times epsilon. 1146 00:55:18,637 --> 00:55:21,220 It's a little bit different from that, but basically perimeter 1147 00:55:21,220 --> 00:55:22,080 times epsilon. 1148 00:55:22,080 --> 00:55:24,050 So if you minimize perimeter, then 1149 00:55:24,050 --> 00:55:27,944 your area wastage from double coverage will go down. 1150 00:55:27,944 --> 00:55:29,360 So really what I want is something 1151 00:55:29,360 --> 00:55:33,140 that's low area and low perimeter. 1152 00:55:33,140 --> 00:55:35,090 That's our new goal. 1153 00:55:35,090 --> 00:55:37,820 And that's why I like Furst better than Mirabell, 1154 00:55:37,820 --> 00:55:39,510 not just because they taste better. 1155 00:55:39,510 --> 00:55:42,222 I really should verify that they taste better. 1156 00:55:42,222 --> 00:55:45,010 Oh, yeah. 1157 00:55:45,010 --> 00:55:47,520 Now, they're very different insides. 1158 00:55:47,520 --> 00:55:50,580 Oh, but it's so good. 1159 00:55:50,580 --> 00:55:52,230 Oh, much better chocolate. 1160 00:55:52,230 --> 00:55:52,740 All right. 1161 00:56:00,548 --> 00:56:04,160 Maybe I should have a lottery for eating the rest. 1162 00:56:07,890 --> 00:56:08,570 Petal wrapping. 1163 00:56:12,790 --> 00:56:16,010 This is going to be another way to put stretch 1164 00:56:16,010 --> 00:56:18,450 paths on the sphere and get an unfolding-- get 1165 00:56:18,450 --> 00:56:21,410 a contractive wrapping from that. 1166 00:56:21,410 --> 00:56:23,391 Which actually corresponds to this toy. 1167 00:56:23,391 --> 00:56:25,140 I don't know if you ever played with this. 1168 00:56:25,140 --> 00:56:26,460 The Frisbee that's also a ball. 1169 00:56:29,120 --> 00:56:30,940 These-- you see those cuts? 1170 00:56:33,839 --> 00:56:35,630 Those are the shortest paths from the north 1171 00:56:35,630 --> 00:56:38,200 pole to the south pole. 1172 00:56:38,200 --> 00:56:41,030 But we're not-- before we were sort 1173 00:56:41,030 --> 00:56:44,650 of using-- kind of slicing along but also preserving-- 1174 00:56:44,650 --> 00:56:47,780 that's kind of confusing-- all of them, infinitely many. 1175 00:56:47,780 --> 00:56:49,280 Now I want to do with finitely many. 1176 00:56:49,280 --> 00:56:51,240 Here I only have six. 1177 00:56:51,240 --> 00:56:52,800 Six? 1178 00:56:52,800 --> 00:56:53,450 Yes, six. 1179 00:56:56,772 --> 00:56:57,730 Doesn't have to be six. 1180 00:56:57,730 --> 00:57:00,260 Could be any number k. 1181 00:57:00,260 --> 00:57:07,070 So I'm going to look at k stretch paths from north pole 1182 00:57:07,070 --> 00:57:07,850 to south pole. 1183 00:57:07,850 --> 00:57:11,190 So I have my sphere, here is my north pole. 1184 00:57:11,190 --> 00:57:15,200 I do some constant number. 1185 00:57:15,200 --> 00:57:17,370 Here I've done five. 1186 00:57:17,370 --> 00:57:21,147 This is equally spaced angular around the north pole, 1187 00:57:21,147 --> 00:57:22,980 they all go to the south pole on the bottom. 1188 00:57:26,270 --> 00:57:27,924 Something like that. 1189 00:57:27,924 --> 00:57:29,340 It's going to start getting messy. 1190 00:57:32,160 --> 00:57:33,790 These are going to be stretch paths. 1191 00:57:33,790 --> 00:57:38,910 I have to fill these orange slices in between them. 1192 00:57:38,910 --> 00:57:41,630 How should I fill them? 1193 00:57:41,630 --> 00:57:44,457 Here's an idea. 1194 00:57:44,457 --> 00:57:46,040 It's kind of like the Voronoi diagram. 1195 00:57:46,040 --> 00:57:51,485 Voronoi diagram is you grow from many objects simultaneously. 1196 00:57:51,485 --> 00:57:54,550 With this sphere wrapping we grew from a single point 1197 00:57:54,550 --> 00:57:57,130 in all directions. 1198 00:57:57,130 --> 00:57:57,800 That was it. 1199 00:57:57,800 --> 00:57:59,380 Now, I've drawn these paths. 1200 00:57:59,380 --> 00:58:04,120 What if I grew from all of these finite stretch paths at once? 1201 00:58:04,120 --> 00:58:07,299 What I would get, these would at some point converge. 1202 00:58:07,299 --> 00:58:09,340 They would converge at the angular bisector here. 1203 00:58:13,760 --> 00:58:15,560 Along the way, what's happening is 1204 00:58:15,560 --> 00:58:20,330 each of these points is kind of tracing along a straight line, 1205 00:58:20,330 --> 00:58:22,910 so to speak, a great circular arc 1206 00:58:22,910 --> 00:58:25,640 until it reaches that point. 1207 00:58:25,640 --> 00:58:28,670 I'm going to make these stretched paths, 1208 00:58:28,670 --> 00:58:31,794 and these are also stretched pads, and basically cutting 1209 00:58:31,794 --> 00:58:32,710 along the dotted line. 1210 00:58:36,310 --> 00:58:36,810 OK. 1211 00:58:36,810 --> 00:58:38,800 I won't draw all of them. 1212 00:58:38,800 --> 00:58:39,860 But you get the idea. 1213 00:58:39,860 --> 00:58:43,015 When you unfold this thing, you have these kind of wish bones. 1214 00:58:52,540 --> 00:58:55,430 These guys meet sort of perpendicularly. 1215 00:58:55,430 --> 00:58:57,702 So when you unfold you preserve those angles. 1216 00:58:57,702 --> 00:58:59,160 Remember these are stretched paths. 1217 00:58:59,160 --> 00:59:01,430 These lengths are preserved. 1218 00:59:01,430 --> 00:59:04,780 The stuff in between, it's really a curved thing 1219 00:59:04,780 --> 00:59:07,380 and it gets slightly larger in this thing. 1220 00:59:07,380 --> 00:59:10,400 We call this thing a petal. 1221 00:59:10,400 --> 00:59:12,590 But this is an unfolding of this sort 1222 00:59:12,590 --> 00:59:14,580 of one fifth of the sphere. 1223 00:59:14,580 --> 00:59:18,660 This is the center line and these are the two sides. 1224 00:59:18,660 --> 00:59:23,540 So that's the idea of petal wrapping. 