1 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:02,430 The following content is provided under a Creative 2 00:00:02,430 --> 00:00:03,820 Commons license. 3 00:00:03,820 --> 00:00:06,030 Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare 4 00:00:06,030 --> 00:00:10,120 continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. 5 00:00:10,120 --> 00:00:12,660 To make a donation or to view additional materials 6 00:00:12,660 --> 00:00:16,620 from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare 7 00:00:16,620 --> 00:00:17,830 at ocw.mit.edu. 8 00:00:21,120 --> 00:00:23,050 So here we're talking about-- 9 00:00:23,050 --> 00:00:29,950 you use the [? Meikle ?] model to model a hot, transparent-- 10 00:00:34,150 --> 00:00:37,380 and before yesterday, I said I wasn't sure if it was opaque 11 00:00:37,380 --> 00:00:41,370 or not, but in this case, you do need it to be not opaque. 12 00:00:41,370 --> 00:00:43,680 And few people had asked about that yesterday 13 00:00:43,680 --> 00:00:46,980 in their written reflections. 14 00:00:46,980 --> 00:00:52,230 So it's a hot, transparent, diffuse-- 15 00:00:52,230 --> 00:00:56,100 which means a low-density-- 16 00:00:56,100 --> 00:01:04,584 gas or plasma with emission lines. 17 00:01:14,120 --> 00:01:15,800 So the [? Meikle ?] model is used 18 00:01:15,800 --> 00:01:19,850 to predict what kind of a spectrum we would get. 19 00:01:19,850 --> 00:01:31,490 So this is a spectrum from a hot, transparent, diffuse gas 20 00:01:31,490 --> 00:01:34,880 or plasma with emission lines. 21 00:01:34,880 --> 00:01:39,020 Emission lines are these extra peaks 22 00:01:39,020 --> 00:01:41,840 that we get above the background which 23 00:01:41,840 --> 00:01:43,360 astronomers call the continuum. 24 00:01:46,580 --> 00:01:48,260 The continuum-- and what I didn't 25 00:01:48,260 --> 00:01:52,970 tell you yesterday is, where does the continuum come from? 26 00:01:52,970 --> 00:01:56,240 Because you're right, if we just had silicon 27 00:01:56,240 --> 00:02:00,860 and we heated it up, we would just have-- 28 00:02:00,860 --> 00:02:04,090 it would be 0, 0, 0, and then there would be a peak here-- 29 00:02:04,090 --> 00:02:04,897 0, 0, 0. 30 00:02:04,897 --> 00:02:07,230 And I think there's another silicon line somewhere else, 31 00:02:07,230 --> 00:02:09,979 and it peak up, and it would be 0, 0, 0, 0, 32 00:02:09,979 --> 00:02:12,800 if we just had pure silicon. 33 00:02:12,800 --> 00:02:17,180 But where does all the rest of this background shape 34 00:02:17,180 --> 00:02:19,100 come from? 35 00:02:19,100 --> 00:02:25,430 Well, it actually comes from if you have these atoms that 36 00:02:25,430 --> 00:02:27,170 have bound electrons that are going 37 00:02:27,170 --> 00:02:29,600 a little orbits around them, those electrons 38 00:02:29,600 --> 00:02:33,290 can be excited by bumping into each other. 39 00:02:33,290 --> 00:02:36,770 They can be excited by adding energy to the system. 40 00:02:36,770 --> 00:02:39,420 And they jump up to higher energy levels, 41 00:02:39,420 --> 00:02:43,940 and then the electrons naturally relax back down to a lower 42 00:02:43,940 --> 00:02:46,370 energy level and emit a photon. 43 00:02:46,370 --> 00:02:51,380 But if you have two atoms that bump together too hard-- 44 00:02:51,380 --> 00:02:53,790 remember, we talked about ionization a couple of days 45 00:02:53,790 --> 00:02:54,290 ago. 46 00:02:54,290 --> 00:02:55,550 What is ionization? 47 00:02:59,650 --> 00:03:00,500 Anybody remember? 48 00:03:00,500 --> 00:03:01,383 Bianca? 49 00:03:01,383 --> 00:03:04,834 AUDIENCE: When atoms are separated from each other. 50 00:03:04,834 --> 00:03:08,285 So the electron breaks off or the protons and neutrons 51 00:03:08,285 --> 00:03:09,770 are broken from each other. 52 00:03:09,770 --> 00:03:10,850 PROFESSOR: OK. 53 00:03:10,850 --> 00:03:14,260 In this case, it's when atoms are broken up. 54 00:03:14,260 --> 00:03:17,080 If you hit two atoms together hard enough, instead of 55 00:03:17,080 --> 00:03:20,890 just exciting an electron to a higher energy level, 56 00:03:20,890 --> 00:03:23,050 somebody actually asked in the reflection, well, 57 00:03:23,050 --> 00:03:26,480 what's the highest energy level that you can be excited to? 58 00:03:26,480 --> 00:03:28,870 If you have a really big bump, you won't just 59 00:03:28,870 --> 00:03:30,850 excite the electron to a higher orbit, 60 00:03:30,850 --> 00:03:33,444 you'll actually kick the electron out. 61 00:03:33,444 --> 00:03:34,204 AUDIENCE: Whoops. 