1 00:00:01 --> 00:00:03 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:03 --> 00:00:05 Commons license. Your support will help MIT 3 00:00:05 --> 00:00:08 OpenCourseWare continue to offer high quality educational 4 00:00:08 --> 00:00:13 resources for free. To make a donation or to view 5 00:00:13 --> 00:00:18 additional materials from hundreds of MIT courses, 6 00:00:18 --> 00:00:23 visit MIT OpenCourseWare at ocw.mit.edu. 7 00:00:23 --> 00:00:28 So, if you remember last time, we looked at parametric 8 00:00:28 --> 00:00:34 equations -- -- as a way of describing the motion of a point 9 00:00:34 --> 00:00:41 that moves in the plane or in space as a function of time of 10 00:00:41 --> 00:00:48 your favorite parameter that will tell you how far the motion 11 00:00:48 --> 00:00:54 has progressed. And, I think we did it in 12 00:00:54 --> 00:01:01 detail the example of the cycloid, which is the curve 13 00:01:01 --> 00:01:09 traced by a point on a wheel that's rolling on a flat 14 00:01:09 --> 00:01:14 surface. So, we have this example where 15 00:01:14 --> 00:01:19 we have this wheel that's rolling on the x-axis, 16 00:01:19 --> 00:01:23 and we have this point on the wheel. 17 00:01:23 --> 00:01:31 And, as it moves around, it traces a trajectory that 18 00:01:31 --> 00:01:36 moves more or less like this. OK, so I'm trying a new color. 19 00:01:36 --> 00:01:44 Is this visible from the back? So, no more blue. 20 00:01:44 --> 00:01:52 OK, so remember, in general, we are trying to 21 00:01:52 --> 00:01:58 find the position, so, x of t, y of t, 22 00:01:58 --> 00:02:09 maybe z of t if we are in space -- -- of a moving point along a 23 00:02:09 --> 00:02:17 trajectory. And, one way to think about 24 00:02:17 --> 00:02:25 this is in terms of the position vector. 25 00:02:25 --> 00:02:32 So, position vector is just the vector whose components are 26 00:02:32 --> 00:02:37 coordinates of a point, OK, so if you prefer, 27 00:02:37 --> 00:02:43 that's the same thing as a vector from the origin to the 28 00:02:43 --> 00:02:50 moving point. So, maybe our point is here, P. 29 00:02:50 --> 00:03:02 So, this vector here -- This vector here is vector OP. 30 00:03:02 --> 00:03:12 And, that's also the position vector r of t. 31 00:03:12 --> 00:03:24 So, just to give you, again, that example -- -- if I 32 00:03:24 --> 00:03:34 take the cycloid for a wheel of radius 1, 33 00:03:34 --> 00:03:41 and let's say that we are going at unit speed so that the angle 34 00:03:41 --> 00:03:48 that we used as a parameter of time is the same thing as time 35 00:03:48 --> 00:03:53 when the position vector, in this case, 36 00:03:53 --> 00:04:00 we found to be, just to make sure that they 37 00:04:00 --> 00:04:07 have it right, . 38 00:04:07 --> 00:04:10 OK, that's a formula that you should have in your notes from 39 00:04:10 --> 00:04:13 last time, except we had theta instead of t because we were 40 00:04:13 --> 00:04:16 using the angle. But now I'm saying, 41 00:04:16 --> 00:04:20 we are moving at unit speed, so time and angle are the same 42 00:04:20 --> 00:04:24 thing. So, now, what's interesting 43 00:04:24 --> 00:04:31 about this is we can analyze the motion in more detail. 44 00:04:31 --> 00:04:33 OK, so, now that we know the position of the point as a 45 00:04:33 --> 00:04:37 function of time, we can try to study how it 46 00:04:37 --> 00:04:43 varies in particular things like the speed and acceleration. 47 00:04:43 --> 00:04:48 OK, so let's start with speed. Well, in fact we can do better 48 00:04:48 --> 00:04:51 than speed. Let's not start with speed. 49 00:04:51 --> 00:04:54 So, speed is a number. It tells you how fast you are 50 00:04:54 --> 00:04:58 going along your trajectory. I mean, if you're driving in a 51 00:04:58 --> 00:05:01 car, then it tells you how fast you are going. 52 00:05:01 --> 00:05:03 But, unless you have one of these fancy cars with a GPS, 53 00:05:03 --> 00:05:05 it doesn't tell you which direction you're going. 54 00:05:05 --> 00:05:08 And, that's useful information, too, if you're trying to figure 55 00:05:08 --> 00:05:10 out what your trajectory is. So, in fact, 56 00:05:10 --> 00:05:13 there's two aspects to it. One is how fast you are going, 57 00:05:13 --> 00:05:15 and the other is in what direction you're going. 58 00:05:15 --> 00:05:19 That means actually we should use a vector maybe to think 59 00:05:19 --> 00:05:26 about this. And so, that's called the 60 00:05:26 --> 00:05:32 velocity vector. And, the way we can get it, 61 00:05:32 --> 00:05:37 so, it's called usually V, so, V here stands for velocity 62 00:05:37 --> 00:05:42 more than for vector. And, you just get it by taking 63 00:05:42 --> 00:05:46 the derivative of a position vector with respect to time. 64 00:05:46 --> 00:05:50 Now, it's our first time writing this kind of thing with 65 00:05:50 --> 00:05:52 a vector. So, the basic rule is you can 66 00:05:52 --> 00:05:57 take the derivative of a vector quantity just by taking the 67 00:05:57 --> 00:06:06 derivatives of each component. OK, so that's just dx/dt, 68 00:06:06 --> 00:06:17 dy/dt, and if you have z component, dz/dt. 69 00:06:17 --> 00:06:32 So, let me -- OK, so -- OK, so let's see what it 70 00:06:32 --> 00:06:44 is for the cycloid. So, an example of a cycloid, 71 00:06:44 --> 00:06:54 well, so what do we get when we take the derivatives of this 72 00:06:54 --> 00:07:02 formula there? Well, so, the derivative of t 73 00:07:02 --> 00:07:08 is 1- cos(t). The derivative of 1 is 0. 