1225 00:59:23,540 --> 00:59:26,950 Now, there's different ways to join these petals together. 1226 00:59:26,950 --> 00:59:31,020 One idea is join them all at the north pole. 1227 00:59:31,020 --> 00:59:33,390 So then what you get-- it's a little hard 1228 00:59:33,390 --> 00:59:36,020 to imagine that these things don't intersect each other, 1229 00:59:36,020 --> 00:59:38,120 especially when I've drawn them so fat. 1230 00:59:38,120 --> 00:59:40,245 For five, it's going to look something like this. 1231 00:59:43,159 --> 00:59:44,200 I'm drawing it perfectly. 1232 00:59:46,659 --> 00:59:48,450 They won't actually intersect in the center 1233 00:59:48,450 --> 00:59:50,533 because the total amount of material at the center 1234 00:59:50,533 --> 00:59:52,660 is only 360 degrees. 1235 00:59:52,660 --> 00:59:56,250 And this will actually have-- the tangents will actually 1236 00:59:56,250 --> 00:59:57,090 match up here. 1237 00:59:57,090 --> 00:59:59,380 So they will perfectly mean in the center 1238 00:59:59,380 --> 01:00:01,810 without self-intersection. 1239 01:00:01,810 --> 01:00:03,610 So it's only sort of a vertex unfolding. 1240 01:00:03,610 --> 01:00:05,180 Because they're only connected at the single point. 1241 01:00:05,180 --> 01:00:06,710 But that's maybe necessary. 1242 01:00:06,710 --> 01:00:07,702 I don't know. 1243 01:00:07,702 --> 01:00:09,410 And again, these are the stretched paths. 1244 01:00:12,540 --> 01:00:15,450 It's a neat way to think about unfolding. 1245 01:00:15,450 --> 01:00:20,160 You can draw these-- ignore the yellow for now. 1246 01:00:20,160 --> 01:00:22,734 That's if you might want to actually cut these out. 1247 01:00:22,734 --> 01:00:24,650 So we have the three petal unfolding, the four 1248 01:00:24,650 --> 01:00:26,770 petal unfolding, five petal unfolding, six petal, 1249 01:00:26,770 --> 01:00:28,920 you can go arbitrarily high. 1250 01:00:28,920 --> 01:00:32,610 In the limit, the area of the blue stuff 1251 01:00:32,610 --> 01:00:35,320 will converge to 4pi. 1252 01:00:35,320 --> 01:00:37,279 This is another way to get arbitrarily close. 1253 01:00:37,279 --> 01:00:38,820 Because the smaller these things are, 1254 01:00:38,820 --> 01:00:39,945 the less you're distorting. 1255 01:00:43,680 --> 01:00:45,530 So this is two families of wrappings. 1256 01:00:45,530 --> 01:00:48,100 We call these-- the blue stuff is the petal unfolding, 1257 01:00:48,100 --> 01:00:52,050 the yellow is the convex hull of the petal unfoldings. 1258 01:00:52,050 --> 01:00:53,760 Not quite, actually. 1259 01:00:53,760 --> 01:01:00,090 So in the case of k equals 3, we could think about a convex 1260 01:01:00,090 --> 01:01:02,110 hull, but what I've drawn here is the smallest 1261 01:01:02,110 --> 01:01:04,880 enclosing equilateral triangle. 1262 01:01:04,880 --> 01:01:07,060 Now this is the first class of unfoldings 1263 01:01:07,060 --> 01:01:10,690 we came up with after the obvious sphere-- 1264 01:01:10,690 --> 01:01:16,860 or circular one which had pi cubed over 9pi. 1265 01:01:16,860 --> 01:01:21,090 One thing we wondered is that triangle, 1266 01:01:21,090 --> 01:01:26,550 is it better than the Mozart Kugel wrappings? 1267 01:01:26,550 --> 01:01:28,636 Or is it worse? 1268 01:01:28,636 --> 01:01:30,010 One way or the other, presumably. 1269 01:01:30,010 --> 01:01:31,290 Or maybe it's the same again. 1270 01:01:31,290 --> 01:01:33,280 Who knows. 1271 01:01:33,280 --> 01:01:33,780 Let's see. 1272 01:01:36,601 --> 01:01:37,100 Yeah. 1273 01:01:37,100 --> 01:01:40,624 Let me tell you, at this point-- so I need more techniques 1274 01:01:40,624 --> 01:01:42,040 to cover both of those unfoldings, 1275 01:01:42,040 --> 01:01:46,980 but that square is the first wrapping. 1276 01:01:46,980 --> 01:01:48,274 This one. 1277 01:01:48,274 --> 01:01:50,440 I'll have to unfold another one just so you can see. 1278 01:01:53,702 --> 01:01:54,640 All right. 1279 01:01:54,640 --> 01:01:57,510 So you see-- I mean, I did a few times 1280 01:01:57,510 --> 01:01:59,000 so maybe you already know. 1281 01:01:59,000 --> 01:02:01,890 Here I have four corners, four right angles. 1282 01:02:01,890 --> 01:02:04,110 They meet at the top. 1283 01:02:04,110 --> 01:02:07,320 So that is-- that's where the four 1284 01:02:07,320 --> 01:02:08,820 corners of the square which are also 1285 01:02:08,820 --> 01:02:11,980 the four corners of the petal come together. 1286 01:02:11,980 --> 01:02:16,000 And then it's just everything-- these lines 1287 01:02:16,000 --> 01:02:17,480 are stretched paths. 1288 01:02:17,480 --> 01:02:20,330 There's no distortion around them, they just kind of unfold. 1289 01:02:20,330 --> 01:02:26,010 The stuff in the middle is-- it's like undressing here. 1290 01:02:26,010 --> 01:02:27,890 It's so tantalizing. 1291 01:02:27,890 --> 01:02:31,120 The stuff in the middle is getting contracted. 1292 01:02:31,120 --> 01:02:33,860 So if-- I don't know if you could see, maybe in the video 1293 01:02:33,860 --> 01:02:35,040 you'll be able to see. 1294 01:02:35,040 --> 01:02:36,900 Look closely at here. 1295 01:02:36,900 --> 01:02:40,950 Along this path there isn't so much crinkling. 1296 01:02:40,950 --> 01:02:42,670 In between there's a lot more crinkling. 1297 01:02:42,670 --> 01:02:43,990 It's like here there's a lot of crinkling. 1298 01:02:43,990 --> 01:02:45,460 When I unfold it, a lot more stuff 1299 01:02:45,460 --> 01:02:49,121 happens in between the four top paths. 1300 01:02:49,121 --> 01:02:49,620 OK? 1301 01:02:49,620 --> 01:02:53,160 Now, they wanted to cut very simple shapes. 