1 00:00:00,410 --> 00:00:01,709 Hi! 2 00:00:01,709 --> 00:00:09,500 My name is Vaibhav, and today we will learn about functions. 3 00:00:09,500 --> 00:00:16,370 Functions are very important concept, both for your engineering entrance exams and also 4 00:00:16,370 --> 00:00:19,680 to understand various concepts in mathematics. 5 00:00:19,680 --> 00:00:25,900 It's a very fundamental concept, and is used to describe a lot of phenomenon, including 6 00:00:25,900 --> 00:00:29,400 physical and chemical phenomena. 7 00:00:29,400 --> 00:00:38,630 And, also a lot of chapters we will learn further on such as limits, derivatives, continuity 8 00:00:38,630 --> 00:00:44,760 or be it any other chapter in mathematics, knowing functions is very important. 9 00:00:44,760 --> 00:00:46,780 It is a very fundamental chapter. 10 00:00:46,780 --> 00:00:52,260 It has various definitions, and so a lot of use for the next topics that you will learn. 11 00:00:52,260 --> 00:00:57,300 So, we will start with an intuitive definition of functions. 12 00:00:57,300 --> 00:01:01,949 Something that we will try to understand using examples, and then we will try to go into 13 00:01:01,949 --> 00:01:05,980 a more mathematically precise definition. 14 00:01:05,980 --> 00:01:20,980 Functions are used to describe, a special relation 15 00:01:20,980 --> 00:01:28,100 between two variables. 16 00:01:28,100 --> 00:01:36,770 So, here the word "relation" is a mathematical concept that we will understand later; but 17 00:01:36,770 --> 00:01:38,890 this (functions) is a very intuitive concept. 18 00:01:38,890 --> 00:01:45,039 We have two variables of interest, and we are trying to define what is the relationship 19 00:01:45,039 --> 00:01:46,039 between them. 20 00:01:46,039 --> 00:01:50,130 And, that is something which is important in a lot of places, because you always have 21 00:01:50,130 --> 00:01:54,890 something such as an input to a system and an output to a system and you want to figure 22 00:01:54,890 --> 00:01:57,400 out what the system is doing. 23 00:01:57,400 --> 00:02:01,240 Functions come in handy at that place a lot. 24 00:02:01,240 --> 00:02:05,590 This is a very intutitive description of functions. 25 00:02:05,590 --> 00:02:13,500 In order to define it for our use, we ... mathematicians ... use different types of descriptors for 26 00:02:13,500 --> 00:02:14,500 functions. 27 00:02:14,500 --> 00:02:37,000 Typically, functions are described using a graph, a rule or an equation. 28 00:02:37,000 --> 00:02:47,400 Now, we will see how this is done. 29 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:54,530 When you have two variables either you can drive a graph, a plot OR you can have a very 30 00:02:54,530 --> 00:02:59,860 intuitive rule which you can easily describe OR at times as we will see more and more we 31 00:02:59,860 --> 00:03:02,810 will be using equations to describe a function. 32 00:03:02,810 --> 00:03:07,180 So, let's begin with a very simple example. 33 00:03:07,180 --> 00:03:16,770 We will take life of a typical student who is studying for an exam and going to school. 34 00:03:16,770 --> 00:03:20,900 We want to figure out who his or her day goes. 35 00:03:20,900 --> 00:03:26,020 Let's call the student Sonu, and we want to find out how Sonu's day went. 36 00:03:26,020 --> 00:03:37,010 And, the variable that we are interested in is "How far Sonu is from home?" 37 00:03:37,010 --> 00:03:44,520 Variable 1 is time. 38 00:03:44,520 --> 00:04:00,840 Variable 2 will be Sonu's distance from home. 39 00:04:00,840 --> 00:04:08,050 Now, let's go to the first definition that we wrote. 40 00:04:08,050 --> 00:04:13,099 So, our first description for function is that function is a "special" relation between 41 00:04:13,099 --> 00:04:14,099 two variables. 42 00:04:14,099 --> 00:04:22,079 And, here what we have are two varibles of interest - one is "time of the day" and (the 43 00:04:22,079 --> 00:04:24,980 other is) "how far Sonu is from the home." 44 00:04:24,980 --> 00:04:28,340 So, let's try to make plot for a typical day. 45 00:04:28,340 --> 00:04:37,720 I will try to remember how my school days were, and try to make a plot based on that. 46 00:04:37,720 --> 00:04:56,840 On x-axis I will draw time of day, and on y-axis I will draw distance from home. 47 00:04:56,840 --> 00:04:59,520 We will try time count from midnight, and in 24-hour format. 48 00:04:59,520 --> 00:05:12,180 A 49 00:05:12,180 --> 00:05:13,560 day has 24 hours. 50 00:05:13,560 --> 00:05:18,970 And, then we want to figure out how the day went. 51 00:05:18,970 --> 00:05:23,300 In morning, Sonu was home till 6 o'clock. 52 00:05:23,300 --> 00:05:31,900 Then he when to school, so the distance was how much farther the school was. 53 00:05:31,900 --> 00:05:36,810 He was at school till roughly 2pm, which is 14 hours. 