1 00:00:00,140 --> 00:00:04,500 The following content is provided under a Creative Commons license. Your support will 2 00:00:04,500 --> 00:00:10,100 help MIT OpenCourseWare continue to offer high-quality educational resources for free. 3 00:00:10,100 --> 00:00:14,860 To make a donation or to view additional materials from hundreds of MIT courses, 4 00:00:14,860 --> 00:00:19,500 visit MIT OpenCourseWare at ocw.mit.edu. 5 00:00:25,120 --> 00:00:31,740 PROFESSOR: All right. So today's task is going to be to outline some of the basic experimental 6 00:00:31,740 --> 00:00:37,900 facts that we will both have to deal with and that our aim should be to understand and 7 00:00:37,910 --> 00:00:41,210 model through the rest of the course. 8 00:00:41,210 --> 00:00:46,019 Physics doesn't tell you some abstract truth about why the universe is the way it is. Physics 9 00:00:46,019 --> 00:00:51,280 gives you models to understand how things work and predict what will happen next. And 10 00:00:51,280 --> 00:00:55,309 what we will be aiming to do is develop models that give us an intuition for the phenomena 11 00:00:55,309 --> 00:00:58,859 and allow us to make predictions. And these are going to be the experimental facts I would 12 00:00:58,859 --> 00:01:05,930 like to both explain, develop an intuition for, and be able to predict consequences of. 13 00:01:05,930 --> 00:01:15,530 So we'll start off with-- so let me just outline them. So, first fact, atoms exist. I'll go 14 00:01:15,530 --> 00:01:19,750 over some of the arguments for that. Randomness, definitely present in the world. Atomic spectre 15 00:01:19,750 --> 00:01:25,420 are discrete and structured. We have a photoelectric effect, which I'll describe in some detail. 16 00:01:25,420 --> 00:01:31,009 Electrons do some funny things. In particular electron diffraction. And sixth and finally, 17 00:01:31,009 --> 00:01:34,950 Bell's Inequality. Something that we will come back to at the very end of the class, 18 00:01:34,950 --> 00:01:41,520 which I like to think of as a sort of a frame for the entirety of 8.04. 19 00:01:41,530 --> 00:01:47,600 So... we'll stick with this for the moment. 20 00:01:47,600 --> 00:01:55,200 So everyone in here knows that atoms are made of electrons and nuclei. In particular, you 21 00:01:55,200 --> 00:01:59,340 know that electrons exist because you've seen a cathode ray tube. I used to be able to say 22 00:01:59,340 --> 00:02:03,119 you've seen a TV, but you all have flat panel TVs, so this is useless. So a cathode ray 23 00:02:03,119 --> 00:02:08,598 tube is a gun that shoots electrons at a phosphorescent screen. And every time the electron hits the 24 00:02:08,600 --> 00:02:13,140 screen it induces a little phosphorescence, a little glow. And that's how you see on a 25 00:02:13,140 --> 00:02:15,300 CRT. 26 00:02:15,300 --> 00:02:23,220 And so as was pithily stated long ago by a very famous physicist, if you can spray them, 27 00:02:23,220 --> 00:02:30,140 they exist. Pretty good argument. There's a better argument for the existence of electrons, 28 00:02:30,150 --> 00:02:32,879 which is that we can actually see them individually. 29 00:02:32,879 --> 00:02:37,480 And this is one of the most famous images in high-energy physics. It's from an experiment 30 00:02:37,480 --> 00:02:47,950 called Gargamelle, which was a 30-cubic meter tank of liquid freon pulsing just at its vapor 31 00:02:47,950 --> 00:02:53,340 pressure 60 times a second. And what this image is is, apart from all the schmut, you're 32 00:02:53,340 --> 00:02:58,079 watching a trail of bubbles in this de-pressurizing freon that wants to create bubbles but you 33 00:02:58,079 --> 00:03:02,159 have to nucleate bubbles. What you're seeing there in that central line that goes up and 34 00:03:02,159 --> 00:03:07,790 then curls around is a single electron that was nailed by a neutrino incident from a beam 35 00:03:07,790 --> 00:03:11,599 at CERN where currently the LHC is running. 36 00:03:11,599 --> 00:03:16,590 And this experiment revealed two things. First, to us it will reveal that you can see individual 37 00:03:16,590 --> 00:03:21,019 electrons and by studying the images of them moving through fluids and leaving a disturbing 38 00:03:21,019 --> 00:03:25,709 wake of bubbles behind them. We can study their properties in some considerable detail. 39 00:03:25,709 --> 00:03:28,760 The second thing it taught us is something new-- we're not going to talk about it in 40 00:03:28,760 --> 00:03:33,989 detail-- is that it's possible for a neutrino to hit an electron. And that process is called 41 00:03:33,989 --> 00:03:38,099 a weak neutral current for sort of stupid historical reasons. It's actually a really 42 00:03:38,099 --> 00:03:44,829 good name. And that was awesome and surprising and so this picture is both a monument to 43 00:03:44,829 --> 00:03:48,790 the technology of the experiment, but also to the physics of weak neutral currents and 44 00:03:48,790 --> 00:03:53,420 electrons. They exist if you can discover neutrinos by watching them. OK. 45 00:03:53,420 --> 00:03:58,220 Secondly, nuclei. We know that nuclei exist because you can shoot alpha particles, which 46 00:03:58,220 --> 00:04:04,620 come from radioactive decay, at atoms. And you have your atom which is some sort of vague 47 00:04:04,620 --> 00:04:08,430 thing, and I'm gonna make the-- I'm gonna find the atom by making a sheet of atoms. 48 00:04:08,430 --> 00:04:13,459 Maybe a foil. A very thin foil of stuff. And then I'm gonna shoot very high-energy alpha 49 00:04:13,459 --> 00:04:15,390 particles incident of this. 50 00:04:15,390 --> 00:04:19,470 Probably everyone has heard of this experiment, it was done by Rutherford and Geiger and Marsden, 51 00:04:19,470 --> 00:04:23,660 in particular his students at the time or post-docs. I don't recall-- and you shoot 52 00:04:23,660 --> 00:04:27,080 these alpha particles in. And if you think of these guys as some sort of jelly-ish lump 53 00:04:27,080 --> 00:04:31,000 then maybe they'll deflect a little bit, but if you shoot a bullet through Jello it just 54 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:34,390 sort of maybe gets deflected a little bit. But Jello, I mean, come on. 55 00:04:34,390 --> 00:04:36,790 And I think what was shocking is that you should these alpha particles in and every 56 00:04:36,790 --> 00:04:41,940 once in a while, they bounce back at, you know, 180, 160 degrees. Rutherford likened 57 00:04:41,940 --> 00:04:49,630 this to rolling a bowling ball against a piece of paper and having it bounce back. Kind of 58 00:04:49,630 --> 00:04:53,470 surprising. And the explanation here that people eventually came up upon is that atoms 59 00:04:53,470 --> 00:05:00,170 are mostly zero density. Except they have very, very high density cores, which are many 60 00:05:00,170 --> 00:05:04,430 times smaller than the size of the atom but where most of the mass is concentrated. And 61 00:05:04,430 --> 00:05:06,700 as a consequence, most of the inertia. 62 00:05:06,700 --> 00:05:10,920 And so we know that atoms have substructure, and the picture we have is that well if you 63 00:05:10,920 --> 00:05:15,860 scrape this pile of metal, you can pull off the electrons, leaving behind nuclei which 64 00:05:15,860 --> 00:05:19,440 have positive charge because you've scraped off the electrons that have negative charge. 65 00:05:19,440 --> 00:05:23,720 So we have a picture from these experiments that there are electrons and there are nuclei-- 66 00:05:23,720 --> 00:05:29,650 which, I'll just write N and plus-- which are the constituents of atoms. 67 00:05:29,650 --> 00:05:33,820 Now this leads to a very natural picture of what an atom is. If you're a 19th-century 68 00:05:33,820 --> 00:05:37,990 physicist, or even an early 20th-century physicist, it's very natural to say, aha, well if I know 69 00:05:37,990 --> 00:05:42,840 if I have a positive charge and I have a negative charge, then they attract each other with 70 00:05:42,840 --> 00:05:49,530 a 1 over r minus q1 q2-- sorry, q1 q2 over r potential. This is just like gravity, right. 71 00:05:49,530 --> 00:05:54,030 The earth and the sun are attracted with an inverse-r potential. This leads to Keplerian 72 00:05:54,030 --> 00:05:59,880 orbits. And so maybe an atom is just some sort of orbiting classical combination of 73 00:05:59,880 --> 00:06:03,290 an electron and a nucleus, positively charged nucleus. 74 00:06:03,290 --> 00:06:07,840 The problem with this picture, as you explore in detail in your first problem on the problem 75 00:06:07,840 --> 00:06:13,790 set, is that it doesn't work. What happens when you accelerate a charge? It radiates. 76 00:06:13,790 --> 00:06:17,600 Exactly. So if it's radiating, it's gotta lose energy. It's dumping energy into this-- 77 00:06:17,600 --> 00:06:22,040 out of the system. So it's gotta fall lower into the potential. Well it falls lower, it 78 00:06:22,040 --> 00:06:25,930 speeds up. It radiates more. Because it's accelerating more to stay in a circular orbit. 79 00:06:25,930 --> 00:06:28,380 All right, it radiates more, it has to fall further down. 80 00:06:28,380 --> 00:06:32,520 So on the problem set you're going to calculate how long that takes. And it's not very long. 81 00:06:32,520 --> 00:06:37,120 And so the fact that we persist for more than a few picoseconds tells you that it's not 82 00:06:37,120 --> 00:06:42,220 that-- this is not a correct picture of an atom. OK. 83 00:06:42,220 --> 00:06:47,870 So in classical mechanics, atoms could not exist. And yet, atoms exist. So we have to 84 00:06:47,870 --> 00:06:56,880 explain that. That's gonna be our first challenge. Now interestingly Geiger who is this collaborator 85 00:06:56,880 --> 00:07:01,380 of Rutherford, a young junior collaborator of Rutherford, went on to develop a really 86 00:07:01,380 --> 00:07:06,190 neat instrument. So suppose you want to see radiation. We do this all the time. I'm looking 87 00:07:06,190 --> 00:07:09,570 at you and I'm seeing radiation, seeing light. But I'm not seeing ultra high energy radiation, 88 00:07:09,570 --> 00:07:13,540 I'm seeing energy radiation in the electromagnetic waves in the optical spectrum. 89 00:07:13,540 --> 00:07:19,370 Meanwhile I'm also not seeing alpha particles. So what Geiger wanted was a way to detect 90 00:07:19,370 --> 00:07:24,860 without using your eyes radiation that's hard to see. So the way he did this is he took 91 00:07:24,860 --> 00:07:29,470 a capacitor and he filled the-- surrounded the capacitor with some noble gas. It doesn't 92 00:07:29,470 --> 00:07:36,190 interact. There's no-- it's very hard to ionize. And if you crank up the potential across this 93 00:07:36,190 --> 00:07:43,409 capacitor plate high enough, what do you get? A spark. You all know this, if you crank up 94 00:07:43,409 --> 00:07:46,600 a capacitor it eventually breaks down because the dielectric in between breaks down, you 95 00:07:46,600 --> 00:07:48,080 get a spontaneous sparking. 96 00:07:48,080 --> 00:07:51,840 So what do you figure it would look if I take a capacitor plate and I charge it up, but 97 00:07:51,840 --> 00:07:57,050 not quite to breakdown. Just a good potential. And another charged particle comes flying 98 00:07:57,050 --> 00:08:00,950 through, like an alpha particle, which carries a charge of plus 2, that positive charge will 99 00:08:00,950 --> 00:08:06,620 disturb things and will add extra field effectively. And lead to the nucleation of a spark. 100 00:08:06,620 --> 00:08:10,830 So the presence of a spark when this potential is not strong enough to induce a spark spontaneously 101 00:08:10,830 --> 00:08:17,200 indicates the passage of a charged particle. Geiger worked later with-- Marsden? Muller. 102 00:08:17,200 --> 00:08:24,270 Heck. I don't even remember. And developed this into a device now known as the Geiger 103 00:08:24,270 --> 00:08:31,210 counter. And so you've probably all seen or heard Geiger counters going off in movies, 104 00:08:31,210 --> 00:08:36,880 right. They go ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping, right. They bounce off randomly. 105 00:08:36,880 --> 00:08:40,860 This is an extremely important lesson, which is tantamount to the lesson of our second 106 00:08:40,860 --> 00:08:45,520 experiment yesterday. The 50-50, when we didn't expect it. The white electrons into the harness 107 00:08:45,520 --> 00:08:49,150 box then into a color box again, would come out 50-50, not 100 percent. And they come 108 00:08:49,150 --> 00:08:54,030 out in a way that's unpredictable. We have no ability to our knowledge-- and more than 109 00:08:54,030 --> 00:08:56,400 our knowledge, we'll come back to that with Bell's Inequality-- but we have no ability 110 00:08:56,400 --> 00:09:02,000 to predict which electron will come out of that third box, white or black, right. 111 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:05,270 Similarly with a Geiger counter you hear that atoms decay, but they decay randomly. The 112 00:09:05,270 --> 00:09:09,510 radiation comes out of a pile of radioactive material totally at random. We know the probabilistic 113 00:09:09,510 --> 00:09:13,710 description of that. We're going to develop that, but we don't know exactly when. And 114 00:09:13,710 --> 00:09:18,510 that's a really powerful example-- both of those experiments are powerful examples of 115 00:09:18,510 --> 00:09:19,190 randomness. 