1 00:00:00,090 --> 00:00:02,430 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,430 --> 00:00:03,820 Commons license. 3 00:00:03,820 --> 00:00:06,030 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,030 --> 00:00:10,120 continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,120 --> 00:00:12,690 To make a donation or to view additional materials 6 00:00:12,690 --> 00:00:16,620 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:16,620 --> 00:00:17,820 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:24,876 --> 00:00:26,250 ANDREW LO: Last time when we met, 9 00:00:26,250 --> 00:00:28,041 we saw that the yield curve was somewhere-- 10 00:00:28,041 --> 00:00:33,720 the short end was somewhere at the 30 to 40 basis point level. 11 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:35,520 And let's see where it is today. 12 00:00:35,520 --> 00:00:40,030 The yield on a three month treasury bill, 13 00:00:40,030 --> 00:00:45,314 according to this, is at 71 to 72 basis points. 14 00:00:45,314 --> 00:00:46,230 So that's pretty good. 15 00:00:46,230 --> 00:00:49,440 That's better than it was last week. 16 00:00:49,440 --> 00:00:52,950 There was a point, actually, earlier this morning, 17 00:00:52,950 --> 00:00:54,450 that the yield curve was-- 18 00:00:54,450 --> 00:00:58,170 the short end was slightly above 1%. 19 00:00:58,170 --> 00:01:01,740 But it's now come back down, because of additional trading 20 00:01:01,740 --> 00:01:04,349 and demand for these securities. 21 00:01:04,349 --> 00:01:08,850 But that suggests that at least the panic is not as severe 22 00:01:08,850 --> 00:01:09,857 as it was last week. 23 00:01:09,857 --> 00:01:11,190 Things are getting a bit better. 24 00:01:11,190 --> 00:01:13,830 And not surprisingly, the reason they're getting a bit better, 25 00:01:13,830 --> 00:01:15,972 is because there's more certainty now 26 00:01:15,972 --> 00:01:17,430 that something was going to happen. 27 00:01:17,430 --> 00:01:21,030 When we met last, it seemed as if there was a possibility 28 00:01:21,030 --> 00:01:22,742 that this wasn't going to happen at all, 29 00:01:22,742 --> 00:01:25,200 that there was going to be some breakdown between Democrats 30 00:01:25,200 --> 00:01:28,320 and Republicans, and that there was an impasse. 31 00:01:28,320 --> 00:01:30,900 Fortunately, that got resolved over the weekend. 32 00:01:30,900 --> 00:01:31,980 At least it seems to be. 33 00:01:31,980 --> 00:01:35,010 It's going to be voted on as we speak actually. 34 00:01:35,010 --> 00:01:36,780 So hopefully, we'll find out by the end 35 00:01:36,780 --> 00:01:40,200 of class or end of today whether or not it happens. 36 00:01:40,200 --> 00:01:41,620 If it doesn't happen, what do you 37 00:01:41,620 --> 00:01:45,140 think is going to happen to the three month? 38 00:01:45,140 --> 00:01:47,930 Yeah, so you could actually look at this as a thermometer. 39 00:01:47,930 --> 00:01:49,840 Check the temperature of our economy. 40 00:01:49,840 --> 00:01:52,010 It's pretty amazing, isn't it? 41 00:01:52,010 --> 00:01:55,640 It tells you that financial markets are very dynamic, 42 00:01:55,640 --> 00:01:58,730 and that you actually can learn a lot from market prices. 43 00:01:58,730 --> 00:02:01,940 Again, are market prices correct? 44 00:02:01,940 --> 00:02:03,530 No, there's no such thing as correct. 45 00:02:03,530 --> 00:02:06,620 I want you to get away from that notion of correct. 46 00:02:06,620 --> 00:02:09,199 There is a market price that reflects 47 00:02:09,199 --> 00:02:13,070 the aggregate sentiment of the economy and the participants 48 00:02:13,070 --> 00:02:15,230 on a given day, at a given point in time, 49 00:02:15,230 --> 00:02:17,290 with a certain set of market conditions. 50 00:02:17,290 --> 00:02:19,040 And then you have to decide whether or not 51 00:02:19,040 --> 00:02:22,550 that set of prices is something that you would like to use 52 00:02:22,550 --> 00:02:24,380 in your own calculations. 53 00:02:24,380 --> 00:02:26,237 So right now, these are the prices 54 00:02:26,237 --> 00:02:28,070 that reflect what's going on in the economy. 55 00:02:28,070 --> 00:02:29,810 By the way, at the long end, last time 56 00:02:29,810 --> 00:02:34,280 we saw that two weeks ago, the long end of the yield curve 57 00:02:34,280 --> 00:02:37,067 was pretty high, because of concerns that there 58 00:02:37,067 --> 00:02:38,150 was going to be inflation. 59 00:02:38,150 --> 00:02:40,490 And then last week, we saw that it went down. 60 00:02:40,490 --> 00:02:41,300 What is it now? 61 00:02:41,300 --> 00:02:44,840 Well, if you take a look at the 30 year, the yield is at 422. 62 00:02:44,840 --> 00:02:47,180 That's slightly lower, not by much, 63 00:02:47,180 --> 00:02:49,555 but it's slightly lower than what we saw last time. 64 00:02:49,555 --> 00:02:51,680 And certainly lower than what it was two weeks ago. 65 00:02:51,680 --> 00:02:55,220 So the concerns about inflation, while they're still there, 66 00:02:55,220 --> 00:02:57,110 at least from the data here it looks 67 00:02:57,110 --> 00:02:59,480 like they're a little bit less. 68 00:02:59,480 --> 00:03:04,010 So are people right today and were wrong last week? 69 00:03:04,010 --> 00:03:04,910 Who knows. 70 00:03:04,910 --> 00:03:08,090 The point is that this reflects what the current market 71 00:03:08,090 --> 00:03:09,650 sentiment is. 72 00:03:09,650 --> 00:03:12,560 And so at every point in time, when you look at market prices, 73 00:03:12,560 --> 00:03:16,670 what you're getting is a window on current expectations 74 00:03:16,670 --> 00:03:20,830 and current information, and you have to make the best of that. 75 00:03:20,830 --> 00:03:21,664 Any other questions? 76 00:03:21,664 --> 00:03:22,163 Yup? 77 00:03:22,163 --> 00:03:24,084 STUDENT: I just have sort of two questions. 78 00:03:24,084 --> 00:03:28,720 One is that, when the three months treasuries are so high, 79 00:03:28,720 --> 00:03:32,562 we said it was just a couple basis points, 80 00:03:32,562 --> 00:03:34,967 why wouldn't you just short those? 81 00:03:34,967 --> 00:03:36,810 Because don't you have a [INAUDIBLE],, 82 00:03:36,810 --> 00:03:39,620 they can't go above 0. 83 00:03:39,620 --> 00:03:42,940 So you have a couple basis points downside, 84 00:03:42,940 --> 00:03:45,630 and [INAUDIBLE] basis points upside. 85 00:03:45,630 --> 00:03:46,630 ANDREW LO: That's right. 86 00:03:46,630 --> 00:03:47,949 You could have shorted them. 87 00:03:47,949 --> 00:03:49,115 Andy, do you want to answer? 88 00:03:49,115 --> 00:03:51,642 ANDY: I'm not sure I agree that you can short them. 89 00:03:51,642 --> 00:03:52,600 ANDREW LO: OK, why not? 90 00:03:52,600 --> 00:03:54,100 ANDY: Because going short that means 91 00:03:54,100 --> 00:03:56,464 that you want to borrow money at 3 basis 92 00:03:56,464 --> 00:04:00,422 points for three months, but you're not the US Government. 93 00:04:00,422 --> 00:04:01,994 And no on will allow you to do that. 94 00:04:04,660 --> 00:04:08,050 ANDREW LO: Well, it would be hard to borrow the securities 95 00:04:08,050 --> 00:04:09,580 and then sell them, right? 96 00:04:09,580 --> 00:04:12,850 And unfortunately, you can't manufacture the pieces of paper 97 00:04:12,850 --> 00:04:14,950 the way the US Government can. 98 00:04:14,950 --> 00:04:16,510 It's kind of hard to do the printing 99 00:04:16,510 --> 00:04:18,920 press in just the same way. 100 00:04:18,920 --> 00:04:22,620 In fact, I think it may even be illegal. 101 00:04:22,620 --> 00:04:26,129 But you're right that if-- 102 00:04:26,129 --> 00:04:27,670 it's such a low level, what you would 103 00:04:27,670 --> 00:04:29,128 like to be able to do is you'd like 104 00:04:29,128 --> 00:04:31,010 to be able to issue that stuff. 105 00:04:31,010 --> 00:04:33,070 And by the way, the US Government 106 00:04:33,070 --> 00:04:36,370 did take the opportunity to issue some paper last week 107 00:04:36,370 --> 00:04:37,500 to take advantage of this. 108 00:04:37,500 --> 00:04:39,208 Because it's a great way to do it, right? 109 00:04:39,208 --> 00:04:41,350 You borrow money at virtually zero interest 110 00:04:41,350 --> 00:04:43,054 rate because you are the US Government, 111 00:04:43,054 --> 00:04:44,470 and all you need to do is print up 112 00:04:44,470 --> 00:04:46,005 these wonderful certificates. 113 00:04:46,005 --> 00:04:47,630 But I think the issue is exactly right. 114 00:04:47,630 --> 00:04:49,227 If you wanted to short it, you've 115 00:04:49,227 --> 00:04:51,810 got to be able to borrow it from somebody else and then short, 116 00:04:51,810 --> 00:04:53,920 and they have to let you borrow it from them 117 00:04:53,920 --> 00:04:56,260 at appropriate premium. 118 00:04:56,260 --> 00:04:58,510 So there's a risk and a price for that. 119 00:04:58,510 --> 00:05:03,140 But if you could do it, it was a pretty good trade. 120 00:05:03,140 --> 00:05:05,320 On the other hand, think about what you're saying. 121 00:05:05,320 --> 00:05:07,510 What you're saying is that you would 122 00:05:07,510 --> 00:05:10,330 like to be able to allow people who want liquidity 123 00:05:10,330 --> 00:05:11,380 to have liquidity. 124 00:05:11,380 --> 00:05:14,350 You would like to provide them with that kind of a liquidity. 125 00:05:14,350 --> 00:05:16,690 If everybody is panicking and wanting liquidity, 126 00:05:16,690 --> 00:05:18,700 then that might be a very good strategy 127 00:05:18,700 --> 00:05:21,760 because when markets calm down, eventually, 128 00:05:21,760 --> 00:05:23,680 you will do quite well. 129 00:05:23,680 --> 00:05:25,720 In effect, that's what the US Government 130 00:05:25,720 --> 00:05:28,654 is hoping to do with this so-called bailout 131 00:05:28,654 --> 00:05:30,070 package, which is what I mentioned 132 00:05:30,070 --> 00:05:32,800 last week that bailout is probably not the right term. 133 00:05:32,800 --> 00:05:34,960 It's a rescue package undoubtedly. 134 00:05:34,960 --> 00:05:38,020 But whether or not it's a bailout or a very 135 00:05:38,020 --> 00:05:41,850 savvy investment depends simply on the price-- 136 00:05:41,850 --> 00:05:43,480 on the price that you can get it at, 137 00:05:43,480 --> 00:05:45,790 and the price that you ultimately sell it for. 138 00:05:45,790 --> 00:05:48,330 So that remains to be seen. 139 00:05:48,330 --> 00:05:49,914 Other questions? 140 00:05:49,914 --> 00:05:50,414 Yep? 141 00:05:50,414 --> 00:05:52,910 STUDENT: I don't know the details of the [INAUDIBLE],, 142 00:05:52,910 --> 00:05:57,640 but I'm wondering, this crises is 143 00:05:57,640 --> 00:06:03,790 based on the whole economy is leveraged on some assets that 144 00:06:03,790 --> 00:06:07,210 are not really working or are worth less 145 00:06:07,210 --> 00:06:10,584 than they were supposed to. 146 00:06:10,584 --> 00:06:15,708 And I wonder, at the end, would the people 147 00:06:15,708 --> 00:06:20,010 that have credit, but bad credit, suffer? 148 00:06:20,010 --> 00:06:23,870 Will they save their homes or not? 149 00:06:23,870 --> 00:06:26,600 I don't see-- because the only way 150 00:06:26,600 --> 00:06:31,320 I see for this to be corrected is to go to [INAUDIBLE].. 151 00:06:31,320 --> 00:06:35,830 There's a lot of people leveraged that cannot pay 152 00:06:35,830 --> 00:06:39,600 so how will this get to-- 153 00:06:39,600 --> 00:06:40,670 Am I explaining myself? 154 00:06:40,670 --> 00:06:41,330 ANDREW LO: I think so. 155 00:06:41,330 --> 00:06:41,830 I think so. 156 00:06:41,830 --> 00:06:44,990 I think you're expressing the same kind of concern 157 00:06:44,990 --> 00:06:47,420 and confusion that the American public has expressed 158 00:06:47,420 --> 00:06:48,620 at the bailout package. 159 00:06:48,620 --> 00:06:52,490 Because it doesn't seem like the bailout 160 00:06:52,490 --> 00:06:56,550 is really applying to the ultimate root cause of this, 161 00:06:56,550 --> 00:06:59,000 which is the home owners. 162 00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:01,424 The politicians would say that you're bailing out 163 00:07:01,424 --> 00:07:02,840 Wall Street when you should really 164 00:07:02,840 --> 00:07:05,210 be bailing out Main Street. 165 00:07:05,210 --> 00:07:08,030 Let me hold off on answering that, because it turns out that 166 00:07:08,030 --> 00:07:12,050 this Thursday, October 2nd, from 5:30 to 7:00, 167 00:07:12,050 --> 00:07:13,850 the Sloan School will be organizing 168 00:07:13,850 --> 00:07:16,670 a panel discussion of the bailout, 169 00:07:16,670 --> 00:07:19,060 as well as the root causes of some of these issues. 170 00:07:19,060 --> 00:07:21,770 So rather than take up any more class time, 171 00:07:21,770 --> 00:07:25,100 let me defer that question to that Thursday panel, 172 00:07:25,100 --> 00:07:27,570 and then I'd be happy to talk about it afterwards. 173 00:07:27,570 --> 00:07:29,510 But I'd rather make sure that we stay 174 00:07:29,510 --> 00:07:31,370 on track with our curriculum and just use 175 00:07:31,370 --> 00:07:32,480 this as an illustration. 176 00:07:32,480 --> 00:07:34,688 But let me give you the short answer to the question. 177 00:07:34,688 --> 00:07:36,500 The short answer is that the idea 178 00:07:36,500 --> 00:07:40,340 is that you have to deal with the current crisis right now. 179 00:07:40,340 --> 00:07:43,100 So it's sort of like having a patient come into the emergency 180 00:07:43,100 --> 00:07:48,080 room and they're bleeding out, and it turns out 181 00:07:48,080 --> 00:07:51,500 that the reason they're bleeding out is they've abused drugs 182 00:07:51,500 --> 00:07:53,810 and they've done all sorts of bad things 183 00:07:53,810 --> 00:07:56,020 to their diet and health. 184 00:07:56,020 --> 00:07:57,650 Now, at that time, you probably don't 185 00:07:57,650 --> 00:07:59,390 want to give a lecture on good nutrition 186 00:07:59,390 --> 00:08:04,157 and the dangers of recreational pharmaceuticals. 187 00:08:04,157 --> 00:08:05,490 You've got to stop the bleeding. 188 00:08:05,490 --> 00:08:07,948 And then, over the course of the next few weeks and months, 189 00:08:07,948 --> 00:08:09,570 you try to rehabilitate the patient. 190 00:08:09,570 --> 00:08:12,080 So what the package is meant to do, first of all, 191 00:08:12,080 --> 00:08:13,192 is to stop the bleeding. 192 00:08:13,192 --> 00:08:15,650 And then, over time, we're going to have to address exactly 193 00:08:15,650 --> 00:08:16,910 the issues that you raised. 194 00:08:16,910 --> 00:08:20,270 And that's part of what the proposal was trying to do. 195 00:08:20,270 --> 00:08:23,420 That's why it took them time to put it together. 