1 00:00:00,610 --> 00:00:04,390 PROFESSOR: So so far even though these things 2 00:00:04,390 --> 00:00:09,430 look maybe interesting or a little familiar, 3 00:00:09,430 --> 00:00:16,870 we have not yet stated clearly how they apply to physics. 4 00:00:16,870 --> 00:00:21,760 We've been talking about vector spaces, V, for a particle. 5 00:00:21,760 --> 00:00:27,020 Then V tensor N. And we've looked at states there. 6 00:00:27,020 --> 00:00:29,590 We've looked at permutation operators there. 7 00:00:29,590 --> 00:00:31,210 Symmetric states there. 8 00:00:31,210 --> 00:00:33,790 Antisymmetric states there. 9 00:00:33,790 --> 00:00:36,970 What is missing is something that connects 10 00:00:36,970 --> 00:00:38,890 it to quantum mechanics. 11 00:00:38,890 --> 00:00:49,940 And that is given by the so-called symmetrization 12 00:00:49,940 --> 00:00:50,640 postulate. 13 00:00:53,420 --> 00:00:56,100 So it's a postulate. 14 00:00:56,100 --> 00:01:02,170 It's something that you technically can't derive. 15 00:01:02,170 --> 00:01:03,370 Therefore, you postulate. 16 00:01:03,370 --> 00:01:09,220 You can say it's an extra axiom even, quantum mechanics. 17 00:01:09,220 --> 00:01:11,290 You would say also that probably there's 18 00:01:11,290 --> 00:01:13,070 no other way to do things. 19 00:01:13,070 --> 00:01:14,830 So in some sense, it's forced. 20 00:01:14,830 --> 00:01:20,180 But I think it's more honest to admit it's an extra postulate. 21 00:01:20,180 --> 00:01:21,130 So here it goes. 22 00:01:21,130 --> 00:01:22,510 I'll read it first. 23 00:01:22,510 --> 00:01:23,920 Then I'll write it. 24 00:01:23,920 --> 00:01:25,900 So it says the following. 25 00:01:25,900 --> 00:01:31,840 If you have a system of N identical particles, 26 00:01:31,840 --> 00:01:39,100 arbitrary states in V tensor N are not physical states. 27 00:01:39,100 --> 00:01:42,160 The physical states are the states 28 00:01:42,160 --> 00:01:44,920 that are totally symmetric. 29 00:01:44,920 --> 00:01:48,400 In that case, the particles are called bosons. 30 00:01:48,400 --> 00:01:51,980 Or totally antisymmetric, in which case 31 00:01:51,980 --> 00:01:54,130 the particles are called fermions. 32 00:01:54,130 --> 00:01:55,570 That's basically it. 33 00:01:55,570 --> 00:01:58,360 The arbitrary state that is neither symmetric 34 00:01:58,360 --> 00:02:01,750 nor antisymmetric, and all that is not 35 00:02:01,750 --> 00:02:07,190 a physical state of a system of identical particles. 36 00:02:07,190 --> 00:02:09,340 So it's stated here. 37 00:02:09,340 --> 00:02:24,340 In a system with N identical particles, 38 00:02:24,340 --> 00:02:43,800 physical states are not arbitrary states in V tensor N. 39 00:02:43,800 --> 00:02:52,260 Rather, they are totally symmetric. 40 00:02:57,850 --> 00:03:08,380 In parentheses, they belong to SymN of V. 41 00:03:08,380 --> 00:03:28,260 In which case, the particles are said to be bosons 42 00:03:28,260 --> 00:03:33,240 or they are totally antisymmetric. 43 00:03:33,240 --> 00:03:38,180 Are totally antisymmetric. 44 00:03:42,100 --> 00:03:46,340 They belong to anti NV. 45 00:03:52,090 --> 00:04:05,060 In which case, they are said to be fermions. 46 00:04:08,990 --> 00:04:09,740 All right. 47 00:04:09,740 --> 00:04:14,930 So this is really pretty fundamental. 48 00:04:14,930 --> 00:04:17,600 It's a statement that we began our discussion 49 00:04:17,600 --> 00:04:20,714 by saying we have an electron at this up 50 00:04:20,714 --> 00:04:22,910 and another electron at this down. 51 00:04:22,910 --> 00:04:27,860 Is it the plus minus state or is it the minus plus state? 