74 00:07:08 --> 00:07:12 The derivative of -cos(t) is sin(t). 75 00:07:12 --> 00:07:17 Very good. OK, that's at least one thing 76 00:07:17 --> 00:07:20 you should remember from single variable calculus. 77 00:07:20 --> 00:07:24 Hopefully you remember even more than that. 78 00:07:24 --> 00:07:27 OK, so that's the velocity vector. 79 00:07:27 --> 00:07:31 It tells us at any time how fast we are going, 80 00:07:31 --> 00:07:37 and in what direction. So, for example, observe. 81 00:07:37 --> 00:07:40 Remember last time at the end of class we were trying to 82 00:07:40 --> 00:07:43 figure out what exactly happens near the bottom point, 83 00:07:43 --> 00:07:47 when we have this motion that seems to stop and go backwards. 84 00:07:47 --> 00:07:50 And, we answered that one way. But, let's try to understand it 85 00:07:50 --> 00:07:54 in terms of velocity. What if I plug t equals 0 in 86 00:07:54 --> 00:07:57 here? Then, 1- cos(t) is 0, 87 00:07:57 --> 00:08:01 sin(t) is 0. The velocity is 0. 88 00:08:01 --> 00:08:05 So, at the time,at that particular time, 89 00:08:05 --> 00:08:08 our point is actually not moving. 90 00:08:08 --> 00:08:11 Of course, it's been moving just before, and it starts 91 00:08:11 --> 00:08:14 moving just afterwards. It's just the instant, 92 00:08:14 --> 00:08:20 at that particular instant, the speed is zero. 93 00:08:20 --> 00:08:23 So, that's especially maybe a counterintuitive thing, 94 00:08:23 --> 00:08:28 but something is moving. And at that time, 95 00:08:28 --> 00:08:33 it's actually stopped. Now, let's see, 96 00:08:33 --> 00:08:36 so that's the vector. And, it's useful. 97 00:08:36 --> 00:08:39 But, if you want just the usual speed as a number, 98 00:08:39 --> 00:08:43 then, what will you do? Well, you will just take 99 00:08:43 --> 00:08:46 exactly the magnitude of this vector. 100 00:08:46 --> 00:08:56 So, speed, which is the scalar quantity is going to be just the 101 00:08:56 --> 00:09:01 magnitude of the vector, V. 102 00:09:01 --> 00:09:09 OK, so, in this case, while it would be square root 103 00:09:09 --> 00:09:18 of (1- cost)^2 sin^2(t), and if you expand that, 104 00:09:18 --> 00:09:23 you will get, let me take a bit more space, 105 00:09:23 --> 00:09:35 it's going to be square root of 1 - 2cos(t) cos^2(t) sin^2(t). 106 00:09:35 --> 00:09:38 It seems to simplify a little bit because we have cos^2 plus 107 00:09:38 --> 00:09:41 sin^2. That's 1. 108 00:09:41 --> 00:09:49 So, it's going to be the square root of 2 - 2cos(t). 109 00:09:49 --> 00:09:52 So, at this point, if I was going to ask you, 110 00:09:52 --> 00:09:55 when is the speed the smallest or the largest? 111 00:09:55 --> 00:09:59 You could answer based on that. See, at t equals 0, 112 00:09:59 --> 00:10:01 well, that turns out to be zero. 113 00:10:01 --> 00:10:04 The point is not moving. At t equals pi, 114 00:10:04 --> 00:10:07 that ends up being the square root of 2 plus 2, 115 00:10:07 --> 00:10:09 which is 4. So, that's 2. 116 00:10:09 --> 00:10:12 And, that's when you're truly at the top of the arch, 117 00:10:12 --> 00:10:15 and that's when the point is moving the fastest. 118 00:10:15 --> 00:10:18 In fact, they are spending twice as fast as the wheel 119 00:10:18 --> 00:10:20 because the wheel is moving to the right at unit speed, 120 00:10:20 --> 00:10:24 and the wheel is also rotating. So, it's moving to the right 121 00:10:24 --> 00:10:29 and unit speed relative to the center so that the two effects 122 00:10:29 --> 00:10:32 add up, and give you a speed of 2. 123 00:10:32 --> 00:10:36 Anyway, that's a formula we can get. 124 00:10:36 --> 00:10:48 OK, now, what about acceleration? 125 00:10:48 --> 00:10:53 So, here I should warn you that there is a serious discrepancy 126 00:10:53 --> 00:10:58 between the usual intuitive notion of acceleration, 127 00:10:58 --> 00:11:02 the one that you are aware of when you drive a car and the one 128 00:11:02 --> 00:11:05 that we will be using. So, you might think 129 00:11:05 --> 00:11:08 acceleration is just the directive of speed. 130 00:11:08 --> 00:11:13 If my car goes 55 miles an hour on the highway and it's going a 131 00:11:13 --> 00:11:15 constant speed, it's not accelerating. 132 00:11:15 --> 00:11:18 But, let's say that I'm taking a really tight turn. 133 00:11:18 --> 00:11:19 Then, I'm going to feel something. 134 00:11:19 --> 00:11:21 There is some force being exerted. 135 00:11:21 --> 00:11:24 And, in fact, there is a sideways 136 00:11:24 --> 00:11:28 acceleration at that point even though the speed is not 137 00:11:28 --> 00:11:30 changing. So, the definition will take 138 00:11:30 --> 00:11:34 effect. The acceleration is, 139 00:11:34 --> 00:11:40 as a vector, and the acceleration vector is 140 00:11:40 --> 00:11:47 just the derivative of a velocity vector. 141 00:11:47 --> 00:11:51 So, even if the speed is constant, that means, 142 00:11:51 --> 00:11:55 even if a length of the velocity vector stays the same, 143 00:11:55 --> 00:11:59 the velocity vector can still rotate. 