196 00:08:23,420 --> 00:08:25,910 It's easy to figure out how to stop the bleeding. 197 00:08:25,910 --> 00:08:28,370 Money will stop the bleeding. 198 00:08:28,370 --> 00:08:31,130 But the problem is that throwing money, good money, 199 00:08:31,130 --> 00:08:34,070 at bad assets is not necessarily the long run solution. 200 00:08:34,070 --> 00:08:37,130 You have to figure out what the ultimate causes are dealing 201 00:08:37,130 --> 00:08:40,190 with foreclosures, dealing with all of these very 202 00:08:40,190 --> 00:08:43,789 complex securities, figuring out how to value them, 203 00:08:43,789 --> 00:08:46,460 coming up with proper insurance agreements 204 00:08:46,460 --> 00:08:49,340 to be able to create stability across the entire market. 205 00:08:49,340 --> 00:08:51,830 And that's what the various aspects of the bailout package 206 00:08:51,830 --> 00:08:52,952 are designed to do. 207 00:08:52,952 --> 00:08:54,410 So we'll talk about it on Thursday, 208 00:08:54,410 --> 00:08:55,909 and I would encourage all of you who 209 00:08:55,909 --> 00:08:57,660 are interested to come to that session. 210 00:08:57,660 --> 00:09:02,030 We've got a number of economists and accounting faculty 211 00:09:02,030 --> 00:09:05,150 and other folks who are going to be there to present. 212 00:09:05,150 --> 00:09:08,267 You'll get a notice about that probably later this afternoon. 213 00:09:08,267 --> 00:09:09,266 STUDENT: One more thing. 214 00:09:09,266 --> 00:09:13,260 On the Wachovia deal, what's going to happen with the bank? 215 00:09:13,260 --> 00:09:16,370 Is it going to continue the same? 216 00:09:16,370 --> 00:09:19,590 ANDREW LO: Well, obviously that's a work in progress. 217 00:09:19,590 --> 00:09:22,310 It looks like most of the units of Wachovia 218 00:09:22,310 --> 00:09:25,220 will be sold off to Citigroup, but there 219 00:09:25,220 --> 00:09:28,340 are a few units of Wachovia, including AG Edwards, which 220 00:09:28,340 --> 00:09:30,290 is a broker dealer, and Evergreen, which 221 00:09:30,290 --> 00:09:32,750 is another broker dealer, that will remain separate 222 00:09:32,750 --> 00:09:33,920 and will be freestanding. 223 00:09:33,920 --> 00:09:36,140 So that will not be acquired by Citigroup. 224 00:09:36,140 --> 00:09:38,390 But apart from that, all the other units of Wachovia 225 00:09:38,390 --> 00:09:40,566 will be taken on by Citigroup, and that there 226 00:09:40,566 --> 00:09:43,910 will be a backstop provided by the FDIC in case 227 00:09:43,910 --> 00:09:46,857 the losses exceed more than $40 billion. 228 00:09:46,857 --> 00:09:48,440 So Citigroup will be able to take that 229 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:49,820 onto its balance sheets. 230 00:09:49,820 --> 00:09:52,460 And in exchange for taking on all 231 00:09:52,460 --> 00:09:54,500 of these bad debts and other problems, 232 00:09:54,500 --> 00:09:57,386 Citigroup gets the retail access to all 233 00:09:57,386 --> 00:09:58,760 of the various different channels 234 00:09:58,760 --> 00:10:00,260 that Wachovia has set up. 235 00:10:00,260 --> 00:10:03,140 So now, Citigroup has the ability 236 00:10:03,140 --> 00:10:07,550 to compete head-to-head with Merrill Lynch having been 237 00:10:07,550 --> 00:10:09,410 acquired by Bank of America. 238 00:10:09,410 --> 00:10:11,850 Whereas before, they wouldn't have been able to do that. 239 00:10:11,850 --> 00:10:13,850 So you see, this is what I was saying last time, 240 00:10:13,850 --> 00:10:17,180 that with every kind of crisis, with every kind of dislocation, 241 00:10:17,180 --> 00:10:19,610 there are opportunities that are created. 242 00:10:19,610 --> 00:10:23,180 And so when you have one door closing, 243 00:10:23,180 --> 00:10:25,849 three other doors open for opportunities 244 00:10:25,849 --> 00:10:27,140 that can be taken advantage of. 245 00:10:27,140 --> 00:10:28,973 And by the way, let we mention, this is also 246 00:10:28,973 --> 00:10:30,020 true for your careers. 247 00:10:30,020 --> 00:10:32,737 You might be discouraged about financial services. 248 00:10:32,737 --> 00:10:34,070 I would argue just the opposite. 249 00:10:34,070 --> 00:10:36,980 Right now, all of you are at an excellent position 250 00:10:36,980 --> 00:10:39,290 as first year students, because first of all, you're 251 00:10:39,290 --> 00:10:43,100 here in school waiting out the passage of the storm. 252 00:10:43,100 --> 00:10:45,790 And when the storm passes, believe me, 253 00:10:45,790 --> 00:10:47,670 there are going to be tons of opportunities. 254 00:10:47,670 --> 00:10:51,950 In fact, typically the largest growth period for jobs 255 00:10:51,950 --> 00:10:54,860 is not at business cycle peaks, but its exactly 256 00:10:54,860 --> 00:10:57,560 after these kinds of troughs that occur. 257 00:10:57,560 --> 00:10:59,139 So within the next 6 to 12 months, 258 00:10:59,139 --> 00:11:01,180 there's going to be tons of career opportunities. 259 00:11:01,180 --> 00:11:02,570 In fact, for those of you who are 260 00:11:02,570 --> 00:11:04,550 interested in going to the New York Banking Day, 261 00:11:04,550 --> 00:11:06,800 and you really should if you're interested in a career 262 00:11:06,800 --> 00:11:07,820 in finance. 263 00:11:07,820 --> 00:11:11,120 My guess is if you visit Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, 264 00:11:11,120 --> 00:11:13,550 as difficult as a set of circumstances 265 00:11:13,550 --> 00:11:15,900 they're in right now, my guess is every single one 266 00:11:15,900 --> 00:11:17,702 of these firms will be hiring. 267 00:11:17,702 --> 00:11:19,410 And the reason they're going to be hiring 268 00:11:19,410 --> 00:11:22,320 is because they want to take advantage of the opportunity 269 00:11:22,320 --> 00:11:25,410 to cut costs and to hire younger, more 270 00:11:25,410 --> 00:11:30,420 energetic employees to be able to really beef up 271 00:11:30,420 --> 00:11:34,740 their future generations of human capital. 272 00:11:34,740 --> 00:11:37,030 So they're going to be making an investment in that. 273 00:11:37,030 --> 00:11:39,734 So I think that's a good example of how it's true that you're 274 00:11:39,734 --> 00:11:40,900 going to have consolidation. 275 00:11:40,900 --> 00:11:42,390 So now, after this, there's going 276 00:11:42,390 --> 00:11:47,130 to be three major money center banks, JP Morgan Chase, Bank 277 00:11:47,130 --> 00:11:50,700 of America, and Citigroup, which is astonishing 278 00:11:50,700 --> 00:11:53,400 because just a few months ago there were quite a few others. 279 00:11:53,400 --> 00:11:54,817 So the landscape has changed. 280 00:11:54,817 --> 00:11:56,400 But the competitive landscape changing 281 00:11:56,400 --> 00:11:58,940 means that opportunities get created along the way. 282 00:11:58,940 --> 00:12:03,090 STUDENT: I was just wondering from your point of view. 283 00:12:03,090 --> 00:12:07,562 Why is it better to have the banking industry consolidated 284 00:12:07,562 --> 00:12:08,680 into three buckets? 285 00:12:08,680 --> 00:12:10,221 In that, wouldn't it have been better 286 00:12:10,221 --> 00:12:13,744 to let Wachovia fail and let the regional [INAUDIBLE] 287 00:12:13,744 --> 00:12:17,894 pick up the slack instead of now having literally JP, B of A, 288 00:12:17,894 --> 00:12:24,260 and CitiGroup dominate the entire landscape 289 00:12:24,260 --> 00:12:27,810 and be in a position to monopolize [INAUDIBLE] 290 00:12:27,810 --> 00:12:29,730 going forward. 291 00:12:29,730 --> 00:12:33,270 ANDREW LO: Well, so that's an interesting thought, 292 00:12:33,270 --> 00:12:36,350 letting Wachovia fail. 293 00:12:36,350 --> 00:12:38,855 Obviously, you're not a Wachovia customer. 294 00:12:42,380 --> 00:12:44,750 I think that what's happening right now 295 00:12:44,750 --> 00:12:48,410 is that there's a great deal of sensitivity, 296 00:12:48,410 --> 00:12:52,460 not only on the part of Wall Street, but regulators, 297 00:12:52,460 --> 00:12:57,320 to stem the tide of mass financial panic. 298 00:12:57,320 --> 00:12:58,940 We talked a bit about that last time. 299 00:12:58,940 --> 00:13:01,940 The reason that regulators and the government 300 00:13:01,940 --> 00:13:06,200 sprang into action was not because Lehman went under, 301 00:13:06,200 --> 00:13:08,370 or AIG went under, or any of these other large 302 00:13:08,370 --> 00:13:09,020 organizations. 303 00:13:09,020 --> 00:13:12,890 The reason that finally got them over the edge of moving 304 00:13:12,890 --> 00:13:16,340 to do something substantial is because the reserve 305 00:13:16,340 --> 00:13:19,970 fund, a retail money market fund, broke the buck. 306 00:13:19,970 --> 00:13:24,320 And if that happens on a regular basis beyond the reserve fund, 307 00:13:24,320 --> 00:13:27,560 you will have a very, very significant financial market 308 00:13:27,560 --> 00:13:29,030 dislocation. 309 00:13:29,030 --> 00:13:32,550 It turns out that Wachovia is part of that retail network. 310 00:13:32,550 --> 00:13:35,600 And if you let Wachovia fail, you 311 00:13:35,600 --> 00:13:42,080 risk igniting further problems in that retail sector. 312 00:13:42,080 --> 00:13:44,210 Citigroup is perfectly happy to take them over 313 00:13:44,210 --> 00:13:46,190 and are able to given their balance 314 00:13:46,190 --> 00:13:48,680 sheet-- are able to manage that without any problem. 315 00:13:48,680 --> 00:13:50,480 So that seemed like an ideal solution 316 00:13:50,480 --> 00:13:52,400 from everybody's perspective. 317 00:13:52,400 --> 00:13:55,340 Because if you allow Wachovia to fail, remember, 318 00:13:55,340 --> 00:13:59,900 the FDIC is on the hook to pay all the depositors their FDIC 319 00:13:59,900 --> 00:14:04,200 deposit insurance up to $100,000 per name, per account. 320 00:14:04,200 --> 00:14:08,520 That could be a very substantial number by letting the bank fail 321 00:14:08,520 --> 00:14:12,020 and by having all of its value completely lost. 322 00:14:12,020 --> 00:14:14,630 This way, they actually preserve a fair amount of value, 323 00:14:14,630 --> 00:14:17,360 because as an ongoing concern, Wachovia has 324 00:14:17,360 --> 00:14:19,520 quite a lot of good business. 325 00:14:19,520 --> 00:14:23,030 So it actually is the cost minimizing solution, 326 00:14:23,030 --> 00:14:24,980 but at the same time it also preserves 327 00:14:24,980 --> 00:14:29,840 the current fragile integrity of financial markets at least 328 00:14:29,840 --> 00:14:34,070 until the bailout fund is set. 329 00:14:34,070 --> 00:14:38,360 My guess is that in about three or four weeks, if we have banks 330 00:14:38,360 --> 00:14:41,049 that end up not being able to make their commitments, 331 00:14:41,049 --> 00:14:42,590 they are going to be allowed to fail. 332 00:14:42,590 --> 00:14:44,131 Because at that point, those failures 333 00:14:44,131 --> 00:14:46,220 won't jeopardize the entire financial system, 334 00:14:46,220 --> 00:14:49,950 they'll be dealt with by this bailout organization. 335 00:14:49,950 --> 00:14:51,902 So I think that that's the logic. 336 00:14:51,902 --> 00:14:53,360 Yeah, last question, let's move on. 337 00:14:53,360 --> 00:14:54,734 STUDENT: Is that the same thought 338 00:14:54,734 --> 00:14:59,770 process as freezing Washington Mutual's failure [INAUDIBLE].. 339 00:14:59,770 --> 00:15:01,020 ANDREW LO: Well, that's right. 340 00:15:01,020 --> 00:15:03,830 But the difference there is that Washington Mutual has 341 00:15:03,830 --> 00:15:07,460 much bigger exposure to these subprime loans, 342 00:15:07,460 --> 00:15:09,410 and so I think in that case, there really 343 00:15:09,410 --> 00:15:10,910 wasn't much of a choice. 344 00:15:10,910 --> 00:15:13,520 And very much so transferring the business units 345 00:15:13,520 --> 00:15:17,060 that are able to be moved over JP Morgan Chase 346 00:15:17,060 --> 00:15:19,900 would make a fair bit of sense. 347 00:15:19,900 --> 00:15:21,650 So there's a lot of consolidation going on 348 00:15:21,650 --> 00:15:24,850 in this industry, but once again, consolidation, 349 00:15:24,850 --> 00:15:27,956 while it seems like it's a big upheaval, 350 00:15:27,956 --> 00:15:30,330 and it is for the people that are at these organizations, 351 00:15:30,330 --> 00:15:32,240 it's very disruptive, the fact is 352 00:15:32,240 --> 00:15:33,830 that these kind of disruptions are 353 00:15:33,830 --> 00:15:37,130 part and parcel of how businesses grow and develop 354 00:15:37,130 --> 00:15:39,810 and morph over time. 355 00:15:39,810 --> 00:15:42,950 In fact, if you went back to the 1960s, 356 00:15:42,950 --> 00:15:45,710 and you looked at a Wall Street Journal on microfiche-- 357 00:15:45,710 --> 00:15:47,780 I happened to do that just because I 358 00:15:47,780 --> 00:15:50,480 was looking for a particular citation at one point-- 359 00:15:50,480 --> 00:15:53,270 if you look at the advertisements in the 1960s 360 00:15:53,270 --> 00:15:56,720 or even 15 years ago, you look at the advertisements 361 00:15:56,720 --> 00:15:58,672 in the Wall Street Journal in those days, 362 00:15:58,672 --> 00:16:01,130 there are names of financial institutions that you've never 363 00:16:01,130 --> 00:16:05,870 heard of, that were really big institutions back then. 364 00:16:05,870 --> 00:16:08,270 So it's rare that we have institutions that 365 00:16:08,270 --> 00:16:11,510 survive for 50, 75, 100 years. 366 00:16:11,510 --> 00:16:14,450 It's part and parcel of how businesses develop. 367 00:16:14,450 --> 00:16:19,400 And the key is to focus on the process by which businesses 368 00:16:19,400 --> 00:16:20,330 change. 369 00:16:20,330 --> 00:16:23,180 So when we start talking about equity evaluation, 370 00:16:23,180 --> 00:16:25,610 we're going to see that by looking at income statements 371 00:16:25,610 --> 00:16:28,024 and balance sheets together, we can see not only what's 372 00:16:28,024 --> 00:16:29,690 a good business and what a bad business, 373 00:16:29,690 --> 00:16:32,990 we can also see how businesses evolve over time. 374 00:16:32,990 --> 00:16:35,060 And it's that evolution that we hope 375 00:16:35,060 --> 00:16:37,970 to try to bring across to you in this course. 376 00:16:37,970 --> 00:16:40,520 I want to show you how it is that you can understand 377 00:16:40,520 --> 00:16:44,480 the dynamics of changes in business conditions, 378 00:16:44,480 --> 00:16:48,410 because that really is, I think, the key to a lot of what you 379 00:16:48,410 --> 00:16:50,797 can use in your own careers. 