1 00:00:00,890 --> 00:00:04,710 As we have already discussed, we can estimate an unknown 2 00:00:04,710 --> 00:00:08,710 mean of a certain random variable by generating several 3 00:00:08,710 --> 00:00:11,970 independent samples of that random variable and taking 4 00:00:11,970 --> 00:00:13,210 their average. 5 00:00:13,210 --> 00:00:16,030 And this procedure is well justified, because of the weak 6 00:00:16,030 --> 00:00:20,320 law of large numbers, which tells us that this estimator 7 00:00:20,320 --> 00:00:24,730 converges when n goes to infinity, in probability, to 8 00:00:24,730 --> 00:00:26,120 the true mean. 9 00:00:26,120 --> 00:00:28,610 Now we can apply this idea more generally. 10 00:00:28,610 --> 00:00:31,550 Suppose we want to estimate the expected value of a 11 00:00:31,550 --> 00:00:36,830 function of a random variable X. Now g of X is itself a 12 00:00:36,830 --> 00:00:37,770 random variable. 13 00:00:37,770 --> 00:00:40,340 So if we have samples of g of X, we can 14 00:00:40,340 --> 00:00:41,880 use the same procedure. 15 00:00:41,880 --> 00:00:43,130 How do we do that? 16 00:00:43,130 --> 00:00:47,000 We generate independent samples of X, and these give 17 00:00:47,000 --> 00:00:52,250 us independent samples of g of X. We use those independent 18 00:00:52,250 --> 00:00:56,260 samples, we average them, and by the weak law of large 19 00:00:56,260 --> 00:00:59,730 numbers, this quantity, as n goes to infinity, will 20 00:00:59,730 --> 00:01:05,200 converge in probability to the expected value of g of X. 21 00:01:05,200 --> 00:01:08,960 We already used an idea of this form when we tried to 22 00:01:08,960 --> 00:01:11,810 estimate an unknown variance. 23 00:01:11,810 --> 00:01:14,820 A variance is defined as an expectation. 24 00:01:14,820 --> 00:01:19,550 And now we can generate samples of X, many independent 25 00:01:19,550 --> 00:01:21,990 samples, calculate this quantity, 26 00:01:21,990 --> 00:01:23,520 and take the average. 27 00:01:23,520 --> 00:01:27,150 However, we might not know the mean of the distribution. 28 00:01:27,150 --> 00:01:31,539 So instead of the true mean, we use an estimated mean, 29 00:01:31,539 --> 00:01:35,630 which is estimated the usual way using a sample average. 30 00:01:35,630 --> 00:01:39,360 So when n is large, this estimated mean is 31 00:01:39,360 --> 00:01:41,380 close to the true mean. 32 00:01:41,380 --> 00:01:44,160 So using the estimated mean here will not make a 33 00:01:44,160 --> 00:01:45,940 substantial difference. 34 00:01:45,940 --> 00:01:49,840 And then we have essentially independent 35 00:01:49,840 --> 00:01:53,350 samples of this quantity. 36 00:01:53,350 --> 00:01:58,400 And by averaging them, we obtain an estimate of the 37 00:01:58,400 --> 00:02:01,350 variance, which asymptotically, as n goes to 38 00:02:01,350 --> 00:02:05,080 infinity, will be equal to the true variance. 39 00:02:05,080 --> 00:02:07,780 Now we can push this idea even further. 40 00:02:07,780 --> 00:02:10,410 Suppose we wish to estimate a covariance. 41 00:02:10,410 --> 00:02:13,310 What's a natural way of doing this? 42 00:02:13,310 --> 00:02:17,870 We can generate independent samples of the pair of the 43 00:02:17,870 --> 00:02:21,680 random variables X and Y, so this will be a typical 44 00:02:21,680 --> 00:02:25,900 independent sample, and replace the expected value by 45 00:02:25,900 --> 00:02:28,540 a sample average. 46 00:02:28,540 --> 00:02:33,290 That is, we take our i-th sample, i-th pair, and 47 00:02:33,290 --> 00:02:36,660 calculate this quantity, which looks very much like the 48 00:02:36,660 --> 00:02:40,190 quantity in here except that we're using the estimated 49 00:02:40,190 --> 00:02:43,050 means in place of the true means. 50 00:02:43,050 --> 00:02:47,610 We obtain these quantities and average n of them, again using 51 00:02:47,610 --> 00:02:49,320 the weak law of large numbers. 52 00:02:49,320 --> 00:02:52,620 One can argue that this estimate will converge to the 53 00:02:52,620 --> 00:02:56,220 true value of the covariance as n goes to infinity. 54 00:02:56,220 --> 00:03:01,050 And once we have estimates of a covariance and of variance, 55 00:03:01,050 --> 00:03:03,740 then we can use that to estimate correlation 56 00:03:03,740 --> 00:03:04,990 coefficients. 57 00:03:04,990 --> 00:03:07,960 Look at this formula, which is the definition of the 58 00:03:07,960 --> 00:03:09,820 correlation coefficient. 59 00:03:09,820 --> 00:03:13,340 If we just replace all quantities involved here by 60 00:03:13,340 --> 00:03:16,700 corresponding estimates, this gives us an estimate of the 61 00:03:16,700 --> 00:03:18,579 correlation coefficient. 62 00:03:18,579 --> 00:03:22,550 All of these ways of forming estimates can be shown. 63 00:03:22,550 --> 00:03:25,750 We are omitting the details of the argument, but hopefully 64 00:03:25,750 --> 00:03:28,230 you get the idea by now. 65 00:03:28,230 --> 00:03:31,510 All of these quantities are consistent estimators. 66 00:03:31,510 --> 00:03:35,570 That is, when the sample size goes to infinity, they 67 00:03:35,570 --> 00:03:40,230 approach the correct values of what we're trying to estimate. 68 00:03:40,230 --> 00:03:44,440 So this is just an opening of what else a statistician might 69 00:03:44,440 --> 00:03:45,850 be interested in. 70 00:03:45,850 --> 00:03:49,350 And if you're wondering what's the further agenda after this 71 00:03:49,350 --> 00:03:52,390 point, it would be something like the following. 72 00:03:52,390 --> 00:03:56,020 Typically, a statistician might to want to say as much 73 00:03:56,020 --> 00:03:57,940 as possible about the probability 74 00:03:57,940 --> 00:04:00,150 distribution of an estimator. 75 00:04:00,150 --> 00:04:03,540 For example, we have here an estimate of a covariance. 76 00:04:03,540 --> 00:04:07,660 This estimate is going to be a random variable because it is 77 00:04:07,660 --> 00:04:09,840 determined by random quantities. 78 00:04:09,840 --> 00:04:12,580 What is the probability distribution of this quantity? 79 00:04:12,580 --> 00:04:15,050 Can we describe it approximately? 80 00:04:15,050 --> 00:04:16,760 What is the mean squared error 81 00:04:16,760 --> 00:04:19,089 associated with this estimator? 82 00:04:19,089 --> 00:04:22,079 And if you wish to construct confidence intervals how 83 00:04:22,079 --> 00:04:23,120 would you do it? 84 00:04:23,120 --> 00:04:25,910 These are all topics that statisticians have studied in 85 00:04:25,910 --> 00:04:29,510 depth, and you could see more about these topics if you were 86 00:04:29,510 --> 00:04:32,860 to take a further class on statistics and inference. 87 00:04:32,860 --> 00:04:35,450 But we will not go any deeper in this course.