116 00:09:19,190 --> 00:09:22,890 And so we're going to have to incorporate that into our laws of physics into our model 117 00:09:22,890 --> 00:09:29,800 of quantum phenomena as well. Questions? I usually have a Geiger counter at this point, 118 00:09:29,800 --> 00:09:34,700 which is totally awesome, so I'll try to produce the Geiger counter demo later. But the person 119 00:09:34,700 --> 00:09:41,700 with the Geiger counter turns out to have left the continent, so made it a little challenging. 120 00:09:41,700 --> 00:09:48,630 OK. Just sort of since we're at MIT, an interesting side note. This strategy of so-called hard 121 00:09:48,630 --> 00:09:54,010 scattering, of taking some object and sending it at very high velocity at some other object 122 00:09:54,010 --> 00:09:58,760 and looking for the rare events when they bounce off at some large angle, so-called 123 00:09:58,760 --> 00:10:05,070 hard scattering. Which is used to detect dense cores of objects. It didn't stop with Rutherford. 124 00:10:05,070 --> 00:10:06,680 People didn't just give up at that point. 125 00:10:06,680 --> 00:10:12,360 Similar experience in the '60s and '70s which are conducted at Slack, were involved not 126 00:10:12,360 --> 00:10:19,140 alpha particles incident on atoms but individual electrons incident on protons. So not shooting 127 00:10:19,140 --> 00:10:22,510 into the nucleus, but shooting and looking for the effect of hitting individual protons 128 00:10:22,510 --> 00:10:28,250 inside the nucleus. And through this process it was discovered that in fact-- so this was 129 00:10:28,250 --> 00:10:33,630 done in the '60s and '70s, that in fact the proton itself is also not a fundamental particle. 130 00:10:33,630 --> 00:10:39,170 The proton is itself composite. 131 00:10:39,170 --> 00:10:44,140 And in particular, it's made out of-- eventually people understood that it's made out of, morally 132 00:10:44,140 --> 00:10:47,210 speaking, and I'm gonna put this in quotation marks-- ask me about it in office hours-- 133 00:10:47,210 --> 00:10:54,400 three quarks, which are some particles. And the reason we-- all this tells you is that 134 00:10:54,400 --> 00:10:57,570 it's some object and we've given it the name quark. But indeed there are three point-like 135 00:10:57,570 --> 00:11:01,590 particles that in some sense make up a proton. It's actually much more complicated than that, 136 00:11:01,590 --> 00:11:05,230 but these quarks, among other things, have very strange properties. Like they have fractional 137 00:11:05,230 --> 00:11:10,220 charge. 138 00:11:10,220 --> 00:11:16,320 And this was discovered by a large group of people, in particular led by Kendall and Friedman 139 00:11:16,320 --> 00:11:21,600 and also Richard Taylor. Kendall and Friedman were at MIT, Richard Taylor was at Stanford. 140 00:11:21,600 --> 00:11:26,660 And in 1990 they shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the partonic structure out 141 00:11:26,660 --> 00:11:31,140 of the nucleons. So these sorts of techniques that people have been using for a very long 142 00:11:31,140 --> 00:11:33,190 time continue to be useful and awesome. 143 00:11:33,190 --> 00:11:36,700 And in particular the experiment, the experimental version of this that's currently going on, 144 00:11:36,700 --> 00:11:40,240 that I particularly love is something called the relativistic heavy ion collider, which 145 00:11:40,240 --> 00:11:43,640 is going on at Brookhaven. So here what you're doing is you take two protons and you blow 146 00:11:43,640 --> 00:11:48,320 them into each other at ultra high energy. Two protons, collide them and see what happens. 147 00:11:48,320 --> 00:11:54,610 And that's what happens. You get massive shrapnel coming flying out. So instead of having a 148 00:11:54,610 --> 00:11:57,720 simple thing where one of the protons just bounces because there's some hard quark, instead 149 00:11:57,720 --> 00:12:03,750 what happens is just shrapnel everywhere, right. So you might think, well, how do we 150 00:12:03,750 --> 00:12:08,700 interpret that at all. How do you make sense out of 14,000 particles coming out of two 151 00:12:08,700 --> 00:12:13,440 protons bouncing into each other. How does that make any sense? And the answer turns 152 00:12:13,440 --> 00:12:14,480 out to be kind of awesome. 153 00:12:14,480 --> 00:12:20,110 And so this touches on my research. So I want to make a quick comment on it just for color. 154 00:12:20,110 --> 00:12:24,370 The answer turns out to be really interesting. First off, the interior constituents of protons 155 00:12:24,370 --> 00:12:29,850 interact very strongly with each other. But at the brief moment when protons collide with 156 00:12:29,850 --> 00:12:35,130 each other, what you actually form is not a point-like quirk and another point-like 157 00:12:35,130 --> 00:12:38,470 quark. In fact, protons aren't made out of point-like quarks at all. Protons are big 158 00:12:38,470 --> 00:12:42,690 bags with quarks and gluons and all sorts of particles fluctuating in and out of existence 159 00:12:42,690 --> 00:12:44,130 in a complicated fashion. 160 00:12:44,130 --> 00:12:50,910 And what you actually get is, amazingly, a liquid. For a brief, brief moment of time 161 00:12:50,910 --> 00:12:54,290 the parts of those protons that overlap-- think of them as two spheres and they overlap 162 00:12:54,290 --> 00:12:57,960 in some sort of almond-shaped region. The parts of those protons that overlap form a 163 00:12:57,960 --> 00:13:03,380 liquid at ultra high temperature and at ultra high density. It's called the RHIC fireball 164 00:13:03,380 --> 00:13:07,000 or the quark-gluon plasma, although it's not actually a plasma. But it's a liquid like 165 00:13:07,000 --> 00:13:11,380 water. And what I mean by saying it's a liquid like water, if you push it, it spreads in 166 00:13:11,380 --> 00:13:15,400 waves. And like water, it's dissipative. Those waves dissipate. 167 00:13:15,400 --> 00:13:18,620 But it's a really funny bit of liquid. 168 00:13:18,620 --> 00:13:22,200 Imagine you take your cup of coffee. You drink it, you're drinking your coffee as I am wont 169 00:13:22,200 --> 00:13:25,790 to do, and it cools down over time. This is very frustrating. So you pour in a little 170 00:13:25,790 --> 00:13:29,730 bit of hot coffee and when you pour in that hot coffee, the system is out of equilibrium. 171 00:13:29,730 --> 00:13:34,300 It hasn't thermalized. So what you want is you want to wait for all of the system to 172 00:13:34,300 --> 00:13:37,660 wait until it's come to equilibrium so you don't get a swig of hot or swig of cold. You 173 00:13:37,660 --> 00:13:39,620 want some sort of Goldilocks-ean in between. 174 00:13:39,620 --> 00:13:44,710 So you can ask how long does it take for this coffee to come to thermal equilibrium. Well 175 00:13:44,710 --> 00:13:47,990 it takes a while. You know, a few seconds, a few minutes, depending on exactly how you 176 00:13:47,990 --> 00:13:51,850 mess with it. But let me ask you a quick question. How does that time scale compare to the time 177 00:13:51,850 --> 00:14:00,250 it takes for light to cross your mug? Much, much, much slower, right? By orders of magnitude. 178 00:14:00,250 --> 00:14:05,190 For this liquid that's formed in the ultra high energy collision of two protons, the 179 00:14:05,190 --> 00:14:09,779 time it takes for the system-- which starts out crazy out of equilibrium with all sorts 180 00:14:09,779 --> 00:14:14,350 of quarks here and gluons there and stuff flying about-- the time it takes for it to 181 00:14:14,350 --> 00:14:19,990 come to thermal equilibrium is of order the time it takes for light to cross the little 182 00:14:19,990 --> 00:14:25,430 puddle of liquid. This is a crazy liquid, it's called a quantum liquid. And it has all 183 00:14:25,430 --> 00:14:29,040 sorts of wonderful properties. And the best thing about it to my mind is that it's very 184 00:14:29,040 --> 00:14:35,660 well modeled by black holes. Which is totally separate issue, but it's a fun example. So 185 00:14:35,660 --> 00:14:41,880 from these sorts of collisions, we know a great deal about the existence of atoms and 186 00:14:41,880 --> 00:14:45,160 randomness, as you can see. That's a fairly random sorting. 187 00:14:45,160 --> 00:14:51,150 OK so moving on to more 8.04 things. Back to atoms. So let's look at specifics of that. 188 00:14:51,150 --> 00:14:58,630 I'm not kidding, they really are related to black holes. I get paid for this. So here's 189 00:14:58,630 --> 00:15:03,720 a nice fact, so let's get to atomic spectra. So to study atomic spectra, here's the experiment 190 00:15:03,720 --> 00:15:08,670 I want to run. The experiment I want to run starts out with some sort of power plant. 191 00:15:08,670 --> 00:15:13,970 And out of the power plant come two wires. And I'm going to run these wires across a 192 00:15:13,970 --> 00:15:19,380 spark gap, you know, a piece of metal here, a piece of metal here, and put them inside 193 00:15:19,380 --> 00:15:25,230 a container, which has some gas. Like H2 or neon or whatever you want. But some simple 194 00:15:25,230 --> 00:15:28,130 gas inside here. 195 00:15:28,130 --> 00:15:32,339 So we've got an electric potential established across it. Again, we don't want so much potential 196 00:15:32,339 --> 00:15:38,070 that it sparks, but we do want to excite the H2. So we can even make it spark, it doesn't 197 00:15:38,070 --> 00:15:41,730 really matter too much. The important thing is that we're going to excite the hydrogen, 198 00:15:41,730 --> 00:15:48,210 and in exciting the hydrogen the excited hydrogen is going to send out light. And then I'm going 199 00:15:48,210 --> 00:15:56,850 to take this light-- we take the light, and I'm gonna shine this on a prism, something 200 00:15:56,850 --> 00:16:05,930 I was taught to do by Newton. And-- metaphorically speaking-- and look at the image of this light 201 00:16:05,930 --> 00:16:08,610 having passed through the prism. 202 00:16:08,610 --> 00:16:14,330 And what you find is you find a very distinct set of patterns. You do not get a continuous 203 00:16:14,330 --> 00:16:17,480 band. In fact what you get-- I'm going to have a hard time drawing this so let me draw 204 00:16:17,480 --> 00:16:22,740 down here. I'm now going to draw the intensity of the light incident on the screen on this 205 00:16:22,740 --> 00:16:27,600 piece of paper-- people really used to use pieces of paper for this, which is kind of 206 00:16:27,600 --> 00:16:30,300 awesome-- as a function of the wavelength, and I'll measure it in angstroms. 207 00:16:30,300 --> 00:16:39,690 And what you discover is-- here's around 1,000 angstroms-- you get a bunch of lines. Get 208 00:16:39,690 --> 00:16:43,860 these spikes. And they start to spread out, and then there aren't so many. And then at 209 00:16:43,860 --> 00:17:01,120 around 3,000, you get another set. And then at around 10,000, you get another set. 210 00:17:01,120 --> 00:17:06,819 This is around 10,000. 211 00:17:06,819 --> 00:17:10,220 And here's the interesting thing about these. So the discovery of these lines-- these are 212 00:17:10,220 --> 00:17:19,020 named after a guy named Lyman, these are-- these are named after a guy named-- Ballmer. 213 00:17:19,020 --> 00:17:29,400 Thank you. Steve Ballmer. And these are passion, like passion fruit. So. Everyone needs a mnemonic, 214 00:17:29,400 --> 00:17:36,679 OK. And so these people identified these lines and explained various things about them. 215 00:17:36,679 --> 00:17:39,900 But here's an interesting fact. If you replace this nuclear power plant with a coal plant, 216 00:17:39,900 --> 00:17:43,890 it makes no difference. If you replace this prism by a different prism, it makes no difference 217 00:17:43,890 --> 00:17:49,670 to where the lines are. If you change this mechanism of exciting the hydrogen, it makes 218 00:17:49,670 --> 00:17:52,910 no difference. As long as it's hydrogen-- as long as it's hydrogen in here you get the 219 00:17:52,910 --> 00:17:56,190 same lines, mainly with different intensities depending upon how exactly you do the experiment. 220 00:17:56,190 --> 00:18:02,350 But you get the same position of the lines. And that's a really striking thing. 221 00:18:02,350 --> 00:18:06,790 Now if you use a different chemical, a different gas in here, like neon, you get a very different 222 00:18:06,790 --> 00:18:10,900 set of lines. And a very different effective color now when you eyeball this thing. So 223 00:18:10,900 --> 00:18:18,630 Ballmer, incidentally-- and I think this is actually why he got blamed for that particular 224 00:18:18,630 --> 00:18:22,929 series, although I don't know the history-- Ballmer noticed by being-- depending on which 225 00:18:22,929 --> 00:18:28,500 biography you read-- very clever or very obsessed that these guys, this particular set, could 226 00:18:28,500 --> 00:18:31,250 be-- they're wavelengths. If you wrote their wavelengths and labeled them by an integer 227 00:18:31,250 --> 00:18:37,110 n, where n ran from 3 to any positive integer above 3, could be written as 36. So this is 228 00:18:37,110 --> 00:18:44,020 pure numerology. 