52 00:04:27,860 --> 00:04:29,960 And we said it's neither one. 53 00:04:33,714 --> 00:04:36,830 You cannot declare those two to be equivalent. 54 00:04:36,830 --> 00:04:38,300 And that's what this says. 55 00:04:38,300 --> 00:04:40,730 It's not arbitrary states in this. 56 00:04:40,730 --> 00:04:45,590 But they have to become totally symmetric, 57 00:04:45,590 --> 00:04:48,320 if they're bosons or totally antisymmetric 58 00:04:48,320 --> 00:04:50,900 if they are fermions. 59 00:04:50,900 --> 00:04:55,390 So we have to make a few comments. 60 00:04:55,390 --> 00:04:58,770 And that's what will keep us busy for the next 20, 61 00:04:58,770 --> 00:05:02,210 25 minutes. 62 00:05:02,210 --> 00:05:07,250 And to understand this and see what it implies 63 00:05:07,250 --> 00:05:08,420 and how we use it. 64 00:05:17,170 --> 00:05:18,150 So here it is. 65 00:05:22,600 --> 00:05:25,420 The statement we have made is a statement 66 00:05:25,420 --> 00:05:28,820 of fact in three dimensions. 67 00:05:28,820 --> 00:05:35,890 There's no particles that we like and we study. 68 00:05:35,890 --> 00:05:40,690 There are further possibilities in worlds 69 00:05:40,690 --> 00:05:46,690 of lower dimension two, three dimensions, space, time, 70 00:05:46,690 --> 00:05:49,420 or so two dimensional space, that 71 00:05:49,420 --> 00:05:52,960 allows for further kinds of statistics 72 00:05:52,960 --> 00:05:54,980 that are interesting. 73 00:05:54,980 --> 00:05:59,200 But this is the general statement. 74 00:05:59,200 --> 00:06:04,800 So the first comment is this is the general statement. 75 00:06:07,630 --> 00:06:16,720 But further statistics, other types of space, 76 00:06:16,720 --> 00:06:25,720 exist in two dimensions, not in three, where we live. 77 00:06:25,720 --> 00:06:29,290 We say three in the Galilean ways. 78 00:06:29,290 --> 00:06:31,180 3 plus 1 time. 79 00:06:31,180 --> 00:06:34,810 But this is spatial dimensions. 80 00:06:34,810 --> 00:06:43,230 This is the statistical definition 81 00:06:43,230 --> 00:06:47,120 of bosons and fermions. 82 00:06:52,410 --> 00:06:57,080 But then comes the spin statistics theorem. 83 00:07:06,060 --> 00:07:11,190 That applies then you understand with quantum mechanics. 84 00:07:11,190 --> 00:07:15,480 And that's a deep theorem that ends up 85 00:07:15,480 --> 00:07:27,770 telling you that particles with spin 0, 1, 86 00:07:27,770 --> 00:07:33,290 2 integer are bosons. 87 00:07:33,290 --> 00:07:42,060 And particles with spin 1/2, 3/2 [INAUDIBLE] are fermions. 88 00:07:46,910 --> 00:07:49,330 So it's a great achievement of quantum field 89 00:07:49,330 --> 00:07:56,950 theory associating the statistical properties 90 00:07:56,950 --> 00:07:59,630 with the spin. 91 00:07:59,630 --> 00:08:02,930 It's a deep connection. 92 00:08:02,930 --> 00:08:05,690 It's valid for elementary particles 93 00:08:05,690 --> 00:08:08,240 or composite particles. 94 00:08:08,240 --> 00:08:11,870 The list of particles is not that big. 95 00:08:11,870 --> 00:08:15,630 Particles of spin 1, we know a lot of them. 96 00:08:15,630 --> 00:08:17,894 A photon is spin 1. 97 00:08:17,894 --> 00:08:20,660 Gluons are spin 1. 98 00:08:20,660 --> 00:08:24,650 The w's, the c's are spin 1 particles. 99 00:08:24,650 --> 00:08:25,770 Particles spin 0. 100 00:08:25,770 --> 00:08:28,550 We didn't know an elementary one for a while. 101 00:08:28,550 --> 00:08:33,710 We finally know the [INAUDIBLE] is there, spin 0. 102 00:08:33,710 --> 00:08:35,750 Particles of spin 2. 103 00:08:35,750 --> 00:08:38,330 Just [INAUDIBLE] along. 