1 00:00:00,050 --> 00:00:02,500 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:04,019 Commons license. 3 00:00:04,019 --> 00:00:06,350 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,350 --> 00:00:10,720 continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,720 --> 00:00:13,340 To make a donation or view additional materials 6 00:00:13,340 --> 00:00:17,209 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:17,209 --> 00:00:17,834 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:26,210 --> 00:00:29,060 PROFESSOR: And I think we're about ready to get started. 9 00:00:29,060 --> 00:00:30,920 So welcome, folks, for lecture number two 10 00:00:30,920 --> 00:00:35,080 of Fundamentals of Photovoltaics focused on the solar resource. 11 00:00:35,080 --> 00:00:36,580 What I wanted to do to get everybody 12 00:00:36,580 --> 00:00:38,220 in the mood of thinking about the sun 13 00:00:38,220 --> 00:00:39,940 is pass around a few balls. 14 00:00:39,940 --> 00:00:44,420 So this is really a, to limber you all up, but b-- whoop. 15 00:00:44,420 --> 00:00:44,920 [LAUGHTER] 16 00:00:44,920 --> 00:00:46,660 There we go. 17 00:00:46,660 --> 00:00:47,200 All right. 18 00:00:47,200 --> 00:00:49,119 Don't let it fall. 19 00:00:49,119 --> 00:00:49,660 There you go. 20 00:00:49,660 --> 00:00:51,230 I know Ashley's got solid hands. 21 00:00:51,230 --> 00:00:51,730 All right. 22 00:00:51,730 --> 00:00:52,460 Here's one. 23 00:00:52,460 --> 00:00:53,870 Pass that around as well. 24 00:00:53,870 --> 00:00:58,210 We'll get a few more there, there, 25 00:00:58,210 --> 00:01:01,040 and lastly, right up the middle. 26 00:01:01,040 --> 00:01:01,870 There you go. 27 00:01:01,870 --> 00:01:02,490 OK. 28 00:01:02,490 --> 00:01:06,400 So today's lecture is really about the solar resource. 29 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:08,820 And as we go through, it kind of helps 30 00:01:08,820 --> 00:01:12,100 to have a sphere in your hands since oftentimes we 31 00:01:12,100 --> 00:01:16,760 perceive the world as being flat-- no fault of our own. 32 00:01:16,760 --> 00:01:19,710 Locally, one can approximate it as a flat body. 33 00:01:19,710 --> 00:01:22,430 That's certainly a good possibility. 34 00:01:22,430 --> 00:01:23,625 You wouldn't mind passing these out to your friends as well? 35 00:01:23,625 --> 00:01:24,280 AUDIENCE: Sure. 36 00:01:24,280 --> 00:01:25,520 PROFESSOR: Thanks. 37 00:01:25,520 --> 00:01:27,110 But in reality, if we really want 38 00:01:27,110 --> 00:01:28,620 to understand the solar resource, 39 00:01:28,620 --> 00:01:30,710 we really have to begin understanding or thinking 40 00:01:30,710 --> 00:01:35,180 in terms of spheres and in terms of circles or, in most cases, 41 00:01:35,180 --> 00:01:36,370 ellipses. 42 00:01:36,370 --> 00:01:38,742 And so we're going to dive into the solar resource. 43 00:01:38,742 --> 00:01:41,200 Before we really dive in in detail into the solar resource, 44 00:01:41,200 --> 00:01:43,710 I wanted to give you feedback to your surveys. 45 00:01:43,710 --> 00:01:46,020 So you did a background assessment survey, a census, 46 00:01:46,020 --> 00:01:48,930 if you will, and filled out a number of questions last class 47 00:01:48,930 --> 00:01:50,040 about your backgrounds. 48 00:01:50,040 --> 00:01:51,910 And I wanted to provide you the feedback, 49 00:01:51,910 --> 00:01:54,560 the consolidated information, because it's really telling 50 00:01:54,560 --> 00:01:56,630 about who your colleagues are. 51 00:01:56,630 --> 00:02:00,810 This right here is a little bit of a snapshot of expertise 52 00:02:00,810 --> 00:02:03,410 and current career trajectory. 53 00:02:03,410 --> 00:02:05,410 So the self-defined expertise in the bottom left 54 00:02:05,410 --> 00:02:08,150 is really, I think, the most telling parameter. 55 00:02:08,150 --> 00:02:10,229 For the undergrads here, you may define yourself 56 00:02:10,229 --> 00:02:12,260 by your major today, but when you graduate and go on 57 00:02:12,260 --> 00:02:14,790 to grad school, you might, say, for example, do your undergrad 58 00:02:14,790 --> 00:02:16,225 in physics and then do your graduate school 59 00:02:16,225 --> 00:02:17,725 in mechanical engineering, but still 60 00:02:17,725 --> 00:02:19,680 consider yourself a physicist at heart. 61 00:02:19,680 --> 00:02:21,690 And so that's why I asked this question here-- 62 00:02:21,690 --> 00:02:23,500 what is your self-defined expertise-- because there 63 00:02:23,500 --> 00:02:25,870 are several graduate students who have changed fields, 64 00:02:25,870 --> 00:02:28,060 if you will, from undergrad to graduate school. 65 00:02:28,060 --> 00:02:30,530 Most people in the audience, by and large, 66 00:02:30,530 --> 00:02:33,380 consider themselves engineers-- either material science 67 00:02:33,380 --> 00:02:35,900 engineers or mechanical engineers. 68 00:02:35,900 --> 00:02:38,500 Chemistry is strong as well. 69 00:02:38,500 --> 00:02:42,280 And then we have about 10 different departments here 70 00:02:42,280 --> 00:02:44,080 represented. 71 00:02:44,080 --> 00:02:45,700 And that's really cool. 72 00:02:45,700 --> 00:02:48,420 It's going to manifest itself in the class projects. 73 00:02:48,420 --> 00:02:50,420 And you'll see the diversity of different inputs 74 00:02:50,420 --> 00:02:53,300 and perspectives from your colleagues. 75 00:02:53,300 --> 00:02:55,580 The degree in progress-- undergrad/grad 76 00:02:55,580 --> 00:03:00,670 is about split 1/3 2/3 undergrad and grad. 77 00:03:00,670 --> 00:03:02,460 ASP is Advanced Studies Program, so these 78 00:03:02,460 --> 00:03:04,460 are folks coming in from industry who are actually here 79 00:03:04,460 --> 00:03:05,080 in the classroom. 80 00:03:05,080 --> 00:03:06,579 Some of your colleagues in the class 81 00:03:06,579 --> 00:03:08,640 are folks who are in industry and perhaps 82 00:03:08,640 --> 00:03:11,134 have real world PV experience. 83 00:03:11,134 --> 00:03:12,800 Several of the people here in the class, 84 00:03:12,800 --> 00:03:17,180 as well, have gained-- how do we say 85 00:03:17,180 --> 00:03:19,670 it-- have gained expertise in solar with their hobbies, 86 00:03:19,670 --> 00:03:20,610 with their work. 87 00:03:20,610 --> 00:03:22,079 Some have installed solar panels. 88 00:03:22,079 --> 00:03:24,620 Other ones have done research or are doing research in solar. 89 00:03:24,620 --> 00:03:25,930 So it's a pretty diverse group. 90 00:03:25,930 --> 00:03:27,888 And some are, as well, members of the solar car 91 00:03:27,888 --> 00:03:31,190 team, which is rolling out its new model in a few days' time. 92 00:03:31,190 --> 00:03:33,450 In terms of learning methods, it was pretty well 93 00:03:33,450 --> 00:03:36,020 split between hands-on labs, field trips, 94 00:03:36,020 --> 00:03:37,560 and guest lectures. 95 00:03:37,560 --> 00:03:40,550 And I'll get back to that in a few slides. 96 00:03:40,550 --> 00:03:42,060 In terms of class project interest, 97 00:03:42,060 --> 00:03:44,260 there was a strong interest in working 98 00:03:44,260 --> 00:03:47,340 with pre-established projects, so we've listened to that. 99 00:03:47,340 --> 00:03:49,310 This is pretty consistent with previous years. 100 00:03:49,310 --> 00:03:51,620 And so we have several pre-prepared class projects 101 00:03:51,620 --> 00:03:52,960 ready for you. 102 00:03:52,960 --> 00:03:55,840 And a few of you had an interest in the self-design project. 103 00:03:55,840 --> 00:03:57,090 I'd like to talk to you. 104 00:03:57,090 --> 00:03:59,500 I'd like to begin developing those ideas as soon 105 00:03:59,500 --> 00:04:03,380 as possible so that when we start assembling teams, 106 00:04:03,380 --> 00:04:05,625 if you do have a strong idea for class project, 107 00:04:05,625 --> 00:04:08,000 we can begin crafting that and molding that starting now. 108 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:09,708 So please come up and have a chat with me 109 00:04:09,708 --> 00:04:13,470 after class or during office hours or during recitation. 110 00:04:13,470 --> 00:04:17,240 These are your learning objectives defined by you. 111 00:04:17,240 --> 00:04:21,190 And they range-- I tried to give it some continuum spectrum 112 00:04:21,190 --> 00:04:23,150 from natural sciences to social sciences 113 00:04:23,150 --> 00:04:24,860 and engineering in the middle. 114 00:04:24,860 --> 00:04:29,620 And obviously, this is more of a loop than a linear line, 115 00:04:29,620 --> 00:04:31,597 but bear with me. 116 00:04:31,597 --> 00:04:33,430 There was a strong interest in fundamentals. 117 00:04:33,430 --> 00:04:35,810 And that certainly, I think, what the core of the class 118 00:04:35,810 --> 00:04:38,550 is about or at least the first third of the class. 119 00:04:38,550 --> 00:04:40,350 Going in terms of size of the bubble, 120 00:04:40,350 --> 00:04:41,766 these are the number of people who 121 00:04:41,766 --> 00:04:44,770 listed a particular topic as of great interest to them. 122 00:04:44,770 --> 00:04:48,385 Economics and market, systems and grid, current technologies, 123 00:04:48,385 --> 00:04:50,210 and emerging technologies. 124 00:04:50,210 --> 00:04:52,267 And so listening to all of this, we have, 125 00:04:52,267 --> 00:04:54,600 or we are in the process of preparing for you some guest 126 00:04:54,600 --> 00:04:57,640 lectures and field trips based on this feedback right here. 127 00:04:57,640 --> 00:04:59,630 We have already lined up a field trip 128 00:04:59,630 --> 00:05:02,830 to a local PV research laboratory that 129 00:05:02,830 --> 00:05:06,150 produces modules like this one right here only much, much 130 00:05:06,150 --> 00:05:09,350 bigger and has strong collaboration with existing 131 00:05:09,350 --> 00:05:11,130 companies, startup companies, in the area 132 00:05:11,130 --> 00:05:12,950 as well as more established companies. 133 00:05:12,950 --> 00:05:15,034 So that'll be a lot of fun. 134 00:05:15,034 --> 00:05:16,450 And we're currently in the process 135 00:05:16,450 --> 00:05:18,116 of arranging other field trips and guest 136 00:05:18,116 --> 00:05:21,450 lectures to match this feedback right here, so thank you. 137 00:05:21,450 --> 00:05:26,740 We'll mold the course, shape it, craft it to fit your interests. 138 00:05:26,740 --> 00:05:28,830 So to hop into the solar resource 139 00:05:28,830 --> 00:05:31,726 and without further ado, the subject of today 140 00:05:31,726 --> 00:05:33,350 and the motivation for wearing this tie 141 00:05:33,350 --> 00:05:36,074 is really the solar resource, the sun. 142 00:05:36,074 --> 00:05:37,240 This is where it all starts. 143 00:05:37,240 --> 00:05:39,260 If we're to understand PV, photovoltaics, 144 00:05:39,260 --> 00:05:41,100 the conversion of sunlight into electricity, 145 00:05:41,100 --> 00:05:42,360 it starts from the sun. 146 00:05:42,360 --> 00:05:44,680 And so spending some good time thinking about the sun 147 00:05:44,680 --> 00:05:46,510 is really, really important. 148 00:05:46,510 --> 00:05:49,050 And it will avoid the embarrassing situation-- 149 00:05:49,050 --> 00:05:52,070 how many of you have been at a shopping center, walking along, 150 00:05:52,070 --> 00:05:54,820 and a little child is asking his parent, Dad, 151 00:05:54,820 --> 00:05:56,420 why is the sky blue? 152 00:05:56,420 --> 00:05:57,850 Or why is the such and such? 153 00:05:57,850 --> 00:05:59,580 And the answers you'll hear just make 154 00:05:59,580 --> 00:06:02,910 you want to tear your ears out, say, my goodness. 155 00:06:02,910 --> 00:06:04,997 And so part of this is just general knowledge. 156 00:06:04,997 --> 00:06:07,080 It's getting a feel for the world and the universe 157 00:06:07,080 --> 00:06:09,663 and asking those questions again that the little children will 158 00:06:09,663 --> 00:06:12,990 ask but we forget to ask as we move on with our lives, right? 159 00:06:12,990 --> 00:06:13,490 OK. 160 00:06:13,490 --> 00:06:17,160 So moving forward, the learning objectives for today 161 00:06:17,160 --> 00:06:18,510 are these right here. 162 00:06:18,510 --> 00:06:20,260 By the end of the lecture-- and hopefully, 163 00:06:20,260 --> 00:06:22,330 you already have a good sense of this based on your readings 164 00:06:22,330 --> 00:06:22,829 already. 165 00:06:22,829 --> 00:06:25,832 I'll quiz you on that second-- verbally. 166 00:06:25,832 --> 00:06:28,290 We want to be able to quantify the available solar resource 167 00:06:28,290 --> 00:06:31,880 relative to human energy needs and other fuel sources. 168 00:06:31,880 --> 00:06:35,200 We want to recognize and plot air mass zero 169 00:06:35,200 --> 00:06:38,220 and air mass 1.5 solar spectra and describe 170 00:06:38,220 --> 00:06:39,950 the physical origins. 171 00:06:39,950 --> 00:06:42,910 We want to describe how solar insulation maps-- 172 00:06:42,910 --> 00:06:45,390 these are solar resource maps, in other words, how 173 00:06:45,390 --> 00:06:47,270 much sunlight is available. 174 00:06:47,270 --> 00:06:51,080 And we want to be able to estimate a solar resource 175 00:06:51,080 --> 00:06:54,870 amount locally at a specific spot on the planet. 176 00:06:54,870 --> 00:06:57,710 We want to list the causes of variation and intermittency 177 00:06:57,710 --> 00:07:00,270 of the solar resource and quantify their time 178 00:07:00,270 --> 00:07:01,355 constant in magnitude. 179 00:07:01,355 --> 00:07:03,230 In other words, we want to be able to discern 180 00:07:03,230 --> 00:07:05,354 what are the big effects and what are the ones that 181 00:07:05,354 --> 00:07:06,216 don't really matter. 182 00:07:06,216 --> 00:07:08,340 We want to be able to estimate the land area needed 183 00:07:08,340 --> 00:07:11,100 to provide sufficient solar resource for a project, 184 00:07:11,100 --> 00:07:13,940 whether it's a house, a car, a village, a country, a world. 185 00:07:13,940 --> 00:07:16,190 And a lot of this will be on your homework assignment, 186 00:07:16,190 --> 00:07:18,480 so we'll give you the tools here, but then ask 187 00:07:18,480 --> 00:07:20,290 you to address those questions. 188 00:07:20,290 --> 00:07:21,831 And for those of you who have already 189 00:07:21,831 --> 00:07:24,630 picked up your p-set number one, you'll see relevant questions. 190 00:07:24,630 --> 00:07:25,213 Where is this? 191 00:07:28,501 --> 00:07:33,250 Does anybody recognize this right here? 192 00:07:33,250 --> 00:07:37,780 If I start rambling off names, what city 193 00:07:37,780 --> 00:07:40,239 has Pennsylvania Avenue, Independence Ave? 194 00:07:40,239 --> 00:07:41,280 AUDIENCE: Washington, DC. 195 00:07:41,280 --> 00:07:42,363 PROFESSOR: Washington, DC. 196 00:07:42,363 --> 00:07:45,140 This is right outside of the National Air and Space Museum. 197 00:07:45,140 --> 00:07:49,160 What this little girl here is pointing to is the sun. 198 00:07:49,160 --> 00:07:52,940 And then we have Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and so forth. 199 00:07:52,940 --> 00:07:55,100 So it's essentially a solar system to scale. 200 00:07:55,100 --> 00:07:59,460 As you walk out of the Air and Space Museum 201 00:07:59,460 --> 00:08:02,160 and walk down the street, you'll be passing the different bodies 202 00:08:02,160 --> 00:08:03,610 in our solar system. 203 00:08:03,610 --> 00:08:05,560 And so just as a quick little review 204 00:08:05,560 --> 00:08:08,220 to kind of get us situated and to ask the questions 205 00:08:08,220 --> 00:08:10,240 that little kiddies might ask us, 206 00:08:10,240 --> 00:08:14,434 how far is it from the earth to the sun? 207 00:08:14,434 --> 00:08:15,790 AUDIENCE: 93 million miles. 208 00:08:15,790 --> 00:08:16,850 PROFESSOR: About 100 million miles. 209 00:08:16,850 --> 00:08:17,350 Yeah. 210 00:08:17,350 --> 00:08:19,420 93 million miles. 211 00:08:19,420 --> 00:08:22,580 Plus or minus somewhere in the range of maybe a percent 212 00:08:22,580 --> 00:08:26,224 or so, a few percent depending on what time of year 213 00:08:26,224 --> 00:08:28,640 we are since we're in a little bit of an elliptical orbit. 214 00:08:28,640 --> 00:08:29,140 Good. 215 00:08:29,140 --> 00:08:32,140 So that's the distance to the sun. 216 00:08:32,140 --> 00:08:34,960 It would be about 150 million kilometers. 217 00:08:34,960 --> 00:08:37,427 How long does it take light to travel that distance? 218 00:08:37,427 --> 00:08:38,564 AUDIENCE: Eight minutes. 219 00:08:38,564 --> 00:08:40,980 PROFESSOR: About eight minutes, eight and a third minutes, 220 00:08:40,980 --> 00:08:42,159 right? 221 00:08:42,159 --> 00:08:44,330 So it takes a little bit for the light to reach us. 222 00:08:44,330 --> 00:08:45,300 Good. 223 00:08:45,300 --> 00:08:48,840 Some more questions-- how far are the other planets 224 00:08:48,840 --> 00:08:52,980 in our solar system to the sun, going in order from Mercury 225 00:08:52,980 --> 00:08:54,360 out? 226 00:08:54,360 --> 00:08:56,400 It's to get us situated here. 227 00:08:56,400 --> 00:08:57,830 If we are, at any point, planning 228 00:08:57,830 --> 00:08:59,580 on throwing up satellites and sending them 229 00:08:59,580 --> 00:09:01,246 with other planets, this is a good thing 230 00:09:01,246 --> 00:09:03,500 to kind of keep in the back of our minds. 