1 00:00:00,209 --> 00:00:01,000 GILBERT STRANG: OK. 2 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:05,490 So today is unforced-- that means zero 3 00:00:05,490 --> 00:00:09,830 on the right-hand side, looking for null solutions-- damped-- 4 00:00:09,830 --> 00:00:12,560 that means there is a coefficient B 5 00:00:12,560 --> 00:00:14,600 in the first derivative. 6 00:00:14,600 --> 00:00:16,250 And what's the solution? 7 00:00:16,250 --> 00:00:20,790 This is really a basic, basic equation. 8 00:00:20,790 --> 00:00:24,130 In many applications, A would be the mass. 9 00:00:24,130 --> 00:00:27,750 In a spring, for example, A would be a mass. 10 00:00:27,750 --> 00:00:30,250 B is the damping, the friction. 11 00:00:30,250 --> 00:00:34,290 And C is the spring constant, the force 12 00:00:34,290 --> 00:00:37,010 that pulls the mass back. 13 00:00:37,010 --> 00:00:42,240 Or in electronics, B would be the resistance. 14 00:00:42,240 --> 00:00:46,060 It's giving some friction, giving some heat. 15 00:00:46,060 --> 00:00:47,720 So that's our equation. 16 00:00:47,720 --> 00:00:50,460 Just we have to be able to solve it. 17 00:00:50,460 --> 00:00:56,630 And we want to look for exponentials. 18 00:00:56,630 --> 00:01:00,970 A pure exponential is just right for a constant coefficient 19 00:01:00,970 --> 00:01:02,420 equation like that. 20 00:01:02,420 --> 00:01:09,240 So I'll substitute y equals e to the st. And what happens? 21 00:01:09,240 --> 00:01:13,650 Well, so there's a C e to the st. That's a Cy. 22 00:01:13,650 --> 00:01:16,880 The derivative brings down an s. 23 00:01:16,880 --> 00:01:19,950 Two derivatives bring down s squared. 24 00:01:19,950 --> 00:01:24,530 So I simply have As squared, Bs, and C 25 00:01:24,530 --> 00:01:31,760 all together, multiplying e to the st. And how'd I get 0? 26 00:01:31,760 --> 00:01:34,430 Well the 0 is not going to come from e to the st, 27 00:01:34,430 --> 00:01:36,720 so it has to come from this. 28 00:01:36,720 --> 00:01:42,140 So fundamentally, the whole video and more 29 00:01:42,140 --> 00:01:45,470 is about a quadratic equation. 30 00:01:45,470 --> 00:01:51,390 As squared plus Bs plus C equals 0. 31 00:01:51,390 --> 00:01:52,520 We have to solve it. 32 00:01:52,520 --> 00:01:56,110 We have to understand how does the answer depend 33 00:01:56,110 --> 00:02:01,230 on these numbers, A and B and C, the constants? 34 00:02:01,230 --> 00:02:02,160 OK? 35 00:02:02,160 --> 00:02:04,500 So we know the route. 36 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:06,460 We know the solutions. 37 00:02:06,460 --> 00:02:10,699 The quadratic formula tells us that the two solutions-- there 38 00:02:10,699 --> 00:02:12,570 are always two, but they could be 39 00:02:12,570 --> 00:02:17,110 equal-- have this-- do you recognize this expression? 40 00:02:20,583 --> 00:02:24,540 You see the damping coefficient coming in. 41 00:02:24,540 --> 00:02:28,030 You see this all important square root, 42 00:02:28,030 --> 00:02:31,580 which tells us, depending on whether B squared is 43 00:02:31,580 --> 00:02:34,985 bigger than 4AC, B squared is equal 4AC, 44 00:02:34,985 --> 00:02:36,860 B squared is smaller. 45 00:02:36,860 --> 00:02:40,790 So smaller B means less damping. 46 00:02:40,790 --> 00:02:43,160 And it would be called underdamping.. 47 00:02:43,160 --> 00:02:47,930 So here are the possibilities. 48 00:02:47,930 --> 00:02:49,810 B could be 0. 49 00:02:49,810 --> 00:02:53,760 That puts us back in a previous video 50 00:02:53,760 --> 00:03:01,110 when the solution was a pure complex exponential, pure sine 51 00:03:01,110 --> 00:03:02,660 cosine. 52 00:03:02,660 --> 00:03:04,400 There was no damping. 53 00:03:04,400 --> 00:03:07,700 It just oscillated forever. 54 00:03:07,700 --> 00:03:09,850 That's the one we know. 55 00:03:09,850 --> 00:03:15,220 Now, the new ones with a B are B squared could be smaller. 