380 00:16:50,797 --> 00:16:52,130 I know there are more questions. 381 00:16:52,130 --> 00:16:57,539 But let me hold off on those and start on the lecture today 382 00:16:57,539 --> 00:17:00,080 and then we can cover those a little bit later on after we've 383 00:17:00,080 --> 00:17:02,780 made some progress. 384 00:17:02,780 --> 00:17:05,660 So this is a continuation of last lecture 385 00:17:05,660 --> 00:17:09,380 where we were talking about convexity and duration 386 00:17:09,380 --> 00:17:13,579 as two measures of the riskiness of a bond portfolio. 387 00:17:13,579 --> 00:17:17,839 And I concluded last lecture by talking about the fact 388 00:17:17,839 --> 00:17:21,800 that if you think about a bond as a function 389 00:17:21,800 --> 00:17:26,720 of the underlying yield, then you can use an approximation 390 00:17:26,720 --> 00:17:31,700 result that says that the bond price, as a function of yield, 391 00:17:31,700 --> 00:17:33,830 is approximately going to be given 392 00:17:33,830 --> 00:17:37,640 by a linear function of its duration 393 00:17:37,640 --> 00:17:41,690 and a quadratic function of its convexity. 394 00:17:41,690 --> 00:17:43,850 So we have an approximation that says 395 00:17:43,850 --> 00:17:46,700 that the price of the bond at a yield y 396 00:17:46,700 --> 00:17:50,030 prime, is going to be equal to the price of the bond 397 00:17:50,030 --> 00:17:56,330 at a yield y multiplied by this linear quadratic expression. 398 00:17:56,330 --> 00:17:58,520 And really, the purpose of this is just 399 00:17:58,520 --> 00:18:01,550 to give you a way of thinking about how 400 00:18:01,550 --> 00:18:06,810 changes in the fluctuations of a bond portfolio, 401 00:18:06,810 --> 00:18:10,220 as well as the curvature of that bond portfolio, 402 00:18:10,220 --> 00:18:13,970 will affect its value and therefore its riskiness. 403 00:18:13,970 --> 00:18:17,030 These are just two measures that will allow you to capture 404 00:18:17,030 --> 00:18:20,340 the risk of a bond portfolio. 405 00:18:20,340 --> 00:18:22,640 So I have a numerical example here 406 00:18:22,640 --> 00:18:24,800 that you can take a look at and work out, 407 00:18:24,800 --> 00:18:28,040 and you can see how good that approximation is. 408 00:18:28,040 --> 00:18:32,870 This is an approximate result that the price at a yield of 8% 409 00:18:32,870 --> 00:18:35,660 is going to be given as a function of the price 410 00:18:35,660 --> 00:18:38,360 of the bond and a yield of 6% multiplied 411 00:18:38,360 --> 00:18:41,270 by this linear quadratic expression. 412 00:18:41,270 --> 00:18:44,000 And the actual result of the bond price, 413 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:47,240 now that we have high speed digital computers that 414 00:18:47,240 --> 00:18:49,760 can calculate all of this at a moment's notice, 415 00:18:49,760 --> 00:18:51,170 you can see the difference. 416 00:18:51,170 --> 00:18:54,520 It differs basically by about a penny. 417 00:18:54,520 --> 00:18:56,494 A penny it's not a big deal. 418 00:18:56,494 --> 00:18:58,910 But when you're dealing with billions of dollars actually, 419 00:18:58,910 --> 00:19:01,737 a penny is a pretty significant amount. 420 00:19:01,737 --> 00:19:03,320 So what you want to do is to make sure 421 00:19:03,320 --> 00:19:05,750 that you use the right formula to calculate it. 422 00:19:05,750 --> 00:19:08,930 I wouldn't argue that you should use convexity and duration 423 00:19:08,930 --> 00:19:11,840 to do any kind of bond pricing analysis, 424 00:19:11,840 --> 00:19:16,580 but for a quick and dirty method for getting intuition 425 00:19:16,580 --> 00:19:20,540 about how risky a bond portfolio is, the two questions you ought 426 00:19:20,540 --> 00:19:23,980 to ask somebody is, what's the duration 427 00:19:23,980 --> 00:19:25,510 and what's the convexity. 428 00:19:25,510 --> 00:19:29,770 And what those two numbers, you can develop a kind of intuition 429 00:19:29,770 --> 00:19:32,110 for how the bond price is going to move 430 00:19:32,110 --> 00:19:35,500 in response to underlying changes in the yield curve. 431 00:19:35,500 --> 00:19:38,890 And right now, we see that the yields 432 00:19:38,890 --> 00:19:40,210 are changing pretty rapidly. 433 00:19:40,210 --> 00:19:43,360 The Treasury yield curve, at least at the short end, 434 00:19:43,360 --> 00:19:45,370 is bouncing around depending on what happens 435 00:19:45,370 --> 00:19:47,120 every day in Washington. 436 00:19:47,120 --> 00:19:51,280 And so if you have that sense of short term yields changing, 437 00:19:51,280 --> 00:19:53,530 by looking at convexity and duration 438 00:19:53,530 --> 00:19:56,410 you can get a sense of how sensitive your portfolio might 439 00:19:56,410 --> 00:20:00,850 be to those kinds of exposures. 440 00:20:00,850 --> 00:20:06,010 The last topic I'm going to take on is now corporate bonds. 441 00:20:06,010 --> 00:20:09,640 Up until this point, the only thing that we focused on 442 00:20:09,640 --> 00:20:13,300 has been default free securities, namely 443 00:20:13,300 --> 00:20:16,300 government securities, because governments can always 444 00:20:16,300 --> 00:20:18,370 print money and therefore they can always 445 00:20:18,370 --> 00:20:21,670 make good on the claim that they will pay you a face 446 00:20:21,670 --> 00:20:24,970 value of $1,000 in 27 years. 447 00:20:24,970 --> 00:20:28,830 There's no risk that they can't run those printing presses. 448 00:20:28,830 --> 00:20:33,180 What I want to turn to now is risky debt, 449 00:20:33,180 --> 00:20:35,460 and in particular I want to point out 450 00:20:35,460 --> 00:20:39,990 that risky debt is fundamentally different in the sense 451 00:20:39,990 --> 00:20:42,780 that there is a chance that you don't get paid back. 452 00:20:42,780 --> 00:20:45,180 So one of the most significant concerns 453 00:20:45,180 --> 00:20:49,110 of pricing corporate bonds is default risk. 454 00:20:49,110 --> 00:20:52,170 And the market has created its own mechanism 455 00:20:52,170 --> 00:20:55,890 for trying to get a sense of what the default risk really 456 00:20:55,890 --> 00:20:56,550 is. 457 00:20:56,550 --> 00:20:58,590 Namely, credit ratings. 458 00:20:58,590 --> 00:21:02,550 These are ratings put out by a variety of services. 459 00:21:02,550 --> 00:21:04,140 The services that are most popular 460 00:21:04,140 --> 00:21:08,220 are Moody's, S&P, and Fitch. 461 00:21:08,220 --> 00:21:13,350 And these services do analyzes on various companies, 462 00:21:13,350 --> 00:21:17,910 and then they issue reports, and ultimately ratings, 463 00:21:17,910 --> 00:21:18,780 on those companies. 464 00:21:18,780 --> 00:21:22,950 They'll say this company is rated AAA, AAA being 465 00:21:22,950 --> 00:21:24,630 the highest category. 466 00:21:24,630 --> 00:21:27,990 And I've listed the different ratings categories 467 00:21:27,990 --> 00:21:29,760 for the three different agencies here 468 00:21:29,760 --> 00:21:32,341 so you can get a sense of how they compare. 469 00:21:32,341 --> 00:21:33,840 Typically, these ratings are grouped 470 00:21:33,840 --> 00:21:39,474 into two categories, investment grade and non-investment grade. 471 00:21:39,474 --> 00:21:40,890 And really, the difference is just 472 00:21:40,890 --> 00:21:43,890 the nature of the default risk or the speculativeness 473 00:21:43,890 --> 00:21:49,540 of the default probability. 474 00:21:49,540 --> 00:21:52,150 Bonds that are below investment grade 475 00:21:52,150 --> 00:21:55,270 have a higher default rate, and bonds that are supposedly 476 00:21:55,270 --> 00:21:56,740 investment grade are ones that are 477 00:21:56,740 --> 00:22:02,170 appropriate for prudent and conservative investments. 478 00:22:02,170 --> 00:22:04,030 STUDENT: Do you mind maximizing the slide? 479 00:22:04,030 --> 00:22:05,571 It's a little hard to read back here. 480 00:22:05,571 --> 00:22:08,080 ANDREW LO: Oh, sorry about that. 481 00:22:08,080 --> 00:22:09,380 Thank you. 482 00:22:09,380 --> 00:22:11,260 Yeah, that's better. 483 00:22:11,260 --> 00:22:19,930 So investment grade for Moody's is AAA, high quality is AA, 484 00:22:19,930 --> 00:22:25,360 upper medium quality is A, and then medium grade is BAA, 485 00:22:25,360 --> 00:22:28,210 and then anything below BAA is considered 486 00:22:28,210 --> 00:22:29,827 non-investment grade. 487 00:22:29,827 --> 00:22:32,410 Now, the one thing you have to keep in mind about fixed income 488 00:22:32,410 --> 00:22:35,800 securities is that apart from some 489 00:22:35,800 --> 00:22:40,420 of the more esoteric strategies that we talked about last time 490 00:22:40,420 --> 00:22:44,110 like fixed income arbitrage, this idea of taking 491 00:22:44,110 --> 00:22:46,610 a bunch of bonds and figuring out which ones are mispriced 492 00:22:46,610 --> 00:22:49,660 and trading them, apart from those strategies, 493 00:22:49,660 --> 00:22:52,870 most people invest in bonds not because they 494 00:22:52,870 --> 00:22:55,180 want exciting returns. 495 00:22:55,180 --> 00:22:57,190 If you want exciting returns, you put your money 496 00:22:57,190 --> 00:23:01,000 in the stock market or real state or private equity 497 00:23:01,000 --> 00:23:04,180 or other kinds of exciting ventures. 498 00:23:04,180 --> 00:23:07,510 Bonds are supposed to be boring. 499 00:23:07,510 --> 00:23:10,300 You put your money in, and five years later you get your money 500 00:23:10,300 --> 00:23:11,560 out with a little extra. 501 00:23:11,560 --> 00:23:14,580 That's what bonds are supposed to do. 502 00:23:14,580 --> 00:23:21,110 And it wasn't until the 1970s, when the era of junk bonds 503 00:23:21,110 --> 00:23:25,460 came on the scene, 70s and 80s, with Michael Milken and Drexel, 504 00:23:25,460 --> 00:23:28,250 Burnham, Lambert, that you really 505 00:23:28,250 --> 00:23:33,230 had a very different face of fixed income markets. 506 00:23:33,230 --> 00:23:37,670 By and large, fixed income markets dwarf equity markets. 507 00:23:37,670 --> 00:23:39,350 But the reason that they're so large 508 00:23:39,350 --> 00:23:43,250 is because most people use them as a kind of a safe haven. 509 00:23:43,250 --> 00:23:46,190 And as you get riskier and riskier, 510 00:23:46,190 --> 00:23:51,260 it starts to look less like bonds and more like equity. 511 00:23:51,260 --> 00:23:53,720 In fact, if you think about the bankruptcy process, 512 00:23:53,720 --> 00:23:58,090 if you've got a risky corporate bond, you're the bond holder, 513 00:23:58,090 --> 00:24:00,130 and the company declares bankruptcy, 514 00:24:00,130 --> 00:24:04,280 they can't pay your interest payments that are due to you, 515 00:24:04,280 --> 00:24:07,520 when they declare bankruptcy, then 516 00:24:07,520 --> 00:24:10,460 at least from a theoretical perspective, 517 00:24:10,460 --> 00:24:13,910 you the bondholder now become equity holders. 518 00:24:13,910 --> 00:24:15,500 You own the assets. 519 00:24:15,500 --> 00:24:17,420 Because they can't pay you, so they're 520 00:24:17,420 --> 00:24:20,750 obligated to give you control of their company. 521 00:24:20,750 --> 00:24:23,120 So as bonds become more risky, they 522 00:24:23,120 --> 00:24:26,630 start to look more and more not like debt, but like equity. 523 00:24:26,630 --> 00:24:29,190 That is, the returns are random and you don't 524 00:24:29,190 --> 00:24:30,440 know what you're going to get. 525 00:24:30,440 --> 00:24:32,270 It's sort of a surprise every day. 526 00:24:32,270 --> 00:24:36,260 It's the gift that keeps on giving. 527 00:24:36,260 --> 00:24:39,350 But for the most part, investors that are invested in bonds 528 00:24:39,350 --> 00:24:40,370 aren't looking for that. 529 00:24:40,370 --> 00:24:42,912 We're looking for safe returns. 530 00:24:42,912 --> 00:24:44,370 And they're looking for the highest 531 00:24:44,370 --> 00:24:48,180 yield that is a safe return. 532 00:24:48,180 --> 00:24:51,720 So investment grade is the category 533 00:24:51,720 --> 00:24:55,230 that typically pension funds, endowments, 534 00:24:55,230 --> 00:24:59,220 and other relatively conservative institutions 535 00:24:59,220 --> 00:25:00,570 look to. 536 00:25:00,570 --> 00:25:02,670 Within that category, they would like 537 00:25:02,670 --> 00:25:04,800 to get as much yield as possible. 538 00:25:04,800 --> 00:25:06,660 So which of these different grades 539 00:25:06,660 --> 00:25:08,400 do you think offers the highest yield? 540 00:25:11,200 --> 00:25:12,540 Why is that? 541 00:25:12,540 --> 00:25:13,290 Yes, you're right. 542 00:25:13,290 --> 00:25:14,407 Why is that? 543 00:25:14,407 --> 00:25:15,490 What's the logic for that? 544 00:25:18,454 --> 00:25:21,420 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 545 00:25:21,420 --> 00:25:22,260 Exactly. 546 00:25:22,260 --> 00:25:24,300 Given that it's lower rated, that means 547 00:25:24,300 --> 00:25:26,130 it's got a higher probability of default, 548 00:25:26,130 --> 00:25:29,160 you've got to pay investors a little bit of extra for them 549 00:25:29,160 --> 00:25:30,990 to bear that risk. 550 00:25:30,990 --> 00:25:32,376 Simple as that. 551 00:25:32,376 --> 00:25:34,625 So the reason that there are multiple categories, even 552 00:25:34,625 --> 00:25:36,360 in investment grade, is that there 553 00:25:36,360 --> 00:25:39,780 are different levels of risk aversion 554 00:25:39,780 --> 00:25:41,580 that investors want to take on. 555 00:25:41,580 --> 00:25:43,740 Some investors are highly risk averse, 556 00:25:43,740 --> 00:25:47,490 and for the very, very risk averse investors, 557 00:25:47,490 --> 00:25:49,612 they're going to take on AAA. 558 00:25:49,612 --> 00:25:51,820 And for those that are a little bit more adventurous, 559 00:25:51,820 --> 00:25:53,920 they'll take on lower grade. 560 00:25:53,920 --> 00:25:57,790 And for those hedge funds, who are looking for lots of risk 561 00:25:57,790 --> 00:25:59,980 and lots of return, they're the ones 562 00:25:59,980 --> 00:26:03,310 that are dealing in the non-investment grade issues. 563 00:26:03,310 --> 00:26:08,200 Those are the ones where you have relatively large returns, 564 00:26:08,200 --> 00:26:10,000 15% or 20% returns, you didn't think 565 00:26:10,000 --> 00:26:12,430 you can get a return of 15% to 20% for bonds, 566 00:26:12,430 --> 00:26:15,280 but you can if there is a 5% or 10% 567 00:26:15,280 --> 00:26:18,100 chance that you won't get anything. 