104 00:08:38,330 --> 00:08:40,159 Higher spin unknown. 105 00:08:40,159 --> 00:08:41,510 It may exist. 106 00:08:41,510 --> 00:08:44,250 String theory has them. 107 00:08:44,250 --> 00:08:47,840 All kinds of theories postulate them. 108 00:08:47,840 --> 00:08:48,960 They may exist. 109 00:08:48,960 --> 00:08:51,440 They may not. 110 00:08:51,440 --> 00:08:54,440 Spin of 1/2, fractional spin. 111 00:08:54,440 --> 00:08:59,300 Well, all the matter particles, quarks, muons, leptons, 112 00:08:59,300 --> 00:09:01,970 neutrinos are spin 1/2. 113 00:09:01,970 --> 00:09:06,650 Spin 3/2 is hypothetical as an elementary particle. 114 00:09:06,650 --> 00:09:10,610 If it exists, it would be called the gravitino. 115 00:09:10,610 --> 00:09:14,000 There are composite particles. 116 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:15,710 You could [INAUDIBLE] with quarks, 117 00:09:15,710 --> 00:09:19,310 or with other particles, mesons, baryons. 118 00:09:19,310 --> 00:09:22,340 You can get several spins. 119 00:09:22,340 --> 00:09:24,050 Not with elementary particles. 120 00:09:24,050 --> 00:09:27,740 Many time unstable particles. 121 00:09:27,740 --> 00:09:32,510 So anyway, those are very interesting things. 122 00:09:32,510 --> 00:09:40,610 Now next fact is that you can go from elementary particles 123 00:09:40,610 --> 00:09:45,200 to composite particles. 124 00:09:45,200 --> 00:09:49,680 So if you have, for example, the hydrogen atom. 125 00:09:49,680 --> 00:09:54,200 That this has a proton and an electron. 126 00:09:54,200 --> 00:09:59,570 And you want to figure out if it's a boson or a fermion. 127 00:09:59,570 --> 00:10:05,600 Well, you think of another hydrogen atom here, p and e. 128 00:10:05,600 --> 00:10:07,850 And you write a wave function that 129 00:10:07,850 --> 00:10:13,970 involves the protons, the first proton, the second proton, 130 00:10:13,970 --> 00:10:17,180 the first electron, and the second electron. 131 00:10:17,180 --> 00:10:20,130 That's a little bit of a funny notation. 132 00:10:20,130 --> 00:10:22,340 This would correspond to maybe the coordinates 133 00:10:22,340 --> 00:10:25,220 of the first proton, the second proton, the first electron, 134 00:10:25,220 --> 00:10:28,190 the second electron. 135 00:10:28,190 --> 00:10:32,090 Since protons are identical particles that are fermions, 136 00:10:32,090 --> 00:10:36,140 the wave function must change sign 137 00:10:36,140 --> 00:10:38,990 if P1 and P2 are exchanged. 138 00:10:38,990 --> 00:10:40,850 There would be a minus sign. 139 00:10:40,850 --> 00:10:43,880 It's antisymmetric. 140 00:10:43,880 --> 00:10:45,910 Since the electrons are fermions, 141 00:10:45,910 --> 00:10:50,090 it should antisymmetric by exchanging this 2. 142 00:10:50,090 --> 00:10:53,430 So it's also antisymmetric under this exchange. 143 00:10:53,430 --> 00:10:58,280 So finally, if you exchange this item with this item, 144 00:10:58,280 --> 00:11:01,820 you must exchange the two protons and the two electrons 145 00:11:01,820 --> 00:11:03,160 at the same time. 146 00:11:03,160 --> 00:11:05,690 Two minuses and you get a plus. 147 00:11:05,690 --> 00:11:09,590 Therefore, the hydrogen atom is a boson. 148 00:11:09,590 --> 00:11:13,820 So these statistical properties build up. 149 00:11:13,820 --> 00:11:18,300 So an object built with a number of bosons 150 00:11:18,300 --> 00:11:23,180 and a number of fermions will be a boson or a fermion, 151 00:11:23,180 --> 00:11:24,425 depending on those numbers. 152 00:11:27,430 --> 00:11:29,730 So that's a nice thing. 153 00:11:29,730 --> 00:11:36,140 So the hydrogen atom is a boson.