Three Chinese characters, "Butterfly(蝶)," "Love(戀)," and "Flower(花)," of which consist the title of a classical Chinese lyric poetry in the Song Dynasty (960–1279), are written in four different calligraphy scripts, with the use of the "Four Treasures of the Study (文房四寶)," including a brush, an ink, paper, and an inkstone. (Image courtesy of Cathy Cho on Flickr.)
Min-Min Liang
MIT Course Number
21G.107 / 21G.157 / 21G.181
As Taught In
Fall 2014
Undergraduate / Graduate
Course Description
Course Features
- Faculty introduction - video
- Selected lecture notes
- Assignments: activity (no examples)
- Assignments: written (no examples)
- Instructor insights
Course Highlights
Min-Min Liang describes her approach to teaching in dual-language Instructor Insights videos (English and Chinese).
Course Description
This course, along with 21G.108 / 158 offered in the spring, form the elementary level of the streamlined sequence, which is for students who have some basic conversational skills gained, typically, from growing up in a Chinese speaking environment, but lack a corresponding level of literacy. The focus of the course is on learning standard everyday usage, on reading in both full and simplified characters, and on writing. This course, along with 21G.108 / 158 offered in the spring, are conducted entirely in Chinese.
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