1 00:00:00,560 --> 00:00:02,950 We have seen that the binomial distribution plays 2 00:00:02,950 --> 00:00:06,020 an important role in the study of the Bernoulli process. 3 00:00:06,020 --> 00:00:10,440 And the reason is that the binomial distribution describes 4 00:00:10,440 --> 00:00:16,500 the number of arrivals during a fixed number of slots. 5 00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:18,770 We will now develop an approximation 6 00:00:18,770 --> 00:00:20,870 to the binomial distribution that 7 00:00:20,870 --> 00:00:23,650 applies to one particular regime, 8 00:00:23,650 --> 00:00:29,250 and that regime is when we have a very large number of slots, 9 00:00:29,250 --> 00:00:33,720 but we have a small probability of success in each slot. 10 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:38,710 And this is in a way so that the product of these two numbers, 11 00:00:38,710 --> 00:00:41,700 which is the expected number of successes, 12 00:00:41,700 --> 00:00:44,500 is a moderate number. 13 00:00:44,500 --> 00:00:47,500 One example where such a situation might arise 14 00:00:47,500 --> 00:00:48,400 is the following. 15 00:00:48,400 --> 00:00:51,550 Suppose you're interested in earthquakes in your city, 16 00:00:51,550 --> 00:00:55,330 and you divide time into slots of one hour. 17 00:00:55,330 --> 00:00:57,700 During each hour, the probability 18 00:00:57,700 --> 00:01:00,640 of having a noticeable earthquake in your city 19 00:01:00,640 --> 00:01:02,790 would be a very small number. 20 00:01:02,790 --> 00:01:04,900 On the other hand, if you're interested in a time 21 00:01:04,900 --> 00:01:07,430 frame of five years, there's going 22 00:01:07,430 --> 00:01:10,470 to be many hours during that time frame, 23 00:01:10,470 --> 00:01:13,260 so that n would be quite large. 24 00:01:13,260 --> 00:01:15,680 But the expected number of earthquakes 25 00:01:15,680 --> 00:01:20,620 over a period of five years should be a moderate number. 26 00:01:20,620 --> 00:01:22,660 And one can think of other situations 27 00:01:22,660 --> 00:01:25,200 where this regime might arise. 28 00:01:25,200 --> 00:01:26,910 The one particular situation that 29 00:01:26,910 --> 00:01:29,600 will be very interesting for us is 30 00:01:29,600 --> 00:01:33,030 going to be when we try to take a continuous time 31 00:01:33,030 --> 00:01:35,310 approximation of the Bernoulli process 32 00:01:35,310 --> 00:01:38,479 by dividing time into very small slots, 33 00:01:38,479 --> 00:01:42,500 so that we have many slots, but a small probability of success 34 00:01:42,500 --> 00:01:44,750 during each one of those slots. 35 00:01:44,750 --> 00:01:48,990 So to start, let us look at the form of the binomial PMF. 36 00:01:48,990 --> 00:01:53,320 And let us just try to develop an approximation to this PMF, 37 00:01:53,320 --> 00:01:58,729 when we fix k to be particular constant number, 38 00:01:58,729 --> 00:02:06,160 and then take the limit as n goes to infinity and p 39 00:02:06,160 --> 00:02:11,970 goes to 0, but in a way that lambda remains constant. 40 00:02:11,970 --> 00:02:15,320 And in particular, because of this relation 41 00:02:15,320 --> 00:02:21,490 here, we will have p equal to lambda over n. 42 00:02:21,490 --> 00:02:26,870 So let us take this expression and start rewriting it. 43 00:02:26,870 --> 00:02:31,260 Let us look at the ratio of n factorial divided by this. 44 00:02:31,260 --> 00:02:34,720 The denominator has the product of all numbers going up 45 00:02:34,720 --> 00:02:36,420 to n minus k. 46 00:02:36,420 --> 00:02:41,070 So by dividing by this number, what is left out of the n 47 00:02:41,070 --> 00:02:48,790 factorial is only the terms that go up to n minus k plus 1. 