231 00:09:03,500 --> 00:09:06,080 So if we define an astronomical unit-- 232 00:09:06,080 --> 00:09:07,580 not in terms of our national debt, 233 00:09:07,580 --> 00:09:10,440 but in terms of the distance from the earth to the sun-- 234 00:09:10,440 --> 00:09:12,860 that's an astronomical unit. 235 00:09:12,860 --> 00:09:15,510 Mercury would be somewhere around 0.4. 236 00:09:15,510 --> 00:09:16,640 Venus 0.7. 237 00:09:16,640 --> 00:09:18,060 Mars 1.5. 238 00:09:18,060 --> 00:09:20,160 So that's all kind of in our neighborhood, right? 239 00:09:20,160 --> 00:09:22,201 And then from Mars to Jupiter is a bit of a jump. 240 00:09:22,201 --> 00:09:23,615 It goes from 1.5 to 5. 241 00:09:23,615 --> 00:09:26,550 Then from Jupiter to Saturn is 10-- well, sorry. 242 00:09:26,550 --> 00:09:28,620 10 is the distance from Saturn to the Sun. 243 00:09:28,620 --> 00:09:31,580 And then 30 and then 40. 244 00:09:31,580 --> 00:09:33,080 Sorry, 10, 20, 30, 40. 245 00:09:33,080 --> 00:09:36,600 So it goes-- Jupiter's 5, Saturn 10. 246 00:09:36,600 --> 00:09:38,000 Uranus would be 20. 247 00:09:38,000 --> 00:09:38,920 Neptune 30. 248 00:09:38,920 --> 00:09:39,730 Pluto 40. 249 00:09:39,730 --> 00:09:42,010 Pluto, planet, sort of. 250 00:09:42,010 --> 00:09:44,705 So it's easy to remember those numbers because it goes 5, 10, 251 00:09:44,705 --> 00:09:46,913 20-- that's just essentially a sequence of doubling-- 252 00:09:46,913 --> 00:09:48,894 and then 10, 20, 30, 40. 253 00:09:48,894 --> 00:09:50,560 I'm giving you approximate numbers here, 254 00:09:50,560 --> 00:09:53,530 but that's something just to keep in mind all in terms 255 00:09:53,530 --> 00:09:54,520 of astronomical units. 256 00:09:54,520 --> 00:09:56,436 So in case a little kid comes up and asks you, 257 00:09:56,436 --> 00:09:59,780 you can spit out the answer. 258 00:09:59,780 --> 00:10:02,170 Let's talk about the sun. 259 00:10:02,170 --> 00:10:04,940 This is just a review of our readings right here. 260 00:10:04,940 --> 00:10:07,090 This was a representation of the sun 261 00:10:07,090 --> 00:10:08,800 and the Earth moving around. 262 00:10:08,800 --> 00:10:11,602 And what is solstice and equinox? 263 00:10:11,602 --> 00:10:12,560 What do those refer to? 264 00:10:17,250 --> 00:10:20,574 What is the equinox? 265 00:10:20,574 --> 00:10:22,860 AUDIENCE: Equal amounts of light and dark. 266 00:10:22,860 --> 00:10:24,860 PROFESSOR: Yeah, equal amounts of light and dark 267 00:10:24,860 --> 00:10:26,610 throughout pretty much all the world 268 00:10:26,610 --> 00:10:29,370 except if you're really standing on the tippy top 269 00:10:29,370 --> 00:10:30,870 and the bottom. 270 00:10:30,870 --> 00:10:32,587 So equal amount of light and dark 271 00:10:32,587 --> 00:10:34,420 throughout the world on that particular day. 272 00:10:34,420 --> 00:10:39,380 So the day and the night have the same amount of length. 273 00:10:39,380 --> 00:10:41,560 If you move over to this region right here, 274 00:10:41,560 --> 00:10:44,350 this would be a region of our northern hemisphere summer, 275 00:10:44,350 --> 00:10:45,750 southern hemisphere, winter. 276 00:10:45,750 --> 00:10:47,390 Over here, vice versa. 277 00:10:47,390 --> 00:10:49,855 And the solstice would be? 278 00:10:49,855 --> 00:10:51,764 AUDIENCE: The shortest day of the year. 279 00:10:51,764 --> 00:10:52,430 PROFESSOR: Yeah. 280 00:10:52,430 --> 00:10:55,500 So the shortest or the longest day of the year, 281 00:10:55,500 --> 00:10:57,810 depending on what side you're on. 282 00:10:57,810 --> 00:11:01,010 So in the northern hemisphere, the June solstice 283 00:11:01,010 --> 00:11:02,860 would be the summer solstice. 284 00:11:02,860 --> 00:11:04,692 For us, it would be the longest day. 285 00:11:04,692 --> 00:11:06,400 And if you're in the southern hemisphere, 286 00:11:06,400 --> 00:11:07,580 it would be the shortest day. 287 00:11:07,580 --> 00:11:09,163 Depending on what time zone you're in, 288 00:11:09,163 --> 00:11:12,910 there might be a variation of one day hither to. 289 00:11:12,910 --> 00:11:13,440 Good. 290 00:11:13,440 --> 00:11:14,130 OK. 291 00:11:14,130 --> 00:11:17,009 And what is this? 292 00:11:17,009 --> 00:11:18,300 What are the seasons caused by? 293 00:11:18,300 --> 00:11:20,550 What is this kind of tilt right here? 294 00:11:20,550 --> 00:11:21,854 What is that called? 295 00:11:21,854 --> 00:11:23,020 AUDIENCE: Declination angle. 296 00:11:23,020 --> 00:11:24,228 PROFESSOR: Declination angle. 297 00:11:24,228 --> 00:11:26,026 And approximately how much is that? 298 00:11:26,026 --> 00:11:26,900 AUDIENCE: 23 and 1/2. 299 00:11:26,900 --> 00:11:27,970 PROFESSOR: 23 and 1/2. 300 00:11:27,970 --> 00:11:28,520 23.45. 301 00:11:28,520 --> 00:11:29,970 Yeah, so 23 1/2 degrees. 302 00:11:29,970 --> 00:11:30,620 Good. 303 00:11:30,620 --> 00:11:31,120 OK. 304 00:11:31,120 --> 00:11:34,740 And we can visualize all of this on the PV CD-ROM 305 00:11:34,740 --> 00:11:35,940 on the website. 306 00:11:35,940 --> 00:11:37,730 So this was part of your assigned reading. 307 00:11:37,730 --> 00:11:41,070 And here's the earth going around the sun 308 00:11:41,070 --> 00:11:42,592 in this representation. 309 00:11:42,592 --> 00:11:44,550 Likewise, if you want to take one of your balls 310 00:11:44,550 --> 00:11:48,270 and just kind of imagine being on one of those surfaces, 311 00:11:48,270 --> 00:11:49,860 you see the diurnal rotation here. 312 00:11:49,860 --> 00:11:51,470 It's spinning around its axis. 313 00:11:51,470 --> 00:11:54,380 And as well, the seasonal variation as it 314 00:11:54,380 --> 00:11:56,310 spins around the sun. 315 00:11:56,310 --> 00:11:58,900 That's important for a number of reasons, right? 316 00:11:58,900 --> 00:12:02,020 That will determine how much sunlight is normally 317 00:12:02,020 --> 00:12:04,080 incident on the planet. 318 00:12:04,080 --> 00:12:07,300 If you are normally incident, if you're at this exact spot 319 00:12:07,300 --> 00:12:09,720 right here, you're receiving the sunlight full on. 320 00:12:09,720 --> 00:12:13,180 But if you're up here somewhere, your surface normal 321 00:12:13,180 --> 00:12:15,680 is some vector pointing out like that. 322 00:12:15,680 --> 00:12:18,400 You're only going to be receiving the cosine theta 323 00:12:18,400 --> 00:12:20,690 of that amount of sun. 324 00:12:20,690 --> 00:12:24,074 So if you're an extreme example, if you're right here, 325 00:12:24,074 --> 00:12:25,240 you're not going to get any. 326 00:12:25,240 --> 00:12:26,823 But if you're in this part right here, 327 00:12:26,823 --> 00:12:29,970 you're going to get cosine of 0, which would be 1. 328 00:12:29,970 --> 00:12:31,500 So you get the full amount of sun. 329 00:12:31,500 --> 00:12:33,900 And likewise, as you move through the angles here. 330 00:12:33,900 --> 00:12:36,510 So it's important to understand what the relative angle is 331 00:12:36,510 --> 00:12:40,710 between our surface normal and the vector pointing at the sun. 332 00:12:40,710 --> 00:12:42,480 That varies as a function of season. 333 00:12:42,480 --> 00:12:44,890 It varies as a function of time of day. 334 00:12:44,890 --> 00:12:47,740 And obviously, over the entire earth, 335 00:12:47,740 --> 00:12:51,147 you can define the precise amount of sunlight 336 00:12:51,147 --> 00:12:52,730 coming in, the precise solar resource, 337 00:12:52,730 --> 00:12:54,390 by a series of trig formula. 338 00:12:54,390 --> 00:12:55,587 It gets pretty complex. 339 00:12:55,587 --> 00:12:57,670 And this website will actually walk you through it 340 00:12:57,670 --> 00:13:00,000 if you're so interested. 341 00:13:00,000 --> 00:13:02,250 Now this is all review since folks have all done 342 00:13:02,250 --> 00:13:03,677 the background ready, right? 343 00:13:03,677 --> 00:13:05,010 All done the background reading. 344 00:13:05,010 --> 00:13:07,140 I expect you to before class. 345 00:13:07,140 --> 00:13:09,310 Let me ask you a few trickier questions just 346 00:13:09,310 --> 00:13:11,650 to see if our creative juices are really moving 347 00:13:11,650 --> 00:13:13,930 at this early time of day. 348 00:13:13,930 --> 00:13:17,060 When would be the shortest day of the year? 349 00:13:17,060 --> 00:13:17,810 Let's start there. 350 00:13:17,810 --> 00:13:19,955 The shortest day of the year is approximately December 22, 351 00:13:19,955 --> 00:13:20,510 right? 352 00:13:20,510 --> 00:13:21,860 In the solstice. 353 00:13:21,860 --> 00:13:29,215 When is the latest sunrise and when is the earliest sunset? 354 00:13:32,566 --> 00:13:34,315 You might need to pick up your little ball 355 00:13:34,315 --> 00:13:38,014 and rotate it around. 356 00:13:38,014 --> 00:13:40,590 Does anybody have even just a gut sense? 357 00:13:40,590 --> 00:13:42,580 Would it be on the solstice? 358 00:13:42,580 --> 00:13:45,260 How many people think it's going to be exactly on the solstice? 359 00:13:45,260 --> 00:13:45,760 Let's see. 360 00:13:45,760 --> 00:13:47,590 Earliest sunset-- how many people 361 00:13:47,590 --> 00:13:49,173 think that the earliest sunset's going 362 00:13:49,173 --> 00:13:51,270 to be a little bit before the solstice? 363 00:13:51,270 --> 00:13:53,520 How many people think a little bit after the solstice? 364 00:13:53,520 --> 00:13:55,570 I know people don't really know. 365 00:13:55,570 --> 00:13:59,680 The reality is that the earliest sunset would be a little bit 366 00:13:59,680 --> 00:14:04,070 before the solstice here, and the latest sunrise 367 00:14:04,070 --> 00:14:06,790 would be a little bit after the solstice. 368 00:14:06,790 --> 00:14:09,030 And it flips in summertime. 369 00:14:09,030 --> 00:14:15,510 It would be, let's see, the earliest sunrise 370 00:14:15,510 --> 00:14:18,780 and the latest sunset before and after the solstice 371 00:14:18,780 --> 00:14:20,380 respectively. 372 00:14:20,380 --> 00:14:20,880 OK. 373 00:14:20,880 --> 00:14:23,030 And you can think about that in terms 374 00:14:23,030 --> 00:14:26,050 of what is the solar noon. 375 00:14:26,050 --> 00:14:29,830 The solar noon is when the sun this is directly overhead 376 00:14:29,830 --> 00:14:32,200 relative to our chronological noon, which 377 00:14:32,200 --> 00:14:36,350 is, I would say, less dependent on the specific angle 378 00:14:36,350 --> 00:14:38,320 of the earth relative to the sun as it 379 00:14:38,320 --> 00:14:41,126 moves around this trajectory. 380 00:14:41,126 --> 00:14:42,750 Let's get more into that in recitation. 381 00:14:42,750 --> 00:14:44,750 I sense since there wasn't much traction there I 382 00:14:44,750 --> 00:14:47,310 don't want to dwell. 383 00:14:47,310 --> 00:14:49,370 OK. 384 00:14:49,370 --> 00:14:51,230 Good, good, good. 385 00:14:51,230 --> 00:14:53,290 OK. 386 00:14:53,290 --> 00:14:55,230 Let's think a little bit more in terms 387 00:14:55,230 --> 00:15:00,270 of the trajectory of the sun later on 388 00:15:00,270 --> 00:15:02,920 as we move through some of the introductory material. 389 00:15:02,920 --> 00:15:04,599 I don't want to dwell too much. 390 00:15:04,599 --> 00:15:06,140 I want to give a little bit of review 391 00:15:06,140 --> 00:15:09,870 since I'm sensing that not everybody did the readings. 392 00:15:09,870 --> 00:15:11,600 I expect you to do the readings, folks. 393 00:15:11,600 --> 00:15:13,250 So let's keep with me here. 394 00:15:13,250 --> 00:15:16,440 So a touch of history, since that was asked for. 395 00:15:16,440 --> 00:15:17,530 It was requested. 396 00:15:17,530 --> 00:15:20,560 I decided to launch a little bit into a history 397 00:15:20,560 --> 00:15:22,660 of the study of the sun. 398 00:15:22,660 --> 00:15:27,500 Philosophers, going back to what I suppose most would consider 399 00:15:27,500 --> 00:15:29,980 early India, studied the sun. 400 00:15:29,980 --> 00:15:34,910 There were some writings of some of the earlier philosophers 401 00:15:34,910 --> 00:15:36,340 that were recorded. 402 00:15:36,340 --> 00:15:37,890 Some have interpreted these writings 403 00:15:37,890 --> 00:15:41,570 as being indicative of, perhaps, heliocentric models. 404 00:15:41,570 --> 00:15:43,900 These are poetry, folks. 405 00:15:43,900 --> 00:15:47,280 It's a very different style of communication 406 00:15:47,280 --> 00:15:49,279 than what we have today of technical writing, 407 00:15:49,279 --> 00:15:51,320 so it's difficult for us to discern, or difficult 408 00:15:51,320 --> 00:15:54,820 for me, at least, to discern when I read the lines verbatim 409 00:15:54,820 --> 00:15:58,490 if this is really somebody thinking 410 00:15:58,490 --> 00:16:00,490 about the heliocentric model or whether this 411 00:16:00,490 --> 00:16:02,594 is somebody just describing the universe 412 00:16:02,594 --> 00:16:03,885 in the best of their abilities. 413 00:16:07,410 --> 00:16:10,850 I would say the real beginnings of heliocentric models 414 00:16:10,850 --> 00:16:14,730 began in the third century Before the Common Era 415 00:16:14,730 --> 00:16:17,750 and the notions of interstellar distances 416 00:16:17,750 --> 00:16:20,030 estimated in a similar manner to what we just 417 00:16:20,030 --> 00:16:21,280 walked through today, right? 418 00:16:21,280 --> 00:16:23,640 Estimating the distance between the earth and the sun 419 00:16:23,640 --> 00:16:26,950 and then using that as a measure or yardstick with which 420 00:16:26,950 --> 00:16:29,250 to measure the distances to the other planets 421 00:16:29,250 --> 00:16:32,100 began somewhere during that time. 422 00:16:32,100 --> 00:16:35,220 Likewise, these writings of old made their way 423 00:16:35,220 --> 00:16:36,090 to the Middle East. 424 00:16:36,090 --> 00:16:38,690 And in the 10th and 11th centuries 425 00:16:38,690 --> 00:16:41,190 of the Common Era, the Middle East, 426 00:16:41,190 --> 00:16:46,450 the Arab world is really where science and technology was at. 427 00:16:46,450 --> 00:16:49,080 And these days, I mean, Europe was still 428 00:16:49,080 --> 00:16:51,780 largely mired in the Middle Ages, 429 00:16:51,780 --> 00:16:53,620 starting to emerge in a few places. 430 00:16:53,620 --> 00:16:57,330 But by and large, the carriers of civilization 431 00:16:57,330 --> 00:17:00,750 in the Western world were really centered 432 00:17:00,750 --> 00:17:03,020 and in some of the Arab cities in the Middle East. 433 00:17:03,020 --> 00:17:07,420 And al-Biruni, in particular, was very avid 434 00:17:07,420 --> 00:17:11,400 at applying methods of astronomical observation, 435 00:17:11,400 --> 00:17:15,230 in particular to aid travel, but in the process, discovering 436 00:17:15,230 --> 00:17:19,250 a thing or two about our known universe. 437 00:17:19,250 --> 00:17:22,329 And of course, finally, Johannes Kepler in Europe, 438 00:17:22,329 --> 00:17:25,410 once it starts to emerge from the Middle Ages, 439 00:17:25,410 --> 00:17:30,680 with really taking observation some other scientists, who 440 00:17:30,680 --> 00:17:32,990 very carefully plotted out the position 441 00:17:32,990 --> 00:17:34,912 of the different bodies, he came up 442 00:17:34,912 --> 00:17:36,620 with some of the mathematical models that 443 00:17:36,620 --> 00:17:40,250 describe the motion of the planets through the skies 444 00:17:40,250 --> 00:17:42,390 and is largely credited with developing 445 00:17:42,390 --> 00:17:46,180 a series of laws that define interplanetary motion. 446 00:17:46,180 --> 00:17:48,412 So a couple of interesting things to note 447 00:17:48,412 --> 00:17:49,870 is that international collaboration 448 00:17:49,870 --> 00:17:50,940 was really essential. 449 00:17:50,940 --> 00:17:53,520 These ideas didn't develop in isolation. 450 00:17:53,520 --> 00:17:56,530 They were flowing throughout the world. 451 00:17:56,530 --> 00:17:58,710 It's important to know that many of the scientists 452 00:17:58,710 --> 00:18:00,430 were well-traveled polyglots, meaning 453 00:18:00,430 --> 00:18:01,780 they spoke different languages. 454 00:18:01,780 --> 00:18:03,946 And that's how they were able to interpret the texts 455 00:18:03,946 --> 00:18:05,970 and readings of other people. 456 00:18:05,970 --> 00:18:08,180 And it's also to note that parallel astronomical 457 00:18:08,180 --> 00:18:11,570 developments were happening in other regions of the world-- 458 00:18:11,570 --> 00:18:14,490 the Far East, Mesoamerica, and so forth, right? 459 00:18:14,490 --> 00:18:19,570 And so obviously, there may have been some communication-- 460 00:18:19,570 --> 00:18:22,770 I would say rather sparse-- between especially 461 00:18:22,770 --> 00:18:23,820 with the Far East. 462 00:18:23,820 --> 00:18:26,230 But there was a fair amount of communication 463 00:18:26,230 --> 00:18:28,860 between these regions here. 464 00:18:28,860 --> 00:18:31,660 And you can imagine writings or ideas traveling from word 465 00:18:31,660 --> 00:18:34,450 of mouth along trade routes. 466 00:18:34,450 --> 00:18:36,922 So there was some communication. 467 00:18:36,922 --> 00:18:38,380 So back to our learning objectives. 468 00:18:38,380 --> 00:18:41,040 Today, we're about to quantify the available solar resource 469 00:18:41,040 --> 00:18:43,710 relative to human energies and other fuel sources. 