36, 46 angstroms times the function n squared over n squared minus 4, 229 00:18:44,020 --> 00:18:48,679 where N is equal to 3, 4, dot dot dot-- an integer. 230 00:18:48,679 --> 00:18:51,270 And it turns out if you just plug in these integers, you get a pretty good approximation 231 00:18:51,270 --> 00:18:58,020 to this series of lines. This is a hallowed tradition, a phenomenological fit to some 232 00:18:58,020 --> 00:19:02,760 data. Where did it come from? It came from his creative or obsessed mind. So this was 233 00:19:02,760 --> 00:19:10,510 Ballmer. And this is specifically for hydrogen gas, H2. 234 00:19:10,510 --> 00:19:16,750 So Rydberg and Ritz, R and R, said, well actually we can do one better. Now that they realized 235 00:19:16,750 --> 00:19:19,720 that this is true, they looked at the whole sequence. And they found a really neat little 236 00:19:19,720 --> 00:19:24,750 expression, which is that 1 over the wavelength is equal to a single constant parameter. Not 237 00:19:24,750 --> 00:19:30,559 just for all these, but for all of them. One single numerical coefficient times 1 over 238 00:19:30,559 --> 00:19:36,460 m squared minus 1 over n squared-- n is an integer greater than zero and greater in particular 239 00:19:36,460 --> 00:19:41,450 than m. And if you plug in any value of n and any value of m, for sufficiently reasonable-- 240 00:19:41,450 --> 00:19:43,770 I mean, if you put in 10 million integers you're not going to see it because it's way 241 00:19:43,770 --> 00:19:52,750 out there, but if you put in or-- rather, in here-- if you put any value of n and m, 242 00:19:52,750 --> 00:20:03,390 you will get one of these lines. So again, why? You know, as it's said, who ordered that. 243 00:20:03,390 --> 00:20:06,030 So this is experimental result three that we're going to have to deal with. When you 244 00:20:06,030 --> 00:20:09,530 look at atoms and you look at the specter of light coming off of them, their spectra 245 00:20:09,530 --> 00:20:14,799 are discrete. But they're not just stupidly discrete, they're discrete with real structure. 246 00:20:14,799 --> 00:20:19,559 Something that begs for an explanation. This is obviously more than numerology, because 247 00:20:19,559 --> 00:20:25,179 it explains with one tunable coefficient a tremendous number of spectral lines. And there's 248 00:20:25,179 --> 00:20:29,760 a difference-- and crucially, these both work specifically for hydrogen. For different atoms 249 00:20:29,760 --> 00:20:31,450 you need a totally different formula. 250 00:20:31,450 --> 00:20:44,740 But again, there's always some formula that nails those spectral lines. Why? Questions? 251 00:20:44,740 --> 00:21:00,120 OK. So speaking of atomic spectra-- whoops, I went one too far-- here's a different experiment. 252 00:21:00,120 --> 00:21:07,470 So people notice the following thing. People notice that if you take a piece of metal and 253 00:21:07,470 --> 00:21:12,660 you shine a light at it, by taking the sun or better yet, you know, these days we'd use 254 00:21:12,660 --> 00:21:17,840 a laser, but you shine light on this piece of metal. Something that is done all the time 255 00:21:17,840 --> 00:21:21,640 in condensed matter labs, it's a very useful technique. We really do use lasers not the 256 00:21:21,640 --> 00:21:24,390 sun, but still it continues to be useful in fact to this day. 257 00:21:24,390 --> 00:21:27,630 You shine light on a piece of metal and every once in a while what happens is electrons 258 00:21:27,630 --> 00:21:35,049 come flying off. And the more light and the stronger the light you shine, you see changes 259 00:21:35,049 --> 00:21:39,920 in the way that electrons bounce off. So we'd like to measure that. I'd like to make that 260 00:21:39,920 --> 00:21:43,429 precise. And this was done in a really lovely experiment. Here's the experiment. The basic 261 00:21:43,429 --> 00:21:47,510 idea of the experiment is I want to check to see, as I change the features of the light, 262 00:21:47,510 --> 00:21:50,660 the intensity, the frequency, whatever, I want to see how that changes the properties 263 00:21:50,660 --> 00:21:52,059 of the electrons that bounce off. 264 00:21:52,059 --> 00:21:55,690 Now one obvious way-- one obvious feature of an electron that flew off a piece of metal 265 00:21:55,690 --> 00:21:59,890 is how fast is it going, how much energy does it have. What's its kinetic energy. So I'd 266 00:21:59,890 --> 00:22:03,540 like to build an experiment that measures the kinetic energy of an electron that's been 267 00:22:03,540 --> 00:22:09,400 excited through this photoelectric effect. Through emission after shining light on a 268 00:22:09,400 --> 00:22:10,280 piece of metal. Cool? 269 00:22:10,280 --> 00:22:14,590 So I want to build that experiment. So here's how that experiment goes. Well if this electron 270 00:22:14,590 --> 00:22:20,809 comes flying off with some kinetic energy and I want to measure that kinetic energy, 271 00:22:20,809 --> 00:22:26,390 imagine the following circuit. OK first off imagine I just take a second piece of metal 272 00:22:26,390 --> 00:22:33,000 over here, and I'm going to put a little current meter here, an ammeter. And here's what this 273 00:22:33,000 --> 00:22:36,370 circuit does. When you shine light on this piece of metal-- we'll put a screen to protect 274 00:22:36,370 --> 00:22:40,020 the other piece of metal-- the electrons come flying off, they get over here. And now I've 275 00:22:40,020 --> 00:22:43,230 got a bunch of extra electrons over here and I'm missing electrons over here. So this is 276 00:22:43,230 --> 00:22:47,170 negative, this is positive. And the electrons will not flow along this wire back here to 277 00:22:47,170 --> 00:22:48,330 neutralize the system. 278 00:22:48,330 --> 00:22:52,870 The more light I shine, the more electrons will go through this circuit. And as a consequence, 279 00:22:52,870 --> 00:22:58,030 there will be a current running through this current meter. That cool with everyone? OK. 280 00:22:58,030 --> 00:23:01,299 So we haven't yet measured the kinetic energy, though. How do we measure the kinetic energy? 281 00:23:01,299 --> 00:23:04,929 I want to know how much energy, with how much energy, were these electrons ejected. 282 00:23:04,929 --> 00:23:10,210 Well I can do that by the following clever trick. I'm going to put now a voltage source 283 00:23:10,210 --> 00:23:15,370 here, which I can tune the voltage of, with the voltage V. And what that's going to do 284 00:23:15,370 --> 00:23:19,960 is set up a potential difference across these and the energy in that is the charge times 285 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:24,770 the potential difference. So I know that the potential difference it takes, so the amount 286 00:23:24,770 --> 00:23:31,020 of energy it takes to overcome this potential difference, is q times V. That cool? 287 00:23:31,020 --> 00:23:35,990 So now imagine I send in an electron-- I send in light and it leads an electron to jump 288 00:23:35,990 --> 00:23:41,660 across, and it has kinetic energy, kE. Well if the kinetic energy is less than this, will 289 00:23:41,660 --> 00:23:46,320 it get across? Not so much. It'll just fall back. But if the kinetic energy is greater 290 00:23:46,320 --> 00:23:51,360 than the energy it takes to cross, it'll cross and induce a current. 291 00:23:51,360 --> 00:23:58,780 So the upshot is that, as a function of the voltage, what I should see is that there is 292 00:23:58,780 --> 00:24:04,030 some critical minimum voltage. And depending on how you set up the sign, the sign could 293 00:24:04,030 --> 00:24:11,260 be the other way, but there's some critical minimal voltage where, for less voltage, the 294 00:24:11,260 --> 00:24:18,500 electron doesn't get across. And for any greater voltage-- or, sorry, for any closer to zero 295 00:24:18,500 --> 00:24:24,020 voltage, the electron has enough kinetic energy to get across. And so the current should increase. 296 00:24:24,020 --> 00:24:28,740 So there's a critical voltage, V-critical, where the current running through the system 297 00:24:28,740 --> 00:24:35,030 runs to zero. You make it harder for the electrons by making the voltage in magnitude even larger. 298 00:24:35,030 --> 00:24:38,390 You make it harder for the electrons to get across. None will get across. Make it a little 299 00:24:38,390 --> 00:24:45,470 easier, more and more will get across. And the current will go up. So what you want to 300 00:24:45,470 --> 00:24:49,830 do to measure this kinetic energy is you want to measure the critical voltage at which the 301 00:24:49,830 --> 00:24:57,440 current goes to zero. 302 00:24:57,440 --> 00:25:01,210 So now the question is what do we expect to see. And remember that things we can tune 303 00:25:01,210 --> 00:25:08,530 in this experiment are the intensity of the light, which is like e squared plus b squared. 304 00:25:08,530 --> 00:25:14,130 And we can tune the frequency of the light. We can vary that. Now does the total energy, 305 00:25:14,130 --> 00:25:18,919 does that frequency show up in the total energy of a classical electromagnetic wave? No. If 306 00:25:18,919 --> 00:25:25,950 it's an electromagnetic wave, it cancels out. You just get the total intensity, which is 307 00:25:25,950 --> 00:25:33,880 a square of the fields. So this is just like a harmonic oscillator. The energy is in the 308 00:25:33,880 --> 00:25:36,919 amplitude. The frequency of the oscillator doesn't matter. You push the swing harder, 309 00:25:36,919 --> 00:25:43,440 it gets more kinetic energy. It's got more energy. OK. 310 00:25:43,440 --> 00:25:48,740 So what do we expect to see as we vary, for example, the intensity? So here's a natural 311 00:25:48,740 --> 00:25:53,220 gas. If you take-- so you can think about the light here as getting a person literally, 312 00:25:53,220 --> 00:25:57,559 like get the person next to you to take a bat and hit a piece of metal. If they hit 313 00:25:57,559 --> 00:25:59,970 it really lightly they're probably not going to excite electrons with a lot of energy. 314 00:25:59,970 --> 00:26:03,840 If they just whack the heck out of it, then it wouldn't be too surprising if you get much 315 00:26:03,840 --> 00:26:06,860 more energy in the particles that come flying off. Hit it hard enough, things are just gonna 316 00:26:06,860 --> 00:26:09,980 shrapnel and disintegrate. 317 00:26:09,980 --> 00:26:20,900 The expectation here is the following. That if you have a more intense beam, then you 318 00:26:20,910 --> 00:26:25,510 should get more-- the electrons coming off should be more energetic. Because you're hitting 319 00:26:25,510 --> 00:26:37,370 them harder. And remember that the potential, which I will call V0, the stopping voltage. 320 00:26:37,370 --> 00:26:44,230 So therefore V0 should be greater in magnitude. 321 00:26:44,230 --> 00:26:49,850 So this anticipates that the way this curve should look as we vary the current as a function 322 00:26:49,850 --> 00:26:57,250 of v, if we have a low voltage-- sorry, if we have a low-intensity beam-- it shouldn't 323 00:26:57,250 --> 00:27:01,990 take too much potential just to impede the motion. 324 00:27:01,990 --> 00:27:04,880 But if we have a-- so this is a low intensity. 325 00:27:04,880 --> 00:27:09,960 But if we have a high-intensity beam, it should take a really large voltage to impede the 326 00:27:09,960 --> 00:27:14,250 electric flow, the electric current, because high-intensity beam you're just whacking those 327 00:27:14,250 --> 00:27:19,870 electrons really hard and they're coming off with a lot of kinetic energy. So this is high 328 00:27:19,870 --> 00:27:28,070 intensity. Everyone down with that intuition? This is what you get from Maxwell's electrodynamics. 329 00:27:28,070 --> 00:27:31,990 This is what you'd expect. 330 00:27:31,990 --> 00:27:40,660 And in particular, as we vary-- so this is our predictions-- in particular as we vary-- 331 00:27:40,660 --> 00:27:50,820 so this is 1, 2, with greater intensity. And the second prediction is that V-naught should 332 00:27:50,830 --> 00:27:55,169 be independent of frequency. Because the energy density and electromagnetic wave is independent 333 00:27:55,169 --> 00:28:04,600 of the frequency. It just depends on the amplitude. And I will use nu to denote the frequency. 334 00:28:04,600 --> 00:28:15,020 So those are the predictions that come from 8.02 and 8.03. But this is 8.04. And here's what 335 00:28:15,020 --> 00:28:21,880 the experimental results actually look like. So here's the intensity, here's the potential. 336 00:28:21,880 --> 00:28:26,230 And if we look at high potential, it turns out that-- if we look, sorry, if we look at 337 00:28:26,230 --> 00:28:32,770 intermediate potentials, it's true that the high intensity leads to a larger current and 338 00:28:32,770 --> 00:28:36,690 the low intensity leads to a lower current. 