1302 01:02:53,160 --> 01:02:55,320 In particular, shapes that tiled the plane. 1303 01:02:55,320 --> 01:02:59,420 So they ended up using squares instead of the sort of optimal 1304 01:02:59,420 --> 01:03:02,555 with that stretched paths which are those four petals. 1305 01:03:05,122 --> 01:03:07,080 So they used the yellow, whereas you could just 1306 01:03:07,080 --> 01:03:07,770 get away with the blue. 1307 01:03:07,770 --> 01:03:09,895 Of course, you want to add a little bit of material 1308 01:03:09,895 --> 01:03:12,680 in the center so it doesn't fall apart. 1309 01:03:12,680 --> 01:03:15,040 And you need to thicken the edges a little bit. 1310 01:03:15,040 --> 01:03:19,740 So they care about that little yellow minus blue savings? 1311 01:03:19,740 --> 01:03:21,056 I'm not sure. 1312 01:03:21,056 --> 01:03:24,330 But what about the triangle? 1313 01:03:24,330 --> 01:03:26,980 We spend a lot of time computing these shapes. 1314 01:03:26,980 --> 01:03:28,800 It's some weird trigonometry. 1315 01:03:28,800 --> 01:03:30,360 It's in the notes. 1316 01:03:30,360 --> 01:03:33,540 Arc sine of sine over square root of 1 over sine squared 1317 01:03:33,540 --> 01:03:36,250 minus cos squared of various parameters 1318 01:03:36,250 --> 01:03:39,435 is the description of one of these curves. 1319 01:03:39,435 --> 01:03:41,060 So we did all this computation and then 1320 01:03:41,060 --> 01:03:44,680 we integrated it to compute what these areas were and then-- 1321 01:03:44,680 --> 01:03:47,690 or figure out exactly what these shapes were, take the tangents, 1322 01:03:47,690 --> 01:03:50,780 say, well, is the smallest enclosing triangle better 1323 01:03:50,780 --> 01:03:52,940 or worse than the square? 1324 01:03:52,940 --> 01:03:58,545 It turns out it's better by 0.1%. 1325 01:04:02,620 --> 01:04:05,780 Now, I think-- millions of Mozart Kugel 1326 01:04:05,780 --> 01:04:07,430 are made every year. 1327 01:04:07,430 --> 01:04:13,200 0.1% could equate to huge savings. 1328 01:04:13,200 --> 01:04:14,790 Dollars. 1329 01:04:14,790 --> 01:04:16,710 But just think of the material wastage 1330 01:04:16,710 --> 01:04:20,830 that Furst is committing by using the square. 1331 01:04:20,830 --> 01:04:23,090 If they used the triangle instead, 1332 01:04:23,090 --> 01:04:25,830 I mean, this could solve global warming. 1333 01:04:25,830 --> 01:04:27,565 This could solve chocolate melting. 1334 01:04:31,580 --> 01:04:34,230 We actually talk about global warming in the paper as a joke. 1335 01:04:34,230 --> 01:04:36,830 It's a very funny paper. 1336 01:04:36,830 --> 01:04:39,440 Very silly paper, I should say. 1337 01:04:39,440 --> 01:04:39,940 Right. 1338 01:04:39,940 --> 01:04:41,315 Let me tell you another wrapping. 1339 01:04:52,010 --> 01:04:53,430 Chalk. 1340 01:04:53,430 --> 01:04:54,440 The comb wrapping. 1341 01:05:05,010 --> 01:05:07,930 Comb wrapping, we're going to use the same idea. 1342 01:05:07,930 --> 01:05:10,730 Again-- do I really want to draw this again? 1343 01:05:14,825 --> 01:05:19,670 I'm going to draw those petals, but instead of connecting them 1344 01:05:19,670 --> 01:05:21,610 at the north pole, we're going to connect them 1345 01:05:21,610 --> 01:05:23,350 along the equator. 1346 01:05:23,350 --> 01:05:26,102 This is actually what happens-- oh, no. 1347 01:05:26,102 --> 01:05:28,560 This is not-- this connects them at the north pole I guess, 1348 01:05:28,560 --> 01:05:29,840 and it folds them in half. 1349 01:05:29,840 --> 01:05:31,350 Whatever. 1350 01:05:31,350 --> 01:05:35,060 But I have the equator nicely denoted here. 1351 01:05:35,060 --> 01:05:39,080 So I want to keep the equator as a new stretched path. 1352 01:05:39,080 --> 01:05:41,500 I want that to unfold straight. 1353 01:05:41,500 --> 01:05:43,830 But then attached to it perpendicularly 1354 01:05:43,830 --> 01:05:46,690 are all these petals which unfold. 1355 01:05:46,690 --> 01:05:52,400 So the result looks like this. 1356 01:05:52,400 --> 01:05:57,150 Here's the equatorial stretched path and here are the petals. 1357 01:05:57,150 --> 01:05:59,820 Petals are exactly the same shapes as before, 1358 01:05:59,820 --> 01:06:03,240 so we still have stretched pads perpendicular like that. 1359 01:06:03,240 --> 01:06:04,950 But it's a new way to cover every point 1360 01:06:04,950 --> 01:06:07,340 on the sphere with stretched paths. 1361 01:06:07,340 --> 01:06:09,370 It leads to the blue unfoldings. 1362 01:06:09,370 --> 01:06:11,980 You can take the smallest enclosing rectangle 1363 01:06:11,980 --> 01:06:13,076 and you get the yellow. 1364 01:06:17,024 --> 01:06:18,440 What do I want to say about these? 1365 01:06:22,090 --> 01:06:24,570 They're the same area, of course. 1366 01:06:24,570 --> 01:06:29,795 They look a lot like these old cartograms, cartographs-- 1367 01:06:29,795 --> 01:06:34,200 whatever you call them-- unfoldings of the earth. 1368 01:06:34,200 --> 01:06:35,410 I thought I brought an earth. 1369 01:06:35,410 --> 01:06:37,080 Maybe we didn't bring the earth. 1370 01:06:37,080 --> 01:06:40,349 A globe, that is. 1371 01:06:40,349 --> 01:06:41,890 You've seen pictures maybe like this. 1372 01:06:41,890 --> 01:06:43,450 They're not unfolded in the same way. 1373 01:06:43,450 --> 01:06:46,080 They don't have stretched paths that are perpendicular. 1374 01:06:46,080 --> 01:06:48,250 They use some other projection, so their petals 1375 01:06:48,250 --> 01:06:49,650 are a different shape. 