54 00:05:36,810 --> 00:05:42,760 Then let's say he goes to a friends place, and spends some time there. 55 00:05:42,760 --> 00:05:48,400 Then he comes back home, and spends the rest of the time at home. 56 00:05:48,400 --> 00:05:52,990 So, here we see very intuitively we can describe the relationship between two variables using 57 00:05:52,990 --> 00:05:54,570 a plot. 58 00:05:54,570 --> 00:06:02,030 This plot is essentially describing a function of where Sonu is throughout the day - how 59 00:06:02,030 --> 00:06:06,889 far Sonu is from his home - throughout the day with respect to time of the day. 60 00:06:06,889 --> 00:06:11,550 Similarlt, we can draw such graphs or such relations for different variables. 61 00:06:11,550 --> 00:06:16,250 So, taking an example from physics. 62 00:06:16,250 --> 00:06:22,479 Let's say we want to study a similar thing for an object which is moving with a constant 63 00:06:22,479 --> 00:06:26,180 velocity. 64 00:06:26,180 --> 00:06:44,710 So, let's take another example. 65 00:06:44,710 --> 00:06:50,140 And if we want to draw a plot of distance of this object from the starting point it 66 00:06:50,140 --> 00:06:52,280 will be something very similar to this. 67 00:06:52,280 --> 00:06:59,520 The nature of the graph will be different, but essentially we are plotting similar things. 68 00:06:59,520 --> 00:07:03,770 Variable one will be time. 69 00:07:03,770 --> 00:07:15,710 And, variable two will be distance from start. 70 00:07:15,710 --> 00:07:21,180 And (from physics) we know if an object is moving with a constant velocity ... it can 71 00:07:21,180 --> 00:07:22,389 be described by an equation. 72 00:07:22,389 --> 00:07:34,110 Let's say we denote the variable two as 'd', and this is described by 't'. 73 00:07:34,110 --> 00:07:43,259 And let's say that the speed is one which is given. 74 00:07:43,259 --> 00:07:46,919 This is an example where we described the function as an equation. 75 00:07:46,919 --> 00:07:52,490 So, we saw that a function can be described by a graph, a rule. 76 00:07:52,490 --> 00:07:55,250 At first the rule was where you are from home. 77 00:07:55,250 --> 00:07:58,190 Or it could be a rule like object moving with a constant speed. 78 00:07:58,190 --> 00:08:00,759 At times we also use equations. 79 00:08:00,759 --> 00:08:02,479 And, they are interchangeable. 80 00:08:02,479 --> 00:08:09,860 We can write this rule as an equation and this equation as a graph. 81 00:08:09,860 --> 00:08:15,410 This is how distance varies with time. 82 00:08:15,410 --> 00:08:21,199 These are some examples of function, which occur in day to day activities. 83 00:08:21,199 --> 00:08:31,210 And in these examples we saw that function's input was time, but thay doesn't have to be 84 00:08:31,210 --> 00:08:33,149 the case. 85 00:08:33,149 --> 00:08:39,588 Functions can have different notions of variable one and variable two depending on the application. 86 00:08:39,588 --> 00:08:45,910 Another interesting way to look at function is as an input output relation. 87 00:08:45,910 --> 00:08:54,649 Here, in the examples that we studied we had two variables. 88 00:08:54,649 --> 00:09:06,230 We can see them as a relation between input which goes through the function and out comes 89 00:09:06,230 --> 00:09:08,060 the output. 90 00:09:08,060 --> 00:09:23,329 So, in example 1 input was time of day. 91 00:09:23,329 --> 00:09:29,389 And, output was distance from home. 92 00:09:29,389 --> 00:09:46,179 Similarly, in example two the input was time in hours and output was distance from starting 93 00:09:46,179 --> 00:09:49,410 location. 94 00:09:49,410 --> 00:09:56,420 So, we have seen multiple ways of intuitively describing a function. 95 00:09:56,420 --> 00:10:01,470 Either it could be a special relation between two variables, it could be described using 96 00:10:01,470 --> 00:10:03,429 a graph, rule or equation ... 97 00:10:03,429 --> 00:10:10,129 It could be thought of as a system which converts an input to an output. 98 00:10:10,129 --> 00:10:16,459 And whenever we have anything of this sort, we can use functions to describe it. 99 00:10:16,459 --> 00:10:24,239 Once we have these functions, they are pretty useful and they can be manipulated to figure 100 00:10:24,239 --> 00:10:28,029 out to find out properties of a system. 101 00:10:28,029 --> 00:10:31,410 So far, we have seen a few examples. 102 00:10:31,410 --> 00:10:36,720 Now, I would request you to take some time to think about other functions that you encounter 103 00:10:36,720 --> 00:10:38,910 in daily life. 104 00:10:38,910 --> 00:10:44,380 For those of who you like sports, you can think of something in cricket. 105 00:10:44,380 --> 00:10:49,610 Your favorite hits a ball and you want to figure out how fast the ball is moving. 