339 00:28:36,690 --> 00:28:44,330 But here's the funny thing that happens. As you go down to the critical voltage, their 340 00:28:44,330 --> 00:28:52,440 critical voltages are the same. What that tells you is that the kinetic energy kicked 341 00:28:52,440 --> 00:28:57,010 out-- or the kinetic energy of an electron kicked out of this piece of metal by the light 342 00:28:57,010 --> 00:29:03,530 is independent of how intense that beam is. No matter how intense that beam is, no matter 343 00:29:03,530 --> 00:29:09,120 how strong the light you shine on the material, the electrons all come out with the same energy. 344 00:29:09,120 --> 00:29:15,600 This would be like taking a baseball and hitting it with a really powerful swing or a really 345 00:29:15,600 --> 00:29:19,450 weak swing and seeing that the electron dribbles away with the same amount of energy. This 346 00:29:19,450 --> 00:29:25,140 is very counter-intuitive. 347 00:29:25,140 --> 00:29:32,690 But more surprisingly, V-naught is actually independent of intensity. But here's the real 348 00:29:32,690 --> 00:29:41,770 shocker. V-naught varies linearly in the frequency. What does change V-naught is changing the 349 00:29:41,770 --> 00:29:45,960 frequency of the light in this incident. That means that if you take an incredibly diffuse 350 00:29:45,960 --> 00:29:51,090 light-- incredibly diffuse light, you can barely see it-- of a very high frequency, 351 00:29:51,090 --> 00:29:56,710 then it takes a lot of energy to impede the electrons that come popping off. 352 00:29:56,710 --> 00:30:01,900 The electrons that come popping off have a large energy. But if you take a low-frequency 353 00:30:01,900 --> 00:30:07,720 light with extremely high intensity, then those electrons are really easy to stop. Powerful 354 00:30:07,720 --> 00:30:11,539 beam but low frequency, it's easy to stop those electrons. Weak little tiny beam at 355 00:30:11,539 --> 00:30:16,530 high frequency, very hard to stop the electrons that do come off. So this is very counter-intuitive 356 00:30:16,530 --> 00:30:23,730 and it doesn't fit at all with the Maxwellian picture. Questions about that? 357 00:30:23,730 --> 00:30:34,340 So this led Einstein to make a prediction. This was his 1905 result. One of his many 358 00:30:34,340 --> 00:30:38,679 totally breathtaking papers of that year. And he didn't really propose a model or a 359 00:30:38,679 --> 00:30:42,720 detailed theoretical understanding of this, but he proposed a very simple idea. And he 360 00:30:42,720 --> 00:30:47,990 said, look, if you want to fit this-- if you want to fit this experiment with some simple 361 00:30:47,990 --> 00:30:53,850 equations, here's the way to explain it. I claim-- I here means Einstein, not me-- I 362 00:30:53,850 --> 00:31:09,539 claim that light comes in packets or chunks with definite energy. And the energy is linearly 363 00:31:09,539 --> 00:31:14,120 proportional to the frequency. And our energy is equal to something times nu, and we'll 364 00:31:14,120 --> 00:31:18,780 call the coefficient h. 365 00:31:18,780 --> 00:31:31,820 The intensity of light, or the amplitude squared, the intensity is like the number of packets. 366 00:31:31,820 --> 00:31:36,580 So if you have a more intense beam at the same frequency, the energy of each individual 367 00:31:36,580 --> 00:31:44,070 chunk of light is the same. There are just a lot more chunks flying around. And so to 368 00:31:44,070 --> 00:31:48,350 explain the photoelectric effect, Einstein observed the following. Look, he said, the 369 00:31:48,350 --> 00:31:52,860 electrons are stuck under the metal. And it takes some work to pull them off. So now what's 370 00:31:52,860 --> 00:31:59,159 the kinetic energy of an electron that comes flying off-- whoops, k3. Bart might have a 371 00:31:59,159 --> 00:32:03,470 laugh about that one. Kinetic, kE, not 3. 372 00:32:03,470 --> 00:32:07,780 So the kinetic energy of electron that comes flying off, well, it's the energy deposited 373 00:32:07,780 --> 00:32:13,580 by the photon, the chunk of light, h-nu well we have to subtract off the work it took. 374 00:32:13,580 --> 00:32:18,070 Minus the work to extract the electron from the material. And you can think of this as 375 00:32:18,070 --> 00:32:24,820 how much energy does it take to suck it off the surface. And the consequence of this is 376 00:32:24,820 --> 00:32:34,809 that the kinetic energy of an electron should be-- look, if h-nu is too small, if the frequency 377 00:32:34,809 --> 00:32:37,850 is too low, then the kinetic energy would be negative. 378 00:32:37,850 --> 00:32:41,090 But that doesn't make any sense. You can't have negative kinetic energy. It's a strictly 379 00:32:41,090 --> 00:32:45,679 positive quantity. So it just doesn't work until you have a critical value where the 380 00:32:45,679 --> 00:32:50,460 frequency times h-- this coefficient-- is equal to the work it takes to extract. And 381 00:32:50,460 --> 00:32:55,960 after that, the kinetic energy rises with the frequency with a slope equal to h. And 382 00:32:55,960 --> 00:33:04,000 that fits the data like a champ. 383 00:33:04,000 --> 00:33:08,650 So no matter-- let's think about what this is saying again. No matter what you do, if 384 00:33:08,650 --> 00:33:13,130 your light is very low-frequency and you pick some definite piece of metal that has a very 385 00:33:13,130 --> 00:33:17,049 definite work function, very definite amount of energy it takes to extract electrons from 386 00:33:17,049 --> 00:33:23,610 the surface. No matter how intense your beam, if the frequency is insufficiently high, no 387 00:33:23,610 --> 00:33:26,799 electrons come off. None. 388 00:33:26,799 --> 00:33:30,840 So it turns out none is maybe a little overstatement because what you can have is two photon processes, 389 00:33:30,840 --> 00:33:34,309 where two chunks hit one electron at the right, just at the same time. Roughly speaking the 390 00:33:34,309 --> 00:33:37,950 same time. And they have twice the energy, but you can imagine that the probability of 391 00:33:37,950 --> 00:33:41,850 two photon hitting one electron at the same time of pretty low. So the intensity has to 392 00:33:41,850 --> 00:33:45,450 be preposterously high. And you see those sorts of multi-photon effects. But as long 393 00:33:45,450 --> 00:33:52,730 as we're not talking about insanely high intensities, this is an absolutely fantastic probe of the 394 00:33:52,730 --> 00:33:53,450 physics. 395 00:33:53,450 --> 00:33:57,650 Now there's a whole long subsequent story in the development of quantum mechanics about 396 00:33:57,650 --> 00:34:00,320 this particular effect. And it turns out that the photoelectric effect is a little more 397 00:34:00,320 --> 00:34:07,440 complicated than this. But the story line is a very useful one for organizing your understanding 398 00:34:07,440 --> 00:34:12,460 of the photoelectric effect. And in particular, this relation that Einstein proposed out of 399 00:34:12,460 --> 00:34:16,940 the blue, with no other basis. No one else had ever seen this sort of statement that 400 00:34:16,940 --> 00:34:22,699 the electrons, or that the energy of a beam of light should be made up of some number 401 00:34:22,699 --> 00:34:27,909 of chunks, each of which has a definite minimum amount of energy. 402 00:34:27,909 --> 00:34:33,859 So you can take what you've learned from 8.02 and 8.03 and extract a little bit more information 403 00:34:33,859 --> 00:34:39,639 out of this. So here's something you learned from 8.02. In 8.02 you learned that the energy 404 00:34:39,639 --> 00:34:44,239 of an electromagnetic wave is equal to c times the momentum carried by that wave-- whoops, 405 00:34:44,239 --> 00:34:51,509 over two. And in 8.03 you should have learned that the wavelength of an electromagnetic 406 00:34:51,509 --> 00:34:59,099 wave times the frequency is equal to the speed of light, C. 407 00:34:59,099 --> 00:35:07,539 And we just had Einstein tell us-- or declare, without further evidence, just saying, look 408 00:35:07,539 --> 00:35:13,809 this fits-- that the energy of a chunk of light should be h times the frequency. So 409 00:35:13,809 --> 00:35:16,960 if you combine these together, you get another nice relation that's similar to this one, 410 00:35:16,960 --> 00:35:25,269 which says that the momentum of a chunk of light is equal to h over lambda. So these 411 00:35:25,269 --> 00:35:29,789 are two enormously influential expressions which come out of this argument from the photoelectric 412 00:35:29,789 --> 00:35:33,279 effect from Einstein. And they're going to be-- their legacy will be with us throughout 413 00:35:33,279 --> 00:35:36,789 the rest of the semester. 414 00:35:36,789 --> 00:35:51,989 Now this coefficient has a name, and it was named after Planck. It's called Planck's Constant. 415 00:35:51,989 --> 00:35:55,339 And the reason that it's called Planck's Constant has nothing to do with the photoelectric effect. 416 00:35:55,339 --> 00:36:03,489 It was first this idea that an electromagnetic wave, that light, has an energy which is linearly 417 00:36:03,489 --> 00:36:07,469 proportional not to its intensity squared, none of that, but just linearly proportional 418 00:36:07,469 --> 00:36:13,339 to the frequency. First came up an analysis of black body radiation by Planck. And you'll 419 00:36:13,339 --> 00:36:16,690 understand, you'll go through this in some detail in 8.044 later in the semester. So I'm 420 00:36:16,690 --> 00:36:20,660 not going to dwell on it now, but I do want to give you a little bit of perspective on it. 421 00:36:20,660 --> 00:36:28,710 So Planck ran across this idea that E is equal to h/nu. Through the process of trying to 422 00:36:28,710 --> 00:36:34,829 fit an experimental curve. There was a theory of how much energy should be emitted by an 423 00:36:34,829 --> 00:36:39,329 object that's hot and glowing as a function of frequency. And that theory turned out to 424 00:36:39,329 --> 00:36:44,019 be in total disagreement with experiment. Spectacular disagreement. The curve for the 425 00:36:44,019 --> 00:36:48,109 theory went up, the curve for the experiment went down. They were totally different. 426 00:36:48,109 --> 00:36:52,819 So Planck set about writing down a function that described the data. Literally curve-fitting, 427 00:36:52,819 --> 00:36:58,069 that's all he was doing. And this is the depths of desperation to which he was led, was curve-fitting. 428 00:36:58,069 --> 00:37:02,749 He's an adult. He shouldn't be doing this, but he was curve-fitting. And so he fits the 429 00:37:02,749 --> 00:37:07,339 curve, and in order to get it to fit the only thing that he can get to work even vaguely 430 00:37:07,339 --> 00:37:13,299 well is if he puts in this calculation of h/nu. He says, well, maybe when I sum over 431 00:37:13,299 --> 00:37:17,569 all the possible energies I should restrict the energies which were proportional to the 432 00:37:17,569 --> 00:37:20,759 frequency. 433 00:37:20,759 --> 00:37:24,979 And it was forced on him because it fit from the function. Just functional analysis. Hated 434 00:37:24,979 --> 00:37:30,910 it. Hated it, he completely hated it. He was really frustrated by this. It fit perfectly, 435 00:37:30,910 --> 00:37:34,950 he became very famous. He was already famous, but he became ridiculously famous. Just totally 436 00:37:34,950 --> 00:37:40,539 loathed this idea. OK. So it's now become a cornerstone of quantum mechanics. But he 437 00:37:40,539 --> 00:37:41,549 wasn't so happy about it. 438 00:37:41,549 --> 00:37:46,579 And to give you a sense for how bold and punchy this paper by Einstein was that said, look, 439 00:37:46,579 --> 00:37:52,269 seriously. Seriously guys. e equals h/nu. Here's what Planck had to say when he wrote 440 00:37:52,269 --> 00:37:55,910 a letter of recommendation to get Einstein into the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1917, 441 00:37:55,910 --> 00:38:01,170 or 1913. So he said, there is hardly one among the great problems in physics to which Einstein 442 00:38:01,170 --> 00:38:05,670 has not made an important contribution. That he may sometimes have missed the target in 443 00:38:05,670 --> 00:38:11,479 his speculations as in his hypothesis of photons cannot really be held too much against him. 444 00:38:11,479 --> 00:38:18,249 It's not possible to introduce new ideas without occasionally taking a risk. 445 00:38:18,249 --> 00:38:22,680 Einstein who subsequently went on to develop special relativity and general relativity 446 00:38:22,680 --> 00:38:28,559 and prove the existence of atoms and the best measurement of Avogadro's Constant, subsequently 447 00:38:28,559 --> 00:38:33,180 got the Nobel Prize. Not for Avogadro's Constant, not for proving the existence of atoms, not 448 00:38:33,180 --> 00:38:39,380 for relativity, but for photons. Because of guys like Planck, right. This is crazy. 