1 00:00:01,860 --> 00:00:03,680 In this video, we're going to establish 2 00:00:03,680 --> 00:00:06,400 a nice property of the Poisson process. 3 00:00:06,400 --> 00:00:07,860 Here is our setting. 4 00:00:07,860 --> 00:00:12,920 We have a Poisson process with arrival rate, lambda, 5 00:00:12,920 --> 00:00:15,360 and so arrivals keep coming. 6 00:00:15,360 --> 00:00:21,530 And we watch this process until a certain random time, T. 7 00:00:21,530 --> 00:00:24,770 So T is this time here. 8 00:00:24,770 --> 00:00:29,190 Now, T is an exponential random variable with some parameter, 9 00:00:29,190 --> 00:00:32,800 and T is independent from the Poisson arrival process. 10 00:00:32,800 --> 00:00:35,350 What we're interested in is the number 11 00:00:35,350 --> 00:00:39,240 of arrivals that happened during this time. 12 00:00:39,240 --> 00:00:41,270 How can we answer this question? 13 00:00:41,270 --> 00:00:42,250 There are two ways. 14 00:00:42,250 --> 00:00:44,810 One is using mathematical manipulations. 15 00:00:44,810 --> 00:00:47,190 The other is using intuition. 16 00:00:47,190 --> 00:00:49,750 Let's see what it would take if we wanted 17 00:00:49,750 --> 00:00:52,760 to solve the problem using formulas. 18 00:00:52,760 --> 00:00:59,770 So let's call N-T, with capital T, the number of arrivals 19 00:00:59,770 --> 00:01:02,800 until time T in our Poisson process. 20 00:01:02,800 --> 00:01:06,490 And we wish to find the distribution of N-T. So we 21 00:01:06,490 --> 00:01:08,690 want to calculate, for example, the probability 22 00:01:08,690 --> 00:01:11,455 that N-T is equal to a specific number, k. 23 00:01:14,110 --> 00:01:18,330 Now, we do not know very much about this random variable, 24 00:01:18,330 --> 00:01:24,170 but we do know the probability of the random variable, N-T, 25 00:01:24,170 --> 00:01:27,130 If we have a deterministic time. 26 00:01:27,130 --> 00:01:30,490 So perhaps we can condition by fixing 27 00:01:30,490 --> 00:01:34,450 the value of the random variable, capital T-- that 28 00:01:34,450 --> 00:01:37,350 is, to condition on that random variable, 29 00:01:37,350 --> 00:01:41,530 taking on a specific value. 30 00:01:41,530 --> 00:01:43,220 What happens in this case? 31 00:01:43,220 --> 00:01:46,520 Well, if I tell you that capital T is equal to little t, 32 00:01:46,520 --> 00:01:50,729 this probability is going to be the same as the probability 33 00:01:50,729 --> 00:01:57,570 that N with little t is equal to k, where N with little t 34 00:01:57,570 --> 00:02:01,040 is the number of arrivals until time, little t. 35 00:02:01,040 --> 00:02:03,770 But the number of arrivals, until a certain time, 36 00:02:03,770 --> 00:02:05,730 is a Poisson random variable. 37 00:02:05,730 --> 00:02:09,949 So we do know what this probability is. 38 00:02:09,949 --> 00:02:13,470 It is lambda to the k, e to the [minus] lambda t, 39 00:02:13,470 --> 00:02:17,180 divided by k factorial. 40 00:02:17,180 --> 00:02:19,670 Now, if we have this conditional probability, how can 41 00:02:19,670 --> 00:02:23,150 we get the unconditional probability? 42 00:02:23,150 --> 00:02:26,540 This is done by using the total probability theorem. 43 00:02:26,540 --> 00:02:30,260 We consider all possible values of little t, which 44 00:02:30,260 --> 00:02:33,440 are all the numbers from 0 to infinity. 45 00:02:33,440 --> 00:02:38,070 We weigh each possible value of little t 46 00:02:38,070 --> 00:02:43,130 according to the corresponding PDF of the random variable, T. 47 00:02:43,130 --> 00:02:46,900 And we have this equality. 