62 00:03:34,204 --> 00:03:34,870 PROFESSOR: Yeah. 63 00:03:34,870 --> 00:03:37,540 Imagine that, you get kicked out of your nice, electron orbital 64 00:03:37,540 --> 00:03:39,100 home. 65 00:03:39,100 --> 00:03:43,060 So if you have collisions that are too hard-- 66 00:03:43,060 --> 00:03:45,940 and remember, we said in a thermal gas, or in a gas 67 00:03:45,940 --> 00:03:48,970 where there's thermal motion, some of the bounces are hard 68 00:03:48,970 --> 00:03:51,070 and some of the bounces are soft. 69 00:03:51,070 --> 00:03:53,920 So sometimes, you just bump those electrons up 70 00:03:53,920 --> 00:03:57,142 to high energy levels and then they fall back down. 71 00:03:57,142 --> 00:03:58,600 Sometimes, if you bump hard enough, 72 00:03:58,600 --> 00:04:01,550 you'll knock the electron out. 73 00:04:01,550 --> 00:04:04,150 And then what you have is an ion, 74 00:04:04,150 --> 00:04:07,660 which may still have some extra electrons around it. 75 00:04:07,660 --> 00:04:10,250 Because each atom doesn't just have one electron, 76 00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:11,650 it has many electrons. 77 00:04:11,650 --> 00:04:15,340 But then you'll have ions and you have free electrons. 78 00:04:15,340 --> 00:04:17,931 And Peter-- oh, before we go on, Juan, you have a question. 79 00:04:17,931 --> 00:04:18,555 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 80 00:04:18,555 --> 00:04:21,621 What happens to the electron that got kicked out? 81 00:04:21,621 --> 00:04:22,870 PROFESSOR: What happens to it? 82 00:04:22,870 --> 00:04:23,290 AUDIENCE: Yeah. 83 00:04:23,290 --> 00:04:23,920 PROFESSOR: That's exactly what we're 84 00:04:23,920 --> 00:04:25,086 going to take a look at now. 85 00:04:25,086 --> 00:04:26,590 So the electron gets kicked out. 86 00:04:26,590 --> 00:04:30,110 So now, let's replay the simulation. 87 00:04:30,110 --> 00:04:33,800 So can you stop and then start from beginning. 88 00:04:33,800 --> 00:04:34,960 OK. 89 00:04:34,960 --> 00:04:37,600 So in this case, this is a little simulation. 90 00:04:37,600 --> 00:04:39,880 The purple spheres represent these ions. 91 00:04:42,820 --> 00:04:46,880 You should just be able to hit play at the bottom again. 92 00:04:46,880 --> 00:04:48,100 There you go. 93 00:04:48,100 --> 00:04:51,070 So the purple spheres represent ions. 94 00:04:51,070 --> 00:04:52,600 And then this little yellow sphere 95 00:04:52,600 --> 00:04:55,020 represents the free electrons. 96 00:04:55,020 --> 00:04:57,520 And you'll see that they still accelerate around each other. 97 00:04:57,520 --> 00:04:59,510 They still bounce around. 98 00:04:59,510 --> 00:05:02,140 And every time one of them bounces around, 99 00:05:02,140 --> 00:05:03,880 just like in the black body model, 100 00:05:03,880 --> 00:05:07,070 we get a photon that's produced. 101 00:05:07,070 --> 00:05:09,490 So now, instead of just jumping up and down 102 00:05:09,490 --> 00:05:12,730 between specific levels, they're all just kind of 103 00:05:12,730 --> 00:05:15,280 bouncing around again, And remember, 104 00:05:15,280 --> 00:05:17,410 if we said we had lots of bouncing, 105 00:05:17,410 --> 00:05:19,750 we get lots of different energies of photons. 106 00:05:19,750 --> 00:05:23,980 If we turn the temperature up, we get the bouncing harder, 107 00:05:23,980 --> 00:05:26,470 just like we had with the black body model. 108 00:05:26,470 --> 00:05:29,410 Except now the difference is, in the black model 109 00:05:29,410 --> 00:05:32,020 we had an opaque object, so all those photons had 110 00:05:32,020 --> 00:05:34,100 to bounce around inside of an object, 111 00:05:34,100 --> 00:05:36,200 and then they got to the surface. 112 00:05:36,200 --> 00:05:40,360 Whereas in this case, since it's a diffuse gas, 113 00:05:40,360 --> 00:05:42,130 we're actually just getting those photons, 114 00:05:42,130 --> 00:05:45,790 and now those are photons of a bunch of different energies-- 115 00:05:45,790 --> 00:05:48,830 a continuous range of energies. 