470 00:18:43,710 --> 00:18:44,440 So let's do that. 471 00:18:44,440 --> 00:18:46,065 We'll jump right into one of the slides 472 00:18:46,065 --> 00:18:47,260 that I showed you last time. 473 00:18:47,260 --> 00:18:49,430 This is in terms of terawatts av. 474 00:18:49,430 --> 00:18:52,780 Terawatts is a unit of power, a very big one. 475 00:18:52,780 --> 00:18:55,240 "Tera" is 10 to the 12. 476 00:18:55,240 --> 00:18:57,610 And you can see here the resource 477 00:18:57,610 --> 00:19:00,310 of the sun relative to the wind energy resource base 478 00:19:00,310 --> 00:19:01,930 relative to human energy needs. 479 00:19:01,930 --> 00:19:05,470 If we just consider the resource falling on the earth's surface, 480 00:19:05,470 --> 00:19:07,910 as opposed to that falling on the outer atmosphere, 481 00:19:07,910 --> 00:19:09,368 there's a little bit of a discount. 482 00:19:09,368 --> 00:19:12,660 But we're still very large compared to human energy use. 483 00:19:12,660 --> 00:19:15,250 And if we redefine our units from terawatts 484 00:19:15,250 --> 00:19:18,900 into HECs, which are Human Energy Consumptions, defined 485 00:19:18,900 --> 00:19:23,220 in, say, 2050, where one HEC is the average, 486 00:19:23,220 --> 00:19:28,880 let's say, energy burn rate of 2050, 487 00:19:28,880 --> 00:19:30,460 you can see here that these numbers 488 00:19:30,460 --> 00:19:33,060 are a few orders of magnitude larger than what 489 00:19:33,060 --> 00:19:34,250 our human needs are. 490 00:19:34,250 --> 00:19:37,200 So if you were able to capture only 1% 491 00:19:37,200 --> 00:19:40,500 of all of the solar resource falling on the earth's crust, 492 00:19:40,500 --> 00:19:44,130 we would be actually in pretty good shape. 493 00:19:44,130 --> 00:19:48,264 And 1% of the total land area on the earth's crust-- 494 00:19:48,264 --> 00:19:50,680 I believe somewhere between 1% and 2% of the United States 495 00:19:50,680 --> 00:19:53,530 is covered in asphalt right now for roads. 496 00:19:53,530 --> 00:19:56,640 So this could be on houses, on rooftops, on buildings, 497 00:19:56,640 --> 00:19:57,500 and so forth. 498 00:19:57,500 --> 00:20:01,530 We wouldn't necessarily have to exclusively repave 499 00:20:01,530 --> 00:20:05,520 virgin farmland with solar panels. 500 00:20:05,520 --> 00:20:09,020 So going back to quantifying the solar power, we have our sun. 501 00:20:09,020 --> 00:20:10,700 We're going to start by quantifying 502 00:20:10,700 --> 00:20:13,970 the solar resource by assuming that the sun is a black body. 503 00:20:13,970 --> 00:20:17,210 The same way that hot objects emit light-- say, 504 00:20:17,210 --> 00:20:18,880 for example, when you turn up your stove 505 00:20:18,880 --> 00:20:23,200 and you have a very warm glow coming out of it-- 506 00:20:23,200 --> 00:20:26,500 the sun is as well a hot body, a black body, sorry. 507 00:20:26,500 --> 00:20:28,850 Very hot as well, somewhere around 6,000 Kelvin. 508 00:20:28,850 --> 00:20:33,140 And the total radiated power is given by Stefan Boltzmann's law 509 00:20:33,140 --> 00:20:35,940 here in the following way where we have temperature 510 00:20:35,940 --> 00:20:38,135 to the fourth and the temperature 511 00:20:38,135 --> 00:20:40,460 is somewhere around 6,000 Kelvin. 512 00:20:40,460 --> 00:20:42,980 And so we have this power being radiated out 513 00:20:42,980 --> 00:20:44,280 at the surface of the sun. 514 00:20:44,280 --> 00:20:48,550 And then, as it travels outward, it becomes, you could say, 515 00:20:48,550 --> 00:20:49,530 diluted in effect. 516 00:20:49,530 --> 00:20:53,700 Because the total surface area of that sphere is increasing, 517 00:20:53,700 --> 00:20:55,060 obviously as r squared. 518 00:20:55,060 --> 00:20:57,530 And so by the time that that light reaches the earth, 519 00:20:57,530 --> 00:20:59,660 it's only a very small cross section, 520 00:20:59,660 --> 00:21:02,500 or very small solid angle to be more precise, 521 00:21:02,500 --> 00:21:06,090 of the sun's surface that is radiating directly at the earth 522 00:21:06,090 --> 00:21:08,947 right here because this, in the absence of scattering centers 523 00:21:08,947 --> 00:21:10,780 in the universe that might reflect or bounce 524 00:21:10,780 --> 00:21:12,774 the light back toward the earth. 525 00:21:12,774 --> 00:21:14,690 And you can calculate the total power incident 526 00:21:14,690 --> 00:21:17,210 on the earth by that simple formula right there. 527 00:21:17,210 --> 00:21:20,070 What is the radius of the earth? 528 00:21:20,070 --> 00:21:22,130 Again, one of these simple numbers 529 00:21:22,130 --> 00:21:23,630 you should kind of having your head. 530 00:21:23,630 --> 00:21:27,010 6,370 kilometers, somewhere in that order, right? 531 00:21:27,010 --> 00:21:31,390 And so you can begin estimating here the total power 532 00:21:31,390 --> 00:21:32,850 and the order of magnitude. 533 00:21:32,850 --> 00:21:35,250 It's going to be tiny compared to the total power 534 00:21:35,250 --> 00:21:37,110 that the sun is radiating thankfully, 535 00:21:37,110 --> 00:21:39,220 or else we'd be pretty hot right now. 536 00:21:39,220 --> 00:21:43,910 So the average power coming from the sun 537 00:21:43,910 --> 00:21:46,680 on the surface of the outer atmosphere 538 00:21:46,680 --> 00:21:49,860 is around 1,366 watts per square meter. 539 00:21:49,860 --> 00:21:51,525 Who's heard of 1,366 before? 540 00:21:51,525 --> 00:21:52,150 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 541 00:21:52,150 --> 00:21:52,310 PROFESSOR: Yeah? 542 00:21:52,310 --> 00:21:53,010 You've heard about it? 543 00:21:53,010 --> 00:21:53,509 All right. 544 00:21:53,509 --> 00:21:55,220 You know where the number comes from now. 545 00:21:55,220 --> 00:21:56,880 It's pretty wonky. 546 00:21:56,880 --> 00:21:59,390 1366 is a startup company, a spin-off 547 00:21:59,390 --> 00:22:02,251 of MIT focused on solar energy. 548 00:22:02,251 --> 00:22:02,750 OK. 549 00:22:02,750 --> 00:22:06,640 And so that's at the equinox, which we just learned 550 00:22:06,640 --> 00:22:09,320 is occurring somewhere around March 21, 551 00:22:09,320 --> 00:22:11,750 September 21-- coming up soon. 552 00:22:11,750 --> 00:22:13,440 Celebration. 553 00:22:13,440 --> 00:22:15,620 The ratio of the surface areas of the spheres 554 00:22:15,620 --> 00:22:17,970 is really something to keep in mind right there. 555 00:22:17,970 --> 00:22:18,980 OK. 556 00:22:18,980 --> 00:22:21,690 So we've quantified the available resource 557 00:22:21,690 --> 00:22:23,300 relative to human energy needs. 558 00:22:23,300 --> 00:22:26,420 Now we have to come up with some language 559 00:22:26,420 --> 00:22:28,340 that we use to describe the sunlight 560 00:22:28,340 --> 00:22:30,460 moving through the atmosphere of the earth 561 00:22:30,460 --> 00:22:32,700 and reaching the surface of the earth, right? 562 00:22:32,700 --> 00:22:34,860 So we're going to use what's called the air mass 563 00:22:34,860 --> 00:22:36,660 convention or AM convention. 564 00:22:36,660 --> 00:22:39,226 AM stands for Air Mass. 565 00:22:39,226 --> 00:22:41,600 Even without knowing much about how the light is absorbed 566 00:22:41,600 --> 00:22:43,270 or how to quantify it mathematically, 567 00:22:43,270 --> 00:22:46,980 we can assume that our atmosphere contains molecules. 568 00:22:46,980 --> 00:22:48,490 It contains particulate matter. 569 00:22:48,490 --> 00:22:50,380 And that's going to interact with the light in some ways. 570 00:22:50,380 --> 00:22:52,437 Probably either going to absorb or scatter it. 571 00:22:52,437 --> 00:22:54,520 And so as the light passes through our atmosphere, 572 00:22:54,520 --> 00:22:56,220 there's going to be some absorption. 573 00:22:56,220 --> 00:22:58,792 And the greater the distance, the greater the optical path 574 00:22:58,792 --> 00:23:01,250 length through the atmosphere, the more absorption and more 575 00:23:01,250 --> 00:23:02,520 scattering there will be. 576 00:23:02,520 --> 00:23:05,070 And so we use air mass, or AM convention, 577 00:23:05,070 --> 00:23:07,520 to define the path length or the path distance 578 00:23:07,520 --> 00:23:08,570 through the atmosphere. 579 00:23:08,570 --> 00:23:11,160 AM0 would mean the outer atmosphere. 580 00:23:11,160 --> 00:23:13,950 AM1 would be essentially just going straight through, 581 00:23:13,950 --> 00:23:17,060 normal incidence so that the direction of the trajectory 582 00:23:17,060 --> 00:23:19,970 of the light is parallel to the surface normal 583 00:23:19,970 --> 00:23:21,580 of the earth at that location. 584 00:23:21,580 --> 00:23:23,200 And then air mass 1.5 and so forth 585 00:23:23,200 --> 00:23:26,039 is as we increase the angle of the entry of light 586 00:23:26,039 --> 00:23:27,330 relative to the surface normal. 587 00:23:27,330 --> 00:23:28,967 So in other words, as we go further 588 00:23:28,967 --> 00:23:30,550 from the equator to northern latitudes 589 00:23:30,550 --> 00:23:32,770 that air mass number is going to go up, up, up. 590 00:23:32,770 --> 00:23:33,270 OK. 591 00:23:33,270 --> 00:23:34,740 We'll explain it with a few graphs 592 00:23:34,740 --> 00:23:36,710 and figures and a few slides. 593 00:23:36,710 --> 00:23:39,350 So we have our atmospheric absorption. 594 00:23:39,350 --> 00:23:42,480 When we just glance at the earth in these beautiful pictures 595 00:23:42,480 --> 00:23:46,290 taken from outer space, we can see very obviously the clouds 596 00:23:46,290 --> 00:23:47,180 present. 597 00:23:47,180 --> 00:23:49,850 And more importantly, if we were to zoom 598 00:23:49,850 --> 00:23:51,940 in on one of these regions right here, 599 00:23:51,940 --> 00:23:56,980 we would see this bluish hue coming 600 00:23:56,980 --> 00:24:00,460 from our atmosphere, which is scattering preferentially 601 00:24:00,460 --> 00:24:02,410 the shorter wavelengths of light. 602 00:24:02,410 --> 00:24:05,090 And more importantly, this radius right here 603 00:24:05,090 --> 00:24:07,870 is somewhere on the order of 6,370 kilometers. 604 00:24:07,870 --> 00:24:10,572 And this thin atmospheric shell in on the order of 30. 605 00:24:10,572 --> 00:24:12,020 Right? 606 00:24:12,020 --> 00:24:14,200 So that's why you don't really see 607 00:24:14,200 --> 00:24:18,340 too much of a ring around the planet from this distance. 608 00:24:18,340 --> 00:24:20,910 So the atmospheric effects, let's try to bend them 609 00:24:20,910 --> 00:24:22,880 into discrete buckets. 610 00:24:22,880 --> 00:24:25,120 This is a simplification, but it helps us gain 611 00:24:25,120 --> 00:24:26,310 a foothold in understanding. 612 00:24:26,310 --> 00:24:28,520 And then from there, we can make our understanding 613 00:24:28,520 --> 00:24:30,190 a bit more complex. 614 00:24:30,190 --> 00:24:33,180 So we have incoming solar radiation coming from here. 615 00:24:33,180 --> 00:24:37,480 We have a number now that's 342 watts per square meter. 616 00:24:37,480 --> 00:24:40,584 Why is that number so much lower than the 1,366 617 00:24:40,584 --> 00:24:42,480 that we were just talking about? 618 00:24:49,786 --> 00:24:51,619 AUDIENCE: Particles in the air and pollution 619 00:24:51,619 --> 00:24:52,894 in the atmosphere. 620 00:24:52,894 --> 00:24:53,560 PROFESSOR: Yeah. 621 00:24:53,560 --> 00:24:56,070 So this is meant to be an average 622 00:24:56,070 --> 00:24:59,160 over the entire day at one fixed point along the ground, right? 623 00:24:59,160 --> 00:25:01,860 So as we're rotating around, we have at least half of the day 624 00:25:01,860 --> 00:25:03,510 normally when we don't have sunlight. 625 00:25:03,510 --> 00:25:06,950 And then there's, I would say, the cosine theta angle 626 00:25:06,950 --> 00:25:09,160 is not 1 at all times. 627 00:25:09,160 --> 00:25:11,220 It's very rarely 1. 628 00:25:11,220 --> 00:25:13,980 And so this is a bit of a discounted incoming solar 629 00:25:13,980 --> 00:25:16,460 radiation, essentially a time-averaged solar radiation 630 00:25:16,460 --> 00:25:20,490 for a given patch of the planet over a typical day. 631 00:25:20,490 --> 00:25:22,890 And so we have a variety of processes here. 632 00:25:22,890 --> 00:25:25,140 We have reflection off of clouds. 633 00:25:25,140 --> 00:25:26,840 That's pretty clear to see from here. 634 00:25:26,840 --> 00:25:29,240 It looks nice and white. 635 00:25:29,240 --> 00:25:31,380 We have some absorbed by the atmosphere, 636 00:25:31,380 --> 00:25:35,570 typically in a rotational or vibrational modes of molecules 637 00:25:35,570 --> 00:25:38,100 up in the outer atmosphere, sometimes by particulate matter 638 00:25:38,100 --> 00:25:39,370 as well. 639 00:25:39,370 --> 00:25:42,120 And then we have the amount that's 640 00:25:42,120 --> 00:25:45,350 absorbed here by the surface, of course, reflected as well. 641 00:25:45,350 --> 00:25:47,720 And so the amount that's incident on the surface 642 00:25:47,720 --> 00:25:49,760 or coming down to us is what we can actually 643 00:25:49,760 --> 00:25:51,980 use to make solar energy. 644 00:25:51,980 --> 00:25:53,350 And this is an average, right? 645 00:25:53,350 --> 00:25:55,890 Because sometimes the cloud cover is a lot greater. 646 00:25:55,890 --> 00:25:58,090 And for that particular day, we will 647 00:25:58,090 --> 00:26:00,460 have a lot less resource striking the ground 648 00:26:00,460 --> 00:26:02,110 at a given time. 649 00:26:02,110 --> 00:26:05,740 This over here, this is all mostly infrared, right? 650 00:26:05,740 --> 00:26:08,830 Where this is visible coming in, once the light gets absorbed 651 00:26:08,830 --> 00:26:10,860 and then gets re-emitted, it usually 652 00:26:10,860 --> 00:26:12,740 gets re-emitted in the longer wavelength 653 00:26:12,740 --> 00:26:14,620 light or the infrared light. 654 00:26:14,620 --> 00:26:18,610 And this is the stuff that gets blocked by or absorbed 655 00:26:18,610 --> 00:26:21,350 by greenhouse gases and then re-emitted equiangularly. 656 00:26:21,350 --> 00:26:24,690 And some of it makes its way back to the earth, right? 657 00:26:24,690 --> 00:26:25,190 OK. 658 00:26:25,190 --> 00:26:28,240 So air mass, let's define that so 659 00:26:28,240 --> 00:26:30,070 that we have a common language that we 660 00:26:30,070 --> 00:26:33,020 can use to describe the solar resource from place to place. 661 00:26:33,020 --> 00:26:34,700 So again, this is the sun. 662 00:26:34,700 --> 00:26:37,310 This is the surface right here. 663 00:26:37,310 --> 00:26:41,760 And let's imagine that the angle between the incident sunlight 664 00:26:41,760 --> 00:26:45,240 and the surface normal is 0 such that the cosine theta 665 00:26:45,240 --> 00:26:47,040 term is 1. 666 00:26:47,040 --> 00:26:49,470 Air mass here at this point, at this point 667 00:26:49,470 --> 00:26:53,270 on the surface of the earth, is going to be AM 1. 668 00:26:53,270 --> 00:26:56,640 So we call it air mass 1 if the sun is literally directly 669 00:26:56,640 --> 00:26:59,570 overhead. 670 00:26:59,570 --> 00:27:02,100 What did we learn about the declination angle of the earth? 671 00:27:02,100 --> 00:27:04,890 It's about 23 and 1/2 degrees, right? 672 00:27:04,890 --> 00:27:06,430 How far north are we? 673 00:27:06,430 --> 00:27:09,389 What is our latitude here in Boston? 674 00:27:09,389 --> 00:27:09,930 AUDIENCE: 41. 675 00:27:09,930 --> 00:27:11,720 PROFESSOR: 41, 42ish, right? 676 00:27:11,720 --> 00:27:22,980 So let's for simplicity say that here in Boston, our latitude 677 00:27:22,980 --> 00:27:28,320 of Boston Logan Airport is approximately 41 degrees north. 678 00:27:28,320 --> 00:27:36,720 And let's say that the declination of our planet 679 00:27:36,720 --> 00:27:41,150 is approximately 23 and 1/2 degrees. 680 00:27:41,150 --> 00:27:46,270 So what would be the angle of the sun in the sky 681 00:27:46,270 --> 00:27:49,730 if you were to lie on your back in the middle of the summer 682 00:27:49,730 --> 00:27:52,709 solstice and the middle of the winter solstice 683 00:27:52,709 --> 00:27:54,750 and you're lying straight on your back looking up 684 00:27:54,750 --> 00:27:57,970 at solar noon, what would the angle of the sun in the sky 685 00:27:57,970 --> 00:28:01,070 be relative to the surface normal? 686 00:28:01,070 --> 00:28:03,750 How far south would the sun be? 687 00:28:03,750 --> 00:28:07,200 Imagine that this is 0 degrees and that's 90, right? 688 00:28:07,200 --> 00:28:09,370 So relative to this angle right here, 689 00:28:09,370 --> 00:28:11,620 where would the sun be in the sky? 690 00:28:11,620 --> 00:28:15,090 Why don't you turn to your neighbor right now and discuss? 691 00:28:15,090 --> 00:28:18,360 On the summer solstice, the winter solstice, 692 00:28:18,360 --> 00:28:20,040 come up with some set of angles there. 693 00:28:33,212 --> 00:28:33,920 All right, folks. 694 00:28:33,920 --> 00:28:36,050 What do we come up with? 695 00:28:36,050 --> 00:28:39,890 This is our little human being, you, in Boston. 696 00:28:39,890 --> 00:28:42,260 This is south, and that's north. 697 00:28:42,260 --> 00:28:45,070 And we're at the solar noon in the winter solstice 698 00:28:45,070 --> 00:28:46,300 in the summer solstice. 699 00:28:46,300 --> 00:28:48,130 So here's you. 700 00:28:48,130 --> 00:28:50,069 This is directly above. 