144 00:11:59 --> 00:12:03 And, as it rotates, it uses acceleration. 145 00:12:03 --> 00:12:07 OK, and so this is the notion of acceleration that's relevant 146 00:12:07 --> 00:12:13 to physics when you find F=ma; that's the (a) that you have in 147 00:12:13 --> 00:12:17 mind here. It's a vector. 148 00:12:17 --> 00:12:19 Of course, if you are moving in a straight line, 149 00:12:19 --> 00:12:20 then the two notions are the same. 150 00:12:20 --> 00:12:23 I mean, acceleration is also going to be along the line, 151 00:12:23 --> 00:12:25 and it's going to has to do with the derivative of speed. 152 00:12:25 --> 00:12:30 But, in general, that's not quite the same. 153 00:12:30 --> 00:12:37 So, for example, let's look at the cycloid. 154 00:12:37 --> 00:12:40 If we take the example of the cycloid, well, 155 00:12:40 --> 00:12:44 what's the derivative of one minus cos(t)? 156 00:12:44 --> 00:12:52 It's sin(t). And, what's the derivative of 157 00:12:52 --> 00:12:55 sin(t)? cos(t), OK. 158 00:12:55 --> 00:13:04 So, the acceleration vector is . 159 00:13:04 --> 00:13:09 So, in particular, let's look at what happens at 160 00:13:09 --> 00:13:13 time t equals zero when the point is not moving. 161 00:13:13 --> 00:13:20 Well, the acceleration vector there will be zero from one. 162 00:13:20 --> 00:13:28 So, what that means is that if I look at my trajectory at this 163 00:13:28 --> 00:13:35 point, that the acceleration vector is pointing in that 164 00:13:35 --> 00:13:39 direction. It's the unit vector in the 165 00:13:39 --> 00:13:43 vertical direction. So, my point is not moving at 166 00:13:43 --> 00:13:46 that particular time. But, it's accelerating up. 167 00:13:46 --> 00:13:49 So, that means that actually as it comes down, 168 00:13:49 --> 00:13:53 first it's slowing down. Then it stops here, 169 00:13:53 --> 00:13:56 and then it reverses going back up. 170 00:13:56 --> 00:14:01 OK, so that's another way to understand what we were saying 171 00:14:01 --> 00:14:06 last time that the trajectory at that point has a vertical 172 00:14:06 --> 00:14:11 tendency because that's the direction in which the motion is 173 00:14:11 --> 00:14:16 going to occur just before and just after time zero. 174 00:14:16 --> 00:14:30 OK, any questions about that? No. 175 00:14:30 --> 00:14:36 OK, so I should insist maybe on one thing, 176 00:14:36 --> 00:14:41 which is that, so, we can differentiate 177 00:14:41 --> 00:14:46 vectors just component by component, 178 00:14:46 --> 00:14:50 OK, and we can differentiate vector expressions according to 179 00:14:50 --> 00:14:54 certain rules that we'll see in a moment. 180 00:14:54 --> 00:15:02 One thing that we cannot do, it's not true that the length 181 00:15:02 --> 00:15:12 of dr dt, which is the speed, is equal to the length of dt. 182 00:15:12 --> 00:15:18 OK, this is completely false. And, they are really not the 183 00:15:18 --> 00:15:19 same. So, if you have to 184 00:15:19 --> 00:15:24 differentiate the length of a vector, but basically you are in 185 00:15:24 --> 00:15:25 trouble. If you really, 186 00:15:25 --> 00:15:27 really want to do it, well, the length of the vector 187 00:15:27 --> 00:15:30 is the square root of the sums of the squares of the 188 00:15:30 --> 00:15:32 components, and from that you can use the 189 00:15:32 --> 00:15:34 formula for the derivative of the square root, 190 00:15:34 --> 00:15:36 and the chain rule, and various other things. 191 00:15:36 --> 00:15:39 And, you can get there. But, it will not be a very nice 192 00:15:39 --> 00:15:42 expression. There is no simple formula for 193 00:15:42 --> 00:15:44 this kind of thing. Fortunately, 194 00:15:44 --> 00:15:48 we almost never have to compute this kind of thing because, 195 00:15:48 --> 00:15:51 after all, it's not a very relevant quantity. 196 00:15:51 --> 00:15:53 What's more relevant might be this one. 197 00:15:53 --> 00:15:59 This is actually the speed. This one, I don't know what it 198 00:15:59 --> 00:16:10 means. OK. 199 00:16:10 --> 00:16:14 So, let's continue our exploration. 200 00:16:14 --> 00:16:20 So, the next concept that I want to define is that of arc 201 00:16:20 --> 00:16:23 length. So, arc length is just the 202 00:16:23 --> 00:16:26 distance that you have traveled along the curve, 203 00:16:26 --> 00:16:27 OK? So, if you are in a car, 204 00:16:27 --> 00:16:30 you know, it has mileage counter that tells you how far 205 00:16:30 --> 00:16:33 you've gone, how much fuel you've used if it's a fancy car. 206 00:16:33 --> 00:16:37 And, what it does is it actually integrates the speed of 207 00:16:37 --> 00:16:41 the time to give you the arc length along the trajectory of 208 00:16:41 --> 00:16:45 the car. So, the usual notation that we 209 00:16:45 --> 00:16:51 will have is (s) for arc length. I'm not quite sure how you get 210 00:16:51 --> 00:16:57 an (s) out of this, but it's the usual notation. 211 00:16:57 --> 00:17:14 OK, so, (s) is for distance traveled along the trajectory. 212 00:17:14 --> 00:17:16 And, so that makes sense, of course, we need to fix a 213 00:17:16 --> 00:17:19 reference point. Maybe on the cycloid, 214 00:17:19 --> 00:17:22 we'd say it's a distance starting on the origin. 