1 00:00:00,090 --> 00:00:02,430 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,430 --> 00:00:03,820 Commons license. 3 00:00:03,820 --> 00:00:06,030 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,030 --> 00:00:10,120 continue to offer high-quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,120 --> 00:00:12,690 To make a donation, or to view additional materials 6 00:00:12,690 --> 00:00:16,620 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:16,620 --> 00:00:17,820 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:26,260 --> 00:00:28,960 ANDREW LO: What I want to talk about is option pricing. 9 00:00:28,960 --> 00:00:31,860 But given that there's the midterm coming up, 10 00:00:31,860 --> 00:00:34,420 what I'd like to do is to actually skip 11 00:00:34,420 --> 00:00:36,766 the more technical part today. 12 00:00:36,766 --> 00:00:38,140 Today, what I was going to do was 13 00:00:38,140 --> 00:00:42,060 to describe a method for pricing options, 14 00:00:42,060 --> 00:00:44,350 a particular option-pricing formula. 15 00:00:44,350 --> 00:00:48,520 Now, we have a course, 15.437, on options and futures. 16 00:00:48,520 --> 00:00:51,340 And that's really what I would recommend for those of you who 17 00:00:51,340 --> 00:00:53,200 are interested in derivatives. 18 00:00:53,200 --> 00:00:55,780 But we really can't let you leave MIT 19 00:00:55,780 --> 00:00:58,720 without understanding a little bit about the basics of option 20 00:00:58,720 --> 00:00:59,680 pricing. 21 00:00:59,680 --> 00:01:03,500 And it's such a beautiful argument that it's important, 22 00:01:03,500 --> 00:01:06,310 I think, for all of you to see it at least once. 23 00:01:06,310 --> 00:01:09,190 But since I'd like you to focus on it and really absorb it, 24 00:01:09,190 --> 00:01:11,410 and I suspect that most of you are thinking 25 00:01:11,410 --> 00:01:15,430 about the mid-term, I'd rather postpone that till Monday, 26 00:01:15,430 --> 00:01:19,060 and then talk today about the very basics of option payoff 27 00:01:19,060 --> 00:01:22,280 diagrams, which is relatively straightforward. 28 00:01:22,280 --> 00:01:25,490 And then give you a little bit of a history of option pricing, 29 00:01:25,490 --> 00:01:28,070 and tell you a bit about how it came about. 30 00:01:28,070 --> 00:01:31,060 And ultimately, where the literature 31 00:01:31,060 --> 00:01:34,220 fits within the grand scheme of things. 32 00:01:34,220 --> 00:01:38,710 So last time, if you recall, we talked about options 33 00:01:38,710 --> 00:01:40,570 as insurance. 34 00:01:40,570 --> 00:01:46,270 And we went through a very simple set of examples, 35 00:01:46,270 --> 00:01:49,150 where I described the put option as really 36 00:01:49,150 --> 00:01:52,810 being parallel to insurance in all of these different terms. 37 00:01:52,810 --> 00:01:56,920 But the differences are that a put option, first of all, 38 00:01:56,920 --> 00:01:58,810 can be used early. 39 00:01:58,810 --> 00:02:01,480 So you don't have to wait until you have an accident 40 00:02:01,480 --> 00:02:02,950 or wait until it expires. 41 00:02:02,950 --> 00:02:05,050 You can decide at any point in time 42 00:02:05,050 --> 00:02:07,130 that you want to exercise it. 43 00:02:07,130 --> 00:02:10,539 Also, unlike insurance contracts, 44 00:02:10,539 --> 00:02:15,470 options can be bought and sold in organized exchanges. 45 00:02:15,470 --> 00:02:16,690 So you can buy a put option. 46 00:02:16,690 --> 00:02:18,460 You can sell a put option. 47 00:02:18,460 --> 00:02:23,590 And then finally, dividends have an impact on options. 48 00:02:23,590 --> 00:02:26,470 And so most options have dividend protection, 49 00:02:26,470 --> 00:02:28,450 in the sense that if there's a dividend paid, 50 00:02:28,450 --> 00:02:32,450 then the strike price will be adjusted accordingly. 51 00:02:32,450 --> 00:02:35,170 Now, it's important to understand 52 00:02:35,170 --> 00:02:39,220 the differences between an option and an underlying. 53 00:02:39,220 --> 00:02:43,180 Because they really have some very, very important 54 00:02:43,180 --> 00:02:45,560 distinctions, in terms of their payoffs. 55 00:02:45,560 --> 00:02:48,190 So the way that we try to emphasize that 56 00:02:48,190 --> 00:02:53,020 is by looking at a diagram that graphs the option 57 00:02:53,020 --> 00:02:57,310 value as a function of the underlying parameters that 58 00:02:57,310 --> 00:02:58,270 influence the option. 59 00:02:58,270 --> 00:03:01,130 And the most important parameter is, of course, 60 00:03:01,130 --> 00:03:04,540 the underlying price of the stock or asset 61 00:03:04,540 --> 00:03:07,640 on which the option is written. 62 00:03:07,640 --> 00:03:10,510 So this is an example of a payoff diagram 63 00:03:10,510 --> 00:03:16,280 that plots the value of the option at maturity 64 00:03:16,280 --> 00:03:20,060 for a call option on an underlying stock. 65 00:03:20,060 --> 00:03:23,180 And the x-axis is the price of the stock. 66 00:03:23,180 --> 00:03:26,300 And the y-axis is the value or price 67 00:03:26,300 --> 00:03:31,850 of the option on the date of maturity or exercise. 68 00:03:31,850 --> 00:03:37,760 So let's suppose that the option has a strike price of $20. 69 00:03:37,760 --> 00:03:39,680 That gives the holder of the option 70 00:03:39,680 --> 00:03:47,030 the right to purchase the stock for $20 at the maturity date. 71 00:03:47,030 --> 00:03:49,820 So it's a call option, meaning it gives you the right 72 00:03:49,820 --> 00:03:52,670 to call away or buy the stock. 73 00:03:52,670 --> 00:03:55,820 And the strike price is set at $20. 74 00:03:55,820 --> 00:03:59,720 Now, if the actual price of the stock is below $20, 75 00:03:59,720 --> 00:04:01,637 you're never going to want to call the option. 76 00:04:01,637 --> 00:04:03,844 Rather, you're never going to want to call the stock. 77 00:04:03,844 --> 00:04:06,470 You're never going to want to exercise the call option. 78 00:04:06,470 --> 00:04:09,200 Because if you did, you'd be buying something 79 00:04:09,200 --> 00:04:14,000 for $20 that would be worth less than $20. 80 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:18,980 So if the true stock price is anything less than $20, 81 00:04:18,980 --> 00:04:24,350 this option, at expiration, is worth nothing to you. 82 00:04:24,350 --> 00:04:26,560 You would never use it. 83 00:04:26,560 --> 00:04:30,700 Now, it's critical to understand that this payoff diagram is 84 00:04:30,700 --> 00:04:33,630 the value at maturity. 85 00:04:33,630 --> 00:04:38,010 Prior to maturity, if the value of the underlying stock 86 00:04:38,010 --> 00:04:41,730 is less than $20, the option could still have value. 87 00:04:41,730 --> 00:04:43,020 Typically it will have value. 88 00:04:43,020 --> 00:04:46,320 Because there's always a chance that the stock price goes 89 00:04:46,320 --> 00:04:50,750 above $20 at the maturity date. 90 00:04:50,750 --> 00:04:53,810 So let's be clear that this is the value of the call 91 00:04:53,810 --> 00:04:56,150 option at maturity date. 92 00:04:56,150 --> 00:04:57,830 And if it turns out that the stock 93 00:04:57,830 --> 00:05:03,020 price is greater than $20, then the option has value. 94 00:05:03,020 --> 00:05:07,460 And the value increases, dollar for dollar, 95 00:05:07,460 --> 00:05:12,760 with the stock price above $20. 96 00:05:12,760 --> 00:05:17,020 So the slope of this line is 45 degrees. 97 00:05:17,020 --> 00:05:21,070 It literally goes up in lockstep with the underlying stock 98 00:05:21,070 --> 00:05:22,210 price. 99 00:05:22,210 --> 00:05:25,900 To be clear, if the stock price is $25 100 00:05:25,900 --> 00:05:29,200 and you get to buy it for $20, the option, 101 00:05:29,200 --> 00:05:34,510 that right to buy for $20 is worth $5. 102 00:05:34,510 --> 00:05:36,730 Because the stock is really worth $25. 103 00:05:36,730 --> 00:05:39,760 So the way you can see that is you can buy the stock for $20, 104 00:05:39,760 --> 00:05:42,620 with this piece of paper that you own. 105 00:05:42,620 --> 00:05:44,620 And then you can turn around and sell that stock 106 00:05:44,620 --> 00:05:48,730 on the open market for $25. 107 00:05:48,730 --> 00:05:50,200 So you've made that $5 profit. 108 00:05:53,100 --> 00:05:56,610 The important thing about this diagram, the blue line, 109 00:05:56,610 --> 00:06:02,370 is that the upside is unlimited. 110 00:06:02,370 --> 00:06:08,120 But the downside is very much limited, at 0. 111 00:06:08,120 --> 00:06:09,860 OK? 112 00:06:09,860 --> 00:06:14,530 So this is an example of a security that 113 00:06:14,530 --> 00:06:18,760 has an asymmetric payoff, asymmetric. 114 00:06:18,760 --> 00:06:20,860 The upside is not the same as the downside. 115 00:06:20,860 --> 00:06:25,420 Remember the payoff of a stock, or of a futures contract. 116 00:06:25,420 --> 00:06:26,170 It's symmetric. 117 00:06:26,170 --> 00:06:27,834 It's that straight line. 118 00:06:27,834 --> 00:06:29,250 Here, this is not a straight line. 119 00:06:29,250 --> 00:06:32,920 It's kinked at the strike price, K. That's 120 00:06:32,920 --> 00:06:34,570 a very important feature. 121 00:06:34,570 --> 00:06:37,570 Now, it looks like, from this diagram, 122 00:06:37,570 --> 00:06:41,650 this call option is one of these propositions 123 00:06:41,650 --> 00:06:45,190 that you hear on late-night TV, make a $1 million with no money 124 00:06:45,190 --> 00:06:45,850 down. 125 00:06:45,850 --> 00:06:47,860 Like, there's no way to lose. 126 00:06:47,860 --> 00:06:49,020 How could that possibly be? 127 00:06:49,020 --> 00:06:51,685 How could we have come up with a security that has no downside? 128 00:06:54,780 --> 00:06:58,170 Wouldn't everybody want one? 129 00:06:58,170 --> 00:06:58,670 Yeah? 130 00:06:58,670 --> 00:07:01,239 AUDIENCE: Well, it has value [INAUDIBLE]. 131 00:07:01,239 --> 00:07:02,030 ANDREW LO: Exactly. 132 00:07:02,030 --> 00:07:03,520 Yeah, there's no free lunch. 133 00:07:03,520 --> 00:07:06,090 So of course, everybody wants it if it's free. 134 00:07:06,090 --> 00:07:07,977 But of course, it's not free. 135 00:07:07,977 --> 00:07:09,060 So you have to pay for it. 136 00:07:09,060 --> 00:07:13,170 You have to pay something today in order to get access 137 00:07:13,170 --> 00:07:15,420 to this asymmetric payoff. 138 00:07:15,420 --> 00:07:21,180 So the net payoff, that is, if you were buying the call option 139 00:07:21,180 --> 00:07:24,240 and paying a certain amount of money, 140 00:07:24,240 --> 00:07:27,210 then the net payoff to you would be 141 00:07:27,210 --> 00:07:31,530 given by the dotted line, which is the blue line. 142 00:07:31,530 --> 00:07:38,680 But you subtract from it the value of the premium 143 00:07:38,680 --> 00:07:39,520 that you pay. 144 00:07:39,520 --> 00:07:41,510 It's called an option premium. 145 00:07:41,510 --> 00:07:45,560 But it's just the price of the option whenever you bought it. 146 00:07:45,560 --> 00:07:47,780 And then if you want to take into account the time 147 00:07:47,780 --> 00:07:53,030 value of money, you should take the future value of that price 148 00:07:53,030 --> 00:07:55,440 that you paid when you bought the option. 149 00:07:55,440 --> 00:07:58,580 So if you bought the option in the beginning of the month 150 00:07:58,580 --> 00:08:01,034 and it expires at the end of the month, 151 00:08:01,034 --> 00:08:03,200 you've paid something at the beginning of the month. 152 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:05,480 If you want to find your net payoff, 153 00:08:05,480 --> 00:08:09,830 you could either, at the maturity date, 154 00:08:09,830 --> 00:08:12,920 subtract from the blue line the value 155 00:08:12,920 --> 00:08:16,940 of what you paid multiplied by the one-month interest rate 156 00:08:16,940 --> 00:08:22,680 factor, so that you subtract time t dollars from time t 157 00:08:22,680 --> 00:08:24,320 dollars. 