48 00:02:53,170 --> 00:02:56,140 Then we have, in the denominator, the factor 49 00:02:56,140 --> 00:02:58,190 of k factorial. 50 00:02:58,190 --> 00:03:03,740 Now p is equal to lambda over n, so this term becomes lambda 51 00:03:03,740 --> 00:03:07,480 to the k divided by n to the k. 52 00:03:07,480 --> 00:03:09,640 And similarly, for the last term, 53 00:03:09,640 --> 00:03:16,650 we have 1 minus lambda over n to the power n minus k. 54 00:03:19,160 --> 00:03:22,450 Now let us rearrange terms. 55 00:03:22,450 --> 00:03:26,550 Here, we have a product of k terms in the numerator. 56 00:03:26,550 --> 00:03:29,720 Here, we have n multiplying itself k times. 57 00:03:29,720 --> 00:03:33,130 So we can take a factor of n and place it 58 00:03:33,130 --> 00:03:35,300 underneath each one of those terms 59 00:03:35,300 --> 00:03:42,180 to obtain n over n times n minus 1 over n times-- 60 00:03:42,180 --> 00:03:46,680 we continue this way all the way to n minus k plus 1 divided 61 00:03:46,680 --> 00:03:48,280 by n. 62 00:03:48,280 --> 00:03:50,970 Take this term, k factorial, move it 63 00:03:50,970 --> 00:03:54,900 underneath the lambda to the k term, 64 00:03:54,900 --> 00:03:57,570 and then let us split this last term 65 00:03:57,570 --> 00:04:06,010 into 2 pieces in this manner. 66 00:04:06,010 --> 00:04:10,915 And now let us start taking limits as n goes to infinity. 67 00:04:15,680 --> 00:04:19,610 The first term that we have here is equal to 1. 68 00:04:19,610 --> 00:04:21,620 How about the second term? 69 00:04:21,620 --> 00:04:25,690 n divided by n is equal to 1, 1 over n goes to 0, 70 00:04:25,690 --> 00:04:28,940 so this term also converges to 1. 71 00:04:28,940 --> 00:04:33,159 And by a similar argument, all of the terms in this product, 72 00:04:33,159 --> 00:04:36,990 including this one, converge to 1. 73 00:04:36,990 --> 00:04:39,900 The term lambda k over k factorial 74 00:04:39,900 --> 00:04:42,530 remains exactly as is. 75 00:04:42,530 --> 00:04:45,450 And now, let us look at this term. 76 00:04:45,450 --> 00:04:47,770 This is probably familiar. 77 00:04:47,770 --> 00:04:51,150 There is a basic fact which tells us 78 00:04:51,150 --> 00:04:53,570 that if we take this expression and raise it 79 00:04:53,570 --> 00:04:57,500 to the nth power, what we get is e to the minus 80 00:04:57,500 --> 00:05:01,390 lambda in the limit as n goes to infinity. 81 00:05:01,390 --> 00:05:03,610 So using this basic result, this term 82 00:05:03,610 --> 00:05:06,010 becomes e to the minus lambda. 83 00:05:06,010 --> 00:05:09,320 And finally, let's look at the last term. 84 00:05:09,320 --> 00:05:14,490 Remember that k is fixed, is a constant. 85 00:05:14,490 --> 00:05:18,822 1 minus lambda over n converges to 1, 86 00:05:18,822 --> 00:05:22,570 and when we raise that number to the k-th power, 87 00:05:22,570 --> 00:05:27,200 we still get a 1 in the limit. 88 00:05:27,200 --> 00:05:31,560 So the only terms that are left are here, 89 00:05:31,560 --> 00:05:33,490 and essentially, what we have just 90 00:05:33,490 --> 00:05:36,330 established is that in the limit, 91 00:05:36,330 --> 00:05:42,159 the probability of k arrivals in a Bernoulli process 92 00:05:42,159 --> 00:05:44,890 or the binomial probability evaluated 93 00:05:44,890 --> 00:05:51,000 at k, in the limit, as n goes to infinity and p goes to 0, 94 00:05:51,000 --> 00:05:54,850 is given by this formula, here. 95 00:05:54,850 --> 00:05:56,620 This is the formula for the Poisson PMF. 96 00:05:59,340 --> 00:06:04,400 And so what we have established is that the binomial PMF 97 00:06:04,400 --> 00:06:08,280 converges to a Poisson PMF when we 98 00:06:08,280 --> 00:06:12,050 take the limit in this particular way.