701 00:28:50,069 --> 00:28:51,860 So I would say if you're lying on your back 702 00:28:51,860 --> 00:28:53,651 and looking straight up, that's the surface 703 00:28:53,651 --> 00:28:55,380 normal of the earth. 704 00:28:55,380 --> 00:28:57,730 In the summer, at solar noon, the sun 705 00:28:57,730 --> 00:29:00,170 would be at what angle relative to the surface 706 00:29:00,170 --> 00:29:01,206 normal of the earth? 707 00:29:01,206 --> 00:29:02,424 AUDIENCE: 17 and 1/2. 708 00:29:02,424 --> 00:29:04,560 PROFESSOR: 17 and 1/2, somewhere around there. 709 00:29:04,560 --> 00:29:06,680 And how did you get that number? 710 00:29:06,680 --> 00:29:08,060 Subtract those two, right? 711 00:29:08,060 --> 00:29:09,930 So you get 41 minus 23 and 1/2. 712 00:29:09,930 --> 00:29:14,250 You're somewhere around 17, 18, somewhere around there. 713 00:29:14,250 --> 00:29:16,940 So we'll call it 18 degrees in summer, 714 00:29:16,940 --> 00:29:19,210 again, relative to the surface normal. 715 00:29:19,210 --> 00:29:24,595 And in wintertime, what does that work out to be? 716 00:29:24,595 --> 00:29:25,470 AUDIENCE: 64 and 1/2. 717 00:29:25,470 --> 00:29:26,480 PROFESSOR: 64 and 1/2. 718 00:29:26,480 --> 00:29:27,440 Similar logic, right? 719 00:29:27,440 --> 00:29:30,370 So we'll call it 65 degrees in winter. 720 00:29:30,370 --> 00:29:31,000 Good. 721 00:29:31,000 --> 00:29:34,340 So what does that work out to be in terms of air mass 722 00:29:34,340 --> 00:29:36,040 for winter and summer? 723 00:29:38,460 --> 00:29:39,960 Quick engineering approximation, I'm 724 00:29:39,960 --> 00:29:42,240 going to say that, in summer, it's approximate air mass 1, 725 00:29:42,240 --> 00:29:43,500 but you can calculate it real quick. 726 00:29:43,500 --> 00:29:45,584 Somebody with a calculator want to plug those in? 727 00:29:45,584 --> 00:29:47,280 AUDIENCE: And roughly 2 in winter. 728 00:29:47,280 --> 00:29:48,738 PROFESSOR: And roughly 2 in winter. 729 00:29:48,738 --> 00:29:51,250 All right? 730 00:29:51,250 --> 00:29:52,320 OK. 731 00:29:52,320 --> 00:29:54,850 We're going to get into scattering of light 732 00:29:54,850 --> 00:29:56,920 in next lecture actually. 733 00:29:56,920 --> 00:29:59,375 And we'll see why that matters in terms of especially 734 00:29:59,375 --> 00:30:01,400 of getting sunburned since the shorter 735 00:30:01,400 --> 00:30:04,620 wavelengths, the ultraviolet, are more sensitive to the path 736 00:30:04,620 --> 00:30:05,900 length. 737 00:30:05,900 --> 00:30:08,220 OK. 738 00:30:08,220 --> 00:30:08,790 Good. 739 00:30:08,790 --> 00:30:09,290 Very good. 740 00:30:09,290 --> 00:30:12,170 So we have pretty much a gut sense 741 00:30:12,170 --> 00:30:14,310 now of where the sun is in the sky. 742 00:30:14,310 --> 00:30:17,870 And as it moves from summer to winter, from our perspective, 743 00:30:17,870 --> 00:30:19,846 it follows a little bit of a, I would 744 00:30:19,846 --> 00:30:21,410 say, sinusoidal path, right? 745 00:30:21,410 --> 00:30:24,700 It stays in summer for a long period of time up here. 746 00:30:24,700 --> 00:30:27,250 And then it moves pretty quickly down here and stays here. 747 00:30:27,250 --> 00:30:30,555 So versus time, the angle of the sun in the sky 748 00:30:30,555 --> 00:30:33,556 is following a sine curve, or cosine curve if you will. 749 00:30:33,556 --> 00:30:34,250 Right? 750 00:30:34,250 --> 00:30:38,500 And so right now, the sun is actually close to the middle. 751 00:30:38,500 --> 00:30:40,140 We're in September 13. 752 00:30:40,140 --> 00:30:42,930 The solstice is coming up in a week's time. 753 00:30:42,930 --> 00:30:45,200 And so the slope of that sine curve 754 00:30:45,200 --> 00:30:47,570 is at a maximum right about now. 755 00:30:47,570 --> 00:30:51,070 And so that the amount of time that the day will change 756 00:30:51,070 --> 00:30:53,820 in length is changing at its greatest point 757 00:30:53,820 --> 00:30:55,315 right now in the year. 758 00:30:55,315 --> 00:30:56,850 And so you really begin to notice it 759 00:30:56,850 --> 00:30:58,610 if you start paying attention or if you 760 00:30:58,610 --> 00:31:00,810 go to weather.com and start looking up 761 00:31:00,810 --> 00:31:03,690 how long is today's day going to last, 762 00:31:03,690 --> 00:31:05,337 when is the sunset tomorrow. 763 00:31:05,337 --> 00:31:07,420 I don't know about you folks, but I like to cycle. 764 00:31:07,420 --> 00:31:09,790 And when I'm doing my evening rides, 765 00:31:09,790 --> 00:31:12,220 I'm noticing it now that I have to start 766 00:31:12,220 --> 00:31:14,849 earlier and earlier if I want to put in, say, 30 or 40 miles. 767 00:31:14,849 --> 00:31:16,890 I'm not going to be able to make it home in time. 768 00:31:16,890 --> 00:31:20,550 So that's the sun and how it relates 769 00:31:20,550 --> 00:31:23,170 to you in your daily lives. 770 00:31:23,170 --> 00:31:25,145 We're going to get back to this in a minute, 771 00:31:25,145 --> 00:31:26,020 so keep this in mind. 772 00:31:26,020 --> 00:31:28,550 Don't let it out of your RAM. 773 00:31:28,550 --> 00:31:31,900 Let's talk about the actual solar spectrum for a minute. 774 00:31:31,900 --> 00:31:35,770 This is the sunlight intensity in some very real units. 775 00:31:35,770 --> 00:31:37,020 We'll get to that in a minute. 776 00:31:37,020 --> 00:31:39,750 But think of this in terms sort of like the total amount 777 00:31:39,750 --> 00:31:41,730 of power in a given bandwidth. 778 00:31:41,730 --> 00:31:44,732 So the wavelength right here-- or the power density 779 00:31:44,732 --> 00:31:45,440 in the bandwidth. 780 00:31:45,440 --> 00:31:47,610 The wavelength is the wavelength of light. 781 00:31:47,610 --> 00:31:50,140 Shown for your convenience here is the visible spectrum. 782 00:31:50,140 --> 00:31:51,820 That's what our eye-- mostly what 783 00:31:51,820 --> 00:31:54,530 our eye-- is able to detect in this wavelength 784 00:31:54,530 --> 00:31:55,490 range right here. 785 00:31:55,490 --> 00:31:58,740 And the sun is emitting over a much broader range 786 00:31:58,740 --> 00:31:59,540 of wavelengths. 787 00:31:59,540 --> 00:32:03,060 It's emitting following a black body emission 788 00:32:03,060 --> 00:32:05,035 source at 6,000 Kelvin. 789 00:32:05,035 --> 00:32:06,410 And that's in this very difficult 790 00:32:06,410 --> 00:32:08,790 to see green line right there. 791 00:32:08,790 --> 00:32:13,604 Air mass 0 spectrum looks like this, this red line right here. 792 00:32:13,604 --> 00:32:15,520 And again, let me remind you that the air mass 793 00:32:15,520 --> 00:32:18,410 0 is the light that's falling on the outer atmosphere. 794 00:32:18,410 --> 00:32:21,390 There is no earth atmospheric absorption yet. 795 00:32:21,390 --> 00:32:24,670 Why do we have these little lines here? 796 00:32:24,670 --> 00:32:26,920 Do you see it's not a perfect black body. 797 00:32:26,920 --> 00:32:30,480 We have some-- I'll give you a hint-- absorption lines. 798 00:32:30,480 --> 00:32:32,340 Where is that light being absorbed? 799 00:32:32,340 --> 00:32:35,620 Is it the ether between the earth and the sun? 800 00:32:35,620 --> 00:32:36,120 No. 801 00:32:36,120 --> 00:32:37,120 There's no ether between the earth and sun. 802 00:32:37,120 --> 00:32:38,578 Where is that light being absorbed? 803 00:32:38,578 --> 00:32:40,130 AUDIENCE: Hydrogen ions and stuff? 804 00:32:40,130 --> 00:32:41,850 PROFESSOR: In the sun itself, right? 805 00:32:41,850 --> 00:32:44,100 So these are absorption events occurring 806 00:32:44,100 --> 00:32:46,070 in the solar atmosphere. 807 00:32:46,070 --> 00:32:49,880 And now, if we do air mass 1 or 1.5-- 808 00:32:49,880 --> 00:32:53,180 let's push it up a little bit from air mass 0-- 809 00:32:53,180 --> 00:32:55,255 this is now passing through an angle 810 00:32:55,255 --> 00:32:57,590 of somewhere around 60 degrees. 811 00:32:57,590 --> 00:32:59,420 Now what do we have? 812 00:32:59,420 --> 00:33:03,320 We have several absorption lines occurring, right? 813 00:33:03,320 --> 00:33:05,920 And these correspond to absorption events where? 814 00:33:05,920 --> 00:33:07,420 AUDIENCE: In the earth's atmosphere. 815 00:33:07,420 --> 00:33:08,280 PROFESSOR: In the earth's atmosphere. 816 00:33:08,280 --> 00:33:09,090 Exactly. 817 00:33:09,090 --> 00:33:11,722 And so we can attribute each of these little absorption lines 818 00:33:11,722 --> 00:33:13,180 here to a particular-- usually it's 819 00:33:13,180 --> 00:33:16,120 a molecule in the earth's atmosphere. 820 00:33:16,120 --> 00:33:18,890 Note the sensitivity of the human in black right 821 00:33:18,890 --> 00:33:21,310 here and how well-matched it is to the air mass 822 00:33:21,310 --> 00:33:23,500 1, air mass 1.5 spectrum. 823 00:33:23,500 --> 00:33:25,330 That's pretty cool. 824 00:33:25,330 --> 00:33:26,680 That's pretty cool. 825 00:33:26,680 --> 00:33:27,960 OK. 826 00:33:27,960 --> 00:33:30,050 So there you have the spectrum. 827 00:33:30,050 --> 00:33:34,460 Let's get to these units of power density per bandwidth 828 00:33:34,460 --> 00:33:35,480 for a second. 829 00:33:35,480 --> 00:33:36,930 The way to think about those units 830 00:33:36,930 --> 00:33:39,270 is as follows-- kilowatts per meter squared. 831 00:33:39,270 --> 00:33:40,030 OK, I get that. 832 00:33:40,030 --> 00:33:43,340 It's the amount of power falling on a unit area. 833 00:33:43,340 --> 00:33:46,220 Per micron, the reason it's normalized per micron 834 00:33:46,220 --> 00:33:48,846 is because the wavelength units right here is in microns. 835 00:33:48,846 --> 00:33:50,470 And if you take the product of the two, 836 00:33:50,470 --> 00:33:52,460 it makes it pretty easy to calculate the total power 837 00:33:52,460 --> 00:33:53,190 density, right? 838 00:33:53,190 --> 00:33:57,050 So if you want to calculate the power density, the total watts 839 00:33:57,050 --> 00:33:59,440 per square meter, falling on the earth, 840 00:33:59,440 --> 00:34:01,600 say, between 0.5 and 1 micron, you 841 00:34:01,600 --> 00:34:03,650 can calculate the total amount of power 842 00:34:03,650 --> 00:34:05,204 by multiplying one versus the other. 843 00:34:05,204 --> 00:34:07,370 So that's why they're in this weird unit right here. 844 00:34:07,370 --> 00:34:09,212 It's to help you perform calculations 845 00:34:09,212 --> 00:34:10,920 like the ones you'll do in your homework, 846 00:34:10,920 --> 00:34:13,440 like the ones you'll do for your class project and so forth. 847 00:34:13,440 --> 00:34:16,760 And it strikes a little bit odd the first time you look at it, 848 00:34:16,760 --> 00:34:18,110 but it begins making sense. 849 00:34:18,110 --> 00:34:20,540 And you're appreciative of it after a while. 850 00:34:20,540 --> 00:34:22,400 There are standard spectra. 851 00:34:22,400 --> 00:34:23,989 They're standard reference spectra. 852 00:34:23,989 --> 00:34:26,880 Sure, you can go outside and using 853 00:34:26,880 --> 00:34:28,230 some form of spectrophotometer. 854 00:34:28,230 --> 00:34:31,639 You can measure the incident solar radiation and map 855 00:34:31,639 --> 00:34:35,739 out the spectral irradiance as a function of wavelength. 856 00:34:35,739 --> 00:34:39,540 In terms of the planning or communicating 857 00:34:39,540 --> 00:34:42,760 with other scientists, we typically refer to standards. 858 00:34:42,760 --> 00:34:45,090 We use common yardsticks, common metrics. 859 00:34:45,090 --> 00:34:46,830 And that facilitates communication, 860 00:34:46,830 --> 00:34:49,550 avoids ambiguity, avoids misunderstanding. 861 00:34:49,550 --> 00:34:52,860 And so these standards right here, these ASTMs, 862 00:34:52,860 --> 00:34:55,370 refer to the particular standards 863 00:34:55,370 --> 00:34:57,226 that are used for those solar spectra. 864 00:34:57,226 --> 00:34:58,850 And in your supporting online material, 865 00:34:58,850 --> 00:35:01,660 at the very end of the lecture slides online, 866 00:35:01,660 --> 00:35:04,650 we go into some more detail regarding that 867 00:35:04,650 --> 00:35:06,980 for those who are interested. 868 00:35:06,980 --> 00:35:09,130 So again, these little absorption lines 869 00:35:09,130 --> 00:35:12,260 here correspond to specific atmospheric events, 870 00:35:12,260 --> 00:35:15,100 interactions of that particular wavelength of light 871 00:35:15,100 --> 00:35:19,650 with some molecule usually in the atmosphere. 872 00:35:19,650 --> 00:35:22,400 We can, as well, have generalized attenuation due 873 00:35:22,400 --> 00:35:24,140 to other scattering mechanisms. 874 00:35:24,140 --> 00:35:28,500 Notice right here in the short wavelengths what's happening. 875 00:35:28,500 --> 00:35:31,300 From the red to the blue, this light 876 00:35:31,300 --> 00:35:33,010 is particularly effective. 877 00:35:33,010 --> 00:35:35,520 We have a sharp drop in the shorter wavelengths. 878 00:35:35,520 --> 00:35:39,450 And it grows sharper the shorter in wavelength you go. 879 00:35:39,450 --> 00:35:43,500 So the attenuation due to passing through the atmosphere 880 00:35:43,500 --> 00:35:47,310 grows or increases the shorter in wavelength you go. 881 00:35:47,310 --> 00:35:52,420 And this is a process generally called Rayleigh scattering. 882 00:35:52,420 --> 00:35:54,920 And there's a wavelength to the fourth dependence. 883 00:35:54,920 --> 00:35:58,310 So as you go shorter and shorter in wavelength, 884 00:35:58,310 --> 00:36:00,850 the likelihood or probability of scattering will increase. 885 00:36:00,850 --> 00:36:02,380 Why is that pertinent to us? 886 00:36:02,380 --> 00:36:04,170 Well, now you can answer that little child 887 00:36:04,170 --> 00:36:05,930 who walks up to you in the shopping mall and says, 888 00:36:05,930 --> 00:36:06,890 why is the sky blue? 889 00:36:06,890 --> 00:36:11,130 You say, well, there is this elastic scattering mechanism 890 00:36:11,130 --> 00:36:14,030 of electromagnetic radiation whereby 891 00:36:14,030 --> 00:36:16,520 in a broad spectral event, such as the sun, black body 892 00:36:16,520 --> 00:36:18,660 emission, we have the shorter wavelengths that 893 00:36:18,660 --> 00:36:19,694 are scattered more. 894 00:36:19,694 --> 00:36:21,610 And that's why when we look away from the sun, 895 00:36:21,610 --> 00:36:24,185 in the other direction, we see those shorter wavelengths that 896 00:36:24,185 --> 00:36:25,770 are scattered back to us. 897 00:36:25,770 --> 00:36:27,270 That is pertinent for two reasons. 898 00:36:27,270 --> 00:36:28,970 A, it makes the sky look blue. 899 00:36:28,970 --> 00:36:32,314 Secondly, it's not only the short wavelengths in blue light 900 00:36:32,314 --> 00:36:34,855 that we're worried about, but also the ultraviolet radiation. 901 00:36:34,855 --> 00:36:35,650 Right? 902 00:36:35,650 --> 00:36:40,750 So even on a cloudy day, if there are a few open patches 903 00:36:40,750 --> 00:36:43,230 and you can get scattered light coming in, 904 00:36:43,230 --> 00:36:44,790 you can still get sunburned. 905 00:36:44,790 --> 00:36:48,140 And secondly, there is a very strong dependence 906 00:36:48,140 --> 00:36:51,400 on the path length, the optical path length, the air mass, 907 00:36:51,400 --> 00:36:51,900 right? 908 00:36:51,900 --> 00:36:54,690 So if you go further north in latitudes, where your air 909 00:36:54,690 --> 00:36:57,240 mass increases, right-- because now, 910 00:36:57,240 --> 00:36:59,050 if you think about the atmosphere 911 00:36:59,050 --> 00:37:00,137 as being kind of a flat. 912 00:37:00,137 --> 00:37:01,970 Just giving you an approximation for minute. 913 00:37:01,970 --> 00:37:03,210 If you think of the earth being flat 914 00:37:03,210 --> 00:37:04,585 and the atmosphere of being flat, 915 00:37:04,585 --> 00:37:07,480 now the path length in winter is much, much greater 916 00:37:07,480 --> 00:37:09,120 than the path length in summer. 917 00:37:09,120 --> 00:37:11,480 Same sun, just different path length. 918 00:37:11,480 --> 00:37:14,880 You're much more likely to get sunburned in the summer 919 00:37:14,880 --> 00:37:18,180 than you are in winter because the path length is 920 00:37:18,180 --> 00:37:21,919 a lot shorter and the amount of short wavelength ultraviolet 921 00:37:21,919 --> 00:37:23,460 radiation that will be scattered away 922 00:37:23,460 --> 00:37:26,040 is going to be less in the summer than in winter. 923 00:37:26,040 --> 00:37:28,460 That's also why if you go south latitude, for example, 924 00:37:28,460 --> 00:37:31,160 from here to, say, Miami, your incidence of getting sunburned 925 00:37:31,160 --> 00:37:35,085 is a lot greater, a lot more than the total increase 926 00:37:35,085 --> 00:37:36,710 of the visible portion of the spectrum. 927 00:37:36,710 --> 00:37:39,120 So the sun might not look that different to you, 928 00:37:39,120 --> 00:37:42,850 but your incidence of sunburn events goes up quite a bit. 929 00:37:42,850 --> 00:37:45,050 And that is due to Rayleigh scattering. 930 00:37:45,050 --> 00:37:47,240 And now, by this point, the little child 931 00:37:47,240 --> 00:37:49,310 has already run crying back to the parent. 932 00:37:49,310 --> 00:37:51,530 But you have a full satisfaction of knowing 933 00:37:51,530 --> 00:37:53,820 how the universe around you is put together. 934 00:37:53,820 --> 00:37:56,620 And that actually was a pretty deep problem. 