158 00:08:24,320 --> 00:08:26,870 Or you can do a present value, where you take the payoff 159 00:08:26,870 --> 00:08:28,786 and you move it back to the beginning of time. 160 00:08:28,786 --> 00:08:30,260 Typically what we do is we actually 161 00:08:30,260 --> 00:08:33,890 ignore the time value of money, just because it's 162 00:08:33,890 --> 00:08:35,059 a month's worth of interest. 163 00:08:35,059 --> 00:08:37,669 And people don't really worry about that too much. 164 00:08:37,669 --> 00:08:38,784 Yeah? 165 00:08:38,784 --> 00:08:41,676 AUDIENCE: Can you make some inferences 166 00:08:41,676 --> 00:08:43,604 about the future price of the stock 167 00:08:43,604 --> 00:08:45,532 by looking at the price of the option? 168 00:08:45,532 --> 00:08:47,542 ANDREW LO: Yes, absolutely, you can. 169 00:08:47,542 --> 00:08:49,500 And we're going to show you how to do that when 170 00:08:49,500 --> 00:08:51,333 I give you the asset pricing formula for it. 171 00:08:51,333 --> 00:08:52,770 But you're absolutely right. 172 00:08:52,770 --> 00:08:54,984 By looking at the option, that gives you 173 00:08:54,984 --> 00:08:56,400 information about what's going on. 174 00:08:56,400 --> 00:09:00,780 Just like when I tell you for crisis management, 175 00:09:00,780 --> 00:09:02,820 if you look at T-bills today, you 176 00:09:02,820 --> 00:09:06,420 get a sense of how much demand there is for cash, putting 177 00:09:06,420 --> 00:09:07,650 money in your mattress. 178 00:09:07,650 --> 00:09:09,750 By looking at options, you actually 179 00:09:09,750 --> 00:09:12,690 get a sense of where markets are going to be going. 180 00:09:12,690 --> 00:09:14,420 So after I give you a pricing formula, 181 00:09:14,420 --> 00:09:16,940 next time, I'm going to show you the prices of options. 182 00:09:16,940 --> 00:09:18,356 In particular, we're going to look 183 00:09:18,356 --> 00:09:24,600 at the price of a put option on the S&P 500 for the next month 184 00:09:24,600 --> 00:09:26,070 and for the next two months. 185 00:09:26,070 --> 00:09:29,370 And you're going to find a very, very big difference 186 00:09:29,370 --> 00:09:30,450 in those two. 187 00:09:30,450 --> 00:09:33,060 That's telling you something about where the market thinks 188 00:09:33,060 --> 00:09:36,759 volatility is going in the S&P 500 189 00:09:36,759 --> 00:09:38,050 over the next couple of months. 190 00:09:38,050 --> 00:09:40,091 So yes, there'll be all sorts of wonderful things 191 00:09:40,091 --> 00:09:42,910 you'll be able to tell by looking at the prices. 192 00:09:42,910 --> 00:09:44,460 But in order to do that, we do have 193 00:09:44,460 --> 00:09:47,250 to understand how these payoffs work. 194 00:09:47,250 --> 00:09:49,330 So getting back to this diagram-- 195 00:09:49,330 --> 00:09:51,690 I want to make sure everybody is with me now-- 196 00:09:51,690 --> 00:09:55,080 this dotted line shows you your net payoff 197 00:09:55,080 --> 00:09:59,310 and a net of the price you paid for this particular call 198 00:09:59,310 --> 00:10:00,360 option. 199 00:10:00,360 --> 00:10:03,120 And the neat thing about this net payoff 200 00:10:03,120 --> 00:10:06,650 is that it then describes to you the fact that this is not 201 00:10:06,650 --> 00:10:09,690 a surefire way to make money and not lose any. 202 00:10:09,690 --> 00:10:12,600 You might lose money, because you paid something upfront 203 00:10:12,600 --> 00:10:14,600 for the call option. 204 00:10:14,600 --> 00:10:18,380 And so the only way you're going to come out ahead 205 00:10:18,380 --> 00:10:22,600 is if the stock price actually exceeds-- 206 00:10:22,600 --> 00:10:28,460 not this point, but actually something like this point. 207 00:10:28,460 --> 00:10:33,560 So the stock price has to go up by a little bit more than $20 208 00:10:33,560 --> 00:10:35,540 in order for you to make money, net of what 209 00:10:35,540 --> 00:10:39,140 it cost you to buy that option. 210 00:10:39,140 --> 00:10:40,880 Now, I want you to go back and think 211 00:10:40,880 --> 00:10:43,790 about the difference between an option and a futures contract. 212 00:10:43,790 --> 00:10:48,230 Remember a futures contract we said was no money down, 213 00:10:48,230 --> 00:10:51,530 0 NPV when you get into the futures. 214 00:10:51,530 --> 00:10:53,090 That's not true with a call option. 215 00:10:53,090 --> 00:10:57,800 A call option is actually worth a positive amount of money 216 00:10:57,800 --> 00:10:59,330 on day one. 217 00:10:59,330 --> 00:11:01,910 So if you want a call option, you've 218 00:11:01,910 --> 00:11:03,440 actually got to pay for it. 219 00:11:03,440 --> 00:11:06,290 And then there's an issue about whether you'll make money. 220 00:11:06,290 --> 00:11:08,720 Because it depends on whether the stock price 221 00:11:08,720 --> 00:11:10,310 exceeds this point. 222 00:11:10,310 --> 00:11:13,190 It's got to exceed not only the strike price, but the amount 223 00:11:13,190 --> 00:11:16,810 that you paid for that option. 224 00:11:16,810 --> 00:11:17,980 Any questions about that? 225 00:11:17,980 --> 00:11:20,200 Or is that pretty clear? 226 00:11:20,200 --> 00:11:21,100 So this is important. 227 00:11:21,100 --> 00:11:23,279 So ask now if you don't quite get it. 228 00:11:23,279 --> 00:11:24,820 Because if you don't get this, you're 229 00:11:24,820 --> 00:11:26,194 going to get confused by what I'm 230 00:11:26,194 --> 00:11:28,860 going to say in a few minutes. 231 00:11:28,860 --> 00:11:31,530 Let me give you another example, just to really fix ideas. 232 00:11:31,530 --> 00:11:33,890 Let's do the put option case. 233 00:11:33,890 --> 00:11:38,720 Now, the put option allows me to sell the stock for, let's say, 234 00:11:38,720 --> 00:11:43,740 $20, or before the exercise date. 235 00:11:43,740 --> 00:11:50,130 So with a put option, am I going to hope if I buy a put-- 236 00:11:50,130 --> 00:11:55,680 so I buy the right to sell the stock at $20. 237 00:11:55,680 --> 00:11:58,620 That's a little bit hard to keep track of. 238 00:11:58,620 --> 00:12:01,440 I'm buying a piece of paper that gives me the right 239 00:12:01,440 --> 00:12:03,510 to sell the stock for $20. 240 00:12:03,510 --> 00:12:06,210 If I own that piece of paper, this put option, 241 00:12:06,210 --> 00:12:08,555 am I going to wish that the stock price goes up or down? 242 00:12:08,555 --> 00:12:09,180 AUDIENCE: Down. 243 00:12:09,180 --> 00:12:09,805 AUDIENCE: Down. 244 00:12:09,805 --> 00:12:11,050 ANDREW LO: Down. 245 00:12:11,050 --> 00:12:13,480 I'm only going to get paid on the put option 246 00:12:13,480 --> 00:12:16,990 if the stock price goes below $20. 247 00:12:16,990 --> 00:12:19,630 Because then I have something valuable, right? 248 00:12:19,630 --> 00:12:22,720 If it goes below $20, I get to sell the stock for $20. 249 00:12:22,720 --> 00:12:27,460 So I make the difference between what it's worth and $20. 250 00:12:27,460 --> 00:12:30,200 If the stock price is at $20 or above, 251 00:12:30,200 --> 00:12:32,530 then my put option expires, worthless. 252 00:12:32,530 --> 00:12:33,730 I'm not going to use it. 253 00:12:33,730 --> 00:12:35,896 Because it would be foolish for me to sell something 254 00:12:35,896 --> 00:12:39,070 for $20, when I can sell on the open market for $25. 255 00:12:39,070 --> 00:12:43,630 So the payoff diagram is exactly the opposite of this. 256 00:12:43,630 --> 00:12:47,610 In fact, it looks like this. 257 00:12:47,610 --> 00:12:53,120 So now the blue line is the payoff of the option 258 00:12:53,120 --> 00:12:56,390 itself, the gross payoff. 259 00:12:56,390 --> 00:12:59,330 $20 and above, it's worthless. 260 00:12:59,330 --> 00:13:03,860 But $20 and below, this is the 45-degree line. 261 00:13:03,860 --> 00:13:09,650 But unlike the call option, my upside for the put option 262 00:13:09,650 --> 00:13:11,030 is limited. 263 00:13:11,030 --> 00:13:12,464 Is limited to what? 264 00:13:12,464 --> 00:13:14,120 AUDIENCE: 0. 265 00:13:14,120 --> 00:13:18,880 ANDREW LO: Right, 0 or whatever that is, $10, in this case. 266 00:13:18,880 --> 00:13:21,530 If the stock price goes to $0, then my put option 267 00:13:21,530 --> 00:13:24,290 is worth a maximum of $10. 268 00:13:24,290 --> 00:13:28,700 So the upside is bounded by that $10 limit. 269 00:13:28,700 --> 00:13:30,860 And that's the gross upside. 270 00:13:30,860 --> 00:13:34,699 If I look at the net, I subtract how much I pay. 271 00:13:34,699 --> 00:13:35,990 And then I get the dotted line. 272 00:13:39,739 --> 00:13:41,530 Any questions about the put options payoff? 273 00:13:44,420 --> 00:13:47,240 Now, just to fix ideas, let me go back to the call option 274 00:13:47,240 --> 00:13:50,720 and show the difference between the stock return 275 00:13:50,720 --> 00:13:53,490 versus the call option return. 276 00:13:53,490 --> 00:13:56,470 If you take a look at the call option, again, 277 00:13:56,470 --> 00:13:58,420 it's going to look like this when 278 00:13:58,420 --> 00:14:00,490 you subtract from it the price. 279 00:14:00,490 --> 00:14:04,390 But the stock is going to look like that line there. 280 00:14:04,390 --> 00:14:08,060 Meaning that the stock return is linear. 281 00:14:08,060 --> 00:14:10,750 But the option return is non-linear. 282 00:14:10,750 --> 00:14:14,470 And this is one of the most important and subtle ideas 283 00:14:14,470 --> 00:14:15,430 with this instrument. 284 00:14:15,430 --> 00:14:17,500 Up until now, all of the instruments 285 00:14:17,500 --> 00:14:22,150 that we've looked at stocks, bonds, futures, and forwards, 286 00:14:22,150 --> 00:14:24,790 their payoffs have been relatively simple, 287 00:14:24,790 --> 00:14:27,490 in the sense that they're straight lines if you 288 00:14:27,490 --> 00:14:31,960 plot the underlying price and their payoffs. 289 00:14:31,960 --> 00:14:36,370 This is the first time we have analyzed the security that has 290 00:14:36,370 --> 00:14:38,980 a bizarre structure like this. 291 00:14:38,980 --> 00:14:40,840 And you might think it's straightforward 292 00:14:40,840 --> 00:14:45,910 because well, you understand the contractual terms of an option. 293 00:14:45,910 --> 00:14:47,980 But from a risk-and-return perspective, 294 00:14:47,980 --> 00:14:50,110 it's actually quite a bit more complicated 295 00:14:50,110 --> 00:14:52,540 than most people would appreciate. 296 00:14:52,540 --> 00:14:56,140 One of the reasons that we are in a current financial crisis 297 00:14:56,140 --> 00:14:59,860 today is because of the complexity of the securities 298 00:14:59,860 --> 00:15:01,180 that have been created. 299 00:15:01,180 --> 00:15:03,610 And the complexities are really along the lines 300 00:15:03,610 --> 00:15:05,380 of these non-linearities. 301 00:15:05,380 --> 00:15:09,130 As I mentioned to you, insurance is a put option. 302 00:15:09,130 --> 00:15:13,210 So you can actually use the theory of option pricing 303 00:15:13,210 --> 00:15:17,437 to value insurance contracts, like credit default swaps. 304 00:15:17,437 --> 00:15:19,270 In fact, the payoff of a credit default swap 305 00:15:19,270 --> 00:15:22,740 is not that different from something that looks like this. 306 00:15:22,740 --> 00:15:26,390 And what that means is that a portfolio of credit default 307 00:15:26,390 --> 00:15:30,440 swaps does not behave like a portfolio of stocks 308 00:15:30,440 --> 00:15:31,940 or a portfolio of bonds. 309 00:15:31,940 --> 00:15:34,970 They have very important differences, 310 00:15:34,970 --> 00:15:38,660 both in terms of their risk, and in terms of their return. 311 00:15:38,660 --> 00:15:42,590 In this case, you can see the risk of a put option 312 00:15:42,590 --> 00:15:44,420 is bounded above. 