48 00:02:46,900 --> 00:02:48,640 We know what this term is. 49 00:02:48,640 --> 00:02:49,565 It is this expression. 50 00:02:53,130 --> 00:02:56,320 And the density of capital T, since it 51 00:02:56,320 --> 00:03:01,260 is an exponential variable, the density takes this form. 52 00:03:01,260 --> 00:03:03,550 And so, in order to find the distribution 53 00:03:03,550 --> 00:03:05,640 of the random variable, N capital T, 54 00:03:05,640 --> 00:03:09,230 all that we need to do is to calculate this integral. 55 00:03:09,230 --> 00:03:12,090 But this is a rather messy integral. 56 00:03:12,090 --> 00:03:14,410 So let us try to see if we can find 57 00:03:14,410 --> 00:03:16,250 a shortcut to this problem. 58 00:03:19,590 --> 00:03:22,570 So here is what we have. 59 00:03:22,570 --> 00:03:26,960 We have a Poisson process. 60 00:03:26,960 --> 00:03:29,770 Let's call it the first Poisson process, 61 00:03:29,770 --> 00:03:32,470 that has a certain rate, lambda. 62 00:03:32,470 --> 00:03:36,620 And this Poisson process has arrivals at various times. 63 00:03:40,310 --> 00:03:45,340 And then we have a random variable, capital T, 64 00:03:45,340 --> 00:03:47,860 which is exponential. 65 00:03:47,860 --> 00:03:52,460 How should we think about an exponential random variable? 66 00:03:52,460 --> 00:03:54,970 We can think of an exponential random variable 67 00:03:54,970 --> 00:03:59,560 as being the first arrival in some Poisson process. 68 00:03:59,560 --> 00:04:04,120 So let us put down a second Poisson process with rate mu. 69 00:04:04,120 --> 00:04:06,480 Since we have assumed that capital T is 70 00:04:06,480 --> 00:04:09,530 independent from the red Poisson process, 71 00:04:09,530 --> 00:04:11,920 we can just assume that this blue Poisson 72 00:04:11,920 --> 00:04:13,925 process is independent from the first. 73 00:04:17,649 --> 00:04:23,020 Now, let us merge the two processes. 74 00:04:23,020 --> 00:04:27,070 And we're going to form a merged process that 75 00:04:27,070 --> 00:04:31,660 records an arrival at those times at which either 76 00:04:31,660 --> 00:04:33,650 of the two processes have an arrival. 77 00:04:37,500 --> 00:04:39,040 This is the time of interest. 78 00:04:41,950 --> 00:04:44,320 And the random variable that we're interested in 79 00:04:44,320 --> 00:04:47,430 is the number of red arrivals until that time. 80 00:04:47,430 --> 00:04:53,010 That random variable we call N capital T. The discussion 81 00:04:53,010 --> 00:04:56,800 will be a little simpler if we define another random variable, 82 00:04:56,800 --> 00:05:02,500 K, which is N capital T plus 1. 83 00:05:02,500 --> 00:05:07,360 So K is the number of arrivals in the merged process 84 00:05:07,360 --> 00:05:08,760 until this time. 85 00:05:08,760 --> 00:05:11,320 That is, we take those arrivals of the red process, 86 00:05:11,320 --> 00:05:14,660 and we also include that arrival here. 87 00:05:14,660 --> 00:05:18,240 So if the number of arrivals that we got here 88 00:05:18,240 --> 00:05:26,290 was N capital T, here we have arrivals 1, 2, and so on. 89 00:05:26,290 --> 00:05:30,930 And this is arrival number K. So K is a random variable, 90 00:05:30,930 --> 00:05:33,260 and we want to find what it is. 91 00:05:33,260 --> 00:05:36,230 So what are we asking? 92 00:05:36,230 --> 00:05:39,000 What is K? 93 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:53,580 K is the number of arrivals in the merged process 94 00:05:53,580 --> 00:05:58,320 until you get an arrival in the merged process which 95 00:05:58,320 --> 00:06:00,195 is coming from the blue process. 96 00:06:13,870 --> 00:06:18,460 And now, here is how we can think of this situation. 