1 00:00:09,580 --> 00:00:13,110 In this video, we'll discuss how radiation therapy can 2 00:00:13,110 --> 00:00:16,309 be framed as an optimization problem. 3 00:00:16,309 --> 00:00:19,610 The data's collected in the treatment planning process, 4 00:00:19,610 --> 00:00:22,980 which starts from a CT scan, like the one you see here, 5 00:00:22,980 --> 00:00:24,690 on the right. 6 00:00:24,690 --> 00:00:28,190 Using a CT scan, a radiation oncologist 7 00:00:28,190 --> 00:00:31,790 contours, or draws outlines around the tumor 8 00:00:31,790 --> 00:00:34,260 and various critical structures. 9 00:00:34,260 --> 00:00:36,310 In this image, the oncologist would 10 00:00:36,310 --> 00:00:39,780 contour structures like the parotid glands, 11 00:00:39,780 --> 00:00:43,430 the largest of the saliva glands, and the brain. 12 00:00:48,610 --> 00:00:51,360 Then, each structure is discretized 13 00:00:51,360 --> 00:00:54,910 into voxels, or volume elements, which are typically 14 00:00:54,910 --> 00:00:57,770 four millimeters in dimension. 15 00:00:57,770 --> 00:01:01,630 The second image here shows a closer view of the brain. 16 00:01:01,630 --> 00:01:04,900 You can see the small squares, or voxels. 17 00:01:04,900 --> 00:01:07,710 Here, they're two-dimensional, but in reality they 18 00:01:07,710 --> 00:01:10,110 would be three-dimensional. 19 00:01:10,110 --> 00:01:13,310 Now, we can compute how much dose each beamlet, 20 00:01:13,310 --> 00:01:17,600 or piece of the beam, delivers to each voxel. 21 00:01:17,600 --> 00:01:20,200 We'll start with a small example. 22 00:01:20,200 --> 00:01:24,700 Suppose we have nine voxels and six beamlets. 23 00:01:24,700 --> 00:01:28,110 Our voxels can be categorized into three types: 24 00:01:28,110 --> 00:01:31,210 the tumor voxels, which are colored pink here; 25 00:01:31,210 --> 00:01:34,289 the spinal cord voxel, colored dark green; 26 00:01:34,289 --> 00:01:37,890 and other healthy tissue voxels, colored light green. 27 00:01:37,890 --> 00:01:42,600 So we have four tumor voxels, one spinal cord voxel, 28 00:01:42,600 --> 00:01:46,009 and four other healthy tissue voxels. 29 00:01:46,009 --> 00:01:50,630 We have two beams that are each split into three beamlets. 30 00:01:50,630 --> 00:01:55,610 Beam 1 is composed of beamlets 1, 2, and 3, 31 00:01:55,610 --> 00:01:57,800 and comes in from the right. 32 00:01:57,800 --> 00:02:02,090 Beam 2 is composed of beamlets 4, 5, and 6, 33 00:02:02,090 --> 00:02:04,400 and comes in from the top. 34 00:02:04,400 --> 00:02:09,169 Our objective is to minimize the total dose to healthy tissue, 35 00:02:09,169 --> 00:02:14,060 both to the spinal cord and to the other healthy tissue. 36 00:02:14,060 --> 00:02:16,410 We have two types of constraints. 37 00:02:16,410 --> 00:02:19,810 The first is that the dose to the tumor voxels 38 00:02:19,810 --> 00:02:22,660 must be at least 7 Gray, which is 39 00:02:22,660 --> 00:02:25,390 the unit of measure for radiation. 40 00:02:25,390 --> 00:02:29,030 Our second constraint is that the dose to the spinal cord 41 00:02:29,030 --> 00:02:32,420 voxel can't be more than 5 Gray, since we 42 00:02:32,420 --> 00:02:37,079 want to be careful to protect the spinal cord. 43 00:02:37,079 --> 00:02:39,520 We know the dose that each beamlet 44 00:02:39,520 --> 00:02:43,180 gives to each voxel at unit intensity. 45 00:02:43,180 --> 00:02:47,260 This table shows the dose that each beamlet in Beam 1 46 00:02:47,260 --> 00:02:48,870 gives to the voxels. 