313 00:15:44,420 --> 00:15:46,130 The upside is bounded above. 314 00:15:46,130 --> 00:15:48,170 The downside is bounded. 315 00:15:48,170 --> 00:15:53,340 But the call option is unbounded above, in terms of its upside. 316 00:15:53,340 --> 00:15:56,760 Bounded below, in terms of its risk. 317 00:15:56,760 --> 00:15:59,340 What if, now, you decided you were going 318 00:15:59,340 --> 00:16:02,640 to sell somebody a call option? 319 00:16:02,640 --> 00:16:06,210 Or you were going to short a call option? 320 00:16:06,210 --> 00:16:09,201 Can anybody guess what the payoff would look like? 321 00:16:09,201 --> 00:16:10,175 Yeah? 322 00:16:10,175 --> 00:16:12,610 AUDIENCE: If you're going to sell a call [INAUDIBLE] 323 00:16:12,610 --> 00:16:14,071 agreement that's your payoff. 324 00:16:14,071 --> 00:16:14,937 ANDREW LO: Yeah. 325 00:16:14,937 --> 00:16:16,520 AUDIENCE: As long as the stock doesn't 326 00:16:16,520 --> 00:16:19,460 go above the [INAUDIBLE] so someone can call you out. 327 00:16:19,460 --> 00:16:20,940 Then it's [INAUDIBLE]. 328 00:16:20,940 --> 00:16:21,960 ANDREW LO: So what is it going to look like, 329 00:16:21,960 --> 00:16:23,010 in terms of the diagram? 330 00:16:23,010 --> 00:16:24,360 How would I have to change this? 331 00:16:24,360 --> 00:16:26,220 AUDIENCE: It would be flat, say, $2. 332 00:16:26,220 --> 00:16:27,615 And then it would go down. 333 00:16:27,615 --> 00:16:28,890 ANDREW LO: That's right. 334 00:16:28,890 --> 00:16:32,430 It would be a mirror image of the blue line, where 335 00:16:32,430 --> 00:16:36,540 you reflect it along the x-axis, it would go this way. 336 00:16:36,540 --> 00:16:41,560 And what that means is that your downside is unlimited. 337 00:16:41,560 --> 00:16:44,915 But your upside is very limited. 338 00:16:44,915 --> 00:16:46,540 Now, why would anybody want to do that? 339 00:16:46,540 --> 00:16:48,550 That seems like a terrible deal. 340 00:16:48,550 --> 00:16:50,260 Well, the difference is that you are now 341 00:16:50,260 --> 00:16:52,700 getting paid to do that. 342 00:16:52,700 --> 00:16:55,930 In other words, if you flip this image-- 343 00:16:55,930 --> 00:16:57,520 let me draw it here. 344 00:17:01,470 --> 00:17:06,270 If you now have a call option that you've shorted, 345 00:17:06,270 --> 00:17:08,900 you go down here. 346 00:17:08,900 --> 00:17:10,599 This is $20. 347 00:17:10,599 --> 00:17:12,440 You will get paid for doing this. 348 00:17:12,440 --> 00:17:15,252 Meaning if you look at your net return, 349 00:17:15,252 --> 00:17:16,460 it's going to look like this. 350 00:17:22,210 --> 00:17:25,200 So that means that as long as the stock price stays 351 00:17:25,200 --> 00:17:31,230 below a little bit extra than $20, 352 00:17:31,230 --> 00:17:33,810 you will actually get to keep that premium. 353 00:17:33,810 --> 00:17:38,682 But if the stock price goes up, your losses are unbounded. 354 00:17:38,682 --> 00:17:39,390 That's different. 355 00:17:39,390 --> 00:17:41,700 That's a different payoff structure 356 00:17:41,700 --> 00:17:47,190 than what we're used to with traditional instruments. 357 00:17:47,190 --> 00:17:50,550 You can do all sorts of calculations. 358 00:17:50,550 --> 00:17:52,410 Long Call looks like that. 359 00:17:52,410 --> 00:17:53,880 Long Put looks like that. 360 00:17:53,880 --> 00:17:55,740 Shorter Call looks like this. 361 00:17:55,740 --> 00:17:58,370 And Shorting a Put looks like that. 362 00:18:00,990 --> 00:18:06,050 And once you take all of these things and put them together, 363 00:18:06,050 --> 00:18:10,850 you can mix and match and get some really interesting payoff 364 00:18:10,850 --> 00:18:13,860 types of structures. 365 00:18:13,860 --> 00:18:15,630 So let me give you an example. 366 00:18:15,630 --> 00:18:18,320 This is just payoff tables that will show you 367 00:18:18,320 --> 00:18:19,430 when you get paid what. 368 00:18:19,430 --> 00:18:21,500 So this is a very helpful exercise for you 369 00:18:21,500 --> 00:18:25,160 to go through, just to verify that these graphs are, 370 00:18:25,160 --> 00:18:27,560 in fact, what they should be. 371 00:18:27,560 --> 00:18:30,080 So I would ask you to go through this on your own. 372 00:18:30,080 --> 00:18:33,440 And there are all sorts of trade-offs 373 00:18:33,440 --> 00:18:36,740 that you can implement by looking 374 00:18:36,740 --> 00:18:39,110 at these various different payoffs 375 00:18:39,110 --> 00:18:40,290 and putting them together. 376 00:18:40,290 --> 00:18:43,640 For example, you can buy a stock and a put, 377 00:18:43,640 --> 00:18:46,160 or buying a call with one strike and selling a call 378 00:18:46,160 --> 00:18:49,730 with another, or buying a call and a put with the same strike. 379 00:18:49,730 --> 00:18:53,360 Each of these portfolios of options 380 00:18:53,360 --> 00:18:56,510 gives you a different kind of a payoff diagram. 381 00:18:56,510 --> 00:19:01,970 And as a result, it allows you to make bets on market events 382 00:19:01,970 --> 00:19:05,730 that you otherwise wouldn't be able to make a bet on. 383 00:19:05,730 --> 00:19:08,230 So let me give you an example of this. 384 00:19:08,230 --> 00:19:09,270 Let's see. 385 00:19:09,270 --> 00:19:13,680 Let's do something like, oh, I don't know. 386 00:19:13,680 --> 00:19:16,320 How about a call and a put? 387 00:19:16,320 --> 00:19:18,840 Suppose you decide to buy a call, 388 00:19:18,840 --> 00:19:22,150 and you buy a put with the exact same strike price. 389 00:19:22,150 --> 00:19:24,000 So buying a call at a strike price of $50 390 00:19:24,000 --> 00:19:26,280 will give you that left diagram. 391 00:19:26,280 --> 00:19:29,070 And then buying a put with the strike price of $50 392 00:19:29,070 --> 00:19:31,980 will give you the right diagram. 393 00:19:31,980 --> 00:19:36,000 And your payoff for those two, at maturity, 394 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:37,710 is going to look like a V. 395 00:19:37,710 --> 00:19:40,290 Now, in fact, you have to subtract how much you 396 00:19:40,290 --> 00:19:42,690 paid in order to do this. 397 00:19:42,690 --> 00:19:50,690 So your net payoff will be this V, shifted down. 398 00:19:50,690 --> 00:19:54,210 Sorry, I didn't do the interactive graphics here. 399 00:19:54,210 --> 00:19:58,900 But it's going to look like this, where what I've done 400 00:19:58,900 --> 00:20:02,230 is I've subtracted the amount of money it cost you 401 00:20:02,230 --> 00:20:05,760 to buy the put and the call. 402 00:20:05,760 --> 00:20:06,430 Yeah, question. 403 00:20:06,430 --> 00:20:10,275 AUDIENCE: In this particular example, really all 404 00:20:10,275 --> 00:20:13,690 you're saying is, except for a short range in the stock price 405 00:20:13,690 --> 00:20:16,441 around the strike price, you will always make money. 406 00:20:16,441 --> 00:20:17,440 ANDREW LO: That's right. 407 00:20:17,440 --> 00:20:19,144 AUDIENCE: So is there a reason why 408 00:20:19,144 --> 00:20:20,884 you wouldn't do a lot of this, if you 409 00:20:20,884 --> 00:20:22,509 know that there is some movement that's 410 00:20:22,509 --> 00:20:23,845 going to happen in the stock? 411 00:20:23,845 --> 00:20:26,440 ANDREW LO: So the question is, how much does it 412 00:20:26,440 --> 00:20:28,460 cost you to do that? 413 00:20:28,460 --> 00:20:31,240 When you say small, it's all relative. 414 00:20:31,240 --> 00:20:33,700 You've got to find out exactly what that is. 415 00:20:33,700 --> 00:20:37,570 The smaller the range is, the more expensive 416 00:20:37,570 --> 00:20:40,120 it'll be for you to actually buy it. 417 00:20:40,120 --> 00:20:42,310 So there's a trade-off. 418 00:20:42,310 --> 00:20:44,450 It's all a matter of how much you pay for it. 419 00:20:44,450 --> 00:20:46,210 But before I go there, let me just 420 00:20:46,210 --> 00:20:47,950 make sure everybody understands what 421 00:20:47,950 --> 00:20:50,110 this payoff is accomplishing. 422 00:20:50,110 --> 00:20:52,690 What are you doing when you are buying 423 00:20:52,690 --> 00:20:56,920 a portfolio with a payoff diagram that looks like this? 424 00:20:56,920 --> 00:20:59,440 What you're doing is saying that you're 425 00:20:59,440 --> 00:21:02,800 going to make lots of money if the stock 426 00:21:02,800 --> 00:21:06,160 price goes way up or way down. 427 00:21:06,160 --> 00:21:09,280 The only way you're not going to make money, 428 00:21:09,280 --> 00:21:11,830 if the stock is not doing a whole lot, 429 00:21:11,830 --> 00:21:13,540 if it's staying around here. 430 00:21:13,540 --> 00:21:14,650 OK. 431 00:21:14,650 --> 00:21:18,430 So this is an example where you are making a bet. 432 00:21:18,430 --> 00:21:20,260 Not that markets are going to go up, 433 00:21:20,260 --> 00:21:22,040 not that markets are going to go down, 434 00:21:22,040 --> 00:21:24,790 but that markets are going to be wild. 435 00:21:24,790 --> 00:21:27,940 That is, you're making a bet on volatility. 436 00:21:27,940 --> 00:21:32,530 Which may seem like a pretty good bet nowadays. 437 00:21:32,530 --> 00:21:35,470 But the problem is that there's a difference 438 00:21:35,470 --> 00:21:40,526 between this diagram and this diagram. 439 00:21:40,526 --> 00:21:41,650 And what is the difference? 440 00:21:41,650 --> 00:21:45,340 What determines how big or small this little tiny area is, 441 00:21:45,340 --> 00:21:47,140 where you don't make any money? 442 00:21:47,140 --> 00:21:50,470 What determines that is how much you have to subtract 443 00:21:50,470 --> 00:21:53,590 and how far this V gets shifted down. 444 00:21:53,590 --> 00:21:54,340 And you know what? 445 00:21:54,340 --> 00:21:57,440 Right now, it's shifted down a lot. 446 00:21:57,440 --> 00:22:01,030 In other words, it costs a lot to buy a put and a call. 447 00:22:01,030 --> 00:22:02,080 Why does it cost a lot? 448 00:22:02,080 --> 00:22:04,180 Because volatility is very high. 449 00:22:04,180 --> 00:22:07,120 And when you're buying a put, you're buying insurance. 450 00:22:07,120 --> 00:22:10,390 It's very, very expensive now to buy insurance. 451 00:22:10,390 --> 00:22:13,471 Because we're in the middle of a hurricane. 452 00:22:13,471 --> 00:22:15,220 And that's probably the worst time for you 453 00:22:15,220 --> 00:22:17,345 to buy hurricane insurance, is when you're actually 454 00:22:17,345 --> 00:22:19,420 in the middle of a hurricane. 455 00:22:19,420 --> 00:22:22,460 So what that means is, that this thing has shifted down a lot. 456 00:22:22,460 --> 00:22:26,020 So that means that you have to have really, really volatile 457 00:22:26,020 --> 00:22:28,720 markets in order to make money. 458 00:22:28,720 --> 00:22:33,940 So it's shifted down enough so that supply equals demand, 459 00:22:33,940 --> 00:22:35,057 as you would expect. 460 00:22:35,057 --> 00:22:36,890 So there's no free lunch going on out there. 461 00:22:36,890 --> 00:22:38,230 It's priced fairly. 462 00:22:38,230 --> 00:22:39,730 Now, even though it's priced fairly, 463 00:22:39,730 --> 00:22:42,146 if it turns out that you're the kind of person that really 464 00:22:42,146 --> 00:22:44,260 doesn't like a lot of risk and you believe 465 00:22:44,260 --> 00:22:46,210 there's going to be tons more volatility 466 00:22:46,210 --> 00:22:49,060 coming, then for you, it's worth it to do it. 467 00:22:49,060 --> 00:22:52,600 For somebody else who doesn't believe that there's 468 00:22:52,600 --> 00:22:55,470 going to be a lot more volatility coming, 469 00:22:55,470 --> 00:22:58,200 it's worth it to be on the other side of that trade. 470 00:22:58,200 --> 00:23:01,090 By the way, if I'm on the other side of the trade, 471 00:23:01,090 --> 00:23:04,020 what does my payoff diagram look like then? 472 00:23:04,020 --> 00:23:07,450 If I'm selling a put and a call, what will it look like? 473 00:23:07,450 --> 00:23:08,450 AUDIENCE: The opposite. 