568 00:26:18,100 --> 00:26:20,680 So when you do get paid, you get paid well, 569 00:26:20,680 --> 00:26:23,530 but you don't always get paid. 570 00:26:23,530 --> 00:26:26,740 So that's the categories that are 571 00:26:26,740 --> 00:26:30,580 developed by the various different ratings institutions. 572 00:26:30,580 --> 00:26:33,850 And once you get a rating, that allows you to approach 573 00:26:33,850 --> 00:26:36,100 investors and say, OK, this is what 574 00:26:36,100 --> 00:26:41,470 I'm looking to get for my corporate bond, 575 00:26:41,470 --> 00:26:45,550 and what I'm hoping to get is commensurate with the risks 576 00:26:45,550 --> 00:26:47,460 that we're bearing. 577 00:26:47,460 --> 00:26:54,010 Here's a little history of the yields on Moody's BAA bonds 578 00:26:54,010 --> 00:26:57,380 minus the US 10 year treasury yield. 579 00:26:57,380 --> 00:27:00,230 So this spread tells you what the difference 580 00:27:00,230 --> 00:27:04,270 is between a very safe asset and a BAA 581 00:27:04,270 --> 00:27:08,320 asset, which in this category, is just 582 00:27:08,320 --> 00:27:10,810 above non-investment grade. 583 00:27:10,810 --> 00:27:14,890 So it's the lowest grade that you can get and still 584 00:27:14,890 --> 00:27:16,050 be passing. 585 00:27:16,050 --> 00:27:18,700 This is sort of like the 65 or something 586 00:27:18,700 --> 00:27:21,730 of junior high school and high school. 587 00:27:21,730 --> 00:27:26,890 So that spread between BAA and US treasuries 588 00:27:26,890 --> 00:27:31,540 is an indication of the risk premium implicit in the default 589 00:27:31,540 --> 00:27:33,640 potential of a BAA bond. 590 00:27:33,640 --> 00:27:35,890 And look at how it's changed. 591 00:27:35,890 --> 00:27:41,530 In the 1930s, this spread was about 7 and 1/2 percentage 592 00:27:41,530 --> 00:27:44,240 points. 593 00:27:44,240 --> 00:27:47,980 That's a big spread by today's standards. 594 00:27:47,980 --> 00:27:49,810 Now of course, by today's standards, 595 00:27:49,810 --> 00:27:52,270 literally today, things are different, 596 00:27:52,270 --> 00:27:54,705 and we may be getting up there soon. 597 00:27:54,705 --> 00:27:56,080 But let's take a look at where we 598 00:27:56,080 --> 00:28:02,650 were at least where the data ended, which is back in 2005. 599 00:28:02,650 --> 00:28:06,520 At the end of this dataset, the credit spread 600 00:28:06,520 --> 00:28:11,770 was maybe 1 and 1/2 to 2%. 601 00:28:11,770 --> 00:28:14,830 That's at a near historic low. 602 00:28:14,830 --> 00:28:17,304 Now, you can see that there are a little bit of a blip 603 00:28:17,304 --> 00:28:18,220 every once in a while. 604 00:28:18,220 --> 00:28:19,240 December. 605 00:28:19,240 --> 00:28:25,630 1987, this is after the stock market crash of October 87. 606 00:28:25,630 --> 00:28:27,700 You see a big blip going up. 607 00:28:27,700 --> 00:28:32,350 And September of 1998 after LTCM, that goes up. 608 00:28:32,350 --> 00:28:35,500 And then of course credit spreads widen over here. 609 00:28:35,500 --> 00:28:39,910 September 11 happened, 2001, over here. 610 00:28:39,910 --> 00:28:42,520 And so credit spreads got as high as something like 3- 611 00:28:42,520 --> 00:28:46,120 3 1/2% percent, and now, prior to what's happened over 612 00:28:46,120 --> 00:28:49,930 the last several weeks, credit spreads were at a close to all 613 00:28:49,930 --> 00:28:51,830 time low. 614 00:28:51,830 --> 00:28:54,230 What does it mean when credit spreads are really low? 615 00:28:54,230 --> 00:28:56,370 What does that tell you? 616 00:28:56,370 --> 00:28:57,890 What does it say? 617 00:28:57,890 --> 00:28:59,062 Yeah. 618 00:28:59,062 --> 00:29:04,420 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 619 00:29:04,420 --> 00:29:05,150 ANDREW LO: Right. 620 00:29:05,150 --> 00:29:07,390 That's one interpretation, that the market 621 00:29:07,390 --> 00:29:12,370 is perceiving the default risk as not as significant 622 00:29:12,370 --> 00:29:13,120 as it used to be. 623 00:29:13,120 --> 00:29:14,740 Another way of interpreting that is 624 00:29:14,740 --> 00:29:17,980 that the investment population is 625 00:29:17,980 --> 00:29:22,180 less concerned about the default risk than back in the 1930s. 626 00:29:22,180 --> 00:29:22,960 Not surprisingly. 627 00:29:22,960 --> 00:29:25,082 Something did happen in the 1930s 628 00:29:25,082 --> 00:29:26,290 that was kind of significant. 629 00:29:26,290 --> 00:29:28,910 What was that? 630 00:29:28,910 --> 00:29:30,890 The crash of 29, and then the depression 631 00:29:30,890 --> 00:29:34,350 that led from that crash. 632 00:29:34,350 --> 00:29:38,510 So that tells you that at least at the end of 2005, 633 00:29:38,510 --> 00:29:43,150 beginning in 2006, people were less risk averse, at least 634 00:29:43,150 --> 00:29:45,890 on paper what this shows. 635 00:29:45,890 --> 00:29:51,090 What else does it tell you about the probability of credit? 636 00:29:51,090 --> 00:29:52,339 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 637 00:29:52,339 --> 00:29:53,130 ANDREW LO: Exactly. 638 00:29:53,130 --> 00:29:54,117 Lots of money. 639 00:29:54,117 --> 00:29:56,700 Another way of interpreting this is that there's lots of money 640 00:29:56,700 --> 00:29:57,540 out there. 641 00:29:57,540 --> 00:30:00,420 Lots of money willing to be lent out 642 00:30:00,420 --> 00:30:04,650 to all sorts of risky ventures without much 643 00:30:04,650 --> 00:30:07,170 in the way of expectation that they should get 644 00:30:07,170 --> 00:30:11,690 paid a much larger premium. 645 00:30:11,690 --> 00:30:16,010 So those two interpretations are likely to be both true. 646 00:30:16,010 --> 00:30:18,650 That is, the population of investors 647 00:30:18,650 --> 00:30:21,770 did seem less risk averse, and there is empirical evidence 648 00:30:21,770 --> 00:30:23,040 to support that. 649 00:30:23,040 --> 00:30:25,220 But on top of that, it also suggests 650 00:30:25,220 --> 00:30:28,100 that there's tons of money out there being lent 651 00:30:28,100 --> 00:30:31,010 to various different projects, and because there's 652 00:30:31,010 --> 00:30:36,220 so much money, there's such an increase in supply of funds, 653 00:30:36,220 --> 00:30:40,240 the extra premium that is commanded by those funds 654 00:30:40,240 --> 00:30:43,930 could not be that great, simply because of the competition 655 00:30:43,930 --> 00:30:48,250 to supply funds to these various risky ventures. 656 00:30:48,250 --> 00:30:50,530 So if you wanted to do a startup, 657 00:30:50,530 --> 00:30:54,232 the time to have done it was in 2006, 658 00:30:54,232 --> 00:30:56,440 because you would have gotten great deals since there 659 00:30:56,440 --> 00:30:59,370 was so much capital out there. 660 00:30:59,370 --> 00:31:00,910 Now that's changed. 661 00:31:00,910 --> 00:31:02,830 But part of the reason it's changed, 662 00:31:02,830 --> 00:31:05,320 part of the reason that we're in the current financial 663 00:31:05,320 --> 00:31:08,190 difficulties that we're in, is because there 664 00:31:08,190 --> 00:31:12,160 was too much money chasing too few genuinely 665 00:31:12,160 --> 00:31:13,990 good opportunities. 666 00:31:13,990 --> 00:31:16,960 And so we're seeing now the after effects 667 00:31:16,960 --> 00:31:20,440 of some of those poorer investments 668 00:31:20,440 --> 00:31:23,210 in those opportunities. 669 00:31:23,210 --> 00:31:26,350 So this kind of credit spread picture 670 00:31:26,350 --> 00:31:29,740 can give you a sense of the dynamics of money flows 671 00:31:29,740 --> 00:31:31,990 within the economy, and definitely 672 00:31:31,990 --> 00:31:34,510 worth keeping track of. 673 00:31:34,510 --> 00:31:37,420 Now, there are a number of things that are in that spread, 674 00:31:37,420 --> 00:31:38,710 in that premium. 675 00:31:38,710 --> 00:31:43,240 Obviously, there's an expected default loss, 676 00:31:43,240 --> 00:31:46,390 but there's also tax effects. 677 00:31:46,390 --> 00:31:50,140 There's also some other kind of systematic risk premium 678 00:31:50,140 --> 00:31:54,010 that has to do with aggregate risk exposure. 679 00:31:54,010 --> 00:31:57,430 And a variety of other academic studies 680 00:31:57,430 --> 00:32:00,790 have been done to decompose that spread 681 00:32:00,790 --> 00:32:02,970 into different components. 682 00:32:02,970 --> 00:32:10,160 Graphically, you can see that if you look at-- 683 00:32:10,160 --> 00:32:13,670 if you take a look at the composition of that premium, 684 00:32:13,670 --> 00:32:17,780 you can show that part of it is due to default, part of it 685 00:32:17,780 --> 00:32:21,920 is due to the riskiness of the particular investment, 686 00:32:21,920 --> 00:32:24,830 and then the other part is simply the default free. 687 00:32:24,830 --> 00:32:27,810 That's the part that we've studied up until today. 688 00:32:27,810 --> 00:32:31,460 So the other two parts, the other extra risk premium, 689 00:32:31,460 --> 00:32:35,240 is really decomposed into a default risk premium, but also 690 00:32:35,240 --> 00:32:36,950 a market risk premium. 691 00:32:36,950 --> 00:32:40,490 That is, just general riskiness and price fluctuation. 692 00:32:40,490 --> 00:32:42,230 People don't like that kind of risk, 693 00:32:42,230 --> 00:32:44,021 and they're going to have to be compensated 694 00:32:44,021 --> 00:32:46,130 for that risk irrespective of default. 695 00:32:46,130 --> 00:32:48,620 Just the fact that prices move around 696 00:32:48,620 --> 00:32:52,220 will require you to reward investors for holding 697 00:32:52,220 --> 00:32:53,780 these kind of instruments. 698 00:32:53,780 --> 00:32:57,770 And in the slides, I give you some citations for studies 699 00:32:57,770 --> 00:33:00,350 on how you might go about decomposing 700 00:33:00,350 --> 00:33:01,880 those kind of risk premiums. 701 00:33:01,880 --> 00:33:04,650 So you can take a look at that on your own. 702 00:33:04,650 --> 00:33:06,830 But the last topic that I want to turn to, 703 00:33:06,830 --> 00:33:09,260 in just a few minutes today, before we 704 00:33:09,260 --> 00:33:12,110 move on to the pricing of equity securities. 705 00:33:12,110 --> 00:33:14,630 The last topic I want to turn to is directly related 706 00:33:14,630 --> 00:33:16,640 to the problem of subprime mortgages. 707 00:33:16,640 --> 00:33:18,710 I promised you that I would touch upon this. 708 00:33:18,710 --> 00:33:20,960 I'm not going to go through it in detail, because this 709 00:33:20,960 --> 00:33:23,420 is the kind of material that we will go through 710 00:33:23,420 --> 00:33:27,920 in other sessions on the current financial crisis. 711 00:33:27,920 --> 00:33:29,660 But I want to at least tell you about one 712 00:33:29,660 --> 00:33:33,110 aspect of bond markets that's been really important 713 00:33:33,110 --> 00:33:35,660 over the last 10 years. 714 00:33:35,660 --> 00:33:38,700 And that is, securitization. 715 00:33:38,700 --> 00:33:42,270 Now, when you want to issue a risky bond, 716 00:33:42,270 --> 00:33:45,250 as a corporation or even as an individual, 717 00:33:45,250 --> 00:33:48,570 you have to deal with a counterparty, a bank typically. 718 00:33:48,570 --> 00:33:52,410 Banks were the traditional means of borrowing and lending 719 00:33:52,410 --> 00:33:58,540 for most of the 20th century, and up until the last 10 years. 720 00:33:58,540 --> 00:34:04,664 But about 10 years ago, an innovation was really created. 721 00:34:04,664 --> 00:34:06,330 Actually, it wasn't created 10 years ago 722 00:34:06,330 --> 00:34:08,580 but it really took off 10 years ago, 723 00:34:08,580 --> 00:34:13,230 where instead of borrowing from financial institutions 724 00:34:13,230 --> 00:34:18,040 like banks, you were able to tap into the borrowing 725 00:34:18,040 --> 00:34:20,949 power of financial markets. 726 00:34:20,949 --> 00:34:24,130 This is what's often called disintermediation. 727 00:34:24,130 --> 00:34:26,020 Banks are considered intermediaries. 728 00:34:26,020 --> 00:34:30,370 They serve as a conduit between us, the retail investor, 729 00:34:30,370 --> 00:34:34,120 and financial markets or other counter-parties. 730 00:34:34,120 --> 00:34:35,260 They stand in the middle. 731 00:34:35,260 --> 00:34:37,120 They take money from us, put it in deposits, 732 00:34:37,120 --> 00:34:39,909 they take those deposits, lend it out to corporations, 733 00:34:39,909 --> 00:34:42,070 and they take money from corporations, 734 00:34:42,070 --> 00:34:44,080 and bring it into their bank, and lend it to us 735 00:34:44,080 --> 00:34:46,420 in the form of mortgage payments-- mortgages, 736 00:34:46,420 --> 00:34:49,320 so that we can buy our house. 737 00:34:49,320 --> 00:34:52,889 About 10 years ago, intermediation 738 00:34:52,889 --> 00:34:59,970 started to unwind because of innovations in securitization. 739 00:34:59,970 --> 00:35:04,260 The idea being that we are going to instead of dealing directly 740 00:35:04,260 --> 00:35:09,150 with banks, tap into the power of financial markets 741 00:35:09,150 --> 00:35:10,650 in borrowing and lending. 742 00:35:10,650 --> 00:35:13,230 And so I want to give you an example of how that works. 743 00:35:13,230 --> 00:35:16,766 Something that I went over in the Pro Seminar. 744 00:35:16,766 --> 00:35:18,390 But for those of you who didn't attend, 745 00:35:18,390 --> 00:35:21,330 I want to show it to you because it's such an important idea. 746 00:35:21,330 --> 00:35:25,800 And this is an idea that is best done 747 00:35:25,800 --> 00:35:29,760 through a very simple numerical example. 748 00:35:29,760 --> 00:35:32,730 So in about 10 or 15 minutes, I'm 749 00:35:32,730 --> 00:35:34,500 going to illustrate to all of you 750 00:35:34,500 --> 00:35:38,310 the nature of problems in the subprime mortgage market. 751 00:35:38,310 --> 00:35:40,200 That's all it'll take. 752 00:35:40,200 --> 00:35:42,940 To get to the bottom of it could take years. 753 00:35:42,940 --> 00:35:45,450 But at least to understand what's going on, 754 00:35:45,450 --> 00:35:48,340 I'm going to do this very simple example. 755 00:35:48,340 --> 00:35:53,360 Suppose that I have a bond, which is a risky bond. 756 00:35:53,360 --> 00:35:59,460 It's an IOU that pays $1,000 if it pays off at all. 757 00:35:59,460 --> 00:36:03,290 So the face value of this bond is $1,000. 758 00:36:03,290 --> 00:36:06,830 But this is a risky bond in the sense 759 00:36:06,830 --> 00:36:10,940 that it pays off $1,000 with a certain probability, 760 00:36:10,940 --> 00:36:14,360 and it pays off nothing with another probability, 761 00:36:14,360 --> 00:36:18,240 let's say 90 10. 762 00:36:18,240 --> 00:36:25,470 So the simple expected value of this is $900. 