56 00:03:15,220 --> 00:03:18,520 So that's only a little damping. 57 00:03:18,520 --> 00:03:22,100 And in that case, what does the solution look like? 58 00:03:22,100 --> 00:03:24,320 If B squared is smaller than 4AC, 59 00:03:24,320 --> 00:03:26,550 I have to always look back here. 60 00:03:26,550 --> 00:03:29,040 So I have something negative. 61 00:03:29,040 --> 00:03:31,020 Something negative, a minus B over 2A. 62 00:03:34,760 --> 00:03:36,630 And then plus or minus-- and what's 63 00:03:36,630 --> 00:03:39,320 important point about this guy? 64 00:03:39,320 --> 00:03:41,470 B squared is smarter than 4AC. 65 00:03:41,470 --> 00:03:44,380 This is negative inside. 66 00:03:44,380 --> 00:03:47,070 So its square root is an imaginary number. 67 00:03:47,070 --> 00:03:51,660 So the plus or minus, there's an imaginary number. 68 00:03:51,660 --> 00:03:55,260 A little different from the natural frequency. 69 00:03:55,260 --> 00:03:58,300 It's called the damp frequency. 70 00:03:58,300 --> 00:04:00,740 Not quite as frequent. 71 00:04:00,740 --> 00:04:04,820 The damping slows the oscillation down a little bit, 72 00:04:04,820 --> 00:04:08,570 but it brings in exponential decay. 73 00:04:08,570 --> 00:04:14,010 I'll draw a picture this time or next time of the solution, 74 00:04:14,010 --> 00:04:15,890 e to the minus st. 75 00:04:15,890 --> 00:04:20,240 But you see, e to the minus st is decaying to 0. 76 00:04:20,240 --> 00:04:25,920 It's like a spring that's slowly winding down to 0. 77 00:04:25,920 --> 00:04:28,950 But it's oscillating as it does it. 78 00:04:28,950 --> 00:04:29,630 OK. 79 00:04:29,630 --> 00:04:33,380 Now, we've got two more possibilities here. 80 00:04:33,380 --> 00:04:36,990 And these are just fun to get straight. 81 00:04:36,990 --> 00:04:38,410 There's the next one. 82 00:04:38,410 --> 00:04:41,670 When B squared is exactly 4AC. 83 00:04:41,670 --> 00:04:43,470 Exactly 4AC. 84 00:04:43,470 --> 00:04:48,000 B squared over 4AC, that's going to be the critical ratio here. 85 00:04:48,000 --> 00:04:50,650 And here that ratio is 1. 86 00:04:50,650 --> 00:04:54,700 And in that case, that square root is nothing. 87 00:04:54,700 --> 00:04:57,860 The square root of B squared minus 4AC is 0. 88 00:04:57,860 --> 00:05:02,440 So we get s1 and s2 equal. 89 00:05:02,440 --> 00:05:04,600 Two equal frequencies. 90 00:05:04,600 --> 00:05:06,610 Real numbers. 91 00:05:06,610 --> 00:05:09,410 They're the minus B over 2A. 92 00:05:09,410 --> 00:05:15,490 So s1 and s2 are both minus B over 2A. 93 00:05:19,170 --> 00:05:28,660 That's just the edge between the decay with oscillation 94 00:05:28,660 --> 00:05:30,300 from underdamping. 95 00:05:30,300 --> 00:05:34,440 And the opposite extreme is overdamping. 96 00:05:34,440 --> 00:05:38,940 Overdamping, when B squared is bigger than 4AC, 97 00:05:38,940 --> 00:05:41,510 then our formula-- we're always looking back 98 00:05:41,510 --> 00:05:43,360 at that quadratic formula. 99 00:05:43,360 --> 00:05:48,680 B squared bigger than 4AC, this is real. 100 00:05:48,680 --> 00:05:50,350 Square root of a positive number. 101 00:05:50,350 --> 00:05:52,340 It's perfectly real. 102 00:05:52,340 --> 00:05:57,510 So in that case, we have two, s1 and s2. 103 00:05:57,510 --> 00:06:00,330 Oh, let me draw you some pictures. 104 00:06:00,330 --> 00:06:04,530 I'll draw you the parabola, the As squared. 105 00:06:04,530 --> 00:06:08,040 So this is a graph of As squared. 106 00:06:08,040 --> 00:06:16,530 Let me plot As squared plus Bs plus C. 107 00:06:16,530 --> 00:06:20,880 So in this overdamping case, we might have a lot of damping. 108 00:06:20,880 --> 00:06:22,520 B is pretty large. 