
This section contains the class assignment prompts, as well as a selection of supplementary materials related to the assignments.


1 Baseline self-assessment memo (PDF) Due in Lec #2
2 Visual aids exercise (PDF) (XLS) Due in Lec #4
3 Persuasive presentation with Q&A (PDF) Scheduled between Lec #4 and Lec #8 in oral presentation labs
4 The self-evaluation (PDF) Due 72 hours after presentation lab
5 Lincoln Electric in China (PDF) Due one day before Lec #6
6 Cover letter and resume (PDF) Due two days after Lec #11
7 Interactive persuasive presentation (PDF) Scheduled between Lec #9 and Lec #13 in oral presentation labs
8 Team projects: group presentation (PDF) Scheduled in the week of Lec #13
9 Final self-assessment memo (PDF) Due in Lec #14


Supplementary Materials

A note on managing questions (PDF)
Communication planner (PDF)
Presentation planner (PDF)
Tips for effective PowerPoint presentation (PDF)
Strategy checklist (PDF)