474 00:23:08,450 --> 00:23:10,180 ANDREW LO: Yeah, exactly, the opposite. 475 00:23:10,180 --> 00:23:13,880 We're going to flip it, flip this thing against the x-axis. 476 00:23:13,880 --> 00:23:19,030 So it'll be an upside-down V. But because we're 477 00:23:19,030 --> 00:23:22,600 shorting puts and calls, we get money upfront. 478 00:23:22,600 --> 00:23:28,910 So the upside-down V is going to be pushed up over the x-axis. 479 00:23:28,910 --> 00:23:33,600 So it's going to look like the mirror image of this. 480 00:23:33,600 --> 00:23:36,960 And as long as stock prices are not 481 00:23:36,960 --> 00:23:42,950 more volatile than this range, we will make money. 482 00:23:42,950 --> 00:23:48,370 But our downside is unlimited in both directions. 483 00:23:48,370 --> 00:23:50,370 So you got to be really confident 484 00:23:50,370 --> 00:23:52,890 that you know that markets aren't going to be any more 485 00:23:52,890 --> 00:23:54,870 volatile than they are now. 486 00:23:54,870 --> 00:23:58,230 Now, if you were Warren Buffett, and you bought Goldman Sachs 487 00:23:58,230 --> 00:24:00,210 three, four weeks ago, and you thought 488 00:24:00,210 --> 00:24:02,842 it was a great deal then, well, you 489 00:24:02,842 --> 00:24:04,050 would have lost money by now. 490 00:24:04,050 --> 00:24:05,910 Warren Buffett has lost money. 491 00:24:05,910 --> 00:24:07,560 On the other hand, as you all know, 492 00:24:07,560 --> 00:24:10,200 Warren Buffett doesn't it make investments for the short term. 493 00:24:10,200 --> 00:24:11,658 He's thinking about this investment 494 00:24:11,658 --> 00:24:14,230 as a 10, 20-year investment. 495 00:24:14,230 --> 00:24:16,230 And over 10 or 20 years, I suspect 496 00:24:16,230 --> 00:24:18,044 it will be a very good deal. 497 00:24:18,044 --> 00:24:19,710 But if you're looking at what's going on 498 00:24:19,710 --> 00:24:21,595 over the next few weeks, the question 499 00:24:21,595 --> 00:24:23,220 is, do you believe that markets will be 500 00:24:23,220 --> 00:24:24,962 less volatile or more volatile? 501 00:24:24,962 --> 00:24:26,670 If you do, you're going to be on one side 502 00:24:26,670 --> 00:24:28,170 or the other of that trade. 503 00:24:28,170 --> 00:24:29,880 The point is that this now allows 504 00:24:29,880 --> 00:24:33,080 us to make bets on volatility. 505 00:24:33,080 --> 00:24:35,540 Whereas before, with a futures or a forward 506 00:24:35,540 --> 00:24:37,640 or a stock or a bond, you only could 507 00:24:37,640 --> 00:24:40,580 bet on it going up or going down, 508 00:24:40,580 --> 00:24:42,710 or mispricings because certain kinds 509 00:24:42,710 --> 00:24:44,960 of arbitrage relationships have been violated. 510 00:24:44,960 --> 00:24:46,820 This is the first time that we've 511 00:24:46,820 --> 00:24:52,010 been able to make a bet on wild swings. 512 00:24:52,010 --> 00:24:53,750 And that's a really amazing thing. 513 00:24:53,750 --> 00:24:57,380 It's an extraordinary innovation to be able to do that. 514 00:24:57,380 --> 00:25:02,254 It allows individuals to engage in kinds of side bets 515 00:25:02,254 --> 00:25:03,920 that they otherwise wouldn't be able to. 516 00:25:03,920 --> 00:25:06,170 And more importantly, it allows other individuals 517 00:25:06,170 --> 00:25:10,027 to insure against certain kinds of eventualities 518 00:25:10,027 --> 00:25:11,360 that they'd never be able to do. 519 00:25:11,360 --> 00:25:14,880 Now you can buy insurance against volatility, 520 00:25:14,880 --> 00:25:17,620 which is a pretty remarkable thing to be able to do. 521 00:25:17,620 --> 00:25:20,555 OK, so that's just one example of an option strategy, 522 00:25:20,555 --> 00:25:21,950 a very simple one. 523 00:25:21,950 --> 00:25:25,670 There are other examples that I've given you here. 524 00:25:25,670 --> 00:25:28,740 For example, this is kind of a fun one. 525 00:25:28,740 --> 00:25:31,262 This is two calls. 526 00:25:31,262 --> 00:25:32,720 That should be a minus sign, sorry. 527 00:25:32,720 --> 00:25:35,180 Call1 minus Call2. 528 00:25:35,180 --> 00:25:37,820 So you basically buy a call option, 529 00:25:37,820 --> 00:25:41,210 and you short another one at different strike prices. 530 00:25:41,210 --> 00:25:44,600 And so what this allows you to do, this is really interesting. 531 00:25:44,600 --> 00:25:49,850 This gives you upside from 50 up until 60. 532 00:25:49,850 --> 00:25:51,980 So you buy a call at 50. 533 00:25:51,980 --> 00:25:55,880 You're short a call at 60. 534 00:25:55,880 --> 00:25:59,150 So that means you're going to get upside between 50 and 60. 535 00:25:59,150 --> 00:26:03,340 And then nothing after that and nothing before that. 536 00:26:03,340 --> 00:26:05,770 Now, this seems like a really ridiculous strategy 537 00:26:05,770 --> 00:26:06,520 to engage in. 538 00:26:06,520 --> 00:26:09,840 Why would you want to cut off your upside? 539 00:26:09,840 --> 00:26:13,350 Because with a call, if you just bought a call, 540 00:26:13,350 --> 00:26:15,240 you'd basically get all of the upside. 541 00:26:15,240 --> 00:26:16,470 Right? 542 00:26:16,470 --> 00:26:18,030 Why would you ever want to do this? 543 00:26:18,030 --> 00:26:19,680 Anybody tell me what the logic for that is? 544 00:26:19,680 --> 00:26:19,890 Yeah. 545 00:26:19,890 --> 00:26:20,355 AUDIENCE: Because it's cheaper. 546 00:26:20,355 --> 00:26:21,330 ANDREW LO: Exactly. 547 00:26:21,330 --> 00:26:22,090 It's cheaper. 548 00:26:22,090 --> 00:26:25,110 It's cheaper because when you short the call at 60, 549 00:26:25,110 --> 00:26:26,640 you're getting money today. 550 00:26:26,640 --> 00:26:29,580 So that helps you finance the call at 50. 551 00:26:29,580 --> 00:26:32,030 It's cheaper, but it's not a free lunch. 552 00:26:32,030 --> 00:26:35,130 What you're getting in exchange for that extra premium 553 00:26:35,130 --> 00:26:39,180 is you're giving up any profits above and beyond the stock 554 00:26:39,180 --> 00:26:41,010 price going above 60. 555 00:26:41,010 --> 00:26:44,070 So you're giving up the unbounded upside. 556 00:26:44,070 --> 00:26:46,590 And you're bounding it at 60. 557 00:26:46,590 --> 00:26:48,420 But the benefit of giving up that upside 558 00:26:48,420 --> 00:26:52,680 is that you now have some money to reduce the cost of getting 559 00:26:52,680 --> 00:26:54,510 that call at 50. 560 00:26:54,510 --> 00:26:55,680 OK? 561 00:26:55,680 --> 00:26:58,380 And so you might use this if you think, 562 00:26:58,380 --> 00:27:03,700 well, I suspect that the stock has got some room to grow. 563 00:27:03,700 --> 00:27:07,420 I think it will bounce around between 50 and 60. 564 00:27:07,420 --> 00:27:09,120 But I can't possibly see the stock 565 00:27:09,120 --> 00:27:10,960 ever being worth more than 60. 566 00:27:10,960 --> 00:27:14,130 So I'm happy to give up that upside to other people who 567 00:27:14,130 --> 00:27:17,370 are more optimistic than me, and get some money for it 568 00:27:17,370 --> 00:27:22,530 and help me to finance my purchase of the stock at 50. 569 00:27:22,530 --> 00:27:24,720 So it's cheaper. 570 00:27:24,720 --> 00:27:25,830 That's the bottom line. 571 00:27:25,830 --> 00:27:27,750 Another way of looking at it is, you 572 00:27:27,750 --> 00:27:31,770 have to move this whole diagram down by how much it costs. 573 00:27:31,770 --> 00:27:35,200 It turns out you move it down by less than if it were just 574 00:27:35,200 --> 00:27:37,600 the pure call option by itself. 575 00:27:37,600 --> 00:27:41,040 So the way you can think of it is you buy the call option. 576 00:27:41,040 --> 00:27:43,090 You move it down by that much. 577 00:27:43,090 --> 00:27:46,290 And then you sell the other call and you move it up 578 00:27:46,290 --> 00:27:48,780 by the amount of that 60 call. 579 00:27:52,190 --> 00:27:53,000 So you can do this. 580 00:27:53,000 --> 00:27:54,200 You can do this in reverse. 581 00:27:54,200 --> 00:27:56,324 You can bet on the downside, in that way. 582 00:27:56,324 --> 00:27:57,740 You can do something that's called 583 00:27:57,740 --> 00:28:04,040 a butterfly spread, where basically it looks like this. 584 00:28:07,770 --> 00:28:13,400 So the payoff if it stays within a range, you get paid. 585 00:28:13,400 --> 00:28:17,450 But if it's really volatile, then you don't get paid. 586 00:28:17,450 --> 00:28:20,584 So you're willing to give up the upside on both ends 587 00:28:20,584 --> 00:28:23,000 because you think the stock is going to be self-contained. 588 00:28:23,000 --> 00:28:26,360 You're betting against volatility increasing, 589 00:28:26,360 --> 00:28:28,760 and you're using the ability to get 590 00:28:28,760 --> 00:28:35,010 rid of those unbounded gains to finance the positions. 591 00:28:35,010 --> 00:28:39,680 And it turns out that with these kinds of payoffs, 592 00:28:39,680 --> 00:28:44,030 you can prove mathematically that it's possible to generate 593 00:28:44,030 --> 00:28:46,910 any other payoff in the world. 594 00:28:46,910 --> 00:28:48,680 There is a mathematical result that's 595 00:28:48,680 --> 00:28:53,600 actually related to this Taylor approximation and Fourier 596 00:28:53,600 --> 00:28:57,350 expansion that says that any possible security that you can 597 00:28:57,350 --> 00:29:01,730 come up with can be approximated by a sequence of calls 598 00:29:01,730 --> 00:29:02,900 and puts. 599 00:29:02,900 --> 00:29:05,450 That's a really powerful idea. 600 00:29:05,450 --> 00:29:07,092 But in fact, from a practical purpose, 601 00:29:07,092 --> 00:29:09,050 you don't even need to use anything that fancy. 602 00:29:09,050 --> 00:29:12,620 If you have just a very small number of calls and puts, 603 00:29:12,620 --> 00:29:15,470 you can put together extraordinarily complex payoff 604 00:29:15,470 --> 00:29:20,240 diagrams that will get you whatever kind of a risk profile 605 00:29:20,240 --> 00:29:21,310 you're looking for. 606 00:29:21,310 --> 00:29:24,670 That's the power of option pricing. 607 00:29:24,670 --> 00:29:27,700 OK, any questions about these payoff diagrams? 608 00:29:27,700 --> 00:29:30,190 I would urge you to work through a few examples just 609 00:29:30,190 --> 00:29:31,980 to make sure you really understand them. 610 00:29:31,980 --> 00:29:36,316 Because it's a easy thing to think that you understand. 611 00:29:36,316 --> 00:29:38,440 But unless you're forced to go through the exercise 612 00:29:38,440 --> 00:29:40,210 and draw these diagrams, you won't 613 00:29:40,210 --> 00:29:43,090 have an appreciation for how to do them 614 00:29:43,090 --> 00:29:45,630 and how important they are. 615 00:29:45,630 --> 00:29:46,774 Yeah, question. 616 00:29:46,774 --> 00:29:48,662 AUDIENCE: I'm curious for a while, 617 00:29:48,662 --> 00:29:54,616 is there any implicit volatility, 618 00:29:54,616 --> 00:30:00,028 I mean implicit in the price of an option and a call and a put, 619 00:30:00,028 --> 00:30:01,996 is respective volatility of the market. 620 00:30:01,996 --> 00:30:05,440 But how much inside that price is it actually 621 00:30:05,440 --> 00:30:06,916 generating volatility itself? 622 00:30:06,916 --> 00:30:08,392 Do you see what I'm saying? 623 00:30:08,392 --> 00:30:11,162 The price, the call could also be a motor 624 00:30:11,162 --> 00:30:12,328 of volatility in the market. 625 00:30:12,328 --> 00:30:13,780 ANDREW LO: Yes. . 626 00:30:13,780 --> 00:30:14,790 That's a great question. 627 00:30:14,790 --> 00:30:15,730 Let me repeat it. 628 00:30:15,730 --> 00:30:18,360 In fact, that question was asked shortly 629 00:30:18,360 --> 00:30:20,485 after Black and Scholes came up with their formula. 