109 00:06:22,520 --> 00:06:30,160 And that would be-- this direction is s. 110 00:06:30,160 --> 00:06:36,740 And I'm graphing here s squared plus-- well, let me see. 111 00:06:39,480 --> 00:06:43,130 I think probably plus 2s. 112 00:06:43,130 --> 00:06:50,520 And now I'm going to choose this-- oh, actually, 113 00:06:50,520 --> 00:06:53,010 plus 0 to get that one. 114 00:06:53,010 --> 00:06:55,750 So this has a root at-- this is overdamping. 115 00:06:55,750 --> 00:06:56,250 Overdamping. 116 00:07:01,640 --> 00:07:04,320 A big number there. 117 00:07:04,320 --> 00:07:05,780 C is 0. 118 00:07:05,780 --> 00:07:07,180 No mass at all. 119 00:07:07,180 --> 00:07:10,650 No stiffness at all. 120 00:07:10,650 --> 00:07:20,190 So this parabola has a root at 0 and a root at minus 2. 121 00:07:20,190 --> 00:07:23,800 That would be an extreme case with no stiffness whatever. 122 00:07:23,800 --> 00:07:26,790 Now, let me add some stiffness. 123 00:07:26,790 --> 00:07:30,250 So what happens if I change the constant term? 124 00:07:30,250 --> 00:07:31,900 It lifts the graph. 125 00:07:31,900 --> 00:07:33,040 It lifts the graph. 126 00:07:33,040 --> 00:07:35,750 So let me make it 1. 127 00:07:35,750 --> 00:07:39,950 So I move the whole graph up by 1. 128 00:07:39,950 --> 00:07:43,560 So you see that as I move it up, these roots 129 00:07:43,560 --> 00:07:47,330 will come closer and closer. 130 00:07:47,330 --> 00:07:53,450 And at the right point, when I move it up to 1, 131 00:07:53,450 --> 00:07:56,290 what's going on there? 132 00:07:56,290 --> 00:07:57,600 Critical damping. 133 00:07:57,600 --> 00:07:58,550 Critical damping. 134 00:07:58,550 --> 00:08:03,537 This is the case s squared plus 2s plus 1. 135 00:08:07,880 --> 00:08:13,470 Which is exactly s plus 1 twice. 136 00:08:13,470 --> 00:08:18,250 And it has that repeated root, which we always 137 00:08:18,250 --> 00:08:25,590 recognized as the marginal case when it doesn't go below, 138 00:08:25,590 --> 00:08:27,350 but it doesn't stay above either. 139 00:08:27,350 --> 00:08:29,970 It hits here twice. 140 00:08:29,970 --> 00:08:33,309 So the root is minus 1 twice. 141 00:08:33,309 --> 00:08:35,090 That's critical. 142 00:08:35,090 --> 00:08:37,530 And now what? 143 00:08:37,530 --> 00:08:41,679 Increase this constant C even further. 144 00:08:41,679 --> 00:08:45,490 You'll lift the graph, lift the parabola up here. 145 00:08:45,490 --> 00:08:49,090 Lift it by one more, let's say. 146 00:08:49,090 --> 00:08:51,180 And what's going on there? 147 00:08:51,180 --> 00:08:58,070 So this would be s squared plus 2s plus 2. 148 00:08:58,070 --> 00:09:03,260 And you see what that graph is telling us. 149 00:09:03,260 --> 00:09:06,370 It's telling us there are no roots, no real roots. 150 00:09:06,370 --> 00:09:11,250 This is a real graph in the real plane, and it's never 0. 151 00:09:11,250 --> 00:09:13,750 This is s plus 1. 152 00:09:13,750 --> 00:09:28,540 This is the case when I have s plus 1 squared plus 1. 153 00:09:28,540 --> 00:09:30,480 Can't be 0. 154 00:09:30,480 --> 00:09:31,790 Never 0. 155 00:09:31,790 --> 00:09:38,920 So this has-- sorry. 156 00:09:38,920 --> 00:09:43,310 With the 2 there, it has damping. 157 00:09:43,310 --> 00:09:48,640 It has damping, but it's underdamping. 158 00:09:48,640 --> 00:09:52,230 The roots are complex. 159 00:09:52,230 --> 00:09:55,590 So this s plus 1 squared is 0. 160 00:09:55,590 --> 00:09:57,290 What are the roots of that? 161 00:09:57,290 --> 00:10:01,980 s is minus 1 plus or minus i. 162 00:10:05,710 --> 00:10:07,600 That's the case of underdamping. 163 00:10:07,600 --> 00:10:08,884 So let me write that. 164 00:10:14,130 --> 00:10:16,920 We see so much from these graphs. 165 00:10:16,920 --> 00:10:19,810 So this was a graph in which I changed 166 00:10:19,810 --> 00:10:25,760 the constant term, the capital C, the stiffness, k. 167 00:10:25,760 --> 00:10:28,450 So that lifted the graph. 168 00:10:28,450 --> 00:10:32,930 And eventually the roots were complex. 169 00:10:32,930 --> 00:10:36,130 They weren't real anymore, because the parabola 170 00:10:36,130 --> 00:10:38,940 didn't cross the axis anymore. 