1 00:00:00,670 --> 00:00:03,480 We have said that the Bernoulli process is the simplest 2 00:00:03,480 --> 00:00:05,520 stochastic processes there is. 3 00:00:05,520 --> 00:00:08,490 But what is a stochastic process anyway? 4 00:00:08,490 --> 00:00:10,515 A stochastic process can be thought 5 00:00:10,515 --> 00:00:14,140 of as a sequence of random variables. 6 00:00:14,140 --> 00:00:16,800 Now, how is this different from what we have doing before, 7 00:00:16,800 --> 00:00:20,390 where we have dealt with multiple random variables? 8 00:00:20,390 --> 00:00:22,560 Well, one difference is that here we're 9 00:00:22,560 --> 00:00:26,810 talking about an infinite sequence of random variables. 10 00:00:26,810 --> 00:00:29,980 And that complicates things to a certain extent. 11 00:00:29,980 --> 00:00:33,740 Now, what does it take to describe a stochastic process? 12 00:00:33,740 --> 00:00:36,980 We should specify the properties of each one 13 00:00:36,980 --> 00:00:38,620 of those random variables. 14 00:00:38,620 --> 00:00:40,810 For example, we might be interested in the mean, 15 00:00:40,810 --> 00:00:43,820 variance, or PMF of those random variables. 16 00:00:43,820 --> 00:00:45,580 For the case of the Bernoulli process, 17 00:00:45,580 --> 00:00:46,920 this would be easy to do. 18 00:00:46,920 --> 00:00:48,940 We know what the expected value is. 19 00:00:48,940 --> 00:00:51,340 We have a formula for the variance. 20 00:00:51,340 --> 00:00:54,700 And we have a fairly simple PMF. 21 00:00:54,700 --> 00:00:58,580 There's probability p that X is equal to 1 and probability 1 22 00:00:58,580 --> 00:01:02,190 minus p that X equals to 0. 23 00:01:02,190 --> 00:01:04,069 But this is not enough. 24 00:01:04,069 --> 00:01:06,930 We also need to know how the different random variables are 25 00:01:06,930 --> 00:01:08,640 related to each other. 26 00:01:08,640 --> 00:01:12,900 And this is done by specifying, directly or indirectly, 27 00:01:12,900 --> 00:01:16,990 the joint distribution, the joint PMF or PDF, 28 00:01:16,990 --> 00:01:19,390 of the random variables involved. 29 00:01:19,390 --> 00:01:22,990 And because we have an infinite number of random variables, 30 00:01:22,990 --> 00:01:25,100 it's not enough to do this, let's say, 31 00:01:25,100 --> 00:01:26,850 for the first n of them. 32 00:01:26,850 --> 00:01:30,360 We need to be able to specify this joint distribution 33 00:01:30,360 --> 00:01:34,410 no matter what the number n is. 34 00:01:34,410 --> 00:01:36,470 For the case of the Bernoulli process, 35 00:01:36,470 --> 00:01:40,690 we have specified this joint PMF in an indirect way, 36 00:01:40,690 --> 00:01:43,539 because we have said that the random variables are 37 00:01:43,539 --> 00:01:45,450 independent of each other. 38 00:01:45,450 --> 00:01:51,210 So the joint factors as a product of the marginals. 39 00:01:51,210 --> 00:01:54,830 And we already know what the marginals are. 40 00:01:54,830 --> 00:01:58,830 So we do, indeed, have a specification of the joint PMF, 41 00:01:58,830 --> 00:02:01,460 and we have that for all values of n. 42 00:02:01,460 --> 00:02:04,430 Of course, for more complicated stochastic processes, 43 00:02:04,430 --> 00:02:09,100 this calculation might be somewhat more difficult. 44 00:02:09,100 --> 00:02:12,040 Now, there is a second view of a stochastic process 45 00:02:12,040 --> 00:02:13,840 which rests on the following. 46 00:02:13,840 --> 00:02:16,340 It's not just a collection of random variables, 47 00:02:16,340 --> 00:02:18,620 but they are a collection that's indexed 48 00:02:18,620 --> 00:02:21,090 by an index that keeps increasing. 49 00:02:21,090 --> 00:02:24,070 And quite often, we think of this index as corresponding 50 00:02:24,070 --> 00:02:25,530 to time. 51 00:02:25,530 --> 00:02:27,380 And so we have a mental picture that 52 00:02:27,380 --> 00:02:31,530 involves a process that keeps evolving in time. 53 00:02:31,530 --> 00:02:32,810 What is this picture? 54 00:02:32,810 --> 00:02:34,470 This picture is best developed if we 55 00:02:34,470 --> 00:02:36,920 think in terms of the sample space. 56 00:02:36,920 --> 00:02:40,440 Although we have an infinite sequence of random variables, 57 00:02:40,440 --> 00:02:43,190 we are dealing with a single experiment. 58 00:02:43,190 --> 00:02:46,329 And that single experiment runs in time. 59 00:02:46,329 --> 00:02:48,610 And when we carry out the experiment, 60 00:02:48,610 --> 00:02:51,970 we might to get an outcome such as the following. 