1376 01:06:49,650 --> 01:06:51,810 And I'm not sure that they're contractive-- 1377 01:06:51,810 --> 01:06:54,320 or inverse contractive maps. 1378 01:06:54,320 --> 01:06:55,810 But same spirit anyway. 1379 01:06:58,540 --> 01:06:59,040 Let's see. 1380 01:07:02,130 --> 01:07:10,410 This one is the Mirabell unfolding. 1381 01:07:10,410 --> 01:07:14,250 Should I unfold another just to illustrate? 1382 01:07:14,250 --> 01:07:15,950 Going through chocolate like crazy here. 1383 01:07:15,950 --> 01:07:19,180 This is the really hard one to unfold. 1384 01:07:19,180 --> 01:07:22,587 So here's one corner-- a little hard to see. 1385 01:07:22,587 --> 01:07:23,920 Where's the equator going to be? 1386 01:07:23,920 --> 01:07:27,270 I think the equator is around here. 1387 01:07:27,270 --> 01:07:28,690 That make sense? 1388 01:07:28,690 --> 01:07:29,190 No. 1389 01:07:29,190 --> 01:07:32,210 Actually it should be perpendicular to that. 1390 01:07:32,210 --> 01:07:34,619 Around here. 1391 01:07:34,619 --> 01:07:35,910 This is a little harder to see. 1392 01:07:39,600 --> 01:07:41,350 Here's a corner, actually. 1393 01:07:41,350 --> 01:07:43,187 Tucked inside. 1394 01:07:43,187 --> 01:07:45,020 I've been really curious what kind of robots 1395 01:07:45,020 --> 01:07:46,241 they have to do this. 1396 01:07:46,241 --> 01:07:46,740 All right. 1397 01:07:46,740 --> 01:07:47,531 Here's the equator. 1398 01:07:47,531 --> 01:07:48,570 Now I can see it. 1399 01:07:48,570 --> 01:07:50,420 So this-- the long edge of the rectangle 1400 01:07:50,420 --> 01:07:52,400 is wrapped around the equator. 1401 01:07:52,400 --> 01:07:54,960 See it come off? 1402 01:07:54,960 --> 01:07:57,720 And then the corners are wrapped up 1403 01:07:57,720 --> 01:08:02,130 against-- so there's two-- well, yeah, 1404 01:08:02,130 --> 01:08:04,810 these guys go on one side, these guys go on the other. 1405 01:08:04,810 --> 01:08:06,860 That's the short edge of the rectangle. 1406 01:08:06,860 --> 01:08:09,580 Now we can actually compute how big these things are, right? 1407 01:08:09,580 --> 01:08:14,780 So the-- where's the-- I have a page about this. 1408 01:08:14,780 --> 01:08:17,149 Not much. 1409 01:08:17,149 --> 01:08:22,380 The vertical length, that is one half equator. 1410 01:08:22,380 --> 01:08:24,160 So that's pi. 1411 01:08:24,160 --> 01:08:28,040 The horizontal length is 2pi. 1412 01:08:28,040 --> 01:08:36,990 So this is Mirabell rectangle, pi by 2pi. 1413 01:08:36,990 --> 01:08:41,040 And we talked about the Furst wrapping 1414 01:08:41,040 --> 01:08:52,600 which, let's see, this length-- so this goes like this. 1415 01:08:52,600 --> 01:08:55,090 So this is 2pi, right? 1416 01:08:55,090 --> 01:08:57,649 The diagonal is 2pi. 1417 01:08:57,649 --> 01:09:01,880 So that means this edge length is root 2pi. 1418 01:09:01,880 --> 01:09:02,439 By root 2pi. 1419 01:09:05,359 --> 01:09:08,779 And magically-- I don't really have a great reason why 1420 01:09:08,779 --> 01:09:10,939 this should be the case but-- well, maybe I 1421 01:09:10,939 --> 01:09:13,760 do-- but these have the same area. 1422 01:09:13,760 --> 01:09:14,790 Both 2pi squared. 1423 01:09:17,410 --> 01:09:19,479 Which is like 6pi. 1424 01:09:19,479 --> 01:09:23,689 So better than 9ish pi, but still not quite as good as 1425 01:09:23,689 --> 01:09:26,250 4ish pi. 1426 01:09:26,250 --> 01:09:29,210 I have some exact numbers. 1427 01:09:29,210 --> 01:09:32,600 More exact numbers? 1428 01:09:32,600 --> 01:09:35,220 Oh, I have the perimeters. 1429 01:09:35,220 --> 01:09:39,170 So the first wrapping, the perimeter is 5.7 times pi. 1430 01:09:39,170 --> 01:09:41,540 And the Mirabell wrapping is 6 times pi. 1431 01:09:41,540 --> 01:09:43,415 So reasonable savings in perimeter. 1432 01:09:46,430 --> 01:09:48,410 2pi squared. 1433 01:09:48,410 --> 01:09:52,359 The equilateral triangle wrapping-- 1434 01:09:52,359 --> 01:09:55,710 that one in the top left-- instead of 2pi squared, 1435 01:09:55,710 --> 01:10:00,810 it has area 1.9983pi squared. 1436 01:10:00,810 --> 01:10:06,430 That's the 0.1% improvement. 1437 01:10:06,430 --> 01:10:07,887 Amazing. 1438 01:10:07,887 --> 01:10:08,720 This was a surprise. 1439 01:10:08,720 --> 01:10:10,600 We thought it'd be a fair amount better or worse 1440 01:10:10,600 --> 01:10:11,641 or the same or something. 1441 01:10:11,641 --> 01:10:13,140 But almost the same. 1442 01:10:13,140 --> 01:10:16,100 It's not what we expected. 1443 01:10:16,100 --> 01:10:18,680 Let's see. 1444 01:10:18,680 --> 01:10:22,290 I want to go to packing. 1445 01:10:22,290 --> 01:10:25,300 What if you want to do better than those simple convex 1446 01:10:25,300 --> 01:10:25,800 shapes? 1447 01:10:25,800 --> 01:10:28,700 Yeah, equilateral triangles and squares and rectangles pack. 1448 01:10:28,700 --> 01:10:31,800 But what if I tried to-- what if I allowed non-convex shapes? 1449 01:10:31,800 --> 01:10:35,040 I still want to tile the plane, so I'm 1450 01:10:35,040 --> 01:10:36,990 going to lose some material for that. 1451 01:10:36,990 --> 01:10:39,320 I could add some of this material to the blue guy, some 1452 01:10:39,320 --> 01:10:41,750 to the purple, some to the red. 1453 01:10:41,750 --> 01:10:43,980 You can compute the area of this thing 1454 01:10:43,980 --> 01:10:46,780 and it does a lot better than the equilateral triangle even. 1455 01:10:46,780 --> 01:10:48,190 So now we're getting down there. 1456 01:10:48,190 --> 01:10:51,640 The perimeter goes up a little bit, but not by much. 1457 01:10:51,640 --> 01:10:57,690 Packing three petals gives 1.6 times pi squared. 1458 01:10:57,690 --> 01:10:58,360 Getting better. 