935 00:37:56,620 --> 00:38:00,810 It took a long time for at least European scientists 936 00:38:00,810 --> 00:38:04,810 to crack that nut and figure out what was going on. 937 00:38:04,810 --> 00:38:07,430 Describe how solar insulation maps are made 938 00:38:07,430 --> 00:38:10,230 and use them to estimate the local solar resource. 939 00:38:10,230 --> 00:38:12,184 So we have metrology. 940 00:38:12,184 --> 00:38:13,600 We have techniques that we can use 941 00:38:13,600 --> 00:38:16,380 to measure the amount of sunlight that is out there. 942 00:38:16,380 --> 00:38:19,880 And now we want to apply those in some systematic fashion 943 00:38:19,880 --> 00:38:23,680 to measure the average solar resource around the planet, 944 00:38:23,680 --> 00:38:26,820 including the oceans, and then use that information 945 00:38:26,820 --> 00:38:30,580 to estimate later on the land area needed, or the size 946 00:38:30,580 --> 00:38:32,250 of the array, or how many cells we're 947 00:38:32,250 --> 00:38:34,880 going to have to string together based on the solar resource 948 00:38:34,880 --> 00:38:35,380 locally. 949 00:38:35,380 --> 00:38:37,390 So how are these insulation maps made, 950 00:38:37,390 --> 00:38:40,880 these maps that we'll use as engineers to size our systems? 951 00:38:40,880 --> 00:38:43,150 First off, let me define insolation. 952 00:38:43,150 --> 00:38:45,737 This is not insulation, as in stuff you put around the house 953 00:38:45,737 --> 00:38:47,070 to keep the heat from going out. 954 00:38:47,070 --> 00:38:49,980 This is insolation with an "o," a shorthand 955 00:38:49,980 --> 00:38:51,820 for incoming solar radiation. 956 00:38:51,820 --> 00:38:53,360 Insolation at the top there. 957 00:38:53,360 --> 00:38:56,130 It's typically given in units of energy per unit area per unit 958 00:38:56,130 --> 00:38:59,650 time, so kilowatt hours-- that's energy-- 959 00:38:59,650 --> 00:39:01,376 per meter squared per day. 960 00:39:01,376 --> 00:39:04,000 And it's helpful when designing or projecting these PV systems. 961 00:39:04,000 --> 00:39:06,290 And it's affected by a bunch of stuff, which we'll get 962 00:39:06,290 --> 00:39:07,510 to over the next few slides. 963 00:39:07,510 --> 00:39:11,180 So we can measure insolation from the ground. 964 00:39:11,180 --> 00:39:13,700 That's a surefire way to do it. 965 00:39:13,700 --> 00:39:16,930 This right here is a pyranometer. 966 00:39:16,930 --> 00:39:20,130 Pyro, fire, sun. 967 00:39:20,130 --> 00:39:21,990 Ano, on top of. 968 00:39:21,990 --> 00:39:23,890 So anode/cathode. 969 00:39:23,890 --> 00:39:25,130 Cata, under. 970 00:39:25,130 --> 00:39:26,530 Ano, above. 971 00:39:26,530 --> 00:39:27,591 Catatonic, under. 972 00:39:27,591 --> 00:39:28,090 Right? 973 00:39:28,090 --> 00:39:28,890 OK. 974 00:39:28,890 --> 00:39:29,780 So pyranometer. 975 00:39:29,780 --> 00:39:32,600 So it's basically measuring the sun above, right? 976 00:39:32,600 --> 00:39:34,120 Measuring the sunlight above. 977 00:39:34,120 --> 00:39:37,837 This is a full hemisphere measuring the sunlight 978 00:39:37,837 --> 00:39:38,920 coming in from all angles. 979 00:39:38,920 --> 00:39:40,628 There's a small little sensor right here. 980 00:39:40,628 --> 00:39:41,470 It's lying flat. 981 00:39:41,470 --> 00:39:43,510 And that glass is essentially allowing the light 982 00:39:43,510 --> 00:39:46,270 from different angles to get into the sensor. 983 00:39:46,270 --> 00:39:49,410 And this is a very narrow, solid angle of the sky. 984 00:39:49,410 --> 00:39:51,420 It's probably just looking at the sun, 985 00:39:51,420 --> 00:39:54,300 or in a particular direction rather, plus or minus 2 and 1/2 986 00:39:54,300 --> 00:39:56,480 degrees in either direction. 987 00:39:56,480 --> 00:39:59,830 So it's a very limited solid angle of the sky. 988 00:39:59,830 --> 00:40:02,130 This one over here would be more appropriate, say, 989 00:40:02,130 --> 00:40:04,380 for a flat panel that's receiving scattered light 990 00:40:04,380 --> 00:40:06,030 coming in at all angles. 991 00:40:06,030 --> 00:40:08,700 This one over here would be more appropriate for a tracking 992 00:40:08,700 --> 00:40:11,460 system, especially a concentrator system that 993 00:40:11,460 --> 00:40:13,850 has optics that only accept light in from a very 994 00:40:13,850 --> 00:40:15,100 limited solid angle. 995 00:40:15,100 --> 00:40:17,830 So imagine you have a lens that has to have like incident to it 996 00:40:17,830 --> 00:40:19,560 to focus it on the right spot. 997 00:40:19,560 --> 00:40:21,927 And if the sun moves in the wrong spot or the-- put it 998 00:40:21,927 --> 00:40:24,010 another way-- if the lens is in the wrong position 999 00:40:24,010 --> 00:40:26,270 relative to the incident solar radiation, 1000 00:40:26,270 --> 00:40:28,600 the light is being focused off of the solar cell. 1001 00:40:28,600 --> 00:40:30,260 And it doesn't produce any power. 1002 00:40:30,260 --> 00:40:35,110 So this is a system that's used for measuring 1003 00:40:35,110 --> 00:40:36,820 the direct solar spectrum, which will 1004 00:40:36,820 --> 00:40:39,920 be useful for calculating the total output from concentrator 1005 00:40:39,920 --> 00:40:40,940 systems. 1006 00:40:40,940 --> 00:40:42,570 And this pyranometer over here is 1007 00:40:42,570 --> 00:40:46,870 useful for flat panel systems. 1008 00:40:46,870 --> 00:40:49,587 And we can also measure the total amount 1009 00:40:49,587 --> 00:40:51,920 of incident solar radiation, total amount of insolation, 1010 00:40:51,920 --> 00:40:54,690 from the sky using satellite imagery. 1011 00:40:54,690 --> 00:40:57,640 This is an example of a measurement. 1012 00:40:57,640 --> 00:41:00,460 And this right here is insolation, average insolation, 1013 00:41:00,460 --> 00:41:04,520 from 0 to 550 watts per square meter taken 1014 00:41:04,520 --> 00:41:08,560 from a NASA satellite with the NASA Earth Observatory. 1015 00:41:08,560 --> 00:41:10,950 Very cool website, great place to spend a Friday night 1016 00:41:10,950 --> 00:41:12,390 if you don't have plans. 1017 00:41:12,390 --> 00:41:15,740 Just log on here, and bunches of maps from snow 1018 00:41:15,740 --> 00:41:18,630 cover, to population density, to CO2 being emitted, 1019 00:41:18,630 --> 00:41:20,651 to wildfires around the planet-- anything 1020 00:41:20,651 --> 00:41:22,650 that a satellite can measure, they're measuring. 1021 00:41:22,650 --> 00:41:26,180 And the insolation value is one of them. 1022 00:41:26,180 --> 00:41:29,900 And so we have data from various points. 1023 00:41:29,900 --> 00:41:32,540 This is the insolation in January. 1024 00:41:32,540 --> 00:41:36,980 So in January, it's the Southern Hemisphere's summer, 1025 00:41:36,980 --> 00:41:38,710 the Northern Hemisphere's winter. 1026 00:41:38,710 --> 00:41:42,530 And as a result, we have less insolation up north. 1027 00:41:42,530 --> 00:41:44,050 We're in the blues. 1028 00:41:44,050 --> 00:41:46,600 And the Southern Hemisphere is more in the reds. 1029 00:41:46,600 --> 00:41:49,170 And of course, the tide turns in July. 1030 00:41:49,170 --> 00:41:53,300 We have our summer and the Southern Hemisphere 1031 00:41:53,300 --> 00:41:54,400 has their winter. 1032 00:41:54,400 --> 00:41:56,730 And the poor folks here in Antarctica have nothing. 1033 00:41:56,730 --> 00:41:59,610 So a couple of things to note just already 1034 00:41:59,610 --> 00:42:01,560 straight off the bat, we're noticing 1035 00:42:01,560 --> 00:42:05,050 that there's, in general, higher insolation 1036 00:42:05,050 --> 00:42:07,320 near the equator, the equator passing right 1037 00:42:07,320 --> 00:42:10,461 through here approximately. 1038 00:42:10,461 --> 00:42:12,710 Fun fact-- small city up there in the north of Brazil, 1039 00:42:12,710 --> 00:42:14,709 there's a soccer field that is half in the north 1040 00:42:14,709 --> 00:42:16,101 and half in the south. 1041 00:42:16,101 --> 00:42:17,350 That's neither here nor there. 1042 00:42:17,350 --> 00:42:20,800 We have rainforests up here in the north of Brazil, 1043 00:42:20,800 --> 00:42:23,520 Central Africa, and here in Southeast Asia. 1044 00:42:23,520 --> 00:42:25,320 And even when the sun is directly overhead, 1045 00:42:25,320 --> 00:42:27,670 those clouds are preventing some of the sunlight 1046 00:42:27,670 --> 00:42:28,450 from getting in. 1047 00:42:28,450 --> 00:42:31,040 And that's why right at the equator itself, 1048 00:42:31,040 --> 00:42:32,850 we typically have less insolation 1049 00:42:32,850 --> 00:42:34,860 than we do in the tropics, say, Tropic 1050 00:42:34,860 --> 00:42:36,960 of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer. 1051 00:42:36,960 --> 00:42:39,149 Tropic of Capricorn running straight 1052 00:42:39,149 --> 00:42:40,940 through Sao Paulo, Brazil, Tropic of Cancer 1053 00:42:40,940 --> 00:42:42,320 running through Key West. 1054 00:42:42,320 --> 00:42:43,740 Just to situate yourselves. 1055 00:42:43,740 --> 00:42:46,801 And the Tropics are how far away from the equator? 1056 00:42:46,801 --> 00:42:47,300 Right. 1057 00:42:47,300 --> 00:42:47,799 OK. 1058 00:42:47,799 --> 00:42:48,390 23 and 1/2. 1059 00:42:48,390 --> 00:42:50,380 Good guess. 1060 00:42:50,380 --> 00:42:51,130 Good. 1061 00:42:51,130 --> 00:42:54,736 So what we're going to do is now launch 1062 00:42:54,736 --> 00:42:56,110 into our next learning objective, 1063 00:42:56,110 --> 00:43:00,210 which is to list the causes of variation and intermittency 1064 00:43:00,210 --> 00:43:02,250 of the solar resource and quantify the time 1065 00:43:02,250 --> 00:43:03,550 constants in magnitudes. 1066 00:43:03,550 --> 00:43:06,897 This is really, really, really, really important. 1067 00:43:06,897 --> 00:43:08,980 The other stuff is very useful from an engineering 1068 00:43:08,980 --> 00:43:10,896 point of view from answering certain questions 1069 00:43:10,896 --> 00:43:12,580 in your homework. 1070 00:43:12,580 --> 00:43:17,280 This right here is the singular reason-- one of the singular 1071 00:43:17,280 --> 00:43:19,080 reasons-- why solar doesn't behave 1072 00:43:19,080 --> 00:43:22,460 like a regular fossil fuel source, why solar does not 1073 00:43:22,460 --> 00:43:24,330 produce power all the time. 1074 00:43:24,330 --> 00:43:26,510 It is variable in terms of its power output. 1075 00:43:26,510 --> 00:43:28,750 Variability generally refers to the fact 1076 00:43:28,750 --> 00:43:30,730 that we can predict it's coming. 1077 00:43:30,730 --> 00:43:33,460 It's going to vary, but at least we can predict it's coming. 1078 00:43:33,460 --> 00:43:37,390 Intermittency, while not a strict definition, 1079 00:43:37,390 --> 00:43:40,220 the understanding when somebody says "intermittency" 1080 00:43:40,220 --> 00:43:43,340 or "intermittent power source," the impression that it gives 1081 00:43:43,340 --> 00:43:45,980 is that it's unpredictable in terms 1082 00:43:45,980 --> 00:43:48,300 of its variability and its variation. 1083 00:43:48,300 --> 00:43:50,390 So we've talked a little bit about the variation 1084 00:43:50,390 --> 00:43:52,590 so far and about the predictable nature of the sun. 1085 00:43:52,590 --> 00:43:55,080 We've talked about how the sunlight, the solar resource, 1086 00:43:55,080 --> 00:43:57,170 varies from summer to winter. 1087 00:43:57,170 --> 00:44:01,710 We've talked about how the solar resource varies 1088 00:44:01,710 --> 00:44:04,190 as a function of latitude, right? 1089 00:44:04,190 --> 00:44:07,780 But now, we're going to talk not only in a little bit more depth 1090 00:44:07,780 --> 00:44:10,870 about that and have a few fun in-class exercises 1091 00:44:10,870 --> 00:44:14,500 to get us really grasping that concept in its entirety, 1092 00:44:14,500 --> 00:44:18,660 but also talk about some sources of intermittency, which 1093 00:44:18,660 --> 00:44:21,230 if you have a large amount of solar contributing to the grid 1094 00:44:21,230 --> 00:44:23,480 and it is intermittent, and you have no way of dealing 1095 00:44:23,480 --> 00:44:26,860 with that, you're going to have fluctuations of energy level 1096 00:44:26,860 --> 00:44:30,810 on the grid or power levels here as a function of time. 1097 00:44:30,810 --> 00:44:33,250 And that's not going to be good. 1098 00:44:33,250 --> 00:44:35,130 So in terms of the seasonal variations, 1099 00:44:35,130 --> 00:44:38,780 in terms of predicting the amount coming 1100 00:44:38,780 --> 00:44:40,350 from the sun at a given point-- I 1101 00:44:40,350 --> 00:44:44,100 told you it looks a little bit like a sine, a cosine wave. 1102 00:44:44,100 --> 00:44:45,190 And indeed, it does. 1103 00:44:45,190 --> 00:44:47,990 You can calculate those values based on this website right 1104 00:44:47,990 --> 00:44:48,690 here. 1105 00:44:48,690 --> 00:44:50,790 Just to show you how nifty and cool it is, 1106 00:44:50,790 --> 00:44:53,140 our friends at Arizona State University, Stuart Bowden 1107 00:44:53,140 --> 00:44:55,306 and Christiana Honsberg, really put in a lot of time 1108 00:44:55,306 --> 00:44:56,170 to make this. 1109 00:44:56,170 --> 00:44:58,380 You can vary the time or the day of year 1110 00:44:58,380 --> 00:44:59,846 right here for instance. 1111 00:44:59,846 --> 00:45:00,540 Right? 1112 00:45:00,540 --> 00:45:03,520 And you can see how the solar resource-- 1113 00:45:03,520 --> 00:45:07,690 this is the direct radiation, kilowatts per meter squared. 1114 00:45:07,690 --> 00:45:09,040 And this is the time. 1115 00:45:09,040 --> 00:45:11,709 So if you take the integral of the curve right here, 1116 00:45:11,709 --> 00:45:12,750 you're going to get what? 1117 00:45:12,750 --> 00:45:16,044 Units of-- 1118 00:45:16,044 --> 00:45:16,710 AUDIENCE: Power. 1119 00:45:16,710 --> 00:45:17,418 PROFESSOR: Power. 1120 00:45:17,418 --> 00:45:18,850 Power times time is? 1121 00:45:18,850 --> 00:45:19,580 AUDIENCE: Energy. 1122 00:45:19,580 --> 00:45:20,710 PROFESSOR: Energy. 1123 00:45:20,710 --> 00:45:22,010 Energy per unit area, right? 1124 00:45:22,010 --> 00:45:23,120 So you're going to be able to calculate 1125 00:45:23,120 --> 00:45:24,994 the total amount of energy falling on a given 1126 00:45:24,994 --> 00:45:28,360 area per day, let's say, right? 1127 00:45:28,360 --> 00:45:32,730 So if we look at the size of this little curve in winter, 1128 00:45:32,730 --> 00:45:35,130 the total area under this is going to be very small. 1129 00:45:35,130 --> 00:45:37,370 And that's because the solar resource is very small. 1130 00:45:37,370 --> 00:45:42,000 And the sun rises late and sets early in winter. 1131 00:45:42,000 --> 00:45:45,770 And as we move towards summer, obviously, 1132 00:45:45,770 --> 00:45:48,470 the total amount of the solar resource increases. 1133 00:45:48,470 --> 00:45:51,200 Not only it increases because of this 1134 00:45:51,200 --> 00:45:53,550 that we have at solar noon. 1135 00:45:53,550 --> 00:45:56,080 We have less of a path through the atmosphere. 1136 00:45:56,080 --> 00:45:58,190 We have more sunlight reaching the earth. 1137 00:45:58,190 --> 00:46:02,580 We have a total increase of the amount reaching the earth. 1138 00:46:02,580 --> 00:46:05,480 We also have that cosine theta term here 1139 00:46:05,480 --> 00:46:09,610 dictating the cross-section incident 1140 00:46:09,610 --> 00:46:12,110 to that sunlight coming in increasing. 1141 00:46:12,110 --> 00:46:13,990 And so that's driving this going up. 1142 00:46:13,990 --> 00:46:17,302 And we also have a second fact that the time 1143 00:46:17,302 --> 00:46:19,510 of the day, the total duration of the day, increases, 1144 00:46:19,510 --> 00:46:22,710 at least in northern latitudes here at around 40, 1145 00:46:22,710 --> 00:46:25,820 let's say, 41 degrees north, here in Boston. 1146 00:46:25,820 --> 00:46:30,830 And we have because these two effects a much larger area 1147 00:46:30,830 --> 00:46:33,170 underneath that curve. 1148 00:46:33,170 --> 00:46:38,050 And so as we go through summer and now finally to September 13 1149 00:46:38,050 --> 00:46:40,690 and back to winter, our solar resource goes back down again. 1150 00:46:40,690 --> 00:46:41,689 So you can calculate it. 1151 00:46:41,689 --> 00:46:42,940 You can visualize it. 1152 00:46:42,940 --> 00:46:45,900 That's cool. 1153 00:46:45,900 --> 00:46:49,660 And we can plot the total amount of energy 1154 00:46:49,660 --> 00:46:51,890 per unit area per day, essentially the integral 1155 00:46:51,890 --> 00:46:55,260 under that curve, as a function of location around the US, 1156 00:46:55,260 --> 00:46:58,520 around the world per month let's say, right? 1157 00:46:58,520 --> 00:46:59,769 So this is January. 1158 00:46:59,769 --> 00:47:01,810 This is kilowatt hours per meter squared per day. 1159 00:47:01,810 --> 00:47:07,660 So it's just taking the integral of the curves measured. 1160 00:47:07,660 --> 00:47:10,290 So it's accounting for cloudy days, which kind of 1161 00:47:10,290 --> 00:47:11,321 has a depressive effect. 1162 00:47:11,321 --> 00:47:13,070 This is an envelope function, if you will, 1163 00:47:13,070 --> 00:47:14,360 the maximum you could get. 1164 00:47:14,360 --> 00:47:16,151 And then, of course, local weather patterns 1165 00:47:16,151 --> 00:47:17,590 will suppress that, drive it down. 1166 00:47:17,590 --> 00:47:21,230 So this is the real map of the United States. 