106 00:10:49,610 --> 00:10:54,319 So, you can have time after which the ball was hit and the speed of the ball. 107 00:10:54,319 --> 00:11:00,809 It does not necessarily have to be speed or time, it can be something all together different. 108 00:11:00,809 --> 00:11:10,939 Let's say you are going from Bombay to Delhi, and the number of passangers change at each 109 00:11:10,939 --> 00:11:11,939 station. 110 00:11:11,939 --> 00:11:14,589 Based on the distance from Mumbai, you can figure out the number of passangers in the 111 00:11:14,589 --> 00:11:17,220 train. 112 00:11:17,220 --> 00:11:32,910 In the train example, distance is the input variable or the variable 1. 113 00:11:32,910 --> 00:11:46,019 And output variable is number of passengers. 114 00:11:46,019 --> 00:11:54,009 And similarly you can find other functions in your day to day activities. 115 00:11:54,009 --> 00:11:59,049 They occur in various physical and chemical phenomena. 116 00:11:59,049 --> 00:12:05,790 So, a lot of things that you are learning in physics and chemistry - functions are also 117 00:12:05,790 --> 00:12:08,860 useful there to describe those phenomena. 118 00:12:08,860 --> 00:12:13,600 Again, take some time to think about examples of functions. 119 00:12:13,600 --> 00:12:22,079 Also, one thing that is important to see here is what makes variable one go on the x axis 120 00:12:22,079 --> 00:12:25,009 and variable two on y. 121 00:12:25,009 --> 00:12:30,829 Is it possible to flip the variables on the graph? 122 00:12:30,829 --> 00:12:35,790 Why is variable one on the x axis and variable two on the y axis? 123 00:12:35,790 --> 00:12:40,819 One reason that you could think of is that variable one is input and variable two is 124 00:12:40,819 --> 00:12:46,379 the output; but there are other reasons that we will see as we go ahead. 125 00:12:46,379 --> 00:12:53,699 This was a very intuitive definition of function, now let's study it from a mathemaically precise 126 00:12:53,699 --> 00:12:55,869 perspective. 127 00:12:55,869 --> 00:13:01,429 For that we will go back to our orginial statement - "functions are used to describe special 128 00:13:01,429 --> 00:13:03,870 relation between two variables. 129 00:13:03,870 --> 00:13:04,870 " 130 00:13:04,870 --> 00:13:09,399 Here we have a few mathematical terms, we have relations and w have variables. 131 00:13:09,399 --> 00:13:15,999 We will try to see how they relate to the mathematical concepts that we already know. 132 00:13:15,999 --> 00:13:21,379 One thing that we have already learnt is sets. 133 00:13:21,379 --> 00:13:24,579 Sets are a collection of items. 134 00:13:24,579 --> 00:13:29,019 So, let's say we have sets A and B. 135 00:13:29,019 --> 00:13:37,199 A and B could be any sets of objects of interest. 136 00:13:37,199 --> 00:13:44,279 Let's denote elements of A with small a, and that of set B with small b. 137 00:13:44,279 --> 00:13:49,749 Once we have these sets, we have variables from those sets. 138 00:13:49,749 --> 00:13:55,180 Whenever there is any relationship between these variables, we can define them using 139 00:13:55,180 --> 00:13:57,910 certain mathematical constructs. 140 00:13:57,910 --> 00:14:08,459 One construct is the Cartesian products of two sets. 141 00:14:08,459 --> 00:14:19,889 So, a Cartesian products of two sets A, B is given by A cross B. And, it includes all 142 00:14:19,889 --> 00:14:21,699 the elements a comma b. 143 00:14:21,699 --> 00:14:28,540 Let's say A has two variables a1 and a2. 144 00:14:28,540 --> 00:14:33,680 And, set B has one variable b1. 145 00:14:33,680 --> 00:14:43,589 Then, A cross B will have two variables (a1,b1) and (a2,b2) 146 00:14:43,589 --> 00:14:46,029 (cut near ) 147 00:14:46,029 --> 00:14:53,109 But, if set B had another variable b2. 148 00:14:53,109 --> 00:15:01,310 Then the total variables will be four. 149 00:15:01,310 --> 00:15:06,629 Cartesian products of two sets includes number of elements of set A multiplied by number 150 00:15:06,629 --> 00:15:08,610 of elements of set B. T 151 00:15:08,610 --> 00:15:17,490 This is a very big set, and a Relation is defined as a subset of the Cartesian product. 152 00:15:17,490 --> 00:15:23,759 So, let's say for some reason you are only interested in the subset of the Cartesian 153 00:15:23,759 --> 00:15:24,759 product set. 154 00:15:24,759 --> 00:15:33,299 We call it by R. 155 00:15:33,299 --> 00:15:43,269 R let's say has (a1, b1) and (a2, b2). 156 00:15:43,269 --> 00:15:47,329 Any subset of the cartesian product is a relation. 157 00:15:47,329 --> 00:16:00,959 Now, that we have defined the important concepts that we 158 00:16:00,959 --> 00:16:07,499 need for the precise defintion of fucntions,... we will see in the next lecture how we combine 159 00:16:07,499 --> 00:16:13,489 sets, cartesian products and relations - specifically relations to figure out what is special about 160 00:16:13,489 --> 00:16:14,609 functions.