1459 01:10:58,360 --> 01:11:01,240 By the way, 4pi-- because I'm going to speak in pi squareds 1460 01:11:01,240 --> 01:11:08,050 now-- 4pi is about 1.27pi squared. 1461 01:11:08,050 --> 01:11:08,550 OK. 1462 01:11:08,550 --> 01:11:10,620 So what we want is 1.27pi squared. 1463 01:11:10,620 --> 01:11:16,590 At this point, we're at 1.6033 times pi squared. 1464 01:11:16,590 --> 01:11:19,820 The comb does better. 1465 01:11:19,820 --> 01:11:23,530 In the limit, you don't lose zero here in the limit, 1466 01:11:23,530 --> 01:11:26,310 but you lose quite little. 1467 01:11:26,310 --> 01:11:29,840 In the limit you get 1.333 times pi squared. 1468 01:11:29,840 --> 01:11:31,089 Versus 1.27. 1469 01:11:31,089 --> 01:11:31,880 That's pretty good. 1470 01:11:31,880 --> 01:11:35,830 I think this is-- this is what we should manufacture. 1471 01:11:35,830 --> 01:11:36,330 Maybe. 1472 01:11:36,330 --> 01:11:39,940 Of course, the perimeter goes to infinity also. 1473 01:11:39,940 --> 01:11:40,930 Slight problem. 1474 01:11:40,930 --> 01:11:42,247 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 1475 01:11:42,247 --> 01:11:44,080 PROFESSOR: You don't lose zero in the limit. 1476 01:11:44,080 --> 01:11:45,340 For awhile we thought we did. 1477 01:11:45,340 --> 01:11:46,590 You'll have to think about it. 1478 01:11:46,590 --> 01:11:47,298 It's not obvious. 1479 01:11:49,760 --> 01:11:51,630 Really, we have this two dimensional space. 1480 01:11:51,630 --> 01:11:54,400 It's called the Pareto curve or-- it's 1481 01:11:54,400 --> 01:11:57,670 a plot of perimeter on the x-axis versus area 1482 01:11:57,670 --> 01:11:58,350 on the y-axis. 1483 01:11:58,350 --> 01:11:59,770 We want both to be small. 1484 01:12:02,470 --> 01:12:04,669 So two-source wrapping, for example, 1485 01:12:04,669 --> 01:12:05,960 is pretty good in both metrics. 1486 01:12:05,960 --> 01:12:08,335 That's where you take the Voronoi diagram, both the north 1487 01:12:08,335 --> 01:12:09,920 and south pole. 1488 01:12:09,920 --> 01:12:12,060 So you actually have two disks-- one 1489 01:12:12,060 --> 01:12:14,870 for the southern hemisphere, one for the northern hemisphere-- 1490 01:12:14,870 --> 01:12:19,360 you get two disks and you just attach them side by side. 1491 01:12:19,360 --> 01:12:22,690 Although-- yeah. 1492 01:12:22,690 --> 01:12:23,190 Let's see. 1493 01:12:23,190 --> 01:12:24,940 What's this one? 1494 01:12:24,940 --> 01:12:26,320 There's the Furst wrapping. 1495 01:12:26,320 --> 01:12:28,194 So they're really good in terms of perimeter. 1496 01:12:28,194 --> 01:12:30,760 In fact, one of the best perimeters we know. 1497 01:12:30,760 --> 01:12:33,570 It's an open problem how far left you can go. 1498 01:12:33,570 --> 01:12:38,710 The stars are convex hull of petal wrappings. 1499 01:12:38,710 --> 01:12:41,540 Because the square was a convex hull of a four petal wrapping. 1500 01:12:41,540 --> 01:12:43,520 This is the convex of the three petal wrapping. 1501 01:12:43,520 --> 01:12:45,880 Now, that doesn't actually tile, but it 1502 01:12:45,880 --> 01:12:47,344 has the smallest perimeter we now. 1503 01:12:47,344 --> 01:12:49,010 So it's where you take the three petals, 1504 01:12:49,010 --> 01:12:50,801 but instead of completing it to a triangle, 1505 01:12:50,801 --> 01:12:54,770 you actually make the sharp turn around the petal. 1506 01:12:54,770 --> 01:13:02,790 So we have three petals like this. 1507 01:13:02,790 --> 01:13:05,460 And so the convex hull is some tangent here. 1508 01:13:05,460 --> 01:13:07,832 And then you follow the petal for awhile. 1509 01:13:07,832 --> 01:13:09,540 And then you take a tangent, and then you 1510 01:13:09,540 --> 01:13:12,550 follow the petal for a while, and then you take a tangent. 1511 01:13:12,550 --> 01:13:18,030 So that's the smallest perimeter unfolding of a sphere 1512 01:13:18,030 --> 01:13:19,450 that we know. 1513 01:13:19,450 --> 01:13:20,050 Open problem. 1514 01:13:20,050 --> 01:13:21,190 Can you do better? 1515 01:13:21,190 --> 01:13:23,170 Can you get arbitrarily small? 1516 01:13:23,170 --> 01:13:25,120 Probably not. 1517 01:13:25,120 --> 01:13:26,800 Some isoperimetry problem. 1518 01:13:26,800 --> 01:13:29,060 You can get arbitrarily low area, arbitrarily 1519 01:13:29,060 --> 01:13:32,100 close to the optimal of 4pi. 1520 01:13:32,100 --> 01:13:35,770 That's like the strip wrapping. 1521 01:13:35,770 --> 01:13:37,230 Let's see. 1522 01:13:37,230 --> 01:13:38,560 So that's one limit. 1523 01:13:38,560 --> 01:13:41,500 That corresponds to the limit of petal or comb wrappings. 1524 01:13:41,500 --> 01:13:43,750 Petal and comb wrappings, if you don't take any hulls 1525 01:13:43,750 --> 01:13:47,640 or anything, they are the same area and the same perimeter. 1526 01:13:47,640 --> 01:13:49,730 So I think out of that you should 1527 01:13:49,730 --> 01:13:52,150 be able to see why, in the special case of the square 1528 01:13:52,150 --> 01:13:53,900 and the rectangle, you get the same stuff. 1529 01:13:53,900 --> 01:13:57,750 There's a bijection between all the parts. 1530 01:13:57,750 --> 01:13:58,650 Not totally obvious. 1531 01:13:58,650 --> 01:14:01,860 You have to dissect a little bit. 1532 01:14:01,860 --> 01:14:04,230 Mirabell wrappings, they're not so good. 1533 01:14:04,230 --> 01:14:04,890 What are those? 1534 01:14:04,890 --> 01:14:07,880 The convex hull of comb wrappings. 1535 01:14:07,880 --> 01:14:08,880 So they're way out here. 1536 01:14:08,880 --> 01:14:12,070 Clearly Furst is better. 