449 00:38:39,380 --> 00:38:45,089 So this was a pretty bold idea. And here, to get a sense for why-- we're gonna leave 450 00:38:45,089 --> 00:38:51,599 that up because it's just sort of fun to see these guys scowling and smiling-- there is, 451 00:38:51,599 --> 00:38:57,339 incidentally there's a great book about Einstein's years in Berlin by Tom Levenson, who's a professor 452 00:38:57,339 --> 00:39:04,539 here. A great writer and a sort of historian of science. You should take a class from him, 453 00:39:04,539 --> 00:39:08,549 which is really great. But I encourage you to read this book. It talks about why Planck 454 00:39:08,549 --> 00:39:14,650 is not looking so pleased right there, among many other things. It's a great story. 455 00:39:14,650 --> 00:39:18,630 So let's step back for a second. Why was Planck so upset by this, and why was in fact everyone 456 00:39:18,630 --> 00:39:24,529 so flustered by this idea that it led to the best prize you can give a physicist. Apart 457 00:39:24,529 --> 00:39:36,450 from a happy home and, you know. I've got that one. That's the one that matters to me. 458 00:39:36,450 --> 00:39:42,529 So why is this so surprising? And the answer is really simple. We know that it's false. 459 00:39:42,529 --> 00:39:47,700 We know empirically, we've known for two hundred and some years that light is a wave. Empirically. 460 00:39:47,700 --> 00:39:52,069 This isn't like people are like, oh I think it'd be nice if it was a wave. It's a wave. 461 00:39:52,069 --> 00:39:56,799 So how do we know that? So this goes back to the double-slit experiment from Young. 462 00:39:56,799 --> 00:40:04,489 Young's performance of this was in 1803. Intimations of it come much earlier. But this is really 463 00:40:04,489 --> 00:40:09,609 where it hits nails to the wall. And here's the experiment. 464 00:40:09,609 --> 00:40:15,700 So how many people in here have not seen a double-slit experiment described? Yeah, exactly. 465 00:40:15,700 --> 00:40:18,880 OK. So I'm just going to quickly remind you of how this goes. 466 00:40:18,880 --> 00:40:23,339 So we have a source for waves. We let the waves get big until they're basically plane 467 00:40:23,339 --> 00:40:29,459 waves. And then we take a barrier. And we poke two slits in it. And these plane waves 468 00:40:29,459 --> 00:40:35,680 induce-- they act like sources at the slits and we get nu. And you get crests and troughs. 469 00:40:35,680 --> 00:40:38,579 And you look at some distant screen and you look at the pattern, and the pattern you get 470 00:40:38,579 --> 00:40:45,509 has a maximum. But then it falls off, and it has these wiggles, these interference fringes. 471 00:40:45,509 --> 00:40:49,799 These interference fringes are, of course, extremely important. And what's going on here 472 00:40:49,799 --> 00:40:55,579 is that the waves sometimes add in-- so the amplitude of the wave, the height of the wave, 473 00:40:55,579 --> 00:41:01,160 sometimes adds constructively and sometimes destructively. So that sometimes you get twice 474 00:41:01,160 --> 00:41:06,369 the height and sometimes you get nothing. 475 00:41:06,369 --> 00:41:11,859 So just because it's fun to see this, here's Young's actual diagram from his original note 476 00:41:11,859 --> 00:41:18,640 on the double-slit experiment. So a and b are the slits, and c, d and f are the [INAUDIBLE] 477 00:41:18,640 --> 00:41:27,690 on the screen, the distant screen. He drew it by hand. It's pretty good. 478 00:41:27,690 --> 00:41:32,039 So we've known for a very long time that light, because of the double-slit experiment, light 479 00:41:32,039 --> 00:41:35,119 is clearly wavy, it behaves like a wave. And what are the senses in which it behaves like 480 00:41:35,119 --> 00:41:44,940 a wave? There are two important senses here. The first is answered by the question, where 481 00:41:44,940 --> 00:41:55,430 did the wave hit the screen? So when we send in a wave, you know, I drop a stone, one big 482 00:41:55,430 --> 00:41:59,900 pulsive wave comes out. It splits into-- it leads to new waves being instigated here and 483 00:41:59,900 --> 00:42:07,700 over here. Where did that wave hit the screen? Anyone? 484 00:42:07,700 --> 00:42:09,040 AUDIENCE: Everywhere. 485 00:42:09,040 --> 00:42:12,259 PROFESSOR: Yeah, exactly. It didn't hit this wave-- the screen in any one spot. But some 486 00:42:12,259 --> 00:42:15,890 amplitude shows up everywhere. The wave is a distributed object, it does not exist at 487 00:42:15,890 --> 00:42:20,420 one spot, and it's by virtue of the fact that it is not a localized object-- it is not a 488 00:42:20,420 --> 00:42:27,910 point-like object-- that it can interfere with itself. The wave is a big large phenomena 489 00:42:27,910 --> 00:42:31,519 in a liquid, in some thing. 490 00:42:31,519 --> 00:42:37,299 So it's sort of essential that it's not a localized object. So not localized. The answer 491 00:42:37,299 --> 00:42:45,569 is not localized. And let's contrast this with what happens if you take this double-slit 492 00:42:45,569 --> 00:42:56,120 experiment and you do it with, you know, I don't know, take-- who. Hmm. Tim Wakefield. 493 00:42:56,120 --> 00:42:57,979 Let's give some love to that guy. 494 00:42:57,979 --> 00:43:03,729 So, baseball player. And have him throw baseballs at a screen with two slits in it. OK? Now 495 00:43:03,729 --> 00:43:10,650 he's got pretty good-- well, he's got terrible accuracy, actually. So every once in a while 496 00:43:10,650 --> 00:43:15,150 he'll make it through the slits. So let's imagine first blocking off-- what, he's a 497 00:43:15,150 --> 00:43:18,670 knuckle-baller, right-- so every once in a while it goes, the baseball will go through 498 00:43:18,670 --> 00:43:19,930 the slit. 499 00:43:19,930 --> 00:43:22,719 And let's think about what happens, so let's cover one slit. And what we expect to happen 500 00:43:22,719 --> 00:43:26,759 is, well, it'll go through more or less straight, but sometimes it'll scrape the edge, it'll 501 00:43:26,759 --> 00:43:30,769 go off to the side, and sometimes it'll come over here. But if you take a whole bunch of 502 00:43:30,769 --> 00:43:39,309 baseballs, and-- so any one baseball, where does it hit? Some spot. Right? One spot. Not 503 00:43:39,309 --> 00:43:40,519 distributed. One spot. 504 00:43:40,519 --> 00:43:44,739 And as a consequence, you know, one goes here, one goes there, one goes there. And now, there's 505 00:43:44,739 --> 00:43:50,059 nothing like interference effects, but what happens is as it sort of doesn't-- you get 506 00:43:50,059 --> 00:43:54,309 some distribution if you look at where they all hit. Yeah? Everyone cool with that? And 507 00:43:54,309 --> 00:43:59,839 if we had covered over this slot, or slit, and let the baseballs go through this one, 508 00:43:59,839 --> 00:44:00,729 same thing would have happened. 509 00:44:00,729 --> 00:44:04,650 Now if we leave them both open, what happens is sometimes it goes here, sometimes it goes 510 00:44:04,650 --> 00:44:07,670 here. So now it's pretty useful that we've got a knuckle-baller. And what you actually 511 00:44:07,670 --> 00:44:12,989 get is the total distribution looks like this. It's the sum of the two. But at any given 512 00:44:12,989 --> 00:44:16,200 time, any one baseball, you say, aha, the baseball either went through the top slit, 513 00:44:16,200 --> 00:44:18,650 and more or less goes up here. Or it went through the bottom slit and more or less goes 514 00:44:18,650 --> 00:44:28,219 down here. So for chunks-- so this is for waves-- for chunks or localized particles, 515 00:44:28,219 --> 00:44:43,190 they are localized. And as a consequence, we get no interference. 516 00:44:43,190 --> 00:44:55,509 So for waves, they are not localized, and we do get interference. Yes, interference. 517 00:44:55,509 --> 00:45:01,849 OK. So on your problem set, you're going to deal with some calculations involving these 518 00:45:01,849 --> 00:45:05,509 interference effects. And I'm going to brush over them. 519 00:45:05,509 --> 00:45:13,599 Anyway the point of the double-slit experiment is that whatever else you want to say about 520 00:45:13,599 --> 00:45:19,769 baseballs or anything else, light, as we've learned since 1803 in Young's double-slit 521 00:45:19,769 --> 00:45:23,569 experiment, light behaves like a wave. It is not localized, it hits the screen over 522 00:45:23,569 --> 00:45:28,369 its entire extent. And as a consequence, we get interference. The amplitudes add. The 523 00:45:28,369 --> 00:45:34,519 intensity is the square of the amplitude. If the intensities add-- so sorry, if the 524 00:45:34,519 --> 00:45:39,559 amplitudes add-- amplitude total is equal to a1 plus a2, the intensity, which is the 525 00:45:39,559 --> 00:45:57,920 square of a1 plus a2 squared, has interference terms, the cross terms, from this square. 526 00:45:57,920 --> 00:46:02,900 So light, from this point of view, is an electromagnetic wave. It interferes with itself. It's made 527 00:46:02,900 --> 00:46:08,700 of chunks. And I can't help but think about it this way, this is literally the metaphor 528 00:46:08,700 --> 00:46:18,160 I use in my head-- light is creamy and smooth like a wave. Chunks are very different. But 529 00:46:18,160 --> 00:46:25,089 here's the funny thing. Light is both smooth like a wave, it is also chunky. It is super 530 00:46:25,089 --> 00:46:31,900 chunky, as we have learned from the photoelectric effect. So light is both at once. So it's 531 00:46:31,900 --> 00:46:36,400 the best of both worlds. Everyone will be satisfied, unless you're not from the US, 532 00:46:36,400 --> 00:46:45,400 in which case this is deeply disturbing. So of course the original Superchunk is a band. 533 00:46:45,400 --> 00:46:49,309 So we've learned now from Young that light is a wave. We've learned from the photoelectric 534 00:46:49,309 --> 00:46:58,430 effect that light is a bunch of chunks. OK. Most experimental results are true. So how 535 00:46:58,430 --> 00:47:02,759 does that work? Well, we're gonna have to deal with that. 536 00:47:02,759 --> 00:47:07,339 But enough about light. If this is true of light, if light, depending on what experiment 537 00:47:07,339 --> 00:47:10,739 you do and how you do the experiment, sometimes it seems like it's a wave, sometimes it seems 538 00:47:10,739 --> 00:47:17,180 like it's a chunk or particle, which is true? Which is the better description? 539 00:47:17,180 --> 00:47:21,739 So it's actually worthwhile to not think about light all the time. Let's think about something 540 00:47:21,739 --> 00:47:27,099 more general. Let's stick to electrons. So as we saw from yesterday's lecture, you probably 541 00:47:27,099 --> 00:47:30,589 want to be a little bit wary when thinking about individual electrons. Things could be 542 00:47:30,589 --> 00:47:34,999 a little bit different than your classical intuition. But here's a crucial thing. Before 543 00:47:34,999 --> 00:47:38,449 doing anything else, we can just think, which one of these two is more likely to describe 544 00:47:38,449 --> 00:47:39,799 electrons well. 545 00:47:39,799 --> 00:47:46,190 Well electrons are localized. When you throw an electron at a CRT, it does not hit the 546 00:47:46,190 --> 00:47:49,199 whole CRT with a wavy distribution. When you take a single electron and you throw it at 547 00:47:49,199 --> 00:47:54,699 a CRT, it goes ping and there's a little glowing spot. Electrons are localized. And we know 548 00:47:54,699 --> 00:48:02,940 that localized things don't lead to interference. 549 00:48:02,940 --> 00:48:06,279 Some guys at Hitachi, really good scientists and engineers, developed some really awesome 550 00:48:06,279 --> 00:48:10,019 technology a couple of decades ago. They were trying to figure out a good way to demonstrate 551 00:48:10,019 --> 00:48:13,680 their technology. And they decided that you know what would be really awesome, this thought 552 00:48:13,680 --> 00:48:16,579 experiment that people have always talked about that's never been done really well, 553 00:48:16,579 --> 00:48:20,499 of sending an electron through a two-slitted experiment. In this case it was like ten slits 554 00:48:20,499 --> 00:48:24,910 effectively, it was a grading. Send an electron, a bunch of electrons, one at a time, throw 555 00:48:24,910 --> 00:48:28,529 the electron, wait. Throw the electron, wait. Like our French guy with the boat. 556 00:48:28,529 --> 00:48:34,349 So do this experiment with our technology and let's see what happens. And this really 557 00:48:34,349 --> 00:48:42,269 is one of my favorite-- let's see, how we close these screens-- aha. OK. This is going 558 00:48:42,269 --> 00:48:50,180 to take a little bit of-- and it's broken. No, no. Oh that's so sad. 559 00:48:50,180 --> 00:48:57,620 AUDIENCE: [LAUGHTER] 560 00:48:57,620 --> 00:49:07,440 PROFESSOR: Come on. I'm just gonna let-- let's see if we can, we'll get part of the way. 561 00:49:07,440 --> 00:49:11,729 I don't want to destroy it. So what they actually did is they said, look, let's-- we want to 562 00:49:11,729 --> 00:49:15,839 see what happens. We want to actually do this experiment because we're so awesome at Hitachi 563 00:49:15,839 --> 00:49:22,289 Research Labs, so let's do it. So here's what they did. And I'm going to turn off the light. 