1167 00:47:21,230 --> 00:47:24,630 And you can see in sunnier areas that are less cloudy, over 1168 00:47:24,630 --> 00:47:27,120 here, for example, in Arizona and New Mexico, 1169 00:47:27,120 --> 00:47:29,820 there's a large solar resource even in January. 1170 00:47:29,820 --> 00:47:33,410 Atlanta, which has half of the number of sunny days per year 1171 00:47:33,410 --> 00:47:37,160 as Phoenix does, even as it's at the same latitude, 1172 00:47:37,160 --> 00:47:39,324 is getting about half the solar resource. 1173 00:47:39,324 --> 00:47:40,740 They got a short end of the stick. 1174 00:47:40,740 --> 00:47:44,600 Again, this curve right here is the envelope function, right? 1175 00:47:44,600 --> 00:47:47,972 And off of that, you can only go down. 1176 00:47:47,972 --> 00:47:50,430 You can only decrease the amount of solar resource actually 1177 00:47:50,430 --> 00:47:53,310 arriving at our feet here. 1178 00:47:53,310 --> 00:47:54,470 And so this is in January. 1179 00:47:54,470 --> 00:47:56,560 And this is all in the same color scale 1180 00:47:56,560 --> 00:47:58,390 here as we move through the months. 1181 00:47:58,390 --> 00:48:03,620 So we'll move from January, to February, to March, April, May, 1182 00:48:03,620 --> 00:48:10,230 June, July, August, September, October, November, December. 1183 00:48:10,230 --> 00:48:12,460 So you can see across the United States 1184 00:48:12,460 --> 00:48:14,830 how the resource is distributed geographically. 1185 00:48:14,830 --> 00:48:17,590 The general trend that as you go from south to north 1186 00:48:17,590 --> 00:48:19,657 you have a decreasing solar resource holds. 1187 00:48:19,657 --> 00:48:21,990 You can also see the influence of local weather patterns 1188 00:48:21,990 --> 00:48:25,280 as well for the same latitude. 1189 00:48:25,280 --> 00:48:26,450 So that's pretty nifty. 1190 00:48:26,450 --> 00:48:29,570 And another nifty fact, if you look at the year average 1191 00:48:29,570 --> 00:48:32,330 value, annual-- this is the annual average value-- here 1192 00:48:32,330 --> 00:48:35,300 in Boston, we're averaging around 4.5 kilowatt hours 1193 00:48:35,300 --> 00:48:36,870 per meter squared per day. 1194 00:48:36,870 --> 00:48:40,190 Phoenix, Arizona can be upwards of 6 somewhere 1195 00:48:40,190 --> 00:48:42,090 in the outskirts. 1196 00:48:42,090 --> 00:48:43,840 It's not that bad. 1197 00:48:43,840 --> 00:48:46,650 It's only a few tenths of percent. 1198 00:48:46,650 --> 00:48:48,680 It's not that bad, I tell myself. 1199 00:48:48,680 --> 00:48:50,830 I don't believe it myself either, 1200 00:48:50,830 --> 00:48:53,490 but I try to convince myself of that during winter. 1201 00:48:53,490 --> 00:48:53,990 All right. 1202 00:48:53,990 --> 00:48:58,780 Let me show you the seasonal and diurnal variations. 1203 00:48:58,780 --> 00:49:00,620 We're increasing the level of sophistication 1204 00:49:00,620 --> 00:49:01,554 as we go along, right? 1205 00:49:01,554 --> 00:49:03,220 We've assumed you've done your readings. 1206 00:49:03,220 --> 00:49:04,960 We've started with some simple examples, 1207 00:49:04,960 --> 00:49:07,320 and now we're really taking it one step further, 1208 00:49:07,320 --> 00:49:09,420 which is to introduce the full 3D model. 1209 00:49:09,420 --> 00:49:13,730 And I'm going to do that by use of this really cool app that's 1210 00:49:13,730 --> 00:49:16,960 available here. 1211 00:49:16,960 --> 00:49:17,940 Right here. 1212 00:49:17,940 --> 00:49:20,920 This is you standing on the earth. 1213 00:49:20,920 --> 00:49:22,900 And you can drag and pull this around. 1214 00:49:22,900 --> 00:49:25,130 You can see there's north, south, east, and west. 1215 00:49:25,130 --> 00:49:26,755 So I'm going to pull it up a little bit 1216 00:49:26,755 --> 00:49:28,890 just to give us a little bit of perspective. 1217 00:49:28,890 --> 00:49:30,480 Still, south is facing toward us. 1218 00:49:30,480 --> 00:49:31,620 North is away. 1219 00:49:31,620 --> 00:49:34,310 The sun will rise in the east and set in the west. 1220 00:49:34,310 --> 00:49:41,490 Now, let's say I pull the date back to September. 1221 00:49:41,490 --> 00:49:45,340 So this little tool is so cool because it recognizes your IP 1222 00:49:45,340 --> 00:49:47,647 address and situates you at the proper latitude, 1223 00:49:47,647 --> 00:49:49,230 so we don't have to touch that at all. 1224 00:49:49,230 --> 00:49:50,360 It's approximately right. 1225 00:49:50,360 --> 00:49:52,860 We're at 40, yeah, about 41 degrees. 1226 00:49:52,860 --> 00:49:54,490 We're right here in September. 1227 00:49:54,490 --> 00:49:57,250 And in terms of time of day, we can pretty much just 1228 00:49:57,250 --> 00:50:00,080 cycle through the time of day if we like. 1229 00:50:00,080 --> 00:50:03,910 We could, for example, start animation. 1230 00:50:03,910 --> 00:50:06,780 Let's see, this is going very fast right now. 1231 00:50:06,780 --> 00:50:10,590 I'm going to slow it down so you can see the time of day moving 1232 00:50:10,590 --> 00:50:11,810 right over here. 1233 00:50:11,810 --> 00:50:15,100 And you can see that relative to our vantage 1234 00:50:15,100 --> 00:50:16,960 point on the surface of the earth, 1235 00:50:16,960 --> 00:50:20,440 this little yellow dot here and this yellow line is tracing 1236 00:50:20,440 --> 00:50:24,780 through the path of the sun in the sky from our perspective. 1237 00:50:24,780 --> 00:50:26,691 And so as we go through the seasons, 1238 00:50:26,691 --> 00:50:28,440 I'm going to speed it up just a little bit 1239 00:50:28,440 --> 00:50:31,810 so that we pay more attention to the position 1240 00:50:31,810 --> 00:50:34,150 of this yellow line and less attention 1241 00:50:34,150 --> 00:50:35,240 to the diurnal variations. 1242 00:50:35,240 --> 00:50:37,350 We're paying more attention to the seasonal variations. 1243 00:50:37,350 --> 00:50:39,183 I'm going to vary the seasons by force here. 1244 00:50:39,183 --> 00:50:43,470 I'm going to go back to July or June if I may. 1245 00:50:43,470 --> 00:50:44,329 Here we go. 1246 00:50:44,329 --> 00:50:45,620 AUDIENCE: What's the blue line? 1247 00:50:45,620 --> 00:50:46,090 So you can see it? 1248 00:50:46,090 --> 00:50:46,756 PROFESSOR: Yeah. 1249 00:50:46,756 --> 00:50:48,840 So there's a number of other lines right here, 1250 00:50:48,840 --> 00:50:51,190 and they're all explained very carefully. 1251 00:50:51,190 --> 00:50:54,700 There is the hour of ascension, which 1252 00:50:54,700 --> 00:50:59,560 would be prime hour circle. 1253 00:50:59,560 --> 00:51:00,980 Yes. 1254 00:51:00,980 --> 00:51:03,040 I'd have to go back and double-check all of this, 1255 00:51:03,040 --> 00:51:06,252 but I believe they relate to would be the sunrise 1256 00:51:06,252 --> 00:51:07,460 and sunset of that given day. 1257 00:51:07,460 --> 00:51:09,140 Let's see if our hypothesis is correct. 1258 00:51:09,140 --> 00:51:11,730 No, it is not. 1259 00:51:11,730 --> 00:51:14,540 That would have to be, since it is varying 1260 00:51:14,540 --> 00:51:18,400 in a systematic way from January through the summer 1261 00:51:18,400 --> 00:51:20,480 and then back to the winter, I'm imagining 1262 00:51:20,480 --> 00:51:23,711 this has something to do with the direction of the sun 1263 00:51:23,711 --> 00:51:25,460 relative to the earth, right, as it traces 1264 00:51:25,460 --> 00:51:27,567 that ellipse through the sky. 1265 00:51:27,567 --> 00:51:29,900 So let's pay attention to that yellow line for a minute. 1266 00:51:29,900 --> 00:51:32,480 That's the one I want to attract everybody's attention to. 1267 00:51:32,480 --> 00:51:34,832 Now we're in June, so in the height of summer. 1268 00:51:34,832 --> 00:51:36,540 And relative to this observer right here, 1269 00:51:36,540 --> 00:51:38,970 the sun is further up in the sky just 1270 00:51:38,970 --> 00:51:40,800 like we traced out right there. 1271 00:51:40,800 --> 00:51:43,460 And now, as we go to winter, that line 1272 00:51:43,460 --> 00:51:45,572 drops close to the horizon. 1273 00:51:45,572 --> 00:51:46,780 So a couple of things happen. 1274 00:51:46,780 --> 00:51:49,020 If we look like this for instance, 1275 00:51:49,020 --> 00:51:51,440 now we're looking straight down on the observer. 1276 00:51:51,440 --> 00:51:55,380 In wintertime, the sun will rise in the southeast, 1277 00:51:55,380 --> 00:51:57,810 and it will trace this arc through the sky 1278 00:51:57,810 --> 00:52:00,220 and set in the southwest over here. 1279 00:52:00,220 --> 00:52:05,930 In the summertime, the sun will rise 1280 00:52:05,930 --> 00:52:10,780 almost in the northeast, slightly north of east, just 1281 00:52:10,780 --> 00:52:12,130 slightly north of east. 1282 00:52:12,130 --> 00:52:14,789 And that's why if you have a north-facing window 1283 00:52:14,789 --> 00:52:16,830 and you put your little plant on the window sill, 1284 00:52:16,830 --> 00:52:19,413 it'll get a little bit of direct sunlight early in the morning 1285 00:52:19,413 --> 00:52:20,370 and late at night. 1286 00:52:20,370 --> 00:52:23,370 Because when the sun is tracing this part or that part through, 1287 00:52:23,370 --> 00:52:25,370 it's tracing the sky. 1288 00:52:25,370 --> 00:52:28,270 So it's worth sitting down with one of these plots, 1289 00:52:28,270 --> 00:52:30,610 toying around with it, getting accustomed to it, 1290 00:52:30,610 --> 00:52:33,089 and understanding really how the sun traces its arc 1291 00:52:33,089 --> 00:52:35,130 throughout the sky relative to our position right 1292 00:52:35,130 --> 00:52:36,150 here on the earth. 1293 00:52:36,150 --> 00:52:38,760 If we shift this further up north, 1294 00:52:38,760 --> 00:52:40,540 really interesting things begin to happen. 1295 00:52:40,540 --> 00:52:42,550 So for example, my wife is in Sweden. 1296 00:52:42,550 --> 00:52:45,970 If we go to her hometown right here in the middle summertime 1297 00:52:45,970 --> 00:52:48,940 at the solstice, you can see the sun 1298 00:52:48,940 --> 00:52:51,390 traces this awesome route from north 1299 00:52:51,390 --> 00:52:54,200 to north barely leaving the horizon. 1300 00:52:54,200 --> 00:52:56,880 If we look at, again, from the perspective 1301 00:52:56,880 --> 00:53:00,540 of the little creature here, that yellow arc 1302 00:53:00,540 --> 00:53:02,800 is really close to the horizon. 1303 00:53:02,800 --> 00:53:04,710 Maybe it goes up about that high, 1304 00:53:04,710 --> 00:53:07,080 but it continues going all the way to the north. 1305 00:53:07,080 --> 00:53:09,130 And if you keep going north, it will never 1306 00:53:09,130 --> 00:53:11,220 set during the middle of summer. 1307 00:53:11,220 --> 00:53:13,304 It'll just be light all the time. 1308 00:53:13,304 --> 00:53:15,470 And you can see here it just traces that orbit right 1309 00:53:15,470 --> 00:53:16,610 around there. 1310 00:53:16,610 --> 00:53:17,860 It's all trig, folks. 1311 00:53:17,860 --> 00:53:18,420 We can do it. 1312 00:53:18,420 --> 00:53:21,920 We can sit down, and we can work through the equations by hand. 1313 00:53:21,920 --> 00:53:22,740 I did that once. 1314 00:53:22,740 --> 00:53:23,698 It took me a long time. 1315 00:53:23,698 --> 00:53:25,130 I didn't learn that much. 1316 00:53:25,130 --> 00:53:29,410 I would instead advise you to go to one of these simulations 1317 00:53:29,410 --> 00:53:31,860 right here, but to understand all the inputs into it, 1318 00:53:31,860 --> 00:53:34,410 all the different components, the fact 1319 00:53:34,410 --> 00:53:37,110 that the earth is moving around the sun as a declination 1320 00:53:37,110 --> 00:53:40,380 angle, seasonal variations, and so forth. 1321 00:53:40,380 --> 00:53:41,370 Very useful tool. 1322 00:53:41,370 --> 00:53:44,840 You have the website link right here. 1323 00:53:44,840 --> 00:53:45,340 And yeah. 1324 00:53:48,000 --> 00:53:52,170 So from this tool-- actually, one last tiny, tiny thing. 1325 00:53:52,170 --> 00:53:57,290 From this tool right here, we can understand why-- OK, this 1326 00:53:57,290 --> 00:53:58,810 is a real stretch. 1327 00:53:58,810 --> 00:54:02,500 And forgive me, social scientists in the room, 1328 00:54:02,500 --> 00:54:05,970 for doing this, but I have to project a little bit of science 1329 00:54:05,970 --> 00:54:08,320 onto human behavior. 1330 00:54:08,320 --> 00:54:13,980 How far west is Madrid from GMT? 1331 00:54:13,980 --> 00:54:15,730 Madrid, Spain? 1332 00:54:15,730 --> 00:54:19,420 It's 3 degrees west of the Great Meridian. 1333 00:54:19,420 --> 00:54:21,960 So the line that divides the East and the West Hemispheres 1334 00:54:21,960 --> 00:54:23,830 is 3 degrees west. 1335 00:54:23,830 --> 00:54:29,200 But it is one time zone earlier than London, 1336 00:54:29,200 --> 00:54:32,100 so it's in the same time zone as Germany 1337 00:54:32,100 --> 00:54:37,320 and all the other cities that are east of London. 1338 00:54:37,320 --> 00:54:39,265 And this is just for convenience factor. 1339 00:54:39,265 --> 00:54:41,640 If you're traveling from one continental European country 1340 00:54:41,640 --> 00:54:43,250 to the other, it just makes sense 1341 00:54:43,250 --> 00:54:44,690 to have everything be on the same time zone. 1342 00:54:44,690 --> 00:54:46,398 You get to work at the same time sort of. 1343 00:54:46,398 --> 00:54:48,160 Pick up the phone, call somebody, 1344 00:54:48,160 --> 00:54:49,510 you're doing business. 1345 00:54:49,510 --> 00:54:53,570 Now relative to everybody else in Europe, 1346 00:54:53,570 --> 00:54:57,650 though, is the sun setting later or earlier 1347 00:54:57,650 --> 00:54:59,820 if you're that far west in your time zone? 1348 00:54:59,820 --> 00:55:00,680 AUDIENCE: Later. 1349 00:55:00,680 --> 00:55:01,679 PROFESSOR: Later, right? 1350 00:55:01,679 --> 00:55:04,080 So the sun is setting later if you're there. 1351 00:55:04,080 --> 00:55:06,790 So if you're eating according to the sun, not according to what 1352 00:55:06,790 --> 00:55:09,770 your watch is saying, but if you're choosing to eat dinner 1353 00:55:09,770 --> 00:55:12,100 when the sun is setting, when will your 1354 00:55:12,100 --> 00:55:14,940 watch say, oh my goodness, it's really late 1355 00:55:14,940 --> 00:55:16,899 when you're in Berlin or when you're in Madrid? 1356 00:55:16,899 --> 00:55:17,606 AUDIENCE: Madrid. 1357 00:55:17,606 --> 00:55:19,280 PROFESSOR: When you're in Madrid, right? 1358 00:55:19,280 --> 00:55:21,890 So again, I'm not saying that this 1359 00:55:21,890 --> 00:55:25,007 is the sole reason for social behavior being 1360 00:55:25,007 --> 00:55:26,840 a little different on the Iberian Peninsula, 1361 00:55:26,840 --> 00:55:28,340 since Portugal also eats very late 1362 00:55:28,340 --> 00:55:30,173 and they're in the same time zone as London, 1363 00:55:30,173 --> 00:55:32,380 but it could be a contributing factor. 1364 00:55:32,380 --> 00:55:36,280 The sun is still up in the sky when it's 5:00 PM in winter, 1365 00:55:36,280 --> 00:55:40,350 let's say, where in Germany, it's set a long time ago. 1366 00:55:40,350 --> 00:55:42,640 So these are just little things to keep in mind. 1367 00:55:42,640 --> 00:55:46,550 An easy way to calculate, when is the solar noon, 1368 00:55:46,550 --> 00:55:48,090 you look at the earth more or less 1369 00:55:48,090 --> 00:55:49,740 like we're looking at this right now. 1370 00:55:49,740 --> 00:55:51,460 We have 360 degrees. 1371 00:55:51,460 --> 00:55:54,940 We divide that into 24 time zones. 1372 00:55:54,940 --> 00:55:58,240 And then we say, OK, about 15 degrees each. 1373 00:55:58,240 --> 00:56:00,260 And then we can begin counting from there. 1374 00:56:00,260 --> 00:56:02,740 If in Boston, were 41 degrees north, 1375 00:56:02,740 --> 00:56:05,720 but we're 71 degrees west, we can say, 1376 00:56:05,720 --> 00:56:08,010 OK we should be for GMT minus 5. 1377 00:56:08,010 --> 00:56:10,550 We should be at around 75 degrees. 1378 00:56:10,550 --> 00:56:12,620 And so we're a little earlier, so we do things 1379 00:56:12,620 --> 00:56:15,119 a little earlier around here than what the solar noon should 1380 00:56:15,119 --> 00:56:17,510 be telling us to do things-- wake up a little earlier, 1381 00:56:17,510 --> 00:56:18,350 go to bed a little earlier. 1382 00:56:18,350 --> 00:56:19,974 And that's why students are like, dang, 1383 00:56:19,974 --> 00:56:21,540 there's no night life around here. 1384 00:56:21,540 --> 00:56:23,123 I'm not saying that's the only reason, 1385 00:56:23,123 --> 00:56:25,380 but it could be a contributing factor. 1386 00:56:25,380 --> 00:56:27,950 Whereas the opposite happens when you're 1387 00:56:27,950 --> 00:56:30,161 far west in your time zone. 1388 00:56:30,161 --> 00:56:30,660 OK. 1389 00:56:30,660 --> 00:56:32,760 So again, just trying to wrap our heads 1390 00:56:32,760 --> 00:56:36,079 around the solar resource and around the world around us 1391 00:56:36,079 --> 00:56:38,370 so that we can answer that little child in the shopping 1392 00:56:38,370 --> 00:56:40,080 mall when they come with questions. 1393 00:56:40,080 --> 00:56:42,004 What are these? 