1537 01:14:12,070 --> 01:14:14,520 Here's the equilateral triangle, which you can't tell, 1538 01:14:14,520 --> 01:14:18,540 but it's slightly below that dashed line. 1539 01:14:18,540 --> 01:14:21,712 And pretty good perimeter but not quite as good as Furst. 1540 01:14:21,712 --> 01:14:24,170 So actually, probably, you don't want to use the triangles. 1541 01:14:24,170 --> 01:14:25,990 You prefer the lower perimeter. 1542 01:14:25,990 --> 01:14:28,090 But this guy is interesting. 1543 01:14:28,090 --> 01:14:29,550 Anyway, this is a fun space. 1544 01:14:29,550 --> 01:14:31,735 What we kind of really care about is-- this 1545 01:14:31,735 --> 01:14:32,860 is called the Pareto curve. 1546 01:14:32,860 --> 01:14:35,740 It's the, if I give you some bound on perimeter, what's 1547 01:14:35,740 --> 01:14:37,760 the smallest area I can get? 1548 01:14:37,760 --> 01:14:39,540 This is the best bound we know so far. 1549 01:14:39,540 --> 01:14:42,560 And we know the Pareto curves below this thing, 1550 01:14:42,560 --> 01:14:44,480 but can you go lower? 1551 01:14:44,480 --> 01:14:45,560 We don't know. 1552 01:14:45,560 --> 01:14:48,550 So these are some fun examples, but actually, the big questions 1553 01:14:48,550 --> 01:14:51,050 are still pretty much unsolved here. 1554 01:14:51,050 --> 01:14:53,330 Even if you restrict to-- I think 1555 01:14:53,330 --> 01:14:56,700 it's fair to restrict to wrappings of the sphere 1556 01:14:56,700 --> 01:14:58,460 where every point on the sphere gets 1557 01:14:58,460 --> 01:15:01,850 covered by a stretched path. 1558 01:15:01,850 --> 01:15:08,280 That seems like a nice, natural class to think about. 1559 01:15:12,490 --> 01:15:15,640 But we have no idea what that hull space looks like. 1560 01:15:15,640 --> 01:15:19,170 Can you do better than these particular attempts? 1561 01:15:19,170 --> 01:15:21,140 Looks like we're doing pretty good, 1562 01:15:21,140 --> 01:15:23,990 but we don't even know how far left you can go. 1563 01:15:23,990 --> 01:15:25,410 So a pretty neat question. 1564 01:15:25,410 --> 01:15:26,790 And that is Mozart Kugel. 1565 01:15:26,790 --> 01:15:29,630 Any questions? 1566 01:15:29,630 --> 01:15:32,558 Other than, can I have some? 1567 01:15:32,558 --> 01:15:33,950 AUDIENCE: Where can we get some? 1568 01:15:33,950 --> 01:15:35,872 PROFESSOR: Where can you get some. 1569 01:15:35,872 --> 01:15:36,830 That's a good question. 1570 01:15:36,830 --> 01:15:40,606 Most European airports sell Mirabell. 1571 01:15:40,606 --> 01:15:42,980 So if you're flying through Europe, it's the place to go. 1572 01:15:42,980 --> 01:15:46,420 Does anyone know if you can get them locally? 1573 01:15:46,420 --> 01:15:48,487 I think maybe. 1574 01:15:48,487 --> 01:15:49,950 AUDIENCE: I think Cardullo's. 1575 01:15:49,950 --> 01:15:51,720 PROFESSOR: Cardullo's that's a good place. 1576 01:15:51,720 --> 01:15:52,420 In Harvard Square. 1577 01:15:52,420 --> 01:15:53,850 They have a lot of imported chocolates. 1578 01:15:53,850 --> 01:15:55,380 So, yeah, I think they have Mirabell. 1579 01:15:55,380 --> 01:15:55,855 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. 1580 01:15:55,855 --> 01:15:58,230 There's a lot of imported chocolates and confectioneries 1581 01:15:58,230 --> 01:15:59,760 in the Pru. 1582 01:15:59,760 --> 01:16:01,260 PROFESSOR: In the Prudential Center. 1583 01:16:01,260 --> 01:16:02,200 All right. 1584 01:16:02,200 --> 01:16:04,600 These I think you have to go to Salzburg. 1585 01:16:04,600 --> 01:16:06,590 Even in Austria they're hard to get. 1586 01:16:06,590 --> 01:16:08,462 So these are very special. 1587 01:16:08,462 --> 01:16:12,191 I'll give Marty my second one. 1588 01:16:12,191 --> 01:16:12,690 All right. 1589 01:16:12,690 --> 01:16:14,117 That's all for today. 1590 01:16:14,117 --> 01:16:16,700 Hey, there's one thing I forgot to talk about in lecture which 1591 01:16:16,700 --> 01:16:18,158 I think is really cool so I'm going 1592 01:16:18,158 --> 01:16:22,100 to add a little bit to what we were talking about. 1593 01:16:22,100 --> 01:16:23,840 We have all these wrappings of the sphere 1594 01:16:23,840 --> 01:16:26,350 but I never proved to that they're actually contractive. 1595 01:16:26,350 --> 01:16:31,790 How do you prove that all those wrappings are contractive? 1596 01:16:31,790 --> 01:16:36,620 Well, there's a cool theorem we proved just for this purpose. 1597 01:16:36,620 --> 01:16:45,055 I'll call it the Cauchy Arm Lemma on a growing sphere. 1598 01:16:48,130 --> 01:16:50,442 It's a nice little connection to Cauchy's Arm Lemma 1599 01:16:50,442 --> 01:16:55,930 which we talked about in the context of Cauchy's rigidity 1600 01:16:55,930 --> 01:16:58,920 theorem for polyhedral. 1601 01:16:58,920 --> 01:17:00,630 Now, remember, Cauchy's Arm Lemma 1602 01:17:00,630 --> 01:17:04,980 is about you have some convex chain-- 1603 01:17:04,980 --> 01:17:09,260 and actually it applies both on the plane and the sphere. 1604 01:17:09,260 --> 01:17:10,820 So we're thinking of an open chain 1605 01:17:10,820 --> 01:17:13,153 but we had the property that even if you add the closing 1606 01:17:13,153 --> 01:17:14,970 edge it's convex. 1607 01:17:14,970 --> 01:17:17,520 And then we looked at a flex of the chain 1608 01:17:17,520 --> 01:17:20,500 where all of the angles increased 1609 01:17:20,500 --> 01:17:22,920 and we said, if all the angles increase, 1610 01:17:22,920 --> 01:17:25,676 then this distance increases, the endpoint-- 1611 01:17:25,676 --> 01:17:27,550 the distance between the endpoints increases. 1612 01:17:27,550 --> 01:17:30,800 That's regular Cauchy's Arm Lemma. 