171 00:10:38,940 --> 00:10:41,270 The roots are where it crosses the axis. 172 00:10:41,270 --> 00:10:44,070 So that's one. 173 00:10:44,070 --> 00:10:48,320 I'll draw in the next video another picture. 174 00:10:48,320 --> 00:10:52,850 Maybe change B. Change the damping. 175 00:10:52,850 --> 00:10:55,250 So what would happen if I change the damping? 176 00:10:55,250 --> 00:11:01,801 If there's no damping, the roots are pure imaginary. 177 00:11:01,801 --> 00:11:02,300 Yeah. 178 00:11:02,300 --> 00:11:05,620 Let's just go back through those four possibilities, 179 00:11:05,620 --> 00:11:09,300 because that's what you have to learn. 180 00:11:09,300 --> 00:11:13,500 If B is 0, there's no damping at all. 181 00:11:13,500 --> 00:11:16,340 And we're back in the pure oscillation, 182 00:11:16,340 --> 00:11:20,250 where is pure imaginary. 183 00:11:20,250 --> 00:11:23,490 We're just seeing cosines and sines. 184 00:11:23,490 --> 00:11:29,990 Then if we add a little damping, there appears a decay turn. 185 00:11:29,990 --> 00:11:38,860 If we add-- I could even draw these possibilities. 186 00:11:38,860 --> 00:11:44,830 Let me draw the solution y of t, against t. 187 00:11:44,830 --> 00:11:46,020 OK. 188 00:11:46,020 --> 00:11:50,760 So underdamping-- the solutions say 189 00:11:50,760 --> 00:11:57,591 it starts there-- will oscillate, but decay. 190 00:11:57,591 --> 00:11:58,590 So this is underdamping. 191 00:12:03,350 --> 00:12:07,250 And you remember when that happens? 192 00:12:07,250 --> 00:12:11,550 That's when B is present but smaller. 193 00:12:11,550 --> 00:12:15,080 B squared is smaller than 4AC. 194 00:12:15,080 --> 00:12:17,960 Overdamping, if it starts, let's say, 195 00:12:17,960 --> 00:12:23,140 here, it will going to 0, probably 196 00:12:23,140 --> 00:12:25,210 with no oscillation at all. 197 00:12:25,210 --> 00:12:26,720 It could have one oscillation. 198 00:12:26,720 --> 00:12:28,450 Depends how it starts. 199 00:12:28,450 --> 00:12:30,440 So ooh, let me make this picture. 200 00:12:30,440 --> 00:12:33,550 So that one is the overdamping. 201 00:12:33,550 --> 00:12:36,290 This guy is the underdamping. 202 00:12:36,290 --> 00:12:39,200 Underdamping still has oscillations. 203 00:12:39,200 --> 00:12:42,730 Overdamping has, at most, once. 204 00:12:42,730 --> 00:12:44,340 It could cross once. 205 00:12:44,340 --> 00:12:51,900 But overdamping is B squared bigger than 4AC. 206 00:12:51,900 --> 00:12:52,770 OK. 207 00:12:52,770 --> 00:12:53,950 There's more to do. 208 00:12:53,950 --> 00:12:59,870 This is so central that you have to think about the ratio of B 209 00:12:59,870 --> 00:13:01,400 squared to 4AC. 210 00:13:01,400 --> 00:13:03,280 That has its own name. 211 00:13:03,280 --> 00:13:09,890 And it's a damping ratio, or the square of a damping ratio. 212 00:13:09,890 --> 00:13:13,500 And we identify all these solutions. 213 00:13:13,500 --> 00:13:18,040 Does everybody know where the solution will be when B is 0? 214 00:13:18,040 --> 00:13:19,580 No damping at all. 215 00:13:19,580 --> 00:13:21,832 In that case, it will just oscillate. 216 00:13:24,830 --> 00:13:29,950 So my picture is getting, you could say, a little messed up. 217 00:13:29,950 --> 00:13:32,100 But this pure oscillation would be 218 00:13:32,100 --> 00:13:34,676 the B equals 0 with undamped. 219 00:13:39,370 --> 00:13:39,870 OK. 220 00:13:39,870 --> 00:13:43,300 That's a first look at quadratic equations. 221 00:13:43,300 --> 00:13:48,080 As squared plus Bs plus C. It has the big name characteristic 222 00:13:48,080 --> 00:13:50,450 equation, but you could see, it's 223 00:13:50,450 --> 00:13:55,110 the fundamental equation for a second order differential 224 00:13:55,110 --> 00:13:56,250 equation. 225 00:13:56,250 --> 00:13:57,470 So we'll see more of it. 226 00:13:57,470 --> 00:13:59,020 Thanks.