97 00:06:18,460 --> 00:06:29,335 Think of each arrival in the merged process as a trial. 98 00:06:35,860 --> 00:06:38,130 Each one of these arrivals is coming 99 00:06:38,130 --> 00:06:41,950 either from the red process or from the blue process. 100 00:06:41,950 --> 00:06:49,710 Let us call it a success if it comes from the blue process. 101 00:06:58,190 --> 00:07:08,000 So in that case, K is the number of trials 102 00:07:08,000 --> 00:07:09,935 until we have a success. 103 00:07:14,220 --> 00:07:17,930 K is the number of arrivals in the merged process 104 00:07:17,930 --> 00:07:19,910 until we have a successful arrival, 105 00:07:19,910 --> 00:07:24,290 meaning one that came out of the blue process. 106 00:07:24,290 --> 00:07:27,070 So what do we know about those trials? 107 00:07:27,070 --> 00:07:30,270 What are their statistical properties? 108 00:07:30,270 --> 00:07:32,830 First, what is the probability of success? 109 00:07:37,580 --> 00:07:40,050 The probability of success is the probability 110 00:07:40,050 --> 00:07:43,060 that when you get an arrival in the merged process, 111 00:07:43,060 --> 00:07:49,580 it is coming from the blue process. 112 00:07:49,580 --> 00:07:54,460 And as we have seen, given an arrival in the merged process, 113 00:07:54,460 --> 00:07:56,450 there is probability that it's coming 114 00:07:56,450 --> 00:07:58,150 from this particular process that's 115 00:07:58,150 --> 00:08:02,050 proportional to the arrival rate of that particular process. 116 00:08:02,050 --> 00:08:05,420 And it is equal, as we have discussed 117 00:08:05,420 --> 00:08:09,560 before, it is equal to this. 118 00:08:09,560 --> 00:08:11,890 In addition, we have discussed that when 119 00:08:11,890 --> 00:08:13,720 you look at the merged process, and you 120 00:08:13,720 --> 00:08:16,390 ask, what was the origin of that arrival, 121 00:08:16,390 --> 00:08:19,540 and you ask, what was the origin of that arrival, 122 00:08:19,540 --> 00:08:21,750 the answers to these two questions 123 00:08:21,750 --> 00:08:24,360 are independent of each other. 124 00:08:24,360 --> 00:08:26,470 In other words, the origin of this arrival 125 00:08:26,470 --> 00:08:29,060 is statistically independent from the origin 126 00:08:29,060 --> 00:08:30,710 of that arrival. 127 00:08:30,710 --> 00:08:35,924 So this means that these trials are independent. 128 00:08:39,760 --> 00:08:44,560 So what we're looking at is a random variable, 129 00:08:44,560 --> 00:08:48,330 which is the number of trials until the first success, 130 00:08:48,330 --> 00:08:51,070 in a sequence of independent trials, 131 00:08:51,070 --> 00:08:54,090 where each trial has a success probability 132 00:08:54,090 --> 00:08:55,800 equal to that value. 133 00:08:55,800 --> 00:08:59,065 And we know what that distribution is. 134 00:08:59,065 --> 00:09:04,000 It is a geometric with this particular parameter. 135 00:09:04,000 --> 00:09:05,900 This gives us the probability distribution 136 00:09:05,900 --> 00:09:09,970 of the random variable, K, and once you have the PMF of K, 137 00:09:09,970 --> 00:09:13,890 you just shift it by 1 to the left in order 138 00:09:13,890 --> 00:09:16,380 to get the probability distribution, the PMF, 139 00:09:16,380 --> 00:09:19,960 of the random variable, N capital T. 140 00:09:19,960 --> 00:09:22,770 And so this is the answer to this problem. 141 00:09:22,770 --> 00:09:28,520 The number of arrivals during an exponentially distributed time 142 00:09:28,520 --> 00:09:32,030 interval [has] a geometric distribution 143 00:09:32,030 --> 00:09:35,640 that's shifted by 1 to the left.