1613 01:17:30,800 --> 01:17:34,430 But now I want to look at not growing the angles, 1614 01:17:34,430 --> 01:17:38,590 but growing the sphere that the linkage lives on. 1615 01:17:38,590 --> 01:17:40,640 So think of this in the spherical case, 1616 01:17:40,640 --> 01:17:46,570 which we'll-- imagine this thing is on a sphere and now I 1617 01:17:46,570 --> 01:17:52,030 transform it by taking a larger sphere, larger radius, 1618 01:17:52,030 --> 01:17:55,900 and drawing exactly the same edge lengths and angles. 1619 01:17:55,900 --> 01:17:57,600 Here, I'll draw it a little bit curved 1620 01:17:57,600 --> 01:18:03,710 because in reality these edges are great circular arcs. 1621 01:18:03,710 --> 01:18:06,800 So this edge length here matches this length, 1622 01:18:06,800 --> 01:18:09,990 this angle matches this angle, this edge length 1623 01:18:09,990 --> 01:18:12,350 matches this edge length, and so on. 1624 01:18:12,350 --> 01:18:15,680 But I draw it on a bigger sphere. 1625 01:18:15,680 --> 01:18:19,840 This theorem says, that the distance between the endpoints 1626 01:18:19,840 --> 01:18:23,280 will increase also in that case. 1627 01:18:23,280 --> 01:18:25,500 So that's kind of neat. 1628 01:18:25,500 --> 01:18:30,640 And in the limit, if you take a ginormous sphere, all the way-- 1629 01:18:30,640 --> 01:18:35,170 if you take a really, really big sphere, it becomes a plane. 1630 01:18:35,170 --> 01:18:36,980 So if I take something on a sphere 1631 01:18:36,980 --> 01:18:42,910 and then I actually draw it on the plane with the same angle-- 1632 01:18:42,910 --> 01:18:46,690 so this planar angle matches this spherical angle 1633 01:18:46,690 --> 01:18:50,270 and this length matches this spherical length-- then, 1634 01:18:50,270 --> 01:18:53,310 in particular, this distance will increase. 1635 01:18:53,310 --> 01:18:57,460 And in the reverse, if I take a planar convex chain 1636 01:18:57,460 --> 01:19:01,620 and I redraw it on some sphere, the distance 1637 01:19:01,620 --> 01:19:05,070 will go down provided this thing is also convex. 1638 01:19:05,070 --> 01:19:07,250 So that's the Lemma. 1639 01:19:07,250 --> 01:19:09,882 Now, let me show you how to use that to prove 1640 01:19:09,882 --> 01:19:11,590 that all those wrappings are contractive. 1641 01:19:14,240 --> 01:19:16,073 It's really easy once you have this Lemma. 1642 01:19:19,080 --> 01:19:20,945 Let's start with the source wrapping. 1643 01:19:26,680 --> 01:19:29,570 So remember, we had a sphere, the north pole, 1644 01:19:29,570 --> 01:19:33,340 and we took all these shortest paths from the north pole 1645 01:19:33,340 --> 01:19:34,290 to the south pole. 1646 01:19:34,290 --> 01:19:39,340 All of those lines-- I want to claim that-- and when 1647 01:19:39,340 --> 01:19:43,000 you unfold this you get a really big disk and all those lines 1648 01:19:43,000 --> 01:19:45,430 become straight. 1649 01:19:45,430 --> 01:19:48,550 So what I need to show is that between every pair of points, 1650 01:19:48,550 --> 01:19:53,502 the distance decreases when I go from flat to sphere. 1651 01:19:53,502 --> 01:19:55,210 Which is exactly what happened over here. 1652 01:19:55,210 --> 01:19:59,500 I went from flat to the sphere, this distance decreased. 1653 01:19:59,500 --> 01:20:01,220 So that's how it's going to be useful. 1654 01:20:01,220 --> 01:20:06,680 If I take two points, like, say, this point and this point. 1655 01:20:06,680 --> 01:20:07,710 Any two points. 1656 01:20:07,710 --> 01:20:13,940 They live on one of these spokes that goes to the center. 1657 01:20:13,940 --> 01:20:16,040 So draw those two segments to the center 1658 01:20:16,040 --> 01:20:17,340 which was the north pole here. 1659 01:20:17,340 --> 01:20:20,740 So if I take the corresponding two points up here, 1660 01:20:20,740 --> 01:20:24,690 I'm looking at that path and that path. 1661 01:20:24,690 --> 01:20:28,146 Well, that's a convex chain and the distance between them-- 1662 01:20:28,146 --> 01:20:31,260 between those two points that I started with, say, x and y, 1663 01:20:31,260 --> 01:20:36,270 is exactly the closing distance of that convex chain. 1664 01:20:36,270 --> 01:20:38,650 So here's a convex chain, it matches the angles 1665 01:20:38,650 --> 01:20:41,200 and the lengths of this convex chain and the plane. 1666 01:20:41,200 --> 01:20:45,160 Therefore, this distance is larger than this distance. 1667 01:20:45,160 --> 01:20:46,980 And so this is a contractive map because it 1668 01:20:46,980 --> 01:20:49,240 works for any two points x and y. 1669 01:20:49,240 --> 01:20:51,150 So that's the source wrapping. 1670 01:20:51,150 --> 01:20:54,470 With slightly more effort, slightly more interesting 1671 01:20:54,470 --> 01:20:59,550 example, is the petal wrappings. 1672 01:20:59,550 --> 01:21:01,865 So think about one petal. 1673 01:21:04,410 --> 01:21:08,550 So let's say I just take-- in fact, just think about half 1674 01:21:08,550 --> 01:21:10,420 of a petal. 1675 01:21:10,420 --> 01:21:14,240 So we had a petal look something like that 1676 01:21:14,240 --> 01:21:16,960 going to the south pole here. 1677 01:21:16,960 --> 01:21:23,340 And so we bisected this thing and then we took lots of ribs 1678 01:21:23,340 --> 01:21:24,270 like that. 1679 01:21:24,270 --> 01:21:25,580 So that's one half petal. 1680 01:21:29,610 --> 01:21:32,760 So when you unfold, it looks like this. 1681 01:21:35,460 --> 01:21:37,890 Take any two points on the half petal. 1682 01:21:37,890 --> 01:21:40,920 I'll show, first of all, that the half petal is contractive. 