215 00:17:22 --> 00:17:25 In general, maybe you would say you start at time, 216 00:17:25 --> 00:17:28 t equals zero. But, it's a convention. 217 00:17:28 --> 00:17:31 If you knew in advance, you could have, 218 00:17:31 --> 00:17:35 actually, your car's mileage counter to count backwards from 219 00:17:35 --> 00:17:38 the point where the car will die and start walking. 220 00:17:38 --> 00:17:41 I mean, that would be sneaky-freaky, 221 00:17:41 --> 00:17:45 but you could have a negative arc length that gets closer and 222 00:17:45 --> 00:17:48 closer to zero, and gets to zero at the end of 223 00:17:48 --> 00:17:51 a trajectory, or anything you want. 224 00:17:51 --> 00:17:53 I mean, arc length could be positive or negative. 225 00:17:53 --> 00:17:56 Typically it's negative what you are before the reference 226 00:17:56 --> 00:18:01 point, and positive afterwards. So, now, how does it relate to 227 00:18:01 --> 00:18:08 the things we've seen there? Well, so in particular, 228 00:18:08 --> 00:18:16 how do you relate arc length and time? 229 00:18:16 --> 00:18:22 Well, so, there's a simple relation, which is that the rate 230 00:18:22 --> 00:18:26 of change of arc length versus time, 231 00:18:26 --> 00:18:30 well, that's going to be the speed at which you are moving, 232 00:18:30 --> 00:18:38 OK, because the speed as a scalar quantity tells you how 233 00:18:38 --> 00:18:44 much distance you're covering per unit time. 234 00:18:44 --> 00:18:47 OK, and in fact, to be completely honest, 235 00:18:47 --> 00:18:51 I should put an absolute value here because there is examples 236 00:18:51 --> 00:18:55 of curves maybe where your motion is going back and forth 237 00:18:55 --> 00:18:59 along the same curve. And then, you don't want to 238 00:18:59 --> 00:19:01 keep counting arc length all the time. 239 00:19:01 --> 00:19:04 Actually, maybe you want to say that the arc length increases 240 00:19:04 --> 00:19:05 and then decreases along the curve. 241 00:19:05 --> 00:19:08 I mean, you get to choose how you count it. 242 00:19:08 --> 00:19:10 But, in this case, if you are moving back and 243 00:19:10 --> 00:19:12 forth, it would make more sense to have the arc length first 244 00:19:12 --> 00:19:18 increase, then decrease, 245 00:19:18 --> 00:19:26 increase again, and so on. 246 00:19:26 --> 00:19:34 So -- So if you want to know really what the arc length is, 247 00:19:34 --> 00:19:41 then basically the only way to do it is to integrate speed 248 00:19:41 --> 00:19:45 versus time. So, if you wanted to know how 249 00:19:45 --> 00:19:49 long an arch of cycloid is, you have this nice-looking 250 00:19:49 --> 00:19:51 curve; how long is it? 251 00:19:51 --> 00:19:55 Well, you'd have to basically integrate this quantity from t 252 00:19:55 --> 00:19:57 equals zero to 2 pi. 253 00:19:57 --> 00:20:24 254 00:20:24 --> 00:20:28 And, to say the truth, I don't really know how to 255 00:20:28 --> 00:20:31 integrate that. So, we don't actually have a 256 00:20:31 --> 00:20:34 formula for the length at this point. 257 00:20:34 --> 00:20:41 However, we'll see one later using a cool trick, 258 00:20:41 --> 00:20:47 and multi-variable calculus. So, for now, 259 00:20:47 --> 00:20:52 we'll just leave the formula like that, and we don't know how 260 00:20:52 --> 00:20:55 long it is. Well, you can put that into 261 00:20:55 --> 00:20:57 your calculator and get the numerical value. 262 00:20:57 --> 00:21:07 But, that's the best I can offer. 263 00:21:07 --> 00:21:18 Now, another useful notion is the unit vector to the 264 00:21:18 --> 00:21:25 trajectory. So, the usual notation is T hat. 265 00:21:25 --> 00:21:28 It has a hat because it's a unit vector, and T because it's 266 00:21:28 --> 00:21:32 tangent. Now, how do we get this unit 267 00:21:32 --> 00:21:36 vector? So, maybe I should have pointed 268 00:21:36 --> 00:21:40 out before that if you're moving along some trajectory, 269 00:21:40 --> 00:21:43 say you're going in that direction, then when you're at 270 00:21:43 --> 00:21:47 this point, the velocity vector is going to 271 00:21:47 --> 00:21:53 be tangential to the trajectory. It tells you the direction of 272 00:21:53 --> 00:21:57 motion in particular. So, if you want a unit vector 273 00:21:57 --> 00:22:02 that goes in the same direction, all you have to do is rescale 274 00:22:02 --> 00:22:05 it, so, at its length becomes one. 275 00:22:05 --> 00:22:10 So, it's v divided by a magnitude of v. 276 00:22:10 --> 00:22:28 277 00:22:28 --> 00:22:33 So, it seems like now we have a lot of different things that 278 00:22:33 --> 00:22:40 should be related in some way. So, let's see what we can say. 279 00:22:40 --> 00:22:50 Well, we can say that dr by dt, so, that's the velocity vector, 280 00:22:50 --> 00:22:59 that's the same thing as if I use the chain rule dr/ds times 281 00:22:59 --> 00:23:06 ds/dt. OK, so, let's think about this 282 00:23:06 --> 00:23:11 things. So, this guy here we've just 283 00:23:11 --> 00:23:17 seen. That's the same as the speed, 284 00:23:17 --> 00:23:21 OK? So, this one here should be v 285 00:23:21 --> 00:23:28 divided by its length. So, that means this actually 286 00:23:28 --> 00:23:34 should be the unit vector. OK, so, let me rewrite that. 287 00:23:34 --> 00:23:40 It's T ds/dt. So, maybe if I actually stated 288 00:23:40 --> 00:23:43 directly that way, see, I'm just saying the 289 00:23:43 --> 00:23:46 velocity vector has a length and a direction. 