630 00:30:23,590 --> 00:30:26,560 It created the whole literature, which 631 00:30:26,560 --> 00:30:30,610 was started by our very own former Dean, Dick Schmalensee. 632 00:30:30,610 --> 00:30:34,050 He wrote a paper with a fellow named-- 633 00:30:34,050 --> 00:30:37,100 I think it's Robert Trippi, small Schmalensee and Trippi. 634 00:30:37,100 --> 00:30:40,450 They wrote a paper on implied volatilities of options. 635 00:30:40,450 --> 00:30:43,960 So the ideal is that options are actually 636 00:30:43,960 --> 00:30:46,700 dependent on volatility. 637 00:30:46,700 --> 00:30:48,924 And I'll show you that not this time, but next time. 638 00:30:48,924 --> 00:30:50,590 I'm going to go through a pricing model. 639 00:30:50,590 --> 00:30:52,548 And you're going to see how volatility actually 640 00:30:52,548 --> 00:30:54,250 plays a very concrete role. 641 00:30:54,250 --> 00:30:56,630 So they came up with a brilliant idea. 642 00:30:56,630 --> 00:30:58,661 Let's take a look at an option price. 643 00:30:58,661 --> 00:31:00,160 And we know what the stock price is. 644 00:31:00,160 --> 00:31:01,300 We know what the strike price is. 645 00:31:01,300 --> 00:31:02,883 We know what the other parameters are. 646 00:31:02,883 --> 00:31:06,160 Let's ask the question, given the price of an option, 647 00:31:06,160 --> 00:31:09,580 what is the volatility that is consistent with that market 648 00:31:09,580 --> 00:31:10,960 price? 649 00:31:10,960 --> 00:31:14,650 Because allowing you to invert the market 650 00:31:14,650 --> 00:31:17,350 price for the volatility gives you 651 00:31:17,350 --> 00:31:18,850 information about what's going on. 652 00:31:18,850 --> 00:31:20,350 It's exactly the question you asked, 653 00:31:20,350 --> 00:31:23,620 about information implicit in the market price. 654 00:31:23,620 --> 00:31:25,759 It turns out that that's done all the time. 655 00:31:25,759 --> 00:31:27,300 And not only is it done all the time, 656 00:31:27,300 --> 00:31:31,630 but there is now an index that's been created by the Chicago 657 00:31:31,630 --> 00:31:35,620 Board Options Exchange called the VIX, which 658 00:31:35,620 --> 00:31:40,120 stands for the Volatility Implied Index. 659 00:31:40,120 --> 00:31:44,680 What they do is they look at options on the S&P 500. 660 00:31:44,680 --> 00:31:47,440 And they ask the question, what is the volatility that 661 00:31:47,440 --> 00:31:50,410 is consistent with the option price on the S&P 662 00:31:50,410 --> 00:31:52,060 for at-the-money option. 663 00:31:52,060 --> 00:31:53,800 At-the-money means the strike price 664 00:31:53,800 --> 00:31:56,890 is equal to the current price of the stock, or the index, 665 00:31:56,890 --> 00:31:58,280 of this case. 666 00:31:58,280 --> 00:32:01,027 And that's an incredibly important concept. 667 00:32:01,027 --> 00:32:02,860 Because that tells you something about where 668 00:32:02,860 --> 00:32:06,580 the market sees volatility going forward, not just looking 669 00:32:06,580 --> 00:32:07,420 backwards. 670 00:32:07,420 --> 00:32:10,750 But today, right now, what does the market think volatility 671 00:32:10,750 --> 00:32:12,140 should be? 672 00:32:12,140 --> 00:32:14,420 And if you look at the VIX over the last few weeks, 673 00:32:14,420 --> 00:32:17,170 you're going to be shocked. 674 00:32:17,170 --> 00:32:19,600 We're going to take a look at it next time, next Monday. 675 00:32:19,600 --> 00:32:22,090 I'm going to do this in class, where I'll show you what 676 00:32:22,090 --> 00:32:23,770 that volatility looks like. 677 00:32:23,770 --> 00:32:27,690 Historically, the S&P 500 has had a volatility level of what? 678 00:32:27,690 --> 00:32:28,564 Does anybody know? 679 00:32:28,564 --> 00:32:30,355 What's the typical stock market volatility? 680 00:32:30,355 --> 00:32:31,530 AUDIENCE: About 15%? 681 00:32:31,530 --> 00:32:32,770 ANDREW LO: 15% to 20%. 682 00:32:32,770 --> 00:32:36,520 Yeah, it's bounced around there, on an annualized basis. 683 00:32:36,520 --> 00:32:38,500 Last week on an intradaily basis, 684 00:32:38,500 --> 00:32:41,440 the VIX index, which is the Implied Volatility, 685 00:32:41,440 --> 00:32:47,305 reached an interdaily high of 89% volatility, for the stock. 686 00:32:47,305 --> 00:32:48,930 And right now, I don't know what it is. 687 00:32:48,930 --> 00:32:49,930 I haven't checked today. 688 00:32:49,930 --> 00:32:52,544 But my guess is it's probably 60 to 70. 689 00:32:52,544 --> 00:32:53,340 AUDIENCE: 71%. 690 00:32:53,340 --> 00:32:53,820 ANDREW LO: Is it, what? 691 00:32:53,820 --> 00:32:54,570 AUDIENCE: 71%. 692 00:32:54,570 --> 00:32:55,440 ANDREW LO: 71%. 693 00:32:55,440 --> 00:32:58,680 OK, 71% annual volatility. 694 00:32:58,680 --> 00:33:01,830 Now, that's the forward-looking implied volatility 695 00:33:01,830 --> 00:33:03,180 for S&P options. 696 00:33:03,180 --> 00:33:05,160 And what that tells you is that we're 697 00:33:05,160 --> 00:33:07,290 in for some turbulent times ahead. 698 00:33:07,290 --> 00:33:11,580 If you look at the implied volatility for the one year 699 00:33:11,580 --> 00:33:14,370 contract, it's going to be much lower. 700 00:33:14,370 --> 00:33:15,840 Because people are going to expect 701 00:33:15,840 --> 00:33:19,320 that the volatility of the S&P, going forward in time, 702 00:33:19,320 --> 00:33:21,960 is going to decline between now and a year from now. 703 00:33:21,960 --> 00:33:22,890 At least, we hope so. 704 00:33:22,890 --> 00:33:24,570 Otherwise a lot of people are going 705 00:33:24,570 --> 00:33:27,350 to be needing zan-- zan-- what is it? 706 00:33:27,350 --> 00:33:32,500 Zantac and other kinds of pharmaceuticals. 707 00:33:32,500 --> 00:33:33,780 OK. 708 00:33:33,780 --> 00:33:35,970 So those are option diagrams. 709 00:33:35,970 --> 00:33:38,340 And I want to mention one last thing 710 00:33:38,340 --> 00:33:43,260 before we go to the history of option pricing theory. 711 00:33:43,260 --> 00:33:46,860 I want to mention that one of the reasons option pricing 712 00:33:46,860 --> 00:33:50,180 theory has been so important in finance 713 00:33:50,180 --> 00:33:55,260 is because soon after the papers by Black and Scholes and Merton 714 00:33:55,260 --> 00:34:02,140 were published, it became clear that everywhere you looked, 715 00:34:02,140 --> 00:34:04,890 there were options to be found. 716 00:34:04,890 --> 00:34:08,370 That is, all other kinds of financial securities, when 717 00:34:08,370 --> 00:34:14,630 you looked more closely, they were actually options as well. 718 00:34:14,630 --> 00:34:16,880 So let me give you an example I said before that stock 719 00:34:16,880 --> 00:34:20,120 prices were not like options. 720 00:34:20,120 --> 00:34:23,780 Well, as an approximation, that's true. 721 00:34:23,780 --> 00:34:28,310 But in reality, if you look carefully at what a stock is, 722 00:34:28,310 --> 00:34:32,760 in fact, a stock is an option. 723 00:34:32,760 --> 00:34:35,400 So let me see how that is. 724 00:34:35,400 --> 00:34:40,870 Well, equity, the equity of a corporation 725 00:34:40,870 --> 00:34:45,010 is a claim on the corporation's assets. 726 00:34:45,010 --> 00:34:50,050 But if that corporation has any kind of debt financing, then 727 00:34:50,050 --> 00:34:53,409 actually the equity holders are second in line. 728 00:34:53,409 --> 00:34:56,380 The bondholders are first in line. 729 00:34:56,380 --> 00:34:59,950 So the equity only gets paid after the bondholders 730 00:34:59,950 --> 00:35:01,570 get paid off. 731 00:35:01,570 --> 00:35:05,110 So in particular, if you think about the maturity 732 00:35:05,110 --> 00:35:08,920 date of the bonds, then on maturity date, 733 00:35:08,920 --> 00:35:13,780 the value of the equity is the maximum of either 0, 734 00:35:13,780 --> 00:35:16,540 or the value of the firm's assets 735 00:35:16,540 --> 00:35:19,780 minus the face value of the bond, 736 00:35:19,780 --> 00:35:23,110 or what the bond has to be paid off at. 737 00:35:23,110 --> 00:35:25,090 Because if the bondholders don't get paid, 738 00:35:25,090 --> 00:35:27,570 then the equity holders get nothing. 739 00:35:27,570 --> 00:35:30,900 Then the bondholders get the firm. 740 00:35:30,900 --> 00:35:34,590 All of the assets of the firm transfer to the bondholders 741 00:35:34,590 --> 00:35:36,090 through bankruptcy proceedings. 742 00:35:36,090 --> 00:35:37,920 At least, that's the theory. 743 00:35:37,920 --> 00:35:43,110 So the value of the equity on the maturity date for the bonds 744 00:35:43,110 --> 00:35:48,750 is actually the maximum of 0, V minus B. 745 00:35:48,750 --> 00:35:50,700 Now, that should look very familiar to you. 746 00:35:50,700 --> 00:35:55,550 That should look like the payoff of a call option. 747 00:35:55,550 --> 00:36:00,050 Where the strike price is B, and the value 748 00:36:00,050 --> 00:36:06,310 of the underlying security is V, the value of the firm's assets. 749 00:36:06,310 --> 00:36:09,920 So what that means is that equity holders can 750 00:36:09,920 --> 00:36:14,000 be viewed as owning an option on the firm's assets 751 00:36:14,000 --> 00:36:20,010 with a strike price of B. And the bondholders look 752 00:36:20,010 --> 00:36:24,210 like they have a put option. 753 00:36:24,210 --> 00:36:27,560 They've shorted a put on the firm. 754 00:36:27,560 --> 00:36:30,970 But that's leveraged with a certain amount of debt. 755 00:36:30,970 --> 00:36:33,980 It's a protected levered put, is the way that people usually 756 00:36:33,980 --> 00:36:34,760 put it. 757 00:36:34,760 --> 00:36:36,860 So the debt is the minimum of V or B. 758 00:36:36,860 --> 00:36:38,840 You either get the assets, or you get what 759 00:36:38,840 --> 00:36:41,450 you owed, which is smaller. 760 00:36:41,450 --> 00:36:45,560 And you can show that that's equivalent to B minus max of 0B 761 00:36:45,560 --> 00:36:49,730 minus V. That looks like a short put position mixed 762 00:36:49,730 --> 00:36:51,250 in with some borrowing. 763 00:36:51,250 --> 00:36:53,750 And when you add the two, you see that the value of the firm 764 00:36:53,750 --> 00:36:55,125 is equal to the value of the debt 765 00:36:55,125 --> 00:36:56,480 and the value of the equity. 766 00:36:56,480 --> 00:37:00,350 The point of this example is that option pricing 767 00:37:00,350 --> 00:37:05,120 can be used to value the capital structure of a corporation 768 00:37:05,120 --> 00:37:07,650 as well. 769 00:37:07,650 --> 00:37:12,230 And within the last few years, a very active part 770 00:37:12,230 --> 00:37:14,990 of the hedge fund industry has been 771 00:37:14,990 --> 00:37:17,810 devoted to engaging in something called capital structure 772 00:37:17,810 --> 00:37:18,980 arbitrage. 773 00:37:18,980 --> 00:37:23,740 Capital structure arbitrage says that this equation has to hold. 774 00:37:23,740 --> 00:37:26,920 But in practice, there is a discrepancy 775 00:37:26,920 --> 00:37:31,660 with what the market value for D is, and the market value for E. 776 00:37:31,660 --> 00:37:35,380 And using option pricing theory and models for credit risk, 777 00:37:35,380 --> 00:37:39,070 hedge funds have been able to make a play by either buying 778 00:37:39,070 --> 00:37:41,740 a company's equity and shorting their debt, or buying the debt 779 00:37:41,740 --> 00:37:43,948 and shorting the equity, whichever is cheaper or more 780 00:37:43,948 --> 00:37:48,220 expensive, and engaging in what seems like an arbitrage 781 00:37:48,220 --> 00:37:49,210 transaction. 782 00:37:49,210 --> 00:37:51,700 Now, that presupposes that you've got the credit 783 00:37:51,700 --> 00:37:53,990 calculations done correctly. 784 00:37:53,990 --> 00:37:56,170 So in order to engage in those kind of trades, 785 00:37:56,170 --> 00:37:58,720 you have to have superior credit modeling 786 00:37:58,720 --> 00:38:01,060 capabilities, certainly better than what 787 00:38:01,060 --> 00:38:02,290 rating agencies were doing. 