1683 01:21:40,920 --> 01:21:44,710 So I take two points, say, this one and this one, 1684 01:21:44,710 --> 01:21:47,170 call them x and y. 1685 01:21:47,170 --> 01:21:52,100 Now I take this rib, this rib and this rib. 1686 01:21:52,100 --> 01:21:54,950 Those are the stretched paths again. 1687 01:21:54,950 --> 01:21:57,120 They map to whatever up here. 1688 01:21:57,120 --> 01:21:59,880 Again, it's a convex chain and so 1689 01:21:59,880 --> 01:22:02,760 this distance increases when you go to the sphere 1690 01:22:02,760 --> 01:22:05,850 because it's convex in both scenarios. 1691 01:22:05,850 --> 01:22:06,800 So that's half petals. 1692 01:22:06,800 --> 01:22:08,830 Now, when you worry about a full petal 1693 01:22:08,830 --> 01:22:11,038 and you want to show the whole wrapping is expansive, 1694 01:22:11,038 --> 01:22:14,940 you actually use a different method. 1695 01:22:14,940 --> 01:22:17,850 So let's say we take a whole petal here. 1696 01:22:20,510 --> 01:22:22,880 And I want to show not only any pair of points 1697 01:22:22,880 --> 01:22:27,370 within a single half petal contract but, in fact, 1698 01:22:27,370 --> 01:22:30,440 any two vertices, any two points contract. 1699 01:22:30,440 --> 01:22:33,190 So I'm going to take x and some other point. 1700 01:22:33,190 --> 01:22:35,000 Now I'll call it z. 1701 01:22:35,000 --> 01:22:38,360 If I did the-- just looked at the stretched paths, 1702 01:22:38,360 --> 01:22:39,560 that's no longer convex. 1703 01:22:39,560 --> 01:22:41,100 I can't use the same trick. 1704 01:22:41,100 --> 01:22:43,400 But here's a new trick. 1705 01:22:43,400 --> 01:22:47,075 I take a straight line, a shortest path from x to z, 1706 01:22:47,075 --> 01:22:50,570 which gives me a new point y in the middle. 1707 01:22:50,570 --> 01:22:53,070 Now I know that this distance contracts 1708 01:22:53,070 --> 01:22:55,700 because that's within a single half petal. 1709 01:22:55,700 --> 01:22:58,090 So by the previous argument, and by looking 1710 01:22:58,090 --> 01:23:01,820 at that little chain, I know by this Arm Lemma 1711 01:23:01,820 --> 01:23:04,830 that distance contracts, I know that this distance contracts. 1712 01:23:04,830 --> 01:23:06,840 So what about the whole distance? 1713 01:23:06,840 --> 01:23:09,980 Well, if I look at the distance from x to z-- 1714 01:23:09,980 --> 01:23:15,790 that's what I care about-- let's say, in the plane, 1715 01:23:15,790 --> 01:23:18,460 this equals the sum of those distances. 1716 01:23:18,460 --> 01:23:20,210 Because we drew a straight line, it 1717 01:23:20,210 --> 01:23:23,400 equals the distance from x to y plus the distance from y to z. 1718 01:23:26,360 --> 01:23:29,020 Now, I mapped these onto the sphere, 1719 01:23:29,020 --> 01:23:32,540 call that d prime is the spherical distance. 1720 01:23:32,540 --> 01:23:35,320 I know that when I look at d prime I contract. 1721 01:23:35,320 --> 01:23:39,330 So d prime of xy is going to be smaller for xy, 1722 01:23:39,330 --> 01:23:43,000 it's going to be smaller for yz. 1723 01:23:43,000 --> 01:23:44,930 What I really care about is the distance 1724 01:23:44,930 --> 01:23:47,800 of the sphere between x and z. 1725 01:23:47,800 --> 01:23:50,840 But this is the triangle inequality. 1726 01:23:50,840 --> 01:23:57,570 If you have a triangle xyz, the distance from x to z 1727 01:23:57,570 --> 01:24:00,100 is always, at most, the distance from x 1728 01:24:00,100 --> 01:24:01,980 to y plus the distance from y to z. 1729 01:24:01,980 --> 01:24:03,841 That holds in any metric space. 1730 01:24:03,841 --> 01:24:05,590 So, in particular, it holds on the sphere. 1731 01:24:05,590 --> 01:24:06,714 So this is sort of trivial. 1732 01:24:06,714 --> 01:24:08,550 This is triangle inequality. 1733 01:24:08,550 --> 01:24:12,950 And this was the contractiveness that we already prove. 1734 01:24:12,950 --> 01:24:14,250 And this is just equal. 1735 01:24:14,250 --> 01:24:16,060 And so we get that the new distance 1736 01:24:16,060 --> 01:24:18,550 is a contraction of the old distance. 1737 01:24:18,550 --> 01:24:20,110 So that works on a full petal. 1738 01:24:20,110 --> 01:24:22,150 It actually-- this exact same technique 1739 01:24:22,150 --> 01:24:25,040 works if you have a full petal unfolding. 1740 01:24:25,040 --> 01:24:27,440 Maybe you have something like this. 1741 01:24:27,440 --> 01:24:33,170 And you take-- finish it off-- you take two points anywhere 1742 01:24:33,170 --> 01:24:36,230 on any two petals, like here and here, you 1743 01:24:36,230 --> 01:24:38,940 take the shortest path between them 1744 01:24:38,940 --> 01:24:40,820 and again, you could argue, well, 1745 01:24:40,820 --> 01:24:44,015 this is going to contract because it is in a single half 1746 01:24:44,015 --> 01:24:45,890 petal, this is going to contract because it's 1747 01:24:45,890 --> 01:24:47,150 in a single have petal. 1748 01:24:47,150 --> 01:24:49,770 Therefore, that sum will also contract 1749 01:24:49,770 --> 01:24:51,630 by exactly the same argument. 1750 01:24:51,630 --> 01:24:53,960 And you can use that for the comb wrapping too. 1751 01:24:53,960 --> 01:24:55,870 This is kind of neat with this little Lemma 1752 01:24:55,870 --> 01:24:59,370 about growing spheres and showing the distances increase, 1753 01:24:59,370 --> 01:25:01,880 you get to prove that all of these wrappings are contractive 1754 01:25:01,880 --> 01:25:03,754 and therefore all these things I was claiming 1755 01:25:03,754 --> 01:25:05,090 were working really do work. 1756 01:25:05,090 --> 01:25:09,170 You can formalize that in a simple little way.