290 00:23:46 --> 00:23:51 The length is the speed. The direction is tangent to the 291 00:23:51 --> 00:23:51 trajectory. 292 00:23:51 --> 00:24:19 293 00:24:19 --> 00:24:25 So, the speed is ds/dt, and the vector is T hat. 294 00:24:25 --> 00:24:33 And, that's how we get this. So, let's try just to see why 295 00:24:33 --> 00:24:37 dr/ds should be T. Well, let's think of dr/ds. 296 00:24:37 --> 00:24:42 dr/ds means position vector r means you have the origin, 297 00:24:42 --> 00:24:47 which is somewhere out there, and the vector r is here. 298 00:24:47 --> 00:24:51 So, dr/ds means we move by a small amount, 299 00:24:51 --> 00:24:56 delta s along the trajectory a certain distance delta s. 300 00:24:56 --> 00:25:00 And, we look at how the position vector changes. 301 00:25:00 --> 00:25:08 Well, we'll have a small change. Let me call that vector delta r 302 00:25:08 --> 00:25:13 corresponding to the size, corresponding to the length 303 00:25:13 --> 00:25:17 delta s. And now, delta r should be 304 00:25:17 --> 00:25:25 essentially roughly equal to, well, its direction will be 305 00:25:25 --> 00:25:30 tangent to the trajectory. If I take a small enough 306 00:25:30 --> 00:25:33 interval, then the direction will be 307 00:25:33 --> 00:25:37 almost tensioned to the trajectory times the length of 308 00:25:37 --> 00:25:41 it will be delta s, the distance that I have 309 00:25:41 --> 00:25:45 traveled. OK, sorry, maybe I should 310 00:25:45 --> 00:25:50 explain that on a separate board. 311 00:25:50 --> 00:25:56 OK, so, let's say that we have that amount of time, 312 00:25:56 --> 00:26:00 delta t. So, let's zoom into that curve. 313 00:26:00 --> 00:26:12 So, we have r at time t. We have r at time t plus delta 314 00:26:12 --> 00:26:17 t. This vector here I will call 315 00:26:17 --> 00:26:23 delta r. The length of this vector is 316 00:26:23 --> 00:26:28 delta s. And, the direction is 317 00:26:28 --> 00:26:36 essentially that of a vector. OK, so, delta s over delta t, 318 00:26:36 --> 00:26:43 that's the distance traveled divided by the time. 319 00:26:43 --> 00:26:46 That's going to be close to the speed. 320 00:26:46 --> 00:26:57 And, delta r is approximately T times delta s. 321 00:26:57 --> 00:27:04 So, now if I divide both sides by delta t, I get this. 322 00:27:04 --> 00:27:07 And, if I take the limit as delta t turns to zero, 323 00:27:07 --> 00:27:10 then I get the same formula with the derivatives and with an 324 00:27:10 --> 00:27:13 equality. It's an approximation. 325 00:27:13 --> 00:27:15 The approximation becomes better and better if I go to 326 00:27:15 --> 00:27:16 smaller intervals. 327 00:27:16 --> 00:27:38 328 00:27:38 --> 00:27:44 OK, are there any questions about this? 329 00:27:44 --> 00:27:59 Yes? Yes, that's correct. 330 00:27:59 --> 00:28:01 OK, so let's be more careful, actually. 331 00:28:01 --> 00:28:12 So, you're asking about whether the delta r is actually strictly 332 00:28:12 --> 00:28:16 tangent to the curve. Is that -- That's correct. 333 00:28:16 --> 00:28:20 Actually, delta r is not strictly tangent to anything. 334 00:28:20 --> 00:28:23 So, maybe I should draw another picture. 335 00:28:23 --> 00:28:29 If I'm going from here to here, then delta r is going to be 336 00:28:29 --> 00:28:36 this arc inside the curve while the vector will be going in this 337 00:28:36 --> 00:28:39 direction, OK? So, they are not strictly 338 00:28:39 --> 00:28:41 parallel to each other. That's why it's only 339 00:28:41 --> 00:28:44 approximately equal. Similarly, this distance, 340 00:28:44 --> 00:28:48 the length of delta r is not exactly the length along the 341 00:28:48 --> 00:28:50 curve. It's actually a bit shorter. 342 00:28:50 --> 00:28:53 But, if we imagine a smaller and smaller portion of the 343 00:28:53 --> 00:28:56 curve, then this effect of the curve 344 00:28:56 --> 00:29:00 being a curve and not a straight line becomes more and more 345 00:29:00 --> 00:29:02 negligible. If you zoom into the curve 346 00:29:02 --> 00:29:04 sufficiently, then it looks more and more 347 00:29:04 --> 00:29:07 like a straight line. And then, what I said becomes 348 00:29:07 --> 00:29:18 true in the limit. OK? Any other questions? 349 00:29:18 --> 00:29:35 No? OK. So, what happens next? 350 00:29:35 --> 00:29:39 OK, so let me show you a nice example of why we might want to 351 00:29:39 --> 00:29:43 use vectors to study parametric curves because, 352 00:29:43 --> 00:29:46 after all, a lot of what's here you can just do in coordinates. 353 00:29:46 --> 00:29:48 And, we don't really need vectors. 354 00:29:48 --> 00:29:51 Well, and truly, vectors being a language, 355 00:29:51 --> 00:29:54 you never strictly need it, but it's useful to have a 356 00:29:54 --> 00:30:02 notion of vectors. So, I want to tell you a bit 357 00:30:02 --> 00:30:14 about Kepler's second law of celestial mechanics. 