763 00:36:25,470 --> 00:36:29,280 And so you might think that that should be 764 00:36:29,280 --> 00:36:30,870 a proxy for the market price. 765 00:36:30,870 --> 00:36:34,840 And in fact, that would be a pretty good approximation. 766 00:36:34,840 --> 00:36:37,200 Now, right there is an interesting insight 767 00:36:37,200 --> 00:36:38,880 into the pricing of risky bonds. 768 00:36:38,880 --> 00:36:44,850 Because if we have a security that has $1,000 face value, 769 00:36:44,850 --> 00:36:47,670 but it's got a probability of default, 770 00:36:47,670 --> 00:36:52,530 and you compute the current value as $900, 771 00:36:52,530 --> 00:36:57,960 then that gives you an implicit yield for the bond. 772 00:36:57,960 --> 00:36:58,730 What yield is it? 773 00:36:58,730 --> 00:37:03,840 It's whatever number, one point something multiply by 900 774 00:37:03,840 --> 00:37:06,150 gives you $1,000. 775 00:37:06,150 --> 00:37:09,750 So the very fact that it defaults, now 776 00:37:09,750 --> 00:37:12,450 allows us to compute a yield without reference 777 00:37:12,450 --> 00:37:15,030 to the time value of money. 778 00:37:15,030 --> 00:37:17,940 The time value of money can add an additional piece 779 00:37:17,940 --> 00:37:19,050 into this calculation. 780 00:37:19,050 --> 00:37:21,990 I decide to ignore it just for simplicity. 781 00:37:21,990 --> 00:37:23,970 But suppose the interest rate was 5%, 782 00:37:23,970 --> 00:37:27,240 the risk free interest rate was 5%, then what I might do 783 00:37:27,240 --> 00:37:31,460 is to say, OK, $900 is what I expect to get out of the bond. 784 00:37:31,460 --> 00:37:33,660 I'm going to take that $900 and discount it back 785 00:37:33,660 --> 00:37:38,800 a year by 1.05, and that will give me 786 00:37:38,800 --> 00:37:41,380 a number such that when I compute 787 00:37:41,380 --> 00:37:45,370 the yield on that number relative to $1,000, 788 00:37:45,370 --> 00:37:48,680 it will have the total yield of this bond. 789 00:37:48,680 --> 00:37:52,990 5% of which is the risk free part, and the other part 790 00:37:52,990 --> 00:37:54,790 is the default part. 791 00:37:54,790 --> 00:37:56,980 But I want to keep the example simple. 792 00:37:56,980 --> 00:38:00,520 So let's just assume that the risk free rate of interest 793 00:38:00,520 --> 00:38:02,640 is zero 0. 794 00:38:02,640 --> 00:38:07,320 So I've got my bond that pays off $1,000 next period 795 00:38:07,320 --> 00:38:09,150 with probability 90%. 796 00:38:09,150 --> 00:38:13,310 So the expected value is 0.9 times 1,000 plus 0.10 times 797 00:38:13,310 --> 00:38:14,570 nothing. 798 00:38:14,570 --> 00:38:17,400 $900 for this bond. 799 00:38:17,400 --> 00:38:20,160 Now let's suppose that I have not just one of these bonds, 800 00:38:20,160 --> 00:38:22,180 but I have two of them. 801 00:38:22,180 --> 00:38:26,040 And they're absolutely identical in every respect. 802 00:38:26,040 --> 00:38:27,715 They're just two of the same bonds. 803 00:38:31,900 --> 00:38:35,860 For each of the bonds, you might think that it's not 804 00:38:35,860 --> 00:38:37,780 that easy to find a buyer. 805 00:38:37,780 --> 00:38:43,120 And you're right, because a 10% default rate is pretty risky. 806 00:38:43,120 --> 00:38:45,370 In a minute, I'll show you how risky 807 00:38:45,370 --> 00:38:48,940 when we look at the default rates, historical default 808 00:38:48,940 --> 00:38:53,140 rates, of bonds with various different credit ratings. 809 00:38:53,140 --> 00:38:55,240 But right now, with a 10% rating, 810 00:38:55,240 --> 00:38:58,600 this bond would be rated below BAA. 811 00:38:58,600 --> 00:39:00,994 It would be below investment grade. 812 00:39:00,994 --> 00:39:03,660 So you're not going to get a lot of people that want to buy one. 813 00:39:03,660 --> 00:39:05,970 In fact, we can auction it off in this class 814 00:39:05,970 --> 00:39:07,720 right now to figure out what the price is. 815 00:39:07,720 --> 00:39:09,850 My guess is that I may not even get 816 00:39:09,850 --> 00:39:14,320 $900 for that in this class, given your current mood 817 00:39:14,320 --> 00:39:16,490 and liquidity issues. 818 00:39:19,030 --> 00:39:23,700 But I'm going to show you some magic that 819 00:39:23,700 --> 00:39:28,140 will make this incredibly interesting to a large number 820 00:39:28,140 --> 00:39:31,440 of investors, including all of you. 821 00:39:31,440 --> 00:39:33,570 I'm going to take these two bonds 822 00:39:33,570 --> 00:39:36,960 and put them together in a portfolio. 823 00:39:36,960 --> 00:39:38,499 Now, what exactly does that mean? 824 00:39:38,499 --> 00:39:39,540 So far I've said nothing. 825 00:39:39,540 --> 00:39:42,630 I've drawn a circle around the bonds. 826 00:39:42,630 --> 00:39:44,370 By portfolio, I mean that I'm going 827 00:39:44,370 --> 00:39:49,130 to create an entity, a corporation, whose sole purpose 828 00:39:49,130 --> 00:39:51,510 it is to buy these two bonds. 829 00:39:51,510 --> 00:39:54,750 And therefore, the fortunes of the corporation 830 00:39:54,750 --> 00:39:59,650 are tied not to the performance of any one or two bonds, 831 00:39:59,650 --> 00:40:03,840 but to the performance of the collective portfolio of bonds. 832 00:40:03,840 --> 00:40:06,280 So that's what I mean when I say, form a portfolio. 833 00:40:06,280 --> 00:40:08,590 I mean, consider a single entity that 834 00:40:08,590 --> 00:40:11,500 will hold both of these bonds. 835 00:40:11,500 --> 00:40:15,160 And let's assume, for the sake of argument, 836 00:40:15,160 --> 00:40:20,780 that the default of these two bonds is uncorrelated. 837 00:40:20,780 --> 00:40:22,460 In fact, I'm going to assume that these 838 00:40:22,460 --> 00:40:26,990 are two separate coin flips, and they're different coins, 839 00:40:26,990 --> 00:40:30,560 they have the same probability of coming up heads 90%, 840 00:40:30,560 --> 00:40:33,140 10% tails, but they're different coins. 841 00:40:33,140 --> 00:40:35,040 They have nothing to do with each other. 842 00:40:35,040 --> 00:40:36,170 So they're independent. 843 00:40:36,170 --> 00:40:38,557 Whether or not one bond fails has nothing 844 00:40:38,557 --> 00:40:39,640 to do with the other bond. 845 00:40:42,880 --> 00:40:45,760 When I put this into a portfolio, 846 00:40:45,760 --> 00:40:48,640 how does the portfolio behave looking at it 847 00:40:48,640 --> 00:40:50,800 as a single entity? 848 00:40:50,800 --> 00:40:54,090 There are three possible outcomes. 849 00:40:54,090 --> 00:40:56,090 Actually, there are four, but only three of them 850 00:40:56,090 --> 00:40:57,770 are really distinct. 851 00:40:57,770 --> 00:41:04,210 Both bonds will pay off, or both bonds will default, 852 00:41:04,210 --> 00:41:07,660 or one bond pays off and the other defaults. 853 00:41:07,660 --> 00:41:11,130 Those are the only three outcomes that are possible. 854 00:41:11,130 --> 00:41:13,400 And the payoffs and probabilities, 855 00:41:13,400 --> 00:41:17,930 assuming that they are separate and independent coin tosses, 856 00:41:17,930 --> 00:41:20,200 is given in that table. 857 00:41:20,200 --> 00:41:22,310 $2000 if they both pay off. 858 00:41:22,310 --> 00:41:26,930 And the probability of that is 81%, 0.9 times 0.9. 859 00:41:26,930 --> 00:41:30,780 And I'm multiplying, because I'm assuming they're independent. 860 00:41:30,780 --> 00:41:34,640 The probability that they both don't pay off, in which case 861 00:41:34,640 --> 00:41:42,160 my portfolio is worth nothing, is 1%, 10% times 10%. 862 00:41:42,160 --> 00:41:44,620 And then whatever's left over is in the middle. 863 00:41:44,620 --> 00:41:47,107 That is, there's a chance that one of them 864 00:41:47,107 --> 00:41:48,940 pays off but the other one doesn't, and then 865 00:41:48,940 --> 00:41:51,040 the portfolio is worth $1,000, and there's 866 00:41:51,040 --> 00:41:52,320 an 18% chance of that. 867 00:41:55,120 --> 00:41:57,990 So here's the stroke of genius. 868 00:41:57,990 --> 00:42:00,630 The stroke of genius is to say, I've 869 00:42:00,630 --> 00:42:03,120 got these two securities that are not particularly 870 00:42:03,120 --> 00:42:05,370 popular on their own. 871 00:42:05,370 --> 00:42:08,320 What I'm going to do is to stick them in a portfolio, 872 00:42:08,320 --> 00:42:12,340 and then I'm going to issue two new pieces of paper, 873 00:42:12,340 --> 00:42:15,940 each with $1,000 face value. 874 00:42:15,940 --> 00:42:18,670 So they're just like the old pieces of paper, 875 00:42:18,670 --> 00:42:21,660 but there's one difference. 876 00:42:21,660 --> 00:42:23,780 They have different priority. 877 00:42:23,780 --> 00:42:27,530 Meaning there is a senior piece of paper 878 00:42:27,530 --> 00:42:29,400 and there is a junior piece of paper. 879 00:42:29,400 --> 00:42:31,920 The senior piece of paper gets paid first, 880 00:42:31,920 --> 00:42:35,580 and the junior paper only gets paid if and when 881 00:42:35,580 --> 00:42:38,910 the senior paper gets paid. 882 00:42:38,910 --> 00:42:42,720 So I'm going to issue two pieces of paper. 883 00:42:42,720 --> 00:42:48,300 The blue is the senior and the red is the junior. 884 00:42:48,300 --> 00:42:52,200 The senior paper I'm going to call the senior tranche. 885 00:42:52,200 --> 00:42:56,220 Tranche, I believe is the French word for trench, 886 00:42:56,220 --> 00:42:58,410 which seems much more appropriate today than it 887 00:42:58,410 --> 00:42:59,740 did before. 888 00:42:59,740 --> 00:43:02,300 We're digging our own trenches here. 889 00:43:02,300 --> 00:43:05,600 The senior paper is going to have 890 00:43:05,600 --> 00:43:08,790 first dibs on that portfolio. 891 00:43:08,790 --> 00:43:10,380 And the junior paper will only get 892 00:43:10,380 --> 00:43:13,790 paid after the senior paper gets paid. 893 00:43:13,790 --> 00:43:16,100 And so let's see what happens with that. 894 00:43:16,100 --> 00:43:19,290 Remember, they're both $1,000 face values. 895 00:43:19,290 --> 00:43:22,550 So on paper, I've done nothing in terms 896 00:43:22,550 --> 00:43:28,700 of creating or destroying the total claims on the asset pool. 897 00:43:28,700 --> 00:43:32,630 The portfolio has claims at $2000 of face value, 898 00:43:32,630 --> 00:43:36,920 and my new securities has claims on $2000 at face value. 899 00:43:36,920 --> 00:43:41,540 But all I've done is to change the order, the priority, 900 00:43:41,540 --> 00:43:43,100 of the payout. 901 00:43:43,100 --> 00:43:44,420 Here's the table. 902 00:43:44,420 --> 00:43:48,340 I have three values for my portfolio, $2000, $1,000, 903 00:43:48,340 --> 00:43:50,600 and nothing. 904 00:43:50,600 --> 00:43:53,990 Now let's see what happens to each of those two 905 00:43:53,990 --> 00:43:57,200 claims, the senior claim and the junior claim, 906 00:43:57,200 --> 00:44:00,320 of my new securities that I've issued 907 00:44:00,320 --> 00:44:03,740 The senior claim gets paid $1,000 908 00:44:03,740 --> 00:44:07,130 if both bonds in my portfolio pay off. 909 00:44:07,130 --> 00:44:09,950 But the senior claim also gets paid $1,000 910 00:44:09,950 --> 00:44:13,480 if only one of those bonds pays off. 911 00:44:13,480 --> 00:44:16,770 So two out of the three outcomes are 912 00:44:16,770 --> 00:44:20,160 good news for the senior debt. 913 00:44:20,160 --> 00:44:22,950 And in the third case, where both of them don't pay off, 914 00:44:22,950 --> 00:44:25,110 then the senior paper is out of luck. 915 00:44:27,620 --> 00:44:30,160 Now, the junior paper is exactly the reverse. 916 00:44:30,160 --> 00:44:34,810 The junior paper only will get paid if both bonds pay off, 917 00:44:34,810 --> 00:44:37,060 because in that case, the senior guy gets paid 918 00:44:37,060 --> 00:44:39,870 and then there's money left for the junior guy. 919 00:44:39,870 --> 00:44:43,300 In the latter two cases, if only one bond fails 920 00:44:43,300 --> 00:44:47,390 or both bonds fail, then the junior claim gets paid nothing. 921 00:44:51,110 --> 00:44:56,480 So what I've done is to take two identical bonds, 922 00:44:56,480 --> 00:45:02,080 and I've created two non-identical claims, 923 00:45:02,080 --> 00:45:05,020 such that one is a lot safer than the other. 924 00:45:05,020 --> 00:45:06,250 How much safer? 925 00:45:06,250 --> 00:45:13,480 Well, the bond that is senior has a 1% chance of default, 1%, 926 00:45:13,480 --> 00:45:17,530 because both bonds have to fail before the senior guy doesn't 927 00:45:17,530 --> 00:45:20,360 get paid. 928 00:45:20,360 --> 00:45:22,550 1%, what was it before? 929 00:45:22,550 --> 00:45:24,770 It was 10% for both bonds. 930 00:45:24,770 --> 00:45:27,510 But because I stuck it in a portfolio, 931 00:45:27,510 --> 00:45:30,120 and I changed the priority of payouts, 932 00:45:30,120 --> 00:45:33,510 the senior claim now looks a lot safer. 933 00:45:33,510 --> 00:45:36,890 But that's not a free lunch, because the junior claim 934 00:45:36,890 --> 00:45:38,510 is a heck of a lot riskier. 935 00:45:38,510 --> 00:45:42,960 The junior claim now loses money 19% of the time. 936 00:45:45,790 --> 00:45:47,980 It used to be the case that one of these bonds 937 00:45:47,980 --> 00:45:51,430 had a 10% default rate, but the junior claim 938 00:45:51,430 --> 00:45:57,890 has a 19% default rate, 18% plus 1% from those two outcomes. 939 00:46:00,860 --> 00:46:03,580 As long as investors know the structure, 940 00:46:03,580 --> 00:46:05,600 nobody's getting a good deal or a bad deal. 941 00:46:05,600 --> 00:46:07,520 There's no cheating going on. 942 00:46:07,520 --> 00:46:09,260 We explain this to investors, so you all 943 00:46:09,260 --> 00:46:10,850 see these probabilities. 944 00:46:10,850 --> 00:46:14,360 And now, let's calculate what the expected 945 00:46:14,360 --> 00:46:17,680 values are for the payouts. 946 00:46:17,680 --> 00:46:20,780 The expected values-- before I do that, 947 00:46:20,780 --> 00:46:22,820 let me comment on default rates. 948 00:46:22,820 --> 00:46:27,070 So a 1% default rate seems like a small number. 949 00:46:27,070 --> 00:46:29,850 And a 19% default rate seems like a large number. 950 00:46:29,850 --> 00:46:32,750 Well, let's take a look at the empirical evidence given 951 00:46:32,750 --> 00:46:34,010 debt ratings. 952 00:46:34,010 --> 00:46:36,770 These are historical default rates 953 00:46:36,770 --> 00:46:40,100 for bonds from 1920 to 1999. 954 00:46:40,100 --> 00:46:44,720 So I've got almost an 80 year record of bonds 955 00:46:44,720 --> 00:46:46,730 that have been issued by corporations 956 00:46:46,730 --> 00:46:50,210 and that have been stamped by Moody's with their ratings. 