61 00:02:51,970 --> 00:02:57,879 For the Bernoulli process, we might get a 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 62 00:02:57,879 --> 00:02:59,510 0, and so on. 63 00:02:59,510 --> 00:03:01,100 And we continue. 64 00:03:01,100 --> 00:03:03,640 So an infinite sequence of that kind 65 00:03:03,640 --> 00:03:09,400 is one possible outcome of this infinitely long experiment, 66 00:03:09,400 --> 00:03:13,200 one particular outcome of the stochastic process. 67 00:03:13,200 --> 00:03:16,310 If we carry out the process once more, 68 00:03:16,310 --> 00:03:18,590 we might get a different outcome. 69 00:03:18,590 --> 00:03:25,550 For example, we might get a 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, and so on, 70 00:03:25,550 --> 00:03:26,810 and continuing. 71 00:03:26,810 --> 00:03:30,760 And in general, any time function of this kind 72 00:03:30,760 --> 00:03:34,430 is one possible outcome of the experiment. 73 00:03:34,430 --> 00:03:38,300 Overall, the sample space that we're dealing with 74 00:03:38,300 --> 00:03:45,490 is the set of all infinite sequences of 0s and 1s. 75 00:03:52,770 --> 00:03:54,810 This point of view emphasizes the fact 76 00:03:54,810 --> 00:03:58,910 that we have a phenomenon that evolves over time 77 00:03:58,910 --> 00:04:01,650 and can be used to answer questions that 78 00:04:01,650 --> 00:04:05,650 have to do with the long-term evolution of this process. 79 00:04:05,650 --> 00:04:07,310 Here's one particular kind of question 80 00:04:07,310 --> 00:04:09,340 we might want one answer. 81 00:04:09,340 --> 00:04:14,010 What is the probability that all of the Xi's turn out to be 1? 82 00:04:14,010 --> 00:04:18,079 Notice that this is an event that involves all of the Xi's 83 00:04:18,079 --> 00:04:20,630 not just a finite number of them. 84 00:04:20,630 --> 00:04:22,650 So this is not a probability that we 85 00:04:22,650 --> 00:04:26,380 can calculate right away by using this joint pmf. 86 00:04:26,380 --> 00:04:29,100 We need to do a little more work. 87 00:04:29,100 --> 00:04:31,600 What is the work that we want to do? 88 00:04:31,600 --> 00:04:34,010 Instead of calculating this quantity, 89 00:04:34,010 --> 00:04:36,900 we will calculate a somewhat related quantity. 90 00:04:36,900 --> 00:04:41,159 Let us look at the event that the first n 91 00:04:41,159 --> 00:04:44,180 results were equal to 1. 92 00:04:44,180 --> 00:04:47,810 How is this event related to this event? 93 00:04:47,810 --> 00:04:52,920 Well, this event here implies that this event has happened. 94 00:04:52,920 --> 00:04:55,050 So this is a smaller event. 95 00:04:55,050 --> 00:04:58,430 This is more difficult to obtain than this one. 96 00:04:58,430 --> 00:05:01,810 And this gives us an inequality for the probabilities 97 00:05:01,810 --> 00:05:03,380 that go this way. 98 00:05:03,380 --> 00:05:05,160 Now, we know that this probability 99 00:05:05,160 --> 00:05:07,630 is equal to p to the n. 100 00:05:07,630 --> 00:05:12,940 And this inequality here is true for all n. 101 00:05:12,940 --> 00:05:16,550 No matter how large n we take, this quantity 102 00:05:16,550 --> 00:05:18,470 is smaller than that. 103 00:05:18,470 --> 00:05:26,120 But now, since p has been assumed to be less than 1, 104 00:05:26,120 --> 00:05:28,190 when we take n larger and larger, 105 00:05:28,190 --> 00:05:30,570 this number becomes arbitrarily small. 106 00:05:30,570 --> 00:05:32,480 So this quantity is less than or equal 107 00:05:32,480 --> 00:05:34,430 to an arbitrarily small number. 108 00:05:34,430 --> 00:05:38,400 So this quantity can only be equal to 0. 109 00:05:38,400 --> 00:05:42,900 And this is a simple example of how we calculate properties 110 00:05:42,900 --> 00:05:47,710 of the stochastic process as it evolves over the infinite time 111 00:05:47,710 --> 00:05:52,620 horizon and how we can sometimes calculate them using 112 00:05:52,620 --> 00:05:57,090 these so-called finite dimensional joint probabilities 113 00:05:57,090 --> 00:05:59,100 that tell us what the process is doing 114 00:05:59,100 --> 00:06:03,130 over a finite amount of time. 115 00:06:03,130 --> 00:06:06,670 Throughout, we will sometimes view stochastic processes 116 00:06:06,670 --> 00:06:10,090 in this manner, in terms of probability distributions. 117 00:06:10,090 --> 00:06:13,010 But sometimes we will also want to reason 118 00:06:13,010 --> 00:06:15,880 in terms of the behavior of the stochastic process 119 00:06:15,880 --> 00:06:21,150 as a time function, as a process that evolves in time.