358 00:30:14 --> 00:30:20 So, that goes back to 1609. So, that's not exactly recent 359 00:30:20 --> 00:30:24 news, OK? But, still I think it's a very 360 00:30:24 --> 00:30:29 interesting example of why you might want to use vector methods 361 00:30:29 --> 00:30:33 to analyze motions. So, what happened back then was 362 00:30:33 --> 00:30:39 Kepler was trying to observe the motion of planets in the sky, 363 00:30:39 --> 00:30:42 and trying to come up with general explanations of how they 364 00:30:42 --> 00:30:44 move. Before him, people were saying, 365 00:30:44 --> 00:30:46 well, they cannot move in a circle. 366 00:30:46 --> 00:30:48 But maybe it's more complicated than that. 367 00:30:48 --> 00:30:51 We need to add smaller circular motions on top of each other, 368 00:30:51 --> 00:30:53 and so on. They have more and more 369 00:30:53 --> 00:30:56 complicated theories. And then Kepler came with these 370 00:30:56 --> 00:31:00 laws that said basically that planets move in an ellipse 371 00:31:00 --> 00:31:03 around the sun, and that they move in a very 372 00:31:03 --> 00:31:07 specific way along that ellipse. So, there's actually three 373 00:31:07 --> 00:31:11 laws, but let me just tell you about the second one that has a 374 00:31:11 --> 00:31:17 very nice vector interpretation. So, what Kepler's second law 375 00:31:17 --> 00:31:24 says is that the motion of planets is, first of all, 376 00:31:24 --> 00:31:36 they move in a plane. And second, the area swept out 377 00:31:36 --> 00:31:51 by the line from the sun to the planet is swept at constant 378 00:31:51 --> 00:31:57 time. Sorry, is swept at constant 379 00:31:57 --> 00:32:04 rate. From the sun to the planet, 380 00:32:04 --> 00:32:14 it is swept out by the line at a constant rate. 381 00:32:14 --> 00:32:23 OK, so that's an interesting law because it tells you, 382 00:32:23 --> 00:32:27 once you know what the orbit of the planet looks like, 383 00:32:27 --> 00:32:30 it tells you how fast it's going to move on that orbit. 384 00:32:30 --> 00:33:09 385 00:33:09 --> 00:33:19 OK, so let me explain again. So, this law says maybe the 386 00:33:19 --> 00:33:27 sun, let's put the sun here at the origin, and let's have a 387 00:33:27 --> 00:33:34 planet. Well, the planet orbits around 388 00:33:34 --> 00:33:41 the sun -- -- in some trajectory. 389 00:33:41 --> 00:33:45 So, this is supposed to be light blue. 390 00:33:45 --> 00:33:49 Can you see that it's different from white? 391 00:33:49 --> 00:33:51 No? OK, me neither. 392 00:33:51 --> 00:33:53 [LAUGHTER] OK, it doesn't really matter. 393 00:33:53 --> 00:33:55 So, the planet moves on its orbit. 394 00:33:55 --> 00:34:00 And, if you wait for a certain time, then a bit later it would 395 00:34:00 --> 00:34:04 be here, and then here, and so on. 396 00:34:04 --> 00:34:09 Then, you can look at the amount of area inside this 397 00:34:09 --> 00:34:12 triangular wedge. And, the claim is that the 398 00:34:12 --> 00:34:16 amount of area in here is proportional to the time 399 00:34:16 --> 00:34:18 elapsed. So, in particular, 400 00:34:18 --> 00:34:21 if a planet is closer to the sun, then it has to go faster. 401 00:34:21 --> 00:34:25 And, if it's farther away from the sun, then it has to go 402 00:34:25 --> 00:34:28 slower so that the area remains proportional to time. 403 00:34:28 --> 00:34:32 So, it's a very sophisticated prediction. 404 00:34:32 --> 00:34:36 And, I think the way he came to it was really just by using a 405 00:34:36 --> 00:34:39 lot of observations, and trying to measure what was 406 00:34:39 --> 00:34:44 true that wasn't true. But, let's try to see how we 407 00:34:44 --> 00:34:49 can understand that in terms of all we know today about 408 00:34:49 --> 00:34:52 mechanics. So, in fact, 409 00:34:52 --> 00:34:56 what happens is that Newton, so Newton was quite a bit 410 00:34:56 --> 00:35:04 later. That was the late 17th century 411 00:35:04 --> 00:35:13 instead of the beginning of the 17th century. 412 00:35:13 --> 00:35:30 So, he was able to explain this using his laws for gravitational 413 00:35:30 --> 00:35:36 attraction. And, you'll see that if we 414 00:35:36 --> 00:35:41 reformulate Kepler's Law in terms of vectors, 415 00:35:41 --> 00:35:43 and if we work a bit with these vectors, 416 00:35:43 --> 00:35:46 we are going to end up with something that's actually 417 00:35:46 --> 00:35:49 completely obvious to us now. At the time, 418 00:35:49 --> 00:35:52 it was very far from obvious, but to us now to completely 419 00:35:52 --> 00:35:59 obvious. So, let's try to see, 420 00:35:59 --> 00:36:15 what does Kepler's law say in terms of vectors? 421 00:36:15 --> 00:36:24 OK, so, let's think of what kinds of vectors we might want 422 00:36:24 --> 00:36:31 to have in here. Well, it might be good to think 423 00:36:31 --> 00:36:38 of, maybe, the position vector, and maybe its variation. 424 00:36:38 --> 00:36:46 So, if we wait a certain amount of time, we'll have a vector, 425 00:36:46 --> 00:36:53 delta r, which is the change in position vector a various 426 00:36:53 --> 00:36:59 interval of time. OK, so let's start with the 427 00:36:59 --> 00:37:02 first step. What's the most complicated 428 00:37:02 --> 00:37:05 thing in here? It's this area swept out by the 429 00:37:05 --> 00:37:08 line. How do we express that area in 430 00:37:08 --> 00:37:12 terms of vectors? Well, I've almost given the 431 00:37:12 --> 00:37:14 answer by drawing this picture, right? 