957 00:46:50,210 --> 00:46:53,120 And the different bars correspond 958 00:46:53,120 --> 00:46:57,560 to how long the bonds have been issued and are outstanding. 959 00:46:57,560 --> 00:47:00,030 Because obviously, the longer the bond is out there, 960 00:47:00,030 --> 00:47:02,360 the more likely it is that it will default. 961 00:47:02,360 --> 00:47:08,330 So you have to separate them by the years out in the market. 962 00:47:08,330 --> 00:47:12,440 If you take a look at a five year period, that's 963 00:47:12,440 --> 00:47:14,810 the bars all the way to the extreme left 964 00:47:14,810 --> 00:47:21,860 of each rating category, you see that for a five year periods, 965 00:47:21,860 --> 00:47:24,980 the default rate of AAA securities 966 00:47:24,980 --> 00:47:28,370 is well, well below 1%. 967 00:47:28,370 --> 00:47:31,850 It's measured in basis points, that probability. 968 00:47:31,850 --> 00:47:37,190 If you wait 20 years for AAA bonds, 969 00:47:37,190 --> 00:47:41,510 the default rate goes up to maybe 2% or 3%. 970 00:47:41,510 --> 00:47:43,820 So that means that when AAA bonds are issued 971 00:47:43,820 --> 00:47:47,460 and you wait for 20 years to see what happens to them, 972 00:47:47,460 --> 00:47:52,290 it's a very, very small group that ends up defaulting, 973 00:47:52,290 --> 00:47:54,030 if they have a AAA rating. 974 00:47:54,030 --> 00:48:01,159 On average, AAA bonds default maybe 1% of the time or less. 975 00:48:01,159 --> 00:48:02,700 On the other hand, if you take a look 976 00:48:02,700 --> 00:48:05,100 at below investment grade-- so BAA 977 00:48:05,100 --> 00:48:13,019 is just at the borderline of investment grade. 978 00:48:13,019 --> 00:48:14,810 And if you take a look at the default rates 979 00:48:14,810 --> 00:48:16,640 here, lots higher. 980 00:48:16,640 --> 00:48:22,490 But by lots higher, we're talking about 5% to 10%, 981 00:48:22,490 --> 00:48:25,390 5% to 10%. 982 00:48:25,390 --> 00:48:29,380 So based upon these categorizations, 983 00:48:29,380 --> 00:48:33,310 we can now rate our own bonds, what I just decided to issue 984 00:48:33,310 --> 00:48:36,440 with these securities, right? 985 00:48:36,440 --> 00:48:39,170 The senior tranche is rated AAA, and what would 986 00:48:39,170 --> 00:48:40,355 you rate the junior tranche? 987 00:48:45,090 --> 00:48:47,120 BA maybe. 988 00:48:47,120 --> 00:48:50,910 BAA at the best, but probably more like BA. 989 00:48:50,910 --> 00:48:54,040 So the senior tranche looks pretty good, 990 00:48:54,040 --> 00:48:56,490 and the junior tranche looks pretty bad, 991 00:48:56,490 --> 00:48:59,130 but you know what their ratings are, and therefore, 992 00:48:59,130 --> 00:49:02,200 go ahead and price them accordingly. 993 00:49:02,200 --> 00:49:04,240 So let's do that. 994 00:49:04,240 --> 00:49:06,660 If you price them accordingly, what happens 995 00:49:06,660 --> 00:49:11,970 is that the senior tranche gets priced at $990, 996 00:49:11,970 --> 00:49:23,100 and the junior tranche gets priced at 810, 990 and 810. 997 00:49:23,100 --> 00:49:28,020 Now, this is very different from what the price was before. 998 00:49:28,020 --> 00:49:31,650 The price for both bonds was 900, right? 999 00:49:31,650 --> 00:49:35,200 The expected value of the payout. 1000 00:49:35,200 --> 00:49:37,900 And the expected value of each bond is 900. 1001 00:49:37,900 --> 00:49:40,430 When you add them up, you get 1,800. 1002 00:49:40,430 --> 00:49:44,170 Here, when you add up these two bonds, you also get 1,800. 1003 00:49:44,170 --> 00:49:47,760 So I have neither created nor destroyed value. 1004 00:49:47,760 --> 00:49:51,640 All I've done is to reallocate that value. 1005 00:49:51,640 --> 00:49:55,950 I've given the senior bondholders lower default risk 1006 00:49:55,950 --> 00:50:02,190 and therefore higher likelihood of getting their money back, 1007 00:50:02,190 --> 00:50:04,800 therefore a lower yield is necessary 1008 00:50:04,800 --> 00:50:06,480 in order to sell that bond. 1009 00:50:06,480 --> 00:50:09,540 On the other hand, that extra benefit 1010 00:50:09,540 --> 00:50:12,480 that we've given to the senior claimants 1011 00:50:12,480 --> 00:50:16,440 comes from the junior claimants, and therefore, they 1012 00:50:16,440 --> 00:50:18,720 get a lower price, or they have to be 1013 00:50:18,720 --> 00:50:24,240 given a higher yield, to entice them to bear that kind of risk. 1014 00:50:27,530 --> 00:50:30,940 Now, why is this such a stroke of genius? 1015 00:50:30,940 --> 00:50:36,430 It's because what we've done is take two identical securities 1016 00:50:36,430 --> 00:50:41,980 that nobody was particularly excited about, 1017 00:50:41,980 --> 00:50:46,450 and we've created, by this securitization process, 1018 00:50:46,450 --> 00:50:51,760 we've created two other securities that actually 1019 00:50:51,760 --> 00:50:55,120 a number of communities are very excited about. 1020 00:50:55,120 --> 00:50:58,840 For example, the pension funds, endowments, foundations, 1021 00:50:58,840 --> 00:51:02,050 all of the very conservative investors 1022 00:51:02,050 --> 00:51:06,070 that want a very boring bond portfolio. 1023 00:51:06,070 --> 00:51:08,140 No excitement, no headline risk. 1024 00:51:08,140 --> 00:51:10,390 They just want their money back with a reasonable rate 1025 00:51:10,390 --> 00:51:11,290 of return. 1026 00:51:11,290 --> 00:51:14,050 They've got it with the senior tranche. 1027 00:51:14,050 --> 00:51:18,370 And by the way, if they're even nervous about this very, very 1028 00:51:18,370 --> 00:51:23,320 safe structure, let's insure it. 1029 00:51:23,320 --> 00:51:25,760 Let's get a large, stable insurance company, 1030 00:51:25,760 --> 00:51:28,690 oh I don't know, maybe AIG, and let's get 1031 00:51:28,690 --> 00:51:32,720 them to insure that these won't default. Because if they do, 1032 00:51:32,720 --> 00:51:35,860 AIG will pay an extra premium on top of that. 1033 00:51:35,860 --> 00:51:39,280 So then they're called super senior securities, 1034 00:51:39,280 --> 00:51:43,060 super senior tranche securities, because they've got guarantees 1035 00:51:43,060 --> 00:51:46,830 on top of the securitization features. 1036 00:51:46,830 --> 00:51:49,710 Pension funds love this. 1037 00:51:49,710 --> 00:51:54,940 They bought this in large, large quantities. 1038 00:51:54,940 --> 00:51:58,270 Now, what about the so-called toxic waste 1039 00:51:58,270 --> 00:52:00,000 that the junior tranche? 1040 00:52:00,000 --> 00:52:03,000 Well, we know it's toxic waste. 1041 00:52:03,000 --> 00:52:06,300 We've priced it as if it were toxic waste. 1042 00:52:06,300 --> 00:52:11,850 And so those investors that are looking for 15% or 20% returns, 1043 00:52:11,850 --> 00:52:16,290 that are not looking for boring, safe assets, 1044 00:52:16,290 --> 00:52:18,330 they will go for the junior tranche. 1045 00:52:18,330 --> 00:52:20,130 Namely, the hedge funds. 1046 00:52:20,130 --> 00:52:21,930 And as many of you know, hedge funds 1047 00:52:21,930 --> 00:52:23,930 have grown by leaps and bounds. 1048 00:52:23,930 --> 00:52:25,705 Over just the last 10 years, they've 1049 00:52:25,705 --> 00:52:27,330 increased their assets under management 1050 00:52:27,330 --> 00:52:30,210 by a factor of 10 to 20. 1051 00:52:30,210 --> 00:52:32,520 And that money is looking for a home. 1052 00:52:32,520 --> 00:52:35,520 And boring, safe investments that 1053 00:52:35,520 --> 00:52:38,640 earn 6%, 7%, 8%, that's not for hedge funds. 1054 00:52:38,640 --> 00:52:41,410 They are looking for 15, 20, 30 40%, 1055 00:52:41,410 --> 00:52:45,060 and they get that with that junior tranche. 1056 00:52:45,060 --> 00:52:48,000 That's why the market, over the last 10 years, has exploded. 1057 00:52:48,000 --> 00:52:49,050 It's twofold. 1058 00:52:49,050 --> 00:52:51,390 It's because money has come in from pension 1059 00:52:51,390 --> 00:52:53,370 funds for the senior debt. 1060 00:52:53,370 --> 00:52:57,900 Money has come in from the hedge funds for that junior debt. 1061 00:52:57,900 --> 00:53:01,080 And together, they brought much, much more money 1062 00:53:01,080 --> 00:53:04,840 into this business than ever before. 1063 00:53:04,840 --> 00:53:07,680 And the question is, how do you take that money 1064 00:53:07,680 --> 00:53:09,600 and push it out to people. 1065 00:53:09,600 --> 00:53:13,710 Well, it turns out that because housing markets are going up, 1066 00:53:13,710 --> 00:53:16,210 that was a perfect way to get these 1067 00:53:16,210 --> 00:53:18,600 this money out to investors. 1068 00:53:18,600 --> 00:53:19,760 Yes? 1069 00:53:19,760 --> 00:53:22,510 STUDENT: This model is based on the probability of the Moody's. 1070 00:53:22,510 --> 00:53:23,680 I have a question. 1071 00:53:23,680 --> 00:53:26,070 Is there any way investors can estimate this probability 1072 00:53:26,070 --> 00:53:28,833 by themselves instead of relying on Standard 1073 00:53:28,833 --> 00:53:30,390 and Poor's or Moody's? 1074 00:53:30,390 --> 00:53:32,310 ANDREW LO: It's very difficult for investors 1075 00:53:32,310 --> 00:53:34,170 to estimate the probabilities themselves, 1076 00:53:34,170 --> 00:53:36,840 because they don't have access to the same data 1077 00:53:36,840 --> 00:53:40,024 that Moody's and S&P and Fitch do. 1078 00:53:40,024 --> 00:53:41,940 Typically when you estimate the probabilities, 1079 00:53:41,940 --> 00:53:44,520 you need data in terms of the underlying portfolio 1080 00:53:44,520 --> 00:53:45,780 and the riskiness. 1081 00:53:45,780 --> 00:53:48,780 As a typical investor, certainly as a pension fund investor, 1082 00:53:48,780 --> 00:53:50,430 you would not be given access. 1083 00:53:50,430 --> 00:53:52,440 And even if you were given access, 1084 00:53:52,440 --> 00:53:55,756 you don't have the staff that can actually analyze this. 1085 00:53:55,756 --> 00:53:57,630 STUDENT: So if Moody's or Standard and Poor's 1086 00:53:57,630 --> 00:54:00,880 made a mistake, then every pension fund or other investors 1087 00:54:00,880 --> 00:54:02,726 will made the same mistake. 1088 00:54:02,726 --> 00:54:04,350 ANDREW LO: The mistakes can carry over. 1089 00:54:04,350 --> 00:54:04,891 That's right. 1090 00:54:04,891 --> 00:54:07,500 There is no way for pension funds, endowments 1091 00:54:07,500 --> 00:54:10,170 and foundations, or retail investors, 1092 00:54:10,170 --> 00:54:12,510 to do their own kind of due diligence. 1093 00:54:12,510 --> 00:54:15,840 They're relying on those managers of the pension funds 1094 00:54:15,840 --> 00:54:16,990 to do that. 1095 00:54:16,990 --> 00:54:20,360 And by the way, it wasn't just pension funds that did this. 1096 00:54:20,360 --> 00:54:23,340 There was some mutual funds that did this too. 1097 00:54:23,340 --> 00:54:26,570 And not only mutual funds, but there were also some money 1098 00:54:26,570 --> 00:54:28,800 market funds that did this. 1099 00:54:28,800 --> 00:54:31,910 Now, money market funds you say, why would money market 1100 00:54:31,910 --> 00:54:33,950 funds get invested in this? 1101 00:54:33,950 --> 00:54:35,660 Well remember, money market funds 1102 00:54:35,660 --> 00:54:39,650 are supposed to be putting money into short term, fixed income 1103 00:54:39,650 --> 00:54:41,210 instruments. 1104 00:54:41,210 --> 00:54:43,940 Well, these could be short term, and these 1105 00:54:43,940 --> 00:54:45,350 are fixed income instruments. 1106 00:54:45,350 --> 00:54:47,370 And if you add some insurance on top of that, 1107 00:54:47,370 --> 00:54:50,180 they're even safer, on paper anyway, 1108 00:54:50,180 --> 00:54:53,270 than many of the other traditional instruments. 1109 00:54:53,270 --> 00:54:57,560 So you can see now how a wonderful idea, and this really 1110 00:54:57,560 --> 00:54:59,540 is wonderful because it dramatically 1111 00:54:59,540 --> 00:55:03,690 increased the risk bearing capacity of the economy. 1112 00:55:03,690 --> 00:55:06,920 And by the way, it made a lot of people better off. 1113 00:55:06,920 --> 00:55:10,010 So right now, we're in the midst of a financial crisis 1114 00:55:10,010 --> 00:55:13,130 and we're focusing on the negatives. 1115 00:55:13,130 --> 00:55:17,060 But let's not be too quick to forget 1116 00:55:17,060 --> 00:55:21,800 that these kinds of securitization processes 1117 00:55:21,800 --> 00:55:25,040 brought in huge amounts of money that ultimately went 1118 00:55:25,040 --> 00:55:28,641 to homeowners to be able to buy homes that they otherwise 1119 00:55:28,641 --> 00:55:30,890 couldn't have afforded, and maybe you would argue they 1120 00:55:30,890 --> 00:55:33,540 shouldn't have afforded, but there are still many, 1121 00:55:33,540 --> 00:55:36,290 many homeowners out there that have subprime loans that 1122 00:55:36,290 --> 00:55:37,992 are paying their mortgage payments, 1123 00:55:37,992 --> 00:55:39,950 that are perfectly happy living in their atoms, 1124 00:55:39,950 --> 00:55:42,740 and otherwise couldn't have afforded it without it. 1125 00:55:42,740 --> 00:55:44,540 And Moreover, there are a whole host 1126 00:55:44,540 --> 00:55:49,250 of individuals that made tons of money because of the real state 1127 00:55:49,250 --> 00:55:51,560 boom and because they were able to leverage 1128 00:55:51,560 --> 00:55:53,720 using these kinds of funds. 1129 00:55:53,720 --> 00:55:57,930 STUDENT: In this example, the ones who [INAUDIBLE] are us. 1130 00:55:57,930 --> 00:55:59,169 Is that like Lehman Bothers? 1131 00:55:59,169 --> 00:56:00,210 Are those the companies-- 1132 00:56:00,210 --> 00:56:01,210 ANDREW LO: That's right. 1133 00:56:01,210 --> 00:56:03,560 So an example would be some of the investment banks, 1134 00:56:03,560 --> 00:56:05,837 as well as some of the commercial banks. 1135 00:56:05,837 --> 00:56:07,670 Now, in a minute, I'm going to tell you what 1136 00:56:07,670 --> 00:56:08,836 went wrong with all of this. 1137 00:56:08,836 --> 00:56:10,190 So far, the story is great. 1138 00:56:10,190 --> 00:56:14,270 This is really an innovation in financial engineering, 1139 00:56:14,270 --> 00:56:18,260 because by securitization, by repackaging, 1140 00:56:18,260 --> 00:56:19,790 we've done nothing dishonest. 1141 00:56:19,790 --> 00:56:22,410 We've told people exactly what we're doing. 1142 00:56:22,410 --> 00:56:24,110 We've given them transparency. 1143 00:56:24,110 --> 00:56:27,110 And we've given the safer asset to the community 1144 00:56:27,110 --> 00:56:28,680 that wants safer assets. 