788 00:38:02,290 --> 00:38:05,230 And actually, there were cases where hedge funds were actively 789 00:38:05,230 --> 00:38:07,630 betting against rating agency models. 790 00:38:07,630 --> 00:38:10,990 Because they felt that rating agencies had mispriced 791 00:38:10,990 --> 00:38:15,490 some of their ratings based upon the models that they'd created, 792 00:38:15,490 --> 00:38:19,800 versus the ones the rating agencies were using. 793 00:38:19,800 --> 00:38:24,330 Now, turns out that when you look more carefully 794 00:38:24,330 --> 00:38:31,010 at other securities, and even other kinds of opportunities, 795 00:38:31,010 --> 00:38:33,990 options are there as well. 796 00:38:33,990 --> 00:38:40,350 For example, when I started here at MIT, 20 years ago, 797 00:38:40,350 --> 00:38:44,510 I remember, distinctly, some of my senior colleagues 798 00:38:44,510 --> 00:38:49,610 referring to Assistant Professors as options. 799 00:38:49,610 --> 00:38:50,150 [LAUGHTER] 800 00:38:50,150 --> 00:38:52,910 Now, let me explain. 801 00:38:52,910 --> 00:38:55,700 You know that in academia, when you start out 802 00:38:55,700 --> 00:38:57,920 as a Assistant Professor, there's 803 00:38:57,920 --> 00:39:00,560 no guarantee for employment. 804 00:39:00,560 --> 00:39:03,500 You have, typically, a three-year contract. 805 00:39:03,500 --> 00:39:05,720 And at the end of three years you either get renewed 806 00:39:05,720 --> 00:39:07,520 or you get fired. 807 00:39:07,520 --> 00:39:09,260 And at the end of the next three years, 808 00:39:09,260 --> 00:39:12,590 you come up for what's called a tenure review. 809 00:39:12,590 --> 00:39:14,450 Tenure review means that they send letters 810 00:39:14,450 --> 00:39:18,560 to 15 of the top people in your field across the country. 811 00:39:18,560 --> 00:39:20,280 Across the world, actually. 812 00:39:20,280 --> 00:39:23,750 And they base their decision on whether to give you 813 00:39:23,750 --> 00:39:28,040 lifetime guaranteed employment, as to whether or not 814 00:39:28,040 --> 00:39:32,240 these 15 people say that you're the greatest 815 00:39:32,240 --> 00:39:35,370 thing since whatever. 816 00:39:35,370 --> 00:39:38,960 And if you don't get that kind of review, 817 00:39:38,960 --> 00:39:40,397 then you're asked to leave. 818 00:39:40,397 --> 00:39:41,480 I mean, you have to leave. 819 00:39:41,480 --> 00:39:43,910 There's no choice for continued employment. 820 00:39:43,910 --> 00:39:48,500 So the idea behind hiring Assistant Professors 821 00:39:48,500 --> 00:39:53,430 were that each one of them was viewed as an option. 822 00:39:53,430 --> 00:39:57,220 Meaning that you could benefit from them for a while. 823 00:39:57,220 --> 00:40:00,180 But if they didn't work out, you could always get rid of them. 824 00:40:00,180 --> 00:40:02,470 But once you got tenure, that was it. 825 00:40:02,470 --> 00:40:04,110 There was no longer an option. 826 00:40:04,110 --> 00:40:07,370 So what that suggested, from a hiring perspective, 827 00:40:07,370 --> 00:40:10,080 is what kind of Assistant Professor 828 00:40:10,080 --> 00:40:12,680 should you hire if you believe in option pricing, 829 00:40:12,680 --> 00:40:16,730 as applied to the labor market? 830 00:40:16,730 --> 00:40:19,267 Can you can you characterize the type of-- 831 00:40:19,267 --> 00:40:20,100 Yeah, what was that? 832 00:40:20,100 --> 00:40:20,540 AUDIENCE: Take risks. 833 00:40:20,540 --> 00:40:21,670 ANDREW LO: Take risks. 834 00:40:21,670 --> 00:40:27,260 You want to hire faculty that are extremely volatile. 835 00:40:27,260 --> 00:40:30,640 Not emotionally, hopefully, but intellectually. 836 00:40:30,640 --> 00:40:34,330 In other words, because you get all the upside, 837 00:40:34,330 --> 00:40:35,961 but you don't get any downside. 838 00:40:35,961 --> 00:40:37,960 So what you want to do is you want to take risk. 839 00:40:37,960 --> 00:40:42,430 You want to take chances on faculty that may or may not 840 00:40:42,430 --> 00:40:43,150 work out. 841 00:40:43,150 --> 00:40:45,580 And that, in fact, has been the approach 842 00:40:45,580 --> 00:40:48,400 that we and others have used in hiring, based 843 00:40:48,400 --> 00:40:50,500 upon this kind of option pricing analysis. 844 00:40:50,500 --> 00:40:52,420 And it applies to all sorts of things. 845 00:40:52,420 --> 00:40:54,310 When you think about getting an education, 846 00:40:54,310 --> 00:40:58,030 you can argue that getting an education is an option. 847 00:40:58,030 --> 00:40:59,720 You don't have to use your degree. 848 00:40:59,720 --> 00:41:00,910 You don't have to use your education. 849 00:41:00,910 --> 00:41:01,576 But you have it. 850 00:41:01,576 --> 00:41:02,800 It's an option. 851 00:41:02,800 --> 00:41:06,880 And so thinking about value in education, you could actually 852 00:41:06,880 --> 00:41:10,550 use this framework, try to compute the flexibility 853 00:41:10,550 --> 00:41:12,700 it gives you, in order to take advantage 854 00:41:12,700 --> 00:41:16,150 of career opportunities. 855 00:41:16,150 --> 00:41:19,010 So there are lots of things that look like options. 856 00:41:19,010 --> 00:41:20,502 Yeah, Megan? 857 00:41:20,502 --> 00:41:28,438 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] distressed debt manager, [INAUDIBLE]? 858 00:41:38,854 --> 00:41:41,470 ANDREW LO: A distressed debt manager 859 00:41:41,470 --> 00:41:43,810 if they're holding distressed debt of a company, 860 00:41:43,810 --> 00:41:46,870 they would actually be holding a short put position. 861 00:41:46,870 --> 00:41:48,130 They're holding the debt. 862 00:41:48,130 --> 00:41:49,642 So they have a short put position. 863 00:41:49,642 --> 00:41:51,100 So if they wanted to hedge it, they 864 00:41:51,100 --> 00:41:55,100 can either buy a put on the assets, 865 00:41:55,100 --> 00:41:58,023 which would then help them to hedge it out, Yeah, right. 866 00:42:02,330 --> 00:42:04,610 And as I was saying, there are all sorts 867 00:42:04,610 --> 00:42:10,400 of other examples of options and derivative securities. 868 00:42:10,400 --> 00:42:12,020 The field has exploded. 869 00:42:12,020 --> 00:42:15,380 There are literally many, many trillions 870 00:42:15,380 --> 00:42:18,690 of dollars of notional amounts. 871 00:42:18,690 --> 00:42:21,440 Now, again, notional amounts can be a little bit misleading. 872 00:42:21,440 --> 00:42:24,200 Because you know that for every option seller, 873 00:42:24,200 --> 00:42:25,250 there's an option buyer. 874 00:42:25,250 --> 00:42:28,650 Options are zero net investment side bets, 875 00:42:28,650 --> 00:42:30,910 unlike equities, where companies that 876 00:42:30,910 --> 00:42:33,860 have real assets behind them issue pieces of paper 877 00:42:33,860 --> 00:42:34,880 called equity. 878 00:42:34,880 --> 00:42:38,180 Options are issued by the Options Clearing 879 00:42:38,180 --> 00:42:41,510 Corporation for the Chicago Board Options Exchange. 880 00:42:41,510 --> 00:42:43,310 The Mercantile Exchange also has options. 881 00:42:43,310 --> 00:42:45,060 There's options traded everywhere. 882 00:42:45,060 --> 00:42:46,852 In fact, one of the largest exchanges 883 00:42:46,852 --> 00:42:48,560 is the International Securities Exchange. 884 00:42:48,560 --> 00:42:50,360 It was started up by Bill Porter, 885 00:42:50,360 --> 00:42:52,130 the fellow who started e-trade. 886 00:42:52,130 --> 00:42:55,550 And it is the most active options exchange in the world. 887 00:42:55,550 --> 00:42:57,290 It's all done electronically. 888 00:42:57,290 --> 00:43:00,410 And these options are pure side bets. 889 00:43:00,410 --> 00:43:04,265 But they're not just for purposes of gambling. 890 00:43:04,265 --> 00:43:07,760 They're for purposes of hedging and engaging in insurance, 891 00:43:07,760 --> 00:43:10,260 of the kind that we talked about before. 892 00:43:10,260 --> 00:43:13,250 So this has really exploded. 893 00:43:13,250 --> 00:43:16,310 And that's why we have an entire course, 15.437, devoted 894 00:43:16,310 --> 00:43:20,780 to just the pricing of options and futures. 895 00:43:20,780 --> 00:43:25,730 So we can't, obviously, cover all of it in this course. 896 00:43:25,730 --> 00:43:27,770 But I want to just give you a flavor of it. 897 00:43:27,770 --> 00:43:30,590 Let me skip, now, this next section 898 00:43:30,590 --> 00:43:32,079 on valuation of options. 899 00:43:32,079 --> 00:43:34,370 Because as I said, this is a little bit more technical. 900 00:43:34,370 --> 00:43:36,036 I want to spend some time on it and make 901 00:43:36,036 --> 00:43:37,790 sure you all understand it. 902 00:43:37,790 --> 00:43:40,070 And then I will come back to this on Monday. 903 00:43:40,070 --> 00:43:42,320 When I want to do now is just to give you a little bit 904 00:43:42,320 --> 00:43:43,760 of a history of option pricing. 905 00:43:43,760 --> 00:43:45,710 Because it's kind of fun. 906 00:43:45,710 --> 00:43:49,910 First of all, in order to figure out how to price options, 907 00:43:49,910 --> 00:43:53,240 we have to begin with figuring out 908 00:43:53,240 --> 00:43:57,020 what a particular model would be for the underlying stock. 909 00:43:57,020 --> 00:43:59,150 In order to price an option, you actually 910 00:43:59,150 --> 00:44:02,060 have to say something about how the underlying 911 00:44:02,060 --> 00:44:04,310 security behaves. 912 00:44:04,310 --> 00:44:05,840 So we have to start with that. 913 00:44:05,840 --> 00:44:10,910 And we're going to start in the very early 16th century, 914 00:44:10,910 --> 00:44:15,710 with probably the first-known model for asset prices 915 00:44:15,710 --> 00:44:18,800 that ever existed in the world. 916 00:44:18,800 --> 00:44:22,130 And that was developed by a Italian mathematician 917 00:44:22,130 --> 00:44:24,650 by the name of your Gerolamo Cardano. 918 00:44:24,650 --> 00:44:26,960 Now, those of you who were on high school math team, 919 00:44:26,960 --> 00:44:28,440 I suspect you've heard of Cardano. 920 00:44:28,440 --> 00:44:32,550 Anybody tell me who Cardano was? 921 00:44:32,550 --> 00:44:34,210 No math team geeks here? 922 00:44:36,800 --> 00:44:40,280 All right, Cardano was, it turns out, 923 00:44:40,280 --> 00:44:42,680 the second person to have come up 924 00:44:42,680 --> 00:44:46,266 with a solution for the cubic equation. 925 00:44:46,266 --> 00:44:48,390 You all know what the quadratic equation is, right? 926 00:44:48,390 --> 00:44:52,430 You know, ax squared plus bx plus c equals 0. 927 00:44:52,430 --> 00:44:53,600 That's a quadratic equation. 928 00:44:53,600 --> 00:44:57,140 Anybody know what the solution of that is? 929 00:44:57,140 --> 00:44:58,269 Yeah, what is that? 930 00:44:58,269 --> 00:45:02,490 AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE] 931 00:45:02,490 --> 00:45:03,020 Great Great. 932 00:45:03,020 --> 00:45:04,936 All right, You get the pocket protector award. 933 00:45:04,936 --> 00:45:07,170 [LAUGHTER] 934 00:45:07,170 --> 00:45:08,750 Very good. 935 00:45:08,750 --> 00:45:10,790 It turns out that there is exactly 936 00:45:10,790 --> 00:45:13,285 the same kind of solution for the cubic equation. 937 00:45:13,285 --> 00:45:14,660 Of course, nobody remembers that. 938 00:45:14,660 --> 00:45:16,243 I won't ask you whether you know that. 939 00:45:16,243 --> 00:45:17,010 You might. 940 00:45:17,010 --> 00:45:19,270 But there is a formula for the cubic equation. 941 00:45:19,270 --> 00:45:22,915 It turns out that there are no more formulas beyond the cubic. 942 00:45:22,915 --> 00:45:24,290 So there's something very special 943 00:45:24,290 --> 00:45:25,670 about the cubic equation. 