432 00:37:14 --> 00:37:18 If I take a sufficiently small amount of time, 433 00:37:18 --> 00:37:22 this shaded part looks like a triangle. 434 00:37:22 --> 00:37:25 So, we have to find the area of the triangle. 435 00:37:25 --> 00:37:27 Well, we know how to do that now. 436 00:37:27 --> 00:37:34 So, the area is approximately equal to one half of the area of 437 00:37:34 --> 00:37:40 a parallelogram that I could form from these vectors. 438 00:37:40 --> 00:37:46 And, the area of a parallelogram is given by the 439 00:37:46 --> 00:37:52 magnitude of a cross product. OK, so, I should say, 440 00:37:52 --> 00:37:56 this is the area swept in time delta t. 441 00:37:56 --> 00:38:00 You should think of delta t as relatively small. 442 00:38:00 --> 00:38:05 I mean, the scale of a planet that might still be a few days, 443 00:38:05 --> 00:38:09 but small compared to the other old trajectory. 444 00:38:09 --> 00:38:16 So, let's remember that the amount by which we moved, 445 00:38:16 --> 00:38:20 delta r, is approximately equal to v 446 00:38:20 --> 00:38:25 times delta t, OK, and just using the 447 00:38:25 --> 00:38:36 definition of a velocity vector. So, let's use that. 448 00:38:36 --> 00:38:43 Sorry, so it's approximately equal to r cross v magnitude 449 00:38:43 --> 00:38:48 times delta t. I can take out the delta t, 450 00:38:48 --> 00:38:52 which is scalar. So, now, what does it mean to 451 00:38:52 --> 00:38:55 say that area is swept at a constant rate? 452 00:38:55 --> 00:39:00 It means this thing is proportional to delta t. 453 00:39:00 --> 00:39:05 So, that means, so, the law says, 454 00:39:05 --> 00:39:15 in fact, that the length of this cross product r cross v 455 00:39:15 --> 00:39:25 equals a constant. OK, r cross v has constant 456 00:39:25 --> 00:39:31 length. Any questions about that? 457 00:39:31 --> 00:39:37 No? Yes? Yes, let me try to explain that 458 00:39:37 --> 00:39:40 again. So, what I'm claiming is that 459 00:39:40 --> 00:39:46 the length of the cross products r cross v measures the rate at 460 00:39:46 --> 00:39:50 which area is swept by the position vector. 461 00:39:50 --> 00:39:52 I should say, with a vector of one half of 462 00:39:52 --> 00:39:55 this length is the rate at which area is swept. 463 00:39:55 --> 00:39:58 How do we see that? Well, let's take a small time 464 00:39:58 --> 00:40:01 interval, delta t. In time, delta t, 465 00:40:01 --> 00:40:05 our planet moves by v delta t, OK? 466 00:40:05 --> 00:40:08 So, if it moves by v delta t, it means that this triangle up 467 00:40:08 --> 00:40:12 there has two sides. One is the position vector, 468 00:40:12 --> 00:40:14 r. The other one is v delta t. 469 00:40:14 --> 00:40:18 So, its area is given by one half of the magnitude of a cross 470 00:40:18 --> 00:40:21 product. That's the formula we've seen 471 00:40:21 --> 00:40:24 for the area of a triangle in space. 472 00:40:24 --> 00:40:28 So, the area is one half of the cross product, 473 00:40:28 --> 00:40:33 r, and v delta t, magnitude of the cross product. 474 00:40:33 --> 00:40:37 So, to say that the rate at which area is swept is constant 475 00:40:37 --> 00:40:39 means that these two are proportional. 476 00:40:39 --> 00:40:42 Area divided by delta t is constant at our time. 477 00:40:42 --> 00:40:51 And so, this is constant. OK, now, what about the other 478 00:40:51 --> 00:40:58 half of the law? Well, it says that the motion 479 00:40:58 --> 00:41:04 is in a plane, and so we have a plane in which 480 00:41:04 --> 00:41:09 the motion takes place. And, it contains, 481 00:41:09 --> 00:41:12 also, the sun. And, it contains the 482 00:41:12 --> 00:41:16 trajectory. So, let's think about that 483 00:41:16 --> 00:41:20 plane. Well, I claim that the position 484 00:41:20 --> 00:41:25 vector is in the plane. OK, that's what we are saying. 485 00:41:25 --> 00:41:28 But, there is another vector that I know it is in the plane. 486 00:41:28 --> 00:41:32 You could say the position vector at another time, 487 00:41:32 --> 00:41:34 or at any time, but in fact, 488 00:41:34 --> 00:41:40 what's also true is that the velocity vector is in the plane. 489 00:41:40 --> 00:41:44 OK, if I'm moving in the plane, then position and velocity are 490 00:41:44 --> 00:41:50 in there. So, the plane of motion 491 00:41:50 --> 00:41:59 contains r and v. So, what's the direction of the 492 00:41:59 --> 00:42:08 cross product r cross v? Well, it's the direction that's 493 00:42:08 --> 00:42:19 perpendicular to this plane. So, it's normal to the plane of 494 00:42:19 --> 00:42:24 motion. And, that means, now, 495 00:42:24 --> 00:42:28 that actually we've put the two statements in there into a 496 00:42:28 --> 00:42:33 single form because we are saying r cross v has constant 497 00:42:33 --> 00:42:37 length and constant direction. In fact, in general, 498 00:42:37 --> 00:42:40 maybe I should say something about this. 499 00:42:40 --> 00:42:42 So, if you just look at the position vector, 500 00:42:42 --> 00:42:45 and the velocity vector for any motion at any given time, 501 00:42:45 --> 00:42:48 then together, they determine some plane. 