1145 00:56:28,680 --> 00:56:30,687 And we've given the very exciting assets 1146 00:56:30,687 --> 00:56:32,270 to those who want the exciting assets. 1147 00:56:34,800 --> 00:56:37,325 Now, where does this go wrong? 1148 00:56:37,325 --> 00:56:38,450 Question before we do that. 1149 00:56:38,450 --> 00:56:40,450 STUDENT: The assumption that you made in this is 1150 00:56:40,450 --> 00:56:43,306 that they are not correlated? 1151 00:56:43,306 --> 00:56:47,815 Isn't there more likeliness of correlation between the two? 1152 00:56:47,815 --> 00:56:49,190 ANDREW LO: So that there's always 1153 00:56:49,190 --> 00:56:53,690 somebody that's ready to spoil the party for the rest of us. 1154 00:56:53,690 --> 00:56:55,550 You're absolutely right. 1155 00:56:55,550 --> 00:56:59,340 That's where the story gets interesting. 1156 00:56:59,340 --> 00:57:04,760 I've assumed that these two bonds are uncorrelated. 1157 00:57:04,760 --> 00:57:07,330 What if that assumption is wrong? 1158 00:57:07,330 --> 00:57:13,260 In fact, what happens if not only are they uncorrelated, 1159 00:57:13,260 --> 00:57:18,930 but what happens if the bonds are perfectly correlated? 1160 00:57:18,930 --> 00:57:19,950 Let's work that out. 1161 00:57:19,950 --> 00:57:23,420 That's a numerical example that's not hard to do. 1162 00:57:23,420 --> 00:57:25,580 If the bonds are perfectly correlated, 1163 00:57:25,580 --> 00:57:27,680 that means they default at the same time 1164 00:57:27,680 --> 00:57:30,680 and they pay off at the same time, then instead 1165 00:57:30,680 --> 00:57:34,580 of three outcomes, we only have two outcomes. 1166 00:57:34,580 --> 00:57:38,420 Either we get paid $2,000 in the portfolio, 1167 00:57:38,420 --> 00:57:40,670 or we get paid nothing in the portfolio. 1168 00:57:43,410 --> 00:57:48,030 Now, what happens to the senior and junior tranches? 1169 00:57:48,030 --> 00:57:53,370 Well, now, the senior tranche, the tranche 1170 00:57:53,370 --> 00:57:56,760 that was AAA, the tranche that had less than 1% 1171 00:57:56,760 --> 00:57:58,650 probability of default, the tranche 1172 00:57:58,650 --> 00:58:02,400 that was supposed to be so safe that all sorts of very 1173 00:58:02,400 --> 00:58:06,950 conservative institutions could take it on, that tranche 1174 00:58:06,950 --> 00:58:11,690 has now increased in riskiness by a factor of 10. 1175 00:58:11,690 --> 00:58:16,790 The probability of default has gone from 1% to 10%. 1176 00:58:16,790 --> 00:58:19,760 And the junior tranche, the tranche 1177 00:58:19,760 --> 00:58:21,980 that was supposed to be toxic waste, 1178 00:58:21,980 --> 00:58:25,670 and that had a 90% default rate, now it 1179 00:58:25,670 --> 00:58:28,790 looks incredibly good, because it's gone up 1180 00:58:28,790 --> 00:58:30,170 in terms of its quality. 1181 00:58:30,170 --> 00:58:33,620 It's gone down in terms of its default probability 1182 00:58:33,620 --> 00:58:37,200 from 19% to 10%. 1183 00:58:37,200 --> 00:58:39,290 So if you look at the pricing, now 1184 00:58:39,290 --> 00:58:42,920 the pricing of these two things, of course, is $900. 1185 00:58:42,920 --> 00:58:45,500 If they're perfectly correlated, then securitization 1186 00:58:45,500 --> 00:58:46,910 does nothing. 1187 00:58:46,910 --> 00:58:49,640 All you've done is to take two pieces of paper 1188 00:58:49,640 --> 00:58:54,090 and slice them up into two identical pieces of paper. 1189 00:58:54,090 --> 00:58:56,560 That's what happens if they're perfectly correlated. 1190 00:58:56,560 --> 00:59:02,560 So now, why would they become perfectly correlated? 1191 00:59:02,560 --> 00:59:06,160 Well, this has to do with what happened in the housing market. 1192 00:59:06,160 --> 00:59:08,080 When the housing market turned down, 1193 00:59:08,080 --> 00:59:13,120 as it did shortly after June of 2006, 1194 00:59:13,120 --> 00:59:18,500 that created a huge dislocation in these credit markets, 1195 00:59:18,500 --> 00:59:21,350 because what was uncorrelated all of a sudden 1196 00:59:21,350 --> 00:59:22,670 became highly correlated. 1197 00:59:22,670 --> 00:59:24,760 It's as if an insurance company that 1198 00:59:24,760 --> 00:59:29,320 was insuring property and casualty across the country, 1199 00:59:29,320 --> 00:59:32,200 all of a sudden experienced earthquakes in every one 1200 00:59:32,200 --> 00:59:35,050 of the 50 states all at once. 1201 00:59:35,050 --> 00:59:38,140 An insurance company cannot withstand that kind 1202 00:59:38,140 --> 00:59:41,590 of an event, unless of course it's prepared for it. 1203 00:59:41,590 --> 00:59:44,860 And earthquake insurers prepare for it 1204 00:59:44,860 --> 00:59:50,800 by insuring not just earthquakes but hurricanes, fires, 1205 00:59:50,800 --> 00:59:53,140 and other natural disasters, which 1206 00:59:53,140 --> 00:59:59,040 rarely come all at the same time and all in the same place. 1207 00:59:59,040 --> 01:00:00,780 We weren't prepared for this. 1208 01:00:00,780 --> 01:00:03,300 The people that sold these securities, that held them, 1209 01:00:03,300 --> 01:00:04,380 weren't prepared. 1210 01:00:04,380 --> 01:00:07,890 In fact, I skipped over a quote at the very beginning 1211 01:00:07,890 --> 01:00:09,060 of this section. 1212 01:00:09,060 --> 01:00:14,940 This is a quote that appeared in The Economist magazine, 1213 01:00:14,940 --> 01:00:17,310 anonymously, and it was the Chief Risk 1214 01:00:17,310 --> 01:00:21,270 Officer of a major financial institution. 1215 01:00:21,270 --> 01:00:29,390 And the risk manager wrote in the first part of the article, 1216 01:00:29,390 --> 01:00:31,820 "Like most banks, we owned a portfolio 1217 01:00:31,820 --> 01:00:33,710 of different tranches of collateralized debt 1218 01:00:33,710 --> 01:00:38,390 obligations" that's what the securitized set of obligations 1219 01:00:38,390 --> 01:00:41,620 are called, "which are packages of asset-backed securities. 1220 01:00:41,620 --> 01:00:43,190 Our business and risk strategy was 1221 01:00:43,190 --> 01:00:46,020 to buy pools of assets, mainly bonds, 1222 01:00:46,020 --> 01:00:49,730 warehouse them on our own balance sheet" meaning put them 1223 01:00:49,730 --> 01:00:54,440 in a portfolio in our company, "and structure them into CDOs 1224 01:00:54,440 --> 01:00:56,690 and finally distribute them to end investors." 1225 01:00:56,690 --> 01:00:59,780 Issue the pieces of paper to the different investors. 1226 01:00:59,780 --> 01:01:03,260 "We were most eager to sell the non-investment grade tranches," 1227 01:01:03,260 --> 01:01:06,290 the toxic waste, "and our risk approvals 1228 01:01:06,290 --> 01:01:09,140 were conditional on reducing these to zero." 1229 01:01:09,140 --> 01:01:11,600 So they were very, very careful to get rid 1230 01:01:11,600 --> 01:01:14,010 of all that toxic waste. 1231 01:01:14,010 --> 01:01:19,120 "We will allow positions however of the top rated AAA 1232 01:01:19,120 --> 01:01:22,800 and super-M senior (even better than AAA) 1233 01:01:22,800 --> 01:01:27,000 tranches to be held on our own balance-sheets 1234 01:01:27,000 --> 01:01:30,270 as the default was deemed to be well protected 1235 01:01:30,270 --> 01:01:32,790 by all the lower tranches, which would have 1236 01:01:32,790 --> 01:01:34,845 to absorb any prior losses." 1237 01:01:37,940 --> 01:01:40,760 "in May of 2005 we held AAA tranches, 1238 01:01:40,760 --> 01:01:45,650 expecting them to rise in value, and sold non-investment grade 1239 01:01:45,650 --> 01:01:48,290 tranches, expecting them to go down." 1240 01:01:48,290 --> 01:01:52,760 They were long the seniors, short the juniors. 1241 01:01:52,760 --> 01:01:54,457 That's a strategy. 1242 01:01:54,457 --> 01:01:56,040 "From a risk-management point of view, 1243 01:01:56,040 --> 01:01:59,570 this was perfect: have a long position in the low risk asset, 1244 01:01:59,570 --> 01:02:03,150 and have a short one in the higher-risk asset. 1245 01:02:03,150 --> 01:02:06,540 But the reverse happened of what we had expected: 1246 01:02:06,540 --> 01:02:10,470 AAA tranches went down in price and non-investment grade 1247 01:02:10,470 --> 01:02:13,950 tranches went up, resulting in losses as we 1248 01:02:13,950 --> 01:02:17,880 mark the positions to market." 1249 01:02:17,880 --> 01:02:21,570 And then the risk manager, this Chief Risk Officer 1250 01:02:21,570 --> 01:02:24,760 of a major financial institution, 1251 01:02:24,760 --> 01:02:26,050 said the following. 1252 01:02:26,050 --> 01:02:28,900 "This was entirely counter-intuitive. 1253 01:02:28,900 --> 01:02:30,880 Explanations of why this had happened 1254 01:02:30,880 --> 01:02:34,180 were confusing and focused on complicated cross-correlations 1255 01:02:34,180 --> 01:02:35,032 between tranches. 1256 01:02:35,032 --> 01:02:36,490 In essence it turned out that there 1257 01:02:36,490 --> 01:02:38,916 had been a short squeeze in non-investment grade tranches, 1258 01:02:38,916 --> 01:02:40,540 driving up prices and generally selling 1259 01:02:40,540 --> 01:02:42,748 of all the more senior [INAUDIBLE] even the very best 1260 01:02:42,748 --> 01:02:44,430 ones." 1261 01:02:44,430 --> 01:02:46,770 He still doesn't get it. 1262 01:02:46,770 --> 01:02:48,690 The numerical example that I just showed you 1263 01:02:48,690 --> 01:02:50,790 explains what happened. 1264 01:02:50,790 --> 01:02:52,290 What happened is the correlations, 1265 01:02:52,290 --> 01:02:55,650 that were assumed to be zero, turned out not to be zero. 1266 01:02:55,650 --> 01:02:59,580 And when things change, when the correlations change, 1267 01:02:59,580 --> 01:03:00,690 that changes the risk. 1268 01:03:00,690 --> 01:03:03,060 And when you change the risk, it changes the valuation 1269 01:03:03,060 --> 01:03:04,650 because the markets are not stupid. 1270 01:03:04,650 --> 01:03:07,290 People realize, wow, I assumed they were uncorrelated, 1271 01:03:07,290 --> 01:03:09,150 but now these things are very correlated. 1272 01:03:09,150 --> 01:03:11,790 I better recalculate my model and see what it tells me. 1273 01:03:11,790 --> 01:03:14,700 And it tells me that AAA is not AAA any longer. 1274 01:03:14,700 --> 01:03:18,300 And it tells me that the BA is actually now BAA. 1275 01:03:18,300 --> 01:03:22,230 So what he experienced is what every major financial 1276 01:03:22,230 --> 01:03:23,790 institution dealing with this stuff 1277 01:03:23,790 --> 01:03:26,310 experienced over the last couple of years. 1278 01:03:26,310 --> 01:03:29,100 It's that kind of a double whammy, 1279 01:03:29,100 --> 01:03:32,850 because of the default rates changing 1280 01:03:32,850 --> 01:03:37,020 in a way that was never expected given the historical behavior 1281 01:03:37,020 --> 01:03:38,860 of the US housing market. 1282 01:03:38,860 --> 01:03:39,450 Yeah, Beta. 1283 01:03:39,450 --> 01:03:43,670 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 1284 01:03:51,434 --> 01:03:53,350 ANDREW LO: It was typically through the banks. 1285 01:03:53,350 --> 01:03:56,590 So the banks actually arrange with the insurance companies 1286 01:03:56,590 --> 01:03:58,390 to insure those assets. 1287 01:03:58,390 --> 01:04:01,030 And then they would sell it to the end investor. 1288 01:04:01,030 --> 01:04:03,910 The end investor wasn't the one engaging in these. 1289 01:04:03,910 --> 01:04:06,880 Although, under certain circumstances, 1290 01:04:06,880 --> 01:04:08,830 certain pension funds were so risk 1291 01:04:08,830 --> 01:04:11,170 averse that they ultimately ended up 1292 01:04:11,170 --> 01:04:14,770 buying extra insurance in the form of credit default swaps 1293 01:04:14,770 --> 01:04:17,800 on these kinds of contracts with other counter-parties. 1294 01:04:17,800 --> 01:04:21,100 So in many cases, some of the insurance companies 1295 01:04:21,100 --> 01:04:24,070 actually did have relationships with the end investors, 1296 01:04:24,070 --> 01:04:27,090 as well as with the investment banks. 1297 01:04:27,090 --> 01:04:27,730 Yeah, Maria. 1298 01:04:27,730 --> 01:04:32,522 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 1299 01:04:45,749 --> 01:04:46,540 ANDREW LO: They do. 1300 01:04:46,540 --> 01:04:47,950 They do downgrade these. 1301 01:04:47,950 --> 01:04:48,980 Absolutely. 1302 01:04:48,980 --> 01:04:52,450 And in fact, not only do they downgrade the bonds, 1303 01:04:52,450 --> 01:04:55,090 but they also downgrade the equity of the companies that 1304 01:04:55,090 --> 01:04:56,530 are issuing the bonds. 1305 01:04:56,530 --> 01:05:01,120 So for example, AIG was downgraded 1306 01:05:01,120 --> 01:05:03,910 because there was concern of whether or not 1307 01:05:03,910 --> 01:05:05,512 it could meet its obligations. 1308 01:05:05,512 --> 01:05:06,970 And because of that downgrade, that 1309 01:05:06,970 --> 01:05:09,490 triggered a bunch of other transactions. 1310 01:05:09,490 --> 01:05:11,870 STUDENT: And the other question is, are they independent, 1311 01:05:11,870 --> 01:05:16,154 and are they really objective when they are-- 1312 01:05:19,010 --> 01:05:21,630 ANDREW LO: Well, so those are two separate questions. 1313 01:05:21,630 --> 01:05:25,180 Are they independent and are they objective? 1314 01:05:25,180 --> 01:05:27,840 Yes, they are independent, strictly speaking, in the sense 1315 01:05:27,840 --> 01:05:31,560 that S&P and Moody's and Fitch are not 1316 01:05:31,560 --> 01:05:36,390 owned by any of the companies that are being rated, 1317 01:05:36,390 --> 01:05:37,650 number one. 1318 01:05:37,650 --> 01:05:39,180 Are they objective? 1319 01:05:39,180 --> 01:05:41,730 That's a different question because remember 1320 01:05:41,730 --> 01:05:45,090 that S&P, Moody's and Fitch are businesses, 1321 01:05:45,090 --> 01:05:47,430 and businesses generally try to make money. 1322 01:05:47,430 --> 01:05:50,310 And in order to make money, you have to get revenues. 1323 01:05:50,310 --> 01:05:52,260 And in order to get revenues, you 1324 01:05:52,260 --> 01:05:54,090 have to have lots of customers. 1325 01:05:54,090 --> 01:05:57,630 And so the question is, did they ultimately 1326 01:05:57,630 --> 01:05:59,929 end up giving ratings out too easily 1327 01:05:59,929 --> 01:06:01,470 that they shouldn't have because they 1328 01:06:01,470 --> 01:06:02,910 wanted to get more business? 1329 01:06:02,910 --> 01:06:04,660 I don't know the answer to that, but there 1330 01:06:04,660 --> 01:06:07,380 is going to be a lot of people, particularly lawyers, 1331 01:06:07,380 --> 01:06:09,690 asking those questions in the coming months. 1332 01:06:09,690 --> 01:06:12,390 So the rating agencies have definitely 1333 01:06:12,390 --> 01:06:15,879 been under fire by a number of different organizations. 