944 00:45:25,670 --> 00:45:28,670 And this Italian mathematician, Cardano, 945 00:45:28,670 --> 00:45:29,840 was the first to publish it. 946 00:45:29,840 --> 00:45:31,340 The reason I say that he's the second person 947 00:45:31,340 --> 00:45:33,006 to come up with it, is that it turns out 948 00:45:33,006 --> 00:45:36,200 he stole the formula from a colleague, and a colleague who 949 00:45:36,200 --> 00:45:37,940 had actually come up with the solution. 950 00:45:37,940 --> 00:45:40,190 And Cardano heard about it and said, well, 951 00:45:40,190 --> 00:45:41,374 please tell me what it is. 952 00:45:41,374 --> 00:45:42,790 And the other person said, I'm not 953 00:45:42,790 --> 00:45:43,540 going to tell you what it is. 954 00:45:43,540 --> 00:45:45,080 Because you're going to just write it up and claim credit. 955 00:45:45,080 --> 00:45:47,210 And Cardano says no, no, I promise I won't. 956 00:45:47,210 --> 00:45:49,710 And then the guy says, all right, here it is. 957 00:45:49,710 --> 00:45:50,290 He told him. 958 00:45:50,290 --> 00:45:53,390 And then Cardano did, in fact, rip him off. 959 00:45:53,390 --> 00:45:55,010 So it's known as Cardano's formula, 960 00:45:55,010 --> 00:45:55,790 but it really shouldn't. 961 00:45:55,790 --> 00:45:57,980 And I'm embarrassed to say, I don't remember the guy 962 00:45:57,980 --> 00:46:01,350 who actually invented it. 963 00:46:01,350 --> 00:46:03,770 But Cardano, in addition to having come up 964 00:46:03,770 --> 00:46:07,200 with this solution, or stolen this solution, 965 00:46:07,200 --> 00:46:10,070 Cardano also wrote a book on gambling. 966 00:46:10,070 --> 00:46:12,920 And this book, which is titled Liber De Ludo 967 00:46:12,920 --> 00:46:15,980 Aleae, The Laws of Gambling, he developed 968 00:46:15,980 --> 00:46:21,470 what was the precursor to the modern mathematical description 969 00:46:21,470 --> 00:46:22,910 of stock prices. 970 00:46:22,910 --> 00:46:24,787 And it was described in this way. 971 00:46:24,787 --> 00:46:26,870 "The most fundamental principle of all in gambling 972 00:46:26,870 --> 00:46:28,910 is simply equal conditions, e.g. 973 00:46:28,910 --> 00:46:32,060 of opponents, of bystanders, of money, of situation, 974 00:46:32,060 --> 00:46:35,180 of the dice box, and the die itself. 975 00:46:35,180 --> 00:46:38,600 To the extent to which you depart from that equality, 976 00:46:38,600 --> 00:46:41,540 if it is in your opponent's favor, you are a fool, 977 00:46:41,540 --> 00:46:44,630 and if in your own, you are unjust." 978 00:46:44,630 --> 00:46:46,310 It turns out that what he was describing 979 00:46:46,310 --> 00:46:48,860 was, essentially, a 50/50 bet. 980 00:46:48,860 --> 00:46:51,740 Or what we call a fair game, or what 981 00:46:51,740 --> 00:46:53,980 is now known as a martingale. 982 00:46:53,980 --> 00:47:00,980 A martingale simply says that expected winnings and losses 983 00:47:00,980 --> 00:47:01,850 is equal to 0. 984 00:47:01,850 --> 00:47:05,750 Or rather, your expected wealth next period 985 00:47:05,750 --> 00:47:08,570 is equal to whatever your wealth is today 986 00:47:08,570 --> 00:47:14,270 if you have a fair game that you're betting on. 987 00:47:14,270 --> 00:47:16,100 It turns out that that simple model 988 00:47:16,100 --> 00:47:19,250 developed into what we now think of as the Random Walk 989 00:47:19,250 --> 00:47:20,060 Hypothesis. 990 00:47:20,060 --> 00:47:23,180 And the Random Walk was really the fundamental driver 991 00:47:23,180 --> 00:47:26,150 behind the option pricing model that Black and Scholes 992 00:47:26,150 --> 00:47:28,010 and Merton developed. 993 00:47:28,010 --> 00:47:30,620 Now, the reason the Random Walk holds a very special place 994 00:47:30,620 --> 00:47:33,290 in the hearts of financial economist 995 00:47:33,290 --> 00:47:35,630 is because most economists suffer 996 00:47:35,630 --> 00:47:40,610 from a psychological disorder that we call physics envy. 997 00:47:40,610 --> 00:47:43,220 We all wish that we had these three laws that 998 00:47:43,220 --> 00:47:46,110 explains 99% of all behavior. 999 00:47:46,110 --> 00:47:48,170 In fact, economists have 99 laws that explain 1000 00:47:48,170 --> 00:47:50,910 maybe 3% of economic behavior. 1001 00:47:50,910 --> 00:47:56,870 But there's one example, only one, in the history of finance, 1002 00:47:56,870 --> 00:48:01,520 where an economist actually came up with an idea 1003 00:48:01,520 --> 00:48:02,930 before a physicist. 1004 00:48:02,930 --> 00:48:06,230 And that was later adopted by a physicist. 1005 00:48:06,230 --> 00:48:09,630 And the idea I'm talking about is the Random Walk hypothesis, 1006 00:48:09,630 --> 00:48:13,040 or in the continuous time realm, Brownian motion. 1007 00:48:13,040 --> 00:48:17,600 In 1900, a student by the name of Louis Bachelier 1008 00:48:17,600 --> 00:48:22,310 was writing a dissertation in Paris. 1009 00:48:22,310 --> 00:48:23,840 He was a mathematics PhD student. 1010 00:48:23,840 --> 00:48:26,060 But he was writing about pricing warrants that were 1011 00:48:26,060 --> 00:48:28,220 trading on the Paris Bourse. 1012 00:48:28,220 --> 00:48:30,200 So it was a finance thesis. 1013 00:48:30,200 --> 00:48:32,959 And in order to solve the problem, 1014 00:48:32,959 --> 00:48:35,000 he had to come up with a mathematical description 1015 00:48:35,000 --> 00:48:36,620 for the underlying price. 1016 00:48:36,620 --> 00:48:39,530 And he came up with this notion of what we now 1017 00:48:39,530 --> 00:48:42,350 call Brownian motion, of Random Walk. 1018 00:48:42,350 --> 00:48:46,610 And he did it a full three years before a well-known physicist 1019 00:48:46,610 --> 00:48:47,750 published a paper on that. 1020 00:48:47,750 --> 00:48:49,130 Anybody know who that physicist was? 1021 00:48:49,130 --> 00:48:50,088 AUDIENCE: Was it Brown? 1022 00:48:50,088 --> 00:48:50,710 ANDREW LO: No. 1023 00:48:50,710 --> 00:48:52,927 No, Brown was many years before. 1024 00:48:52,927 --> 00:48:53,885 And he was a biologist. 1025 00:48:53,885 --> 00:48:54,230 Yeah? 1026 00:48:54,230 --> 00:48:55,021 AUDIENCE: Einstein. 1027 00:48:55,021 --> 00:48:58,610 ANDREW LO: That's right, Albert Einstein, in 1903, 1028 00:48:58,610 --> 00:49:01,250 actually published a paper on the photoelectric effect 1029 00:49:01,250 --> 00:49:02,970 and Brownian motion. 1030 00:49:02,970 --> 00:49:07,820 And if you take a look at what Baschelier did, 1031 00:49:07,820 --> 00:49:10,040 he was working with the French mathematician 1032 00:49:10,040 --> 00:49:12,200 by the name of Henri Poincare. 1033 00:49:12,200 --> 00:49:15,410 Poincare was a very well-known mathematician 1034 00:49:15,410 --> 00:49:18,380 who was the advisor to Baschelier, 1035 00:49:18,380 --> 00:49:20,310 and who is renowned now for a variety 1036 00:49:20,310 --> 00:49:22,310 of different contributions, including the theory 1037 00:49:22,310 --> 00:49:24,220 of dynamical systems. 1038 00:49:24,220 --> 00:49:27,470 Baschelier wrote this thesis and developed the mathematics 1039 00:49:27,470 --> 00:49:29,570 of Brownian motion. 1040 00:49:29,570 --> 00:49:31,370 And when he was looking for a job, 1041 00:49:31,370 --> 00:49:33,590 Poincare wrote a letter of recommendation. 1042 00:49:33,590 --> 00:49:37,220 And this is what Poincare wrote about Baschelier. 1043 00:49:37,220 --> 00:49:40,880 He said that "The manner in which the candidate obtains 1044 00:49:40,880 --> 00:49:44,014 the law of Gauss is most original, and all the more 1045 00:49:44,014 --> 00:49:45,680 interesting as the same reasoning might, 1046 00:49:45,680 --> 00:49:48,830 with a few changes, be extended to the theory of errors. 1047 00:49:48,830 --> 00:49:50,420 He develops this in a chapter which 1048 00:49:50,420 --> 00:49:52,010 might at first seem strange. 1049 00:49:52,010 --> 00:49:57,760 For he titles it 'Radiation of Probability.' 1050 00:49:57,760 --> 00:50:01,270 In effect, the author resorts to a comparison 1051 00:50:01,270 --> 00:50:05,110 with the analytical theory of the propagation of heat." 1052 00:50:05,110 --> 00:50:07,040 Now, remember this is a thesis on pricing 1053 00:50:07,040 --> 00:50:10,620 warrants on the Paris Bourse. 1054 00:50:10,620 --> 00:50:14,400 Fourier's reasoning is applicable almost 1055 00:50:14,400 --> 00:50:17,260 without change to this problem. 1056 00:50:17,260 --> 00:50:21,836 Which is so different from that for which it had been created." 1057 00:50:21,836 --> 00:50:23,460 And of course, his adviser, at the end, 1058 00:50:23,460 --> 00:50:25,740 always has to complain a little bit about his student, 1059 00:50:25,740 --> 00:50:26,760 as we all do. 1060 00:50:26,760 --> 00:50:30,812 So he said, "It is regrettable that the author did not 1061 00:50:30,812 --> 00:50:32,520 develop this part of his thesis further." 1062 00:50:35,550 --> 00:50:38,490 What Poincare was mentioning, with regard to Fourier, 1063 00:50:38,490 --> 00:50:40,740 was the theory of heat conduction. 1064 00:50:40,740 --> 00:50:43,800 In physics, there is a very standard model 1065 00:50:43,800 --> 00:50:48,810 that everybody that goes into advanced physics will cover. 1066 00:50:48,810 --> 00:50:51,570 And that is, how does heat get conducted 1067 00:50:51,570 --> 00:50:53,280 through a solid medium? 1068 00:50:53,280 --> 00:50:56,370 And in deriving the equation that ultimately 1069 00:50:56,370 --> 00:50:59,430 is known as the heat equation, you actually 1070 00:50:59,430 --> 00:51:03,840 use the same theory that Baschelier applied to pricing 1071 00:51:03,840 --> 00:51:05,100 warrants on the Paris Bourse. 1072 00:51:05,100 --> 00:51:09,547 He gets what's known as a partial differential equation. 1073 00:51:09,547 --> 00:51:10,630 And that's it right there. 1074 00:51:10,630 --> 00:51:12,090 That's the equation that he used in his thesis. 1075 00:51:12,090 --> 00:51:14,048 If you look at his thesis, you'll see it there. 1076 00:51:14,048 --> 00:51:15,190 That's the heat equation. 1077 00:51:15,190 --> 00:51:17,648 It's the same equation that explains the conduction of heat 1078 00:51:17,648 --> 00:51:19,380 in a solid medium. 1079 00:51:19,380 --> 00:51:21,750 But he derives it for the purpose 1080 00:51:21,750 --> 00:51:24,270 of pricing this financial security. 1081 00:51:24,270 --> 00:51:27,930 Now, it turns out that there was one slight mistake 1082 00:51:27,930 --> 00:51:29,805 that Baschelier made in his thesis. 1083 00:51:29,805 --> 00:51:33,720 It was a mathematical error that, ultimately, didn't really 1084 00:51:33,720 --> 00:51:35,490 affect the results. 1085 00:51:35,490 --> 00:51:37,980 But it became known. 1086 00:51:37,980 --> 00:51:40,080 And when he came up for tenure, they 1087 00:51:40,080 --> 00:51:42,600 wrote to all the various different big names. 1088 00:51:42,600 --> 00:51:45,060 And he was ultimately turned down for tenure, 1089 00:51:45,060 --> 00:51:47,040 because they found this mistake. 1090 00:51:47,040 --> 00:51:48,750 And he was blackballed. 1091 00:51:48,750 --> 00:51:52,110 So he couldn't get a job except for a small teaching 1092 00:51:52,110 --> 00:51:55,204 college, a women's teaching college in the south of France. 1093 00:51:55,204 --> 00:51:56,870 Which frankly, sounds pretty good to me. 1094 00:51:56,870 --> 00:51:59,270 [LAUGHTER] 1095 00:51:59,270 --> 00:52:06,090 But you know, for him, it was not 1096 00:52:06,090 --> 00:52:08,160 the way he would not want to end his career. 1097 00:52:08,160 --> 00:52:10,080 But at the end of his career, it was 1098 00:52:10,080 --> 00:52:12,260 discovered that this mistake was not as serious. 1099 00:52:12,260 --> 00:52:14,010 And people wrote him a letter saying, gee, 1100 00:52:14,010 --> 00:52:15,250 you're a great guy anyway. 