564 00:49:22,289 --> 00:49:29,599 And I set this to some music because I like it. 565 00:49:29,599 --> 00:49:37,529 OK here's what's happening. One at a time, individual photons. 566 00:49:37,529 --> 00:49:55,280 [MUSIC PLAYING] 567 00:49:55,280 --> 00:50:05,979 PROFESSOR: So they look pretty localized. There's not a whole lot of structure. Now 568 00:50:05,979 --> 00:50:13,400 they're going to start speeding it up. It's 100 times the actual speed. 569 00:50:13,400 --> 00:50:41,240 [MUSIC PLAYING] 570 00:50:41,240 --> 00:50:43,520 PROFESSOR: Eh? Yeah. 571 00:50:43,540 --> 00:50:49,280 AUDIENCE: [APPLAUSE] 572 00:50:49,280 --> 00:50:55,580 PROFESSOR: So those guys know what they're doing. Let's-- there were go. So I think I 573 00:50:55,589 --> 00:51:00,509 don't know of a more vivid example of electron interference than that one. It's totally obvious. 574 00:51:00,509 --> 00:51:04,069 You see individual electrons. They run through the apparatus. You wait, they run through 575 00:51:04,069 --> 00:51:08,529 the apparatus. You wait. One at a time, single electron, like a baseball being pitched through 576 00:51:08,529 --> 00:51:12,660 two slits, and what you see is an interference effect. But you don't see the interference 577 00:51:12,660 --> 00:51:16,400 effect like you do from light, from waves on the sea. 578 00:51:16,400 --> 00:51:20,079 You see the interference effect by looking at the cumulative stacking up of all the electrons 579 00:51:20,079 --> 00:51:25,680 as they hit. Look at where all the electrons hit one at a time. So is an electron behaving 580 00:51:25,680 --> 00:51:35,339 like a wave in a pond? No. Does a wave in a pond at a spot? No. It's a distributed beast. 581 00:51:35,339 --> 00:51:40,650 OK yes, it interferes, but it's not localized. Well is it behaving like a baseball? Well 582 00:51:40,650 --> 00:51:41,969 it's localized. 583 00:51:41,969 --> 00:51:47,440 But on-- when I look at a whole bunch of electrons, they do that. They seem to interfere, but 584 00:51:47,440 --> 00:51:50,079 there's only one electron going through at a time. So in some sense it's interfering 585 00:51:50,079 --> 00:51:54,239 with itself. How does that work? Is an electron a wave? 586 00:51:54,239 --> 00:51:56,569 AUDIENCE: Yes. 587 00:51:56,569 --> 00:52:00,130 PROFESSOR: Does an electron hit at many spots at once? 588 00:52:00,130 --> 00:52:00,880 AUDIENCE: No. 589 00:52:00,880 --> 00:52:08,920 PROFESSOR: No. So is an electron a wave. No. Is an electron a baseball? No. It's an electron. 590 00:52:08,920 --> 00:52:14,029 So this is something you're going to have to deal with, that every once in awhile we 591 00:52:14,029 --> 00:52:17,150 have these wonderful moments where it's useful to think about an electron as behaving in 592 00:52:17,150 --> 00:52:21,699 a wave-like sense. Sometimes it's useful to think about it as behaving in a particle-like 593 00:52:21,699 --> 00:52:25,630 sense. But it is not a particle like you normally conceive of a baseball. And it is not a wave 594 00:52:25,630 --> 00:52:35,680 like you normally conceive of a wave on the surface of a pond. It's an electron. 595 00:52:35,680 --> 00:52:41,229 I like to think about this like an elephant. If you're closing your eyes and you walk up 596 00:52:41,229 --> 00:52:44,670 to an elephant, you might think like I've got a snake and I've got a tree trunk and, 597 00:52:44,670 --> 00:52:48,739 you know, there's a fan over here. And you wouldn't know, like, maybe it's a wave, maybe 598 00:52:48,739 --> 00:52:52,650 it's a particle, I can't really tell. But if you could just see the thing the way it 599 00:52:52,650 --> 00:52:57,569 is, not through the preconceived sort of notions you have, you'd see it's an elephant. Yes, 600 00:52:57,569 --> 00:53:03,709 that is the Stata Center. So-- look, everything has to happen sometime, right? 601 00:53:03,709 --> 00:53:06,780 AUDIENCE: [LAUGHTER] 602 00:53:06,780 --> 00:53:12,600 PROFESSOR: So Heisenberg-- it's often, people often give the false impression in popular 603 00:53:12,609 --> 00:53:16,369 books on physics, so I want to subvert this, that in the early days of quantum mechanics, 604 00:53:16,369 --> 00:53:23,609 the early people like Born and Oppenheimer and Heisenberg who invented quantum mechanics, 605 00:53:23,609 --> 00:53:26,880 they were really tortured about, you know, is it an electron, is it a wave. It's a wave-particle 606 00:53:26,880 --> 00:53:31,740 duality. It's both. And this is one of the best subversions of that sort of silliness 607 00:53:31,740 --> 00:53:32,300 that I know of. 608 00:53:32,319 --> 00:53:36,019 And so what Heisenberg says, the two mental pictures which experiments lead us to form, 609 00:53:36,019 --> 00:53:41,259 the one of particles the other waves, are both incomplete and have the validity of analogies, 610 00:53:41,259 --> 00:53:46,099 which are accurate only in limited cases. The apparent duality rises in the limitation 611 00:53:46,099 --> 00:53:50,390 of our language. And then he goes on to say, look, you developed your intuition by throwing 612 00:53:50,390 --> 00:53:56,239 rocks and, you know, swimming. And, duh, that's not going to be very good for atoms. 613 00:53:56,239 --> 00:54:01,609 So this will be posted, it's really wonderful. His whole lecture is really-- the lectures 614 00:54:01,609 --> 00:54:05,440 are really quite lovely. And by the way, that's him in the middle there, Pauley all the way 615 00:54:05,440 --> 00:54:12,279 on the right. I guess they were pleased. OK so that's the Hitachi thing. 616 00:54:12,279 --> 00:54:19,539 So now let's pick up on this, though. Let's pick up on this and think about what happens. 617 00:54:19,539 --> 00:54:23,599 I want to think in a little more detail about this Hitachi experiment. And I want to think 618 00:54:23,599 --> 00:54:28,099 about it in the context of a simple two-slit experiment. So here's our source of electrons. 619 00:54:28,099 --> 00:54:31,690 It's literally a gun, an electron gun. And it's firing off electrons. And here's our 620 00:54:31,690 --> 00:54:37,259 barrier, and it has two slits in it. 621 00:54:37,259 --> 00:54:44,049 And we know that any individual electron hits its own spot. But when we take many of them, 622 00:54:44,049 --> 00:54:48,380 we get an interference effect. We get interference fringes. And so the number that hit a given 623 00:54:48,380 --> 00:54:57,390 spot fill up, construct this distribution. So then here's the question I want to ask. 624 00:54:57,390 --> 00:55:01,839 When I take a single electron, I shoot one electron at a time through this experiment, 625 00:55:01,839 --> 00:55:06,430 one electron. It could go through the top slit, it could go through the bottom slit. 626 00:55:06,430 --> 00:55:12,960 While it's inside the apparatus, which path does it take? 627 00:55:12,960 --> 00:55:15,920 AUDIENCE: Superposition. 628 00:55:15,920 --> 00:55:17,939 PROFESSOR: Good. So did it take the top path? 629 00:55:17,939 --> 00:55:18,799 AUDIENCE: No. 630 00:55:18,799 --> 00:55:20,249 PROFESSOR: How do you know? 631 00:55:20,249 --> 00:55:23,400 [INTERPOSING VOICES] 632 00:55:23,400 --> 00:55:28,959 PROFESSOR: Good, let's block the bottom, OK, to force it to go through the top slit. So 633 00:55:28,959 --> 00:55:32,619 we'll block the bottom slit. Now the only electrons that make it through go through 634 00:55:32,619 --> 00:55:37,839 the top slit. Half of them don't make it through. But those that do make it through give you 635 00:55:37,839 --> 00:55:43,390 this distribution. No interference. But I didn't tell you these are hundreds of thousands 636 00:55:43,390 --> 00:55:47,430 of kilometers apart, the person who threw in the electron didn't know whether there 637 00:55:47,430 --> 00:55:50,599 was a barrier here. The electron, how could it possibly know whether there was a barrier 638 00:55:50,599 --> 00:55:52,089 here if you went through the top. 639 00:55:52,089 --> 00:55:57,719 This is exactly like our boxes. It's exactly like our box. Did it go through-- an electron, 640 00:55:57,719 --> 00:56:03,229 when the slits are both open and we know that ensemble average it will give us an interference 641 00:56:03,229 --> 00:56:08,329 effect, did the electron inside the apparatus go through the top path? No. Did it go through 642 00:56:08,329 --> 00:56:13,489 the bottom path? Did it go through both? Because we only see one electron. Did it go through 643 00:56:13,489 --> 00:56:14,969 neither? It is in a-- 644 00:56:14,969 --> 00:56:16,360 AUDIENCE: Superposition. 645 00:56:16,360 --> 00:56:19,140 PROFESSOR: --of having gone through the top and the bottom. Of being along the top half 646 00:56:19,150 --> 00:56:25,519 and being along the bottom path. This is a classic example of the two-box experiment. 647 00:56:25,519 --> 00:56:34,529 OK. So you want to tie that together. 648 00:56:34,529 --> 00:56:37,779 So let's nuance this just a little bit, though, because it's going to have an interesting 649 00:56:37,779 --> 00:56:47,650 implication for gravity. So here's the nuance I want to pull on this one. Let's cheat. OK. 650 00:56:47,650 --> 00:56:53,939 Suppose I want to measure which slit the electron actually did go through. How might I do that? 651 00:56:53,939 --> 00:56:57,630 Well I could do the course thing I've been doing which is I could block it and just catch 652 00:56:57,630 --> 00:57:02,420 the-- catch electrons that go through in that spot. But that's a little heavy-handed. Probably 653 00:57:02,420 --> 00:57:03,529 I can do something a little more delicate. 654 00:57:03,529 --> 00:57:11,979 And so here's the more delicate thing I'm going to do. I want to build a detector that 655 00:57:11,979 --> 00:57:17,259 uses very, very, very weak light, extremely weak light, to detect whether the particle 656 00:57:17,259 --> 00:57:20,920 went through here or here. And the way I can do that is I can sort of shine light through 657 00:57:20,920 --> 00:57:27,380 and-- I'm gonna, you know, bounce-- so here's my source of light. And I'll be able to tell 658 00:57:27,380 --> 00:57:31,779 whether the electron went through this slit or it went through this slit. Cool? 659 00:57:31,779 --> 00:57:38,479 So imagine I did that. So obviously I don't want to use some giant, huge, ultra high-energy 660 00:57:38,479 --> 00:57:41,279 laser because it would just blast the thing out of the way. It would destroy the experiment. 661 00:57:41,279 --> 00:57:45,979 So I wanna something very diffuse, very low energy, very low intensity electromagnetic 662 00:57:45,979 --> 00:57:51,209 wave. And the idea here is that, OK, it's true that when I bounce this light off an 663 00:57:51,209 --> 00:57:56,439 electron, let's say it bounces off an electron here, it's true it's going impart some momentum 664 00:57:56,439 --> 00:58:00,079 and the electron's gonna change its course. But if it's really, really weak, low energy 665 00:58:00,079 --> 00:58:03,199 light, then it's-- it's gonna deflect only a little tiny bit. 666 00:58:03,199 --> 00:58:08,569 So it will change the pattern I get over here. But it will change it in some relatively minor 667 00:58:08,569 --> 00:58:13,749 way because I've just thrown in very, very low energy light. Yeah? That make sense? So 668 00:58:13,749 --> 00:58:24,320 this is the experiment I want to do. This experiment doesn't work. Why. 669 00:58:24,320 --> 00:58:27,160 AUDIENCE: You know which slit it went through. 670 00:58:27,180 --> 00:58:31,100 PROFESSOR: No. It's true that it turns out that those are correlated facts, but here's 671 00:58:31,109 --> 00:58:36,089 the problem. I can run this experiment without anyone actually knowing what happens until 672 00:58:36,089 --> 00:58:42,170 long afterwards. So knowing doesn't seem to play any role in it. It's very tempting often 673 00:58:42,170 --> 00:58:46,170 to say, no, but it turns out that it's really not about what you know. It's really just 674 00:58:46,170 --> 00:58:47,499 about the experiment you're doing. 675 00:58:47,499 --> 00:58:53,140 So what principle that we've already run into today makes it impossible to make this work? 676 00:58:53,140 --> 00:58:58,269 If I want to shine really low-energy, really diffuse light through, and have it scatter 677 00:58:58,269 --> 00:59:01,580 weakly. Yeah. 678 00:59:01,580 --> 00:59:05,400 AUDIENCE: Um, light is chunky. 679 00:59:05,400 --> 00:59:10,660 PROFESSOR: Yeah, exactly. That's exactly right. So when I say really low-energy light, I don't-- 680 00:59:10,670 --> 00:59:14,549 I really can't mean, because we've already done this experiment, I cannot possibly mean 681 00:59:14,549 --> 00:59:20,499 low intensity. Because intensity doesn't control the energy imparted by the light. The thing 682 00:59:20,499 --> 00:59:25,079 that controls the energy imparted by a collision of the light with the electron is the frequency. 683 00:59:25,079 --> 00:59:28,999 The energy in a chunk of light is proportional to the frequency. 