47 00:02:48,870 --> 00:02:51,350 Remember that this is at unit intensity. 48 00:02:51,350 --> 00:02:53,850 If we double the intensity of the beamlet, 49 00:02:53,850 --> 00:02:56,340 we double the doses. 50 00:02:56,340 --> 00:02:58,480 The dose to each voxel can depend 51 00:02:58,480 --> 00:03:02,290 on how far the beamlet has to travel, or the type of tissue 52 00:03:02,290 --> 00:03:05,660 that the beamlet has to travel through. 53 00:03:05,660 --> 00:03:09,440 Similarly, we know the dose that each beamlet in Beam 2 54 00:03:09,440 --> 00:03:13,460 gives to each voxel, again at unit intensity. 55 00:03:13,460 --> 00:03:15,890 The dose depends on the direction of the beam 56 00:03:15,890 --> 00:03:19,090 and what it travels through. 57 00:03:19,090 --> 00:03:21,050 Putting these tables together, we 58 00:03:21,050 --> 00:03:24,210 can write out our optimization problem. 59 00:03:24,210 --> 00:03:29,210 Our decision variables are the intensities of each beamlet. 60 00:03:29,210 --> 00:03:34,760 We'll call them x_1, the intensity for beamlet 1, x_2, 61 00:03:34,760 --> 00:03:38,829 the intensity for beamlet 2, x_3, 62 00:03:38,829 --> 00:03:41,880 the intensity for beamlet 3, etc., 63 00:03:41,880 --> 00:03:45,290 all the way up through x_6. 64 00:03:45,290 --> 00:03:48,550 As we mentioned before, our objective 65 00:03:48,550 --> 00:03:53,860 is to minimize the total dose to the healthy tissue, including 66 00:03:53,860 --> 00:03:55,600 the spinal cord. 67 00:03:55,600 --> 00:03:59,660 So we want to minimize the total dose beamlet 1 gives to healthy 68 00:03:59,660 --> 00:04:07,840 tissue, which is (1 + 2)*x_1, plus the total dose beamlet 2 69 00:04:07,840 --> 00:04:13,880 gives to healthy tissue, which is (2 + 2.5)*x_2, 70 00:04:13,880 --> 00:04:16,529 plus the total dose beamlet 3 gives to healthy tissue, 71 00:04:16,529 --> 00:04:19,420 which is 2.5*x_3. 72 00:04:19,420 --> 00:04:24,360 Now for beamlets 4, 5, and 6, beamlet 4 just gives one dose 73 00:04:24,360 --> 00:04:30,330 to healthy tissue, beamlet 5, 2*x_5, and then beamlet 6, 74 00:04:30,330 --> 00:04:31,330 we have (1 + 2 + 1)*x_6. 75 00:04:36,400 --> 00:04:38,650 Now for our constraints. 76 00:04:38,650 --> 00:04:42,159 First, we need to make sure that each voxel of the tumor 77 00:04:42,159 --> 00:04:44,960 gets a dose of at least 7. 78 00:04:44,960 --> 00:04:48,560 Let's start with the first tumor voxel in the top row. 79 00:04:48,560 --> 00:04:57,750 So 2*x_1 + x_5 needs to be greater than or equal to 7. 80 00:04:57,750 --> 00:05:00,330 Now the tumor voxel in the second row, 81 00:05:00,330 --> 00:05:07,480 we have x_2 + 2*x_4, also greater than or equal to 7. 82 00:05:07,480 --> 00:05:10,570 Now for the two tumor voxels in the bottom row, 83 00:05:10,570 --> 00:05:16,610 we have 1.5*x_3 + x_4, greater than or equal to 7. 84 00:05:16,610 --> 00:05:22,680 And 1.5*x_3 + x_5, greater than or equal to 7. 85 00:05:22,680 --> 00:05:27,900 Then for the spinal cord, we need to make sure that 2*x_2 + 86 00:05:27,900 --> 00:05:32,460 2*x_5 is less than or equal to 5. 87 00:05:32,460 --> 00:05:34,260 And lastly, we just need to make sure 88 00:05:34,260 --> 00:05:37,300 that all of our decision variables are non-negative. 89 00:05:41,620 --> 00:05:45,150 So they should all be greater than or equal to 0. 90 00:05:45,150 --> 00:05:48,040 Now that we've set up our optimization problem, 91 00:05:48,040 --> 00:05:51,960 we'll solve it in LibreOffice in the next video.