1394 00:56:42,004 --> 00:56:43,662 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 1395 00:56:43,662 --> 00:56:45,370 PROFESSOR: Solar trash compactors, right? 1396 00:56:45,370 --> 00:56:46,180 AUDIENCE: At the Student Center. 1397 00:56:46,180 --> 00:56:47,555 PROFESSOR: At the Student Center. 1398 00:56:47,555 --> 00:56:49,089 Anna's Taqueria is right over there. 1399 00:56:49,089 --> 00:56:50,380 Dunkin' Donuts is there, right? 1400 00:56:50,380 --> 00:56:53,880 So these are solar panels mounted on the tops of those. 1401 00:56:53,880 --> 00:56:57,704 And what the solar is doing is charging a battery inside. 1402 00:56:57,704 --> 00:56:59,370 Once the trash reaches a critical lever, 1403 00:56:59,370 --> 00:57:00,670 a sensor is triggered. 1404 00:57:00,670 --> 00:57:05,010 It stops you from opening this bin, and it compacts the trash 1405 00:57:05,010 --> 00:57:08,179 and then releases and allows you to open and put more stuff in. 1406 00:57:08,179 --> 00:57:09,970 And what it does is it minimizes the number 1407 00:57:09,970 --> 00:57:11,890 of times between trash pickups. 1408 00:57:11,890 --> 00:57:17,060 If labor is a large portion of the cost of trash management, 1409 00:57:17,060 --> 00:57:21,390 of refuse management, then it eliminates some of the labor, 1410 00:57:21,390 --> 00:57:23,610 transferring it instead to the technology. 1411 00:57:23,610 --> 00:57:27,110 And so installing these at the Student Center, 1412 00:57:27,110 --> 00:57:28,830 I had a little bit of a pet peeve. 1413 00:57:28,830 --> 00:57:31,120 [LAUGHTER] 1414 00:57:31,120 --> 00:57:36,300 So you have angle of the sun right 1415 00:57:36,300 --> 00:57:39,030 here, which we just walked through, 18 degrees in summer. 1416 00:57:39,030 --> 00:57:42,760 And it just so happened to work out that-- 1417 00:57:42,760 --> 00:57:44,224 and these numbers were approximate. 1418 00:57:44,224 --> 00:57:46,390 This was me going with my kind of engineering sense. 1419 00:57:46,390 --> 00:57:47,560 That's about 45 degrees. 1420 00:57:47,560 --> 00:57:49,830 Count the number of paces. 1421 00:57:49,830 --> 00:57:51,030 Equilateral triangle. 1422 00:57:51,030 --> 00:57:52,640 Estimate the height of there. 1423 00:57:52,640 --> 00:57:56,400 But in the middle of summertime, when you are at the solstice, 1424 00:57:56,400 --> 00:58:00,120 there is no so direct sunlight hitting this trash can because 1425 00:58:00,120 --> 00:58:01,950 of that overhang way up there. 1426 00:58:01,950 --> 00:58:04,700 And it's not a problem for this particular trash collector, 1427 00:58:04,700 --> 00:58:06,214 since those panels are way oversized 1428 00:58:06,214 --> 00:58:08,630 for the amount of energy that the trash collector actually 1429 00:58:08,630 --> 00:58:09,860 needs. 1430 00:58:09,860 --> 00:58:11,510 And there is a fair amount of what 1431 00:58:11,510 --> 00:58:13,590 we call diffuse sunlight, meaning sunlight being 1432 00:58:13,590 --> 00:58:14,840 scattered off of other things. 1433 00:58:14,840 --> 00:58:17,324 That's why this portion of the image looks white. 1434 00:58:17,324 --> 00:58:19,615 It wouldn't look white if there was no diffuse scatter. 1435 00:58:19,615 --> 00:58:21,780 It'd look black, pitch black, if there was nothing 1436 00:58:21,780 --> 00:58:22,970 to scatter the light off. 1437 00:58:22,970 --> 00:58:25,345 Like an outer space, there's nothing to scatter this way. 1438 00:58:25,345 --> 00:58:27,920 It looks like a black night. 1439 00:58:27,920 --> 00:58:30,170 But instead, there's a large amount of diffused light. 1440 00:58:30,170 --> 00:58:31,628 There is some sunlight reaching it. 1441 00:58:31,628 --> 00:58:33,340 And since the panels are way oversized 1442 00:58:33,340 --> 00:58:35,540 and the system is over-engineered, 1443 00:58:35,540 --> 00:58:37,770 it still manages to acquire enough energy 1444 00:58:37,770 --> 00:58:38,710 to compact the trash. 1445 00:58:38,710 --> 00:58:40,560 And it doesn't have a catastrophic stop. 1446 00:58:40,560 --> 00:58:42,700 But it was an example of somebody 1447 00:58:42,700 --> 00:58:46,810 not really thinking much about the direction or the angle 1448 00:58:46,810 --> 00:58:47,970 of the sun in the sky. 1449 00:58:47,970 --> 00:58:50,040 They probably installed it sometime around March 1450 00:58:50,040 --> 00:58:52,490 when the snow started to melt and the sun was right around 1451 00:58:52,490 --> 00:58:54,090 here. 1452 00:58:54,090 --> 00:58:57,660 And the angle was around there, and it made it 1453 00:58:57,660 --> 00:58:59,663 into the trash collectors. 1454 00:58:59,663 --> 00:59:03,490 But as the summer came along, it got shaded. 1455 00:59:03,490 --> 00:59:05,730 So it's something to keep in mind when 1456 00:59:05,730 --> 00:59:07,010 doing a solar installation. 1457 00:59:07,010 --> 00:59:09,370 It is important to calculate these things. 1458 00:59:09,370 --> 00:59:11,114 And I just pick out once more example. 1459 00:59:11,114 --> 00:59:12,530 I'd encourage you to walk through. 1460 00:59:12,530 --> 00:59:15,340 I was going to have that be a small little in-class example, 1461 00:59:15,340 --> 00:59:18,860 but since we're running short on time, 1462 00:59:18,860 --> 00:59:20,650 I'll just give it to you like that. 1463 00:59:20,650 --> 00:59:21,150 OK. 1464 00:59:21,150 --> 00:59:23,190 Fixed versus tracking systems. 1465 00:59:23,190 --> 00:59:27,230 So if the sun is moving as a function of season 1466 00:59:27,230 --> 00:59:30,570 and as a function of time of day throughout the sky-- 1467 00:59:30,570 --> 00:59:32,960 and we can see that very nicely, again, 1468 00:59:32,960 --> 00:59:38,860 through our demo right here-- so if the sun is actually moving, 1469 00:59:38,860 --> 00:59:41,364 one embodiment would say, OK, I know 1470 00:59:41,364 --> 00:59:42,780 more or less what the sun is going 1471 00:59:42,780 --> 00:59:44,196 to do as a function of season. 1472 00:59:44,196 --> 00:59:45,820 Forget the diurnal variations, but just 1473 00:59:45,820 --> 00:59:46,847 the seasonal variations. 1474 00:59:46,847 --> 00:59:49,430 I know that the sun is going to be on average somewhere around 1475 00:59:49,430 --> 00:59:52,060 here, somewhere around my latitude. 1476 00:59:52,060 --> 00:59:56,910 So if I point my panel at latitude tilt, 1477 00:59:56,910 --> 01:00:01,410 since this angle was-- what was it-- 41 plus 23. 1478 01:00:01,410 --> 01:00:03,510 This angle was 41 minus 23, so this would 1479 01:00:03,510 --> 01:00:05,990 be right around 41 latitude. 1480 01:00:05,990 --> 01:00:09,600 So if I aim my solar panels at latitude tilt, 1481 01:00:09,600 --> 01:00:12,540 then I'm going to get, on average, some pretty decent 1482 01:00:12,540 --> 01:00:14,320 power throughout the year. 1483 01:00:14,320 --> 01:00:15,820 I'll have a little lesson in winter, 1484 01:00:15,820 --> 01:00:19,489 a little more in summer because, well, just because 1485 01:00:19,489 --> 01:00:21,280 of the amount of solar resources available. 1486 01:00:21,280 --> 01:00:24,320 But all in all, I'll be all right. 1487 01:00:24,320 --> 01:00:28,900 At most, I'll be off by 23 and 1/2 degrees. 1488 01:00:28,900 --> 01:00:29,750 You can do that. 1489 01:00:29,750 --> 01:00:31,790 And that's called fixed latitude tilt. 1490 01:00:31,790 --> 01:00:34,680 And typically, you'll face the panels south approximately. 1491 01:00:34,680 --> 01:00:35,930 We'll get to that in a minute. 1492 01:00:35,930 --> 01:00:37,500 It depends on local weather patterns. 1493 01:00:37,500 --> 01:00:38,730 If you have fog in the morning, for instance, 1494 01:00:38,730 --> 01:00:40,970 you want to face them a little to the west. 1495 01:00:40,970 --> 01:00:44,920 But we'll face them south and at latitude tilt. 1496 01:00:44,920 --> 01:00:47,130 Or we can decide, no, let's actually 1497 01:00:47,130 --> 01:00:49,955 track the sun throughout the sky throughout the day. 1498 01:00:49,955 --> 01:00:51,830 And so we'll start in the east in the morning 1499 01:00:51,830 --> 01:00:54,010 and have it rotating through on one-axis tracker 1500 01:00:54,010 --> 01:00:54,890 throughout the day. 1501 01:00:54,890 --> 01:00:56,795 Or we can have a two-axis tracker where 1502 01:00:56,795 --> 01:00:59,590 it rotates to follow the sun throughout the seasons as well, 1503 01:00:59,590 --> 01:01:01,300 a kind of a north/south tilt. 1504 01:01:01,300 --> 01:01:03,450 And that's what's plotted right here. 1505 01:01:03,450 --> 01:01:09,810 This is a quick approximation of the fixed one-axis 1506 01:01:09,810 --> 01:01:11,330 and two-axis trackers for a given 1507 01:01:11,330 --> 01:01:14,870 system in Boston using a simulation tool called PVWatts. 1508 01:01:14,870 --> 01:01:16,420 There's a link to that. 1509 01:01:16,420 --> 01:01:18,920 It's based on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1510 01:01:18,920 --> 01:01:19,590 website. 1511 01:01:19,590 --> 01:01:21,990 There's a link to that at the end of the slides. 1512 01:01:21,990 --> 01:01:23,850 But this shows you the total system 1513 01:01:23,850 --> 01:01:26,200 output in terms of kilowatt hours in terms 1514 01:01:26,200 --> 01:01:28,820 of hours per day. 1515 01:01:28,820 --> 01:01:31,304 I think, yeah, it's a little bit of an odd units there 1516 01:01:31,304 --> 01:01:31,970 on the one-axis. 1517 01:01:31,970 --> 01:01:35,082 But it shows you the relative gain 1518 01:01:35,082 --> 01:01:36,790 that you would get by going to a one-axis 1519 01:01:36,790 --> 01:01:38,570 and then, finally, a two-axis tracker. 1520 01:01:38,570 --> 01:01:40,250 So in many places, it makes sense 1521 01:01:40,250 --> 01:01:43,430 to go to one-axis tracker, since especially you broaden out 1522 01:01:43,430 --> 01:01:45,860 the peak near the peak hours of the day. 1523 01:01:45,860 --> 01:01:48,030 And that's really good. 1524 01:01:48,030 --> 01:01:50,114 But not always does it make sense financially 1525 01:01:50,114 --> 01:01:51,280 to go to a two-axis tracker. 1526 01:01:51,280 --> 01:01:53,113 You're adding another motor onto that thing. 1527 01:01:53,113 --> 01:01:55,390 It's really not gaining you that much. 1528 01:01:55,390 --> 01:01:57,630 Obviously, you have to calculate it out yourself 1529 01:01:57,630 --> 01:01:58,900 for that specific location. 1530 01:01:58,900 --> 01:02:01,380 But by and large, a generality, one-axis tracker 1531 01:02:01,380 --> 01:02:03,320 makes sense for a flat panel. 1532 01:02:03,320 --> 01:02:05,716 Now if you have a concentrator lens in the front 1533 01:02:05,716 --> 01:02:07,590 and it has to be looking directly at the sun, 1534 01:02:07,590 --> 01:02:10,680 then you're kind of forced to go to two-axis tracker. 1535 01:02:10,680 --> 01:02:11,180 OK. 1536 01:02:11,180 --> 01:02:13,013 And there you have your total system output, 1537 01:02:13,013 --> 01:02:17,790 which is just the integral under the curve over the entire year. 1538 01:02:17,790 --> 01:02:19,890 So definitions-- I should have done this before. 1539 01:02:19,890 --> 01:02:22,190 But direct sunlight, looking directly at the sun, 1540 01:02:22,190 --> 01:02:24,810 and then diffuse sunlight or scattered light coming off 1541 01:02:24,810 --> 01:02:25,830 of other things. 1542 01:02:25,830 --> 01:02:30,340 So diffuse sunlight would be coming from the other angles 1543 01:02:30,340 --> 01:02:32,199 in other directions in the sky. 1544 01:02:32,199 --> 01:02:33,740 The direct sunlight would pretty much 1545 01:02:33,740 --> 01:02:37,325 be at the sun plus or minus a few degrees. 1546 01:02:37,325 --> 01:02:38,950 And we have different ways of measuring 1547 01:02:38,950 --> 01:02:42,492 the-- this would be flat plate. 1548 01:02:42,492 --> 01:02:44,700 Up there on the upper left it says, flat plate facing 1549 01:02:44,700 --> 01:02:47,550 south latitude tilt. Just like we said, it's facing south. 1550 01:02:47,550 --> 01:02:49,520 In the United States, that's good. 1551 01:02:49,520 --> 01:02:51,710 Latitude tilt, meaning it's tilted at our latitude. 1552 01:02:51,710 --> 01:02:54,350 So if we go from the southern tip of Florida and Texas 1553 01:02:54,350 --> 01:02:56,490 up to the northern tip of Minnesota, 1554 01:02:56,490 --> 01:02:59,750 we'll be tilting it more and more 1555 01:02:59,750 --> 01:03:03,560 toward the south like this, going from Texas to Minnesota. 1556 01:03:03,560 --> 01:03:05,570 From Texas to Minnesota. 1557 01:03:05,570 --> 01:03:09,880 And so latitude tilt facing south flat plate. 1558 01:03:09,880 --> 01:03:13,095 This is essentially accumulating all of the sunlight, the direct 1559 01:03:13,095 --> 01:03:15,470 and the scattered light, because it's all being collected 1560 01:03:15,470 --> 01:03:17,240 by the flat plate there. 1561 01:03:17,240 --> 01:03:20,990 This map, on the other hand, is for a two-axis tracker. 1562 01:03:20,990 --> 01:03:24,400 And it's looking at the sun plus or minus 2 and 1/2 degrees. 1563 01:03:24,400 --> 01:03:27,120 And so it's really only picking up this right 1564 01:03:27,120 --> 01:03:28,760 here out of the sky. 1565 01:03:28,760 --> 01:03:31,130 And when it's sunny all the time, you're golden. 1566 01:03:31,130 --> 01:03:32,130 You're tracking the sun. 1567 01:03:32,130 --> 01:03:34,270 You're actually getting more energy 1568 01:03:34,270 --> 01:03:36,180 than you would if you just at a flat plate 1569 01:03:36,180 --> 01:03:38,721 because the cosine theta angle is changing throughout the day 1570 01:03:38,721 --> 01:03:39,820 if you have a flat plate. 1571 01:03:39,820 --> 01:03:41,320 When the sun is in the morning time, 1572 01:03:41,320 --> 01:03:42,810 you have a flat plate like this. 1573 01:03:42,810 --> 01:03:44,980 So if my sunlight is coming in like this 1574 01:03:44,980 --> 01:03:46,771 and I do cosine theta of the angle, 1575 01:03:46,771 --> 01:03:48,270 I'm only getting a very small amount 1576 01:03:48,270 --> 01:03:51,510 of the incident sunlight projected onto this plate right 1577 01:03:51,510 --> 01:03:52,010 here. 1578 01:03:52,010 --> 01:03:54,960 If I was in the middle of the day, now cosine theta is 1, 1579 01:03:54,960 --> 01:03:57,010 I get the full sunlight. 1580 01:03:57,010 --> 01:03:59,700 But if I have, for instance, a tracker, 1581 01:03:59,700 --> 01:04:02,579 I would be able to face this panel due east 1582 01:04:02,579 --> 01:04:04,120 and then track it throughout the day. 1583 01:04:04,120 --> 01:04:07,240 And that's where I'd get this additional energy boost here 1584 01:04:07,240 --> 01:04:11,760 in the mornings right there from the tracking system. 1585 01:04:11,760 --> 01:04:14,790 So if I have a tracker, I get a big gain 1586 01:04:14,790 --> 01:04:17,466 in the places that have a lot of direct sun. 1587 01:04:17,466 --> 01:04:19,590 And if I'm only looking at a very small solid angle 1588 01:04:19,590 --> 01:04:22,090 of the sky, if I'm only looking at, say, this little portion 1589 01:04:22,090 --> 01:04:25,010 the sun, on cloudy days, most of the sunlight 1590 01:04:25,010 --> 01:04:28,340 is coming off of the diffused light, not from the sun. 1591 01:04:28,340 --> 01:04:29,920 If I have a flat plate, I win. 1592 01:04:29,920 --> 01:04:33,479 If I have a concentrator, I lose on a cloudy day. 1593 01:04:33,479 --> 01:04:35,770 And so that's why, in some of the regions of the United 1594 01:04:35,770 --> 01:04:39,030 States that are notoriously cloudy-- I won't point 1595 01:04:39,030 --> 01:04:42,290 to any one in particular-- it's actually 1596 01:04:42,290 --> 01:04:44,940 better for non-concentrating solar in terms of total energy 1597 01:04:44,940 --> 01:04:45,612 output. 1598 01:04:45,612 --> 01:04:47,320 And in other regions of the United States 1599 01:04:47,320 --> 01:04:50,020 where we have a lot of sunny days, 1600 01:04:50,020 --> 01:04:52,667 you start having two-axis trackers making sense. 1601 01:04:52,667 --> 01:04:54,750 And it's just really the ratio of these two maps-- 1602 01:04:54,750 --> 01:04:56,920 whoopsie-- this one, which is flat plate, 1603 01:04:56,920 --> 01:04:58,560 and that one, which is concentrator. 1604 01:04:58,560 --> 01:05:03,020 You see over here, we win if we go for the concentrator. 1605 01:05:03,020 --> 01:05:06,230 And over here, we get more energy out-- 1606 01:05:06,230 --> 01:05:10,050 oopsie-- more energy out if we use the flat plate. 1607 01:05:10,050 --> 01:05:11,620 Now that's just energy. 1608 01:05:11,620 --> 01:05:14,190 Obviously, cost and economics factors 1609 01:05:14,190 --> 01:05:17,890 what it takes to install it. 1610 01:05:17,890 --> 01:05:19,370 OK. 1611 01:05:19,370 --> 01:05:23,630 And weather patterns, I promised I'd get back to this. 1612 01:05:23,630 --> 01:05:26,330 Interesting to note that for right near the equator, 1613 01:05:26,330 --> 01:05:30,290 we have this drop of the insolation. 1614 01:05:30,290 --> 01:05:34,650 And there are these beautiful maps put out by, again, 1615 01:05:34,650 --> 01:05:37,660 NASA Earth Observatory that show you the cloud fraction 1616 01:05:37,660 --> 01:05:40,155 coverage of particular spots around the planet. 1617 01:05:40,155 --> 01:05:42,030 And you can see that right near the equators, 1618 01:05:42,030 --> 01:05:45,310 typically we have these beautiful tropical forests. 