684 00:59:28,999 --> 00:59:33,499 So now if I want to make the effect the energy or the momentum, similarly-- the momentum, 685 00:59:33,499 --> 00:59:39,229 where did it go-- remember the momentum goes like h over lambda. If I want to make the 686 00:59:39,229 --> 00:59:42,079 energy really low, I need to make the frequency really low. Or if I want to make the momentum 687 00:59:42,079 --> 00:59:47,369 really low, I need to make the wavelength what? Really big. Right? So in order to make 688 00:59:47,369 --> 00:59:51,489 the momentum imparted by this photon really low, I need to make the wavelength really 689 00:59:51,489 --> 00:59:52,089 long. 690 00:59:52,089 --> 00:59:58,299 But now here's the problem. If I make the wavelength really long, so if I use a really 691 00:59:58,299 --> 01:00:03,380 long-wavelengthed wave, like this long of a wavelength, are you ever going to be able 692 01:00:03,380 --> 01:00:07,369 to tell which slit it went through? No, because the particle could have been anywhere. It 693 01:00:07,369 --> 01:00:10,739 could have scattered this light if it was here, if it was here, if it was here, right? 694 01:00:10,739 --> 01:00:15,569 In order to measure where the electron is to some reasonable precision-- so, for example, 695 01:00:15,569 --> 01:00:19,599 to this sort of wavelength, I need to be able to send in light with a wavelength that's 696 01:00:19,599 --> 01:00:25,479 comparable to the scale that I want to measure. And it turns out that if you run through and 697 01:00:25,479 --> 01:00:30,589 just do the calculation, suppose I send in-- and this is done in the books, in I think 698 01:00:30,589 --> 01:00:37,029 all four, but this is done in the books on the reading list-- if you send in a wave with 699 01:00:37,029 --> 01:00:41,719 a short enough wavelength to be able to distinguish between these two slits, which slit did it 700 01:00:41,719 --> 01:00:47,309 go through, the momentum that it imparts precisely watches-- washes out is just enough to wash 701 01:00:47,309 --> 01:00:52,509 out the interference effect, and break up these fringes so you don't see interference 702 01:00:52,509 --> 01:00:55,229 effects. 703 01:00:55,229 --> 01:00:59,880 It's not about what you know. It's about the particulate nature of light and the fact that 704 01:00:59,880 --> 01:01:06,880 the momentum of a chunk of light goes like h over lambda. OK? But this tells you something 705 01:01:06,880 --> 01:01:13,979 really interesting. Did I have to use light to do this measurement? I could have sent 706 01:01:13,979 --> 01:01:17,650 in anything, right? I didn't have to bounce light off these things. 707 01:01:17,650 --> 01:01:24,519 I could have bounced off gravitational waves. So if I had a gravitational wave detector, 708 01:01:24,519 --> 01:01:29,939 so-- Matt works on gravitational wave detectors, and so, I didn't tell you this but Matt gave 709 01:01:29,939 --> 01:01:34,420 me a pretty killer gravitational wave detector. It's, you know, here it is. There's my awesome 710 01:01:34,420 --> 01:01:38,130 gravitational wave detector. And I'm now going to build supernova. OK. 711 01:01:38,130 --> 01:01:40,519 And they are creeping under this black hole, and it's going to create giant gravitational 712 01:01:40,519 --> 01:01:44,369 waves. And we're gonna use those gravitational waves and detect them with the super advanced 713 01:01:44,369 --> 01:01:48,859 LIGO. And I'm gonna detect which slit it went through. But gravitational waves, those aren't 714 01:01:48,859 --> 01:01:52,670 photons. So I really can make a low-intensity gravitational wave, and then I can tell which 715 01:01:52,670 --> 01:01:59,429 slit it went through without destroying the interference effect. That would be awesome. 716 01:01:59,429 --> 01:02:05,699 What does that tell you about gravitational waves? They must come in chunks. In order 717 01:02:05,699 --> 01:02:09,679 for this all to fit together logically, you need all the interactions that you could scatter 718 01:02:09,679 --> 01:02:15,029 off this to satisfy these quantization properties. But the energy is proportional to the frequency. 719 01:02:15,029 --> 01:02:18,979 The line I just gave you is a heuristic. And making it precise is one of the great challenges 720 01:02:18,979 --> 01:02:23,890 of modern contemporary high-energy physics, of dealing with the quantum mechanics and 721 01:02:23,890 --> 01:02:24,839 gravity together. 722 01:02:24,839 --> 01:02:30,140 But this gives you a strong picture of why we need to treat all forces in all interactions 723 01:02:30,140 --> 01:02:39,589 quantum-mechanically in order for the world to be consistent. OK. Good. OK, questions 724 01:02:39,589 --> 01:02:51,679 at this point? OK. So-- oh, I forgot about this one-- so there are actually two more. 725 01:02:51,679 --> 01:02:55,029 So I want to just quickly show you-- well, OK. 726 01:02:55,029 --> 01:02:59,549 So, this is a gorgeous experiment. So remember I told you the story of the guy with the boat 727 01:02:59,549 --> 01:03:05,029 and the opaque wall and it turns out that's a cheat. It turns out that this opaque screen 728 01:03:05,029 --> 01:03:11,939 doesn't actually give you quantum mechanically isolated photons. They're still, in a very 729 01:03:11,939 --> 01:03:17,179 important way, classical. So this experiment was done truly with a source that gives you 730 01:03:17,179 --> 01:03:20,359 quantum mechanically isolated single photons, one at a time. 731 01:03:20,359 --> 01:03:26,759 So this is the analogue of the Hitachi experiment. And it was done by this pretty awesome Japanese 732 01:03:26,759 --> 01:03:30,599 group some number of years ago. And I just want to emphasize that it gives you exactly 733 01:03:30,599 --> 01:03:34,519 the same effects. We see that photons-- this should look essentially identical to what 734 01:03:34,519 --> 01:03:37,920 we saw at the end of the Hitachi video. And that's because it's exactly the same physics. 735 01:03:37,920 --> 01:03:42,369 It's a grating with something like 10 slits and individual particles going through one 736 01:03:42,369 --> 01:03:45,788 at a time and hitting the screen and going, bing. 737 01:03:45,788 --> 01:03:53,949 So what you see is the light going, bing, on a CCD. It's a pretty spectacular experience. 738 01:03:53,949 --> 01:03:58,509 So let's get back to electrons. I want another probe of whether electrons are really waves 739 01:03:58,509 --> 01:04:03,390 or not. So this other experiment-- again, you're going to study this on your problem 740 01:04:03,390 --> 01:04:11,259 set-- this other experiment was done by a couple of characters named Davisson and Germer. 741 01:04:11,259 --> 01:04:15,839 And in this experiment, what they did is they took a crystal, and a crystal is just a lattice 742 01:04:15,840 --> 01:04:25,600 of regularly-located ions, like diamond or something. Yeah? 743 01:04:25,600 --> 01:04:27,540 AUDIENCE: Before you go on I guess, 744 01:04:27,540 --> 01:04:33,900 I wanted to ask if the probability of a photon or an electron going through the 10 slits is about the same? 745 01:04:33,900 --> 01:04:35,560 PROFESSOR: Is what, sorry? 746 01:04:35,560 --> 01:04:36,839 AUDIENCE: Is exactly the same. 747 01:04:36,839 --> 01:04:38,549 PROFESSOR: You mean for different electrons? 748 01:04:38,549 --> 01:04:38,839 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 749 01:04:38,839 --> 01:04:42,069 PROFESSOR: Well they can be different if the initial conditions are different. But they 750 01:04:42,069 --> 01:04:46,599 could be-- if the initial conditions are the same, then the probabilities are identical. 751 01:04:46,599 --> 01:04:50,379 So every electron behaves identically to every other electron in that sense. Is that what 752 01:04:50,380 --> 01:04:51,380 you were asking? 753 01:04:51,380 --> 01:04:58,140 AUDIENCE: It is actually like through any [INAUDIBLE] the probability of it going like [INAUDIBLE]? 754 01:04:58,140 --> 01:05:02,200 PROFESSOR: Sure, absolutely. So the issue there is just a technological one of trying 755 01:05:02,219 --> 01:05:07,049 to build a beam that's perfectly columnated. And that's just not doable. So there's always 756 01:05:07,049 --> 01:05:11,880 some dispersion in your beam. So in practice it's very hard to make them identical, but 757 01:05:11,880 --> 01:05:16,939 in principle they could be if you were infinitely powerful as an experimentalist, which-- again, 758 01:05:16,939 --> 01:05:19,910 I was banned from the lab, so not me. 759 01:05:19,910 --> 01:05:23,469 So here's our crystal. You could think of this as diamond or nickel or whatever. I think 760 01:05:23,469 --> 01:05:32,140 they actually use nickel but I don't remember exactly. And they sent in a beam of electrons. 761 01:05:32,140 --> 01:05:38,299 So they send in a beam of electrons, and what they discover is that if you send in these 762 01:05:38,299 --> 01:05:44,390 electrons and watch how they scatter at various different angles-- I'm going to call the angle 763 01:05:44,390 --> 01:05:54,059 here of scattering theta-- what they discover is that the intensity of the reflected beam, 764 01:05:54,059 --> 01:06:03,099 as a function of theta, shows interference effects. 765 01:06:03,099 --> 01:06:06,059 And in particular they gave a whole calculation for this, which I'm not going to go through 766 01:06:06,059 --> 01:06:09,640 right now because it's not terribly germane for us-- you're going to go through it on 767 01:06:09,640 --> 01:06:12,679 your problem set, so that'll be good and it's a perfect thing for your recitation instructors 768 01:06:12,679 --> 01:06:17,660 to go through. But the important thing is the upshot. So if the distance between these 769 01:06:17,660 --> 01:06:24,630 crystal planes is L-- or, sorry, d-- let me call it d. If the distance between the crystal 770 01:06:24,630 --> 01:06:31,059 planes is d, what they discover is that the interference effects that they observed, these 771 01:06:31,059 --> 01:06:40,429 maxima and minima, are consistent with the wavelength of light. Or, sorry, with the electrons 772 01:06:40,429 --> 01:06:46,288 behaving as if they were waves with a definite wavelength, with a wavelength lambda being 773 01:06:46,288 --> 01:06:56,239 equal to some integer, n, over 2d sine theta. 774 01:06:56,239 --> 01:07:01,449 So this is the data-- these are the data they actually saw, data are plural. And these are 775 01:07:01,449 --> 01:07:06,049 the data they actually saw. And they infer from this that the electrons are behaving 776 01:07:06,049 --> 01:07:11,079 as if they were wave-like with this wavelength. And what they actually see are individual 777 01:07:11,079 --> 01:07:13,839 electrons hitting one by one. Although in their experiment, they couldn't resolve individual 778 01:07:13,839 --> 01:07:15,799 electrons. But that is what they see. 779 01:07:15,799 --> 01:07:21,538 And so in particular, plugging all of this back into the experiment, you send in the 780 01:07:21,538 --> 01:07:24,660 electrons with some energy, which corresponds to some definite momentum. This leads us back 781 01:07:24,660 --> 01:07:29,809 to the same expression as before, that the momentum is equal to h over lambda, with this 782 01:07:29,809 --> 01:07:35,229 lambda associated. So it turns out that this is correct. 783 01:07:35,229 --> 01:07:40,420 So the electrons diffract off the crystal as if they have a momentum which comes with 784 01:07:40,420 --> 01:07:48,759 a definite wavelength corresponding to its momentum. So that's experimental result-- 785 01:07:48,759 --> 01:07:53,999 oh, I forgot to check off four-- that's experimental result five, that electrons diffract. We already 786 01:07:53,999 --> 01:07:57,959 saw the electron diffraction. 787 01:07:57,959 --> 01:08:04,150 So something to emphasize is that-- so these experiments as we've described them were done 788 01:08:04,150 --> 01:08:09,559 with photons and with electrons, but you can imagine doing the experiments with soccer 789 01:08:09,559 --> 01:08:14,390 balls. This is of course hard. Quantum effects for macroscopic objects are usually insignificantly 790 01:08:14,390 --> 01:08:19,830 small. However, this experiment was done with Buckyballs, which are the same shape as soccer 791 01:08:19,830 --> 01:08:26,189 balls in some sense. But they're huge, they're gigantic objects. So here's the experiment 792 01:08:26,189 --> 01:08:31,819 in which this was actually done. So these guys are just totally amazing. So this is 793 01:08:31,819 --> 01:08:38,580 Zellinger's lab. And it doesn't look like all-- I mean it looks kind of, you know. It's 794 01:08:38,580 --> 01:08:41,420 hideous, right? I mean to a theorist it's like, come on, you've got to be kidding that 795 01:08:41,420 --> 01:08:42,710 that's-- 796 01:08:42,710 --> 01:08:47,640 But here's what a theorist is happy about. You know, because it looks simple. We really 797 01:08:47,640 --> 01:08:52,318 love lying to ourselves about that. So here's an over. We're going to cook up some Buckyballs 798 01:08:52,318 --> 01:08:57,000 and emit them with some definite known thermal energy. Known to some accuracy. We're going 799 01:08:57,000 --> 01:08:59,830 to columnate them by sending them through a single slit, and then we're going to send 800 01:08:59,830 --> 01:09:03,000 them through a diffraction grating which, again, is just a whole bunch of slits. 