502 00:42:48 --> 00:42:51 And, that's the plane that contains the origin, 503 00:42:51 --> 00:42:54 the point, and the velocity vector. 504 00:42:54 --> 00:42:56 If you want, it's the plane in which the 505 00:42:56 --> 00:42:59 motion seems to be going at the given time. 506 00:42:59 --> 00:43:01 Now, of course, if your motion is not in a 507 00:43:01 --> 00:43:03 plane, then that plane will change. 508 00:43:03 --> 00:43:06 It's, however, instant, if a plane in which 509 00:43:06 --> 00:43:09 the motion is taking place at a given time. 510 00:43:09 --> 00:43:13 And, to say that the motion actually stays in that plane 511 00:43:13 --> 00:43:17 forever means that this guy will not change direction. 512 00:43:17 --> 00:43:25 OK, so -- [LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE] 513 00:43:25 --> 00:43:42 OK, so, Kepler's second law is actually equivalent to saying 514 00:43:42 --> 00:43:55 that r cross v equals a constant vector, OK? 515 00:43:55 --> 00:44:04 That's what the law says. So, in terms of derivatives, 516 00:44:04 --> 00:44:14 it means d by dt of r cross v is the zero vector. 517 00:44:14 --> 00:44:20 OK, now, so there's an interesting thing to note, 518 00:44:20 --> 00:44:23 which is that we can use the usual product rule for 519 00:44:23 --> 00:44:26 derivatives with vector expressions, 520 00:44:26 --> 00:44:28 with dot products or cross products. 521 00:44:28 --> 00:44:30 There's only one catch, which is that when we 522 00:44:30 --> 00:44:34 differentiate a cross product, we have to be careful that the 523 00:44:34 --> 00:44:36 guy on the left stays on the left. 524 00:44:36 --> 00:44:40 The guy on the right stays on the right. 525 00:44:40 --> 00:44:44 OK, so, if you know that uv prime equals u prime v plus uv 526 00:44:44 --> 00:44:47 prime, then you are safe. If you know it as u prime v 527 00:44:47 --> 00:44:50 cross v prime u, then you are not safe. 528 00:44:50 --> 00:44:52 OK, so it's the only thing to watch for. 529 00:44:52 --> 00:45:05 So, product rule is OK for taking the derivative of a dot 530 00:45:05 --> 00:45:10 product. There, you don't actually even 531 00:45:10 --> 00:45:14 need to be very careful about all the things or the derivative 532 00:45:14 --> 00:45:18 of a cross product. There you just need to be a 533 00:45:18 --> 00:45:27 little bit more careful. OK, so, now that we know that, 534 00:45:27 --> 00:45:39 we can write this as dr/dt cross v plus r cross dv/dt, 535 00:45:39 --> 00:45:42 OK? Well, let's reformulate things 536 00:45:42 --> 00:45:47 slightly. So, dr dt already has a name. 537 00:45:47 --> 00:45:50 In fact, that's v. OK, that's what we call the 538 00:45:50 --> 00:45:55 velocity vector. So, this is v cross v plus r 539 00:45:55 --> 00:46:04 cross, what is dv/dt? That's the acceleration, 540 00:46:04 --> 00:46:11 a, equals zero. OK, so now what's the next step? 541 00:46:11 --> 00:46:15 Well, we know what v cross v is because, remember, 542 00:46:15 --> 00:46:18 a vector cross itself is always zero, OK? 543 00:46:18 --> 00:46:30 So, this is the same r cross a equals zero, 544 00:46:30 --> 00:46:35 and that's the same as saying that the cross product of two 545 00:46:35 --> 00:46:39 vectors is zero exactly when the parallelogram of the form has no 546 00:46:39 --> 00:46:41 area. And, the way in which that 547 00:46:41 --> 00:46:45 happens is if they are actually parallel to each other. 548 00:46:45 --> 00:46:50 So, that means the acceleration is parallel to the position. 549 00:46:50 --> 00:46:55 OK, so, in fact, what Kepler's second law says 550 00:46:55 --> 00:47:02 is that the acceleration is parallel to the position vector. 551 00:47:02 --> 00:47:05 And, since we know that acceleration is caused by a 552 00:47:05 --> 00:47:08 force that's equivalent to the fact that the gravitational 553 00:47:08 --> 00:47:08 force -- 554 00:47:08 --> 00:47:13 555 00:47:13 --> 00:47:18 -- is parallel to the position vector, that means, 556 00:47:18 --> 00:47:22 well, if you have the sun here at the origin, 557 00:47:22 --> 00:47:27 and if you have your planets, well, the gravitational force 558 00:47:27 --> 00:47:32 caused by the sun should go along this line. 559 00:47:32 --> 00:47:34 In fact, the law doesn't even say whether it's going towards 560 00:47:34 --> 00:47:37 the sun or away from the sun. Well, what we know now is that, 561 00:47:37 --> 00:47:39 of course, the attraction is towards the sun. 562 00:47:39 --> 00:47:41 But, Kepler's law would also be true, actually, 563 00:47:41 --> 00:47:44 if things were going away. So, in particular, 564 00:47:44 --> 00:47:48 say, electric force also has this property of being towards 565 00:47:48 --> 00:47:50 the central charge. So, actually, 566 00:47:50 --> 00:47:54 if you look at motion of charged particles in an electric 567 00:47:54 --> 00:47:58 field caused by a point charged particle, it also satisfies 568 00:47:58 --> 00:48:01 Kepler's law, satisfies the same law. 569 00:48:01 --> 00:48:03 OK, that's the end for today, thanks. 570 00:48:03 --> 00:48:04