1619 01:05:48,320 --> 01:05:50,080 The high cloud cover in those regions 1620 01:05:50,080 --> 01:05:51,886 is blocking out some of the sun. 1621 01:05:51,886 --> 01:05:53,510 And likewise, you can see the dichotomy 1622 01:05:53,510 --> 01:05:54,960 between Phoenix and Atlanta. 1623 01:05:54,960 --> 01:05:58,200 Same latitude again, but Atlanta having a higher cloud coverage 1624 01:05:58,200 --> 01:06:01,450 than Phoenix and, hence, a lower solar resource, a lower 1625 01:06:01,450 --> 01:06:03,340 insolation. 1626 01:06:03,340 --> 01:06:05,260 So you how all this kind of ties together. 1627 01:06:05,260 --> 01:06:07,180 That's all predictable in a sense. 1628 01:06:07,180 --> 01:06:11,820 This is unpredictable at a local level for one system. 1629 01:06:11,820 --> 01:06:14,500 If the sun is tracing its route through the sky, 1630 01:06:14,500 --> 01:06:16,002 and you have that envelope function 1631 01:06:16,002 --> 01:06:18,210 that you've just spent so much effort calculating out 1632 01:06:18,210 --> 01:06:20,543 with all your trig functions in the computer simulation, 1633 01:06:20,543 --> 01:06:22,720 the code that you've just been given here. 1634 01:06:22,720 --> 01:06:24,780 And now, a cloud comes over, some random cloud 1635 01:06:24,780 --> 01:06:26,110 that was very hard to predict. 1636 01:06:26,110 --> 01:06:29,030 And you just have one panel, one tiny little thing like this. 1637 01:06:29,030 --> 01:06:30,200 And the cloud goes over it. 1638 01:06:30,200 --> 01:06:31,741 Boom, all of a sudden, you get a drop 1639 01:06:31,741 --> 01:06:34,390 in your instantaneous power output. 1640 01:06:34,390 --> 01:06:35,330 Boom, drops again. 1641 01:06:35,330 --> 01:06:36,800 Another cloud, drops again. 1642 01:06:36,800 --> 01:06:39,830 And then a thunderstorm in the afternoon. 1643 01:06:39,830 --> 01:06:41,810 So a meteorologist could have told you 1644 01:06:41,810 --> 01:06:43,980 that this thunderstorm was coming, 1645 01:06:43,980 --> 01:06:45,760 but a meteorologist would be hard pressed 1646 01:06:45,760 --> 01:06:48,120 to be able to predict the evolution 1647 01:06:48,120 --> 01:06:50,730 of a tiny little cloud over your system. 1648 01:06:50,730 --> 01:06:54,810 And so the question is, to what degree are these local weather 1649 01:06:54,810 --> 01:06:56,610 patterns predictable and unpredictable? 1650 01:06:56,610 --> 01:06:59,850 And hopefully, some of you, over this class, 1651 01:06:59,850 --> 01:07:03,150 will be able to help answer that question by analyzing data 1652 01:07:03,150 --> 01:07:05,150 from tens of thousands of systems that have been 1653 01:07:05,150 --> 01:07:09,349 installed throughout California in local geographical systems, 1654 01:07:09,349 --> 01:07:11,890 for example, in the Los Angeles region, San Francisco region, 1655 01:07:11,890 --> 01:07:13,080 and so forth. 1656 01:07:13,080 --> 01:07:15,700 If you start averaging the curves, the energy 1657 01:07:15,700 --> 01:07:18,580 outputs as a function of time, from a variety of systems 1658 01:07:18,580 --> 01:07:21,020 throughout a neighborhood, you can probably average out 1659 01:07:21,020 --> 01:07:22,370 the small tiny clouds. 1660 01:07:22,370 --> 01:07:24,442 You probably can't average out the thunderstorm. 1661 01:07:24,442 --> 01:07:26,900 But you probably could have predicted that the thunderstorm 1662 01:07:26,900 --> 01:07:28,940 would've come along. 1663 01:07:28,940 --> 01:07:32,290 And so this is a hot area of solar research at the systems 1664 01:07:32,290 --> 01:07:32,790 level. 1665 01:07:32,790 --> 01:07:34,720 It's trying to understand, to what degree 1666 01:07:34,720 --> 01:07:36,680 are PV systems predictable? 1667 01:07:36,680 --> 01:07:38,840 To what degree can the power output 1668 01:07:38,840 --> 01:07:42,070 of a PV system or an ensemble of PV systems 1669 01:07:42,070 --> 01:07:45,550 be predicted in advance so we don't wind up in a situation 1670 01:07:45,550 --> 01:07:48,300 where all of a sudden we have this catastrophic drop 1671 01:07:48,300 --> 01:07:51,979 of a cumulative PV system output of, say, 30% 1672 01:07:51,979 --> 01:07:53,520 and meanwhile, it's a hot summer day, 1673 01:07:53,520 --> 01:07:55,080 everybody's air conditions are going, 1674 01:07:55,080 --> 01:07:57,050 and we cause failure of the power grid? 1675 01:07:57,050 --> 01:08:00,000 Kind of worst case scenario. 1676 01:08:00,000 --> 01:08:02,850 So this boils down to intermittency with a short time 1677 01:08:02,850 --> 01:08:05,760 constants tend to be less predictable. 1678 01:08:05,760 --> 01:08:06,650 Cloud cover. 1679 01:08:06,650 --> 01:08:09,840 And it's relevant for predicting power supply reliability. 1680 01:08:09,840 --> 01:08:12,450 And the longer time constants tend to be more predictable. 1681 01:08:12,450 --> 01:08:15,100 The diurnal or seasonal variations-- and these 1682 01:08:15,100 --> 01:08:18,710 are relevant to calculating total energy output annually. 1683 01:08:18,710 --> 01:08:20,859 And oftentimes, when we just work off 1684 01:08:20,859 --> 01:08:23,380 of these long time constant variability issues, 1685 01:08:23,380 --> 01:08:26,920 we're assuming we have access to easy storage. 1686 01:08:26,920 --> 01:08:29,330 Right now, the solar panels on top of my roof, 1687 01:08:29,330 --> 01:08:30,789 they're producing in excess of what 1688 01:08:30,789 --> 01:08:33,038 we're consuming right now because neither my wife or I 1689 01:08:33,038 --> 01:08:33,550 are at home. 1690 01:08:33,550 --> 01:08:35,100 And they're injecting that power into the grid, 1691 01:08:35,100 --> 01:08:37,120 and the grid is serving as our big battery, 1692 01:08:37,120 --> 01:08:39,319 as our storage unit. 1693 01:08:39,319 --> 01:08:41,120 And I'm riding free. 1694 01:08:41,120 --> 01:08:42,460 I'm a free rider right now. 1695 01:08:42,460 --> 01:08:44,550 I don't pay for that service necessarily. 1696 01:08:44,550 --> 01:08:46,490 I do to NSTAR. 1697 01:08:46,490 --> 01:08:52,135 But they're not charging extra for the service of using 1698 01:08:52,135 --> 01:08:53,260 the grid as my big battery. 1699 01:08:55,770 --> 01:08:57,770 Another thing to keep in mind is that we're 1700 01:08:57,770 --> 01:09:01,710 calculating all this on the basis of engineering 1701 01:09:01,710 --> 01:09:03,010 and scientific principles. 1702 01:09:03,010 --> 01:09:04,580 We're calculating the solar resource, 1703 01:09:04,580 --> 01:09:07,350 which is a good, important first step. 1704 01:09:07,350 --> 01:09:09,649 Now if we look at the actual solar installations 1705 01:09:09,649 --> 01:09:13,050 by year and by country-- this is a big table, 1706 01:09:13,050 --> 01:09:16,520 but follow me on the two underlined red lines here, 1707 01:09:16,520 --> 01:09:21,260 DEU, that stands for Deutschland, Germany, and USA. 1708 01:09:21,260 --> 01:09:23,479 We'll see that Germany has about seven times 1709 01:09:23,479 --> 01:09:25,830 more solar installed cumulatively 1710 01:09:25,830 --> 01:09:27,710 than the United States does. 1711 01:09:27,710 --> 01:09:31,000 And yet, if we look at the solar resource in Germany 1712 01:09:31,000 --> 01:09:34,830 relative to the US-- this is average annual, same scale, 1713 01:09:34,830 --> 01:09:38,920 going from 900 to 1,200 kilowatt hours per kilowatt per year-- 1714 01:09:38,920 --> 01:09:41,439 we can see that there's a lot more sun in the United States 1715 01:09:41,439 --> 01:09:42,740 than there is in Germany. 1716 01:09:42,740 --> 01:09:44,540 So there's something else going on 1717 01:09:44,540 --> 01:09:46,470 than just the solar resource. 1718 01:09:46,470 --> 01:09:47,738 And that's economics. 1719 01:09:47,738 --> 01:09:49,779 That's why we talk about the policy and economics 1720 01:09:49,779 --> 01:09:50,970 later on in class. 1721 01:09:50,970 --> 01:09:53,399 That's why we dedicate a sizable portion later 1722 01:09:53,399 --> 01:09:55,230 on talking about that. 1723 01:09:55,230 --> 01:09:57,580 Lastly, our final learning objectives 1724 01:09:57,580 --> 01:10:02,199 before we halt for questions and for comments, we 1725 01:10:02,199 --> 01:10:03,740 need to estimate the land area needed 1726 01:10:03,740 --> 01:10:06,131 to provide sufficient solar resource for a project. 1727 01:10:06,131 --> 01:10:08,130 And this is really where your homework picks up, 1728 01:10:08,130 --> 01:10:09,755 and we'll spend some time in recitation 1729 01:10:09,755 --> 01:10:11,470 walking through this. 1730 01:10:11,470 --> 01:10:14,730 But it's important to get your units right. 1731 01:10:14,730 --> 01:10:18,480 And so I want to do a quick quiz right now. 1732 01:10:18,480 --> 01:10:23,320 Think in your minds which of these properties 1733 01:10:23,320 --> 01:10:25,720 corresponds to which units or are described by which 1734 01:10:25,720 --> 01:10:27,140 units over here on the right. 1735 01:10:27,140 --> 01:10:29,752 So do a kind of a linkage in your mind one to one, 1736 01:10:29,752 --> 01:10:31,210 connect, connect, connect, connect, 1737 01:10:31,210 --> 01:10:34,670 without looking at your slides. 1738 01:10:34,670 --> 01:10:40,720 And then we'll do it in three, two, one. 1739 01:10:40,720 --> 01:10:42,090 Those are your answers. 1740 01:10:42,090 --> 01:10:44,530 So the ones that usually get confused 1741 01:10:44,530 --> 01:10:49,382 are power and energy, kilowatts and kilowatt hours. 1742 01:10:49,382 --> 01:10:51,590 I'm not saying it's easy, but the way to remember it, 1743 01:10:51,590 --> 01:10:53,131 the easiest way to remember it, would 1744 01:10:53,131 --> 01:10:55,210 be to remember that the power time 1745 01:10:55,210 --> 01:10:57,270 product is equal to energy. 1746 01:10:57,270 --> 01:10:58,960 So if you have power instantaneous 1747 01:10:58,960 --> 01:11:01,337 energy burn rate versus time, some plot that 1748 01:11:01,337 --> 01:11:03,920 looks like this as you take the integral of that curve, that's 1749 01:11:03,920 --> 01:11:06,260 your total energy. 1750 01:11:06,260 --> 01:11:11,220 So in terms of units, current voltage power and energy, 1751 01:11:11,220 --> 01:11:13,370 a hair dryer versus a fridge, which 1752 01:11:13,370 --> 01:11:15,310 is more likely to blow a fuse and which 1753 01:11:15,310 --> 01:11:17,906 is more likely to blow your budget? 1754 01:11:17,906 --> 01:11:20,120 AUDIENCE: A hair dryer is more likely to blow a fuse. 1755 01:11:20,120 --> 01:11:22,369 PROFESSOR: A hair dryer is more likely to blow a fuse. 1756 01:11:22,369 --> 01:11:23,252 Why is that? 1757 01:11:23,252 --> 01:11:24,805 AUDIENCE: High voltage. 1758 01:11:24,805 --> 01:11:26,055 PROFESSOR: Yeah, high voltage. 1759 01:11:26,055 --> 01:11:27,180 Well, high current, really. 1760 01:11:27,180 --> 01:11:28,570 Because everything's running 120. 1761 01:11:28,570 --> 01:11:29,610 It's a higher current. 1762 01:11:29,610 --> 01:11:32,305 It's pushing the wattage up to around 1.5, 1763 01:11:32,305 --> 01:11:36,930 1.7, 1,500, 1,700 watts. 1764 01:11:36,930 --> 01:11:40,490 And so it's running close to the 15 amp limit. 1765 01:11:40,490 --> 01:11:41,910 And the fridge, on the other hand, 1766 01:11:41,910 --> 01:11:44,336 is probably an order of magnitude lower. 1767 01:11:44,336 --> 01:11:45,960 But the fridge is running all the time, 1768 01:11:45,960 --> 01:11:48,790 and your hair dryer is only running a few minutes a day. 1769 01:11:48,790 --> 01:11:51,820 So in terms of blowing a fuse, it uses a large amount of power 1770 01:11:51,820 --> 01:11:53,610 for a very short amount of time. 1771 01:11:53,610 --> 01:11:55,760 Whereas, the fridge uses a small amount of power 1772 01:11:55,760 --> 01:11:57,170 for a long amount of time. 1773 01:11:57,170 --> 01:11:59,890 And the integral under that curve winds up being more, 1774 01:11:59,890 --> 01:12:01,970 typically, then your hair dryer. 1775 01:12:01,970 --> 01:12:03,740 That's the total amount of energy. 1776 01:12:03,740 --> 01:12:05,070 And you pay by the energy. 1777 01:12:05,070 --> 01:12:07,538 You pay by the kilowatt hour to your utility company, 1778 01:12:07,538 --> 01:12:09,246 and that's why it would blow your budget. 1779 01:12:09,246 --> 01:12:10,760 Yeah. 1780 01:12:10,760 --> 01:12:11,260 Oopsie. 1781 01:12:11,260 --> 01:12:13,135 So the numbers work out to somewhere around 1 1782 01:12:13,135 --> 01:12:15,270 kilowatt hour per day for the fridge and about 1/2 1783 01:12:15,270 --> 01:12:17,150 a kilowatt hour for the hair dryer. 1784 01:12:17,150 --> 01:12:19,780 A kilowatt hour is how much in here? 1785 01:12:19,780 --> 01:12:20,910 $0.18? 1786 01:12:20,910 --> 01:12:23,070 Most people pay about $0.18 per kilowatt hour. 1787 01:12:23,070 --> 01:12:24,444 And so you can calculate how much 1788 01:12:24,444 --> 01:12:26,780 it costs to keep things running in your house. 1789 01:12:26,780 --> 01:12:30,057 Most of us don't usually think about that. 1790 01:12:30,057 --> 01:12:32,140 And last, last, last, last point, in your homework 1791 01:12:32,140 --> 01:12:34,960 assignments, you're going to be asked to size out systems, 1792 01:12:34,960 --> 01:12:37,530 PV systems, photovoltaic systems, in different parts 1793 01:12:37,530 --> 01:12:38,550 of the world. 1794 01:12:38,550 --> 01:12:41,910 And the easiest way to do that is if we take a panel 1795 01:12:41,910 --> 01:12:43,510 and we say that this panel right here 1796 01:12:43,510 --> 01:12:46,910 is rated at a certain amount of power, 1797 01:12:46,910 --> 01:12:49,710 so under peak illumination conditions. 1798 01:12:49,710 --> 01:12:52,290 When the panel is seated at incident sunlight, 1799 01:12:52,290 --> 01:12:57,740 so the cosine theta term is 1, and the incident solar resource 1800 01:12:57,740 --> 01:13:02,320 is 1,000 watts per square meter, so around AM 1.5 conditions, 1801 01:13:02,320 --> 01:13:05,830 this panel right here would be producing-- this one is tiny. 1802 01:13:05,830 --> 01:13:07,400 It would be producing 6 watts peak. 1803 01:13:07,400 --> 01:13:08,850 But most of these panels over here 1804 01:13:08,850 --> 01:13:12,820 are producing somewhere around a few hundred watts peak. 1805 01:13:12,820 --> 01:13:15,810 And so the panels are rated in terms of watt peak 1806 01:13:15,810 --> 01:13:17,860 because the panel manufacture doesn't know where 1807 01:13:17,860 --> 01:13:19,350 you're going to install them. 1808 01:13:19,350 --> 01:13:20,550 You could decide that you're going to install it 1809 01:13:20,550 --> 01:13:22,910 in Alaska, in which case, it's going to produce about half 1810 01:13:22,910 --> 01:13:24,368 the energy than if you installed it 1811 01:13:24,368 --> 01:13:27,430 down south in the continental US in, say, Arizona. 1812 01:13:27,430 --> 01:13:29,750 Maybe a third of the energy. 1813 01:13:29,750 --> 01:13:31,531 And so it doesn't want to rate the panel 1814 01:13:31,531 --> 01:13:32,780 in terms of the energy output. 1815 01:13:32,780 --> 01:13:33,990 It's not going to guarantee that you're 1816 01:13:33,990 --> 01:13:36,421 going to get a certain energy output off of the panel. 1817 01:13:36,421 --> 01:13:37,920 But it will guarantee that the panel 1818 01:13:37,920 --> 01:13:40,320 was rated at maximum power of such and such 1819 01:13:40,320 --> 01:13:42,454 under standard testing conditions. 1820 01:13:42,454 --> 01:13:44,370 Now that's good because you can generalize it, 1821 01:13:44,370 --> 01:13:46,650 which you'll do for your homework. 1822 01:13:46,650 --> 01:13:49,830 But it also has a downside because standard testing 1823 01:13:49,830 --> 01:13:51,780 conditions aren't real world conditions. 1824 01:13:51,780 --> 01:13:54,900 The panel isn't always operating at 25 degrees Celsius. 1825 01:13:54,900 --> 01:13:57,400 The panel isn't operating always at incident sunlight 1826 01:13:57,400 --> 01:13:58,500 normal, right? 1827 01:13:58,500 --> 01:14:02,480 And so the gap between actually knowing 1828 01:14:02,480 --> 01:14:04,540 how much the panel is going to output in terms 1829 01:14:04,540 --> 01:14:06,920 of its energy for a specific location 1830 01:14:06,920 --> 01:14:09,600 and what our calculations, the back of the envelope 1831 01:14:09,600 --> 01:14:14,640 calculations, will give us, that gap is, from an economics point 1832 01:14:14,640 --> 01:14:16,790 of view, there's a lot of money to be made there. 1833 01:14:16,790 --> 01:14:20,140 If you understand really well how much of a given panel 1834 01:14:20,140 --> 01:14:24,050 will output, you can then predict to a much finer degree 1835 01:14:24,050 --> 01:14:26,900 what you should be charging your customer for installing panels 1836 01:14:26,900 --> 01:14:29,145 in a particular location. 1837 01:14:29,145 --> 01:14:31,270 So there's a lot of work being done right now, more 1838 01:14:31,270 --> 01:14:34,180 on the business side of pulling the systems 1839 01:14:34,180 --> 01:14:35,770 engineers along and trying to increase 1840 01:14:35,770 --> 01:14:37,530 the accuracy of predictions. 1841 01:14:37,530 --> 01:14:41,750 And so with that, I will leave off on this slide. 1842 01:14:41,750 --> 01:14:44,200 We can get to it during recitation tomorrow at 4:00. 1843 01:14:44,200 --> 01:14:46,658 I welcome your questions here at the front if you have any. 1844 01:14:46,658 --> 01:14:48,860 Otherwise, I'll see you tomorrow.