1101 00:52:18,480 --> 00:52:20,400 Paul Samuelson, actually, was the person 1102 00:52:20,400 --> 00:52:22,680 who discovered Baschelier's thesis when 1103 00:52:22,680 --> 00:52:26,040 he was in Paris at the Sorbonne, reading 1104 00:52:26,040 --> 00:52:27,750 through various different archives. 1105 00:52:27,750 --> 00:52:31,100 So Paul Samuelson's responsible for resurrecting 1106 00:52:31,100 --> 00:52:35,050 the reputation and the work of Louis Baschelier. 1107 00:52:35,050 --> 00:52:36,720 You can see his thesis now. 1108 00:52:36,720 --> 00:52:39,630 It's been republished and reprinted. 1109 00:52:39,630 --> 00:52:43,080 But the point of the thesis is that by assuming 1110 00:52:43,080 --> 00:52:45,810 that the underlying stock price was a Random Walk, 1111 00:52:45,810 --> 00:52:48,420 and by developing the mathematics of the Random Walk, 1112 00:52:48,420 --> 00:52:50,940 he was able to figure out what the price of an option 1113 00:52:50,940 --> 00:52:53,310 was on that stock. 1114 00:52:53,310 --> 00:52:55,140 And it turns out that the pricing 1115 00:52:55,140 --> 00:52:57,570 of the option on the stock reduces 1116 00:52:57,570 --> 00:52:59,850 to solving this heat equation. 1117 00:52:59,850 --> 00:53:01,890 And that explains why there are, nowadays, 1118 00:53:01,890 --> 00:53:03,665 so many physicists and mathematicians that 1119 00:53:03,665 --> 00:53:04,290 are in finance. 1120 00:53:04,290 --> 00:53:08,280 It's because the whole body of knowledge that comes along 1121 00:53:08,280 --> 00:53:11,040 with the physical interpretation for the heat equation 1122 00:53:11,040 --> 00:53:14,880 can be applied, virtually identically and verbatim, 1123 00:53:14,880 --> 00:53:17,820 to the pricing of options and other derivative securities. 1124 00:53:17,820 --> 00:53:21,540 And so very quickly, we can see that the information that's 1125 00:53:21,540 --> 00:53:24,030 contained in these market prices can 1126 00:53:24,030 --> 00:53:26,370 be understood within a mathematical framework 1127 00:53:26,370 --> 00:53:27,900 that we know. 1128 00:53:27,900 --> 00:53:30,030 So now going back to the history, 1129 00:53:30,030 --> 00:53:33,790 it turns out that this was not known in the 1970s. 1130 00:53:33,790 --> 00:53:38,840 It wasn't rediscovered by Paul Samuelson until later on. 1131 00:53:38,840 --> 00:53:41,190 The folks that actually worked on option pricing, that 1132 00:53:41,190 --> 00:53:44,520 tried to figure out the mathematical prices of options 1133 00:53:44,520 --> 00:53:45,960 were quite a few. 1134 00:53:45,960 --> 00:53:49,410 Kruizenga, who is an MIT PhD student in the 1950s-- oh, 1135 00:53:49,410 --> 00:53:50,680 question? 1136 00:53:50,680 --> 00:53:51,180 No? 1137 00:53:51,180 --> 00:53:51,860 OK. 1138 00:53:51,860 --> 00:53:54,170 In the 1950s, there was an MIT PhD student 1139 00:53:54,170 --> 00:53:56,960 of Paul Samuelson's who tried to work on this problem. 1140 00:53:56,960 --> 00:54:00,170 And he actually has a thesis titled "Put and Call Options-- 1141 00:54:00,170 --> 00:54:01,910 A Theoretical and Market Analysis." 1142 00:54:01,910 --> 00:54:03,560 It's actually in the MIT archives, 1143 00:54:03,560 --> 00:54:05,120 if you want to go take a look at it. 1144 00:54:05,120 --> 00:54:06,386 But he didn't quite get it. 1145 00:54:06,386 --> 00:54:07,760 He didn't get the right solution, 1146 00:54:07,760 --> 00:54:10,310 because he didn't have the mathematical machinery 1147 00:54:10,310 --> 00:54:13,760 to be able to work out the final elements of it. 1148 00:54:13,760 --> 00:54:17,690 K. Sprenkle, a student at Yale in 1961, 1149 00:54:17,690 --> 00:54:21,800 wrote a thesis under Jim Tobin and Arthur Okun, titled 1150 00:54:21,800 --> 00:54:25,370 "Warrant Prices As Indicators of Expectations and Preferences," 1151 00:54:25,370 --> 00:54:27,320 and tried to price it as well. 1152 00:54:27,320 --> 00:54:31,490 But he wasn't able to come up with a pricing formula either. 1153 00:54:31,490 --> 00:54:34,970 And there were a number of other attempts 1154 00:54:34,970 --> 00:54:37,550 to try to come up with the appropriate pricing formula, 1155 00:54:37,550 --> 00:54:40,850 including attempts by Samuelson in '65, 1156 00:54:40,850 --> 00:54:44,450 where he had to make assumptions on individual preferences 1157 00:54:44,450 --> 00:54:46,310 in order to get a price. 1158 00:54:46,310 --> 00:54:47,290 That didn't work out. 1159 00:54:47,290 --> 00:54:49,520 And then Samuelson and Merton in '69, they 1160 00:54:49,520 --> 00:54:52,070 tried to come up with a pricing formula that 1161 00:54:52,070 --> 00:54:54,230 was preference free. 1162 00:54:54,230 --> 00:54:56,910 And they still couldn't do it. 1163 00:54:56,910 --> 00:54:58,970 Along came Black and Scholes. 1164 00:54:58,970 --> 00:55:02,340 Fischer Black who, at that time, was a consultant working 1165 00:55:02,340 --> 00:55:03,480 at Arthur D. Little. 1166 00:55:03,480 --> 00:55:07,400 He wasn't even an academic. 1167 00:55:07,400 --> 00:55:09,480 The Arthur D. Little building, that's 1168 00:55:09,480 --> 00:55:12,510 the building that is right over there, 1169 00:55:12,510 --> 00:55:14,220 the one that they won't let us tear down. 1170 00:55:14,220 --> 00:55:18,355 Because it's supposed to be an architectural gem of sorts. 1171 00:55:18,355 --> 00:55:19,980 That was the Arthur D. Little Building. 1172 00:55:19,980 --> 00:55:21,240 Fischer had his office there. 1173 00:55:21,240 --> 00:55:25,230 Myron had his office in the next building over, Myron Sholes. 1174 00:55:25,230 --> 00:55:28,560 And they started talking about option pricing. 1175 00:55:28,560 --> 00:55:32,610 And Fischer came up with an analysis 1176 00:55:32,610 --> 00:55:35,400 that was very much along the lines of Baschelier. 1177 00:55:35,400 --> 00:55:38,200 He basically got this formula, 1178 00:55:38,200 --> 00:55:40,620 but he couldn't solve it because he had never 1179 00:55:40,620 --> 00:55:43,710 heard of the heat equation because his Fischer Black's 1180 00:55:43,710 --> 00:55:46,020 background was in computer science, not in mathematics. 1181 00:55:46,020 --> 00:55:48,930 It was ironic, because Fischer Black actually had a PhD. 1182 00:55:48,930 --> 00:55:52,170 Not in economics or finance, but in applied math. 1183 00:55:52,170 --> 00:55:54,340 But he had never taken physics. 1184 00:55:54,340 --> 00:55:56,670 So he was doing discrete math. 1185 00:55:56,670 --> 00:55:59,040 So he started talking to Myron Scholes 1186 00:55:59,040 --> 00:56:03,000 and as legend would have it, Myron 1187 00:56:03,000 --> 00:56:05,760 took that heat equation, went over to the math department 1188 00:56:05,760 --> 00:56:08,517 here, and asked one of the mathematics professors, 1189 00:56:08,517 --> 00:56:09,600 have ever seen this thing? 1190 00:56:09,600 --> 00:56:10,785 And a math person looked at him and said, 1191 00:56:10,785 --> 00:56:11,910 oh yeah, that's just heat equation. 1192 00:56:11,910 --> 00:56:13,118 Here, you solve it like this. 1193 00:56:17,050 --> 00:56:21,150 And so Myron apparently took it back to Fischer Black. 1194 00:56:21,150 --> 00:56:23,620 And Fischer said, hmm, this is interesting. 1195 00:56:23,620 --> 00:56:25,290 We can now write a paper. 1196 00:56:25,290 --> 00:56:27,930 And they wrote a paper on this. 1197 00:56:27,930 --> 00:56:30,420 At the same time, Bob Merton was working 1198 00:56:30,420 --> 00:56:32,670 on another direction that was trying 1199 00:56:32,670 --> 00:56:33,870 to come up with a solution. 1200 00:56:33,870 --> 00:56:35,937 Ultimately, he came up with the same solution. 1201 00:56:35,937 --> 00:56:38,520 They didn't know it because they had actually not communicated 1202 00:56:38,520 --> 00:56:40,170 to each other. 1203 00:56:40,170 --> 00:56:43,194 But ultimately, Myron and Fischer, 1204 00:56:43,194 --> 00:56:44,610 they sent their paper to something 1205 00:56:44,610 --> 00:56:46,419 like five economics journals. 1206 00:56:46,419 --> 00:56:48,210 Every single one of them rejected the paper 1207 00:56:48,210 --> 00:56:50,550 saying this is too specialized. 1208 00:56:50,550 --> 00:56:51,822 It's not really economics. 1209 00:56:51,822 --> 00:56:52,530 It's not finance. 1210 00:56:52,530 --> 00:56:55,230 We don't know what it is, but go away. 1211 00:56:55,230 --> 00:56:58,050 And it was only until they were able to change 1212 00:56:58,050 --> 00:57:01,020 the title of the paper from option pricing 1213 00:57:01,020 --> 00:57:05,910 to the pricing of options and corporate liabilities 1214 00:57:05,910 --> 00:57:07,590 that they finally-- 1215 00:57:07,590 --> 00:57:10,530 so it was exactly this-- well, I'll show you next time. 1216 00:57:10,530 --> 00:57:13,320 They changed it to start focusing more 1217 00:57:13,320 --> 00:57:14,580 on corporate finance. 1218 00:57:14,580 --> 00:57:16,920 They ultimately got their paper published. 1219 00:57:16,920 --> 00:57:19,410 It turns out that Merton used a very different approach 1220 00:57:19,410 --> 00:57:21,240 but got to the same point. 1221 00:57:21,240 --> 00:57:25,320 And so Black and Scholes got their paper, 1222 00:57:25,320 --> 00:57:26,902 ultimately, accepted into The JPE. 1223 00:57:26,902 --> 00:57:28,860 Merton got his paper accepted The Bell Journal, 1224 00:57:28,860 --> 00:57:30,240 both in the same year. 1225 00:57:30,240 --> 00:57:32,550 In fact, Merton got his paper published first. 1226 00:57:32,550 --> 00:57:34,770 But he argued that the paper should 1227 00:57:34,770 --> 00:57:38,190 be delayed because he wanted Fischer Black and Myron 1228 00:57:38,190 --> 00:57:40,590 Scholes have their paper come out in the same year. 1229 00:57:40,590 --> 00:57:43,020 He felt that he derived so much intuition 1230 00:57:43,020 --> 00:57:44,820 for what Black and Scholes were doing, 1231 00:57:44,820 --> 00:57:46,800 that he didn't want to get there first, because it was not 1232 00:57:46,800 --> 00:57:47,520 fair to them. 1233 00:57:47,520 --> 00:57:50,040 That was one of the most extraordinary acts 1234 00:57:50,040 --> 00:57:52,837 of professional ethics in the profession. 1235 00:57:52,837 --> 00:57:55,420 Because it was pretty clear to both of them what was at stake. 1236 00:57:55,420 --> 00:57:58,140 This was a huge problem that took an enormous amount of time 1237 00:57:58,140 --> 00:57:59,220 to solve. 1238 00:57:59,220 --> 00:58:01,860 And of course, the rest is history. 1239 00:58:01,860 --> 00:58:07,320 They were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1997, Myron and Bob. 1240 00:58:07,320 --> 00:58:10,350 Unfortunately, Fischer Black had died of cancer the year before. 1241 00:58:10,350 --> 00:58:14,080 But it was very clear in the Nobel address, both 1242 00:58:14,080 --> 00:58:16,560 on the participants' part, as well as the Nobel Committee, 1243 00:58:16,560 --> 00:58:19,840 that Black should have received it as well. 1244 00:58:19,840 --> 00:58:23,180 So that's the history and the heritage of option pricing. 1245 00:58:23,180 --> 00:58:26,250 You can see why MIT is rightly proud of it. 1246 00:58:26,250 --> 00:58:28,941 And given that we're out of time, let me stop here. 1247 00:58:28,941 --> 00:58:30,690 And then next time, what we're going to do 1248 00:58:30,690 --> 00:58:34,650 is to take up where we left off, and focus on the actual pricing 1249 00:58:34,650 --> 00:58:35,249 formula. 1250 00:58:35,249 --> 00:58:36,540 I'm going to derive it for you. 1251 00:58:36,540 --> 00:58:38,910 Not the Black-Scholes formula, but a simpler version. 1252 00:58:38,910 --> 00:58:41,340 And you'll see it, and you'll be able to take a look at it 1253 00:58:41,340 --> 00:58:42,150 and play with it. 1254 00:58:42,150 --> 00:58:43,180 We'll go on from there. 1255 00:58:43,180 --> 00:58:46,970 OK, I'll see you on Wednesday for the mid-term exam.