801 01:09:03,000 --> 01:09:09,818 And then we're going to image them using photo ionization and see where they pop through. 802 01:09:09,818 --> 01:09:16,559 So here is the horizontal position of this wave along the grating, and this is the number 803 01:09:16,559 --> 01:09:20,660 that come through. This is literally one by one counts because they're going bing, bing, 804 01:09:20,660 --> 01:09:25,479 bing, as a c60 molecule goes through. So without the grating, you just get a peek. But with 805 01:09:25,479 --> 01:09:29,540 the grating, you get the side bands. You get interference fringes. 806 01:09:29,540 --> 01:09:36,910 So these guys, again, they're going through one by one. A single Buckyball, 60 carbons, 807 01:09:36,910 --> 01:09:41,479 going through one by one is interfering with itself. This is a gigantic object by any sort 808 01:09:41,479 --> 01:09:47,899 of comparison to single electrons. And we're seeing these interference fringes. 809 01:09:47,899 --> 01:09:51,160 So this is a pretty tour de force experiment, but I just want to emphasize that if you could 810 01:09:51,160 --> 01:09:55,910 do this with your neighbor, it would work. You'd just have to isolate the system well 811 01:09:55,910 --> 01:10:02,559 enough. And that's a technological challenge but not an in-principle one. 812 01:10:02,559 --> 01:10:16,460 OK. So we have one last experimental facts to deal with. And this is Bell's Inequality, 813 01:10:16,460 --> 01:10:24,940 and this is my favorite one. So Bell's Inequality for many years languished in obscurity until 814 01:10:24,940 --> 01:10:28,960 someone realized that it could actually be done beautifully in an experiment that led 815 01:10:28,960 --> 01:10:32,309 to a very concrete experiment that they could actually do and that they wanted to do. 816 01:10:32,309 --> 01:10:39,460 And we now think of it as an enormously influential idea which nails the coffin closed for classical 817 01:10:39,460 --> 01:10:46,110 mechanics. And it starts with a very simple question. I claim that the following inequality 818 01:10:46,110 --> 01:10:54,720 is true: the number of undergraduate-- of the number of people in the room who are undergraduates, 819 01:10:54,720 --> 01:11:00,350 which I'll denote as U-- and not blonde, which I will denote as bar B-- so undergraduates 820 01:11:00,350 --> 01:11:04,840 who are not blonde-- actually let me write this out in English. It's gonna be easier. 821 01:11:04,840 --> 01:11:18,530 Number who are undergrads and not blonde plus the number of people in the room who are blonde 822 01:11:18,530 --> 01:11:27,970 but not from Massachusetts is strictly greater than or equal to the number of people in the 823 01:11:27,980 --> 01:11:36,960 room who are undergraduates and not from Massachusetts. 824 01:11:36,960 --> 01:11:39,960 I claim that this is true. I haven't checked 825 01:11:39,960 --> 01:11:41,860 in this room. But I claim that this is true. 826 01:11:41,860 --> 01:11:47,860 So let's check. How many people are undergraduates who are not blonde? OK this is going to-- 827 01:11:47,860 --> 01:11:56,110 jeez. OK that's-- so, lots. OK. How many people are blonde but not from Massachusetts? OK. 828 01:11:56,110 --> 01:12:01,860 A smattering. Oh God, this is actually going to be terrible. 829 01:12:01,860 --> 01:12:11,860 AUDIENCE: [LAUGHTER] 830 01:12:11,870 --> 01:12:21,559 PROFESSOR: Shoot. This is a really large class. OK. Small. And how many people are undergraduates 831 01:12:21,559 --> 01:12:25,520 who are not from Massachusetts? Yeah, this-- oh God. This counting is going to be-- so 832 01:12:25,520 --> 01:12:28,600 let's-- I'm going to do this just so I can do the counting with the first two rows here. 833 01:12:28,600 --> 01:12:30,710 OK. My life is going to be easier this way. 834 01:12:30,710 --> 01:12:34,270 So how many people in the first two rows, in the center section, are undergraduates 835 01:12:34,270 --> 01:12:40,550 but not blonde? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, 836 01:12:40,550 --> 01:12:45,790 thirteen, fourteen. We could dispute some of those, but we'll take it for the moment. 837 01:12:45,790 --> 01:12:52,110 So, fourteen. You're probably all undergraduates. So blonde and not from Massachusetts. One. 838 01:12:52,110 --> 01:13:01,180 Awesome. Undergraduates not from Massachusetts. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, 839 01:13:01,180 --> 01:13:07,460 nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Equality. 840 01:13:07,460 --> 01:13:09,030 AUDIENCE: [LAUGHTER] 841 01:13:09,030 --> 01:13:15,150 PROFESSOR: OK. So that-- you might say well, look, you should have been nervous there. 842 01:13:15,150 --> 01:13:19,809 You know, and admittedly sometimes there's experimental error. But I want to convince 843 01:13:19,809 --> 01:13:25,620 you that I should never, ever ever be nervous about this moment in 8.04. And the reason is 844 01:13:25,620 --> 01:13:28,630 the following. I want to prove this for you. And the way I'm gonna prove it is slightly 845 01:13:28,630 --> 01:13:33,000 more general, in more generality. And I want to prove to you that the number-- if I have 846 01:13:33,000 --> 01:13:37,059 a set, or, sorry, if the number of people who are undergraduates and not blonde which, 847 01:13:37,059 --> 01:13:43,250 all right, is b bar plus the number who are blonde but not from Massachusetts is greater 848 01:13:43,250 --> 01:13:48,840 than or equal to the number that are undergraduates and not from Massachusetts. 849 01:13:48,840 --> 01:13:54,040 So how do I prove this? Well if you're an undergraduate and not blonde, you may or you 850 01:13:54,040 --> 01:13:58,540 may not be from Massachusetts. So this is equal to the number of undergraduates who 851 01:13:58,540 --> 01:14:03,750 are not blonde and are from Massachusetts plus the number of undergraduates who are 852 01:14:03,750 --> 01:14:09,920 not blonde and are not from Massachusetts. It could hardly be otherwise. You either are 853 01:14:09,920 --> 01:14:15,690 or you are not from Massachusetts. Not the sort of thing that you normally see in physics. 854 01:14:15,690 --> 01:14:19,460 So this is the number of people who are blonde and not from Massachusetts, number of people 855 01:14:19,460 --> 01:14:23,570 who are blonde, who are-- so if you're blonde and not from Massachusetts, you may or may 856 01:14:23,570 --> 01:14:27,300 not be an undergraduate. So this is the number of people who are undergraduates, blonde, 857 01:14:27,300 --> 01:14:32,350 and not from Massachusetts plus the number of people who are not undergraduates, are 858 01:14:32,350 --> 01:14:36,040 blonde and are not from Massachusetts. 859 01:14:36,040 --> 01:14:42,330 And on the right hand side-- so, adding these two together gives us plus and plus. On the 860 01:14:42,330 --> 01:14:45,080 right hand side, the number of people that are undergraduates and not from Massachusetts, 861 01:14:45,080 --> 01:14:49,720 well each one could be either blonde or not blonde. So this is equal to the number that 862 01:14:49,720 --> 01:14:53,520 are undergraduates, blonde, and not from Massachusetts, 863 01:14:53,520 --> 01:14:56,740 plus-- remember that our undergraduates not 864 01:14:56,750 --> 01:15:00,440 blonde and not from Massachusetts. Agreed? 865 01:15:00,440 --> 01:15:05,460 I am now going to use the awesome power of-- and so this is what we want to prove, and 866 01:15:05,460 --> 01:15:12,150 I'm going to use the awesome power of subtraction. And note that U, B, M bar, these guys cancel. 867 01:15:12,150 --> 01:15:19,380 And U, B bar, M bar, these guys cancel. And we're left with the following proposition: 868 01:15:19,380 --> 01:15:23,750 the number of undergraduates who are not blonde but are from Massachusetts plus the number 869 01:15:23,750 --> 01:15:27,809 of undergrad-- of non-undergraduates who are blonde but not from Massachusetts must be 870 01:15:27,809 --> 01:15:31,570 greater than or equal to zero. 871 01:15:31,570 --> 01:15:37,800 Can you have a number of people in a room satisfying some condition be less than zero? 872 01:15:37,800 --> 01:15:44,260 Can minus 3 of you be blonde undergraduates not from Massachusetts? Not so much. This 873 01:15:44,260 --> 01:15:47,570 is a strictly positive number, because it's a numerative. It's a counting problem. How 874 01:15:47,570 --> 01:15:53,230 many are undergraduates not blonde and from Massachusetts. Yeah? Everyone cool with that? 875 01:15:53,230 --> 01:15:56,090 So it could hardly have been otherwise. It had to work out like this. 876 01:15:56,090 --> 01:16:01,670 And here's the more general statement. The more general statement is that the number 877 01:16:01,670 --> 01:16:06,410 of people, or the number of elements of any set where each element in that set has binary 878 01:16:06,410 --> 01:16:12,780 properties a b and c-- a or not a, b or not b, c or not c. Satisfies the following inequality. 879 01:16:12,780 --> 01:16:19,450 The number who are a but not b plus the number who are b but not c is greater than or equal 880 01:16:19,450 --> 01:16:27,160 to the number who are a but not c. And this is exactly the same argument. 881 01:16:27,160 --> 01:16:35,020 And this inequality which is a tautology, really, is called Bell's Inequality. And it's 882 01:16:35,020 --> 01:16:43,190 obviously true. What did I use to derive this? Logic and integers, right? I mean, that's 883 01:16:43,190 --> 01:16:46,520 bedrock stuff. 884 01:16:46,520 --> 01:16:53,390 Here's the problem. I didn't mention this last time, but in fact electrons have a third 885 01:16:53,390 --> 01:16:58,830 property in addition to-- electrons have a third property in addition to hardness and 886 01:16:58,830 --> 01:17:05,080 color. The third property is called whimsy, and you can either be whimsical or not whimsical. 887 01:17:05,080 --> 01:17:08,270 And every electron, when measured, is either whimsical or not whimsical. You never have 888 01:17:08,270 --> 01:17:14,580 a boring electron. You never have an ambiguous electron. Always whimsical or not whimsical. 889 01:17:14,580 --> 01:17:20,800 So we have hardness, we have color, we have whimsy. OK. And I can perform the following 890 01:17:20,800 --> 01:17:31,030 experiment. From a set of electrons, I can measure the number that are hard and not black, 891 01:17:31,030 --> 01:17:40,960 plus the number that are black but not whimsical. And I can measure the number that are hard 892 01:17:40,960 --> 01:17:45,520 and not whimsical. OK? 893 01:17:45,520 --> 01:17:50,460 And I want to just open up the case a little bit and tell you that the hardness here really 894 01:17:50,460 --> 01:17:56,380 is the angular momentum of the electron along the x-axis. Color is the angular momentum 895 01:17:56,380 --> 01:18:01,210 of the electron along the y-axis. And whimsy is the angular momentum of the electron along 896 01:18:01,210 --> 01:18:05,830 the z-axis. These are things I can measure because I can measure angular momentum. 897 01:18:05,830 --> 01:18:16,559 So I can perform this experiment with electrons and it needn't be satisfied. In particular, 898 01:18:16,559 --> 01:18:24,080 we will show that the number of electrons, just to be very precise, the number of electrons 899 01:18:24,080 --> 01:18:30,470 in a given set, which have positive angular momentum along the x-axis and down along the 900 01:18:30,470 --> 01:18:38,520 y-axis, plus up along the y-axis and down along the z-axis, is less than the number 901 01:18:38,520 --> 01:18:46,610 that are up. Actually let me do this in a very particular way. Up... zero down at theta. 902 01:18:46,610 --> 01:18:53,790 Up at theta, down at-- two theta is greater than the number that are up at zero and down at theta. 903 01:18:53,790 --> 01:18:59,130 Now here's the thing-- two theta. You can't at the moment understand what this equation 904 01:18:59,130 --> 01:19:06,030 means. But if I just tell you that these are three binary properties of the electron, OK, 905 01:19:06,030 --> 01:19:11,850 and that it violates this inequality, there is something deeply troubling about this result. 906 01:19:11,850 --> 01:19:18,770 Bell's Inequality, which we proved-- trivially, using integers, using logic-- is false in 907 01:19:18,770 --> 01:19:19,830 quantum mechanics. 908 01:19:19,830 --> 01:19:23,800 And it's not just false in quantum mechanics. We will at the end of the course derive the 909 01:19:23,800 --> 01:19:27,460 quantum mechanical prediction for this result and show that at least to a predicted violation 910 01:19:27,460 --> 01:19:33,870 of Bell's Inequality. This experiment has been done, and the real world violates Bell's 911 01:19:33,870 --> 01:19:39,880 Inequality. Logic and integers and adding probabilities, as we have done, is misguided. 912 01:19:39,880 --> 01:19:44,460 And our job, which we will begin with the next lecture, is to find a better way to add 913 01:19:44,460 --> 01:19:49,980 probabilities than classically. And that will be quantum mechanics See you on Tuesday. 914 01:19:49,980 --> 01:19:56,960 AUDIENCE: [APPLAUSE]