MIT Undergraduate Curriculum Map and OCW


Spanning the entire MIT curriculum, MIT OpenCourseWare is unique in the world of open educational resources. Now you can see and explore what OCW's broad curriculum coverage really means.

This interactive MIT Curriculum Map shows OCW's coverage of the current MIT undergraduate curriculum.

The map is generated and maintained by The Mapping Lab, a project of the Willcox Group at MIT. Please explore the map and send us your feedback.

Using the Map


MIT subjects are nodes (small circles). A blue node indicates that materials for this subject are on MIT OCW. Grey nodes are subjects not currently on OCW. A line between two nodes shows a prerequisite relationship.

Zoom in to display more data about any section of the map.

Mouse over a node to highlight the subject's prerequisites. Click on a node to see a link to the subject on OCW and a list of its prerequisites.

Search for courses by keyword. Results are matched to course titles and OCW's Course Topics. Click the "Show on Map" box to display search results on the map.

Please Note

The MIT Undergraduate Curriculum Map only shows about 1/3 of the total OCW publication. It does NOT include:
  • Graduate subjects offered at MIT, and OCW coverage of these classes
  • Undergraduate special topics and other classes which are outside the standard MIT curriculum
  • Subjects that have been retired from the current curriculum, but are still available on OCW
  • The presence of multiple OCW versions of a given subject; only the latest OCW version is linked