Standing Waves

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Video Index

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  • Standing Waves
    Creating standing waves with first, second, and higher order harmonics by shaking a string up and down.
  • Musical Instruments
    Using simple versions of a flute, trombone, and wind organ to demonstrate the way they produce different notes. Also a demonstration of a sounding board used to amplify the sound from a tuning fork and a music box.
  • Hearing and Seeing Sound Waves
    Seeing the sound waves produced by a violin, clarinet, bassoon, and saxophone at the same frequency to show that each instrument combines harmonics in a different way to produce distinct sounds.
  • Changing the Speed of Sound
    Explaining how the speed of sound is higher in a helium filled environment, including a demonstration of how this affects the sound of a person's voice.

Course: 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism, Spring 2002

Instructor: Prof. Walter Lewin