116 00:05:48,830 --> 00:05:51,910 All of those photons come out and they 117 00:05:51,910 --> 00:05:56,440 make that background shape that you see. 118 00:05:56,440 --> 00:06:01,630 In fact, this process is called thermal bremsstrahlung. 119 00:06:01,630 --> 00:06:06,160 Bremsstrahlung is a German word that means braking radiation. 120 00:06:06,160 --> 00:06:08,890 Braking, like when you break in your car. 121 00:06:08,890 --> 00:06:12,880 So in each case here, you've got these electrons 122 00:06:12,880 --> 00:06:16,660 that are braked, or slowed down, or sped up 123 00:06:16,660 --> 00:06:18,880 as they go around another ion. 124 00:06:18,880 --> 00:06:22,544 And when they do that, they emit a photon. 125 00:06:22,544 --> 00:06:24,460 And the photons are of all different energies, 126 00:06:24,460 --> 00:06:27,950 because some of those collisions are fast and hard, 127 00:06:27,950 --> 00:06:29,650 some those collisions are slow. 128 00:06:29,650 --> 00:06:30,150 Steve? 129 00:06:30,150 --> 00:06:33,454 AUDIENCE: Are they going through the orbit and then jumping out? 130 00:06:33,454 --> 00:06:34,870 PROFESSOR: That's a good question. 131 00:06:34,870 --> 00:06:37,290 Are they going through the orbit-- 132 00:06:37,290 --> 00:06:39,010 like through a particular energy orbit, 133 00:06:39,010 --> 00:06:40,740 and then kind of jumping out? 134 00:06:40,740 --> 00:06:42,250 And the answer is, no. 135 00:06:42,250 --> 00:06:45,490 With electrons and nuclei, you would 136 00:06:45,490 --> 00:06:47,290 have to have the electrons actually 137 00:06:47,290 --> 00:06:50,080 get bound to the object, and it would 138 00:06:50,080 --> 00:06:53,140 have to go into a closed orbit. 139 00:06:53,140 --> 00:06:55,210 In this case, it's just getting close enough 140 00:06:55,210 --> 00:06:57,580 that the electromagnetic field from the ion 141 00:06:57,580 --> 00:07:00,950 is causing the electron to move in a different direction. 142 00:07:03,760 --> 00:07:07,300 So what we're having is a mixture of stuff. 143 00:07:07,300 --> 00:07:11,470 We're having both this, which is just all of these things 144 00:07:11,470 --> 00:07:13,630 are kind of moving around randomly so they have 145 00:07:13,630 --> 00:07:16,900 a bunch of different energies, but then 146 00:07:16,900 --> 00:07:19,480 from inside of these atoms-- 147 00:07:19,480 --> 00:07:21,850 this guy-- well, I guess they don't 148 00:07:21,850 --> 00:07:26,050 collide in this simulation. 149 00:07:26,050 --> 00:07:31,340 But from the atoms themselves, you get extra photons. 150 00:07:31,340 --> 00:07:34,800 And Peter, can we go back to the-- 151 00:07:34,800 --> 00:07:35,980 this. 152 00:07:35,980 --> 00:07:41,380 So the thermal bremsstrahlung part of the [? Meikle ?] model 153 00:07:41,380 --> 00:07:46,780 produces just a nice smooth curve like this. 154 00:07:46,780 --> 00:07:49,570 That's because you've got a bunch of random collisions 155 00:07:49,570 --> 00:07:55,250 between free electrons and ions, but at certain energies 156 00:07:55,250 --> 00:07:56,860 there's extra. 157 00:07:56,860 --> 00:07:59,440 There's extra photons here, because there are 158 00:07:59,440 --> 00:08:02,050 those extra atoms of silicon-- 159 00:08:02,050 --> 00:08:04,480 or I'm sorry, this is calcium, there's 160 00:08:04,480 --> 00:08:06,190 extra atoms of calcium-- 161 00:08:06,190 --> 00:08:08,660 that are being bounced around, and those electrons 162 00:08:08,660 --> 00:08:09,850 are jumping up and down. 163 00:08:09,850 --> 00:08:11,724 And they're giving you just a little bit more 164 00:08:11,724 --> 00:08:14,830 than what you would expect from that nice smooth curve. 165 00:08:17,650 --> 00:08:20,960 So what I want you to do-- 166 00:08:20,960 --> 00:08:25,360 and let's take like two or three minutes-- 167 00:08:25,360 --> 00:08:28,930 I want you to write down, what did 168 00:08:28,930 --> 00:08:33,970 you learn from us doing this little review this morning. 169 00:08:33,970 --> 00:08:35,919 So you guys made this prediction, 170 00:08:35,919 --> 00:08:38,530 you looked at what the intensities were here, 171 00:08:38,530 --> 00:08:41,190 and we learned a little bit more about the [? Meikle ?] model. 172 00:08:41,190 --> 00:08:42,940 What did you learn about the Meikle model? 173 00:08:42,940 --> 00:08:46,800 What do we remember about what we just talked about?