1334 01:06:15,879 --> 01:06:17,670 I don't know where that's going to come out 1335 01:06:17,670 --> 01:06:20,520 and I don't know the details of how they actually conducted 1336 01:06:20,520 --> 01:06:22,990 the ratings, but there is definitely an issue 1337 01:06:22,990 --> 01:06:28,590 because what is AAA should not default more than 1% or 2% 1338 01:06:28,590 --> 01:06:32,370 over the life of the particular loan. 1339 01:06:32,370 --> 01:06:33,930 And clearly, with these securities, 1340 01:06:33,930 --> 01:06:35,596 they've defaulted at a much higher rate. 1341 01:06:35,596 --> 01:06:40,990 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 1342 01:06:40,990 --> 01:06:41,679 ANDREW LO: Yes. 1343 01:06:41,679 --> 01:06:42,220 That's right. 1344 01:06:42,220 --> 01:06:43,720 They only relied on three companies. 1345 01:06:43,720 --> 01:06:45,100 And actually, it's very difficult 1346 01:06:45,100 --> 01:06:47,890 to start a rating agency now, because 1347 01:06:47,890 --> 01:06:50,470 the regulatory authorities require 1348 01:06:50,470 --> 01:06:52,720 certain kinds of standards to be met 1349 01:06:52,720 --> 01:06:57,190 that are virtually impossible for a startup to be able to do. 1350 01:06:57,190 --> 01:07:00,490 So you're right, that investors relied on this, 1351 01:07:00,490 --> 01:07:04,810 and they ultimately were badly misled. 1352 01:07:04,810 --> 01:07:08,110 But the argument that S&P, Moody's and Fitch would make 1353 01:07:08,110 --> 01:07:10,300 is that, we were doing the best we could, 1354 01:07:10,300 --> 01:07:15,190 we looked at historical default rates of mortgages, 1355 01:07:15,190 --> 01:07:17,920 and we made very conservative assumptions. 1356 01:07:17,920 --> 01:07:21,700 In fact, if you assume that they were zero correlation, 1357 01:07:21,700 --> 01:07:24,910 but instead you tried to be conservative 1358 01:07:24,910 --> 01:07:28,230 and you said OK, the correlation maybe is not zero, 1359 01:07:28,230 --> 01:07:31,480 but let's make it, oh I don't know, 25%. 1360 01:07:31,480 --> 01:07:34,300 Even though historically, the correlation 1361 01:07:34,300 --> 01:07:36,760 is maybe much, much less than that. 1362 01:07:36,760 --> 01:07:40,960 If you just used an artificial number like 25% or 30%, 1363 01:07:40,960 --> 01:07:43,360 you would still not have had the kind of dislocation 1364 01:07:43,360 --> 01:07:45,130 that we saw over the last couple of years, 1365 01:07:45,130 --> 01:07:47,780 because the correlation actually has gone much, 1366 01:07:47,780 --> 01:07:49,450 much higher than that, particularly 1367 01:07:49,450 --> 01:07:51,790 for the subprime mortgages, as you know, 1368 01:07:51,790 --> 01:07:53,740 because the housing market's turned down. 1369 01:07:53,740 --> 01:07:56,350 And a lot of this was triggered by this decline 1370 01:07:56,350 --> 01:08:00,660 in housing, which has been a very, very sharp decline. 1371 01:08:00,660 --> 01:08:03,670 And over the last 30 years, the housing market 1372 01:08:03,670 --> 01:08:06,460 in the United States has really never gone down by more than 1% 1373 01:08:06,460 --> 01:08:08,390 or 2% in a year. 1374 01:08:08,390 --> 01:08:12,980 Never mind going down 10% over the last 12 months. 1375 01:08:12,980 --> 01:08:16,479 That's a really big shock to the system. 1376 01:08:16,479 --> 01:08:17,538 Yeah? 1377 01:08:17,538 --> 01:08:21,600 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 1378 01:08:46,520 --> 01:08:49,189 ANDREW LO: Well, in fact they have done that in the sense 1379 01:08:49,189 --> 01:08:52,189 that they've actually chopped up these kinds of security 1380 01:08:52,189 --> 01:08:54,260 into five different tranches. 1381 01:08:54,260 --> 01:08:57,060 And they've done it, they've spread it out very, 1382 01:08:57,060 --> 01:08:57,950 very broadly. 1383 01:08:57,950 --> 01:08:59,720 That's how the US housing market was 1384 01:08:59,720 --> 01:09:02,870 able to grow as quickly as it has over the last 10 years. 1385 01:09:02,870 --> 01:09:05,600 It's because they brought in huge amounts of money, 1386 01:09:05,600 --> 01:09:09,710 unprecedented amounts of money, through this mechanism. 1387 01:09:09,710 --> 01:09:12,229 And all of the investors invested 1388 01:09:12,229 --> 01:09:14,180 based upon these ratings, as well as 1389 01:09:14,180 --> 01:09:17,899 their sense of how secure these markets were. 1390 01:09:17,899 --> 01:09:21,050 And in each case, there is going to be dislocation, 1391 01:09:21,050 --> 01:09:23,180 other than perhaps in the middle tranche 1392 01:09:23,180 --> 01:09:25,490 where it hits exactly right and you don't 1393 01:09:25,490 --> 01:09:27,452 get any kind of dislocation. 1394 01:09:27,452 --> 01:09:28,910 But that's not the biggest tranche. 1395 01:09:28,910 --> 01:09:31,700 The biggest tranche was by far the most senior one, 1396 01:09:31,700 --> 01:09:34,790 because that's the one that has the largest amounts of money 1397 01:09:34,790 --> 01:09:36,838 waiting to be invested. 1398 01:09:36,838 --> 01:09:41,083 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 1399 01:09:58,050 --> 01:09:59,800 ANDREW LO: Oh yes, absolutely. 1400 01:09:59,800 --> 01:10:00,540 Yes, absolutely. 1401 01:10:00,540 --> 01:10:04,560 Hedge fund managers have profited greatly from this, 1402 01:10:04,560 --> 01:10:07,500 because they bought the toxic waste that nobody else wanted 1403 01:10:07,500 --> 01:10:10,440 and then the value has gone up dramatically 1404 01:10:10,440 --> 01:10:13,200 because of these kind of increases in default rates. 1405 01:10:13,200 --> 01:10:17,160 Because they were priced to be much worse than they ultimately 1406 01:10:17,160 --> 01:10:19,500 ended up being. 1407 01:10:19,500 --> 01:10:23,640 So it's absolutely the case that the money has not 1408 01:10:23,640 --> 01:10:25,560 disappeared into thin air. 1409 01:10:25,560 --> 01:10:28,240 It's gone from the senior to the junior. 1410 01:10:28,240 --> 01:10:31,990 It's a wealth transfer in a way. 1411 01:10:31,990 --> 01:10:33,720 Sorry, Ken. 1412 01:10:33,720 --> 01:10:39,125 STUDENT: Just a comment on why Moody's maybe rated 1413 01:10:39,125 --> 01:10:40,375 these things the way they did. 1414 01:10:40,375 --> 01:10:42,538 At least in my experience, what would happen 1415 01:10:42,538 --> 01:10:46,655 was the structuring teams would meet 1416 01:10:46,655 --> 01:10:52,030 with people who were going to rate these securities 1417 01:10:52,030 --> 01:10:54,420 and explain to them, hey, this is what we did, 1418 01:10:54,420 --> 01:10:58,000 this is why it makes sense, and essentially convince them. 1419 01:10:58,000 --> 01:11:09,950 True earlier why the 1420 01:11:09,950 --> 01:11:10,770 ANDREW LO: Oh sure. 1421 01:11:10,770 --> 01:11:12,260 There's a lot of research that goes on. 1422 01:11:12,260 --> 01:11:14,480 In other words, Moody's, S&P and Fitch doesn't just 1423 01:11:14,480 --> 01:11:17,260 decide based upon how they feel that day whether is 1424 01:11:17,260 --> 01:11:18,434 should get AAA or not. 1425 01:11:18,434 --> 01:11:19,850 They do a fair amount of research, 1426 01:11:19,850 --> 01:11:21,892 and they go through the details of the portfolio, 1427 01:11:21,892 --> 01:11:23,600 they look at the seniority of the claims, 1428 01:11:23,600 --> 01:11:25,160 they look at the legal documents, 1429 01:11:25,160 --> 01:11:26,720 they look at the historical record, 1430 01:11:26,720 --> 01:11:29,900 they go back and go back 30, 40, 50 years 1431 01:11:29,900 --> 01:11:31,440 and take a look at the data. 1432 01:11:31,440 --> 01:11:33,110 So that's why I said, they actually 1433 01:11:33,110 --> 01:11:37,100 have a case for making the ratings as they did. 1434 01:11:37,100 --> 01:11:39,274 How they could have gone so far wrong 1435 01:11:39,274 --> 01:11:40,940 is a question that we're going to debate 1436 01:11:40,940 --> 01:11:42,122 for the next several years. 1437 01:11:42,122 --> 01:11:43,580 And ultimately, I think we're going 1438 01:11:43,580 --> 01:11:46,890 to learn that we need to make our models more sophisticated. 1439 01:11:46,890 --> 01:11:49,430 We need to have parameters that are time varying. 1440 01:11:49,430 --> 01:11:51,050 We need to have a different approach 1441 01:11:51,050 --> 01:11:53,150 to how we do quantitative analysis 1442 01:11:53,150 --> 01:11:54,830 for these kinds of markets. 1443 01:11:54,830 --> 01:11:57,157 But that is an open question that I 1444 01:11:57,157 --> 01:11:59,240 think will have to be examined in much more depth. 1445 01:11:59,240 --> 01:12:03,460 STUDENT: [INAUDIBLE] 1446 01:12:28,750 --> 01:12:31,390 ANDREW LO: Oh, in the current situation can somebody make 1447 01:12:31,390 --> 01:12:32,350 money? 1448 01:12:32,350 --> 01:12:33,220 Absolutely. 1449 01:12:33,220 --> 01:12:33,730 Absolutely. 1450 01:12:33,730 --> 01:12:37,330 This is why I was saying at the very start of this crisis 1451 01:12:37,330 --> 01:12:41,800 that times of crisis are also times of opportunity. 1452 01:12:41,800 --> 01:12:45,190 You can absolutely make money, because these securities now 1453 01:12:45,190 --> 01:12:47,140 are priced all over the place. 1454 01:12:47,140 --> 01:12:49,570 Some way to high, some way to low. 1455 01:12:49,570 --> 01:12:51,730 And if you understand these models 1456 01:12:51,730 --> 01:12:55,890 better than the next person, you will make money. 1457 01:12:55,890 --> 01:12:59,250 One of the largest payouts that has occurred in hedge fund 1458 01:12:59,250 --> 01:13:02,640 history occurred last year to a hedge fund manager 1459 01:13:02,640 --> 01:13:05,331 in New York named John Paulson. 1460 01:13:05,331 --> 01:13:07,830 I think he was paid-- it's in the Wall Street Journal so you 1461 01:13:07,830 --> 01:13:08,496 can look it up-- 1462 01:13:08,496 --> 01:13:12,450 I think he was paid something like $3 or $4 billion. 1463 01:13:12,450 --> 01:13:14,790 Was it $4 billion? 1464 01:13:14,790 --> 01:13:17,670 That was his take home pay last year. 1465 01:13:17,670 --> 01:13:19,200 That was on his W-2. 1466 01:13:19,200 --> 01:13:22,680 That was not wealth, that was income. 1467 01:13:22,680 --> 01:13:26,040 And he did it by betting on certain movements 1468 01:13:26,040 --> 01:13:29,700 in these markets, including these kinds of securities. 1469 01:13:29,700 --> 01:13:31,706 So there's a lot of money to be made. 1470 01:13:31,706 --> 01:13:33,330 There's a lot of opportunity out there. 1471 01:13:33,330 --> 01:13:36,140 But it requires an edge. 1472 01:13:36,140 --> 01:13:38,300 So you really have to spend some time trying 1473 01:13:38,300 --> 01:13:39,650 to understand these securities. 1474 01:13:39,650 --> 01:13:43,250 And what we've done today, this relatively simple analysis, 1475 01:13:43,250 --> 01:13:47,330 is an analysis that apparently eluded this Chief Risk Officer. 1476 01:13:47,330 --> 01:13:51,620 Because they're focusing at a very, very detailed level 1477 01:13:51,620 --> 01:13:53,510 on models that are probably not as 1478 01:13:53,510 --> 01:13:56,190 relevant for the macroscopic picture. 1479 01:13:56,190 --> 01:13:56,690 Yeah? 1480 01:13:58,825 --> 01:14:00,450 STUDENT: If no one is able to determine 1481 01:14:00,450 --> 01:14:01,020 the right price for these things, 1482 01:14:01,020 --> 01:14:01,972 how is the government going to use the $700 billion 1483 01:14:01,972 --> 01:14:03,400 to buy these things? 1484 01:14:05,892 --> 01:14:07,600 ANDREW LO: Well, that's a great question. 1485 01:14:07,600 --> 01:14:09,808 That's one of the reasons why there's so much debate. 1486 01:14:09,808 --> 01:14:13,140 It's because the view is that if the very best minds on Wall 1487 01:14:13,140 --> 01:14:14,700 Street couldn't get this right, what 1488 01:14:14,700 --> 01:14:17,760 makes us think that the Treasury can get it right, 1489 01:14:17,760 --> 01:14:19,630 which is a little scary. 1490 01:14:19,630 --> 01:14:21,000 I agree. 1491 01:14:21,000 --> 01:14:22,470 There are a couple of things that 1492 01:14:22,470 --> 01:14:24,000 are being done to address that. 1493 01:14:24,000 --> 01:14:25,860 One is that as part of the proposal, 1494 01:14:25,860 --> 01:14:28,560 they plan to set up an advisory board of people that 1495 01:14:28,560 --> 01:14:31,560 are in the industry, seasoned veterans that are engaged 1496 01:14:31,560 --> 01:14:33,600 in these transactions, to help the government 1497 01:14:33,600 --> 01:14:34,440 price these things. 1498 01:14:34,440 --> 01:14:35,280 That's one. 1499 01:14:35,280 --> 01:14:37,650 The second approach is that they plan 1500 01:14:37,650 --> 01:14:44,010 to engage in equity ownership as a possible outcome for this. 1501 01:14:44,010 --> 01:14:46,260 So in other words, it's a bailout 1502 01:14:46,260 --> 01:14:51,380 if you buy for $100 what is really worth 60. 1503 01:14:51,380 --> 01:14:53,810 But it's not nearly as much of a bailout 1504 01:14:53,810 --> 01:14:56,870 if you buy for 50 what's 60. 1505 01:14:56,870 --> 01:14:59,870 And it could actually be quite profitable if not only 1506 01:14:59,870 --> 01:15:02,870 do buy for 50 what's worth 60, but you also 1507 01:15:02,870 --> 01:15:06,230 get to own 80% of the company in the process, which 1508 01:15:06,230 --> 01:15:09,570 is kind of like the deal that AIG has struck, 1509 01:15:09,570 --> 01:15:12,770 and not that different from some of the discussions 1510 01:15:12,770 --> 01:15:16,760 that Warren Buffett has had with Goldman Sachs. 1511 01:15:16,760 --> 01:15:19,370 So the idea behind the current proposal 1512 01:15:19,370 --> 01:15:21,920 is that there will be additional protections 1513 01:15:21,920 --> 01:15:23,480 to allow the government to benefit 1514 01:15:23,480 --> 01:15:25,490 from the upside of these securities, 1515 01:15:25,490 --> 01:15:28,012 and to be able to get the expertise needed to price them. 1516 01:15:28,012 --> 01:15:30,470 And there are other protections that would require industry 1517 01:15:30,470 --> 01:15:33,980 to pay up for additional insurance on these portfolios, 1518 01:15:33,980 --> 01:15:36,140 and ultimately to allow legislation 1519 01:15:36,140 --> 01:15:39,650 to recoup some of the losses, if at the end of 5 or 10 years 1520 01:15:39,650 --> 01:15:41,420 the government ends up losing money 1521 01:15:41,420 --> 01:15:44,300 on these kind of transactions. 1522 01:15:44,300 --> 01:15:46,860 Let me stop here, and we'll see you on Wednesday. 1523 01:15:46,860 --> 01:15:50,170 We'll talk about common stock.